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JAPANS VOLUNTARY EMISSIONS TRADING SCHEMES Faa clique para editar o estilo a brief introduction

ngelo Barroso Bruno Duarte Marc Barros


Msc. In Management and Environmental Economics, Oporto University Emissions Trading Markets

What is the experimental voluntary market?

Policy instrument for accomplishing a GEE reduction target;

Initial phase: voluntary trial market;

Japanese government defines reduction target and hence, the Cap;

Government allocates allowances to each company;

Msc. In Management and Environmental Economics, Oporto University Emissions Trading Markets


What is the experimental voluntary market?

Voluntary participation of companies: defined Caps are not mandatory; Domestic integrated market consisting of 4 Carbon Credits generating mechanisms:

Kyoto protocol; Development Mechanisms;

Clean Third

party surplus (non emitted)emissions that are not part of the voluntary system; Msc. In Management and Environmental Economics, Oporto University Emissions Trading Markets



*thank you
http://www.apec-vc.or.jp/e/modules/tinyd00/index.php?id=130&kh_open_cid_00=34, ltimo acesso em 24/03/2012; http://www.env.go.jp/en/earth/ets/mkt_mech/current-ets.pdf, ltimo acesso em 24/03/2012.

Msc. In Management and Environmental Economics, Oporto University Emissions Trading Markets


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