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include include include include

graphics.h stdlib.h conio.h dos.h

int x,y,maxx,maxy,i,j; int main(void) { int gdriver = DETECT, gmode; void *image; unsigned int size; char ch; void fillBox(int,int); int Row,Col; // Initialize graphics drivers and mode. initgraph(&gdriver,&gmode,"d:\tc\bgi "); // Draw a rectangle // rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2) maxx=getmaxx(); // x2 maxy=getmaxy(); // y2 rectangle(10,10,maxx-10,maxy-10); // Puts Pixel in the Rectangle. fillBox(maxx,maxy); x=y=70; // Draw Circle and FillColor setfillstyle(1,14); circle(x,y,20); floodfill(x,y,15); // Creating the Image size = imagesize(x,y,x+20,y+20); image=malloc(size); getimage(x-20,y-20,x+20,y+20,image); x-=20; y-=20; // Will Displays till Any key is hit !!!... while(!kbhit()) { Row = x; Col = y; putimage(x,y,image,XOR_PUT); // clears the Image from Screen //x=random(maxx-70); //y=random(maxy-70); //fillBox(maxx,maxy); x=x+10; /* if(x<50) x=50; if(y<50) y=50;*/ putimage(x,y,image,OR_PUT); // Puts the image on screen. delay(50); // Waits for few Seconds. if(x>540) { putimage(x,y,image,XOR_PUT); Row = x; Col = y; for(i=0;i<540;i++) { x=random(maxx-10); y=random(maxy-10); if(x>10 && y>10) putpixel(x,y,14); } //putpixel(x,y,14); x= Row; y=Col; x=10;

y=y+20; putimage(x,y,image,XOR_PUT); } if(y>410) { putimage(x,y,image,XOR_PUT); Row = x; Col = y; fillBox(maxx,maxy); x= Row; y=Col; x=10; y=30; putimage(x,y,image,XOR_PUT); } } free(image); //Removes the image from the Screen. closegraph(); // Closes the Graphics Mode. } void fillBox(int maxx,int maxy) { cleardevice(); // Clears the Graphics Screen maxx=getmaxx(); // x2 maxy=getmaxy(); // y2 rectangle(10,10,maxx-10,maxy-10); for(i=0;i<8000;i++) { x=random(maxx-10); y=random(maxy-10); if(x>10 && y>10) putpixel(x,y,14); } } Read more: http://cmagical.blogspot.com/search/label/Mini%20Project#ixzz1sJaHgyX Y Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives

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