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S2 MPKD FT UGMMetode & Teknik Perencanaan II Untuk semua konsentrasi

Perumusan Tujuan dan Sasaran Perencanaan

Bahan Kuliah--Dipakai terbatas di lingkungan sendiriDisiapkan oleh: Achmad Djunaedi Email: achmaddjunaedi@yahoo.com 2011

MTP IIPerumusan Tujuan & Sasaran Perenc.

1. Dasar prinsip perumusan tujuan dan sasaran berdasar macam pendekatan proses 2. Dalam perencanaan komprehensif : Pengertian dan tipe tujuan dan sasaran perencanaan 3. Dalam perencanaan komprehensif : Metode dan teknik perumusan tujuan 4. Dalam perencanaan strategis : Metode dan teknik perumusan visi, tujuan, sasaran, dan strategi.

MTP II: Perumusan Tujuan & sasaran Perencanaan (A. Djunaedi, 2012)Hal. 1

Topik 1:

Dasar Prinsip Perumusan Tujuan dan Sasaran

Tujuan: Memahami hubungan antara prinsip perumusan tujuan dan sasaran dengan macam pendekatan proses perencanaan

Macam Pendekatan dan Dasar Prinsip Perumusan Tujuan

Raja/ Penguasa Pakar/ perencana Masyarakat/ stakeholders

Master Planning Comprehensive Planning


Strategic Planning Participatory Planning

Arahan Penguasa



MTP II: Perumusan Tujuan & sasaran Perencanaan (A. Djunaedi, 2012)Hal. 2

Antara Rasional dan Konsensus

Cara berfikir Perencanaan Komprehensif menuntut bahwa tujuan dan sasaran perlu dirumuskan secara rasional (masuk akal). Kemampuan rasional yang tinggi biasanya dimiliki oleh para pakar (perencanaan) dan obyektif (Value free). Di lain pihak, Perencanaan Strategis menghimpun usulan dari tiap orang (stakeholders) yg tiap orang tsb dianggap sdh rasional (meski mencakup beda cara pandang, kepentingan dan aspirasi); ini disebut sebagai rasional kolektif atau konsensus.

Konsensus dan Partisipasi

Pembuatan konsensus memerlukan partisipasi yang lebih luas dari pihak-pihak pemangku kepentingan (stakeholders). Untuk aktif berpartisipasi perlu kemauan dan kemampuan (meski tidak perlu kemampuan yang tinggi). Kemauan sering terkait dengan ketersediaan waktu. Kemampuan sering terkait dengan tingkat pendidikan. Menjadi tugas Pemerintah untuk mendorong partisipasi yang lebih luas.

MTP II: Perumusan Tujuan & sasaran Perencanaan (A. Djunaedi, 2012)Hal. 3

Pengaruh TI pada Partisipasi

Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi yang luas (misal: akses ke internat, email, HP/SMS) mendorong lebih banyak orang dapat berpartisipasi dalam perumusan tujuan & sasaran perencanaan. Lebih banyak orang berpartisipasi, maka kemungkinan besar rasional-kolektifnya juga bisa berbeda (bandingkan dengan rasional kolektif yg hanya diwakili oleh para anggota DPRD saja). Ringkasan: TI mendorong partisipasi (online) yang lebih banyak (langsung, bukan perwakilan) dan akan mempengaruhi keputusan publik. Peluang tema tesis: partisipasi online dalam proses perencanaan wilayah dan kota.

POSISI "perumusan tujuan" dalam proses perenc. komprehensif & perenc. strategis
PERENCANAAN KOMPREHENSIF Pengumpulan & Pengolahan data Analisis perencanaan Perumusan Tujuan & Sasaran Perencanaan Pengembangan Alternatif Rencana Evaluasi & Seleksi Alternatif Rencana Penyusunan Dokumen Rencana Penyusunan Program & Proyek/Tindakan PERENCANAAN STRATEGIS Analisis lingkungan eksternal & internal Perumusan Visi & Misi Penetapan Isuisu strategis Perumusan Strategi Penyusunan Dokumen Rencana Strategis Penyusunan Program & Proyek/Tindakan 8

MTP II: Perumusan Tujuan & sasaran Perencanaan (A. Djunaedi, 2012)Hal. 4

Topik 2:

Dalam Perenc. Komprehensif: Pengertian dan Tipe Tujuan & Sasaran Perenc.
Tujuan: memberikan pengertian dan pemahaman terhadap tipe-tipe tujuan dan sasaran perencanaan dalam perencanaan komprehensif.

ARTI "perumusan tujuan" dalam proses perenc. komprehensif

PERENCANAAN KOMPREHENSIF Pengumpulan & Pengolahan data Analisis perencanaan Perumusan Tujuan & Sasaran Perencanaan Pengembangan Alternatif Rencana Evaluasi & Seleksi Alternatif Rencana Penyusunan Dokumen Rencana Penyusunan Program & Proyek/Tindakan

TUJUAN PERENCANAAN: berisi arahan kebijakan pembangunan wilayah. SASARAN PERENCANAAN: penerjemahan tujuan ke halhal yang lebih rinci, yang bila semua rincian ini tercapai, maka tujuan dianggap tercapai. Pada tahap berikutnya, tujuan dan sasaran diterjemahkan ke beberapa alternatif rencana.

MTP II: Perumusan Tujuan & sasaran Perencanaan (A. Djunaedi, 2012)Hal. 5

PENGERTIAN "tujuan" dan "sasaran" perencanaan & beda antara keduanya

Tujuan merupakan keinginan (intentions or desires), yang bersifat umum dan mengandung pengharapan, dan pencapaiannya jauh dan tak terbatas. Dalam perencanaan komprehensif untuk perkotaan, tujuan berasosiasi dengan keinginan atau harapan jangka panjang (Branch dan Robinson, 1968). Tujuan" bersifat luas dan umum (broad and general), sedangkan "sasaran" bersifat lebih rinci dan memperlihatkan langkah atau gerakan menuju pencapaian tujuan (McLoughlin, 1969).

TIPE-TIPE "tujuan/sasaran perencanaan"

Tipe-tipe (1) Tujuan berdasar kinerja tujuan perenc. berdasar (2) Tujuan pencapaian cakupan Tipe-tipe (1) Tipe Mantap sasaran perenc. (2) Tipe Pilihan berdasar kemantapan (3) Tipe Kemungkinan Tipe-tipe (1) Jangka pendek sasaran perenc. (2) Jangka menengah berdasar jangka waktu (3) Jangka panjang

MTP II: Perumusan Tujuan & sasaran Perencanaan (A. Djunaedi, 2012)Hal. 6

TIPE-TIPE "tujuan perencanaan"

Tipe-tipe (1) Tujuan berdasar kinerja tujuan perenc. berdasar (2) Tujuan pencapaian cakupan
Menurut Robinson (1972): a. Tujuan berdasar kinerja (performance goals) sebagai kerangka pembangunan perkotaan dijabarkan ke b. Tujuan berdasar pencapaian (achievement goals). berkaitan dengan kota secara keseluruhan (sebagai suatu sistem) sistem) dan merupakan fokus perencanaan kebijakan.

berkaitan dengan upaya memelihara atau meraih tingkat pencapaian tertentu dalam berbagai kegiatan fungsional atau sektor (misal: kesehatan, pendidikan, dan transportasi). 13

TIPE-TIPE sasaran perencanaan"

Tipe-tipe (1) Tipe Mantap sasaran perenc. (2) Tipe Pilihan berdasar kemantapan (3) Tipe Kemungkinan
Menurut Branch & Robinson (1968), ada 3 tipe sasaran: Tipe sasaran yg tdk bisa ditawar. Tipe Contoh: Mantap Contoh: Perlunya kota memelihara layanan perkotaan yang esensial.

Tipe Pilihan

Tipe sasaran yg salah satu opsi hrs dipilih. Contoh, Opsi 1: Peningkatan fas. transportasi Opsi 2: Perluasan layanan sosial

Tergantung situasi dan kondisi, mungkin Tipe Kemungkinan atau tdk utk diusulkan menjadi sasaran.

MTP II: Perumusan Tujuan & sasaran Perencanaan (A. Djunaedi, 2012)Hal. 7

TIPE-TIPE sasaran perencanaan"

Tipe-tipe (1) Jangka pendek tujuan perenc. (2) Jangka menengah berdasar jangka waktu (3) Jangka panjang Jangka Pendek Jangka Menengah Jangka Panjang
Catatan: Sasaran jangka pendek bisa menjadi bagian dari sasaran jangka panjang, atau bisa juga berdiri sendiri (berhenti pada jangka pendek).


SUMBER TEORI utk tujuan perencanaan:

Antara lain: Aspek-aspek penting wilayah/kota
Menurut McLoughlin (1969): a. Kualitas estetis b. Kondisi kesehatan & sanitasi lingkungan c. Kondisi kesehatan perkonomian d. Aksesibilitas e. Fleksibilitas. Menurut Levy (1997): a. Kesehatan b. Keselamatan umum c. Sirkulasi d. Penyediaan layanan/ fasilitas umum e. Kesehatan keuangan f. Tujuan ekonomi g. Pelestarian lingkungan h. Pemerataan tujuan

Contoh: Tujuan: mengurangi panjang perjalanan dari rumah ke tempat kerja <bersifat umum> Sasaran: rata-rata panjang perjalanan dari rumah ke tempat kerja tidak lebih dari 10 km <terukur>

MTP II: Perumusan Tujuan & sasaran Perencanaan (A. Djunaedi, 2012)Hal. 8

Topik 3:

Metode & Teknik Perumusan Tujuan dalam Perenc. Komprehensif

Tujuan: memberikan pemahaman metode dan teknik yang umum dipakai dalam perumusan tujuan dan sasaran perencanaan.

TAHAPAN perumusan tujuan/sasaran perencanaan

Menurut McLoughlin (1969), tahapan perumusan tujuan: (1) Pengumpulan aspirasi klien (2) Perumusan tujuan dan sasaran antar para profesional (3) Presentasi dan diskusi/dialog dengan klien Kemudian dilakukan iterasi (pengulangan siklis) terus sampai tercapai kesepakatan (konsensus). Catatan: Melibatkan masyarakat luas dalam perumusan tujuan perencanaan merupakan hal yang ideal. Tapi, seringkali masyarakat luas belum siap untuk ikut meng-identifikasi tujuan tersebut.

MTP II: Perumusan Tujuan & sasaran Perencanaan (A. Djunaedi, 2012)Hal. 9

METODE perumusan tujuan/sasaran perencanaan dan hubungan antar pelaku proses perencanaan
PERENCANA/PROFESIONAL Hasil Analisis PEMBUAT KEPUTUSAN PUBLIK (Berbasis konsultasi (Berbasis proses rasional) politik) perumusan penetapan tujuan usulan tujuan dan sasaran dan sasaran perencanaan perencanaan Potensi di masa depan: partisipasi/ aspirasi online (7/24) Pengumpulan Aspirasi Masyarakat Pendekatan politik

Pengumpulan Aspirasi Masyarakat Pendekatan ilmiah


Praktek: Proses Penyusunan RTRW

24 bulan

8-18 bulan


1 Persiapan

1 bulan

2 Pengumpulan 3

data dan informasi 2-3 bulan Analisis

2-6 bulan (termasuk review RTRW yg ada)

2-7 bulan (termasuk penyusunan naskah teknis)

4 Perumusan
konsep rencana

5 Penyusunan
1 bulan


Proses penetapan

MTP II: Perumusan Tujuan & sasaran Perencanaan (A. Djunaedi, 2012)Hal. 10

Perumusan Konsep RTRW

Ke Tahap berikutnya

Peran Masyarakat

Penyampaian keberatan/ sanggahan


Contoh Kasus: Ionia County (AS): Formulation Process (1)

The process of developing goals, objectives, and strategies for the Ionia County Master Plan involved numerous public forums: Citizen Opinion Survey Community Input Forum Meetings Goal-setting Workshops : a series of 5 meetings were hosted by the Planning Commission toidentify prioritized strengths and challenges within the County as defined by the participants. Public Review of Draft Goals, Objectives and Strategies Upon the completion of the draft GoalsChapter of the Master Plan, a public meeting was used to allow residents to provide additional comment.

MTP II: Perumusan Tujuan & sasaran Perencanaan (A. Djunaedi, 2012)Hal. 11

Contoh Kasus: Ionia County (AS): Formulation Process (2)

Additionally, background information/studies has also been carefully considered in the creation of goals, objectives and strategies. Analisis perencanaa Background studies include: socion economics, natural features, housing, Perumusan Tujuan & Sasaran Perencanaan existing land use, utilities and transportation within the Ionia County area. These studies offered a snapshot of the community and of the residents who live here. These studies are used to assess future trends in population and the local economy, anticipated housing need, potential weaknesses inlocal infrastructure, as well as the identification of environmentally sensitive land. For these reasons the background studies are an invaluable information source that have been utilized in the development of a set of goals for the County.
Pengumpulan & Pengolahan data 23

Contoh Kasus: Ionia County (AS): Citizen Opinion Survey

In the spring of 2000, a countywide land use and planning survey was completed by Michigan State University for the Ionia County Planning Commission. The goal of this research was to seek the opinions of county residents on a variety of issues involving land-use, planning, economic development and recreation use. The results of this research is based on 736 surveys returned completed from an initial random sample of 1,820 cases.

MTP II: Perumusan Tujuan & sasaran Perencanaan (A. Djunaedi, 2012)Hal. 12

Contoh Kasus: Ionia County (AS): Community Input Forum Meetings

During the months of September and October of 2000, the County Planning Commission hosted a series of 10 community input meetings. These forums were advertised throughout the County and open to the public. They were designed to gain input from the community on various specific issue areas, including agriculture, housing, education, public safety, local government, business and industry, natural resources, recreation and quality of life. The community input forums were facilitated by members of the Michigan State University Extension office. The presence of this agency helped to ensure that a non-biased approach to this forum was used and that all voices were heard. Members from Wade-Trim, Inc., the planning consulting firm hired to assist in the development of the Ionia County Master Plan, were also present at these meetings. However, their only capacity was to record those issues identified and carefully note citizen concerns. 25

Contoh Kasus: Ionia County (AS): Goal-setting Workshop (1)

During the months of February and March of 2001, the County Planning Commission hosted a series of five goal-setting workshops. These workshops were open to the public and held in various locations throughout the County to provide convenience to residents. The purpose of these workshops was to involve the public in defining and prioritizing key strengths and challenges within the County through the use of a Nominal Group Technique. Advertisements for this workshop were included in local newspapers and posted around the County to generate community-wide interest and attendance.

MTP II: Perumusan Tujuan & sasaran Perencanaan (A. Djunaedi, 2012)Hal. 13

Contoh Kasus: Ionia County (AS): Goal-setting Workshop (2)

Participants were first asked to identify issues from a personal perspective and then as part of a small group. Subsequently, each of the groups shared their priorities with the entire audience, finally, each individual voted for the three issues in both categories that they believed most important, starting with number one as the highest priority. Responses from each of the meetings were tabulated in order to identify which issues were deemed most important by residents. In tabulating responses, those responses receiving a number three rating were given a one value, while a number one rating received a three value. A rating of two was equal to a two value. At the completion of this five meeting series, each of the meeting results were compiled into a master list by grouping identical issues. This compilation allows observers to identify which issues (strengths and challenges) were viewed as most important by the participants. 27

Contoh Kasus: Ionia County (AS): Review of Draft GoalsPublic Meeting

At this public meeting the public was presented with the draft Goals chapter of the Master Plan. Time was provided for public input of the presented materials.


MTP II: Perumusan Tujuan & sasaran Perencanaan (A. Djunaedi, 2012)Hal. 14

Contoh Kasus: Ionia County (AS): Planning Goals

It is the goal of the Ionia County Planning Commission to: Help to ensure the long-term viability of the agricultural industry while protecting the development rights of the farming community. Create an optimum living environment for both the present and future residents of the community that will work to solve their physical needs, offer variety and choice, and avoid nuisance effect. Protect environmentally sensitive areas such as wetlands, streams and groundwater recharge areas from the impacts of developments which may tend to be incompatible with the natural environment. Guide new development in a manner that conserves natural features and environmentally sensitive areas and meets the needs of the community both today and through the next twenty years. Continue to actively involve the public in the decision - making process. Guide future growth and development in a manner that respects the Countys rural atmosphere. Balance the rate of land development with the availability of public facilities and services such as roads and utilities. Encourage more compact developments near the established urbanized areas of the County. Promote cooperation with other governmental units within and adjacent to Ionia County through joint meetings and shared awareness of proposed development areas. Promote economic development that will benefit the long-term needs of the County rather than benefiting short-term, private economic gain. Balance the rights of the individual property owner with the needs of the public interest. 29

Topik 4:

Dalam Perenc. Strategis: Metode & Teknik Perumusan Visi, Tujuan, Sasaran & Strategi
Tujuan: memberikan pemahaman metode dan teknik yang umum dipakai dalam perumusan visi, tujuan, sasaran perencanaan dan strategi dalam perencanaan strategis.


MTP II: Perumusan Tujuan & sasaran Perencanaan (A. Djunaedi, 2012)Hal. 15

Dari: Surat Edaran Mendagri Nomor 050/2020/SJ perihal Petunjuk Penyusunan .. dan RPJM Daerah (1)


Dari: Surat Edaran Mendagri Nomor 050/2020/SJ perihal Petunjuk Penyusunan .. dan RPJM Daerah (2)


MTP II: Perumusan Tujuan & sasaran Perencanaan (A. Djunaedi, 2012)Hal. 16

Dari: Surat Edaran Mendagri Nomor 050/2020/SJ perihal Petunjuk Penyusunan .. dan RPJM Daerah (3)


Kaitan Tujuan-Sasaran-Strategi
dalam perencanaan strategis

















MTP II: Perumusan Tujuan & sasaran Perencanaan (A. Djunaedi, 2012)Hal. 17

Pengertian Tujuan dalam

perencanaan strategis
Tujuan (goals) adalah pernyataan umum tentang ke arah mana suatu organisasi (atau komunitas) akan berada di masa depan. Tujuan (seperti halnya isu-isu strategis) dibatasi jumlahnya agar lebih terfokus; meskipun demikian tujuan belum bersifat spesifik dan tidak terukur. Contoh tujuan: (1) pekonomian lokal yang sejahtera, dan (2) kehidupan masyarakat yang bervitalitas.

Pengertian Sasaran dalam

perencanaan strategis
Sasaran (objectives) merupakan target yang spesifik dan terukur dari tiap tujuan perencanaan; diukur dgn indikator kinerja. Sasaran umumnya berjangka pendek dan untuk tiap tujuan biasanya disusun beberapa sasaran. Karena yang dapat diukur adalah sasaran (bukan tujuan), maka bila semua sasaran telah tercapai maka tujuan dianggap tercapai pula.

MTP II: Perumusan Tujuan & sasaran Perencanaan (A. Djunaedi, 2012)Hal. 18

Pengertian Strategi dalam

perencanaan strategis
Strategi adalah cara langkah-demi-langkah yang dilakukan organisasi (atau komunitas) dalam mencapai sasaran-sasaran perencanaan strategisnya. Strategi umumnya terdiri dari program, kegiatan, atau proyeksemuanya ini merupakan tindakan atau aksi (action steps).


Contoh Tujuan-Sasaran-Strategi dalam

perencanaan strategis (1)
Sumber: http://alexandriava.gov/city/amacc/strategicplan/ strategic_plan.html <diakses 25-01-2006> ALEXANDRIA GOALS 2004-2009
Goal 1: Quality Development and Redevelopment that is Well Planned and Consistent with Alexandria's Vision. Goal 2: A City That Respects, Protects and Enhances the Natural Environment. Goal 3: An Integrated, Multi Modal Transportation System that Gets People from Point "A" to Point "B" Efficiently and Effectively. Goal 4: A Strong City Economy that is Growing in Varied Small Businesses and Job Opportunities. Goal 5: A Caring Community that is Diverse and Affordable. Goal 6: The City Government Is Financially Sustainable, Efficient and Community Oriented. Goal 7: In Partnership with the Alexandria City Schools, Public Schools That are Among the Best in Northern Virginia.

MTP II: Perumusan Tujuan & sasaran Perencanaan (A. Djunaedi, 2012)Hal. 19

Contoh Tujuan-Sasaran-Strategi dalam

perencanaan strategis (2)
Goal 1: Quality Development and Redevelopment that is Well Planned and Consistent with Alexandria's Vision. Objectives: New Development, Redevelopment and Infill Development are Compatible with the Character and Scale of Alexandria Neighborhoods, its Natural Environment and its Historic Resources. New Development and Redevelopment Enhance the Vitality of City Neighborhoods and Create Their Own Sense of Place. New Residential Development and Redevelopment Include Housing Units for Persons with Mixed Incomes and Provide Accessible Housing Opportunities. The City Encourages New Development and Redevelopment that are Highly Transit Oriented. New Development and Redevelopment Along Major Corridors Have High Quality Design. An Updated Comprehensive Master Plan Reflects the City's Vision and Community Goals, and is Used in Land Use and Development Decision Making. The Development Process Encourages Community Participation.

Contoh Tujuan-Sasaran-Strategi dalam

perencanaan strategis (3)
Goal 2: A City That Respects, Protects and Enhances the Natural Environment. Objectives: There is greater Environmental Sensitivity in Planning New Development, Redevelopment and Public Facilities. The City Increases the Amount of Open Space, Recreation Space and Park Acreage Per Resident. The City's Overall Tree Canopy is Protected and Expanded. The Appearance of Gateways, Entrances and Corridors is Improved. More People Travel in the City by Mass Transit, Bicycle or Walking and Become Less Auto Dependent. The Quality of Air and Water in Alexandria is Improved.


MTP II: Perumusan Tujuan & sasaran Perencanaan (A. Djunaedi, 2012)Hal. 20

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