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career prospect managerial managerial experience expertise

bespoke tailor tailored carry out such as note-taking


so that in one go

application form pensioner housework longer

main share keen on startling all over the world to flirt surprisingly headteacher Gosh! as a matter of fact Regards. / Best Regards. Best Wishes. Keep in touch. stick jog stride

alongside gut; intestine seal wilderness / desert military rule dictatorship log logger cattle peak ore offshore redress quest

perspectiva de carreira administrativo experincia gerencial especialidade, percia, experincia This service brings our expertise in designing and delivering tailored or bespoke training to your firm. Este servio traz a nossa experincia na concepo e fornecimento de treinamento personalizados ou feitos sob medida para sua empresa. sob medida ...bespoke training to you firm. alfaiate adaptado, personalizado realizar ...when you carry out the tasks in the unit. tal como (advrbio) anotaes You will develop listening skills such as listening for information and note-taking. programa de estudo, resumo. A full writing syllabus is provided in the book. Um programa completo fornecido por escrito no livro. de modo que; para que; de uma s vez; It was designed so that it can be done in one go or on a unit-byunit basis. formulrio de candidatura pensionista (que recebe penso) trabalhos domsticos mais / mais longo People are working longer hours than in the past. This is longer than that one. Esse mais longo que aquele. a parte principal Women do the main share of the housework. interessado em They are keen on sport as well. surpreendente por todo o mundo (advrbio) flertar / flerte surpreendentemente diretor da escola Caramba! na realidade (advrbio) Cumprimentos. Lembranas. Muitas felicidades. Mantenha contato. colar; enfiar; / vara caminhar (pra fazer exerccio) andar a passos rpidos Brazil has made major strides in its efforts to raise millions out of poverty. major strides = grandes avanos ao lado de intestino, tripa / destripar selo / selar, vedar deserto, serto regime militar ditatura tora, cepo / derrubar rvores quem derruba rvores gado, rebanho pico, auge minrio; iron ore = minrio de ferro no mar alto reparar, compensar / reparao, compensao busca, procura / buscar, procurar


prowess narrowly outright chief of staff in the mid-1960s ownership press commonplace mountain range / saw overview stretch

foreshadow devaluation footnote to last emperor authority to unite Christian misbehaving

soldier afterwards greek throne duel sword knight shield swift virtue bishop senate unless to bind - bound - bound to rank ranking scarce train neat fairground revenge naughty effortlessly brainy to remind / to remember

ignorar, passar por cima de / passagem secundria Brazil has bypassed the major drugs firms to produce cheaper medicines. habilidade He is known for his prowess on the football field. estreitamente, por pouco she narrowly failed to win = ela quase falhou de vencer total, completo / completamente chefe de gabinete, chefe de estado maior em meados dos anos 60 propriedade, posse imprensa free press = liberdade de imprensa lugar-comum / comum / tornar banal serra viso global esticar, estender / trecho, extenso Argentina stretches 4,000 km from its sub-tropical north to the sub-antarctic south. pressagiar, prefigurar A deep recession foreshadowed economic collapse in 2001. desvalorizao nota de rodap durar; ltimo imperador autoridade unir Let us unite in our efforts (Vamos unir nossos esforos) cristo mau comportamento I cannot account for his misbehaving. No posso me reponsabilizar pelo seu mau comportamento. soldado aps, em seguida First Ill visit my daughter and afterwards Ill go to your house. grego trono duelo espada cavaleiro escudo rpido, veloz virtude bispo senado a menos que amarrar, vincular, ligar; liga; classificar, enfileirar; posio escasso trem; treinar limpo, puro, arrumado parque de diverses vingar; vingana malcriado, desobediente naughty thoughts = pensamentos impertinentes inteligente fazer lembrar / lembrar-se Remind someone to do something. He reminds me my brother. vapor; evaporar no palco apresentao

steam on stage gig

goodness Thanks goodness! unfit rule picky shed pollute; polluted; pollution far, farther/further, farthest/furthest Iguazu Falls lick next to nothing frantic standard of living tram bustling stopover depart speechless historical, historic triplets closeness upbringing brought up to adopt; adopted envoy convoy pelt wholly affiliate; affiliated godson, goddaughter haven persimmon frets nape courier affordable afford apprentice be into bossy household appliance filth downfall enslave cunning classified meddle opposite internship intern production stills shoeshine recipient impetus tent underscore bloodletting muslim

restraint of trade fart rid

bondade Graas a Deus! fora de forma (gordo); incapacitar, tornar inapto regra; governar, dominar; exigente derramar, verter; barraco, cabana; poluir; poludo; poluio longe, mais longe que, o mais longe Cataratas do Iguau lamber; lambida quase nada (advrbio) frentico padro de vida bonde movimentado, agitado escala (de um voo) partir, afastar mudo, sem voz histrico trigmeos proximidade educao (dada pela famlia) They were bought up in different families. (criados) adotar; adotado; enviado, emissrio comboio, escolta; escoltar pelted with eggs totalmente afiliar (filiar); afiliado; afilhado, afilhada refgio, abrigo caqui (fruta) trastes (do violo) nuca correio acessvel (barato) dar, proporcionar aprendiz estar interessado em Ex.: She is really into yoga. mando, autoritrio eletrodomsticos sujeira, imundice queda,runa escravizar astuto; astcia classificado; confidencial intrometer-se oposto (adj), antagonista (subs), em frente, do outro lado (adv) read the article opposite estgio estagirio fotos da produo graxa de sapato beneficirio mpeto tenda, barraca sublinhar derramamento de sangue muulmano reserva de mercado peido; peidar; livrar, libetar Get rid of headaches.

scratch ticket mattress itch withdraw bewitched color-blind stingy wrinkle heal healing split up ambitious courageous talented take turns watercolor creative director mushroom behead forfeit urge ceasefire bow mishandle disgraceful hoardings beforehand bottleneck turnstile crush label take after take a holiday take a test / an exam take turns take up a sport / hobby take over take off dependable proven work placement mother tongue non-smoker marital status tender

raspadinha colcho coeira retirar, tirar enfeitiado daltnico

avarento, mo de vaca
ruga, dobra, prega (rugas do rosto) curar, cicatrizar cura; curativo separar-se (casamento)

prosecutor; prosecutors ministry

revezar-se aquarela diretor de criao cogumelo decapitar confiscar, pagar multa; perdido, confiscado; multa, confisco insistir, urgir cessar-fogo arco, curva; curvar, dobrar , inclinar-se maltratar vergonhoso, infame painis antecipadamente gargalo catraca esmagar; esmagamento; etiqueta, rtulo; etiquetar, rotular parecer com algum Which of your parents do you take after? tirar frias Both took their holidays at the same beache in Florida. fazer uma prova She first took her driving test in 1999. revezar-se Take turns to give your talks to the class. comear um esporte/hobby assumir o controle If the leader fell ill, who would take over? tirar a roupa seguro comprovado proven ability estgio (emprego) lngua materna no fumante estado civil proposta, encarregado, vigia; concorrer, apresentar, propor; macio, sensvel, delicado, jovem (imaturo); children of tender age = criana de tenra idade Cook the pasta until it is just tender. = Cozinhe o macarro at ficar macio; promotor de justia; Ministrio Pblico ministrio

slain surrender to flee on the run gem skid commonwealth Put simply it is at odds with straightforward unjustifiable overdue veil sway hard-won bailout

assassinado rendio; render-se fugir, escapar em fuga; foragido He is on the run. joia, pedra preciosa derrapar, patinar comunidade, estado democrtico (subs) Simplificando Put simply, if they have a girl... est em desacordo com simples She said the changes appeared to be straightforward. injustificvel atrasado, inadimplente

this is a long overdue

vu, manto balanar, oscilar duramente conquistados ajuda financeira (pra um pas, corporao, etc) government bailouts of large corporations

US and European markets, calmed by last week's EU bailout plan, have fallen sharply since the announcement. bail out bail fold unfold fringe on the fringes jeopardize
saltar de paraquedas; abandonar, deixar; if the meeting seems like it will never end, find an excuse to bail out fiana dobra, dobrar; desdobrar

As the latest crisis unfolded,

franja margem

...and eurozone leaders on the fringes of the G20 summit...

colocar em perigo

The Greek opposition has called for early elections, saying the referendum jeopardises Greece's EU membership. rule out slash

He has, however, ruled out elections.

corte, talho; reduzir

In return, Greece must make deep cuts in public spending, slashing pensions and... snap convene sustainable Opinion polls nationwide lawmaker militias disclose partly
estalo (dedos); estalar;

to be followed by snap elections

convocar, reunir

I call on the president to convene the council...

sustentvel pesquisa de opinio por todo o pas

...brought tens of thousands out on to the streets nationwide.

legislador (deputado) Rio lawmaker Marcelo Freixo 'to flee' Rio after threats. milcias divulgar

the destination has not been disclosed

em parte

Capt Nascimento, was partly based on the special force's former captain and adviser to the film, Paulo Storani. retreat
recuar, se retirar

My life is not easy. But I will not retreat. prior in due course
prvio, anterior He admitted the charges prior to the trial. no devido tempo

Mohammad Amir accepts full responsibility for deliberately bowling two no-balls and, in due course, you will hear how this vulnerable 18-year-old boy was subjected to extreme pressure from those on whom he should have been able to rely. give birth prosecute mindset
dar luz

She had given birth to a baby boy.

processar atitude, mentalidade

The perfect team combines people with creative strength alongside those with a strategic mindset. broad key audience misunderstandings
amplo, geral

This is the broad list:

pblico-alvo mal-entendidos

People and organizations communicate with others for a variety of reasons - to inform, persuade, prevent misunderstandings, present a point of view or reduce barriers. barrier assets
barreira ativos, esplio, posse

Information, people, money, time and public support are all valuable assets. unwitting knit accomplice drowsiness feast chore bid butler watchmaker bundle stands for makeshift outskirts UN peacekeepers resentment coup have proved whale hop muster presently throw away come up barefooted peering through shivering With cold clerk whenever
involuntrio tricotar cmplice sonolncia festa, festejar pequena tarefa, biscate You can give all your boring chores to our assistants. oferta, proposta; ofertar Companies reply to your ad and bid a price. mordomo relojoeiro pacote, empacotar; FMA stands for Flavio Moises de Araujo. improvisado, temporrio periferia, subrbio foras de paz das Naes Unidas ressentimento, indignao Resentment towards UN peacekeepers... golpe (de estado) se mostrar; se revelar They have proved reluctant... baleia salto, saltar reunir, juntar em breve jogar fora aparecer com descalo espiando peering through the window tremendo de frio atendente da loja sempre que

people are primed fete treatise peruse to bid - bade - bade spear
thoroughly cease foe kindred marshal slay, slain On the whole, canvassing homemade gum greedy giver gesture persuit understatement languish testify breathtaking headwind manpower attain

as pessoas esto preparadas festa, festejar He was feted across the world. tratado ler, examinar oferta, oferecer lana completamente cessar inimigo parentes, parente marechal; ordenar, dirigir; assassinar, assassinado No conjunto, Prospeco caseiro,feito em casa gengiva ganacioso doador, donatrio gesto, gesticular busca, procura eufemismo definhar testemunhar empolgante vento contrrio; tempo ruim

You see many other nations facing demographic headwinds. attainment by roughly
mo-de-obra. fora de trabalho. atingir, alcanar realizao por aproximadamente

The nations population has declined by roughly six million since 1992. grim long-term birthrate age heed
cruel, severo a longo prazo taxa de natalidade idade; envelhecer ateno; prestar ateno a;

One person, one vote is not a concept that either party pays much heed to when it comes to nominating candidates for president. stake at stake contradictory feat kudos humble Undergraduate Degrees Publicity and Advertising trim line merchant spin stubborn recyclable culprit subsidize
estaca; estacar em jogo

that were at stake

contraditrio feito; faanha glria humilde Curso de Graduao Publicidade e Propaganda aparar; bem vestido; alinhar; forrar Her gloves are lined with fur. comerciante girar teimoso reciclvel culpado subsidiar

upshot aghast playful contented defiant dispirited distrustful womb treble

concluso, desfecho horrorizado brincalho contente desafiador, provocador desanimado desconfiado tero triplo Some bus fares in Cardiff have almost trebled in just seven years.

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