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The following work has been designed with Krystyna Handerick, Chelsea and the staffs of St Joan of Arc

Haberfield and St Joachims Lidcombe. 3.1 Is the story of creation in the Old Testament or the New Testament? Old Testament 3.2 What do we call the day Jesus arrived in Jerusalem on a donkey? Palm Sunday 3.2 What do we call the day when Jesus died on the cross? Good Friday 3.2Name two days in Holy Week? Palm Sunday Holy Thursday Good Friday 3.1In which book of the bible is the story of creation? Genesis 3.2 What do we call the day when Jesus shared the Last Supper with his disciples Holy Thursday 3.2 What happened to Jesus on Good Friday? Jesus died on the cross 3.2What did Jesus do on Palm Sunday? Rode into Jerusalem on a donkey

3.2Name two things that Jesus did at the Last Supper? Washed the disciples feet, Blessed, broke and shared the bread with the disciples Blessed and shared the wine with the disciples [Only Luke has apostles rather than disciples] 3.2 Order the sequence of events of Holy Week? Palm Sunday Holy Thursday Good Friday 3.2What colour does the Church use during Lent? Purple 3.2 What does the Catholic Church ask us to do during Lent? Pray, Fast , Give to the poor (almsgiving) 3.2 Choose one of the following Catholics can support the work of Caritas Australia during Lent by giving money to a. Charitable people b. Project Compassion c. Catholic Childrens Mission 3.2 When does Lent begin? Lent begins on Ash Wednesday

3.2What is used to put a cross on our forehead on Ash Wednesday? Ashes 3.2 What symbol is put on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday? Cross 3.2 Finish this sentence. In the first century Jesus lived in Palestine

3.3 Name the four key events of the Emmaus story? 1. Disciples were walking and taking about all that had happened in Jerusalem 2. Jesus walked and talked with the disciples 3 .Jesus blessed the bread, broke it and shared it with the disciples 4. The disciples returned to Jerusalem 3.3 What is the name of the day when Jesus rose from the dead? Easter Sunday 3.3 What are the key symbols of Easter? Light , Paschal Candle , White 3.4 Choose one of the following Which one of the following prayers expresses our belief in the Trinity? a. Sign of the Cross b. Hail Mary c. Act of Contrition d. Our Father 3.4 What happened at the Ascension? Jesus rose into heaven 3.4 When does the Church celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit? At Pentecost 3.4 What is the name given to when Jesus ascended into heaven? Ascension

3.3 What colour does the Church use during the season of Easter? White

3.3 In the Emmaus story when did the disciples recognize Jesus? When he blessed and broke the bread 3.3 What is the most important season of the liturgical year? Easter season 3.4 Complete this sentence The Trinity is made up of God the Father/ Father God the Son/Jesus/Jesus Christ/Son Holy Spirit

3.4 What gift did the Holy Spirit give the disciples at Pentecost? Strength 3.4 When did the Holy Spirit come down to the disciples? At Pentecost 3.4 What happened at Pentecost? The Holy Spirit came down to the apostles

3.5 Who Am I? I lead a holy life. I am an 3.5 example of how to live a good Christian life. Name three saints I have a feast day and am honoured by the Church. I am a. a priest b. a person in the community c. a saint

3.5 Who Am I? I lived long ago. I was known as the saint of the poor. I gave food to those in need. I looked after those who were sick. The Holy Spirit helped me serve the homeless and children. There is a society named after me that helps the poor. Am I a. St Francis Xavier OR b. St Vincent de Paul 3.5 Choose one of the following. Canonisation is the process where a. people are blessed by the community b. holy people are declared to be saints 3.5 Who am I? I led a holy life. I am an example of how to live a good Christian life. I have a feast day and am honoured by the Church. I am A saint 3.6 What is the second commandment? Show reverence and respect when we talk about God OR Use Gods name only in a respectful way OR You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain 3.6 What is prayer? Talking and listening to God 3.6 In which part of the Bible is the story of the Good Samaritan? New Testament 3.6 Is the Good Samaritan a story that Jesus told or is it something that really happened? A story that Jesus told

3.5 Choose one of the following. A saint is a person the Church honours because he or she is a. holy b. poor c. rich d. smart

3.5 What is the process called for becoming a saint in the Catholic Church? Canonisation

3.5 Each year the Catholic Church celebrates and remembers all the saints who have died and now share Christs glory in heaven. What is this feast day called? All Saints Day 3.6 What is the eighth commandment? Speak respectfully about other people OR Be careful in the way you speak about others OR You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour 3.6 What prayer did Jesus teach the apostles? The Our Father [also called The Lords Prayer] 3.6 What is a parable? A story that always has a message. Jesus told many parables. 3.6 Choose one of the following In which parable was a man beaten, robbed and left to die and then helped by a loving person? a. The Good Samaritan b. The Good Shepherd c. the Lost Sheep

3.7 Name the four main parts of the Mass. Introductory Rite Liturgy of the Word Liturgy of the Eucharist Concluding Rite 3.7 How is Jesus present in the Liturgy of the Word? In the words read from the Bible 3.7 Name four ways Jesus Christ is present in the celebration of the Eucharist? In the community gathered In the priest In the words read from the Bible In the gifts of bread and wine which are changed onto the body and blood of Christ 3.7 In what part of the Mass are the gifts of bread and wine changed in the body and blood of Christ? In the Liturgy of the Eucharist 3.7 In the Mass what is the response to Go in the peace to love and serve the Lord? Thanks be to God 3.7 In the Mass, what is the response to The Lord be with you? And also with you. 3.7 In the Mass, what is the response to This is the Word of the Lord? Thanks be to God 3.7 What does the priest say to greet the community gathered at the beginning of the Introductory Rite of the Mass? The Lord be with you. 3.7 What part of the Mass comes after the Introductory Rite? Liturgy of the Word

3.7 How is Jesus present in the Introductory Rite? In the community gathered and in the priest 3.7 How is Jesus present in the Liturgy of the Eucharist? In the gifts of bread and wine which are changed into the body and blood of Christ 3.7 In what part of the Mass is the Gospel read? The Liturgy of the Word

3.7 In what part of the Mass does the priest say, Go in the peace to love and serve the Lord? In the Concluding Rite 3.7 In the Mass, when we receive the body of Christ, the priest says, The body of Christ. What do we say? Amen 3.7 In the Mass, what is the response to This is the Gospel of the Lord? Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ 3.7 In the Mass, what is the response to, Peace be with you? And also with you. 3.7 In what part of the Bible would you find the Last Supper? New Testament [or Christian Scriptures] 3.7 What part of the Mass comes after the Liturgy of the Word? Liturgy of the Eucharist

3.7 What part of the Mass comes after the Liturgy of the Eucharist? Concluding Rite 3.7 What do we do during the Liturgy of the Eucharist? Prayer Listen and watch Receive Holy Communion

3.7 What does the priest do during the Liturgy of the Eucharist? Changes the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ 3.7 Choose one of the following Which of the following occurs during the Concluding Rite of the Mass? a. The Breaking of Bread b. The Gospel c. The Blessing d. The Sign of Peace 3.7 Choose one of the following After the priest reads the Gospel at Mass, he says, This is the Gospel of the Lord. Our response is a. Alleluia b. Thanks be to God c. Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ d. Lear hear our prayer 3.7 Choose one of the following In what part of the Mass are the Prayers of the Faithful? a. Liturgy of the Eucharist b. Introductory Rite c. Liturgy of the Word d. Concluding Rite 3.7 Choose one of the following In the Mass, the Penitential Rite takes place during the a. Introductory Rite b. Eucharistic Prayer c. Communion Rite d. Concluding Rite 3.7 Choose one of the following. Jesus gave us the Eucharist at the a. Last Supper b. Feeding of the Five Thousand 3.7 What are the sacraments of initiation? Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation

3.7 Choose one of the following What is our response when we receive the Body of Christ at Mass? a. Amen b. Thank you c. Lord have mercy d. Peace be with you 3.7 Choose one of the following In the Mass, when does the priest say, Go in peace to love and serve the Lord? a. Concluding Rite b. Eucharistic Prayer c. Opening Prayer d. Introductory Rite 3.7 Choose one of the following When does the Sign of Peace take place during Mass? a. Liturgy of the Word b. Liturgy of the Eucharist c. Introductory Rite d. Concluding Rite 3.7 Choose one of the following At the Sign of Peace in the Mass, people shake hands and say Peace be with you 3.7 What is another name for the Profession of Faith? The Creed

3.7 Choose one of the following Which sacrament uses water, white clothing, candle and oil? a. Eucharist b. Penance c. Confirmation d. Baptism 3.7 Choose one of the following On the road to Emmaus the two disciples recognized that the stranger who had joined them was Jesus. They recognized Jesus when he a. listened to them on the road b. broke the bread with them 3.7 Choose one of the following The sacrament of Reconciliation can best be understood as: a. saying sorry b. healing relationships c. praying to God 3.7 Choose one of the following At the consecration, within the Mass, the bread and the wine become a. a symbol of the body of Christ b. a reminder of Jesus Last Supper c. the body and blood of Christ 3.7 Choose one of the following Which of the following occurs during the Concluding Rite of the Mass? a. The Breaking of Bread b. The Gospel c. The Blessing d. The Sign of Peace 3.7 What is another name for the Nicene Creed? The Profession of Faith

3.7 Choose one of the following The Nicene Creed proclaims Catholic beliefs. It is also known as a. The Profession of Faith b. The Lords Prayer c. The Sign of Peace d. The Prayers of Intercession 3.7 Choose one of the following Why do we celebrate sacraments? a. they give us Gods grace and love b. our friends do it, so we should too

3.7 Choose one of the following The Responsorial Psalm is prayed in the Mass. It is taken from the a. New Testament b. Old Testament 3.7 What is another name for the Prayers of Intercession? The Prayers of the Faithful

3.7 Choose one of the following A psalm is best described as a a. teaching b. prayer c. law d. story 3.7 True or False. The term Church refers to the community of baptised people. True

3.7 Finish these sentences. Holy, holy holy _________, [Lord] God of power and might Heaven and ________ [earth] are full of your glory. Blessed is ________ [he] who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the ______ [highest]. 3.7 During Mass, what takes place in the Liturgy of the Word? We listen to readings from Scripture. 3.7 What is the response to, The Lord be with you? And also with you. 3.7 What is the response to, Let us give thanks to the Lord our God? It is right to give him thanks and praise. 3.8 What happened at the Annunciation? The angel Gabriel told Mary she would have a son. OR Mary was to name the baby Jesus. OR Her son was the Son of God. 3.8 What do we call the time when Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth? The Visitation 3.8 What do we call the time when the angel Gabriel announced that Mary would have a baby who was Gods Son? The Annunciation 3.8 How long is the season of Advent? Four weeks 3.8 Which liturgical seasons use the colour purple? Advent and Lent 3.8 What colour is the season of Advent? Purple

3.7 In which sacrament do we receive Jesus as spiritual food? Eucharist

3.7 Sunday is the Lords Day. What are two things the Catholic Church calls Catholics to do on this day? Go to Mass , Rest 3.7 What is the response to, Lift up your hearts? They are lifted up to the Lord. 3.7 Complete this sentence We receive the body and blood of Christ in the Sacrament of The Eucharist 3.8 What happened at the Visitation? Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth.

3.8 What do we call the time when the angel Gabriel came to Mary? The Annunciation 3.8 When does the Churchs year begin? First Sunday of Advent

3.8 How many weeks are there in Advent? Four 3.8 What is the time of preparation called before the season of Christmas? Advent 3.8 Who is the mother of Jesus? Mary

3.8 How did the shepherds know that Jesus was born? The angels told them

3.8 In which part of the Bible would you find the Annunciation? New Testament

3.8 In which part of the Bible would you find the birth of Jesus and visit of the shepherds? New Testament 4.1 Name one of the Ten Commandments. 4.1 Are the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament or the New Testament?

1. I am the Lord your God. You shall have no other gods besides me. 2. You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain. 3. Remember to keep holy the Lords Day. 4. Honour your father and your mother. Old Testament 5. You shall not kill. 6. You shall not commit adultery. 7. You shall not steal. 8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour. 9. You shall not covet your neighbours wife. 10. You shall not covet your neighbours goods. 4.1 In which book of the bible are the Ten Commandments? Exodus 4.1 What is another name for the Old Testament? The Hebrew Scriptures 4.1 What is another name for the Hebrew Scriptures? The Old Testament 4.1 How many commandments were given to Moses? 10 4.1 Choose one of the following The 5th commandment is, You shall not kill. This means that we should a. respect all human life b. respect other peoples property c. respect relationships 4.2 When does Lent begin? Ash Wednesday

4.1 What is Jesus new Commandment? Love one another just as I have loved you. 4.1 What is another name for the New Testament? The Christian Scriptures 4.1 What is another name for the Christians Scriptures? The New Testament 4.1 Which liturgical season uses the colour green? Ordinary Time 4.1 True or False Jesus teaches us to love and forgive only those people who deserve it. False

4.2 What does the Catholic Church ask us to do during Lent? Pray, Fast , Give to the Poor (almsgiving)

4.2 What are the Stations of the Cross? Images that tell the story of Holy Week OR Pictures which show Jesus journey to his death 4.2 What do we call the day when Jesus shared the Last Supper with his disciples? Holy Thursday 4.2 Name two days in Holy Week? Palm Sunday Holy Thursday Good Friday 4.2 What do we call the day when Jesus died on the cross? Good Friday 4.2 Order the sequence of events of Holy Week and Easter? Palm Sunday Holy Thursday Good Friday Easter Sunday 4.2 In which sacrament do we receive Gods forgiveness? Penance 4.2 Name two things that Jesus did at the Last Supper? - Washed the disciples feet - Blessed and broke bread, and shared it with his disciples - Blessed and shared the wine with his disciples 4.2 Choose one of the following Catholics can support the work of Caritas Australia during Lent by giving money to a. Charitable people b. Project Compassion c. Catholic Childrens Mission 4.3 When did God raise Jesus to new life? Easter Sunday 4.3 Finish this sentence. In the first century Jesus lived in Palestine

4.2 What colour does the Church use during Lent? Purple

4.2 What do we call the day Jesus arrived in Jerusalem on a donkey? Palm Sunday 4.2 Which liturgical seasons use the colour purple? Lent and Advent 4.2 What did Jesus do on Palm Sunday? Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey 4.2 Which is the sacrament of forgiveness and healing? Penance

4.2 What happened to Jesus on Good Friday? He died on a cross 4.2 On which day does the Church gather to reflect on the Stations of the Cross? Good Friday

4.2 Complete this sentence During Lent Catholics are encouraged to give money to Project Compassion

4.3 When does the Church celebrate Jesus rising from the dead? Easter Sunday 4.3 What Church season does the words from Matthews Gospel He is not here for he has risen... tell us about? Easter

4.4 What is one of the gifts the Holy Spirit gave the disciples? Courage 4.4 When were the disciples filled with courage to spread the Good News? Pentecost 4.4 When does the Church celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit? At Pentecost 4.4 What does the feast of Pentecost celebrate? The coming of the Holy Spirit to the disciples. OR The gift of the Holy Spirit. 4.5 What does the word annunciation mean? The announcement of something

4.4 Is the story of Pentecost in the Old Testament or the New Testament? New Testament 4.4 What were the disciples filled with to spread the Good News? Courage 4.4 Before the Ascension, Jesus promised to send a helper. Who is the helper Jesus sent? The Holy Spirit 4.4 At Pentecost the apostles were filled with courage and strength to continue the mission of Jesus. Who gave them this courage and strength? The Holy Spirit 4.5 What happened at the Annunciation? The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary to tell her she was to have a son, Jesus. AND/OR Mary was to have Gods son. AND/OR Mary said Yes to being the mother of Jesus 4.5 What does the word visitation mean? A visit to someone 4.5 What do we call the event when Mary visited Elizabeth? The Visitation 4.5 Name two titles given to Mary Mary Help of Christians Mother of God Mary Queen of Peace Holy Mary Our Lady 4.5 What does the word assumption mean? To take up

4.5 What do we call the event when the angel appeared to Mary? The Annunciation 4.5 What happened at the Visitation? Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth 4.5 Name two prayers to Mary. Hail Mary Rosary

4.5 Name three feast days which honour Mary The Assumption The Annunciation Mary Help of Christians Marys Birthday 4.5 What happened at The Assumption? The Catholic belief that after Mary died she was taken up body and soul into heaven

4.5 What do we call the event when Mary was taken into heaven? The Assumption

4.5 What did Mary do at the Wedding Feast of Cana? Mary told Jesus that they had run out of wine 4.5 In which part of the Bible would you find The Annunciation? New Testament [or Christian Scriptures] 4.5 In which part of the Bible would you find Jesus lost in the Temple? New Testament [or Christian Scriptures] 4.5 Name the four groups of the mysteries of the Rosary? Joyful Sorrowful Glorious Luminous 4.5 Choose one of the following To which person does the title Queen of Peace refer to a. Mary Magdalene b. Mary, the mother of Jesus 4.5 Who was Marys husband? Joseph

4.5 In which part of the Bible would you find the Marriage Feast of Cana? New Testament [or Christian Scriptures] 4.5 In which part of the Bible would you find The Visitation? New Testament [or Christian Scriptures] 4.5 True or False Catholics believe that Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was taken to heaven, body and soul. True 4.5 Choose one of the following When praying the Rosary we reflect on a. the life of Jesus only b. the lives of Jesus and Mary

4.5 Choose one of the following Who is the patron saint of Australia? a. Mary Magdalene b. Mary Help of Christians c. Mary, Queen of Peace d. Our Lady 4.5 Who found Jesus in the temple? Mary and Joseph

4.5 Choose one of the flowing The Church honours Mary as a woman of faith because a. Mary responded by saying Yes to Gods call b. Mary was faithful to the Jewish law 4.6 In which part of the Bible is the Creation story? Old Testament [Hebrew Scriptures] 4.6 In which part of the Bible is the Book of Psalms? Old Testament [Hebrew Scriptures] 4.6 What Liturgical Season uses the colour green? Ordinary season OR Ordinary Time 4.6 In which book of the Old Testament is the Creation story? Genesis 4.6 What is a Psalm? A type of prayer. 4.6 Choose one of the following God blesses us with the gift of creation. This means that we should a. use it anyway we want b. respect and protect it

4.6 Choose one of the following. Scripture tells us that each person is made in the image of God. This means that every person should be a. worshipped b. respected c. ordained d. praised 4.7 What is prayer? Communicating with God OR Talking and listening to God 4.7 Which prayer do we pray to the Trinity? Sign of the Cross OR Glory Be 4.7 Name two formal prayers in our Catholic Tradition Our Father Hail Mary Glory Be The Rosary 4.7 When would you pray a prayer of thanks? When you want to say thank you to God 4.7 What prayer did Jesus teach? The Our Father

4.7 True or False Catholics can express their faith only through prayer. False 4.7 When would you pray a prayer of sorrow? When you are sorry for what you have done OR Penitential Rite in Mass OR Sacrament of Penance

4.7 Choose one of the following Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen. This is a prayer of a. petition b. sorrow c. praise d. thanks 4.7 When would you pray a prayer of 4.7 Choose one of the following O my petition? God, I am sorry that I have sinned against When you are asking for Gods help you, because you are so good, and with your OR help I will not sin again. This is a prayer of During the Prayers of the Faithful [Prayers a. petition of Intercession] at Mass b. sorrow c. praise d. thanks 4.7 Choose one of the following Which prayer contains the words Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus a. Hail Mary b. Our Father 4.7 Choose one of the following When we pray the Rosary we mainly say these prayers a. Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be b. Act of Contrition, Our Father, Hail Mary

4.7 Choose one of the following The Act of Contrition is a prayer of a. thanksgiving b. praise c. petition d. sorrow 4.8 When does the Church celebrate Advent? Before Christmas 4.8 How many weeks are there in Advent? Four weeks 4.8 On what day does the Church Year begin? First Sunday of Advent 4.8 In which part of the Bible would you find the journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem? New Testament [OR Christian Scriptures] 4.8 What word means God with us? Emmanuel 4.8 Choose one of the following The Church honours Mary as a woman of faith because a. Mary responded by saying Yes to Gods call b. Mary was faithful to the Jewish law 4.8 What colour is does the Church use for the season of Christmas White 4.8 What is another name for Magi? King OR Wise Men

4.7 True or False Prayer is communication and conversation with God. True

4.8 What colour is does the Church use for the season of Advent? Purple 4.8 Which two liturgical seasons use the colour purple? Advent and Lent 4.8 In which part of the Bible would you find Abraham and Sarah? Old Testament [OR Hebrew Scriptures] 4.8 In which part of the Bible is the Journey of the Magi? New Testament [OR Christian Scriptures] 4.8 What does Emmanuel mean? God with us 4.8 During the season of Advent what are we preparing for? The season of Christmas OR The birth of Jesus 4.8 In which season does the Churchs year begin? Advent 4.8 What gifts did the Magi bring? Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh

4.8 Choose one of the following 4.8 Choose one of the following The Magi made a long journey to Bethlehem In which season of the Churchs Liturgical to find Year do we prepare for the coming of Jesus a.. Easter a. The child Jesus b. Lent b. A place to live c. Advent d. Christmas

5.1 Choose one of the following. The Church teaches about human dignity. This means that a. human beings should be respected when they help others b. people should not be respected if they do not believe in God c. every person should be respected because they are made in Gods image d. human beings should not be respected because they sin 5.2 What colour does the Church use during Lent? Purple

5.1 True or False Christians do not have to treat all people justly.


5.2 Name a time when Jesus was rejected. Betrayal by Judas Peter denied knowing Jesus When the people called out Crucify him Desertion by the apostles at his death 5.2 Name the events of Holy Week and Easter. Palm Sunday Holy Thursday Good Friday Easter Sunday 5.2 When does Lent begin? Ash Wednesday

5.2 What set of images does the Church use to remember the passion of Jesus during Holy Week? Stations of the Cross

5.2 What does the Catholic Church ask us to do during Lent to prepare for the great feast of Easter? Pray Fast Give to the Poor (almsgiving) 5.2 Choose one of the following. During the season of Lent the Church uses the colour purple. What does the purple symbolise? a. prayer b. joy c. getting ready or preparing 5.2 Finish this sentence. The Stations of the Cross help us to reflect on the passion and death of Jesus 5.2 Which apostle betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver? Judas

5.2 During Lent, what are we preparing for? For the great feast of Easter OR The celebration of Easter, when Jesus rose from the dead. 5.2 What do we celebrate on Good Friday? The death of Jesus

5.2 Where did Jesus go for 40 days immediately after he was baptised? The desert

5.2 Complete this sentence During Lent Catholics are encouraged to give money to Project Compassion

5.2 Choose one of the following Catholics can support the work of Caritas Australia during Lent by giving money to a. Charitable people b. Project Compassion c. Catholic Childrens Mission 5.3 Name two symbols used in the Easter Vigil. Light, Water, Paschal candle 5.3 What is the meaning of the Paschal candle?

5.3 What is another name for the Easter candle? Paschal candle 5.3 What promises do we renew at the Easter Vigil? Our Baptismal promises [Belief in God the Father Belief in God the Son, Belief in God the Holy Spirit Belief in the holy catholic Church Belief in the Resurrection 5.3 When did God raise Jesus to new life? On Easter Sunday 5.3 What is the key symbol of Easter? Paschal candle 5.3 Name the four parts of the Easter Vigil. 1. The Service of Light 2. The Liturgy of the Word 3. The Liturgy of Baptism 4. The Liturgy of the Eucharist

The Paschal candle represents Jesus Christ the light of the world.

5.3 What colour does the Church use during the season of Easter? White 5.3 When does the Church celebrate Jesus rising from the dead? Easter 5.3 Choose one of the following. During the season of Easter the Church uses the colour white. What does the colour white symbolise? d. sorrow e. joy f. getting ready g. preparing 5.3 Choose one of the following. The Church teaches that Jesus was a. only divine b. fully human and fully divine c. only human d. an important prophet

5.3 Finish this sentence The candle which is blessed and lit during the Easter Vigil ceremony is called the Paschal candle

5.3 What is on the Paschal Candle? Cross, Alpha, Omega, Numbers showing current year , Five sticks of incense

5.4 Name the three persons of the Trinity. God the Father; God the Son; God the Holy Spirit OR God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit 5.4 Which feast celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit? Pentecost 5.5 Name the official Church of the early Australian colony? Church of England 5.5 How did the convicts and early settlers practice their faith without a priest? They gathered to pray together in their homes. 5.5 What does exile mean? It means when people are forced to live away from their normal home because of persecution. 5.5 In what year did Fr John Therry and Fr Phillip Connolly arrive in Australia? 1820 5.5 In what year was the first Mass celebrated by Fr James Dixon? 1803 5.5 True or False Bishop John Bede Polding, Fr James Dixon and Mary MacKillop were pioneers of the early Catholic Church in Australia? True

5.4Name three fruits of the Spirit. love gentleness joy self-control peace faithfulness patience generosity kindness 5.4 True or False The Holy Spirit guides and strengthens us as we make decisions based on the values that Jesus taught. True 5.5Who was Samuel Marsden? A Church of England chaplain in the early Australian colony 5.5 How many of the 1004 convicts who arrived in Sydney Cove in 1788 were Catholic? 316 5.5Who were the first two Catholic priests to officially work in Australia? Fr John Therry and Fr Phillip Conolly 5.5 Who celebrated the first Mass in Australia? Fr James Dixon 5.5 Who was the first Catholic Bishop in Australia? Bishop John Bede Polding 5.5 Complete this sentence. The first Catholic community in Australia did not have a priest because a. they did not want a priest. b. the Church would not send them a priest c. the governor refused them a priest

5.5 What is the name of the first religious 5.5 Who did the Sisters of Charity work order to arrive in Australia? with? Sisters of Charity They worked especially with women prisoners and orphans.

5.5 Who Am I? I arrived in Australia in 1835. I was the first Catholic bishop to come to Australia. I lived in Sydney and travelled all around Australia preaching, confirming people and celebrating Mass. In 1842 I was made the first Archbishop of Sydney. I am buried under St Marys Cathedral in Sydney. I am Bishop John Bede Polding 5.5 Choose one of the following Name the Australian who has been beatified by Pope John Paul II and is most likely to become Australias first saint. a. John Bede Polding b. Caroline Chisholm c. Mary MacKillop d. John Therry 5.5 Choose one of the following Father John Therry arrived in Sydney in 1820. He is best remembered for a. being the first priest in Sydney b. obtaining the site of St Marys Cathedral c. starting schools all around Melbourne d. becoming the Archbishop of Sydney 5.5 Choose one of the following John Bede Polding was the first Catholic a. cardinal in Rome b. bishop in Rome c. priest in Australia d. bishop in Australia

5.5 Who Am I? I was born on the 30th May 1808 in England. I became a Catholic at 19. I married a lieutenant and moved with him to the colony of New South Wales. I was so moved by the misery and poverty of newly arrived immigrants that I dedicated my life to help them. I am.. Caroline Chisholm

5.5 Choose one of the following Who was the first Catholic Bishop in Australia? a. Geoffrey Robinson b. Luc Matthys c. John Bede Polding d. John Terry 5.5 Choose one of the following The world leader of the Catholic Church is a. Archbishop Martin Carol b. Bishop Luc Matthys c. Cardinal George Pell d. Pope Benedict XVI

5.5 Choose one of the following In the early days of settlement in NSW, one Catholic woman lived her faith by helping convict women. Who was she? a. Elizabeth Davis b. Mary MacKillop c. Caroline Chisholm d. Catherine McAuley 5.5 Choose one of the following The leader of the Catholic Church throughout the world is called the a. Cardinal b. Archbishop c. Bishop d. Pope

5.5 Choose one of the following Which of these statements describes the early Catholic Church in Australia? a. Catholic priests arrived with the First Fleet b. The Catholic Church was easily established in the colony c. Catholic kept the faith alive by gathering for prayer in their homes.

5.5 Choose one of the following Which was the only Church permitted to hold services in the early years of settlement in NSW? a. the Catholic Church b. the Church of England c. the Methodist Church d. the Lutheran Church 5.5 Who Am I? I was an Australian. I was beatified by Pope John Paul ll. I worked to educate poor Catholic children and provided services for the poor. I am Mary MacKillop

5.5 Who Am I? I am the leader of the diocese. I work in a cathedral. I am

A bishop

5.5 Choose one of the following Which of the following is not a Catholic Church? a. Maronite Church b. Uniting Church c. Melkite Church d. Roman Church 5.5 Choose one of the following The word ecumenism refers to a. other religions coming together b. Catholic communities coming together c. people coming together d. Christian Churches coming together

5.5 Choose one of the following What is a diocese? a. a group of people who pray together b. a group of people under the authority of the Pope c. a group of parishes led by one priest d. a group of parishes in a region or a city 5.5 Name the Australias first saint. Mary MacKillop

5.5 Who Am I? I am the bishop of Rome. I am the leader of the Catholic Church. I am the successor of St Peter and I live in Rome. The Pope OR Pope Benedict XVI 5.5 Finish this sentence. The bishop is the leader of a diocese

5.5 Who Am I? I am the Cardinal Archbishop of Sydney. I am the leader of the Sydney diocese. I celebrate Mass at the Cathedral. Cardinal George Pell

5.6 Choose one of the following God blesses us with the gift of creation. This means that we should a. use it in any way we want b. respect and protect it c. buy as much of it as possible d. enjoy it without being concerned about it 5.6 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. God said Let there be light. Which book of the Bible has this Scripture passage? Genesis 5.6 When do Christians celebrate the Sabbath? Sunday

5.7 Who is the Arch-Bishop of Sydney? Archbishop George Pell OR Cardinal Pell 5.7 In which sacrament do we receive Gods forgiveness? Penance 5.7 Choose one of the following Reconciliation with God and others is celebrated in the Sacrament of a. Penance b. Holy Orders c. Confirmation d. Marriage 5.7 True or False Sign, symbols and rituals are an important part of Catholic celebrations and Sacraments. True 5.7 What are the two sacraments of Healing? Penance and Anointing of the Sick 5.7 True or False Men and women can be ordained to the priesthood. False 5.7 What is the name of our diocese? The Archdiocese of Sydney 5.7 Complete this sentence A man is ordained for service as a deacon, priest or bishop in the Sacrament of Holy Orders 5.7 Who Am I? I work in the Church. I am ordained and can administer some sacraments. I cannot lead the celebration of the Eucharist. I am A deacon

5.7 Which sacrament uses water, white clothing, candle and oil? Baptism 5.7 In which sacrament do we receive Jesus as spiritual food? Holy Communion 5.7 Name the seven sacraments? Baptism Confirmation Eucharist Penance Marriage Holy Orders Anointing of the Sick

5.7 What are the two sacraments of service to the community? Holy Orders and Marriage 5.7 What are the three sacraments of Initiation? Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation 5.7 Finish the sentence. During the Sacrament of Holy Orders, the Bishop lays hands on those being ordained. This is a sign that they are receiving The power of the Holy Spirit 5.7 What is the name of our parish? 5.7 What do we celebrate in the Sacrament of Penance? The forgiveness of sins 5.7 Who Am I? I am the leader of the diocese. I work in a cathedral. I am A bishop

5.7 Which one of the following statements is true? a. We are not responsible for the choices we make. b. God limits our choices to do what is right. c. We are not free to choose God in our lives. d. God has given us the gift of freedom. 5.7 Name one symbol or symbolic action used in the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Oil Laying of hands Anointing with oil 5.7 What is the sacrament that celebrates the forgiveness of sins? Penance 5.7 Choose one of the following Sin can best be described as: a. making mistakes b. turning away from God c. an action towards a friend d. upsetting someone you love 5.7 Who Am I? I am ordained and I lead the community in the celebration of the sacraments.

5.7 Name one symbol used in the Sacrament of Baptism. White garment Water Candle Oil

5.7 Name one symbol or symbolic action used in the Sacrament of Penance. Laying of hands over the head of the person 5.7 Which prayer is used in the Sacrament of Penance when praying for forgiveness? Act of Contrition 5.7 Who Am I? I am a baptised member of the Church. I continue the work of Jesus. I may be married or single, young or old. Child, teacher, adult or parent 5.7 Choose one of the following The sacrament of Holy Orders refers to the: a. consecration of a Religious woman b. ordination of a priest, deacon or bishop c. commissioning of a missionary d. commitment to the Church 5.7 True or False An ordained priest leads the community in the celebration of the Eucharist. True 5.7 Choose one of the following The Catholic Church teaches that sin is a. only when we hurt another person b. a deliberate turning away from God c. when we make a mistake d. something that can never be forgiven


5.7 Finish this sentence Reconciliation with God and others is celebrated in the Sacrament of Penance 5.7 True or False Signs, symbols and rituals are an important part of Catholic celebrations and Sacraments. True

5.7 Complete this sentence We are welcomed into the Church in the Sacrament of Baptism 5.8 During which Church season do we get ready to celebrate Christmas? Advent 5.8 Why does the Church use the colour purple during Advent? Because it is the colour for getting ready or preparation. 5.8 What is a manger? A food box for animals 5.8 Who was Jesus mother? Mary 5.8 Who was John the Baptist? Son of Elizabeth and Zachariah. OR Jesus cousin OR The man who baptised people in the Jordan River. OR The man who baptised Jesus. 5.8 What colour does the Church use during the season of Advent? Purple 5.8 Which season begins the Churchs year? Advent 5.8 What is a stable? A barn where animals are kept when it is too cold for them to stay outside. 5.8 Who was Jesus father on earth? Joseph 5.8 Who Am I? I lived in a desert. I ate locus and honey. I spend a lot of time talking to God in the desert. I baptized people in the River Jordan. I reminded people to prepare for the coming of Jesus. I am.. John the Baptist 5.8 Finish this sentence. In the first century Jesus lived in Palestine

5.8 What is a prophet? A person who can read the signs of the time and announce the consequences. A person called by God to speak the truth no matter what. 5.8 What is a shepherd? A person who looks after sheep 5.8 On what day does the Churchs year begin? First Sunday of Advent 5.8 What is another name for The Magi? Wise men 5.8 Where was Jesus born? Bethlehem

5.8 Name the people in the holy family. Jesus, Mary and Joseph 5.8 What does the word Emmanuel mean? God with us 5.8 Who followed the star to Bethlehem? The wise men or The Magi 5.8 In what country is Bethlehem? In the time of Jesus, Bethlehem was in Palestine. Today Bethlehem is a Palestinian city in the West Bank of Israel.

5.8 Choose one of the following. The Word of God made flesh Describes a. Jesus Christ b. Mary, other if Jesus c. the Holy Spirit d. King David 6.1 What is sin? Sin is choosing to do the wrong thing. Sin is choosing to turn away from God. Sin is choosing to make the wrong choice. 6.2 When does Lent begin? Ash Wednesday 6.2What does the Catholic Church ask us to do during Lent? Pray, Fast Give to the Poor (almsgiving) 6.2 Choose one of the following Catholics can support the work of Caritas Australia during Lent by giving money to a. Charitable people b. Project Compassion c. Catholic Childrens Mission 6.3 When did God raise Jesus to new life? Easter Sunday 6.1 Are the Beatitudes in the Old Testament or the New Testament? New Testament 6.2 Name the events of Holy Week. Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday 6.2 What do the Stations of the Cross help us remember? The suffering and death of Jesus. 6.2 What colour does the Church use during the season of Lent? Purple

6.3 Choose one of the following. The Paschal Mystery refers to a. Jesus birth, life and teachings b Jesus life, death and resurrection c. the coming of the Holy Spirit to the early Church d. the parables and miracles of Jesus 6.3 In what part of the Bible would you find the story of the Resurrection? New Testament 6.3What does the Church teach about everlasting life? It means that we will have life after death [We will be raised to new life with Jesus We will go to heaven After death we will see God face to face] 6.3 Name two key symbols of Easter. Paschal candle Light White Baptismal water

6.3 In what part of the Bible would you find the story of the Ascension? New Testament 6.3 When does the Church celebrate Jesus rising from the dead? Easter Sunday

6.3 What colour does the Church use during the season of Easter? White

6.3 What happened at the Resurrection? Jesus rose from the dead. 6.3 Choose one of the following During the season of Easter, the Church uses the colour white. What does white symbolise? a. sorrow b. getting ready c joy d. preparing 6.3 Name two things Catholics believe about life after death. - After death we will enter a new kind of life with God and with those who are in heaven. - Jesus will come again at the end of time to judge the living and the dead. - At death the soul is separated from the body. - The resurrection of the body at the end of time. 6.4 Is the sacrament of Confirmation a sacrament of healing, initiation or of service? Initiation 6.4 What are the symbols of Baptism? Water White robe Light Oil of Chrism 6.4 What are the symbols of the Holy Spirit? Wind Fire Dove 6.4 What symbols are used in the Sacrament of Confirmation? Anointing with oil Laying of Hands 6.4 In Confirmation, what does anointing with oil symbolise? The giving of strength to continue the mission of Jesus

6.3 What happened at the Ascension? Jesus rose body and soul into heaven 6.3 True or False. The Catholic Church teaches that there is no life after death. False

6.3 The feast of the Ascension occurs after Easter. What does this feast celebrate? Jesus returning to the Father. OR Jesus ascending into heaven. OR Jesus going up to heaven.

6.4 What does the feast of Pentecost celebrate? The coming of the Holy Spirit to the disciples. OR The gift of the Holy Spirit. 6.4 What are the sacraments of Initiation? Baptism Eucharist Confirmation 6.4 Name the gifts of the Spirit. Wisdom Understanding Knowledge Courage Right Judgement Reverence Awe and Wonder 6.4 What prayer expresses the beliefs of our Catholic faith? Creed 6.4 In Confirmation, what does the laying of hands symbolise? Calling of the Holy Spirit upon the person

6.4 What are the two symbolic actions in the sacrament of Confirmation? Anointing with oil Laying of Hands 6.4 In the Nicene Creed, what does the word catholic mean? All-embracing OR Universal OR For everyone 6.4 True or False Signs, symbols and rituals are an important part of Catholic celebrations and Sacraments. True

6.4 What do we renew at Confirmation? Baptismal promises

6.4 In the Nicene Creed, what does the word apostolic mean? Apostolic means from the apostles. The apostles were sent to preach the Good News to all nations; so apostolic means being sent on this same mission by Jesus. 6.4 Finish this sentence In the story of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit is symbolised by Wind and fire

6.4 Choose one of the following 6.5 What happened at the Annunciation? In which of the following do we profess our The angel Gabriel told Mary she going to faith? have a baby who was Gods son. a. Memorare She was to call the baby Jesus b. Hail Mary c. Our Father d Nicene Creed 6.5 Who was the mother of Jesus? Mary 6.5 What do we call the time when the angel Gabriel visited Mary? The Annunciation 6.5 What do we call the time when Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth? The Visitation 6.5 What miracle did Jesus perform at the wedding feast in Cana? Jesus turned water into wine. 6.5 What happened at the Visitation? Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth, who was also going to have a son. 6.5 What did Jesus do at the wedding feast of Cana? Jesus turned water into wine. 6.5 Name two titles for the Mary who was the mother of Jesus. Mary Queen of Peace Mary Help of Christians Mary Mother of God Holy Mary Our Lady of Fatima

6.5 Name two feast days for Mary. Mary, Mother of God The Annunciation Our Lady Help of Christians The Assumption of Mary into Heaven Marys Birthday The Immaculate Conception 6.5Name one of the mysteries of the Rosary. Joyful mysteries Luminous mysteries Sorrowful mysteries Glorious mysteries 6.6 What is another name for the Old Testament? Hebrew Scriptures 6.6 What is another name for the Hebrew Scriptures? Old Testament 6.6 Name three books from the Old Testament. Genesis Exodus Psalms Proverbs Daniel Isaiah Book of Kings 6.6 Name the four Gospels. Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John 6.6 Is Moses in the Hebrew or Christian Scriptures? Hebrew Scriptures 6.6 Is Genesis in the Hebrew or Christian Scriptures? Old Testament

6.5 Name two prayers dedicated to Mary. Hail Mary Rosary The Angelus Hail Holy Queen The Regina Caeli The Memorare

6.6 What is another name for the New Testament? Christian Scriptures 6.6 What is another name for the Christian Scriptures? New Testament 6.6 Name three letters from the New Testament. St Pauls letter to the: Corinthians, Romans, Ephesians, Galatians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, or Hebrews. Letter of: Peter, John, Jude. 6.6 Is Moses in the Old or New Testament? Old Testament 6.6 Is Genesis in the Old or New Testament? Old Testament 6.6 What is a parable? A story that always has a message. Jesus told many parables.

6.6 Name two parables. The Good Samaritan Prodigal Son Parable of the Sower Mustard Seed Gold Coins Lost Sheep Unforgiving Servant The Rich Fool Wedding Feast at Cana Unfaithful Fig Tree The Lost Coin 6.6What is another name for Good News? Gospel 6.6 Name one of the apostles. Peter, John, James (the son of Zebedee), Matthew, Andrew, Judas, Phillip, Bartholomew, Thomas, James (the son of Alphaeus) and Simon (the Zealot) 6.6 In which part of the Bible is the Book of Genesis? Old Testament 6.6 In which part of the Bible is Jeremiah? Old Testament 6.6 In which part of the Bible are the Gospels? New Testament OR Christian Scriptures 6.7 Name the two main symbolic actions or rituals used in the Anointing of the Sick. Laying of hands, Anointing with oil 6.7 Name the symbols and rituals used in the Sacrament of Marriage. Exchange of vows (or promises) Wedding ring

6.6 Name one of Jesus miracles. Healing of the ten lepers Raising Lazarus from the dead Raising of Jairus daughter from the dead Curing blind Bartimaeus Healing of the man born blind Wedding feast at Cana Cure of man with the withered hand Calming of the storm 6.6 In what part of the Bible would you find a psalm? Old Testament 6.6 In which part of the Bible would you find The Acts of the Apostles? New Testament

6.6 In which part of the Bible is Isaiah? Old Testament 6.6 True or False Christians believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. True

6.7 Name one symbol used in the Sacrament of Baptism. White garment, Water, Candle , Oil 6.7 Name the seven sacraments of the Church. Baptism Confirmation Eucharist Penance Marriage Holy Orders Anointing of the Sick 6.7 What are the two sacraments of healing? Penance Anointing of the Sick

6.7 What are the three sacraments of initiation? Baptism Confirmation Eucharist

6.7 What are the two sacraments in service of the community (or at the service of communion)? Marriage Holy Orders 6.7 Name one symbol or symbolic action used in the Sacrament of Marriage. Rings

6.7 Complete this sentence We are welcomed into the Church in the Sacrament of Baptism 6.7 Name one symbol or symbolic action used in the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Anointing sick persons forehead and hands with oil Laying on of hands 6.8 Name two symbols the Church uses during Advent to help us prepare for Christmas. The Jesse Tree, The Advent Wreath 6.8 What colour does the Church use during the season of Advent? Purple 6.8 Finish this sentence. In the first century Jesus lived in Palestine 6.8 What are the two joyful seasons in the Churchs year when white is used? Christmas, Easter

6.7 True or False Signs, symbols and rituals are an important part of Catholic celebrations and Sacraments. True 6.8 Name the season in the Churchs year that is a time of waiting and preparation for Christmas. Advent 6.8 How many weeks are there in Advent? Four weeks 6.8 What colour does the Church use during the season of Christmas? White

6.8 Choose one of the following. During the season of Christmas the Church uses the colour white. What does the white symbolise? a. sorrow b joy c. getting ready d. preparing

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