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HR 1004Open Government

Who Could be Against

Open Government?

The Tulsa County Republicans!

Pepresenfofives ore eIecfed fo represenf "we fhe peopIe" in
fhe OkIohomo LegisIofure. Af Ieosf, fhof's fhe ideo.

HR 1004 by Rep. Charles Key simply states that if a legislator requests that his bill get a
hearing in the committee it has been assigned to, the chairman of that committee must
hear the bill and allow a vote. It's that simple.

As it stands now, committee chairmen, appointed by the Speaker, are
preventing certain bills from being heard in committee.
This abuse of power is a means of exerting top-down control of the
legislative process, effectively assuring a particular legislative outcome.

The "peopIe's" biIIs ore never heord or vofed on becouse fhey con'f gef posf
the Speaker-appointed Chair of the Committee.

HR 1004 is attempting to remedy this situation but the chair of the committee refuses
to hear this bill and allow a vote. Current House rules allow another way to advance a bill
ouf of o commiffee. This is done vio whof is coIIed fhe "dischorge pefifion" process.
This petition requires the signatures of 2/3 of the House members (67 signatures) and is
a legitimate part of the legislative process. This legitimate process allows a bill to
move to the floor for a voteup or down.

8uf some TuIso Counfy PepubIicons don'f fhink fhis is o good ideo.
They support another processone that maintains top-down control of the legislative
process and assures a particular legislative outcome.

How Tulsa County Republicans Stood on Open Government Discharge Petition
Rep. David Brumbaugh Signed the petition.
Rep. David Derby Signed the petition.
Rep. Katie HenkeToo new.
Rep. Fred Jordan "Mo, I supporf fhe Speoker."
Rep. Dan Kirby No.
Rep. Mark McCullough "Mo. I beIieve in fhe process."
Rep. Skye McNeil No.
Rep. Glen Mulready "Mo. I supporf fhe process."
Rep. Jadine Nollan"I wiII consider if."
Rep. Ron Peters No. Too busy to come out to meet the people.
Rep. Pam Peterson"Mo. I supporf fhe power of fhe choir."
Rep. Mike RitzeSigned the petition.
Rep. Sean Roberts- Wants to talk to Rep. Key first.
Rep. Earl Sears No.
Rep. Sue Tibbs No. Refused to come out to meet the people
Rep. John Trebilcock Out Sick.
Rep. Weldon Watson "Mo. Jusf keep working fhe process."
Tulsa County
March 2012
Distributed by OK-SAFE, Inc. and Tulsa912 Project
ok-safe.com; exposinghealthcarereform.com; tulsa912project.com
Do You Know -
How fhe House PepubIicons vofed on "ObomoCore Exchonge"
bill in 2011HB 2130
How fhe Senofe PepubIicons vofed on "ObomoCore Exchonge"
Bill in 2012SB 1629
Who IiIIed fhe "ObomoCore" PepeoIer7
Who Opposes Open Government?
The Inside




Exchange Votes

HB 2130-ObamaCare Insurance Exchange.
How the Tulsa County House Republicans Voted
on HB 2130 in 2011

YES to Exchange
Rep. Fred Jordan (HD 69) Rep. Mark McCullough (HD 30)
Rep. Skye McNiel (HD 29) Rep. Glen Mulready (HD 68)
Rep. Jadine Nollan (HD 66) Rep. Ron Peters (HD 70)
Rep. Pam Peterson (HD 67) Rep. Earl Sears (HD 11)
Rep. Dan Sullivan (HD 71) Rep. Sue Tibbs (HD 23)
Rep. Weldon Watson (HD 79)

Didn'f oII PepubIicons compoign ogoinsf "ObomoCore" in Z0I07 Then why
did fhey vofe YES for fhe "ObomoCore" exchonge7

NO to Exchange
Rep. Dave Brumbaugh (HD76) Rep. David Derby (HD 74)
Rep. Dan Kirby (HD 75) Rep. Mike Ritze (HD 80)

SB 1629ObamaCare Insurance Exchange.
How the Tulsa County Senate Republicans Voted
on SB 1629 in 2012

Senator Brian Bingman (SD12) Senator Rick Brinkley (SD 34)
Senator Brian Crain (SD 39) Senator Dan Newberry (SD 37)
Senator Gary Stanislawski (SD35)

SB 1629 Created the Health Insurance Private Marketplace Network
Trustin other words, an Exchange!

S8 IoZ9 hos been puf on "hoId" unfiI fhe Supreme Courf decides on fhe
consfifufionoIify of fhe AffordobIe Core Acf's
individual mandate.
HOWVERthere is always a Plan Bthis bill could come back.

The language from both bills will have to be watched all session.
Who Killed the
ObamaCare Repealer?

SB 1116 would have repealed the section of law that cre-
ated the Oklahoma Health Information Exchange Trust

This OHIET is busy esfobIishing fhe eIecfronic "nefwork of
nefworks" fhof fociIifofe fhe fronsfer of our eIecfronic
health records (EHRs)...everywhere.
These EHRs link patients, providers and
eventually the payers, and are not private.
This eIecfronic sysfem is whof mokes "ObomoCore" work.

SB 1116 would have helped put the breaks on

So who killed this bill?

Republican bill author Senator Brian Crain?
Republican Senator Clark Jolley?
Republican Senate Pro-Tem Brian Bingman?



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