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ENGLISH, AN INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE Why learn English? Because English is the most important international language in the world.

Some facts prove that Englishis the international language of air and sea travels, computing, pop music, politics, science and medicine, sports,TV and films. The world today is a very small place. Communication and travel are extremely quick. Think of jet planes,satellite TV, telephones, telex and fax, for example. Because of this, we need a common language, and this language is English. English is the first language in Australia, The Bahamas, Canada, Ireland, Guyana, New Zealand, The United kingdom and The United States. And it is the official second language in many other countries like India, Nigeria, South Africa, and Israel. English is slowly becoming more than one language, because there are differences in some vocabulary words, and in some grammatical structures in every country that speaks it. Adapted from Ingls, Mariza Ferrari e Sarah G. Rubin.. Ensino Mdio. Editora Scipione. So Paulo.2000. Exercises
1. Relacione a coluna da esquerda de acordo com a traduo correta da coluna da direita:

1. Why 2. to learn 3. because 4. most 5. language 6. world 7.some 8.fact 9.to prove 10. that

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

) mundo ) isso ) por que (perguntas) ) porque (respostas) ) provar ) mais, maioria ) aprender ) fato ) algum(s) alguma(s) ) lngua

2. ANSWER IN PORTUGUESE: a. que fatos provam que o ingls uma lngua internacionalmente importante? b. Em que pases o ingls a primeira lngua? c. Cite os pases onde o ingls a segunda lngua oficial.

3. ANSWER IN ENGLISH: a. What facts prove that English is na International language? b. Why is the world today a very small place?

4. D a traduo das seguintes palavras do texto: To need second other like commom country first this many


British English and American English: What is different?Faa uma pesquisa sobre o assunto e escreva 10 palavras que so diferentes no vocabulrio.

Exemplo: fogo: American/stove

Britnico: cooker

http://www.sk.com.br/sk-usxuk.html http://educacao.uol.com.br/ingles/ingles-britanico-e-norte-americano-diferenca-pode-confundir-estudantes.jhtm http://www.transportuguese.com/pt/lingua-inglesa.html

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