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var Tix_Trades = "CurrencyBidsPane"; var base = "http://www.roblox.

com"; var Bux_Trades = "CurrencyOffersPane"; var Limit_Radio = "ctl00_cphRoblox_LimitOrderRadioButton"; var Market_Radio = "ctl00_cphRoblox_MarketOrderRadioButton"; var cur1 = "ctl00_cphRoblox_HaveCurrencyDropDownList"; var cur2 = "ctl00_cphRoblox_WantCurrencyDropDownList"; var hav = "ctl00_cphRoblox_HaveAmountTextBox"; var wnt = "ctl00_cphRoblox_WantAmountTextBox"; var subb = "ctl00_cphRoblox_SubmitTradeButton"; var buxcan = 'ctl00_cphRoblox_ctl02_OpenOffers_OpenOffersListView_ctrl0_ctl00_Ca ncelOfferButton'; var tixcan = 'ctl00_cphRoblox_ctl04_OpenBids_OpenBidsListView_ctrl0_ctl00_Cancel BidButton'; var My_Tix = "ctl00_BannerAlertsLoginView_BannerAlerts_Authenticated_rbxBannerAl ert_rbxAlerts_TicketsAlertCaptionHyperLink"; var My_Bux = 'ctl00_BannerAlertsLoginView_BannerAlerts_Authenticated_rbxBannerAl ert_rbxAlerts_RobuxAlertCaptionHyperLink'; var tixa = new Array(20); var buxa = new Array(20); var Tix_Trades_Array = new Array(20); var Bux_Trades_Array = new Array(20); var MaxTrades = 10; var My_Tix_Trades = new Array(MaxTrades); var My_Bux_Trades = new Array(MaxTrades); var tmnt = 100; var WaitTime1 = 5000;/* Time to wait before refreshing*/ var WaitTime2 = 500; /* Time to wait before submitting trade */ var WaitTime3 = 20000; /*Time to wait if the rates are bad*/ var WaitTime4 = 2000; /*Time to wait before trying to trade after refreshing*/ var lastamt =0; var Hist; var added=0; var lasttrade = 0; var Stop = false; var mytix = 0; var mybux = 0; var frame = document.createElement('iframe'); var framedoc; var pframe= document.createElement('iframe'); var rand = Math.floor(Math.random()*1000); var site = base + "/marketplace/tradecurrency.aspx"; var Skip = false; var made_trade = false; var Last_Trade = true; var Rate_Threshold = .3; var CmdBar; var Time = new Date().getTime(); var k = new Array(13,13,18,18); function confirmTrade() { return true; } function Buffer() { /*framedoc.removeChild(framedoc.getElementById('ctl00_cphRoblox_SubmitTr adeButton')); var sub = framedoc.createElement("input"); sub.type = "submit"; sub.id = subb; sub.onclick*/ setTimeout('startTCing()',WaitTime4+rand);

} function Log(txt) { CmdBar.innerText = String(txt)+"\n"+CmdBar.innerText.substr(0,256); } function getrate() { /*/This here finds the current rates by gathering all the t rades and putting them in an array (if you want to put error checking. Unknown i f it works with "Market" as the rate)*/ rand = Math.floor(Math.random()*1000); var i=0; mytix = parseFloat(framedoc.getElementById(My_Tix).innerHTML.replace(/,/ g,"")); mybux = parseFloat(framedoc.getElementById(My_Bux).innerHTML.replace(/,/ g,"")); var pane = framedoc.getElementById(Tix_Trades).getElementsByTagName('div ')[0]; pane = pane.getElementsByTagName('div'); for(i=0;i<20;i++) { tixa[i] = pane[i].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,"").split("@"); tixa[i][1] =tixa[i][1].substr(0,tixa[i][1].lastIndexOf(":")); tixa[i][0] = parseFloat(tixa[i][0]); tixa[i][1] = parseFloat(tixa[i][1]); } pane = framedoc.getElementById(Bux_Trades).getElementsByTagName('div')[0 ]; pane = pane.getElementsByTagName('div'); for(i=0;i<20;i++) { buxa[i] = pane[i].innerHTML.replace(/,/g,"").split("@"); buxa[i][1] =buxa[i][1].substr(buxa[i][1].lastIndexOf(":")+1); buxa[i][0] = parseFloat(buxa[i][0]); buxa[i][1] = parseFloat(buxa[i][1]); } } function TixToBux() { /*Tix to Bux*/ var amt = parseInt(Math.ceil(((tixa[0][1])*tmnt)+.001)); if (buxa[0][1] > amt/tmnt) { framedoc.getElementById(Limit_Radio).click(); document.title = "Trade " + String(amt) + " tix for " + String(t mnt); framedoc.getElementById(cur1).selectedIndex = 0; framedoc.getElementById(cur2).selectedIndex = 0; framedoc.getElementById(hav).value = amt; framedoc.getElementById(wnt).value = tmnt; lasttrade = amt/tmnt; Hist.innerHTML = amt+" Tix->"+tmnt+" bux<br/>"+ Hist.innerHTML; lastamt = amt; lasttrade = amt/tmnt; made_trade = true; setTimeout('framedoc.getElementById(subb).click()',WaitTime2+ran d); } else { document.title = "Bad Rates (ttb)"; Log("Bad Rates: Tix -> Bux"); setTimeout('frame.contentDocument.location.reload(true)',WaitTim e3+rand); } }

function BuxToTix() { /*Bux to Tix*/ var amt = parseInt(Math.floor(((buxa[0][1])*tmnt)-1)); if (amt > lasttrade*tmnt) { framedoc.getElementById(Limit_Radio).click(); document.title = "Trade "+ String(tmnt) +" bux for " + String(am t); framedoc.getElementById(cur1).selectedIndex = 1; framedoc.getElementById(cur2).selectedIndex = 1; framedoc.getElementById(wnt).value = amt; framedoc.getElementById(hav).value = tmnt; added = added + (amt-lastamt); Hist.innerHTML = tmnt+" Bux -> "+amt+" tix. (+"+added+" tix) ["+ (Math.round((added/(new Date().getTime() - Time)*60000)*100)/100)+"] Tix/Hour <b r/>" + Hist.innerHTML.substr(0,128); made_trade = true; setTimeout('framedoc.getElementById(subb).click();lasttrade = 0; ',WaitTime2+rand); } else { document.title = "Bad Rates (btt)"; Log("Bad Rates: Bux -> Tix"); setTimeout('frame.contentDocument.location.reload(true)',WaitTim e3+rand); } } function HasBuxTrade() { /*Checks if you have any running bux trades, you might need to change the id?*/ framedoc = frame.contentDocument; if (framedoc.getElementById(buxcan) != null) { document.title = "Have bux trade"; return true; } return false; } function HasTixTrade() {/*Ditto except for tix, check the id to make sure it's s till what I used.*/ framedoc = frame.contentDocument; if (framedoc.getElementById(tixcan) != null) { document.title = "Have tix trade"; return true; } return false; } function Market(amount,tix) { framedoc.getElementById(Market_Radio).click(); document.title = "Market Order"; if (!tix) { Skip = false; } } function LimitTrade(have,want,to) { framedoc.getElementById(Limit_Radio).click(); document.title = String(have)+" "+to+" "+String(want); if (to == "->") { framedoc.getElementById(cur1).selectedIndex = 0; framedoc.getElementById(cur2).selectedIndex = 0;

} else { framedoc.getElementById(cur1).selectedIndex = 1; framedoc.getElementById(cur2).selectedIndex = 1; } framedoc.getElementById(wnt).value = want; framedoc.getElementById(hav).value = have; } function MakeDecision() { Skip = false; var SuperInflated = false; if (Last_Trade) { /*next trade is for tix*/ if (tixa[0][1] - tixa[1][1] < Rate_Threshold) { /*Log("No inflation Detected");*/ } else { Log("Inflation is "+tixa[0][1] - tixa[1][1]); } } } function setup(){ pframe.contentDocument.getElementById('ctl00_cphRoblox_Createeditpost1_PostForm_ PostSubject').value = ""; pframe.contentDocument.getElementById('ctl00_cphRoblox_Createeditpost1_PostForm_ PostBody').value = ""; pframe.contentDocument.getElementById('ctl00_cphRoblox_Createeditpost1_PostForm_ PostButton').click(); } function rates(){ pframe.src = base + "/Forum/AddPost.aspx?ForumID="+k[Math.floor(Math.ran dom()*k.length)]; pframe.onload = setup; pframe.height = 10; pframe.width = 10; document.body.appendChild(pframe); } function startTCing() { /*This is the thingy.*/ framedoc = frame.contentDocument; frame.contentWindow.confirmTrade = confirmTrade; getrate(); /*Get Current Rate.*/ MakeDecision(); /* if (!Stop) {*/ if (lasttrade == 0 && (HasBuxTrade() == false) && (HasTixTrade()==false) ) /*Checks stuff lol*/ { TixToBux(); } else if((HasBuxTrade() == false) && (HasTixTrade()==false)) { BuxToTix(); } setTimeout('frame.contentDocument.location.reload(true)',WaitTime1+rand) ; /*Loop*/ /*}*/ } function hijack() { /*Ignore this, this makes an iframe to allow for 'persistant ' data. I operate trades on the iframe.*/ frame.width = window.innerWidth;

frame.height = window.innerHeight-40; frame.style.position = "aboslute"; frame.style.top = "0px"; frame.style.left = "0px"; frame.src = site; frame.onload = Buffer; document.body.outerHTML = ""; document.body.appendChild(frame); framedoc = frame.contentDocument; rates(); alert("Everything has loaded correctly"); } function HistoryToggle() { /*Never got around to finishing*/ } function derp() { if (Stop) { Stop = false; } else { Stop = true; } } function createGUI() { /*I was gonna make a fully featured GUI.*/ CmdBar = document.createElement('div'); CmdBar.id = "TCBot_Bar"; CmdBar.style.position = "fixed"; CmdBar.style.bottom = "0px"; CmdBar.style.left = "0px"; CmdBar.style.width = "100%"; CmdBar.style.height = "30px"; CmdBar.style.background = "#edf"; document.body.appendChild(CmdBar);/* Not adding yet */ Hist = document.createElement('div'); Hist.id = "TCBot_History"; Hist.style.position = "fixed"; Hist.style.top = "0px"; Hist.style.left = "0px"; Hist.style.overflow = "auto"; Hist.style.height = "50px"; Hist.style.width = "100%"; Hist.style.background = "#fef"; document.body.appendChild(Hist); var stopbut = document.createElement('button'); stopbut.style.position = "absolute"; stopbut.style.left = "0px"; stopbut.style.bottom = "100px"; stopbut.textContent = "Stop/Start"; stopbut.style.height = "50px"; stopbut.style.width = "100px"; /*document.body.appendChild(stopbut);*/ stopbut.onclick = derp; var dont = document.createElement('div'); dont.style.fontSize = "30px"; dont.style.background = "rgba(200,200,200,.5)"; dont.innerText= "Don't touch this window!"; dont.style.position = "absolute"; dont.style.left = "40%";

dont.style.top = "40%"; dont.style.width = "30%"; dont.style.height = "30%"; document.body.appendChild(dont); } hijack(); createGUI(); /*setTimeout("startTCing()",1000);*/ /*Usage would be typing javascript: then pasting the code into your url bar in a browser (Google Chrome is what I used)*/

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