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Rain, Manilac Melissa


TTH, 6:00PM- 7:30PM

STUPID CUPID: A reflection

February 9, Thursday. This was my most awaited day for last week. It is very fulfilling to witness this kind of musicale love presentation, where my co-Carolinians showcased their talent. Obviously, this is a pre-valentines gift that is best suited for those happily inlove couples, and especially for those happy and contented singles like me. While me and my friend Danah were watching I cant help but to feel heartbroken and lonely in some segments of the show. Why? Its because whenever I hear those love songs, I feel like I am the only single person in the world who will celebrate Valentines Day with my whole self and my broken heart. True, I am just a simple girl, who (just like anybody else) fell inlove with a guy. With the experience and unbearable feelings that I had in my past, I came in to many realizations by watching the show. Now, I can totally agree with them that time heals all wounds. I have realized that it is not good to wallow unhappy events in our life. Yes, pain is inevitable but misery is optional. The show gives me an idea that we really cant protect people from getting hurt. This is true, because there only two things that are certain- it could be our hearts will be broken by someone or we break someones heart. We should be aware then, that when we enter into a relationship there is really no guarantee. One made a choice to enter into it, and so one can also make a choice to leave it. To cope from a broken relationship, we must then highly redirect our self to the right path. The appropriate path Im talking is the path of prayer, discernment and living life to the fullest. If we dwell too much on our pain, we become selfish and miserable. So, the best thing to heal our hearts is to be other-centered and NOT selfcentered. We must not brood. We must get on living and loving, preferably loving ourself first. After all, we cannot give someone on what we dont have. To end, we must never allow a broken relationship to break us. In the end, we are defined by the sum of all our relationships and not by the most recent we had or by the next one we might have. So, we must take heart and take chances. We must keep on loving even when theres not enough reason to love, because serendepity strikes more often on a roving person.*** BY:

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