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FIGU Letters and Bulletins

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A Prediction Contact Report 229 Contact Report 230 Contact Report 251 Contact Report 476 FIGU Bulletin 001 FIGU Bulletin 002 FIGU Bulletin 003 FIGU Bulletin 004 FIGU Bulletin 005 FIGU Bulletin 006 FIGU Bulletin 007 FIGU Bulletin 008 FIGU Bulletin 009 FIGU Bulletin 010 Human being of the Earth The Henoch Prophecies Warning to all the governments of Europe! What is announced comprehensively for the third millennium prophetically and predictively Where are you going humanity? 1 19 40 53 91 99 107 120 133 145 160 175 188 202 212 224 237 244 259 268

Article Sources and Contributors Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors 281 282

A Prediction

A Prediction
IMPORTANT NOTE This is an unofficial but authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations The below is an authorized unofficial translation of FIGU material by Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine, completed in October 2008. It may contain errors. (NOTE: I am presenting first the English translation, followed by the alternating German-English version. MH) Original Source: www.figu.org/ch/book/export/html/2038 [1]

English Version
What the future brings for the Earth humans in regard to the climatic catastrophe and environmental destruction All you humans of the Earth, you are responsible for your wellbeing and woes, for your Earth's climate, for your planet, and therefore you are responsible for your own life as well as for that of all creatures, for fauna and flora, for all of nature and everything which grows, creeps and flies. You are responsible as individuals, just as you are responsible as the entire mass of humanity, for everything; responsible also for all that you ever bring forth in the form of thoughts and feelings and what you affect through your actions. Your authorities and governments are standing at the very front along with you humans comprised of all peoples who are responsible for everything which ever occurs on the Earth in your existence; and to you all you individual humans of the Earth and you responsible ones of the authorities and governments the following words of warning should be announced: already in *1951, 1958 and 1964 and also at other times, authorities, governments, newspapers, organizations and radio stations had their attention drawn worldwide, through my prophecies and predictions, to what unpleasant things will come about in the future on the Earth and among you humans. At that time there was still time to be able to change, in part, the announced threatening things while other parts, however, had to occur unalterably, because they could no longer be changed. In addition to that and to all that which was predicted and prophesied, the following should now be explained: the first eight years of the 21st Century have now passed, during which the prophecies and predictions of the 1950s, as well as of the 1960s, have been fulfilled as they have in all the decades since, and indeed, up to the current time. Nevertheless, in spite of the fulfillment of my prophecies and predictions, my warnings were given no heed, consequently, all over the Earth, the announced evil increasingly took the upper hand and now still continues to climb. There are actually only very few humans who took my earlier prophetic and predictive warnings seriously and who also take them seriously today, indeed the majority of you Earth humans has not concerned itself about it and today also does not care about it, rather it further tramples the truth under foot. So you do not want to know or understand that you yourself carry the blame for all evils and all catastrophes, which occur in your society and on your planet. Indeed there have always been earthquakes, sea quakes, avalanches, floods, storms, droughts, volcanic eruptions and other natural catastrophes on the Earth because nature has always operated in this way since the very beginning of time, yet it is your own fault that now all these evils have increased to such an enormous measure that they are no longer to be stopped.

A Prediction And the primary reason for all the evil which rolls over you humans - such as criminality, epidemics, wars, hunger, inhumanity, and climatic destruction, and so forth - lies in the enormous overpopulation which you do not check through rigorous birth control measures, rather you further irresponsibly raise it. And this mass of overpopulation is to blame for all emerging evils and catastrophes of all kinds, whereby also all evils, injustice, upheavals and all harm increases incessantly in relation to the increasing mass of humanity. So, for you Earth humans, the future brings yet many further disagreeable circumstances, strokes of fate as well as misery, need, disadvantage, shocks and disasters which spread out in various things and monstrous catastrophes, because from now on, this planet's nature strikes back with still greater rage than it ever has before at the insanity of your overpopulation and the connected destruction of the climate, of nature and many kinds of lives. Already the time has come that, in many places, your planet's nature forces you to flee; this having malignantly intensified in recent decades as a result of the destruction of the environment due to your influence, and therefore it is your fault. Already, today, entire peoples are fleeing from the consequences of the destroyed environment and climatic catastrophe, which is still always trivialized or even completely disputed by irresponsible scientists and know-it-alls. And there are many humans, and even entire peoples, fleeing from the dangerous effects relating to industrial accidents. Groups of humans and entire peoples also flee from the spreading desert areas, from the climbing sea levels, the destruction of fields and farmland and of mountains as a result of fun parks and sporting facilities of all kinds, but also because the air necessary for life is pregnant with poisonous exhaust fumes so that it is damaging to the health. Hunger also drives humans away, often because of the increasing infertility of the ground which, because of desolation, can no longer be farmed for the production of foods. Often, however, as a result of the irresponsible help from aid organizations from industrial countries, diverse peoples of Third World countries are flooded with provisions, consequently no more farming of foods is carried out by those receiving these foods or, if they do still grow their own foods, they can no longer sell their products because their own production is far more expensive than the foods which are brought in by aid organizations from industrial countries. It is not only the climbing sea level, as a consequence of the melting poles and glaciers, which again and again drives entire groups of humans and even entire peoples to seek refuge especially those who live on the oceans' islands which are increasingly, and ultimately completely, flooded by the climbing water but it is likewise also the increasing demolition of the oceans' shores, and the loss of ground. The mass of humans, which flees as a consequence of all the evil and catastrophes caused by climatic and industrial factors who are truly environmental refugees and must also be so named climbs to over 35 million in the next few years. Yet the calculation applies only for the next few years because through the incessant population increase, which must be called criminal, the number further climbs so that in only 45 to 50 more years the Earth, all countries and humanity, will be confronted with 200 million environmental refugees. Along with that are still very many refugees who will be persecuted on political, racist, religious or social grounds, and so forth, and who will also increase to a number of around 30 million in the next few years. In relation to the insanity of the climbing overpopulation, the effects of environmental pollution take on forms, which become constantly worse and more devastating as well as more catastrophic. The reserves of drinking water become ever more poisoned as for example, in Asia through arsenic, from which, every year, many thousands of humans already die while in other countries the drinking water is always in shorter supply and is ultimately exhausted.

A Prediction In other locations the living space for many humans is endangered and destroyed because the rainforests are being felled, and, from that, devastating climatic changes and uninhabitable areas result, as through desertification, respectively, the advancing of deserts, right up to the areas inhabited by humans. Also, more and more, the waters are being fished out, animal species are being made extinct or the living space is taken from very many animals as, also, much fertile ground and farming land, and meadows and fields, are being concreted over and thereby nature is destroyed as is especially the case in the mountains as a result of hotels, holiday facilities, cable cars, ski slopes as well as military practice firing ranges; all that, along with the irresponsible building over of mountainsides as well as sea shores and river banks for human habitation and recuperation centers, and so forth. The atmosphere is poisoned with CO2 from exhaust fumes, principally as a result of too many cars which are used by all those who do not use any public transport for travel, commuting and shopping, as well as for nonsensical pleasure trips, or who could easily go on foot. Still to mention are all the heaters and the industrial facilities which are powered with fossil fuels and, hourly -in spite of filters, which are inadequate -hurl tons of filth, dust particles and poisonous substances of all kind into the air. And that which flies out into the air as filth and poison also settles down again on the ground, in the soil as well as in the water, whereby the entire world of plants and animals including the human is contaminated by it, as are also the vegetables and fruits which are already contaminated anyway by poisonous sprays and fertilizers in order to increase the yield and profit. All the world's continents are affected by the destruction of nature and the environment as well as by the climatic catastrophe and the exploitation of the Earth's resources, yet that is only the beginning of the coming great evil, the ongoing catastrophe and terror, which still stands before you humans of the Earth. Truly everything becomes still much worse and indeed in every imaginable relationship, whereby, worldwide, the streams of fleeing environmental refugees ultimately degenerate and evoke ethnic collisions, as already occur in the industrial countries. And that is actually already the case even if there is still not a will to see it: already there exists more or less damage-bringing, undignified, racist, human-disdaining and religiously insulting behaviors from local inhabitants in nearly all countries of the Earth toward refugees and migrants of all kinds from foreign countries, whereby, however, the greatest evil in relation to this occurs in the rich industrial countries. And for a considerable time it has already reached the point where also freedom of belief is attacked and the faithful are restricted in their rights to freedom, whereby also the principal religions, respectively, their representatives of all kinds, interfere. The believers are thus denied their own meeting places and their peculiarities just as they are denied the wearing of certain pieces of clothing and faith-based symbols and amulets, and so forth, whereby, especially, in this regard, very many followers of Christianity exercise terror and insult the faithful as well as the symbols of the faiths of other groups and peoples. And it is usual, quite especially in Christianity, to abuse groups which have any religious beliefs which they want nothing to do with, by calling them sects. Overpopulation: a term which all those stupid and idiotic ones among you Earth humans do not want to admit as being valid in regard to the world being overrun by humans and how they can no longer be nourished and borne by it. Stupid and idiotic ones with academic titles, popular scientists, newspaper men and know-it-alls of all kind do not want to admit to the truth and even claim that the entire economy, and life with it, will collapse if fewer humans are born and humanity is reduced by means of a rigorous and rationally-steered birth stoppage.

A Prediction But also many among you; you Earth humans; you who are simple citizens without academic title, and so forth, and who are in support of the further breeding up of Earth humanity; you are also no better and delude yourselves that a federally regulated birth stoppage will restrict you in your freedom. Yet your freedom will truly not be restricted if your intelligence and reason is appealed to so that you only still produce descendents in an amount such that the overpopulation is reduced and thereby life is preserved in all the environs of the Earth, which is not possible due to the mass of overpopulation because through this, slowly but surely, all life, nature and the climate will be irretrievably destroyed. How stupid and dimwitted those among you Earth humans would have to be who, bar any intelligence and bar any reason, do not recognize the truth and continue to carry on in the same way with your rabbit-like breeding up of your descendents! And how stupid and dimwitted are all you who carry academic titles, who are scientists or simply know-it-alls and who, in cowardly angst about your disappearing profit and image, put forward false claims and lies and take humanity for fools in that you deny the truth in regard to the worldwide catastrophic circumstances and events, are simply not able to see it or appraise that which is evoked by the overpopulation. Academic or other titles are just as little use in regard to the truth as are all great words which are just as idiotic, stupid and dimwitted as the demonstrably insane assertion that the Earth is a flat disc. In 1951 I wrote: " World War II found its inglorious end, which lasted from 1939 to 1945 and cost the lives of approximately 62 million people. Atomic energy itself was implemented for the murder of hundreds of thousands of people and for the destruction of their cities - through the irresponsible and criminal action of the USA, when the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed through atomic bombs. All that would, unfortunately however, not be the end of all terrors, mass-murder, wars and acts of terror, if the peoples of all nations do not finally become clever enough to relieve their power-greedy government bosses of their offices and have them turn tail and run. Basically, it is the people in each country who choose those who govern normally, unfortunately, it is the insincere ones, who first make great promises, in order then, when they come into power, to let war and terror break out and drive the people under their command with lies and deceit, whereby they become dependant on their superiors and misjudge the real truth. That however, will bring evil consequences in the future if the people don't intervene against them - because world-wide, the executive powers will embroil the people ever more in wars, terror and hate, until the whole thing assumes uncontrollable forms world-wide." Now, what I openly pronounced at that time has since then come true many times over, and already for a long time the threatened monstrous things have developed to a worldwide conflagration and open fire. The time of transition has expired, in which the monster - which was predicted for the future of the entire terrestrial humanity, and for the Earth and its nature would still have been stoppable. No decisive countermeasures can change everything for the better anymore, rather everything can only be palliated over a long time. A change for the better and for the best namely requires a very long time which must be calculated in centuries. To that end, however, it is necessary that you, humans of the Earth - as individuals and as peoples, as responsible ones of the governments, authorities, sciences and military, as well as all others who are responsible for the world, its security and for life - make a strong effort to fight, and to stop, all evils and catastrophes which have emerged as a result of your irrationally breeding-up overpopulation, and go in a positive direction. If you are not ready for that and do not do it then you evoke still further terrors which will become an evil scourge of terrestrial humanity.

A Prediction So your future will be further burdened by wars, terror, destruction and annihilation with deaths in the thousands, and millions of murdered and dead people, as a result of natural catastrophes, because your monstrously growing overpopulation allows no other possibility. Humans of the Earth, you are to blame that all laws of nature are out of order, so that all storms and natural catastrophes, hail storms, snow storms and deluges, monstrous floods, and so forth, are now the order of the day. Through your overpopulation you have converted the riverside forests, meadow plains, mountainsides and the shores of lakes, rivers and oceans into land for housing. Thereby the wild water of the deluges finds its way into your houses and brings death to many of you. You are to blame that, worldwide, the permafrost thaws and evokes avalanches and landslides while earthquakes, seaquakes and volcanic eruptions, as well as mighty storms, bring death, destruction and ruin. And everything further increases; the gales and typhoons, the hurricanes and tornadoes, which become more and more powerful and destructive. And alone your overpopulation is to blame for everything because, through it and through its monstrous, negative outgrowths, all evil and all natural catastrophes, as well as all human catastrophes of every kind, are evoked. The unnatural climate change, further wars, crimes, illnesses, epidemics and all the worldwide terrorism and fanatical religious delusion, and so forth, are malignant consequences of overpopulation. And all that has an extremely disadvantageous effect on your entire terrestrial humanity. The monstrous mass and weight of your cities, towns and villages torments the inner structures of the Earth in increasingly worse measure and presses the tectonic plates so that they shift which releases earthquakes and sea quakes which demand hundreds of thousands, and ultimately millions, of human lives. All quakes, however, also have influences on all terrestrial volcanism; on the volcanoes worldwide, which are often connected with each other at great depths and are more and more frequently and more and more destructively active. That also demands many human lives, especially in those areas where dwellings are built irrationally close to the volcanoes. Yet that is not enough because through the irresponsible, growing overpopulation many further, new, monstrous, as well as insoluble, problems emerge, also in relation to famines, which just increase more and more as the overpopulation grows. Old illnesses and those believed to have been exterminated return, together with new illnesses and epidemics to which many humans will fall victim. Through mass tourism the stream of economic refugees from all over the world also grows because the inhabitants of the poor tourist countries also want to have that which the tourists from the rich industrial countries show them. Consequently they flee their homeland and, as economic refugees, more and more seek the life of luxury in the rich countries. Also the problem of asylum seekers together with the stream of those fleeing as environmental refugees, and the stream of those who are persecuted increases ever more to the point of insolubility. It has come about, as was predicted in 1951, that the end of the 1980s would see the collapse of the economic boom and a worldwide, monstrous outbreak of unemployment, never experienced before, whereby criminality, at the hands of the unemployed, the drug-dependent and the work-shy people, climbed just as did criminality at the hands of criminals who do not even shy away from murder when they pursue their misdeeds and crimes. Also national debt climbed beyond measure in diverse countries, as did terrorist machinations. Prostitution took on unbelievable forms of social acceptability and became so carried out into the public that today children are not even spared from it.

A Prediction Prostitution became an "honorable" profession, which became officially recognized by the authorities and also became taxable. In every family television became just as much a part of everyday life as did the technology of the computer. And both the television and the computer became the most important information media, as they also became the significant forms of public advertising of prostitution. You, humans of the Earth; very many of you became cold in your thoughts and feelings in the course of the last 60 years, whereby today your interpersonal relationships bring to light ever stranger effects because everything is still always only function-orientated even your relationship to your neighbor. True love has become a rarity with you, and you no longer join in marriage because of affection for each other, but only just in order to make a profit, to maintain your image and to be able to indulge in a certain status, which is dealt with by means of reputation and money. These marriages, so entered into, do not endure, consequently more and more families are destroyed and even the children are sexually abused while others become asocial and neglected because their parents do not concern themselves about them. Many among you humans of the Earth lead a life that is often only orientated towards drugs, addiction, vices and pleasures and is distinguished by destruction as well as disharmony. Often your psyches are thereby impaired and your whole behaviour has negatively deteriorated. You humans of the Earth; you yourselves are the initiators of all evil and catastrophes which are rampant on your world, whereby you have created the real cause in that you have driven your overpopulation into ever higher numbers and drive it higher still. Therefore you yourselves are responsible for everything and thereby you are, in your own person, also God, and as such you yourself determine your monstrous problems and outgrowths; you who in your megalomania believe yourself to be the highest and mightiest being in the universe; far higher than Creation - from which everything has come forth - can ever be. Through your fault, through your overpopulation, through your megalomania, through your irrationality and tyranny you provoke all the powers of nature, which, together with the Earth, rebel and defend themselves against your degenerated machinations. Therefore, on the Earth the forces of nature overflow, together with the Earth itself, because you, Earth human, have disturbed and destroyed the entire natural course of the elements and of life. I have all that to say today; the truth, as it actually is. Now grasp all courage, you humans of the Earth, to contemplate that which is revealed, to draw the correct conclusions from it and to act correctly from now on. Yet there is very little time to avoid the greatest of all catastrophes, yet you will have to use this time because it runs through your fingers. Consider this truth and act in the understanding of what is right so that you carry out a change for the better. Make everything public that you have come to know through the given words, teach it to all humans of the Earth, teach it in all your media, in order to obtain an alteration and change in a positive sense. Only when you act rationally, just as you have been told, do you keep yourself from yet greater injustice, from yet greater evils, from further degenerations, many new deaths and destruction and from the step into ultimate annihilation. All you, humans of the Earth, who feel addressed by these words of truth, you have a good opportunity as was already given to you in 1951, 1958 and 1964 to responsibly use your power and to preserve the Earth and all of humanity from all that which is also now revealed to you with new words.

A Prediction Do not delay, rather act, and indeed quickly, because time is pressing. Act immediately, in order to prevent even worse things than those, which have already occurred, and which currently occur. Act without delaying because otherwise you will be just as responsible for when the future brings still very much worse things for the Earth and your humanity than have already been evoked and become reality through your fault. Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, July 20th, 2008, 7:14PM Billy See also: http://theyfly.com/lost/sfath.prophecies.1951.htm http://theyfly.com/lost/meier.prophecies.1958.htm The below is an authorized unofficial translation of FIGU material by Vivienne Legg and Dyson Devine, completed in October 2008. It may contain errors. Source: www.figu.org/ch/book/export/html/2038

English and German Versions Adjacent

Was die Zukunft in bezug auf die Klimakatastrophe und die Umweltzerstrung fr die Menschen der Erde bringt What the future brings for the Earth humans in regard to the climatic catastrophe and environmental destruction Alle ihr Menschen der Erde, ihr seid verantwortlich fr euer Wohl und Wehe, fr das Klima eurer Erde, fr euren Planeten, und also seid ihr verantwortlich fr euer eigenes Leben sowie fr das aller Kreaturen, fr Fauna und Flora, fr die ganze Natur und alles, was da wchst, kreucht und fleucht. All you humans of the Earth, you are responsible for your wellbeing and woes, for your Earth's climate, for your planet, and therefore you are responsible for your own life as well as for that of all creatures, for fauna and flora, for all of nature and everything which grows, creeps and flies. Ihr seid sowohl als einzelne fr alles verantwortlich wie auch als gesamte Masse Menschheit; verantwortlich fr alles, was ihr an Gedanken und Gefhlen auch immer hervorbringt und was ihr durch euer Handeln bewirkt. You are responsible as individuals, just as you are responsible as the entire mass of humanity, for everything; responsible also for all that you ever bring forth in the form of thoughts and feelings and what you affect through your actions. Nebst euch Menschen aller Vlker, die ihr fr alles verantwortlich seid, was sich auf der Erde und in eurem Dasein auch immer ergibt, stehen an vorderster Front eure Behrden und Regierungen; und euch allen, euch einzelnen Menschen der Erde und euch Verantwortlichen der Behrden und Regierungen sollen folgende mahnende Worte kundgetan sein: Schon 1951, 1958 und 1964 und auch zu anderen Zeiten wurden durch meine Prophetien und Voraussagen weltweit Behrden, Regierungen, Zeitungen, Organisationen und Radiostationen darauf aufmerksam gemacht, was sich zuknftig auf der Erde und unter euch Menschen an Unerfreulichem ergeben wird. Your authorities and governments are standing at the very front along with you humans comprised of all peoples who are responsible for everything which ever occurs on the Earth in your existence; and to you all you individual humans of the Earth and you responsible ones of the authorities and governments the following words of warning should be announced: already in 1951, 1958 and 1964 and also at other times, authorities, governments, newspapers, organisations and radio stations had their attention drawn worldwide, through my prophecies and predictions, to what unpleasant things will come about in the future on the Earth and among you humans.

A Prediction Damals war noch Zeit, die angekndigten drohenden Dinge teilweise ndern zu knnen, whrend andere Teile jedoch unvernderbar eintreffen mussten, weil sie nicht mehr gendert werden konnten. At that time there was still time to be able to change, in part, the announced threatening things while other parts, however, had to occur unalterably, because they could no longer be changed. Dazu und zu all dem, was vorausgesagt und prophezeit wurde, soll nun weiter folgendes ausgefhrt werden: Es sind nun die ersten acht Jahre des 21. Jahrhunderts dahingegangen, whrend denen sich die Prophetien und Voraussagen der 1950er sowie der 1960er Jahre erfllt haben, wie all der Jahrzehnte danach, und zwar bis zur heutigen Zeit. In addition to that and to all that which was predicted and prophesied, the following should now be explained: the first eight years of the 21st Century have now passed, during which the prophecies and predictions of the 1950s, as well as of the 1960s, have been fulfilled as they have in all the decades since, and indeed, up to the current time. Nichtsdestoweniger wurde meinen Mahnungen trotz der Erfllung meiner Prophetien und Voraussagen keine Achtung geschenkt, folglich erdenweit dieangekndeten bel immer mehr berhandnahmen und sich nunmehr noch weiterhin steigern. Nevertheless, in spite of the fulfillment of my prophecies and predictions, my warnings were given no heed, consequently, all over the Earth, the announced evil increasingly took the upper hand and now still continues to climb. Nur sehr wenige Menschen sind es tatschlich, die meine frheren prophetischen und voraussagenden Warnungen ernst nahmen und auch heute ernst nehmen, doch das Gros von euch Menschen der Erde hat sich nicht darum gekmmert und schert sich auch heute nicht darum, sondern tritt die Wahrheit weiterhin mit Fssen. There are actually only very few humans who took my earlier prophetic and predictive warnings seriously and who also take them seriously today, indeed the majority of you Earth humans has not concerned itself about it and today also does not care about it, rather it further tramples the truth under foot. So wollt ihr nicht wissen und nicht verstehen, dass ihr selbst die Schuld an allenbeln und an allen Katastrophen tragt, die sich in eurer Gesellschaft und auf eurem Planeten ereignen. So you do not want to know or understand that you yourself carry the blame for all evils and all catastrophes which occur in your society and on your planet. Zwar hat es schon immer Erdbeben, Seebeben, Bergstrze,berschwemmungen, Unwetter, Drren, Vulkanausbrche und andere Naturkatastrophen auf der Erde gegeben, weil die Natur seit Anbeginn der Zeitenin dieser Weise gewirkt hat, doch nunmehr habt ihr all diese bel durch eure eigene Schuld in ein derart gewaltiges Mass gesteigert, dass diese nicht mehr aufzuhalten sind. Indeed there have always been earthquakes, sea quakes, avalanches, floods, storms, droughts, volcanic eruptions and other natural catastrophes on the Earth because nature has always operated in this way since the very beginning of time, yet it is your own fault that now all these evils have increased to such an enormous measure that they are no longer to be stopped. Und der hauptschliche Grund fr all die bel, die ber euch Menschen rollen, wie Verbrechen, Seuchen, Kriege, Hunger, Unmenschlichkeit undKlimazerstrung usw., liegt in der gewaltigen Zahl der berbevlkerung, die ihr nicht durch rigorose Geburtenstoppmassnahmen eindmmt, sondern sie weiter verantwortungslos heranzchtet. And the primary reason for all the evil which rolls over you humans - such as criminality, epidemics, wars, hunger, inhumanity, and climatic destruction, and so forth - lies in the enormous overpopulation which you do not check through rigorous birth control measures, rather you further irresponsibly raise it. Und diese Masse der bervlkerung ist an allen in Erscheinung tretenden beln und Katastrophen aller Art schuld, wobei sich in Relation zur steigenden MasseMenschheit auch alle bel, Unbill, Umwlzungen und alles Unheil unaufhaltsam steigern.

A Prediction And this mass of overpopulation is to blame for all emerging evils and catastrophes of all kinds, whereby also all evils, injustice, upheavals and all harm increases incessantly in relation to the increasing mass of humanity. So bringt die Zukunft fr euch Menschen der Erde noch viele weitere Widerwrtigkeiten, Schicksalsschlge sowie Elend, Not, Nachteile, Erschtterungen und Verhngnisse, die sich in mancherlei und ungeheure Katastrophen ausweiten, denn fortan schlgt die Natur des Planeten mit nochgrsserer Wucht auf euren Wahnsinn der berbevlkerung und die damit verbundene Zerstrung des Klimas, der Natur und vielerlei Lebens zurck, als sie das bisher getan hat. So, for you Earth humans, the future brings yet many further disagreeable circumstances, strokes of fate as well as misery, need, disadvantage, shocks and disasters which spread out in various things and monstrous catastrophes, because from now on, this planet's nature strikes back with still greater rage than it ever has before at the insanity of your overpopulation and the connected destruction of the climate, of nature and many kinds of lives. Bereits ist die Zeit gekommen, da euch die Natur eures Planeten mancherorts in die Flucht schlgt, was sich durch die zerstrte Umwelt durch euren Einfluss und also durch eure Schuld in den letzten Jahrzehnten bsartig verstrkt hat. Already the time has come that, in many places, your planet's nature forces you to flee; this having malignantly intensified in recent decades as a result of the destruction of the environment due to your influence, and therefore it is your fault. Bereits sind heute ganze Vlker auf der Flucht vor den Folgen der zerstrten Umwelt und der Klimakatastrophe, die von verantwortungslosen Wissenschaftlern und Besserwissern noch immer bagatellisiert oder gar vllig bestritten wird. Already, today, entire peoples are fleeing from the consequences of the destroyed environment and climatic catastrophe which is still always trivialised or even completely disputed by irresponsible scientists and know-it-alls. Und es sind viele Menschen und gar ganze Vlker auf der Flucht vor den gefhrlichen Auswirkungen in bezug auf Industrieunflle. And there are many humans, and even entire peoples, fleeing from the dangerous effects relating to industrial accidents. Menschengruppen und ganze Vlker flchten auch vor den sich ausbreitenden Wstengebieten, vor den steigenden Meeresspiegeln, der Zerstrung von Feld und Flur, der Berge durch Vergngungsparks und Sportanlagen aller Art, wie aber auch, weil die lebensnotwendige Luft durch giftige Abgase gesundheitsschdigend geschwngert wird. Groups of humans and entire peoples also flee from the spreading desert areas, from the climbing sea levels, the destruction of fields and farmland and of mountains as a result of fun parks and sporting facilities of all kinds, but also because the air necessary for life is pregnant with poisonous exhaust fumes so that it is damaging to the health. Auch der Hunger treibt die Menschen davon, vielfach durch die Zunahme der Unfruchtbarkeit des Bodens, der durch Verdung nicht mehr fr den Nahrungsmittelanbau bewirtschaftet werden kann. Hunger also drives humans away, often because of the increasing infertility of the ground which, because of desolation, can no longer be farmed for the production of foods. Vielfach aber werden durch die verantwortungslose Hilfe von Hilfsorganisationen aus Industriestaaten die diversen Vlker von Drittweltlndern mit Lebensmitteln berschttet, folglich durch die Nahrungsmittelempfnger kein Nahrungsmittelanbau mehr betrieben wird, oder, wenn die Hilfeempfnger noch Nahrungsmittelanbau betreiben, sie ihre Produkte nicht mehr verkaufen knnen, weil diese Eigenproduktionen viel teurer sind als die durch Hilfsorganisationen aus Industriestaaten eingefhrten Nahrungsmittel. Often, however, as a result of the irresponsible help from aid organisations from industrial countries, diverse peoples of Third World countries are flooded with provisions, consequently no more farming of foods is carried out by those receiving these foods or, if they do still grow their own foods, they can no longer sell their products because their

A Prediction own production is far more expensive than the foods which are brought in by aid organisations from industrial countries. Nicht nur das Steigen der Meeresspiegel infolge des Schmelzens der Pole und der Gletscher, sondern auch der zunehmende Abbruch der Meeresufer und der Verlust des Bodens treibt nach und nach ebenfalls ganze Menschengruppen und gar ganze Vlker in die Flucht, insbesondere jene, die auf Meeresinseln wohnen, die durch die steigenden Wasser immer mehr und letztlich vllig berflutet werden. It is not only the climbing sea level, as a consequence of the melting poles and glaciers, which again and again drives entire groups of humans and even entire peoples to seek refuge especially those who live on the oceans' islands which are increasingly, and ultimately completely, flooded by the climbing water but it is likewise also the increasing demolition of the oceans' shores, and the loss of ground. Die Masse der Menschen, die infolge all der klimatisch und industriell bedingtenbel und Katastrophen flchten die wahrheitlich Umweltflchtlinge sind und auch so genannt werden mssen , steigert sich in den nchsten Jahren auf ber 35 Millionen. The mass of humans which flees as a consequence of all the evil and catastrophes caused by climatic and industrial factors who are truly environmental refugees and must also be so named climbs to over 35 million in the next few years. Doch die Berechnung gilt nur fr die nchsten Jahre, denn durch dieunaufhaltsame und verbrecherisch zu nennende Zunahme der berbevlkerung steigert sich die Zahl weiterhin, so in nur 4550 weiteren Jahren die Erde, alle Lnder und die Menschheit mit 200 Millionen Umweltflchtlingen konfrontiert sein werden. Yet the calculation applies only for the next few years because through the incessant population increase, which must be called criminal, the number further climbs so that in only 45 to 50 more years the Earth, all countries and humanity, will be confronted with 200 million environmental refugees. Nebst dem sind noch sehr viele Flchtlinge, die aus politischen, rassistischen, religisen oder sozialen Grnden usw. verfolgt werden und die in den nchsten Jahren auch auf eine Zahl von rund 30 Millionen ansteigen werden. Along with that are still very many refugees who will be persecuted on political, racist, religious or social grounds, and so forth, and who will also increase to a number of around 30 million in the next few years. Die Auswirkungen der Umweltverschmutzung nehmen in Relation zum Wahnsinnder steigenden berbevlkerung Formen an, die stetig schlimmer und verheerender sowie katastrophaler werden. In relation to the insanity of the climbing overpopulation, the effects of environmental pollution take on forms which become constantly worse and more devastating as well as more catastrophic. Die Trinkwasserreserven werden immer mehr vergiftet wie z.B. in Asien durch Arsen, woran bereits jedes Jahr viele Tausende von Menschen sterben , whrend in anderen Lndern das Trinkwasser immer knapper wird und letztlich versiegt. The reserves of drinking water become ever more poisoned as for example, in Asia through arsenic, from which, every year, many thousands of humans already die while in other countries the drinking water is always in shorter supply and is ultimately exhausted. Andernorts wird der Lebensraum fr viele Menschen dadurch gefhrdet und zerstrt, weil die Regenwlder abgeholzt werden und daraus verheerende klimatische Vernderungen und unbewohnbare Flchen resultieren, wie durch Desertifikation resp. das Vordringen von Wsten in bis anhin von Menschen bewohnte Gebiete. In other locations the living space for many humans is endangered and destroyed because the rainforests are being felled, and, from that, devastating climatic changes and uninhabitable areas result, as through desertification, respectively, the advancing of deserts, right up to the areas inhabited by humans. Auch werden immer mehr die Gewsser leergefischt, Getierarten ausgerottet oder sehr vielem Getier der Lebensraum genommen, wie auch viele fruchtbare Bden, Wiesen, Fluren sowie Auenflchen zubetoniert und damit


A Prediction die Natur zerstrt, wie das speziell durch Hotels, Ferienanlagen, Seilbahnen, Skipistensowie durch militrische bungsschiesspltze in den Bergen der Fall ist; das nebst der verantwortungslosen Verbauung der Berghnge sowie See- und Flussufer fr menschliche Wohnungen und Erholungscenter usw. Also, more and more, the waters are being fished out, animal species are being made extinct or the living space is taken from very many animals as, also, much fertile ground and farming land, and meadows and fields, are being concreted over and thereby nature is destroyed as is especially the case in the mountains as a result of hotels, holiday facilities, cable cars, ski slopes as well as military practice firing ranges; all that, along with the irresponsible building over of mountainsides as well as sea shores and river banks for human habitation and recuperation centres, and so forth. Die Atmosphre wird durch Abgasemissionen mit CO2 vergiftet, hauptschlich durch zu viele Autos, die von all jenen benutzt werden, welche keine ffentliche Verkehrsmittel fr Reisen, Arbeitswege und Einkufe sowie fr unsinnige Vergngungsfahrten benutzen oder leicht zu Fuss gehen knnten. The atmosphere is poisoned with CO2 from exhaust fumes, principally as a result of too many cars which are used by all those who do not use any public transport for travel, commuting and shopping, as well as for nonsensical pleasure trips, or who could easily go on foot. Weiter sind auch all die Heizungen und Industrieanlagen zu nennen, die mit fossilen Brennstoffen betrieben werden und trotz Filtern, die unzureichend sind stndlich Tonnagen von Dreck, Feinstaub und Giftstoffen aller Art in die Luft schleudern. Still to mention are all the heaters and the industrial facilities which are powered with fossil fuels and, hourly -in spite of filters, which are inadequate -hurl tonnes of filth, dust particles and poisonous substances of all kind into the air. Und was an Dreck und Gift in die Luft hinausfliegt, setzt sich auch wieder auf den Boden, ins Erdreich sowie ins Wasser ab, wodurch die ganze Pflanzen- und Getierwelt inklusive der Mensch damit kontaminiert wird, auch das Gemse und die Frchte, die sowieso schon durch giftige Spritz- und Treibmittel verseucht werden, um den Ernteertrag und den Profit zu steigern. And that which flies out into the air as filth and poison also settles down again on the ground, in the soil as well as in the water, whereby the entire world of plants and animals including the human is contaminated by it, as are also the vegetables and fruits which are already contaminated anyway by poisonous sprays and fertilisers in order to increase the yield and profit. Von der Natur- und Umweltzerstrung sowie von der Klimakatastrophe und der Ausbeutung der Ressourcen der Erde sind alle Kontinente der Welt betroffen,doch das ist nur der Anfang des kommenden grossen bels, der laufenden Katastrophe und des Schreckens, der euch Menschen der Erde noch bevorsteht. All the world's continents are affected by the destruction of nature and the environment as well as by the climatic catastrophe and the exploitation of the Earth's resources, yet that is only the beginning of the coming great evil, the ongoing catastrophe and terror, which still stands before you humans of the Earth. Wahrheitlich kommt alles noch viel schlimmer, und zwar in jeder erdenklichen Beziehung, wobei weltweit die Flchtlingsstrme der Umweltflchtlinge letztlich ausarten und ethnische Zusammenstsse hervorrufen, wie sie sich bereits in den Industriestaaten ergeben. Truly everything becomes still much worse and indeed in every imaginable relationship, whereby, worldwide, the streams of fleeing environmental refugees ultimately degenerate and evoke ethnic collisions, as already occur in the industrial countries. Und tatschlich ist das bereits so, auch wenn es noch nicht gesehen werden will: Bereits bestehen gegen Flchtlinge und Einwanderer aller Art aus fremden Lndern durch Einheimische mehr oder weniger schadenbringende, wrdelose, rassistische, menschenverachtende und religis verunglimpfende Verhaltensweisen in beinahe allen Lndern der Erde, wobei jedoch diediesbezglich grssten bel sich in den reichen Industriestaaten ergeben.


A Prediction And that is actually already the case even if there is still not a will to see it: already there exists more or less damage-bringing, undignified, racist, human-disdaining and religiously insulting behaviours from local inhabitants in nearly all countries of the Earth toward refugees and migrants of all kinds from foreign countries, whereby, however, the greatest evil in relation to this occurs in the rich industrial countries. Und schon seit geraumer Zeit ist es soweit, dass auch die Glaubensfreiheit angegriffen wird und den Glubigen ihre freiheitlichen Rechte beschnitten werden, wobei auch die Hauptreligionen resp. deren Vertreter aller Art mitmischen. And for a considerable time it has already reached the point where also freedom of belief is attacked and the faithful are restricted in their rights to freedom, whereby also the principal religions, respectively, their representatives of all kinds, interfere. So werden den Glubigen eigene Zusammenkunftsttten und deren Eigenarten ebenso verwehrt wie auch das Tragen bestimmter Kleidungsstcke und glaubensmssiger Symbole und Amulette usw., wobei in dieser Beziehung insbesondere sehr viele Angehrige des Christentums Terror ausben und den Glauben sowie die Glaubenssymbole anderer Gruppierungen und Vlker verunglimpfen. The believers are thus denied their own meeting places and their peculiarities just as they are denied the wearing of certain pieces of clothing and faith-based symbols and amulets, and so forth, whereby, especially, in this regard, very many followers of Christianity exercise terror and insult the faithful as well as the symbols of the faiths of other groups and peoples. Und ganz besonders im Christentum ist es blich, Gruppierungen als Sekten zu beschimpfen, die mit irgendwelchen religisen Glaubensmssigkeiten nichts zu tun haben wollen. And it is usual, quite especially in Christianity, to abuse groups which have any religious beliefs which they want nothing to do with, by calling them sects. berbevlkerung: Ein Begriff, der von allen Dummen und Dmlichen unter euch Menschen der Erde nicht wahrgehabt werden will in bezug darauf, dass die Welt von Menschen berlaufen ist und diese von ihr nicht mehr ernhrt und nicht mehr getragen werden knnen. Overpopulation: a term which all those stupid and idiotic ones among you Earth humans do not want to admit as being valid in regard to the world being overrun by humans and how they can no longer be nourished and borne by it. Dumme und Dmliche mit akademischen Titeln, sprich Wissenschaftler, Zeitungsfritzen und Besserwisser aller Art wollen die Wahrheit nicht wahrhaben und behaupten gar, dass die ganze Wirtschaft und mit ihr das Leben zusammenbrechen werde, wenn weniger Menschen geboren und die Menschheit durch einen rigorosen und vernnftig gesteuerten Geburtenstopp reduziert werde. Stupid and idiotic ones with academic titles, popular scientists, newspaper men and know-it-alls of all kind do not want to admit to the truth and even claim that the entire economy, and life with it, will collapse if fewer humans are born and humanity is reduced by means of a rigorous and rationally-steered birth stoppage. Aber auch viele unter euch, ihr Menschen der Erde, die ihr einfache Brger ohne akademische Titel usw. und fr die weitere Heranzchtung der Erdenmenschheit seid, auch ihr seid nicht besser und whnt, dass euch die Freiheit beschnitten werde durch einen staatlich geregelten Geburtenstopp. But also many among you; you Earth humans; you who are simple citizens without academic title, and so forth, and who are in support of the further breeding up of Earth humanity; you are also no better and delude yourselves that a federally regulated birth stoppage will restrict you in your freedom. Doch wird wahrlich eure Freiheit nicht beschnitten, wenn an euren Verstand und an eure Vernunft appelliert wird, damit ihr nur noch Nachkommen in einemMasse zeugt, dass die berbevlkerung reduziert und damit das Leben imganzen Umfeld der Erde erhalten wird, was durch die Masse berbevlkerung nicht mglich ist, weil durch diese langsam aber sicher alles Leben, die Natur und das Klima rettungslos zerstrt werden.


A Prediction Yet your freedom will truly not be restricted if your intelligence and reason is appealed to so that you only still produce descendents in an amount such that the overpopulation is reduced and thereby life is preserved in all the environs of the Earth, which is not possible due to the mass of overpopulation because through this, slowly but surely, all life, nature and the climate will be irretrievably destroyed. Wie dumm und dmlich msst ihr als jene unter euch Menschen der Erde sein, die ihr bar jeden Verstandes und bar jeder Vernunft die Wahrheit nicht erkennt und weiterhin vor euch hinwurstelt in eurer kaninchenhaften Heranzchtung eurer Nachkommen! How stupid and dimwitted those among you Earth humans would have to be who, bar any intelligence and bar any reason, do not recognise the truth and continue to carry on in the same way with your rabbit-like breeding up of your descendents! Und wie dumm und dmlich seid ihr alle, die ihr akademische Titel tragt, Wissenschaftler oder einfach Besserwisser seid und die ihr in feiger Angst vor eurem schwindenden Profit und Image falsche Behauptungen und Lgen aufstellt und die Menschheit zum Narren haltet, indem ihr die Wahrheit in bezug auf die weltweiten katastrophalen Umstnde und Geschehen leugnet, einfachnicht seht oder nicht einzuschtzen vermgt, die durch die berbevlkerung hervorgerufen werden. And how stupid and dimwitted are all you who carry academic titles, who are scientists or simply know-it-alls and who, in cowardly angst about your disappearing profit and image, put forward false claims and lies and take humanity for fools in that you deny the truth in regard to the worldwide catastrophic circumstances and events, are simply not able to see it or appraise that which is evoked by the overpopulation. Akademische oder sonstige Titel ntzen in bezug auf die Wahrheit ebensowenig wie auch nicht alle grossen Worte, die ebenso bld, dumm und dmlich sind, wie die nachweisbar irre Behauptung, dass die Erde eine flache Scheibe sei. Academic or other titles are just as little use in regard to the truth as are all great words which are just as idiotic, stupid and dimwitted as the demonstrably insane assertion that the Earth is a flat disc. 1951 schrieb ich: dass der Zweite Weltkrieg sein unrhmliches Ende gefunden hat, der von 1939 bis 1945 dauerte und rund 62 Millionen Menschen das Leben gekostet hat. In 1951 I wrote: " World War II found its inglorious end, which lasted from 1939 to 1945 and cost the lives of approximately 62 million people. Selbst die atomare Energie wurde zur Ermordung von Hunderttausenden von Menschen und zur Zerstrung derer Stdte eingesetzt - durch die verantwortungslose und verbrecherische Handlung der USA, als die japanischen Stdte Hiroshima und Nagasaki durch Atombomben zerstrt wurden. Atomic energy itself was implemented for the murder of hundreds of thousands of people and for the destruction of their cities - through the irresponsible and criminal action of the USA, when the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed through atomic bombs. All das wird leider jedoch nicht das Ende aller Schrecken, Massenmorde, Kriege und Terrorhandlungen sein, wenn die Menschen aller Vlker nicht endlichgescheit genug werden, ihre machtgierigen Regierungsbosse ihrer mter zu entheben und sie das Hasenpanier ergreifen zu lassen. All that would, unfortunately however, not be the end of all terrors, mass-murder, wars and acts of terror, if the peoples of all nations do not finally become clever enough to relieve their power-greedy government bosses of their offices and have them turn tail and run. Das Volk in jedem Land ist es grundstzlich, das die Regierenden whlt - in der Regel leider die falschen, die erst grosse Versprechungen machen, um dann, wenn sie an der Macht sind, Krieg und Terror vom Zaun zu brechen und das Volk mit Lgen und Betrug in ihren Bann zu schlagen, wodurch es den Oberen hrig wird und die wirkliche Wahrheit verkennt.


A Prediction Basically, it is the people in each country who choose those who govern normally, unfortunately, it is the insincere ones, who first make great promises, in order then, when they come into power, to let war and terror break out and drive the people under their command with lies and deceit, whereby they become dependant on their superiors and misjudge the real truth. Das aber wird zuknftig bse Folgen bringen, denn weltweit werden Staatsgewaltige - wenn die Vlker nicht dagegen einschreiten - die Menschen immer mehr in Kriege, Terror und Hass verwickeln, bis das Ganze weltweit unkontrollierbare Formen annimmt. That however, will bring evil consequences in the future if the people don't intervene against them - because world-wide, the executive powers will embroil the people ever more in wars, terror and hate, until the whole thing assumes uncontrollable forms world-wide." Nun, was ich damals offen aussprach, hat sich seither vielfach bewahrheitet, und schon seit geraumer Zeit haben sich die angedrohten ungeheuerlichen Dinge zu einem weltweiten Brand und offenen Feuer entwickelt. Now, what I openly pronounced at that time has since then come true many times over, and already for a long time the threatened monstrous things have developed to a worldwide conflagration and open fire. Die Zeit des bergangs ist abgelaufen, in der das Ungeheure noch zu stoppen gewesen wre, das fr die Zukunft der ganzen irdischen Menschheit und fr die Erde und deren Natur vorausgesagt wurde. The time of transition has expired, in which the monster - which was predicted for the future of the entire terrestrial humanity, and for the Earth and its nature would still have been stoppable. Nunmehr knnen keine greifende Gegenmassnahmen alles noch zum Besseren und Besten verndern, sondern auf lange Zeit kann alles nur noch gelindert werden. No decisive countermeasures can change everything for the better anymore, rather everything can only be palliated over a long time. Eine nderung zum Besseren und Besten nmlich bedarf sehr langer Zeit, die mit Jahrhunderten berechnet werden muss. A change for the better and for the best namely requires a very long time which must be calculated in centuries. Dazu ist es aber notwendig, dass ihr, Menschen der Erde, als einzelne und als Vlker, als Verantwortliche der Regierungen, Behrden, Wissenschaften und Militrs sowie aller anderweitig fr die Welt, deren Sicherheit und das Leben Zustndigen euch stark bemht, alle durch eure unvernnftig herangezchteteberbevlkerung entstandenen bel und Katastrophen zu bekmpfen, zu stoppen und einen positiven Weg zu gehen. To that end, however, it is necessary that you, humans of the Earth - as individuals and as peoples, as responsible ones of the governments, authorities, sciences and military, as well as all others who are responsible for the world, its security and for life - make a strong effort to fight, and to stop, all evils and catastrophes which have emerged as a result of your irrationally breeding-up overpopulation, and go in a positive direction. Seid ihr dazu aber nicht bereit und tut ihr es nicht, dann bringt ihr noch weitere Schrecken hervor, die zu bsen Geisseln der irdischen Menschheit werden. If you are not ready for that and do not do it then you evoke still further terrors which will become an evil scourge of terrestrial humanity. So werden weiterhin Kriege, Terror, Zerstrung und Vernichtung mit tausendfltigen Toden und Millionen von Ermordeten und Toten durch Naturkatastrophen eure Zukunft belasten, denn eure ungeheuer wachsendeberbevlkerung lsst keine andere Mglichkeit zu. So your future will be further burdened by wars, terror, destruction and annihilation with deaths in the thousands, and millions of murdered and dead people, as a result of natural catastrophes, because your monstrously growing overpopulation allows no other possibility.


A Prediction Menschen der Erde, durch eure Schuld sind alle Naturgesetze aus den Fugen geraten, so alle Unwetter und Naturkatastrophen, die Hagelwetter,Schneestrme und Regenfluten, ungeheure berschwemmungen usw. nunmehr zur Tagesordnung gehren. Humans of the Earth, you are to blame that all laws of nature are out of order, so that all storms and natural catastrophes, hail storms, snow storms and deluges, monstrous floods, and so forth, are now the order of the day. Durch eure berbevlkerung habt ihr die Auenwlder, Auenebenen, Berghnge, See-, Fluss- und Meeresufer zu Wohngelnden umfunktioniert. Through your overpopulation you have converted the riverside forests, meadow plains, mountain sides and the shores of lakes, rivers and oceans into land for housing. Dadurch knnen die wilden Wasser der Regenfluten ihren Weg in eure Huser finden und vielen von euch den Tod bringen. Thereby the wild water of the deluges finds its way into your houses and brings death to many of you. Durch eure Schuld taut weltweit der Permafrost auf und ruft Bergstrze und Lawinen hervor, whrend Erdbeben, Seebeben und Vulkanausbrche sowie gewaltige Strme Tod, Zerstrung und Verderben bringen. You are to blame that, worldwide, the permafrost thaws and evokes avalanches and landslides while earthquakes, sea quakes and volcanic eruptions, as well as mighty storms, bring death, destruction and ruin. Und alles mehrt sich weiterhin, die Orkane und Taifune, die Hurrikane und Tornados, die immer gewaltiger und zerstrender werden. And everything further increases; the gales and typhoons, the hurricanes and tornadoes, which become more and more powerful and destructive. Und an allem ist nur eure berbevlkerung schuld, denn durch sie und ihreungeheuer negativen Auswchse werden alle bel und alle Naturkatastrophen, wie aber auch alle menschlichen Katastrophen jeder Art hervorgerufen. And alone your overpopulation is to blame for everything because, through it and through its monstrous, negative outgrowths, all evil and all natural catastrophes, as well as all human catastrophes of every kind, are evoked. Die unnatrliche Klimavernderung, weitere Kriege, Verbrechen, Krankheiten, Seuchen und der ganze weltumfassende Terrorismus und fanatischeReligionswahn usw. sind bsartige Folgen der berbevlkerung. The unnatural climate change, further wars, crimes, illnesses, epidemics and all the worldwide terrorism and fanatical religious delusion, and so forth, are malignant consequences of overpopulation. Und all das wirkt sich usserst nachteilig auf eure gesamte irdische Menschheit aus. And all that has an extremely disadvantageous effect on your entire terrestrial humanity. Die ungeheuren Massen und Gewichte eurer Stdte und Drfer drangsalieren die inneren Strukturen der Erde in immer schlimmerem Mass und drngen die tektonischen Platten zu Verschiebungen, durch die Erd- und Seebeben ausgelst werden, die Hunderttausende und letztlich Millionen von Menschenleben fordern. The monstrous mass and weight of your cities, towns and villages torments the inner structures of the Earth in increasingly worse measure and presses the tectonic plates so that they shift which releases earthquakes and sea quakes which demand hundreds of thousands, and ultimately millions, of human lives. Alle Beben haben jedoch auch Einflsse auf den ganzen irdischen Vulkanismus, weltweit auf die Vulkane, die vielfach in grossen Tiefen miteinander verbunden sind und immer hufiger und zerstrender in Ttigkeit treten. All quakes, however, also have influences on all terrestrial volcanism; on the volcanoes worldwide, which are often connected with each other at great depths and are more and more frequently and more and more destructively active. Auch das fordert viele Menschenleben, besonders in jenen Gegenden, wo unvernnftigerweise nahe an den Vulkanen Wohnsttten gebaut werden.


A Prediction That also demands many human lives, especially in those areas where dwellings are built irrationally close to the volcanoes. Doch nicht genug damit, denn durch die verantwortungslos wachsendeberbevlkerung treten viele weitere, neue ungeheure sowie unlsbare Probleme in Erscheinung, auch in bezug auf die Hungersnte, die sich je lngerje mehr steigern, eben je mehr die berbevlkerung wchst. Yet that is not enough because through the irresponsible, growing overpopulation many further, new, monstrous, as well as insoluble, problems emerge, also in relation to famines, which just increase more and more as the overpopulation grows. Alte und ausgerottet geglaubte Krankheiten kehren wieder, zusammen mit neuen Krankheiten und Seuchen, denen viele Menschen zum Opfer fallen werden. Old illnesses and those believed to have been exterminated return, together with new illnesses and epidemics to which many humans will fall victim. Durch den Massentourismus wchst auch der Strom der Wirtschaftsflchtlinge aus aller Welt, denn was die Touristen aus den reichen Industriestaaten den Bewohnern der armen Touristenlnder vorzeigen, wollen diese auch haben. Through mass tourism the stream of economic refugees from all over the world also grows because the inhabitants of the poor tourist countries also want to have that which the tourists from the rich industrial countries show them. Folglich fliehen sie ihr Heimatland und suchen als Wirtschaftsflchtlinge stetig mehr das Luxusleben in den reichen Lndern. Consequently they flee their homeland and, as economic refugees, more and more seek the life of luxury in the rich countries. Auch das Asylantenproblem zusammen mit dem Flchtlingsstrom der Umweltflchtlinge und dem Strom der Verfolgten nimmt immer mehr zu und wird zur Unlsbarkeit. Also the problem of asylum seekers together with the stream of those fleeing as environmental refugees, and the stream of those who are persecuted increases ever more to the point of insolubility. Es ist so gekommen, wie 1951 vorausgesagt, dass das Ende der 1980er Jahre die Hochkonjunktur zusammenbrechen und weltweit eine ungeheure und noch nie dagewesene Arbeitslosigkeit ausbrechen liess, wodurch die Kriminalitt durch Arbeitslose, Drogenabhngige und Arbeitsscheue ebenso anstieg wie auch die Kriminalitt durch Kriminelle, die selbst vor Mord nicht zurckschrecken, wenn sie ihren Untaten und Verbrechen nachgehen. It has come about, as was predicted in 1951, that the end of the 1980s would see the collapse of the economic boom and a worldwide, monstrous outbreak of unemployment, never experienced before, whereby criminality, at the hands of the unemployed, the drug-dependent and the work-shy people, climbed just as did criminality at the hands of criminals who do not even shy away from murder when they pursue their misdeeds and crimes. Auch die Staatsverschuldungen stiegen in diversen Lndern ins Unermessliche, wie auch die terroristischen Machenschaften. Also national debt climbed beyond measure in diverse countries, as did terrorist machinations. Die Prostitution nahm unglaubliche Formen des Gesellschaftsfhigen an undwurde derart in die ffentlichkeit hinausgetragen, dass heute selbst Kinder nicht davon verschont werden. Prostitution took on unbelievable forms of social acceptability and became so carried out into the public that today children are not even spared from it. Die Prostitution wurde zu einem ehrbaren Beruf, der von den Behrden offiziell anerkannt und auch der Steuerpflicht eingeordnet wurde. Prostitution became an "honourable" profession, which became officially recognised by the authorities and also became taxable.


A Prediction Das Fernsehen wurde in jeder Familie ebenso zum Alltag wie die Technik der Computer. In every family television became just as much a part of everyday life as did the technology of the computer. Und beides, das Fernsehen und die Computer, wurde zu den wichtigsten Informationsmedien, wie aber auch zu den bedeutenden Formen der ffentlichen Prostitutionswerbung. And both the television and the computer became the most important information media, as they also became the significant forms of public advertising of prostitution. Ihr Menschen der Erde, sehr viele von euch wurden im Verlaufe der letzten 60 Jahre kalt in euren Gedanken und Gefhlen, wodurch heute eure zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen immer seltsamere Blten zutage bringen, weil fr euch alles nur noch zweckbestimmt ist auch eure Beziehung zum Nchsten. You, humans of the Earth; very many of you became cold in your thoughts and feelings in the course of the last 60 years, whereby today your interpersonal relationships bring to light ever stranger effects because everything is still always only function-orientated even your relationship to your neighbour. Wahre Liebe ist bei euch zur Raritt geworden, und Ehen schliesst ihr nicht mehr aus Zuneigung zueinander, sondern nur noch, um Profit zu machen, euer Image zu pflegen und um einem bestimmten Status frnen zu knnen, der mit Ansehen und Geld gehandelt wird. True love has become a rarity with you, and you no longer join in marriage because of affection for each other, but only just in order to make a profit, to maintain your image and to be able to indulge in a certain status which is dealt with by means of reputation and money. Diese so geschlossenen Ehen halten nicht mehr, folglich immer mehr Familien zerstrt und gar die Kinder sexuell missbraucht werden, whrend andere asozial werden und verwahrlosen, weil sich ihre Eltern nicht um sie kmmern. These marriages, so entered into, do not endure, consequently more and more families are destroyed and even the children are sexually abused while others become asocial and neglected because their parents do not concern themselves about them. Viele unter euch Menschen der Erde fhren ein Leben, das vielfach nur noch auf Drogen, Sucht, Laster und Vergngen ausgerichtet und zerstrerisch sowie disharmonisch geprgt ist. Many among you humans of the Earth lead a life that is often only orientated towards drugs, addiction, vices and pleasures and is distinguished by destruction as well as disharmony. Vielfach ist dadurch eure Psyche beeintrchtigt und euer ganzes Verhalten ist dem Negativen verfallen. Often your psyches are thereby impaired and your whole behaviour has negatively deteriorated. Ihr Menschen der Erde, ihr selbst seid die Urheber fr alle bel und Katastrophen, die auf eurer Welt grassieren, wobei ihr die wirkliche Ursachedadurch geschaffen habt, indem ihr eure berbevlkerung in immer hhere Zahlen getrieben habt und die Zahl noch hher treibt. You humans of the Earth; you yourselves are the initiators of all evil and catastrophes which are rampant on your world, whereby you have created the real cause in that you have driven your overpopulation into ever higher numbers and drive it higher still. Also seid ihr selbst verantwortlich fr alles und somit in eigener Person auch Gott, und als solcher bestimmt ihr selbst eure ungeheuren Probleme und Auswchse; ihr, die ihr grssenwahnsinnig glaubt, das hchste und gewaltigste Wesen im Universum zu sein weit hher, als dies die Schpfung jemals sein kann, aus der alles hervorgegangen ist. Therefore you yourselves are responsible for everything and thereby you are, in your own person, also God, and as such you yourself determine your monstrous problems and outgrowths; you who in your megalomania believe yourself to be the highest and mightiest being in the universe; far higher than Creation - from which everything has come forth - can ever be.


A Prediction Durch eure Schuld, durch eure berbevlkerung, durch euren Grssenwahn, durch eure Unvernunft und Selbstherrlichkeit fordert ihr alle Krfte der Natur heraus, die sich zusammen mit der Erde aufbumt und sich gegen eure ausgearteten Machenschaften zur Wehr setzt. Through your fault, through your overpopulation, through your megalomania, through your irrationality and tyranny you provoke all the powers of nature, which, together with the Earth, rebel and defend themselves against your degenerated machinations. Also berborden die Naturgewalten auf der Erde, zusammen mit dieser selbst, weil ihr Menschen der Erde den gesamten natrlichen Gang der Elemente und des Lebens gestrt habt und ihn zerstrt. Therefore, on the Earth the forces of nature overflow, together with the Earth itself, because you, Earth human, have disturbed and destroyed the entire natural course of the elements and of life. Das alles habe ich heute zu sagen; die Wahrheit, wie sie tatschlich ist. I have all that to say today; the truth, as it actually is. Fasst nun alle den Mut, ihr Menschen der Erde, das Offenbarte zu berdenken, daraus die richtigen Schlsse zu ziehen und fortan richtig zu handeln. Now grasp all courage, you humans of the Earth, to contemplate that which is revealed, to draw the correct conclusions from it and to act correctly from now on. Noch ist sehr wenig Zeit dazu, um die allergrssten Katastrophen zu vermeiden, doch msst ihr diese Zeit nutzen, denn sie zerrinnt euch zwischen den Fingern. Yet there is very little time to avoid the greatest of all catastrophes, yet you will have to use this time because it runs through your fingers. Bedenkt dieser Wahrheit und handelt im Sinne des Rechten, auf dass ihr eine Wandlung zum Besseren vornehmt. Consider this truth and act in the understanding of what is right so that you carry out a change for the better. Macht alles ffentlich, was ihr durch die gesagten Worte erfahren habt, lehrt sieallen Menschen der Erde, lehrt sie in allen euren Medien, um eine nderung und Wandlung in positivem Sinne zu erreichen. Make everything public that you have come to know through the given words, teach it to all humans of the Earth, teach it in all your media, in order to obtain an alteration and change in a positive sense. Nur wenn ihr vernnftig handelt, so wie euch kundgetan ist, bewahrt ihr euch vornoch grsserer Unbill, vor noch grsseren beln, vor weiteren Ausartungen, vielen neuen Toden und Zerstrungen und vor dem Schritt in die endgltige Vernichtung. Only when you act rationally, just as you have been told, do you keep yourself from yet greater injustice, from yet greater evils, from further degenerations, many new deaths and destruction and from the step into ultimate annihilation. Ihr alle, Menschen der Erde, die ihr euch diesen Worten der Wahrheit zugetan fhlt, ihr habt die gute Mglichkeit wie sie euch schon 1951, 1958 und 1964 genannt wurde , eure Macht in Verantwortung zu nutzen und die Erde und die ganze Menschheit vor all dem zu bewahren, was euch auch jetzt mit neuen Worten offenbart ist. All you, humans of the Earth, who feel addressed by these words of truth, you have a good opportunity as was already given to you in 1951, 1958 and 1964 to responsibly use your power and to preserve the Earth and all of humanity from all that which is also now revealed to you with new words. Zgert nicht, sondern handelt, und zwar schnell, denn die Zeit drngt. Do not delay, rather act, and indeed quickly, because time is pressing. Handelt umgehend, um noch Schlimmeres zu verhindern, als es schon geschehen ist und gegenwrtig geschieht. Act immediately, in order to prevent even worse things than those which have already occurred and which currently occur.


A Prediction Handelt ohne zu zgern, denn sonst seid ihr ebenso verantwortlich dafr, wenn die Zukunft noch sehr viel Schlimmeres fr die Erde und eure Menschheit bringt, als durch eure Schuld bereits heraufbeschworen und Wirklichkeit wurde. Act without delaying because otherwise you will be just as responsible for when the future brings still very much worse things for the Earth and your humanity than have already been evoked and become reality through your fault. Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, 20. Juli 2008, 19.14 Uhr Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, July 20th, 2008, 7:14PM Billy



[1] http:/ / www. figu. org/ ch/ book/ export/ html/ 2038

Contact Report 229

Contact Reports volume: 5 Date of Contact: Monday, 31st July 1989 Page number(s): 483 - 502 Contact person: Quetzal

Contact Report 229 Translation

Part 1 (Translated by FIGU Switzerland)
IMPORTANT NOTE This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations Translated by Helga Friedrichs, in collaboration with Willem Mondria and Christopher Mainwaring-Taylor First proofreading and correction by Willem Mondria Reviewed by Willem Mondria on 20th May 2005 Second proofreading and correction by Christian Frehner on 5th May 2005 Third and fourth proofreading and corrections by Helga and Christian in June 2005 Combining of the two versions of Helga and Willem by Christian on 11th June 2005 Sent to Philia for proofreading on 11th June 2005

Contact Report 229


English ... Billy: Thus, we have also discussed that. Can I now ask my questions?

German ... Billy: Also haben wir auch das besprochen. Dann kann ich ja jetzt meine Fragen vorbringen, oder? Quetzal: 1. Gewiss. Billy: Es handelt sich wieder einmal um die Scharrbilder von Nazca in Peru. Du hast doch erklrt, es war a 6. Mrz 1987, beim zweihundertsechzehnten Kontakt, dass es sich dabei um einen riesigen religise und astronomischen Kalender und Garten handelte. Das habe ich jemandem erklrt, woraus natrlich neue Fragen entstanden sind, deren Antwort auch mich interessieren. Kannst du mir mehr ber die Scharrbilder, deren Zweck und Herstellung sowie ber die Nazca-Gtter und die Nazca-Menschen erklren?

Quetzal: 1. Certainly. Billy: Once again it is about the scrape pictures at Nazca in Peru. On the 16th March 1987, at the 216th contact, you explained that it has been a gigantic religious and astronomical calendar and garden. I explained this information to somebody, and of course new questions resulted therefrom, and I am also interested in the answers. Can you give me additional information about those scrape pictures, their purpose and construction as well as about the Nazca gods and Nazca people? Quetzal: 2. Id like to explain a few things: 3. Each one of the scrape pictures was portrayed by a non-interrupted, continuing line. 4. For their construction drawing patterns were used which were transferred and enlarged onto the ground, until the desired size was reached. 5. The Nazcans were perfectly mastering the necessary mathematical calculating. 6. With ropes that were attached to standing poles that were held by people with revolving straps, an improvised circle was built which served to scrape the spots, that had already been marked, with tools. 7. The light sediment layer under the deserts surface was uncovered, and in this way the figures and lines were created.

Quetzal: 2. Dazu will ich gern noch einige Ausfhrungen machen: 3. Jede der Scharrbilder-Figuren wurde durch eine ununterbrochene, fortlaufende Linie dargestellt. 4. Deren Anfertigung erfolgte durch zeichnerische Vorlagen, wobei zuerst die zeichnerische Figur vergrssernd auf den Boden bertragen wurde, bis die gewnschte Grsse erreicht war. 5. Die dafr notwendige mathematische Berechnungsweise beherrschten die Nazcaner perfekt. 6. Mit Seilen, die an stehenden Stangen mit einer drehbaren Schlaufe befestigt waren, wobei die Stangen von Menschen gehalten wurden, wurde ein improvisierter Zirkel erstellt, der dann dazu diente, die bereits im Boden markierten Stellen mittels Handwerkzeugen einzukratzen. 7. Die helle Sedimentschicht unter der Oberflche des Wstenbodens wurde freigelegt, und so entstanden die Bilder und Linien.

8. The gigantic scrape figures desert ground that was scraped 8. Die riesigen Scharrbilder die Oberschicht des Wstenbodens wurde away were symbolizing gods that were revered by the Nazcans weggescharrt symbolisierten die Gtter, die damals von den Nazcanern verehrt in those times. wurden. 9. At the same time, the scrape pictures were also an astronomical calendar and a huge astronomical garden, because the figures represented portrayals of the gods who, according to the Nazca peoples belief, were seen in the star pictures. 9. Gleichzeitig aber waren die Scharrbilder auch ein astronomischer Kalender und riesiger astronomischer Garten, denn die Figuren stellten die Abbilder der Gtter dar, die gemss dem Glauben der Nazca-Menschen in den Sternbildern gesehen wurden.

10. For the interpretations of the Nazca star pictures, animals and 10. Fr die Nazca-Sternbilder-Interpretation wurden von den Menschen bekannte birds known to the people, and also geometric figures were used Tiere und Vgel sowie geometrische Figuren verwendet, die sie eben auch in den which were believed to be seen in the star constellations. Sternkonstellationen zu sehen glaubten. 11. On the holy god day that was set at that day when day and night were of equal length, the entire people were walking in long marches over the scrape pictures and honouring the gods, and they performed rituals and ceremonies to the honour of their great and powerful gods. 11. Am heiligen Gttertag, der fr die Zeit der Tag- und Nachtgleiche festgesetzt war, wurde den Gttern gehuldigt, indem das ganze Volk ber die Scharrbilder wanderte in langen Fussmrschen und zu Ehren ihrer grossen und mchtigen Gtter Rituale und Zeremonien durchfhrte.

Contact Report 229

12. Und um die Gtter friedlich zu stimmen, wurden niedere Menschen, wie Sklaven, Feinde und Unerwnschte usw., geopfert und also gettet, indem ihnen auf speziellen Altren, auf denen die Opfer festgebunden wurden, ein schwerer Holzdorn oder Steindorn in die Stirnpartie und in den Schdel getrieben und ihnen ein Kaktusdorn durch die Lippen gestossen wurde, um ihnen fr alle Zeiten den Mund zu verschliessen und sie zum Schweigen zu bringen. 13. Diese Handlungen wurden von den Priestern durchgefhrt, die heilige Mnner waren und ein wohlhabendes Leben fhrten. 14. Die Priester waren auch verantwortlich fr die Durchfhrung der heiligen Rituale und Zeremonien auf den Scharrbildern, die vom Volk jedoch nicht nur am heiligen Gttertag betreten, sondern auch whrend allen anderen Zeiten betreten und fr private Kulthandlungen benutzt werden durften.

12. In order to make their gods peaceful, lower human beings, like slaves, enemies and unwanted people etc. were sacrificed and killed in such a way that they were bound onto special altars, and a heavy wooden thorn or stone thorn was driven into the forehead and the skull, and a cactus thorn was driven through the lips, to shut up their mouth for all times and to silence them. 13. Those ceremonies were executed by the priests, who were holy men and who led a prosperous life. 14. The priests were also responsible for the performance of the holy rituals and ceremonies on the scrape pictures, that were permitted to walk on not only on the holy god day, but at any other time and (was permitted. to be used for private cultic actions. 15. As a rule, the Nazcans were people with high skulls, which means that their skulls showed an exceptional long skull form, which was not of original origin. 16. This skull form was artificially produced; as long as the skull was still formable, it was restricted and bound with grinded metallic, stony and wooden plates, forcibly leading to a skull of long form and resulting in an oblong deformation.

15. Die Nazcaner waren in der Regel hochschdelige Menschen, was bedeutet, dass sie einen aussergewhnlich langen Schdelbau aufwiesen, der jedoch nicht natrlicher Form war. 16. Diese Schdelform wurde knstlich geschaffen, und zwar dadurch, dass, solange der Schdel noch formbar war, dieser mit zurechtgeschliffenen metallenen, steinernen und hlzernen Platten eingeengt und also eingebunden wurde, wodurch dem Schdel zwangsweise die Hochschdelform gegeben wurde und eben die lngliche Deformation entstand. 17. Diese Prozedur wurde bereits an Neugeborenen vorgenommen, wenn diese eine Woche alt waren. 18. Das Ganze diente dabei nicht einem Schnheitsideal, sondern einem Tribut an die Gtter, um diesen eine unterwrfige Ehre zu erteilen. 19. Die Hochschdelform durfte dabei nur von jenen Nazcanern geschaffen und getragen werden, die des hheren gesellschaftlichen Standes waren, was sich etwa auf 85 Prozent der Bevlkerung zutrug. 20. Die restlichen 15 Prozent waren Niedrige, die Sklavendienste und dergleichen zu verrichten hatten und als Asoziale usw. galten und deren Wohl und Wehe und damit auch deren Leben in den Hnden und im Willen der Hheren und besonders der Priester lag.

17. This procedure was even started with newborns when they were one week old. 18. Everything was not an ideal of beauty, but a tribute to the gods, to give them obsequious reverence. 19. Only those Nazcans were permitted to have and wear the oblong-skull-form who were of higher class, i.e. about 85 percent of the population. 20. The remaining 15 percent were lower people who had to perform slave duty and similar tasks, and who were looked upon as social misfits etc., and whose well-being or non-well-being and, therefore, their life was laying in the hands and will of the higher ones and especially of the priests. Billy: This explanation should be enough. Thank you. Then heres another question regarding the advanced culture of the Mayans and their extinction or downfall, respectively. Can you report about this? I suppose that you have knowledge about the history of the Mayans, dont you agree? Quetzal:

Billy: Diese Darlegung sollte eigentlich gengen. Danke. Dann habe ich noch eine Frage hinsichtlich der Hochkultur der Maya und deren Aussterben resp. Untergang. Kannst du mir einiges darber berichten? Es ist wohl anzunehmen, dass du dich mit der Mayageschichte auskennst, oder?


21. I have, in fact, occupied myself with it and know some things 21. Tatschlich habe ich mich damit beschftigt und kenne mich in diesen about these concerns, at least the things that are known to us in Belangen einigermassen aus, zumindest in den Dingen, die uns allgemein general. bekannt sind. 22. The Mayas are Indian people and language families in southern Mesoamerica. 23. I have provided you with information about it before, but obviously you want to know more about it. 24. Here it goes: 25. Maya as a language exists in Southern and North-east Mexico, in Guatemala, Honduras and Belize with more than 2 million people who are speaking that language. 22. Bei den Maya handelt es sich um indianische Vlker- und Sprachenfamilien im sdlichen Mesoamerika. 23. Darber habe ich dir schon einmal einiges erklrt, wozu du aber offenbar noch mehr wissen willst. 24. So sei es: 25. Die Maya als Sprache existiert in Sd- und Nordost-Mexiko, in Guatemala, Honduras und Belize mit weit mehr als 2 Millionen diese Sprache sprechenden Menschen.

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26. Werden rumlich-kulturelle Kriterien in Betracht gezogen, dann mssen Unterscheidungen getroffen werden zwischen den in Streusiedlungen lebenden Waldlandbauern des tropischen Tieflandes und den strker geprgten kolonialspanischen Dorfgemeinschaften des khlgemssigten Hochlandes.

26. If spatial-cultural criteria are taken into account, there must be differentiated between those people who live in scattered settlings in the woodland of the tropical lowland, and those people in the colonial-Spanish oriented village communities of the cool-temperate highlands.

27. The Yucatec belong to the first category and are living in the 27. Die ersteren zhlen zu den Yucateken, in den mexikanischen Staaten Mexican states Yucatn, Quintana Roo and Campeche as well as Yucatn, Quintana Roo und Campeche sowie Lakandonen und Chorti usw. Lakandons and Chorti, etc. 28. Cackquels, Quich and Tzutuhils are belonging to the second 28. Zu den zweiten zhlen Cackquel, Quich und Tzutuhil. category. 29. Regarding the hierarchy of political offices it can be said that 29. In bezug der politischen mterhierarchie ist zu sagen, dass in der in the high regions there is a cult-brotherhood, while in the Hhenregion eine Kultbruderschaft besteht, whrend im Tiefland eine lowlands the organizational form is that of groups of relatives. Organisationsform in Verwandtschaftsgruppen besteht. 30. The (first. ones are pursuing a very intensive clearing through fire, whereby beans, pumpkins and maize are the principal crops that are cultivated. 31. Those who are living in the forests are oriented towards extensive agriculture. 32. The significant advanced culture of the Mayas developed since the year 2321 before Jmmanuels birth, and it formed the actual traditional Maya religion into the state religion. 30. Die einen betreiben einen sehr intensiven Brandrodungsbau, wobei hauptschlich Bohnen, Krbisse und Mais angebaut wird.

31. Die Waldbewohner hingegen sind auf eine extensive Gartenkultur ausgerichtet. 32. Die sehr bedeutende Hochkultur der Maya entwickelte sich ab dem Jahr 2321 vor Jmmanuels Geburt, wobei sich auch die eigentliche traditionelle Maya-Religion zur Staatsreligion formte.

33. Today's Maya-Indian Catholicism is riddled with elements of 33. Der heutige mayaindianische Katholizismus ist durchsetzt von Elementen their old-customary, traditional religion. ihrer altherkmmlichen traditionellen Religion. 34. The Mayas descendants of today are still venerating the old gods of their ancient religion, which they elevate into a position of Christian saints. 35. Nevertheless, the doings of the distant descendents are still determined by ghost powers. 36. Shamanistic rituals regarding the healing of the sick, the sowing and oracle calendars still belong into the given order. 37. But if we view the time before Columbus, the following can be said: 38. In those times the Maya were the holders of very highly advanced culture whose heyday began about 300 years after Jmmanuels birth and was lasting for about 460 years, before they because of climatic changes were befallen by draught catastrophes that wreaked havoc over the land and claimed 14,392,108 lives in only as much as 150 years. 39. 1550 years after Jmmanuels birth, the Maya culture found its total end through the Spanish conquests, whereby the conquerors committed terrible inhumaneness, murder, crimes of all kinds and cruelties without an end. 40. And all of this was done in the name of the Spanish royal house as well as in the name of God and, therefore, in the name of the Christian religion. 41. Well, at that time there happened a spatial relocation of the cultural heyday from the South to the North, which lead to the last end of the classical Maya culture. 42. That actual relocation and the actual reason for the downfall of the Maya culture can be traced back to earlier causes that were not within the power of the Spaniards. 34. Die heutigen Nachfahren der alten Maya verehren noch heute die alten Gtter ihrer uralten Religion, wobei sie diese jedoch in den Stand christlicher Heiliger erheben. 35. Nichtsdestoweniger jedoch wird das Wirken der fernen Nachfahren noch immer durch Geistesmchte bestimmt. 36. Zur gegebenen Ordnung gehren so sowohl noch die schamanistischen Rituale in bezug der Krankenheilung, der Aussaat- und Orakelkalender. 37. Doch greifen wir zurck in die vorkolumbianische Zeit, dann ist folgendes zu sagen: 38. Damals waren die Maya Trger einer sehr hoch entwickelten Kultur, wobei deren Bltezeit rund 300 Jahre nach Jmmanuels Geburt begann und rund 460 Jahre dauerte, ehe durch Klimavernderungen Drrekatastrophen ber die Lande hereinbrachen, bses Unheil erzeugten und die im Verlaufe von nur rund 150 Jahren 14 392 108 Menschenleben forderten.

39. Die Maya-Kultur fand dann mit der spanischen Eroberung um 1550 nach Jmmanuels Geburt ihr totales Ende, wobei die Eroberer ungeheure Unmenschlichkeiten, Morde, Verbrechen aller Art und Greueltaten ohne Ende begingen. 40. Das alles geschah im Namen des spanischen Knigshauses und zudem im Namen Gottes und damit im Namen der christlichen Religion.

41. Nun, zu dieser Zeit ergab sich eine rumliche Verschiebung der kulturellen Hochblte von Sden nach Norden, was zum letzten Ende der klassischen Maya-Kultur fhrte. 42. Diese eigentliche Verschiebung und der eigentliche Grund des Untergangs der Maya-Kultur fhrte jedoch auf frhere Ursachen zurck, die nicht in der Macht der Spanier lagen.

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43. Tatschlich waren fr den endgltigen Untergang Naturgewalten ausschlaggebend, und zwar gewaltige Umweltkatastrophen durch Drren, wie aber auch Epidemien, Hungersnte und Kriege. 44. Die mchtigsten Ursachen bildeten jedoch drei sehr schwere Drreperioden, deren erster Beginn bereits im Jahre 754 nach Jmmanuels Geburt begann, sich langsam aufbaute und rund 50 Jahre spter zur ersten und rund 10 Jahre dauernden Drrekatastrophe fhrte. 45. Durch ihre Schwere breiteten sich Hungersnte ber sehr weite Gebiete aus, wodurch viele Menschen starben. 46. Des Hungers nicht mehr Herr werdend, wurden Kinder und alte Erwachsene ermordet, um als Nahrung zu dienen, wie das schon zu frherer Zeit gleichermassen im gyptenland geschah, als dort Drren und Hungersnte herrschten. 47. Nur gerade rund 40 Jahre dauerte nach dem Ende der grossen Drre die Zeit, da sich das Land und die Menschen wieder etwas erholen konnten, ehe eine weitere schwere Drre ber das Land zog und die gleichen bel zur Tagesordnung wurden, wie sie schon bei der ersten Drre vorherrschten.

43. Actually, forces of nature were responsible for the final fall, i.e. gigantic natural catastrophes through droughts, but also through epidemics, famine and wars. 44. The most powerful causes were three drought periods; back in the year 754 after Jmmanuels birth the first one began, slowly developed and later after about 50 years became the first drought catastrophe that lasted about 10 years. 45. Because of the severity of that drought, famines spread over wide areas, which claimed many deaths. 46. No longer in control because of hunger, children and old people were killed to serve as food, as had also been the case in the land of Egypt, when droughts and famines ruled.

47. There were only about 40 years after the great drought, when the land and the people could recover somewhat, until another heavy drought covered the land and when the same evil became the order of the day again, as had been the case during the first drought. 48. This period of drought did not last as long as the first one, because after a little bit more than four years it ended. 49. But also during this drought many human beings died, and again human beings were killed and eaten, mainly children and old persons, as had been the case during the first drought.

48. Diesmal jedoch dauerte der Drrezustand nicht so lang wie das erste Mal, denn nach wenig mehr als 4 Jahren war sie beendet. 49. Doch auch bei dieser Drre fanden wieder viele Menschen den Tod, denn es wurden wieder Menschen gettet und aufgegessen, hauptschlich wieder Kinder und alte Erwachsene, wie das schon zuvor bei der ersten Drre geschehen war.

50. As the land was recovering very slowly after the first drought 50. Schon nach der ersten Drre erholte sich das Land nur sehr langsam und war and did not become fully usable for the cultivation of food, nicht mehr vollwertig fr den Nahrungsanbau nutzbar, folglich es nach der everything became even worse after the second drought. zweiten Drre noch schlimmer kam. 51. That part of the soil that was still usable brought forth even less food, and so the people were living in want and had to live frugally during the following years and decades, until a third drought period broke over the land that lasted for another nearly seven years. 51. Der noch nutzbare Boden brachte noch weniger Nahrung hervor, folglich die Menschen die folgenden Jahre und Jahrzehnte darben und sehr karg leben mussten, ehe rund 45 Jahre nach der zweiten Drre eine dritte Drreperiode ber das Land hereinbrach, die wieder lange und annhernd 7 Jahre dauerte.

52. And once again, as a last solution for the hungry people, they 52. Und wieder war die letzte Lsung fr die hungernden Menschen die, dass sie killed and ate their children and old people. ihre Kinder und die Alten tteten und aufassen. 53. Finally this last great catastrophe led to the break-down of the advanced Maya culture and brought its final ruin. 53. Diese letzte grosse Katastrophe fhrte letztlich dazu, dass die Hochkultur der Maya auseinanderbrach und deren endgltigen Untergang herbeifhrte.

Part 2 (Translated by Benjamin Stevens)

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an unofficial but authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations

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English Billy: Thanks, your explanation says more than I expected. Then I still have another question regarding CFCs. Concerning this, you once told me that certain gases, which are stored under the bottom of the sea and which rise up, cause even greater damage to the ozone layer than CFCs. Now, I no longer know what gas this was and out of what it arises. Quetzal: 54. It concerns methane gas, which is stored as methane hydrate under the sea. Billy: At that time, you said that often enormous clouds of gas bubbles of this methane gas detach from the seabed, like, for example, in large masses in the Bermuda Triangle. These gas bubbles then rise to the seas surface, where they form huge whirlpools, through which ships sink into the sea when they run into them, as the ships, due to the numerous gas bubbles in the water, are no longer carried by the water. If the gas clouds then ascend over the sea and fly into airplanes, then the methane gas becomes ignited by the engines or nozzles, whereby tremendous explosions arise and tear the airplanes into the smallest pieces. Is this right as such? Quetzal: 55. That is correct. Billy: I might have to ask about it again later, because since my breakdown, I forget some things again and again. But now, another question that also has reference to a natural phenomenon, namely to lightning. Although most flashes of lightning shoot out into the outer layers of the atmosphere and partly even into the outermost layers and beyond that - as I saw several times, when you took me far beyond the earthly atmospheric layers - about 5 percent or so still shoot down to the ground and cause all sorts of disaster. And since there are more and more people as a result of overpopulation, more and more people are also hit by lightning, which usually has deadly consequences, with few exceptions. Now, it is always said that lightning would hit the highest structures in each case because these would attract the lightning, so even trees, mountains, and buildings, etc. Also, it is said that a person in the open can protect himself against lightning by lying down on the ground or by putting himself into a squatting position in such a way that he pulls his knees up to his chest. Thus, a person should offer the smallest attack area to the lightning. Does this correspond to the facts, or is this an inane story, and are there actually different types of lightning, and how do these arise? Quetzal: 56. It is not correct, in terms of the fact that only high objects are hit by lightning, as it also isnt correct that a person cannot be struck by lightning if he is lying on the ground or is in a squatting position.

German Billy: Danke, deine Erklrung sagt mehr aus, als ich erwartete. Dann habe ich weiter noch eine Frage bezglich des FCKW. Dazu sagtest du mir einmal, dass irgendwelche Gase, die unter dem Meeresboden gelagert seien und hochsteigen noch grsseren Schaden in der Ozon-Schicht anrichteten, als das FCKW. Nun weiss ich nicht mehr, welches Gas das war und woraus es entsteht.

Quetzal: 54. Es handelt sich um Methangas, das als Methangas-Hydrat unter der Meeresoberflche lagert. Billy: Du hast damals gesagt, dass sich oft gewaltige Gasblasen-Wolken dieses Methangases aus dem Meeresboden lsen, wie z.B. in grossem Masse im Bermuda-Dreieck. Diese Gasblasen steigen dann an die Meeresoberflche, wo sie gewaltige Strudel bilden, durch die Schiffe im Meer versinken, wenn sie hineingeraten, weil sie durch die zahllosen Gasblasen im Wasser von diesem nicht mehr getragen werden. Steigen die Gaswolken dann ber das Meer auf und fliegen Flugzeuge hinein, dann wird durch die Motoren oder Dsen das Methan-Gas entzndet, wobei riesige Explosionen entstehen und die Flugzeuge in kleinste Stcke zerreissen. Stimmt das so?

Quetzal: 55. Das ist von Richtigkeit. Billy: Vielleicht muss ich spter wieder einmal danach fragen, denn seit meinem Zusammenbruch vergesse ich immer wieder irgendwelche Dinge. Jetzt aber noch eine andere Frage, die sich auch auf ein Naturphnomen bezieht, nmlich auf die Blitze. Obwohl die meisten Blitze in die usseren Atmosphrenschichten und teilweise gar bis in die ussersten Schichten und darber hinweg hinausschiessen, wie ich verschiedentlich gesehen habe, wenn ihr mich weit ausserhalb die irdischen Atmosphrenschichten mitgenommen habt, so schiessen doch etwa 5 Prozent oder so auf die Erde nieder und richten allerlei Unheil an. Und seit es infolge der berbevlkerung immer mehr Menschen gibt, werden auch immer mehr Menschen von Blitzen getroffen, was mit wenigen Ausnahmen in der Regel tdliche Folgen hat. Nun heisst es doch immer, dass der Blitz in die jeweils hchsten Gebilde einschlage, weil diese die Blitze anziehen wrden, so eben Bume, Gebirge und Hochbauten usw. Weiter wird gesagt, dass sich der Mensch im Freien dadurch vor Blitzen schtzen knne, wenn er sich auf den Boden lege oder derart in hockende Stellung gehe, dass er die Knie bis an die Brust heranziehe. So soll der Mensch dem Blitz die kleinste Angriffsflche bieten. Entspricht das so den Tatsachen oder ist das eine dmmliche Mr, und gibt es tatschlich verschiedene Typen von Blitzen, und wie entstehen diese?

Quetzal: 56. Es entspricht nicht der Richtigkeit in bezug dessen, dass nur hohe Objekte von Blitzen getroffen werden, wie es auch nicht der Richtigkeit entspricht, dass ein Mensch nicht von einem Blitz getroffen werden kann, wenn er auf dem Boden liegt oder sich in hockender Stellung befindet.

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57. Richtig ist allerdings, dass es verschiedene Blitztypen gibt. 58. So ist folgendes zu erklren: 59. Wenn Gewitter entstehen, erfolgen diese in sogenannten Gewitterzellen, in denen sich unterschiedlich grosse Raumladungsdichten ergeben.

57. It is true, however, that there are different types of lightning. 58. Thus, the following is to be explained: 59. When thunderstorms emerge, these take place in so-called thunderstorm cells, in which differently sized densities of space charge arise. 60. Once this concentration of space charge reaches a field strength that exhibits values of several hundred kV/m, which you can write as follows, as I have noted it to you here 100 kV/m on the basis of ice particles or water droplets, then leading discharges or conducting discharges form the leading flashes of lightning, thereby causing a reaction that triggers a discharge of lightning sparks. 61. If the flashes of lightning go from cloud to cloud, then this is called cloud-to-cloud lightning. 62. This creates a balance between positively and negatively charged cloud centers or thunderstorm cells. 63. Then there is the cloud-to-space lightning, which shoots out, under certain circumstances, into space and discharges there. 64. Then, the two types of cloud-to-ground lightning and ground-to-cloud lightning are still to be mentioned.

60. Erreicht diese Raumladungskonzentration eine Feldstrke, die Werte von mehreren Hundert kV/m aufweist, was du folgendermassen schreiben kannst, wie ich es dir hier aufzeichne 100 kV/m , und zwar ausgehend von Eispartikeln oder Wassertrpfchen, dann bilden sich Leiter-Entladungen oder Leit-Entladungen resp. Leitblitze, durch die eine Reaktion entsteht, die eine Blitzfunkenentladung auslst.

61. Fahren die Blitze von Wolke zu Wolke, dann werden sie Wolke-Wolke-Blitze genannt. 62. Diese schaffen einen Ausgleich zwischen positiv und negativ geladenen Wolkenzentren resp. Gewitterzellen herbei. 63. Dann sind da aber auch die Wolke-Raum-Blitze, die unter Umstnden bis in den Weltenraum hinausschiessen und sich dort draussen entladen. 64. Dann sind noch die zwei Typen Wolke-Erde-Blitze und die Erde-Wolke-Blitze zu nennen.

65. Ground-to-cloud lightning is easily recognizable because it 65. Erde-Wolke-Blitze sind leicht daran erkennbar, dass sie aus den Wolken zur descends from the clouds to the ground, and to be sure, with Erde niederfahren, und zwar mit einem gut erkennbaren Leitblitz, der viele easily recognizable leading flashes of lightning which have many Verstelungen aufweist. branches. 66. Leading lightning contains a so-called charge-tube, which descends to the ground and is filled with a negative charge of a cloud of the thunderstorm cell. 66. Der Leitblitz enthlt einen sogenannten Ladungsschlauch, der zur Erde niederfhrt und mit einer von der Gewitterzelle negativen Wolkenladung gefllt ist.

67. The negative cloud-to-ground lightning is the most frequently 67. Der negative Wolke-Erde-Blitz ist der hufigste auftretende Blitz, wenn vom occurring lightning, apart from the cloud-to-cloud lightning and Wolke-Wolke-Blitz und Wolke-Raum-Blitz abgesehen wird. cloud-to-space lightning. 68. The positive cloud-to-ground lightning originates from the lower, positively charged area of the flash. 69. Positive cloud-to-ground lightning flashes, which originate from the upper, positively charged center, are relatively rare. 70. Such flashes of lightning occur almost exclusively at the end of a respective active phase of a thunderstorm cell. 71. The positively charged center only builds up when the negatively charged center is nullified. 72. Such a positive discharge results, then, through a single and very powerful lightning flash, which descends to the ground. 73. It is also to be noted that ground-to-cloud lightning flashes with branches shoot up into the clouds, whereby leading flashes of lighting shoot up from the Earth from mountain tops, towers, and other tall buildings, etc. into the clouds. 74. With cloud-to-ground lightning, a cylindrical tube shoots down to the ground from the negatively charged center of the thundercloud, which is filled with the clouds charge. 75. In addition, the tube varies in its diameter and can exhibit several tens of meters. 68. Der positive Wolke-Erde-Blitz entsteht aus dem unteren positiven Ladungsbereich des Blitzes. 69. Relativ selten sind positive Wolke-Erde-Blitze, die aus dem oberen positiven Ladungszentrum entstehen. 70. Solche Blitze entstehen praktisch nur am Ende einer jeweilig aktiven Phase einer Gewitterzelle. 71. Das positive Ladungszentrum baut sich erst ab, wenn das negative Ladungszentrum aufgehoben ist. 72. Eine solche positive Entladung erfolgt dann durch einen einzigen und sehr krftigen Blitz, der zur Erde niederfhrt. 73. Zu beachten ist auch, dass Erde-Wolke-Blitze mit Verstelungen gegen die Wolken hochschiessen, wobei von der Erde aus von Bergspitzen, Trmen und sonstigen hohen Bauten usw. ein Leitblitz in die Wolken hochschiesst.

74. Beim Wolke-Erde-Blitz aus dem negativen Ladungszentrum der Gewitterwolke schiesst ein zylinderfrmiger Schlauch zur Erde nieder, der mit der Wolkenladung angefllt ist. 75. Der Schlauch variiert dabei in seinem Durchmesser und kann mehrere 10 Meter aufweisen.

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76. Damit verbunden ist dabei ein sehr dnner und etwa ein Zentimeter dicker, sehr stark ionisierter Plasmakern.

76. Moreover, connected to it is a very thin and approximately one-centimeter thick, highly ionized plasma core.

77. This leading flash of lightning shoots down to the ground in a 77. Dieser Leitblitz schiesst ruckartig und zickzackmssig zur Erde nieder, und jerky and zigzagging manner, and indeed, at a speed of about 300 zwar mit einer Geschwindigkeit von rund 300 Sekundenkilometern. kilometers per second. 78. The jerky pre-shootings of the leading flashes of lightning occur in steps of several 20-meters, whereby the interim times of a step move to others within the range of a microsecond. 79. Once the tip, the head of the leading flash of lightning, has reached a distance of between ten and several hundred meters, the electric field strength of the objects that are stationary on the ground such as buildings, towers, and trees, as well as mountain tops increases in such a way that the electrical stability of the air is exceeded, and then, so-called catching discharges go out of the objects, and the head of the leading flash of lightning shoots toward and meets with these. 80. With this, the point of impact of the lightning on the ground is also determined, namely a mountain top, a tower or tree, some building, an animal or a human, out of which the catching discharge has gone. 81. This also explains that even a human being emits such catching discharges, but with him, the fact still remains that he generates electromagnetic vibrations through his brain, which reach several meters of expansion, which send out catching discharges, and which form very strong attraction points for the head of a leading flash of lightning. 78. Das ruckartige Voranschiessen des Leitblitzes erfolgt in Stufen von mehreren 20 Metern, wobei die Zwischenzeiten von einer Stufe zur anderen sich im Mikrosekundenbereich bewegen. 79. Hat sich die Spitze, der Leitblitzkopf, auf eine Distanz zwischen zehn und bis mehrere 100 Meter genhert, dann erhht sich die elektrische Feldstrke von auf der Erde stehenden Objekten wie Bauten, Trmen und Bumen sowie von Bergspitzen derart, dass die elektrische Luftfestigkeit berschritten wird und nun von den Objekten sogenannte Fangentladungen ausgehen und dem Leitblitzkopf entgegenschiessen und mit diesem zusammentreffen.

80. Damit ist dann auch die Einschlagstelle des Blitzes auf der Erde festgelegt, eben die Bergspitze, ein Turm oder Baum, irgendein Gebude, ein Tier oder ein Mensch, wovon die Fangentladung ausgegangen ist.

81. Damit ist auch erklrt, dass auch der Mensch solche Fangentladungen aussendet, wobei jedoch bei ihm noch der Umstand zum Tragen kommt, dass er durch sein Gehirn elektromagnetische Schwingungen erzeugt, die mehrere Meter Ausweitung erreichen, Fangentladungen aussenden und sehr starke Anziehungspunkte fr einen Leitblitzkopf bilden.

82. Thus, it is also of no use if human beings remain lying down 82. So nutzt es also auch nichts, wenn in liegender oder hockender Stellung im or in squatting positions in open areas when thunderstorms occur, offenen Gelnde verharrt wird, wenn Gewitter stattfinden, die mit Blitzen which are associated with lightning. verbunden sind. 83. Real protection for human beings only occurs in caves or in enclosed buildings or in completely closed vehicles and aircraft, etc. 84. If the head of a leading flash of lightning and a catching discharge collide, then the catching discharge shoots into the leading lightning tube at about 100,000 kilometers per second and, within a few milliseconds, allows the stored charge of lightning to discharge to the ground or to the object, out of which the catching energy has gone. 83. Einen wirklichen Schutz bildet fr den Menschen nur eine Hhle oder ein geschlossenes Gebude oder rundum abgeschlossene Fahrzeuge und Fluggerte usw. 84. Stossen ein Leitblitzkopf und eine Fangladung zusammen, dann schiesst die Fangladung von rund 100 000 Sekundenkilometern in den Leitblitzschlauch hinein und lsst die gespeicherte Blitzladung in wenigen Millisekunden zur Erde resp. auf das Objekt entladen, von dem die Fangenergie ausgegangen ist.

85. This, then, is the moment when the actual lightning discharge 85. Dies ist dann der Moment, bei dem die eigentliche Blitzentladung sichtbar becomes visible, which lights up very brightly and dazzles the wird, die sehr grell und das Auge blendend aufleuchtet. eye. 86. The spark channel created by the leading flash of lightning is heated very strongly, by what means the main flash reaches a temperature of several tens of thousands of degrees Celsius. 87. At the same time, the pressure of the flash rises to about 100 times the normal atmospheric pressure and explodes, through which the crash of thunder arises. 88. Due to the sudden, main discharge of the leading lightning tube, a so-called surge current shoots, within milliseconds, into the object struck by lightning, namely a tree, a building or a tower, a mountain, a ship, airplane, automobile, animal, or person, etc. 86. Der durch den Leitblitz geschaffene Funkenkanal wird sehr stark aufgeheizt, wodurch der Hauptblitz eine Temperatur von mehreren zigtausend Grad Celsius erreicht. 87. Dabei steigt der Druck des Blitzes rund auf das 100fache des normalen Luftdruckes und explodiert, wodurch das krachende Donnern entsteht.

88. Durch die schlagartige Hauptentladung des Leitblitzschlauches schiesst in Millisekunden ein sogenannter Stossstrom in das vom Blitz getroffene Objekt, eben ein Baum, ein Gebude oder Turm, ein Gebirge, ein Schiff, Flugzeug, Automobil, ein Tier oder ein Mensch usw.

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89. Der Stossstrom des positiven Erde-Wolke-Blitzes hat einen hnlichen Verlauf, doch bei dessen Entladung aus dem oberen positiven Ladungszentrum in der Gewitterwolke dauert der Stossstrom in der Regel etwa 10mal lnger als beim Wolke-Erde-Blitz. 90. Der positive Wolke-Erde-Blitz transportiert in sich auch eine sehr grssere Energieladung als dies beim negativen Stossstrom der Fall ist.

89. The surge current of positive ground-to-cloud lightning has a similar course, but with its discharge from the upper positively charged center in the thundercloud, the surge current usually lasts about 10 times longer than with cloud-to-ground lightning. 90. Positive cloud-to-ground lightning also transports in itself a much greater energy charge than what is the case with the negative surge current. 91. This is also the reason why positive cloud-to-ground lightning is much more dangerous than just negative cloud-to-ground lightning. 92. But that, dear friend, should suffice as an explanation.

91. Das ist auch der Grund dafr, dass die positiven Wolke-Erde-Blitze sehr viel gefhrlicher sind als eben die negativen Wolke-Erde-Blitze.

92. Das aber, lieber Freund, sollte als Erklrung gengen.

93. In addition to this, there would actually be an entire course to 93. Tatschlich gbe es diesbezglich aber noch einen ganzen Lehrgang zu explain in this regard. erklren. Billy: Thats certainly enough, I think. I didnt want to be instructed in such detail. Thank you very much. Billy: Das reicht wohl, denke ich. So ausfhrlich wollte ich ja nicht belehrt werden. Danke sehr.

Predictions of the Prophet Jeremia

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations Billy ...Now I would like to ask you about Jeremia's predictions and data, did you bring them along? Quetzal Everything is complete. The biblical "handed down" data and stories are in truth based on legends, deliberate lies and falsifications, and on a deceitfully produced chronicle that is incorrectly arranged and wildly imagined. This also applies to the dates of the ancient and genuine prophets Jeremia, Jesaia, Elia and Henoch. Converted to the Christian calendar of today, the true dates of these prophets are the following:
Name: born on: died on: son of:

Henoch Feb. 3, 9308 BC Jan. 1, 8942 BC Kretan of the Plejaren Jeremia Feb. 9, 662 BC Jesaia Elia Feb. 7, 772 BC Feb. 5, 891 BC Sep. 3, 580 BC May 5, 690 BC June 4, 780 BC the High-priest Hilkis (Hilkias) at Anathoth Amoz at Sidon Josias at Gilad (Gilead) Tisbitia

(Elia was flown to Srinagar/Kashmir in India by a beamship on April 7, 842 BC) The prophets' times of births were the following: Jeremia at 11:23 a.m., Jesaia at 10:44 a.m., Elia at 11:02 a.m. and Henoch at 11:01 a.m. Billy Thank you. But what happened to Jeremia's predictions, which in fact are not prophecies? Quetzal I had to translate them into the German language of today's understanding. They read now as follows: When the prophet of the new time spreads his teaching in the new time, the time of the great transformation has begun. It will start in the second millennium, and lead far into the third millennium after the birth of the prophet Jmmanuel. And when the second millennium ends and the third has begun, human beings will be blinded by gold and material values to such an extent that they will be counting talers* (silver coins) in all countries everywhere. And even when human beings look up at the stars in

Contact Report 229 the sky at night, they will see only gold, gemstones and talers. They will build cult places for cults to worship and will pay homage to a non-existent god as well as saints who are human beings canonized by human beings. The places for the cults' worship of a non-existent god will become sites for merchants and moneychangers. The lenders who lend various acquisitions, temporary dwellings and many inventions for a fee, will become avaricious usurers. The judicial authorities will administer justice unlawfully, and no longer punish the wrongdoers for their evil deeds but reward them by imposing penalties that are insignificant. Thus the huge fire of injustice will smoulder and burn, and will lend its helping hand to fornication, whereby it is inevitable that every city and town will be a place of fornication, which is degenerated in the worst form of inhumanity. And also the children and their children will live a life of degeneration in the worst form of inhumanity, and will become a cloud of blazing heat that burns and destroys everything. They will raise the old flags dripping with blood, and spread terror and leave uncountable deaths. The powerful of the world will ruthlessly abuse their power, and allow the killing of innumerable innocent human beings. They will transform the building blocks of life into death-bringing weapons in order to destroy nature, and to kill human beings in vast numbers. When the new time prophet appears, the unreasonableness of human beings will become rampant in such a manner through the procreation of descendants that the earth, the sky, the oceans, the forests, the prairies and the deserts, as well as the mountainous regions will be populated to such an extent that no human being is able to take one step unnoticed. Consequently quarrels between each and everybody will occur. The human being will assert his power and command over nature and life, and at the same time he will aspire after the Creation's power because in every respect he will tear down all boundaries and will ignore them. But everything will not continue forever, for it will turn around in time and work against the human being. Like a drunken ruler he will suddenly begin to shake and tremble, and will run in fear like a blind horse. He will ride himself like a saddle horse, spurring and whipping himself onwards on a path into chaos and confusion, at which end it is dark, desolate and fatal, and leads irretrievably into a deep abyss. It will be the time when gigantic buildings and towers reaching up high into the sky are being built in all countries of the earth. And human beings will live and work in these towers and buildings. There will also be cities of gigantic proportions where human beings eke out an existence, thus fertile fields will be left empty. But buildings and towers will be built on these fields because space to house the living will become increasingly in short supply. And except for the individual's own law and that of individual groups, not one true law will exist any longer. Thus many who live in cities will turn into barbarians and terrorize the honest and upright human beings. There will be so many human beings in this new time that there will not be enough bread for everybody, and also water will become increasingly scarce. But a crazy foolishness will overcome the human being who will fanatically pursue many games, yet soon dissatisfied, he will take chances at various other games whereby life becomes the crazy fools' plaything. These death-bringing games will be like a deadly fire when kindled and when the human being carelessly puts his life at stake for them only to satisfy his crazy foolishness through means, which are meant to increase his excitement. When the prophet of the new time appears, and the third millennium after the prophet Jmmanuel begins, very many human beings will be suffering from hunger and thirst. While some human beings lose their lives due to extremely high temperatures, many others will turn blue due to extreme cold, and will be plagued by great waters. In general the human being deteriorates into being afraid of events occurring in nature, and many would like to see another world. And many lapse into fear because the world's powerful rulers degenerate in a worst form of inhumanity, and wage wars in a viscous manner in order to seize countries and mineral resources. They will be the hypocrites who are audacious enough to claim they act in the name and command of a god, in order to consolidate their greed for power. At the time of the prophet of the new time, the human being will fall victim to various god cults, and


Contact Report 229 consequently will completely lose his inner freedom. The cults will become large groups of dealers, which will be established and led by human beings who are self-appointed to be god-like. But in truth, they are only dealers of lies, fraud and illusions, and instil their dangerous and deceptive poison into the human being, whereby he becomes a believer of the unreal, and becomes dependent on it. However, in the end the poison is extremely dangerous, for it destroys the thoughts and feelings, whereby the human being becomes indifferent and callous towards himself as well as towards other fellow-human beings. And those who mingle this poison with their thoughts and feelings to the point of fanaticism will get to be like wild beasts. They will threaten their fellow-human beings, kill, rape and rob them, or blackmail and torture them. Therefore, this kind of human being will degenerate into the worst form of inhumanity to such an extent, that life for all other human beings will turn into a daily experience of never ending horror. When the prophet of the new time is in the midst of accomplishing his work, the human being's goal in general will be to achieve as much pleasure for himself as possible. And man and woman will be engaged alike in this pursuit of pleasure and will degenerate in the worst form of inhumanity. And by outdoing each other, the husband will repudiate his wife as often as possible in order to remarry. And he will willingly acquiesce to the homosexual and heterosexual nature of whoring thereby he will bring fatal epidemics to the world, and to all humankind. The woman will be just as unrestrained as the man, for she will lustfully walk through the alleys of cities, and will take any man coming along. Yet, not only will whoring be beyond measure but also lack of reason and ignorance, which will also encroach upon children. Thus, not only adult women will give birth to children without knowing or naming the father, but also children will give birth to children. Thus, there will be no father or master who will be able to instruct, teach, educate and guide the respective child. All decency and respect, all sense of reverence and all tradition, as well as every custom and honour will get lost. The human being becomes estranged from the human being next to him, and will be alone in spite of being among the great masses of humankind. The standing rules and regulations and the laws of honour will be forgotten as though never having existed. But also the ancient proclamation will be forgotten that the human being is able to turn into a savage again should he forget all human values, and all the values related to life. And with the coming of the prophet of the new time, fornication will become rampant to such an extent that the father abuses his daughter in acts of indecency and incest, and the mother her son. Fornication between man and man, and between woman and woman will shamefully gain ground, and also the old and the young will abuse and rape the child. And all this will happen in front of every human being's eyes, but the legal authorities will hardly undertake anything against this and instead will impose insufficient and lenient penalties. Thus in time, the blood of families will become unclean through incest, for the evil will spread from bed to bed. And many illnesses and epidemics will spread through fornication, and thus human bodies will absorb all the earth's putrefactions, faces will look troubled, and limbs will be emaciated. It will not be spoken of true love any longer but of carnal and sexual love, whereby the word love will become the greatest threat for all those human beings who in regard to their self-cognition are only able to perceive it through the flesh (carnality = relating to the physical and especially sexual appetites). When the prophet of the new time speaks of codex as well as oath and law, only a few loyal ones will gather around him, and most human beings will not want to listen to him. At first, only a few human beings will hurry to pursue the truth when he spreads the teaching of the spirit, for to the many human beings his voice and teaching will go unheard as if in a desert. But contrary to this, the obscure and powerful waters of the world-encompassing god cults, which are incorrect, delusional and fanatical, will spread. And the bogus and so-called messengers of god, god-like and exalted beings, masters, liberators, and kings of salvation will do their ruinous work through falsehood and fraudulence with deceitfulness, fanaticism, greed for gold and charlatanism, and will gather around themselves innumerable mindless


Contact Report 229 believers. And many of the misled and fanatical believers will carry weapons as never before, and with these they will kill and murder countless numbers of human beings, while other fanatics will be driven by their delusional belief to seek to commit suicide as individuals, or in small or larger groups. During all of this the word of the prophet of the new time will go unheard as if called out in a desert, when he speaks of law, of the teachings of the truth and the spirit, true love, peace, freedom, harmony and justice. And he will teach with scorching and sharp words that fallible human beings will incur their own punishment through their delusional campaigns. When the prophet of the new time comes, and human beings from the stars pay respect to him, a thunder of death will rise over the world, and deadly weapons will thunder in all countries. Fanatical human beings obsessed with terror, who will gather in large groups, will be pursued by legions of soldiers. Fear and terror will reign, and the mighty and powerful rulers of the countries will embrace the use of terror and turn into despots and tyrants. They will be all barbaric, disloyal, revengeful, evil and violent, while the deniers of the truth will carry on with their sinister doings in their cult's houses in the cities, and when the cult's powerful ones in the heart of the large city in the land of the boot will have the audacity to let themselves be worshipped as representatives of god, and as holy. These powerful ones lacking all knowledge of truth will have great power over their believers and will exploit them, and lead them endlessly astray. And through these cults the time will come, when no regulations and rule will exist, and hatred and cult fanaticism will spread like a blazing fire around the world. Legions of soldiers and fanatics obsessed with terror will massacre innumerable innocent human beings, and the cult believers will persecute and strangle anyone who seeks and recognizes the truth. Hatred and delusional belief in god, vindictiveness, cruelty, mercilessness and vandalism will be a part of each and everybody. The world will reverberate from a powerful and merciless war cry, and cities will be destroyed, and the blood of human beings will flow in streams. And the reward for the prophet of the new time's exposure of truth will be, that he, as all prophets in all times, will not be recognized. He will be slandered, denied, his life treacherously threatened and attacked, and he will be slandered and hindered in spreading his words of truth by evil machinations. Also many evil persons, liars and frauds will steal his words of truth and his teaching, alter and falsify them in their favour as never before a prophet had to endure. The ones, who lack any sense of honour will belittle his honour, lay claim to this honour themselves, and unlawfully gain a big profit from this. When the prophet of the new time begins his work, human beings will no longer search for the truth, and no longer judge according to the truth, for influenced by the laws and beliefs of the god cults, they will only judge according to their own blood and their belief. Human beings will no longer listen to the complaints of old people, or to the crying of suffering children. Old people, women and children will be disrespected; the old ones will be hidden in houses for the aged, and women and children will be abused and driven to whoring. And nobody will be there to protect them, neither from slave drivers and pimps nor from legions of soldiers nor from the terror fanatics who will attack them. Hatred and vindictiveness will flood the earth, and human beings will live with the delusional belief of a doubtful peace, which they hope in vain to attain, for a worldwide war will inundate the earth, and nobody will be spared; not the old, not the women and children, not the sick and the injured, and not the just and the peaceful. Legions of soldiers and terror fanatics will destroy houses and roam through countries and cities, and murder, sack, pillage and plunder, and will destroy and kill everything getting in their way. When one of them has left, the next one will appear and cause even more havoc. And the eyes of human beings will be kept shut in order to avoid seeing the abused and raped women and children. The prophet of the new time will know what has happened, happens, and will happen everywhere on earth. He will indicate that men, women and children in many countries are starving to death, that their bones break through their skin, and that inflamed eyes and open ulcers mark their bodies, offering a feast to masses of flies and other poisonous vermin. He will also point out that human beings are hunted


Contact Report 229 like mangy dogs and rats, tortured and beaten to death, dismembered, or put to death in some other way. Only a few will listen to him, for the majority of human beings do not want to see all the atrocities, and therefore, they will turn their faces away and dismiss the words of the prophet. Yet he will be imperturbable, and will speak powerfully to carry his word of truth into the world. But only a few human beings will hear his voice in its full scope and align their thoughts and feelings with his words, because at the time of the prophet of the new time, the human being will be extremely hostile toward his fellow-human being and life itself to such an extent, that he will care only about himself. As alms he will give his fellow-human being a tiny part of a split taler while he sleeps on bags filled with gold and talers. Yet even the tiny part of the split taler which he gives with the one hand, he will take back with the other hand manifold, for he will not give away anything for nothing. However, should the point of his giving not be for profit, then it will still be for the pacification of his guilty conscience. So in the new time the human being will make a business of everything, thus nothing will be given away without compensation. Each thing, even the tiniest, will have its price, the grass growing on the ground, the animal, the water, and even the human being himself who will be judged according to his performance. The exchange of goods will be abolished, and truly, nothing anymore will be given away, for each and everything will be integrated into business and sold. And the human being will lose his individual value, namely, the value of being a human being, whereby his value will be only that of his possessions, and that of his body's weight of flesh and bones. Everything that makes him to be a human being will be taken from him, for nothing of him will be sacred any longer, neither his life, nor his thoughts and feelings, nor his body and blood. When he dies, not only will his material belongings become the object of dispute but also his mortal frame, his blood and viscera, for everything will have its price in this field in the new time as well. Thus human beings will be slaughtered like animals, and shredded and defiled like carcasses for the sake of their blood and viscera. The prophet of the new time will mourn, for the human being has altered and destroyed the face of the earth, and will be approaching total annihilation. But he will also point out with harsh words of truth that the human being is neither the master nor the feudal lord of the earth, nor of its mountains, brooks, rivers, lakes, oceans, meadows, fields, pastures and forests. And he will indicate that for the purpose of profit, the human being dangerously and in a rampant manner ploughs through the earth and sky with powerful machines, and also cuts furrows with big ships in rivers, lakes and oceans, in order to wage wars worldwide and to transport large masses of human beings to other countries, and to wipe out all aquatic creatures for the purpose of procuring food. Thus also illnesses and epidemics will spread throughout the entire world, carried by innumerable travellers who will be spreading in all countries. Various species of animals and plants from many countries will spread in like manner throughout the world through the transportation of foodstuffs and goods of trade, and will take root in foreign countries and will disturb, and negatively influence the course of nature. Yet a far worse time is still to come, because through the human being's fault, large parts of the earth will become barren and unproductive. The huge forests will fall victim to the human being's greed for gold and money, and the air will burn, because the air will be destroyed through the human beings' production of artificial materials. The waters will turn brackish and poisonous as well as foul smelling, and drinking water will become scarce. The human being will unrestrainedly, unscrupulously and irresponsibly exploit the earth's treasures, and exhaust the wealth of the earth's resources down to the last bushel. The entire world will be polluted through various kinds of filth, which causes all life to wilt. And the human being's hatred will grow beyond all bounds, and also in his own family it will not be any different. Gradually, the human being will come to be like a lonesome and wild animal that stalks after the life of its victim. When the new prophet appears 1,937 years after the birth of the prophet Jmmanuel, the time will begin when children will be abused and sold for fornication, for many who are degenerated in the worst form of inhumanity will find pleasure in their young skin. Many children will be driven into whoring, or will


Contact Report 229 be strangled after being indecently abused, or killed by poison or weapons. But there will also be very many homeless children who are living on the streets, where they fall into the hands of dealers who kill and gut them like animals for the sake of their viscera. Other children will become targets for the authorities' murderous henchmen, and others will be treated like submissive animals. The human being will become rough and violent, and in his indifference towards the weak he will also forget the untouchable nature and weakness of children, and will exploit them through work and violate them by fornication. The secret of the children's unblemished integrity will be forcefully broken into and destroyed, thus for various reasons of greed for profit, they will be trained like little dogs, and led onto the sacrificial slab like lambs, where they will be slaughtered and bled to death. The human being will no longer know mercy and justice but see only his own profit and advantage, and only proceed along a life of cruelty. The human being will be a prisoner of his own point of view, his own thoughts and feelings; and he will be intoxicated by his own speech, and not realize that he is more and more approaching delusion and ruin. He will regard the lies, images and reflections of the god cults, and those of their rulers and servants as the truth of the world, for he will be like a patient and dumb sheep that can be led around as desired. Yet consequences will not fail to follow, for the fanatic and accursed believers of one cult will indiscriminately round up the fanatic and accursed believers of another cult like predatory animals and birds in order to make easy work of driving them into the abyss and to their death. And it will be that one human being will be incited against the other in order to rob and skin him for the only reason to get hold of his personal belongings. Yet should he survive, he will then be robbed of his thoughts and feelings, as well as freedom and peace, and often even of his mind and reason. When the time of the new prophet comes, kings, emperors, and all the other rulers and powerful ones of the god cults will have no real knowledge about the Creation and its laws. In a fraudulent and deceitful manner they will wickedly and bloodthirstily govern and control the innocent, idle and ignorant masses of human beings. Falsehood and deception will be their handiwork, and when they are in front of their faithful subjects, they will conceal their true faces behind masks and keep their true intentions a secret. But the time will come when they will be overthrown. Yet it will be that they determine the human being's destiny and everything connected with his life, and the ordinary human being will be excluded from the innermost assemblies of their own establishment's rules and regulations. Thus it is no longer the human being who will make decisions as a group but only the uppermost at the top who will have the power and control, and let themselves be paid horrendous sums for their disgraceful deeds. Although the individual human being believes to enjoy freedom he will no longer be free but will live in bondage to the rulers and the hierarchy. Only those from uncivilized areas will revolt who are not enslaved to a belief of a non-existent god, and are not in bondage to a hierarchy. But at first they will be cursed and damned, and accused of delusion, and some will be conquered and burned alive, or killed in some other way. When the prophet of the new time has come, then the human beings on earth will become as numerous as ants in an anthill. And if a stick is driven into the colony, then they will run around, and trample and grind each other to death like annoying vermin. And human beings will mill around like confused insects, and large groups of them will drift from one location to the other, either keen to travel, or fleeing from war, death and terror. The races of human beings will intermingle unbridled and breed human beings of mixed blood. Thus many diseases, epidemics and all kinds of human ills, as well as vices and malice will spread around the world. Some god cults will lure the believers of other cults, or mix among each other. God cults and their hierarchies, as well as their rulers and believers will preach and promise freedom, love and peace, yet everywhere their talk will be lies and deception, for in their hearts they are only out for hatred and revenge, retaliation, robbery, pillage and plunder. The god cults and their believers will become enemies and wage war against each other. Human beings will go beyond


Contact Report 229 all boundaries; and the young will have grey hair just like the old. The human being will abandon the path of nature, and families will be torn asunder. They will scatter all over the world, and they will no longer be able to unite. The world will be completely different in the new time, and the human being will be without security and support. Without real guidance, the human being will go off in all directions, and evoke upon himself misfortune upon misfortune. And he will no longer have stability, and will be in danger of falling into an abyss, at which edge he is constantly standing. At the time of the new prophet in the second millennium after the birth of Jmmanuel, the human being will no longer live according to the Creation's laws until far into the third millennium, but will subjugate himself to unreal laws and even far more unreal gods and their cults. As if riding a horse, the human being will try to control his life and will want to determine the children's sex in the women's womb. Likewise, he will kill all the children in the woman's womb that he does not want. The human being will consider himself to be the Creation, and especially the rulers as well as many mighty ones holding power will demand eternal life. They will be the ones who get hold of all the positions in high offices and the best land, as well as all the most beautiful women and men, in order to make them their immoral objects of pleasure. The poor, the old and the weak will be treated like inferior livestock, and their miserable huts and buildings for the old and the sick will be like evil smelling prisons, where they will lie in a stupor and decay. And profound fear will, like poison, consume their, as well as every other human being's thoughts, feelings, hearts and heads (consciousness). All of this will also rest on a craving for profit and power and a craving to practise usury, for this will be an obscure and secret society controlled by laws and regulations, and its laws will be hatred and revenge, and its weapon will be the poison, through which comes the craving for gold and money, belongings and possessions, lust and vice, as well as pleasure. This poison will spread as a controlling power around the earth, and its servants and henchmen will be connected to each other by a poisonous and bloody kiss that forges them together. The poor and the old, the righteous and the weak will be at their mercy and obey them, and, therefore, involuntarily or naive, they have to be submissive and of service to the rulers and the powerful ones of the lands and the god cults. The only laws will be those dictated in their realm of shadows by rulers, kings and emperors, and other powerful ones, as well as by the ones at the top of the god cults' hierocracy. Thus, this poison will reach every single human being, and will poison him and force him into a delusional belief of a god. And this poison of the god cults will be manifold and spread around the world to such an extent that the human being will soak it up through the soles of his feet when travelling around the world. When the new-time prophet begins with his work, then it will be the time when many human beings will watch all the happenings in the world with inactivity and insensibility. Many will sit there with crossed arms, and will walk around with empty eyes and deaf ears, without knowing what is going on around them, and what they see and hear. They will have no more wise ones to educate them in knowledge and in wisdom, thus they will be like a smith without a smithy where they could forge their iron. And they will be like fieldworkers who no longer have a field to till. Human beings will be like a seed, unable to find fertile soil to take root and sprout. They will lose hope and wander aimlessly around, humiliated and deprived of honour and rights. The youngest and the oldest will be homeless, and live their lives in misery and hardship on the street. The only way of salvation for many of them will be to terrorize, and to rob the fellow-human being of his belongings, to deceive and to cheat him, or to go to war. And because of all their misery and hardship they will hate their lives, and viciously fight against each other. This will also be the time when human beings are threatened and afflicted by evils that come from animal diseases and from the human beings' wicked experiments, but also from the diseases of the water and earth. But the human beings will also rush with strange wagons into the sky, and will bring back deadly diseases to earth. And through war and terror, as well as through greed for power and unreasonableness, the human being will destroy a great deal of the earth. Yet he will let everything rise


Contact Report 229 again, and will want to preserve everything that has escaped destruction. But it will be that a fear will seethe in human beings of the days that lie ahead, for they promise to be severe. But it will be too late for fear, for an enormous destruction will rage, and the earth will be covered far and wide with desert. And there will also be mighty waters that become deeper and deeper, and at certain times and days, the waters will flow violently to such an extent that, like a deluge, everything will be swept away, destroyed and annihilated, and the lives of innumerable human beings will be claimed. Through the human beings' destructive rage, the air and sun will become poisonous and dangerous, and for this reason the bodies of the weak will be burned. When the prophet of the new time is born, a worldwide war will cause the earth to tremble, and will claim so many human lives as never before. From this time onward, wild waters will increasingly rise, volcanoes will cause enormous devastation, and earthquakes will shake many lands, and destroy large cities. The weather will assume apocalyptical proportions, and the number of human beings killed at these incidents will be uncountable. Therefore, everything that was not built under the guidance of the wise ones, or fitted with safety measures will be threatened and destroyed. Mountains will collapse, and mudslides on mountain slopes and in valleys will bury villages, animals and human beings and all their belongings, while at other places the ground breaks apart from deep within the earth. But the human being will not devote himself to wisdom, and will deny that the blame for very many of these incidents will be traceable to him. Therefore, he will continue to govern without reason and understanding, for he will be stubborn and obsessed with pride. He does neither listen to the warnings shouted at him by the prophet nor to the warnings shouted at him by the earth. Thus the evil will continue for a long time, and massive fires and tremors from the depths of the earth will destroy cities and villages. And it will be just like during a war, when in spite of the legions of soldiers, the poor and the barbarians will plunder all the belongings and treasures left abandoned by human beings. The eyes of the soldiers will be blind to the plundering, for they will be plunderers themselves and are up to abuse. When the prophet of the new time is born, artificial materials invented by human beings will reach the air and destroy its upper layers. Therefore the sun will burn the earth, and afflict human beings with the black corrosion, causing many to die. The air will no longer be able to protect the earth and its life from the sun's heat and fire, for the air will be a curtain full of holes. Thus the sun's burning light will consume the human being's skin and eyes, and consequently, they will lose their eyesight, or die. Lakes and oceans will bubble and foam like boiling water, and rivers will dry up, and cities will be buried. Cities, villages, meadows and forests will fall victim to the human being's mania when he artificially dams up huge rivers and lakes in order to gain power. And he will not consider that by his actions he torments and oppresses the earth, which will defend itself through earthquakes, turbulent waters, raging volcanoes and violent storms of all kinds. Entire landscapes and countries as well as islands, and even entire continents, will disappear. But human beings will have only a short memory, thus they will flee to higher grounds, and will start to rebuild everything again. They will forget very quickly what has happened and will continue in their old ways. The human beings will let themselves be blinded by illusory images, which they awaken to become reality, so they believe to touch something that does not even exist. Thus they will walk on paths that only the eyes can see but not the mind and reason. And this path will be a dream that will become reality. Therefore, the time will come when human beings will no longer be able to distinguish between what exists and what does not. Many false labyrinths will open up to them, in which they go astray and get lost. Many god cults and groups thereunder will form, and they will lead the believers into delusion and exploit them. And those who are able to devise and awaken all these illusory images for the human beings, will deceive and cheat the fools and credulous ones, and play an evil game of deception with them. Indeed, there will be many human beings who become enslaved to the illusory images of the god cults and their hierarchy, and become dependent on them, and consequently, they will be like submissive dogs.


Contact Report 229 When the time of the new prophet has arrived, the number of human beings will grow increasingly and become uncountable. The human being will no longer beget descendants in the natural way but will intervene in the woman's capability of becoming pregnant, and of bearing and giving birth to descendants. Thus the human being will create new human beings from the human beings' infinitesimal parts, and he will do the same with animals. Human beings and animals will cry out for large amounts of special foods and meat, and species of the same kind will eat each other when human beings transform the flesh and bones of human beings and animals into fine substances for the production of feed. And as the animals will eat their own kind through this process, the human being will consume his own parents and siblings when eating the meat of animals. Animals will no longer be under the protection and care of human beings, for human beings will breed animals in large numbers under degrading conditions, and finally slaughter them in a miserable manner. The human being will alter animals according to his will, and also create hermaphrodites from them, inflict unending pain on them, and not care about their never ending suffering. The human being will intervene in the animals' nature, and shape them to his liking. He will change the laws of life, and in doing so he will also change himself. The human being, who formed out of his origin a life form of progress, will no longer be the image of himself but a creation of terror. And terror will also be a reality for the human being's children, for terror, poison and hopelessness will lie in wait for them, for the human being will want children only for himself and as his personal property, and no longer for the sake of life and the children. Many children will become only a commodity, and their bodies will be sold for work, fornication and self-enjoyment. Others will be hounded, tormented, beaten and killed by their own parents and siblings, or by child abusers who are degenerated in the worst form of inhumanity. But even those children who are protected by their own parents and siblings will be threatened. And they will be lacking in thoughts and feelings, and will be without knowledge, for they will live in a world of illusory games and images that will seduce them, because no master stands at their side who could instruct them in knowledge and wisdom. Thus nobody will teach the children to hope and to act, and to turn towards the knowledge of the real truth. Therefore, the human being will be arrogant and consider himself to be the Creation, although he will never be any more than what he was at birth, namely a human being. And the human being is in dire need of knowledge, thus he must learn a lot in order to free himself of his ignorance and lack of wisdom. But he will not be willing to learn, and will turn a deaf ear to the teachings of the prophet of the new time, thus his words will go unheard as if they are called out in a desert. Thus, the human being will continue in his old ways, and only a few will follow the words of the prophet. Therefore, the human being will continue to regard himself to be the Creation, and will ever more strike out, and let himself be overcome by wrath and anger, vengeance and hatred, greed for power, injustice, greed for profit and jealousy. But through the power and control that he will have seized over animals and nature, as well as over life and human beings, he will feel strong and will continue to strike out like a wild barbarian, and destroy everything around himself. Thus he will remain a small dwarf in his thinking and feeling, as well as in his understanding and reasoning, although in many areas of advancement he will possess the strength of a giant. And in this manner he will stride forward like a giant but will not know which path he should take in the days to come, because he will be lacking all the necessary knowledge and wisdom. In fact, his head will be very heavy from the great amount of knowledge that he has acquired, yet it will be a useless knowledge, because its value is not based on the value of the spirit, and is not uniform with the laws of the Creation but is based only on human laws. Thus in spite of all his knowledge, the human being will be miserably lacking in true knowledge, for he will not know the reason why he lives and dies. Thus he will remain to be the impetuous one as he always was, the one who furiously and ignorantly waves his arms about and utters delusional words, or softly whimpers like a child who is not yet able to speak. Already in the second millennium following the birth of Jmmanuel and still before the birth of the prophet of the new time, a worldwide war will cover the earth, and it will also be so two years after his


Contact Report 229 birth. But that will not be the end, because like in the past, there will be new, larger and smaller wars everywhere, and this will continue to be the case until far into the third millennium. In all the four corners of the earth, entire countries will become the spoils of war for the power-greedy who are degenerated in the worst form of inhumanity, and thereby innumerable human beings will be put into the hands of death as well. And innumerable human beings will also be put into death's hands through the god cult that will incorrectly, and through a crazy foolishness emerge out of the teachings of the prophet Jmmanuel, for they will fall victim to an unimaginable falsification. Human beings in their own countries will be at war with each other and cut each other's throats; and wars will rage between countries and the believers of god cults. The Hebraons will become Jews; and twelve tribes of them will branch off, and will be believers of Allah. The Christian cult will emerge from Jmmanuel's teaching, and they as well as the Jews, and the believers of Allah will not stop fighting each other until far into the third millennium after Jmmanuel's birth. Every place on earth will become a bloody battlefield, and one of the reasons for this will be that each god cult believes to be the right and better one than the others. Therefore, the believers of all god cults will wrongly imagine they alone have the sole purity and true belief, and will want to defend their delusional belief. Thus the believers of the various god cults will confront each other with force and doubt, with hatred and revenge, as well as with suspicion, treachery and with the intention to murder, and therefore death will inevitably spread everywhere. And through all this evil, very many human beings will be excluded from human rights and life, and will have neither bread nor shelter, for every right will be taken from them. They will be the poorest among the poor and will have to go around naked, and will have only their bodies to sell. They will be the outlaws and the outcasts, and exist far away from all those who live in joyfulness, magnificence and abundance. And those who live in this manner of affluence will grumble in their guilt, threaten the poorest whose land they occupy by force, and unrestrainedly reproduce themselves. And they will hear perfectly well the harsh and just words of the prophet of the new time, yet they will be indifferent and have no fear of retaliation. But their arrogance will one day break down when the masses of people become barbarians and seize everything by storming, destroying and plundering the palaces of those who are rich, who are governing, who are in top positions, as well as those who are powerful and are the cults' rulers. When the work of the prophet of the new time begins, the human being will already have entered an impenetrable labyrinth of fear, destruction and degeneration of the worst form of inhumanity. His fear will close his eyes and shut his ears, thus he will no longer be able to see and hear what is happening around him. His reflecting and trying to act will be overshadowed by suspicion and anxiety, and fright will accompany each of his steps. Yet he will not be granted any rest, for he is driven forward constantly. The voice of the prophet of the new time will be forceful, harsh and just because everybody must hear it. And those who shut their ears and pretend to be deaf will also hear his voice. And many will even hear the voice, yet deny it, because they will want to continue accumulating more and more possessions. Thereby they will lose their heads to the illusory images of the god cults, and to those who want to be their master through falsehood and deceit. Thus the human being will be deceived by those who call themselves their "shepherds" - yet there will only be bad shepherds. When the millennium in which the new time prophet dies draws to an end, and when 800 years pass after his death, human beings will have come so far to open their eyes and ears that they will be capable of seeing and hearing. But this will be, because the power of the prophet's word will begin to take effect over centuries, and will permeate the feelings and thoughts as well as the reason of human beings. It will be a very arduous work that the prophet and his loyal supporters will have to accomplish, however, their dedicated efforts will not fail to be successful. And slowly, the human beings will free themselves from the god cults, and turn toward the truth of the spirit and the Creation. Their heads will no longer be trapped in the delusional teachings of god cults, and they will have their eyes and ears open, thus they will be able to see and hear from one end of the earth to the other, and will be able to understand each


Contact Report 229 other from now on. They will have become cognizant that each blow that strikes the fellow-human being will hurt and injure him. Human beings will form a large community in which each one is a part of the other. True love will create peace and freedom, and will unite humankind. And there will also be one special language beside the many that exist, which will be understood and spoken by all human beings. And this will finally be the start of the birth of the new, the real and true human. And when the end of the millennium draws near, the human being will have conquered the sky (space), and will fly toward the stars. He will also create stars in the deep and dark expanses of the sky where stars are gleaming. He will fly through the air, and travel through space with large ships of shining metal, and will set out on long journeys to search for a new home somewhere out in the far and distant sky . And the human being will be the master of the waters, and will build large cities upon the oceans, and his nourishment will be the fruit of the oceans. And this will be the time when nothing will be prohibited for him any more, because he lives in accordance with the laws of the Creation. The new time will bring about that human beings will be able to communicate with each other without having to use a verbal language, or megaphones, for with their thoughts, feelings and heads they will be able to receive and understand all messages, which another human being thinks and feels. And it will be that human beings will share their dreams with each other, and live long lives. Their life will be as long as those described in the old handed-down texts, who reached an age of one thousand years. And it will be the time when human beings know the secret of all things, thus the body of human beings and animals, the secret of gems and waters, and the look (eyes) of each other human being. He will penetrate all secrets, and will be cognizant of them, and consequently will be able to push open one door after the other into the realm of new life. The human being will be a powerful, productive and bubbling source of new life, and every human being will acquire the knowledge connected with the Creation. The children of the earth will look up into space with reverence, and will be more successful in probing into its secrets than anybody before them. The human being's body will be stronger, taller and more agile, and his thoughts and feelings as well as his head will embrace all things, and understand and integrate them. But all of this will already begin during the lifespan of the prophet of the new time, for his work will be a valuable contribution in this regard, although it will be denied by many who are jealous or want to know it better. And he will also do much so that the man will no longer be the sole master, for early in his life he will work and be effective so that the woman will come, in order to take hold of the sceptre and change the world for the better. Thus, the woman will be the master of the future times, for she is vigorous and powerful, and will impose her will upon men, and will create a better and more harmonious world in peace and freedom. In the third millennium after Jmmanuel's birth, the woman will rise to become the mother of the millennium. The woman will exude gentleness, love, harmony and peace of the true mother, and will be the perfect beauty and love after the ugliness of barbarity and the death-bringing wars. And the teaching of the prophet will contribute much to that end, whereby the new time in its evolutionary path transforms into a time of ease, in which human beings will sincerely and truly love and share, dream together and make dreams come true. And when this second birth becomes reality for the human being, thoughts and feelings and the head will get hold of the majority of human beings who, in loving their fellow-human being, are altogether one. That will be the end of barbarity, the end of wars and the end of evil. A time of knowledge and wisdom will dawn, and bring near to human beings the true meaning of life, which the prophet of the new time will unwaveringly teach and carry into the world, in spite of treacherous attacks on his life. Through his teachings happy days will begin for human beings from the new time onward, when human beings find the path of peace, freedom, and the teaching of the spirit, and walk on it. Then the earth will again have its standing rules and regulations. At the beginning only a few courageous ones will follow the words and the teaching of the prophet whereby their path will be quite tough and strenuous. So at first, only a few loyal ones will distinguish themselves and toil for their


Contact Report 229 reward, yet the time will come when they quickly multiply, and will be in large numbers around the world. Already at the time of the new prophet, many roads will lead from one city to another, and from one end of the world to the other, and soon roads will also wind endlessly through the sky. The withered green of meadows and forests will recover, waters will be clean and pure again, and water will be brought into the deserts, where everything will then sprout and bloom. And soon the earth will be like a new garden, where the human being will respect everything that grows, blooms, moves around, crawls and flies. He will put his heart into scrubbing, and keeping clean everything that he has soiled, and will look upon the earth with love and joy, and consider it to be his new home. Love, harmony, knowledge and wisdom will become his obligation, and he will think of knowledge and wisdom all of his life, all of his following lives, as well as every day and every morning. Each human being will think and act in the same manner and he will know more about his body and head, his thoughts and feelings, as well as about the laws of life and of the Creation than was the case ever before. And there will also come the time when diseases and sicknesses will be recognized and healed before they are able to manifest. And the human being will learn that he is able to prevent and to heal many of his own diseases and sicknesses. He will also learn, however, that he has to stand by and help the poor and the weak, not only out of necessity but for the sake of love toward the fellow-human being, and in order to sustain the entire nature of being a human being. Thus the human being will also open his heart and purse to the poor and the destitute, and leave behind the regrettable times of barbarity, greediness, and reticence. And when finally the new time is dawning, the human being will finally understand to be in the correct way the true guardian of human conduct in accordance with statutes and regulations, and understand in the correct way to be the true guardian of life, of the earth and its nature, including all living things. For in this far and distant time to come, the human being will have learned to give and share, and to give up the taking for the purpose of satisfying his greed for profit. The human being will finally be a human being, and will no longer be alone among the many. His loneliness will be gone, and he will finally become cognizant of the real truth and the laws of the Creation and life, and of dying and death. All human beings will acknowledge each other, and will no longer make a difference between various races, god cults, and between the rich and the poor. But all this will only happen when the worldwide wars and firestorms, the evil cruelties of human beings, and all the apocalyptic catastrophes triggered through nature and the earth have ended. Then new buildings and towers will grow out of the charred rubble of cities and villages, but an iron fist (strong hand) will be necessary to bring back the standing rules and regulations into the chaos created by human beings. And it will be of utmost necessity that the prophet of the new time let his powerful word ring out and bring the teaching of the truth and the spirit, for this will be the power that enables the human being to find the right path again. And through the new prophet's teaching, the human being will become cognizant that not only he but also all living beings are bearers of the spirit and the light, and are creatures that must be respected. And when the human being knows that, then he will create new cities on earth, upon the waters, under the waters, and in the sky where he will travel with silvery gleaming, metallic ships. Thus, the human being will remember what once was, and he will also know how to probe into the days and times to come. He will learn to understand procreation and birth, as well as life, dying and death, and will lose all anxiety and fear of it, because he will turn toward the teaching of the prophet. And the human being's age will be that of several lives, because his lifespan will be extended, and he will become cognizant that light never extinguishes, and that life also continues in death and in living again - for his knowledge will become all-encompassing wisdom. Quetzal These, my friend, are the predictions of Jeremia for the second millennium that comes to an end, and the coming third millennium.


Contact Report 229


Part 4 (Translated by Benjamin Stevens)

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an unofficial but authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations
English Billy: These actually arent prophecies but rather predictions, which will, therefore, fulfill themselves under all circumstances. Do you know whether there are also predictions or prophecies of other prophets, which we here on Earth do not yet know or no longer know, because they have been lost? Quetzal: 416. Yes, there are such. Billy: Could you also make these accessible for me? Quetzal: 417. Perhaps once at a later time. 418. For today, anyhow, it must be enough, for my duty calls me again, which is why I must go now. 419. Until we meet again, my dear friend. Billy: Until we meet again. But when will you come back? Quetzal: 420. It will take some time because I will be away for two months. German Billy: Es sind wirklich keine Prophezeiungen, sondern Voraussagen, die sich also unter allen Umstnden erfllen werden. Weisst du, ob es von anderen Propheten auch Voraussagen oder Prophetien gibt, die wir hier auf der Erde noch nicht oder nicht mehr kennen, weil sie verlorengegangen sind?

Quetzal: 416. Ja, solche gibt es. Billy: Knntest du sie mir auch zugnglich machen? Quetzal: 417. Vielleicht zu spterer Zeit einmal. 418. Fr heute jedenfalls muss es genug sein, denn meine Pflicht ruft mich wieder, weshalb ich nun gehen muss. 419. Auf Wiedersehn, mein lieber Freund. Billy: Auf Wiedersehn. Doch wann kommst du wieder? Quetzal: 420. Es wird wohl geraume Zeit dauern, denn ich werde fr zwei Monate abwesend sein. Billy: Dann bis dahin.

Billy: Then until then.

Further Reading
The Predictions of the Prophet Elia

Predictions of the Prophets Jeremia and Elia at gaiaguys.net (backup copy) [1] Original German-language booklet [2]

[1] http:/ / www. futureofmankind. co. uk/ meier/ gaiaguys/ meier. Jer. Elia. Pedictions. htm [2] http:/ / www. futureofmankind. co. uk/ meier/ gaiaguys/ voraussagen_jeremia. pdf

Contact Report 230


Contact Report 230

IMPORTANT NOTE This page contains translations that are official and unofficial. You should check the source for each part.

Contact Report 230 Part 1

Contact Reports Volume: 6 Page number(s): 4-5 Date/time of contact: Wednesday, October 11th, 1989, 4:01AM Translator(s): Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg Official/unofficial translation: Unofficial Authorised/unauthorised by FIGU: Authorised Date of original translation: September 2008 Contact person: Quetzal

"Contact Approach" by Jim Nichols

Synopsis This week's translation conveys Quetzal's solution to the ancient riddle of how the Easter Island statues were moved and corrects the misunderstanding from the 69th contact that ET technology was used. It would be reasonable to assume that the first obligation of a translator would be to avoid vagueness and ambiguity in his or her translation. But this is not the case if the original text to be translated is for some reason - itself deliberately vague and ambiguous, because it is the first obligation of a translator to be true to the source text, and reproduce it as faithfully as possible, which can include all the original vagueness and ambiguity if it's there for a good reason. I think this applies to Quetzal's below explanation about the Easter Island statues, so I avoided the temptation to second-guess the Jschwjsch, who I think knows what he's doing, and reduce his imprecise sentence structure. As is, I've got a pretty good idea - from carefully evaluating the original German what these sledges must have looked like and how they worked, but it also necessitated a basic understanding of the specific mechanical strengths and weaknesses of palm tree trunks and how different shapes can spread and bear weight. It might be interesting to see various readers' sketched proposals of these sledges based on Quetzal's descriptions. Please note that the below conversation is missing lines 86 & 87, etc. because - as is often the case - Billy asked multipart questions which, in this instance, also dealt with the assassination of Hans-Ulrlch Lenztinger by the East German secret police. I omitted references to this topic, and also one about apples, for the sake of simplicity. Cheers! Dyson (gaiaguys) But this is just a small excerpt of the entire contact.

Contact Report 230


Contact Report 230 Part 1 Translation

An Important Message for the Reader of this Document / Eine wichtige Nachricht an den Leser dieser Schrift [1] We (Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg of www.gaiaguys.net [2]) have been given permission by Billy Meier (www.figu.org [3]) to make these unofficial, preliminary translations of FIGU material. Please be advised that our translations may contain errors. Please read this [4] explanatory word about our translations.
English Billy German Billy

On Friday, December 10th, 1976, Semjase explained all kinds of things Am Freitag, den 10. Dezember 1976 hat mir Semjase allerhand ber die to me about Easter Island and its inhabitants, as well as about the stone Osterinsel und deren Bewohner sowie ber die Steinkopfkolosse erklrt. head colossi. Thereby she also spoke of machines which stemmed from extraterrestrials. The colossal heads were produced, transported and erected with those. Unfortunately, she did not describe these machines in more detail, but for us it would be important to know what kind of machines they were. She also spoke of cranes and other sorts of apparatuses which the extraterrestrials put at the disposal of the islanders. Dabei sprach sie auch von Maschinen, die von Ausserirdischen stammten.

Damit wurden die Kopfkolosse hergestellt, transportiert und aufgerichtet. Leider hat sie diese Maschinen nicht nher beschrieben, was aber fr uns wichtig wre zu wissen, welcher Art die Maschinen waren. Sie sprach auch von Kranen und sonstigen Gerten, die die Ausserirdischen den Insulanern zur Verfgung stellten.

Somehow I find that it was irresponsible of the extraterrestrials to place Irgendwie finde ich, dass es von den Ausserirdischen unverantwortlich their technology into the hands of such underdeveloped Earth humans. war, ihre Technik derart unterentwickelten Erdenmenschen in die Hnde zu geben. If I think about your directives, which prohibit you from interfering in the affairs of humans greatly inferior to yourselves, and also from making yourselves visible in real form or taking up contact with such, then I do not understand the behaviour of those extraterrestrials who got involved with the islanders. Quetzal 72. It is also incomprehensible to us that they openly got involved with Earth humans who were still so primitive, so we can only presume that they must have been refugees who had traveled a great distance, who settled with the islanders in order to have a refuge where they were unsuspected by those who were pursuing them. 73. This presumption is also based on the foreigners to the islanders, as you call them, not making their actual high technology available, because the machines reported by Semjase were primitive constructions made of palm tree wood. Wenn ich an eure Direktiven denke, die euch untersagen, euch in Angelegenheiten euch weit untersetzter Menschheiten einzumischen, euch solchen auch nur in realer Form sichtbar zu machen oder mit solchen Kontakt aufzunehmen, dann verstehe ich das Handeln jener Ausserirdischen nicht, die sich mit den Insulanern einliessen. Quetzal 72. Dieses Sich-Einlassen in offener Form mit derart noch primitiven Erdenmenschen ist auch uns unverstndlich, so wir nur die Vermutung stellen knnen, dass die Weithergereisten Flchtlinge gewesen sein mssen, die sich bei den Insulanern festsetzten, um bei ihnen einen Zufluchtsort zu haben, der dort von Verfolgern nicht vermutet wurde. 73. Diese Vermutung basiert auch darauf, dass die Fremden den Insulanern, wie du sie nennst, nicht ihre eigentliche hohe Technik zur Verfgung stellten, denn die Maschinen, von denen Semjase berichtete, waren primitive Konstruktionen aus Palmholz.

74. In those days Easter Island was thickly covered with forests of palm 74. Zur damaligen Zeit war die Osterinsel dicht mit Palmen bewaldet, die trees, which were massively timbered off to the point of extinction. massenweise bis zur Ausrottung abgeholzt wurden. 75. The palm-wood was used for the construction of the primitive machines about which Semjase reported to you. 76. So the heads, which were hewn, respectively, chiseled, out of the volcanic rock, were heaved onto, and transported with, these machines which were prepared from palm-wood. 77. When the colossal heads, created by stonecutters, were ready, then round tree trunks - which, with lianas, and so forth, were made into a tree trunk sledge - were shoved under the figures. 75. Das Palmholz wurde fr die Konstruktion primitiver Maschinen verwendet, von denen dir Semjase berichtete. 76. So wurden fr den Transport die aus Lavagestein herausgehauenen resp. herausgemeisselten Kpfe auf aus Palmholz gefertigte Maschinen gehievt und mit diesen transportiert. 77. Waren die durch Steinmetze geschaffenen Kopfkolosse soweit fertig, dann wurden unter die Figuren runde Baumstmme geschoben, die mit Lianen usw. zu einem Stammschleifschlitten gefertigt wurden.

Contact Report 230

78. Diese dreieckig angefertigten Stammschleifschlitten lagerten jedoch nicht auf dem Boden, sondern auf weiteren Palmholzstmmen, die ebenfalls dreieckig und in einer langen Reihe bis zum Zielort angeordnet waren. 79. So konnten die Kopfkolosse wie auf Schienen ber weite Strecken transportiert werden. 80. Und damit die viele Tonnen wiegenden Kopffiguren auf den entrindeten Palmholzstmmen richtig gleiten konnten, wurden sie sowohl mit fetthaltigen Dingen beschmiert wie auch fortlaufend mit Wasser benetzt. 81. Die Bewegungskraft der Stammschleifschlitten waren eine grosse Anzahl Menschen, die diese Schleifschlitten mit Holzstangen ruckweise schoben, whrend andere an langen Seilen aus Lianen usw. das Ganze vorwrts zogen. 82. Um die schweren Gebilde dann auf vorgefertigte Plattformen zu stellen, wurden aus Lavagestein Rampen gebaut, auf die die Kopfgiganten geschoben wurden, wonach dann der Stammschleifschlitten mit dem darauf gelagerten Steinkoloss durch Menschenkraft Zentimeter um Zentimeter angehoben und fortlaufend wieder mit Lavasteinen untermauert wurde.

78. These triangularly-prepared tree-trunk sledges were not, however, set on the ground, rather on further palm trunks, which were likewise triangular and were arranged in a long row up to the destination.

79. In this way the colossal heads could be transported over great distances as if on tracks. 80. And thereby the figures of heads, weighing many tonnes, could slide properly on the decorticated palm wood trunks, which were smeared with things containing fat as well as also continuously being wetted with water. 81. The tree-trunk sledges' motivating power was a great number of humans, who, in fits and starts, shoved these sledges with wooden poles, while others pulled the whole thing forward with long ropes made from lianas, and so forth. 82. In order to then erect the heavy objects on the prefabricated platforms, volcanic rock was used to build ramps onto which the giant heads were shoved, whereupon, then the tree-trunk sledge, with the stone colossus laid on it, was lifted up centimetre by centimetre with human power and was progressively supported underneath with volcanic rocks.

83. Additionally, initially small, and then ever bigger palm-wood poles 83. Zustzlich wurden von hinten erst kleine und dann immer grssere were shoved under the sledges from behind and thereby everything was Palmholzstangen unter den Schleifschlitten geschoben und damit also kept from being able to fall back. zustzlich alles davor bewahrt, dass es zurckfallen konnte. 84. Further, fastened to the topmost part of the stone head, were more ropes, which extended forward and were lain on by humans, whereby, collectively, a crane process resulted. 85. These were the machines about which Semjase reported. Billy ... regarding Easter Island, we misunderstood everything about that, because we assumed that the extraterrestrials had put their own machines at the disposal of the islanders. So, naturally everything looks different ... Quetzal 88. The foreigners actually only revealed instructions and understandings in regard to how the still very primitive Earth humans could develop a special technology as a result of building - from the simplest means - their own devices and primitive machines for their use. 84. Weiter wurden am obersten Teil des Steinkopfes weitere Seile befestigt, die nach vorn reichten und von Menschen gelogen wurden, wodurch gesamthaft ein Kranverfahren entstand. 85. Das waren die Maschinen, von denen Semjase berichtete. Billy ... Und hinsichtlich der Osterinsel, da haben wir alles missverstanden, denn wir waren der Annahme, dass die Ausserirdischen ihre eigenen Maschinen den Insulanern zur Verfgung gestellt htten. So sieht alles natrlich anders aus. ... Quetzal 88. Die Fremden gaben tatschlich nur Anweisungen und Kenntnisse preis hinsichtlich dessen, wie die noch sehr primitiven Erdenmenschen aus einfachsten Mitteln eigene Gerte und primitive Maschinen zu ihrem Gebrauch bauen eine spezielle Technik entwickeln konnten.

Contact Report 230


FIGU USA Forum [5]

Contact Report 230 Part 2

Contact Reports Volume: 6 Page number(s): 5 Date/time of contact: Wednesday, October 11th, 1989, 4:01AM Translator(s): Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg Official/unofficial translation: Unofficial Authorised/unauthorised by FIGU: Authorised Date of original translation: September 2008 Contact person: Quetzal

Synopsis Quetzal and Billy discuss the Loch Ness monster!

Contact Report 230 Part 2 Translation

An Important Message for the Reader of this Document / Eine wichtige Nachricht an den Leser dieser Schrift [1] We (Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg of www.gaiaguys.net [2]) have been given permission by Billy Meier (www.figu.org [3]) to make these unofficial, preliminary translations of FIGU material. Please be advised that our translations may contain errors. Please read this [4] explanatory word about our translations.

Page 5
English Billy We spoke once about the Ness Sea, therefore Loch Ness in Scotland, in connection with so-called Nessie, whereby it is supposed to deal with a saurian, for which, however, up until now, no proof of existence could be brought forth. German Billy Wir sprachen einmal ber den See Ness, also Loch Ness in Schottland, im Zusammenhang mit dem sogenannten Nessi, wobei es sich um einen Saurier handeln soll, wofr jedoch bis heute kein Existenz-Beweis erbracht werden konnte.

But you have said that such an animal does actually exist in Loch Ness Von dir wurde aber gesagt, dass ein solches Getier im Loch Ness and that all that, therefore, it is not about a fairy tale. tatschlich existiere und dass es sich dabei also nicht um eine Mr handle. I would like to see the beast. Can you take me to it sometime? Quetzal 109. Actually, two parent animals and a young do exist. Das Viech mchte ich sehen. Kannst du mich mal hinbringen? Quetzal 109. Tatschlich existieren zwei Elterntiere und ein Jungtier.

110. It thereby deals with an aquatic predatory saurian, therefore about 110. Es handelt sich dabei um im Wasser lebende Raubsaurier, also um Plesiosaurus which have sustained themselves for many generations. Plesiosaurus, die sich ber viele Generationen erhalten haben. 111. However, proving their existence will be very difficult, because the animals themselves only seldom make their way into the higher waters, or even to the waters' surface in such a way that they can be sighted. 111. Deren Existenz zu beweisen jedoch sehr schwer sein wird, weil sich die Tiere nur selten in hhere Gewsser begeben oder gar an die Wasser oberflche in der Weise, dass sie gesichtet werden knnen.

Contact Report 230

112. Wir beobachten diese fernen Sauriernachfahren seit vielen Jahren und haben im Verlauf unserer Forschungen auch versteinerte Fossile deren fernster Vorfahren gefunden, die wir jedoch an den FundsteIlen beliessen, wo sie vielleicht dereinst von irdischen Palontologen oder sonstigen Erdenmenschen gefunden werden. 113. Natrlich werde ich dich hinbringen, damit du die Tiere sehen kannst, worber du jedoch whrend den nchsten 12 Jahren gegenber der ffentlichkeit schweigen musst.

112. We have observed these distant saurian descendents for many years and have, during the course of our research, also found petrified fossils of their distant predecessors, which we left where we found them where they will perhaps be found some day by terrestrial palaeontologists or other Earth humans. 113. Naturally I will take you there so you can see the animals, however you must not make that public for the next 12 years.

FIGU USA Forum [6]

Contact Report 230 Part 3

Contact Reports Volume: 6 Page number(s): 50-52,87 Date/time of contact: Wednesday, October 11th, 1989, 4:01AM Translator(s): Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg Official/unofficial translation: Unofficial Authorised/unauthorised by FIGU: Authorised Date of original translation: April 18th 2007 (for pages 50-52) Contact person: Quetzal

Synopsis On pages 50 to 52, Quetzal explains the effect of disharmonic music on humans and other aspects of the negative side of our future. On page 87, "Quetzal explains how Bush senior and friends plotted to get Bush junior elected in order to get their grubby oil greedy hands into Iraq. There is some comment about the greatest ever vote fraud which allowed this." gaiaguys.net But this is just a small excerpt of the entire contact.

Contact Report 230 Part 3 Translation

An Important Message for the Reader of this Document / Eine wichtige Nachricht an den Leser dieser Schrift [1] We (Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg of www.gaiaguys.net [2]) have been given permission by Billy Meier (www.figu.org [3]) to make these unofficial, preliminary translations of FIGU material. Please be advised that our translations may contain errors. Please read this [4] explanatory word about our translations.

Contact Report 230


Pages 50-52
English Billy ... Tell me, what do you make of the bad music which is manifestly beginning to gain a firm footing on the Earth? Quetzal 435. That is an extremely regrettable matter because, as I know from a look into the future, now the time is coming in which many kinds of evil become evident. 436. Worldwide, more and more parents become depraved, who sexually abuse their children, drive them into prostitution, rent them out for this purpose and sell them for child-pornography, and so forth, whereby terrible torment will be inflicted on them and they will even be murdered. 437. In addition to that, in the coming time, more and more children will commit suicide, whereby the suicide rate will climb inexorably. German Billy ... Sag mal, was hltst du von der schlechten Musik, die offenbar auf der Erde Fuss zu fassen beginnt? Quetzal 435. Das ist eine usserst bedauerliche Sache, denn nun kommt die Zeit, wie ich aus einer Zukunftsschau weiss, in der vielerlei bel in Erscheinung treten wird.

436. Weltweit verkommen immer mehr Eltern, die ihre Kinder sexuell missbrauchen, zur Prostitution treiben, sie zu diesem Zweck vermieten und verkaufen fr Kinderpornographie usw., wobei ihnen aber auch furchtbare Qualen zugefgt und sie gar ermordet werden.

437. Nebst dem werden in kommender Zeit immer mehr Kinder Suizid begehen, wobei die Selbstmordrate unaufhaltsam steigen wird.

438. Harmonic music will be extensively displaced in the future 438. Die harmonische Musik wird knftig durch unglaublich disharmonischen by unbelievably disharmonic noise which will be labeled a Krach, der als moderne Musikrichtung bezeichnet wird, weitgehend verdrngt. modern music trend. 439. From that, a complete disharmony will come about, by which innumerable people will be seized, and indeed youngsters, teenagers and adults. 440. In the future, monstrously big, disharmonious noise-installations of this kind will take place everywhere, whereby all decency and all feelings of self-worth will be trampled underfoot many times over. 441. Many will become criminals in order to indulge these undignified actions and also drug addiction, and the related criminality will climb immeasurably worldwide just as much as unemployment, and prostitution, which will be shamelessly publicly advertised in the press and on television. 442. All that will occur, next to which porno-prostitution will become an officially recognized industry and will be taxed in the same way as public prostitution. 443. But that is not all, because also the language will deteriorate, because, through the shameful power of USAmerica, the languages of the world will be Americanized. 444. The secret USAmerican plan, since the First World War, has been organized to eradicate the German language in particular, and indeed in conjunction with USAmerica's secret, world-domination plans. 445. But through the entire disharmony, the German language, with all its varieties and dialects, is infected through a wrong stressing of the words in the spoken sentences, which additionally promotes the entire disharmony and also exercises an extremely negative influence on governors, company leaders, industrial magnates, and the military, and so forth. 439. Daraus entsteht eine vllige Disharmonie, von denen Unzhlige ergriffen werden, und zwar Junge, Jugendliche und Erwachsene.

440, Es werden knftig rundum ungeheuer grosse disharmonische Krachveranstaltungen dieser Art stattfinden, wobei vielfach aller Anstand und alles Selbstwertgefhl mit Fssen getreten wird.

441. Viele werden zu Kriminellen, um diesem wrdelosen Tun frnen zu knnen, und auch die Sucht nach Rauschgift und die diesbezgliche Kriminalitt werden ebenso weltweit ins Unermessliche steigen wie auch die Arbeitslosigkeit und die Prostitution, fr die schamlos in Presseorganen und im Fernsehen ffentlich geworben werden wird. 442. Das alles nebst dem, dass die Pornoprostitution zu einem staatlich anerkannten Gewerbe und wie die ffentliche Prostitution besteuert wird.

443. Das aber wird nicht alles sein, denn auch die Sprache wird verkommen, denn durch die schndliche Macht US-Amerikas werden die Sprachen der Welt amerikanisiert. 444. Der US-amerikanische Geheimplan ist seit dem Ersten Weltkrieg darauf ausgerichtet, insbesondere die deutsche Sprache auszurotten, und zwar im Zusammenhang mit den geheimen Weltherrschaftsplnen US-Amerikas.

445. Durch die ganze Disharmonie aber wird die deutsche Sprache mit all ihren Abarten und Dialekten durch eine falsche Betonung der Worte in den gesprochenen Stzen verseucht, was die ganze Disharmonie zustzlich frdert und auch auf die Regierenden, Firmenfhrer, die Wirtschaftsmagnaten und Militrs usw. einen usserst negativen Einfluss ausben wird.

Contact Report 230

446. Durch das Ganze werden neue Kriege ebenso in Erscheinung treten wie auch ungeheure Staats-, Wirtschafts- und Privatverschuldungen, Wirtschaftszusammenbrche durch verantwortungslose Misswirtschaft, Ausbeutungen vieler Firmen durch deren Manager, Konkurse, in die Firmen durch Manager und Misswirtschaft getrieben werden, was weltweit zu einer ungeheuer grossen Arbeitslosigkeit fhren wird und unter gewissen Umstnden einen Wirtschafts- und Staatenzusammenbruch in allen Industrielndern hervorrufen kann.

446. Through it all, new wars will come into being just as much as will also monstrous state, commercial and private debts, commercial collapses through irresponsible maladministration, exploitation of many firms by their managers, bankruptcies, into which firms will be driven by management and maladministration, which will lead to monstrously great worldwide unemployment, and under certain circumstances, can evoke a commercial and governmental collapse in all industrial countries. 447. And monstrous terrorism will become evident worldwide which will, to a great extent, in religious, sectarian, secret service and open political form, be practiced in the coming time through suicide assassins as well as through other cowardly attacks on the innocent and on their worldly possessions. 448. Also all kinds of radical political, anarchistic and sectarian-religious groups of extremists will emerge, such as so-called skinheads and neo-nazis, and so forth, as however also will political, religious and sectarian powerful-ones of the state, who will be fanatics and unscrupulous and irresponsible war-mongers, war criminals and murderers. Billy So humanity can still be pleased. [Billy is expressing irony.] But, as usual, one can probably change nothing because it will be just as it has been since ancient times: when prophecies, probability calculations as well as predictions are made and announced by sages then they will only be laughed at, scorned and labeled nut-cases, or they will even be harmed, persecuted, seriously insulted and slandered, and, ultimately, attempts will be made on their lives. That will indeed also not change in the future. ...

447. Und weltweit wird ein ungeheurer Terrorismus in Erscheinung treten, der in kommender Zeit in religiser, sektiererischer, geheimdienstlicher und offener politischer Form in grossem Masse durch Selbstmordattentter sowie durch sonstige feige Anschlge auf Unschuldige und auf deren Hab and Gut ausgebt werden wird. 448. Auch allerlei radikale politische, anarchistische und sektiererisch-religse Extremistengruppierungen werden auf den Plan treten, wie sogenannte Skinheads und Neonazis usw., wie aber auch politische, religise und sektiererische Staatsmchtige, die Fanatiker und bedenkenlose und verantwortungslose Kriegshetzer, Kriegsverbrecher und Mrder sein werden.

Billy Da kann sich die Menscheit noch freuen. ndern kann man aber wie blich wohl nichts, denn es wird so sein wie seit alters her: Wenn von Wissenden Prophetien, Wahrscheinlichkeitsberechnungen sowie Voraussagen gemacht und bekanntgegeben werden, dann werden sie nur verlacht, verpnt und als Spinner bezeichnet, oder sie werden gar geharmt, werden verfolgt, schwer verunglimpft und verleumdet, und letztendlich wird ihnen noch nach dem Leben getrachtet.

Das wird sich wohl auch in Zukunft nicht ndern. ...

Page 87
English Billy Monstrous, really monstrous. It would also be just as monstrous if/when the world trade centre would be destroyed by terrorists with captured commercial airplanes, through which thousands of people would die, that Bush junior and various of his criminal trusted ones knew that then, however undertook nothing against it. A criminal act that gains Bush the upper hand and he can let loose against Islam, naturally always under the cloak/veil that they want to free the USA and the world from terrorism. It would not be discussed that it would be the Bushs who would bring the greatest terror over the world, at least for the next 15 years. Quetzal 666. That is correct. German Billy Ungeheuerlich, wirklich ungeheuerlich. So ungeheuerlich wird es aber auch sein, wenn das WHZ durch Terroristen mit gekaperten Verkehrsflugzeugen zerstrt wird, wobei Tausende von Menschen sterben werden, dass Bush junior - und verschiedene seiner kriminellen Vertrauten - das dann weiss, jedoch nichts dagegen unternimmt. Ein verbrecherischer Akt, dass Bush die Oberhand gewinnt und gegen den Islam losziehen kann, natrlich immer unter dem Deckmantel dessen, die USA und die Welt vom Terrorismus befreien zu wollen. Dass aber, zumindest fr die nchten 15 Jahre, die Bushs den grssten Terror ber die Welt bringen werden, davon wird nicht gesprochen.

Quetzal 666. Das ist von Richtigkiet.

Contact Report 230


gaiaguys.net (backup copy part one) [7] gaiaguys.net (backup copy part two) [8]

Contact Report 230 Part 4

Contact Reports volume: 6 Date of Contact: 11th October 1989 Page number(s): Unknown Translated by Helga Friedrichs, in collaboration with Willem Mondria and Christopher Mainwaring-Taylor First proofreading and correction by Willem Mondria Reviewed by Willem Mondria on 20th May 2005 Second proofreading and correction by Christian Frehner on 5th May 2005 Third and fourth proofreading and corrections by Helga and Christian in June 2005 Combining of the two versions of Helga and Willem by Christian on 11th June 2005 Sent to Philia for proofreading on 11th June 2005

Contact person: Quetzal

Contact Report 230 Part 4 Translation

Predictions of the Prophet Elia Billy Can you tell me today again something about the prophecies, or predictions of the old prophets? Quetzal Certainly. I have made every endeavour to bring something along with me. However, it is not a prophecy but a prediction that leads back to the prophet Elia and refers mainly to you. To make it understandable, I had also to rewrite his old style of writing into the German language of today. So listen then what he had to say: As herald of this world, I see and hear and know what will happen in the very distant future. It will be in centuries, when the herald of the new time will raise his voice, and teach the world, and cause great turmoil and thus his life will be threatened. I see and hear and know because my eyes and ears are open, and see and hear in heaven what will be happening in the very distant days to come. Like taking a gigantic step, I traverse with my eyes and ears the days to a distant time, to a free country and to a place, which is still unknown to you, and which you are not yet able to see. There will be the most courageous of all courageous ones, the most holy of all holy ones, and he will teach powerfully and proclaim the laws and commandments of the Creation. He will have knowledge of the script like I, and will be able to listen to heaven. And he will be the eye, the ear and the conscience of the human beings, and he will let human beings see the power of the Creation, and let them hear the Creation's laws. He will be a seeing and knowing one, and a mediator whose hand writes down the words of those who will come from the stars. And he will be the third one to follow me, and will be a continuation in the living again of those prophets who were before me as "other personalities of me". His word will reveal the hidden structure of the world, as well as many secrets of the Creation. And he will fill the gaps of memory that lead from one point in the past, or of the present into the future, thus he will show the map on where happenings design the new time, which are caused through the human beings. The new herald will have to endure much hardship; his father will be a simple shoemaker, and his mother a simple woman who will give birth to three sons and four daughters. One of the sons will be

Contact Report 230 called guardian of the treasure, and he will be the new herald. The knowledge about the laws of the Creation will lay open to him as never before to a herald. And he will be the one who brings to light again the true teaching and true words of the old heralds, and will make them accessible to human beings. Until then, the texts of my proclamations, my teaching and my words - and my words of my followers - and my words of my forbears - will remain a secret until the right moment when they shall rise again in the days of the new herald, delivered by the human beings from the sky. And the herald will wait for the right day on the mountain of the horseshoe, where he will have his homestead, and where a flag will flutter in the wind as a sign of the bond with human beings from the sky. And when the propitious day has come, he will proclaim the old words, and his homestead will be a place where human beings will turn up from the four corners of the earth. His real relatives will be from the sky, and they will come and go but not be seen by human beings because they will remain a secret, for their heads are not compatible with the earth human beings' heads. The new herald of the distant days will be the founder of the group of truth, which will spread out to the four corners of the earth. He will break open the seal to many secrets of the Creation, and of the head of human beings, and of their thoughts and feelings, and he will be more knowledgeable in this field than any other human being of that time, or any time before. His number will be the one, the three and the seven, and thus the number of the knowing and the wise. He will travel far to the place where the sky and earth meet each other, and where the sky ends. His words will be the words of truth, and they will be harsh and shake the human beings heads. And he will be restless in his work, and will be active when he is lying down , and when he is walking in the darkness of night, or in the moon's powerful light. And he will be active when he travels across the desert or climbs the mountains, and when he lets himself be imbued by the energies of the stars, the sun and the earth. He will imbue his words with his powerful energies, which flow through his words like streams of strength, and to preserve his words for all times to come he will record them unlike any herald before him. His words imbued with love will be comfort for the righteous, and his words will also reach the unjust and jolt and shake them, and they will penetrate them like powerful streams of energy, and cause them gradually to wake up. His words will also penetrate deep into the sky, and to the human beings there, and they will penetrate the stars with their powerful strength. And his words will reach that point where the sky and earth meet, and where the sky finds its end. And his knowledge will be such to know the human beings' head (consciousness), thoughts and feelings, as well as their intellect and reason. And he will know the body (essence) of the earth, the stars and the sky, for he will follow the paths that lead to the secrets in these worlds. The new herald in the distant time to come will be the third one to follow me, and he will also be able to heal, and will integrate himself into my ancient lineage of Jesaia, Jeremia, Henoch, Henok and Nokodemion, the ancient fathers of knowledge and wisdom who have the same spirit-form, and never have allowed their senses to become dull, like human beings do in the present time and will do so even more in the new time of the new herald, when they create an artificial and unreal inability of understanding the difference between cognition and knowledge, lies and truth, prediction and prophecy, inspiration and intuition, love and fornication, peace and war, wisdom and imagination, and delusion and reality. The new herald will read many sacred books, and at ever-recurring times of loneliness he will go to the mountains, forests and to the desert in order to learn, and to surrender to reflection (meditation). And he will join many cults, which worship godheads, angels and saints in order to fathom their secrets and delusional teachings. And he will also fathom the secret principles and patterns of the world and time. And on the mountain of the horseshoe he will build a place of rest, a place of reflection (meditation), and of love and peace where all sacred streams and streams of truth will converge, which since times immemorial pass through the human beings. This place will grow to become the original and symbolic centre for the earth and the sky, because the forces of the spirit and head (consciousness) converge in


Contact Report 230 this centre, and an impressive collection of true knowledge, of true love as well as of freedom, peace, harmony and wisdom will accumulate there. Thus in time human beings will not be able to take one step without discovering the traces of the true and great herald, and to follow these traces. And Eduard will be called guardian of the treasure, and he will be following me as the third link after the heralds Jmmanuel and Mohammed, and they will be following me as the first and second link with the same spirit-form, yet with another head (consciousness). The new herald will be a powerful mediator and a seer, and his word will contain all life's cognition, for he will have opened himself to it. Many human beings will understand him, but all those who will hear his word and not understand, or read his writing and not understand, or only come in touch with it and not understand, will be overcome by a tremendous fear as if a chasm would be opening in front of them. Thus many will fearfully turn away, and others will steal and falsify the herald's word and teaching in order to gain a lucrative profit. They will be unable to understand the herald's word, and will try to destroy it; yet they will be unable to commit a sacrilege, for the herald's word and teaching will be much too powerful. When the new herald begins his work, more than twenty-two centuries will have passed after me. Many villages and cities will be overflowing with an immense horde of human beings, and an unimaginable milling mass will exist. Old villages and cities, as well as their walls, bulwarks and arms, and the mortal remains of the old prophets and human beings from earlier times will be buried under sand and ruins, and they will be excavated in the new time as a special feature of old value. The days until then will have obliterated my voice and my words, as well as the words of all prophets and wise ones. And the human beings will turn away from the truth, and will turn towards the belief of various cults with gods, angels and saints who truthfully are none of these, for they are only inventions of priests and self-appointed bringers of salvation. The cults' belief will become law, and only a few human beings will have the courage to turn openly towards the truth and the laws of the Creation. Thus only a few will follow the words and the teaching of the new herald, and remain loyal. There will be a huge crowd of believers of all cults around the world, spreading themselves everywhere, and the human beings' belief developed in the cults will reverberate from one end of the world to the other like a tremendous roar of thunder. And the cults will fight each other in bloody battles until death and ruin, and barbarity will break out within the cults, and the cults' high and highest ranking priests and their henchmen will persecute the cults' lower and lowest ranks, and murder them in order to take hold of their goods and gold, and thereby getting wealthier and wealthier. This will also happen through continuous exploitation, because tributes and penalties will be imposed on the believers by their cults, which will have to be paid in gold and coins. In the new time, the human being will have knowledge about the great continents on earth, and about the huge forests beyond the end of the endless oceans. And in the more than two thousand years from the time in which I live, all the lands everywhere on earth will become enormous kingdoms and empires, and become huge when they unite. Yet, as innumerable as there are links in an endless chain, as innumerable will be the wars, and they will increasingly overlap each other, and thus kingdoms and empires will collapse, and new ones will be created out of them again. But the slaves and those in bondage, the land's tillers and winegrowers, the shepherds and the poor will be rebellious, and more than a thousand times they will bring fire to the land; they will set afire castles, fortresses and cities, and will burn harvests. And they will continue to do so until they are taken prisoner, are tortured and burned and skinned alive, and the survivors will be compelled to hide again in their hiding-places for protection. And thus, the upper and superior ones in authority and their henchmen will feel secure again as if they would be kings. But there will be progress, and when the time of more than two millennia has passed, the human being will have conquered the depths of the oceans and of the sky, and he will fly into the sky (space) and


Contact Report 230 search for a new home. Like a star shining in the firmament, he will be like a star in the firmament when he has gained the sun's power and will consider himself to be the Creation, and when he has erected thousands of huge buildings and towers on earth, has built powerful ships out of metal, and ploughs with these ships through the waters of oceans and through air and the sky. And there will be new and big empires across the big ocean, and one of these empires will send out new legions of barbaric hordes under the command of powerful rulers who are degenerated in the worst form of inhumanity to carry out wars and conquer the world in order to get hold of the countries' mineral resources. But beyond the big ocean, the walls of cities and villages of the conquerors wanting to seize the world's power will collapse, and the empire will then be destroyed and be only a scorched land and muddy waters. And the peoples of the earth will interbreed, which causes a lot of harm, illnesses, infirmity and hatred, terror and revenge, as well as many deaths. And when these days arrive, humankind will be approaching very difficult times and will be standing before an impenetrable labyrinth; its entrance will be shrouded in a dark gloom, as black as the darkest night, and the human being will step into this labyrinth, where the evil will glimmer with glowing red eyes of ruin and disaster. And when these days arrive may the human being be on his guard, for the disastrous ruin will bear within destruction, and innumerable deaths, a cruel rage and wrath degenerated in the worst form of inhumanity. And the days of ruin and disaster will be long, yet in the distant future of the coming time, everything will become lighter, and there will be love, peace and freedom. It shall be so, for I see and hear in heaven, and know that it will be as I have proclaimed, for I am the herald Elia, and I speak the truth. Quetzal This is the prediction of Elia. It should not be necessary to say more, for these and Jeremia's predictions should be sufficient for the earth's human beings.


Further Reading
Predictions of the Prophet Jeremia

Predictions of the Prophets Jeremia and Elia on gaiaguys.net (backup copy) [1] Original German-language booklet [2]

Contact Report 230 Part 5

Contact Reports Volume: 6 Page Numbers: 70 to 70 Date/time of contact: 11th October 1989 4:01AM Translator(s): Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg Date of original translation: July 2005 Corrections and improvements made: March 2007 Contact person: Quetzal

Contact Report 230 Synopsis Billy and Quetzal discuss the American moon landings. This is just a small excerpt of the entire contact.


Contact Report 230 Part 5 Translation

An Important Message for the Reader of this Document / Eine wichtige Nachricht an den Leser dieser Schrift [1] We (Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg of www.gaiaguys.net [2]) have been given permission by Billy Meier (www.figu.org [3]) to make these unofficial, preliminary translations of FIGU material. Please be advised that our translations may contain errors. Please read this [4] explanatory word about our translations.

Billy and Quetzal continued

English Billy: Then once again something concerning the Earth's Moon, respectively in regard to the first alleged Moon landing of the Americans, which is supposed to have happened on July 20th, 1969. This theatre spectacle was indeed only staged for political reasons and allegedly in order to have obtained a giant success before the Soviet Union because, at that time, the Russians already stood shortly ahead of the Yankees, coming before them with a manned Moon landing. But after the gigantic American swindle with the so-called Moon landing, which was cinematically faked in a suitable place in America, up to 1972, five Moon landings actually subsequently came about. However, to be able to prepare and accomplish these landings, the Yankees required more time than they had at their disposal before 1969. For this reason, and also even because of politics, this gigantic swindle was staged and all of humanity shamefully deceived. Will this swindle actually never be uncovered? Also it makes me wonder why the Yankees actually never allow anything to be heard regarding that on the South Pole and North Pole of the Moon there are big areas where daytime permanently rules, as I had seen, as in my earlier youth in the year 1946 from Sfath, and then in 1975 also from Semjase who provided the possibility to behold the Moon from up close and to see the aerospace-junk that the Earthlings had transported there. Quetzal: 582. The story of lies, of the alleged first Moon landing, is surely never more able to be worked out of the world. German Billy: Dann wieder einmal etwas wegen des Erdmondes resp. bezglich der ersten angeblichen Mondlandung der Amerikaner, die am 20. Juli 1969 gewesen sein soll. Dieses Theater-Spektakel wurde ja nur veranstaltet um der Politik willen und um angeblich vor der Sowjet-Union einen Riesenerfolg erzielt zu haben, weil die Russen damals bereits kurz davor standen, den Amis mit einer bemannten Mondlandung zuvorzukommen.

Nach dem amerikanischen Riesenschwindel mit der angeblichen Mondlandung aber, die in Amerika auf geeignetem Gelnde filmisch getrkt wurde, fanden dann nachtrglich tatschlich bis 1972 fnf Mondlandungen statt. Um diese Landungen aber vorzubereiten und durchfhren zu knnen, bentigten die Amis mehr Zeit, als ihnen diese bis 1969 zur Verfgung stand. Daher und eben auch der Politik wegen wurde der Riesenschwindel inszeniert und die ganze Menschheit schndlich betrogen. Wird dieser Schwindel eigentlich nie aufgedeckt? Auch nimmt es mich wunder, warum die Amis eigentlich nie etwas davon hren liessen, dass es am Sd- und Nordpol des Mondes grosse Gebiete gibt, wo stndiger Tag herrscht, wie ich gesehen habe, als mir in meiner frhen Jugend im Jahre 1946 von Sfath und dann 1975 auch von Semjase die Mglichkeit geboten wurde, den Mond aus der Nhe zu betrachten und den Raumfahrt-Germpel zu sehen, den die Erdlinge dorthin transportierten.

Quetzal: 582. Die Lgengeschichte der angeblich ersten Mondlandung wird wohl nicht mehr aus der Welt zu schaffen sein.

583. And regarding the continuous daytime area on the Moon's South 583. Und bezglich der stetigen Taggebiete am Mondsdpol und-nordpol ist Pole and North Pole is to say, that I also don't understand why zu sagen, dass auch ich nicht verstehe, warum darber ffentlich nichts nothing is publicly mentioned about that. erwhnt wird.

Contact Report 230


Note added to source webpage in October 2006

[ The article here ] is an unofficial translation of a short excerpt from an outstanding article by core-group member Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer [9], which was published in FIGU Special Bulletin #28 in September 2006. www.figu.org/de/figu/bulletin/s28/nasa.htm [10] Hans's article includes various selected excerpts from the Contact Reports which go into some detail about the Apollo 11 hoax, and the below translation has been made to demonstrate that - due to FIGU [3]'s unique status - irresponsibly publishing everything known to be true could result in fatal danger to the FIGU members at the SSSC. Had someone openly asked FIGU whether people had landed on the Moon in 1969, FIGU would have had to have somehow avoided giving a straight answer or would have had to say something like, "FIGU Switzerland distances itself from claims that the Apollo 11 Moon landing was not genuine." Logic suggests that there may indeed still be other matters of equal or even greater sensitivity that might elicit the a similar reply, and for the same prudent reasons.

Additional note added to source webpage on July 17th, 2007

Ptaah conveys advice to Billy from the High Council about why the release of the very sensitive hoaxed Apollo 11 "Moon landing" information could endanger him, the group members, the mission and could even cause war-like actions. This clearly demonstrates that such sensitive material of world wide significance must sometimes be withheld and/or talked around. (From p.1, vol. 7, 240th contact, Mon, December 30th, 1991) Additional related articles on source webpage [11]

gaiaguys.net (backup copy) [11]

[1] http:/ / www. futureofmankind. co. uk/ Billy_Meier/ gaiaguys/ kodex. htm [2] http:/ / www. futureofmankind. co. uk/ Billy_Meier/ gaiaguys/ Meier. htm [3] http:/ / www. figu. org [4] http:/ / www. futureofmankind. co. uk/ Billy_Meier/ gaiaguys/ translations. htm [5] http:/ / forum. figu. org/ us/ messages/ 12/ 3549. html#POST34910 [6] http:/ / forum. figu. org/ us/ messages/ 12/ 9345. html?1222489747 [7] http:/ / www. futureofmankind. co. uk/ Billy_Meier/ gaiaguys/ meierv5p50-52. htm [8] http:/ / www. futureofmankind. co. uk/ Billy_Meier/ gaiaguys/ meier. bush. 11. 10. 89. htm [9] http:/ / www. lanzendorfer. ch [10] http:/ / www. figu. org/ de/ figu/ bulletin/ s28/ nasa. htm [11] http:/ / www. futureofmankind. co. uk/ Billy_Meier/ gaiaguys/ Meier. Mondv6p70. htm

Contact Report 251


Contact Report 251

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations

This contact report is translated from volume 7 of the Contact Reports. Contact Reports volume: 7 Page number(s): Unknown Date/time of contact: Friday, February 3, 1995, 12:01 a.m. Translator(s): Heidi Peters Date of original translation: Unknown Corrections and improvements made: N/A Contact person: Ptaah

Billy and Ptaah discuss several topics including: The departure of the Plejarens Ancient human history Future official contact with extraterrestrials Predictions and prophecies for Earth Ed Walters a fraud Man-made aerial vehicles Neo-nazi and extremist groups Natural disasters

This is an excerpt of the entire contact.

Contact Report 251 Translation

Billy It is so nice to see you again, my friend. Welcome to my lair. Ptaah I, too, am delighted to be able to greet you again, Eduard, my friend. I am supposed to convey to you warm greetings and wishes from everyone - especially from all those people you know personally, but also from some you do not even know. Billy Thanks. I do hope that I will keep hearing from them every now and then - from you as well, of course. Now the year 1995 has begun and with it the time of finishing your tasks here on Earth. Ptaah That is correct, but it does not signify that we will also end our contacts with you; our intention is that they shall continue, although much less frequently. It may take many months, therefore, perhaps even a year or two, before one of us can visit you again. Billy

Contact Report 251 I am certainly pleased about that, because I would really miss all of you very much, especially you, because you were practically the only one in the past few years who visited me. But tell me, when are you people withdrawing all of your crews and materials from our planet? Ptaah We have already completed that task, and there is nothing on Earth now that points to our previous existence here, with the exception of the materials in your possession. The last of our people left the Earth approximately 30 minutes ago. Our stations no longer exist either; everything has been restored to the way it looked originally; no trace of our stay here can be found. Billy Of course, you had to do that, that's clear. A long time ago Sfath already told me, along with Asket, Semjase and Quetzal, that you people would have to do this once the year 1995 had begun. You, too, told me the same, and I had to promise all of you to keep silent until the time when you would all withdraw from Earth for good. I am familiar with the reason for your withdrawal, but I don't know whether I am allowed to speak of it officially because you told me that it would have to remain a secret for the time being, at least until 1995 when you are all leaving the Earth. Ptaah You must continue to keep this secret; do not speak about it under any circumstances. We are only permitted to elaborate to the point as our withdrawal from Earth is linked with the immediate future and related events, in which we are not allowed to interfere in any form so that we may protect and keep close reigns on the secret regarding our own culture and region where we live. This is tied in also with the fact that some matters are impending. On one hand, we were able to foresee them but, on the other hand, they are the reason for our withdrawal, while events that have been unfolding on Earth for several decades now were part of our assignments. We have fulfilled this task, along with the many others we were obligated to look after, and you have played a very important role in this scenario of making public, worldwide, the so-called UFO phenomenon, as terrestrials have labeled it. You alone made it possible to promulgate this subject matter worldwide and provoke the controversy to the extent that it is not only religious and pseudo-esoteric sectarians, fanatics, gullible individuals, madmen, etc., who preoccupy themselves with the subject. Finally, for some time now, a great variety of scientists, governmental agencies, military services and governments have also begun to seriously preoccupy themselves with this subject, a fact that could not have been accomplished without your help and great resulting effort. Actually, alone through your efforts was this successful launching of the worldwide UFO controversy possible, for which we all express our appreciation to you a recognition you had to really struggle for, when I think of all the harm that came crashing down upon you. And it is irrelevant whether they were health related or associated with the defamations, abusive language, assassination attempts, diatribes of hatred and other things to which we, unfortunately, had to contribute our share, as you know. Had it not been for these occurrences, the UFO controversy would never have come about and scientists, as well as the military and governments, among others, would not have become seriously interested in it. In your defense I am permitted today to speak officially about these matters and the fact that we used special techniques to analyze and evaluate in great detail the movie and photo montages, along with the movie trick photography used by all those bogus and deceitful, purported contactees or UFO observers. We found that their falsified movie and photo material appealed to terrestrial humans, particularly to those so-called UFO experts who call themselves ufologists and the like, and this even includes some well-respected scientists. The absurdity of the falsifications, and the people who believed them, is stunning yet extremely effective. For this reason, we executed maneuvers with our genuinely existing flying objects, e.g., jerky pendulum movements and certain skipping and floating movements, which ordinarily are not a part of our flying objects' normal movements and flight techniques. Instead, they appeared like those ridiculous, abrupt pendulum and strange swaying movements of the manipulated movies and photos by the UFO swindlers, liars and charlatans. The fact that we chose to execute these movement types is based on the reasoning that they, in particular, would result in the worldwide, fierce UFO controversy which resulted in many hardships for you, of course. You were accused of fraud, deceit, charlatanry and, indeed, dishonesty. You were


Contact Report 251 further charged with constructing models and then photographing and filming them. Often we felt very sorry for you, but were unable to change any of this. Only by executing certain flight maneuvers, which you then were able to film, photograph and disseminate throughout the globe, was the worldwide UFO controversy ensured that led to the previously mentioned outcome. In the future, they will also bring about additional and by now urgently needed results. It may be some consolation to you now to know that everything has occurred with the desired and intended outcome, and that you are now the most important person in matters related to contacts with extraterrestrials and UFO affairs - you probably are the most famous personality worldwide in these matters. Of c... Billy Excuse me, but I am not conceited because of it and can easily do without that. Ptaah Your words and resistance were probably inevitable, but they do show that you really have not changed. But I am not finished speaking: It was inevitable, of course, that people would appear who were jealous of you, and others who defrauded and falsified your film and photo material, because they wanted to make you look preposterous and destroy your work. Therefore, they sought to obtain your original films and negatives, which was not particularly difficult to do because of your trusting attitude. Subsequently, this material was copied and recopied over and over, and also falsified through composites and other manipulations to a point where the appearance of trick photography and photo montages was evoked. These underhanded elements used movie footage and photo negatives that had been retouched or marked with lines to give the impression they were threads, ropes, wires or other such suspension accessories. Then these movies and photos were disseminated worldwide while you were handed back falsified "original films" and "original negatives", without you ever having been suspicious or wary, since you fully trusted those who came to cheat and slander you. Nonetheless, even in the early beginnings of your work, there did exist people who truly trusted you and knew you were neither a swindler nor a charlatan, and that you were honest through and through. These individuals also viewed your movies and photos, and recognized the genuineness of the photographic material and your own truthfulness; they were not dissuaded; they supported and greatly assisted you. Among them were many who also suspected that certain elements of the movie footage and photos were either manipulated and falsified by ill-meaning individuals, or that, for very specific reasons, such things as the strange flight maneuvers of our flying objects had been performed to generate doubt, deliberation and this worldwide UFO controversy. They realized that the strange swaying motion and jerky pendulum movements of our flying objects, which you filmed and photographed, were intentionally produced to trigger a particular response in Man's thinking process. These individuals accepted this fact and refrained from allowing themselves to be influenced by defamatory gripers and others; instead, they stayed by you, or within the close or extended circle of your group, acquaintances and friends. Billy Well, that's how it was, and I thank everyone who has always trusted me. But now it probably is time to thoroughly speak of all those matters you people had not allowed me to talk about until your withdrawal was complete. Ptaah Of course. Now you can speak about them. The time has come for us to withdraw as planned. New things manifest themselves for human beings on Earth, and a new era ensues, toward which you and we have done so much to ensure that everything transpires as intended. Above all it was you who flattened the most important paths, and together we have performed and executed our duty. This at least fulfills our task, while yours is still ongoing. Billy I hope to be able to fulfill my task. Ptaah I have no doubts about that. Billy


Contact Report 251 Normally I do not give in to doubt, but one never knows what may happen unexpectedly. Ptaah That is correct of course. Billy Precisely. - Have you studied the 23 typed pages which you picked up three days ago and brought back yesterday? That is actually what I wanted to discuss with you - whether or not they can be talked about now. In my opinion there need be no objection to this, because you are no longer active on Earth. - Oh, yes, what about your activity as Jshwjsh for Earth; is that redundant now that you have completed your task? Ptaah Certainly, for I must turn to other assignments now. Billy Too bad. So the Earth is without an Jshwjsh now. Ptaah That is not quite correct, for there still exist descendants of old "gods" who will make themselves heard. But I am only allowed to report about it to you confidentially, if you are interested. Billy By all means - let's do it after our official conversation. Ptaah So this is how we shall handle it. Billy Now then, let's get back to my 23 pages. Is everything correct? Ptaah I did not notice any mistakes, other than typing errors. One thing that was not quite correct, though, was the chronological order of events; but I assume you did this for a purpose so no specific years and other calculations of time could be gleaned from the data. I, for one, find this very sensible. In some places you repeated yourself, for example, when you advanced the time of an event and then repeated it at the proper place. Billy Yes, I know that. Ptaah Other than that I did not notice anything incorrect. Billy That's good. Later, when I write down the report, I will add the 23 pages to the text of our conversation. Ptaah That is your prerogative. Billy Good. So, I shall begin with this: The story about Enoch (Henok in German) or Nokodemion, respectively, is well known within our group; excerpts from it can be found also in the OM. However, nothing was ever mentioned until now about the other things that transpired with Enoch nearly 12 billion years ago with regard to his peoples. Even as far back as Sfath, your people requested that I remain silent until 1995. Later on, this commitment of silence was reconfirmed too by Asket, then


Contact Report 251 Semjase, Quetzal and yourself, Ptaah. Now that 1995 has begun, and you have given me your permission to talk about it, I want to offer my knowledge as I still recollect it: After the great restitution movements by the peace fightertroops, following the end of the peace wars and peace times between all peoples and planets, Enoch's original tribes split into two lineages. One lineage went its own way to the Lyrian territories, where they settled in another space-time configuration that deviates by a fraction of a second from this, our space-time, configuration. They lived there, but only after they had inhabited other worlds and systems in other alien galactic regions for many billions of years that resulted in wars. Subsequently, tribal emigrations occurred throughout space and ultimately culminated in another space-time configuration that deviates from ours by the fraction of a second. The territory was located in the Lyra star system. For this reason, people continue to speak even to this day of the Lyrian territories and the Old Lyrians who, later on, had to return to our space-time configuration partly for exploration purposes and partly as a method of escape. Consequently, they arrived on Earth and became active in the well-known things I have already mentioned. Up to this point, this lineage retained all knowledge of their earliest origins, and from these earliest origins evolved the Pleiadians, or rather the Plejarans. In their own language they call themselves by the identical name as their star cluster beyond the Pleiades, which is located in another space-time configuration and also deviates from our space-time configuration by a fraction of a second. After breaking away from Enoch's ancient tribes approximately 12 billion years ago, the second lineage, ventured on a totally different route than that of the Lyrian group, if they may be called that. They, too, emigrated into other galaxies. But a mere 7 billion years ago, knowledge of their true, Ur-ancestry (Ur = most ancient origin, primeval) was lost. Today they have absolutely no knowledge of their true heritage. Hence, their chroniclers, historians and others created a different legend about their heritage that had nothing, or very little, in common with their true background any longer. This lineage consisted also of many diverse races, in the same manner as the Lyrian lineage. However, in contrast to the Lyrians, who remained ready to fight at any time and steadily evolved toward an equilibrium from which emerged the peaceloving, well-balanced, highly developed Pleiadians, the second lineage reached that state far too quickly. Consequently, they completely lost their capability to fight and were increasingly defenseless against aggressors. As a result, they joined an extensive emigration of all peoples and landed in the region of the Sirius constellation. Once again they lost all knowledge of their past and their heritage. Again a new Ur-history of their ancestry was assembled and registered into the annals. This lineage spread through the Sirius regions' farthest reaches and continuously evolved to the point where they were capable of creating new life. Having lost the ability to fight, these people bred new human races and manipulated their genes so these new races would be able to fight and protect them from repeated attacks by aggressors. Through invasive genetic manipulations, these new human races were turned into life forms who bore barbaric traits that tended toward degeneration and cruelty, and their life span was limited to approximately 100 years. Their genes were manipulated and tampered with because the creators and overlords feared the beings would band together and annihilate them. Eventually, their fears became reality, and for this reason new methods had to be found to bring the genetically-manipulated races under their control once again, although it meant that these goals would have to be achieved through radical extermination. Since the "creator-overlords" were more powerful than the genetically-manipulated individuals those found but one recourse and that was to flee, which they did with help from benevolent supporters in the Sirius regions. At the same time, these supporters secretly decided to exploit the genetically-manipulated people for their own use. Two large, genetically-manipulated peoples fled from the Sirius regions and settled in an area on the other side of the Sun. This meant they landed within, and then inhabited, a very distant part of a remote solar system; indeed, on planets beyond the galaxy's central sun, the sun of the Milky Way. Eventually, however, they were discovered by space travellers from the Old Lyrian lineage, whereupon they emigrated into the Lyra regions. Ultimately, within more recent terrestrial history, they came to our planet, where they settled in China, Japan and other locations, and various new, so-called races formed. Upon leaving the Sirius regions, the other genetically-manipulated peoples found a way to the SOL System, where several thousands of rebellious genetically-manipulated people had previously been banished to a myriad of terrestrial locations as a punishment. These masses of diverse races found refuge on the planets Mars and Malona/Phaeton, respectively,


Contact Report 251 where they constructed cities, pyramids, stations and other things. They led a good life on Mars until the planet become uninhabitable through cosmic influences. For this reason, the genetically-manipulated people had to leave that planet in ancient times and, subsequently, they settled on Earth. Over the course of time, they became terrestrial human beings whose true and genuine Ur-origin was within the regions and planets of Sirius. Only the pyramids and gigantic monuments on Mars were left behind, abandoned, but stations remained operative for a long time even though all life on the planet had perished. One day all of this will be discovered by terrestrials, the genetically-manipulated people, and some of these sites will even be used once again. Malona, or rather Phaeton, was destroyed in fratricidal wars by its genetically-manipulated inhabitants who had originally come from the Sirius regions, and who blew up the planet by diverting parts of an ocean into the subterranean or underwater magma chambers of a gigantic volcano. The SOL System's Asteroid Belt contains fragments of this former planet, whose orbit was not where the Asteroid Belt is today but was located where Mars orbits the Sun today, and Mars at one time was located where the asteroid belt is today. This position reversal was caused by immense upheavals in which the Destroyer (planet) played an important role. The planetary locations of Mars, Earth and Malona/Phaeton, and solar systems on the other side of our galaxy, in the Milky Way, where the two yellow races settled down, were selected as effective hide-outs by these races' benefactors, who were the conspirators for the escape of the genetically-manipulated people. Throughout the past, the refugees' hide-out locations were kept secret from the "creator-overlords" in fear that once the overlords determined the refugees' location, they would send out punitive expeditions to eliminate the fugitives. This danger remains in existence even today and, consequently, the Americans were extremely careless in sending into space probes revealing data on the Earth's location and descriptions of human beings. If, by chance, this information should fall into the hands of the "creator-overlords", they would learn that the genetically-manipulated people, the terrestrials, somehow had survived and greatly multiplied over these past millions of years, and one would have to assume that attacks upon Earth and its inhabitants would be launched from the Sirius regions. Such actions would result in the terrestrials' total elimination. The benefactors would not rush to aid the terrestrials, for they have withdrawn from our region long ago, shortly after their ventures to Earth, in fact, when they began fearing the genetically-manipulated people, the terrestrials, in much the same way the "creator-overlords" did formerly. This fear, which also gripped the benefactors led to the eradication of the Earth peoples' ancestral records by way of various manipulations. At this time, the benefactors elevated themselves to gods and exalted themselves above the terrestrial population, who rapidly became their vassals and believers. Truthfully, in doing so, the benefactors very soon became the antithesis of benefactors. On one hand they hoped to make the genetically-manipulated people their subjects and that, on the other, many cults, religions, fratricide, family feuds and wars would be launched through this worship of gods, whereby the terrestrials, the genetically-manipulated people, would decimate and exterminate themselves. As a consequence, they, the gods, respectively former benefactors, hoped they would be free from the danger of the aggressive, barbaric terrestrial human life form. This plan went completely awry, however, because terrestrial Man, who had become increasingly stronger, smarter, more barbarian and underhanded, began to enjoy his role and defended it to the last drop of blood with every conceivable means, ancient and modern. Consequently, the genetically-manipulated population, now the inhabitants of Earth, totally slipped from the control of their former benefactors, respectively the gods, who, in turn, withdrew from the terrestrial human beings and from Earth -- but not before swearing revenge and demanding satisfaction in the future from the human population on Earth. For the Old Lyrians, the benefactors' withdrawal paved their way to Earth and its human beings, and as they ventured to Earth on expeditions and in flight after leaving their space and time configuration, they entered our space-time configuration in the SOL System. After a while they, too, comported themselves as gods and began causing havoc. The former benefactors of the genetically-manipulated population had no idea then, nor do they now, that these developments took place nor do they know about the existence of the Pleiadians, respectively the Plejarans. The terrestrial, genetically-manipulated human beings, however, disobeyed the Lyrians and Pleiadian/Plejaran gods as well, although some of these gods attempted to force the terrestrials, such as the Gizeh Intelligences, Ashtar Sheran and the like, under their yoke and domination, using every conceivable means possible. The former benefactors divided into two groups also. One group included those individuals who had sworn


Contact Report 251 vengeance against the terrestrials and later changed their minds, while the other group remained benevolent towards the terrestrials and hoped to one day return to Earth. These "gods" alone from either group know what the future holds in store for us. Should they really return one day, terrestrials cannot expect that anything good will come from those who changed from being benefactors to malevolent personages, for, despite their change into evil-mindedness, they were unable to return to their Ur-habitat in the Sirius regions. Due to their treason they were shunned as outcasts, and now they, too, must take great care to not divulge their whereabouts to the former "creator-overlords" or they may also become victims of their overlords' curse for revenge. Despite their departure from Earth and the SOL System, these former benefactors, who had become addicted to their passion for revenge, nevertheless continued to maintain some contacts with Earth beings, and occasionally they even visit here. During their contacts and visits they maliciously and falsely influence terrestrial individuals with erroneous messages, visions and similar things, in much the same way the dark elements among the Old Lyrians had done previously. These are only occasional intrigues, however, which only occur, as a rule, in cultlike-religious-sectarian form and are of very little significance, for they usually only affect the Christian religions and not all terrestrial religions. Since their alienation, the two groups, consisting of the former and the current benefactors, have had no contact whatsoever with each other. Indeed, it is very likely that such mutual contacts were strictly forbidden and knowledge of the other group's existence was erased from memory, as Quetzal once assured me according a secret Pleiadian clarification. Some rather astonishing things are revealed when the genetic manipulations performed by the Sirius-region "creator-overlords" on specific human beings that generated masses of fighters are scrutinized: By way of their evolution, the "creator-overlords" themselves had lost all their capabilities to fight. Their evolution was directed only toward opulence, knowledge, competence and so forth, while their own strength and capability to fight were completely eradicated. Not only did they lose the stamina to fight but the capacity as well. When aggressors approached and threatened to annihilate these highly developed peoples, they had to find a solution to defend themselves against the attackers. To achieve this goal, they begot human beings into whom they implanted, through genetic manipulation, various forms of fighting capabilities along with an aging process factor as a precaution, whereby the genetically-altered people would soon become very old and die prematurely. Such actions prevented the genetically-manipulated individuals from banding together and rising up against the "creator-overlords". This precaution soon proved to hold true, for the genetically-altered people continuously increased in numbers, and they inherited their manipulated genes - for all times. Due to the ever-increasing numbers of these genetically-altered individuals, and their escalating aggressiveness toward the "creator-overlords", these fighters became a growing threat. For this reason, alternate ways of eliminating them were required by the overlords. However, prior to the selection of the most appropriate methods, most of the genetically-altered people were able to flee and, with the help of the benefactors, they found a secure place as I have already explained. The genetically-manipulated people have since established themselves on Earth to the degree where they simultaneously became this planet's rulers and its destroyers, because most of them remained overly entangled in the effects of the manipulated genes of fighting, viciousness, barbarism, bloodthirstyness, greediness, addiction, emotionalism, inhumanities, to name but a few. These characteristics have been an evil legacy for mankind from early times, and they also may actually be called the "original sin". Information regarding the "original sin" was erroneously handed down by Christian religions as the fable of Adam, Eve and the devilish snake in the Garden of Eden. This "original sin", however, the genetic manipulation, repeatedly let the obsession for fighting and evil to surface from time immemorial - almost becoming Evil itself. Yet, in fact, this entire matter is based upon the manipulation of single DNA gene that can be rectified, if only our geneticists were to finally discover it. This genetic manipulation, a characteristic for all living human beings on Earth by way of its inevitable, hereditary transmission, can be reversed and therefore by doing so, Man can finally escape his evil demeanor, which was imposed upon him by way of genetic manipulation. Although science has not yet sufficiently advanced in this field, scientists are nonetheless on the correct path. For this reason alone there is ample justification today for continued progress in genetic research and genetic manipulation, despite objections by those who lack understanding, and others who vehemently reject these concepts and preach idiotic, religious nonsense against things they can neither prevent and nor impede. Terrestrial Man merely has to reverse the former


Contact Report 251 specific genetic manipulation that compels him to resort to bloodshed and murder, bloodthirstiness, hatred, greed, addiction and all other inhumanities. Still, genetic manipulation of the fighting capabilities in the Creation-given Creational law and directive sense must not be reversed since the capability to fight is essential for Man's continued existence and evolution. Consequently, the same event must not occur that previously occurred with the "creator-overlords" who robbed themselves of this fighting capability and lost all of their strength to fight through manipulation of their own genes. For this reason, they were no longer able to defend themselves against any aggressors who attacked them and this, in turn, resulted in their monstrous concept of manipulating human beings so they would become fighting machines through genetic alterations - which, ultimately, precipitated new sets of problems. When the human beings who were genetically-altered into fighting machines by the "creator-overlords" are studied, evidence shows that they procreated, or rather bred specifically for this purpose as they were perfectly normal, indeed, even highly evolved human beings. But they were rudimentarily altered physically through the manipulation of their genes. Prior physical traits reappeared and made these people, among other things, extremely resistant to environmental influences, and they displayed a certain barbarity. Throughout all of these genetic alterations, however, the proponents neglected to manipulate the genetic factor responsible for cognizance, memory, comprehension and compliance with the Creational-natural laws and directives - everything that is balanced and good. This omission was completely intentional, for research had shown that this particular omission would provide a form of security against the genetically-manipulated people's complete degeneration. The omission would always allow a degree of humaneness to surface and influence mankind's lives, actions and other factors, and thus provide some guarantee for the "creator-overlords" that genetically-manipulated individuals would not become viciously assaultive against them. These specific desires were not fulfilled, though, except for the fact that the genetically-altered individuals did not become totally de-humanized or completely, utterly degenerated. From the earliest times therefore, the prevailing factor of stability or goodness, respectively, always penetrated the genetically-altered people's consciousness. Because of this factor over the past millions of years, viciousness has increasingly lost its significance although it remains quite evident, particularly within certain rulers, criminals, despots and others. Unfortunately, no one was previously aware that through the genetic manipulation, and the naturally existing factor of stability and goodness in Man, a conflict or at least a feeling of being torn between opposing emotions would arise. This holds true even today with many human beings. As a result of these genetic manipulations, and from earliest times, Man has fought these inner conflicts of good and evil - where evil frequently is the winner. Nonetheless, increasing numbers of humans combat their way to goodness by conquering the damage done by the genetic manipulation and their wicked legacy, i.e., the evil or original sin. Unfortunately, frequent excesses occur that are based upon degeneration and pseudo-humanism, because humans are unable to find the appropriate paths and cling to false ideals that frequently originated from religious-sectarian idiocy. Few other details are needed to explain the number of diverse human skin tones on Earth. From our previous explanations, it should now be apparent that various human races and their skin colors originated throughout the most diverse planetary systems of our galaxy, the Milky Way. The regions of Sirius, however, played a specific role too, at least with respect to the actual Ur-Ur-origin, before the Old Lyrians came to Earth where they later merged with terrestrial human beings. Numerous distant descendants from those early days inhabit this planet today. One more explanatory remark regarding the original genetic manipulators: In reality they were the benefactors of the genetically-altered people, hence they were their "creator-overlords". When the time came to eventually kill or merely exile the genetically-altered individuals they (the benefactors) split into two sides. Subsequently, the two divisions fought each other with harsh verbal assaults and accusations until other intelligent beings from the Sirius regions intervened; they were joined by the group who wanted to kill the genetically-altered people. The true benefactors, those opposed to the killing, were able to rescue a great many genetically-manipulated beings whom they had divided into several groups - in spite of the many counter measures of those who wanted to kill. As was previously explained, two groups of peoples settled on the other side of the galaxy, while the remainder of the peoples found new homes in the SOL system on Mars and Malona; subsequently, several thousand degenerate, genetically-altered individuals were deported to Earth. The benefactors knew even then that the people shipped there


Contact Report 251 could not remain in this solar system forever but that sometime later they would have to depart for other destinations. The benefactors were fully aware that this remote system's sun was a waning star even then, and it was specifically selected since the Sirius Intelligences and the "creator-overlords" who were willing to kill the refugees, did not suspect that this region with its dying sun would be a candidate for new settlements of the "degenerates" and "god's workers", as they were called by the "creator-overlords". For this reason, the benefactors placed vast distances between the genetically-manipulated people's home planets in the Sirius regions and the SOL system, as well as the distant system beyond the galaxy, so as to protect those living on them from those who threatened to kill and eliminate them. The selected hideaways were chosen therefore for their extreme remoteness and their position at the fringe of the galaxy. In addition to having a dying sun, another determining facet also was that living conditions on SOL planets, and planets within the system on the other side of the galaxy, were very inhospitable since the breathable air on each of the newly settled planets did not match the original air composition on the home planets. Even on Earth today this is applicable, for its air composition fails to measure up to human respiratory requirements. The dying sun, inadequate living conditions and poor air in the SOL system and beyond the galaxy, were therefore reason enough for seeking hideouts here from the pursuers. The genetically-altered human beings have struggled to survive ever since their arrival in the SOL system so remote from Sirius, its planets and intelligences. The newcomers propagated offspring and ceaselessly evolved as terrestrials. Soon they will have developed the capability to embark into the Universe's vastness and to their Ur-Ur-points of origin. These actions contradict the unjustifiable claims of terrestrial scientists who contend that Man on Earth, in his current form, is the Ur-product of Earth - let alone Charles Darwin's stupid-primitive false premise that Man descended from apes. There do exist, however, some purely terrestrially-created human beings on Earth but they display their own evolutionary lineage, which is independent from the apes, while the apes descended from the original, respectively earliest, human beings. Yet, even these purely Earth-created individuals are saddled with the genetic legacy of the so-called "original sin", if one can call it that. The same applies also to those many humans propagated in former times by Old-Lyrians and Pleiadians who then died on Earth. Every extraterrestrial, absolutely each and every one, who ever lived and died on Earth never again returned to his homeworld. Their spirit forms passed into the terrestrial realms of the Beyond, and they have since incarnated into new human bodies. Because these individuals were born on Earth, they too sustained the damage of the previous genetic alterations by the "creator-overlords" from Sirius. This entire situation transpired because the genetically-manipulated and the purely terrestrial human beings energetically propagated offspring with each other, and as a result the degenerate legacy unrelentingly spread throughout planet Earth's entire humankind. The genetic manipulations do not imply that terrestrial Man is a born killing machine, but signify only that he is a combative life form, capable of killing when required to do so, or when events trigger his loss of control or outbursts, etc. Such actions may also lead to degeneration; but, generally, they only occur when the two factors consciousness and psyche, hence the person's world of thoughts and feelings, are afflicted or briefly overburdened, whereupon they prompt the act committed in the heat of passion. Therefore, the evil brought about, or rather fostered, by the genetic manipulation, is not an intrinsic, compulsive inborn lust to murder. In truth, the genetic manipulation was only created as a controllable factor enabling Man to subdue the evil implanted in him, and to make it slowly vanish as he walks along his natural, evolutionary path. This takes an incredibly long time, however, and the reversal of the gene manipulation is an absolutely suitable solution therefore. Clearly, there truly exist no born murderers, and this fact must be stated explicitly. Such malevolent predispositions, degenerations, or individual and mass actions result from either injuries of a psychic-conceptual-emotional nature, through some sort of disorder of the consciousness, or by explosive rages. In case of disorder of the psyche or consciousness, organic injuries of the brain can play an important part. All of this is the result only of the degeneration of the gene that was accordingly manipulated, whereby evil, the purely negative, forever forces itself into the foreground. For this reason additional items also come into play, such as Man's savagery and blood frenzy during revolutions and wars, at times when he discovers the ease of killing and then overcomes the killing barrier. Such a barrier normally will remain forever present in Man, despite his genetic manipulation, unless circumvented by disease or explosive rage. Therefore, there is no such thing that Man is born evil in the sense that he or she is totally evil from birth onward, as some people enjoy


Contact Report 251 claiming; those who wish only to see evil and total negativity. Man, of course, was provided with both the negative and the positive from the very beginning of his existence, but not to the point where he is only negative or only positive. Ultimately, an equilibrium is established that truly provides Man with the capability and stability of conquering every inflicting injury and all forms of external influences. Both, negative and positive factors, when combined with and applied to the appropriate form, result in one grand total which turns the human life form into an extremely hardy living entity that possesses the required abilities and is a born fighter for the Creational-natural laws and directives without excessiveness. The "creator-overlords" who originally were human beings with the same characteristics as Man, however, insanely eliminated this gene from within themselves. In the process they lost all their own combativeness and robustness. They modified their entire thinking process and actions accordingly, and this resulted in their complete decadence. Consequently, they were defenseless and were subjugated when aggressors attacked them. As a result they secretly developed this breed of fighters whom they genetically manipulated and covertly new races were propagated having an array of diverse skin colors. These fighters served as pawns against the aggressors and were victorious. Thus, the "creator-overlords" are to blame for their own deterioration. In their distress they procreated a new breed of humans who actually possessed all the nature-given prerequisites once again and, hence, they were capable of fighting and living. This proved to be insufficient for the "creator-overlords", though, and they decided to conduct additional genetic manipulations to make the new peoples even more aggressive than their natural tendencies allowed. To some extent the creators merely amplified certain factors through genetic manipulation, whereby the manipulated individuals actually turned into fighting machines -- but always equipped with the potential capability of normalizing themselves again through the control of evolution. For such an event to transpire millions of years would be required, though, and this evolutionary path continues even today as is evident in terrestrial Man. The genetic manipulations made the negative or evil factors, as humans of Earth know it, particularly forceful and unnaturally aggressive. For this reason these factors have not dissipated from terrestrial Man to the point where they can never flare up again in any way, that is to say, in his excessive procreation of offspring. Such behavior has led to overpopulation, every type of ensuing ill and religious-sectarian insanity and imbecility that is frequently fanatical in character. All of these factors threaten not only the complete, ultimate destruction of the planet, but also the environment in general and every life form. Terrestrial Man's thoughts and actions represent a regressional phase toward the Ur-condition of the genetic manipulation whereby everything degenerates and becomes excessive, just as it did in earliest times. The "creator-overlords", at the time, discerned another reason for eliminating the genetically-manipulated people. This regressive phase is manifested ever more powerful in military action, militant matters or religious-sectarian machinations. Military practices, political hate campaigns, religious-sectarian fanaticism and every type of crime generate a loss of control over the positive, which is consumed and suppressed by the negative. This turmoil spawns a state of negative-evil frenzy, which is then indulged in and pursued without restraint. In ancient times, men and women were equal regarding their capability and energy to live, fight and do other things. Hence, there was neither a distinction between men and women in those aspects nor in their work sites or types of tasks they performed, although men relieved the physically weaker women at strenuous chores. Women and men were equal in every way without there being any discrimination whatsoever between the sexes, as long as biological differences and related details, which were, of course, considered and observed even in Ur-times. Even then, therefore, women were mainly responsible for maternal duties and household tasks when they were married with offspring. If this did not apply, women performed the identical tasks as the men. Both women and men held government posts; male staff members were incorporated into the team to the extent that men and women always governed in equal numbers and shouldered responsibilities together. Therefore neither one man nor one woman controlled the government. The people themselves possessed the right to speak up and join in the decision making process for all concerns, resolutions, edicts and laws, etc. As previously explained, the two planets Mars and Malona/Phaeton in the SOL system were suitable for habitation by the refugees, the genetically-manipulated peoples. Planet Earth was still quite inhospitable at the time since its atmosphere was somewhat unhealthy for human life forms from the Sirius regions. Consequently, only those fallible,


Contact Report 251 genetically-manipulated individuals were deported to Earth who had aggressively and viciously risen against their own confederates. Five remnant races fled to Mars from the Sirius regions, while two other races embarked in direction of the sun on the opposite side of the galaxy, as explained previously. The five races fleeing to Mars and Malona/Phaeton were joined by two other creator-overlord races. These two other races had not yet been genetically-manipulated, of course, and had no changes made to their DNAs. They were the benefactors who identified favorably with the genetically-manipulated people, and they assisted them in their escape. Their origins are traced to two different overpopulated planets in the Sirius regions where everyone was prohibited from procreating. As a result, every child born was murdered and the offending parents were sterilized and banished. The exodus of the genetically-manipulated refugees from the Sirius regions took place over an extended period of many thousands of years, and they were constantly hounded by their pursuers until they finally found an appropriate hideaway in the SOL system, far from their pursuers' reach and sight. A similar fate awaited the other two refugee groups who settled beyond in the galaxy. Indeed, both refugee groups experienced harassment during their many years of flight, which most of them spent in spaceships as they travelled through the galaxy. During their travels revolutions and power struggles broke out and, as a consequence, the genetically-manipulated peoples lost not only all of their previously accumulated knowledge, but also the evidence of their ancestral heritage. Appalling dramas befell them and led to cannibalism throughout all of their spaceships. As a result, the ancestral indications of the genetically-manipulated peoples, the future terrestrial humans, was lost. This knowledge consisted also of information regarding the Creational-natural laws and directives, among other things. Great confusion ensued that led to further problems in face of the knowledge about the dangers of their pursuit; this knowledge was passed down from one generation to the next. The genetically manipulated peoples, along with their benefactors, the "traitor" "creator-overlords" who eventually settled on Mars and Malona, ultimately developed into a notable technological culture. Unfortunately, they were not able to protect themselves sufficiently and one day were forced to flee from the planets. Their scientists discovered that the SOL system was cosmically much more perilous than they had originally anticipated. Many comets, roaming planets, meteors and other perils repeatedly endangered the two newly inhabited planets Mars and Malona/Phaeton. Several of these space intersectors plunged upon the planets, causing immense damage and taking numerous human lives. In the process, a large roaming planet was discovered that had an unusually long rotation period and an orbit that projected it far beyond the outermost planets of the solar system. According to the astronomers' calculations, this large celestial body threatened to collide with the planet Mars, or to ravage it to a point where all planetary life, including all floral, faunal and human life, would be completely destroyed and annihilated in the wake of a near collision. The genetically-manipulated people, or rather their distant descendants, made the decision to abandon their place of exile. Even these distant descendants were aware of their situation as one of exile, for they remained cognizant of the danger of being pursued, albeit in a much vaguer form. As a result, they were incapable of defining the origin of their peril any longer. The threatening wandering planet in the past, over a long period, had caused a great deal of destruction and wreaked great havoc in the SOL system. According to details formerly presented by Sfath, this celestial body named the "Destroyer" had previously caused the most horrifying destruction on their homeworlds in days gone by, before it streaked through space on its unpredictable course. The "Destroyer" ensconced itself in the SOL system where it also wreaked much havoc. Over time it decreased its orbiting period to an average of 575.5 years; however, the Pleiadians/Plejarans have since increased this interval again. As a result, the "Destroyer" will again appear in the SOL system in about 1180 years. The Pleiadians/Plejarans were unable to completely knock the planet off course, as they had planned; nonetheless, they did change the Destroyer's orbiting period and rotation time in such a way that it presents no longer any danger - at least for the time being. Normally, the planet would have returned in the year 2255 with devastating, destructive results. The High Council failed to give the Pleiadians/Plejarans permission to offset the wandering "Destroyer's" course by any other means or to destroy it, and it requested the Pleiadians/Plejarans refrain from doing so as the Destroyer's obliteration, or a change of its course, would have generated an even greater destruction and possibly even affected the Earth.


Contact Report 251 As they completed the details for their emigration opportunities, a dispute again erupted among the distant descendants of the genetically-altered people who had, of course, inherited the genetic manipulations from their ancestors. A decisive factor in the erupting disputes proved largely to come from the new teachings presented by the benefactors. The teachings stated that the benefactors were the creators of the genetically-manipulated individuals or, rather, their distant descendants, and that they, the creators, must be awarded absolute obedience and worship. Most benefactors claimed to be the highest exalted beings -- the creators and makers. However, these opinions and demands were not shared by all benefactors and, subsequently, two camps formed: One camp consisted of the purported creators, and the other of those who retained their prevailing benevolent attitude, who distanced themselves from this "creatorism". A dispute resulted not only among these two camps but also among the faithful within the two parties, their followers. Ultimately, the antagonists reached an agreement whereby those who wanted to do so departed from planet Mars in the direction of Earth and Malona. Subsequently, many people from both camps grouped together to emigrate jointly, some of whom travelled to the planet Malona/Phaeton and the others to Earth. The emigration group leader to Malona/Phaeton was called Zenteka, whose wife (Amalaka) concurred with him. The earthbound group also had two emigration leaders who were brothers called Semos and Passas. The atmosphere on Malona was safe and healthy for the emigrants and the peoples already inhabiting it. It was somewhat like the air on Mars and similar to the air the descendants of the genetically-manipulated peoples had become accustomed to over many millennia in their spaceships. Unfortunately, the same could not be said about the air on Earth. Pragmatic modifications were therefore required for future emigrants who wanted to live on Earth. For this reason, the same purposeful adjustments ensued that had previously been effected when the degenerates were exiled to Earth: At that time and before they were deported to Earth, the exiled individuals were forced to adapt to the terrestrial atmosphere, and their skeletal frame required further stabilization, among other things. Those individuals willing to emigrate from Mars to Earth now had to undergo the same remedial procedures so that they would be capable of establishing themselves on this planet. Everything transpired as the scientists had formerly predicted: The "Destroyer" penetrated the Martian orbit and wrenched Mars with it into another SOL orbit, namely that of Malona, where it remained. Subsequently, Malona drifted away, however, because of the Destroyer's powerful forces, but managed to exist in this orbit until the time when it was destroyed by its inhabitants many millennia later, and became the Asteroid Belt. During this "drifting catastrophe", the inhabitants of Malona were decimated from approximately 470 million humans to barely 14 million; however, they were able to recover somewhat and by the time they destroyed their planet, their population had increased again to approximately 52 million. The refugees on Earth lost contact with the people on Malona and Mars, which became completely desolate and its remaining inhabitants perished. Individuals from the benefactor group who previously had demanded that they be exalted and worshipped, fiercely spread their false teachings and never again allowed the well-disposed benefactors to gain any power. In this manner, the "creator-overlords" were then capable of putting on the airs of terrestrial Man's creators, rising to power and spreading their insane religious doctrines which, however, contained an absolutely novel yet equally false history of humankind's origin, history and belief. Its purpose was to definitively destroy and lose all data of mankind's true descent in the event that someone else would attempt to secretly glean the information from somewhere. Of course, the true benefactors did not allow this occur. They fought back by inventing their own religious creeds and disseminating them among the now numerous terrestrial human beings. They were hoping that through their new belief system, humans would learn to search for the genuine truth, to grasp and comprehend everything that is truly Creational and natural - and they envisioned their situation turning to the better. To this end, the true benefactors coined the phrase: "The teachings shall be produced for the human beings on Earth, so that they may destroy the impurity and degeneration within their abused bodies." However, in these teachings, as in the teachings by the "creator-overlords", there lay the secret hope that these various philosophies of faith and religious doctrines would form a monumental hindrance, whereby the distant descendants of the genetically-manipulated peoples would limit the size of their population to tolerable and responsible numbers. An alternate motive behind this was that the manipulated people's descendants would neither rise against the


Contact Report 251 "creator-overlords" nor the still benevolent benefactors in order to gain control over them, among other things. The benefactors did not want the descendants to prematurely evolve to the point where the descendants had the capability to fly once more into space with the help of a too rapidly expanding, too highly developed technology, and where they would find their previous homeworlds such as Mars and the planets in the Sirius region. The "creators" also hoped that in their scheme of things, and through their various religious doctrines, the terrestrials would eradicate themselves through the ensuing confusion and wars. They based their hope on the concept that terrestrials would only be technologically, biologically and scientifically capable of conquering space when they had evolved through a sufficiently lengthy period, so as to achieve the mandatory adjustments in their thinking processes and actions. In other words, their intention was that terrestrial human beings, through religious doctrines and diverse religious forms, would have the insight to resolve their genetically-manipulated deterioration problem, whereupon they could correct this deterioration. An important factor in this scenario was that, in the distant future, the terrestrials would discover for themselves the genetically-induced earlier damage imposed upon them, and find their path back to normalcy through appropriate genetic reversals. They believed and hoped that the distant descendants of the genetically-manipulated peoples, the terrestrials, should only then seek contact with their original past, their ancestry, other worlds and human beings in the vastness of the Milky Way, alien galaxies, and the Universe. Judging from all indications, the terrestrials evolve very quickly on their own, for increasing numbers of people have now been born over a very long period who cherish evolution in every aspect. The benefactors' hopes will be fulfilled and exemplary and peaceable races will come to Earth from the Universe's vastness to maintain contact with terrestrials. This can only take place, though, when the unfortunate chain of genetic manipulation is reversed and normalized in sequential order, and when the human DNAs are Creationally and naturally linked once more to Creation's laws. Preprogramming previously occurred, allowing terrestrials to detect and locate the deplorable genetic manipulation of their DNA chain, although these findings will not transpire for some time. Furthermore, with certainty, this "error", which was imposed upon human beings, will also be reversed by humans themselves. This error has kept Man from living the life of a true human being until this day, and has frequently distanced him from the Creational-natural laws, directives, as well as their fulfillment. For this reason, until now, only a few individuals had the capability to find the correct path, arriving at this point only through the most painstaking struggles to conquer the genetically-manipulated degeneration on their natural course to evolution. Therefore, everything on Earth is directed toward the elimination of what was once genetically manipulated, so that Man can leave the solar system once again before its sun dies and the entire system ceases. This event will occur far sooner than terrestrial scientists currently claim. Truthfully, SOL is already a dying star. And when terrestrials emigrate once again from Earth to adjust themselves to their new home planets, distant and remote from the SOL System, they will have to adapt to those prevailing atmospheric conditions, just as their Ur-Ur-Ur-Ur-ancestors did in the past. The newly encountered conditions will be identical to those of Ur-times, when the genetically-manipulated peoples were breathing salubrious air. As can be stated today, these distant terrestrial descendants will have an extraordinary and agreeable future. Many years will pass before terrestrial human beings find the proof that their former Ur-Ur-Ur-ancestors came to the SOL system from alien solar and planetary systems to settle on Mars before emigrating to Earth. When they do, the first proof may also be found that mankind's earliest ancestors -- the genetically-manipulated people, or rather their descendants -- were refugees and exiles who originated in the Sirius regions. This proof will shake up the scientific community and, even more so, the religious world; it will prompt the need for great changes. That moment will come chiefly when artifacts from a previous human civilization are found on Mars, with pyramids and sculptures such as the so-called Mars faces representing but a mere fraction of the entire discovery. The findings and the message to terrestrials regarding the discoveries on Mars will be the factors one day in the collapse of the legendary picture the terrestrials' former ancestors had formed of their heritage. Many negators of the truth will realize with frightening clarity that terrestrial Man did not originate on the planet Earth and, furthermore, he is not the only human life form in the Universe. Although one prophecy states that extraterrestrials will officially land on Earth on June 5th, 1995; a second prophecy predicts this event for 1998. One should probably not count on


Contact Report 251 these occurrences taking place, though, for terrestrial humankind is currently incapable of tolerating such contacts, the ensuing knowledge from them and the related ramifications. Should this event actually take place, the Plejarans would withdraw from Earth and, henceforth, keep their distance from its inhabitants, as Quetzal previously explained some time ago along with Sfath before him in the 40s. One must remember, though, that these prophecies are indeed only prophecies and not predictions. Everything can change, therefore, and the prophecies may not come true unless essential conditions for the events exist. And this is exactly the case - always with the assumption everything occurs precisely and correctly - for its prerequisite is that terrestrial Man must first remedy the damage, or corruption, of his genetic manipulation and change his mentality, thoughts and actions into the Creational-natural state prior to attaining open contact with alien races and peoples, that is, to extraterrestrials. This signifies that a succession of years must still elapse before these prerequisites are fulfilled. Until that time, the Earth and its human inhabitants will experience all forms of events, changes and other things, which are not only essential for Man's evolution but unavoidable as well, because of the terrestrial human life form's thoughts and actions. On one hand, this entire scenario inevitably results in numerous situations which are frequently a grave danger or impediment to Man's evolution. On the other hand, these events are conducive to his evolution and absolutely unavoidable, therefore. Taking everything into account, official contacts with extraterrestrials are currently truly not recommendable, for terrestrial human beings are incapable of bearing the reality appropriately particularly from the secular-sectarian, the military, religious-sectarian, economical and political position. For this reason, official contacts with extraterrestrials would be entirely out of place should they occur at this time or in the near future. Extraterrestrial contacts at this time are viable only with individuals or certain, very small groups; to this end, contacts of a secret military and governmental nature would be feasible as well. Such events, though, will increasingly lead to the public emergence of fraudulent contactees and observers, who present purported photographic material, perfectly falsified with computers. The public will believe them, all the other frauds, deceivers, charlatans, delusional individuals, and those who are capable of mesmerizing many stupid faithful followers in matters concerning extraterrestrials, God, Jesus Christ, Mary and Joseph, Moses and other sundry saints and masters, for Man is too easily deceived and too gullible in his search for truth. Consequently, contacts with extraterrestrials can only occur on an official level if everything proceeds correctly and Man on Earth is mature enough to accept the contacts. This will still require more time, during which many things will transpire in regard to discovery of proof that human beings on Earth did not originate on this planet, and also that they do not exist alone in the Universe or in this galaxy, the Milky Way. When the events that are yet to transpire before the time when the first official contacts with extraterrestrials take place are considered, a certain chronology of the prospective historic events must be established. To this end, prudence dictates that exact dates not be named, or it might result in conditions that could negatively alter future events. Furthermore, the consciousness of many people could suffer disorders because they might attempt to change things once they learn of coming events events that cannot be altered in any manner, shape or form, for they are predictions, not revisable prophecies. I will not mention any dates, therefore, although I am familiar with them. For this reason I will simply list, in chronological order, the most important upcoming events, or rather incidents and occurrences, etc., that will take place beginning with 1995. This year will show that nature's catastrophes will continue to wreak endless havoc. Events related to the havoc will increase or decrease in number; in other words, occasionally there will be more of them and sometimes less, but overall the incidents will escalate. Regarding overpopulation, unfortunately, no changes for the better will take place; indeed, overpopulation will escalate. On a broader scale, expect a coup involving the USA and its president, in the year 2003, in march, which will stun the entire world. Additionally, lengthy deliberations will increasingly take place regarding Islamic fundamentalism, which will mesmerize the entire globe. Uprisings, revolutions, wars and other diverse forms of unrest will escalate tremendously, with Islamic fundamentalism playing a very sad part in the scenario. The health of terrestrials is in extreme danger not only from the rapid spread of AIDS, but from the rising ill effects of scrapie among humans, whereby the Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Syndrome is not the only repercussion. The scrapie epidemic will increase among animals as well. And if this is not enough, another horrible epidemic and pneumonia will break out among human beings. Even though efforts are made to the contrary, the


Contact Report 251 renewed threat of chemical warfare, a long-standing practice, will be on the rise once again. Likewise, the same holds true for nuclear and biologic weaponry. The danger of accidents in nuclear reactors will increase throughout the world. Regarding this subject, France in particular must be extraordinarily careful in every way, for one prophecy warns of a strong probability for an accident near Lyon, which can be prevented as long as the responsible individuals undertake the right steps - a prophecy can be changed. Initial efforts are being made by a new movement to promote total non-violence; while a woman gains a high and influential position among world powers through another group's formation. While mass tourism will increase by leaps and bounds, and slowly but surely will invade and destroy the remaining Shangri-Las on Earth, first steps will be taken for a flight to Mars, but will not be blessed with good fortune. However, the next flight, which ensues very soon, will have better luck although it will encounter certain difficulties due to unexpected technical problems. All of this will transpire shortly after the worldwide misery of unemployment and its related ills are corrected and surmounted. A new hording of weapon stockpiles will follow at a time when the worldwide production of weaponry is accelerated once again. This will signal the first threat of a looming third world war, as foretold by a prophecy, unless terrestrial Man strives to avert this danger through reasoning and appropriate thoughts and actions. Should Man fail to act against the fulfillment of this prophecy, a new and extremely destructive weapon will be built that will produce disastrous consequences in the next world war. One important factor in this scenario is the criminal neglect to monitor the Earth from space. New weapons will once again create quite a stir, and so will the death of 4 heads of state who will die within 7 days from each other. These then are the last danger signs, which foretell that within merely 2 years of these events the long-feared world war will indeed erupt, unless terrestrials finally gain mastery over their reasoning to stop all these ills. Should this not be done, mankind will fail in its attempt to protest and boycott the new deadly weapons, because by this time the armories of many nations will be full to their capacity. Passing laws to prohibit the use of these weapons will be ineffective at this late stage. World War III cannot be averted if Man fails to finally become reasonable! The war will begin with conventional weaponry and escalate to nuclear, chemical and biological warfare. The world war will begin in November of a specific year, after 5 years of intensive effort are spent reaching this goal which is preceded by 4 years of unspecified preparations. Should war actually break out, it will last for 3 years and 11 months and will therefore end in October of the fourth year. By this time, Earth's northern hemisphere will be largely destroyed by nuclear fires and radioactive radiation that will annihilate the entire animal and plant world unless Man sees to it that the prophecy proves itself to be just a prophecy without fulfilling itself. Should this not be the case, the world will face some additional 11 bitter years of poverty, misery, starvation and many other ills. The nuclear radiation will cause the crippling and mutation of the children born at that time, and multitudes who survive the war will be contaminated and burned by radiation. Chemical warfare will cause horrifying and atrocious skin diseases, and biological warfare will produce festering sores and many other ills, not to mention vicious human freaks, etc. Prior to these events unfolding, however - always with the assumption that the prophecy fulfills itself through Man's own fault - scientists will discover the manipulated gene from ancient times in the DNA chain responsible for the rapid aging in human beings. These events may yet unfold this year, for preparations in this area began already in 1994. Whether scientists make their discovery public and utilize their findings to their fullest merit is questionable, however. From the way things look now, public disclosures regarding these discoveries will not be made until a much later date, and probably will still remain this way for a very long time before the public will be fully informed about the discovery. Therefore, a long period will pass before the genetic manipulations are reversed by retro-manipulation of the pertinent gene. For the time being, scientists will be unaware that the gene they have stumbled upon is the key factor, and that it is this particular gene which was previously manipulated once before, many millions of years ago. Should the prophecy of another world war fulfill itself, and should terrestrial humankind not immediately begin rethinking and redirecting its entire effort into beneficial routes, the consequences of this World War III will be cataclysmic. Likewise, this holds true for an enormous revenge-campaign directed against the war precipitators, which will be initiated and directed by a bloodthirsty man, who is - how could it be otherwise? - another "Representative of God", a pope. Once again, these events are based on the condition that the prophecy fulfills itself


Contact Report 251 through the fault of Earth's human beings. With the melting of the polar caps there also looms for Earth in the not-too-distant future another severe economic crisis that will spread throughout the globe. And another global war, World War IV, will once again threaten this planet and its entire terrestrial population because of their own unreason. However, several reasonable individuals are able to neutralize the threat, which is again abetted by the invention of new weapons with great striking power that will be the materialization of those weapons existing now only in science fiction novels. They are deathray throwers, ray canons, ray rifles and ray guns, among others. In the midst of these developments, three scientists will generate an incredibly inexpensive energy source, although this will not be the only new form of energy, for another will be found as well, that is based on sound vibrations. And again, new and deadly weapons will be developed from this. Scientists tend to utilize everything they can get their hands on, and for this reason it is inevitable that Man will stop the Greenhouse Effect and utilize its effects in reverse, thereby preventing a further melting of the polar caps. These actions, in turn, will lower the highly elevated water levels of all oceans. During this period, terrestrial Man will increasingly dedicate himself to space travel, which he had neglected for many years. Venus will be particularly interesting for terrestrial human beings during this period, and for this reason Man will contemplate sending a manned space capsule to the volcanic planet. Simultaneously, Man will avail himself of a new energy source by exploiting the Earth's interior energies. He will develop two new, dangerous weapons. The first weapon's high-pitched, humanly inaudible sounds will be able to destroy any material and will have the capability of absolutely destroying all life forms ... - an ultrasound weapon in other words. The second weapon will have as its basis high frequency energies which, too, will be capable of destroying and killing everything. Discoveries and inventions in the field of gene technology or gentic manipulation, respectively, will continue, for events must unfold - contrary to the desires of the foes of genetic manipulation who even now persist in ranting and raving against it. The time is no longer that remote when, through genetic manipulations, plants and animals will be successfully cross-bred, and totally new life forms created. Hence, the stupid, antagonistic gripers will scream in vain; they should be grateful instead that science has advanced to a point where genetic manipulations become feasible. For only through genetic manipulations will future rectification of the terrestrials' genetically-manipulated degeneration be guaranteed, so that they may be able to again fit into the normal progression of negative and positive. Creational secrets will, of course, not unravel through this process and will remain a mystery to Man for the time being, even though he will actively search for them while on space stations beyond Earth. This does not signify, however, that science will be inactive; on the contrary. Scientists will unveil the secret of gravitation. In doing so, they will begin mastering certain facets of space and mass. But just before this transpires, terrestrials will develop the capability of allowing human organs to "regrow" for organ transplants. These organs will always be adapted to the particular body in need of the organ. As a result, the danger of organ rejection is eliminated. During this period, renewed advances into outer space will occur, whereby a large space project, critical to mankind, will take shape, and Albert Einstein's theory on relativity will undergo several additional modifications. One religion will initiate large-scale war activities at that time which results in the development and utilization of another new, dangerous weapon that will be capable of changing the climate, a so-called climate weapon. However, as bad as they may seem, these periods are not as unstable as that of 1995, a year when new discoveries on Mars are possible; and a year when the seeds of a new ideology are sewn that sets it apart from traditional religions. 1995 will also be a year when an unknown, powerful male individual begins to come into prominence who spellbinds the world and gathers followers around him in much the same rat-catching manner as the Pied Piper of Hamelin. For this reason, in one prophecy, he is called the rat-catcher. These events coincide with many innovations and discoveries in technology and science; for 1995 and the ensuing years bring incredible breakthroughs that will change civilization. One contributing factor to these breakthroughs in the near future will be, finally, the exposure and rectification of an error in the Pi-number calculation. Precipitated by the previously mentioned climate weapon, the entire Earth will be subjected to very problematic climatic changes when overall temperatures fall, that is, they drop dramatically. The result will be that land masses and oceans will freeze because of Man's insanity. Consequently, a new invention will be developed that, powered by


Contact Report 251 the most economical of energies, artificially heats the Earth's atmosphere. This is the moment when Japan and China will discover that the prevailing physics is not the last word in knowledge, but that there exists yet a higher level of physics which extends into fine-matter spheres. Upon this realization, science will be discredited for some time. Nonetheless, space exploration will continue and a new world discovered in this process; a new Earth that will be suitable for maintaining human terrestrials. The actual period when space travel and with its many related discoveries commence will begin already in the very near future, however. Overall, expeditions into space will be successful, e.g., terrestrials will discover, or rather locate, ancient human traces and effects left behind on Mars. This will present sufficient reason for terrestrials to build, furbish and fly new spaceships with even greater ranges into the vastness of space, to make ever greater, more interesting and, especially, more significant discoveries. Initially, these spaceships will travel over relatively long periods of time until propulsion systems are developed that make super-speed space travel without timeshifts feasible. Spaceships reaching velocities above the speed of light, indeed, speeds several million times the speed of light, will one day become the rule. But until this occurs, several hundreds of years, even millennia, will pass. Still, these aforementioned predictions shall occur in the near and somewhat more distant future and mankind will not be kept waiting too much longer; even elderly people alive today will experience the commencement of these predictions. The discovery, refurbishing and renewed operation of ancient extraterrestrial artifacts and stations on Mars in the not-too-distant future, and much later in other places as well, will be accomplished by our more distant descendants. These events are also associated with grave danger, however, for dangerous diseases and epidemics will be brought back to Earth by way of space travel, along with the exceedingly vicious 'wolf' as one prediction calls this horror, which could be a horrifying animal or a deadly epidemic. The definition of the "wolf" is not clear yet and its explanation is still pending. According to the prediction, this deadly factor will be introduced or carried to Earth either by ordinary space travellers or lawbreaking space travellers. Additionally, in the distant days ahead, the discovery of a new and very significant substance is foretold; one that will benefit Man greatly - as long as he is able to utilize it to his own benefit. This entire scenario transpires at a time when a new order exists on Earth that satisfies, in an inexpensive manner, all needs of Man. New, overall-like suits for humans will be invented and produced that will enable Man to fly through the air freely without aid from any other devices. Barely three decades prior to this event, however, a third DNA information code will be discovered in the human body, and the first concrete steps will be undertaken to eliminate diseases in the elderly, heart diseases and attrition. After approximately 25 years, these efforts will prove successful. Simultaneously, once the appropriate steps are taken, the feasibility of a classless society, as well as technologically-biological prerequisites, will emerge that deal with the worldwide cleanup of the polluted rivers, lakes and oceans. This praiseworthy progress will be negated, however, by an extremely negative invention in form of a biological weapon; it will wreak tremendous havoc and induce instant aging in humans and animals (in seconds). Shortly thereafter the period of "nocturnal dawning" comes into existence, as stated in another prediction. This "nocturnal dawning" will be a new technological achievement whereby the dark side of planet Earth is illuminated by an artificial sun affixed to a space station; this device will not create full daylight, but a bright, dawnlike condition. The artificial sun in the sky will virtually ring in a new age, the Age of Space Conquest on a grand scale. From here on, space travel definitively will become commercial and turn into a significant, powerful institution by which Man, through science, will pursue the enigma of Creation and with it the origin of life and all existence. Of course, these events will make science very respectable again especially as they relate to the institution of space travel, which will control the scientists. Ultimately, this will not turn out well and will transpire as it must: This space travel institution will increasingly ignore the terrestrial governments and science, deal with them unfairly, and will generate conflicts again that provide the most auspicious base for a new war. All of this will come into play barely 15 years after the aging gene is isolated and neutralized, when the human biologic aging process is largely surmounted, and the related previous vicious genetic manipulation finally remedied again. A looming new war will break out and last for approximately 40 years. During this period or about 6 years prior, humans will be converted into machines, that is, robots for the first time by connecting their nervous system to microscopic electronic-biologic gadgetry and machinery that will serve to guide them. This will cause great problems about 85 years later, when the now powerful


Contact Report 251 scientists begin to play 'God', as they had done in earliest times, and they will create new hybrids between humans and animals through genetic alterations. These new 'semi-humans' will declare their solidarity with the robotic humans. But before this transpires, another 80 years will pass after the creation of robotic humans, as I mentioned previously. With the creation of robotic humans, intelligent, biologic-electronic-machinelike robots will be constructed. A gigantic space station will be built, upon which a vast number of humans will live while the station travels in its own orbit around the Sun. Because of Man's intrinsic attitude, induced by his degeneration, wars and revolts will occur on Mars. These events will transpire when humans, after conferring with extraterrestrials, construct residential buildings beneath the oceans which will dangerously interfere with the ecologic equilibrium of the oceans, land masses and the air. Once again the time will arise when another new, dangerous, fatal weapon is invented that will disintegrate the bones of life forms. Simultaneously, the artificial sun created about fifty years prior will drift from its orbit and over a mere seventy-two hour period will plunge to Earth. The Earth's own rotation and orbit around the Sun will change then and result in the reduction in the length of years, days and nights. Unfortunately, this will also be the time when the first space conflict - a space war - takes place between terrestrials and those humans who will have migrated to Mars by then. The gigantic space station in orbit behind the Sun will be damaged. At this time a new terrestrial chronology will be contemplated because the altered lengths of the days and seasons on Earth cannot be utilized in the old system. Terrestrial humanity already under the spell of religions and religious sects at this time, will remain spellbound for several more centuries. Following the installation of the new terrestrial chronology, the founder of a new religion will come to the forefront and revoke the Christian Sunday, Islamic Friday and Jewish Sabbath, in order to establish a new holiday schedule. As an experiment, money will be briefly abolished, but clandestine trading with valuable goods such as precious metals, diamonds and other commodities will continue. Sometime later the insane terrestrials wretchedly will alter the Earth's atmosphere in a dreadful format. And another war on Earth will ensue, for terrestrials will have failed in their attempt to become more peaceloving and intelligent. The future will hold nothing positive pertaining to scientists because they will have begun to perform their first genetic manipulations on humans and animals by this time, and will be creating entities, so-called 'semi-humans', whom they will produce by crossing humans with pigs and then train them as fighting machines. These entities will be sent into war and also perform a variety of tasks in space. However, this situation will not go well very long. The entities will oppose their creators, like it is also the case with robotic humans who will have arms and legs amputated so that their nervous system can be attached to minute electronic-biologic devices, whereby these semi-humans become living navigational devices for spaceships and every type of weaponry, machinery and terrestrial vehicles, to name but a few. A man will appear and present the universal teachings to the entire terrestrial human population. He will be remarkably successful, although existing religions and religious sects will follow up with global countermeasures - as has been the case since ancient times. The teachings of the spirit will be included in this teachings, and some fourty years later the teachings of reincarnation will have been disseminated worldwide and accepted by the existing religions. However, prior to this event some unpleasant encounters with extraterrestrials will take place that may result in a gratifying union depending upon which direction Man takes; taking the wrong direction will result in disagreeable, possibly even dangerous prospects. Through technological intervention, Man will slowly learn to prevent natural catastrophes. Volcanos, in particular, will be placated and their activity controlled, as will be the influences of weather conditions. Triggered by the invention or, rather, discovery of a new and very valuable energy source and its rights to ownership, renewed war activities on Earth will ensue. Problems will also occur within human populations because their relative immortality, that is, the increase in human longevity, will amount to life spans of from 350 to 450 years. This increase in longevity will also precipitate increasingly greater problems of overpopulation and all other subsequent obstacles, which will include migrations that will result in new types of interbred peoples. Among them will be a group who call themselves Eurasians. They will demand the Eurasian region for their homeland at a time when the 'semi-humans', those human-animal, genetically-manipulated creatures and the robot-humans will be creating incredible problems. These difficulties will lead to the deplorable decline of every space travel program and nearly bring space travel to a complete standstill.


Contact Report 251 The problem will come about because of the robot-humans' and semi-humans' refusal to continue working for normal human beings, and because of their unwillingness to continue a life of subservience and exploitation as living maneuvering devices for spaceships, vehicles, equipment, war machines and so other gadgetry. These events will transpire at a time when a climatic reversal begins on Earth because of the Sun's noticeably weakening activity triggered by reduced nuclear fusions within it. Terrestrial Man's urge to explore knows no bounds and, consequently, he will penetrate ever deeper into space; unfortunately, this tendency will also produce repercussions. Inevitably, unexpected disasters will occur, for the prediction states that in the not too distant future, terrestrial Man will face some extremely terrifying phenomenon during his space expeditions that will present great and trying obstacles. One event, supposedly twenty years later, will take place as the frightening and definite conclusion is reached that the Sun is truly a dying star. And an additional thirty-five years later, terrestrial human beings will face a new horror when one of their exploration spaceships brings a deadly epidemic back to Earth that will leave medical scientists completely helpless. By this time, Man will have gained knowledge about the essence of Creation for thirty-five years; likewise, the truth will be understood that negatives and positives represent within themselves equal, independent units although they also form a perfect unit when joined. The previously mentioned space-exploration craft will lift off shortly after this cognizance, whereupon it will encounter the great horrors. Equipped with a completely new propulsion system, the expedition spacecraft is expected to penetrate space to the extent that it will reach the original home planets of the first genetically manipulated peoples. Such an undertaking will still be completely irresponsible on the part of the terrestrials from that period. On one hand, they will have remained trapped in their genetically manipulated degeneration and, on the other, in their megalomania they will vastly fail to underestimate the dangers of space and alien worlds. They will become aware of their failings only midway along their path toward the home planets of the genetically manipulated peoples' origins, when the expedition will be confronted by terrifying extraterrestrial life. Ultimately, this space expedition becomes feasible only when the technological apparatuses, machinery, all electronic instruments and many other items from that period are no longer operated and piloted by human beings. The technological devices will become equipped instead with independent, biological intelligence that makes all piloting and operations almost infallible. The robot-humans still performing those functions at that time will rebel against this change of events. Simultaneously, terrestrial space travel will reach the pinnacle of its development as research forges on, and soon further deductions and solutions will unlock additional secrets of matter. Concurrent with this development will begin the rule by the robot people under the leadership of someone from their own ranks, who will be the enemy of all other human life forms and cause a great stir, although he will die very soon after these events. During this same period, once again, the megalomanic scientists will perform an incredible spectacle by producing a gigantic second sun. Although this group of scientists will be small in number, nonetheless, through a dangerous experiment they will ignite one of the SOL planets, which will burn for seven days and glisten in the SOL system as a second sun before it burns out and fades. Jupiter and Saturn could be equally suitable candidates for this experiment as they are uncompleted miniature suns, making redundant the selection of planets for this future insanity. Great progress in brain research will occur in the same period, including the implantation of micro modules into human and animal scalps. The micro modules will assume and execute all the brain's navigational functions. At this time, far from Earth, an artificial world within another alien solar system will be populated by an immense migration surge that stems from the continued, irrational increases in terrestrial overpopulation. The robot people, simultaneously, will become a danger to normal human beings through their own propagation and the siring of many descendants. Due to genetic alterations, these descendants will be born without arms and legs, with their nerve endings already exposed. This will permit easy access to the nerve endings of their extremities, which can then be attached without surgery to various devices and machinery, etc. The robot people will become a true menace to normal humans, for they will possess unforeseen consciousness-related powers. Over time, they will further develop these powers by way of an above-normal application of their consciousness whereby the brain, through unique, painstakingly constructed energy generators, will be endowed with special energies from the outside. All of this will allow the forces of the consciousness to perform at record levels.


Contact Report 251 The time will come when further powerful changes take place within the SOL system as the Sun's nuclear fusions decrease. Indeed, the entire gravity field will not only become unmanageable and changed, but large-scale climatic changes will become the daily norm. These occurrences will inspire scientists to record performances because they will wish to find methods to counteract the Sun's negative consequences. These consequences will manifest themselves far sooner than anticipated in fact, and contradict millennia-old, erroneous scientific assumptions. Only then will people correctly realize that the Sun is a dying celestial body and that, subsequently, the end of the SOL system will herewith be predetermined already. Nonetheless, the Sun will continue to exist another billion years, but by then it will be a dead star that will, ultimately, be swallowed up and destroyed by a Black Hole. Therefore, scientists will begin performing at feverish rates. In the process they will discover that the base for pi was miscalculated. By eliminating the error in pi, and correcting future computations based on pi, scientists and their amazing, highly developed technology will have the capability to make unimaginable energies accessible to the people of Earth. This will be accomplished through the terrestrials' diversion and utilization of energies from Black Holes from within the Milky Way system. Scientists at this time, though, will still be unable to travel to the center of our galaxy to tap the existing Black Hole in that region. Still, it will be unnecessary to go to the center of our galaxy, at least at that particular time, for nearby objects will produce sufficient energy to serve Earth's needs. This new energy source, in fact, the energy type itself, will enable terrestrials to develop new forms of space travel. In the wake and expansion of these developments, a travel and transportation factor becomes reality which, prior to 1995 and long into the future, had been called fantasy: Time travel. This discovery/invention, in turn, will enable Man to travel into both the past and the future, and as well into the vastness of the Universe, something that was hitherto impossible. In the aftermath of these events new human life forms will be discovered, without doubt, and humans of Earth will learn unfathomable information from these extraterrestrials, for these ETs will possess remarkably greater intelligence than the terrestrials. Developments in every field will progress rapidly and result in the creation of artificial, biological intelligences that will be utilized for the guidance and handling of all apparatuses, devices, electronics, machinery including flying craft and vehicles. By this time there will be no concern of these biological intelligences becoming independent to later endanger terrestrials as it will be the case with the robot people, who will no longer be of any use and be exterminated without further ado. The time will then come when all space stations and satellites orbiting the Earth, Mars and Venus will crash. This will be the result of the Sun's ever decreasing activity having changed to such an extent that monumental gravitational changes of all planets will occur, even to the Sun itself. Scientists will be working at record levels to find solutions for the changes, but they will be unsuccessful. Yet, they will have success in as much as they will discover an incredibly important factor in the Creational formula. Thereafter another danger from space will threaten the terrestrial world, this time from the depths of the central Universe. The danger from this threat will become evident only much later, however. Prior to this event, terrestrial humans will place artificial suns into orbit around the Earth, albeit far beyond the customary distance. Terrestrials will not have much luck with these satellites either, for one of the artificial suns will begin to glow due to severe damage and scorch large regions on Earth. In turn, the aftermath of these events will dangerously affect Earth's atmosphere and produce an oxygen deficiency that precipitates worldwide riots. From this catastrophe another will evolve because the scorched land and lack of oxygen cannot remain without consequences either. The catastrophe will affect the economy and the entire food processing industry and will result in a famine the likes of which the world has never seen nor experienced over the past thousands of years. This will signify the beginning of the end for conventional space travel, for barely one decade later time travel, through the advancement of technology, will become routine. Millions of light years will be bridged, that is, traversed, without any time loss, and human beings will no longer experience limitations in their conquest of distances. This also is the time when geriatric research, through genetic reverse-manipulation, will release the human population from the premature aging's curse; a curse that was brought about, long ago, in the initial fighting peoples' genes by the gene manipulators, the "creator-overlords". This reverse manipulation will afford Man an even longer life span than that achieved by terrestrial geneticists through prior procedures, whereby human lives increased to an average life expectancy of four hundred years. These new achievements will produce an


Contact Report 251 extremely long human life expectancy of thousands of years. In the ensuing few years the time will come when intelligent ocean dwellers will begin to contact human beings and communicate with them, and a new race of terrestrial inhabitants will thereby be founded. Then the time will come when aggressions with Martian inhabitants will begin and result in the actual launching of attacks on the colonies. These events will be followed by fifteen years of relative calm, finally bringing good fortune to the Earth's human inhabitants in their quest to find their actual origins. A terrestrial space expedition will penetrate into the regions of Sirius and discover, or rather locate there, proof of the Ur-Ur-Ur-ancestry of the human beings on Earth, who previously were procreated through genetic manipulations in ancient times by the Sirius "creator-overlords". This discovery will reveal that over many millennia, the terrestrials' ancestors fled across long twisting paths, found the SOL system and began settling there. Thus, humankind on Earth will eventually find its direction back to its origin - which, of course, will not suddenly resolve mankind's problems by any means. Of course, linked to this discovery will also be contacts with very distant ancestors of the previous "creator-overlords", as well as other intelligences from Sirius that will, by then, no longer lead to the pursuit and slaughter of the genetically-manipulated descendants, the terrestrials. The contacts will lead to a collaboration instead, resulting in the previous genetic manipulation's definitive reversal. This action, in turn, will result in the birth of new descendants who will be normal and no longer be degenerate. The circle finally closes and Man will become a true human being, in equilibrium with the negative and positive. The reversal of this previous degeneration-gene manipulation, along with the continually climbing overpopulation, precipitated even more so by the extraordinary human longevity, will result in plans for the eradication of those humans in whom the genetic reverse manipulation had not yet been performed, on Earth as well as on all other worlds colonialized by terrestrials, and space stations inhabited by them. This eradication will transpire in the same manner previously proclaimed and demanded by responsible individuals a very long ago: A worldwide halt in the birthrate over a seven-year cycle. Within this framework, only parents whose degeneration was previously eradicated through genetic reverse-manipulation will be permitted to procreate. Only those individuals, therefore, will be legally entitled to sire any offspring. Illegal pregnancies will be assessed as the most abhorrent crime, punishable by death to the guilty parties. This concept will only come about as an inescapable law five years before the period when complete authority over planet Earth is placed into the hands of the administrative sphere within the Sirius alliance, and enforced therefrom. Nonetheless, in these distant days ahead, Earth scientists will be ambitious; they will fulfill new objectives, make new discoveries, and capture chemistry's last remaining secrets. Despite the incredible knowledge that extraterrestrial intelligences will have passed on to the terrestrials, by far not every mystery about everything will have been penetrated or unraveled. Therefore, research will continue into all facet including that of astronomy, and scientists will subsequently penetrate to the center of the Milky Way to investigate its secrets and those of the Black Hole. The Sun's activity will increasingly cause more concern, as it becomes notably weaker and unable to provide sufficient energy to supply Earth and Mars with light and warmth. In these distant, future times artificial suns will routinely orbit the Earth at a considerable distance so as to brighten and heat its surface. This situation will not remain benign either as one can deduce from an event that will occur seventy years after capital punishment for illicit procreation becomes law, when two of these artificial suns will destructively collide with one another, inflicting severe damage. These, then, are the overall predictions for a succession of future centuries, whereby the sequence of these enumerations has become somewhat intermixed, and only the most significant future events are mentioned here. In addition to these events, many other things will transpire concurrently, e.g., of a political, military, religious, scientific, evolutionary and cosmic nature; the prediction that the terrestrial social formats of states still prevalent in 1995 will be abolished and replaced with new programs, whereby the individual no longer must personally make provisions for his or her old age through his personal finances, because society, or rather the federal state, will pay for it. A very inexpensive energy source will increase food supply production to the point where food can be distributed without charge. More of this incredibly inexpensive energy will be generated than Man on Earth can utilize. The cost of living will therefore drop to nearly zero. Pension plans, for example, along with other financial


Contact Report 251 support systems, will become redundant, if for no other reason than the fact that virtually no income will be required any longer for a person's livelihood. At this point money will completely lose its value for these very same purposes, except for the fulfillment of personal pleasures, i.e., for recreational and pastime activities, etc. Nevertheless, such actions will not produce solutions to every monetary problem to the point where money will be totally eliminated as legal tender once and for all. People from Earth will continue to be caught up with their thoughts of using money in the near and more distant future; and many hundreds of years will be marked by its use, although two attempts to completely eliminate money will be initiated. These endeavors are doomed, however, because Man simply does not wish to detach himself in the near future from money and wealth. For this reason, all related efforts will be undermined because gold, silver, platinum, palladium, and other valuable, still undiscovered metals, precious stones, jewelry and other items sold illicitly, which will ultimately lead to the collapse of the attempts to abolish money. Money may eventually be prohibited by law in the distant future; such a development is just as predestined to occur as the one in the near future when the breeding of animals will be abolished. Geneticists will eventually discover a method that enables plants to produce the animal protein required by human beings. Scientists will finally realize that this process is actually feasible through genetic manipulation. This realization is to be expected very soon, although its enactment will not occur until much later. Blame for this delay can be placed on the anti-genetic-manipulation gripers who, insanely and incomprehensibly, are against gene technology and gene manipulation. Anti-gripers' efforts must be blamed, therefore, for the burden upon life for long-time mass-breeding, mass-transports and mass-tortures of billions of animals. The solutions brought about by vegetable-animal protein production and a perfectly acceptable meat substitute could have been effected long before through gene-technology to be marketed as food supplies, were it not for the decades of insane anti-griping efforts that impede these actions. The blame for the suffering of many billions of animals must be directed toward these idiotic gripers until they are ultimately forced into silence and kept quiet. Only then will the ills of mass animal breeding and all other related tortures for animals find an end. The predictions also failed to mention that scientists will soon realize that Earth's atmosphere is truly not conducive to prolonging human longevity. Although mention is made in the predictions of the genetically-manipulated descendants' adaption to the Earth's atmosphere, no information is given about scientists discovering the Earth's atmosphere being unsuitable for human beings, and the fact that it contributes greatly to their rapid aging process. Furthermore, no mention is made about scientific discoveries which will, supposedly, lead to the imminent production of air that is more healthful and beneficial to the human body than before. This air will be a different yet more suitable composition and will be available for purchase both in bottles for personal consumption and as "little life extenders". Currently the oxygen-nitrogen proportion of terrestrial air is not only unsuitable, but its oxygen content is much too low and it also contains a variety of dangerous gases inhaled by humans. Regarding the Earth itself, a fact not mentioned in the predictions is that, all along, the scientists were unaware that this planet was not expanding over the millennia through the accumulation of falling star dust and meteors, etc., but that, imperceptibly, it has been expanding internally. This means that an imperceptible expansion process is ongoing for millennia whereby, slowly but surely, the Earth's internal riches are transported to the surface. Over time, this expansion process will accelerate in correlation with the Sun's decreasing nuclear fusion rate through which all gravity fields within this entire solar system will change, in particular those of all the planets. In the predictions made so far, mention was made about the terrestrials' discovery of time travel, and how to break into future and past dimensions. However, no mention was made about the discovery and locations of other dimensions, and the revelation of untold opportunities for Man. Yet, once again, many dangers will be linked to their discoveries; some will be of a physical nature, while others will be the result of encounters with intelligences from other dimensions. To this end, renewed conflicts will erupt and many events will become a reality that previously were slighted as science-fiction fantasies. Many more power struggles and revolts will take place on Earth even at times when governments no longer reside on this planet, but will orbit in space stations surrounding it. These governments will not find a safe haven there for long as some predictions mention that the rulers will be overthrown up there. Through faults and machinations of scientists, an evil time will follow once again, whereupon Man will


Contact Report 251 utilize the services of an animal that harbors much negativity, viciousness and degeneration. This condition will be revealed to Man and be provoked by the scientists' service agreement. Consequently, the animal (or animals) will begin to attack people to a point where it/they will actually hunt terrestrials, and masses of humans will be slaughtered. The prediction, unfortunately, does not divulge any information on whether the animal(s) will be introduced to Earth from the vastness of the Universe, or whether it will originate on the Earth itself. In any case, human beings throughout the world will be forced to defend themselves against these animals. But the human population's efforts will be futile, and for this reason everyone on Earth will have little choice than to flee to the one continent which will be forged into a gigantic fortress. Three hundred years later, scientists will once again create a horrendous calamity, for their conceit and arrogance will push them to the point where they see themselves as "God", and in their megalomania they will perceive themselves as equals to Creation and as being irreplaceable in every way. Afterward, nearly one hundred years later, a very vicious and aggressive act takes place on Man's neighbor planet, Mars, when numerous spaceships will attack and completely annihilate the planet until even its substance is eliminated. During this period, the Destroyer planet will one again create havoc. This ancient roaming celestial body will enter the inner solar system on a collision course with Earth as a result of the Sun's rapidly dwindling nuclear activity and the subsequent total alteration of the gravity fields within the entire solar system. The Destroyer previously caused repeated destruction in the old Lyra regions over millions of years. Only sparsely populated by that time, the Earth will be faced with the threat of complete annihilation resulting from this destructive wanderer, and terrestrials will be incapable of safeguarding themselves against it. Because of the suddenly depleted gravity fields, now completely out of control throughout the entire solar system, the terrestrials are unable to direct the Destroyer into another orbit or annihilating the Destroyer. Neither alternative will benefit the Earth, for by this time it will be uninhabitable because of the monumental solaric changes. As a consequence, the remaining few million terrestrials will flee, departing from the planet in hopes of finding an alternative planet elsewhere and of settling there. They get help from the descendants of former terrestrials from the Sirius regions. Everything will transpire as it must: After the disastrous blunders by terrestrial scientists, terrestrials will suffer from the scientists' attempts to destroy the Destroyer, and the scientists' arrogance and conceit will plummet. They will congregate around them ordinary people and flee from the threatened planet Earth. Only three years later the Destroyer will enter the former orbit of Mars and ram into the two Martian moons, Phobos and Deimos, which had remained intact during the planet's destruction. The two moons will disintegrate and trail behind the huge roaming planet as it continues to race toward Earth and ultimately reaches it, but does not ram into it. Nonetheless, the near-collision will result in a catastrophic event in which the Destroyer smashes into the Earth's moon. This will cause both the Moon and the Destroyer to shatter into a myriad of pieces, which will form a rotating belt orbiting around the Earth. The oceans, lakes and rivers will also be torn from their beds at this time, and will evaporate into the atmosphere from the ensuing immense heat. The steam, along with gigantic portions of the atmosphere, will be wrenched into space and then dissipate while, at the same time, the Earth's imperceptible expansion process over the past thousands of years becomes evident now. The Earth will heat up from its interior and the planet's surface will ultimately become uninhabitable. Meanwhile, Mercury will enter a collision course with the Sun and will plunge thereon to produce a catastrophe that signifies the destruction of the final remaining harmony within the SOL system. For nearly 100 years afterward, the Sun will generate gigantic eruptions and nuclear fusions once again, as well as protuberances that will extend far into space. By this time the planetary orbits will be destroyed to a point where they will no longer circle around the Sun. No longer will it radiate nor will it become a Super-Nova. After all of this transpires, the Sun will glow and glimmer weakly and generate occasional gaseous explosions along with nuclear fusion activity. Even these conditions will increasingly diminish as time goes on, and eventually all activity will cease completely, whereupon the Sun will drift through space as a dead, dark star, surrounded by equally dead planets. The end will come when the dead Sun, along with the accompanying satellites that drift around it, are attracted and sucked into a Black Hole. Together they will condense with incredible force and stagnate there until they, and other material within the Black Hole, are ejected in one massive explosion. This event will generate fresh gases, fine particles and other elements that will develop into


Contact Report 251 new galaxies, stars, planets, moons and other forms. These developments will cover many billions of years; according to calculations roughly 10 billion years will pass before the Sun and its planets die, exist while dead, and then are swallowed and annihilated by the aforementioned Black Hole. The predictions also provide important insight into women's future role alongside men. In the more distant future, women will fully regain their former original equal status and rights in the men's world with regard to their complete duties, assignments and tasks. A joint female-male relationship will come to exist, as it did in earliest times when men and women stood shoulder-to-shoulder, with total equality of rights as they functioned and worked together. As it was in early times, so will it be again in the distant future, i.e., women with children shall first and foremost dedicate themselves to their offspring by grooming and educating them, among other things, and will maintain the household. Just as they have done from ancient times, men will attend to and exert themselves for those matters and concerns which were designated to them throughout antiquity due to their male physique, etc. Therefore, the modern proliferation by the women's liberation movements and the single-handed push by women into upper management and responsible positions for their sole supremacy, to mention a few things, will be eliminated once and for all, in order to make room for equality and equal rights that will hold true for both men and women. As a result, men and women will work together jointly on all tasks and will deal with them equally. Neither one man nor one women will elevate him- or herself above the other in rank or power regarding business, administration, government, power and other situations, as is the case today. It is very important to realize, too, that many negative events will occur in the near future regarding diseases and epidemics on Earth. For this reason all humans must become very meticulous about their personal hygiene and must avoid physical contact with people of questionable health status. There should be paid great attention for harmless disesases and infections, because in future times these can turn into much graver and even incurable illness. The same will hold true also for physical contact with animals, including touching of any type. An additional concern will be the intake of animal-origin food products, absorption of viruses, bacteria, etc., of animal substances such as feces, saliva, blood, hair and so forth, which can cause also fatal diseases and epidemics. For this reason alone, creatures of every type should not be kept within the confines of human residences, indeed, they must not be tolerated therein even briefly. The following facts explain the ancestry of the Pleiadians, or rather the Plejarans, and the old Lyrians: The Pleiadians, as distant descendants of the ancient Lyrians, maintain contact neither with the Sirius intelligences nor today's descendants of the former "creator-overlords", regardless of whether they possess positive or negative characteristics. They have no plans for such contacts, not now nor in the near future. Nonetheless, their divergent paths will come full-circle and one day they will join again, taking place, at the earliest, when the genetic manipulations are reversed. Only then will the descendants of the former "creator-overlords" be sufficiently advanced in their evolution to allow for any contact between the Pleiadians and themselves. The same also holds true for Sirius intelligences who are completely different human races outside the Enoch (Henok) lineage; indeed, they have no hereditary link whatsoever with the descendants of the former "creator-overlords". Today's Pleiadians, or rather Plejarans, and the Lyrians, along with the current peoples of the Enoch-Nokodemion lineage (or Nokodemion-Enoch) who reside in the DAL Universe, are all part and parcel of the human life form that is exceedingly elevated in its consciousness and spirituality. They are no longer capable of contacting lesser evolved human life forms, such as Earth humans, inhabitants of the Sirius regions and many other human races on other worlds, without endangerment through the lower vibrations from these life forms, who are less-evolved beings. Furthermore, Pleiadian/Plejaran laws prohibit them from contacting these less-evolved entities, and interfering in their internal affairs. Such actions would dangerously intrude upon the self-determined evolution of these less-evolved beings. As it is the case with any other life form, each human life form must evolve through its own strength. Higher-evolved life forms are permitted to extend to the less-evolved beings certain realizations and prospects only through impulses which, on one hand, cannot be recognized as such and, on the other, do not lead to opportunities that would accord greater and more extensive realizations and prospects than those sustained by lower evolutionary levels. Based upon this justification, the Pleiadians have elected to contact neither the descendants of


Contact Report 251 the past "creator-overlords" within the Sirius regions and other locations nor the actual Sirius intelligences themselves. When the Old Lyrians ventured to Earth ages ago and commenced their activities among the terrestrials whose actual origins were elsewhere as explained earlier several times, they selected periods when neither the positive nor negative "creator-overlords", or their distant descendants, were present in the SOL system or on Earth, respectively, after the "creator-overlords" had again vacated this region. The Old Lyrians, and later the Pleiadians/Plejarans, were always vigilant, for they had no desire to encounter the "creator-overlords" or their descendants. They did not want a confrontation since they wished to travel their own path but, additionally, they did not want to be driven into combat with the other Enoch (Henok) lineage due to their different world view. This discrepancy in world view eventually had led the "creator-overlords" to breed the genetically-manipulated peoples, an act of which both the Old Lyrians and their descendants, the Pleiadians/Plejarans, strongly disapproved. From this time onward they refrained from having any contact with Enoch-lineage inhabitants from the Sirius regions, as well as with those actual Ur-Sirius intelligences who were no better than the inhabitants from other locations. The Old Lyrians in the meantime had progressed in their evolution beyond that of the inhabitants from the Sirius regions, the other Enoch lineage, and the actual Sirius intelligences. And for this reason were any contacts with these groups out of the question since they would have been far too dangerous for their bodies, indeed, their lives. Although the Old Lyrians remained relatively aggressive, scheming and so forth, they were not deprived of simultaneous conscious and spiritual evolution, except for those people who forcibly refused to adapt to the evolutionary process. These groups were forced to leave the Lyra-Vega regions and others, whereupon they ventured into the SOL system. Among them were some benevolent and evolved individuals who took upon themselves the sacrifice of leaving along with the refugees, so they could continue their teaching mission of directing the refugees onto the path of humaneness and evolution. In the course of time they succeeded in reaching their goals, although many things repeatedly went awry. On Earth, these Old Lyrians intermingled with the terrestrials just as the "creator-overlords"' descendants from the Sirius regions had done previously. Thus the descendants of the Old Lyrians-Vegans were also confronted with and subjected to genetic manipulation in the same manner as all other humans on Earth. Their interactions took place in a relatively brief period, since approximately a paltry 3 thousand years later no human life forms could be found on the planet who were not heretically affected by the genetic manipulation. This applied to the 144,210 leaders, sub-leaders, and the very positive spiritual leaders who had voluntarily embraced the idea of instructing the refugees, along with several millions of ordinary people, in the spiritual teachings and in other matters. For this reason it is likely that since that time no single terrestrial human life form has existed who does not harbor the legacy of negative and positive degeneration, although it would manifest itself according to the individual's balance, whereas degenerations occur frequently in forms of both negativity and positiveness. Although the Old Lyrians had greatly evolved by this time they nonetheless lacked obedience to the Creational-natural laws; they often transgressed against them, therefore, and wreaked much havoc. However, this was applicable only to those few million people who had fled in earlier times from their homeworlds. On Earth they behaved in much the same manner, and they consequently adopted religions established by the descendants of the "creator-overlords". They elevated themselves to creator-gods so as to spellbind the terrestrials. The Old Lyrians therefore were neither the true initiators nor the founders of the Ur-religions with their god-creators and creator-gods; instead they were merely the unscrupulous exploiters of the equally unscrupulous "creator-overlords"' descendants who initiated religious legends, religious fables, god fables, origin-of-the-world fables and other falsehoods. In doing so, on one hand, they wanted to conceal and allow the true origin of the SOL system's human beings from Mars, Malona and Earth to sink into obscurity - so they would not find their way back to the Sirius regions one day -; on the other hand, they anticipated that their initiated religions would create conflicts and wars among the genetically-manipulated peoples who would subsequently exterminate themselves. They hoped, therefore, that the human SOL system inhabitants would never rise again nor would they embark upon a return trip to their Ur-homeland.


Contact Report 251 The Old Lyrians-Vegans gradually began changing their mental outlook and started to abide by the spiritual teachings, hence, the Creational-natural laws and directives, whereupon their overall evolution began to advance rapidly, and they greatly elevated themselves spiritually. Consequently, they had to guard themselves even more and did not allow any type of contact whatever to occur between them and the descendants of the "creator-overlords" or with the intelligences from Sirius. After making peace with the inhabitants of their home planets, one Old Lyrian-Vegan group returned there, while a second faction withdrew to another dimension beyond the Pleiades constellation. Therefore, this group withdrew from our dimension just as the Old Lyrians-Vegans did previously, and these people found a new homeland beyond the Hyades star cluster, about 150 light years from Earth. A third faction left our universe, the DERN Universe, and penetrated into its twin universe, which is called DAL Universe, where they propagated and formed a gigantic federation together with many other peoples. The same situation occurred also with the Pleiadians/Plejarans, whose federation exists in a region approximately 7 billion light years in diameter and in a space-time configuration that deviates by a fraction of a second from our own. However, some of the federation members, or rather federation planets, exist in our space and time configuration. This information should suffice for now and no special explanations are needed. Further discussion about the actual years would be a moot point in any event, for I consider any mention of the exact timing of these events completely out of place. An interesting item for the group, and for everyone else, may be that certain points pertaining to the extraterrestrial intelligences' visits had been off-limit for discussion for several years, except for those items your people, you in particular, had already mentioned. You had already told me that I could openly speak about them upon your withdrawal. Ptaah That is correct. We spoke only of those ancestors who played an important role up to the present, that is, the three groups we previously discussed in one of our last conversations. In addition to these groups there exist still a few other groups of extraterrestrial origin who visit Earth and are observed here relatively frequently. However, none of these groups maintains any form of contact with terrestrials, neither of a private nor military or governmental nature. Some visit Earth strictly for excursion or expedition purposes, while others maintain different interests; but not one of these groups has any type of contact whatever as it is presented by hysterical Americans, whereby terrestrial women are impregnated by extraterrestrial intelligences, or where men from Earth impregnate extraterrestrial women. Furthermore, you may forget the nonsense about the massacre of animals, etc. etc. Such matters have no factual basis. Extraterrestrials will create a big flurry on Earth in the future when their interests concern other matters than excursions or expeditions. However, we are not at liberty to speak about the whys and wherefores, and neither are you, of course, for you know about all of these future events. Billy Naturally. - But I still have a question: Is it not possible that some things you just mentioned may be responsible for claims made by Ed Walters in America, who also offers photos? Ptaah He is a swindler and a fraud, and his photos are counterfeit. This is an established fact. Billy Good, thanks. But why were we not allowed to mention those extraterrestrials of whom you just spoke? Ptaah On one hand this is related to the upcoming events and the new era on Earth. We are not permitted to speak about such things, as I have previously explained. On the other hand, unfortunately, careless leaks of this information would only lead to further hysteria, lies and fraud, along with deceit and charlatanry, as was the case already in America, Germany, England, Japan, Sweden and other places. Billy Yes, I know. In this regard, America especially leads the way in hysteria and idiocy.


Contact Report 251 Ptaah That is correct, but MUFON alone must not be blamed for this entire hysteria; many religious sects and, in particular, the government itself must share in the blame. In fact, the latter hides a great deal of important proof about the existence of extraterrestrial life, and the appearances on Earth by these beings, in their secret and undercover files; indeed, the government prohibits by law contacts of terrestrials with extraterrestrial life forms. Another very lamentable factor is the fact that the American military constructs and tests flying objects with extreme secrecy, although many outsiders are knowledgeable about these events and even hold proof of these activities, simply because they were able to observe, film and photograph them at any time, day or night. Billy And these flying objects have shapes that are unlike that of an airplane, and they possess propulsion systems and technological flight characteristics that traditional aircraft do not possess. But why are you speaking about these things now? We were not allowed to mention them before. Ptaah With our withdrawal the cloak of secrecy has been removed from us as well. Therefore, I am now permitted to speak about the various so-called UFO sightings that were observed in many countries throughout the world over the past four decades. Frequently they may be traced back to these terrestrial flying objects. They do not belong only to the Americans but to other countries on Earth as well. The real reason why we are allowed to speak now, after our current withdrawal, is the fact that for some time now all of these things were open secrets in certain circles. Therefore, we are not divulging anything that is considered a secret in the near future, as is the case with actual government and military secrets, in which case we have neither permission to intervene nor can we currently reveal them. At this time we are confirming certain things and events that previously could not be considered actual secrets for quite some time. Billy In a number of countries on Earth, flying objects are being developed that successfully resemble alien and extraterrestrial vehicles due to their strange, untraditional construction. The styles of these flying devices range from the beamship shapes your people made known all the way to the triangular forms, among many others. It is no wonder, therefore, that observers regard these flying objects as UFOs, or rather, as spaceships or simply as extraterrestrial flying craft; last, but not least, also because these craft are silent or nearly silent and possess flying characteristics that are alien and contrary to flight techniques known on Earth. Now you have a repetition of your explanations. A double stitching holds up better. Ptaah That is correct. Billy In my 23 pages I forgot to mention also that the terrestrial beings were actually one single race during Enoch's (Henok) ancient times. From this one race other races formed due to climatic and atmospheric changes, and splits that created new breeds once again. These mixed among themselves, and new races were created once again. Over the course of time, not only did the skin color of humans change but also their outward appearance, yet always in tune with the new surroundings, new living conditions and other influences. This, of course, resulted in genetic changes in addition to those changes produced by the genetic manipulations. However, the changes were not significant enough for the original and basic link not to remain evident that all humans on Earth originated from the same, single Ur-stock. Hence, when the humans from the Lyra regions and other locations interbred with the early emigrants, respectively their descendants nearly 190,000 years ago on Earth, the cycle was complete among people of the same stock. And then, when the peoples separated again in large spurts, and the most diverse regions of the Earth were newly inhabited, further changes in skin color, outward appearance and genes transpired again, This time, too, the Ur-breed remained intact, and it can be genetically proven that the terrestrials originated from a single


Contact Report 251 Ur-race. Ptaah Indeed, you actually did fail to mention this in your report. Billy Something else in this regard: I have been thinking that while redoing and correcting the PROPHECIES, we could also incorporate the 23 pages. There are actually only one or two prophecies, the remainder consists of predictions. How do you feel about this? Ptaah It would probably be appropriate for you to integrate everything together into your new book. Billy Certain people probably are going to get into a flap over it for sure; but that does not really matter. We are used to such things. Still, anyone who wishes to be heard must create a disturbance, and whoever wishes to create a disturbance must repeat the same things several times. Only by creating a disturbance, human beings will become aware of some person or some facts presented to them, because they will either feel personally attacked or because it bothers them to hear the same facts two or three times. It is the only way to stimulate people into thinking, regardless of whether it is in a peaceful or angry way. The only important thing is the result, that is to say, the fact that one way or another they feel attacked and, therefore, only then do they begin to ponder things and react. - But now something else: Recently I stumbled across the fact that we spoke against hatred toward strangers and other races in our small campaign texts, but we have never really delved into the subject or produced any separate booklets on it. In the future we will do so and, together with Bernadette, I have designed stickers for this subject matter. Here they are. What do you think of them? These are already at the printers, these 3 I would like to have made up next week. Ptaah They are very nice and express a great deal about the individual subject matter. I like them very much. I would be delighted if you would let me have about three of each one - and of those you now have as well. I would like to begin a collection of them. Quetzal still has some Swiss money remaining from the time you purchased various items for us. I would like to give you this money as a contribution toward the printing costs of these stickers. It must be nearly CHF 500.00. Billy Of course -- you can have as many stickers as you wish. And the money we certainly like to have, too. I thank you on behalf of the entire group. Ptaah Please convey my thanks and greetings to the group members also, and to all of the groups in California, Sweden, Toronto, Japan and, of course, to all friends of the Mission and all Passive Group members as well. I also pass on these thanks and greetings of behalf of my daughters Semjase and Pleija, and also Asket, Neera, Menara, Isodos, Talida, Quetzal and all the others who know you from photos and our TV broadcasts, or from those people who encountered Core Group and Passive Group members during our visits to the Center, although these individuals rarely or never even noticed that we were nearby. I have also been asked to convey thanks and greetings from many people who know you only from hear-say. Billy Thank you. Ptaah It is . . . . Billy


Contact Report 251 Please, the . . . . Ptaah This is correct. I also wanted to talk about that. But if you feel that matters really are as you just mentioned, it may be better to keep silent on it. Billy They are probably just as you said. Let's talk about something else: For some time now, the magazines and newspapers have been filled with war crime recollections by the Nazis in Germany. Radio and Television also have nothing better to do than to fan the memories of these crimes with every means possible. The Jewish organizations and associations, etc., do so especially. It is my opinion that these actions are just as abominable and criminal as the constant anti-war propaganda in form of so-called anti-war films, etc., as well as the magnified crimes of racism and torture. It is my personal opinion which is based on my knowledge of the human-psychologic reactions, that all of those people who shout "anti" and "contra" against torture and capital punishment, concentration camps, crime, wars in any form by showing those gruesome and horrifying pictures shown in newspapers, magazines, as well as on TV and in the cinemas of people getting massacred, tortured and murdered, of cemeteries being violated, houses burned among other things, are doing others a great disservice. They have no clue about the human psyche and psychology. If they knew anything about this, they would realize that their actions achieve exactly the opposite to what they intend because numerous misled, erroneous-thinking individuals feel attracted to such purported anti-propaganda. These people see that idiotic anti-propaganda and are then triggered toward the opposite effect, whereupon they want to act in the manner they are shown. For this reason, the neo-Nazi and right-extremist movements gain ever more ground. Unfortunately, this is a psychologic process which is really logical albeit unrecognized by those in charge and by the co-screamers of this insane anti-propaganda. Indeed, these people lack the knowledge of human nature and the knowledge of psychology. Anti-war films, anti-concentration camp films, anti-drug films, anti-torture and anti-capital punishment films that depict crimes in pictures and give descriptions, and movies that present such crimes in pictures by stimulating the readers' fantasy of these written words, achieve exactly the opposite of what they should do. Memories triggered by such moronic things provoke, in many people, the desire to act in the same way as the culprits who originally performed these atrocities - who also became insane through propaganda. Anyone wanting to speak up against these past and still prevailing horrors, must never do so in this moronic manner. Condemnation must occur by pointing out the current existing ills and their ominous consequences for the future. Memories of past events in accordance with the idiotic motto: "We must never forget Auschwitz" or "We must never let the horrors of the past be forgotten", etc., are completely out of place and dangerous, for they only prompt anew the identical evils and horrors of the past. Therefore this insanity must stop if the flames of neo-nazism and the extreme right radicalism are not to be fanned any further. Only by banning the anti-insanity in the above-mentioned form can healing begin. And a fight against all of these evils and harm can only be crowned with success if the means to fight are restricted to those methods that do not glorify the memories as it has been the case until now. Instead, the methods must delineate them in a form that points out the damage and the harm, and reveal the subsequent consequences they will result in. This is my personal opinion, and I'd like to hear yours too at this time. Ptaah I wholeheartedly agree with you. I need not add any further explanations except, possibly, that only truly responsible, clear-thinking and rational people will recognize this fact. One does not even require any psychological education; pure reason alone suffices to identify your factual explanation. Billy Of course, if this isn't the truth! - But tell me: In the middle of February, a severe earthquake occurred in Japan that caused more than 5000 deaths and immense damage. It was far, far more severe than the last major tremor in California, during which a great deal of plundering took place, and people behaved as though they had never been taught any decency and respect. This also happened in other places, in Mexico for instance, several South-American countries and elsewhere, where all law and order collapsed. All of this stands in direct contrast with Japan where


Contact Report 251 such things hardly ever happened, and the people bore all hardships with admirable composure. Chaos and all other ills did not materialize the way they did in other countries, especially in America, where appropriate demeanor would have also been warranted. This appropriate demeanor was lacking as was a certain kind of culture. Indeed, Japanese organized crime groups even aided the population through food distribution and other things. This alone shows what true culture and honor, what composure and respect the Japanese possess. Chivalry and friendship are not simply empty phrases with them the way it is with many Americans who call you their friend very quickly. And yet the word has no substance for them - as we have so often seen over the past 20 years. Still, there are obviously also those Americans who are true friends and true human beings. To them friendship is a truly precious commodity. I, too, have such friends in America but unfortunately they are few in number. However, they are true, honest and good friends. Ptaah I am aware of this. The earthquake spread great suffering, misery, sadness and vast destruction throughout Japan and among the Japanese. Please convey to these people our deepest regrets and our great respect for their admirable conduct during those difficult times. Billy I'd be glad to, for I also feel a sense of high esteem and respect for them. Can any action whatever be taken against earthquakes? Ptaah The rule has shown, even on every one of our worlds within the federation, that hardly anything reasonable can be done to prevent severe quake damage once tall buildings, etc., have been constructed. For this reason we normally only have low, greatly reinforced buildings capable of withstanding the most severe earthquakes. Our worlds, too, live and are shaken by earthquakes, but our construction methods for buildings and their safety against planetary jolts are designed accordingly. Billy You also have houses and buildings that are not constructed from small pieces, that is, made from stone or cement blocks and so forth, since your buildings are made as single units from synthetic materials. There is not one seam anywhere, judging from what I have seen. Furthermore, they are constructed on systems of springs or as floating bodies. Ptaah This is correct, but these are merely two of the methods utilized to offset any jolting. Billy I did not claim that I knew everything. I only mentioned what I had observed during my visit. Besides, the earthquake was not the only alarming event on Earth in January. Throughout Europe, including Switzerland, monstrous storms and floods caused incredible damage. Ptaah This will also be the case from now on, for these disasters will increase worldwide even further, and so will storms, tornados, typhoons, hurricanes, floods, droughts and huge wild fires everywhere that will cause immense damage and many deaths on Earth. Earthquakes are also among these calamities that will cause yet even further damage and suffering, as will be the case also with wars and religious sectarianism, which is expected to initiate many sectarian dramas. Major crime and minor criminal activities will abound throughout the world, as will political and military turmoil. Islamic fundamentalism will become more extreme, and diseases and epidemics will increase among the terrestrial population. Of course, these crises will not take place at constantly high levels, for these things tend sometimes to increase or to decrease; therefore, at various periods the calamities will be more numerous and sometimes less so. They will continuously increase, however. The blame for this upward trend must be placed on the


Contact Report 251 terrestrials, for through the constant increases in overpopulation they compound the increase in their every ill. Yet, we must really not spend any more time speaking about these matters because throughout the many years of our contacts everything of relevance has been discussed previously - and in vain, unfortunately. Human beings as a whole, especially those with responsible positions in governments and the military have chosen to ignore the population figures, although you and your entire group has made every effort and expended much energy and cost to publicize this information. Billy We do have some successes to show for it, because many people have picked up on our words and passed them on, along with their efforts to begin living and behaving according to our statements and suggestions. Ptaah This is correct, of course, but I spoke about the majority of terrestrials and the majority of the responsible people. Naturally, the minority is important, for it is these people who lead in this fight with great fervor. Unfortunately, they will reap very little gratitude, even though they are ultimately responsible for laying the cornerstone for the positive changes. In this regard you and your group are in the preeminent position. Billy Thanks for the "flowers" (The word "flowers" in this colloquial German phrase really means "compliments"). Ptaah Now that we have withdrawn from Earth, I want to reiterate the issue, once again, that neither we Plejarans nor any of the allies within our federation are maintaining any contacts whatsoever with terrestrial human beings; neither in a physical nor a telepathic form. Indeed, such contacts have never existed except, however, for five particular individuals whose identity you already know, and who died several years ago. Not one of them ever publicized the knowledge he or she possessed. Yet, what we want to say though is that we do maintain impulse contacts with terrestrial scientists and others. We shall continue these contacts through appropriate devices, although the individuals involved have not nor will they ever know about the contacts in the future. These impulse contacts are determined by evolution and are guiding mankind toward the future, whereupon research and inventions will transpire, new knowledge will be gleaned, literary works in a futuristic form will be written, science fiction that will frequently be turned into motion pictures. You are the only person on Earth with whom we had and still maintain contact with in both physical and telepathic form - except for those individuals whom you knew and who have since died. Billy What about other extraterrestrial intelligences since? Do any of those maintain contacts with terrestrials at this time? I mean with private people and the like, who have no connections with governments and the military, about which you are not permitted to speak. Ptaah This question must be answered with a definite 'no', for none of the three groups who are constantly or frequently on Earth, maintains any private or religious contacts with individuals on Earth, which can also be affirmed with absolute certainty. This also applies to the many extraterrestrial visitors who come to Earth for excursions, expeditions or whatever other reasons. The "examination" contacts are excluded, because we are not speaking about them since they are not contingent upon two-way contacts. Billy This means that no contacts now exist between private citizens and extraterrestrials. And, just as you have stated, neither are there any contacts of a religions nature between terrestrials and extraterrestrials. This means, then, that the stigmatized man and his benefactor, Siragusa, are nothing more than frauds, liars and cheats. The stigmatist, Giorgio Bongiovanni, even wanted to come and bring me a very important message from the Holy Mother of God and the


Contact Report 251 Father in Heaven himself. For nearly a week he had third parties pester us in a number of languages to arrange a meeting with me. He and his followers actually believe that his stigmata is a sign from God, while his signs, and those of all stigmatic persons, are truthfully only generated by religious-sectarian delusions and fanaticism. These signs are produced through a religious and sectarian-based psychogenic effect in the identical manner as was the case with the first famous stigmatic individual, Francis of Assisi and several hundred others. Ptaah This is absolutely correct. From our monitoring device I know about the incident regarding the telephone harassment by the followers of this delusional fanatic, Giorgio Bongiovanni. It seems, the religious-sectarian fanaticism knows no bounds among terrestrials. Billy Another question regarding the Pleiades. You mentioned previously that they are still very young. Aren't there any inhabitable planets? Ptaah No. Although there is a planetary formation around some of the Pleiadian celestial bodies, they are in as young a state as the stars themselves, which is only natural, of course; when the stars are young, the planets must also be young. However, on the few planets in the Pleiades star cluster no life exists whatever at this time, and the question remains, whether or not any life will ever develop there. Billy Thank you. Another question: For his book Geheimsache UFO ... (Secret Matter UFO ...), Michael Hesemann used a cover photo, taken by a certain Amaury Rivera, that shows an American Air Force F-14 interceptor and a UFO over Puerto Rico. Do you know anything about this? Ptaah Certainly. There is no doubt that trick photography was used with models suspended with fishing lines. We checked into this matter as thoroughly as we did with Ed Walters, whose photos also utilized trick photography. Michael Hesemann is an enthusiastic ufologist but he is, in this respect extremely, almost irresponsibly, gullible. He allows himself to be unusually easily tricked and deceived, and he erroneously believes that he is of extraterrestrial origin. As our very profound investigations have shown, he is a purely Earth-created individual and this may, in part, be the reason for his UFO enthusiasm and the fact that he is so easily deceived. Billy Regarding the falsified photos: There have been many other authentic pictures taken in the past few years by UFO observers. Among them, according to your own information, there are also photos taken by police and military personnel. Ptaah This is correct. A number of extraterrestrial intelligences allowed their spaceships to be sighted, filmed and photographed on Earth over the past decades. The UFO movie footage and photographic material produced worldwide, but especially in America, South America, England and other countries, does not always show actual extraterrestrial flying objects. Instead, the photos also depict exotic aircraft that have been produced by terrestrials on Earth over the past several decades, as well as craft that come from the terrestrial future, or those, which are known to us as bio-organic flying devices. They are so-called dimension changers, or life forms, that enter terrestrial air space from another dimension. Billy Carlos Diaz, a purported contactee, what do you think of him? Ptaah


Contact Report 251 You pose an illogical question, for I already explained that no human beings on Earth maintain any contacts with extraterrestrial intelligences. Therefore he is a liar, fraud and cheat. Billy I would like to ask for additional information about the following: Are you familiar with Area 51; Roswell, the 1947 incident in New Mexico; a UFO crash in Aztec, New Mexico, similar to the one in Roswell, but a year later; a third crash at the Mexican border in '49 or '50; and, in addition, do Americans in Area 51 have some extraterrestrial corpses along with one ET whom they hold captive, and who may now be alive? Ptaah I have already stated several times that these matters fall under my pledge of secrecy because they are associated with government, military and national security affairs. I am not permitted, therefore, to speak about these issues officially, but I can speak to you in confidence -- under four eyes -- as you like to refer to it. Needless to say, it would indeed present a danger to you if you officially possessed such information. Let us keep things the way they are now. Billy That's ok, it was only a last attempt. Then back to Michael Hesemann. What do you think of him? Ptaah He would be a very valuable individual in disseminating the truth about our entire Mission and beyond; if only he would desist being influenced to such a great extent by lies, deceit, fraud and charlatanry, and if he were more courageous in disseminating the genuine truth instead of so much nonsense that is presented in his books and magazine. Billy You are expressing my opinion as well. Ptaah Truly, he could be a person to be accorded the required trust to disseminate Mission material, if only he would possess the courage to commit himself to it. Billy I know, but, unfortunately, this essential factor does not seem to exist. What about future contacts with extraterrestrials, may we speak about them now? Ptaah Unfortunately this remains impossible. Nonetheless, I am, or rather you are, permitted to reveal that new events will soon occur. Billy You mean the fact that time is fast approaching when official contacts with extraterrestrials will take place? Ptaah Of course. I have told you about them. In times to come, many things will occur and changes ensue with regard to extraterrestrial aircraft, their crews as well as terrestrial, mysterious and exotic-looking flying craft. Extraterrestrial contacts may be expected, but they will be completely different from the current contacts that these many lying, deceitful and fraudulent would-be contactees have portrayed them to be through their religious-sectarian absurdities and other things. Immensely significant new discoveries are also forthcoming that will take place on Earth, on the Moon, Mars and beyond, as you have previously stated and extensively revealed in your 23page report without mentioning the specific dates for particular events. Billy It would have been wrong to name the years or the exact days and months and so forth.


Contact Report 251 Ptaah I have already stated that you acted correctly. Regarding this correctness, I would like to point out something that is not particularly pleasant: After observing what has been transpiring over the past years, I have noticed that only a small number of Core Group members have sufficient capabilities to write in a such a manner that they can produce their own foreordained texts and books through their individual volition and ability. This is particularly grave among the male group members, excluding Guido. The situation with various female group members is much more positive. With regard to current writings in the way of upcoming books and writings, I find the required labor-intense corrections and revisions absolutely frightful, and this applies also to the required sentence structure to achieve the appropriate wording. Billy Our people simply are not writers, and often they do not have the ability to write well. Ptaah There are at least three male group members who are convinced that their literary effusions are of unique quality. Should their works be published, however, they would require complete re-editing, proof-reading [the old German expression 'korrektiert' is used here] and revising so that they would be both stylistically correct and readable. Billy That's a fine mess. But tell me, from where do you know the term 'korrektieren'? Ptaah This is a very old, long-gone term in Old German that means something is, or must be, "put right" again. Billy I know this too, my friend, because I use this term all the time. Ptaah It is a word-merit that briefly and concisely expresses the meaning. Billy I am pleased that I am no longer the only one who knows and uses this term. But it seems that nowadays nobody really knows it any more - even in academic books one cannot find anything about it, as though it had never existed. Ptaah It is shown in our old German language records, however. Billy Well, this won't help me here. - And our "great authors" will be "elated" by your words. Ptaah It would be pointless not to speak about this fact, for the errors would never be recognized. On the other hand I would be lying if I praised them, and such actions are foreign to us. - The written works produced in the aforementioned manner truly cannot be published until they have been thoroughly re-edited. Billy And who is to do all this re-editing? Ptaah Probably you will not find the time, although you are predestined to do it. And yet, perhaps, you should not be considered for this task. I would like to suggest that Mariann does it, if she is willing; but it would take up a much of her time and would restrict her freedom. Although a few female members in the Core Group could also perform this task, they, too, have very little spare time. Therefore, we must drop this subject for now and see what can be done about it in the future.


Contact Report 251 Billy Some prospects! Tell me now how far your research and tests have progressed regarding the latest travel and transportation technology? Ptaah Everything remains hampered by failures, and it will still take more time before all the functions perform flawlessly. Some additional, unexpected problems arose again recently. Once everything is functioning without defect, we will have the capability of visiting you more often as we will not have to traverse the distances to Earth and you in such an awkward manner; instead, we will do so without losing any time at all, among other things. Likewise, we have not forgotten your promised trip to visit my daughter Semjase. Billy I am happy to hear this. I am eager to find out when this will finally take place. Ptaah As it looks now it may still need some time according to your concept - perhaps two or three years. Billy Man, oh man, I am already old and rickety now! - One more question regarding terrestrial UFOs. You told me that you are not allowed to discuss them. Nonetheless, there are many people on our planet who openly speak about them and can even present photographic and movie-footage evidence of these craft. Even insiders now speak openly of these matters and divulge secrets. Ptaah That may be so, but they are not in my position. I must adhere to our directives that dictate I cannot speak about such matters. We are prohibited from interfering with any terrestrial matters other than those where we are in direct contact with you and are providing you with the information, among other things. Billy Of course, I should have thought of this myself. - Oh yes, what are we going to do now in future when I have questions for which I would like an answer from you? Ptaah We have already taken care of everything, so when something important arises we will be able to contact you telepathically. You will not have to try very hard to reach us, for the monitoring device that will remain over the Center is adjusted and programmed to receive your telepathic impulses, which are transmitted as a signal to me at several times the speed of light. I will then contact you. Likewise, I will get in contact with you when I have important information, instructions or other matters for you or the group. So, you need not struggle to call me; in other words, you need not try for hours if I am not available at that exact moment. A simple, elementary-type telepathic call will suffice and be registered by the monitoring device, whose signal is continually transmitted until I receive and confirm it. My telepathic contact with you, in turn, will ensue as rapidly as possible in normal spirit telepathy. Billy Thanks for your efforts. I will only call you when something really important turns up. Ptaah I would be much obliged. Furthermore, please refrain from asking questions that concern the interests of group members or other individuals. In the future the intent is that all of you are on your own; you must all determine, guide and handle everything by yourselves. Future questions will only be answered when they are closely or loosely related to interests in the Mission and those generated in some form by your own interests. Billy


Contact Report 251 What about those control discs that monitor the world -- will they remain stationed around the Earth? Ptaah All of the monitoring devices have been removed now. The only remaining one is intended for the Center. It is no larger than 7 mm [approx. 2/8th of an inch] in diameter and 3.2 mm [1/8th inch] in thickness. Billy And that contains the entire monitoring electronics and the signal transmitter? Ptaah Along with many other devices of which you could not even dream, as you express it. The monitoring device also contains the transmitter, receiver and a related picture transmission system that transmits everything at a multiple of the speed of light to a checkpoint near to our dimension passage at the . . . star in the Pleiades star cluster. From there it reaches us by way of a dimensional transmitter located in our own space-time configuration, hence, in our dimension. For security reasons I am unauthorized to provide any further explanations. Billy You are probably referring to security regarding other space travelling intelligences? Ptaah Precisely. To provide you with more detailed information would be dangerous for us. Billy My friend, you are once again very laconic. - You probably feel that certain Earth visitors from other worlds beyond our solar system could obtain your information to me and then find their way into your dimension? Ptaah Yes, that is what I am telling you. We know of at least one such group of intelligences who are capable of entering other dimensions to the extent that they would be capable of penetrating into our dimension, which would be rather unpleasant. Billy I did not know that. Do these intelligences come to Earth, too? Ptaah Yes, they do. Billy Then one can understand your concerns even more. - Are you speaking of those who . . . . Ptaah They only visit Earth sporadically. Billy In the Spirit Lessons I have begun an extensive project about dream interpretation. I already explained that dream symbols throughout the Universe possess the identical value, respectively interpretation, for all human life forms, assuming of course, that the humans on other worlds receive the same symbols as us here on Earth. This is not always the case, naturally, because many other prerequisites exists on other, extraterrestrial worlds, such as in the animal kingdom, technology, landscapes, etc., etc., which have an influence on the type of symbols. If we assume, then, that on other worlds ravens exist, too, or snakes and so forth, they would possess the same symbolic value as here on Earth. Stars, fire, water, air, volcanos and thousands of other things exist throughout the entire Universe. As dream symbols, they have the same values and interpretations as those on Earth. Symbols on Earth that are non-existent here due to different types of fauna, environment, technology, music, landscapes, flora, etc., but exist on other worlds, would have the identical values on Earth or elsewhere as long as the appropriate prerequisites are given


Contact Report 251 here as well. Does this apply to other Universes also? I think that it cannot be any other way. Ptaah Your assumptions are absolutely correct. Billy Then I have another question regarding . . . . Billy . . . . One never knows. So many unexpected things seem to happen all the time, and they could change everything. Ptaah This is correct, of course, and we cannot say what the future will hold in this regard. But just like you, we also hope that everything will happen as predestined. Billy That's easy to say, but we are really hoping for it, too. By the way - Heidi and Bob in San Diego as well as the many group members who gather around them are always very active, diligent and successful. A true joy. Ptaah I am well aware of the situation. Please extend to them my special greetings and high esteem, for they are truly very diligent and successful in their efforts for the Mission. They are a rare exception in America with regard to their honesty, along with their true efforts and esteem for the Mission, for you and for us. When I think of the evil schemes, fraudulent activities and exploitations perpetrated by Americans against you, I permit myself to say that the individuals in this small group around Adelheid, respectively Heidi and Bob, as well as these two themselves, belong to a very select group of people for whom you would have to search for a long, long time to find. How did you phrase it once in a parable: "Some very few, healthy, germinating seeds in a gigantic desert." A phrase I have since never forgotten. Billy I did say this once. That is correct. It was a very long time ago. But it actually applies to Heidi and Bob and the small group gathered around them. The Toronto Group, FIGU Japan and the few people in Sweden are also doing quite well, even though in Canada and Japan a few small snags still remain. But there is truly no comparison with Heidi's and Bob's group. Ptaah One must truly show them due respect. Billy You've said it, my friend. I wanted to ask you still about the future meditations: If you are not here any longer, does this mean you are not participating any longer either? Ptaah No, everything remains the same way as it has been until now. There will be no changes in this regard. Everything will continue the way it always did. Billy That's good, so we are not truly alone. May I ask you still something regarding the epidemics that threaten us here on Earth? Ptaah Present your question. Billy


Contact Report 251 You did mention that new epidemics will also manifest themselves and spread throughout the world. When will that begin? Ptaah The tribulation began originally with the initial epidemics when, as usual, everything was kept covered up. Billy How could it be any different. Our glorious scientists also claim that certain diseases cannot cross over the species barriers such as epidemics, for example, of scrapie, also called cattle madness or BSE, and AIDS. In both cases this has already transpired, in fact a long time ago. Yet, the narrow-minded, megalomanic, moronic scientists still claim that this is impossible. Ptaah What you say here is absolutely correct: Pathogens of animals as well as humans are very much capable of crossing over the species barrier, mutating, and causing the infection of other species with the same disease. Pathogens have the ability to spread from one type of animal to other animal species and on to humans while, likewise, pathogens of human diseases have the ability to spread to animals. Due to the change from one species to another, the state of the disease also changes. The pathogens mutate and adapt to the other life forms. These are facts that are denied by the reprehensible, criminal and irresponsible individuals in charge. On one hand they are truly megalomanic and narrow-minded, as you said, and on the other hand, they remain so restricted in their knowledge that they fail to see the genuine correlations, or are unable to even fathom them. - Now, my friend Eduard, we should turn to other things, for we still have much to discuss. Billy Of course - I have no further questions.


gaiaguys.net (backup copy) [1]

[1] http:/ / www. futureofmankind. co. uk/ meier/ gaiaguys/ meier. contact251. htm

Contact Report 476


Contact Report 476

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an unofficial but authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations

This contact report was copied from TheyFly.com [1]. Page number(s): Unknown Date/time of contact: Tuesday, the 3rd of February 2009 Translator(s): Christian Frehner and Willem Mondrian Date of original translation: Thursday, the 10th of September 2009 Corrections and improvements made: N/A Contact person: Ptaah

2012: What We Have Brought Upon Ourselves In the following transcript of Billy Meiers conversation with Ptaah, on February 3, 2009, information regarding the much publicized, and feared, catastrophic events now being associated with 2012 are discussed and clarified. Perhaps even more importantly, the truth about the actual depth of our climatic/environmental problems and the direct link to the role of the endlessly greedy corporations and multinational corporations in denying it is plainly stated. Also covered is how human thinking, especially the apocalyptic, fearful thinking prevalent among members of various fundamentalist groups, creates self-fulfilling prophecies, actually helping to bring about the negative events that they fearfully focus on. Meier is on record as far back as 1951 [2] in his warnings about climate change and the threat to our survival contained therein. And of course he also clearly pointed to the thoughtlessness of human behavior that could lead, and now actually has led, to our being on the brink of enormous, unprecedented upheavals and destruction. The latest news [3] regarding warming in the Arctic can now only be ignored by the most foolish and deliberately blind of human beings. While the bought off scientists and others tow the corporate (and political) line and promote the lies and denial, incontrovertible information about the effect of the melting of the glaciers seeps through, just like the waters from those glaciers that will raise sea levels worldwide. In the process of the glacial melting, the ever-increasing weight of the resulting great masses of water brings with it disastrous consequences, largely unforeseen and/or denied by most of our scientific experts This will take the form of both releasing long suppressed earthquakes, where glacial pressure once actually prevented them, and putting unprecedented pressure on the tectonic plates underneath the ocean floor, which also could lead to massive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. (See scientific corroboration [4].) Additionally, the possible collapse of the Antarctic Ice Sheet would also lead to huge problems that would have a worldwide effect, including putting Washington, D.C. under water [5]; millions of environmental refugees, predicted by Meier [6], would be made homeless right in the U.S. Routinely overlooked is the fact that we live on aball, a completely interconnected planet where, according also to the laws of cause and effect, the negative consequences of ill-considered actions eventually arrive, despite our ignorance or denial of the causal connections. Not surprisingly, Texas [7] is experiencing the delayed effects of earlier, frequent drilling. Such appears to also be the case even in Oklahoma, where nine earthquakes [8] occurred in a 24-hour period. It should be mentioned that oil extraction in Oklahoma first began around 1896.

Contact Report 476 Meier also introduces us to other, very unexpected, global consequences of our neglect and abuse, which may even spread out into space itself. In addition to the following transcript, readers are advised to carefully study all of the warnings contained in Meiers prophetic writings [9] and their ever increasing corroboration [6]. Unfortunately, many of the specific things he forewarned about, with the hope that humanity would awaken and take positive action to prevent them from occurring, are said to have now crossed the point of no return and to be predictions, i.e. unpreventable, inevitable events. MH www.theyfly.com [10] UPDATE: September 17, 2009 Six Volcanoes Erupt in Russia [11] 2009-9-17 4:2 Six volcanoes are currently erupting in Russia's remote Kamchatka region. Volcanologist Yaroslav Muraviyev says so much activity was last recorded 55 years ago. He says the number of eruptions is increasing all over the world. [Yaroslav Muraviyev, Deputy Director of Science, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka Institute]: "We have seen two, three, up to five volcanoes erupting simultaneously, but we have six volcanoes erupting this year and it is not just happening here, this is a global trend." Despite the obvious dangers, there is mixed reaction among local people. Olga Shepetovskaya says the volcanic ash improves her vegetables. [Olga Shepetovskaya, Local Resident]: "Some people are saying that this ash brings natural mineral fertilizers. When we first came here the snow was grey and everything was melting in spring time, fertilizing the soil. Just take a look around and you will see that the plants are flourishing at the bottom of the volcano." Another villager sees the health hazards. [Alexander Shepetovski, Local Resident]: "This volcano was dangerous, we were breathing in the volcanic ash and it was harmful to our health but now the wind is blowing in the other direction." But Anatoly Molchanov has gotten used to the risks. [Anatoly Molchanov, Local Resident]: "I don't worry too much about the volcano erupting or not, the main thing is to have time to run away." With any luck he won't have to run away from his home any time soon. This is a small excerpt of the entire contact.


Contact Report 476 Translation

Contact Report 476


English Billy Besides I would like to officially speak about the 21st of December 2012, because I am asked again and again about the meaning of this date with regard to the Mayan calendar. Admittedly I know from your explanation what will happen on that day and over the whole year, but I shall keep silent about this so as to not be causing fear and panic mongering. I was thinking, therefore, to write something about it in a Special-Bulletin. Perhaps it would be good that I am saying some things that I know from you, at least in some general way, perhaps as some minor probability or possibility. What do you think about it? Ptaah ... Concerning the 21st of December 2012 and the entire year, you can mention some things openly, but withhold those things that you were advised to remain silent about. If you are using the forms of possibility or of a small probability, then that may be all right. Billy Then I would like to read this here to you, that I already wrote for a Special-Bulletin. Probably it would be good that when I go into it in our conversation you could interrupt me or stop me if I am telling something that should be kept a secret. Ptaah Your idea is good, and, therefore, let me hear what you want to explain. Billy Good; what you did explain to me regarding the year 2012, I dont want to treat as a prophecy or prediction, but as a possibility and a minor probability. I want to begin with a question that was posed to me. Question

German Billy Ausserdem mchte ich einmal offiziell den 21. Dezember 2012 ansprechen, weil ich immer und immer wieder danach gefragt werde, was es denn mit diesem Datum gemss dem Maya-Kalender zu tun habe. Zwar weiss ich aus privaten Erklrungen eurerseits, was sich da alles zutragen wird, auch ber das ganze Jahr 2012 hinweg, worber ich jedoch schweigen soll, um bei den Menschen nicht ngste auszulsen und nicht Panikmache zu betreiben. Also dachte ich, dass ich in einem Sonder-Bulletin etwas darber schreibe. Vielleicht wre es gut, wenn ich einmal einiges darber sage, was ich von euch weiss, zumindest in allgemeiner Form, vielleicht als eine kleine Wahrscheinlichkeit oder Mglichkeit. Was meinst du dazu? Ptaah Was nun den 21. Dezember 2012 und dieses Jahr berhaupt betrifft, so kannst du wohl gewisse Dinge offen nennen, jedoch das verschweigen, was dir zum Schweigen geraten wurde. Wenn du die Formen der Mglichkeit oder einer kleinen Wahrscheinlichkeit benutzt, dann ist das wohl gut. Billy Dann mchte ich dir dies hier vorlesen, das ich bereits fr ein Sonder-Bulletin geschrieben habe. Es wre vielleicht gut, wenn ich jetzt bei unserem Gesprch darauf eingehe, so knntest du mich unterbrechen und mich daran hindern, wenn ich etwas sage, das verschwiegen werden soll. Ptaah Deine Idee ist gut, und so lass denn hren, was du erklren willst.

Billy Gut, was ihr mir erklrt habt fr das Jahr 2012 will ich also nicht als Prophezeiung oder Voraussage, sondern als Mglichkeit und als gewisse kleine Wahrscheinlichkeit behandeln. Beginnen will ich dabei mit einer Frage, die mir gestellt wurde. Frage

What can you, Billy Meier, tell us about those things that are Was knnen Sie, Billy Meier, zu all den Dingen sagen, die rundum bezglich circulating everywhere regarding the Mayan calendar and des Maya-Kalenders und speziell zum 21. Dezember 2012 kursieren, denn da especially the 21st of December 2012 when the world shall come to soll die Welt untergehen. an end? W. Hiestand, Switzerland My answer to this: Regarding the question I will begin by saying that the entirely nonsensical claims by all fear- and panic-mongers, who are prophesying the worlds end or the end of the world, is absolute rubbish. Just as the end of the world, prophesied by astrologers, esoterics, know-it-alls and panic-mongers, did not happen on the turn of the century or millennium in the year 2000, the end of the world will also not happen on the date in question. Such panic-provoking erroneous claims are, just as all conspiracy theories, absolute nonsense and a common thing since calendar calculations and certain and rare astronomical and climate-related phenomena exist. W. Hiestand, Schweiz Meine Antwort dazu: In bezug auf die Frage will ich gleich zu Anfang sagen, dass die vllig unsinnigen Behauptungen aller Angst- und Panikmacher, die fr den 21. Dezember 2012 das Ende der Welt resp. den Weltuntergang `prophezeien`, absoluter Quatsch sind. Der Weltuntergang wird zum genannten Datum ebensowenig stattfinden, wie auch der durch Astrologen, Esoteriker, Besserwisser und Panikschaffende `prophezeite` Weltuntergang zum Jahrhundert- und Jahrtausendwechsel im Jahr 2000 nicht stattgefunden hat. Solche panikauslsende irre Behauptungen sind, wie all die Verschwrungstheorien, absoluter Unsinn und schon gang und gbe, seit es Kalenderberechnungen und besondere und seltene astronomische und klimatische Phnomene gibt.

Contact Report 476

So treten Behauptungen in bezug auf einen Weltuntergang mit absoluter Sicherheit immer dann auf, wenn ein Jahrhundert- oder Jahrtausendwechsel stattfindet. Gleichermassen geschieht das Gleiche aber auch, wenn besondere astronomische Konstellationen oder Kometen usw. sowie besondere irdische Naturereignisse in Erscheinung treten. Dies sind Faktoren, die Panikmacher, `Seher`, falsche `Wissende` und allerlei sonstige Weltuntergangspropheten dazu nutzen, ihre Unsinnigkeiten zu verbreiten und die Menschen massenweise in Angst und Schrecken zu versetzen. In bezug auf den Maya-Kalender ist zu sagen, dass das Jahr 2012 zwar eine ganze Reihe ganz besonderer Ereignisse bringt, wobei auch das Zentralgestirn unseres Systems, eben die Sonne, dazu beitragen wird, weil auf der Sonnenoberflche gewaltige Ausbrche auftreten und Sonnenstrme hervorgerufen werden, die sehr intensiv sein werden und auch das geomagnetische Gleichgewicht der Erde beeinflussen werden. Durch auf die Erde niedergehende sehr starke Rntgenstrahlung kann das Magnetfeld sehr starke Schwankungen erleiden. Und durch geomagnetische Strme knnen Stromnetze und alle elektronischen Gerte kollabieren, so also auch die der Satelliten, wie aber auch die ISS grossen Schaden nehmen oder vllig ausfallen kann. Solche Solarstrme knnen zu ungeheuren Naturkatastrophen fhren, wie aber im schlimmsten Fall auch zu einer Erdmagnetfeld-Umpolung. Zu sagen ist aber auch, dass sich solche Sonnenstrme in einem exakten Rhythmus alle elf Jahre zu einem Hhepunkt formen, was also normal ist, wobei sich dies im Jahr 2012 in aussergewhnlicher Strke ergeben kann. Die Erde wird daher wohl unter einen starken Beschuss harter Strahlung fallen, was sich auch sehr nachteilig auf die Ozonschicht der Erde auswirken kann.

Claims regarding an end of the world always occur with absolute certainty when there is a turn of a century or a millennium. But the same is happening also if special astronomical constellations or comets etc., as well as special terrestrial natural phenomena, appear. These are factors which are used by the panic-mongers, seers, false knowing ones and all kinds of end-of-the-world prophets to disseminate their nonsense and to frighten masses of people. Regarding the Mayan calendar it must be said that the year 2012 will bring a whole series of quite special events, to which the central star of our system, our sun, will contribute its share, because on the suns surface violent outbursts will occur and sun storms are caused, which will be very intense and will influence Earths geomagnetic balance. Through the very strong X-rays falling down on Earth, the magnetic field can suffer from very strong fluctuations. And through geomagnetic storms, power supplies and all electronic appliances can collapse, also those in the satellites, and the ISS may also suffer great damage or may even have a complete (power) failure. Such solar storms may lead to enormous natural catastrophes, and in a worst-case scenario, to a polarity reversal of the Earths magnetic field. What has to be said also is that such solar storms are forming up to a climax in an exact rhythm of eleven years, which is a normal occurrence, but in the year 2012 it may happen in an extraordinary magnitude. The Earth will fall victim to a very strong bombardment of hard radiation, which may have a very negative effect on the Earths ozone layer. Due to the entire resulting process, nitric oxides and acid rain can be formed worldwide, which may have evil and devastating effects on the entire plant life. The enormous solar eruptions can lead to further very strong climate changes and, with it, to immense droughts, bad weather, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, crop failure and, therefore, to even greater famines than have existed up to now. Besides all this, the year 2012 brings other unpleasant events, like e.g. an unknown, invisible, dark and huge space wanderer that is threatening from the fringe of our solar system and could wreak tremendous havoc regarding Earth.

Durch den ganzen Prozess, der daraus entsteht, knnen sich Stickoxide und weltweit saurer Regen bilden, was ble und zerstrende Wirkungen auf die gesamte Pflanzenwelt haben kann. Die gewaltigen Sonneneruptionen knnen auf der Erde zu weiteren sehr starken Klimavernderungen fhren, damit auch zu ungeheuren Drren, Unwettern, Vulkanausbrchen, Erdbeben, Missernten und dadurch zu noch grsseren Hungersnten, als diese bisher bereits existieren. Nebst all dem bringt das Jahr 2012 noch andere unerfreuliche Dinge, wie z.B. ein aus dem Rande unseres Sonnensystems drohender und bisher noch unbekannter, unsichtbarer, dunkler und riesiger Weltraumwanderer, der in bezug auf die Erde ungeheuer viel Unheil anrichten knnte. Und wenn sich das tatschlich ergeben sollte, dann wrde sich die Tatsache von dessen Existenz erst etwa ab 2010 oder 2011 offen erweisen, wenn berhaupt, weil nmlich auch die Mglichkeit eines `dunklen` und also nicht feststellbaren Vorbeizuges des Kolosses mglich ist. Ausserdem drohen fr das Jahr 2012 allerhand unerfreuliche Machenschaften in bezug auf Unfrieden, schwere kriegerische Handlungen in weltweiter Weise, wie aber auch weiter zunehmende Ausartungen und berbordung menschlicher Verhaltensweisen, wobei all diese Dinge von besonderem bel sind. Was dazu Ptaah Weiteres solltest du nicht dazu sagen, denn das, was du erklrt hast, sollte gengen. Billy Gut, dann eben nicht mehr. Interessant wre aber fr die Menschen der Erde, was es mit dem Maya-Kalender auf sich hat in bezug auf den 21. Dezember 2012. Wenn du etwas dazu sagen kannst?

And if this should really occur, the fact of its existence would be openly proven starting with 2010 or 2011, if at all, because the possibility of a dark and, therefore, non-observable passage of the colossus is also possible. Besides, all kinds of unpleasant machinations regarding discord, worldwide heavy warlike actions, as well as increasing degeneracy and excessive human ways of behaviour are threatening for the year 2012, whereby all those things are especially evil. Which thereto ... Ptaah You should not say more, because what you explained should be enough. Billy Good, then its enough. But the human beings of Earth would be interested in what the Mayan calendar has to do regarding the 21st of December 2012.

Contact Report 476

Ptaah Das ist mglich, ja. Beim Maya-Kalender stellt der 21. Dezember 2012 den Hhepunkt einer Sternenkonstellation dar, die nur rund alle 26000 Jahre in Erscheinung tritt. Die Maya-Berechnungen gehen dabei davon aus, dass am 21. Dezember 2012 die Erde auf einer gedachten Linie liegen soll, die den Stern ber der linken Seite des Sternbildes Orion mit der Zentralsonne resp. mit dem Zentrum der Milchstrasse zusammenfgt. Die Sonne begegnet der Milchstrasse an einem Ort, der durch interstellare Staubwolken gebildet ist und der von den Erdenmenschen dunkle Spalte der Milchstrasse genannt wird. Die Sonne befindet sich am 21. Dezember 2012 zur Zeit der Dmmerung der Wintersonnenwende direkt in dieser Spalte, wobei sie derart positioniert ist, dass die Milchstrasse in allen Lagen ringsum den Horizont erfasst. Dadurch wird der optische Eindruck hervorgerufen, dass die Milchstrasse die Erde an allen Punkten rundum berhre und die Galaxie direkt auf der Erde liege. Das ist im grossen und ganzen das Endprodukt der Maya-Kalenderaufzeichnung. Das sollte gengen, mein Freund. Mehr zu sagen, wre zuviel des Guten, denn es wrde nur die ngste der Erdenmenschen frdern, was jedoch nicht sein soll. Schweige also ber all die weiteren Erklrungen, die wir dir gegeben haben. Billy Werde ich tun, aber anderweitig mchte ich doch noch etwas sagen bezglich des Klimawandels, der ja auch nicht vergessen werden darf, der jedoch von verantwortungslosen Wissenschaftlern sowie von gemeinntzigen Organisationen bewusst bestritten wird. Dies darum, weil sie von grossen Minerall- und Tabakkonzernen sowie von namhaften Chemiemultis und anderen Konzernen mit grossen Millionenbetrgen geschmiert werden, damit durch diese kuflichen `Experten` falsche Expertisen erstellt und Lgen erzhlt werden in bezug darauf, dass es keine Klimaerwrmung gebe und auch keine Katastrophe drohe. Die diesbezglich verbrecherischen Konzerne scharen viele von ihnen gekaufte und ihnen hrige Wissenschaftler und Organisationen hinter sich, denn sie gehen davon aus, dass die in den Belangen unwissende Erdbevlkerung und jene der die Klimaerwrmung aufzeigenden Wissenschaftler eher den Lgen der kuflichen Wissenschaftler und Organisationen Glauben schenken wrden.

Ptaah That is possible, yes. Regarding the Mayan calendar, the 21st of December 2012 represents the culmination of a star constellation that occurs only every 26,000 years. The Mayan calculations are assuming that the Earth on the 21st of December 2012 shall lie on an imaginary line that fits together the star over the left side of the constellation Orion with the central sun, i.e. the centre of the Milky Way. The Sun meets the Milky Way at a location that is built by interstellar dust clouds, and is called dark cleft of the Milky Way by the human beings of Earth. On the 21st of December 2012, at nightfall of winter solstice, the Sun is directly in that cleft, and it is in such a position that the Milky Way covers the horizon in all positions all around. From this is resulting the optical impression that the Milky Way would touch Earth all around and that the galaxy would lie directly on the Earth. On the whole thats the end product of the Mayan calendar recording. This should suffice, my friend. To say more would be too much of a good thing, because it would foster the fear of the human beings of Earth, which should not be, however. So keep silent regarding the further explanations that we gave you. Billy I will, but otherwise I would like to say something regarding the climatic change that shall not be allowed to be forgotten, but is deliberately disputed by irresponsible scientists as well by non-profit-making organisations. This is so because they are bribed by big oil and tobacco companies as well as by noted chemical multinational companies with great amounts going into the millions; as a result the venal experts construct false experts reports and are telling lies that there is no increase in climatic temperature and that no catastrophe is threatening. Groups of companies that are criminal regarding this are gathering scientists and organisations which they have bought or who are submissively dependent on them, because they (the companies) assume that the ignorant terrestrial population would rather believe in the lies of the bought-off scientists and organizations, than those scientists who are demonstrating the increase of the climatic temperature. They want to give the impression that there are a great number of good scientists and organisations who can prove that there is no increase in climatic temperature and, therefore, no related catastrophe may be expected. In fact, it is not only a case of amounts going into millions, but of billions and those who are greedy for profits do not care if the world and the life foundation of the entire humankind is destroyed. All those who are entangled in this are leading a conspiracy campaign through which the effective truth of the climatic change is disputed, and through it there shall be prevented that worldwide effective climate-protecting laws are enacted and implemented. If such laws were enacted and be effective, the groups of companies etc. would lose enormous amounts going into the billions just as profitable sources of income of the submissively dependent scientists and organisations would run dry. So they are vehemently working on their false experts reports which are full of lies, and with which they are trying to boycott the really serious research results of the honest and good scientists, and to insult them as figments of the imagination.

Es soll also dadurch der Eindruck erweckt werden, es gebe eine sehr grosse Anzahl von guten Wissenschaftlern und Organisationen, die beweisen knnten, dass es keine Klimaerwrmung gebe und folglich auch keine diesbezgliche Katastrophe zu erwarten sei. Wahrheitlich geht es dabei nicht nur um Millionen-, sondern um hohe Milliardenbetrge, wobei es die Profitgierigen nicht kmmert, wenn die Welt und die Lebensgrundlagen der ganzen Menschheit zerstrt werden. Alle darin Verwickelten fhren eine Verschwrungskampagne, durch die die effective Wahrheit des Klimawandels bestritten und damit verhindert werden soll, dass weltweit greifende Klimaschutzgesetze erlassen und umgesetzt werden. Wrden solche Gesetze nmlich erlassen und greifen, dann wrden die Konzerne usw. ungeheure Milliardenbetrge verlieren, wie auch den ihnen hrigen Wissenschaftlern und Organisationen ihre profitablen Geldquellen versiegen wrden. So sind sie vehement am Werk mit lgengeschwngerten falschen Expertisen, durch die sie bemht sind, die wirklich serisen Forschungsergebnisse ehrlicher und guter Wissenschaftler zu boykottieren und als Phantasiegebilde zu beschimpfen.

Contact Report 476

Dadurch hat sich in bezug auf Klimaschutzmassnahmen eine Verzgerung von Jahrzehnten ergeben, wodurch die Konzerne usw., die den Klimawandel bestreiten, viele Milliarden verdient haben. Es ist aber Wahrheit, dass der Klimawandel stattfindet, und zwar nicht allein durch die seit jeher auf natrlichem Wege in Erscheinung tretenden Umstnde, sondern in mehr als 75 Prozent durch den Menschen hervorgerufene Faktoren. Und der Klimawandel wird letztlich nicht nur Auswirkungen auf die Erde und deren Gewsser und auf die Natur haben, denn es ist bereits nachweisbar, dass auch die Gletscher und Pole in katastrophaler Weise abschmelzen und dass sich auch die Meeresstrmungen verndern, durch die sich, wenn auch erst gering, bereits auch neue Gravitationswellen bilden, die mit sehr grosser Geschwindigkeit auch in den Weltenraum hinauslaufen. Also wird sich auch dadurch, nicht nur durch drohende Sonnenstrme im Jahr 2012, das Gravitationsfeld der Erde verndern, was sich dann jedoch nicht auf den Planeten allein beschrnkt, sondern sich auch in den Weltenraum hinaus auswirkt, sozusagen als Gravitations-Weltenraum-Tsunami. Der Klimawandel verndert also nicht nur die Erde, sondern die Wirkungen tragen sich auch ins SOL-System bis zum Kuiper-Grtel und vielleicht noch sehr viel weiter hinaus in den Weltenraum. Geraten also die Meeresstrmungen durcheinander, dann erschaffen sie durch ihre riesigen Wassermassen ungeheure Energiemengen, die das Gravitationsfeld beeinflussen, nebst dem, dass sich durch den Klimawandel auch die Erdatmosphre zusammenzieht und sich verdichtet, was bereits unmerklich im Anfang geschieht. Durch das Ganze des bereits stattfindenden Klimawandels haben sich auch in der Fauna und Flora zwangslufig erste Vernderungen ergeben, die von den Wissenschaftlern leider noch nicht erkannt wurden, woraus aber ber kurz oder lang sichtbare Folgen hervorgehen werden. Bereits ist es soweit, dass der Klimawandel gigantische Massen Eis und Wasser verschiebt, wodurch gefhrliche druckmssige Auswirkungen auf die Erdkruste entstehen und tektonische Verschiebungen hervorgerufen werden. Zwangslufig fhrt das vermehrt zu schweren Erdbeben und Vulkanausbrchen, wie das auch durch grosse Stauseen der Fall ist, was die bornierten Wissenschaftler noch immer bestreiten, und nicht selten auch darum, weil sie die Wahrheit nicht wahrhaben wollen oder fr ihre Falschberechnungen von milliardenschweren Konzernen bezahlt werden. Was aber nicht mit der notwendigen Sorgfalt beachtet wird, ist die Tatsache, dass durch das Abschmelzen der Inlandgletscher aller Lnder sowie die Gletscherschmelze von Grnland, der Antarktis und Arktis den Meeresspiegel ansteigen lsst und letztlich zu katastrophalen geologischen Folgen fhrt. Die gigantischen Eisflchen Grnlands, der beiden Pole und der Inlandgletscher aller Lnder drcken mit vielen Milliarden Tonnen Gewicht auf den Untergrund, der tief in die Erdkruste hineingedrckt wird und in der mchtige Vertiefungen entstanden sind. Schmelzen nun die gigantischen Eismassen, dann schwindet der Druck auf den Untergrund, folglich dieser sich sehr schnell wieder nach oben bewegt und die Entspannung dazu fhrt, dass die Vertiefung verschwindet.

As a result, measures for the protection of the climate have been delayed for decades, so the groups of companies, which are denying the climatic change, have earned many billions. But it is true that the climatic change takes place, however not alone through circumstances that have appeared since time immemorial in a natural way, but more than 75 percent because of factors caused by the human beings. But ultimately, the climatic change does not only have an effect on the Earth and its waters and nature, because it is already verifiable that the glaciers and poles are melting in a catastrophic way, and that the ocean currents are changing, through which still on a small scale new gravitation waves are built that are also running into space at very high speed. So the Earths gravitational field will also change by this, and not only through the threatening sun storms in the year 2012, and this will not be restricted to the planet alone, but will also have an effect out into space, as a gravitation-space-tsunami, so to speak. The climatic change does not change Earth alone, but it bears effects into the SOL system to the Kuiper Belt, and probably even much farther into space. If the ocean currents are intermingling, they create tremendous amounts of energy through their huge masses of water, which are influencing the gravitational field, besides the contraction and compression of the Earths atmosphere, which has already imperceptibly started. Through the whole thing of the already occurring climatic change, inevitably the first changes have arisen in the fauna and flora which are not yet been detected by the scientists, unfortunately, but from which sooner or later visible consequences will emerge. The time has already come that the climate change is moving around gigantic masses of ice and water through which dangerous pressure effects on the earths crust are created and tectonic shifts are provoked. This inevitably leads to more severe earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, as is also the case with large reservoirs, which is still disputed by the bigoted scientists; not seldom because they dont want to admit the truth or are paid for their false calculations by the billions-worth companies. However, what is not heeded with the necessary care is the fact that through the melting of the inland-glaciers of all countries, as well as the melting of the glaciers of Greenland, the Antarctica and Arctic, the sea level rises, which finally leads to disastrous geological consequences. Greenland's gigantic ice-surfaces, the two poles and the inland-glaciers of all countries with many billion tons of weight on the underground, which is pressed deep into the earth's crust, by which great depressions have been formed. If the gigantic masses of ice now are melting, the pressure on the underground diminishes and, as a result, it is moving very quickly upwards, and the relaxation leads to the disappearance of the depression.

Contact Report 476

Das jedoch ist nicht ungefhrlich, denn durch die Entspannung entstehen ebenfalls tektonische Bewegungen, wodurch vermehrt Erdbeben aller Strken ausgelst werden. Durch das entstehende Schmelzwasser steigt anderweitig der Meeresspiegel, wodurch wiederum die Kstengebiete mit neuem Wasserdruck drangsaliert werden. Dadurch verndert sich wiederum der Untergrund, jedoch in grossen Tiefen, wo grosse Magmamassen bewegt und in Vulkane getrieben werden, was zu neuen und vermehrten Vulkanausbrchen fhrt. Das Ganze der ungeheuren Zunahme der Wassermassen in den Meeren fhrt aber zu einer noch anderen bsen Wirkung, denn sie beeinflussen die Rotation der Erde, und zwar in der Weise, dass sich der Planet schneller zu drehen beginnt und eine Tageszeitvernderung hervorgerufen wird. Das alles ist jedoch nicht das Fazit der Klimaerwrmung, denn wahrheitlich wird durch diese auch der Mensch in physischer, psychischer und mentaler Weise negativ beeinflusst.

This is not harmless, however, because tectonic movements are resulting through the relaxation, through which earthquakes of all strengths are increasingly released. In another way, through the emerging melt-water the sea level is rising, through which the coastal regions are plagued by new hydraulic pressure. As a result, the underground is changing, however at great depths, where great magma-masses are moved and driven into volcanoes, which leads to new and increased volcanic eruptions. But the total of the immense increase of the water-masses in the oceans leads to another evil effect, because they (the water-masses) are influencing the rotation of the earth, in a way that the planet starts turning faster, and a change in the time of day is caused. However, this is not all that results from climate-warming because, truthfully, the human being is also negatively influenced by it in a physical, psychic and mental way. Thus depressions arise that are spreading more and more among many people on earth and are turning into chronic conditions. Disorders of consciousness also appear more frequently, and so states of anxiety as well as thoughts and feelings of loss are spreading more and more, just as the cooling of thoughts and the resultant callousness. Brutality, violence and unscrupulousness become ever more blatant and lead to the murder of fellow human beings. All evils are increasingly getting out of hand, just as greed for enjoyment and the addiction to alcohol, medications, drugs and the adrenaline-kick. This is happening because the human beings mental health is damaged by the climate change, and the anatomy of the brain is changing, even if this happens only imperceptibly for the time being and has not yet been recognised by the scientists and will probably be disputed, since I openly mention this fact and truth.

So entstehen Depressionen, die bei vielen Menschen auf der Erde immer mehr um sich greifen und zu chronischen Zustnden werden. Auch Bewusstseinsstrungen treten immer hufiger in Erscheinung, und so greifen Angstzustnde und Zustnde von Verlustgedanken und Verlustgefhlen ebenso immer mehr um sich wie auch das Erkalten der Gedanken und die daraus resultierende Gefhllosigkeit. Die Brutalitt, Gewalt und Gewissenlosigkeit werden immer krasser und fhren bis zum Mord an Mitmenschen. Alle bel nehmen immer mehr berhand, wie auch die Gier nach Vergngen und die Sucht nach Alkohol, Medikamenten, Drogen und dem Adrenalinkick. Das geschieht darum, weil durch den Klimawandel des Menschen mentale Gesundheit geschdigt wird und sich die Anatomie des Gehirns verndert, auch wenn das erstlich nur unmerklich geschieht und von den Wissenschaftlern noch nicht erkannt wurde - und nunmehr wohl auch bestritten wird, da ich die Tatsache und Wahrheit offen nenne. Das wollte ich eigentlich gemss dem noch gesagt haben, was du mir unter anderem privaterweise vor etwa zwei Jahren erklrt hast. Ptaah Was du eben gesagt hast, liegt eigentlich an der Grenze dessen, was du offen sagen darfst. Weiteres solltest du an Ausfhrungen und Erklrungen nicht preisgeben. Billy Habe verstanden. Es sollte aber wohl auch einmal etwas darber gesagt sein, dass die Menschen der Erde viele bel und Katastrophen selbst herbeifhren, nicht nur in bezug auf die Klimaerwrmung, sondern auch indem sie kollektiv ihre Gedankenkrfte und ihre Unterbewusstseinskrfte derart machtvoll auf bel und Katastrophen usw. ausrichten. Dazu gehren auch falsche Behauptungen und Lgen von Angst- und Panikmachern sowie von Weltuntergangspropheten, Religionen und deren Sekten usw., auf die sich die dafr anflligen Menschen fokussieren, wodurch die bel und Katastrophen usw. dann tatschlich eintreffen. Heutzutage ist es durch das Internet noch schlimmer als frher, als bse Nachrichten, ngste und Weltuntergangsmren sowie andere Unsinnigkeiten allein durch Religionen, Sekten, Weltuntergangspropheten, Zeitungen, Journale und durch das Radio verbreitet wurden. Ein Grossteil der Menschen befasst sich dauernd mit schrecklichen Dingen, die von Panikmachern und Verschwrungstheoretikern `prophezeit` werden, durch die sie die dafr anflligen Menschen in Angst und Schrecken jagen.

Ptaah What you just said actually lies on the border of that which you may say openly. You should not disclose further explanations.

Billy Understood. But something should also be said about the fact that the human beings of Earth are causing many evils and catastrophes themselves, not only with regard to the climate warming, but also because they collectively direct their thought and their sub-consciousness forces so powerfully on evils and catastrophes etc. A part of this is also the false claims and lies by fear- and panic-makers as well as end of the world-prophets, religions and their sects etc.; onto which susceptible human beings are focussing and through which the evils and catastrophes etc. then actually come true. Nowadays, through the internet, it is even worse than in the past, when evil news, fears and end of the world fables, as well as other absurdities, were spread alone by religions, sects, end of the world prophets, newspapers, journals and by the radio. A majority of human beings constantly occupy themselves with dreadful things that are prophesied by alarmists and conspiracy-theoreticians, who are terrifying those people who are susceptible to it.

Contact Report 476

Und je mehr Menschen an den Unsinn glauben und diesen in sich und in der Umwelt bis zum Wahn hochstilisieren, um so machtvoller wird die Kraft der in dieser Beziehung gemeinsamen Gedanken, und zwar bis sie zur bestimmenden Macht werden und die erdachte Katastrophe oder das bel auslsen und herbeifhren. Die Macht der Gedanken bringt sozusagen alles zustande, und zwar desto sicherer, je mehr Gedankenkrfte vieler Menschen sich in der gleichen Sache vereinen. Das bedeutet, dass sich zwangslufig das verwirklicht, was der Mensch in seinen Gedanken hegt und pflegt. Und je mehr Menschen mit ihren Gedankenkrften sich auf etwas Bestimmtes ausrichten, das sich ergeben knnte oder soll, desto sicherer wird es tatschlich auch eintreffen. Das bezieht sich auf alles und jedes resp. auf alles, was erdenklich ist, so also auch auf Faktoren der Natur, die, durch die gewaltigen menschlichen Gedankenkrfte beeinflusst, ungeheure Katastrophen auslsen knnen.

And the more people believe in this nonsense and are building it up to a delusion within themselves and in the environment, the more powerful becomes the force of the related common thoughts, until it becomes the decisive might and is triggering and causing the made-up catastrophe or evil. The power of thoughts brings about everything, so to speak, and in fact all the more certain, the more the thought forces of many people unite in the same cause. This means that what the human being nurtures and maintains in his thoughts, inevitably fulfils itself. And the that more people are directing themselves onto something certain with their forces of thought, onto something that could or should turn out, the more certainly it will actually come true. This refers to everything and everyone, respectively to everything that is imaginable, therefore also to factors of nature which, when influenced by the powerful human forces of thought, can trigger immense catastrophes. Ptaah An indisputable fact. I would like to remind you now once again, that you should not announce any further details with reference to the year 2012. What will be necessary to be openly mentioned, I will explain to you in good time.

Ptaah Eine unbestreitbare Tatsache. Noch einmal mchte ich dich jetzt darauf hinweisen, dass du keine weitere Einzelheiten preisgeben sollst in bezug auf das Jahr 2012. Was notwendig werden wird, um es offen zu nennen, das werde ich dir frhzeitig erklren.

Further Reading
Contact Report 480 Apocalypse on the 21st of December 2012

TheyFly.com [1] FIGU.org [12]

[1] http:/ / www. theyfly. com/ 2012. htm [2] http:/ / futureofmankind. co. uk/ Billy_Meier/ FIGU_Special_Bulletin_16#Open_Letter_to_all_Human_Beings_of_Earth_. 28July_5th. 2C_1951. 29 [3] http:/ / www. google. com/ hostednews/ ap/ article/ ALeqM5ilDxHFRHcZgWkJXe_BgL5WFKQLjQD9AG1KT80 [4] http:/ / www. climateemergency. org/ joomla/ index. php?option=com_content& task=view& id=44& Itemid=110 [5] http:/ / www. sciencedaily. com/ releases/ 2009/ 02/ 090205142132. htm [6] http:/ / theyfly. com/ articles/ WILL_HUMANITY_WAKE_%20UP%20. htm [7] http:/ / www. wfaa. com/ sharedcontent/ dws/ wfaa/ localnews/ news8/ stories/ wfaa090609_mo_quakes. 65bd3d81. html [8] http:/ / newsok. com/ more-earthquakes-reported-in-central-oklahoma/ article/ 3396369?custom_click=headlines_widget [9] http:/ / theyfly. com/ Prophecies_Predictions. html [10] http:/ / www. theyfly. com [11] http:/ / english. ntdtv. com/ ntdtv_en/ ns_asia/ 2009-09-17/ 393060211895. html [12] http:/ / www. figu. org/ ch/ verein/ periodika/ sonder-bulletin/ 2009/ nr-49

FIGU Bulletin 001


FIGU Bulletin 001

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations

FIGU Bulletin Volume: 1 FIGU Bulletin Number: 1 FIGU Bulletin Date: May 1995 (English edition: June 1995) Author: Billy Meier Translator(s): Heidi Peters Date of Translation: Unknown


FIGU Bulletin 1 Translation

Dear reader, Before you is a new publication that will be sent to you intermittently in the future. The new FIGU Newsletter is provided by FIGU especially for Passive-Group members, but also for the enjoyment and benefit of other interested parties. It will be published as required and according to the material on hand. Each publication of this ongoing newsletter will be printed on stapled pages and identified with volume, number, month, year, and page numbers to keep them organized. The FIGU Newsletter was founded by Eduard "Billy" Meier to reinforce the connection between FIGU and you. Its intent is twofold: To inform you of varying types of newsworthy information; and to provide you with the opportunity to express yourself using this forum. Your interesting questions will be answered and published together with newsworthy and important observations and experiences, or you may wish to search for like-minded individuals who want to start up a meditation or study group with you. In this FIGU Newsletter we will introduce not only new developments and discoveries from various fields of knowledge, but will report on UFO sightings and UFO experiences as well, from descriptions often sent to us. Furthermore, through clarifications, corrections and many explanations, you will be kept informed about UFOs, contacts and the extraterrestrials. The information will assist you in separating the wheat from the chaff, and will provide you with clear and logical facts to assist you in potential disputes with uninformed and would-be-informed individuals, if you so desire. With this new information pamphlet, the FIGU Newsletter, we hope to provide you with hours of interesting and informative reading. Bernadette Brand

FIGU Bulletin 001


New Kal Korff Lies, Defamations, Intrigues and Libel

Here follows a reprint of a message by Kal Korff: Billy Meier exposed! Recently Underground Video began an in-depth inquiry into the most sensational UFO case in history. Our investigation first began as a supportive effort to verify the known facts of the Meier case to present the truth of alien-human contact to skeptics. With the assistance of members from the Hollywood special effects team of the Ultra-Matrix Corporation we studied the Meier photographs and claims made by Meier's TALMUD JMMANUEL, GENESIS III PUBLISHING, LIGHT YEARS by Gary Kinder, THE PLEIADIAN CONNECTION by Randolph Winters, and the movie CONTACT. We also spent considerable time tracking the claims of "computer expert" Jim Dilettoso, as well as claims made through Michael Hessemann [sic] by Guido Mooseburger [sic] from Meier's FIGU cult in Switzerland. After 6 months of intense inquiry, with the assistance of cinematographers, physicists, and computer analysts from Total Research, we found the claims of the representatives of the Meier case to be absolutely untrue. We discovered miniature models, and a variety of deceptive methods used to create this hoax. Underground Video was one of the foremost defenders of the Meier material. We are disappointed to now learn the entire case is a hoax. Representations of any authenticity with regard to this case made by alleged scientific examination has proved to be totally unreliable and misleads the general public into believing a carefully fabricated lie. The persons who authenticated the Meier case are not credible scientists nor investigators. Any previous representations of authenticity of the Meier case in the Underground Video product catalog should be ignored. Our findings will be presented to the Attorney General of the State of California to see if a consumer fraud case can be instituted against the Meier cult in Switzerland. Underground Video will continue to make the Meier material available to investigators and the general public who desire to study the hoax and how it has been sold to the public for nearly 20 years. Anyone who has previously purchased any part of the Beamship Trilogy may write Underground Video to be included in a Federal Class Action Suit: Underground Video Meier Class Action Suit Box 527 Beverly Hills, CA 90213-0527 Comment by a furious Swiss reader: "What a disgusting pack of slimebags!"

Kal Korff
Using the name "Underground Video ", the American defamer Kal Korff, a.k.a. Steven Thomas, has created a video of lies about Billy's case. This was executed in such a defamatory, deceitful and slanderous manner that many people are complaining about the way it was handled. Korff manufactured this video with falsified, manipulated film and slide material he received from Hans Jacob's widow. From his hospital bed in Wetzikon, shortly before his death in 1989, Hans Jacob vehemently complained to Billy about this very material, stating that his original Meier material had been replaced with falsifications, photo montages and other trickery. To this end, Jacob accused a former FIGU member, H. Sch., of having contrivingly substituted the original material with the falsified items to incriminate Billy and brand him a liar, fraud and crook. For more than one year, H. Sch. had been entrusted with Billy's entire photo, film and slide material for safe keeping. Without Billy's knowledge, H. Sch., a photo lithographer by trade, and a passionate hobby photographer with excellent knowledge and talents for trick photography and photo montages, perpetrated outrageous manipulations, falsifications and photo montages on the Meier material during that period, and then sold the resulting products worldwide. For this reason, some of the photos, slides and film footage suddenly had lines, which made the objects appear to be suspended from strings, threads, wires, balloons or helicopters. Korff even claims that 7m large models were suspended from large fishing lines, and that Billy transported them on his little motorscooter. At the time when Korff claimed such rubbish, indeed, when he even produced a DIN A4-sized booklet with copies of the manipulated photos in it to disperse the material, he was barely 15 years old. And from

FIGU Bulletin 001 this time onward he has continually attempted to defame Billy through every means possible, in order to undermine and destroy Billy's worldwide endeavors and efforts to disseminate the truth. Kal Korff is an unparalleled fanatic who never actually saw Billy in person at any time and has never exchanged one word or corresponded with him. With certainty, Korff, who actually sneaked into the Center under an assumed name to speak with group members - most of whom cannot even speak a word of English -- in order to videotape and photograph the Center and its surroundings, must be an agent of some covert organization that wants to suppress, under any conceivable circumstance, the truth of the existence of the extraterrestrials, the Pleiadians/Plejarans in particular. The American Congress passed a federal law in 1969 that makes it illegal for anyone to have contact with extraterrestrials (1211.108 "Violations" explains that contacts with extraterrestrials are punishable by law; it specifies a fine of up to $5000, up to 1 year imprisonment, or both). Considering the fact that the American military, CIA and other government agencies vehemently deny and hide from the public all elements and facts regarding UFO crashes and other related important matters and facts, it is certainly reasonable to assume that Kal Korff works on behalf of the American government, or rather its dubious and truth-fearing organizations, and is financially supported by them. Clearly, Korff possesses falsified and manipulated Meier material he obtained from the widow of H. Jacob. One must also assume that this material has been even further manipulated and falsified, and photo montages made from it, to harm Billy, the Mission and FIGU, which Korff calls a cult. FIGU, of course, as any rational and informed person knows, has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with any religion or religion-related matters. Instead, its main and foremost objectives are the dissemination of spiritual teachings within a framework of the fringe and spiritual sciences, and, through Billy's initiative, the intermittent provision of food, medications, clothing, household articles and tools to many families in Siberia (Russia) and Lithuania. Additionally, FIGU intensively preoccupies itself with the following vital issues: the fight against overpopulation; the fight against abuse of children and human rights; the protection of animals; and the fight to save the Earth, lives, plants, humans and animals. FIGU has assumed a monumental and costly task for the benefit of humans, the planet and all floral and faunal life forms, which Korff in his hatred, lack of rationale and human inadequacy, threatens to annihilate because he is directed by forces who have absolutely no interest in understanding or revealing the truth. These forces are just as fearful of the truth as Kal Korff; hence, they do not want the truth to be considered as being true, for they crave to destroy and annihilate it through any slimy, deceitful and fraudulent means possible. Certain American organizations are absolute masters in such machinations; they would not even hesitate to resort to vicious, clandestine murder. Previous incidents have shown that these American organizations were implicated in assassination attempts upon Billy's life. And they are just the sort of sinister crowd for Korff to get involved with for he, too, would not shirk any viciousness, hoax, deceitful activity or lies -- one can certainly assume that in his hatred and lack of reasoning he is prepared to even perpetrate worse damage. Korff is currently no longer satisfied with merely circulating lies about Billy and his Pleiadian/Plejaran contacts only within America. Now he even disseminates his slimy accusations throughout European locations too, where many complaints are surfacing about his material. Until recently only Americans have protested against him on all negative levels, but now even the citizens of other countries are confronted with his drivel. However, his accusations must not be taken seriously, and no one should be tempted into harming this moron; something which has already been suggested, unfortunately, not only by our acquaintances and friends but by unknown individuals as well. They see in Korff his true character, namely, that he is an intrigant, deceiver, liar, fraud and a person sick with hatred, who in his entire life has never accomplished one single solid, decent act worth mentioning. On the contrary, since his 15th year, he has produced only unfruitful, hateful material and fanaticism in hopes of destroying Billy and his mission. To this end, he accuses dozens of individuals of lying, deceiving and perpetrating fraudulent actions simply because they were factual witnesses to Billy's contacts and capable of swearing to their testimonies under oath. Poor Kal Korff, how difficult and sad it must be for him not to have seen such things for himself, in person, or to have been there in place of Billy. If Kal Korff could accomplish just one percent of all the positive things Billy and FIGU achieve and fulfill, one indeed would be grateful to him. His negative tirades, however, are proof of his rational inadequacy, and for this reason he cannot be credited with any reasoning and humaneness. He only possesses sick


FIGU Bulletin 001 imperiousness and vicious egotism and, therefore, he must satiate his personal cravings with the slimy products of lies, fraud and hoaxes originating from his atrophied intelligence. Poor, demented Kal Korff -- how painful it must be to be a zero and lifelong nobody . . . FIGU


Withdrawal by the Pleiadians/Plejarans

During the night of February 2nd to the 3rd, 1995, the Pleiadians/ Plejarans left the Earth for good. This action was previously planned at the time when the contacts began, but could not be openly revealed by Billy for certain unofficial reasons. The Pleiadian/Plejarans' withdrawal does not signify that the contacts have now ended definitively, however -- only the official contacts have terminated, while contacts on a private level will continue intermittently. With the Pleiadians' withdrawal, the secret can be revealed that they do not refer to themselves as Pleiadians, but as Plejarans, a name taken from their Plejares star system, which is not within our space-time configuration, but one that deviates from ours by mere fractions of a second. The Plejares are beyond the Pleiades star cluster, where a dimension opening was created that allows the Plejarans to travel between the two different space-time configurations. The Pleiades, respectively the celestial bodies and planets of the Pleiades star cluster, are uninhabited, indeed, uninhabitable in every way, for they are far too young for the formation and establishment of any life forms. This fact, therefore, takes the wind from the sails of every crook, fraud and liar who claims to have maintained physical or telepathic contacts with the Pleiadians from the time when Meier made his initial Pleiadian/Plejaran contact information public. Truthfully, Pleiadians simply do not exist, only Plejarans!! This information was kept secret throughout the entire contact period for the specific purpose of exposing each and every hoaxer, liar, charlatan and crook when the Plejarans had withdrawn from Earth. With their complete withdrawal, the Plejarans allowed Billy to reveal long-term predictions for Planet Earth and its humankind. To this end, Billy produced 23 closely-spaced, typewritten pages that contain predictions far into the future. They also provide information about our Sun being a dying star, and that mankind will leave the Earth at some point. The pages also contain ancient information about Earth's humanity and its former existence in the Sirius regions; the genetic manipulations performed on our forefathers and their prehistoric origins before the Old Lyrians came to the SOL System and to Earth; the fact that this genetic manipulation can be reversed, etc. etc. Some passages from these predictions will be published in the Wassermann, if possible, and they most certainly will be published as a Semjase Contact Report. The date for their publication will depend largely on the speed at which subsequent reports can be published. Furthermore, these predictions will be incorporated into the latest edition of Prophetien, which is currently being revised and may be available for purchase in its new, bound book form in the Fall of '96. Billy

Aid to Russia
We are often asked why FIGU chiefly helps Russians and not the people of former Yugoslavia, for instance. To clarify this question let us state the following: First of all, FIGU cannot help everywhere because our very limited financial means would not permit this, and it is not our purpose to help in those regions, of all places, where fighting murderers and madmen shoot and plunder the civilian population -- in order to profit afterwards from appropriating helpful provisions, as has proven to be the case in former Yugoslavia. Here, wildly and indiscriminately shooting madmen obtain food to feed themselves so they can then continue to murder once again. One time the murderers are the underdogs and later on they are on top --- neither group is different or better than the others when they gain the upper hand. Secondly, through my initiative, FIGU is helping the Russians because I am well acquainted with the fact that this land and its people will one day produce true peace for many nations. Indeed, this fact began turning

FIGU Bulletin 001 into reality with Gorbachev's Glasnost and Perestroika and the abolition of communism. Even Edgar Cayce, the "Sleeping Prophet", has written the following words on this subject: "The world will gain greater hope from Russia's development. To this end, individuals and groups who have closer ties with Russia can achieve step-by-step changes and the ultimate finalization of regulatory terms for world dominion." I pondered this prophecy thoroughly and made preliminary assessments that confirmed Edgar Cayce's statement. Subsequently, I approached Ptaah and discussed this subject matter with him, whereupon he, too, researched the future and came to the same conclusion. We agreed that a possible aid program for Russia would be very appropriate, therefore, since the people in that country will be making great strides to secure future peace. Once we agreed and concurred, Ptaah approached the High Council for suitable advice. The advice we were provided with was in accord with our own conclusions and resulted in my founding the Aid for Russia. For starters, at our own expense, Core Group member Eva Bieri and I sent care packages to friends of Eva's, a family in Kurgan, Siberia. We asked them to provide us with names and addresses of other needy people to whom we could mail food and clothing. As time passed, the two of us could no longer absorb the costs of the Russian care packages, and I brought this to the attention of the Core Group, whereupon each member offered to make a small, monthly contribution. Subsequently, we published continuous announcements in the Wassermann and, as a result, several Passive-Group members began contributing to the Aid for Russia -- without anyone knowing my true motives for initiating this Russian Aid movement. Over time there were friends of FIGU, hence non-members of any FIGU group, who offered helpful contributions and they continue to do so even to this day. All of us at FIGU, from the bottom of our hearts, thank everyone who has in some form assisted us in this matter. We also feel compelled to thank all contributors very cordially in the name of those people in Siberia and Lithuania who, because of your contributions, not only have to suffer a little less now, but who can even share many of these goods with other needy persons whom we cannot assist, unfortunately, because of our limited means - although we separately always add large sums from our own pockets. Billy


We are gratefully accepting worthwhile articles, announcements, reports and other items for the FIGU Newsletter. Each and every reasonable and useful collaboration is welcome along with each reasonable and useful item contributed. We also hope to receive written responses from our readers as to how they are enjoying the FIGU Newsletter. Billy

UFOs - Beamships - Flying Saucers

The FIGU Newsletter will also address so-called UFOs, that is, beamships or "flying saucers" and related facts. This means that we will treat subject matter our Wassermann publication rarely touches upon, although interest in the subject has, once again, become acute over the past few years, and will increasingly remain so in the future. We are not referring to purported contacts, though, by some terrestrials who are party to some religious-sectarian or other ideologic, profit or image snatching machinations. Only true facts and incidents will be addressed. The reason for this is, as the Pleiadians/Plejarans pointed out, that with their withdrawal the time has now come, officially, for us to openly speak about this subject. They mentioned that we are responsible for the fact that frank UFO phenomena discussions began in public over the past 20 years, and that word of mouth placed it in the newspapers, magazines, radio, public performances and on TV. The Pleiadians/Plejarans explained to me on February 3, 1995, that it was FIGU's, or rather my [Billy's] main task to generate worldwide controversy about UFOs and for us to finally confront every person openly with this important subject. Ptaah explained to me the following:

FIGU Bulletin 001 Ptaah: .... We are only allowed to elaborate to the point where our withdrawal from Earth is linked to the immediate future and related events; those in which we are not allowed to interfere in any form so as to protect and observe our own secret regarding our culture and living environment. On one hand, this is also tied in with the fact that some matters have been occurring for years, which we foresaw and which, on the other hand, were the reason for our withdrawal (that had been planned previously at the beginning of the contacts). Interrelated, unfolding events on Earth for several decades now were one of our assignments. We have fulfilled this task, along with the many others we were obligated to look after and you, Billy, have played a very important role in this scenario of making public, worldwide, the so-called UFO phenomenon, as terrestrials have labeled it. You alone made it possible to promulgate this subject matter worldwide and induce the controversy to the extent that not only religious and pseudo-esoteric sectarians, fanatics, gullible individuals, madmen, etc., preoccupy themselves with the subject. Finally, for some time now, the most diverse scientists, government agencies, military services and governments have also begun to seriously preoccupy themselves with this topic, a fact that could not have been achieved without your help and great effort on your part. Actually, through your efforts alone was this worldwide UFO controversy successfully launched, and we all express our gratitude to you --- a recognition you had to really struggle for, when I think of all the harm that came crashing down upon you. And it is immaterial whether they were health related or associated with the defamations, abusive language, assassination attempts, diatribes of hatred and other things to which, unfortunately, we had to contribute our share, as you know. Had it not been for these occurrences, the UFO controversy would never have come about, and scientists, the military and governments would also not have become seriously interested in it. In your defense I am permitted today to speak officially about these matters. I will also give you the facts on the detailed analyses and evaluations we performed on the movie and photo montages, along with the movie trick photography used by all those bogus and deceitful, purported contactees or UFO observers. We found that their falsified movie and photo material appealed to terrestrial humans, particularly to those socalled UFO experts who call themselves ufologists and the like, which includes even some wellrespected scientists. The absurdity of the falsifications, and the people who believed them, is stunning but extremely effective. For this reason, we executed maneuvers with our genuinely existing flying objects, such as jerky pendulum movements and certain skipping and floating movements, which ordinarily are never a part of our flying objects' normal movements and flight techniques. Instead, they looked like those ridiculous jerky pendulum and strange swaying movements of the manipulated movies and photos by the UFO swindlers, liars and charlatans. The fact that we chose to execute such movements is based on the reasoning that they, in particular, would result in the worldwide, fierce UFO controversy which brought you many disadvantages, of course. You were accused of fraud, deceit, charlatanery and, indeed, dishonesty. You were further charged with constructing models and then photographing and filming them. Often we felt very sorry for you, but were unable to change any of this. Only by executing certain flight maneuvers, which you then could film and photograph and disseminate throughout the globe, was the worldwide UFO controversy ensured that led to the previously mentioned outcome. In the future, they will also bring about additional and, by now urgently needed results. It may be some consolation for you now to know that everything has happened with the desired and aspired outcome, and that you are now the most important person in matters related to contacts with extraterrestrials and UFOs affairs --- you probably are the most famous personality worldwide in these matters . . . . Here ends this excerpt from Ptaah's report, which signifies the dawning of a "new age" because of which FIGU, too, will preoccupy itself in the future with the "UFO Phenomenon" in this bulletin. Mention will be also made that government agencies, the military, secret services and air force departments possess excellent knowledge of these matters and keep facts hidden that would prove the existence of extraterrestrial intelligences and UFO crashes on Earth, as explained in the following report by an Englishman named George Wingfield, although the facts have not yet been authenticated:


FIGU Bulletin 001


News Flash
UFO Crash in Roswell, New Mexico, 1947 Recently released movie footage shows extraterrestrials of the UFO crash in Roswell. (excerpt from Transition 3000) During a TV Talk show in January 1995, Reg Presley mentioned that he had recently seen a video film which, it was claimed, had been filmed in Roswell, New Mexico, after the crash of a flying saucer in July 1947. This film apparently shows doctors "handling" two extraterrestrials. It was unclear, however, whether the ETs were alive or dead. Reg is a British pop musician who was best known in the late 60s and 70s as a member of the "Troggs". He remains active in this role, and the Top-Single he composed in those days, "Love is All Around", recently made a sensational comeback after being featured in the soundtrack of the hit movie "Four Weddings and a Funeral". Reg is a UFO and crop circle enthusiast. The background to this Roswell movie story is as follows: Two fellows from the world of pop music went to the United States to see some old, never-before published movie footage about Elvis Presley (no relation to Reg Presley) in the possession of a nearly 80-year old man in California. Since they immediately demonstrated a keen willingness to purchase this excellent Elvis movie, the old man was sufficiently encouraged to exclaim: "If you think this is fantastic, you ought to see this!" He then proceeded to show them approximately 15 movie cartridges, each containing nearly 10 minutes of film. He selected a few of these cartridges, demonstrated these films for them and informed them that the films had been made in Roswell in early July 1947. He mentioned that, at the time, he had been sent by the U.S. Army to make a film (no photographs) of fragments which appeared to have originated from a crashed flying saucer. He filmed these pieces along with a large crane used at the crash site. Later he was taken to some temporary shed where two dead or dying extraterrestrials were being "worked on". One of the aliens had been alive but later died. It is unclear whether the two physicians were attempting to save the life of this alien or whether they were performing an autopsy on the two corpses. A third man, wearing a coat, stood nearby and may have been from the Military (military intelligence). The photographer complained at the time that the movie camera he used had been intended for outdoor use and not the dim lighting conditions where the bodies lay. The extraterrestrials seemed tall, approximately 6'6" (1.95m). They were very thin and had large black eyes. This hardly coincides with the descriptions of those extraterrestrials' bodies who were said to have been seen in Roswell at the time and who were described as looking 'oriental'; it also certainly does not coincide with the story of child-size coffins that had been ordered for the bodies -- unless the bodies had been cut into pieces. One segment of film apparently showed parts of the extraterrestrial bodies that had been removed and labeled. Other film segments supposedly showed a military delegation at the crash site, and visible among them was Harry S. Truman, U.S. president at the time. This was never implied before, but could be investigated. The quality of the films, photographed from the foot end of the bed, was "not great". The original movie was on an identical type of film utilized at the time. The film was said to have recently been examined by Kodak technologists, who confirmed that this was a film from the 1940s. Reg saw only 15 minutes of it, or less than half of the entire footage. What he saw had been copied onto a modern video tape. He seems convinced that this film is indeed authentic. Although he cannot reveal it, Reg knows the man's name from California who claims to have made the movie. This Army photographer, who apparently kept unauthorized copies of the film he had shot, is NOT Nicholas van Poppen, the man sometimes mentioned in connection with films of the Roswell crash, who died several years ago. The movie footage is now in the possession of Ray Santilli, who resides in London, England, and plans to produce a documentary from it. Santilli clearly looks at this entire situation as a commercial venture. Supposedly he bought the original film for $100,000 or perhaps $150,000. He has had the film for roughly 2 years, and has copied all of it onto modern video tapes, as a direct copy and as a version that underwent an enlargement process. Rumor has it that he now hopes to sell it to Fox Television Network for $200,000, and they want to make a TV program about it. Another rumor claims that Robert Murdoch has taken a personal interest in the movie and has secretly shown it to certain important individuals.

FIGU Bulletin 001 Not all of this can be confirmed, however. Santilly, a book publisher, does have connections with the movie industry. He is not a UFO enthusiast and refuses to show himself open to solicitation by other UFO researchers. His main interest is clearly directed toward the commercial value of the movie material, although he has promised Reg Presley a copy of the film for his own personal use, with the mandate that he not copy it. Some of us hope we will soon be able to cast a glance at its contents. Although there exists a great leeway for a clever hoax here, heated by the publicity of a suppressed secret, it would be wise to wait before passing judgment until we actually have seen this Roswell movie which, it appears, may not be too far off. Any verdict regarding its authenticity depends largely on an independent examination of the original film, since modern computer technology can now make falsifications to the degree where anything is possible. Such has been proven by the movie "Forrest Gump" (if you fail to believe this go see it for yourself!). I prefer to present my opinion on its credibility only after I have seen the Roswell film and have had an opportunity to see for myself the original movie footage.



Our presentations on Ufology and Spiritual Teachings with various FIGU speakers will take place on the following dates in 1995:
DATES May 27, '95 August 19, '95 SPEAKERS / SUBJECT Silvano Lehmann -- Little Grays and Contact Liars Simone Holler -- Connectedness Guido Moosbrugger -- The Lifestyle of the Pleiadians from Planet ERRA Elisabeth Moosbrugger -- Overpopulation

October 28, '95 Christina Gasser -- On Love . . . Hans G. Lanzendorfer -- Religion vs. Aspirations, or rather, Evolution

Where: Restaurant Freihof, Schmidrti Presentations begin at precisely 2:00 p.m. Entrance fee SFr. 7.00 (FIGU members pay a reduced entrance fee when presenting a valid FIGU pass) We remind everyone that the Freihof mandates food consumption in its restaurant. A study group will meet in the Semjase-Silver-Star-Center at 8:00 p.m. on Saturdays with presentations; all interested Passive-Group members are cordially invited.

FIGU.org [1]

[1] http:/ / us. figu. org/ portal/ Documents/ tabid/ 114/ Default. aspx

FIGU Bulletin 002


FIGU Bulletin 002

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations

FIGU Bulletin Volume: 1 FIGU Bulletin Number: 2 FIGU Bulletin Date: May 1995 (English edition: November 1995) Author: Billy Meier Translator(s): Heidi Peters Date of Translation: Unknown


FIGU Bulletin 2 Translation

UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects)
UFOs, respectively UFO sightings, represent no problem whatsoever for the obstinate skeptics, because in their opinion UFOs are, in every case, nothing but hoaxes, mistaken identities of clouds, flocks of birds, helicopters, sport or weather balloons, meteorites, shooting stars, rockets, satellites or swarms of insects, etc. Malicious individuals among the skeptics and critics even claim that the entire matter is nothing more than contrived stories of fraud, lies, deceit or charlatanry and are disseminated for fun, egoism or profit. Unfortunately, these claims and descriptions cannot always be disregarded because many lies, frauds, charlatanry and hoaxes are perpetrated within ufology circles (see our pamphlet Those Who Lie About Contacts), channeling, so-called sances and other subject matter. Reasons for this vary greatly and range from egomania or image improvement to sectarianism, which is then supported through these fraudulent activities, etc. On the other side of the fence from these two groups is a very broad front of uncritical UFO approvers who simply believe, without question, each and every item that comes their way pertaining to UFOs. This group consists of the uncritical, sectarianizing UFO believers who accept the UFO crew members as being angels and other messengers of the Lord, the Savior or God. Such reticent UFO believers are victims of their own uncontrolled wishful thinking and hold that such extraterrestrial entities must be exalted beings of a "cosmic brotherhood" who, supposedly, have come to Earth to rescue the terrestrials from their demise and to lead them back onto the "path of the Lord and Savior". This group consists largely of UFO believers who live in fear of political and economic chaos, war, anarchism, terrorism, xenophobes, racists and others. Indeed, the numerous, confused messages of salvation from purported contactees, supposedly transmitted by extraterrestrial UFO passengers as well as spirit beings, etc., fall on fertile ground within this group of people. In addition to the above-mentioned skeptics, critics, frauds, charlatans, liars, hoaxers as well as the uncritical believers, there also exists a small group who face the UFO phenomenon soberly, with a matter-of-fact attitude that lacks prejudice. They must not, however, be confused with those individuals who picture themselves as UFO researchers, respectively ufologists, who only acknowledge those UFO matters that please and suit them. Such is the

FIGU Bulletin 002 case with MUFON and CENAP. Genuine ufologists strive to find a realistic clarification and illumination of all the UFO phenomena, and for this reason they must not be thrown into the same category as the would-be UFO researchers of MUFON or CENAP, etc., or with the likes of self-proclaimed UFO "popes" such as Virgil Armstrong and others like him. This sober group of individuals also has nothing in common with the delusional beliefs of the UFO sectarians who pop out of the ground in masses, fluster others and cause great harm with their UFO-sectarian nonsense and idiocies, as they make UFO events appear totally ridiculous. In contrast to the sectarian or negating actions of the believers, the would-be ufologists, hoaxers, frauds and similar individuals, a group of genuine UFO researchers does exist who seriously dedicate themselves to this subject. They have at their disposal a complete range of well-documented UFO cases which are frequently authenticated by credible witnesses. These cases prove the genuine existence of UFOs, and they attest to the fact that these sightings in the sky can no longer be disclaimed, although the military, government offices and secret services officials continue to vehemently attempt to do so. They take this stance because they actually have in their possession crashed and safeguarded UFOs as well as their, usually, dead crew members. Undeniably, events are occurring in the sky and flying objects of unknown origin are appearing that cannot be traced back to terrestrial, Earth-human machinations and terrestrial flying devices. Not all of these events can be explained with traditional, terrestrial approaches, and the crashed, safe-guarded UFOs with their dead crew members prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that they are of alien origin. The Americans in particular could prove this, for they have been able to stash away several crashed UFOs and their dead, extraterrestrial crew members, and even now they are busily attempting to copy UFOs - with fairly passable success, as their UFO aerobatics, respectively their test flights in the Nevada desert around Area 51 demonstrate. When genuine experts are permitted to voice their opinions they declare that the UFOs, their appearance, flight tracks, flight maneuvers, general dynamic and luminescence (luminescence is the glowing of any matter not produced through increase in temperature) are inexplicable. As spaceships of extraterrestrial origin, UFOs must traverse incredible, interstellar distances that can only be measured in light-years. For example, Alpha Centauri, the nearest celestial body beyond our SOL system, is located 4.5 light-years from Earth (one light-year equals 9.5 trillion kilometers = 5,880,000,000 miles, the distance light travels in one year at a speed of 299,792.458 kilometers per second). Therefore, from the terrestrials' standpoint, spaceships that come to Earth from the alien worlds of distant stars must traverse almost incomprehensible distances, which can only be surmounted when every essential aspect is researched, evaluated and then the results implemented in a useful form. Not only must the necessary capabilities and possibilities in the realm of physics and technology be present, but evaluations must be made as well regarding the human body, its consciousness and the psyche. Currently, however, these capabilities remain beyond terrestrial comprehension, as are their technological and physical prospects. For this reason, people on Earth continue to reject the possibility of space travel to alien solar systems. Terrestrials believe that it is impossible to span such distances or failing this, they believe the prospects of doing this will only exist in many years or decades to come. Nonetheless, extraterrestrials have indeed been arriving on Earth in spacecraft we call UFOs for thousands of years now. Occasionally some of them did crash, especially in more recent years and particularly in America, where many of them were found along with their dead crew members. They looked very foreign, and yet were undeniably, beyond any doubt, exotic looking humanoids --- human beings therefore. Particularly in modern times, the UFO phenomenon has made its way to an important position in the public eye, and without a doubt it has become one of the greatest scientific challenges of the 20th century. Though the UFOs may often be ridiculed or simply ignored, this criticism will change over time. One of the reasons behind the snickering and a tendency to ignore UFO sightings, their crashing, safeguarding and the retrieval of dead or semi-dead crew members, is the official military/secret service denial of their existence. Another reason is the ridicule of the UFO phenomenon by government agencies, the military, secret services, radio and television stations, newspapers and others who want to prevent ordinary citizens from hearing the truth and, instead, want to make them feel safe in the comfort of their ignorance. Yet by and large, it is primarily the sectarian would-be UFO contactees who, through their absurdities and inanities, paint the entire gamut of this UFO phenomenon with the glittering aspect of absurdity. As a result, their attempts are then virtually ripped to shreds in mid-air by skeptical, critical, all-devouring and


FIGU Bulletin 002 asinine type of journalism. The entire phenomenon is taken out of its original context and slurred by the popular press, etc., on the premise that a lie is more impressive than the truth, and that this type of mud-slinging journalism is financially more rewarding than sound, truthful and correct reporting, which was journalism's original slogan in earlier days but has since become a very rare virtue. Many things have happened in the field of ufology since 1975. Not only are UFO sightings occurring more frequently and resulting in actual "UFO waves", but volumes of previously classified and top secret UFO files have also been released that provide authentic and clear findings surrounding UFOs, their sightings, crashes and other items. These are indeed very impressive documents, although a vast amount of text is blackened out and continues to remain undisclosed. These secret documents also clearly reveal that various governments throughout the world, especially the major powers, are extremely anxious whenever UFOs appear, and for a long time they have reacted accordingly. Obviously these governments, their secret and military services and others, are not indifferent to the intruders from space in their flying disks, globes, cigars and triangular devices to mention only a few. Such agencies look upon the aliens as objects of anxiety, if not fear, which may be triggered by the fact that they have been able to seize crashed UFOs and their dead or semi-dead crew members. They have come to conclude therefore that extraterrestrials far surpass terrestrial capabilities in every way. Billy


The Extent of Our Mission

Frequently questions are asked regarding the extent of FIGU's mission, or rather, to what degree is FIGU responsible for the dissemination of the spiritual teachings and the entire Mission, and where are its boundaries. Here then is an explanation: 1. Basically FIGU Switzerland oversees the Mission material only in the German-speaking regions of Europe, i.e., Switzerland, Germany, Austria and the remaining small territories where the German language is spoken, among them, of course, is also the Principality of Liechtenstein. 2. With regard to the languages appearing in the production of FIGU books and other written material, as well as the dissemination of pamphlets and books, FIGU remains exclusively in charge over the German language and the German-speaking countries. 3. Regarding foreign languages, that is for non-German speaking countries, the plan is that individuals who feel obligated to serve in the Mission within these countries may translate the texts and books into their own languages and then disseminate the material with FIGU's guidance and authorization. 4. Individuals who are linked to the Mission by way of their close association with FIGU remain responsible for the dissemination and preservation of the Mission in foreign, non-German speaking countries. All of this has been laid down and regulated in this way because it is simply impossible for FIGU to perform these many diverse and monumental duties which are tied to the Mission's global dissemination and preservation. This also includes the required finances and all the necessary storage space, etc. etc., essential for a worldwide dissemination and preservation of the Mission from the Swiss headquarter. It is the responsibility therefore of those foreign individuals linked to the Mission, by way of their close association with FIGU, that they provide extremely accurate translations and care in the dissemination of the books and other texts, as well as the dissemination and conservation of the Mission itself. The Mission center site, in what today is called Switzerland, was chosen thousands of years ago for safety reasons, and the German language was chosen for the teachings and the Mission, among other things. This does not mean, however, that other countries or regions must be excluded from the teachings and the Mission. On the contrary: It is an urgent necessity that the teachings and the Mission are disseminated and established throughout the world. This applies also to America, even though it presents the greatest difficulties and is marked by sectarianism, intrigues and deceitful machinations, which have led the Pleiadian/Plejarans to sever their links with that region to a point where the establishment of closer ties has become impossible. Individuals such as Lee Elders, Randy Winters, Roberta

FIGU Bulletin 002 Brooks, the contact liar Fred Bell and many other people of the same category contributed to this plight because of the lies they spread regarding the contacts they were supposedly having with the Pleiadians in one way or another. Indeed, some of them even claim they receive messages and other things from the extraterrestrials. All of these claims are simply heinous lies and vicious fraud, for not one Pleiadian/Plejaran maintains contacts with human beings on Earth --- except for me --- a fact the Pleiadians/Plejarans have repeatedly and extensively emphasized throughout my many contact years with them. Well then, at least America will not go hungry regarding the teachings and the Mission. But the American people must learn to redirect their thinking in many ways, just as the inhabitants of other countries had to do, and they must preoccupy themselves with the truth and the facts. They too must strive to translate, learn and disseminate the texts and books of the teachings and the Mission, because FIGU in Switzerland is simply not capable of doing so. FIGU has attempted to produce and disseminate various texts and books in foreign languages, such as in English, Spanish and Russian, but this is a mere drop in the bucket, for despite the thousands of pamphlets we produce and mail out at our own expense, we are able to only reach a fraction of the entire human population. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that many trustworthy people throughout the world collaborate with us, translate the texts and books into their respective languages with our approval and disseminate the material after doing so with FIGU's authorization. Only in this manner can the citizens of every country learn about the teachings and the Mission, along with the worldwide, indeed, universal importance of this entire matter. Billy


Hostile Attitude toward Jews and Homosexuals

From Wild Flower Press in USA, we received news that complaint letters and other items were sent to them regarding the contents of the Talmud Jmmanuel. The complainers made accusations that the book's contents presented a purported hostile bias against Jews and homosexuals. These complaints of course, how could it be otherwise, originated in America where some individuals perceive things that simply do not exist. America is particularly adept at this, especially in view of the countless alleged contacts with extraterrestrials that are supposedly maintained there. According to these claims, America must simply be crawling with extraterrestrials and contactees. Regarding the alleged hostile bias against Jews provoked by the Talmud Jmmanuel and us: We of FIGU are neither xenophobes nor racists, respectively haters of foreigners or of other races, and neither is the Talmud Jmmanuel. We of FIGU in every way constantly strive to treat every foreigner and member of other races equally in every way, although this does not eliminate our right to point out the errors and inhumane machinations, as well as transgressions of the law on the part of foreigners and other races, in the same manner that we deal with our own country and our own people. Our right to point out the errors of others has absolutely nothing to do with hating foreigners and other races. It is a fact that through contrary and moronic statements, some people conversely attempt to portray peoples and countries more favorably than they really are. To this end, they attempt to downplay, if not gloss over, misdeeds and horrors; and yet we are reproached for being hostile against foreigners, other races and Jews. These accusations are completely off their mark, and this is proven by the fact that we not only correspond with people of the Jewish faith, but we are constantly linked to them, and they even occasionally visit us at the Center. To begin with, the Talmud Jmmanuel certainly contains no hostile material against Jews, for the book represents nothing more than a chronological depiction of the spiritual teachings and past events from the period in Palestine, some 2000 years ago, when Jmmanuel was persecuted, imprisoned, innocently sentenced and nailed to a y-shaped cross by the Romans with the help of Jews. From the Jewish viewpoint, however, this fact has been vehemently denied since then -- and the identical denials remain in place today through conservative, indeed fundamentalist, Jewish control powers. This group, through every means possible, would like to see the suppression of all facts surrounding Jmmanuel, in the hope that they might be forgotten; and for this reason are attempts made to portray the

FIGU Bulletin 002 Talmud Jmmanuel as anti-semitic, hence hostile against Jews, although it is nothing of the sort. It simply is a chronological record of events. If chronological records are to be evaluated as being xenophobic, respectively racist and hostile against foreigners and other races, all chronicles and chronicle-type records ever written would have to be strictly prohibited. In all truthfulness, the contents represent nothing more than chronological records of actions, thoughts, teachings, events and incidents from earlier times. Were such records prohibited, the entire knowledge of historic events from the past would become lost in the process. Regarding the charge that the Talmud Jmmanuel and FIGU are hostile toward homosexuals, we would like to state that this, too, is a vile defamation. Neither FIGU nor its texts or books are written with any form of hostility in mind. We must admit, however, that certain passages in the book could conceivably give the uninitiated reader an impression of hostility against homosexuals. Such may be the case because passages from the Talmud Jmmanuel were taken from and then reproduced in the ancient script form, which originated at a time when humanity was still lacking in higher knowledge and understanding of these concerns. Consequently, their explanations could not be interpreted in a way that would allow everyone to understand them; even the scribes, philosophers and other highly educated individuals had difficulty with them. The language format and contents of the text have been adapted to the understanding of the people from that era and later everything was reproduced accordingly in the identical format provided in FIGU books. We had no intention of leaving the material in this form, for from the very beginning we also wanted to publish its indispensable and profound explanations according to modern Man's understanding. And this was accomplished. These explanations to the text, however, are contained in works other than the Talmud Jmmanuel or the OM. It is unfortunate that the slanderers do not read these other texts with the more profound explanations, otherwise they would have a different opinion of these matters --- albeit, the question arises whether their intelligence allows them to understand the explanations in the first place, those printed in the Wassermann (Voice of the Aquarian Age) #91; in Contact Report # 182, Block 12 of February 3, 1983, pages 2324-2326, sentences 305-327; as well as in the 24-Question reply and in Contact Report # 248 of February 3, 1994. Additionally, an extensive explanation is given in the Spiritual Teachings, Lesson #121, that states the following: Homosexuality and How Does it Come About? Homosexuality - a Natural Occurrence Against Nature Homosexuality is a natural type of sexuality that is against nature. "Natural" and "against nature" mean that homosexuality is a type of sexuality which manifests itself in a natural manner but cannot serve the law of nature through reproduction. For this reason this type of sexuality is against nature's law, respectively naturally anti-nature. Homosexuality is a genetically-induced type of sexuality and, as a consequence, is considered to be natural; however, it must be classified as anti-nature due to the inability of the participants to reproduce the species. Hence, homosexuality is called a natural, but antinature type of sexuality. Homosexuality is a natural, anti-nature type of sexuality that is not prohibited through any natural, Creational law and directive. It is normal and natural --- albeit anti-natural due to the lacking capability of reproduction. Certain genes and their characteristics determine sexuality, hence homosexuality as well. Genes and their characteristics, in turn, are a minute particle of nature and are, therefore, subject to the natural laws and directives. This, then, means that nothing can be against nature if it is permissible in nature, indeed produced by it. Consequently, homosexuality is a natural type of manifestation whose anti-naturalness is simply based upon the lacking procreation possibility. Furthermore, because homosexuality is a natural manifestation, that is nature given, it cannot and must not be considered, judged or condemned as degeneration, unnatural and depraved, nor looked upon as disgusting or a transgression against the laws of nature and humanity. What must be considered as being against nature's laws and as unnatural, however, is the sodomitic degeneration of homosexuality and bi-sexuality, that is, the sexual gratification by humans with and on animals of all types. This form of sexuality has singularly and exclusively developed from human thinking and fantasies, whereby Man is capable of even influencing the characteristics of genes to generate this uniqueness within himself. This peculiarity then is a degeneration, an anti-naturalness and transgression against


FIGU Bulletin 002 nature's law, and is described in Genesis, page 184, #3) Homosexuality with the following verses: 1. Homosexuality is the physical union between two life forms and the same type or same gender, also called male and male or female and female. 2. It is considered to be anti-nature between all male life forms, but part of the natural order between all female life forms. 3. Hence, all sexual unions between male and male are a degeneration against nature because insemination and insemination unite in a pseudo-act of procreation. 4. This type of degeneration is generated by male life forms with degenerate tendencies of emotions and self-created, anti-natural desires in a perverse form. 5. This type of sexual activity can only originate among human male life forms with their own homophile egoism that misleads and degenerates through factors of false teachings, uncontrolled desires of perversion and lusts against nature's design. Degenerate tendencies of emotions and self-created anti-natural desires in a perverse form, as well as an individual's own homophile egoism, are interpreted as the creation of a pseudo-homosexuality that is brought about by the person's own thoughts and fantasies that transgress against nature's laws and directives and consequently become a degeneration. This form of homosexuality does not show any link to the natural-anti-nature, hence naturally gene-produced, homosexuality. The degenerate homosexuality, hence pseudo-homosexuality that is self-produced through one's own thoughts and fantasies is, as a rule, coupled with other pseudo-, self-produced sexual abnormalities and transgressions against nature, such as sodomy, masochism and sadism, to mention a few. By definition, homosexual men cannot perform sexual acts with one another; they can only give in to mere sexual gratification, which is presented in the OM, page 69, verse 138: 138. Just as the male cannot give birth, neither can there be any procreative-sexual contact from one male to another male or between male to male that would be considered a transgression against Creation's guidance and against its laws and directives and against the Order of Seven. Homosexual men cannot perform any genuine sexual acts therefore but can only obtain mere sexual gratification. The reason for this definition is that men, among and with each other, are incapable of procreating. A genuine sexual act can only transpire, therefore, when an opportunity for procreation exists in the way that it does between two human beings of a different gender --- between a man and a woman. All other sexual acts where there is no chance for procreation, such as between two men, can only be termed sexual gratification. A true sexual act is also, of course, the sex life of two partners with different genders who are infertile, together or individually. In this case, the decisive factor is their different genders. The facts are presented in the spiritual teachings in this manner. When mention is made in the OM (page 69, verse 139) of homosexual unions between one man with another man as being punishable, it means that the culpability becomes apparent when homosexual men have intercourse in a manner that makes them capable of giving birth (such as through genetic manipulation, etc.), in an anti-natural and wanton way and having sexual relationships in order to procreate children: 139. If a man transgresses against the guidance of Creation in this manner, if he, as a man, has a wanton intimate relationship with another man therefore to perform a true sexual act, he shall make himself culpable for life and shall experience the impact of the consequence in the same manner a man or a woman would, who has an intimate relationship with life forms of different species, which are called animals. Likewise, the verses 6 and 8, Chapter 12, page 49 in the Talmud Jmmanuel refer to the above verse 139 of the OM: 6. If two men bed down with each other, they shall be punished also, because the fallible are unworthy of life and its laws, and they are acting heretically; thus they shall be castrated, expelled and banished before the people. 8. Whenever inseminator and inseminator join together, life is violated and destroyed. Billy


FIGU Bulletin 002


Contact Delusions
UFO contacts or other types of contacts with extraterrestrials, higher spirits, dead personages and others, have apparently become THE big attraction of the New Age. The world is virtually flooded with purported contactees, mediums and channelers, many of whom have become celebrities through these activities, if for no other reason than their religious-sectarian messages of "salvation". Among the many purported contactees, mediums and channelers there exists a mood of "finalization" or the "End is Nigh" atmosphere, whereby they put fear into other people who believe their nonsense and then they financially exploit them. These purported contactees, mediums and channelers are becoming increasingly more numerous, although not all of them are famous or well known. But they are all equally "sick in the head" for they are simply psychopaths, individuals suffering from psychogenic disorders, schizophrenics, etc; they may also be deliberate frauds, liars, hoaxers or charlatans who wish to project themselves into the forefront for reasons of their own image, profit or sectarian faith. I could sing a loud and inglorious song about many of these well-known or obscure alleged contactees, mediums, channelers and others because they continue to insist on pestering me with their nonsense by telephone, mail and FAXes; indeed, they even come to see me in person. This has been going on now for many years, since 1975, when I made my contacts with the Pleiadians/ Plejarans public knowledge. From that time onward I have constantly and repeatedly been beleaguered by people and their contactee-medium-channeler delusions. This happens eighty to ninety times a year, and many of them have become quite aggressive and vicious when anyone attempts to talk them out of their nonsense. Usually most of them calm down after a short period and withdraw, offended, while others become even more impertinent and insistent. Some of them even had the nerve to subscribe religious-sectarian pamphlets, newspapers and other items on my behalf which, in two cases, I was able to trace to individuals tortured by sectarian delusions. As the only true contactee of the Pleiadians, I have been approached by no less than seventy-one individuals in writing, by phone and FAX over the past twenty years, who contend that they, too, were having contacts with the Pleiadians, namely with Semjase, Quetzal, Ptaah and some Pleiadian fantasy personages. Such claims are pure, unparalleled nonsense, for the Pleiadians/Plejarans have vehemently denied these assertions. Among these liars was an American millionaire, an American movie actress, certain doctors, engineers, a priest and many others. More than 30 of these 71 individuals claimed they were designated by Ptaah, Quetzal, Semjase, or somebody else, to pass on extremely important messages to me, as liaisons, so to speak, between my Pleiadian/Plejaran friends and myself. Eleven individuals downright lied and said they were in telepathic, indeed physical, contact not only with Ptaah, but with the High Council, the Petale level and the Arahat Athersata level which, allegedly, also instructed them to give me extremely important messages, etc. The chain of alleged contactees, mediums and channelers is endless; in fact, the approaching turn of the millennium appears to make them pop out of the ground like poisonous mushrooms. Likewise, the turn from one millennium to another, much like the turn of one century to another, is always reason for religious sectarians to be in a fearful and end-of-the-world mood and, consequently, they are particularly active, pesty and stultifying toward their fellow human beings. This applies to new sects as well, to which people fall prey in masses. Billy

Two Warnings
On February 14, 1995, the Pleiadians/Plejarans warned that new developments were originating from within right-extremist circles that must be carefully scrutinized by government agencies and by ordinary citizens and security forces. The warning states: "Especially in schools for higher education and universities, a new right-extremist group is emerging that will dedicate itself to terrorism under the disguise and appearance of being a religious-conservative organization, and threatens to evoke great harm." A second warning refers to Islamic fundamentalists and is expressed as follows: "The Islamic fundamentalists as well are increasingly rallying into a growing and dangerous power that directs itself against all forms of religious beliefs that differ from their own. Their

FIGU Bulletin 002 goal is total fundamentalization of their faith and the forceful integration of all other religions, respectively their members, into the same belief system. Their aims are directed and achieved through terrorism and will lead to bloody religious wars, from which World War III may evolve." Billy


My Pledge to Secrecy
With the Pleiadian/Plejaran withdrawal from Earth during the night of February 2nd to 3rd, 1995, I am now released from my obligation to remain silent about certain UFO-related incidents and events on Earth. The Pleiadians/Plejarans remain under this pledge of secrecy, but through a dispensation from the High Council I am now released from this obligation and can now speak openly of certain things I consider relevant. I feel, however, that certain matters must remain a secret for the present, as their disclosure would not be advisable at this point in time. On February 14, 1995, during the last contact for some time that ensued to finalize certain important matters, Ptaah provided me with the following explanations regarding the dispensation of my pledge of secrecy: "Ptaah: . . . .With our withdrawal you are no longer bound by your obligation to remain silent except for certain matters pertaining to us, therefore to our safety also. You no longer remain under any obligation and are free from your commitment to stay silent . . . . You must be careful, however, for the CIA and other organizations are not timid in matters involving the secrecy of matters they find disagreeable . . . . As far as we are concerned, we are not at liberty to pass on any official data, for we are not permitted to intervene in any of these affairs . . . It will be at your own discretion should you decide to continue speaking out on such matters, even though you did receive the information from us. . . . We simply must detach ourselves from these issues, and from now on we will no longer be involved. We have performed and finalized our task, and through the worldwide UFO controversy you helped bring about, you have greatly contributed to our tasks' completion - even though you were treated with hostility and accused of fraud. Certain irrational factions will continue to deal with you in this manner even into the future. Envy and hatred play a fundamental role in their efforts to stifle the truth. Yet, their actions are by far too late, because your efforts and the prevailing UFO controversy will force government agencies, the military and secret services, among others, to reveal their information and records regarding this subject. This will not transpire from one day to the next, but the ongoing controversy now makes these revelations inevitable. You have sown the seeds and brought them to germination. As a result, fruit will grow and mature --- and this event will take place in the not-to-distant future. You must realize, however, that pressure to suppress the truth by every possible means available will become even greater, for certain circles will see their own fruitless efforts come to nought, as you express it." Upon hearing Ptaah's words, I added: "And the defamer Kal Korff will surely play an important role, as I was informed from America two days ago." Here is Ptaah's reply, along with another question and answer: "Ptaah: This is correct. Indeed, this liar is a fraud as well as a defamer, and the powerful forces behind his initiative are not only envy and hatred, but other matters as well, and include people who are determined to suppress and destroy the truth under any circumstance." My next question was: ". . .You have often disclaimed matters which were interpreted as true and valid by Earthlings elsewhere. How should one understand this?" "Ptaah: We certainly have done so, that is correct. However, the reason behind this was that we were not always allowed to speak on a particular issue because of our pledge to secrecy, or the facts of the questions were not corresponding exactly with reality or the truth, or there were too many inconsistencies, which made things appear under a false light. Furthermore, the questions were frequently not quite to the point and we were obliged to give negating or disclaiming replies. And yet, we always maintained our honesty and never spoke untruthfully although, occasionally, we did sometimes skirt the issue --- of which you are a master yourself. Billy: You mean to say that you often simply beat around the bush.

FIGU Bulletin 002 Ptaah: This is the meaning of my words." Here ends my excerpt from the report dated February 14, 1995, which gave me permission to speak openly on various items I had been unauthorized to mention previously. For this reason, in the future, I will occasionally release in the FIGU Newsletter some of my knowledge and the information I previously received; however, I will always do so within the framework of what I consider being responsible. When I just think of the Little Greys hysteria in America, which is now beginning to grip Europe as well, particularly Germany, I feel that too much information perhaps could only be detrimental. And yet, consider this: It was primarily their secrecy in the handling of UFO matters on the part of government agencies, the military, secret services and others (America excels in such matters) that the Little-Greys-hysteria was truly generated and launched. It seems that a little more information would therefore be more beneficial than harmful to somewhat calm this hysteria. Billy


Monitoring Systems
In the late 1950s, Americans stationed the so-called MIDAS satellite system approximately 38,000 km (23,750 miles) above the Earth with the intent of protecting the USA from a surprise attack in case they were fired upon by intercontinental rockets. This system, however, was soon replaced by a different, updated system called DSP (Defense Support Program), which is more than just a monitoring system because it holds calculation/espionage functions and other elements, and has the capability of monitoring and locating far more than mere objects in the airspace surrounding the Earth. It is a fact that we, the people on Earth, are continually monitored and surveyed by the DSP satellites stationed and circling in space around the Earth in a geosynchronous formation which guarantees that the planet is thoroughly surveyed around the clock, 24-hours a day. This monitoring process is worldwide and virtually not one square meter of ground is omitted. The DSP system currently is so advanced that almost no step can be made on the face of the Earth without it being thoroughly observed. Although this capability has not yet been fully implemented, it nonetheless exists and is currently available and utilized for specific purposes of observation and monitoring. This fact remains "top secret" and only those individuals with the highest security clearance dare whisper about it. While some DSP monitoring system data leaked to the public for the first time during the Gulf War in 1991, when the system was zeroed in on the Iraqi Scud rockets missiles after their launching, other implementation possibilities for this system remain a well-kept, strictly observed secret. The system is capable not only of promptly detecting enemy fighter and bomber aircraft, but also of triggering defense actions on a large scale. It can currently implement surveys and monitor functions beyond anyone's wildest dreams. Indisputably, certain related technology was not invented by terrestrial technologists and engineers but came to them by way of diverse UFOs, respectively extraterrestrial spacecraft that had crashed in the USA. The Americans secured the spacecraft, examined them in great detail, took them apart and retro-engineered them; and they continue to do so today. Therefore, some technology from the UFOs also served the Americans in the construction of their DSP defense system which enables them to implement large-scale surveys over the entire globe. Insiders call the DSP system "Deep Space Platform". It exerts its influence not only over this planet, as mentioned previously, but it also monitors and records what is happening in outer space. More than 6100 highly sensitive sensors enable the DSP satellites to measure and survey the normal, visible light and related matters, and give it the capability of monitoring also the influences from micro and electro-magnetic oscillation ranges, along with X-ray, infrared and ultraviolet levels to mention only a few. In addition to registering meteors entering terrestrial space at regular or irregular intervals, these sensors also register alien flying objects that travel with incredible speed from outer space to Earth where they enter terrestrial airspace two or three times every month. Neither the scientific community nor government agencies nor the military and the CIA will divulge any of this knowledge. Within informed circles of experts, these extraterrestrial flying objects are called "fastwalkers". With great regularity the DSP satellites detect these fastwalkers as they race with immense speed from outer space and into the Earth's

FIGU Bulletin 002 atmosphere, whereupon they depart from the planet shortly after to disappear once again with incredible speed into the depths of space. It is interesting to note that each time a fastwalker is recorded as it enters terrestrial space there are typically UFO sightings around the globe observations by people from all social levels and professions. Nonetheless, scientists in charge, the military, government agencies, secret services and others hide these facts from the public and make fools of the entire terrestrial population. Some of these individuals in charge simply feel chosen to play childish games of hide-and-seek or soldiers and warriors, and fancy themselves as being important. However, this is no longer the case, for they are more like wet washcloths as they tremble in their boots with fear that the extraterrestrial human intelligences will come to Earth, prove their enormous superiority over us earthlings, and demonstrate that they are further advanced in every way than everyone on this planet. With their DSP monitoring system, America has taken the first step toward the horrifying, futuristic vision of total control over every human being on Earth. This vision signifies that terrestrials will soon be unable to take even a single step without being observed and controlled by an all-inclusive monitoring system, which would eventually entail the implanting of a coded chip into every person. The possibility then arises that an individual will be completely controlled and, ultimately, will always be observed and monitored; even a person's most private and intimate activities will be observed. The vision also implies that the European monitoring headquarters will be located in Brussels, Belgium, and managed and directed by the European Union (Europische Union) as it is called today. The undisclosed implication is that a form of dictatorship will be established that results in the complete surveillance of every citizen --- a horrible vision, which is increasingly becoming apparent as a reality to anyone observing the world with open eyes. Likewise, this terrifying vision foreshadows the 'New World Order' which, from ancient times onward, was linked to prophecies about an 'animal with the number 666' exerting immense power. I intend to elaborate more extensively, in justifiable form, in the FIGU Newsletter on this prophecy and vision, along with many other important matters of which Man on Earth should be apprised.


(Quotation from Billy's Spiritual Teachings, page 29) "According to my very precise calculations, a person on Earth requires two hours and fifty-seven minutes every 7 days to completely fulfill his or her quota on these studies." This sentence can hardly be surpassed in its clarity, and yet there seem to exist several misunderstandings in some regards: Nowhere in this interpretation is it ever demanded that a person spend nearly three hours of his or her time on the Spirit Lesson every seven days! Likewise, this sentence does not imply that a human being on Earth "has approximately three hours of time" only to understand each Spirit Lesson! When mention is made of two hours and fifty-seven minutes, it is intended simply as a recommendation --- a piece of friendly advice which an individual may or may not follow. There is no coercion behind it, and nobody is demanding anything. The term "requires" is used here in a totally different context, that is, in the customary sense of the word, which states that something is absolutely necessary or rather essential, whereby the person's own capability and judgment are of importance and a priority. From this the link results pertaining to the study time for the Spirit Lesson and this is how it is intended to be understood. Hence, the recommendation means "require": ". . . requires this time to completely fulfill his or her quota". Thus, if a student wishes to completely fulfill the study quota, he or she will actually require three hours weekly. And nobody can impose this upon another person, unless the study members want to do so on their own volition. The twisted interpretation that a person has only so many hours for each Spirit Lesson is false, of course. Each human being is individually different from the other, and it would be completely illogical to tell another person how much time (s)he is allocated for the study of a Spirit Lesson. Some people may need two hours for their studies,

FIGU Bulletin 002 while others require only one hour, or some perhaps may need even more time. For this very reason as well, a person can possibly spread the study hours over two, three or four days, therefore over 90, 60 or 45 minutes per study day. Hence, students must decide for themselves how long, how intensive and at what intervals they wish to spend studying the Spirit Lessons. The above-mentioned three hours may well serve as a simple guideline. These three hours should only be used as a guideline of orientation, particularly when "the opposing forces are especially well-focused upon us". Stephan A. Rickauer (Germany) and Billy


Little Greys
Though it seems hard to believe, many women claim they have been abducted, examined, indeed impregnated by Little Greys. Of course, there are also men who make claims to extraterrestrial abductions. What is the actual truth, however, considering the claims made by millions of terrestrials that they were abducted by these so-called Little Greys and that, particularly in America, millions of women were impregnated by them, and that millions of cattle were brutally massacred by these aliens? Here then is the truth: Over the past decades, abductions of terrestrials by extraterrestrials did indeed take place. However, these abductions must not be considered as such and should be called examination contacts instead. Therefore as contacts whereby the extraterrestrials take terrestrial beings, women and men, into their flying objects and examine them --- they explore them. Generally speaking, these actions take place with good intentions and are performed purely for purposes of becoming familiar with the anatomy and other particulars of terrestrials. Such examination contacts are rare though, and in no way match the practically countless, hysterical and nonsensical, fantastic claims made about these contacts, which are popping out of the ground like poisonous mushrooms. Why do so many people fall prey to these claims of extraterrestrial abductions? If all of these claims were true, abductions would be routinely taking place daily and the entire world would be involved; no country would be spared any longer, the world's media would be reporting only of these incidents, and humans all over the globe would be living in fear and terror. Where does of all this nonsense, this hysteria regarding purported extraterrestrial abductions originate? The hysteria surrounding the abduction phenomenon actually stems from a number of factors: It was first generated by occasional UFO crashes in various countries on Earth, including the USA, where the crashed flying objects and their dead crew members were safeguarded by the military and secret services. These incidents generated headlines, particularly in America. Some of the dead beings were small extraterrestrial, grey-skinned humans with very large eyes and small mouths who sometimes had only four fingers on their hands, etc., etc. Some other dead beings were bio-organic androids, but the American military and scientists failed to recognize this fact and, subsequently, the bodies were judged to be extraterrestrial human beings. Rendered in movies, photographs and drawings, the crashed spaceships and their dead crew members disappeared within the confines of secret military facilities, under the strictest pledges of secrecy by those involved. Nonetheless, related information somehow leaked to the public and led to gossip, rumors and similar things, to which the American secret organizations, such as the CIA, and military agencies, contributed their share by disseminating false and deceitful information to frighten others away who may have wanted to closely explore and illuminate the real truth. Through their actions, though, such agencies actually accomplished the exact opposite to what they had hoped for; indeed, many people have now really begun to delve into the UFO phenomenon and extraterrestrials. Since that time they have attempted through every means possible to find the actual truth, which was denied and kept secret by governments, their secret services and the military agencies. Inevitably, secret organizations and the military contrived situations intended to show extraterrestrial viciousness and other such things. These actions then instilled fear and terror among gullible, delusional people, fantasists and others. All of this culminated in the "Little-Greys-hysteria" that is so prevalent in America today and has begun to spread throughout Germany, Switzerland and other countries.

FIGU Bulletin 002 Anything pertaining to the "Little Greys" must be scrutinized with extreme caution, for too many fantasists, madmen, charlatans and delusionals are in the habit of jumping on the bandwagon. There are also the many infamous machinations going on within the secret forces, particularly in the USA, geared to induce fear and horror regarding the extraterrestrials in people, e.g., through animal mutilations and the brainwashing of humans into experiencing horrifying recollections of purported extraterrestrials. Hence, not everything a person sees, hears, feels or is told, is the actual reality. One must be conscious of this fact, especially regarding these "Little Greys". Billy


Triangular UFOs over Belgium

Not even in Belgium is everything that glitters really gold - particularly when it pertains to triangular UFOs. Undeniably, in recent years, Belgium frequently was the site for flight maneuvers by triangular UFOs, but these objects did not belong exclusively to extraterrestrial humans. Although some of these flying objects were without doubt of extraterrestrial origin, some charlatanry came into play at times, whereby terrestrial lightweight flying craft were sent aloft, as a joke, to confuse the population. Furthermore, flying objects were present in Belgium that did not belong in our dimension, but came from an alien dimension having no connection with the authentic triangular extraterrestrial flying objects. Billy

Carlos Diaz (Mexico)

For some time now a man calling himself Carlos Diaz from Tepoztlan, Mexico, has generated tonguewagging about his contacts with extraterrestrials. His claims are vehemently denied however by the extraterrestrials who say that Diaz freely invented his stories and embossed them in accordance with his intelligence and imagination. As an enthusiastic photographer he took many UFO photos which, interestingly enough, look like bio-organic flying craft of the type mentioned several times over the past years in the Semjase Contact reports. Supposedly, several of these pictures are authentic, a fact that does not necessarily link him to his purported extraterrestrial contacts, however. Likewise, his statements in this context are extremely banal and illiterate; they betray his obtuse understanding concerning certain, very specific subject matter. His opinions are indeed childlike, and his understanding of all matters can be described as childlike too. This characteristic is certainly neither a reference nor a sign of having been predestined or a basis for having contacts with consciousnessrelated very highly evolved extraterrestrial human intelligences, whose entire development far surpasses that of the terrestrials' many times over. Billy

Questions From Our Readers

Q: A certain Barbara Marciniak in America claims that she is maintaining contacts with a spiritcollective, respectively energy-collective. She wrote a book about her contacts that are published now in German by Bauer Publishers under the Title Boten des neuen Morgens - Lehren von den Plejaden. What is your opinion of it? A: Nothing whatsoever, because its entire base is a large-scale hoax, lie and fraud. The Pleiadians/Plejarans place the contents of the book on par with the deceptive, fraudulent and crooked machinations of Fred Bell. The original edition of this work, which is filled with lies, deception and fraud, was previously published in 1992 by Bear & Company, Inc., Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, under its English title Bringers of the Dawn - Teachings from the Plejadians. The Pleiadian/Plejarans'viewpoint of this total hoax, the lies, fraud and related machinations by Barbara Marciniak, can be gleaned from the 252nd Contact Report conversation with the Pleiadian/Plejaran Spaceship Jshwjsh Ptaah, which took place on February 14th, 1995, at 11.41 p.m. "Billy: . . . It is rather unpleasant, just like the other matters, such as those in America for instance, where once again somebody claims to be in contact with energy and light beings from the Pleiades. This time it is a woman, whose

FIGU Bulletin 002 name I have forgotten again, unfortunately. She has apparently also written a book on purported Pleiadian teachings and so forth, which has now been published in German and supposedly is a cult book in America. Ptaah: . . . I am familiar with this. It is a certain Barbara Marciniak, who is, however, in her delusion also active as a trance medium. Yet, she is nothing more than a thoroughly deceitful, fraudulent liar, to the same degree as Fred Bell. She lies, swindles and deceives people on Earth including herself with purported contacts with an energy-collective from the Pleiadian star cluster. The truth is that on the Pleiades only very young, blue and extremely hot celestial bodies exist that are incapable of carrying any type of life, neither in coarse material nor semi-material or spiritual form. All claims by this lying deceiver and fraud originate solely within her own invention and fantasy and do not hold even the smallest shred of truth --- aside from a few items which she more or less stole from texts where our contact conversations between you and us were reproduced --- most of which were produced without your permission and contain material that was stolen from you. Due to the fact that there exists no life, intelligent or otherwise, on the Pleiades stars, hence also no energy-collective or any similar terrestrially invented nonsense, we have a related explanation from the Arahat Athersata level, which had solicited an inquiry from PETALE, the highest spirit form level of all the existing high spirit form levels. The reply was concurrent with information Arahat Athersata had previously been aware of, namely, that there exist neither intelligent energy forms nor life forms of any type on the Pleiadian stars. The same also holds true for Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus. The stars of the Pleiades, which are 62-million years old by terrestrial standards, are still much too young to harbor any life. Furthermore, they are of a star type that will never sustain any energy- or material- type of life because their existence will be very short-lived before they die again and dissolve into interstellar energy from which, some day, gases and new formations will emerge again." Q: What is the age of the Pleiades and what should we know about them? A: Terrestrial astronomers tell us the Pleiades are 50 million years old. The Pleiadians/ Plejarans, however, tell is that the Pleiades star cluster is 62 million years old, calculated from the time when they began their existence as completed formations, that is, as hot stars in the Taurus constellation. On the average, they are more than 420 light years from Earth (the Pleiades/Plejaran system, home of the Pleiadians/ Plejarans, is shifted by the fraction of a second into another space-time configuration from that of the Pleiades star cluster that exists in our space-time configuration. The actual home system of the Pleiadian/Plejarans' system is almost another 80 light years beyond the Pleiades, and for this reason they speak of a distance of 500 light years from Earth to their home worlds). The Pleiadian celestial bodies in our space-time configuration therefore are closer to Earth than the actual stars and planets the Pleiadians/Plejarans come from. Furthermore, the home of the Pleiadians/Plejarans is millions of years older than "our" Pleiades star cluster, which consists of approximately 250 hot, blue stars that are still very young and are surrounded by the gaseous clouds from which they emerged. In spite of the vast distance, the Pleiades can be observed without telescopes from Earth. The Pleiadian suns, for this is what they are, consist of many blue super-giants. These stars, respectively suns, will have a brief but extremely turbulent life. The most beautiful Pleiadian star is Pleione, a sun that looks as though it was smoking because gas rings continuously rise from it. The young age of the Pleiadian stars in our space-time configuration can actually be deduced from the fact that the fine blue gas veil, so-to-speak the placenta from which the Pleiades were born many millions of years ago, continues to envelop them to this day.


FIGU Bulletin 002



Our presentations on Ufology and Spiritual Teachings with various FIGU speakers will take place on the following dates in 1995:
DATES August 19, '95 SPEAKERS / SUBJECT Guido Moosbrugger -- The Lifestyle of the Pleiadians from Planet ERRA Elisabeth Moosbrugger -- Overpopulation

October 28, '95 Christina Gasser -- On Love . . . Hans G. Lanzendorfer -- Religion vs. Aspirations, or rather, Evolution

Where: Restaurant Freihof, Schmidrti Presentations begin at precisely 2:00 p.m. Entrance fee SFr. 7.00 (FIGU members pay a reduced entrance fee when presenting a valid FIGU pass) We remind everyone that the Freihof mandates food consumption in its restaurant. A study group will meet in the Semjase-Silver-Star-Center at 8:00 p.m. on Saturdays with presentations; all interested Passive-Group members are cordially invited.

FIGU.org [1]

FIGU Bulletin 003

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations

FIGU Bulletin Volume: 1 FIGU Bulletin Number: 3 FIGU Bulletin Date: June 1995 (English edition: December 1995) Author: Billy Meier Translator(s): Heidi Peters Date of Translation: Unknown


FIGU Bulletin 3 Translation

Close Encounters
by Michael Uyttebroek, Canada Over the last decade there has been an increasing interest in ufology. Numerous movies and television programs have captured the imaginations of millions. E.T., Communion, Aliens, Star Trek, X-Files, just to mention a few,

FIGU Bulletin 003 have depicted alien life forms from benign and benevolent to downright nasty. Each year there are thousands of reports of UFO sightings worldwide. Many books are currently available that cover popular topics such as the crop circles, alien abductions, the "Little Greys", government cover-ups, etc. We are being presented with a great deal of information that seems to indicate the existence of extraterrestrial life. Subsequently, we are seeing a growing percentage of people who believe they are real, or at best are willing to consider that possibility. No matter how unsettling or intriguing the thought of a shared universe may be, up until now we have been given very little conclusive evidence. It would seem that for the most part, what we have encountered is nothing more than a hoax, fraud, natural phenomenon or the product of self-delusion. Yet despite all the false claims, occasionally a case comes along that baffles even the most skeptic of minds. Even more rarely is there a case that provides us with so much physical evidence that one cannot simply discard it without further investigation. One such case is that of Eduard "Billy" Meier, a Swiss farmer who claims to have taken over 1,000 "posed" color photographs of saucer-like "beamships", taken film footage of fantastic flight maneuvers on 8 occasions, been given metal samples by the E.T.s for the specific purpose of scientific analysis, made sound recordings of the "unshielded" ships and claims to have ongoing contacts with human beings who say they come from the Pleiades. As can be expected, his story has been met with a great deal of resistance. Debunkers and critics alike have been busily at work for nearly 2 decades trying to expose him. Ridicule and enmity are not strangers to Billy who, as of 1994, had suffered no less than 13 assassination attempts. Fame could certainly not be his motive. On the other hand, there have been those who have given him the benefit of the doubt and have listened to his story with an open mind. One such person has been the noted scientist, Dr. Marcel Vogel, research chemist for IBM for 22 years; inventor of coating systems for hard discs and a pioneer in liquid crystal displays. Using an electron microscope, he was able to study one of Billy's metal samples which was said to be a piece from the "beamship's" hull in the third of seven stages of processing. In his metallurgical analysis, he was able to determine that it possessed some very unusual properties; rare elements, including thulium and rhenium, had been bonded together in a non-electrical cold fusion synthesis, a process still unknown on earth today. He commented: ". . . I cannot explain the metal sample. By any known combination of material I could not put it together myself, as a scientist. With any technology that I know of, we could not achieve this on this planet . . ." Work intensive analysis by numerous scientists on the metal fragments, sound recordings and photographs coupled along with extensive investigations headed by world renowned ufologist Lt. Col. Wendelle C. Stevens (retired), could not reveal any indications of falsification or fraud. If Billy is who he claims to be then what is really going on? While some scientists are occupying themselves sending radio messages into the depths of space hoping to get a response, the answer could be right here at our doorstep. According to Billy, he has been in contact with the E.T.s ever since he was 5 years old. His most important contacts began in Hinwil, Switzerland, on January 28, 1975, and lasted through until Jan. 28, 1986. As a result of these contacts much of his physical evidence was acquired. He says he serves as a spokesperson for the Pleiadians and their allies and conveys to us important messages, teachings and warnings by the E.T.s. He emphasizes the point that it is not his task nor his mission to convince us into believing him. Although Billy Meier's story sounds like it has the makings for a great Hollywood sci-fi, it also bears an ominous ring. Are we prepared to cross that threshold between fantasy and fact? His slides and photographs are some of the clearest and most astonishing of their kind, sometimes depicting multiple "beamships" below the horizon line or close-ups that are so awesome that a person just cannot help but wonder, "What if this is real?"


FIGU Bulletin 003


US Law and UFOs -- The Federal Register

In FIGU Bulletin No. 1 the existence of a law in America was briefly mentioned which states that, under certain circumstances, anyone can be punished for having contacts with extraterrestrial intelligences. The law, its interpretations and explanations, dated July 16, 1969, are listed in the FEDERAL REGISTER, Volume 34, Number 135, pages 11961-12008, Washington, D.C. Some dear friends in America have sent us photocopies of this extensive law and we are therefore able to publish it here. Take into consideration, however, that the law deals not only with extraterrestrials but other matters too that pertain to Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space. Nonetheless, this law states that anyone living in the USA or falling under the jurisdiction of American law, who comes in contact with extraterrestrials without immediately reporting this to the US Space agency NASA, is subject to punishment by this law. When the individual does comply with the law, that person is put under "quarantine" for an indefinite period, which is nothing more than a detainment or an arrest, respectively, for purposes of examination and decontamination from possible harmful bacteria (bacillus, microbes, viruses) through his or her exposure to extraterrestrials who arrived from alien planets or outer space. The official position is that this law serves to protect Earth and its human inhabitants, animals and plants from extraterrestrial diseases and epidemics, which is not necessarily inappropriate by the way. Unofficially, yet secretly, this law allows for the tightest control over anyone who comes in contact with extraterrestrials, and puts a stranglehold on any private relationships of this type; if contacts are already taking place, at best, the law restricts them almost completely or, at worst, thwarts them altogether. The fact that this law actually exists raises the question of why the numerous UFO contactees in USA have not long since disappeared from view and ended up in quarantine, because the Americans are normally not known for their leniency when it comes to someone not abiding by their laws. Mention must also be made in this context that the Americans scrutinize all facts prior to a person's arrest. The contention then is that there exist no authentic contactees among the countless alleged UFO contactees. For this reason the would-be contactees must now become simply classified as what they truly are, namely, wanna-be-contactees who have made themselves a big name in UFO circles and among gullible UFO believers. The names Adamski, Bell, Michalek and many others come to mind here. Here, then, is the law: TITLE 14 -- AERONAUTICS AND SPACE Chapter V - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Part 1204 - Administrative Authority and Jurisdiction Sub-Section #5 - Delegation and Designation Extraterrestrial Contact Part 1204.509 has been added and contains the following information: 1204.509 Jurisdiction and Authority -- to execute the authority in connection with extraterrestrial contact. (a) Delegation. The Vice-Administrator for Manned Space Flight and the Vice-Administrator for Space Science and Application are hereby authorized to execute the administrative responsibility within their specific programs according to Part 1211.104(a) of this chapter, which is limited by restrictions in part 1211 of this chapter. (b) Delegation of Authority. This authority may possibly be delegated to subordinate official persons with suitable jurisdiction for transferred delegation. (c) Reporting. Those persons to whom any jurisdiction in this department has been delegated, will ascertain that the Administrator is fully informed via the official routing, and is up to date on vital activities, problems or other important matters in connection with the delegated jurisdiction. T.O. PAINE Administrator [F.R. Doc. 69-8474; submitted on July 15 1969, 10:56 a.m.] Federal Register; Vol. 34, No. 135 - Wednesday, July 16, 1969 Part 1211.100

FIGU Bulletin 003 PART 1211 --EXTRATERRESTRIAL EXPOSURE New Part 1211 is added, reading as follows: Sec. 1211.100 Scope 1211.101 Applicability 1211.102 Definitions 1211.103 Authority 1211.104 Policy 1211.105 Relationship with Departments of Health, Education, and Welfare and Agriculture 1211.106 Cooperation with States, territories, and possessions 1211.107 Court or other process 1211.108 Violations AUTHORITY: Secs. 203, 304, 72 Stat. 429, 433; 42 U.S.C. 2455, 2456, 2473); 18 U.S.C. 799; Art. IX, TLAS 6347 (18 UST 2416). Source 34 FR 11975, July 16, 1969, unless otherwise noted. 1211.100 Scope This part establishes: (a) NASA policy, responsibility and authority to guard the Earth against any harmful contamination or adverse changes in its environment resulting from personnel, spacecraft and other property returning to the Earth after landing on or coming within the atmospheric envelope of a celestial body; and (b) security requirements, restrictions and safeguards that are necessary in the interest of the national security. 1211.101 Applicability The provision of this part apply to all NASA manned and unmanned space missions which land on or come within the atmospheric envelope of a celestial body and return to the Earth. 1211.102 Definitions (a) "NASA" and the "Administrator" mean, respectively, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration or his authorized representative (see 1204.509 of this chapter). (b) "Extraterrestrially exposed" means the state or condition of any person, property, animal or other form of life or matter whatever, who or which has: (1) Touched directly or come within the atmospheric envelope of any other celestial body; or (2) Touched directly or been in close proximity to (or been exposed indirectly to) any person, property, animal or other form of life or matter who or which has been extraterrestrially exposed by virtue of paragraph (b)(1) of this section. For example, if person or thing "A" touches the surface of the Moon, and on "A's" return to the Earth, "B" touches "A" and, subsequently, "C" touches "B", all of these -- "A" through "C" inclusive -- would be extraterrestrially exposed ("A" and "B" directly; "C" indirectly). (c) "Quarantine" means the detention, examination and decontamination of any person, property, animal or other form of life or matter whatever that is extraterrestrially exposed and including the apprehension or seizure of such person, property, animal or other form of life or matter whatever. (d) "Quarantine period" means a period of consecutive calendar days as may be established in accordance with 1211.104 (a). (e) "United States" means the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa and any other territory or possession of the United States, and in a territorial sense all places and waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. 1211.103 Authority (a) Sections 203 and 304 of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2473, 2455 and 2456).


FIGU Bulletin 003 (b) 18 U.S.C. 799 (c) Article IX, Outer Space Treaty, TLAS 6347 (18 UST 2416). (d) NASA Management Instructions 1052.90 and 8020.13. 1211.104 Policy (a) Administrative actions. The Administrator or his designee as authorized by 1204.509 of this chapter shall in his discretion: (1) Determine the beginning and duration of a quarantine period with respect to any space mission: the quarantine period as it applies to various life forms will be announced. (2) Designate in writing quarantine officers to exercise quarantine authority. (3) Determine that a particular person, property, animal, or other form of life or matter whatever is extraterrestrially exposed and quarantine such person, property, animal, or other form of life or matter whatever. The quarantine may be based only on a determination, with or without the benefit of a hearing, that there is probable cause to believe that such person, property, animal or other form of life or matter whatever is extraterrestrially exposed. (4) Determine within the United States or within vessels or vehicles of the United States the place, boundaries, and rules of operation of necessary quarantine stations. (5) Provide for guard services by contract or otherwise, as may be necessary to maintain security and inviolability of quarantine stations and quarantined persons, property, animals, or other form of life or matter whatever. (6) Provide for the subsistence, health, and welfare of persons quarantined under the provisions of this part. (7) Hold such hearings at such times, in such manner and for such purposes as may be desirable or necessary under this part, including hearings for the purpose of creating a record for use in making any determination under this part or for the purpose of reviewing any such determination. (8) Cooperate with the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and the Department of Agriculture in accordance with the provisions of 1211.105. (9) Take such other actions as may be prudent or necessary and which are consistent with this part. (b) Quarantine (1) During any period of announced quarantine, the property within the posted perimeter of the Lunar Receiving Laboratory at the Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Tex., in designated as the NASA Lunar Receiving Laboratory Quarantine Station. (2) Other quarantine stations may be established if determined necessary as provided in paragraph (a) (4) of this section. (3) During any period of announced quarantine, no person shall enter or depart from the limits of any quarantine station without permission of the cognizant NASA quarantine officer. During such period, the posted perimeter of a quarantine station shall be secured by armed guard. (4) Any person who enters the limits of any quarantine station during the quarantine period shall be deemed to have consented to the quarantine of his person if it is determined that he is or has become extraterrestrially exposed. (5) At the earliest practicable time, each person who is quarantined by NASA shall be given a reasonable opportunity to communicate by telephone with legal counsel or other persons of his choice. 1211.105 Relationship with Departments of Health, Education, and Welfare and Agriculture. (a) If either the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare or the Department of Agriculture exercises its authority to quarantine an extraterrestrially exposed person, property, animal, or other form of life or matter whatever, NASA will, except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, not exercise the authority to quarantine that same person, property, animal, or other form of life or matter whatever. In such cases, NASA will offer to these departments the use of the Lunar Receiving Laboratory Quarantine Station and such other service, equipment,


FIGU Bulletin 003 personnel, and facilities as may be necessary to ensure an effective quarantine. (b) If neither the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare or the Department of Agriculture exercises its quarantine authority, NASA shall exercise the authority to quarantine an extraterrestrially exposed person, property, animal or other form of life or matter whatever. In such cases, NASA will inform these departments of such quarantine action and, in addition, may request the use of such service, equipment, personnel and facilities of other Federal departments and agencies as may be necessary to ensure an effective quarantine. (c) NASA shall quarantine NASA astronauts and other NASA personnel as determined necessary and all NASA property involved in any space mission. 1211.106 Cooperation with States, territories and possessions. Actions taken in accordance with the provisions of this part shall be exercised in cooperation with the applicable authority of any State, territory, possession or any political subdivision thereof. 1211.107 Court or other process (a) NASA officers and employees are prohibited from discharging from the limits of a quarantine station any quarantined person, property, animal or other form of life or matter whatever during order or other request, order or demand an announced quarantine period in compliance with a subpoena, show cause of any court or other authority without the prior approval of the General Counsel and the Administrator (b) Where approval to discharge a quarantined person, property, animal or other form of life or matter whatever in compliance with such a request, order or demand of any court or other authority is not given, the person to whom it is directed shall, if possible, appear in court or before the other authority and respectfully state his inability to comply, relying for his action upon this 1211.107. 1211.108 Violations Whoever, willfully violates, attempts to violate, or conspires to violate any provision of this part or any regulation or order issued under this part or who enters or departs from the limits of any quarantine station in disregard of the quarantine rules or regulations or without permission of the NASA quarantine officer shall be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned not more than 1 year, or both (18 U.S.C. 799). CNO Executive Panel Advisory Committee Closed Meeting Pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (6 U.S.C. App. 2), notice is hereby given that the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Executive Panel Advisory Committee Technology Surprise Task Force will meet February 15-16, 1990, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day, in Los Alamos, New Mexico. All sessions will be closed to the public. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the possibility of unexpected technological breakthroughs that vastly change combat capabilities. The entire agenda of the meeting will consist of discussions of key issues regarding the potential for unexpected technology breakthroughs that could have an acute impact on naval and other military forces. These matters constitute classified information that is specifically kept secret in the interest of national defense and is, in fact, properly classified pursuant to such Executive Order. Accordingly, the Secretary of the Navy has determined in writing that the public interest requires that all sessions of the meeting be closed to the public because they will be concerned with matters limited in section 552b(c)(1) of title 5, United States Code. For further information concerning this meeting contact Faye Buckman, Secretary to the CNO Executive Panel Advisory Committee, 4402 Ford Avenue, room 001, Alexandria, Virginia 22302-0208, Phone (703) 756-1205. Effective date: In light of the Apollo 11 space mission and the need to guard the Earth against extraterrestrial contamination, it is hereby determined that compliance with section 553 of Title 5 of the United States Code is impracticable and contrary to the public interest; therefore, the provisions of this Part 1211 are effective upon publication in the FEDERAL REGISTER. T.O. Paine,


FIGU Bulletin 003 Administrator (F.R., Doc 69-8473; Filed, July 15, 1969, 10:56 a.m.)


UFO in South Africa

At the end of April '95, Mr. Ed D. Mller from Venterstad, South Africa, sent us the following translation of a newspaper clipping which appeared in the Afrikaanse Sonntagzeitung Rapport on April 2nd, 1995. 'Alien flying object lands to repair hole in its hull, says farmer' An alien flying object that had the entire region in turmoil this week with its colorful capers in the sky above the northern provinces could easily perform its maneuvers, it seems, even though it was dented and required a major repair job. When a local farmer from Groot Marico in the western Transvaal plains region first observed the saucer-shaped object on Thursday morning, he noticed that it had a distinctly visible hole in its hull. The farmer, Mr. Jan Pienaar (45), is of the opinion that this "vehicle" landed on a remote country road between Coligny and Brakspruit to have its damaged hull repaired. However, his arrival probably prompted the "vehicle's" hasty retreat and rapid ascent into the sky. Mr. Pienaar stated that his near head-on collision with the alien flying craft from space was something very extraordinary for him, and that he would not forget this event for the rest of his life. He had difficulty describing the sensation of complete perplexity during his 3-4 minute encounter. Pienaar explained: "It was about 8:30 a.m. when I came around a curve in the road and saw a black man shielding his face with his arm as though he wanted to ward off something. At that exact moment the engine of my brand new, small truck stopped. I looked up and saw the most incredible sight: Roughly 80 meters [240 feet] on the road in front of me stood the huge craft that rested on three landing pods. It extended over the entire width of the road and was about 8-9 meters [24-36'] high. The entire unit was translucent and lustrous as though it had been fabricated from a type of stainless steel. It had the form of two inverted soup plates with a pudding bowl on top. It appeared as though this upper level had seven windows or portholes. A red-violet-green-yellow glow emanated from somewhere and illuminated the hull. In the sheen of the light I was able to recognize that the flying craft had problems because there was a dent with a hole of a little less than 2 feet on the seam around the edge. I could not see any beings in the vicinity, only the strange craft which buzzed like a gigantic electric beater. I got out of my small truck but suddenly I could not make another step. It was as though a magnet held me on the same spot. I stood like this for three to four minutes when the craft suddenly rose into the air. First it lifted up like a helicopter high into the sky, then it sped like lightening on a course toward heaven." Mr. Pienaar told us that it took some time before he regained his senses, and when he got into his truck and turned on the ignition, the engine immediately started up again. After this incident he continued to look for the black man whom he had noticed previously because he wondered what had become of him. All he could see were the old man's tailcoats flapping in the wind as he hastily peddled his bicycle down the dusty road. From a nearby farm, Pienaar called the police and was told that the alien flying object apparently had been observed previously the night before in various locations above the northern provinces. Thirty minutes after the phone call, Mr. Pienaar drove back to the spot where he had experienced his incident with the flying craft. This time he was accompanied by Mr. Chap Smit, a farmer from the region. They stopped the truck on the spot where Pienaar had seen the flying object and exited the car. The ground on the landing site was scorching hot to the touch and could have easily burned a person's hand. There was a strange lingering odor in the air -- almost like chloroform. The old, black man had disappeared in the meantime and there was no sign of him anywhere.

FIGU Bulletin 003


Questions From Our Readers

On page 41 of his book Existing Life in the Universe, Billy claims that it is impossible to observe satellites between the hours of 10 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. at a height of 20-40 km [12-24 miles], because they do not fly as low as this and because the Earth is situated at this time within the core shadow of the sun's light. "An acquaintance of mine had this claim researched by the Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany, and received the reply that this is incorrect, because the umbra would no longer reach the satellites. They would be visible under all circumstances at this time." Answer: If one examines the statement made by the Max-Planck-Institute, one comes to the conclusion that this question is either unintentional nonsense to produce an irrational and silly reaction to my book, or else there is a misunderstanding on the part of the individual posing the question, or the Max-Planck-Institute. Here are the facts: Neither satellites that glow nor those that blink can be seen at heights of twelve (12) to twenty-four (24) miles, for the simple reason that there are no satellites which orbit the Earth at such low altitudes. Although I am not a space engineer, my general education tells me that satellites fly at a minimum orbital altitude of at least 140 kilometers [87 miles]. Therefore, if the Max-Planck- Institute is said to claim that one can observe satellites at an altitude of 20-40 kilometers between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m., it is an untrue statement against all better knowledge. I believe, therefore, that this reply did not originate with the Max-Planck-Institute, but with a wanna-be informed individual who does not understand the situation yet wants to make himself look important. Billy Why are the FIGU books so expensive? Answer: The price for written FIGU material is absolutely appropriate; in fact, when their content and the number of pages are considered, they are as a rule cheaper than other books of the same caliber sold in the book stores. Hence, the claim that the books are too expensive is unjustified. If FIGU members were to calculate all the time and cost involved in compiling each pamphlet and book, they would have to charge a lot more. In general, however, FIGU loses money with every book/pamphlet publication because their prices are calculated at self-cost which, on the whole, then becomes as high as it is because FIGU can only produce several hundred, at the most 3,000 copies at a time. This contributes to an increase in the printed material's production costs. Nonetheless, FIGU sells the books at prices that are typically on par with the regular book trade or even lower. Billy Why are the Spirit Lessons so expensive? Answer: One issue of the Spirit Lessons comprising four Teaching Letters costs SFr. 40.00 plus shipping and handling. All study members know that the entire content of the lessons is coded. This coding is a labor of gigantic proportions and the time involved for writing and the "brainstorming" of one issue requires an entire month, thus about thirty days. The production costs of the teaching letters must be calculated as well because they are extremely high due to the fact that we can print only 500 editions at one time. The time involved for the preparations of an issue for its final stapling takes another three to four weeks, and is frequently achieved through drudgery until two or three in the morning, a time when the study members are already sleeping and enjoying sweet dreams, without considering even that what immense financial and labor-intensive requirements lie behind each text. Furthermore, the study members usually do not remember that the Core Group members can hardly ever enjoy any time off because the production of texts and books keeps them continuously on the run, even at times when they have to go to their regular job the next morning in order to make a living and furnish money to cover the unpaid expenses of the Mission, which the membership fees do not pay for in any manner, shape or form. Billy Why is there such mystery surrounding the Spirit Lessons, and why cannot everyone simply buy them; or why are they not sold through printing houses and book stores? And why is it so important to think during the Spirit Lessons -- is this more important than making a "gut decision"? One cannot be enlightened only through thinking.

FIGU Bulletin 003 Answer: One of the most important reasons for not making the Spirit Lessons accessible to simply anyone is the fact that certain individuals, due to their inadequate thinking capabilities, believe the gut can be tapped instead of the brain and, thereupon, they apparently have the ability to "think" and act by this reasoning ability. Unfortunately, anyone whose brain has dropped into his or her trousers -- even if it did get stuck above the belt -- cannot be "enlightened" because it is a well-known fact that the gut has neither intelligence nor reasoning powers or judgment, not even among those irresponsible people who surmise that they are capable of "thinking and deciding with the gut". The Spirit Lessons are truly not intended for such people, for the content and knowledge presented within them is too precious to serve as fodder for those who cannot recognize the lessons' true value or bear the required responsibility that comes with them. The Spirit Lessons are intended for people who have found this path in their quest for the truth from their own, genuine, self-achieved responsibility toward all life. They think with their brains not from their gut, which has no intelligence, rationale or reasoning ability. Unfortunately, we of FIGU cannot always avoid mailing printed material and some incompetent black sheep may gain access to the Spirit Lessons in spite of our attentiveness and selectiveness, for we are neither all-knowing nor faultless ourselves. And yet, maybe even the black sheep without intelligence should realize that "gut decisions" are pure nonsense, and that thinking only can advance a person's evolution. Anyone who is unable to think because (s)he possesses insufficient intelligence, reasoning powers and judgment or refuses to think in order to evolve merely from reasons of egoism, imperiousness or pure stupidity, must be pitied in every possible way. From ancient times onward proof has been evident that the thinking process alone, in concert with intelligence, powers of reason and judgment, advanced terrestrial Man to his current evolutionary level. Only madmen or fools cannot understand this, for in all likelihood they have failed to encounter the situation. Still, it was not always merely the great thinkers, such as the philosophers and others, who used their brain to think and progress, for the "man in the street" has done so as well. However, he always had to defend his ideas and thoughts against madmen, fools and dummies, who hold the pathologically stupid opinion that a person can "think and decide from the gut". This breed of human being, the "homo mente captus", exists even today, as is demonstrated by the person posing this question, which is intended to be taken deadly serious and not as a joke, according to the reader who sent the letter. Such questions make lengthy explanations redundant as to why the Spirit Lessons are not sold in bookstores by way of commercial publishing houses. Billy A reproachful inquiry directed at FIGU: What happens to all the money Passive Group members pay? Answer: This question is actually an outrageous impertinence considering that each May, at the time of each annual Passive Group General Assembly, FIGU presents, in absolute propriety, the annual tabulation and calculations of the entire monies received and their use, as is demanded by Swiss law. Therefore it is logical that the annual tabulations are checked by two tax accountants, and equally logical that an independent trust company monitors the data presented and fills out the forms for the tax authorities so that FIGU can pay its taxes and abide by the prescribed letter of the law. In order to fully comply with its duty, FIGU publishes the annual tabulations every year in the June edition of the Wassermannzeit, which is distributed throughout the entire FIGU domain that consists of Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Russia, Canada, USA, Japan and South America -- in other words, throughout the world wherever FIGU is known and its material disseminated. For this reason, the above question is an insolent impertinence beyond compare, and it matters little whether it was raised by the faultfinding wife of a Passive Group member or by the member himself. It does raise the question, however, why this member is a part of FIGU in the first place? Billy One must believe in UFOs and such matters because one cannot verify the authenticity of the claims.


FIGU Bulletin 003 Answer: This question-cum-statement was generated by the same source as all of the previous questions. The mental attitude of the person raising the question must really be questioned here. Considering the fact that FIGU and I have always pointed out that nobody should believe anything, not even from me, Billy. This person undoubtedly does not have both oars in the water. Our teachings state that all human beings must think for themselves and, thus, discover the truth for themselves. This process can only be achieved through the individuals' own genuine thinking processes, whereby they find the truth within themselves. To this end, they must activate their intelligence, powers of reason and judgment -- and these factors can only be found in the brain -- not in the gut with which certain madmen and fools want to "think and decide". As is often the case, there is possible concern that such questions are only posed to arouse a provocation, in the belief that through them a person can have contact with the extraterrestrials, because that person is "so clever" and asks such "super intelligent" questions, or else, because (s)he simply feels predestined for it in his/her own megalomania. This can be gleaned from the last question-statement, which asserts that some people are simply repeating, parrot-fashion, Billy's statements without knowing anything about them; without having had their own true experiences or anything else to investigate for themselves. Well then, FIGU devotees, wherever they may be, know I always insist upon pointing out that people should not simply repeat like a parrot anything I say, but they must ponder these matters, to think for themselves and ultimately come to their own conclusions. Whoever claims the contrary is simply a liar, regardless of who that person may be. Furthermore, humans can only call such knowledge intrinsic after struggling to find it for themselves. This applies also to experiences that may ultimately result from this knowledge, as every student of the spiritual teachings knows who has previously reviewed the pertinent lessons. Once these individuals have experienced their knowledge they are also able to investigate it. This in turn results in the fact that every human being must gain for him- or herself all observations, realizations, insights, all knowledge, all events, experiences and their appropriate scrutiny, because this is the only possible path in which to do so. Billy


Stigmatization -- The Wounds of Christ

The stigmatization phenomenon, during which the wounds of Christ materialize as bleeding wounds on the back and palms of the persons' hands, as well as their loins, insteps, possibly also on their forehead, the head (from the crown of thorns) or on their backs (traces from flagellations), is a form of religious-sectarian manifestations of self-flagellation based on a psychogenic effect. This signifies that human beings who suffer from a stigma are ensnared in their religious-sectarian belief structure to the extent that the psyche rebels in a form whereby the bleeding wounds actually appear on the body and elsewhere. This occurs in the identical manner in which the religious-sectarian believer envisions the "wounds of Christ" to be, according to the examples presented in countless paintings of saints, along with various representations in Christian churches and so forth. The truthfulness of this statement is demonstrated by the fact that all stigmatized people display these wounds on their hands or the palms of their hands, respectively, just as they were depicted and presented on paintings and statements by the Church. Albeit they are fundamentally wrong. The fact is, it was extremely uncommon in those days for crucified individuals to be nailed to a cross with 8" to 10" long, handcrafted nails. Such cases were rare indeed because the doomed victims were usually tied to the cross. "Nailed" individuals, as they were called in those days, were nailed to the cross by their wrists. In other words, no nails were driven through the palms of the victim's hands but always, and without exception, through the wrists only, a fact which was falsified by the Churches and all their sects since time immemorial. Paintings and assertions have incorrectly rendered this information, and even the faithful today believe that Jmmanuel (who is falsely identified as Jesus Christ) was crucified with nails driven through the palms of his hands. This statement and falsification of facts holds no truth whatsoever, for even with Jmmanuel nails were driven through his wrists. This practice of nailing through the wrists was performed because the nailed victims' own bodyweight (in contrast with those who were tied to the cross) would have ripped them from the y-shaped structure

FIGU Bulletin 003 since the palms and backs of their hands, that is, the hands in general, were too frail to hold the nailed person's weight for any length of time. It also becomes clear that, by way of their psyche and their consciousness, these self-generated wounds of Christ manifest themselves in the same way and in the same place the stigmatized individuals envision them to be -- even though the manifestations fail to correspond to the actual truth in any way. Christian religion-influenced stigmatizations must be taken for what they truly are, namely, religioussectarian Christian materializations of psychogenic origin which influence all material substances; indeed, they can cause blood to flow upward instead of downward as would be the case according to the laws of physics. Likewise, hammer blows may be observed, indeed heard, as the wounds manifest on the person's hands and feet. The facts are plain and offer proof that physical matter is not the driving force here but, instead, the powers of the consciousness and the spirit, whereby it is not the Creational spirit that is at work during stigmatizations but the individual's material-consciousness, in conjunction with the psyche, which generate the fundamental forces within the person. As a rule, stigmatized persons are deeply religious, even sectarian, and they claim that God or the "Savior" afflicts them with the wounds and pain, so to speak as a token of his love, etc. How bloody a God or "Savior" it would be who tortures his faithful with such acts! Unfortunately the religious-sectarian delusion of the faith in Man knows no bounds, however, and such inadequate, idiotic claims will continue to spread, thereby influencing the faithful and luring them from the path of reason and reality. The following can be said: Whoever allows him- or herself to be influenced by the religious-sectarian nonsense that claims stigmatizations are "a gift from God" or the "Savior" is truly beyond help. May rational individuals live in cognisance of the fact that stigmatization is purely the human, psychogenic handiwork of those people who have fallen prey to stigmatization, from which they could liberate themselves if only they were to put aside their religious-sectarian thinking and feeling, and live according to bona fide reality. While in their psychogenic condition, strongly stigmatized individuals are also capable of experiencing visions of living in the past, which enable them to register and define actual events from Jmmanuel's crucifixion. Furthermore, while in this state, they may be able to accurately describe the local sites, mores and customs from Jmmanuel's days; indeed, they may even have the capability to speak his or other ancient languages, which they achieve through the pertinent Akashic Records as well as through the terrestrial, human sub-consciousness-collective. It is therefore totally erroneous to view all of these matters from a "God perspective", as though God had wanted and caused all of this. This unreal view of the world must finally be revised so we may realize that forces are active within Man's consciousness which are quite capable of influencing matter and moving and producing feats termed "spiritual" even today. Of course there are spiritual worlds and forces beyond the material realm as well, but anything that transpires on the material plane is influenced, produced and guided by the laws within a material plane, i.e., through the level of material-consciousness which has nothing whatsoever to do with the imaginary God who is praised by the faithful as the Creator -- and who truthfully was nothing more than a human being, an extraterrestrial. This God and the material consciousness, which can produce and effect stigmatization and numerous other things, have no direct links whatsoever with the spirit and spiritual powers, let alone Creation itself. All of this is based upon the consciousnesspowers of the material consciousness, and Heaven knows that this is nothing mystical, but something that can be entirely explained through reasoning and judgment, although the faithful view all of this differently and compress it into religious-sectarian, mysterious, inexplicable, paranormal and godly aspects. The result is that for them nothing remains realistic or normal any longer, and reality is intended, therefore, to be understood only with the heart and faith, instead of reason and judgment. As I have previously explained, stigmatization is a psychogenic phenomenon induced by a religioussectarian delusion, whereby the psyche and the consciousness collaborate and trigger the phenomenon. This reaction has nothing to do with auto-suggestion in the prevailing sense, but with a religioussectarian delusional auto-suggestion which normally does not manifest itself externally. It forms within the material consciousness in the depth of the person's unconscious, through religious, delusional beliefs that occur in the conscious and then transfers


FIGU Bulletin 003 itself onto the individual's own unconsciousness as well as the unconsciousness of the psyche, where a delusional dream is produced that wreaks its effects with incredible power in the wakeful state and triggers the stigmatization and delusional visions. These visions may release events and all forms of information with incredible accuracy as though the individual experiencing the vision were standing in the precise location of the event and giving a live report from that vantage point. Billy


Roswell Incident
An inquiry: In FIGU Bulletin No. 1, April '95, an article was printed that reports on a film that purportedly confirms the Roswell Incident. What should one think of it? Answer: In January 1995, a certain Reg Presley announced during a talk show on British television he had seen a video tape which was copied from an old celluloid movie film. The material was said to contain scenes depicting the removal of fragments of a UFO, which had crashed near Corona, NM, and the autopsy of an extraterrestrial being. So far the claims are as unverifiable as the video and movie footage. For this reason, I urgently advise you to take this Roswell film information with a grain of salt, and to wait until the shroud of darkness surrounding this matter has lifted, for it is quite possible that the entire scenario is nothing more than a planned, well-organized hoax, which may be based on the private orchestration of an individual person or a private, military or secret service organization's well-planned disinformation scheme. Judging from the way things look up to now, it appears that the entire phenomenon is a disinformation campaign, executed, as are so many other things, by one (or several) American secret organization(s) with an objective. Time will probably tell what truly is behind all of this. Billy Another inquiry: In the USA a man called Robert Lazar made public appearances and extensively reported on UFOs and dead extraterrestrials he supposedly saw in Area 51 and other areas. What should we think of him? Answer: Here, too, caution is in order because many elements are incorrect regarding his explanations. At least some of his testimonies could be conscious, intentionally-guided disinformation based upon data from certain American organizations. An extremely suspicious fact is that Bob Lazar, as the purported holder of secrets, has been left unharmed by the American security and secret service agencies when he openly speaks about alleged top secret information. This is especially strange in America when we consider how harshly this country deals with traitors. However, to this day Lazar remains unharmed in a similar way as the alleged "Falcon". The voice of reason dictates that care should be taken regarding the statements and claims made by Robert Lazar just as with statements and claims made by "Falcon", the Roswell Incident footage and the like. Many mysteries, particularly those pertaining to American UFO matters, must be viewed with great caution. This applies to purported abductions by UFOs, respectively, extraterrestrials and their brainwashing techniques, as well as alleged animal mutilations by extraterrestrials, etc. etc., which are frequently carried out by certain secret organizations and terrestrial powers of a similar nature and have, truthfully, nothing to do with extraterrestrials. Billy

US Soldier Shoots Extraterrestrial

On May 13, 1978, around 6:15 p.m., the phone rang in my office. When I picked up the receiver, a strong male voice introduced himself as Frederick Herrington from America. He remarked that he had read much about my story and my contacts with the Pleiadians/Plejarans. He asked if I would be interested in hearing a story he could verify, one he simply had to tell someone else. He said he was distressed because he was unable to share it with anyone else. He also stated he was afraid and for this reason he did not want to give me his real name. Normally I am strictly against

FIGU Bulletin 003 anonymity, and I told him so, but he pleaded with me and asked me to first listen to his story before rejecting it. I did as he requested, and after a brief conversation, he provided me with the following information after subsequently divulging his real name, which I cannot reveal now for understandable reasons: "During the night of January 17th to 18th, 1978, on the grounds of Fort Dix, an Army base in New Jersey, where I was stationed as a member of the US Armed Forces, I observed a guard driving his jeep while on patrol duty as I was exercising my legs a short distance from a building, the way I frequently did at night. Suddenly I noticed thirteen glowing, disk-shaped flying objects quite close to the ground. One of these objects separated itself from the formation and eased downward to earth. It hovered only a few yards above the ground whereupon a bright, shimmering, multicolored beam dropped down from it. The shimmering light beam seemed to vibrate as a human figure suddenly descended in the beam until it stood on the street. With high-beam headlights blazing, the guard sped in his jeep toward the figure and stopped only a few yards from it. In the headlights I could see that this being had a brownish-grey skin color and I estimated it to be only about 3'10" - 4' tall. It appeared very exotic but totally peaceful and was obviously of extraterrestrial origin, just like the UFO above. The being had exceptionally large eyes, very long arms and an extremely thin body. "Somehow I felt terrified and the guard must have felt the same way. He stared motionless at the alien being, raised his eyes upward toward the UFO and then glanced at the 12 glowing objects in the sky. Suddenly he jumped from his vehicle, pulled his weapon from its holster and felled the alien being with 5 shots without a warning, without calling out or without giving any other orders. Bleeding, the being instantly collapsed without a sound, and fell dead to the ground. Immediately after the shots were fired, the UFO sped upward and joined the formation of the 12 other craft, all of which then streaked into the night sky with a strange, buzzing noise. Suddenly the objects were gone. "I was totally dumbfounded and it took me a while before I comprehended everything. I threw myself flat on the ground to hide because several military vehicles with bright headlights were racing toward my location. From my meager hideout I was able to observe how they picked up the dead being, put it into a vehicle and drove off. Then they searched the area while I quickly disappeared. "As member of the US-Armed Forces I was stationed in Fort Dix with the Air National Guard and I enjoyed wandering around the grounds at night. That's when I had this experience during the night from January 17th to 18th, 1978. I shall never forget it." Billy


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FIGU Bulletin 004


FIGU Bulletin 004

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations

FIGU Bulletin Volume: 1 FIGU Bulletin Number: 4 FIGU Bulletin Date: August 1995 (April 1996 - English Edition) Author: Billy Meier Translator(s): Heidi Peters Date of Translation: Unknown


FIGU Bulletin 4 Translation

The Roswell films remain the conversational topic of the day for everyone, and many interested parties continue to inquire about the authenticity of this movie footage, which consists of several reels. The following must be stated in this regard: The authenticity of the films is questionable and continues to preoccupy the minds of all those who are interested in UFOs. But at the moment no definitive answer can be provided. The movie footage was shown in segments to numerous viewers at the MUSEUM OF LONDON, and their opinions seem to indicate that the films were not merely simple, but downright crude, forgeries. Anyone interested in the topic is therefore advised to follow developments pertaining to the subject matter and accompanying tales with extreme skepticism. Somebody's hasty claim that the Roswell films and their related data and tales are authentic and factual could evoke incredible damage to genuine, truthful ufology should the movie footage, along with its data, turn out to be forgery, trickery and a hoax. Such disclosure could potentially trigger the complete relapse not only of the Roswell initiative -- which is now at the verge of a decisive breakthrough -- but also the entire genuine and ethical ufology field. If indeed the Roswell footage is a forgery, the question must be raised as to who might profit from the forged and fraudulent information and stories . . . ? For the time being, the Roswell films cannot be termed a breakthrough in UFO research because too many questions remain unanswered and too many ludicrous claims have yet to be addressed. Therefore, it would be extremely imprudent and irresponsible to pass judgment on the authenticity of the Roswell footage and its related information. If, for example, forces within the U.S. government and their anti-UFO henchmen were behind the Roswell films in order to strangle the Roswell incident once and for all, and to make it disappear from the general public's memory,

FIGU Bulletin 004 what would be easier than for them to produce fake Roswell-UFO-Extraterrestrial films and to disseminate them along with a creditable story to deceive serious ufologists and to lure them into declaring these forgeries as genuine and authentic? The government forces and their anti-UFO henchmen would then immediately strike back, screaming and exclaiming with great relish: "Now you UFO fools can plainly see that UFOs are mere fantasies and harebrained ideas." It could, therefore, very well be that the UFO henchmen, upon orders from the American government forces, including the Secret Service and the military, are falsifying purported Roswell documentaries and are offering them as being authentic to some greedy fools; conversely, they may be bringing them to the public's attention through some straw men merely to have the movie footage exposed as a forgery later on. Yet another alternative may be that the footage is nothing more than a purported military exercise film, for example, depicting a simulated UFO crash to test the reactions of military personnel. For now it is prudent to apply the appropriate skepticism to matters relating to the Roswell movie footage. Alternatively, if the authenticity of the films is proven, then they must be accorded their true importance. Until this occurs however, and as long as justified doubts exist regarding the authenticity of the films, prudence is appropriate here. Kent Jeffrey, the international coordinator of the Roswell Initiative and author of the Roswell Declaration, is of the same opinion. He is considered one of the most credible UFO researchers in the world and is a specialist on the Roswell Incident. In a statement, Jeffrey, who has seen the Roswell films, or rather segments of them, in the MUSEUM OF LONDON, declared the following among other things: ". . . To begin with I would like to categorically stress that there exists not one shadow of doubt that this film is a hoax. At the same time I want to add that I would be delighted to be among the first to hear that the impossible had become reality and that this film, against all probability, is genuine. If this were the case, researchers would finally hold in their hands the Holy Grail of vital proof required to crack the Roswell Incident." Of course, there remain other avenues by which the Roswell films can be forged: One is in the purely private sector, where some charlatans get their kicks out of making fools of the ufologists and the general public, or else, they simply ridicule the existence of UFOs and legitimate ufologists. Another possibility is commercial fraud in order to gain financial profit from the Roswell footage through lies and deceit. At this point it is impossible to state with any degree of certainty that the footage is forged because there still exists the chance that the films are authentic and, indeed, actually depict an extraterrestrial human life form on the autopsy table. This scenario would certainly prove extremely delightful, for it would finally provide solid evidence that extraterrestrials do indeed exist, and it would finally silence the gloating and defamatory mouths of the pathological UFO defamers and other anti-UFO agitators. Unfortunately, as far as the Roswell films are concerned, the best assumption is that until further notice they are well-manipulated forgeries with the intent to deliberately harm others or to profit from them in some dirty, despicable manner. Let us, therefore, play a wait-andsee- game so we can observe what surprises the future may hold regarding the Roswell films. Further detailed information on the Roswell footage can be found in the Voice of the Aquarian Age, #96, September 1995.


In 1994 I spent a few days at the FIGU Center in Hinterschmidrti to attend the Passive- Group General Assembly with my mother, who had taken several vacation days to make this Swiss trip so I could serve my workday requirement. In the evening, after the General Assembly, I was strolling from the Center back to the Gasthof Freihof to see whether or not my mother had arrived yet, and to let her know that I was going to remain somewhat longer in Hinterschmidrti. Upon my return to the Center I observed something I have not yet, with 100% certainty, been able to explain to myself. As I walked across the parking lot I noticed Mrs. Elisabeth Moosbrugger. She was standing at the edge of the parking lot that overlooks the hillside, gazing toward the valley. When I greeted her she glanced at me somewhat startled and reacted strangely probably because, I suspect, she was unfamiliar with my face and my name. At that

FIGU Bulletin 004 exact moment, a soundless, glowing object suddenly shot past, very close to the Center, and flashed through the valley. Now it was my turn to be surprised, and at the same time I was fearful that I might miss something. I ran to the Center where some people were calmly having their meals and lively conversations. None of them had apparently seen anything nor were they aware of the glowing object I had just seen. Of course I have attempted to find a normal explanation for the events I had observed. First of all it is not normal for a glowing, terrestrial object of this sort to fly at such speed and without any sound. Secondly, it is abnormal for the average citizens not to know anything about such objects. -- The object's glow could not have been a reflection, because everything looked totally different from the way it would have had it been a reflection. The glow was absolutely constant and could be observed throughout the object's entire flight path. The sun was no longer bright enough to create this effect, and even if this had been somehow possible, how was it that the reflection was able to move or rather shoot across the valley at such great speed? Indeed, the angle of the sun's rays was totally incongruous with what it would have to have been to create this phenomenon. And then there was the line of flight that was far too dangerous a path for any normal flying craft such as an airplane, a helicopter or the like. To fly in such a manner would certainly have been unlawful. Well, regardless of what the mysterious, glowing flying object was, to me it will always be a UFO because I was unable to identify it then, and have not been able to do so even today. -- Maybe some day I will be able to explain everything -- that it was an IFO, an Interplanetary Flying Object, or simply an Identified Flying Object. Harry Dicker, Netherlands



Two Young Pranksters Dupe Renowned UFO Researchers Typically MUFON: So-called "UFO Specialists" and renowned "UFO Researchers", who truthfully are mere "wannabe glowing stars in the UFO research firmament," allowed themselves to be tricked in every way by two adolescents. The two UFO research luminaries are MUFON Germany associates, Illobrand von Ludwiger and Rolf-Dieter Klein. As we of FIGU have often noticed, it is no wonder that MUFON can be hoodwinked by young and inexperienced rascals, since MUFON is, after all, a "UFO Research Organization", and can only be called this tongue-in-cheek. MUFON, as we all know from past experience, has the idiosyncrasy of being incapable of passing judgment on genuine UFO matters because its specialists are unable to distinguish falsified UFO photos and movie footage from actual, authentic UFO photo and film material. Hence, MUFON continues to habitually declare falsified material as genuine, while assessing authentic UFO pictures, reports, films and other material as being hoaxes. MUFON's incompetence and that of its "UFO researchers" in general or in specific instances, is proven not only by the fact that they label the UFO material as being hoaxy, untrue and fraudulent that I, Billy Meier, have furnished -- even though my material is indeed genuine and my statements are completely true in every way. They have also demonstrated their inadequacy in an incident, which occurred on October 25, 1994, in Fehrenbach, Germany. October 25th, 1994, was a cloudy, slightly windy, somber and murky autumn day in Thuringia, with a temperature of 10C (52F). It was, however, precisely on this day when 13-year-old Karsten had an extraordinary experience. The High School student declared that early in the morning he had been awakened by a deep, yet quiet, buzzing sound. Supposedly at 6:55 a.m. on the dot, he rushed to a window, where he observed with a tingle that a blue, oval object with a crystal-like dome was drifting toward him from a southwesterly direction at an altitude of exactly 150 meters (450'). When he realized in desperation that he did not have a camera on hand, but possessing a clear mind, Karsten ran next door to the neighbors where his 14-year-old schoolfriend Sascha lives and borrowed his Polaroid camera. The two boys alternately pushed the shutter release on the camera before the 8m (24') large object disappeared in northeasterly direction around 7:20 a.m.

FIGU Bulletin 004 MUFON and its "UFO specialists" got wind of this story, and after having "thoroughly" and "very precisely illuminated the matter," etc., Illobrand von Ludwiger, the "UFO expert", came to the conclusion that the statements made by the two adolescents, Karsten and Sascha, contained no contradictions whatsoever. Illobrand von Ludwiger is the 57-year-old head of the German MUFON division and the author of a recently published 500-page book entitled UFOs - Witnesses and Signs (the above story should give the reader an inkling of the book's quality). Ludwiger, who relishes being called the "Ottobrunn DASA expert on active means of deception," declared as early as December 1994, after a 40-day analysis of the Polaroid pictures: "The pictures are authentic!" His MUFON colleague RolfDieter Klein hailed the authenticity of the photos as well but added the query: "The only question is who guided the unusual celestial object." Well then, the banal reality of the story was revealed in April 1995, when creditable inquiries by non-MUFON, neutral UFO phenomena researchers revealed a rather sobering and materially terrestrial solution regarding the Karsten-Sascha-Polaroid photos: During their questioning, the two boys purportedly admitted having purchased a 13cm (5.5") in diameter UFO plastic model at a flea market. Approximately 5m (15') from the front of the camera, they had simply thrown their model into the air and photographed it. The bottom line: This was a prank played by some youngsters. It weighs heavily against MUFON's prestige, credibility, analyses and portrayals. Furthermore, it flies in the face of Rolf-Dieter Klein's maxim: "In the interpretation of UFO photos one must remain open in every way." (Quote from Focus 26/1995).



Reports from America have reached us that THE King of Pop, Michael Jackson, allegedly intends to buy a property in the Southwestern USA for himself and establish a UFO landing site on it! Rumor has it that Jacko was recently informed that Elvis Presley, his dead 'father-in-law', purportedly once observed a UFO above this particular property, and now Jacko assumes that in the future extraterrestrials will also land there -- maybe to pay their respects to the King of Pop himself. Billy


In 1994 it was reported in 'Science' magazine 264 (3421343) that in 1993, during a comparison of two electronically generated infrared pictures taken at an interval of 18 months, a super nova was discovered in the Ursa Major. On its own there is nothing particularly noteworthy and exciting about this event since 20 to 35 of such star, respectively sun, explosions are observed and registered annually in remote galaxies. And yet, observations of the super nova in the Ursa Major suggest something very special is happening here after all, for this discovery was made in the NGC 3690 galaxy, which is enveloped by dense dust clouds, a region where a super nova was previously discovered in 1992. Galaxy NGC 3690 is part of the starburst galaxies category and is located 150 million light years from Earth. Stars/suns have their origins in abnormally large numbers within starburst galaxies, which is contingent upon an unusually high and intensive luminosity. Starburst galaxies are generated through and during a collision between two galaxies. This, at least, is what terrestrial astronomers are assuming; however, there may yet be alternative explanations. Although star, sun and galaxy collisions, respectively, are extremely rare, interstellar gas clouds become compressed and this results in their gravitational collapse and subsequently enormous numbers of massive suns are formed. Such stars/suns develop very rapidly, and their hydrogen supplies are exhausted after tens of millions of years, whereupon they explode and turn into super novae. The collision theory pertaining to the starburst galaxies is impressively confirmed through the observation of these two super novae in one and the same galaxy. Billy

FIGU Bulletin 004



As long ago as the 1970s, when nothing like the 'Hubble' space telescope existed, I stated in my book Existing Life in the Universe, that when released into orbit at the end of the 1980s, this telescope would make unfathomable discoveries in the depths of space. Well, I was ridiculed at that time, for nobody had an inkling then that one day soon the Hubble space telescope would be conceived, constructed and sent aloft. Everything happened as it had been predicted, and from the moment the Hubble began orbiting the Earth, numerous new and astronomically valuable discoveries throughout the vastness of space have been made with it. One of its latest discoveries is the Hubble telescope's witnessing the birth of a star, and the fact that ejected gas clouds expand at a stupendous velocity. With the aid of the Hubble telescope, terrestrial scientists are now able for the first time to study the birth of a new star -- a sun. Scientists reported that the telescope transmitted to Earth exceedingly dramatic pictures of dust and gas. Also, NASA scientists have stated that according to data received from astronomers, the observed event took place approximately 1500 light years from Earth, which would mean that this incident occurred 1500 years ago, even though only now can we see what transpired. It took the light from this remote galaxy 1500 years to travel the distance of 1500 light years to reach our Earth. Photographs produced by the Hubble space telescope show superhot gaseous veils, which eject from this young, developing sun at the immense speed of approximately 500 kilometers (300 miles) per second into space across several billions of kilometers. During this process the gas veils collide with dust and gas. Like glowing monsters, they generate light cascades of the most brilliant colors and radiate over many billions of kilometers. Until now, scientists have viewed these gaseous veils as rare phenomena, but the Hubble telescope pictures reveal that such explosions of energy are completely normal when new suns are born from dust and gas. Young suns, however, have not been observed within the dust and gas clouds from which they develop. Scientists of astronomy view the Hubble photographs as a confirmation of important assumptions they have held regarding their theories on the birth of suns/stars. According to their explanations, stars form from large gas and dust clouds, which began rotating because the gravitational forces from their minute particulate matter causes them to shoot, with steadily increasing speed, into the center of the dust and gas accumulation. For this reason, the rotation increases which, in turn, causes the matter to continuously compact, while explosions at the two poles of these young suns eject superhot gas clouds into space. Ultimately, matter at the star's core is compacted to such a tremendous degree that a nuclear chain reaction ensues which energizes the sun. Planets develop from the stars' remnants of dust, gas and the planetesimals as well as other things. Our own SOL System developed according to the same principle, as did its two uncompleted miniature suns, Jupiter and Saturn, and all planets within the SOL. Billy


From Minneapolis I received a belated report that during the first half of 1994, for the first time ever, American scientists discovered in space amino acid, the building block of life. In a cloud of gas near the center of the Milky Way, they discovered one of the building blocks of life: the amino acid Glycine, a component of protein. American scientists are now asking themselves whether or not this will point toward other life forms within the Universe. Therefore, University of Illinois scientists have for the very first time discovered amino acid in space, an extremely significant factor in the development of life in space. In May 1994, in a paper presented before the American Astronomic Society in Minneapolis, astronomers Yi Jehng Knan and Yanti Miao reported that, based on radio telescope photographs of a gas cloud near the Milky Way's center, they were able to verify the existence of the amino acid Glycine, an important building block of protein compounds. Knan explained: "This supports the concept that life might exist elsewhere in the vastness of space, although the mere existence of Glycine does not provide proof for it." However, the new discovery will probably once again rekindle the discussion of whether or not amino

FIGU Bulletin 004 acids, which are co-responsible for the beginnings of life on Planet Earth, might have had their origins in Outer Space. The two scientists discovered the amino acid Glycine within the gas cloud Sagittarius B, some 23,000 light years from Earth, in a region where new suns are forming. In recent years, the presence of more than 100 molecules were confirmed in space, but this discovery was the first in which a building block of life was detected. Billy



The National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) reports that the Hubble space telescope located vast numbers of comets on the outermost edge of Earth's solar system. Indeed, the agency even speaks of swarms of comets. (This report merely confirms information provided by Ptaah in the contact reports, where he mentions that several billions of objects such as comets and other items circle the SOL System beyond the outermost planetary orbits. Many comets and other space projectiles such as meteorites, etc., enter the inner planetary orbits from there and frequently endanger the planets, indeed, they cause significant damage.) Billy


From Pittsburg, PA (USA), I received news that in June '95, for the first time, American astronomers obtained evidence of the existence of a "Brown Dwarf" in space. The celestial body is larger than a normal planet when compared to planet Earth, but is smaller than a so-called fixed star. No one has been able to provide me with an answer as to what region in the sky or in which galaxy this "finding" was made. Billy


Dear FIGU, While browsing through questions from readers in the last bulletin (Volume 1, No. 3, June '95)), something within me suddenly began to rebel, and this is why I am writing to you. For example the question: "Why are the Spirit Lessons so expensive?" It is unbelievable that anyone would even pose such a question. While studying the Spirit Lessons, I frequently think about the vast amount of knowledge, truth and love I am receiving, and all of this for a mere SFr. 11.25 a month (approx. US $ 10.00), including shipping and handling. To compare these texts with any other study or reading material would be a waste of time. What was the inquirer thinking of when (s)he posed this question? I chose not to bring up any other questions to avoid wasting my time with them. There are so many other things of greater importance that must be accomplished. In closing a big 'thank you' to Billy and the Core Group for continuing to respond to such questions. Cordial greetings, Erhard G. Lang, Germany Dear FIGU, I was very pleased to receive your latest bulletin, which I read with great interest - a beacon in the world of today's publications where genuine information is becoming increasingly rare, and where lies, claims, rubbish and self-exaltations are becoming ever more prevalent!

FIGU Bulletin 004 Unfortunately, even the purest joy is not untarnished in this world, and the sun can shine nowhere without it somehow casting a shadow! This lessening of my joy, the shadow in your Bulletin, so to speak, are the readers' questions in the latest edition (#3) in my possession. My closest friends and acquaintances have confronted me with the same or similar questions as well, but I refrained from responding to them, or giving the impetuous inquirers a verbal slap, because the questions simply were too primitive or insolent. The idea that readers, who must be assumed to be from the Passive Group, indeed, possibly Study Group members, would lower themselves to pose to FIGU such impertinent questions, which cannot be surpassed in their stupidly impudence, highly perturbs me. Rarely have I become so agitated over human audacity as I did when reading the printed questions in Bulletin #3 -- and the absolute height of audacity, the non-plus-ultra that provoked me to write this letter -- is the fact that you people of FIGU apparently take such unlimited stupidity and primitivity seriously, and even esteem it worthy of an extensive response. In this case, "my gut feeling" would entice me to place such questions into the nearest "circular file folder" without reply. I would seriously have to consider whether these questions are not too foul for my waste basket. Furthermore, I find it an absolute temerity to confront interested readers with such stupidities in question and answer format -- readers who genuinely ponder the material and seriously struggle with their evolution as they pursue the truth. The only way I can wrench some understanding for the way you are handling these matters is the consideration that there is a lesson here of the obviously limitless possibilities of human stupidity and primitivity, which demonstrates how low the human life form is capable of sinking when it permits its grey matter to slide into the gut and, subsequently, feels, thinks and acts with it. Even a worm carries and uses his tiny brain in his head and not in his gut. For heaven's sake, how is it possible then that certain people who, and that's the frightening aspect of it, even appear to be FIGU Passive Group or Study Group members, assume they are qualified to decide, judge, feel and act with their gut or from it, and then pose such moronic, impertinent, dumb questions? Well, whatever the case may be, in the interest of all silent readers, I do hope that your truly valuable bulletin will not strain the nerves of its readers with unwarranted and degrading responses to such moronic and vindictive questions, and that it will, if necessary, only extend topics and articles that are worthy of the excitement. One way or another, I wish all of you the best for your publication and the success it deserves. Sincerely, B. Ming, Hong Kong


We have had the same or similar responses to the questions from many other individuals. The opinions are clear and undoubtedly justified. Nonetheless, I find it essential that even these types of questions have to be publicized and dealt with, in order to show our valued readers that sunshine and roses do not always reign supreme in our correspondence box and other activities. Indeed, we are also subjected to silly, audacious, stupid and primitive questions and attacks. Usually we do not even bother to justify ourselves - for we know the truth. The questions in Bulletin #3 that generated the complaints, were simply reprinted for the purpose of providing other readers with the information, for behind the scenes we felt it necessary, just for once, to state the essential and explain some things for the non-comprehending, the nearsighted, the doubters, troublemakers, defamers, intrigants, sectarians and know-it-alls among others. Billy

FIGU Bulletin 004



(compiled and commented on by Christian Frehner, Switzerland) Newspapers reported that effective April 1995, the Italian Physicians' Association began to strongly restrict the conditions under which artificial insemination for women is permitted. Contributing factors behind the restrictive measures may be the Italian cases of surrogate motherhood and the like, which were also published in the media. Among other things, the newly passed legislation prohibits the artificial insemination of women over 50. Single women and lesbians, apparently, will no longer be able to obtain artificial insemination. Furthermore, the frozen semen of dead donors can no longer be used, and the implantation of a fertilized ovum into a surrogate mother is now prohibited as well. These rules or regulations are binding for all practicing physicians in Italy. Violators may be punished by the confiscation of the physicians' license. Commentary: Very sensible. It should be emulated in all other countries on Earth. In the latter part of 1994, the following positive announcement was published in newspapers under the headline "Former East Germany in Birth Strike": The "most extensive strike against births in human history" is taking place in East Germany. While 220,000 babies were born 1988 in former East Germany, only 5 years later, in 1993, the total births amounted to a mere 70,000! Concurrently, the number of sterilizations has increased dramatically. Commentary: It appears that many people who live in this region are consciously aware of the difference between rational and rabbit-like behavior, and for this reason they are refraining from bringing children into the world in a thoughtless, egotistical manner during times of insecurity and change, for the newborns' fate and well-being would be questionable right from the start. The measures pertaining to the halting of births, as Billy delineated and FIGU now disseminates, are outlined in the FIGU pamphlet A Crusade Against Overpopulation. However, the measures do not apply to a few indigenous tribes, for they have always abided by their own established practices and conditions for birth control. The following report serves to illuminate one aspect in the thinking processes of such tribes: A Yanomami woman gave birth to a child in a delivery room of Manaus, a Brazilian city within the Amazon region. The midwives observed defects on the genitalia of the newborn boy and informed the mother of them. Once alone, the mother immediately proceeded to kill her child. According to Brazilian law, the mother was not considered a lawbreaker, because as a member of an indigenous tribe, she was unfamiliar with mores of Brazilian social order and civilization, respectively. The director of the government's Indian Protection Agency explained that the 10,000+ strong Yanomami tribe is intolerant of having birth defects in their children, and as a result, its members immediately kill such infants because they would be incapable of surviving the harsh conditions of the wilderness. In the case of twin births, one of the infants is always killed since a mother considers it inconceivable, in addition to all her other tasks, to take care of two infants simultaneously in her complicated every day jungle life. Commentary: The above mentioned behavior is concurrent with the evolutionary level of this tribe and is absolutely appropriate, for only in this manner can the survival of the entire tribe be assured in the harsh realities of the life-threatening conditions in the jungle. Such acts are therefore considered neutral-positive, as acts of reason (compare this also with FIGU's Overpopulation brochure #4, pages 13-21 -- at this time it is only available in German).

FIGU Bulletin 004



Why were Mohammed's fallacious teachings created? The genuine teachings of Mohammed are no more fallacious than those of Jmmanuel. Mohammed's teachings, which he imparted as a reincarnation of Jmmanuel, were also thoroughly adulterated. The teachings of Mohammed were intended to curb Christianity and precipitate its disappearance. However, because of this renewed falsification of the original teachings, the concept proved completely unsuccessful because of certain interfering individuals who were simply as disinterested in the genuine truth, or else, they falsely interpreted the teachings -- as was previously the case with the teachings of Jmmanuel. Therefore, it is totally incorrect to say that Mohammed brought forth fallacious or false teachings. Billy What ever happened to Semjase? In 1984 Semjase began living in the DAL Universe with Asket's people. She must remain there for a total of seven decades, hence, another 60 more years, in order to relearn many things that had faded from her memory after her severe accident at the Semjase- Silver-Star-Center. Additionally, while with Asket's people, she took on a rather demanding task for this period, which, as a consequence, she is currently fulfilling. Due to the fact that she is living in this other universe, that is, in our sister universe, she is no longer able to maintain telepathic contacts in any manner, shape or form with anyone from our DERN Universe. This same condition would also apply within our universe if she were living here, for she lost her telepathic skills as a result of her serious accident, and she only now has begun to relearn them in an arduously slow process. Because Planet Erra in the Pleiades/Plejaran system is almost the same size as Earth, how is it possible that Erra's gravity is 3% higher than that of Earth? The Pleiadians/Plejarans have never explained why the gravitational force on ERRA is 3% higher than on our Earth. -- We suspect that this is linked to the different, shifted space and time plane in which the planet exists. Furthermore, this 3% is not very overwhelming; the average gravitational acceleration is only increased by approximately 3/10th of a meter (0.3m = 1 ft.) per second2. Guido Moosbrugger

Over the past sixty years there have been many UFO sightings not only in America but in nearly every other country on Earth -- sometimes even UFO landings. Sightings have taken place in Russia as well, and even Joseph Stalin initiated steps to clarify this phenomenon. Of course, not all UFO sightings, etc., can be classified as genuine, for many observations are based upon deception and charlatanry, as is the case even today, where lightweight flying objects and similar articles are set aloft as make-believe- UFOs. Nonetheless, there exist numerous UFO sightings and UFO landings that can be confirmed by many people and are based on a beyond-the-shadow-of-a-doubt reality. Such is the case for instance with the 1989 UFO landing in Woronesh, Russia, that resulted in the related worldwide news report on October 9th of that year. Indeed, during the 235th Contact conversation, February 3, 1990, the Pleiadian spaceship commander Ptaah verified that the Woronesh UFO landing in Yuzhniy Park (South Park) of the city's Levonerezhiny section, was genuine and not a mere prank. Here is an excerpt of the conversation: Billy: . . . For quite some time the people on Earth have been speaking again about UFO sightings and alleged encounters with extraterrestrial life forms, especially in Russia, where a splashy story was publicized in Woronesh or whatever the name of that little place in the boonies is. Lately entire UFO squadrons have been flitting through Earth's polluted air in Belgium and turning policemen into UFO pursuers. The population appears to look favorably upon the flurry, as is the case in England and various other countries on our globe too. Can you give me more details

FIGU Bulletin 004 about this? Ptaah: Certainly, but it is hardly worth wasting a word on it. Incidents such as those in Woronesh and to some degree in Belgium as well, are partially of an extraterrestrial nature where, however, some very terrestrial matters are involved. A certain attentiveness regarding the extraterrestrial origin of flying objects is recommended. But, here again, it is not worth discussing the matter. Instead, more attention should be devoted to the fact that several sightings are linked to South America. You, too, had your own experiences when your life was being threatened. And yet, it would not be advantageous for me to address these matters . . . Billy: . . . I can see that once again swindle and fraud are involved in these matters as well as the truth. The same may be the case here in Switzerland with the alleged UFO sightings in the Tessin region? Ptaah: Things are no different here than in other countries. Actually, if one were to give credence to the UFO believers, UFO swindlers and similar frauds and visionaries, the Earth would be simply swarming with flying craft of extraterrestrial origin. The truth is that the Earth, along with the SOL System, is so remote on the periphery of a galactic arm of the Milky Way that it rates as a mere enclave that receives only infrequent visits from other inhabited constellations. Earth simply is not interesting enough for a large number of alien life-form visitors. Truthfully, the life forms who do travel here are almost always the same visitors who, like us for example, come from the vastness of space and fly back and forth to Earth. Other alien life forms, though, do visit Earth two or three times each month. Billy: That's clear. What about your earlier statement that an alien spacecraft will officially land in the U.S.A. in the future? I think that this information was given to me in September 1975, during the 34th or 35th contact. Ptaah: Yes. As far as I know, my daughter Semjase explained this to you on September 16, 1975. To elaborate on what she told you at that time, I am permitted to inform you that these issues have profoundly changed. We were able to locate the alien group who were to have come to Earth to make official contact with terrestrials in America. When we became aware of the true strife and arrogance of the machinations and other ills prevailing in America that negatively influence the entire world, we informed these people, who were foreseen as the official contact persons with the Earth beings in America. Upon hearing our information, this group subsequently decided not to carry out the project even though the decision to proceed had previously already been agreed upon. Therefore, this planned event will not take place because America is in no way mature enough to receive such contacts. Still, this does not rule out other aliens who may come to Earth to seek contacts. Ptaah's statement indicates also that two or three times each month, alien flying objects visit Earth from space, and that in the near future "aliens" (extraterrestrials) will make their presence known and, thereupon, seek contact with terrestrials. These aliens are neither part of the Pleiadians/Plejarans people nor are they members of their federation. Let us return once more to the UFO events in Russia. With the following announcement, the still-Soviet news agency TASS in a highly official manner, reported at the time that a UFO had landed in a park of Woronesh: Several Soviet scientists confirmed the landing of an Unidentified Flying Object in a park in the Russian city of Woronesh. They examined the landing site and found the tracks left behind by the extraterrestrials when they exited from their flying device and briefly walked about the park. Locals reported that the extraterrestrials visited this area at least three times after nightfall. According to information from some citizens of Woronesh, the flying device was a large, shiny globe that hovered above the park and then gently descended and landed. A door opened up and two or three tall human beings and a small robot stepped out. The extraterrestrials were 3-4 meters (10 feet to 13 feet) tall and had very small heads. They walked around in close proximity to the globe, their flying device, and disappeared once again within it. This information was reported by witnesses who suffered strong feelings of fear for several days after the incident. Genrikh Silanov, director of the Geophysical Institute of Woronesh, explained: "We examined the landing site with the aid of bio-position-fixing, and found a circle with a diameter of 20 meters (65 feet), along with imprints 4-5 centimeters (1.5 inches to 2 inches) deep with a diameter of 1416 centimeters (5.5 inches to 6.3 inches). They were very distinct and located on the four corners of a rhombus. We also found two mysterious rock fragments which at


FIGU Bulletin 004 first glance appeared to be dark sandstone. Mineralogical analyses revealed however that this material does not exist anywhere on Earth. It must be stated, however, that further tests are required before a definitive statement can be made." Silanov implemented the so-called bio-tracking (biologic search method to find traces) to uncover the path the extraterrestrials had used as they walked in the park. The eye witnesses were unable to see any of this; analysis revealed, however, that their statements agreed with the scientific results. The flying globe, which was also described as an orb-like flying disk, was not the only object observed by the citizens of Woronesh. According to reports by TASS, a bananashaped flying object with a large, glowing symbol on it was observed in the sky as well. The industrial city of Woronesh has close to 900,000 inhabitants and is located approximately 500 km (310 miles) southeast of Moscow. The incident occurred at 6:30 p.m. on September 27, 1989, in Yuzhniy Park on Mendelejew Street. Several children were at play in the park at the time, and there were approximately 20 adults waiting at a bus stop, when they suddenly observed in the evening sky a pinkish light from which emerged a dark red globe that seemed to be floating at first and then slowly descended. It may have been a minute before the globe gently descended to within 15 meters (45 feet) above the park and then it slowly circled above it while the grass in the park was pummeled by invisible forces. Shortly thereafter the globe with an approximate diameter of 10 meters (30 feet) sped off. A few minutes after the disappearance of the sphere, another UFO appeared and drifted downward while those present watched everything with fascination, mostly from a safe distance. They saw a hatch open in the flying object as it hovered above a group of poplars and a gigantic being dressed in silver overalls and bronze colored boots appeared and scrutinized the surroundings. This being had no actual head, merely something like a hump between its shoulders. Within this hump three glowing eyes could be observed, with the eye in the center intensely glancing back and forth. When the being disappeared again within the craft the hatch closed and the flying device descended and approached with a loud drone. One meter (3 feet) above the ground, the brightly glowing craft stopped its descent and bobbed back and forth with swaying movements. Four landing pods descended from the object's undercarriage and rested on the ground. Now the spectators could clearly observe that the object was oval and egg shaped, approximately 15 meters (45 feet) long and 6 meters (18 feet) wide. On its side, the object had a mark that looked like an "H", whereby the crossbar looked like a Cyrillic "zh". The object also had hatches. When viewed from the front, from the pointed end, the UFO seemed to look like a globe. Very soon after landing, a hatch opened slowly and a ladder-ramp descended from it. Shortly thereafter, two eerie looking figures disembarked; one was 3-4 meters (10 feet to 13 feet) in height -- it was the being who had previously peered from the hatch when the flying object was hovering above the poplars. The alien moved very stiffly now, almost like a robot. Another being followed the first. Its shape was described as a cabinet with arms and legs, and it sported glowing buttons on the chest. The first being made a very strange sound, whereupon a glowing rectangle of about .75 meters by 1.30 meters (2.5 feet by 4 feet) appeared on the ground. The giant made another sound whereupon the glow disappeared again. Then the smaller being pushed a button on the chest of the taller one, and three lights on its stomach began to glow. A boy from the nearby group of playing children screamed out in fear at that exact moment, whereupon the tall being glanced at him with its center eye without moving its head. A light shot from the eye and struck the boy, who was immobilized for several minutes. The two beings climbed aboard their flying device, and the witnesses thought the aliens would now disappear. But after a few minutes they returned and the giant now held a 1.20 meters (4 feet) long silver tube in his hand, which he pointed toward a 16-year old boy who had dared to approach the flying object too closely. To the horror of all eye witnesses, the boy suddenly disappeared without a trace. Subsequently, the beings turned around and slowly walked up the ladder-ramp to their flying device, entered it and closed the hatch. The craft lifted off the ground, ascended into the air and shot off with ever increasing speed. It dipped to one side, raced above a tall apartment building and very quickly disappeared into the sky. The witnesses reported that at the exact moment of the spacecraft's disappearance, the 16- year-old boy reappeared again in the square, unharmed.


FIGU Bulletin 004 This is only one account of many UFO incidents in Russia, or to be more correct, the former Soviet Union. UFOs previously played an important role in Stalin's days. As with the Americans and the authorities of many other countries, Stalin mandated that an extensive investigation into the UFO phenomenon be undertaken, after which he came to the conclusion that UFOs were not flying devices from some hostile terrestrial powers, but were flying vehicles of extraterrestrial origin, just as the scientists confirmed to him who had been given the order to clarify and investigate the reports. Joseph, respectively Josif Vissarionovich Stalin (the "Steely One"), whose actual last name was Dzhugashvili, was born on Dec. 21, 1879, in Gori, and he died in Kunzewo (modern-day Moscow) on March 5, 1953. A son of a shoemaker, he was a Soviet revolutionary and politician of Georgian origin. In 1894 he entered the Tiflis orthodox seminary for priests, where he preoccupied himself with revolutionary literature, such as texts by Karl Marx. On Monday, October 1, 1894, he saw for the first time a large, shiny, silvery disk in the sky that performed wild flight maneuvers at tremendous speed before disappearing again. According to his own statements, he was able to observe the disk for quite some time, approximately 1520 minutes, without being able to explain this apparition to himself. An identical event took place on Friday, November 2, 1894. He did not observe any other such objects until World War I, at which time he had several UFO sightings and subsequently began preoccupying himself with this phenomenon, particularly from 1947 onward, when the Roswell Incident and sightings of several UFOs by Kenneth Arnold became public knowledge globally. Joseph Stalin ordered the KGB Secret Service and many scientists to extensively investigate into the UFO phenomenon at that time, mainly because numerous military pilots and other reputable individuals continuously reported sighting Unidentified Flying Objects during their flights or on other occasions. Billy


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FIGU Bulletin 005


FIGU Bulletin 005

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations

FIGU Bulletin Volume: 1 FIGU Bulletin Number: 5 FIGU Bulletin Date: December 1995 (June 1996 - English Edition) Author: Billy Meier Translator(s): Heidi Peters Date of Translation: Unknown


FIGU Bulletin 5 Translation

BARBARA MARCINIAK - "ABDUCTED BY ALIENS" American Ivy League Harvard University has initiated an investigation into activities of its resident psychiatry professor John Mack, who published the bestseller Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens. The book is bulging with reports about purported sexual encounters between terrestrials and extraterrestrials. In his sensationalistic book, the 64-year-old Pulitzer recipient assembles and describes not only 78 cases of alleged "cosmic sex," but he also claims that no less than 3.7 million US citizens of both genders were abducted by extraterrestrials at which time the abductees and the extraterrestrials engaged in numerous sexual acts. Had the suave professor declared his book a fictional action novel or the like, for this is precisely what it truly is, his colleagues would not have given him the flak he has since encountered. But because he leaves absolutely no doubt that he considers all the experiences he describes as being truthful, his colleagues naturally took offence. The university teacher hired two attorneys since his book was published, supposedly to look after his interests. Regarding his claim that 3.7 million people in America were willingly abducted by extraterrestrials and occasionally, willingly or unwillingly, abused by the aliens, our Pleiadian/Plejaran friends tell us that these statements are absurd, and they serve only to escalate the already prevalent mass hysteria. In particular individuals with a labile psyche, people having delusions, as well as various addicts in "UFO and extraterrestrial" matters, will be influenced by these figures and statements via the terrestrials' collective sub-consciousness. This influence is especially wielded by the masses who have fallen prey to this nonsense at a faith-type level. The Pleiadians/Plejarans explain that genuine abductions of human earthlings by extraterrestrials for the purpose of so-called examination contacts (medical exams and tests, etc.) occur rather infrequently. The reason for this lies in the fact that extraterrestrials do not visit Earth en masse but come here only in very small numbers, and that these few visitors do not abduct millions of people on

FIGU Bulletin 005 Earth. Professor John Mack's book is therefore an additional influence on mass stultification as is also the book by the American Barbara Marciniak. In her delusional state she perceives herself as a trance medium, and claims -against all better judgment -- that she receives messages from the Pleiadians. During the 252nd Contact, February 14, 1995, Ptaah stated the following in this regard: Ptaah: ". . . It pertains to a certain person called Barbara Marciniak who, in her delusions, perceives herself as a trance medium, while she is, truthfully, nothing more than an obscure person and fantast (WV) of the same category as Fred Bell. She is engaged in shady wheeling and dealing regarding (WV) other people on Earth as well as herself by purporting to have contacts with an energy collective from the Pleiadian star cluster. The truth is that in this cluster there exist only very young, blue and extremely hot celestial bodies which are completely incapable of supporting any type of life form -- be it in coarse material, semi-material or spiritual form. All claims made by this obscure person and fantast (WV) are simply her own inventions and fantasies and there is not the tiniest shred of truth in them -- except, possibly, for a few items she has plagiarized from your written material. She reproduced many contact conversations you and I held and, without obtaining your permission, she usually produced these documents from material which had been stolen from you. Regarding the fact that there exists no intelligent or any other type of life on the Pleiades -- hence, neither an energy collective nor any similar terrestrially-invented foolishness -- we have received a related confirmation from the Arahat Athersata, who queried the highest of all existing high spirit levels and received a reply to this question to which Arahat Athersata already knew the answer beforehand: namely, no intelligent energy form, let alone life form of any type, exists on the Pleiades' celestial bodies. The same applies also to Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus. With their age being only approximately 62 million years [by terrestrial standards], the Pleiades are simply far too young to support life. Furthermore, the Pleiades are celestial bodies that will never bear any life in form of an energy or material nature, since their existence will only be short-lived prior to fading and dissolving again into interstellar energy, from which gases and new formations will evolve one day." Here ends the excerpt from Ptaah's conversation. His statements once and for all clarify the fact that the Pleiades star cluster in our space-time configuration within the DERN Universe does not support any form of life, and that the Pleiadians/Plejarans, with whom I now have been in contact for twenty years, do not come from these stars but from another space-time configuration in another dimension 80 light years beyond the Pleiades. Their constellation is also called the Pleiades/Plejares, just as they are named here. This probably means that all of those frauds, liars and deceivers regarding purported contacts with the Pleiadians will one day claim that they, of course, were maintaining contacts with the Pleiadians from beyond our visible Pleiades. Perhaps I have said a bit more than was needed, and from here on people will be more cautious now with new fraudulent claims? Thanks to Professor John Mack's book, inane stories are going to spread once again the fantasy stories about the "breeding of a new hybrid race" between extraterrestrials from the constellation Zeta Reticuli and terrestrial human beings. Through this university professor's ludicrous book, once again, fictitious stories (see FIGU Bulletin #2, May 1995 - "Little Greys") are kindled that fuel the fires of fear among the believers and others. This, in turn, increases the hysteria regarding purported abductions and sexual acts by extraterrestrials that now extends into Germany and other European nations, and is slowly spreading elsewhere because of the media personnel, who publicizes claims and other material of alleged abductions and sexual activities. Their activities substantiate the fact that, contrary to fanatical claims made by abduction believers, this type of hysteria manifests itself only when such false information is disseminated and announced publicly. If one were to believe all the nonsense that surrounds abductions and impregnations by extraterrestrials especially in America and Germany, the world would be simply crawling with hybrids. These two countries would be swarming with newly bred children, adolescents and adults who supposedly were procreated between extraterrestrials and human terrestrials, in particular by the "Little Greys" from the Zeta Reticuli constellation. The source of these nonsensical sexual contacts between extraterrestrials and earthlings can be ascertained very quickly. This feeblemindedness originated with Elisabeth Klarer in South Africa who, contrary to better judgment, spread the lie


FIGU Bulletin 005 that she had been impregnated by an extraterrestrial and subsequently had given birth to a son. Because she could not present this son as proof for her claim, she resorted to lying by stating that she was, of course, unable to educate and raise him on Earth in her own environment and, therefore, she was forced to leave him behind on the alien world with her own father. From the time she construed and publicized this lie, sufficiently large numbers of simpletons (and there still are some in existence today) accepted her con game as the truth. Many people claim that these hybrids, sired through sexual acts between extraterrestrials and Earth humans, are ugly and often disfigured. This is simply as nonsensical as the assertion that the hybrid births are real. Babies who are born deformed are merely deformed and such deformations have occurred from time immemorial without influence of a sexual or genetic-manipulatory nature by extraterrestrials. Anyone who believes otherwise has fallen prey to some wellorchestrated, extensive con game and nonsense. The same applies also to the alleged animal mutilations by extraterrestrials. If it were otherwise, and if these stupidlyimpudent, fanatical claims were true, the media of every type would be the first to pick up, disseminate and make the most of this sensational news. Actually, they would pounce like vultures upon such a sensation to make the most of it, and the entire world would soon hear about every detail. The fact is, however, that such horror stories are, as a rule, only spread by certain gullible people who deal with UFOs, extraterrestrials, sectarianism, esoterica, parapsychology and the like -- they preoccupy themselves with those who, far from any reality, accept each and every feeblemindedness and nonsense tossed their way as the truth, while the originators and writers of such rumors and tales make themselves an immense financial profit. Apparently, the genuine truth is not in demand, and the patrons of such trivia and nonsense only race after every incredible sensationalism based upon the inexplicable, which countless terrestrials pursue as loyally as puppies trotting behind their master. In general, the hysteria, such as the one about alleged abductions and sexual activities by extraterrestrials, is a psychosis to which the purported abductees have succumbed. One must keep in mind, however, that many of these abduction claims arise from inferiority complexes, reasons of the individual's own image, and factors of self-esteem and the like. Oligophrenia may frequently play a role as well, though, and individuals afflicted by it fail to realize what nonsense they are telling others. In such cases, oligophrenia is linked with a psychosis as well. Oligophrenia (Greek) - A weakness of the intellect or, rather, feeblemindedness. This infirmity of the intellect may be inherited or acquired as the result of brain damage that generally has its roots in infancy; oligophrenia can also be caused by inherited metabolic anomalies. Depending on the severity of oligophrenia, serious disturbances of the thinking and speaking process may manifest themselves. There are usually four degrees of differentiation: retardation, debility (slightly feebleminded), imbecility (demifeeblemindedness) and idiocy. Psychosis (Greek) - A psychotic disorder is an affliction of the consciousness (erroneously termed "Geisteskrankheit" in German = disorder of the spirit, mind). Psychosis is a collective term for disorders where important psychological functions are severely disrupted. They are among the most common psychiatric disorders and must be differentiated from neuroses (psychological disruptions, generally caused by undigested experiences which may be manifested also as disruptions of normal body functions), personality disorders and oligophrenia. Oligophrenia and psychoses may be present simultaneously. Frequently, psychoses may be linked to obvious misjudgment of reality (delusion, delusional experiences, hallucinations, severe memory and emotional disorders as well as behavioral changes). In many cases the individual is not aware of these manifestations and, unfortunately, often so-called experts fail to diagnose them since psychotic persons usually appear to be completely normal as long as they remain free from oligophrenia or other conspicuous afflictions. It should be noted that patients afflicted with psychoses often do not 'experience themselves'; instead, they hold a distorted view of their environment, and for this reason they have no awareness whatever of their illness during the acute stage. There exists another type of psychoses whereby the afflicted individuals have delusional experiences that revolve around their own person. In their delusional state, the individual misuses or simply uses them for various purposes (e.g., alleged rape or voluntary sexual acts by and with extraterrestrials. A new variation to this disease exists nowadays among human beings, those who knowingly or unknowingly internalize the multitude of


FIGU Bulletin 005 information that pertains to UFOs, extraterrestrials, purported contacts, abductions and the like. Patients having such psychoses react to the information and internally produce delusions and delusional experiences). Psychoses result in disorders of the Self whereby one's own thoughts are experienced as coming from other persons or beings, ghosts, demons, higher or lower spirit forms, as well as extraterrestrials. Manifestations of delusional outlook and delusional experiences occur that cause his entire surroundings, or parts of them, to appear threatening or dangerous to the patient. This is often linked to a misjudgment of external reality (delusion) and delusional changes in perception (hallucinations). However, today's science of psychiatry on Earth apparently has no inkling of the fact that the patient's own body seems to physically experience some delusional episodes -- even though this type of psychosis is increasingly spreading among individuals who, consciously or unconsciously, have assimilated genuine or false information pertaining to UFOs, extraterrestrials, abductions and sexual activities by the aliens and so forth. Frequently and concurrently, behavioral disorders or changes, respectively, may occur with a psychosis which may range from slight and hardly noticeable to severe or bizarre behavior patterns that produce the severest disruptions of the affect (depressions, manias, etc.), comprehension and memory. Indeed, torturous restlessness and anxiety attacks may be present with psychoses. Yet another factor in this scenario of alleged abductions of terrestrials by extraterrestrials, which are often combined with purported sexual contacts, is the following aspect, about which nothing has been said until now: Terrestrial males are claiming they were abducted by extraterrestrials and robbed of their sperms; or else that they were forced to have sexual contacts with extraterrestrial females to breed hybrid beings (the result of such cross-breeding). Simultaneously, terrestrial females are asserting they were abducted by extraterrestrials and impregnated by them through artificial insemination or by direct sexual contacts with these aliens. If this truly were the case, planet Earth would simply be swarming with hybrid beings. But as everyone knows this is not the case, even though fanatics who are involved with UFO and extraterrestrial matters label certain deformed infants as being hybrids of terrestrials and extraterrestrials. Of course the notion prevails, and how could it be otherwise, that the hybrid progenies resulting from terrestrial males with extraterrestrial females are alive and being raised and educated by the extraterrestrials -while the alleged, extraterrestrially impregnated females from Earth are robbed of their babies by the extraterrestrials immediately after or prior to their infants' birth. The reason behind this is, supposedly, that a plan exists to breed a new hybrid human race and that the hybrid children purportedly cannot survive on Earth and would quickly perish due to the environmental conditions and other influences. The response to this most asinine assertion of all related claims should only be this question: "Why have these alleged hybrid babies who grew within the bodies of terrestrial women not died prior to their birth since they were totally and exclusively living on the required type of terrestrial nutritional support?" Or could it be that the mothers of these hybrid babies casually and lightheartedly surrender the children to the extraterrestrials so they, the babies, can live on an alien world where only pure love, harmony, wisdom and sunshine exist, instead of keeping them among Earth's human population and on a planet that is the last piece of rubbish within the Universe, as certain UFO sectarians and others choose to phrase it. Or else, they simply use South African Elisabeth Klarer's trick so they do not have to provide proof for their nonsense of alleged sexual contacts with equally alleged extraterrestrials! Let it be known that there is absolutely no denying the fact that so-called examination contacts did occur whereby extraterrestrials occasionally took human beings from Earth into their spacecraft to inspect, that is, to examine them. Such incidents, however, have been extremely rare throughout our entire past just as they are now. Therefore such occurrences are hardly worth mentioning. Anyone claiming anything different simply does not quite have a lucid head and is, therefore, mentally unbalanced.


FIGU Bulletin 005



During the 253rd Contact on November 1, 1995, the Pleiadians/Plejarans provided the following explanation, among other things, in reference to a question posed to Ptaah concerning the Roswell film's authenticity: Billy: "How are we to judge the authenticity of the Roswell film, which allegedly depicts the autopsy of an extraterrestrial being? Florena: We could not find any evidence whatsoever that a certain Jack Barnett or Jack Barret existed or actually filmed the footage as Ray Santilli initially identified the man. We even took the time to travel back in time to the period of the crash in order to SCAN the actual location. Our findings were totally different from those shown in the movie. Furthermore, there was no photographer or cameraman present who was filming and later allegedly absconded with several rolls of film. Photographs were taken and filming was indeed going on but by members of the Army and the Secret Service, and they delivered all of the related material to the appropriate offices. According to our investigations, the film is a despicable hoax that cannot be outdone in tastelessness, because the defrauders mercilessly and criminally abused a 16-year-old girl whom they used as their model after she died of an illness that had deformed her. Unfortunately, I am not familiar with medical science, but Ptaah can give you more details when he visits you again. One of his professions is that of a doctor. Billy: Yes, I know about that. I shall wait until he returns. Our cordial thanks to you and all the others for your efforts. Tell me now, what's happening with the Pope -- does he believe in God, and does he believe everything he's preaching? Florena: Ptaah said that such a question could only come from you, and he may be right, for none of us ever had any suspicions that this man was different from what he pretended to be. However, our investigations over the past two weeks clearly reveal that this alleged representative of God believes neither in the existence of a God above him nor in any of the other religious nonsense he preaches. This man only believes in himself and this was the case among many of the earlier popes, something we brought to light via trips into the past and visits to locations of the various events. We found out that a small number, a mere 36 popes, believed in a God above them, while the remainder were concerned only with their office and their position of power. Indeed, several of them totally rejected the Christian faith, a fact which, of course, they knew quite well to conceal from others."

(a question posed on the telephone) QUESTION: "Billy, I was told that you are the only human being on Earth who has ever had contact with extraterrestrials; indeed, you allegedly claimed this yourself. Are these the facts?" RESPONSE: No, this is not the truth. In every single case it was simply mentioned that I am the only human being on Earth to ever have, and continue to have, contact with the Pleiadians/Plejarans. Hence, I never stated that other people on Earth did not have contacts with other extraterrestrials, for example at examination contacts and the like. Permit me to emphasize here once again that I am the only human being on Earth who has ever had, and still continues to have, genuine contacts with the Pleiadians/Plejarans - provided you ignore a handful of cases from which no official records exist, and which were only in telepathic form. To these contacts should be added one brief, unexpected direct encounter by another person near Zahedan in Persia (now Iran), but all of these contact individuals have since died many years ago. Additionally, numerous telepathic impulse contacts also are taking place of which the terrestrial recipients do not have any inkling at all.

FIGU Bulletin 005



(Miramar) In July 1995 almost a thousand faithful from all over the world gathered to celebrate the second day of their congress on extraterrestrials near San Jose de Costa Rica with meditations and moralistic appeals to terrestrial humankind. The site of this spectacle was a ranch in Miramar, where the participants attempted to make contact with extraterrestrials -- as though the latter were actually waiting to communicate with nutty terrestrials. Two of the participants called themselves experts in matters related to extraterrestrials, their global activities and so forth. One of these two participants called himself Tara Siva from Hawaii, USA. The other, a Swiss man, was too cowardly to reveal his name but he had others address him only as Martin. All participants dressed in white robes and, according to their testimonies, they meditated "for the benefit of mankind," in the hope that some extraterrestrials would actually be waiting especially for them, their congress, and the opportunity to contact earthlings at this time. Through this erroneous belief, the faithful with their screwy concept of reality also directed their audience and fellowmen to immediately "shed the spiritual lethargy in which they are entrapped." Martin, who intentionally concealed his full name and address, stated that 80% of mankind is "completely asleep" and ignorant of all phenomena pertaining to extraterrestrial life. He even presented the other participants of the congress with instructions on how to contact the "light beings" on other planets. These instructions mainly dealt with the need to meditate for more self-awareness. In contrast with this so-called Martin, the Peruvian Sixto Paz, who is considered one of the most credible UFO researchers within his own circle, recommended that people only need to eat healthful, vegetarian food and to breathe appropriately; of course, linked to his suggestions is the abstention from all alcohol and tobacco (which should not be rejected as erroneous). However, his claim that through observation of these guidelines he was able to travel to the Jupiter moon Ganymede, where, according to his silly assertion, a colony of extraterrestrials have their homes. With them he has a good relationship, or so he claims. Such talk belongs within the realm of fantasy. One must acknowledge, though, that good deeds came from this experience. One was the criticism of the world's religions and their dogmas, etc., that hamper Man's evolution and independence. Instead of suggesting they turn towards organized religions, the participants were advised to explore their innermost selves where they would discover the temple each individual carries within him- or herself. A claim was also made that extraterrestrials oppose the resumption of the French nuclear bomb tests with warnings that earthquakes would be the result.


During Contact #252 on February 14, 1995, I asked Ptaah why the Pleiadians/Plejarans live within our DERN Universe in a space-time configuration which is shifted somewhat from our own space and time configuration by a mere fraction of a second. Here is his reply: Ptaah: There are relatively few extrasolar planetary systems in the DERN Universe's space and time configuration they are rare indeed. On the other hand, in the dimension where we and all other groups of the Enoch (Henok) lineage live, numerous solar systems exist that contain planets capable of supporting great varieties of life. Even our earliest ancestors travelled to these dimensions with the shifted space and time configuration in which we now live; and for this reason, we, as well as all other Enoch [Henok in German] lineage groups, have been knowledgeable about them since the days of yore. Billy: What do you mean by "relatively" in regard to planet-carrying solar systems? Ptaah: Many planets exist in numerous solar systems within the space-timeconfiguration of the DERN Universe. If I may say so, however, by comparison to those in our dimension, these systems are extremely spread out. This means that the many planet-bearing solar systems in this galaxy, the Milky Way, are very far apart from each other, while in our dimension and galaxy countless solar systems with planets are close to one another, that is, they are very densely grouped."

FIGU Bulletin 005 This explanation tells us that in billions of galaxies within the space-time configuration of our DERN Universe, there exist many solar systems that also have planetary systems grouped around them, although they are incredibly far apart. For this reason, there may be dozens, hundreds, even thousands of light years between two planet-bearing solar systems. The fact that planets exist within a solar system does not necessarily indicate the existence of any type of life on these worlds, however, because special prerequisites, which really very few planets possess, are essential for this to happen. In the Pleiadians'/Plejarans' dimension this is totally different. Under very different physical conditions there do exist a great many solar systems with planetary systems capable of supporting life. For this reason one need not search there for life-bearing planets as though they were needles in a haystack, which is the case in our Universe' dimension, where astronomers have been looking for different planets in other solar systems for quite some time. Until recently their undertakings have been in vain; but this situation changed recently when two Swiss residents discovered for the first time that other suns also have planets. Although we have always known that our sun is not the only star orbited by planets in our cosmos, astronomers finally have now discovered this fact as well. Astronomers have long suspected that planets could orbit other suns too, but only now were their hunches undeniably confirmed. It is unlikely that life of any type exists on this recently discovered planet because its climate is truly hellish. Nevertheless, it is a planet that orbits a sun; a star visible at a distance of a mere 42 light years from Earth, and one that any somewhat experienced amateur astronomer can even observe with the naked eye. The recently discovered planet orbits a star not unlike our sun in the Pegasi constellation. Two Swiss astronomers, Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz, from Geneva University, made this discovery in the first half of October 1995. The two scientists had always been convinced additional planets existed in space that orbited around some of the myriad of sunlike stars in the galaxies. Since the planet's successful discovery, other astronomical groups have confirmed the findings of these two Swiss astronomers. The newly discovered planet circles around the star 51 Pegasi, which is comparable to our SOL system and exists in the constellation with the identical name as the one that forms a huge square in the night sky. (For those of you who are somewhat familiar with the stars, 51 Pegasi can be identified with the naked eye during times of good visibility toward the end of October and can certainly be spotted with binoculars. Around 9 p.m. it lies exactly due South, at a point of 63 degrees above the horizon.) According to initial announcements, the newly discovered planet has at least half of Jupiter's mass and orbits its own sun in only 4.2 days. This fact alone may explain why life is incapable of existing there. The planet's distance from its sun, 51 Pegasi, is approximately 20 times less than that from our SOL sun to Earth (distance Earth-Sun = 1 AU = 149.6 million kilometers or 92.9 million miles). In other words, the newly discovered planet orbits its mother-star at a distance of roughly 7.48 million kilometers or 4.6 million miles. This small gap [MERCURY, the closest, known planet to our SOL sun is 57.9 million km or 35.9 mill. miles from SOL] signifies that the planet must simply be a raging inferno with a temperature of at least 1000 Celsius [1832 Fahrenheit]. The discovery of this planet, considered a spectacular item in astronomical circles, absolutely was not a so-called coincidence. The two astronomers had been systematically searching the skies above the South of France, at a place called the "Observatoire de Haute-Provence" that possesses a telescope 2 meters (6 foot) in diameter. Here the explorers investigated more than a hundred stars as they searched for a suspicious "wobble." Remote planets cannot be observed directly because the luminosity of their mother star by far exceeds the planet's own low gleam. However, a large, massive planet causes the sun it is orbiting to move in a kind of wobbly, undulating manner as it circles around the mutual point of gravity, the central point of both celestial bodies, respectively. And it is precisely this undulating movement by 51 Pegasi that gave the planet away. When the level at which the sun and the planet orbit lies within the view of a telescope, the star, in its own rotating movements, advances for some time toward Earth and then withdraws again. This to-and-fro movement can be measured with highly sensitive spectrographs. As 51 Pegasi moves toward Earth, its emitted light waves are slightly compressed, causing their wavelength to become shorter and the light bluer. When it moves away again from the Earth, the light waves pull apart and become reddish. The planet's mass can be calculated through this socalled Doppler Effect.


FIGU Bulletin 005 The discovery of this planet by the two Swiss men brought to a close a lengthy race by astronomers all around the globe. Using the most diverse methods available, scientists had for decades been searching for the first extrasolar planets near SOL-like stars, and astronomers were led by a mutual and genuine hunting spirit. Now that the quest has ended, the search will be kept within normal parameters for other sun-like stars with planets. Of interest is the fact that planets have previously been found several times, but they were never in close proximity to sun-like objects; they were always near formations such as pulsars, for example.



How do the Pleiadians/Plejarans calculate the age of Earth as well as the Milky Way, etc.? Answer: As a rule, the Pleiadians/Plejarans begin their calculations with the first formation of gaseous matter. This gaseous formation, however, has nothing to do with the gaseous accumulations from which celestial bodies ensue. The gaseous matter's initial formation is considered to be the moment when gaseous matter originates in its original form, as was the case with Earth, for instance, nearly 640 billion years ago. This gaseous matter continues to form into some type of configuration, of course, which changes into coarse material over time and then, in another transformation, turns into gas once again, only to change, through additional compactions, into other formations such as planets like Earth. Supposedly, this is how our planet formed into a solid planet approximately 46 billion years ago. One must refrain from imagining a dense planet with this description, but must envision it merely as a planetary formation, which turned from a gaseous into a substance-type form that rotated and was incredibly hot without yet possessing its own solid matter. This came about much later, when the gases condensed to the point where they generated their own gravitation as fragments of rock, ice, metal and other things were attracted from space into the future planet's range. Over many millions of years, these materials accumulated because the larger the growing planet became the more planetesimals [planetary matter/meteorites, etc.] it attracted. This is how, five billion years ago, Planet Earth "grew" to the point where its consistency was solidly compacted: a planet that consisted of internally solid, coarse matter, surrounded by an outer layer several kilometers thick. Within this outer layer, fireand lava-spewing volcanos continued to rage, however, and yet thwarted the existence of all life. Still, over time, the planet did cool down and became more tranquil, whereupon a planetary shift occurred that ultimately inaugurated suitable conditions from which life could develop. When mention is made, therefore, that Earth is approximately 640 billion years old it means that it is calculated from the time when the very first gaseous matter evolved, from which Planet Earth was able to develop over a period of billions of years. As a solid, compact material form, the Earth has existed only for approximately five billion years -although far older material has been discovered within the Earth's interior. The manner in which the Pleiadians/Plejarans investigate the age of any given material is based on a masterful technique that involves turning any type of matter into gas and then regressing it back into its Ur-energies ("Ur" is a German prefix signifying earliest, most ancient, initial, primeval) to the point of its origin by way of the two components, NEGATIVE-Energy from the Transformation Belt and POSITIVE-Energy from Ur-Space. This initial energy can be dated in the same manner as any coarse matter. What is the Universal Material Belt? Answer: The Universal Material Belt is that part or belt, respectively, of the Universe where matter exists, that is to say, planets, suns, galaxies, meteors, comets, gases, the entire dark matter and other things. All of these things exist only within this material belt, whereas no material whatsoever can be found in the internal and external belts (of which there exist seven in all). In the so-called Transformation Belt those forms develop from which matter develops that later exists in the Material Belt, hence in our visible DERN Universe. This is the only portion of the Universe we human beings are capable of seeing and exploring. We cannot see anything beyond it, for only total emptiness and blackness reign there. Absolutely nothing can be observed or detected -- even with the best modern astronomical or other extraordinary tools available to us. The inner and outer belts beyond our visible material Universe are

FIGU Bulletin 005 practically endless, and are vast and dark if one excludes the innermost, radiant belt where the Big Bang originated approximately 46 trillion years ago. The aftereffects of the Big Bang continue to linger within the adjacent belt which, looking at it from Earth, is roughly 1.25 x 1015 light years away at its closest proximity. Terrestrial scientists are incapable of peering and listening into these depths of space even with the most elaborate super devices. And this indicates precisely the degree of our scientists' narrow-mindedness, when they claim the Universe is barely as old as the distance they can penetrate into the nearly endless space with their observation devices and contraptions. They do not have the remotest clue that the Universe extends far beyond what they envision it to be, and that it has six additional belts in total, which are void of any coarse material or matter. Matter itself is in constant transformation within the Material Belt and it is, therefore, subject to growth and disintegration processes. For this reason, matter can never be or become as old as the Complete Universe. At any given time, therefore, only young matter can be found in the Material Universe; matter that can, at best, be a mere 40 or 45 billion years old -- in a solid and compact state -- while the age of the Complete Universe beyond the Material Belt, respectively our Material Universe, amounts to approximately 46 trillion years. The attempt to schematically depict the Complete Universe, is an impossible feat due to its colossal size. Additionally, its spiral-egg shape complicates everything even more. Nonetheless, here is an attempt by way of a circular diagram, a model, to illustrate an overview of what our Complete Universe looks like, which bears the name DERN Universe. The sketched proportions do not correspond in distance with one another, of course, since this is only a schematic diagram; for more specific data regarding this material I suggest you read Guido Moosbrugger's lecture, as printed in our FIGU pamphlet "berdenkenswerte Vortrge" (Lectures to Ponder -- available only in German at this point). In Guido's illustration, belt #4 depicts our Material Universe, that is to say, the part of the Complete Universe where the galaxies exist with suns, planets, meteors, gas clouds, comets and so forth. The Ur-Space (#3) is the belt from which emanates the so-called background radiation that leads back to the Ur-Core (#2), the actual Ur-Layer, in whose center lies the Central-Core (#1) that constitutes the actual Big Bang location, the Big Bang Center. Beginning in the Ur-Space, matter starts its development and then passes into the Universe Belt, hence, our Material Universe. This matter consists of energy, however, which intermingles with other energy forms that penetrate from the Transformation Belt (#5) into our Material Universe. The energy matter from Ur-Space is POSITIVE, while the other matter from the Transformation Belt is NEGATIVE. As they join in the Material Universe, they develop into new energy forms from which, ultimately, coarse matter evolves. In the Transformation Belt (#5) the fine matter energies of the Creation Belt (#6) are transformed into energy forms that already extend into the realm of material energy. This makes them absorbable by the Transformation Belt, and they are turned into coarse energy. The Creation Belt (#6) absorbs the finest of energies from the space of the Absolute Absolutum, which is located beyond the Displacement Belt, also called Ram Belt (#7), whose function it is to nudge away the walls of other universes that float within the space of the Absolute Absolutum as well. The Displacement Belt also performs another function, namely that of absorbing the finest energy matters from the Absolute Absolutum sphere and passing them on into the Creational Belt. This process supplies the Complete Universe with all the indispensable energies it needs to exist. Although it created itself or, rather, was created through the Ur-Idea of the previous Ur-Creation, one can see that the Complete Universe nevertheless requires external energies -- in this case from the Absolute Absolutum -upon whose finest energies ultimately 1049 different forms of Creation depend in infinite number. Regardless of the fact that the Complete Creation, Universal Consciousness, or whatever one wishes to call the Complete Universe, is capable of supporting itself, it nonetheless requires some force, an energy, that enables the Universe to achieve it. This force or energy is provided by the Absolute Absolutum. The Absolute Absolutum is the only entity capable of passing on the indispensable and fundamental energies to all existing forms of creations within the entire vastness of all Creational forms, so that they, in turn, have the capability of being able to support themselves. And yet, even the Absolute Absolutum is dependent upon an external life energy, which it does not draw from a higher type of Creation, but directly from what human beings call Absolute Nothing. The Absolute Nothing does, however, contain the fundamental, finest energies from which the Absolute Absolutum self-created itself an unfathomably long time


FIGU Bulletin 005 ago.



Model of the Universe: Schematic depiction of the Belts (I) (see printed edition of this bulletin) 1. 2. 3. 4. Central Core: radius = 3.5 light years = 1 mm (1/16th inch) on this model Ur-Core: width = 1 x 10^14 light years = 28.6 x 106 km Ur-Space: width = 1 x 10^14 light years = 28.6 x 106 km Solid-State Matter Universe Belt (includes all galaxies, planets, stars, etc.): width = 2.5 x 10^15 light years = 714.3 x 106 km or 25 times the width of the 3rd Belt 5. Transformation Belt: width = 1 x 10^55 light years = 2.857 x 1048 km or 4 times 1039 the width of the 4th Belt 6. Creation Belt: width = 1.4 x 10^64 light years = 4 x 1057 km = 5.6 times 1048 the width of the 4th Belt or 1.4 times 109 the size of the 5th Belt 7. Displacement Belt: width = 1.4 x 10^7 light years, which should be depicted as 4 km on this diagram model The average radius of our entire DERN Universe measures: Belt #(6) 1.4 x 10^64 + (5) 1.0 x 10^55 + (2,3,4) 2.7 x 10^15 + (7) 1.4 x 10^7 + (1) 3.5 light years. Schematic drawing and calculations by Guido Moosbrugger Billy

What should one make of this bombastic heading? Some people might possibly envision a play in a theater, a Sci-Fi movie or the title of a novel. None of these is correct in this case. Instead, it is the title of an event I experienced in June 1995 during my stay in California. While visiting my American friends Heidi and Bob for one week, among other things, we went on a 36-hour excursion to the sand dunes south of the Salton See. After driving in Bob's Landrover for several hours, we reached our desired goal late that afternoon. We cozily and contentedly settled upon the warm, flat crest of a towering sand dune. The sun presented itself as a fiery red disc just above the horizon, and we did not have to wait very long for its setting. It was an impressive spectacle. Very slowly, darkness crept in and the sky became increasingly dotted with glittering stars. Far from the hustle and bustle of human habitation, a festive tranquility reigned that was only occasionally interrupted by the distant clatter of a passing truck. With visible relief we were able to delight in the warmth of the balmy summer evening that had by now cooled to a pleasant temperature, after being 43C (110F) in the shade during the day. Lying on our backs we observed the splendor of the starry-night sky. The Ursae Majoris constellation was almost directly above our heads, and everyone knows that this can be very valuable for verifying one's direction at night. At approximately 9:00 p.m. we suddenly discovered a light the size of a star, which travelled at moderate speed and straight as an arrow across the sky in a north-south direction. Initially I assumed it was a terrestrial satellite, but then I thought it might possibly be a manned spacecraft orbiting Planet Earth at an altitude of 20-40 km (12.5- 25 miles). But my next thought was to attempt an experiment; and so I decided to wish for the flying object to please glow brightly -- so-to-speak as a salute to us or the indication of a bond. No sooner had this thought entered my head when, to my surprise, my wish became reality, which, of course, filled me with great joy! But this was just the beginning, for after only a few minutes I was given another opportunity to repeat the same experiment. It did not work and this second flying object did not allow itself to be enticed into reacting with any visible signs. In the case of a terrestrial satellite any reaction would have been completely impossible anyway. It was not long before another "moving star" passed by with approximately the same flight path, but in the opposite direction. Of course, I tried my luck once more, eagerly supported by Heidi and Bob. At first it seemed that our efforts were totally in vain, but they were crowned with success a little while later. After several moments yet

FIGU Bulletin 005 another flying object showed itself, moving along in roughly the same direction as the preceding three, but it did not respond to our wish in any way. Well, we said, so be it. We were satisfied nonetheless because two of the four "moving stars" had positively reacted by suddenly flaring up brightly. Without any other expectations at all we continued to direct our glances to the starry sky and did not have the slightest inkling of the surprise that was yet in store for us. While we were still eagerly discussing the things we had just experienced, guessing around as to who might have been so kind to send us a greeting in such a nice manner, something unexpected happened. In the Ursae Majoris constellation we discovered a fifth flying object travelling on more or less the same flight path as the other four we had observed earlier. The amazing thing, though, was that this flying object not only made itself known without any effort on our part, but it was also not satisfied with merely flaring up brightly the way the others had done. Instead, the small, starlike object enlarged itself to a brightly glistening disk the size of Jupiter, only to shrink back shortly afterwards to its original size. Then the unknown object continued on its flight and eventually disappeared from our view. Naturally, we had never counted on such an impressive salute. The question remains, however, whom do we owe such a surprising demonstration. Since we had been told that the Pleiadians/Plejarans and their confederates had withdrawn and eliminated their secret terrestrial stations, we initially thought of alien, peaceful extraterrestrial visitors - that is until Billy explained the actual situation to us. According to his explanation, in spite of the Plejarans' withdrawal, a few unmanned Pleiadian/Plejaran telemeter disks continue to circle our globe. In addition to these, two manned Pleiadian ships constantly perform their monitoring flights above Earth. With this corrective explanation all ambiguities were resolved. Guido Moosbrugger, Austria



On April 26, 1990, the Pleiadian/Plejaran Jshwish Ptaah gave the following, yet unofficial, explanation regarding a fighter plane crash with a UFO. The collision took place on December 2, 1970, along the North Vietnam and Laos border. The unfortunate accident involved U.S. Air Force Lieutenant-Colonel Anthony Shine, a 33yearold American fighter pilot, and occurred when Shine's plane entered into the material-deflecting, protective shield of an extraterrestrial flying device from Ursan as he manoeuvered in dense clouds. The Ursans belong to the Pleiadian confederation and were, at the time, on a monitoring flight in that region, where they were observing the war stratagems. Due to their flying craft's material-deflection shield and their related invisibility, the Ursans presumed themselves to be in a safe location, particularly because this materialdeflection belt causes any solid or ray-like matter to deflect from it, and its range was effective over an area of several hundred meters. The UFO crew members noticed the fast-flying American fighter plane, but when the plane suddenly went into a rapid, steep climb into the clouds, it entered the deflection shield area and touched it with its right wing tip, which was shattered by the impact. The entire wing became deformed and rendered the plane's steering capability useless. The aircraft veered sideways and ultimately crashed. The pilot ejected to safety, assuming he had been shot at and hit by enemy ground defense. The Ursans observed Anthony Shine as he floated to the ground by his parachute; unfortunately, he was then captured and held prisoner by the [North Vietnamese] enemy. Billy

FIGU Bulletin 005



Through the renewed nuclear bomb tests by the French (see Voice of the Aquarian Age, #97, Dec. 95, 252nd Contact Report) and the Chinese, many question have been raised regarding the tests' effects upon the environment, about which the Contact Report presents the data. Additional questions center on nuclear development and the legacy of nuclear misuse and other topics. I do not mind providing information on this topic, at least as far I am able to do so: Q: How many atomic bombs exist worldwide? A: Approximately 20,000. Q: Did Japan actually capitulate after the dropping of the nuclear bombs 50 years ago? A: Yes. The Americans' act of dropping of atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki forced the Japanese to surrender. For half a century now the world has lived with the "equilibrium of terror" which means that the nuclear powers have kept each other at bay with their atomic bombs and other nuclear potential, while their threats of a nuclear war constantly lurked in the background. Q: When did the first detonation of a nuclear bomb take place? A: Several seconds before 5:30 a.m. on July 16th, 1945, on the test grounds of Alamagordo near Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA, the first nuclear bomb, a plutonium bomb, was detonated. Due to the success of this test, one participant said to J. Robert Oppenheimer, the scientific director of the nuclear bomb program, called "Manhattan Project": "Now we are all sons of bitches!" Q: How often have atomic bombs been utilized? A: Since Hiroshima and Nagasaki, no additional nuclear bombs have been utilized in warfare. This does not denote, however, they have not been in constant use for commercial purposes, particularly in Russia. Through the use of nuclear explosions new lakes and waterways have been created in that country. In 1961, just after the erection of the Berlin Wall, the world was on the brink of a nuclear war. In 1962, barely one year later, the situation became even more dramatic when the Cuban Crisis shook the world. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States (1961-63; assassinated on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas, by Lee Harvey Oswald who was murdered himself by Jack Rubynstein called Ruby) forced Soviet ships, that were fully loaded with rockets and nuclear warheads and ready to make a run for Castro's Cuba, to turn back and return to the Soviet Union. The Americans were the first to detonate a nuclear bomb. They were also the first to utilize this all-destructive bomb in war, killing hundreds of thousands of people in the process without ever having any concern or remorse about it. If American generals had their way, additional nuclear bombs would have been dropped, since other high-ranking American military officials wanted to criminally end the wars in Korea and Vietnam by dipping into their vast arsenal of all-destructive, all-annihilating nuclear weaponry. Q: How many countries possess nuclear bombs today? A: At first only the Americans had nuclear-weapon capability, and they also had a monopoly on them. This did not last for long, however, and by 1949 the former Soviet Union was right there and held its first tests, followed in 1952 by Great Britain, France (1960) and China (1964). Currently the two arch enemies India and Pakistan possess atomic bombs, as does Israel. Libya, Iran, Iraq and North Korea have diligently worked on nuclear bomb capability. Woe be to all mankind, every life form, indeed the entire planet, should these countries actually decide to produce nuclear weapons. Reflecting on the Islamic fundamentalist fanaticism movement, surely every rational person can foresee what is in store for the world, humankind and all life, when these fanatics actually gain possession of such devastating, nuclear total-annihilation weapons.

FIGU Bulletin 005 Q: When was the first hydrogen bomb detonated? A: Again the Americans were the first to employ this weapon when they exploded the first hydrogen bomb in 1952. Since that time, the magnitude of energy unleashed by nuclear bombs is no longer measured in kilotons but in megatons of the conventional explosive TNT (Trinitrotoluene). One Kiloton = 1000 times = 103 of the mass-measuring unit ton; megaton = million times = 106 of the mass measuring unit ton. In 1973 there existed enough nuclear explosion potential to provide 15 tons of TNT for each human being living on Earth. Q: What has been done until now to curb the nuclear madness? A: Basically very little has been done -- a drop in a bucket - for even today nuclear weapons are the favorite toy of power hungry government officials and military agencies who continue to criminally jeopardize mankind and the planet. Anyone who is inclined to consider nuclear weaponry for possible utilization, testing, or merely as a deterrent, is contemptuous of mankind and all life forms; that person is simply criminally offensive scum and is unworthy of living. The capability of all existing nuclear bombs worldwide is now sufficiently adequate to completely destroy and annihilate the Earth several times over through so-called "overkill." This looming danger may have finally put some sanity into power-fanatics and individuals of authority among the nuclear powers. As a result, conferences were being held to deal with the reduction and restriction of nuclear weaponry. Supposedly, all midrange nuclear rockets that posed a danger for Europe have been scrapped -- but it is doubtful whether this is actually occurring to the fullest extent. White Russia, Kazakhstan and the Ukraine promised to destroy all atomic weapons or return them to Russia. Ultimately, this neither occurred to the fullest extent nor within the agreed-upon framework. In 1993, Russia and the USA agreed that all nuclear, multiple-warhead, intercontinental rockets would be destroyed. Also included in the pact was an agreement whereby all strategic nuclear warheads would be reduced to 3000-3500 by the year 2003. Q: Currently (1995), how large is the worldwide stockpile of nuclear weaponry? A: A great effort has been put into reducing the stockpiles; alas, as previously mentioned, much more is still needed. At this time, the autonomous states of the former Soviet Union continue to possess more than 10.100 nuclear warheads, while the USA maintains another 8.500. China has access to 284 nuclear warheads; France to 482 and Great Britain to 234. With 50 to 100 warheads, Israel is also involved in this nuclear weaponry disaster. And as though this is not enough, India followed suit with around 80 and Pakistan with 15 to 25 warheads. Q: How many nuclear tests have been held worldwide until now (1995)? A: All in all, the small and large nuclear powers have detonated 2120 nuclear warheads worldwide. Their detonation has generated contamination on a global scale through nuclear bombing and tests, which have triggered earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, violent storms and so forth. But politicians, the military and the scientific community vehemently deny this. According to reports by watchdog experts, the number of nuclear blasts triggered is estimated to be 936 (USA), 716 (former Soviet Union), 207 (France, 44 (Great Britain), 41 (China), and 1 by India. By October 31, 1995, these figures added up to 1945 nuclear explosions. This number does not represent the true total, however. Ptaah, the Pleiadian commander, stated that from the year 1945 through February 14, 1995, a total of 2.116 nuclear tests were performed. The fact that 3 additional tests were carried out in the Mururoa Atoll and 1 test in China between the day this conversation took place and October 31, 1995, raises the total of tests to 2.120 -- without mentioning even the numerous atomic bomb blasts detonated for commercial purposes.


FIGU Bulletin 005 Q: What does this nuclear heritage signify for our world and for all life? A: The legacy for the world, and all life on it, is that through the nuclear contamination of vast regions on Earth, these areas will suffer damage for countless years to come; many types of cancer and mutations among human beings as well as in animals and plants will emerge. Furthermore, many regions have become completely useless for human habitation due to this nuclear contamination. Additionally, several billion dollars will be required alone in the USA and the former Soviet Union states to eradicate the damage caused by nuclear testing; of course, this fact is emphatically denied and downplayed by America. The USA claims that it would require only several hundreds of millions of dollars to remedy the situation. In Russia alone more than 50 large regions are radioactively contaminated, a fact also denied to this day even though there is available proof. Today Russia affirms that the nuclear disaster of Chernobyl is the largest nuclear catastrophe. It was caused by a fire spreading out of control in the civilian (vs. military) nuclear reactor. The fact that eight other, far greater nuclear catastrophes occurred in the former Soviet Union and resulted in the loss of numerous human lives since the initiation of nuclear experimentation, is kept secret to this day -- even though fourteen times more radioactivity than Chernobyl was released into those regions due to Super- MCAs (maximum conceivable accident at a nuclear power plant). Billy


A computer-hacker acquaintance of mine from America picked the following UFO sightings dates and locations from CUFON's (Computer UFO-Network, Seattle, Washington, USA -- UFO-Reporting and Information Service, SYSOP, Jim Klotz, Information Director, Dale Goudie) computer. He is offering them to me for this publication, and I shall continue to publish them in our FIGU Bulletins until further notice. At this point I have before me a computer-generated list of 225 UFO sighting reports that occurred between October 20, 1985 and December 5, 1995, and I will be reproducing them in FIGU Bulletins under the heading UFO Reports. The source of these reports is the NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER. Billy Report #1 Subject: North Bergen, New Jersey, USA Description: CE 1 - lights in the night sky [CE seems to stand for "close encounter," category 1. There seem to be 5 levels; level 5 = physical contact with extraterrestrials]. Date: October 5, 1985 Time: 8:15 p.m. CFN #: 0127 [we must assume that CFN stands for Case File Number] One witness reported sighting 4 large lights that manoeuvered around each other in the night sky. The distance between witness and lights is unknown. The duration of the sighting is also unknown. Report #2 Subject: Santa Monica, California, USA Description: CE 1 - lights in the night sky Date: October 14, 1985 Time: 1:28 a.m. CFN #: 0128

Six witnesses report having observed one large object in the west of the sky. The witnesses stated that the object appeared to have a type of fluorescent light upon it. The distance to the object is unknown. The duration is also unknown. Report #3 Subject: Kerman, California, USA Description: CE 1 - daylight sighting

FIGU Bulletin 005 Date: October 15, 1985 Time: 12:13 p.m. CFN #: 0129 One witness reported sighting one very large object at great altitude. The witness said that the object moved about with very high speed. The witness said that the object looked like a large ball. He further stated that the object did not have a vapor trail. The witness could not hear any sound emanating from the object. The sighting lasted about 15 to 20 seconds. Report #4 Subject: Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA Description: CE 1 - lights in the night sky Date: October 16, 1985 Time: 4:00 p.m. CFN #: 0130


Two witnesses report having observed four groups of 3 lights each manoeuvering in the night sky. The witnesses said they could detect a deep, humming sound. The witnesses stated the objects were flying in a North-South direction, directly above their heads. The witnesses said that the duration of the sighting lasted only about 5-6 minutes. Report #5 Subject: Port Orchard, Washington, USA Description: CE 1 - lights in the night sky Date: October 16, 1985 Time: 1:43 a.m. CFN #: 0131

One witness reported sighting two rapidly moving lights in the night sky. The witness mentioned the lights seemed to be shooting beams of light. The witness stated that the lightbeams ejected by the lights were yellow and red. The witness further declared the lights moved at great speed. The sighting seemed to last about 30 seconds. Report #6 Subject: Norwalk, Connecticut, USA Description: CE 1 - lights in the night sky Date: October 17, 1985 Time: 8:45 p.m. CFN #: 0132

Twenty witnesses observed 15 to 20 lights in an open V-formation. The lights within the formation seemed to be moving around each other. When the formation had traversed half of the night sky, one of the lights seemed to break away from this V-Formation and departed with great speed. Witnesses mentioned hearing then a deep, rumbling sound. The height at which the V-Formation travelled was estimated to be very low. The witnesses said they first sighted the formation in the eastern sky. Witnesses stated that the formation travelled from West to East. The witnesses said the sighting lasted approximately 10 minutes.

FIGU.org [1]

FIGU Bulletin 006


FIGU Bulletin 006

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations

FIGU Bulletin Volume: 1 FIGU Bulletin Number: 6 FIGU Bulletin Date: February 1996 (October 1997 - English Edition) Author: Billy Meier Translator(s): Heidi Peters Date of Translation: Unknown


FIGU Bulletin 6 Translation

INTERNATIONAL UFO CONFERENCE 1995 REPORT FROM MESQUITE, NV USAF Colonel (ret.) Wendelle Stevens reported on the disinformation which, apparently, was being disseminated by Kal Korff. Korff became the pawn of Bill Moore, a selfproclaimed "asset" of Air Force Intelligence, who began using the then 17-year-old Korff to spread disinformation about Billy Meier's UFO sightings in Switzerland. Moore had Korff disseminate these lies because a loophole in the defamation and libel action laws prevented legal prosecution of young Korff as an adult. SPEEDING CLOUD IN SPACE As early as October 1995, the U.S. space probe "Wind" pinpointed a gigantic magnetic cloud, which is racing towards Earth at a speed of 3 million kilometers per hour. (3 million km/h = 50 000 km per minute or 833,3333 km/517.8234 miles per second). COMET IN THE SKY According to scientists, comet "Hayakutake" will pass by Earth the end of March 1996. Of course, this "will pass by Earth" must be understood as being rather relative, because they say the comet can be observed from Earth by the naked eye, without binoculars. Experts claim this cosmic vagabond is twice the size of our Moon and weighs an estimated 10 billion tons.

FIGU Bulletin 006 Billy


With regard to questions in Bulletin #3 (June '95), and Letters to the Editor, respectively comments in Bulletin #4 (August '95, pages 7-9), we submit the following letter along with a response from Billy Meier: Dear friends, The published statements and response to questions printed in FIGU Bulletin #3 are completely understandable, justified and easy to follow. I would like to clarify at this time that in posing these questions I made a mistake, the consequences and repercussions of which I was then not aware. I take full responsibility for this whole matter since I was the author of the letter. However, the shameless and reckless questions I posed, which were rightfully criticized in Bulletin #3, did not originate in my head. I have been a FIGU member since February 1995 and have never regretted being part of the community for one second. Indeed, I am grateful for having found such a wealth of knowledge whose merit is unequalled when it comes to a person's spiritual evolution. Within FIGU and with its members I have found my true inner haven, and I am grateful for being part of a community that strives to disseminate the truth about the spiritual teachings and all related issues. The particular questions I posed come from my wife and a so-called friend. Ultimately, both called me, among other things, a starry-eyed UFO nut case, a sucker, cult member, idiot, and they made massive verbal attacks on me. Eventually we reached the point where my wife asked so-called UFO experts from the CENAP (Centrales Erforschungs- Netz aussergewhnlicher Phnomene = Central Research Network for Unusual Phenomena) agency to intervene and rescue me before I drifted into a UFO cult, as she perceived it. A representative of this organization declared in a letter to my wife that FIGU's fraudulent intent was simply to provide weird ideas by starry-eyed fantasists. Furthermore, he stated, Billy's photographs were long since exposed as primitive forgeries. Whether I could still be "saved" or whether I was "too far gone" she would have to judge for herself. My wife used this information to embarrass me also before her friends by stating I was a "nut" who threatened our marriage and our family's existence. In my view, all of this was done out of ignorance, intolerance and illogical, emotional considerations, which she herself could not logically grasp because they originate(d) "from the gut" (without using the head). I realize the gentlemen from CENAP do not have a clue about the actual circumstances surrounding this matter, and in their vanity as self-proclaimed experts they created a picture that bursts at the seams with prejudice, arrogance and vicious ignorance. Indeed, they have the gall to sell their rubbish to the public as the epitome of knowledge. Unfortunately, the same ignorance applies to my wife and the "friend" who hounded and cornered me with criticism and impertinent claims until I saw no other prospect than to pass on their "questions" to you. I was hoping that once they were able to read my counter-arguments, along with the correct meanings as published in the FIGU Bulletin, the two of them would change their minds. This was, unfortunately, a naive supposition on my part, as I soon found out. Even when I dropped hints, or in conversations with others, I usually noticed that initial interest in what I was saying quickly turned to rejection. It seems that most people do not want to or are incapable of thinking beyond their rather limited horizons. For this reason they permit themselves to become controlled by prejudices instead of being impartial. Arrogance, megalomania, illogic, envy, jealousy, and a profound lack of understanding about spiritual matters appear to be the dominant forces. All of this is not intended to justify my error in judgment. I would like to clarify any misunderstandings though that have occurred on this account. I want to also avoid FIGU getting a picture of me that does not match the truth. In order to clear the air, I am requesting, if at all possible, you print my points of view, or at least some excerpts, in the upcoming bulletin. The benefits I have gained for my personal development, which Billy and FIGU have provided me with, are incalculable in their value, and I am determined to continue working toward the fulfillment of FIGU's precious and significant task. With best regards, A.W.

FIGU Bulletin 006 Dear A.W., The reprint of your letter could only be effected after some delay, but we try to make up for it by publishing your entire text. I am sincerely dismayed at your disagreements and serious differences of opinion with your family and your "friend" because of FIGU and me, for it appears they do not want to understand and comprehend the truth -- or else they are incapable of doing so. And CENAP's "wanna-be-greats" and "wanna-bespecialists," who never even once spoke or corresponded with me personally, contributed to this uproar with their infantile and idiotic claims, which they produced from thin air, as per usual. The entire matter merely demonstrates once again how incompetent this clique is, and how feebleminded, deceitful and defamatory its managers are. To say any more about these knuckleheads and their bungling work is a complete waste of time -- they simply are lost causes. So, don't let yourself be affected by such people. The fact that you are making such an effort on our behalf is worthy of a personal "thank you" to you. I was informed that you also organized and oversaw a presentation at a UFO lecture, for which I thank you as well. Billy



Re: Internet The Internet is the consolidation of larger and smaller computer networks plus a great number of individual systems. The number of Internet users is currently estimated at 15- 35 million - - more precise data is unavailable at this time. The computer "net" enables users to access worldwide data. Furthermore, users within the "net" can participate in international discussions. The uncensored passing on of information, an additional Internet feature, has reached the point where governments (China and USA) and other organizations are demanding censorship/control of Internet material in order to prevent any dissemination of material they deem undesirable for public consumption. Frank Brggemann, Germany IN REFERENCE TO FIGU BULLETIN #2 - An Update Source: 'Nature,' Vol. 375, No. 6530, June 1, 1995, page 350 Excerpt from an article in Nature magazine entitled "Europe Holds Back With the Planned Spy Satellite . . ." ". . . Negotiations are further complicated by the high stakes involved in developing military satellite systems. At the political level, the major space powers --- such as the United States, Russia and France -- seem determined to maintain their technological lead, and to prevent the proliferation of high-resolution (1 metre) images, just as nuclear powers are keen to prevent non-nuclear states from building nuclear weapons. ". . . This appears partly to explain the relative enthusiasm of the United States, France and the United Kingdom to cooperate on an international military telecommunications satellite programme, IMMILSAT, which would also take advantage of the fact that all three countries need to replace their existing military satellites around 2005. ". . . In particular, Klinger said that President Bill Clinton supports transatlantic cooperation on a Space-based Infrared System, already scheduled for launch in 2002 as a replacement for the US Defense Support Program's missile-detecting satellite system." The latest on Neutrino-'Telonin' Physics: Source: 'Nature', Vol. 375, No. 6525, May 4, 1995, page 29 ". . . The only available way to study very small neutrino masses is through the possibility of oscillations that transform one type of neutrino into another. For neutrino masses greater than 10-2 eV (electron-volt) such oscillations have been looked for in experiments (not discussed here) using neutrinos produced in the Earth's atmosphere by cosmic rays, or those produced in the laboratory by reactors or accelerators. For smaller neutrino masses (Myon-neutrino or Tau-neutrino with a mass in the range 10-2 to 105 eV) the only available possibility is to use solar neutrinos, with oscillations depleting the flux of electron-neutrinos by converting some of them into

FIGU Bulletin 006 Myon-neutrinos or Tauneutrinos. Of particular interest is possibility that the oscillations may be enhanced by the coherent interaction of the neutrinos with the solar material. This coherent interaction is called the MSW (Mikheyev, Smirnov and Wolfenstein) effect." Comments by the senders of this letter regarding the last two updates: 1. The presence of neutrinos can be proven by at least two methods: one through the so-called Cerencov radiation, which is emitted through elementary particles faster than the speed of light in a liquid or a solid body that would travel themselves with the speed of light in a vacuum. The second method is to use perchlor-ethylene [C2Cl4], which changes into radioactive argon after colliding with a neutrino. 2. Neutrinos possess a mass and travel at the speed of light. Latter fact is impossible accord to the general theory of relativity, because mass is supposed to be infinite, which is impossible. 3. The MSW-effect may be reversible, perhaps, which would provide a bleak prospect due to military uses [absolute overkill weaponry]. With best regards, Jacco Smits, Holland



Question: For centuries dark, elongated, round or disk-shaped objects have been repeatedly sighted in front of the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and in front of or close to other planets. Are these objects alien spacecraft, comets or meteors? Some shine in peculiar ways as recent observations revealed. Answer: According to my Pleiadian sources, doubtlessly they are usually meteors or asteroids. Asteroids may be as large as Adonis, which measures several kilometers in diameter. In rare instances even very small comets are noted. Furthermore, approximately two dozen large chunks of extraterrestrial spacecraft wreckages are orbiting within the SOL system, as are three extraterrestrial probes, which monitor the SOL system and Earth. Likewise, a number of terrestrial objects continue to orbit the SOL system and they too can be observed occasionally from Earth. These include space rocket fragments which escaped into space; e.g., jettisoned propulsion stages that glisten in the Sun's rays in the same way alien probes do. Billy GERMAN FLYING DISKS, RESPECTIVELY FOO FIGHTERS Question: What should one think of the claim that during World War II the Germans built flying disks, respectively flying "Foo Fighters," and actually flew them? I have found the following article in the January 1980 edition of UFO magazine: Til Meisterhans, Germany Did German Foo Fighters ever exist? Unidentified flying objects were sighted occasionally during World War II; they flew closely behind the fighting factions' bombers and briefly pursued them. The flying objects were named Foo Fighters. The Allies assumed they were dealing with a secret German weapon, while the Germans thought they were an American or Russian secret weapon. After the war the Allies began delving into extensive documents they had confiscated, which related to German secret weaponry said to have been developed and tested by Germany during the war. The problem of the Foo Fighters appeared to be resolved. The flying saucers sighted until that time were German secret weapons. What should one believe about all this? The German so-called flying tops or "Foo Fighters," allegedly were flying machines capable of taking off and landing vertically. As well, they could fly either horizontally at exceptionally high speeds, or for that matter, in at any direction or angle by virtue of a rotary disk system, which revolved around a stationary central hull. It is reasonable to assume that such a device would be of interest for military deployment. Purportedly, these flying tops

FIGU Bulletin 006 achieved horizontal Mach 2 to 2.3 acceleration in 1944 and were capable of climbing to an altitude of 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) in approximately 2 minutes. The newspapers generally made mention of two different models - the Foo Fighters and the flak-mine known as the "V7." They were built by flight captain Schriever and a doctor of engineering, Richard Miethe. Schriever, according to reports, produced the first of these Foo Fighters in Prague, the capital of former Czechoslovakia. However, his creation was never flown. Under adventurous circumstances he had to flee from Prague with all his blueprints in hand. He penetrated the American lines and reached the Bayrischer Wald [Bavarian Forest], where he found refuge as a farmhand among the local farmers. Returning to the farm one day, he discovered his quarters had been completely ransacked. From the time Schriever read reports about flying saucers appearing over American skies several years later, he felt certain he knew into whose hands his blueprints had fallen. Dr. Miethe, the former V-weapons engineer declared: I venture to say that the flying disks, if they are circling in the sky, were constructed in Germany according to my directions, and then were probably copied on a large scale by the Soviets. The Foo Fighters Miethe had developed were a disk-shaped advanced development of the Vweaponry. The "V7" flak-mine had an alleged range of 21000 kilometers [13,000 miles]. Hitler decided too late to mass produce these "V7" units and, therefore, they never saw action. Many discrepancies were discovered in the countless press reports about these secret German weapons. Here are but a few examples: One source reported that Schriever's Foo Fighter was built in 1942, while various others quote the year as 1941. Another source even provided a precise construction date: July 15, 1941. More intriguing is the claim by chief engineer Klein that on February 14, 1945, he witnessed the maiden flight of this aircraft. According to Schriever, however, the unit never even left the ground because it was destroyed before its maiden flight. Furthermore, in the addendum of the 8th Air Fleet war log, a weather report dated February 14, 1945, states that at the time of the alleged maiden flight, extremely low clouds, rain, snow, and poor visibility enveloped the region. These poor weather conditions would not permit the takeoff of such a revolutionary flying device's first voyage. With a solid cloud cover ranging from 8/10 to 10/10 a mere 400 to 800 meters [1200 - 2400 ft.] above the ground, the flying device would have been out of sight almost immediately after takeoff. The entire story about German flying tops remains highly unbelievable, therefore, because of the weather and also for technological production reasons. To achieve the 1000 rpm turbine speed mentioned in the description of the disks, a centripetal acceleration of 26,200 G magnitude of acceleration would be required, which is normally only encountered in small-calibre projectile weapons technology. The mounting of the BMW 003 turbine weighing 560 kg or 1,234 lb would require massive and extremely strong steel bolts with a diameter of approximately 140 mm [5.5"]. This extremely heavy mounting assembly would only have been sufficient to support the turbojet engine when it was stationary! Once operational, the turbojet engine would create a bending moment of 110,000 kilopond-meters (kp-m) [1,079,000 Newton-meters or 796,000 lb-ft]. This bending moment was apparently not considered in the design of the actual functional unit and, therefore, it was not practicable to produce as designed. For the unit's flight weight of approximately 3 tons, Shriever would have required 2 tons of extremely high quality metal, countless instruments and five jet engines --- while at the time the "procurement" of these unusual materials and engines was unattainable for him. They could only have been requisitioned through official channels with the required paperwork itemizing all specifications and justifications. The appropriate agency was informed and a file set up for it. The documentation was preserved intact by Speers government agency in spite of wartime confusion, and it included superbly detailed information about raw material distribution, personnel activities, project leadership, etc. It is worth noting that the complete, uninterrupted written documentation for the period between August 15, 1939 and December 31, 1944, makes no mention whatsoever about the German Foo Fighters." Hence, Schriever's Foo Fighter, never did get off the ground, and the "V7" developed by Dr. Miethe was never put into service. Assuming the Americans or Soviets did indeed seize the blueprints of these German saucer


FIGU Bulletin 006 developers, neither power could have developed such flying devices in a mere two-year period, when the first unknown flying objects appeared en masse. Furthermore, American bomber crews had previously observed unknown flying objects over Germany throughout World War II. In conclusion, it appears that no German Foo Fighters or flying disks were built or flown. There is nothing to indicate that the unknown flying objects (UFOs), which had been observed for years, were advanced American or Russian modifications of Germany's secret weaponry. Sources: "Fliegende Untertassen" by R. Strehl -- Oldenkott-Rees "Luftfahrt international", Nr. 9, May-June 1975 "Die deutschen Waffen und Geheimwaffen des 2. Weltkrieges und ihre Weiterentwicklung" by R. Lusar, J.F. Lehmanns Verlag "Untertassen - Flieger - Kombination", Der Spiegel, March 30, 1950 "Flugkreisel, irdisch", Heim & Welt, #14, April 2, 1950 "Erste Flugscheibe flog 1945 in Prag", Interview with Chief Engineer Klein, Welt am Sonntag, April 25, 1953 "Wunderwaffen 45", Bild am Sonntag, February 17, 1957 "Die UFOs - eine deutsche Erfindung", Das neue Zeitalter, #41, October 5, 1957 "Deutsche UFOs schon 1947/48 einwandfrei beobachtet", Das neue Zeitalter", #6, February 6, 1965 The following is worth mentioning: According to the Pleiadians/Plejarans, such "Foo Fighters" or disks were constructed in Germany but were never test flown, let alone put into service. Anyone claiming such flying devices reached speeds of several thousand kilometers per hour, flew at altitudes of 12.000 meters [36,000 ft.], and actually reached Mars, is talking complete nonsense. The authentic story about these events is discussed in the 254th contact conversation with Ptaah on November 28, 1995: Billy: ". . . You know, my dear friend, now and then one hears strange things regarding the German flying disks. Is it true that the Germans actually attempted to fly them, and did the disks reach altitudes of up to 12,000 meters? Ptaah: Such claims are absurd. The "Flying Tops," as they were called, were never finalized in Germany. However, flying disks were eventually built some time later in other countries, e.g., in South America. In the former Soviet Union and in America attempts were also made to construct such flying devices after pertinent blueprints fell into the hands of Germanys occupying forces. These blueprints were incomplete in that those who held the plans needed to input a great deal of effort to construct the flying disks. These units were and are flown in terrestrial air space only to this day, excluding, of course, a particular group of people in South America of which you are well aware. Billy: Can you also tell me whether the blueprints for this type of flying disks secured by the occupying forces were the same ones you people telepathically transmitted to the Germans via impulses? Who was actually in charge in Germany? Ptaah: The transmissions were directed to two men, Schriever and Miethe who, on their own, had drawn up plans for the "Flying Tops." These blueprints fell into the hands of the Americans and Soviets who began studying and constructing the units. Also, through theft, the group in South America obtained copies of the same "Flying Tops." Billy: One can say with certainty that this group consisted of high-ranking Nazis who fled from Germany after the war ended and disappeared in South America. Ptaah: You should not mention any more about this subject. Billy: Of course not. --- On account of World War II, disk-shaped flying objects were observed also in Germany, indeed, worldwide . . . Ptaah: You are correct in this, yes. However, these flying objects were not of terrestrial origin. They belonged to us and to our allies from the federation. Billy: This would mean that the flying disks which had been observed were not related to the flying disks, respectively "Flying Tops" disks, or Foo Fighters, of the Germans. Claims to the contrary, therefore, are actually


FIGU Bulletin 006 foolish assertions by liars, fantasists, and know-italls. We've wanted to know about this for a long time. Ptaah: What I have told you only refers to the Schriever and Miethe Foo Fighters. Billy: You mean there were others? Ptaah: Yes, others did exist. However, they were part of a private research program conducted by power hungry Nazis who drew upon Schriever's and Miethe's blueprints. Efforts to develop and test fly their Foo Fighters were underway with positive results in Germany at that time. Billy: By the group now in South American? Ptaah: Your conjecture is correct. Billy: And all of this took place right under the nose of the Gestapo? Ptaah: Many influential members of the Gestapo and its SS-leadership were secret, active participants who attempted to prevent the rest of the world from gleaning any information about the construction, test flights, and other matters. When the war ended, they fled Germany and went to South America, taking with them all of their material and staff. This was not a difficult task, for the Foo Fighters had reached a point were they had the capability of circling the Earth non-stop and transporting all required personnel and materials to South America before the Allied Forces could seize them --- or prior to the Allied Forces finding out anything about these secrets. Billy: So that's how this all happened. How far did the construction of Schriever's and Miethe's Foo Fighters progress? Ptaah: The prototype for the first test flight was available on July 15, 1941. We monitored this very closely. The Foo Fighter was, however, not constructed according to the data we had transmitted, for we had intentionally made them ineffective by then, as we could foresee the grave danger they would present for terrestrial mankind. [Comments by Billy: The Pleiadians/Plejarans transmitted data for the construction of flying disks to the Germans Schriever and Miethe at the end of the 1920s and beginning of 1930s with the intent to produce an aeronautical technology that would help prevent the looming warfare conflicts. Unfortunately, they soon realized that this technology would be used for the exact opposite purposes. For this reason, the Pleiadians/Plejarans counteracted the undertaking again.] We did not attempt to interfere in the development of Schriever's and Miethe's Foo Fighter until we suddenly recognized that the units also posed an immense threat to mankind. Once we realized the flight was going to be a full success, and that mass production of the Foo Fighter would result, we intervened during the preparations to the first test flight. A successful flight would have signified that these flying machines were to assist their producers with the domination and enslavement of all mankind, which was not, and will not be in the future, their (humankind's) intended purpose. We sought the counsel of Arahat Athersata about our approach regarding this special case, and we then complied with the advice to impair the project and to completely destroy the Foo Fighter and three half-finished prototypes by transmitting malfunctions into the Foo Fighter mechanism. [Comment by Billy: These malfunctions were also manipulated into the blueprints.] The mechanisms were demolished through explosions. Billy: Why didn't you do that with those who later fled to South America? Ptaah: They did not present a danger to the world and mankind then nor do they today. Since that time they have dwindled into a small group which possesses no fighting power and is slowing dying out. The group consists only of men and it is unlikely any descendants will result from them. They have an aversion against women and children and live purely for their technological interests, and their desires to control the world. The latter they will have no capability of achieving, of course. Although they frequently travel the world in their flying disks, which have even been sighted occasionally, they nonetheless live as recluses. With the fear of being betrayed by newcomers, they solicit no followers from the outside world. Furthermore, they have grown old since the war, with the youngest being 78 years today. The entire group currently consists of a mere 334 men from the original of more than 2,000. The others passed away from illness or perished in accidents, e.g., when their experiments went awry or their flying disks crashed."


FIGU Bulletin 006 Here ends the excerpt from my conversation with Ptaah. This probably clarifies the fact that the Germans never did possess flying disks or Foo Fighters in which they could dash around the globe or reach Mars --- excluding, of course, the Gestapo and Nazi officials' secret constructions, whose existence remained so concealed that not a word about them ever reached the public. Although their flying disks were sighted occasionally, no one has ever discovered that these devices belonged to a super secret Gestapo-Nazi- Society, about which nothing was known even to this day. That the hear-say accounts about the purported German flying disks/Foo Fighters spread in the first place, considering the extreme secrecy of the project, hinges on the fact that certain data was somehow "leaked" to the outside. In no time flat the news simmered in the pots of rumor kitchens, whereupon fantastic stories were concocted about flying disks/Foo Fighters which were said to have reached altitudes of 12,000 meters [7 miles] and Mach 2 or more during their first test flight (which never did take place). Additionally, a fairy tale tells of the Germans having flown to Mars, landing and performing studies there, so that they could inhabit the planet one day. --Complete nonsense, all of it. Billy



The purported abductions of terrestrials by the extraterrestrial "Little Greys" are ever increasing. As if things weren't bad enough that people in America are acting crazy; now Germans, Austrians, and lately even the Swiss (particularly those living in Zrich, where this nonsense has its own peculiar brand) are being assailed by this idiotic trend. Wellknown psychologists and psychiatrists have also fallen prey to all this nonsense and are now giving the abduction phenomenon credence. This nonsense and ludicrousness goes so far as to claim the Pleiadians/Plejarans themselves are these evil, warmongering abductors, among other things. (The claimant is "medium" Acedaih Dafi, a seamstress in Kloten, who can neither be found in the Kloten telephone book under this name nor elsewhere in the region. Does this 48-year-old woman have to hide from the Little Greys?). The new delusion of being abducted by extraterrestrials, which began in America and to which so far countless people have fallen prey, is now also spreading throughout Switzerland. The result is a collective mass delusion, a mass hysteria, which is nothing more than a collective mass psychosis that has now expanded into a collective myth. It is a collective delusion, which is being transmitted from the collective human subconsciousness to people who are susceptible to it. This, however, does not mean that these persons are psychically ill, have an impaired consciousness or are insane in any way. No, as a rule, they are simply very labile with regard to their control, recognition, and assimilation of collective influences of a sub-conscious nature. Hence, such individuals cannot define the influences as being what they really are. This culminates at a point where these influences are stored in the sub-conscious mind as reality and fact. When the next opportunity presents itself, this pre-stored information triggers a type of conscious dream, a day dream, during which the collective-sub-consciousness information, gathered and stored in the sub-consciousness, produces conscious-dream experiences in such individuals. These experiences are then accepted as real and genuine events. This process can manifest itself as sleep paralysis or an "absence of consciousness" state. During sleep paralysis, which may also be linked with an epileptic attack, the person is awake and has conscious-dream experiences. In this state the person is misled into believing that these events, visions and other things did indeed actually occur. In reality, however, they were simply products of the person's imagination and originated from information stored in the sub-conscious mind --- retained and stored through the collective-sub-consciousness of a large human mass. Generally speaking, these self-generating processes are so intense and perceptible in very real ways that they can even trigger forces within the consciousness. Purely by the power of their thoughts, individuals caught up in this phenomenon can inflict wounds, scars and the like on themselves which, in their normal, healthy state they then presume to be additional proof of the reality of their experiences not having been an illusion. Of course, this type of "abductee" does not fit into the general pattern of those claiming to have had identical "experiences" who are, however, disturbed in some psychically or

FIGU Bulletin 006 consciousness-related manner (i.e., in their minds) or, alternatively, they simply lie to inflate their egos. It is well known that these pseudo-experiences originating in the sub-consciousness, where information, visions, and "experiences" from the involved individuals' collective sub-consciousness are stored, actually trigger consciousness-related (in the mind) forces. As a result, these "abductees" injure themselves or inflict some form of markings on their bodies. And it is not surprising when, for instance, a woman in Zrich who suffers from such "experiences" states: "After the experience I always woke up perspiring profusely. All over my body I had red traces where the probes had been attached to me. The aftereffects lasted several days. During that period I was almost electrically charged, feverish, and severely shaken psychically. This was not a dream, for a dream would not have left me with such markings. It must be true, therefore." The woman believes that some of her ovarian cells were removed and that the extraterrestrials operate a research and breeding station on their home planet, where they breed artificially inseminated and genetically manipulated offspring. According to her statements, the ETs are robotlike beings who are threatened with extinction. Being like robots, they are without emotion and, supposedly, they will not continue to survive. For this reason they are also interested in terrestrials, with whom they are attempting to breed a new, hardy race with emotions. The breeding for these descendants occurs in large glass containers, lined up in several rows on shelves in special rooms, etc. Even as she says these things she contradicts herself, but the psychologists and psychiatrists fail to take notice of this. Without hesitation she states in her initial version that the ETs' interest in our planet is not just a fluke: "Since we detonated the atomic bomb we also became a threat to the other planets." The question now arises: Did the Little Greys, the nasty extraterrestrials, abduct terrestrials to manipulate their genes, breed new human strains, or revenge themselves on earthlings simply because they have detonated these insane atomic bombs that contaminate everything and trigger worldwide earthquakes and volcanic eruptions? Which version is correct when the woman further testifies that she was cruelly treated, like a hostage, and dealt with by the abductors without compassion? How does this substantiate the claim that these ETs are only interested in obtaining genetic material from terrestrial humans to breed a new, hardy race? Likewise, how does it concur when she claims: "The cruel beings have no compassion for us terrestrials because we, in turn, treat other beings the same way, for instance during animal experiments." And what can be thought of the fact that the same woman suddenly states --- after not having been abducted for a long time by the insect-like beings with the large, bald head in form of a light bulb [which reminds one of Daniel Dsentrieb's magical light bulb being] who have long hands with each four long fingers: "It is strange, but suddenly I had a longing for these beings, and I wondered why they did not return anymore?" Then she provides her own explanation with these words: "During a hysterectomy ten years ago my uterus was removed, and for this reason I probably could no longer qualify as a breeding object. Now they seem to intend using me only for caregiving tasks." One newspaper stated about this woman: She searches for this feeling of being needed in heaven and on Earth. This is the reason why she now wants to assist other abduction victims. That is a joke in itself, because she first complains of having been forcibly abducted and maltreated without any compassion, and then she turns around and says she misses the abductions, mistreatments and other related things. It strongly looks like she is experiencing chagrin for not serving the ETs as a breeding object for a new hybrid race. The 48-year-old marketing manager also knew a lot more about other things. She recalls, for instance, how horrible a small hybrid baby looked with its vacuous, expressionless face as it was allegedly placed into her arms. The babys skull was covered by skin and its body was tiny. She quickly felt compassion for this revolting, helpless hybrid being with its shrivelled body, and as a result began to lovingly stroke it. The proof that these so-called abductions are a collective mass psychosis can be substantiated by the uniformity of the individuals involved. This demonstrates that we are dealing with a special group of people who have fallen prey to this delusion. Regardless of their diverse ages, professions, appearances, genders, and social statuses, nearly all have in common a concern for the environment, Planet Earths future, and humankinds ethics and responsibility. The "abductees" also display a preoccupation with the stars, astronomy and the like, and age plays no part whatsoever in this scenario where even children are drawn into this mass psychosis.


FIGU Bulletin 006 Of course, in addition to those people who have fallen prey to this delusion, which was triggered by sleep paralysis and epileptic attacks while awake and causing sleeplike paralysis in the physical motor reflexes, there also exist those individuals who are delusional and suffer from a genuinely impaired consciousness, which produces their delusional experiences and that are also judged real. Their various stages range from simple megalomania to complete insanity. Others include frauds, liars, and cheats who invent abduction experiences to upgrade their image, and to profit financially from them, or else, they are charlatans and the like. Unfortunately, no remedy has yet been discovered for all these types of delusional experiences or against the disgusting, frequently criminal schemes --- a remedy that would expose these strange events for what they truly are: delusional experiences of one type or the other, or frauds, lies, and deceptions. Even hypnosis cannot expose the truth because frauds, liars, and cheats are capable of lying right to the very end. Of course, individuals who suffer from delusions generated by sleep paralyses or the delusions of an impaired consciousness, only report and claim what they have experienced as realistic events from within their subconscious although, in reality, they were only visionlike, delusional episodes. Hence, the truth cannot really be gleaned through hypnosis, for the delusional person will continue to consider the experiences as true and real. As previously mentioned, the abduction-experience delusion is now also making the rounds in Switzerland, particularly in Zrich and its surroundings, where the phenomenon is sprouting some pretty weird blossoms. Greedy or bizarre people of various types have figured out how to thoroughly exploit the hysteria and psychosis in their own peculiar style. One such person is the purported medium Acedaih Dafi in Zrichs Kloten district. She is always seen in public wearing strange goldcolored shoes and repulsively thick lipstick smeared on her mouth as she disseminates her unbelievable inanities. She claims that proof is now available that Adolf Hitlers technical staff and his engineers had produced UFOs, which were not only test flown but actually travelled to Mars. Indeed, Dafi claims that she has the ability to travel into the past or future as she pleases. Others claim a subterranean UFO station in the middle of Zrich exists and that another one is located in Scuol (Canton Graubnden). This clairvoyantmedium- lady A. Dafi even reports: It must be these Pleiadians who are the extraterrestrial abductors because a power struggle in the cosmos took place between the tough-as-nails Martians and the Jovians. The latter resorted to new types of energy weaponry, and they were victorious. This turned Planet Mars into a barren world from where a contingent of conquered Martians managed to save itself by fleeing to the Pleiades. These Pleiadians are calculating and power hungry beings who are intent on turning their own race into better fighters. For this reason, they are breeding a new race of beings through genetic manipulation, where technology and intellect are the top priority, while emotions appear to be superfluous. The souls of these Pleiadian beings were simply rationalized away, and for this reason the robotlike insect beings with the head of an ant, the Little Greys, are now threatened with extinction. And because love and hatred are abundant on Earth, these beings now are attempting to retrieve some emotions from us into the hybrid beings. As a consequence, terrestrial men and women are abducted by the ETs and abused for procreational purposes." Thus, although perhaps not expressed in these identical words but with the same message, the "wanna-be" medium Dafi, in her confusion and delusion, derogatorily claims that the Pleiadians are to blame for this purported abduction mess; indeed, she states it is they who are the Little Greys. The absurdity of these abduction stories, however, extends all the way to renowned psychiatrists, psychologists, and physicians who are associated with the abduction phenomena simply for financial gain. For instance, a physician in Basel/Ble is removing abductees' "implants" from the various body parts of her patients. These "implants" can be in the nose, backside, back, chest, arms, hands or legs. The metal fragment implants, "identified" as being probes or micro chips to control or brainwash the victim, can be "dissolved" merely through the good doctor's mental powers. Another physician in Zrich surgically removes such implants. It goes without saying that there are rational physicians, psychiatrists, and psychologists as well, who look very soberly upon this entire abduction hysteria. They propose that this phenomenon may be sleep paralysis or a form of recently discovered epilepsy or that it is a form of self-hypnosis. Scarcely researched until now, sleep paralysis affects up to 35% of all humans. Reports state that: "The person is awake in bed or elsewhere, but cannot move and has the panicky feeling that someone else is in the room or nearby." The rational specialists also state they have


FIGU Bulletin 006 found in many abduction claims that the patients are suffering from a profoundly impaired consciousness, which manifests itself as delusions or delusional incidents which are accepted as true and factual by the individuals involved. Other experts explain: "Beyond doubt, in most cases we are dealing with the schizophrenic delusions of psychopaths who crave attention and admiration." It is clear, however, that persons suffering from sleep paralyses, which frequently accompany one form of epilepsy, must not be placed into the same category as those who suffer from the above-mentioned delusions. Patients with sleep paralysis are completely normal (or this may at least be assumed) but suffer, as previously explained, from an erratic capability to control their own defense against the collective sub-consciousness influences emanating from a large human mass (approximately 35% according to the Pleiadians/Plejarans), thus triggering the abduction-incident mass psychosis. Billy A NEW TWIST REGARDING THE DELUSIONS OF ABDUCTIONS (BLICK, Jan. 30, 1996) DID YOU HAVE SEX WITH EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS? Zrich -- Will ET call some day? Some shrewd fellow from the Basel/Ble region had an expensive 156 number telephone service installed [equivalent to the American "900" numbers] for extraterrestrial abduction victims! When the phone rings for 28-year-old social worker Markus Eschbach, his apartment turns into a commando bridge from "Star Trek." "What did these biorobotic hybrids look like?" he inquires. Eschbach's "Extended Hand" (Tel. 156 ..., costs approx. $2.30 per minute) is a Hotline of the Third Kind -- a telephone aid for those harmed by the aliens. Some callers have dreams about probes and needles, others tell of implantations or of sex with aliens. Eschbach, who evaluates, files and inputs all information into a data base, has become skeptical: "90 percent of the cases are charlatanry!" he reports. Eschbach will discuss his experiences at the Zrich UFO World Convention, February 22-25, 1996. Ufologists from every corner of the globe are expected to attend. The entire matter -- including Eschbach's special 156 telephone number -- does not come cheap. Entrance fees to the UFO Convention costs SFr. 450 or approxi mately $450. Billy



In September/October 1995, British astrophysicists discovered a seventh Black Hole. It is part of the northern constellation Vulpecula in our Milky Way.


American astronomers recently discovered a galaxy 14 billion light years away where, according to their claims, no galaxy should rightfully exist. Although the Pleiadians/Plejarans and I have always declared that the universe is infinitely larger than terrestrial scientists are capable of imagining, scientists have always declared that the 14 billion light year mark represents the outer bounds of our universe. And yet, the space beyond the universe visible from Earth, even with the finest devices, is by no means the outer limit of the universe. Far beyond in the vastness of outer space exist immense accumulations of galaxies and the remote, nearly infinite expanse of the universe. The universe is subdivided into seven gigantic belts (see Bulletin #5, Dec.'95). Entire clusters of galaxies have been discovered with the aid of the Hubble Space Telescope. Robert Williams, Director of the Space Telescope Institute, states: "We can clearly see several galaxies that came into existence more than ten billion years ago." This statement pertains to the fact that the Hubble Space Telescope photographed 1500 galaxies in the depths of the universe, some of which glow so weakly that they were never before detected from Earth. The discovery represents immense progress in the field of astronomy. And yet, even now scientific know-it-alls are already claiming: "These spectacular pictures not only represent a glimpse into the depths of outer space, but they convey to us a glimpse into the most remote past, to a point immediately after the Big Bang. Since the light from

FIGU Bulletin 006 these clusters of galaxies required more than ten billion years to reach Earth and be captured by the Space Telescope, it conveys to us the universe's condition billions of years ago." They use this logic to support the concept that the universe began just a shade more than ten billion years ago, although only recently another galaxy was discovered at a distance of fourteen billion light years. What has happened to the intelligence of these astronomers who keep switching the universe's Big Bang onto any age they happen to pick from a hat -- which, in addition, is completely contrary to the truth. Doesn't it seem reasonable to assume, therefore, that the real Big Bang simply occurred in the brains of these scientists, where the event created incredible bewilderment and confusion? The region of the universe photographed by the Hubble telescope is ridiculously small when compared to the entire night sky, and it covers a mere 1/30th the area of the full moon. The fact that at least 1500 galaxies could be photographically captured, in spite of the limited region depicted on the picture, was totally due to the immensity of the depths of space. Hence, further advanced galaxies are seen on the telescope's image "next" to much younger ones. In other words, the Hubble photograph is a selective snapshot across space and time that incorporates 342 individual photographs taken in the blue, infrared, red and ultraviolet range of wave lengths. Each photo of the identical region in the sky required an exposure of 15 to 40 minutes. Finally the many individual photos were assembled into a single one. This technique enables astronomers to guess the galaxies' age, distance, and components -- at least statistically. This bevy of material does not entirely explain every facet of the universe, however, and many questions remain unanswered. On this photographic montage appear galaxies with the spiral shape of our Milky Way; others resemble balls or eggs. Terrestrial astronomers are puzzled at this point about the origin of the elliptical, ballshaped galaxies, and hold heated and frank discussions about this subject. They ponder whether these galaxies are the product of a different type of collision with galaxies, or if they are collapsed gas masses from a very early period of the universe, which perhaps, may be a galactic archetype. These are but two of the countless questions astronomers are expected to resolve. This type of research represents but one aspect of the "Hubble Depth Field Project," although it is a key project to be performed with the aid of the space telescope. The ambitious program agenda also includes determining the universe's age and size and the testing of Big Bang theories, in order to better understand the spatial structure of the universe. This is truly an admirable task --- now if only the astronomers were not so obstinate and megalomanic in their beliefs that they are discovering the ultimate word of wisdom, along with the outer limits of the universe. In Existing Life in the Universe, a book I wrote in 1978, I already predicted the construction and launch of the Hubble Space Telescope into an Earth orbit. At that time I explained that magnificent discoveries were going to be made with this remarkable piece of apparatus which would necessitate the revision of many outdated claims and assumptions adhered to by terrestrial astronomers. And this is precisely what is taking place now that the telescope is functioning at a satisfactory level. Nonetheless, scientists refuse to relinquish their old, limited paradigms and will continue, therefore, to megalomanicly assume and claim they are capable of advancing to the limits of the universe. Unfortunately, the longer they maintain their attitude, the more setbacks they will encounter for they must realize they will repeatedly make mistakes. This arrogant trend will continue until they tumble from their high horses and accept the universe's actual size and birth from the same standpoint presented in the Spiritual Teachings. New discoveries of galaxies in regions of space previously assumed empty are not only being revealed by the footage/photographs from the Hubble Space Telescope. Late 1994 and early 1995, U.S. astronomers discovered 50 galaxies in an area of the universe previously assumed barren. The area called "Bootes Void" is 500 times larger than our Milky Way. The Hubble Telescope is presenting astronomers with many new discoveries and revelations they would never have dared to dream of before. The experts are as thrilled about their discoveries as the laymen who delight in these beautiful photographs from the depths of space. The Hubble Telescope project, regrettably, was not exactly blessed with good fortune at its inception. When, after decades in the planning and construction, the large telescope was finally launched by a space shuttle into an orbit around Earth in 1990, frustrated scientists discovered the precious instrument had a cutting flaw in its main mirror, which resulted in out-of-focus-photographs. The damage was


FIGU Bulletin 006 rectified in 1993 under the direction of Claude Nicollier, a Swiss astronaut. (He is referred to as an "astronaut" with a bit of hyperbole, although he never flew into outer space but made a mere hop-skip-and-a-jump above Earth, just like every other "astronaut" and "cosmonaut," some of whom made two hops-skips-and-jumps to the Moon.) The telescope was fitted with "corrective glasses" in the form of an added lens. Since that time, the instrument has fulfilled all highflying scientific expectations. The space telescope was named after American astronomer Edwin Hubble who discovered in the late 1920s that our universe is constantly expanding and that our galaxy, the Milky Way, is but one among millions, indeed billions, of others. (The Spiritual Teachings have stated this fact all along.) Billy



And the "Flying Saucer" of Russia does exist --- a device constructed here on Earth. It is interesting to note that this flying device is very similar to the objects the Nazis designed, though they never completed or flew the units, never operated them in wartime, and whose unfinished blueprints disappeared at the end of WW II. According to British journalists the "flying saucer" was tested in early 1994 with outstanding results; it was a 15 meter [45 ft.] wide "smaller" version of the so-called "Ekip", as the Russians named this flying device. It was stated that the unit could start and land anywhere, even on water. Rumor has it that at this very moment a larger "Ekip" is under construction and that the Russians are supposedly harboring plans to build still larger objects of this type, a "UFO" with the dimensions of a jumbo jet, capable of transporting 400 passengers or cargo of 40 tons through the air. Billy


Chinese astronomers have discovered that in the next century two small planets will approach Earth to within one million kilometers. This is a mere hop-skip-and-a-jump in galactic terms, but regardless of the close encounter, it appears that the Earth will be in no real danger. Billy


With a telescope in his garden shed, a British amateur astronomer discovered a previously unknown tiny planet traveling between Mars and Jupiter at a distance of 645 million kilometers [400 million miles] from Earth. The small planet will be named George Sallit 1, after its discoverer. The discovery was verified by U.S. astronomers. Sallit says he has been a hobby astronomer from the time he was 12 years old. Billy


Reports about children being born with a variety of afflictions and defects are on the rise. Over the past few years, the treatment of these children, many of whom do not survive, has placed a tremendous burden on the taxpayer. Question: What causes these diseases? Nuclear contamination, poisonous chemicals or both? Answer: Nuclear contamination and poisonous chemicals do indeed play a significant role, but medications and an unhealthy lifestyle are also culprits. For instance, people are harmed when they ingest fruits and vegetables, berries and mushrooms as well as other things, which are already contaminated with harmful radiation in the fields by nuclear power plants such as Chernobyl and others, although many people do become sick from poisons within the produce itself. When a pregnant woman ingests such contaminated food items her unborn child absorbs radiation and poisonous materials which, in turn, may lead to physical, psychical, and consciousness-related (spiritual) damage.

FIGU Bulletin 006 Other reasons for the many births of children who die before birth, or those who are too frail to survive after birth, may include the consumption of alcohol by one or both parents. The same situation holds true for drug abuse of all types, including nicotine (from smoking) which is extremely harmful to offspring if one or both parents are addicted to this vice. The fact cannot be ignored that humans are becoming ever frailer and are losing much of their former resistance to disease. This is brought about by the sheer mass and breeding of human overpopulation. A false type of humanitarianism results, whereby even the severest crime against body and life is viewed and prosecuted as a triviality -- or not prosecuted at all. This increasing human frailty, a weakening of the body in every way, affects every organ and consciousness. It attacks the fetus in the mothers womb and may lead to physical, psychical, and consciousness-related diseases and mutilations. Until now our highly esteemed intelligent psychologists, psychiatrists and medical doctors have failed to recognize this fact --- or they deny it and assert that such a claim is preposterous. In their stubbornness they simply are too small of mind and weak in consciousness to recognize and comprehend the truth.


from Der Landbote, Nov. 29, 1995 Hoping to Find Information About Solar Systems Origin NASA to Research a Comet Pasadena (ap) The U.S. space agency NASA plans to launch an unmanned spacecraft that will come within 100 km [approx. 60 miles] of a comet, gather up dust particles, and then take them back to Earth. This will be the first time since the Apollo program in the 70s that samples of a celestial body will be brought to Earth for examination, said Ken Atkins, director of the NASA project in Pasadena, California. According to previous plans, the spacecraft Stardust will be launched on Feb. 15, 1999. Five years later, in January 2004, it will rendezvous with the Wild-2" comet, which Stardust will also approach to a distance of 100 kilometers [approx. 60 miles]. The captured dust particles will be decelerated through a special system. Says Atkins: This will enable us to capture uncommonly small particles. In 2006 the space capsule toting the Wild-2" samples will ultimately parachute onto a salt lake in Utah. Wild-2" is of particular interest to the scientists. We would like to find out more about the initial phase of our solar systems origin, explained Donald Brownlee, professor of astronomy and scientific director of the nearly $200 million project. The researchers hope to find particles 4.6 billion years old -- the solar systems approximate age. Atkins stated that in contrast with other unmanned, but technologically much more expensive space flights, the Stardust mission will benefit hundreds of scientists.


Kal Korff is a liar, defamer and intrigant by the grace of MUFON and other organizations. In their services, he has been scheming since he was 17 years old under direction of MUFON member Bill Moore, and has made defamations against me, Billy, and my contacts with the Pleiadians/Plejarans. Korff produced the book Spaceships of the Pleiades (New York 1995), which will probably soon appear in German speaking regions. In his book, Korff slanders anything pertaining to "Billy" Meier with detailed but outrageous lies and defamations. Korff claims he worked and researched his material like a meticulous journalist-detective before coming to his conclusions in an honest, correct manner without having to resort to vague conjectures. In reality, this 400-page book is packed with pointless, pathologically revengeful and brainless lies, defamations, and intrigues which were either concocted by Korff himself or by some of Billy's adversaries. Mnchhausen, the Master of Lies, is a veritable amateur when compared to Korff's book of lies. The book claims that on February 14, 1996, Luc Brgin from Basel/Ble in Switzerland, who perceives himself as competent ufologist, had requested my opinion regarding an article he had written for publication in a large German magazine. I considered my time far too valuable to read his hair-raising, deceitful article, but some group members read it for me

FIGU Bulletin 006 instead and then recommended my not reading his drivel. They quoted the following passage, which I do not wish to withhold from you since it clearly exposes the authors mentality --- although Brgin purports that I was the author of the following lines: Quote: In his hunger for success, Meier does not refrain from using any method, as is revealed by a 4-page, anonymous letter Billy had sent to the above-mentioned exmembers [The two Schutzbach brothers. Billy] as a counterattack in 1981. On the letterhead, in large letters, is the notation BM - Galact CORPORATION. [Would I be so stupid to write an anonymous letter with my initials BM on it? That's idiotic.] The letter mainly presents an extremely confused, long-winded threat against the two Swiss men and their continued involvement with the Anti-Meier-initiative. The threat was intertwined with an excessively enthusiastic praise for Meier himself. O.Ton: Above all else, this Billy Meier must be prevented from disseminating his material and message, for he is the most dangerous man in this field since he can prove to any rational-thinking person that his contacts are based on facts. This you know very well yourself. Our procedures are directed at pressuring every available UFO observer [. . .] to remain silent [. . .] Should this method fail, we must use alternative measures that would transport such individuals to kingdom come. However, not one of these means could accomplish anything against this Billy Meier. His spiritual powers are simply too great. Furthermore, he is so knowledgeable that he can even influence our own people. Some of them have already died and this guy didn't even have to lift as much as a finger because his spiritual strength is sufficient to kill another person, etc., etc. This is more or less the style of Luc Brgins article, according to statements I have received from some FIGU members. It contains additional implausible "revelations," claims, lies, and defamations which he plainly received from cohorts of the Schutzbach followers. Korff is just one more of them. Regardless of the fact that these quotes are not from Luc Brgin, for one must assume that he is himself merely quoting someone else, it indicates that this man is completely filled with prejudices based on lies and defamations or hearsay. Actually, it is a genuine shame. Had this man remained unprejudiced, he could have made a concerted effort of directing his talents toward the cause of the real truth. He could have provided a great service to humanity, but he chose instead to give credence to the words of liars, defamers, deceivers, frauds, charlatans and intrigants --- and thereby developed false judgments and false opinions. [The Luc Brgins article and my response to him, which he promised to incorporate into his drivel manuscript's publication, total 12 pages.] Billy


FIGU.org [1]

FIGU Bulletin 007


FIGU Bulletin 007

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations

FIGU Bulletin Volume: 1 FIGU Bulletin Number: 7 FIGU Bulletin Date: June 1996 (English Edition: February 1998) Author: Billy Meier Translator(s): Heidi Peters Date of Translation: Unknown


FIGU Bulletin 7 Translation

Scientists discovered in the Antarctic ice field a meteorite fragment estimated to be 4 billion years old and it, they claim, originated from Planet Mars. And yet, nobody seems to question the fact that this fragment represents a contradiction to scientific conviction that the Earth's estimated age is 4 to 4.5 billion years. No one seems to question the concept that if the Earth is only 4 billion years old, give or take a few years, a Martian fragment could not have crashed into Earth and then be found in the Antarctic at the present time. One merely has to imagine the Ur-state ("Ur" is a German prefix signifying: most ancient, primeval, earliest, initial) of the Earth in those ancient times. The scientists contend that the Martian fragment may have wound up on Earth after it was first ripped from Mars and then hurled to Earth as a gigantic meteorite struck Mars. A British team of Earth scientific experts states that the fragment probably was initially jettisoned toward Earth, whereupon it crashed onto its surface at the same time the planetary bombardment took place. Scientific reports claim that over a period of approximately 200 million years, and soon after the solar system's birth, a monumental meteorite shower struck the Moon, causing numerous impact craters which, even today, present proof of these ancient events. Scientists assert that the Earth, Mars, Venus, our Moon, other SOL planets, as well as their respective moons, were then all subjected to this hail of meteorites. Discovery of the Martian rock fragment supports this theory and turns this extraordinary meteorite into a precious piece of ancient history. Billy

FIGU Bulletin 007



In the early morning hours of February 15, 1996, the Chinese launched a rocket into space with an American communication satellite on board which was intended to orbit around the Earth. Chinese television stations proudly transmitted the event live; however, the transmission was suddenly terminated when something went wrong. The rocket had veered from its intended trajectory, backtracked and then exploded. The Chinese, however, concealed the facts surrounding the actual events connected with this accident, namely, that thousands of men, women and children had perished and two Chinese villages had been destroyed and completely obliterated when the rocket malfunctioned on takeoff. Immense devastation resulted from this accident, which took place in the Shisan region of China. Forty tons of TNT explosives were said to have ignited also when the rocket crashed, which lead to the complete annihilation of everything within a radius of 100 kilometers (60 miles) from the crash site. For the first week after the accident no reports were issued by the Chinese government, and when eventually it did so, the truth was shamelessly distorted. The announcement was very brief and a complete lie: "Four people died during a rocket malfunction." This deceitful attitude prevails in China with its population in the billions, where human life is absolutely valueless. Consider the mass executions performed there in total disregard for human life. As we know from Pleiadian/Plejaran information, China carries out capital punishment to cheaply access human transplant organs. --- We have further learned that some years ago, as a consequence of an incredibly destructive earthquake in China, more than one million lives were lost. But the Chinese government reported the number as "only" several tens of thousands. One realizes, therefore, that it is a simple matter for China to deceitfully announce the death of merely four people in the rocket crash when, in fact, thousands had perished. Billy


In the Great Magellan Cloud, a team of European astronomers discovered a dying "monster star" (Great Magellan cloud = constellation Dorado, comprised of approximately 10 billion stars at a distance of about 180,000 light years from Earth). The recently discovered "monster star" is the first known extra-galactic star (SiO) of its kind to emit microwaves from a neighboring galaxy toward the Milky Way. Another scientific revelation is that the star is in its dying phase. The star's discovery was achieved using a 15 meter (45 foot) telescope at the Chilean Observatory. Billy


The United States' National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has spectacular plans, and to international space enthusiasts the "sky is not the limit," as it were. An international race to the "Red Planet" will begin --- indeed, it already began and will outdo all past previous space achievements. The American team will initiate the next round of Mars research with two probes. But NASA is not the only agency involved in such projects; the European Space Agency (ESA), the Russians, and the Chinese contemplate entering the race as well. The successful outcome of this race to Mars may very well be that for the first time in our recorded history, humans will set foot on to the fourth SOL planet's soil in the early part of the twenty-first century. Such an event will fulfill related Pleiadian/Plejaran predictions (see Predictions and Prophecies, now available in German from FIGU) in which they forecast also that 1996 will be a decisive year for the budding Mars research programs. NASA's spectacular plans exemplify that the sky literally is not the limit for space enthusiasts, since the agency has attempted for some time now to produce suitable rocket fuel that would enable space rockets to make a return trip from Earth to Mars. By the end of the twentieth century, and for the next couple of decades, Americans, Europeans, Russians, and Japanese plan to launch nearly 20 missions to Mars. It may, however, come as a surprise to the other participants that

FIGU Bulletin 007 the Chinese will also be part of this roster because the billion-inhabitant nation is keeping all its objectives in this direction under wrap as well. --- Of course, all plans for Martian research depend on proper funding, but this will not easily stymy the enthusiasts' participation. The intended initial tasks after the Mars landing will be twofold: the exploration for water and the search for simple life forms beneath the planet's weathered craters. Stephen Clifford, a geologist from the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston, Texas, stated that the "Red Planet" probably offers the greatest likelihood for the discovery of simple life forms within the SOL System. The latest revelations about exotic Martian microbes in particular have heated up the chase. Of special significance is the fact that the planet is wetter and warmer than previously assumed. American space experts are suggesting a particularly revolutionary and novel concept for the Martian expeditions. They plan to construct a miniature fuel production system, which will be installed into one of the probes. It is expected this probe will be launched to Mars in 2005 where it will land, gather soil samples, relaunch itself, and leave the planet to return to Earth. The intent is that the fuel production system will absorb and accumulate carbon dioxide from the "Red Planet's" atmosphere during the vehicle's 583- day excursion. The unit will then slowly convert the carbon dioxide into an adequate amount of fuel for the 205-day return to Earth. According to preliminary figures such a device would also reduce the project's total cost by 30 percent. Experts anticipate that the required fuel will weigh approximately one ton; and this, they say, is sufficient to bring two kilograms (2.20 lb.) of Martian soil samples back to Earth. Supposedly, the carbon dioxide will be converted into liquid oxygen, but information regarding if and how this will function remains a mystery at this time. Nevertheless, the initial starting date for the international race is set for November 1996, when NASA will launch its first probe. The intent is that the probe will orbit the red planet for one Martian year (687 days). In December 1996, the "Pathfinder" probe is scheduled to land upon an ancient Martian river bed. A so-called "rover robot" will explore its surroundings and pick up soil samples, thus initiating the actual Mars exploration program. Ultimately, additional probes will be sent to Mars every 26 months thereafter. Some will remain in orbit while others will land and further investigate the planet. The forthcoming probes will be launched on their long journey in pairs and will cost a total of $200 million --- according to current calculations. Billy


Plans are also underway to explore the planet Pluto --- the most distant planet from Earth (of the known planets), and the last discovered planet in our solar system so far. Current terrestrials' knowledge about this planet is extremely limited, but at the onset of the twenty-first century, NASA will launch two small spacecraft to explore Pluto. The schedule for this undertaking has a built-in sense of urgency since the planet, according to scientists, still has an atmosphere at this time. Were the exploration vehicles not launched in the very near future, the window of opportunity for any close inspection would be lost and reoccur only at a much later date. The reason for this is that Pluto is currently travelling away from the sun, and its atmosphere will freeze sometime between 2010-2015 AD, whereupon its atmospheric gases will begin to drift to the planetary surface as snow. Since Pluto circles the sun in an elliptical orbit every 248 years, the next opportunity to analyze the planet's atmosphere would not present itself for another 250 years --- reason enough for the planners to speed up the project. As a result, NASA's early planning stage for this project must be completed by 1998 to the point where construction plans for the probes are finalized so that assembly can begin no later than 1999 or 2000. The probes will be named "Pluto Express" and their actual launch into space is expected sometime between 2001 and 2003. The exact dates are presently not carved in stone since the project depends both on funding and routing. Two probes will be required to scan and photograph the entire surface of Pluto during their fly-by. Apparently, their photographic images of the planet's surface will be far superior to the quality of photographs now being taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. The current technological trend is directed toward a miniaturization of all gadgets, devices, and the like. Space probe construction, therefore, is aimed at further miniaturization, with improvements to both

FIGU Bulletin 007 capability and effectiveness. In diminishing the probe's mass and size, a special, improved protective shield can be constructed for the electronic equipment which will ward off harmful side effects from Jupiter's radiation belt. Such Jovian rays could prove very destructive. Unfortunately, the probes are unable to avoid encounters with them during their trip and it is critical, therefore, to thoroughly protect them from the radiation. The planned Pluto project's fruition hinges primarily on NASA's financial prowess. In 1991 the cost for such a Pluto project were guesstimated at 2 billion dollars, while the agency now has been offered a "discount" cost of only 250 million dollars. The U.S. Congress is increasingly becoming stingier in financial matters pertaining to NASA's space objectives. Because of this frugality, the space agency must always first make its presentations much "tastier" for Congressional members to "bite." Perhaps the project costs could be shared with the Russians should they decide to participate, directly or indirectly. Pluto was only discovered in 1930 and Charon, its moon, in 1978. Together they form a rather unique constellation: Pluto is the only planet in our solar system that builds up an atmosphere like a comet when approaching the sun and then loses it again as it retreats. Billy



Space authorities are now convinced that extraterrestrial, human life does indeed exist. Mike Kaplan of the U.S. space agency NASA allegedly stated: "We are definitely not alone." In about 25 years we may indeed be capable of discovering these beings. Billy


A report from the USA states that on October 16, 1995, the Hubble Space Telescope observed and photographed the frontal collision of two galaxies within the Capricorn constellation. The encounter will provide further insight into the birth of stars. The constellation is approximately 500 million light years from Earth, signifying that the crash actually occurred 500 million years ago. According to NASA information, the photograph depicts a ring of new stars surrounding a larger galaxy which had formed when it was impacted by a smaller galaxy. The ancient event produced a shock wave that spread through the cosmos at 320,000 kilometers per hour [200,000 mph]. One statement indicates that this incident triggered the birth of several million new stars. The ring of stars is said to be so immense that our entire Milky Way galaxy could fit into it which, according to Pleiadian/Plejaran figures, has a diameter of approximately 110,000 light years. Billy


Many friends, acquaintances, enemies, and outsiders have repeatedly appealed to me to retaliate against or to respond to Kal Korff's intrigues and slanderous allegations. As far as I am concerned, I find it beneath my dignity to justify or let alone defend myself against a slanderer the likes of Korff, the "Weasel" [as nicknamed by U.S. talk show host Art Bell]. Korff was just 17 years old when he began publicizing his defamatory drivel and other conspiracies, which he aggressively continues to produce and disseminate since being a protg of Bill Moore, MUFON, and its cohorts. Together they are determined to defame me, "Billy" Eduard A. Meier. I simply want to state that the truthfulness of my contacts with the Pleiadians/Plejarans does not require my rectification or justification in any way --- the truth speaks for itself, and Korff's intrigues and slander, therefore, cannot assail this truth. The day of reckoning will come when Kal Korff and all his cohorts, who seem to shy away from the genuine truth just as much as Korff does himself, must come clean --- without doubt, a situation they will find extremely unpleasant.

FIGU Bulletin 007 Equally as deceitful and slanderous as Korff's are Luc Brgin's endeavors. He is a Swiss man whose address is Mhlhauserstr. 88, CH-4056 Basel/Bale, Switzerland, and, by his own grace, he is a dilettantish "wanna-be" ufologist. Although he refers to himself as an author or the like, he exposes in his articles, letters, and faxes his own ineptness in both grammar and spelling. In spite of this fact, as is usually the case with such people, he shoots off his big mouth and maligns me with extreme deceit and slander. This also holds true in the article he wrote in the German magazine UFO-Kurier (#18, April '96) which, in a fax to me, he deceitfully and megalomanicly described as a "widely sold" German periodical. For our readers' benefit, his correspondence to me, which contains different wording than what he deceitfully stated in his article, can be scrutinized at my place any time. Of course, everything he sent me was without his signature and had the notation: "Unfortunately, a fracture of my hand prevents me from signing these lines." It seems he feels that without his signature no proof exists the faxes came from him --- what other reason could he have for doing this? Well, for my part, I never read Brgin's slanderous drivel, for I can vividly imagine the type of lies and slanderous statements " la Korff" he presents to the UFO-Kurier readers and others, in order to aggrandize himself and give the impression of how august a UFO authority and personality he is. This deception will probably not benefit him a great deal. All around the globe it is a known fact that "nobodies", non-talents, people full of inferiority complexes, and pretentious fools are simply pompous braggarts. Through every possible lie and defamation, they aspire to step into the limelight simply to boast and shine --- although the sham glare and glimmer only serve to blind those who fail to protect their eyes, or those who are gullible enough to fall prey to all these lies and defamations without ever attempting to determine the real truth for themselves. Any additional comments are probably redundant except for the old saying perhaps that "birds of a feather flock together," and this surely proves true as far as Korff and Brgin are concerned. Together they paddle their boat toward insurmountable rapids which will lead, without doubt, to their downfall. On their deathbeds, their lies and defamations will turn their final days into hell. I certainly do not wish this upon them, for it is contrary to my character, but the saying goes: "One day we all will be held accountable for our every thought, every emotion, every deed and every action --- at the very latest when the Grim Reaper knocks at our door." If we still had that Mount Olympus of yore where mythological gods used to dwell, they certainly would die laughing at the folly of some people now on Earth. Billy


A UFO Scatters a Dangerous Mess in an Airport in the South of Argentina

(Tribune de Genve, August 3, 1995) An airliner pilot was forced to make a desperate manoeuvre not to collide with a flying sucer. At the same time, an electic black-out was registered in the town of San Carlos de Bariloche. "A white flying saucer" was "moving at a high speed braving all physical laws" perturbing during fifteen minutes, during the night of Monday to Tuesday, the airport traffic of San Carlos de Bariloche, situated at 1800 km south-west from Buenos Aires. This information was reported by ten eyewitnesses. It all started on Monday at 1h30 (Swiss hour), when the flight 674 of Aerolinas Argentinas, coming from Buenos Aires, with on board 102 passengers and three crew members, was finalising his approach manoeuvres in order to land on the lane of Bariloche, a winter sport resort in the first foothills of the Andes Cordillera. "The pilot was obliged to make a desperate manoeuvre not to collide with the unidentified flying object" asserted few Argentinean military airforce members. These evidences were confirmed by the Major Jorge Oviedo, that saw as well "an UFO" and according to whom "at the same time, a black-out occurred all over the town. The airport measure apparatus went out of control. A few inhabitants declared as well to have seen the UFO, just before the

FIGU Bulletin 007 black-out. "When we were at 15 flight minutes from Bariloche, the Control Tower normally authorised us to proceed with the approach manoeuvres with the instruments on board and I came down to three thousand feet" explained the pilot, Jorge Polanco. "At the precise moment when I was starting my last descent, I suddenly saw in front of the plane a white light that was coming straight at us at a very high speed, before stopping at a hundred meters. When I took back in hand the manoeuvres, the object did a strange turn in descent and kept at a hundred meters distance parallel with the plane" he expressed. "The plane was running normally, but after a moment the saucer, of an airliner size, changed colour, two green lights appeared at its extremities with one orange in the middle that was shining at intermittence" continued the pilot. "At the moment when I was starting my last approach, the landscape and the airport lights turned off. I was obliged to go back up to three thousand feet together with the UFO (he came along with a supernatural speed). I just couldn't believe my eyes and I was very worried, and my two co-pilots too" said Polanco and according to him "this UFO was not moving in accordance with any physical nor natural laws known". "When finally the light came back on the ground I restarted my landing, the UFO then disappeared at a very high speed in direction of the Cerro Otto" concluded the pilot. An inquiry had been opened in order to determine the origin of the mysterious object.



In the early days of Brazil's ufological research program (1957-1987), a group of friendly extraterrestrials (ETs) sent, on five occasions, warnings to mankind and the terrestrial governments. Over a twenty-year period (1975-1995) even more serious warnings were directed at Swiss contactee Eduard Meier and his support group, FIGU, by the benevolent Pleiadians/Plejarans. They have continued their warnings to Meier to this day, even beyond February 1995, when the Pleiadians officially withdrew from Planet Earth, apparently in disgust with the terrestrial governments' deaf ears upon which the warnings had fallen regarding Earth's overpopulation and overindustrialization. Since the Pleiadians always claimed they (and their allies) were indeed the source of nearly all the observed extraterrestrial activities, it was a surprise when one year after the Pleiadians' withdrawal from Earth, UFO activities increased significantly in the night sky over Brazil, as public video recordings have demonstrated. Yet a greater surprise lay still in store, when the Jornal do Brasil, a local newspaper, published reports on February 2, 3, and 4, 1996, that resident attorney and ufologist Dr. Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues in Varginha, capital of Minas Gerais, located three young girls in one of the city's districts who had observed an extraterrestrial being on January 20, 1996. Likewise, other witnesses claimed they saw two extraterrestrials whom a local fire department had netted and then immediately confined secretly in one wing of the city's hospital. The hospital director denied all allegations. The following day physicians from Sao Paulo University Clinic visited the ETs who were then spirited out of the city one or two nights later, and perhaps even transported to the USA. In addition to two witness reports on TV on a more recent broadcast of the "Globo Fantstico" of February 25, 1996, no further commentaries were heard about this event --- neither from the local military garrison nor from the legal justice agencies nor the foreign minister's office in Brasilia, the capital. One could easily get the impression of living back in the colonial days of Tiradentes, the martyr, when Brasil was governed by the Portuguese mainland. Fortunately, we recalled reading about a recent article in a Meier/FIGU UFO Bulletin about NASA's "fun law," whereby every ET found on Earth must be quarantined under the pretense that by doing so, the government will prevent a terrestrial epidemic as the result of harmful germs carried to Earth by the ETs. Now we must ponder what impression the Varginha events left with the cosmic race, when two apparently peaceful individuals were apprehended without warning and without the protection of our terrestrial laws. Although we

FIGU Bulletin 007 recently discovered the effects wrought by atomic blasts, and that rocket technology allows us to visit the Moon, we know absolutely nothing regarding the technological capability of the extraterrestrials in Varginha and about their peacefulness or vengefulness. We also begin to comprehend why obtuse government administrators are calling outspoken ufologists' grievances "insane" when they demand the government officially disclose the UFO dilemma. Were the government to comply with their demands, some courageous ufologists might get the idea to publicly denounce the cowardice of the various governments over the past 40 years --- for not taking a stand until now and staring truth in the eye. For this reason we want to mention several other newsworthy items that may or may not relate to the Varginha UFO episode: 1. On February 9, 1996, two girls living in Rio de Janeiro saw a large automobile with the NASA logo on the side racing down the Dutra freeway toward Sao Paolo. 2. On March 1, 1996, coinciding with the arrival of the American Foreign Minister Warren Christopher, the local newspaper Jornal do Brasil revealed that the UN-Secretary was in Brasilia, the capital, delivering documents regarding space programs and NASA that required the local foreign minister's signature. We sincerely hope the ETs of Varginha will soon discover that harshness and unbridled force continue to rule our world. Hopefully no catastrophe will ensue from the skirmish that began in Varginha. Finally, we would like to congratulate Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues on his tenacious research regarding the Varginha case, as well as for his mature, forthright related actions, and for his alertness, courage, and sincerity. In a previous case involving Arlindo Gabriel dos Santos in the city of Baependy (MG), we saw these same attributes emerge from within him. Respectfully, Dr. Walter K. Bhler, Brazil



Former NASA scientists and engineers announced in Washington, D.C., they would present an analysis of 30-year-old suppressed evidence revealing ancient artificial structures on the Moon. Photos show astronauts walking amid apparent lunar ruins, on "leaked" NASA and Soviet space photographs. The scientists challenge the White House to "open the NASA files" and point to a deliberate 30-year superpower cover-up based on an official government report, which warned "civilization could collapse." Such evidence throws new light on the nagging question: "What really happened to Apollo 13?" Former NASA scientists, engineers and other researchers, under the aegis of The Mars Mission --- a grassroots space research and policy group of specialists and citizens --- will hold a major press briefing on Thursday, March 21, 1996, at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. In the planned two-hour event, beginning at 9 a.m. (EST), detailed scientific analysis of possible ancient artificial structures --- found on hundreds of archived NASA and Soviet lunar photographs, and thousands of feet of original motion picture film --- will be presented, using state-of-the-art computer and video graphic systems. This material --- some of it held in a university archive outside NASA for almost a quarter of a century --- is part of a continuing Mars Mission investigation into possible "suppressed" NASA solar system findings, based on a highly controversial warning contained in a 36-year-old government report: (see New York Times, 12/15/60 article in TEXT FORM at end of this news release.) The Mars Mission's major scientific and political conclusions, to be illustrated with extensive NASA and Soviet lunar photography at the press briefing: These official mission films --- analyzed over a period of four years, via scientific techniques and computer technology and literally unavailable even to NASA 30 years ago (when the original photographs were taken) --- now provide compelling scientific evidence for the presence of ancient artificial structures on the Moon. It is now apparent also that the entire purpose of President John F. Kennedy's sudden, all-out Apollo Program to land

FIGU Bulletin 007 Americans on the Moon within ten years was to send American astronauts directly to these ruins, to record them on film, and to bring back physical evidence (including manufactured artifacts) for analysis on Earth. According to Richard C. Hoagland, head of the Mars Mission and 1993 winner of the International Angstrom Medal for Excellence in Science, who began this intensive examination of NASA and Soviet lunar photography four years ago as part of the research organization's ongoing "Mars" investigation, the answer to the question, "Why a NASA cover-up of such extraordinary information?" is simple, if not tragic: "Look at that New York Times headline; would you reveal the very thing that the best and the brightestf NASA could assemble at the dawn of the Space Age. . . warned could literally collapse civilization: namely, hard, physical ruins left by a race of obviously superior beings, and in our proverbial backyard to boot?! We are 30 years behind where we would have been --- had NASA only been allowed to tell us what they found at the time these photographs were taken. Imagine the future we would be living now, the discoveries, the scientific and environmental advances the world would be sharing if fear, coupled with blind and misplaced adherence to authority, hadn't intervened. . . ." Hoagland hints that, in addition to the remarkable imaging data on the artifacts, at the press briefing there could be some major political surprises: "We have evidence that some of the astronauts themselves have attempted to change this 30-year-old policy. But, because they are 'good soldiers', their efforts have been behind the scenes. We are considering presenting this evidence as well. "It's time for this President to bite the bullet, to open NASA's files on all of this, and come clean." For reasons of security, participants in the press briefing --- some of whom currently work on "black projects" for major aerospace companies under direct contract to the U.S. government --- will not be revealed, until shortly before the briefing on the 21st; however, the list of participants does include geologists, former NASA engineers, photographic experts, lunar construction engineers, architects, and investigative reporters. Extensive documentation, including hard copy imaging of specific NASA astronauts "amid the ruins," will be handed out on Thursday. This article was transcribed from the original printed article. A copy of which is available from The Mars Mission, for authentication.
New York Times, Thursday, December 15, 1960: MANKIND IS WARNED TO PREPARE FOR DISCOVERY OF LIFE IN SPACE Brookings Institute Report Says Earth's Civilization Might Topple if Faced by a Race of Superior Beings. Washington, D.C., Dec. 14 (UPI) -- Discovery of life on other worlds could cause the earth's civilization to collapse, a Federal report said today. This warning was contained in a research report given to the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) with the recommendation that the world prepare itself mentally prepare for the eventuality. The report, prepared by the Brookings Institution said, "while the discovery of intelligent life in other parts of the universe is not likely in the immediate future, it could nevertheless, happen at any time." Discovery of intelligent beings on other planets could lead to an allout effort by earth to contact them, or it could lead to sweeping changes or even the downfall of civilization, the report said. Even on earth, it added, "societies sure of their own place have disintegrated when confronted by a superior society, and others have survived even though changed." Responding to Crisis "Clearly, the better we can come to understanding the factors involved in responding to such a crisis the better prepared we may be." The agency's 100-page report, prepared at a cost of $86,000, was for the space agency's committee on beings-in-space studies. The members, headed by Donald M. Michael, also recommended further study of other space activities, including the symptomatic and propaganda effects and the implications of communication and weather satellites. On the question of life in outer space, the report said that if intelligent or super-intelligent beings were discovered in the next twenty years they would probably be found by radio communications with other solar systems. Evidence of such existence "might also be found in artifacts left on the moon or other planets," it said.


FIGU Bulletin 007


An attempt already has been made to contact outer space. Government scientists at Greenbank, West Virginia, used radio astronomy in an effort to pick up signals that might have been beamed by intelligent beings. They concentrated on a star about fifteen light years away. Signals sent from Greenbank were of a kind that would show to anyone receiving on other planets that they were man-made and not simple natural phenomena.

Submitted by Heidi, Bob, Marc, Jason in San Diego, USA


Question: In reference to the article about "Abductions By The Little Greys" (FIGU Bulletin #6, February '96): Must all so-called abduction cases be classified according to those described in the article? W. Uhlmann, Germany Response: No, of course not. Some of these abductions are genuine. However, legitimate abduction cases tend to be very rare and amount not to the millions which are claimed by "abduction nuts" and their followers. Genuine abductions are referred to as "examination contacts" when a great many examinations and, unfortunately, various experiments are performed on male and female terrestrials. In some cases, the abducted individuals are given implants in the form of small metal pieces that allow ETs to transmit impulses and the like to monitor the abductees. Occasionally, small surgical scars and dotlike needle imprints and similar marks may result from certain procedures. But all of these occur infrequently and are actually quite rare, not in the millions as is erroneously purported. Although it is true that beings, whom we call Little Greys, make their appearance during these examination contacts, most of the associated testimonials are pure fabrications and arise from fear and other conditions within the people involved. In any case, the Little Greys are not the terrible creatures mass fear construes them to be. These aliens are small, have an insectlike appearance because of their large, slanted eyes, and are covered by grayish skin. The hysteria that surrounds them is completely unfounded, however, although they do occasionally examine terrestrials. In some cases terrestrials are examined "from a distance" while they are asleep in their beds. Needlelike dots appear on their bodies and they may have visions of the examiners. Once again, these cases are rare and do not happen in the millions as is so often maintained. Cases where foreign objects are implanted into the body are also rare, and in some cases they are not even implantations but are, instead, usually metal fragments from Earth, which obviously had penetrated the skin long before they were being noticed. The body's own defense mechanism produces a protective film or membrane of keratin, hemoglobin and the like around the object, which may become solid as a rock over time and under certain circumstances. By forming such a membrane, the body avoids infection in the area of the foreign object. In general, metal fragments turn black when they have been imbedded in the human body for a long time, even after they were covered with a protective layer. Such fragments will appear very strange and may even undergo some chemical changes. The so-called Little Greys, as we terrestrials refer to them, do not exist in the manner some frightened "abductees" describe. As mentioned above, their skin is grayish in color, they have large, almondshaped, slanted eyes, and their heads are antlike or grasshopperlike. And yet, they do not fit the Little Greys image currently being painted of them. The Little Greys could, therefore, simply be perceptions of frightened and delusional people. And yet, this clearly does not mean there are no aliens whose image the terrestrials have grown to know as the Little Greys. The truth is, they look somewhat different from what some people are claiming. We never claimed that examination contacts did not take place, although we did state and have explained why stories about Little Greys with their reported abductions and so forth are, as a rule, based on mere fantasies, visions, sleep paralyses and other things. Exceptions exist for every rule, and very little was said about those. However, without doubt, such exceptions do exist. And this probably answers the reader's question. Abductions and examinations of

FIGU Bulletin 007 terrestrial males and females by the extraterrestrials undeniably do happen, albeit only in very few instances and not by the millions as claimed. These explanations, however, must not then be taken to mean that every tiny, needlelike wound was the result of extraterrestrial examination contacts because this would be a total exaggeration. For this reason, as a rule, natural causes for such small wounds should first be explored, e.g., in form of insect pricks or bites, which frequently look as though they were punctured into the skin with needles. Punctures and bites can be produced by gnats or horseflies and spiders; whereby the latter, although relatively small, may be poisonous and capable of generating an infection. Small spiders frequently inhabit decorative plants in homes, where the plants' soil provides a popular home for these unpleasant houseguests that occasionally look to humans as food sources. The poison from these small spiders is not necessarily harmless and their bite can lead to severe harm to the body, blood, and brain should infections result. If the brain is affected, these bites may even cause delusions, which then are erroneously accepted as reality. Spiders, gnats, mosquitos, horseflies, and other such pests, are not the only insects capable of producing tiny, needlelike punctures, the origin of which may perplex many people and be falsely attributed to secret machinations of extraterrestrials. The bedbug, too, is a major culprit when it comes to inflicting tiny pinpricklike wounds. Oftentimes a single bedbug can bite the sleepers body several times. Additionally, various types of fleas can be listed in this category for they, too, can make the same prick marks as they bite into the person's body. These nasty houseguests frequently inhabit the humans' homes and their surroundings, because certain species of fleas depend on humans for their food source. This especially holds true when pets, such as cats, dogs, mice, various squirrel species, hamsters, guinea pigs, rats, birds, etc. etc., are kept in human dwellings. As a rule, and even though they are kept very clean, these pets harbor lice and fleas that frequently leave the animals and attach themselves to humans in search of blood. Domesticated animals, such as sheep, goats, horses and cattle can also carry these nasty guests, which then bite humans without the person ever noticing; later on they wonder how the "punctures" got on their body. In order to pick up one of these parasites, a person need not even be near an animal in a room. The individual may visit other people or stand close to them, whereupon these bloodsucking fleas, bedbugs, and lice latch themselves onto the person. Likewise, by being close to or touching animals, the individual makes it easy for parasites to jump onto the individual and inflict pinprick or needlelike bite wounds, which then are mistakenly called extraterrestrial injection or examination marks. Indeed, such occurrences may even be associated with wild nightmares people experience. --- All of this, once again, confirms that a person should be cautious in all cases when reaching conclusions about mysterious, pinpricklike small wounds, and should first investigate the cause of such marks to determine whether or not they are the result of natural phenomena, possibly an insect prick or bite. Mention must also be made of another type of injection wound, which again is falsely attributed to extraterrestrial examinations. The mark is a stablike wound that appears independently or in clusters on various body parts, and it may take many diverse forms, as exemplified below: The origin of such wound marks, which actually look like small "puncture wounds," can usually be retraced to a person's self-inflicted injury (unless they are indeed extremely rare, extraterrestrially-inflicted examination marks). Such individuals produce these wounds unconsciously, through their own mental powers, when their brains are exposed to the large sub-consciousness composite of a particular human mass. Consciously or unconsciously, they live with the phobias/fears to be subjected to extraterrestrial abductions, simple examination contacts or similar self-induced fears. As a rule, individuals with such conscious or unconscious phobias are not obtuse, unintelligent or consciousness-impaired. Indeed, they tend to be completely normal people with a lucid consciousness. They do lack, however, certain psychic strengths and mental powers, and for this reason, they are easily influenced in these matters by sub-conscious vibrations from their fellow human beings. Through the collective sub-consciousness, they absorb pseudo-experiences, thoughts, feelings, images, and similar vibrational emissions from other people, and assimilate them into their own sub-consciousness. Consequently, they are able to administer these unaccountable wounds and other markings to their own bodies. Thereupon, and for lack of a better explanation, these wounds and markings are frequently attributed to extraterrestrial forces because these individuals have read and heard about extraterrestrial examinations and abductions of humans, or they themselves may have experienced such pseudo events in a dream or


FIGU Bulletin 007 in a sleep paralysis. These unconsciously-generated and -directed fantasies also play a vital role regarding a labile psyche and mentality, when individuals sub-consciously inflict marks or wounds on their own bodies and, thereby, produce pseudo-experiences in their minds. Additionally, this phenomenon holds true when the event occurs in conjunction with the collective sub-consciousness, where the number of people can range from dozens to hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions of people. The larger the number of people included in this collective sub-consciousness block, the more powerful it becomes and the faster it spreads at lightning speed throughout the world, to touch the sub-conscious level of every individual. Normally, a strong sub-consciousness level in a person will assimilate and then immediately curtail these vibrational impulses. This fails to occur when an individual is controlled by some degree of lability, however, in which case the impulses do indeed reach the psyche and all mental realms without prior assimilation or screening. When an individual's subconsciousness is labile, then that person's mental sphere is also labile. Once vibrational impulses reach their destination, fantasies begin to grow which, subsequently, trigger forces that lead to the mental self-infliction of wounds, pseudo-experiences and the like. Billy



Pleiadians/Plejarans do not apply the same term "Mad Cow disease" that we terrestrials use. Instead, they refer to the disease as the "prion epidemic." They apply this term not only to cattle but to all other mammals susceptible to BSE infection as well. As a result, the term also applies to Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Syndrome, the term used for the human form of this disease. The epidemic is transmitted to humans and animals via meat products such as ordinary cuts of meat, brain, bone marrow, along with meat or bone meal; indeed, from any product manufactured from these items, as well as through animal excrements, bloody saliva deposits on grass and hay, mites in fodder, contaminated stables, and so forth. Many people are aware of the fact that two years ago FIGU conducted a worldwide campaign on this subject by way of a flyer mass mailing. The flyer was sent to all governments, major newspapers, television stations, politicians, health organizations, veterinary and other agencies just to name a few. The same flyer, consisting of a conversation about BSE between Billy and Ptaah, was reprinted. Thousands of copies were mailed out, once again, after a public declaration by British scientists had come forth in which they finally revealed that the prion epidemic, this "Mad Cow Disease," can be transmitted to humans after all --- just as Ptaah had declared some time ago. The latest follow-up announcement from Britain states the following:
British scientists have discovered certain genetic similarities in the proteins of both cattle and humans. These similarities may confirm the previously held suspicion that BSE, the Mad Cow epidemic, and the Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Syndrome, which attacks humans, are somehow linked. It is stressed that there exists little likelihood that the similarity is coincidental.

Billy CONTRIBUTIONS: We gratefully accept our readers interesting, informative newsletter contributions!

As early as December 1995, astronomers noticed a mysterious object in space which sent strong X-ray signals into the universe every hour, in a way similar to a light house. First mention regarding these suspiciously regular radio signals was offered in 1968, when British astronomers became capable of picking up such signals. Headlines at the time read "Contact Made with Little Green Men," for everyone was convinced that only an extraterrestrial intelligence could transmit such signals in a regular pattern. It was not long, however, before theoretical astrophysicists found a less spectacular, yet no less fascinating explanation for the phenomenon, namely, that the signals were sent by a rapidly rotating remnant of a collapsed star, a pulsating radio star --- a pulsar. Early in December 1995, astronomers discovered a new type of pulsar in the vicinity of the Milky Ways center that emits

FIGU Bulletin 007 light within the more energetic, shorter-waved X-ray range. Approximately every hour the pulsar sends out an enormous X-ray pulse. The pulsar was detected by a research satellite specifically constructed for the purpose of examining long-observed X-ray flashes, which occasionally and unexpectedly flare up in the universe only to immediately subside again. The newly discovered pulsar initially sent its X-ray flashes at one-second intervals, then every few minutes, and after two days then once an hour. Thereafter it entered an odd pattern of behavior displaying several variations which were previously attributed to various celestial objects. Currently this pulsar is the strongest known X-ray source in the sky. At this point, mystery surrounds the mechanism by which these rhythmic X-ray flashes occur; but this much we do know: This cosmic X-ray light house is a dual-star system comprising a small neutron star of immense mass and a lighter-weight companion star. It is presumed that the lighter star intermittently loses some of its matter, while the neutron star "siphons" it off. This process causes the material to accelerate to approximately 150,000 kilometers/ sec. [93,750 mps], or half the speed of light. Thereupon, the material crashes to the surface of the neutron star, generating a temperature of approximately 1 billion degrees Celsius [1.8 billion F], hot enough to discharge X-ray flashes one million times brighter than our sun. Billy


Kesao Takamizawa, a 44-year-old Japanese amateur astronomer from Nagano near Tokyo, detected a supernova with his 400mm telescope. He is one of the few astronomers on Earth to discover in rapid succession three different space phenomena. Takamizawa stated that during the night of Saturday, April 12th to the 13th, he had photographed the "NGC 5061" galaxy in the Virgo constellation and then realized, only after developing the film, that he had captured a supernova on his film. In February/March '96, Chinese astronomers from the Peking Observatory discovered a supernova in the Raven constellation --- some 65 million light years from Earth. Billy


Scientists were amazed at their observations when comet Hayakutake traveled across the night sky as a diffuse object for several evenings at the end of March '96: The American and German astronomers discovered that the comet was emitting X-rays --- a unique phenomenon for this type of celestial body. And now they are baffled by what causes the X-rays. Billy

With the aid of the Hubble US Space Telescope, American scientists some time ago photographed a "Black Hole," whose mass is equivalent to that of three billion suns. For the first time ever, the Hubble photographs provided evidence of the existence of a "Black Hole," based upon the stars orbiting it. Until now, scientists on Earth could only prove the existence of a "Black Hole" through observations of a unique gaseous discharge from the mass of collapsed stars which, collectively, are called a "Black Hole." The "Black Hole" discovered by the Hubble is in the approximate center of Galaxy M 87, part of the Virgo Galaxy cluster and approximately fifty million light years from Earth. With a mass of three billion suns, this "Black Hole" is said to be nearly as large as our SOL System. Billy

FIGU Bulletin 007



Astronomers observed a very remote galaxy in the center of the Cancer constellation where, it appears, two gigantic "Black Holes" orbit each other. One of these "Black Holes" may have a mass of 5 billion suns, while the other may even have a mass of 20 billion suns. Astronomers had been observing bright flashes emanating every 11.6 years from this distant galaxy which, scientists speculate, may somehow be related to these two orbiting "holes." At the beginning of 1996 the time had come again --- and toward the end of 1995 astronomers began observing a sudden increased brightness of this galaxy. Billy


At 5 p.m. on Sunday, May 19, 1996, a planetoid measuring 300 to 500 meter (300- 500 yds) in diameter passed a mere 450,000 kilometers [281,250 miles] from Earth. Until now astronomers knew of only five such space "wanderers" approaching even closer to Earth. One of them, known as XM1, a small planet and the record holder, shot past our planet in December 1994 at a distance of only 112,000 kilometers [70,000 miles]. This amounts to just two-thirds the distance between Earth and the Moon, whose average distance is 384,000 km [240,000 miles]. Such "visitors" from space are also termed "Earth-Orbit Intersectors" and are in reality either space debris from former terrestrial or extraterrestrial space missions. This was the case, for instance, when an object intersected the Earth's orbit in 1991. Small planets, respectively small celestial bodies from space, frequently travel in close proximity to the Earth. Normally, however, they simply pass by our planet without harming it. This most recent planetoid discovery was made on May 14, 1996, by astronomers Tim Spahr and Carl Hergenrother at the Catalina Observatory in Tucson, AZ. The "visitor," a dim, Rank 12 object, was travelling at high velocity in the southern portion of the Boat constellation near its major star Arcturus. Its catalog number is 1996 JA1. Billy

FIGU.org [1]

FIGU Bulletin 008


FIGU Bulletin 008

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations

FIGU Bulletin Volume: 1 FIGU Bulletin Number: 8 FIGU Bulletin Date: August 1996 (English Edition: February 1998) Author: Billy Meier Translator(s): Heidi Peters Date of Translation: Unknown


FIGU Bulletin 8 Translation

Sighting on Sunday, June 16, 1996, 11:30 p.m. Witnesses: Barbara and Frank Demenga, Zrich, Switzerland. Observation period: approx. 15 seconds. Location: Zrich (7th precinct), Switzerland. Visibility: Clear night. Flight path of the objects: From south to north. Audibility: Soundless. Special features: Delta form, grayish white in color, yellow position lights, stable, calm, horizontal flight. The object suddenly appeared as a shadow from the darkness of the sky. Description of the sighting: My wife and I were sitting on our balcony when I suddenly saw what appeared to be a hang glider flying towards us --- in the middle of the night. When the object was above us, I was able to distinguish the delta shape. When it disappeared in a northerly direction, I recognized roughly six yellowish, intense lights along each side of the triangle. My wife was unable to see the object since she was sitting beneath the roof's extension, which blocked her view. Nearly three minutes after I saw the first object, a second one appeared, and my wife could see this one. It moved at great speed, was round, approximately the size of a full moon, and glowed brightly. The object traveled across the sky in a southerly direction. --- In my opinion, these objects were not meteorites, satellites nor the like, and neither were they airplanes. The objects flew silently and lacked the typical blinking navigation lights of airplanes. Their shape was not only highly unusual for a plane, but they also would have had to fly over the city of Zrich at an estimated altitude of 300 meters [approx. 900 feet]. Simply impossible. Comment: Between 1982 and 1996 I observed five different unusual flying objects, and due to their form and flight maneuvers that defy all physical laws, I am convinced they were not flying devices of terrestrial origin.

FIGU Bulletin 008


Sighting Report dated June 5, 1996, by Barbara Harnisch, Switzerland: On Wednesday evening, June 5, 1996, I stepped onto my balcony around 11:05 p.m. It was a balmy evening with a gentle breeze; the sky was slightly veiled by high clouds. I was enjoying the view before me as I peacefully glanced toward the edge of a nearby forest. As I scanned the dark silhouette of the trees, I noticed a bright flash in the sky. Puzzled, I looked to the west but couldn't see anything other than a few stars. A few moments later another "flash" appeared in the sky, this time slightly to the east and closer to the house. A bright, whitish, globe-shaped light, which only flared up for a moment, caught my attention and then instantly disappeared again. At first I thought it was a plane flying above the clouds where it was visible only for a few seconds at a time. I heard no engine noise -- and when it flashed once again an instant later, more northerly this time, I realized it was not an airplane. Airplanes do not fly in such zigzag patterns as this object did. Furthermore, a plane could not have flown this fast from one location to another as this object had just done. Due to their construction, airplanes must follow more or less a straight line. I don't know of any terrestrial aircraft that could have performed the flight maneuvers I had observed. For this reason I concluded this object could only be a UFO. "Saalome," I thought delightedly as I scanned the sky in hopes of perhaps seeing the flying craft one more time. And sure enough, there it appeared again only moments later, in the same northwesterly position where I had just seen it flashing. I was able to pick out a small, orange-yellow dot, which now moved again in a southerly direction. This time I was completely convinced: It was a space ship. Fascinated and at the same time elated I followed it with my eyes. Suddenly it increased its speed tremendously and abruptly disappeared. As I peered into the region where the craft had vanished, I saw some flashes of light in a southerly direction --- but this time it was certainly an airplane, for I could clearly distinguish its blinking lights and hear the engine noise. Then the small orange-yellowish object reappeared behind the plane, but at an altitude higher than the aircraft. The object's light was just large enough for me to see and to note that it was approaching me once again in northerly direction, again on a zigzag course but in a circular pattern at the same time. I continued to watch it until my eyes could no longer distinguish the object.


Question: Black Holes -- how did this term originate? Paul Trachsel, Switzerland Answer: In 1915, as part of his General Theory of Relativity, Albert Einstein was already teaching that Black Holes could indeed exist, at least in theory. The descriptive term "Black Hole," however, was only coined in 1967 by the American Astronomer John Wheeler. From then on Black Holes were considered a probability. Astronomers remained uncertain about this theory for, among other reasons, Black Holes cannot be observed due to their characteristic ability to swallow nearby matter and light. One very popular theory states that Black Holes exist at the center of most bright galaxies. This implies that our galaxy, the Milky Way, also has one --- just as the Pleiadians/Plejarans have stated, and as revealed in the latest prophecies. Due to the fact that from Earth the view is clouded by gas and dust clouds, evidence of the Black Holes' existence may be very difficult to come by when observed from this planet or its close proximity in space. Billy Question: According to recent statements, the hole in the ozone layer has once again stabilized itself. Is this true or is it still increasing annually by 5% as Ptaah declared it to be? Pius Keller, Switzerland Answer: According to information from Ptaah, nothing yet has changed regarding the increasing expansion of the opening in the ozone layer. One must assume, therefore, that the opening is enlarging and that the danger has not diminished in any way. The damage to the ozone layer poses equally as big a threat on the climate as do high ozone concentrations in the air, which also affect the weather and all life form organisms.

FIGU Bulletin 008 Ozone [Gr.- the fragrant] consists of molecules with three oxygen atoms (O3) and is a form of oxygen. In high concentrations this gas has a deep blue coloration; it condenses at minus 111.9 C [169.42 F] into a deep blue liquid that solidifies into bluish-black crystals at 192.5 C [314.5 F]. Ozone has a penetrating odor. Under the influence of oxygen atoms, ozone forms into molecular oxygen, which then breaks down again according to the following formula: O3<>O2+O and 2O--> O2. Through the influence of oxygen atoms, ozone is one of the strongest oxidation chemicals in existence and is very toxic in higher concentrations. In place of chlorine, ozone is used as a chemical to oxidize, to bleach and, in a watery solution, to disinfect. Ozone forms wherever enough energy is present to influence it through the effects of radiated energy or electric discharges. As a result, oxygen atoms from oxygen molecules are released, which then interact with other oxygen molecules. Ozone Layer Ozone is derived from molecular oxygen and accumulates in the ozone layer of the atmosphere through the influence of the sun's shortwave ultraviolet (UV) rays. By absorbing the UV rays, ozone immediately disintegrates again; but the released oxygen atoms enrich themselves with molecular oxygen, and thereby generate a balance in the ozone layer by way of the ozone's synthesis and disintegration. The ozone layer is extremely important since it prevents most solar UV rays from penetrating the Earth's atmosphere. As a result, only a small portion of these damaging rays reaches this planet's surface. Ultraviolet rays in small dosages are vital to every life form, but in large doses they are harmful. For instance, exposure to strong UV rays can cause sunburn and skin cancer, while normal dosages are essential for the body to function properly. These normal functions include the body's ability to produce Vitamin D. High ozone concentrations in layers of air close to the ground may occur particularly in those areas where a great deal of emission gases are produced, and where nitric oxides and sulfur oxides produce ozone through the influence of sunlight. Ozone in large dosages is toxic to humans, fauna and flora. With humans and animals the harmful effects upon their health appear to be mainly irritations of the mucous membranes; however, significant damages are also possible. In the early stages of exposure, plants mainly react to high ozone concentrations with bleach blemishes that can later result in further damage. Organic substances such as textiles, leather and paints, among others, are also damaged by their exposure to ozone. The Ozone Hole: This term is applied to the destroyed ozone layer in the Earth's atmosphere above Antarctica. The destruction of the ozone layer is primarily the result of the terrestrial population's utilization of materials which wreak negative chemical and physical effects. The leading cause for the ozone layer's destruction is the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Once released, they slowly rise into the atmosphere and reach the stratosphere over a ten to fifteen year period. There they break down, releasing highly reactive chlorine atoms and chlorine oxides which, in turn, react with the ozone and split it into oxygen. The ozone hole above the Antarctic was discovered in 1985 -- approximately ten years, therefore, after I notified terrestrial scientists of the ozone layer's destruction on behalf of the Pleiadians/Plejarans (see Semjase Contact Notes Block #1, page 64a). By the end of 1992 further evaluations revealed that the hole was even larger than before. Over an expanse of nearly 23 million square kilometers [approximately 9 million square miles] above the South Pole, the ozone layer in the atmosphere by this time had already decreased by more than 50 percent. In comparison to 1991 figures, the ozone hole not only had expanded by 15 percent but the ozone had become thinner. These facts were the result of the interaction of the CFCs with halogens and sulfuric acid aerosols, which reached the atmosphere through the volcanic outbreaks of Pinatubo (June 1991) and Mount Hudson (August 1991). The aerosols seize nitrogen compounds and release reactive chlorine compounds that lead to the breakdown of the ozone. Strong evidence exists which reveals that the ozone layer in the northern hemisphere is greatly damaged and is also thinning. Damage to the ozone layer, among other things, produces severe biological consequences such as the increased mutation rates and a rapid escalation of cancerous skin diseases. Now it is mandatory that we also take into account the negative and harmful effects of ozone depletion on our climate. Latest News About Ozone: Up-to-date satellite assessments in July 1996 show that UV radiation has increased at an above-average rate due to the ozone hole.


FIGU Bulletin 008 Billy From a Letter to Billy: EXTRATERRESTRIAL ORIGIN In past conversations about UFOs, extraterrestrials and the like, people have sometimes approached and questioned me. They say that you, Billy Meier, claim to be of extraterrestrial origin, as does Michael Hesemann, the publisher of Magazin 2000. If these allegations of my companions in their conversations are correct, I feel as sorry for M. Hesemann as I do for you. Such claims by you would also force me to re-evaluate your chronicles, explanations and other items, for if these assertions about you are true, I have somehow been drawn in by a charlatan --- and I would have to disassociate myself from your written material and statements, just as I have done with the American Omnec Onec and various others whose statements and contacts, I am convinced, are purely based on fraud and charlatanry. I would hate to see this happen with you too, because your background, data, statements, and explanations have always appeared to me as being extremely believable, honest and frank without the usual sectarianism. I would appreciate your honest response. Alois Klingler, Switzerland Reply: Never have I ever claimed that I am an extraterrestrial. At all times I have clearly and explicitly stated that I am a human being who was procreated by and born to terrestrial parents on Earth. My spirit form, however, has a very ancient, extraterrestrial origin. And this is the case with many other people on Earth whose spirit form traveled to Earth from alien worlds in human bodies. These extraterrestrial people died on this planet and, as a result, their spirit forms have continued to reincarnate into terrestrial-human bodies ever since. My spirit form, which ultimately provides life to my present physical body, has in the past enlivened the bodies of other people, and these individuals fulfilled the same or a similar mission in past times just as I do today. This also serves as an explanation to the question why was I, of all people, chosen to fulfill the role of a contact person with the Pleiadians/Plejarans, and why was I chosen as their messenger to the people of Earth in matters pertaining to this Mission and to the spiritual teachings. Although my spirit form previously came to Earth as a human's life-giving force, albeit of a totally different person, it has remained on this planet through numerous reincarnations ever since that time. I am physically and in my material consciousness a terrestrial human being. Therefore, I would never dream of deceitfully presenting myself as an extraterrestrial. I find it extremely regrettable that such lies are repeatedly disseminated and attributed to me, for they merely lead to defamations against me instead of providing the actual truth of the matter. I also regret that these lies victimize individuals who may be mislead or harmed in some way by them. Ethical individuals, such as Michael Hesemann, who make genuine efforts to search for and present the truth, are defamed by these slanderers in this manner and are pulled through the mud by these liars, intrigants and defamers. You mention that Mr. Hesemann allegedly asserted he was an extraterrestrial. I would like to speak on Mr. Hesemann's behalf now by quoting his own words from a letter he wrote me on June 11, 1996. These words must not be looked upon as an obligatory justification, but purely and simply as a clarification --- the truth never requires a justification. Quote: "To begin with, in your latest Voice of the Aquarian Age, which you had kindly mailed to me, I read some information about me with which I wholeheartedly agree. I am referring to your statement in which you say that I am a person who was created on Earth --- a terrestrial and not an extraterrestrial being. I have never claimed otherwise about myself! Truthfully, in your question to Ptaah you refer to a claim made by the 'RTL Extra' program that I had presented myself as an extraterrestrial. You know from your own experience that this program is the worst of cheap-shot journalism on German television. And Mrs. Strohwange, Schrowange or whatever the name is of that precious moderator, had the nerve to use unverified material from the furniture salesman and sectarian Anti-UFO fanatic Werner Walter of CENAP [German acronym for Central Research Network for Unusual Phenomena] in Mannheim, Germany. A portion of this material came from a statement I allegedly made at a seminar in Berlin. The fact is that this statement was taken completely out of context. The statement was made in response to questions from the audience, and I had been asked my opinion of Sheila Gibson, the bleached blond barmaid who poses as


FIGU Bulletin 008 Omnec Onec from Venus . . . [Michael Hesemann distances himself from this impostor]. The next question was: 'How did you become interested in the subject of UFOs?' My response was something like this: 'Of course, I too could claim now that I originated on another planet and came to Earth to bring you the truth. But the truth is much simpler: As a young boy I found a von Dniken book in my parents' bookcase.' One reporter present at the interview recorded what I had said, and because he wanted to discredit me he gave the material to CENAP, who adulterated it accordingly by cutting away the beginning and ending of my statement." Michael Hesemann, Germany In reading Michael Hesemann's clarification, the entire matter takes on a completely different complexion, and one certainly cannot contend that he asserted such nonsense about his own extraterrestrial origin. --- Unfortunately, verbal statements and taped recordings are only too often falsified by cheap-shot journalists in order to compromise a message, especially when it pertains to ufology, and I have repeatedly experienced this myself over the years. Of course it is self-evident that wanna-be ufologists, notorious twisters of the truth, denying persons and slanderers also have their grimy paws into the midst of this scenario. Unfortunately, creatures such as the CENAP organizer Werner Walter is one of them. He is very popular with the cheap-shot journalists who assist Mr. Walter to find a warm nest and great popularity. The same also holds true apparently for those who are intent on defaming Michael Hesemann. Although he is perhaps somewhat gullible in certain aspects he, too, is often defrauded by dishonest elements. His honest efforts toward the advancement of ufology, the dissemination of its related truth and that of other items elsewhere, have become a great and valuable asset. And for his endeavors he is being attacked and ripped to shreds by deceitful journalists, resentful people, know-it-alls by their own grace, wanna-be-ufology-twerps and others. Such individuals are incapable of performing valuable work on their own, and they merely release their rubbish to satisfy their greed for financial profit instead of pursuing and providing the actual truth. Billy



Published in the April '96 UFO Kurier #18, a cheap-shot article about the Billy Meier Story by Luc Brgin from Basle, Switzerland, prompted various provoked individuals to write letters to the editor of the UFO Kurier. Apparently not all were reproduced. Michael Hesemann was one of the readers who sent such a letter to Mr. Kopp of the UFO Kurier, but so far [up to Edition #21] his letter has not been printed. Consequently, we are making this letter available to the readers of the FIGU Bulletin. I have heard through the grapevine that the UFO Kurier is planning to continue its campaign against me, Billy Meier. Michael Hesemann submitted the following letter to me regarding Luc Brgin with this note: Quote: "It is very unfortunate that a Swiss citizen finds it necessary to copy written material from a pathological liar such as Korff, instead of doing his own research at the original site, with you, Billy, in Hinterschmdrti where he could have interviewed eye witnesses himself." The following reprinted letter is a translation of the one Michael Hesemann sent to the German magazine which published Luc Brgin's rubbish regarding Billy Meier and his contacts: Magazin 2000 Verlag Michael Hesemann Worringer Strae 1 D-40211 Dsseldorf 16.4.96 UFO-Kurier Herrn J. Kopp Hirschauer Str. 10 72108 Rottenburg RE.: UFO-Kurier Nr. 18

FIGU Bulletin 008 Dear Mr. Kopp, You are the publisher of Fred Steckling's classic Extraterrestrial Bases on the Moon, one of the best books in the world of UFO literature (yes, you can quote me on that), but ... In a letter of February 4, 1999, the attorney-at-law of Dr. Johannes Fiebag has summoned Billy Meier to delete the declaration about Mr. Fiebag made by Michael Hesemann. Since we are unable to check the truth ourselves we comply with the request. 'FIGU / Billy Meier' ... Regarding Luc Brgin's article let me state the following: I respect Luc as an investigative colleague, but I am greatly disappointed about the evidence of his mental incompetence which he revealed with his article in your magazine. Must a Swiss citizen, who perhaps lives one hour from the Billy Meier farm, really resort to copying material from an American called Kal K. Korff? One can give Korff the benefit of the doubt that he could not thoroughly investigate the case from lack of mastering the language and because he had to work "under cover." But what about Luc Brgin? What a wonderful, independent investigation he could have carried out. I am convinced that if only Brgin had interviewed a mere 10 of Meier's 30-40 witnesses (as I did), he would have arrived at completely different conclusions. I do admit, and I have previously written about this in Secret Matter UFO, that the "Meier Case" was contaminated. Without any doubt, Meier has photographed the world's best UFO pictures in 1975/76 whose authenticity no serious researcher or photo expert would deny. Let me state right from the start that the reflections of the landscape on the spacecraft's underside were, of course, not "added" by the U.S. researchers. Those reflections can also be seen on the original prints, which Meier gave to ufologist Ilse von Jacobi from Munich, Germany, in 1976 --- two years before the first U.S. investigator ever set foot on the Meier farm. To make those reflections appear better defined by using wrong-color analyses on the computer is a perfectly legitimate method. Yes, and it is also true that the U.S. investigator Col. Stevens and the NASA associate Jim Dilettoso, in order to avoid the expense of purchasing a computer, had these wrong-color photographs and all other evidence later analyzed in California by a company with access to computers, which were horrendously expensive at that time. What is dishonorable about that? Today one can purchase the "photoshop software" for a few hundred dollars, but computer technology was astronomically expensive in those days, and all that was needed were these wrong-color pictures . . . Jim Dilettoso has never used a Ph.D. or any other academic degree and, therefore, related data could not have been false. I have known Dilettoso since 1991 and have dozens of his various business cards, letter heads, and three videotaped interviews with him, one of which was recorded at his impressive institute in a suburb of Phoenix, AZ. He never claimed possessing any academic degrees. Even more unfair are Brgin's "dark insinuations" about Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens' "lengthy" prison term. The charge stated he had an affair with a 17-year-old girl, a crime in the USA about which one would merely smile in Germany. It is a fact that the charge was made by the teenager's mother who perhaps falsely interpreted her daughter's (and the girl's 16year-old girlfriend) interest in UFOs, especially since the daughter actually did fall in love with Stevens which, after all, can happen. Stevens swears to be innocent, but he has no proof of it. In a puritan country like America one is quickly condemned. Well, at least the Air Force seems to find him innocent, or else he would have been demoted to a lower rank and would no longer be a Lieutenant Colonel today. Brgin seems to think Meier is idiotic enough to write accolades about himself by using the name of a company with his own initials ("BM Galact Corp."). However, Brgin forgets that the Swiss man's somewhat awkward style is easy to imitate. One good thing is that Brgin at least spares us Kal K. Korff's favorite argument: During his lectures and expensive Anti-Meier seminars where he, of course, also sells costly Anti-Meier videos, Korff shows a photo of Meier, points to his long beard and explains: "As you can see, this man wants to look like a biblical prophet." Korff's logic, therefore, must apply also to the 'Cool Man' in the Milka brand chocolate advertisements and to any bearded Swiss alpine dairy farmhand. Unfortunately, since Brgin only duplicated text from Korff, he also missed the opportunity to investigate this Californian's credibility. I have heard three of Korff's lectures and find him to be a questionable character. All of his


FIGU Bulletin 008 blaring 'revelations of evidence' throughout his lectures ("Neighbors saw Meier with models"; "I spoke with Meier's bookstore owner and can proof the source of every one of his contact conversations"; "I discovered the store in which Meier bought the helium for the balloons from which he suspended the UFO models."), have later proven to be nothing but hot air. Yes, there is a store in Winterthur where they sell helium --- but nobody there knows Meier. Yes, he is customer in a bookstore --- but became a client there only a few years ago. Yes, people have seen him with models when he and Wendelle Stevens tried to test Meier's photos by duplicating them with models Stevens had manufactured in the United States. Korff's entire book is based upon such half-truths. Yes, Meier took authentic photographs in 1975/76. And yes, in the same period he had 30-40 eye witnesses, among them those who curse him today although they still swear to have seen UFOs with him. Furthermore, predictions in his contact reports have later proven to be true. But: Hoaxes also existed. Why? Because someone wanted to contaminate the case, make it less believable -- whatever. By Meier himself in order to protect himself and his family? By the Extraterrestrials to ensure that it is up to us and our own spiritual evolution, instead of believing in miracles that cause us to accept or reject the contact information? By Meier's opponents or by the Secret Services? I don't have the answer. But I ask myself why a man capable in 1975/76 of taking the best UFO photos in the world would rather produce dubious material instead. If he were a brilliant hoaxer then all of his frauds would be equally good. The answer to this question can be found in Switzerland, in Hinterschmidrti, where Meier lives . . . not in America, among the sensationalistic machinations of scrupulous 'investigative' journalists. What a shame that Brgin, who lives so close to the truth (whatever it may be), pursues it in the distance . . . Here's a question for you as the publisher of the UFO-Kurier: Why did you not request a rebuttal article from Guido Moosbrugger whose book you also sold? That would have been a sign of IMPARTIALITY! With best regards Michael Hesemann



Regarding Randy Winters, Adrain, and the fraudulent contacts in Florida, here is the latest information provided through investigations by the Pleiadians/Plejarans and by Michael Hesemann: Adrain is a protegee of Randy Winters. The following text is an excerpt from a conversation during my 255th contact on May 13, 1996: Billy: . . . Tell me: On February 13, 1996, Florena mentioned to me that your investigations showed Randy Winters is not the only guilty party in matters pertaining to the fraudulent, purported contact story in Miami, Florida, and that there actually exists a man who makes these deceitful contact claims. Furthermore, this Adrain collaborates with Randy Winters who, in turn, cheats him and capitalizes on this liar and fraud by commercially exploiting Adrain's material for profit. Ptaah: That is correct --- this is precisely what is actually transpiring. Winters is utilizing the falsified material of this Adrain, as he calls himself, in order to enrich himself although he basically knows exactly that the entire matter is nothing but lies and deceit. Winters is a profit-hungry scoundrel, and the same holds true for Adrain who makes every attempt to introduce himself to people with whom he can collaborate and capitalize from his fraudulent story. As for Winters, he now exploits this Adrain in the same manner he has applied to your material, albeit with one big difference: Your information and contacts are the truth, of which he is fully aware, while the Adrain story is a ruthless lie, fraud, deceit, and charlatanry --- and Randolph Winters is fully conscious of this fact as well. In a letter dated June 11, 1996, Michael Hesemann also reported the following to me: Quote: "In evaluating the Adrain case as a hoax, I fully agree with you after my initial research. Among other things, Adrain claims that the Pleiadians, together with some elderly Nazis, maintain a base in the Brazilian jungle where he [Adrain] met Hitler who, he claims, is a 'lovable old man.' Randy Winters is not one and the same person as Adrain. I have seen photos of him (he is tall, about 30 years old, has a moustache and a short, military hairstyle) and have

FIGU Bulletin 008 received faxes from him. Several people, among them Giorgio Piacenza, Giorgio Bongiovanni (who also rejects him), the movie producer Larry Germain and others, have spoken with him. As far as I know, he spent last week with Fred Bell (!) in California, after complaining that Randy was selling his [Adrain's] material in video format for a great deal of money without giving Adrain a single penny (Randy is therefore an avid student of Lee Elders, the Shark!). Bell wants to publish a book with Adrain. Well, birds of a feather flock together." In a fax dated June 28, 1996, Michael Hesemann continued reporting to me: Quote: "Regarding the Adrain situation --- Randy Winters, whom I met at the 'gathering,' has also concluded that at least a major portion of the pictures are a hoax. The 'glowing ship' filmed on October 24 actually proved to be a 'blimp,' and I am enclosing a receipt from the company that launched it. It is quite possible that Adrain's pictures were recreated on a computer by actually utilizing your photos. Adrain did spend the second week in June with Fred Bell in Laguna Beach, California, and Bell has agreed to help Adrain disseminate his material. By the way, Adrain was born in Cuba and maintains contacts with a Puerto Rican who, like Adrain, also disseminated bogus Polaroid pictures (or more accurately, Polaroid reproductions of the computerized creations) as purported evidence for his contacts with extraterrestrials. I plan to expose the entire story in Magazin 2000 as soon as we have all the puzzle pieces in hand. Michael Hesemann/Germany Billy



During my May 13, 1996, contact with Ptaah, our conversation once again turned to the machinations of liars, deceivers, frauds, and charlatans as they pertain to fraudulent, purported contacts with Pleiadians/Plejarans. We also spoke on the topic of so-called remote viewing, which recently has become the flavor-of-the-month in the parapsychological firmament. Billy: I still have a few questions, one of which pertains to a purported medium, Ingo Swann, and a U.S. Army Major called Ed Dames. They are both involved in this so-called PSI TECH, supposedly a technological viewing method to discern and uncover even the most secret things from a distance --- at least this is what is being asserted; such a claim is made in Magazin 2000 starting on page 81. The article states that interested parties can meet Ed Dames in Germany where he intends holding a 3-day seminar at the impertinent price of DM 1.800 [approx. $1.400]. First of all: Are you familiar with this story? Second: Should Ed Dames be taken serious? Third: What about the medium called Swann? Fourth: What should we think of remote viewing? Ptaah: We are familiar with these claims and schemes. With his dishonest methods, Ed Dames is one of many who extracts money from the pockets of trusting and gullible people. The school for remote viewing, which he initiated, are infamous, shady wheeling and dealing (WV); and this purported remote viewing is nothing more than charlatanry. Both the USA and Soviet Union governments previously conducted comparable studies, and continue to do so to this day. This has not been classified information for quite some time, ever since a great deal of the secret material regarding this so-called remote viewing "trickled" out. The efforts in this secret research by the USA and the Soviet Union failed to produce any major successes, and their work in this direction must not be linked in any way with the charlatanry of Ed Dames. PSI TECH is not identical to this purported remote viewing, it is merely the name of an alleged firm. Regarding Ingo Swann, I can say that he, too, is involved in many dishonest schemes, and he has been given credit for many things that are untrue. When the facts are examined, therefore, all of these matters must be regarded as charlatanry and shady wheeling and dealing (WV). Only certain secret research programs and achievements by the USA and the Soviet governments regarding long-distance perception or remote viewing, as it is referred to in English, can be excluded from this entire foolishness. Billy: Thanks. --- Do you know anything about a person called Jani King? I have received a fax recently stating that this woman in Australia's North Queensland has written at least two books about . . .

FIGU Bulletin 008 Ptaah: . . . purported contacts with me. Of course, her information is as much a foolish fantasy and nonsense (WV) as the untenable claims by Penny McLean, Barbara Hand Clow, Barbara Marciniak, Amorah Quan Yin, and the others who make obscure and stupid (WV) assertions about their having contacts with me. On this list I must also include Fred Bell, who alleges (WV) to have had contacts with my daughter Semjase, and Randy Winters with Adrains story (WV) about his purported contacts in Florida. Never have we had such contacts with humans on Earth --- you are the rare exception --- and currently no other contactees exist whatsoever. Furthermore, in the future no contacts will be initiated with any terrestrial humans by any of our peoples. If, therefore, dishonest people (WV) claim they are having contact with one of us, or with the spirit entities of one of our peoples, you can rest assured this is a lie, fraud or charlatanry. As well, schizophrenic processes, suggestive influences, self-delusions and the like should not be excluded as possible causes for the individuals' actions. Unfortunately, the number of liars, deceivers, frauds, charlatans, and delusional individuals who claim they maintain contacts with us, is constantly increasing. Every one of them, and I must strongly emphasize EVERY SINGLE ONE, is simply an individual suffering from derangement, schizophrenia or delusions --- unless the person is a deliberate liar, deceiver, fraud or charlatan. It is interesting to note that we Pleiadians/Plejarans became part of the Earth's public's interest only after you officially began disseminating your mission material, and making public appearances. At that time we were suddenly being exploited by dozens of delusional people, liars, frauds, deceivers, and charlatans who claimed we had or were having contacts with them. The irony of this scenario is that these sick and dishonest people with their delusional, deceitful and fabricated stories, are being accepted as telling the truth by practically all UFO groups, although their fabrications bore not one iota of truth --- while you, our genuine contactee, continue to be scorned as a liar and cheat, and your evidence is defamed as being fraudulent. --- It certainly would be appropriate for you to compile a pamphlet regarding these matters so you can hand it out to everyone who is interested. The sincere investigators, indeed all other human beings, are entitled to hear about the fundamental truth. Billy



The Hubble Space Telescope made another sensational discovery: New galaxies were found which, so far, are more distant from Earth than any others, including some recently discovered celestial bodies.

The Hubble Space Telescope captured another sensational photograph: The picture reveals the star Eta Carinae at a distance of 8,000 light years from Earth. The star is enveloped in gigantic gas and dust clouds, and its brightness is 4 million times greater than that of our sun. Billy


The American-German space probe "Galileo" passed Jupiter's moon, Ganymede, by a mere 843 kilometers [523 miles] during the night of June 27, 1996. The probe snapped countless photographs which delighted scientists because the pictures are the most precise ever taken of our solar system's largest moon. Ganymede has a diameter of 5,262 kilometers [3,279 miles], making it larger than Mercury, the small planet, which currently is the closest known planet to the sun and orbits our central star at a distance ranging from 46 to 70 million kilometers [28 to 43 million miles] every 88 days. Using the research satellite "Galileo's" fascinating photographs from its encounter with the Jovian moon, scientists are now hoping to find evidence of similar geological activities on Ganymede to those on Earth. The scientists are speculating that beneath the ice-generated grooves, craters and ditches on this moon is a surface with mobile continents.

FIGU Bulletin 008 Ganymede is nearly as large as the planet Mars whose diameter measures 6,790 kilometers [4,219 miles] and is less than half the size of Earth with its diameter of 12,756.4 kilometers [7,926.67 miles]. This moon was discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei. The texture of Ganymede's surface was first depicted on grainy photographs taken from the "Voyager" probes as they passed by Jupiter's moon in 1979. Regardless of the fantastic Ganymede photographs, scientists are increasingly concerned about the "Galileo" probe since two of ten examination units on board seem to have failed, or at least proved to be faulty in some way. As a result, the recordings of high energy particles in Jupiter's radiation belt are missing. Among other things, the probe's photographs show the moon as having a surface of volcanic origin that was pitted by comets, meteors, and asteroids. Black-and-white pictures support the theory that Ganymede was actually a moon of ice whose surface was tectonically shifted in numerous ways at least 3.8 billion years ago. The main goal of the American-German "Galileo" probe's mission is to investigate all facets that make up this Jovian moon. It is assumed that Ganymede's core consists of silicic acid (silica), a very common material found also within the Earth's crust. "Galileo" was launched in 1989 and entered the Jovian atmosphere in December 1995 after having flown 640 million kilometers [397 million miles]. It approached Ganymede on June 27, 1996, at a speed of 28,000 kilometers per hour [17,398 mph]. Calculations indicate that September 6, 1996, will be the date for the next encounter at a passing altitude of just 500 kilometers [310 miles] from this moon, and will ensure even sharper photos --- this time in color. Another objective for this fly-by will be to measure Ganymede's magnetic and gravitational fields. Billy


For the first time ever, German-Swiss scientists were able to observe the solar storm phenomenon. An incredibly powerful windstorm continually rages on the surface of our sun and blasts across the gigantic fire ball at speeds of up to 40,000 kilometers per hour [24,855 mph]. Such solar winds cause supersonic turbulences and supersonic booms. Billy


In the spring of 1996, paleontologists in Morocco made a spectacular discovery that may link the African and South American dinosaurs. Here are details regarding this ancient beast: Length: approximately 9 m [9 yds.] Age: 93 million years, Name: Deltadromeus agilis This meat-eating reptile with long, slender limbs was very fast and agile. Under the direction of American paleontologist Paul Sereno from Chicago University, researchers finally unearthed the partially well-preserved skeleton of the long-extinct reptile after several months of search in the Moroccan Sahara's Kem region of Africa. Deltadromeus appears downright graceful when compared with the Carcharodontosaur saharicus. Scientists were aware of this ancient reptile as far back as 1927, and the skull of one Carcharodontosaur saharicus has been excavated. With a length of 1.60 meters [3'3"], the skull of the Carcharodontosaur is at least as large as that of the famous Tyrannosaurus Rex. The entire skeleton is estimated to be 12 meters [39'] long and it, therefore, exceeds the size of the T-Rex, until now considered to be the largest carnivorous reptile. Some additional data remains outstanding at this time which may confirm the issue of size. Discoveries in March and September 1995 in Argentina, South America, revealed an even larger skull, that of a Gigantosaur. Billy

FIGU Bulletin 008


It is simply unbelievable how the name of the Pleiadians/Plejarans is being misused for money-grabbing and infamous schemes. The Plejarans name is dragged through the mud and slandered by lying, deceitful and underhanded people throughout the world when they claim --- against their own better knowledge or in schizophrenic fantasies --- that they had or were having contacts with the Pleiadians/Plejarans, and that they were receiving important messages from them and the like. The Pleiadian/Plejaran name has been exploited for quite some time in underhanded chain letter schemes. In June 1996 we, too, received such a letter here at FIGU and promptly submitted it to the police. The reason the letter was handed over to the police was that not only did the chain letter break the Swiss law, but it also defamed the Pleiadians/ Plejarans. Therefore, something had to be done about this. FIGU was not the only place to receive such chain letters. Many individuals, whose addresses were found in telephone books and whose names were obtained by word of mouth from acquaintances, also found these chain letters in their mailboxes. Some people complained to FIGU about receiving them, but we could only respond by recommending that they report the arrival of such letters to the police. For readers of the FIGU Bulletin who may also get such a chain letter we offer the same recommendation. To give you some idea of the rubbish contained in this particular chain letter, which is being distributed by using the Pleiadian/Plejaran name, we reprint a [translated] letter's entire content below. Billy THE PLEIADIAN SELF-HELP PROJECT EARTH Wouldn't you like to help yourself, your family, and Planet Earth through a monumental blessing of energy? With 1.6 million German Marks [approx. $1 million] you could make this happen! Soon you will have this much money at your disposal, if you participate in this chain letter game! This is not a regular chain letter: Its existence only perpetuate when based on good thoughts and feelings: This chain letter game will expand your emotional and material horizon. This we promise! This chain letter game has a history and a future: Our friends from the Pleiades foretell us that, if we participate, we will be able to live the coming years in abundance. (You should keep 90% of the funds that will be streaming in for yourself and your family and you should invest a major portion of them in gold and real estate. Approximately 9% of the money coming in should be donated anonymously to various organizations who protect and maintain human life and nature. Thoroughly investigate such organizations and their administration in advance! And 1% of the money you should use disburse light and knowledge -- buy the new books of wisdom, those that contain the channelings of our Pleiadian friends, or those of Ramtha and Seth. Give the books to your friends and acquaintances, to schools, drug rehabilitation centers, hospitals, prisons, the homeless, and others.) The difference between this and other chain letters is that this letter has the following small addition: I will participate because I want to help myself, my fellow humans and the Earth. This chain letter game is under particularly positive auspices: The love of all participants, not least of which is the Pleiadians' support for its energetic distribution. And it is completely legal! It is not gambling but a perfectly conceptualized game in which everybody is a winner. And here are the figures: If you participate, you can end up with approximately $1 million (!) within a mere 6-8 weeks! How? By investing DM 50 as circulating capital DM 40 to cover the costs of 100 photocopies of this concept DM100 for stamps DM190 in total investment The entire success does not depend on luck and coincidence but is based upon thoughts of love (love is contagious) and this simple mathematical concept: You write to 100 people and you place yourself in 5th place. Let's assume that 8 of the 100 people you have written to play along. They in turn mail a letter to 100 people. That

FIGU Bulletin 008 adds up to 800 letters. Even if only 8% of these people play: It adds up to 64. They also send out the letter to 100 people. Now you have 64 x 100 letters. At this point you are in 4th place in these letters. Of the 64x100 (6,400) letters 8% of the people play: Now there are 512. They also mail our 100 letters. Now there are 512 x 100 letters. This puts you in 3rd place in these letters. Of the 512x100 (51,200) people who received a letter 8% play: Now there are 4,096. They mail a letter to 100 people. That makes it 4096x100 letters. This puts you in 2nd position in the letters. Of the 4096x100 people who received a letter, 8% play: Now there are 32,768, and you are in first position, i.e., you now receive 32,768 x 50= DM1.6 million. If you think the game will run out of steam, our Pleiadian friends can assure you that everything which serves a good cause and is done with love will never run out of steam; instead, those who participate are blessed with good fortune. To this chain letter system you cannot apply analytical calculations because they very quickly run into billions of players and, thus, it has a natural limit. The entire game hinges on the level at which your heart is most accessible. Make your decision to participate only after rereading the concept several times. The longer you ponder the concept, the more rational it appears to you, for it is a selfsupporting system similar to those implemented on the Pleiades: There is no director or a central administrative office, everyone is on his or her own and is responsible only for the five people on the list (including yourself) and the 100 new addresses. Only the participants of the "Pleiadian Self-Help Project Earth" will profit --- and so will Earth! Therefore: Evaluate your feelings! If these pages make any sense to you, trust your feelings and spontaneously begin your task: Buy 100 stamps, 100 envelopes, etc... If, however, you have the feeling that this is a fraud, or if you doubt that this chain letter system will work, you should not participate! Toss away this letter or give it to a friend who may be more inclined to gain emotional access to it ... Rules: 1. Write or copy into the upper half of a blank sheet of typing paper the name and all bank information listed on page 4 --- after you removed the name and bank information of the individual in position #1. The person in position #1 is now excluded from the list and will no longer be entered! Now you can enter the name (incl. bank information) in position #2 in position #1, the 3rd name advances to position #2; the 4th name is placed into #3 position and your name and bank information is added as the newest member in position #5 (please type). 2. To avoid any delays, transfer the DM50 [approx. $35] today as running capital into the account of the person whom you have now placed in position #1. Please write "Help Project" on the line provided for the money's planned purpose! 3. At the same time buy 100 stamps of DM 1 for mailing the 100 letters and have the post office give you a receipt for your stamp purchase. 4. Glue these receipts on the bottom half of the blank DIN A4 page with your copied or newly typed name and bank information and your own name in position #5. This is now the new page 4 of the letter. 5. Make 100 photocopies of all 4 pages (i.e., the old 3 pages and your new page 4). Mail the photocopied concept of this game to the addresses of people you know, such as your friends, acquaintances, business colleagues or to any other person who you believe, or know, would see the advantages of the project for themselves and their environment. The remainder of the people you can find , e.g., in advertisements in esoteric newspapers, on telephone CDS, in telephone books, the Yellow Pages (i.e., individuals with similar professions to your own), and so forth. Please expand your choice of addresses. Take only a few from esoteric newspapers, and a few from advertisement in the regular newspapers. Succumb to the inspiration of the moment. Decide spontaneously: This name attracts me, this address speaks to me, etc. It is equally important that each person comes from the same city! 6. Do not view the copying of these addresses as a pesty task but look at them as services to your fellowmen, Planet Earth, and not least of all to you. In the event that you have a job, you can easily copy 20 addresses every day after work. Feel the love for yourself and these people while you copy their names.


FIGU Bulletin 008 The statistical upper limit of participants for such a system with 100 mailed letters is 10% (in the USA). This amounts to a profit of approximately 6 million German Marks. The statistical average amounts to about a 8% participation with ordinary chain letters. Even if only 7% are players and only 7% participate, you will still end up with more than DM 800,000. And if only a mere 5% participate, you still receive approx. DM 160,000. However, this is no ordinary chain letter! This letter will enhance the empathy you have for your fellowmen, it will release you from your isolation as a passive citizen, who watches powerlessly and unmotivatedly the activities of the Upper Ten Thousand in politics and business. And it strengthens you as an immortal being by giving you what is yours in the first place: the energy called "money" with which you can positively negotiate in the world's events (through your dissemination of 10% of this money, as described above). Conclusion: Please follow the instructions precisely and honestly. Act soon -- for your interest in each player and for your own. Long breaks should not occur! Everyone who participates should willingly and eagerly take on the responsibilities of this concept. 1. As a new player you must verify that a. the firm or person who sent you this concept is truly in position #3 and that the DM 50 for the running costs have been transmitted to the person in position #1. b. the 100 postage stamps were purchased. (In case this was not done, have that person do so. Without photocopied proof the sender in position #5 is not entitled to play. This monitoring is important for the security of the system in this three-dimensional reality is somewhat guaranteed.) 1. Each player should accurately copy (with love, if possible) the names already on the list that move into the next higher positions, or if they are handwritten, check for reversed numbers and the like. 2. In their own interest, the players should ensure that this concept is passed along in a legible manner or else retype it if necessary to ensure that good copies (here too: do it with love!). You will thank yourself! With Pleiadian Greetings!


Reports published at the end of 1995 and the beginning of 1996 stated that, after years of research, a breakthrough experiment was crowned with success for 52-year-old German physicist Professor Walter Oelert and his team at the CERN Plant in Geneva. For one infinitesimal moment they were able to create an anti-matter atom. When matter and anti-matter collide, huge amounts of energy are released --- so large that a spacecraft, using this type of fuel, could reach the speed of light at 299,792.458 kilometers per second [186,000 mps]. Scientists throughout the globe have been preoccupied for decades with discovering anti-matter, and now their efforts have finally succeeded. This is another chink on the sword of all those obstinate scientists who still claim energy forms other than light cannot be produced. More farsighted scientists do not exclude the possibility that this newly discovered form of energy will be used for spacecraft propulsion in the distant future. If, however, spaceships are built to traverse the universe at the speed of light, humans must resolve the problems linked to the human body's survival at such high speeds. Consideration must also be placed on the problems of shrinking the time (time dilation), and how these newly discovered energies can solve the energy problems faced by Earth's human population. Terrestrial scientists have neglected to even ponder these issues. Billy

FIGU Bulletin 008



At a distance of approximately 450 light years from Earth, a large mass of guppy-shaped material with cometlike heads and tails is racing through space. The total mass measures twice the size of our entire solar system in diameter, and the tails are about 150 billion kilometers [93 billion miles] long. The U.S. Hubble Space Telescope has supplied photographs of these gigantic objects, and scientists speculate that trillions more may be found throughout the universe. Scientists describe these formations as cometlike knots since their glowing heads and veil-like tails, at a cursory glance, resemble the tails of comets. These unique formations, which chase through space at tremendous speed, were discovered by Hubble astronomer Robert O'Dell and Kerry Handron, a student at Rice University in Houston, TX, as they explored spiral nebulae. The latter, a ring of glowing gases, are located in the Aquarius constellation. Both scientists are of the opinion that these strange objects are remnants of dying celestial bodies, which consist of gases emitted while the objects travel through space. Scientists have speculated for a long time that such objects exist, but only now has the Hubble Space Telescope confirmed this concept. Another conjecture contends that the objects will last only a few hundred thousand years before fading again. The scientists base their assumptions on the concept that dust particles from each of the gaseous balls can collide, stick to one another and, ultimately, grow into icy objects the size of Planet Earth. Billy

During the 256th contact on May 13, 1996, Ptaah mentioned that renewed massive attacks against FIGU, me, as well as against the Core and Passive Group members are in the offing. Here is what he said: Ptaah: ... on the other hand new, negative intrigues against you, the group members, and the entire Mission. Our investigations have revealed very unpleasant things, for the time is nigh when renewed, massive external forces will rise up against both you and the Mission. These negative forces lurk not only among your habitual enemies, but will be generated also by public media systems such as newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations, as well as by sects and religions, government agencies and secret services. Among them are defamers such as Kal Korff, various MUFON [Mutual UFO Network] groups and similar organizations, along with pseudo-scientific associations who fundamentally denounce anything and everything which is of a non-terrestrial nature. One of these organizations is CENAP (Centrales Erforschungs-Netz Aussergewhnlicher Phnomene = Central Research Network for Unusual Phenomena). Many unwary people permit these denouncers and debunkers, know-it-alls and intrigants to mislead them. In so doing, the unwary actually enable those who deny our existence and undermine you and your mission for reasons of hatred, envy, religious-sectarian delusions, know-it-allattitudes, perpetual criticism, upgrading their own image, lust for admiration, arbitrariness, inferiority complexes, megalomania, feelings of superiority, a need to show off and the like. Also, the desire for financial gain, which is of particular importance to those individuals for whom money means everything, frequently plays an important role in this scenario. No intrigue or defamation, no lie or fraud is too low for them. Sadly, this type of individual exists in great numbers on Earth. Many of them do not refrain from defaming us when they suggest that we are actually contacting them and that we, purportedly, are transmitting messages and teachings to them. This deceitful characteristic is especially predominant among individuals of American origin, although this disease has now invaded Switzerland, Japan, Germany, Poland, the former Soviet Union, Austria, Italy, Israel, Spain, France, Scandinavia, the Czech Republic, and is on the rise in many other countries as well. You and your group members will soon notice this happening, as renewed attacks will be made on you from all parts of the world. Not only will you be included in these attacks from every corner of the globe, but all Core Group and Passive Groups members will be affected as well. Additionally, all your efforts to disseminate the truth and to fulfill the Mission will be increasingly defamed and affected. This also includes the efforts by the Core Group and the Passive Groups. Even the individuals' personal rights and personal freedom and

FIGU Bulletin 008 work may become influenced. Along with all these attacks will come a time that demands increased attentiveness and increased efforts of every FIGU member in the Core Group and the Passive Groups with regard to steadfastness and the fulfillment of the Mission. You will all need even greater strength from now on as you face the defamations, attacks and false accusations, which will become ever more drastic because the time is now ripe for certain "elements." Another reason may be that the attackers even sense setbacks in their passion to boast, their vainglory, arrogance, power hunger, greediness for financial gain, their fear, or in their deceitful actions to suppress the true facts which discriminate against the truth. You and your Core Group and Passive Group members will be subject to undue stress from now on and, therefore, the chaff will separate from the wheat. Those who are not completely on the side of the truth will fall by the wayside and drown in a sea of irrationality and the denial of the truth. Billy


FIGU.org [1]

FIGU Bulletin 009

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations

FIGU Bulletin Volume: 1 FIGU Bulletin Number: 9 FIGU Bulletin Date: November 1996 (English Edition: February 1998) Author: Billy Meier Translator(s): Heidi Peters Date of Translation: Unknown


FIGU Bulletin 9 Translation

Is the American National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) concealing evidence of extraterrestrial life? The space agency says "No," of course. On the other hand, a growing number of scientists and U.S. astronauts state that this is the case. Former Apollo astronaut Brian O'Leary says: "A great deal of evidence exists which confirms contact with extraterrestrials, but NASA has confiscated everything." NASA camouflages UFO incidents mainly by manipulating UFO-related conversations between the astronauts and the command center. These conversations are

FIGU Bulletin 009 edited to the point where references to UFOs are completely missing from the official versions of these dialogues. Astronauts report that during flights into space, to the Moon or simply around the Earth, UFOs were indeed photographed, but NASA staff retouched the photos to the point where the objects were no longer visible. These revelations from the astronauts themselves can probably be given credence, as can the assertion by Maurice Chatelain, construction engineer of the Apollo Missions' communication system, that UFOs accompanied every terrestrially launched flight into Earths orbit or into space. Richard Hoagland, former NASA consultant, is now demanding from President Clinton the release and publication of secret NASA files related to this subject. Billy


Astronomers are astonished by their American colleagues' discovery of a planet in the constellation Swan (Cygnus) that travels in an extremely elliptical orbit around the star (sun) "Cygnus B." Terrestrial scientists have no inkling so far as to how a planet with such a unique behavioral pattern could have formed. The planets discoverer is U.S. astronomer William Cochran. Billy


As the U.S. space agency NASA reports, humans will be sent to Mars at the earliest in 2010 --- provided, of course, sufficient funding is available by that time and "if such an undertaking even makes sense then," says NASA director, Daniel Goldin. According to Goldin no plans exist for another Mars mission before the year 2003 that will have as its goal the retrieval of sand and rock samples and their return to Earth. He stated that scientists will not be idle during the interim, however, because they still have plenty to accomplish. Goldin is extremely enthusiastic about two upcoming Mars missions scheduled for this year [1996], whereby November 6 has been set as the launch date of the space probe "Mars Global Surveyor" and December 2 of the "Mars Pathfinder." The trip to the Red Planet will take approximately seven months and will include the planned release of a small vehicle to explore the planet's surface, once the probe has landed on Mars on July 4, 1997 Billy


The USA is not the only country investigating Mars -- Russia, too, intends sending a probe to the planet. According to a Lavochkin Space Research Center representative in Russia, the launch date of a 6-ton probe called "Mars 96" from the Kazakhstan Baikonur Space Station is set for November 16, 1996. The Russian probe is expected to reach its target in October '97, three months after the American "Pathfinder" probe has landed on Mars. Plans in Russia include the emplacement of drilling devices on the planet which will pierce the Martian surface with small holes to retrieve material, which then can be examined and the test results transmitted back to Earth. The USA plans to have "Pathfinder" release a small vehicle onto the Martian surface which also will take and analyze soil samples. Furthermore, plans also include placing a small weather station on the Red Planet. According to the Russian Space Center representative, authorities have no intention of making their Mars program a revived space race between the Earths largest political powers. Instead, they want the project to be a financial collaboration of approximately 20 nations, including the USA, which will all participate in the Russian Mars project.

FIGU Bulletin 009



"Allan Hills," as scientists call the meteorite from Mars, repeatedly generates information for new discussions and wild assumptions regarding the possible existence of life on Mars -- even though no one has yet established that the rock did indeed come from Mars. All of this furor has been pure speculation so far, since the rocks origin has not been authenticated. Instead of coming from Mars, "Allan Hills 84001" may possibly have originated in the asteroid belt, whose multi-sized fragments constitute the remnants of the planet Malona/Phaeton. In ancient times, its inhabitants detonated and destroyed the planet in a gigantic, interplanetary explosion. Malona held a plethora of life ranging from micro-organisms through floral and faunal to human life. If consideration is given to the fact that asteroids are able to still carry molecular life within their structure -- at least the asteroids from the planet's surface -then terrestrial scientists may also expect to find some molecular life in these multi-sized fragments, provided they fall to Earth. Their discovery would prove that asteroids from the asteroid belt are actually remnants of a planet. Of course, even this would not necessarily mean that the organic molecules of the discovered "Allan Hills 84001" meteorite constitute a piece of asteroid nor would it mean that it originated as a fragment of planet Malona/Phaeton. Still, this remains a possibility that must be taken into account before a firm and obdurate claim is made that the rock did indeed come from Mars. Likewise, the possibility also exists that the meteorite came from an even more remote region, namely from the extreme outer reaches of the solar system where countless objects of various types of material orbit our sun and its planets. By observing and listening to all of the scientists enthusiastic statements and suppositions, one truly gets the impression that this organic molecular discovery within the unearthed meteorite is the most sensational event since the birth of the universe -- a type of miracle. The possibility exists, of course, that the fragment actually did originate from Mars, although the story as to how it was catapulted from the Red Planet to Earth remains somewhat odd. Nonetheless, it is certainly unwarranted for anyone to make such a horrendous fuss over this rock or the fact that it harbors organic molecules. Had scientists thought reasonably and rationally, they would have recognized long ago that great variations of life exist, at the very least in micro-organic form, throughout the vastness of the universe, including other regions of our SOL System. The realization or discovery that a meteorite which tumbled to Earth contains organic-molecular life -- regardless of the importance of it being dead or alive -- is as natural as the fact that water typically flows in a downward direction. The discovery, therefore, is neither a sensation nor a miracle nor anything of the like. Certainly, many a fragment has dropped to Earth from space which held within it micro-organic life. In fact, many of these fragments generated diverse life on our beautiful planet without Earth's scientists ever being aware of such events. What's all the fuss about? Doesn't it stand to reason that projectiles from space containing microscopically small life struck the Earth at various times, that perhaps new life was created here, or that pre-existing life was transformed here in some way by them? Thus, the rock's discovery is much ado about nothing considering it is only natural, logical, and par for the course for scientists to discover minuscule life on extraterrestrial objects -- for the time being the object happens to be a meteorite from space. Other such discoveries will follow. Interesting to note also is that these latest discoveries triggered American scientists to debate the possibility of life on Mars. The outcome was that research on this project received a shot in the arm when studies on meteorite fragments were threatened because of a lack of funds. Now the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) will be able to forge ahead with its long-planned "scientific attack" on the Red Planet, since the financial "well" is bubbling once again. As soon as scientists discovered primitive life within the "Allan Hills 84001" rock, and after behaving equally primitive and childish over their "universal discovery," the desiccated funding for the Mars program suddenly took a turn-around practically overnight. Indeed, NASA Director Daniel Goldin invited scientists from around the globe to participate in the American Mars program. Bill Clinton, U.S. President, even announced that he would call for a worldwide summit conference in November 1996 where, according to Clinton, the topic of how American scientists plan to find answers to the latest Mars discoveries will be addressed. Indeed, numerous scientists of international rank and reputation will be invited.

FIGU Bulletin 009 And, once again, it is the Americans who are eagerly pushing themselves to the forefront to show the world what heroes they are -- while the other nations seemingly shrink into insignificance in view of all this American heroism. Such is the case also with the science fiction thriller "Independence Day." Although directed by German film director Roland Emmerich, it is typically offensively loud-mouthed and aimed at American pseudo-heroism. As usual, how could it be any other way, it is only the Americans who, in their incomparable bravery, singlehandedly take on the fight with the oh-so-evil and barbaric aliens, conquering them and thus saving the world from its demise. Hence, everyone on Earth is expected to be truly grateful only to the Americans. And yet, the ugly brutality of destroying lives, a mainstay in this film, is absolutely appalling, not to mention that the extraterrestrials are constantly portrayed as being evil (in other alienrelated films as well) and that no one ever wants to learn about what these aliens are really like. The truth that aliens are far more peaceloving than they are depicted is supported by the fact that they have never interfered with the bloody quarrels between terrestrials. Never have they defended themselves when they or their flying objects were bombarded by terrestrial fighter bombers, or when they were simply shot down by cowardly military personnel or private citizens. This fact alone is sufficient testimony that extraterrestrials are far more humane, peaceloving, and progressive human entities than earthlings. Additional statements on this topic are probably pointless. Well then, American scientists have now found some organic molecules within the meteorite "Allan Hills 84001," and these molecules may have originated through biological activities of micro organisms. Although several scientists view this theory with a certain amount of skepticism, it nonetheless has rekindled discussions about the existence of life on the most earthlike planet in the SOL System. Some claim that the meteorite certainly came from Mars and subsequently crashed to Earth 13,000 years ago, where it landed in the Antarctic toward the end of the last ice age. Theory purports that the fragment was initially ripped from the Martian surface approximately 15 million years ago by a comet's impact upon its surface, and then the fragment hurtled through space to Earth. In spite of scientists' confident claims, no evidence has yet been gathered to prove that all of this took place. In fact, I have developed my own, previously discussed, theory which runs counter to these concepts. -- The carbon compounds found by the scientists within the meteorite, were interpreted as being remnants of primitive life forms, such as one-cell creatures, which began inhabiting the rock fragment approximately 3.6 billion years ago. According to scientists, therefore, in the days when life on Earth was just in its infancy, Mars would have had to harbor at least primitive life forms. Such a claim is quite correct if statements by the Pleiadians/Plejarans are considered. Daniel Goldin stated that the new Mars mission will certainly not uncover the mystery of whether or not life existed on Mars in former times. And although it is too late now to adapt the hardware for the new Mars data retrieval of the "Mars Global Surveyor" and "Pathfinder" probes, Goldin explained, it would be feasible to do so for future probes. (The Pleiadians/Plejarans previously stated that Mars was indeed inhabited in former times, bore lush vegetation, and had highly-evolved human life as well.) Matthew Golombek, the Mars Mission's project director, explained that these two probes may provide information for the selection of future exploration sites. However, details will only be released once "Pathfinder" lands on the Martian surface on July 4, 1997. Golombek further stated that they are hoping the results of the mission will answer the question: Was there or was there not water on Mars during primeval times? Water would have been the prerequisite for any life on that planet. Some scientists theorize that gigantic oceans once existed on the Red Planet and ultimately dried up over millions of years. The Pleiadians/Plejarans have confirmed this theory by stating oceans actually did exist on Mars and later dried up, albeit only much more recently and not millions of years ago as scientists postulate. Mars has stirred the human imagination from very early times. Due to its red color and its distinct variations in brightness that resemble flickering flames, the Romans named the red planet after their war god. Mars has two moons, Phobos (fear) and Deimos (terror), it comes within 56 million kilometers [35 million miles] of Earth and has a diameter of 6,794 kilometers [4,222 miles], approximately half that of Earth. A Martian day is slightly longer than Earth's, namely, 24 hours and 37 minutes. A Martian year also is longer than Earth's since Mars requires 687 days to


FIGU Bulletin 009 orbit the sun once. Overall, conditions on Mars are rather uncomfortable because of its greatly fluctuating temperatures, which range from minus 125 Celsius [-193 Fahrenheit] to plus 35 C [95 F]. Monumental storms continually sweep across its surface where wind velocities can reach 400 kilometers per hour [248 mph]. Mars is fissured with craters, gorges and welds, the result of meteorite impacts, volcanic activity, and lava ejecta. Its tallest volcano, Olympus Mons, elevation 25 kilometer [16 miles], is three times higher than Mount Everest. The planet's atmosphere is extremely thin and has 95 percent carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas. Water vapor and oxygen have so far only been found in minute quantities. Billy



In July '95 an international team of astronomers discovered the largest "hole" in the universe so far. Based on information from the European Southern-Star Observatory (ESO), the "hole" appears to be a completely empty expanse, 100 million light-years in diameter. [One light-year is 9,460,528,000,000 kilometers or 5,878,660,000,000 miles]. The scientists have yet to discover an explanation for the "hole's" origin, but it appears definite that some type of matter, in its fine or even finest state, will be found within it, although they are once more claiming -- as they have done so often -- that a total lack of mass is "a given." In the past, evidence has repeatedly been found which suggests that such "holes" or empty regions in the universe are not quite as void as researchers originally claimed, since gases, stars and entire galaxies were suddenly discovered within them, proving they are not void. According to ESO information, "even in former times regions were discovered within the universe which had previously been thought of as devoid of galaxies, stars, and gases. Although they used their best telescopes, astronomers failed to discover anything within these regions." Proof does exist, however, and this has repeatedly forced scientists to revise their hasty statements and assertions (in other fields as well) when stars, gases, even entire galaxies were suddenly discovered within these apparently "empty regions" with the advent of the up-to-date and technically more advanced telescopes after antiquated units proved inadequate. The gigantic "holes," respectively empty regions, are areas within the vast reaches of the universe's expanse which are extremely remote and, until now, impenetrable to exploration with the available telescopes. In order to probe these distant regions, increasingly sophisticated telescopes will be required -- and they will provide ample proof that these regions of the universe, which are allegedly deviud of mass, do hold matter and are teeming with gases, stars, even galaxies. It is unfortunate that terrestrial scientists tend to remain very stubborn in their points of view and continue to fix the visible universe's (the Material Belt's) limits as the point where their telescopes and other such current astronomical instruments give up the ghost. That the expanse of space beyond the region they have so far observed is still vastly more distant than anything they have previously discovered, is a fact they can only dream about because of their limited range of vision. Consequently, it is not surprising that they can neither identify nor comprehend the concept of a Material Belt, respectively a Material Universe, which has a diameter of trillions of light-years and that, as a result, the universe is approximately 46 trillion years old. This truth contradicts the opinions of most research astronomers who estimate the universe's age as being a measly 15 billion years, at best. In their obstinacy, these scientists are also presuming that the universe's "empty regions" are truly devoid of anything, and they are disregarding the concept that such regions actually do contain the finest of matter, even though they appear to hold no measurable gases, stars or galaxies. Such regions do indeed exist in the material universe, and they are certainly not truly empty as the scientists claim. Simply because certain material forms remain undetectable does not imply that different material forms do not exist. Well then, astronomers stating such empty "holes" do not exist in the cosmic "background radiation," the so-called echo of the Big Bang, should re-examine their existing theories about galactic origins. If only they'd listen to reason, they would realize that these empty "holes" are not discernible in this "background radiation" because rays emanating from the adjacent belt of the Material Universe are so compact that these rays act as a continuously,

FIGU Bulletin 009 evenly swaying wall which does not allow for empty spaces. Between this compact wall and the actual material universe belt exists a smooth and flowing transition, which is defined as "background radiation." In contrast to the adjacent Radiation Belt, spaces within the "holes" can originate within the outer as well as the inner regions of the Material Belt. These spaces contain very small amounts of material or only fine matter. But scientists on Earth have failed so far to recognize the existence of this fine matter, and they have created the picture or concept of "empty" regions. Billy


In 1915, as part of his General Theory of Relativity, Albert Einstein already taught that black holes could indeed exist, at least in theory. The descriptive term "Black Hole," however, was only coined in 1967 by the American astronomer John Wheeler. From then on black holes were considered a probability. However, astronomers continued to be skeptical about this theory because, among other reasons, black holes had never been observed due to their characteristic ability to swallow all nearby matter and light. One very popular theory states that black holes exist at the center of most bright galaxies. This implies that the Milky Way, our galaxy, has one too -- just as the Pleiadians/Plejarans have explained, and as their closing prophecies affirm. They state that in the distant future terrestrials will access the energies from the black hole in our Milky Way, and actually make use of them. Because the view from Earth is somewhat obscured by haze, gas, dust clouds and the like, evidence substantiating the existence of our own galaxy's black hole may be very difficult to ascertain. Perhaps even the Hubble Telescope will lack the capability of observing it and, therefore, we may have to wait for other, greatly improved telescopes or, indeed, we may only find out when the first real ventures into outer space take place. Billy

It is truly interesting: All types of people, fanatics, know-it-alls, sectarians, and "wannabe ufologists" defame, scorn and slander "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier. He is continually being slurred as a fraud and deceiver who, so his detractors claim, only feigns his contacts with the Pleiadians and who, purportedly, faked his UFO photos with every conceivable trick by using pictures of models and then retouching the photos and so forth. These detractors further state his motives for doing all of this was that he wanted to present them to the public as being the world's greatest UFO photographs. And yet, there exist no other UFO photographs in the entire world which are plagiarized and disseminated by every media branch to the degree that Billy Meier's are. At every appropriate or inappropriate opportunity his photographs are being used for every form of advertisement and the like. Even well-known Meier foes do not hesitate for a moment to use his UFO photos for every honest and dishonest purpose, but no one ever gives proper consideration to his remuneration. His copyrights are shamelessly disregarded and abused, and it matters little whether this is perpetrated by Korff, Brgin, MUFON, CENAP or an advertising agency, TV station, newspaper, journal or any other entity. But, not only are his photographs stolen, his written material is also plagiarized, as evidenced by countless male and female frauds throughout the world. Why do they all do this while claiming that the Meier contacts are simply deceitful and fraudulent, and that his movie footage and photos are only trick photography, models, and hoaxes? And why is Billy Meier's material the most intensely and widely disseminated? Does this mean that what he did and continues to do, and what he says, teaches and explains to others is -- supposedly -- all fraudulent and deceitful, and that Billy himself is a liar? No, never. I have known Billy for more than thirty years. He was and is always an open and honest person who is helpful, companionable, extremely skilled with his hands and who possesses knowledge which is not only diverse but extremely comprehensive. Billy Meier has been my loyal and good travel companion for a long time and never have I experienced him to be anything but honest, even in times of profound need and stress. I feel it is about time that this is finally conveyed about him. Konrad Haase, Germany

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From an informed source I have heard that you preoccupy yourself with ufology and are said to have contacts with the Pleiadians. Can you tell me whether you have any information from the extraterrestrials about other unknown planets, which are said to travel in our solar system? Another question pertains to the fact that in your writings you state you have knowledge of when extraterrestrials will officially land on Earth. Would you please respond to my questions openly in one of your bulletins, which a friend of mine allows me to read? Urs Krasemann, Germany Response: According to information from the Pleiadians/Plejarans, several planets exist in our solar system in addition to the nine known to terrestrials: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. For example, close to the sun exists a planet called Vulcan or Volkano of which terrestrials have spoken for centuries. Furthermore, the so-called Transpluto orbits the SOL far beyond Pluto. Beyond SOL a planet also existed about the size of Earth, but a few years ago it was thrust into outer space by one spiral arm of a black hole. Regarding this topic, Ptaah and I held the following conversation on February 3, 1992: Billy: "Regarding your information on the planet, which is racing at great speed behind the sun... Ptaah: Your question refers to the planet, which cannot be seen from Earth because it orbits the sun at such a high speed that it always remains hidden behind it. What do you wish to know about it? Billy: There exists some confusion about its enormous speed. Isn't it correct that, normally, the greater the distance between a planet and the sun, the slower the planet orbits around it? Why does this not apply to this planet? [The planet was far beyond customary planetary orbits. Billy] Why is it so much faster than it is supposed to be, and what is its name? Ptaah: This planet is truly a curiosity with regard to its enormous speed. Even we were only able to learn about its secret just over 76 years ago. And here as well we were compelled to realize that in this instance the Destroyer Planet had brought its dangerous forces into play. According to our records the planet hidden behind the sun is called KATHEIN. It was touched by and then later wrenched into the Destroyer Planet's gravitational field when the Destroyer was making its tenth-to-last passage through the SOL system. Kathein was able to free itself from the Destroyer's field of force to the point where it was able to establish and maintain nearly its normal orbit around the sun again, albeit, at an incredibly increased velocity, while the Destroyer continued on its predestined trajectory and entered the SOL system, where it generated destruction and change in many regions. Ever since that time, the planet Kathein itself has orbited the sun in the described manner at an abnormally high speed. It is slowly increasing its distance from the SOL system, however, and is migrating into the gravity of a dark hole's wandering spiral arm, which will ultimately draw the planet into its own force sometime this year. This is the same spiral arm whose influence wrenched sand and dust accumulations from Planet Venus. Billy: When will this wrenching occur? Ptaah: According to our calculations it will take place on June 16th [1992]. Billy: Is Kathein one of the two planets we have yet to discover and which we call UNI and Transpluto? Ptaah: No, planet Kathein has nothing to do with this and it is devoid of any life forms." This information implies, therefore, that Transpluto exists beyond Pluto's orbit, and there is yet another planet, UNI, which the Pleiadians/Plejarans say has an alleged SOL orbital period of 3,600 years. Unfortunately, I am unable to describe the planet Vulcan/Volkano any better than I can the two outer planets -- Transpluto and UNI -- because I have never been given any descriptions about them. I was informed, however, that Vulcan/Volkano, the planet closest to the sun, previously played an important role in Sumerian times. The same also holds true for UNI, which was given the name "Nibiru" or "Nubiru"; the origin of this name is obscure. According to one story of unknown origin which refers to UNI, respectively Nibiru/Nubiru, this twelfth planet of the solar system not only is mentioned in many mythologies but it will reach its closest position to the sun once again in March of 1997, after 3,600 years. Expectations are high that it will be seen as a brightly glowing disk in the sky when it makes its appearance from

FIGU Bulletin 009 behind the sun. As if this were not enough, at the same time, also in March 1997, another large object will appear in the sky -- a gigantic comet, or tail star, 1/310 the size of Earth's diameter. This implies that the comet has a diameter of about 40 kilometers [25 miles]. Its brightness will be nearly 100 times brighter than Halley's Comet in 1985/86. The orbital time of the comet or tail star is enormously long, as is exemplified by Nibiru/Nubiru, respectively planet UNI's orbit of more than 3,000 years. The Hubble Space Telescope has already photographed the comet and scientists have discovered that its composition is typical for a comet. It consists of dirt, frozen gases, the "usual space trash," with a predominance of frozen water and other frozen material. Provided good visibility exists, the tail star, which will be known as the Hale-Bopp-Comet, should be visible without binoculars like a star in the night sky. It is expected to pass the Earth on March 23, 1997, and will then reach its point of closest proximity to the sun on April 1. Well then, regarding extraterrestrials making their appearance before the public, I can say that March '97, once again, was to have been the designated month for the extraterrestrials' initial public appearance in the foreseeable future. However, after this announcement terrestrials generated numerous negative incidents and for this reason the extraterrestrials declared that this encounter would probably not take place. It is impossible for me to judge what transpired since the announcement in regard to the behavioral pattern of the terrestrials, along with the situation of military agencies and world politics. But I must assume that very little, if anything, has changed for the better since the announcement and that, as a result, the intended contact will probably not occur at the designated time. Should events develop otherwise, which I do not now foresee, I would be surprised myself. For now, however, all I can see is that the human population on Earth continues to war as ever, the people are hostile toward one another, they rob and steal from each other, and at every opportune or inopportune moment they clobber each other's brain to a bloody pulp; or else, they kill their fellowman according to the motto: If you refuse to be my brother I will bash in your head. -- And truly, I cannot envision any extraterrestrial being motivated into publicly landing on Earth to befriend terrestrials and establishing a liaison with them. I would consider anyone doing that "beyond help" and even more idiotic than the most imbecilic terrestrial. Billy


Insurance Against Sex With Extraterrestrials Hope is now available for all those terrestrials who were forced into having sex with some extraterrestrials, ha, ha . . . There is also hope for all those who are being abducted by extraterrestrials. They can insure themselves now with a British firm; and it goes without saying that all those terrestrial females who believe that the space travelers harbor interests in breeding hybrids with them can have themselves insured against any possible pregnancies sired by extraterrestrials. The insurance costs 100 [approx. $166] per adult for coverage against unwanted repercussions after having had sex with extraterrestrials. The victim will, supposedly, receive the sum of 100,000 [approx. $166,000] for an extraterrestrial abduction, provided the abductee is returned to Earth. Should a space traveler impregnate a terrestrial, the victim then will receive double that amount as compensation; females as well as males can have themselves insured against a pregnancy caused by extraterrestrials --- oh yeah? Billy

Receiving an inheritance from yourself in your next lifetime It seems hard to believe, but "Prometh," a Liechtenstein firm, is "parking" funds for a person's next lifetime [Prometh = derived from Prometheus, the titan in Greek mythology; in elevated linguistic usage it means strength, imposing size, towering, like a titan]. Anyone who believes the claims made by "Prometh," a company based in Vaduz, capital of the principality of Liechtenstein, can make himself his own heir in the next lifetime. All the person has to do is "park" his money in the bank until the next reincarnation. The "Prometh" foundation, contending it is the only company of its kind in the world, guarantees its clients that once they are reborn, they may claim their inheritance

FIGU Bulletin 009 money from the bank. Foundation representative Tremmel stated that this form of financial investment for the next life is a secure method of readying "capital for the next life," and in this manner the person would have an appropriate amount of starting capital waiting for him or her in the next lifetime. The investment process starts when the interested party completes a questionnaire about his personal information while still alive. This completed questionnaire serves as the only method for identifying the person. The implication is that people who believe they are reborn previous investors, can contact the foundation and have the company investigate whether the individuals have indeed invested "capital for the next life." Three reincarnation therapists then proceed to check the clues to verify the claimant's statements. If the therapists are able to confirm the claimant's statements by way of the responses provided in the questionnaire, and if they subsequently identify the individual as the former investment customer who paid into the "capital for the next life," the money will be paid back with compound interest. If, on the other hand, the money is not claimed within 23 years, the entire sum paid into the firm by the customer is allocated to notarized, predetermined purposes -- and the "Prometh" foundation obviously intends earning a pretty penny from this scheme too. Founded on the stupidity of the most idiotic individuals, it is clear that even this foundation doesn't work for peanuts. How much is the minimum capital investment for this reincarnation foundation? A cool DM 200,000 [approx. U.S. $125,000]. Comments about this nonsense were reproduced in a newspaper article: The Pontifical Administration in Augsburg, Germany: "Something like this is complete nonsense from a standpoint of Christian faith. Every human being is unique and lives only once." [Only Christians can be this obtuse in matters of life and rebirth]. Klaus Zehnder, Vice-Chairman of the Bavarian Society for Attorneys: "This is a completely untested and uncertain situation from a legal standpoint," because German law states that a person's legal competency terminates with the individual's death. Swiss attorney for the "Prometh" Foundation: "This is no charlatanry, but a legal concept according to the civil and corporate laws of Liechtenstein." Foundation speaker Tremmel: "Surveys have shown that one out of seven Germans believes in reincarnation. Therapists are capable nowadays of ascertaining beyond the shadow of a doubt whether a person is who he or she claims to be." [Additional comments regarding this rubbish are probably redundant.] Billy


Terrestrial scientists are increasingly confirming information and explanations provided by the Pleiadians/ Plejarans regarding the fact that an exclusively vegetarian diet is detrimental to the health of humans. A related newspaper clipping follows: Babies of vegetarians have vitamin deficiencies An infant's health suffers when the child's mother lives only on a vegetarian diet. This one-sided form of nutrition leads to serious developmental disorders in babies, a study by the Tbingen University Clinic for Children revealed. Results of tests performed on five infants, whose mothers were strict vegetarians, revealed that the babies suffered from vitamin B12 and other deficiencies. The babies also had severe growth disorders and anaemia. NDM

FIGU Bulletin 009



Dear Billy, in the Wassermannzeit I miss seeing any contributions from your wife and children. Are you deliberately preventing them from speaking up -- or do they simply not want to do it? Petra Stossberg, Germany Response: In the Wassermannzeit we occasionally printed, in the past, articles written by my wife and at least one article by my son Methusalem. This was the extent of my family's enthusiasm and exertion as far as their contributions to our quarterly issues are concerned. In spite of my efforts to point out the desirability for their writing some articles or other contributions for the Wassermannzeit, few of them were ever able to muster the energy to do so, and over time the initiative continued to fade away on the part of my children and my wife. In fact, my wife never did take an active interest in my mission nor did she ever seriously participate in it. On the contrary. She always tried to sabotage what I was doing in underhanded ways, and she took steps to defame both me and my work. In conjunction with other profoundly negative and grave matters, her actions have led to the dissolution of our 30-year marriage. Now the most absurd stories and rumors are circulating worldwide about me, even on the Internet, which are entirely based on all the untrue statements that were disseminated. I am responding briefly here to clarify matters, but I do not wish to address any further inquiries or correspondence I have previously received about this subject. Furthermore, I consider this a strictly private matter. Billy


Mr. B. Kgi in Meilen reported observing a soundless object flying in the clear, starry night sky around 11:35 p.m. on March 1996. The object hovered at an altitude of approximately 45,000 ft. before it abruptly banked and disappeared. Kgi noticed the object by accident while watching the sky through his tripod-mounted telescope. He observed four red headlights and reported that this only could have been a physical flying object of an extraterrestrial nature. He stated: "It would be completely impossible for this to be a delusion or a flying object of terrestrial origin. -- I have always been an avid skeptic regarding UFO matters or people who claimed to have seen one. Yet, this observation/assessment now forces me to change my life entirely into a pensive mode. Not only do I believe in extraterrestrial life, I now know that it exists. Through my observation of this incident, and even without the influence of any Christian religion, my previously held assumption that other lifetimes follow death becomes a reality," explained the 71-year-old observer. B. Kgi, Switzerland; Billy


Chinese geologists report making a sensational discovery deep in the sands of the Gobi Desert (China). They found an area nearly 4 square kilometers [1.5 square miles] of petrified forest. Approximately 150 million years ago, they report, birch trees and the ornamental ginkgo tree grew there. This discovery provides proof for the hypothesis that this desert region was once fertile, just as the Pleiadians/Plejarans have stated not only in regard to the Gobi desert but also to other, now arid, terrestrial regions. Billy New publication from the Silberschnur Publishing House:

FIGU Bulletin 009



This book reads like the most engrossing, fantastic Sci-Fi novel ever written. The author spellbindingly and convincingly describes his own life's story for us which seems unimaginable. Since his childhood he has had contacts with the Pleiadians/Plejarans on both telepathic and physical levels. The Pleiadians/Plejarans provide us with conclusive information about the history of mankind and Planet Earth, the components of the universe, and the human consciousness. In easy-to-comprehend prose, the author explains such interesting phenomena as "beaming" and leaps in space and time, which he personally has been permitted to experience. Billy Meier also describes the fascinating world of the Pleiadians/Plejarans and their technological, cultural, social and artistic achievements. Author: "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier Format: DIN A5, hardback, thread-stitched, 231 pages Price: CHF 36.00 (approx. $36) Available in local bookstores or from FIGU

FIGU.org [1]

FIGU Bulletin 010

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations

FIGU Bulletin Volume: 3 FIGU Bulletin Number: 10 FIGU Bulletin Date: February 1997 (English Edition: July 1998) Author: Billy Meier Translator(s): Heidi Peters Date of Translation: Unknown


FIGU Bulletin 010


FIGU Bulletin 10 Translation

Falsified UFO photographs by Herbert Runkel, Bernd Johann, and Thomas Klingler
Photo 1) Forged UFO photograph with a purported Andromeda spaceship/energy craft. In the foreground, on the hood of the car, are Herbert Runkel (right) and Thomas Klingler (left). Photo 2) Forged UFO photograph with a purported Andromeda spaceship/energy craft. Leaning against the car is Bernd Johann. With these truthful explanations and statements, I trust that all written, telephone and personal inquiries regarding this matter have been addressed so I can finally close this subject. However, in the event that actions by my ex-wife, Herbert Runkel, Bernd Johann, and Thomas Klingler, require further clarification and evidence, particularly in regard to "P." and Herbert Runkel, I will do so, of course, in order to keep interested parties informed of other pertinent and rather ugly background details. Billy As many people are aware, the schemer Kal K. Korff, is also busily assembling his defamations against me; indeed, even on the Internet the waves are rising, and some busy hands and minds are at work at American UFO Magazine as well. And yet, some contributors to the magazine do not walk hand-in-hand with Korff, as demonstrated in UFO Magazine, Vol. 11, No. 5, 1996: MEIERSS KINGDOM VS. KORFF Editor: I do not fully agree with George Earley's glowing review of Kal Korff's book Spaceships of the Pleiades: The Billy Meier Story (Vol. 11, No. 2). From my point of view, this book is far from "meticulous" and "highly readable." I do not have a vested financial interest in Meier's claims nor have I ever taken Meier's tall tales seriously. What I do have, though, is a little more knowledge about Meier than the average UFO Magazine reader. I became interested in Meier in the early 1980s and bought the two photo journals (first editions) and the videotape of Meier's films. I also bought Korff's original 1981 mimeographed pamphlet "THE MEIER INCIDENT--THE MOST INFAMOUS HOAX IN UFOLOGY!", which was delivered to my hands by his "editorial assistant," William Moore. I cannot list here all the inconsistencies I found (at least 50) in Korff's latest attempt, but here are a couple of the most aggravating ones: (1) On page 330 Korff adamantly sustains his erroneous assumption that Meier's 35mm camera is a single lens reflex. Once and for all, Korff, it is a rangefinder; (2) On page 110 Korff says ". . . there are no original photographic negatives or source materials of any of Meier's UFO pictures in existence." So, how does Meier reproduce those that he sells and of which Korff bought a few? Korff's book is not worthy of Earley's review. However, to be fair, credit must be given to Korff for his endeavor, faulty as it is. I wish Korff had not brushed off Meier's movie film, for that should've been a major part of his book. As far as I'm concerned, Meier's movie film looks good enough to convince anyone that UFOs exist and a brush-off is not responsible reporting. Edward Lopez New York, NY

FIGU Bulletin 010



Question 1. How are your telepathic contact conversations transmitted? Th. Hubaleck/Czech Republic Response: The method by which contact conversations are transmitted has remained the same from the very beginning, and this is how it works: As soon as these contact conversations actually begin to take place they always have been, and continue to be, directly transmitted through the consciousness of the Pleiadian/Plejaran contact person to some highly sensitive technological devices on board their beamship/spacecraft, where everything is stored. These on-board devices transform the conversations into symbolic images of a spiritual-telepathic nature whereupon they are immediately transmitted to a stationary control capsule high above the Earth's orbit, where they are stored. Therefore, not a single word nor the meaning of the conversation is lost. When I am ready to recall the contact conversation, I use a spirit-telepathic code word to activate the storage device within the control capsule some minutes, hours or often days or weeks later, whereupon the stored conversations are transmitted to me in spirittelepathic symbols. These symbols are assimilated within my spirit's consciousness and are then conveyed to my material consciousness, where I transform the spirit-telepathic symbols into words and sentences with which I am familiar. While the wording and sentence structure may, inevitably, no longer be identical to the ones actually used during the conversation, they are, nonetheless, 100% guaranteed to represent the exact connotation, value, and the meaning of the words and sentences in the original conversationalthough what I may jot down later is no longer precisely the same wording. Because I have to transform the symbolic images once again back into words and sentences, the illusion is created that practically everything I write down is stored in my own particular type of language and wording. Still, the final printed information represents the identical meaning of the spoken and transmitted words. This process may be compared to a translation from one language to another, whereby the translator's written and spoken style come through. Consequently, you can spot my own vernacular in sentences or similar forms of conversation reproductions. Sometimes, however, I am able to recite ad verbatim certain expressions and word creations I receive from my contact person as long as I can still remember them from our conversation. I can only access stored conversations from the control capsule once; from then onward the conversation becomes irretrievable for me because it is then stored elsewhere, in a place that is inaccessible to me. But the main thing is that all contact conversations remain in the storage device, which is available to me until I access it and jot down the entire text. The transmission rate coincides with my typing speed which, before my collapse in 1982, was 1200 characters per minute with one hand. In order for me to have typed at this speed, it was necessary for Quetzal to modify my typewriter to make it operate faster and more efficiently. Question 2. What do the Pleiadians, respectively Plejarans, and you think of genetic engineering? Eugen Huber, Switzerland Response: I am convinced that the Pleiadians'/Plejarans' opinion is correct when they say that the time is ripe for us terrestrials to fulfill requirements for our evolution, including the genetic factor. Genetic technology, i.e., gene engineering and manipulation, is an inevitable, unstoppable development process that exists among every highly evolved civilization throughout the entire universe. Hence, even terrestrial humans cannot avoid implementing genetic engineering and manipulation. It is not only wrong for incognizant or arrogant people and organizations, such as Greenpeace, to rebel against it; in so doing they actually thwart human development. While the genetic engineering progress cannot be stifled through irrational standoffs, they may, nonetheless, result in obstacles and relapses of its development. The mere fact that plants can be altered to the point where they become more prolific and resistant to diseases, should be reason enough to look favorably upon genetic engineering, for it can positively influence and remedy much of this planet's hunger, poverty, and misery. Of course, medical implications must also be taken into account, which are so critical for human survival, such as those involving transplants and medications, to mention but two. Furthermore, genetic engineers and other genetic scientists do not simply fall from the sky as masters of their own particular disciplines. They must study their field intensely in order to master this subject. The

FIGU Bulletin 010 investigation of any new technology will inevitably precipitate mistakes, however; but from mistakes additional studies, research and a guarantee of further progress will ensue. Understandably, occasional harm may result from mistakes in the exploration and development of terrestrial genetic technology since it currently is still in its infancy. But possible failures should not be taken as a bad omen and a reason for distorting all of this research and for stomping it into the ground. Inevitably, development will result in errors and maybe even harm. And yet, researchers would be ill advised to give up on their projects. It is vital that the research now in progress continues and that steps be taken to alleviate as many mistakes as possible. However, this type of work cannot take place in a terror-filled environment as is exemplified, for instance, by Greenpeace activism. Genetic technology is a vital facet of our development, essential for our evolution, and cannot be circumvented in the long run, even by terrestrials. In other words, it is much more constructive for us to rationally support the appropriate genetic scientific experts than it is to boycott them. Anyone boycotting them impedes not only human evolution, but takes on the responsibility for a great deal of suffering, poverty, and misery that may befall humans, animals and all nature on Earth. To have a hostile attitude toward genetic technology is to commit an irresponsible and criminal transgression against terrestrial humankind and the entire planet, including its floral and faunal life forms. Question 3. a) In your Overpopulation brochure #3, page 9, you state a family of 5 requires 1 hectare [approx. 2.5 acres] of land to feed itself, maintain a garden, and allow for freedom of movement. But in the next sentence you say that 1 kilometer2 (km2) = [0.39 mile2] should be calculated for every 12-person group. b) How do you come up with these results when 1 hectare land with an area of 10,000 meters2 (m2) = 100 x 100 meters [approx. 330 x 330 ft] is required for 5 persons [10,000/5 = 2,000 m2] per personand then you state that 12 persons require 1 km2 [0.39 mile2] fertile land, which amounts to 1,000 m x 1,000 m or 1,000,000 m2 [1,000,000/12 = 83,000 m2] per person? Fritz Gollmann, Austria Response: a) The number of 5 persons per 1 hectare refers to people who live in settlements, such as villages, cities or larger clans and tribal housing areas. This implies that a total of 500 persons should be living on 1 km2 [0.39 mile2] in such areas. And yet, here on Earth the number of people today is a multiple of this recommended total number. Furthermore, in such places, as a rule, neither gardens nor parks are allocated for the required level of self-sufficiency, because one house or apartment is constructed immediately adjacent to another house or apartment. The consequence is that individual families, frequently with many children, live door-to-door beside each other and have, therefore, no open space in which to move about. The "five-person rule" applies only to population clusters such as villages, cities, and the like. On the other hand, we must allow in our calculation 12 persons per 1 km2 when dealing with open, fertile, tillable land, intended for agricultural and horticultural purposes. This type of land is not only intended for personal self-sufficiency but also for the general community's self-sufficiency. Although people within these communities are only able to plant fruit and vegetables, and keep a limited number of animals on their land of 10,000 m2 [107,642 ft2], the amount of arable land does not allow for any full-scale selfsufficiency. And of these 107,642 ft2 specific portions must be allocated for buildings, open-air recreational purposes and the like, which again require external food supplies so the people there can adequately subsist. These supplies must be provided by the agricultural and horticultural land areas where a mere 12 persons live per 0.39 mile2. b) The optimum total human population a planet can adequately hold is calculated according to how much arable, fertile land is available. The area, in square kilometers, determines the maximum number of humans who should live on it. The total area is then divided by the number of people, taking into account that a certain number of them will live in villages, cities or other larger settlements, while the rest will live on large properties, tended by their tenants in an agricultural manner who will supply food to the people in the villages, cities, and the like.


FIGU Bulletin 010 On Earth we have available approximately 130 million km2 [50.2 million miles2] of icefree, fertile and barren land surface. However, this total land mass must not be used to calculate the optimum human population, for only the fertile land can be used in that calculation. The Earth's fertile land mass originally amounted to 24 million km2 [9.3 million miles2]. This amount of land would have allowed for the problem-free feeding of a total population of 529 million human beingswhen taking into account that 5 persons can live on 1 hectare [approx. 2.5 acres] in the villages, cities or other housing areas; if 12 persons can live on 1 km2 [0.39 miles2]; and if it is also utilized for agricultural and horticultural purposes. However, today only 18 million of the original 24 million km2 [7 million of 9.3 million original miles2] of fertile land remain available since the terrestrial population, in a mad breeding spree, created this overpopulation problem and land destruction. The latter two dilemmas have already destroyed 6 million km2 [2.3 million miles2] of this fertile land through the construction of villages, cities, airports, recreational/sport centers, factories, industrial plants, and others. Additionally, the populace has built dams and has induced the formation of bleak deserts in what previously were lush areas. Hence, if the original 24 million km2 or 9.3 million miles2 of fertile land are inhabited by 529 million humans, approximately 22 (or 22.04 to be precise) persons can live on each 1 km2 or 0.39 mile2not taking into account villages, cities or other settlements. When 18 million km2 [7 million miles2] of fertile land are used in the calculation, 30 (29.38) people of a total human population of 529 million would live on each square kilometer. This means that 18 of 30 persons now would have to live in villages, cities or large settlements, which amounts to approximately two-thirds of the entire population. Assuming now we have an allotment of 130 million km2 [50.2 million miles2] of ice-free land surface available, this calculates out as 4.06 persons per 1 square kilometer provided the human population is a mere 529 million. Included in the number of square kilometers are, however, the desert areas, mountains, steppes and tundras along with other barren land masses and forests. Because today's human population has already reached a total of 6.3 billion for the entire ice-free land mass, we calculate that there are 48.46 persons per 1 km2 [0.39 mile2]. Using the same population figures, this gives us 262.5 persons per 1 km2 for the original 24 million km2 or 9.3 million miles2. When the human population is calculated by applying the ratio to the remaining 18 million km2 [7 million miles2] arable land, the resultsbelieve it or notshow 350 human beings per 1 km2 or 0.39 mile2 of land. Of course, in reality this is not the case since many of these people live in villages, cities or other large settlements. If these many humans were to be disbursed over the entire number of square kilometers of remaining fertile land mass, the coverage would actually amount to 350 humans per 1 km2 or 0.39 mile2. This signifies that no agricultural and horticultural organizations whatsoever could operate on this land. The Fischer Almanac provides the following explanation for this situation: Quote: In 1993, the Earth's 130 million km2 [50.2 million miles2] ice-free land mass was covered by 32% forests, 11% farmland, and 26% pastures. The remaining 31% consisted, among other things, of grassland that was not used for agricultural purposes, marshes, as well as human settlements and transportation infrastructures. In studying this land on a worldwide basis, a distinct damage pattern of human origin was observed in 1990 upon nearly 15% of the ice-free land surface. Such damage affects 38% of all farmland, 21% of permanent grassland, and 18% of the forests and savannahs. The largest contributor to the problem of land damage, at 56%, is water erosion, that is to say, the removal of top soil by rain and run-off; and 28% of the damage is caused by wind erosion, i.e., the relocation of soil by the wind. An annual total of 74 billion tons of soil is lost through water and wind erosionand only 1-2 tons of soil per hectare [approx. 2.5 acres) are regenerated per year. In Europe and the USA, 17 tons are removed per hectare. In Asia, Africa, and South America 30-40 tons per hectare are removed per year. Indeed, over the past 150 years half of all fertile, arable land has been lost in this manner throughout the many regions. Of lesser significance, by comparison, is the chemical degradation of the land, which amounts to a global average of 12%.


FIGU Bulletin 010


Soil Degradation The main categories of chemical and other degradation causes include: Toxification of the ground - through overfertilization and pesticide abuse, industrial activities, garbage dumps, and harmful fumes from the air; Acidification - from materials introduced through the air ("acid rain"), ammonia from livestock; Salinization - generally through improper watering; Loss of Nutrients/Humus - through inappropriate agricultural practices. Soil compression - with 4% the smallest damage contributor: the use of agricultural devices too heavy for the soil, and the removal of surface vegetation; Cover up; Seal in (traffic and building surfaces), and Subsidence (e.g., as a result of mining activities).

The type, extent, and cause of ground degradation vary greatly from one region to another. The percentage of degraded surfaces of arable land can range from 16% in Oceania to 75% in Central America (Europe 25%); with degraded permanent grassland the percentage ranges from 11% in North America to 31% in Africa; and with degraded forest and savannahs surfaces, from 1% in North America to 38% in Central America. With the ever-growing human population on Earth, the loss of fertile, arable ground increasingly brings into question the assured availability of global food supplies. The world's average per capita arable ground decreased from 0.41 hectare [1.01 acre] in 1961 to 0.24 hectare [0.59 acre] in 1993. Particularly affected by this trend are the underdeveloped countries. In 1993 the per capita available arable ground was only 0.16 hectare [0.39 acre], well below the allotment necessary to cover the 0.17-0.3 hectare [0.42-0.74 acre] minimum average produce requirements for humans. Question 4: A very cordial thank you for your reply to my questions [see Bulletin, Vol. 2, #9, pages 6-8. Billy]. I now have another question: Can you provide me with some estimate as to when Planet UNI, respectively Nibiru or Nubiro (as it is also called according to your explanation), will depart/disappear again, and what link does the comet have with UNI, which supposedly also will appear in March 1997? Urs Krasemann, Germany Response: Your question refers to my response on page 8 of our Bulletin, Vol. 2, #9. There is no consensus of opinions regarding the comet and planet Nibiru, respectively UNI/Nubiru. Some people who are focusing on this event hold the opinion that the planet and the comet are two completely different celestial bodies, while others speculate that the two are one and the same, with the implication that it is but one celestial body. This particular planet/comet has prompted extremely ludicrous speculations for some time now, and it may be important to note that in the past it played a major role in terrestrial history 3,600 years ago, when it generated a multitude of calculations and conjectures. The same wave of excitement holds true today, and theories are running rampant with respect to whether or not UNI/Nibiru/Nubiru will harmlessly pass by Earth or whether it will be drawn toward the Martian field, which would eventually drag it into Earth's orbit. Purportedly, our dear old moon will be pushed aside whereupon it will drift beyond recall into outer space, while Mars, supposedly, will approach Earth to become its new moon. Contention has it that in March 1997 Planet/Comet Nibiru will appear from behind our central star to radiate as a second sunbut for the time being it matters little whether it is one or two celestial bodies. In any case, we only know that on March 23, 1997, a single, gigantic comet is said to pass by the Earth, if we can call it that, and then will travel toward the sun. On April 1, 1997, it should reach its closest orbital point to the sun before it again disappears into the depths of space in September 1997. Regarding the planet/comet known as UNI or Nibiru or Nubiru, respectively, certain speculators claim the possibility exists that it is an inhabited celestial body and not a giant nuclear power plant like our sun that produces light and warmth, and fosters the survival of life forms. However, proof of this theory has not been provided yet. Should this be simply the comet "Hale-Bopp" (see Bulletin, Vol. 2, #9, page 8) which, in some circles, is also known as the planet Nibiru, then clearly it cannot be an inhabited celestial body.

FIGU Bulletin 010 The only fact we are aware of at this time is that planet/comet Nibiru provided terrestrials 3,600 years ago with cause for great discussion and speculation. And now a superlarge comet is approaching our sun at tremendous speed and the question arises whether or not this is Nibiru/UNI/Nubiru, the tenth planet of the SOL system. Some writers claim scientists have already determined that it will not endanger the Earth. But nobody seems to know for sure what will happen when the comet intersects the Martian orbit. The possibility does exist that it may be ripped from its own orbit and flung toward Earth. Supposedly, it will nudge our moon in the process and be slowed down in its path by the moon. The result could be that it would begin to orbit the Earth from this time onward, while our old lunar satellite would commence its endless voyage into outer space before, possibly, returning to Earth as a gigantic comet thousands of years hence. Still, speculation continues that Mars' ice-covered poles and the ice reserves beneath the planet's surface would be converted into water by the warmth of the sun after becoming the orbital captive of Earth as a moon. Such an event would lay the foundation for a different atmosphere on Mars and allow people from Earth to colonize it. Yet other speculators assert that Nibiru is the precursor for an even far larger, inhabited planet, upon which the gods are said to reside. Another hypothesis and claim regarding "Hale-Bopp" was made on November 14, 1996, by Chuck Shramek, an amateur astronomer who had previously taken a CCD picture of the comet. He stated he had observed a saturnlike object in tow behind the gigantic comet. His remarks triggered a heated debate during which Courtney Brown, a selfproclaimed remote viewer, stated he could ascertain through his extrasensory capability that this saturnlike second object in tow with the comet, is maneuvered under intelligent guidance. Certain UFO advocates, as usual, brought Brown's testimony into their fold, and now they claim that the second object is actually an artificially constructed configuration inhabited by the gods. Furthermore, they claim that the comet itself is being guided by the gods from this inhabited configuration, and so forth. Astronomers, on the other hand, assume that the photographed mysterious object is simply a combination of a bright star in the background, with comet "Hale-Bopp" intersecting it in the foreground. Such speculations, whether true or not, originate from the same, extremely conflicting viewpoint in which the crop circle pictograms (specifically that of Grasdorf) play a particular role. Termed the "pictograms of humanity's fate," their meaning will allegedly be recognized in the near future as the key to our future path. Planet Nibiru/Nubiru/UNI has always been termed the "Planet of the Gods." It is said that its reappearance in the SOL System will introduce the "Golden Era" or the "Golden Epoch of our solar system," respectively. Yet another name for planet/comet Nibiru must not be forgotten either when, in days of yore, it was called "Antus." In connection with planet Nibiru and the crop circles, I must mention that some people claim the related pictograms are actually being drawn by the gods, to focus terrestrial attention toward future events, just as I have done on previous occasions. These events, the proponents claim, include Earth's reversal in rotation from West to East. The result would produce sunrises in the West and so forth. Likewise, they state that extraterrestrial races will officially land on Earth on March 27, 1997, and will commence contact with terrestrial governmentsa portion of this claim can be traced back to the crop circles. This landing date was allegedly transmitted to two pub-owner brothers during a one-hour telephone conversation. Well, maybe we'll have a surprise on this point tooif an actual ET public landing and the initiation of contacts with governments were to transpire, we would be delighted, of course. If this were to happen, however, all further contacts with the Pleiadians/Plejarans would immediately cease, as they previously told me on several occasions. They abide by safety rules to preserve the secret of their Plejaran culture and home worlds from other space travelers with lower evolutionary levels than their own, mainly to avoid disaster and havoc caused by other extraterrestrialsthis does not even take into account the lesser evolved aliens' dangerously low vibration levels in comparison to those of the Plejarans. Inquiry 1: Nokodemion: I suspect that the voluntary "retrogression" of the Wisest of the Wise in human form is absolutely unique to the Universe. Behind his extraordinary selfless and helpful act must have been a far more profound motive than "merely" the transgressions by Semjasa and his consorts. Can you tell me the actual reason?


FIGU Bulletin 010 Inquiry 2: Fluidal forces: How can I neutralize extraneous negative fluidal forces which have settled inside my house (e.g., poltergeister) or within pieces of my furniture? Inquiry 3: Israelites: I recall that they originated from giants. The giants were infertile and eventually became extinct. Does this imply that the giants also left behind descendants of normal size? Inquiry 4: Electro-smog: Ptaah mentioned the harmfulness of electromagnetic energy. My findings show that sensitive people suffer harm from a mere 2 milli Gauss, respectively 20 Tesla. However, the majority of scientists vehemently deny this.Would it be possible for you to tell me the level and exposure period at which the average humans would sustain permanent damage? (Additional questions in the next Bulletin.) Franco Chelini, Switzerland Reply 1: Billions of years ago Nokodemion founded and created a highly evolved people/society. Slowly initially, then increasingly ever more rapidly over a very long time span, the people detached themselves from their roots after his death, and they negatively retrogressed from their life of positive consciousness (erroneously called spiritual life). Their degeneration threatened to engulf them in a war of galactic proportions. To bring the people back to their senses, Nokodemion reestablished himself within a material body once again and returned from the Arahat Athersata levela truly unique event in the Universe. Pertinent information about Nokodemion is revealed in Contact 238 of May 18, 1991. (German Contact Report Block #13, pages 2550/51) Reply 2: Extraneous fluidal forces, either in their negative or positive form, can be counteracted and dissolved by strengthening the conscious and emotional forces one possesses by gaining control over them to the point where the unwanted extraneous fluidal forces are counteracted. This feat can be a lengthy process, or a powerful, but brief, output of strength. Reply 3: The Israelites were never giants from ancient times forth, but were always a people of average height. However, in the regions where ancient Israelites lived there also dwelled foreign tribes of giants who were not part of the Israelitic lineage. It was these giants who became infertile and later extinct. Reply 4: In regard to the harm generated on humans by electromagnetic energy, I was never informed by the Pleiadians/Plejarans about the danger levels or exposure periods. Billy



(Answered by Psychospy dated May 22, 1995) What is Area 51? Area 51 is a block of government-owned land approximately 95 miles north of Las Vegas, Nevada. It is surrounded by the Nevada Testing Grounds and Nellis Air Force Base. Allegedly, the name "Area 51" was initially found on an old map of the Nevada Testing grounds. At the heart of "Area 51," close to the shores of Groom Dry Lake, exists a large Air Force base which is not acknowledged publicly by the government. Air space above the base is off limits even for most military pilots, and is referred to as "Dreamland" by pilots using the radio frequencies in the area. What is the purpose of the Groom Lake Air Base? The base at Groom Lake has been the traditional testing site for America's latest generation of top secret flying devices ["black projects"]. The U-2, A-12, SR-77 and F-117A were flight-tested here, long before this fact was ever publicized. Since the government disavows anything pertaining to the base, information about what really goes on there is difficult to come by. Current rumors suggest two new flying devices exist there, an ultrafast spy plane known as "Aurora," and a smaller version of the B-2, which is said will replace the F-117A. Most projects at Groom Lake are probably of a more terrestrial nature and would interest only hardcore military enthusiasts. What about the UFOs? This region has been rich in UFO folklore for a long time. At Groom Lake rumors abound of imprisoned aliens, underground bases, secret agreements between extraterrestrials and the American government, or what have you. One of the more restrained and interesting stories centers around Bob Lazar from Las Vegas,

FIGU Bulletin 010 Nevada, who says he worked with extraterrestrial flying saucers at the military installation of Papoose Lake, south of Groom Lake, in a sector of Area 51 he calls "S-4." He claims he helped "back-engineer" one of the saucer units, but never saw any actual extraterrestrials. Apparently his claims can neither be confirmed nor directly rejected. Since the time Lazar disclosed his claims during an interview on local television, many tourists have traveled to public areas closest to the base in an attempt to catch glimpses of the extraterrestrial flying objects. Of course, many believe they have indeed witnessed UFOs here, but oftentimes, because so many UFO-like natural and military phenomena are seen here, it is difficult to separate the chaff from the wheat. Many people have spent their entire lives in this region and have yet to see a UFO. It is important to note that there is a tremendous difference between stating that the government possesses extraterrestrial flying devices here and that one can come here to view actual flying saucers in the air. Generally speaking the second claim is the less creditable of the two. Where do the observers go? Approximately 130 miles from Las Vegas, at the LN 29.5 mileage road marker on the remote Nevada Highway 375, there stands a local farmer's solitary mail box. Since this "black mail box" is the only marker on this stretch of highway, many true believers turn off from Highway 375 at this location. Many visitors claim they have seen flying saucers near here, while the farmer himself states he has never seen the like. Countless intensive war game activities take place in this area which frequently produce countless flares and other interesting lights in the skyperhaps some could be large UFOs, if one is inclined to envision them as such. There are two scenic vantage points on public land close to the Nevada Testing Grounds (Area 51) boundaryWhite Sides and Freedom Ridgefrom where the visitor can legally observe the air base. Unfortunately, the Air Force closed both these vantage points in April 1995. Currently, the base can still be observed from a distant mountain called Tikaboo Peak, but it requires a strenuous 1.5-hour hike to reach the observation point from a remote dirt road. What are the "Cammo Dudes"? This is the nickname given to the anonymous security guards who patrol the military border. They wear camouflage uniforms without emblems and drive white Cherokee Jeeps with government logos. The guards closely monitor all visitors who approach the boundary within a several mile limit but have been mandated to avoid direct contact with visitors. What dangers are present while visiting this region? The greatest danger exists for those who wander into the unfenced military boundarysuch visitors are immediately arrested and can be fined up to $600. The points where the road crosses the military boundary are clearly marked with "Off Limits" signs, and no one should trespass beyond these points. In the desert the boundaries are marked with orange posts every 50 yards. Visitors should take heed and not roam in close proximity to the boundary at night since the posts are not readily visible in the dark. Another great danger is that of getting stuck while driving in the area since standard vehicles are not geared for the off-road driving conditions along these remote, unsurfaced and unmaintained roadways.



(from: http://www.snowcrest.net/kenarmst/astro1.htm) Major Gordon Cooper One of the original Mercury Astronauts and the last American to fly in space alone. On May 15, 1963 he shot into space in a Mercury capsule for a 22 orbit journey around the world. During the final orbit, Major Gordon Cooper told the tracking station at Muchea (near Perth Australia) that he could see a glowing, greenish object ahead of him quickly approaching his capsule. The UFO was real and solid, because it was picked up by Muchea's tracking radar. Cooper's sighting was reported by the National Broadcast Company, which was covering the flight step by step; but when Cooper landed, reporters were told that they would not be allowed to question him about the UFO sighting. Major Cooper was a firm believer in UFOs. Ten years earlier, in 1951 he had sighted a UFO while piloting an F-86 Sabrejet over Western Germany. They were metallic, saucershaped discs at considerable altitude and could out-maneuver all American fighter planes. Major Cooper also testified before the United Nations:

FIGU Bulletin 010 "I believe that these extra-terrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets... Most astronauts were reluctant to discuss UFOs." "I did have occasion in 1951 to have two days of observation of many flights of them, of different sizes, flying in fighter formation, generally from east to west over Europe." And according to a taped interview by J. L. Ferrando, Major Cooper said: "For many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists in astronautics. I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us. And there are thousands of witness reports and a quantity of documents to prove this, but nobody wants to make them public. Why? Because authority is afraid that people may think of God knows what kind of horrible invaders. So the password still is: We have to avoid panic by all means." "I was furthermore a witness to an extraordinary phenomenon, here on this planet Earth. It happened a few months ago in Florida. There I saw with my own eyes a defined area of ground being consumed by flames, with four indentions left by a flying object which had descended in the middle of a field. Beings had left the craft (there were other traces to prove this). They seemed to have studied topography, they had collected soil samples and, eventually, they returned to where they had come from, disappearing at enormous speed...I happen to know that authority did just about everything to keep this incident from the press and TV, in fear of a panicky reaction from the public." Ed White & James McDivitt In June 1965, astronauts Ed White (first American to walk in space) and James McDivitt were passing over Hawaii in a Gemini spacecraft when they saw a weird-looking metallic object. The UFO had long arms sticking out of it. McDivitt took pictures with a cinecamera. Those pictures have never been released. James Lovell and Frank Borman In December 1965, Gemini astronauts James Lovell and Frank Borman also saw a UFO during their second orbit of their record-breaking 14 day flight. Borman reported that he saw an unidentified spacecraft some distance from their capsule. Gemini Control, at Cape Kennedy told him that he was seeing the final stage of their own Titan booster rocket. Borman confirmed that he could see the booster rocket all right, but that he could also see something completely different. During James Lovell's flight on Gemini 7: Lovell: BOGEY AT 10 O'CLOCK HIGH. Capcom: This is Houston. Say again 7. Lovell: SAID WE HAVE A BOGEY AT 10 O'CLOCK HIGH. Capcom: Gemini 7, is that the booster or is that an actual sighting? Lovell: WE HAVE SEVERAL...ACTUAL SIGHTINGS. Capcom: ...Estimated distance or size? Lovell: WE ALSO HAVE THE BOOSTER IN SIGHT...



Without having been requested to do so, and with great audacity, the self-appointed Swiss clairvoyant Maria des Souca is mailing out "highly sensitive bio-matter, which has the ability to react with the subconscious." The package contains, wrapped in a plastic baggie, three "magical Maya beans." The "clairvoyant" writes: "If these beans move, you are among the chosen few for whom the future holds in store great fortune, wealth, and recognition." The kicker is, of course, that these "miracle beans" are not free of charge but cost 100 hard Swiss Franks [approx. $70]. Only when a person pays out this sum can the "power of the magical beans" be "rendered effective."

FIGU Bulletin 010 The amazing thing is that these beans really do move, but when the phenomena is investigated by opening the small plastic bag and inspecting the beansagainst the advice of the "clairvoyant" the person quickly discovers the actual and creepy secret: The beans move occasionally only because they house live maggots inside. Billy



The persecution of witches is alive and well in all countries, as we previously reported on page 1 in our Wassermannzeit publication #100, September '96 issue. Shortly thereafter, in November '96, a new witch hunt case and the murder of innocent people was revealed: Seven people had been slaughtered in Mexico's Puebla province because neighbors suspected they were witches. According to press reports, three men set fire to the house of a family in the Sierra Negra village of Duraznotla, in an effort to burn alleged male and female witches. The inhabitants of the house, four adults and three children, fled from the blazing house whereupon they were massacred with machetes and bullets. Only one 15-year-old girl survived the ordeal because she feigned death. (SDA) Billy


As we previously reported in the fall of 1996, archaeologists have made a sensational discovery in Central Mongolia. They found a second Wall of China which, for the most part, has yet to be unearthed. The walled fortification, consisting of forts, moats, and guard towers, extends for a distance of 5,000 kilometers [3,106 miles] from the Nenjiang River to the Mongolian city of Baotou. Supposedly, the wall was erected in a record 75- year time frame by the nomadic Nuzhen tribe during the 12th century. Billy


Alexandria (Egypt), September 1996: Divers made a sensational find in the harbor basin of Alexandria when they discovered remnants of legendary Egyptian queen Cleopatra's 2,000-year-old palace. Judging from items found on location at a depth of seven meters [21 ft], everything is said to be unbelievably luxurious and colorful. Unearthed also at the site were numerous obelisks, columns, statues, amphoras, and wall remnants. Beyond the shadow of any doubt, Cleopatra's palace was also the refuge and sanctuary of her husband, Marc Anthony. Alexandria was founded in 331 B.C. and became a historical site because of the two love affairs Cleopatra had with Roman generals Marc Anthony and Julius Caesar. For two years the Egyptian queen lived in Roman luxury until Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 B.C. Three years after Caesar's death, Marc Anthony, too, succumbed to Cleopatra's charms. In 31 B.C. Cleopatra killed herself with the venom of an asp after Marc Anthony was defeated by Octavian at Actium. A strong earthquake and subsequent tsunami leveled the royal palace and it disappeared beneath the waves of the Mediterranean. Billy


It is highly likely that a black hole exists at the center of the Milky Way. Scientists from the Max-Planck-Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching, near Munich (Germany), have ascertained the giant mass of our gigantic galaxy's central object (equivalent mass of 2.5 million suns) indicates that the origin of its existence can only be explained as a black hole. The findings confirm what astronomers have suspected for quite some time, and they reaffirm what the Pleiadians/Plejarans revealed to me years ago. According to Nature, Issue No. 383, page 415, the view toward the center of the Milky Way in the constellation Sagittarius within the visible range of light is impeded by thick gas and dust clouds. However, within the field of

FIGU Bulletin 010 radio frequencies at this location, scientists have isolated a small object very close to the center of this radiation source, and it may turn out to be the actual center of our galaxy. Given the abbreviation Sgr. A*, as in Sagittarius, this source of radiation remains almost motionless. Many scientists assume, therefore, that Sgr. A* harbors a black hole. Black holes are formations with unimaginably high density and for this reason 1 cubic centimeter [0.06 inch3] of matter weighs several tons. Because the gravity of black holes is great enough to draw in and swallow up even visible light and other vibrations, scientists have chosen to call the phenomenon a "black hole." A black hole attracts every form of matter within a certain space or circumference, respectively, and draws it into its interior from where there is no escape. Theory has it that a black hole forces all stars (suns), planets, gas formations, and the like surrounding it into nearly circular orbits. This theory could be confirmed by Sgr. A*. Scientists claim that 39 stars orbit the center of the Milky Way in much the same way as planets orbit a sun. According to reports published in the fall of 1996, the measured velocities of these stars coincide with the scientists' calculations. The Pleiadians/Plejarans have always said, and they reaffirmed their statements in the last prophecies/predictions, that the center of the Milky Way consists of one single black hole, which came into existence with the agglomeration of several smaller black holes. According to the Pleiadian/Plejarans' explanations, the chance is minimal that planets and suns will plunge into the black hole at the present time, since such events occur in our Milky Way only every 10,000 to 15,000 years. This implies that Earth itself is in no immediate danger since our home planet, along with our entire solar system, will have disintegrated before it ever reaches the black hole at the center of our galaxy. Although our sun is dying, its death will not actually take place prior to the terrestrial human population's relocation to foreign planets in alien solar systems. Likewise free from any immediate danger are the other 39 stars/suns examined in the region of Sgr A*. Billy



As was reported worldwide in November 1996, the Russian "Mission Mars 96" failed. The probe sped out of control during its flight and plunged into the South Pacific Ocean near the Easter Islands in the early morning hours of November 18, 1996. Initial fears that the Mars probe would crash over Australia failed to materialize.The Mission Mars 96 probe was launched from the Kazakhstan Baikonur Space Station on Sunday night, November 17, 1996. Because the Proton rocket's fourth stage did not ignite as planned, the probe could not achieve its predetermined trajectory to Mars. Instead, it entered an unstable orbit around Earth and plunged into the South Pacific in the early Monday morning hours. Billy


In the Szechwan province of China, a Chinese-Japanese team of archaeologists found the remnants of a city estimated to be 5,000 years old. This discovery has opened up new possibilities. Until now, the prevailing scientific posture and explanation have been that only four prehistoric civilizations existedEgypt, Mesopotamia, and communities along the Indus and Yellow Rivers. Once again, as usual, scientists have erred, and it appears that history must be rewritten for the umpteenth time. Billy

FIGU Bulletin 010



According to data provided by the World Environmental Protection Union (IUCN), nearly one quarter of all mammals on Earth are threatened with extinction. Currently 169 mammal species are listed. The principal causes for their extinction include: Premature death by hunting, environmental pollution, and habitat destruction. As a result of raw sewage being allowed to flow into previously pristine waters, many species of freshwater fish, reptiles and amphibians are also endangered now. Billy

FIGU.org [1]

Human being of the Earth

Human being of Earth, it is high time for you to change for the better and for the good
Translation: Barbara Lotz, Germany Revision: Mariann Uehlinger Posted on: December 30, 2009 to theyfly.com Also appeared in: FIGU Special Bulletin 50

NOTE: This is a preliminary translation only.

English Human being of Earth, it is high time for you to change for the better and for the good ... by Billy Eduard Albert Meier The period of time of the 21st century and of the 3rd millennium brings about gigantic and cataclysmal events for you, your Earth and its nature, which you will have to meet with intellect and rationality. The new century and millennium will bring events, which you would never have imagined and which aren't solely of cosmic-natural origin, but rather created by you due to your unintellect and your irrationality. German Mensch der Erde, es ist fr dich dringend Zeit, dich zum Besseren und zum Guten zu wandeln ... von Billy Eduard Albert Meier Die Zeit des 21. Jahrhunderts und des 3. Jahrtausends bringt fr dich, deine Erde und deren Natur gewaltige und umwlzende Ereignisse, denen du mit Verstand und Vernunft begegnen musst. Das neue Jahrhundert und Jahrtausend bringt Geschehen, die du dir niemals hast ertrumen lassen und die nicht nur kosmisch-natrlichen Ursprungs sind, sondern von dir erschaffen durch deinen Unverstand und deine Unvernunft. Es sind also nicht einfach die Geschehen, die endlos ber die Welten und Universen rollen, sondern solche, die in deine Schuld fallen. Die kommenden Geschehen legen so Zeugnis davon ab, was du durch deinen Eigensinn zerstrerisch hervorgerufen hast und weiter hervorrufst in bezug auf die Naturzerstrung, Klimavernderung und Atmosphrebeeintrchtigung.

It is not only those events, which keep rolling across the worlds and universes endlessly, but rather those, which you are to blame for. The coming events are therefore bearing witness to what you have destructively created by your obstinacy and are furthermore creating with regard to the destruction of nature, climate change and impairment of the atmosphere.

Human being of the Earth

Sie zeugen aber auch von deiner Unsinnigkeit des weltweiten Warentransportes und des Massentourismus, wodurch Krankheiten, Seuchen sowie fremdartige Samen und Pflanzen in fremde Lnder verschleppt werden, unter die Menschen, Tiere und unter das Getier sowie in der Pflanzenwelt, wobei viele Tode heraufbeschworen und Vernderungen und Zerstrungen in der Fauna und Flora hervorgerufen werden. Wo bist du nur hingegangen und wo gehst du weiter hin in deinem Eigensinn, Mensch der Erde, aus dem heraus du bsartige Vernderungen und Zerstrungen in der Natur und am Planeten schaffst, in Hass, Rachsucht und in Kriegen lebst? Wenn du bedenkst, dass du die letzten 10000 Jahre gerademal 250 Jahre hinter dich gebracht hast, whrend denen keine kriegerischen Handlungen ber die Erde gerollt sind, dann sollte dir dies ein Anstoss sein, um endlich Frieden zu schaffen. Wahrlich, es ist weder ein Gott noch eine Religion, die dir wahre Liebe, Frieden, Freiheit und Harmonie bringen kann, und zwar auch dann nicht, wenn du dich noch so hndisch demtig in inbrnstigen Gebeten flehend in den Staub wirfst.

However, they also bear witness to the senselessness of your worldwide transportation of goods and of mass tourism, whereby diseases, epidemics as well as strange seeds and plants are being spread into foreign countries, among human beings, animals and among creatures as well as within the plant life, whereby many deaths are being brought about and changes and destructions are being caused in fauna and flora.

Where in the world have you gone and where are you continuing to go on in your obstinacy, human being of Earth, out of which you are causing pernicious changes and damage to nature and to the planet, are living in hatred, [and] urge for revenge and wars? Considering that you have spent a mere 250 years during the last 10,000 years, during which no acts of war had swept across Earth, then this should be an impulse for you to finally create peace.

Truly, there is neither a god nor a religion, which can bring you true love, peace, freedom and harmony, no matter how submissively fawning you are beseechingly throwing yourselves into the dust in ardent prayer.

Only you and you alone have the power and the might to free yourself Nur du allein hast die Kraft und die Macht, dich aus allem bel zu from all the terrible things, for you are your own lord and master, and only befreien, denn du bist dein eigener Herr und Meister, und nur du allein you and you alone determine your destiny and that of the whole of bestimmst dein und der ganzen Menschheit Schicksal. humankind. There is no god and no religion, which you may expect help from and which can free you from all evil and bad. Only you and you alone bear the responsibility for anything and everything of your thoughts, feelings, deeds and actions, therefore also only you alone are able to free yourself from hatred, urge for revenge, jealousy, urge for retaliation, lovelessness, unpeace and unfreedom as well [1] as from Gewalt , strife, squabble, discord, disharmony, murder and manslaughter, from war, crimes of Gewalt, criminality and all the inhumane. However, up until now you haven't done this, but you have rather steadily let yourself fall further and deeper into the abyss of ruin. And you continue with this in like manner, whereas your steadily growing overpopulation is the main reason that all your self-created terrible things and destructive machinations are increasing further. Es ist kein Gott und keine Religion, wovon du Hilfe erwarten und dich von allem Bsen und Schlechten befreien kannst. Nur du allein trgst fr alles und jedes deiner Gedanken, Gefhle, Handlungen und Taten die Verantwortung, folgedem auch nur du allein dich von Hass, Rachsucht, Eifersucht, Vergeltungssucht, Lieblosigkeit, Unfrieden und Unfreiheit sowie von Gewalt, Streit, Zank, Hader, Disharmonie, Mord und Totschlag, von Krieg, Gewaltverbrechen, Kriminalitt und allem Menschenunwrdigen zu befreien vermagst.

Bis anhin hast du das jedoch nicht getan, sondern du hast dich stetig mehr und tiefer in den Abgrund des Verderbens fallen lassen. Und du treibst es in der gleichen Weise immer weiter, wobei deine stetig wachsende berbevlkerung der hauptschliche Grund dafr ist, dass all deine selbsterzeugten bel und zerstrenden Machenschaften weiter anwachsen. Du eilst mit deinen Gedanken und Gefhlen ins Leere, Mensch der Erde, in eine lichtlose und tdliche Zukunft, wobei du das Allerschlimmste nur noch verhindern kannst, wenn du zur Besinnung kommst, zu Verstand und Vernunft. Du musst das unsinnige Anwachsen der berbevlkerung beenden, wie auch alle Kriege, allen Terror, Hass und den Unfrieden, und du musst von deiner Rachsucht und Eifersucht abkommen, von deiner Vergeltungs- und Streitsucht, wie aber auch von deiner Gleichgltigkeit gegenber deinen Mitmenschen sowie der Natur, dem Planeten und dessen Fauna und Flora. Mensch der Erde, du musst deine Lieblosigkeit besiegen und beenden, um wahre Liebe und Mitgefhl in dir zu erschaffen, sowohl fr dich selbst als auch fr deine weltweiten Mitmenschen sowie fr die Fauna und Flora, die gesamte Natur und die Erde selbst.

You are hastening into emptiness with your thoughts and feelings, human being of Earth, straight into a dark and deadly future, and you will only be able to avert the worst of all, if you come to your senses, to rationality and intellect. You must put a stop to the senseless growth of the overpopulation as well as to all wars, all terror, hatred and unfreedom, and you must desist from your urge for revenge and jealousy, from your urge for retribution and quarrelsomeness as well as from your disinterest towards your fellow human beings and nature, the planet and its fauna and flora.

You must overcome and put an end to your lovelessness, human being of Earth, in order to create true love and feelings for others within yourself, both for yourself and for your fellow human beings all over the world as well as for the fauna and flora, the whole nature and Earth itself.

Human being of the Earth

Mensch der Erde, du musst dich aus dem Dunkel deines Unverstandes und deiner Unvernunft hinausarbeiten, in das du hineingefallen bist; aus dem Dunkel, in dem die Dmonen des Hasses, des Krieges, des Mordens und Ttens, des Unfriedens, der Eifersucht, der Friedlosigkeit, Disharmonie, der Vergeltungs- und Rachsucht, des Hasses und der Unfreiheit zhnefletschend und diabolisch grinsend ihre krallenbewehrten Klauen in dich geschlagen haben. Und kehrst du nicht um, um endlich mit deiner ganzen irdischen Menschheit einen neuen Anfang in wirklicher Liebe und Freiheit, in Frieden und Harmonie zu finden, dann wirst du weiterhin in deinem Eigensinnswahn und in deiner Sucht der berbevlkerungsschaffung sowie in deiner Zerstrungswut dich selbst sowie die Fauna und Flora auslschen. Wenn du dich nicht zum Besseren und Guten entschliesst und du dich nicht den natrlichen Gesetzen einordnest und sie nicht befolgst, dann wird dich in zuknftiger Zeit das eigene Handeln aus deinem Eigensinn selbst zermalmen, und zwar erbarmungslos, wie mit einer tdlich zuschlagenden Faust eines Giganten. Es wird auch die Faust deines Grssenwahns sein, durch den du selbst dein Schicksal bestimmst. Durch deinen Eigensinn, deinen Grssenwahn und deine Selbstherrlichkeit forderst du deine eigene Rache wider dich selbst heraus, geprgt aus deiner eigenen Unvernunft, die Rechenschaft von dir fordert.

Human being of Earth, you must work your way out of the darkness of your unintellect and your irrationality, which you haven fallen into; out of the darkness, where the demons of hatred, of war, of murder and killing, of unpeace, of jealousy, of peacelessness, disharmony, of urge for retribution and for revenge, of hatred and of unfreedom have dug their claws into you, snarling and grinning diabolically.

And if you do not turn round, in order to finally find a new beginning in true love and freedom, in peace and harmony together with your earthly humankind as a whole, then you will, in your obstinate delusion and in your addiction to creating an overpopulation as well as in your destructiveness, continue to extinguish yourself as well as the fauna and flora. If you do not decide for the better and the good and do not integrate yourself into the natural laws and do not follow them, then your own acting resulting from your obstinacy will crush you in the time to come, and mercilessly, like with a deadly slamming fist of a giant.

It will also be the fist of your megalomania, by which you personally will determine your destiny. Owing to your obstinacy, your megalomania and your self-aggrandisement, you provoke your own revenge on yourself, formed from your own irrationality, which demands accountability from you.

You cannot abdicate the responsibility for your doings and actions, as well Du kannst die Verantwortung fr dein Handeln und Tun nicht ablegen, as not for your false thoughts and feelings, by which you are leading wie auch nicht fr deine falschen Gedanken und Gefhle, durch die du yourself into disaster and are suggestively and forcefully bringing about dich selbst ins Unglck fhrst und ein bses Schicksal herausforderst. an evil destiny. You are not leading your life according to the true sense of existence - for truthfully it is to a great extent only lies and deception, filled with hate, greed, lust and addiction, with murder, war and with other crimes and acts of Gewalt. Up until now, you have not fulfilled your life's purpose/duty, but rather made use of your existence for waging war, for murdering and killing, for destruction, for the fulfilment of your greed for might, for envy, stinginess and for retaliation and revenge, for hatred of every kind and for greedy financial enrichment. Thus you have lost the being human in the real and true sense, and with it also your own dignity and the venerability for the ones next to you, the fellow human beings, the whole humankind, the planet and its nature, fauna and flora. You have not lived and do not live according to the creative-natural laws, but only according to tremendously fallible laws, which you have made yourself and which will lead you far away from what is rightful, fair and righteous. Truly, you have disparagingly trampled true love, life's benevolence and all the laws of nature into the dirt, while the dignity anchored therein was sadly accepting your devilish actions, giving you a last chance over and over again, in order to eventually remind you of true love and faithfulness in the course of time and enabling you to find your way back to the natural, as this is given by the natural principles of existence. Dein Leben fhrst du nicht nach dem wahren Sinn des Daseins denn wahrheitlich ist es in grossem Masse nur Lug und Trug, angefllt mit Hass, Gier, Lust und Sucht, mit Mord, Krieg und mit anderen Verbrechen und Gewalttaten. Du hast bis anhin deine Lebensaufgabe nicht erfllt, sondern dein Dasein genutzt, um Krieg zu fhren, zum Morden und Tten, zur Zerstrung, zur Erfllung deiner Machtgier, zum Neid, Geiz und zur Vergeltung und Rache, zum Hass aller Art und zur gierigen finanziellen Bereicherung. Dadurch hast du das wahre Menschsein verloren, damit auch die eigene Wrde und die Ehrwrdigkeit fr deine Nchsten, die Mitmenschen, die ganze Menschheit, den Planeten und dessen Natur, Fauna und Flora. Du hast nicht nach den schpferisch-natrlichen Gesetzen gelebt und lebst nicht danach, sondern nur nach ungeheuer fehlbaren, die du selbst gemacht hast und die dich weitab von dem bringen, was des Rechtens, des Gerechten und des Rechtschaffenen ist. Wahrlich hast du die wahre Liebe, des Lebens Gte und all die Gesetze der Natur schmhlich in den Schmutz getreten, whrend die darin verankerte Grossmut dein teuflisches Tun traurig entgegennahm und dir immer und immer wieder eine letzte Chance zuspielte, dich doch noch mit der Zeit der wahren Liebe und Treue zu erinnern und zurckzufinden zum Natrlichen, wie dieses durch die natrlichen Gesetzmssigkeiten des Daseins gegeben ist.

Human being of the Earth

Du, Mensch der Erde, hast jedoch jede noch so gute Chance bewusst missachtet und schmhlich in den Schmutz getreten, weil du in deinem Eigensinn, deiner Selbstherrlichkeit und in deinem Grssenwahn ein Leben fhren wolltest und willst, das deinen bsen Ausartungen Genge tut. Und es ist heute so, dass du ein Leben in Selbstsucht, Lust und Gier, in Hass, Hoffart, Machtgier und Krieg, in Zerstrung, Eifersucht, Streit und Hader sowie in Unfrieden, Unfreiheit, Disharmonie und Lieblosigkeit fhrst. Du kmmerst dich weder um deinen Nchsten, geschweige denn um deine Mitmenschen und um die ganze Menschheit, wie auch nicht um gute zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen, nicht um die Wrde und nicht um die wahre Menschlichkeit. Das jedoch rcht sich nicht nur in der gegenwrtigen Zeit, sondern auch in Zukunft durch die kommenden Ereignisse und Geschehen, die kaum mehr, wenn berhaupt noch, aufzuhalten sind. Mensch der Erde, wahrlich, du musst alles unternehmen, um der grossen und neuen Zeit in gutem und wertvollem Masse entgegentreten zu knnen, und darum: Befreie dich endlich von deiner altherkmmlichen, falschen und alles zerstrenden Lebensweise, von deinem Hass wider den Nchsten, wider Andersdenkende und Andersglubige. Befreie dich auch von deiner Streitsucht, von deiner irren Sucht nach Krieg, Rache und Vergeltung; lass die Eifersucht, den Geiz und den Hader hinter dir, wie auch die Sucht nach grossem Reichtum, nach Missgunst und nach grosser Nachkommenschaft, denn das sind alles Ausartungen des Bsen. Vermeide weitere berbevlkerung und wende dich den wahren Freuden des Lebens zu, die da sind wahre und ehrliche Liebe, wirklicher Frieden, wahre Freiheit und umfngliche Harmonie. Mensch der Erde, alles betrifft nicht nur deine ganze Menschheit, sondern hauptschlich dich als einzelnen, denn all die vielen einzelnen bilden die Menschheit dieser Welt, die voller Disharmonie und Finsternis eine Welt des Diabolischen und Dmonischen ist, weil du sie als einzelner und mit der gesamten Menschheit dazu gemacht hast. So bist du als einzelner gefragt, um dein Leben und die Existenz des Planeten sowie dessen Natur und Fauna und Flora dem wahren Leben, der Liebe, dem Frieden, der Freiheit und der Harmonie zuzufhren. Du musst die Pfade des Verderbens verlassen, den Weg der Disharmonie mit der Natur und den schpferischen Gesetzmssigkeiten, worauf du umherirrst. Wahrlich irrst du aber noch auf dem Pfade des Todes in einen bodenlosen Abgrund, der voll unglaublicher Schrecken und tdlichen Verderbens auf dich lauert, um dich in seine bluttriefenden Klauen zu reissen und dich erbarmungslos zu zermalmen. Du musst dich von deinen Irrungen befreien, sonst reisst dich die kncherne Krallenfaust deines Unverstandes und deiner Unvernunft aus deinem Leben und wirft dich in den Schlund der alles verderbenden Zerstrung. Noch hast du eine letzte effective Chance, die du nutzen kannst, wenn du dich all dem zuwendest, das dich vernnftig vorwrtsbringt, wobei das Vernnftige auch fordert, dass du deiner Verantwortung bewusst wirst und du die Zunahme deiner berbevlkerung stoppst.

However, you, human being of Earth, have consciously disregarded any ever so good opportunity and disparagingly dragged it through the mire, for due to your obstinacy, your self-aggrandisement and due to your megalomania, you wanted and still want to lead a life which satisfies your evil degeneracies. And today as a matter of fact you are leading a life in selfishness, lust and greed, in hatred, overbearance, greed for might and war, in destruction, jealousy, strife and discord as well as in unpeace, unfreedom, disharmony and lovelessness. You neither bother about those next to you, even less about your fellow human being and about humankind as a whole, as well as not about good interpersonal relationships, nor about dignity and true humanity.

This, however, takes its toll not only in the present time, but also in the future through the coming events and happenings, which can hardly be averted, if at all. Human being of Earth, truly, you must undertake everything in order to being able to face this great and new time in a good and valuable measure, and so therefore: Finally free yourself from your traditional, false and most destructive way of life, from your hatred against those next to you, against people who think differently and those who are of another religion.

Also free yourself from your quarrelsomeness, from your mad addiction to war, revenge and retaliation; move on from jealousy, stinginess and discord as well as from the addiction to great riches, resentment and to numerous offspring, for all of these are degeneracies of evil.

Avoid further overpopulation and turn yourself to the true joys of life, which are true and honest love, real peace, true freedom and ample harmony. Human being of Earth, all of this concerns not only your whole humankind, but mainly you as an individual, for all those good many individuals form the humankind of this world, which is a diabolical and demonic world full of disharmony and darkness, because you have turned it into this as an individual and together with humankind as a whole. So you as an individual are asked to direct your life and the existence of the planet as well as its nature and fauna and flora towards the true life, love, peace, freedom and harmony. You must leave the paths of ruin, the path of disharmony with nature and the creative principles, on which you are wandering about.

Truly, however, you are still wandering about on the path of death straight into a bottomless abyss full of incredible torment and deadly ruin, which is lying in wait for you in order to tear you into its blood-sopping claws and to crush you mercilessly. You must free yourself from your going astray, otherwise the bony claw-armed fist of your unintellect and your irrationality will snatch you from your life and cast you into the abyss of the all-ruining destruction.

You still have a last true chance, which you can use, if you turn to everything that brings you further in a rational way, whereby the rational also demands that you become conscious of your responsibility and put an end to the increase of your overpopulation.

Human being of the Earth

Du als einzelner Mensch dieser Erde musst alles erdenklich Mgliche, Gute und Richtige tun, um dich und die ganze Menschheit sowie die Natur und deren Fauna und Flora vor dem qualvollen Ende bewahren zu knnen, das die umwlzenden Ereignisse und Geschehen bereits zur gegenwrtigen Zeit beweisen und die sich in noch schlimmerer Weise zur kommenden Zeit weiter erweisen werden.

You as a single human being of this earth must do everything conceivably possible, good and right, in order to be able to preserve yourself and humankind as a whole as well as nature and its fauna and flora from the tormentful end, which the cataclysmal events and occurrences are already giving evidence of at the present time and which will continue to turn out to be even worse in the time to come.

Human being of Earth, you still have a really very last chance, which you, Mensch der Erde, noch hast du eine wirklich allerletzte Chance, die du however, will have to seize now, because otherwise you will not be able to nunmehr jedoch ergreifen musst, denn sonst kannst du das Schlimmste prevent the worst any more. nicht mehr verhten. Now do not believe that all those false prophets and scientists are right, who play down everything and declare everything as completely natural with respect to the degenerating development of nature, of the climate and the false development regarding your consciousness and behaviour. Whne dabei nicht, dass alle jene falschen Propheten und Wissenschaftler recht haben, die alles bagatellisieren und alles als vllig natrlich erklren in bezug auf die ausartende Entwicklung der Natur, des Klimas und deiner falschen bewusstseinsmssigen und verhaltensmssigen Entwicklung. Bedenke, dass die Zeit nicht stillsteht und dass folglich auch deine verheerenden bsartigen Machenschaften weiter voranschreiten, wenn du ihnen nicht endlich bewusst Einhalt gebietest. Tust du das nicht, dann wird es eines unerfreulichen Tages zu spt und Heulen und Zhneklappern sein, wie es von alters her geschrieben ist.

Consider that time doesn't stand still and that your devastating malicious machinations will therefore continue to proceed, if you do not finally consciously call a halt to them. If you do not do this, then it will be too late one unpleasant day and there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth, as it is written from time immemorial. And the old prophecies of the true prophets have proved to be true over thousands of years up to this new time, and this is exactly what they will do furthermore, but you can still avert much thereof, if you let your rationality and your intellect prevail and henceforth do the right things.

Und die alten Prophezeiungen der wahren Propheten haben sich ber Jahrtausende hinweg bis in diese neue Zeit hinein besttigt, und genau das werden sie auch weiterhin tun, doch noch kannst du vieles davon abwenden, wenn du deinen Verstand und deine Vernunft walten lsst und fortan das Richtige tust. Schon seit Jahrzehnten sind Naturkatastrophen aller Art ins Unheimliche angewachsen, wie auch die Ausartungen unter den Menschen; und all das zeugt davon, dass sich die Umwlzungen nicht mehr aufhalten, sondern in ihren schlimmsten Formen nur noch mildern lassen. Doch, Mensch der Erde, du musst endlich deine bewusstseinsmssige Evolution vorantreiben und selbst die Verantwortung in die Hand nehmen, anstatt sie von einem Gott oder von einer Religion und vom Glauben an diese zu fordern, weil nmlich von diesen niemals Hilfe kommen wird, sondern nur von dir selbst. Du musst selbst deine Gedanken und Gefhle sowie dein Tun, Handeln und Wirken steuern, weil es nunmehr die Not erfordert. Du als der Mensch der Erde musst mit deinem noch beschrnkten Bewusstsein die Grund- und Bauelemente der Natur und des Lebens achten lernen und deine eigene Gedanken- und Gefhlswelt zur Reaktion bringen, um in deinem Wahn nicht weiterhin myriadenfaches Leben der Natur und deren Fauna und Flora, das Klima der Erde und letztendlich dich selbst zu zerstren. Daher, Mensch der Erde, erhebe ich meine Stimme und schreie die wohlangebrachte Warnung und mein Begehr hinaus, auf dass du endlich aus deiner Lethargie des Nichtbeachtens der Tatsachen sowie aus deiner Zerstrungswut erwachen mgest. Es ist eine Warnung, die auf all den seit langer Zeit auftretenden und auf den gegenwrtigen Geschehen beruht, die sich in blem Masse immer weiter in die Zukunft tragen. Schon frher habe ich gerufen, doch ist mein Rufen in der Wste deiner Unvernunft und deines Unverstandes verhallt.

Already for decades all kinds of natural catastrophes have disastrously increased, as have the degeneracies among human beings; and all this bears witness that the cataclysms cannot be stopped any more, but can only be mitigated in their worst forms.

But, human being of Earth, you must finally advance the evolution of your consciousness and take the responsibility into your own hands, instead of demanding it from a god or a religion and from the belief in these, since help will never come from them, but solely from yourself.

You yourself must direct your thoughts and feelings as well as your actions, doings and activities, because it is now a requirement. You as human being of Earth must learn to esteem the basic elements and components of nature and of life even though your consciousness is still limited ? and to bring your own world of thoughts and feelings to react, in order not to furthermore destroy in your delusion myriad-fold life of nature and its fauna and flora, the climate of Earth and finally yourself.

Therefore, human being of Earth, I raise my voice and shout out the well-appropriate warning and my demand, so that you may eventually awaken from your lethargy of disregarding the facts as well as from your destructive rage. It is a warning, which is based on the present events and on all those that have been appearing for a long time, which will carry further and further into the future to a terrible extent. I have already called in the past, but my calling has faded away in the desert of your irrationality and your unintellect.

Human being of the Earth

Bereits ist die Zeit gekommen, zu der sich in der ganzen Welt die klimatischen Bedingungen durch deine Schuld krass vernderten und ungeheure Naturkatastrophen in Erscheinung treten, und das wird sich auch in die Zukunft hinein mit extremen Unwettern aller Art weiter auswirken. Alles hat sich bereits derart ausgeweitet, dass unzhlbare Menschenleben, die in die Hunderttausende und in die Millionen gehen, zu beklagen sind und weiterhin zu beklagen sein werden.

The time has already come at which the climatic conditions all over the world have starkly changed for which you bear the blame and enormous natural disasters are occurring, and this will also continuously have an effect in the future through extreme storms of all kinds.

Everything has already escalated to such an extent, that a vast number of human lives running into hundreds of thousands and into millions have been lost and will continue to be lost.

Together with enormous destruction of all human achievements, also more Nebst ungeheuren Zerstrungen an allen menschlichen and more diseases and epidemics will spread, which will take a heavy toll Errungenschaften weiten sich auch immer mehr Krankheiten und on the lives of your species, human being of Earth. Seuchen aus, die viele Leben deiner Spezies fordern werden, Mensch der Erde. All disaster will expand steadily further on, destructions on mountains through rock slides due to the thawing of the permafrost will take place, and due to volcanic activity, large portions of mountains will be blasted away, which will rush down into the valley as mudflows, destroying everything, wiping out entire villages and cities and claiming a great many human lives. The glaciers and poles are melting on a worldwide scale, and also more and more deserts are forming. The world climate is warming up rapidly, and this leads to enormous climatic upheavals, which will bring more and more great heat waves and cold waves, conflagrations, droughts, inundations, snow storms, hail storms and tremendously powerful storms in its wake. Also earthquakes and seaquakes will occur with increasing frequency, as will enormous tsunamis in the oceans and lakes resulting therefrom. Alles Unheil weitet sich stetig immer weiter aus, Zerstrungen an Bergen durch Bergstrze infolge des Auftauens des Permafrostes erfolgen, und durch Vulkanismus werden grosse Teile von Bergen weggesprengt, die als Schlammlawinen ins Tal strzen, alles zerstren, ganze Drfer und Stdte vernichten und unzhlige Menschenleben kosten. Weltweit schmelzen die Gletscher und die Pole dahin, wie auch immer mehr Wsten entstehen. Das Weltklima erwrmt sich rapide, und das fhrt zu ungeheuren Klimaumwlzungen, die immer mehr grosse Hitze- und Kltewellen, Feuersbrnste, Drren, berschwemmungen, Schnee-, Hagel- und Gewaltstrme mit sich bringen. Auch Erdbeben und Seebeben treten immer hufiger in Erscheinung, wie auch daraus hervorgehend gewaltige Tsunamis auf den Meeren und Seen. Dadurch entstehen weitere verheerende Zerstrungen in der Natur und an deinen Errungenschaften. Und es werden riesige Landschaften durch Naturkatastrophen und durch das berbevlkerungswachstum zerstrt, weil du immer mehr Lebens- und Wohnraum bentigst. Viele Naturkatastrophen und Kriege sowie Sektenmachenschaften und Gewalttaten fhren stetig mehr zu Massentoden deiner Gattung.

Thus, further devastating destruction of nature and of your achievements arise. And vast landscapes will be destroyed by natural disasters and due to the growth of the overpopulation, since you require more and more housing and living space. A great number of natural disasters and wars as well as machinations of sects and acts of Gewalt are increasingly leading to mass deaths of your species. Enormous material damage to land, houses and to various buildings, to streets, railway tracks, mountain torrents, creeks, rivers and lakes will arise. And as was frequently said in the past, more and more human lives will be lost through the climate-induced upheavals and thunderstorms as well as due to mass murders, for the rapid and increasing climate warming and climate change is not only changing the entire nature and the ocean currents, which will cause massive upheavals, but also your consciousness in a depraving way.

Es entstehen ungeheure materielle Schden an Land, Husern und an allerlei Gebuden, an Strassen, Eisenbahnwegen, Wildbchen, Flurbchen, Flssen und Seen. Und wie schon frher oftmals gesagt wurde, werden immer mehr Menschenleben durch all die klimabedingten Umwlzungen und Unwetter sowie durch Massenmorde zu beklagen sein, denn die rapide und sich steigernde Klimaerwrmung und Klimavernderung verndert nicht nur die gesamte Natur und die Meeresstrmungen, die gewaltige Umwlzungen hervorrufen, sondern auch dein Bewusstsein in verkommender Weise. Dadurch wirst du, Mensch der Erde, gegenber dir selbst und gegenber deinen Mitmenschen immer gleichgltiger und mitgefhlloser, folglich auch immer mehr deine guten zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen darunter leiden und stetig seltener werden.

Through this you, human being of Earth, will become more and more indifferent and without feelings towards yourself and towards your fellow human beings, thus your good interpersonal relationships will also increasingly suffer from it and will become continuously rarer.

Human being of the Earth

Auch die gesamte Pflanzen- und Tierwelt verndert sich in katastrophaler Weise, wobei viele Mutationen entstehen, auch bei dir, wobei ganz besonders die berbevlkerung Schuld an allem trgt.

The entire plant world and animal kingdom are also changing catastrophically, whereby a great number of mutations come into existence, also among you, whereby above all else the overpopulation bears the blame for everything. This is indisputably the utmost evil on Earth, because the further and the faster the population grows, the greater, more extensive and more insolvable all the problems become that result from it. As to that, there are degeneracies existing across-the-board, therefore in medicine, in the decreasing drinking water, in the depleting consumption of energy as well as in the steadily increasing worldwide, amply destroying and epidemic spreading mass tourism, in terrorism, in wars as well as in other armed conflicts.

Diese ist unbestreitbar das allergrsste bel auf der Erde, denn je weiter und je schneller diese wchst, desto grsser, umfangreicher und unlsbarer werden all die daraus resultierenden Probleme. Diesbezgliche Ausartungen bestehen in allen Bereichen, also sowohl in der Medizin, im schwindenden Trinkwasser, im sich erschpfenden Verbrauch von Energie sowie im sich stetig mehrenden weltweiten, viele Dinge zerstrenden und seuchenverbreitenden Massentourismus, im Terrorismus, in Kriegen sowie in sonstigen bewaffneten Konflikten.

The wars, instigated by your might-greedy and felonious mightful ones of Die Kriege, angezettelt durch deine machtgierigen und state, won't come to an end, if you, human being of Earth, don't finally put verbrecherischen Staatsmchtigen, nehmen kein Ende, wenn du, a stop to all the felonious acts as an individual and as a mass of people. Mensch der Erde, nicht als einzelner und als Masse den ganzen Verbrechen endlich Einhalt gebietest. However, family tragedies also become more and more rampant, as do the many cases of killing by your psychically disturbed adolescents and also by older offenders, who are trying to solve their problems with a flight into murdering. However, the escalating problems are also multiplying due to the air pollution, water pollution and pollution of the environment as well as due to the growing crime and due to the felonies of Gewalt, as well as due to the general health, consciousness-related, psychic and physical weakening, which you have already fallen prey to for a long time and are increasingly falling prey to. Beneficial leisure activities also belong to the problems which can no longer be coped with, for instead of engaging in such an activity, you are only seeking crazy pleasure and idleness, or extreme and life-endangering sports, because you, human being of Earth, are not even able to appraise your own life as valuable any more, let alone the one of the person next to you and the one of the fellow human being. Es nehmen aber auch Familientragdien immer mehr berhand, wie auch das vielfache Tten durch deine psychisch geschdigten jugendlichen und auch lteren Tter, die in einer Flucht zum Morden ihre Probleme zu lsen versuchen. Die steigenden Probleme hufen sich aber auch durch die Luft-, Gewsser- sowie Umweltverschmutzung sowie durch die wachsende Kriminalitt und durch die Gewaltverbrechen, wie aber auch hinsichtlich der allgemeinen gesundheitlichen, bewusstseinsmssigen, psychischen und krperlichen Verweichlichung, denen du schon lange verfallen bist und immer mehr verfllst. Auch nutzvolle Freizeitbeschftigungen gehren zu den nicht mehr zu bewltigenden Problemen, denn statt einer solchen nachzugehen, suchst du nur noch das irre Vergngen und den Mssiggang, oder extreme und lebensgefhrliche Sportarten, weil du, Mensch der Erde, nicht einmal mehr dein eigenes, geschweige denn des Nchsten und Mitmenschen Leben als wertvoll einzuschtzen vermagst.

Inevitably, your hard-hearted and coarsened towards your fellow human Zwangslufig steigert sich daraus auch deine Verrohung gegenber beings and nature as well as towards the fauna and flora also increases as a deinen Mitmenschen, der Natur sowie gegen die Fauna und Flora. result of this. You, human being of Earth, are becoming increasingly predisposed to allergies and diseases, to epidemics and degeneracies of the sexual life, to psychic degeneracies, to depressions and suicides, to psychopathic and paranoid moods, from which murders and mass murders as well as maltreatments of fellow humans are resulting, which are increasingly being perpetrated by teenagers, because their whole education is failing completely in every respect. You are increasingly appearing as a chicken-hearted person, who is throwing his life away, because you have become incapable and afraid of bearing pain and misery and of ending your days through a natural death. Du, Mensch der Erde, wirst immer anflliger fr Allergien und Krankheiten, fr Seuchen und Ausartungen des Sexuallebens, fr psychische Ausartungen, fr Depressionen und Selbstmorde, fr psychopathische und paranoide Anwandlungen, aus denen heraus Morde und Massenmorde sowie Misshandlungen von Mitmenschen resultieren, die immer mehr durch Jugendliche ausgefhrt werden, weil ihre ganze Erziehung in jeder Beziehung vollumfnglich versagt. Immer mehr trittst du als feiger Mensch in Erscheinung, der du dein Leben wegwirfst, weil du unfhig und feige geworden bist, Schmerz und Leid zu ertragen und das Leben durch ein natrliches Sterben zu beenden. Und du bist auch feige geworden darin, deinen Nchsten und Mitmenschen zu helfen, wenn sie von anderen drangsaliert oder angegriffen werden, wie du auch feige geworden bist, den Alten und Behinderten zu helfen. Mensch der Erde, du erzeugst fr den Planeten und fr alles Leben Unheil in ungeahntem Ausmass.

And you have also become chicken-hearted with respect to helping those next to you and your fellow human beings, when they are being harassed or attacked by others, as you have also become chicken-hearted with regard to helping the aged and handicapped people. Human being of Earth, you are causing disaster for the planet and for all life on an unprecedented scale.

Human being of the Earth

Die durch dich in der Natur sowie an Fauna und Flora und am Leben hervorgerufenen Zerstrungen ziehen ber die ganze Erde hinweg. Riesige Schden, Zerstrungen sowie Not und Elend hast du hervorgerufen und rufst sie weiterhin hervor. Du hast Wildbche und Flurbche begradigt und Auen mit Drainagen durchzogen, um sie fr dich bewohnbar zu machen. So wurden die Bche und Rinnsale zu reissenden Flssen, Flsse zu tobenden Strmen, whrend wilde Wasser ber alle Ufer treten und ungeheure berschwemmungen hervorrufen, die alles Land verwsten, zahllose deiner Errungenschaften und Existenzen zerstren und zusammen mit anderen Katastrophen Hunderttausende und Millionen von Menschenleben kosten. Und all das, was sich heute zutrgt, das bedeutet in keiner Weise das Ende der durch deine Schuld ausgelsten weltweiten Katastrophen, denn erst im nun neuen Jahrtausend wird alles noch schlimmer, denn die Natur wird sich noch gewaltiger gegen deinen umweltzerstrenden Wahnsinn aufbumen und ein Mass erreichen, das den urweltlichen Zeiten der Erde gleichkommt. Werden die kommenden Geschehen und Katastrophen betrachtet und analysiert, die ber die Erde, das Klima und ber dich, Mensch der Erde, hereinbrechen, dann ist klar und deutlich zu erkennen, dass einzig und allein du am ganzen Elend die Schuld trgst, und zwar, wie bereits erklrt, durch die unaufhaltsam wachsende berbevlkerung, aus der heraus sich alle die ungeheuren Probleme ergeben.

The destructions of nature as well as of fauna and flora and of life caused by you are sweeping over the whole Earth. You have caused enormous damage, destructions as well as hardship and misery and keep on causing them. You have straightened torrents and creeks and have dug drainage ditches across the wetlands, in order to make them habitable to you. So the creeks and rivulets became powerful rivers, rivers became raging currents, while wild waters are bursting their banks and causing enormous inundations, which are devastating all land, destroying a vast number of your achievements and existences, and together with other catastrophes are claiming hundreds of thousands and millions of human lives.

And all of what happens today in no way means the end of the worldwide catastrophes, which you bear the blame for triggering, for only in the now new millennium, everything is getting even worse, because nature will rise up even more gigantically against your environment-destroying-insanity and attain an extent, which bears comparison with the primeval times of Earth. Considering and analysing the coming events and catastrophes, which are going to break upon Earth, the climate and you, human being of Earth, then it is clearly and obviously recognisable, that solely you bear the blame for the whole misery, namely, as already explained, due to the relentlessly increasing overpopulation, as a result of which all the enormous problems are arising.

This can no longer be stopped with simple means, but only by means of Diese kannst du nicht mehr in einem einfachen Rahmen zum Stillstand worldwide radical and rigorous laws and measures, whose compliance you bringen, sondern nur noch durch weltweite radikale und rigorose must ensure. Gesetze und Massnahmen, deren Einhaltung du gewhrleisten musst. The blame for the coming disaster and chaos as well as catastrophes arises fundamentally due to your gigantic mass of humankind, even if you as a pathologically dumb and irresponsible scientist or know-it-all claim the opposite. Die Schuld am kommenden Unheil und Chaos sowie an den Katastrophen geht grundstzlich durch deine gewaltige Masse Menschheit hervor, auch wenn du als krankhaft dummer und verantwortungsloser Wissenschaftler oder Besserwisser Gegenteiliges behauptest. Allein deine berbevlkerung ist der umfassende Faktor aller bel, und zwar sowohl bei der Energie- und Trinkwasserknappheit als auch in bezug auf die Natur- und Umweltzerstrung sowie hinsichtlich der Klimaerwrmung, der neuen Krankheiten und Seuchen, der Gewaltverbrechen, des Hasses, der Unfreiheit, Lieblosigkeit, des Unfriedens und der Disharmonie usw. usf. Und je weiter deine berbevlkerung wchst, desto umfangreicher und unbewltigungsbarer werden all die Probleme und bel. Wird ein bestehendes Problem dieser oder jener Art, das aus der berbevlkerung hervorgeht, angegangen und eine Lsung gefunden und verwirklicht, dann wird das Ganze whrend der Zeit der Lsungsverwirklichung durch neuentstehende Probleme gleicher oder hnlicher resp. neuer Art berholt, weil die Weltbevlkerung whrend der Zeit, in der Lsungen verwirklicht werden, um weitere Hunderte von Millionen Menschen ansteigt, wodurch die ausgearbeiteten Lsungen nichtig und von gleichartigen neuen Problemen berholt werden. Auch das Asylanten-, das Neonazi- und Extremistenwesen, Vlkerwanderungen, weltweiter Terrorismus und neue Kriege werden sich ausbreiten und stetig mehr Unfrieden, Not und Elend und sonstig neue grosse Probleme schaffen.

Solely your overpopulation is the comprehensive factor of all terrible things, namely concerning the energy and drinking water shortage as well as regarding the destruction of nature and the environment and also with regard to climate warming, new diseases and epidemics, Gewalt-crimes, hatred, unfreedom, lovelessness, unpeace and disharmony and so on and so forth. And the more your overpopulation is growing, the more extensive and unmanageable all the problems and terrible things become. If an existing problem of this or that kind resulting from the overpopulation is being approached and a solution is being found and carried into effect, then the whole thing is being overtaken by emerging problems of the same or a similar or new kind during the time of the implementation of the solution, because the world population is increasing further by hundreds of millions of people during the time at which solutions are being implemented, whereby the solutions worked out become null and void and are being overtaken by similar new problems.

Also the asylum system, the neo-Nazi organisations and extremists organisations, mass migrations, worldwide terrorism and new wars will spread and constantly cause more unpeace, hardship and misery and other new big problems.

Human being of the Earth

Gegen alle bel, die von dir, Mensch der Erde, ausgehen und die du durch die Unvernunft der herangezchteten berbevlkerung am gesamten Leben, an der Natur, am Klima, an der Atmosphre, an den Gewssern sowie an der Fauna und Flora und am ganzen Planeten selbst hervorgerufen hast, mssen sehr harsche und greifende Massnahmen ergriffen werden. Dazu gehren auch Massnahmen gegen die weltherrschaftsschtigen Machenschaften jener Staatsmchtigen, die verbrecherisch Kriege und Terror in aller Welt auslsen, selbst Kriege und Terrorakte ausfhren und andere Lnder ins Chaos strzen, wobei sie auch die Mentalitt der Menschen in den Schmutz treten sowie deren Religion und Politik brechen und ausrotten wollen. So lange, wie du all diese Machenschaften ber dich ergehen lsst und du dich nicht gegen diese Verbrechen zur Wehr setzt und nicht die richtigen Leute in die entsprechenden Regierungspositionen bringst, so lange wirst du auf der Erde weder wahre Liebe noch wahren Frieden, wahre Freiheit noch Harmonie erschaffen knnen. Durch das rasend schnelle Anwachsen deiner Menschheit, Mensch der Erde, bist du gezwungen, immer hufiger und immer mehr die Umwelt zu zerstren und die Ressourcen der Erde auszubeuten, um den steigenden Bedrfnissen aller nachzukommen. Doch all diese Bedrfnisse steigern sich mit der wachsenden Zahl deiner Menschheit in immer grsserem Masse, wodurch die Natur sowie die Fauna und Flora, wie aber auch das Klima und die gesamte Umwelt immer mehr in Mitleidenschaft gezogen und zerstrt werden. Der Planet selbst wird gepeinigt und langsam zerstrt, denn durch Kriege hervorgerufene atomare und sonstige Explosionen stren das Gefge der Erde und lsen Erd- und Seebeben sowie Vulkanausbrche aus. Gewsser, Natur, Atmosphre und der erdnahe Weltenraum werden verschmutzt und vergiftet, whrend die Urwlder profitgierig zerstrt und vernichtet werden. Bereits im September 1964 schrieb ich an alle Weltregierungen folgendes: Das Gebot der Stunde und der Zukunft ist: Dass endlich dem Wahnsinn der berbevlkerung Einhalt geboten wird. Zwar kann dadurch der durch die Menschheit ausgelste Klimawandel nicht mehr gestoppt werden, doch knnen durch Vernunft und Verstand die Zerstrungen, Vernichtungen, das Chaos und die Katastrophen etwas eingedmmt werden, wie z.B., indem natrliche Auen wieder hergestellt werden und der Raubbau am Planeten sowie an der Natur und Fauna und Flora eingestellt wird, denn nur so kann das Schlimmste noch vermieden werden. Das aber bedingt, dass der Wahnsinn der berbevlkerung gestoppt wird durch greifende gesetzliche Massnahmen. Die berbevlkerung resp. die Weltbevlkerung muss dringendst durch einen weltweiten kontrollierten Geburtenstopp eingedmmt und vermindert werden, weil nur dadurch alle in jeder Art steigenden Bedrfnisse der Menschheit und die damit verbundenen weiteren Zerstrungen letztlich behoben werden knnen.

Very harsh and effective measures must be taken against all terrible things that come from you, human being of Earth, and which you have unleashed against all life, against nature, against the climate, against the atmosphere, against the bodies of water as well as against fauna and flora and against the whole planet due to the irrationality of the cultivated overpopulation.

This also includes measures against the world-domination-craving machinations of those mightful ones of state, who feloniously trigger wars and terror all over the world, execute wars and acts of terrorism themselves and precipitate other countries into chaos, whereas they also intend to trample the mentality of the people into the dirt as well as break and eradicate their religion and politics. As long as you submit to these machinations and don't take a stand against these felonies and don't bring the right people into the corresponding governmental positions, until then you will create neither true love, true peace, true freedom nor harmony on Earth.

Due to the rapid growth of your humankind, human being of Earth, you are forced to destroy the environment and to exploit the resources of Earth more and more and with increasing frequency, in order to meet everyone's increasing needs. But all these needs increase to an even greater extent with the growing number of your humanity, whereby both nature and the fauna and flora as well as the climate and the entire environment are being increasingly affected and destroyed. The planet itself is being tormented and slowly destroyed, because atomic and other types of explosions caused by wars are disturbing the structure of the earth and triggering earthquakes and seaquakes as well as volcanic eruptions. Waters, nature, the atmosphere and the near-Earth space are becoming polluted and poisoned, while the primeval forests are profit-greedily destroyed and razed. Already in September 1964 I wrote the following to all international governments: The *need *of the hour and of the future is: That the insanity of the overpopulation must finally be stopped. Although the climate change triggered by humankind cannot be stopped any more through this, the destructions, demolishments, the chaos and the catastrophes can nevertheless be gotten under control somewhat through rationality and intellect, for example by rebuilding natural wetlands and ceasing the over-exploitation of the planet as well as of nature and fauna and flora, because only in this way can the worst still be avoided.

However, this requires, that the insanity of the overpopulation is being stopped by effective legal measures. The overpopulation resp. the world population must be most urgently gotten under control and reduced by means of a worldwide controlled birth stop, because only through this can all the in every respect increasing needs of humankind and the further destructions connected with it finally be brought to an end.

Human being of the Earth

Schon sehr viel ist dafr getan, dass sich die alten Voraussagen erfllen, weshalb es auch notwendig ist, dass dagegen Massnahmen ergriffen werden: Die Umweltverschmutzung durch Fossil-Brennstoffmotoren aller Art sowie durch Schlote usw. muss dringendst eingedmmt werden, nebst allen anderen Formen der Umwelt- und Luftverschmutzung. Auch ist es von dringendster Notwendigkeit, dass alle menschlichen Bauten jeder Art, wie Wohnhuser und Fabriken usw., aus gefhrdeten Lawinen- und ber-schwemmungsgebieten verschwinden. Auenlandschaften usw. mssen der Natur als natrliche Wasserauffanggebiete fr berschwemmungswasser zurckgegeben werden. Wohnbauten und Fabriken usw. drfen nicht mehr an Wildbche, Flurbche, an Seeufer, in oder an Lawinenhnge oder wassergefhrdete Ebenen usw. gebaut werden. Zudem mssen usserst dringend Vorkehrungen getroffen werden an Bchen, Flssen, Seen, Strassen, Wohngebieten, Hngen und Bergen usw., indem an gefhrdeten Stellen, wo wilde Wasser bertreten oder Muren, Schnee- und Schlammlawinen sowie Bergrutsche abgehen und Schaden anrichten knnen, massgebende sehr starke und hohe Verbauungen erstellt werden, um Huser, Strassen, Wege und Eisenbahntrassees vor Untersplung, berflutung, Verschttung und vor einem Wegriss zu bewahren. Das wird vielerorts vonnten sein, denn vieles des vorausgesagten Chaos und der Katastrophen wird leider bereits unvermeidlich sein und die Zeit eilt und wird knapp. Also ist Handeln angesagt, und dieses liegt in der Verantwortung der gesamten irdischen Menschheit. Der Mensch der Erde muss handeln, ehe es endgltig zu spt ist und berhaupt nichts mehr getan werden kann, um den verantwortungslos ausgelsten Prozess der Klima-, Fauna- und Flora- sowie der Naturund Planetenzerstrung und der Menschheitsausrottung zu stoppen. Wo gehst du hin, Menschheit dieser Erde Quo vadis, humanitas? Du irrst auf dem Pfade der Finsternis auf dem Pfade, der ins Verderben ohne Wiederkehr fhrt. Rette dich, denn noch ist es Zeit zur vlligen Umkehr, um auf dem Pfade des Lichtes, des Schpferisch-Natrlichen zu wandeln auf dem Lichtpfade der Wahrheit allgegenwrtiger schpferischer Gesetzmssigkeiten , auf dem Weg des Guten selbst. Mensch, wende deinem bisherigen Leben den Rcken zu und finde zurck zu den schpferisch-natrlichen Gesetzen und Geboten. Finde zurck auf den reellen Weg des wirklichen Lebens. Der Weg ist aber nicht durch Religion oder Sektierismus zu finden und zu beschreiten, folglich ist es nicht damit getan, dass du tglich oder allsonntglich zur Kirche eilst, um dort zu brillieren, dass gerade DU einer von denen bist, die fleissige Kirchgnger sind, um bei jeder Gelegenheit des Geistlichen Wort zu hren und, wenn mglich, in der ersten Bankreihe nchst ihm zu sitzen, dass ja jedermann dich gut sehen und feststellen kann, dass du fleissig das Wort Gottes hrst und so nahe beim Geistlichen bist, in die Moschee, in den Tempel, in die Synagoge oder in irgendein Gebetshaus gehst, um zu beten, oder dass dir nicht ein Wort des Religionsvertreters entgeht, der den Gottesdienst fhrt.

Very much has already been set in motion that the old prophecies are being fulfilled, wherefore it is also necessary to take steps against it: The pollution of the environment through fossil fuel engines of all kinds as well as through chimneys etc. must be gotten under control most urgently, together with all other forms of environmental pollution and atmospheric contamination. It is also of the most vital necessity to keep endangered avalanche zones and inundation areas clear of all human buildings of every description, such as residential buildings and factories etc. Wetlands etc. must be given back to nature as natural water collection areas for flood waters.

Residential buildings and factories etc. must no longer be built along torrents, creeks, at lakefronts, in or on avalanche slopes or plains endangered by water etc. Moreover, precautionary measures must most urgently be taken along creeks, rivers, lakes, streets, residential areas, slopes and mountains etc., by raising very strong and tall control structures in endangered places, where wild waters overflow or mudflows, snow avalanches and mudslides as well as mountain slides can possibly come down and cause damage, in order to preserve houses, streets, paths and railway lines from undercutting, inundation, spillage and from being torn away.

This will be necessary in many places, because much of the predicted chaos and the catastrophes will unfortunately already be unavoidable and time is of the essence and is getting short. Therefore action is called for, and this is the responsibility of the entire earthly humankind. Human being of Earth must take action, before it is definitely too late and nothing at all can be done any more, in order to stop the irresponsibly triggered process of the destruction of the climate, of the fauna and flora as well as of nature and of the planet and the extinction of humankind. Where are you going, humankind of this Earth Quo vadis, humanitas? You are straying down the path of darkness on the path leading to ruin with no return. Save yourself, because it isn't too late yet for a complete change in order to walk on the path of light, of the creative-natural on the light-path of the truth of the ever-present creative principles , the path of the good itself. Human being, turn your back on your present life and find your way back to the creative-natural laws and recommendations. Find your way back to the true path of the real life. However, the way cannot be found and taken through religion or sectarianism, therefore, it isn't satisfying that you hurry to church daily or every Sunday, in order to appear brilliant there that YOU of all people are one of those, who are diligent churchgoers, in order to listen to the word of the clergyman at every opportunity and, if possible, to sit in the front row right beside him, so that everyone can see you well and notice that you are diligently listening to the word of god and are so close to the clergyman, are going to the mosque, to the temple, to the synagogue or into any house of prayer, in order to pray, or that not a single word of the ministering religious representative slips your attention.

Human being of the Earth

Mensch, solches Tun ist kein Gesetz der schpferischen Wahrheit, nicht eine schpferisch-natrliche Fgung oder Ordnung, und es ist nicht der Sinn des Lebens. Wenn du nicht aus eigener Erkenntnis den Weg der Wahrheit findest und nicht zutiefst das Wort der Wahrheit verstehst, ihm Vertrauen schenkst und es befolgst, dann ist es besser fr dich, wenn du dich im tiefsten Pfuhl der Schande verkriechst.

Human being, such doing is no law of the creative truth, nor a creative-natural foreordination or regulation, and it isn't the sense of life.

If you cannot find the path of truth from your own cognition and do not profoundly understand the word of truth, place your trust in it and follow it, then it will be better for you, if you crawl away into the deepest slough of disgrace.

If you are not treading the path of the truth of the creative-natural laws and Wenn du nicht auf dem Weg der Wahrheit der schpferisch-natrlichen recommendations, then let at least those, who want to pursue it and are Gesetze und Gebote schreitest, dann lass wenigstens jene looking for the effective truth, find this path unhindered. unangefochten diesen Weg finden, welche ihn beschreiten wollen und nach der effectiven Wahrheit suchen. Do not curse and condemn those who are searching for the truth, for their stride and their presence on the pathway of truth are not for their own glory and not for shining like a beryl, but for the evolution of their consciousness, as is predefined for the human being by the creative laws as the sense of life. Verfluche und verdamme nicht die Suchenden nach der Wahrheit, denn ihr Schritt und ihre Anwesenheit auf dem Weg der Wahrheit dienen nicht eigenem Ruhm und nicht einem Glnzen wie ein Beryll, sondern ihrer bewusstseinsmssigen Evolution, wie das durch die schpferischen Gesetze als Sinn des Lebens dem Menschen vorgegeben ist.

Anchored therein is also the entire human behaviour in every respect, Darin verankert ist auch das gesamte menschliche Verhalten in jeder namely with regard to the fellow human beings, to humanity, nature, fauna Beziehung, und zwar sowohl in bezug auf die Mitmenschen, auf das and flora, the climate of the world and the planet itself. Menschsein, die Natur, die Fauna und Flora, das Klima der Welt und den Planeten selbst. If you act contrary to this, however, human being of Earth, then your own judgement will befall you, before you become aware of this, because the era of the coming events is approaching and there is no more time left to gamble with the further cultivation of the overpopulation and with the destruction of the climate, as you have done this up to now as an individual and as the mass of humankind. For far too long, you have gambled with all terrible things and treated everything abominably, but now it's the final straw, for it is said already since time immemorial: The jug goes to the well until it breaks ... Humankind and human being as an individual, whether poor or rich, whether small, tall, beggar or workman human being in any position, it concerns you my words are addressed to you. Turn around and take the path of the true life, as determined by the creative-natural laws and recommendations, for time is getting short, until great disaster will befall the world and you and demand accountability from you for all the destructions that you have caused among humankind and to the whole nature, to the fauna and flora, to the climate, to the atmosphere as well as to the bodies of water and elsewhere around due to the overpopulation. Wenn du dem jedoch zuwiderhandelst, Mensch der Erde, dann wird dich das eigene Strafgericht ereilen, ehe du es bemerkst, denn die ra der kommenden Ereignisse rckt vor und lsst keine Zeit mehr brig, mit der weiteren Heranzchtung der berbevlkerung und mit der Zerstrung des Klimas zu spielen, wie du es als einzelner Mensch und als Masse Menschheit bisher getan hast. Lange, viel zu lange, wurde mit allen beln gespielt und Schindluder getrieben, doch nun kommt das Mass zum berlaufen, denn schon seit alters her ist gesagt: Der Krug geht zum Brunnen, bis er bricht Menschheit und Mensch als einzelner, ob arm oder reich, ob klein, gross, Bettler oder Arbeiter Mensch in jeder Position, dich betrifft es , an dich sind meine Worte gerichtet. Wende dich um, und gehe den Weg des wahren Lebens, so wie es die schpferisch-natrlichen Gesetze und Gebote bestimmen, denn nur noch kurz ist die Zeit, da grosses Unheil ber die Welt und ber dich kommen wird und Rechenschaft von dir fordert fr all die Zerstrungen, die du durch die berbevlkerung unter der Menschheit selbst und an der gesamten Natur, an Fauna und Flora, am Klima, an der Atmosphre sowie an den Gewssern und sonst rundum angerichtet hast. In den Schriften der Jahrtausende steht geschrieben: Liebe deinen Nchsten wie dich selbst, denn er ist dein leiblicher Bruder oder deine leibliche Schwester der oder die den Lebensodem eingehaucht bekam. Mensch, beende also all deinen Hass, deine Gier, den tglichen Unfrieden, die mrderischen Kriege und Terrorakte, all deine Selbstsucht, Selbstherrlichkeit, deine Rachegelste, deine Eifersucht, Machtgier und Vergeltungssucht. Wende dich ab von deinem Morden, Meucheln, Tten und Foltern, von der Prostitution, vom Hass jeder Art, von der Gier und Habsucht, von deiner Unehrlichkeit, Ungerechtigkeit und Unrechtschaffenheit sowie von deinen Schten, Lastern und von allem sonstig Ausgearteten.

In the scriptures of the millenniums is written: <Love your next one as yourself, because he is your own brother or your own sister into whom life has been breathed.>

Therefore, human being, put an end to all your hatred, to your greed, to the daily strife, to the murderous wars and acts of terrorism, to all your egotism, self-aggrandisement, to your cravings for revenge, to your jealousy, greed for might and urge for retaliation. Turn your back on your murdering, deceitful attacks, killing and torturing, on prostitution, on hatred of every kind, on greed and avarice, on your dishonesty, unfairness and unrighteousness as well as on your addictions, vices and on anything else degenerate.

Human being of the Earth


Love those next to you as yourself, love your fellow human beings, nature, Liebe deinen Nchsten wie dich selbst, liebe deine Mitmenschen, die fauna and flora as well as the planet, which is your home and your aegis. Natur, Fauna und Flora sowie den Planeten, der deine Heimat und deine gide ist. Therefore is written: <Pay attention to the signs of the times, which will be in the sky, when the time is near at which cataclysmal events will take place.> human being as an individual, heed these signs of the times, learn to understand them and don't misinterpret them. Be conscious of their truth and do not regard them as some strange miracles, because a miracle is only a word as a term, the value of which, however, carries no weight. Regard the signs for what they are the product of a mightful law, which you have broken by the overpopulation and all the problems resulting from this and thereby have caused enormous changes and destructions in nature, in fauna and flora as well as of the climate and of the planet itself and have brought plight, murder, crime, war, terror, misery and ruin upon the world and humankind. Also steht geschrieben: Achtet der Zeichen der Zeit, die am Himmel stehen werden, wenn die Zeit naht, zu der sich umwlzende Ereignisse ergeben. Mensch als einzelner, achte dieser Zeichen der Zeit, lerne sie zu verstehen und deute sie nicht falsch. Wisse um deren Wahrheit und betrachte sie nicht als seltsame Wunder, denn ein Wunder ist nur ein Wort als Begriff, dessen Wert jedoch keine Bedeutung hat. Betrachte die Zeichen als das, was sie sind das Produkt eines mchtigen Gesetzes, das du durch die berbevlkerung und all die daraus entstandenen Probleme gebrochen und dadurch an der Natur, an Fauna und Flora sowie am Klima und am Planeten selbst ungeheure Vernderungen und Zerstrungen hervorgerufen und Not, Mord, Verbrechen, Krieg, Terror, Elend und Verderben ber die Welt und die Menschheit gebracht hast. Die Zeichen am Himmel sind hauptschlich Zeichen der Auswirkungen menschlicher Unvernunft; Zeichen, die sich als verheerende Unwetter aller Art offenbaren, weil die Klimaerwrmung und Klimazerstrung sowie die Umweltzerstrung sich zu ungeahnten Katastrophen bildeten und weiter formen. Bereits gehrt das zum Alltag, doch du, Mensch der Erde, hast es noch immer nicht erfasst und nicht begriffen, dass du an diesen bsen Ereignissen selbst Schuld trgst; Schuld, weil du die berbevlkerung immer weiter hochtreibst und dadurch immer gewaltigere unlsbare Probleme schaffst, die du nicht mehr bewltigen kannst. Kehre daher um, ehe es endgltig zu spt ist, denn noch kannst du etwas tun, um die grssten Katastrophen zu vermeiden. Doch handle schnell, weil es sonst zu spt sein wird, weil dann die katastrophalen Auswirkungen deines verruchten Tuns nicht mehr aufgehalten werden knnen und die Natur, das Leben, der Planet und das Klima die Folgen der menschlichen Unvernunft mit urweltlicher Gewalt ber die Menschheit und den Planeten hereinbrechen lassen Der Prozess der Zerstrung von Klima und Natur wird zwar nur noch schwer zu stoppen sein, doch ist es zu einem gewissen Teil noch mglich, wenn die berbevlkerung durch radikale Geburtenstopps reduziert wird und dadurch alle Probleme vermindert werden. Geschieht das nicht, dann steigen die Probleme aller Art ins Unermessliche und knnen nicht mehr bewltigt werden. Dadurch aber wird die Existenz der gesamten Menschheit und des Planeten aufs Spiel gesetzt und in Frage gestellt, folglich es sein kann, dass sich die irdische Menschheit eines Tages durch ihre Unvernunft und durch ihren Unverstand und Egoismus selbst ausradiert und vernichtet. Und es wird kein phantasiereich erdichteter Gott da sein, der ein Ohr fr deine Menschheit ffnet, Mensch der Erde, um deine sinnlosen demtigen Bitten zur Vergebung und Abwendung allen bels zu erhren, denn wo kein Gott existiert, kann ein solcher auch nicht etwas hren und also auch keine Hilfe bringen.

The signs in the sky are mainly signs of the consequences of human irrationality; signs which become apparent as devastating storms of all kind, because the climate warming and climate destruction as well as the environmental destruction have developed and continue to form into unimaginable catastrophes. This is already part of everyday life, but you, human being of Earth, still haven't recognised and haven't understood, that you bear the blame for these evil events yourself; guilty, because you continue to drive up overpopulation and are thereby creating always more gigantic insoluble problems, which you cannot master any more. Therefore turn around, before it is definitely too late, because you can still do something in order to avoid the major catastrophes. But act fast, because otherwise it will be too late, because then, the disastrous consequences of your heinous doings cannot be stopped any more and nature, life, the planet and the climate will let the results of human irrationality unleash on humankind and the planet with a primeval Gewalt >. Even though the process of the destruction of climate and nature can hardly be stopped any more, it is still possible to some degree if the overpopulation is decreased by a radical cessation of births, which would reduce all of the problems. If this doesn't happen, then the problems of all kinds will go sky high and cannot be overcome any more. As a result of this, however, the existence of the entire humankind and of the planet is being put at risk and brought into question, therefore, it may be, that the earthly humankind will eradicate and exterminate itself one day due to its irrationality and due to its unintellect and egoism.

And there will not be an imaginatively fabulated god, who will have an ear for your humankind, human being of Earth, in order to answer your senseless submissive pleas for forgiveness and prevention of all evil, because since no such god exists, it also can neither listen to anything nor provide any help either.

Human being of the Earth

Grundstzlich nmlich bist du, Mensch der Erde, allein dein eigener Herr und Meister, denn du allein bist Gott und trgst folglich vollumfnglich die Verantwortung fr all dein Handeln und Wirken, fr all deine Gedanken und Gefhle sowie fr dein gesamtes Schicksal, dessen eigener Schmied du bist. Also liegt es einzig und allein bei dir, in dir selbst, in deinen Gedanken und Gefhlen sowie in deinem Verstand, deiner Vernunft und Verantwortung, in dir selbst und unter der gesamten irdischen Menschheit endlich wahre Liebe, Freiheit, Harmonie und wahren Frieden zu schaffen. Bedenke, Mensch der Erde, allein du bist dazu angehalten und fhig, dies zu vollbringen und die Erde zu einem Paradies zu erschaffen, in dem die hohen Werte der Liebe, der Freiheit und Harmonie und des Friedens geehrt, gewrdigt und hochgehalten werden, denn es gibt weder einen Gott-Schpfer noch einen sonstigen Gott, Heiligen, Engel oder Gtzen, der dies fr dich tun knnte. Du allein bist der Herr und Meister deines Lebens und aller Dinge, die du immer erdenkst und durch deine Gefhle, Handlungen und Taten hervorrufst, folglich auch du ganz allein fr alles und jedes die volle Verantwortung trgst. Billy 21. Mai 2009, 18.38 h Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, Hinterschmidrti

Fundamentally, it is you alone, human being of Earth, who is your own ruler and master, for you alone are god and therefore comprehensively bear the responsibility for all your doing and acting, for all your thoughts and feelings as well as for your entire destiny, of which you alone are the architect. Therefore, it is solely within your own discretion, within yourself, within your thoughts and feelings as well as within your rationality, your intellect and responsibility to eventually bring about true love, freedom, harmony and true peace within yourself and among the entire earthly humankind.

Consider, human being of Earth, you alone are urged to and able to accomplish this and to create a paradise on Earth, where the high values of love, of freedom and harmony and of peace are being honoured, appreciated and held in high esteem, because there is neither a god-creator nor any other god, holy one, angel or tin god, who could do this for you.

You alone are the ruler and master of your life and of all the things that you ever think up and cause by your feelings, deeds and actions, consequently, you and you alone bear full responsibility for anything and everything. Billy May 21st, 2009, 18.38 H Semjase-Silver-Star-Center, Hinterschmidrti

[1] There is no English word that conveys the true meaning of the German word Gewalt. Gewalt is the brutal execution of elemental might and force, but it is far above all might and all force. Gewalt exists in different and relative forms, one example being a gewaltttige Gesinnung expression from the character, personality, thoughts, feelings and emotions that shows the inclination to act with Gewalt. When human beings possess or carry out acts of Gewalt and it is not based in logic, then this usually involves violence, brutality, degradation and is terribly destructive.


The Henoch Prophecies


The Henoch Prophecies

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations

The Henoch Prophecies

Presented by Quetzal 215th Contact, Saturday, February 28, 1987, 2.09 am Billy Meier/FIGU 20022004 Quetzal Before I give you a clear account of the prophecies of Henoch, I would like to point out that prophecies are always changeable and can be changed for the better if man makes positive changes in his thoughts, feelings and actions, leading to that which is better and positively progressive. Prophecies always rest upon specific causes; these again result in certain effects, whereby these effects can be changed at any time if only the preceding causes are changed in their form. Therefore, it is possible that negative or evil prophecies do not have to be fulfilled if the preceding causes will be purposely changed in a manner that positivity and good develop instead of negativity and evil. However, this does not apply to predictions, as these rest upon events that cannot be changed, are inevitable and surely and definitely will occur in the future. Predictions rest upon a preview and thus on a direct viewing of the future, and have to do with neither prophecy nor with calculation of probability. So when I make a portion of Henoch's prophecies for the third millennium known to you, it does not mean that they have to be fulfilled, because the prerequisite of fulfilment in each case would be that the already existing causes continue to exist as also continue to be created in the future so that a fulfilment of the prophecies can come to pass. Thus, provided that human beings of Earth will become reasonable, the possibility exists that by a reasonable change in the way of thinking as well as a reasonable development in feeling and an equally reasonable way of acting, everything changes for the better and positive, whereby prophecies do not have to be fulfilled. However, if this transformation does not occur, a very evil, wicked and negative time lies ahead for the Earth and its entire population in the coming new millennium. Billy Meier Since the Second World War, the thoughts, feelings and actions of the human being of Earth have changed much towards the positive and good, but all that achieved is not enough in my opinion, as the great transformation towards the better has not been achieved yet, neither by the mighty of this world nor all of mankind of Earth itself. In the years gone by, you have made many predictions and calculations of probability as well as mentioned prophetic facts concerning the economic, military and political situation on Earth, whereby I was requested to spread this informationwhich I indeed have done. Governments and newspapers, radio stations as well as TV stations and many private persons worldwide were informed by me. But the entire effort did not achieve anything, because up to now mankind has carried on in the old manner and has paid no attention whatsoever to prophecies, predictions and calculations of probability. And the same will most likely be the case in the future, when I receive permission from you in the coming time to spread the prophecies of Henoch for the third millennium. But, nevertheless, I feel that Henoch's message for the future must be made known and distributed, because somehow it may bear fruit yet. Quetzal You apparently never give up hope. Your optimism is honourable and deserves to be heard by human beings, but the way things have developed throughout this century there is not too much hope that human beings of Earth will come

The Henoch Prophecies to their senses and heed your words. This will then be the case only when the prophecies prove to be true or, even worse, have already come to pass. Probably only then will the time come when the defamations against you will end in regard to your contacts with us, although they will long continue to be vehemently disputed by your enemies as well as by pathological know-it-alls and critics who dismiss them as swindle, lies and fraud. The full truth about our contacts with you will be proven in the distant future, and then mankind will accept our help we offer through youeven when they erroneously assume we come from the seven-star system known to human beings of Earth as the Pleiades. [The Plejaren claim to live in the Plejares, an altered time-space configuration about 80 light-years beyond the Pleiades. MH] Billy Semjase and Ptaah already explained this to me. But tell us now what the new millennium will bring to human beings of Earth and the planet Earth according to the prophecies of Henoch. Quetzal I will do that in a moment, but I would like to explain before beginning that I am not authorised to give exact indication of years in an official manner. If the human being of Earth continues to live in the same way as he has done up to nowforming his thoughts and feelings in the same manner, indulging in the same actions as he has hithertothen the words of the prophecies of Henoch could not be any clearer. The point in time at which these prophecies will begin to be fulfilled will be when a Pope will no longer reside in Rome. All of Europe will then fall victim to a terrible punishment by evil powers. The Christian religion will collapse and the churches and monasteries will end up in ruins and ashes. Monstrous forces will be created by science and will be released by the military forces and armies as well as by terrorists, causing great destruction. Millions and even billions of people will be killed by acts of terrorism, by wars and civil wars; and finally, in some parts of the world, every third human being, and, in other places, every fourth human being, will lose his or her life. The nations of the East will rise against the nations of the West, the West against the East. Many deaths will be inflicted upon the people by fighter and bomber aircraft, and bombs and rockets will destroy and annihilate smaller and larger villages and cities. The people will be completely powerless against all this and will live through 888 days of Hell on Earth, suffering hunger and plagues which will claim even more lives than the war itself. The time will be severe as never before experienced on Earth. Ultimately, nothing can be bought or sold any longer. All provisions will be rationed; and if a human being steals even a small piece of bread, he/she will have to pay for it with his/her life. Many waters will mix with human blood and turn red, as once in the past the Nile in Egypt turned red with blood. And it will be that the fanatics of Islam will rise up against the countries of Europe and all will shake and quiver. Everything in the West will be destroyed; England will be conquered and thrown down to the lowest level of misery. And the fanatics and warriors of Islam will retain their power for a long time. However, not only Europe will be affected but ultimately all the countries and peoples of the Earth, as the great horror expands to a war that will encompass the entire world. After the turn of the millennium, the papacy will exist only a short period. Pope John Paul II is the third from last in this position. After him, only one additional pontificate will follow. Then a Pontifex Maximus follows who will be known as Petrus Romanus. Under his religious rule, the end of the Catholic Church will come, a total collapse becoming inevitable. That will be the beginning of the worst catastrophe that will ever have befallen the human beings and the Earth. Many Catholic clerics, priests, bishops, cardinals and many others will be killed and their blood will flow in streams. But also the reformed version of Christianity will become just as infinitely small, as does Catholicism.


The Henoch Prophecies


Horrifying weapons and a possible world war

Due to the fault of scientists, enormous power will be seized by the power-hungry and their military, their warriors and terrorists, and power will be seized as well through laser weapons of many types, but also via atomic, chemical and biological weapons. Also concerning genetic technology, enormous misuse will occur, because this will be unrestrainedly exploited for the purposes of war, not lastly due to the cloning of human beings for warring purposes, as this was practised in ancient times with the descendants of Henoch in the regions of Sirius. However, this will not be all of the horrors; as besides the genetic technology and the chemical weapons, far worse and more dangerous and more deadly weapons of mass destruction will be produced and will be used. The irresponsible politicians will unscrupulously exercise their power, assisted by scientists and obedient military forces serving them, who together hold a deadly sceptre and will create clone-like beings which will be bred in a total lack of conscience and will be scientifically manipulated to become killer machines. Division by division and devoid of any feelings, they will destroy, murder and annihilate everything. The USA will set out against the Eastern countries ahead of all other financial states and simultaneously she will have to defend herself against the Eastern intruders. In all, America will play the most decisive role, when in the guise to strive for peace and to fight against terrorism she invades many countries of the Earth, bombs and destroys everything and brings thousandfold deaths to the populations. The military politics of the USA will likewise know no limits, as neither will their economic and other political institutions which will be focused on building and operating a world police force, as it is the case already for a long time [sic]. But that will not be enough, and, in the guise of a so-called peaceful globalisation, American politics will aspire to gain absolute control of the world concerning supremacy in economy. And this will point towards the possibility that a Third World War could develop from it, if human beings as a whole will not finally reflect upon reason, become reasonable and undertake the necessary steps against the insane machinations of their governments and military powers as well as their secret services, and call a halt to the power of the irresponsible who have forsaken their responsibility in all areas. If this does not happen, many small and great nations will lose their independence and their cultural identity and will be beaten down, because the USA will gain predominance over them and with evil force bring them down under her rule. At first, many countries will howl with the wolves of the US, partially due to fear of American aggressions and sanctions, as will be the case with many, many irresponsible [ones] in Switzerland and Germany but also of other countries. In part, others will join in because they will be forced somehow to do so or will be misled by irresponsible promoters of American propaganda. Finally, many Asian, African and European states will rise up against the American hegemony, once they recognise that the United States of America is only taking advantage of them for purposes of war, conquest and exploitation. In this way, many countries will become puppet states of America before reason and realisation will emerge in the responsible ones of governments and in many of the population, resulting in a turning away from the USA. However, the great war will hardly be avoidable because the human beings of Earth will probably not accept the directions towards the better, therewith towards true love, true freedom and real peace, striving instead only towards wealth, pleasure and riches and for all manner of material values and unrestricted power. Thus, huge and deadly formations of tanks will roll across the countries while fighter planes and rockets sweep through the air and bring death, ruin, destruction and annihilation to countries and people. If the Third World War will actually happenas calculations and observations appear to indicate to be probable now and also during the approaching few decadesthen, as now, the civilian population will above all have to bear the brunt of the enormous suffering in tremendous numbers in this entire catastrophe and, last but not least, the fault of the irresponsible scientists who by cloning will create human machines for military purposes, devoid of conscience and feelings, and will create immensely deadly and all-annihilating computer-like weapons. At the same time, the danger could become reality that the human combat machines, the military clones, will gain their independence and under their own management will bring death, devastation, destruction and annihilation to the human beings of Earth and to the planet. The entire planet will become an arena of unparalleled suffering, which will never have existed

The Henoch Prophecies before on Earth up to that time. The cruel happenings will last about 888 days and cause civilisation to collapse. Yet, the terrible scenario will continue, and epidemics and various diseases as well as enormous famine will be spread among the people, while the economy of the world will totally collapse and there will be no possibility to produce any goods. All foods and medications will be rationed. The insanity of war will extend not only across the land, but the disaster will equally be spread to the oceans, into the atmosphere, even into outer space. But there will also be settlements under the ocean that will be developed in the course of the future and these will be attacked and destroyed, claiming the lives of many thousands of people. However, a certain maelstrom of destruction will also originate from the undersea facilities; because in the cities at the bottom of the ocean, groups of submarine pirates will be formed which will burst upwards from the depths of the ocean and will become involved in destructive actions of combat with naval units on the surface. And at this time, the possibility could become reality that extraterrestrial forces intervene against the Western industrialised countries, because these will be responsible for the extreme and enormous disaster of the coming evil times. These extraterrestrial forces will give up their anonymity and their state of secrecy and will assist those who are being terrorised by the irresponsibly acting Western countries, should this possibility become reality. In addition, apocalyptic natural catastrophes will occur which will cause all of Europe to shake and tremble; but Europe will continue to exist, even after having suffered enormous destruction.


Destruction in North America

Far in the West, it will be different; the United States of America will be a country of total destruction. The cause for this will be manifold. With her global conflicts which are continuously instigated by her and which will continue far into the future, America is creating enormous hatred against her, worldwide, in many countries. As a result, America will experience enormous catastrophes which will reach proportions barely imaginable to people of Earth. The destruction of the WTC, i.e., the World Trade Center, by terrorists will only be the beginning. Yet all the apocalyptic events will not only be brought about due to the use of unbelievably deadly and destructive weaponssuch as chemical, laser and othersand by cloned murder machines; but in addition to this, the Earth and nature, maltreated to the deepest depths by the irresponsible human beings of Earth, will rise up and cause destruction and bring death onto the Earth. Enormous firestorms and gigantic hurricanes will sweep over the USA and bring devastation, destruction and annihilation, as this from time immemorial never before will have happened [sic]. Not only will America, but also all other Western industrial countries which still live at the beginning of the new millennium in the delusion that they could dominate and rule over underdeveloped nations, i.e., Third World countries, will not only soon lose influence over these but must defend themselves against them. According to the prophecies of Henoch, the truth about industrialised countries is that they only seem to appear to be true civilisations, but in fact they are not; because more and more, at the end of the 20th century and at the beginning of the third millennium, they will disregard all true love, true freedom and true wisdom as well as true peace along with all values of humaneness and all values of men's and women's true being. But not even all the terrible happenings will hinder the USA in continuing to proceed with her actions against all countries. Even when the North American continent will be stricken by the most terrible catastrophe which has ever been recorded, evil military powers will wreak havoc with computerised and nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, whereby it will also happen that computerised weapons become independent and cannot be controlled any longer by human beings. Overall, this is the most important part of Henoch's prophecies.

The Henoch Prophecies


Epidemics, conflicts and disasters

Billy There is still more to it; at least that is what you told me. Quetzal You are untiring; so I will point out a few more important facts of the prophecies. As of now, new epidemics have spread among the people of Earth; however, as Henoch prophesied, quite a number of further epidemics will follow. Not only AIDS will occur worldwide in the 1990s, but also epidemics such as the so-called "mad cow disease", i.e., BSE, out of which different strains of CreutzfeldtJakob syndrome will develop, lasting well into the new millennium. Also, an epidemic known as Ebola will cause many deaths, as well as other unknown epidemics and diseases which will sporadically arise in epidemic proportions and will be new to the human being, causing great concern. However, most of the evil will be brought about by politics. France and Spain become involved with each other in armed conflicts, and even before World War Three will have broken out. Yet France will not only engage in armed conflicts with Spain, for within her great unrests will arise, leading to upheavals and civil war, as [will be] the case in Russia and Sweden. Especially in France and Sweden, machinations as well as dictatorial regulations of the European Union will cause much unrest and many uprisings; but also crimes committed by gangs and organised criminal elements in these countries will cause unavoidable civil wars. In addition, significant tensions will arise between the native citizens and immigrants from foreign countries, who as a rule also observe religious beliefs different from those of the native populace. And in the end, this will lead to severe conflicts. Hatred against strangers, foreigners and people of different religious beliefs will be the order of the day, as well as the rise of neo-Nazism, terrorism and right-extremism. Conditions similar to civil war will be in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and claim many lives. The Soviet Union will be dissolved in this decade or at the latest by the beginning of the next. The man decisive for this action will be Mikhail Gorbachev. But this will not lead to rest, because the new Russia will continue its longstanding conflict with China over Inner Mongolia, with the result that Russia will lose a portion of this territory to China. And China becomes dangerous, especially to India, as also at this time China maintains uneasy relations with her. China will attack India; and if biological weapons are used, around 30 million human beings will be killed in the area of and around New Delhi alone. However, this will not be the end yetbecause the effect of biological bombs and missiles, etc., used cannot be controlled at that time, and terrible epidemics unknown up to that point in time will arise and will spread quickly to many areas. Also Pakistan will allow herself to be misled to instigate a war against India, which will be especially dangerous in view of the fact that both countries are developing atomic weapons.

Wars and devastation in Europe and North America

Yet Russia will not rest and will attack Scandinavia, and in doing so will embroil all of Europe. And months before that, a terrible tornado will have swept across northern Europe, causing great devastation and destruction. It must still be stated that the Russian attack will occur during the summer, in fact, starting from Arhangelsk. Denmark will not be dragged into the war, due to the insignificance of this country. Yet Russia will not be satisfied with this action of war, as her will for expansion will be ravenous. And consequently Russia will launch a military attack against Iran and Turkey and will conquer these two countries in bloody fighting, causing enormous destruction. In the Russian expansionist mentality will also be included the drive to gain control of the Middle Eastern oil deposits as well as to gain control of the southeastern region of Europe. Therefore, she will also invade the Balkans and conquer these countries there in enormous battles, causing ruthless and devastating destruction with many deaths. This will be at the time that tremendous natural disasters will hit Italy and its people, causing severe hardship. But this will also be at the time when Vesuvius could become active again and could spread tremendous havoc. At the same time, a war will shake Italy and claim many human lives as well as cause great destruction.

The Henoch Prophecies Destruction of war will descend on the northern countries as strong military forces will invade them from the East and will pillage and murder as well as use bombs and missiles, like hail coming down, and hitherto unknown weapons of laser- and computer-controlled types which will destroy and annihilate everything, whereby the first target will be Hungary and after that will follow Austria and northern Italy. Switzerland will also be severely affected, but will not be the actual target; this will be France and Spain. However, the main objective of the aggressors will be to bring all of Europe under their military control, and for that purpose France will be selected to be the headquarters. France will not only be invaded by the aggressors from the outside, but will also be conquered from within as a result of collaborative forces and other forces. This can be envisioned as being the many foreigners of a different religion living in France at that time, and specifically Islam, which will be this force working from within. Once France has fallen, a war to conquer Spain and England will take place. Subsequently, an alliance with the forces of the aggressors will be formed, which will invade Scandinavia. For all these French-based military operations, the weapons of mass destruction stored in the arsenals of France will be used and cause evil devastation, destruction and annihilation. The aggressors from the East will force the French Army to join their military forces and lead a war of conquest against the northern countries of Europe, invading and conquering Sweden and Norway. Subsequently, these northern countries will be annexed by Russia. Military forces will also attack Finland, whereby many will be killed and an enormous destruction will be caused. At the same time, as a civil war rages in Germany, an enormously bloody revolution will break out in England which will claim more lives than will be claimed by the civil war in Germany. And because England and Ireland have been at war for a long time already, due to the IRA and the police and military forces of England, the result will be (because this feud will continue up to that time) that this revolution will spread out to all of Ireland, especially affecting Northern Ireland. Many lives will be lost during a civil war in Wales, where differences between various parties will arise before the Third World War. Welsh and English forces will clash especially near Cymru, and claim many lives and cause great destruction. But death, destruction and annihilation will not only rage in Europe but also in America, where much suffering will have to be endured and many deaths as well as destruction and annihilation will be. America and Russia will have the most terrible weapons of mass destruction at their disposala fact which is already the case to a certain extent todayand will clash with violent force against each other at that time of conflict, whereby Canada will also be dragged into this conflict. The source of this conflict will substantiate the Russian attack on the American State of Alaska and against Canada. This conflict will result in mass killings of human beings as well as devastating destruction, annihilation and epidemics, etc., which mankind of Earth will never have seen and experienced up to that time. Not only nuclear, biological and chemical weapons will be used en masse, but also enormously deadly systems of computer-controlled weapons that are only in the beginning stages of development today, or will be invented and constructed during the third millennium.


Worldwide natural catastrophes

As already mentioned, enormous natural catastrophes and rolling walls of fire and violent hurricanes will rage all across America, while, in addition, all the terrible effects of war will bring thousandfold deaths, destruction and annihilation. America's largest cities will be absolutely destroyed, and firestorms will cause great disaster and misery. Severe earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will also belong to that time, and these will cause much suffering and misery and deaths besides enormous destruction and devastation, as all of nature and the planet itself will rise up against the insanity of human beings on Earth. However, tornadoes, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will not only rage in America, but also in Europe and in the rest of the world. These activities have already begun at the present time, also during the past decadeswith the exception that they will become increasingly more devastating in the future. And man of Earth is guilty for the most part today, as also

The Henoch Prophecies in the future it is man who will destroy the entire environmentall of nature, the atmosphere, water and all the resources of the planet. And through this, a shifting of weight inside the Earth takes place, caused for example by the creation of gigantic lakes by damming and by creating hollow caverns due to the exploitation of petroleum and gas, etc. And thereby unnatural inner-Earth movements are created, which also lead to unnatural tectonic effects and cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, which also in turn cause enormous climatic changes, resulting in horrendous tornadoes of devastating proportions which in the end will set their destructive energies free on the entire world. All of this will lead to increasingly horrible floods and unusually massive snowfalls which will advance to the southern countries and finally even to the equatorial regions, because through the insanity of human beings the Earth has begun unnoticeably to spin [strangely] as a consequence of atomic explosions inside and on the surface of the Earth. And this will be the reason that the planet will slowly but surely enter an extraordinary spinning orbit around the Sun, while the first phase is already occurring, which causes a change in climate, leading to a new ice age.


Civil wars and anarchy in America

Yet the misery on Earth will continue, as two terrible civil wars will break out in America, whereby one will follow the other. Afterwards, the United States of America will break apart and deadly hostility will prevail among her, which then leads to the division into five different territories; and it cannot be prevented that sectarian fanatics will play a dictatorial role. Anarchy will be the worldwide condition that will prevail and torment human beings over a long period of time, as human beings will also be tormented by the many epidemics and diseases, many of them new and unknown to human beings and for this reason incurable. Due to this fact, the bodies of many human beings will slowly and miserably decay, while unbearable pain will also occur as well as blindness and terrible respiratory problems that lead to suffocation. The consciousness of many human beings will become impaired and succumb to feeblemindedness and insanity. And all these gruesome occurrences will be traceable to biological and chemical weapons, which are the cause of not fast, but gruesome and slow deaths; and this will also occur due to the use of ray and frequency weapons which are already being developed today. Finally, the words of Henoch may be specifically mentioned, which include that mankind of Earth, in pursuit of technology for mass destruction and greed for power, hatred, vengeance and riches, will ignore all values of Creation and will trample upon all values of love, wisdom, freedom and peace, as ancestors of the Henoch lineage have done before, to plunge the world into screaming misery, death, destruction and annihilation and into the most severe catastrophes mankind of Earth will ever have experienced.

Contact Report 215

Warning to all the governments of Europe!


Warning to all the governments of Europe!

Prophecies and Predictions by Eduard A. Meier 1958 FIGU Freie Interessengemeinschaft Semjase - Silver - Star - Center CH - 8495 Schmidrti Suisse/Switzerland/Schweiz www.figu.org [3]

The contents of this brochure were already written by 1958, constructed out of revelations from the extraterrestrials Sfath and Asket, whereby the letter of August 25th, 1958 was sent as a "Warning to all the governments of Europe!". No answer to it was ever received, as all these governments cloaked themselves in deep silence, besides which, they did not heed the warning or take any of the necessary precautions at all in order to avoid the prophesied catastrophes, evil and destruction, and so on, which, as the time in between has shown, have struck as announced catastrophes without exception. Result: the irresponsible governments neither listen to the voices of the prophets, nor do they bother to protect the people from catastrophes, and indeed not even when it has been prophesized for them, clipped and clearly, what the future will bring. As it has been since time immemorial, announcers will not be heeded and their warnings of future events will simply be cast to the wind, and indeed at the cost and to the disadvantage of the people, who, as a result of the lacking and authoritative measures, would suffer damage and destruction to their worldly possessions, and whose bodies and lives are even endangered because the irresponsible governments who were warned, and are aware, are autocratically only protecting their own lives as well as worldly possessions, and the entire security and protection of the people quite manifestly is deemed trivial and unnecessary. The "prophecies and predictions" arose from the results of some calculations and looking out ahead, as well as out of statements from the Plejaren Sfath, as well as from Asket who comes from the DAL Universe. These 162 verses were written down on the 24th of August 1958, and sent to Karl und Anny Veit, from "DUIST", respectively "German Ufological Study Community", in Wiesbaden Germany, to publish in their "UFO-News". A resonance still remains from that because "DUIST", respectively K. and A. Veit, cloak themselves in silence and not even once found it necessary to inform their readers about the prophecies and predictions. As the extraterrestrial Asket explained, both Veits received the "Prophecies and Predictions" and read it in its entirety, but thereafter destroyed it because in its entirety it did not fit into their sectarian concepts. This happened because unpleasant facts in regard to religions and sects were named in the explanations of the "Prophecies and Predictions", subsequently it was never considered by Karl and Anny Veit for publication, because both were too deeply inclined towards sectarianism and the whole thing went against their sectarian belief. So the act of the destruction of the 162 verses, and a concealing of the same from the Veit adherents and the readers of "UFO-News", were the most obvious examples of the Veit's irresponsibility. Yet to say is, that certain words, respectively, terms, from around 1958 were not yet with the Earth people, respectively, not yet in common parlance, but these were named by the Plejaren Sfath and by the extraterrestrial, Asket, therefore already at that time they were used by me in my writing. Hinterschmidtruti, September 4th, 2005 Billy

Warning to all the governments of Europe! Eduard A. Meier Utikon Switzerland the 25th of August, 1958 Uitikon Castle Uitikon Switzerland To all the governments of Europe Warning to all the governments of Europe! An absolutely reliable source provides predictions for the future of Europe and the entire world and these have nothing to do with prophecies because they are a prescient look into the real future, from which comes the following: In a few years in Europe and the world climatic conditions will so be crassly altered through the fault of mankind, that all varieties of extreme stormy weather will come into being, from which monstrous material damage will result to land, houses and other buildings, to streets, mountains, railway lines, wild streams, grassland streams, rivers and lakes. There would be many human lives to mourn as a result of the upheaval and storms caused by the climate because already in the next decades a rapidly climbing climatic warming and climatic alteration will result which produces enormous snowfalls, hail, monstrous masses of rain, gales, typhoons, tornadoes, hurricanes and other storms as well as droughts, thunderstorms and forest fires in unimagined quantities, and which would tear over Europe and the entire world provoking gigantic damage. Wild streams and grassland streams will become ripping rivers, rivers will become raging currents, whereby wild waters will breech every bank and provoke mighty inundations which devastate the land and destroy many peoples' acquisitions and existence because they built too close to the banks and in wetlands, and so on. Already soon violent volcanic eruptions will also happen, next to monstrous, extreme earthquakes and seaquakes which will extend far into the Third Millennium, becoming ever worse, and will demand innumerable human lives. Initially, everything will still happen in small amounts, but in the course of the next decades it will climb and towards the end of the Twentieth Century everything will already abnormally degenerate. But that doesn't mean the end of events, because when the new Millennium first arrives nature will rebel even more violently, ever more widely, against the environment-destroying madness of the people and reach such a dimension as would be remembered in the primal times of the Earth. If the coming events are considered and analyzed then from that comes forth clearly and distinctly that the human himself bears most of the blame for the coming calamity and chaos as well as for the catastrophes, even when pathologically stupid, as well as irresponsible, know-it-alls and scientists assert the opposite. Fundamentally, overpopulation is the factor behind all the evil that is to be found in climatic warming and environmental destruction. Also, open prostitution and criminality as well as an asylum seeker problem and neo-Nazi entities will spread themselves and create great problems. Harsh and arresting measures against those and against all such evils must be grasped, as they must be against the world domination-addicted machinations of the U.S.A., which releases wars in all the world, leads wars itself, and throws other countries into chaos and violates and exterminates their mentalities, religions and politics. And because of the franticly fast growing number of people, they (the people) are forced, ever more frequently, and ever more, to exploit and destroy the environment and the Earth in order to comply with the climbing requirements of all kinds. These requirements climb ever further with the growing number of humans, whereby nature and the entire environment would be always more affected and destroyed which self-evidently also has a devastating-destructive effect on the climate. The planet itself will be tormented as atomic and other explosions disturb the order of the Earth and release earthquakes. Bodies of water, nature, the atmosphere and near space will become polluted, the primal forests will be greedily destroyed and annihilated for profit and the Earth's resources will be irresponsibly exploited. The order of the hour and the future is: the insanity of overpopulation and the resultant climate change and destruction, the annihilations, the chaos and the catastrophes must be stopped, and natural watercourses and wetlands must be restored, because only in that way can the worst still be avoided. And further, the world population must be reduced through a worldwide, controlled cessation of births, because only through this can the climbing requirements, and the thereby connected destruction, be finally repaired.


Warning to all the governments of Europe! Already very much has been done which fulfills the prophecies, which is why it is also necessary that steps be taken against it: The pollution of the environment through every kind of fossil fuel engines, as well as through smoke stacks and so on, must urgently be contained, along with all other forms of environmental and air pollution. Also, it is of urgent necessity that all human buildings of every kind, like domestic residences and factories, and so on, are cleared away from areas endangered by avalanche or flood. Nature must have the wetland areas, and so forth, given back as natural water catchment areas for flood waters. Domestic buildings and factories, and so forth, would no longer be permitted to be built on wild streams, grassland streams, on lakeshores or in, or on, plains threatened by landslides or water. To that end, extremely urgent provisions must be made for streams, rivers, lakes, roads, residential areas, overhangs and mountains, and so forth, in which, in endangered positions, where wild water overflows or (Muren), snow and mud slides as well as land slips occur, and can cause damage, proportionally very strong and high defensive obstacles would be built to protect houses, streets, thoroughfares and rail lines from washouts, floods, tremors, and from landslip. That is needed in many places, because much of the predicted chaos and catastrophe is, unfortunately, already unavoidable and the time hurries along and will become short. Thus action is announced, and this is your responsibility because you sit in government and now know what the future will bring in Europe and the entire world. Act before it is too late - and pass these warnings and prediction along to your successors as they have a duty, just as you do, to act in the context of the required need so that the land and everything existing thereon as well as life and limb as well as the worldly possessions of the people are protected and preserved. Eduard A. Meier


Prophecies and Predictions

Eduard A. Meier, Switzerland 1. My eyes and mind see things of the future which will take place from today, the year 1958, and therefore will be. 2. Therefore I see and comprehend things through the passage of time, up to the most distant future, that still remain hidden from the Earth people. Many years will pass before my prophecies and predictions have been fulfilled and a new and better time begins. 3. Until then however it is still far, very far, and much misery and need as well as evil, wars, terror, chaos and catastrophes will have broken over humanity and the world. 4. Until now, gigantic crowds of religious believers wandered over the Earth, and also, in the future, uncountable numbers of believers of unbelievably many lunatic sects will trample the surface of the Earth, whereby some sect gurus will drive their believers to mass suicide and murder. 5. They will spread over everything like poisonous mushrooms and their delusions will peal like a trumpet call over the entire world. 6. Sectarianism will bear bad fruit and will cost many lives through murder and suicide as, also through politics and power lust, in diverse countries, hundreds of thousands of people will be murdered as in the Soviet Union which will be dissolved no later than 1991, and in East Germany which will, however, only exist until the late 80's of this century, thereafter Germany will be reunified, whereby, in contrast, in Iraq a war will be led through the United States of America, through their country's president, however this will be without success, for which reason one of his sons, who will likewise be the U.S.A's head of power, will, in the third millennium, unleash a second war in Iraq which will ultimately lead to an unbelievable disaster and to torturing as well as to mass murder through U.S. armed forces and the rebellious. 7. Earth human, I see the great expanses of the Earth; the almost boundless oceans, the great continents, mighty mountains, the vast forests, bubbling springs, the flowing brooks, rivers and all the lakes, and I see how they will all, at the hand of man, be harmed and made sick, destroyed, and the majority will be annihilated. 8. Centuries or millennia will not have passed before all that happens, and all that which is yet to say in words of prophecy and prediction happens, because the beginning of all the evil had already begun with the development of

Warning to all the governments of Europe! modern technology and with the terrors of both World Wars. 9. In the future further evil wars will be spread over the world, which will become so numerous that the normal person will lose track. 10. Through war and rebellion, people will be exterminated and countries will collapse in on themselves and a new name will be given by every power to the land which is stolen under his command, whereby the traditional names cease to exist. 11. Many peoples, workers, beggars, service people, extremists, anarchists, and neo-Nazis will, as opponents against the people-hostile and corrupt authorities, provoke misery, need, murder and manslaughter as well as terror, rebellion and revolution as well as violent demonstrations and much destruction of much personal property and people's acquisitions. 12. Terrorists will spread murder and destruction world wide, thereafter they return again to their slippery cracks and hide in order to hatch new monstrosities and bring death and corruption over humanity. 13. The terrorists, warmongers, wrongdoers, prostitutes, and criminals will organize themselves worldwide and delude themselves that they are kings and emperors of the world, while the people and the organizations established for maintaining order watch powerlessly and have to creep away in order to protect their lives. 14. Even next year on September 13th, 1959, using rocket propulsion, the Earth human, respectively the Soviet Union, will make a hard landing of an unmanned object on the moon; and on April 12th, 1961 an Earth human will climb high in the sky with a rocket to orbit around in the Earth's outer space, then on February 3rd, 1966 an aerospace object will make a soft landing on the moon, then in 1968, the outer fringes of Earth's space will be left, and later the first trip to the moon will be undertaken, whereby up until the year 1972, five (5) manned moon landings will take place through the U.S.A., while a sixth moon landing* - supposedly the first - on August 20th, 1969 will rest only on a world-wide staged deceit as a result of the political armament race with the Soviet Union. 15. The time has just begun when the human conquers the depths of the oceans and slowly the power of the sun, in order to win diverse energies from them. 16. And the human is on the paths, in the next decades up to the new millennium, to unlocking the secret of life, in that he will unravel the gene. 17. Likewise in the eighties of this Twentieth Century it will happen that that the human can be bred through artificial fertilization, while already at the turn of the Third Millennium humans and animals will be able to be cloned out of single cells without any actual act of procreation. 18. At the close of the Second Millennium humans will already busy themselves with the first far-reaching steps in the genetic manipulation of flora and fauna, then, in the Third Millennium, genetic manipulation will begin on the human. 19. The end of the Second Millennium will, on one hand, be marked by very rapidly establishing computer technology, and on the other hand, rebellion and a great war which would be called the first gulf war, and a second gulf war would follow, coinciding with the start of the Third Millennium, released by the U.S.A. who has already deluded itself since the First World War that it is the world police and also wants to bring world control under its sword. 20. Towards the end of the Second and beginning of the Third Millennium the human will take himself for Creation and cause harm and bring destruction to the entire Earth, effective in the whole of nature. 21. And the time is already coming when the peoples will begin to mix, and when many people will flee from their homeland countries to find a hideout somewhere else in foreign countries, and there will be many refugees who have to fight to maintain their lives, while very many others creep into the structures of the better-positioned countries as economic refugees. 22. Prostitution is already on the way worldwide to becoming a public and officially sanctioned enterprise which cannot be curbed and which will be accountable to the state for taxes, as in this regard, ethics will no longer have a role to play, in the same way that neither will propriety and health.


Warning to all the governments of Europe! 23. Because of unrestricted prostitution, in about twenty-five years an already embryonic deadly epidemic will develop worldwide that will be named AIDS and will finally cost several hundred million human lives. 24. Also child prostitution is catching on increasingly in monstrous measure, as is the sexual murder of women and children. 25. Trade in humans with children and women regarding prostitution and for the purpose of human organ trade has now already become mundane, yet this evil will still increase until the turn of the millennium and into the Third Millennium, as organ transplantation from human to human will soon, already in a few years, become an everyday occurrence for the Earth people. 26. Already, in a few years, marriage between man and woman would only be formed for appearances without a binding love, rather they would be only joined together out of the personal interests of the individual partners, with the result that the marriage union is just lies and deception and would no longer be constant, consequently marriages end ever more in divorce. 27. Also the whole of nature will rise up, and indeed against the human and his irresponsible machinations with which he disturbs the course of the natural things as well as of the flora and fauna and of all life. 28. Storms, ranging from heavy to the heaviest will, from now on, until far into the Third Millennium, bring unspeakably much misery, need and suffering to the human as has never happened since time immemorial. 29. The most severe earth and seaquakes will take effect with primeval-like force and demand millions of human lives, as also will deluge-like masses of rain that evoke monstrous flooding and cause mighty destruction as the human has never before collectively experienced or seen. 30. And what results in the last 42 years of the Second Millennium, along with very many other evils, along with chaos, ghastliness and catastrophes that are not mentioned, carries everything on also into the Third Millennium and exacts its tribute all around. 31. And when the Second Millennium comes to an end, then the human stands in the darkness of his existence, in that he wanders around in an impenetrable labyrinth out of which he can no longer find his way, because it will be deep night in his consciousness, whereby however, the threatening red glowing and the fiery traps of religions and sects lie in wait. 32. And the religions and sects shake in rage because the believers who finally want to utilize the truth run away from them, yet the fiery traps of the religious power plays of the religions and sects grasp after the young people in order to burn them in the flames of religious fanaticism and make them incapable of escape. 33. So young people want to protect themselves from the lies and false teaching of the religions and sects, as their ghastly rage, with which they gather believers around themselves with lies and deceit, will know no bounds. 34. Already now, and first properly in the Third Millennium, the human knows deep within himself that he must not utilize religions and sects, rather the effective truth, the Creational truth, as well as the Creational Laws and Directives, yet although he hears the voice of truth in himself, he does not want to hear it, because he will be tormented by religious angst and cannot free himself from his religious or sectarian belief because he expects divine punishment for that, were he to do that. 35. And if the human seeks the effective truth he will be misled and deceived, because in the Third Millennium, even more than in the Second, there will be innumerable sectarians who ply a lucrative trade with their delusional false teachings and make horrendous profits from them. 36. Also the simple human himself, as well as the rich, will still only see his Mammon, count it, and strive for wealth, luxury, amusements and holidays, whereas the administration and the authorities will exploit the commoner with all kinds of new excises and taxes. 37. In the Third Millennium, the Moloch Mammon will bring forth much worse blooms than in the Twentieth Century, because the immoral and the wrong-doers as well as white-collar criminality and war mongery and so on, would no longer recognize boundaries when it comes to hoarding Mammon. 38. Criminal leaders of commerce will be amicable towards million dollar payments and million dollar golden handshakes and engage in maladministration and thereby drive even quite traditional companies to ruin, as also


Warning to all the governments of Europe! the commoners in private bankruptcies will walk away when they can no longer control their finances because they are driven away from reliable money and are equipped with plastic money in the form of plastic cards with which they subsist in the circumstances of their indebtedness, with sundries paid for on credit, and get into horrendous debt, whereby also special companies come into existence for the administration of plastic cards, while the banks will be in on that, with plastic cards they will name credit cards, in order to make their customers dependent, whereby they quite particularly have their eye set on the youth who thereby pile up immense mountains of debt which drive them into need and misery. 39. The fire of maladministration spreads itself constantly, also in the inept governments which, likewise driven by maladministration, manage their own countries into ruin when they accrue such immense debts that they rise in such a fashion that the country must be declared bankrupt. 40. And it will be that even before the time of the Third Millennium, and indeed in 1993, a political and commercial European dictator will arise that will be called the "European Union" and, in evil, will carry the number 666, as through this the citizens of all member countries will finally be brought under total control through biometric data in identification devices and in the form of small data chips in the head or body inserted in a "biometric identification system" that would be overseen and controlled through a "central data bank" whereby finally the whereabouts of every human can be exactly determined to the meter. First the USA and later the European Union will introduce this modern human enslavement, thereafter, then other countries will also follow, all preceding the Swiss, whereby, through this process, the personal and national citizens' human rights will be drastically trimmed, which fundamentally will be originally already planned at the construction of the European Union, whereby the citizen is finally deemed fully incapable of managing his own affairs, and should be governed only by the authorities, without having a right to a say regarding certain government things and decisions. 41. The morals of very many people will completely sink, whereby many villages and every city will be a Sodom and Gomorrah as the prostitution of adults and children takes on completely boundless forms. 42. Many young people will, in every form and manner, deteriorate to extremism in everyday life as well as in their professional life, whereby drug, medication, alcohol and narcotic addiction take the upper hand. 43. Many young people will flock to extreme radical skinhead and neo-Nazi fronts and wave their flags, and form corresponding organizations, that cause much damage and harm, indiscriminately attack innocent people on the streets and not seldom beat them until they are cripples. 44. In the coming time many blood banks will be contaminated by viruses and will make the people sick and will deliver death if the blood is transfunded [transfundiert] (correct = transfused [transfusioniert]; according to data from the Plejaren linguists for the German and Latin languages). 45. Towards the end of the Twentieth Century new planets will continuously be discovered at distant solar systems that however can bear no human life. 46. New solar satellites will also be discovered in our solar system that move far outside the orbit of Pluto, yet that will first be after the turn of the millennium. 47. Already in twenty years the time will come that newly serious plagues, deadly for the human, come about, especially in Africa as also however in other countries, and in part there would be no cure for them. 48. Furthermore great famines will rage in the Third World, whereas in the wealthy industrialized countries gigantic warehouses are stored with cans and miscellaneous groceries, while farmers senselessly destroy fruit and vegetables and so on because they don't want to sell their wares at opportune prices, because their greed for money and wealth will know no bounds, which is why they also will break up their land and their worldly possessions for jingling coins, to live from that instead of having to go to an honest job any more. 49. The human will be ever more unscrupulously addicted to greed for money and wealth, whereby he would secretly commit the murder of his parents, which would never be solved, in order to inherit from them. 50. It comes about ever more frequently that mothers murder their children at birth or abandon them, while step parents beat their children to death as well as leave them to die of thirst and starve.


Warning to all the governments of Europe! 51. In the future many families will be destroyed through this, because fathers or mothers live in endless strife which often also leads to the fathers or mothers murdering all the family members. 52. In thirty years the business prosperity which will be restrained until then will collapse and induce immeasurably high joblessness in all industrial countries whereby not only many millions of people will be without work and be benefiting from hand-outs, rather also families will be destroyed, criminality will spread out and murders will be committed. 53. An unimagined impending asylum seeker problem will break over the industrialized countries before the turn of the millennium and evoke asylum seeker tourism through which a great many asocial elements emigrate who release a crime wave, whereby the worldly possessions of many people will no longer be safe, nor will life and limb. 54. Through the madness of his overpopulation, the human has already detrimentally altered the world and the climate in such a way that a climbing climatic warming becomes apparent that will be carried far into the Third Millennium and release monstrous natural catastrophes, yet that will not be the end, because everything goes further in the same style and at the beginning of the Third Millennium more than seven billion people will be on the Earth, which will lead to even greater harm and to destruction worldwide because on one hand nature strikes back in vengeance and on the other hand, the human undertakes everything which will destroy the entire environment and life. 55. The constantly climbing mass of overpopulation leads to apathy and the softening of the people whereby the genuine interpersonal relationships grow cold and disappear while the masculine gender, however, still slowly, unstoppably becomes less potent. 56. Through atomic contamination of the environment - through atomic explosions, atomic power plants and radioactive waste from industry and hospitals, and so on - the entire life of fauna and flora as well as of humans will be ever more injured and disturbed in health, while also mutations of fauna and flora as well as of humans will appear in terrible ways. 57. Neither air, bodies of water, land, mountains nor seas will be safe from the human in the future, because, as he creates room everywhere for the growing overpopulation and for sporting purposes, he irrevocably destroys everything, through ski lifts, mass settlement, mountain climbing, racing with motor vehicles and motor boats as well as monstrous domestic buildings which tower high into the sky, as well as with street and tunnel construction, and so on. 58. The human will populate the Earth, the air and the seas more and more and take all the living space which is for the native wildlife, and thereby exterminate countless species and varieties. 59. The human elevates himself ever more to commander over the Earth and already in the coming 20 years he will make an effort to strive for the power of Creation whereby he will know no further barriers; yet everything will turn against him because he will stray like a drunk, blind ruler through the world, irritated and tormented in delusion - and at the end of his path he will fall into a deep abyss. 60. In the coming time entire cities will sprout out of the ground and the countryside will empty itself ever more of people. 61. The order of the people turns ever more towards instability and many would make their own laws and live by them. 62. The time will come in the Third Millennium when there will no longer be enough nourishment for all the people which will lead to ghastly scenes of starvation and murder and manslaughter. 63. Criminals and wrongdoers already spread themselves through the cities and organised gangs will ambush, beat up, or even kill, simply for fun, or to rob, because peaceful games and a normal life will no longer be sufficient for them. 64. Not only will many people suffer hunger, but they will also be set out in the cold, turn blue and freeze, and it would be, thereby, that many rather seek death than live an unworthy life in the bitterest poverty and begging in order to keep body and soul together.


Warning to all the governments of Europe! 65. In the future many people will catapult themselves out of life because they are addicted to drugs, have become sick or old, and feel lonely, helpless and abandoned, because feelings of neighborliness deteriorate ever more to pure expediency and addiction to profit; for a horrendous price, those stricken by age will be stuck in old people's homes, and financially completely shamelessly exploited to the last drop of blood. 66. Suicides will be ever more numerous, as will also euthanasia, because criminals addicted to business will draw monetary use out of it, whereby it will come to death tourism in countries in which help rendered the dying, in murder and suicide, will be allowed; the death-helper will be a dealer without illusions, and he will sell his suicide poison to everybody who wants to have it. 67. The drug problem will gain more and more ground, whereby internationally organized criminal gangs will maneuver even children into the vicious cycle of drug addiction. 68. The bodies of the people will be destroyed by drugs and addiction and towards the beginning of the Third Millennium a dangerous new drug with the name crystal will cause a furor amongst addicted people whose faces and bodies will be furrowed and ruined within a few months, and aged in such a way as if the addicted were monsters a hundred years old. 69. Through selfishness, hate, revenge, lovelessness, virtuelessness, and addiction to pleasures, and so forth, the humans' thoughts and feelings cool more and more, whereby the psyche and the consciousness and the morality are corrupted. 70. All those who are addicted to drugs of any kind that they drink, inhale, or inject into their blood will become like wild animals and lose control of themselves and many of them will rob, steal, break in and murder, rape and extort in order to get the poisons to which they are addicted - their lives will be a torment and become a real catastrophe. 71. The already near future would bring a situation where every human will try to attain as much pleasure, worldly possessions, delight, money and wealth as he possibly can and it will be that even the parents deceive their children, the children their parents, and the siblings will deceive each other if they can thereby gain a profit for themselves. 72. Marriages will no longer be formed out of love, rather out of addiction to profit, for the sake of appearances and as a consequence of erroneous and short term confusions of the feelings, and so it happens ever more frequently that husband and wife will be unfaithful, and divorce as often as they marry. 73. As it once was in Sodom and Gomorrah, in the future many women and men will go through the streets and into pleasure houses in order to take everybody and anybody as sexual partners just as everybody or anybody pleases. 74. Many married women and men would ever more frequently utilize other partners from outside the marriage, thus many men would sire children about whom they know nothing - and woman would bear children without knowing the names of the fathers -; and therefore it will be that every tenth birth is not of the legal father, which is foisted onto the husband, and it will be that children bear children and that mothers will not name the names of the fathers. 75. Many children will have no father or mother because they divorced or disappeared unrecognized, because they do not want to be a father or mother or live in a marriage, because the order and tradition of a good and functional family will be lost, as also the laws of marriage will have no more value, as if the human had become wild again. 76. And as already happens, it will also be that in the future and more and more, fathers will sexually abuse their daughters, young and old pedophiles sexually offend against children, women of every age are raped, shamed and murdered - not seldom in all openness and all over the world as a result of common and ever increasing sex-tourism. 77. Men will rape men, and women, women, and children go to the highest bidder through their own parents, relatives, or, through child abductors, rented or sold to the highest bidder. 78. Fathers sire children with their own daughters, children and mothers with their own sons' descendents, whereby a mixing of the blood comes about in the same family and, thereby, the evil spreads itself from bed to bed, which invokes psychic and consciousness-related damage and a state where the humans do not truly know people in true


Warning to all the governments of Europe! love, rather only acknowledge people by their sexual practices. 79. Through their way of life and through their thoughts and feelings and through their lack of virtues and all good values, the people will have aggrieved, tormented and haggard faces, because their entire falsely-lived lives will be mirrored in them. 80. The time is coming when nobody who speaks for law and order will be heard anymore, as it has already been for a long period of time that none are heard who speak against the religious and sectarian beliefs and painstakingly spread the truthful truth in regard to life, Creation and its laws and directives, which especially will be again, approaching this time, when, in the Third Millennium, a German religious fanatic Pope will assume the pontificate, who believes, through his fanatical belief in god, that he can save the world from its disintegration and downfall. 81. Around the world, the devastating machinations of the religions and sects will spread out again, and innumerable false messiahs and false prophets will infatuate the unstable and blind-to-the-truth masses of humanity, and newly lead them into madness, and many of these believers will carry weapons and build bombs, and in their fanaticism thereby spread murder by many thousand-fold as well as great destruction. 82. The murdering and destroying fanatics of religions and sects will, in their death-bringing fiery beliefs, speak of justice in the name of god, and thereby spread misery, need, death and corruption. 83. And it will be that the fanatical Islamist's bloody revenge on the distant descendants of the Christians, for the earlier crucifixions by the Christians, will come into being when they accomplish their deadly and destructive acts through irrepressible terror all over the world. 84. Threatening thunder will crack over the Earth and deaths in their thousands will rage when the criminal national powers of the U.S.A. release war into the wide world and when Israel's national forces spread just the same terror, murder, death and corruption as the Palestinians themselves, from whom uncountable suicide bombers will go; all over the world all variety of military and rebellious forms of murderers will recruit, out of all levels of the population, and drill the recruits into being murder machines devoid of feelings and conscience, to whom also every kind of torture is a shining joy. 85. Organized murder and terror commandoes will live secretly in cities worldwide and plan and carry out deadly attacks in order to kill thousands of people and produce unimagined destruction. 86. There will be no more order and no effective rule to protect the lives of the people, because, through the fault of the warmongering national powerful ones, the rebellious, religious, sectarian and fanatic terrorism will flare up like a bright flash in the night in order to sow death and corruption. 87. Through inhumane terror attacks, torture and through war, very many people will degenerate and fall back into barbarism, whereby everybody will scream for the torture and death of their neighbor when they are of a different view or act counter to the law, thus hate and revenge will spread out and even the order-bringing organizations will be evilly attacked and their efforts to create order will be hindered, whereby human atrocities among the people can gain ground, and nobody more is going to hurry to help the other if she or he gets into need. 88. Already soon, humans will no longer align themselves with justice, but only with their belief and blood, while the judge thereafter only exploits his office so that the little man is hanged and the great scoundrel is let free, as true justice will no longer be asked for, rather everything will be judged only in terms of money, belief and appearances. 89. Children will, in the course of the next decades, be ever more surrendered to neglect because the parents hunt more and more for money and pleasures, whereby the children are abused in regard to love and upbringing and are left alone, as they are thrown out of the house and family life like young creatures and neglected because nobody will bother anymore about them and hold a protecting hand over them, whereby they slide into scenes of the asocial, narcotics, drugs, theft, robbery, criminality and prostitution. 90. World wide, hate will gain ground more and more and the greed for power of the nations' powerful ones will recognize no more boundaries, resulting in bad laws being passed to torment the citizen and from which nobody can remain spared, not the elderly, not the youth, nor the children.


Warning to all the governments of Europe! 91. Houses will be destroyed and plundered by criminal gangs, or the houses will be broken into in order to ambush the residents, rob them and even to kill them. 92. The people will become ever more indifferent to their neighbors, so they will also close their eyes when others are abused on public streets, women raped or children abducted; children will become merchandise and sex objects, their weakness will be forgotten and they will be trained like animals, to be thrown away after use or slaughtered and murdered, because humans no longer know love, rather still only ghastliness. 93. Ever since a long time ago every person has known through public media, such as radio and newspapers, what is happening at all ends of the Earth, yet that will only be the start, as the means of communications and news-spreading will spread rapidly, as through television, through which events can be directly followed pictorially in all corners of the world, as also, however, through various electronic telecommunications devices that, over satellites, transmit everything, up to the Earth's hindmost nook, in word and picture, while in only forty years even the simplest citizen will carry a pocket telephone around with him and would use it at every possible and impossible opportunity. 94. Because of the constantly rising standard of living of the people in the industrialized countries, they close their eyes to misery in the Third World; indeed they see the starving children on television, whose eyes and mouths as well as wounds are covered with innumerable flies, and those who are hunted like rabbits as target practice for the murderous military, or those who will be killed to get to their organs which will be sold dearly for transplantation. 95. Many people, as regards their neighbor, will not only be indifferent, rather also merciless, subsequently they turn their eyes away so they do not have to see the misery and the need of the neighbor and they will not worry that children or adults die of hunger because they will give them nothing, or only very inadequate alms that would suffice for neither life nor death. 96. The better positioned person of the prosperous countries sleeps on bags full of gold, and what he gives with one hand he takes away again with the other, whereby the needy neither live nor die, rather then can only vegetate in misery. 97. The human plies trade with everything that comes into his fingers and, as a result, everything has its price, even the water that is our common planetary possession, and everything will be sold and nothing more given, consequently every gift demands a gift in return. 98. As children will be hunted and killed for the price of their organs, grown people, for money, offer themselves for their organs for transplantation, or they bequeath them as a legacy so for them nothing more is sacred, not their body, nor their blood, their organs, their consciousness or psyche, and if they could sell their spirit-form and make a profit from it, they would do that too, and people will be murdered for their organs, treacherously, just as by execution, while irresponsible doctors, in greed for profit, will intentionally cut up the bodies of the dead for the sale of their organs. 99. Already the human has changed the face of the Earth so badly, that it can no longer be returned to its original form, and that will not be the end, as much worse changes will happen in the future when the forests are further cleared and the fields and mountains have been transformed into human residential settlements, concreted over and asphalted because the human continues to be deluded that he is ruler of Earth and life, although he can never name power over the planets as his own, because they set their nature to defend, and will show the human in his limits. 100. Also, when nature defends itself against the human madness of planetary destruction, the Earth becomes ever more naked and less fruitful, and through the fault of humans the air will burn, because the ozone shield will slowly be destroyed. 101. Through the people, the water of the Earth will increasingly turn into ill-smelling sloughs, and all life will slowly wither there while the Earth's riches will be completely exhausted, whereby all goods will become scarce and thereby the hate that the humans have for one another will climb because everybody wants to have that which the neighbor still has.


Warning to all the governments of Europe! 102. The consciousness as well as reason and understanding of humans will become his prisoners and he will be drunk from religious and sectarian beliefs, thereby he will not notice that he, through religions and sects, will be ever more deceived and kept distant from the effective truth of Creation and its laws and directives, and as a result, he chases after unreal religious and sectarian images and reflections which hold him back from the truth and make him a willing sheep of the wicked ones. 103. The religions and sects fall upon their believers like evil carnivorous animals, drive them together and hurl them into the deepest abyss of misguidance and ignorance, and, to drive it all sufficiently, they set one up against the other in order to be able to rip everyone in their claws and deprive them of the life of truth. 104. As it has been until now, the religions and sects will, for a long time yet, rule through their representatives and gurus in order to rule and command the human who is innocent and inactive in so far as knowledge is concerned, yet by and by in the more distant future they will slowly lose their cult places in which they preach nonsense and mislead and enslave the people, yet their time is coming that they will hide their faces and must keep their names secret, in order not to become the victims of the rage of the people as a result of their misleading them. 105. Yet it is so, however, that every believer, in truth, is a serf of religions and sects, even though each one erroneously believes that he is a free person, yet that will change because the time will come when nobody, or still almost nobody, takes part in the gatherings of the gurus, the masters, exalted ones, enlightened ones, the Pfaffenkppchen [literally:" Pastors' little caps"], Popes and priests, and so on, because many of the people will raise themselves up and position themselves against the religions and sects in order to conquer their millennia old lies with the truth. 106. Overpopulation will climb incessantly because of the irrationality of the people, and soon they will be as numerous on the Earth as ants, and when they are bumped they will swarm around distraught and headless, so that they lose all control over themselves; and many will be crushed when they helplessly sink into the masses. 107. The religions and sects will, in the future, mix themselves as much as the people, who, through the mixing of peoples, make their own people become a multi-cultural nation. 108. Around the world more and more, peace will be hypocritically spoken of, while mendacious and sectarian national powerful ones furtively stir up wars and bring them to breaking out, and in every location families and neighbors who have become enemies prepare hell on Earth for each other or peoples and tribes who are enemies fight in bloody feuds. 109. Already for a long time the way of nature is lost for the human, and that will even continue to happen very much more, as the human believes, in his high-handedness, that he is the ruler over life and death. 110. In times to come people will be less and less satisfied with their own bodies, and so they will allow all kinds of operations on themselves in order to be better proportioned and more beautiful, as they themselves imagine, whereby however the entire business damages their health and not seldom leads to mutilations, or even death. 111. Their will no longer be cohesion in families and the family members will scatter themselves to the winds more and more. 112. Through beauty cures and beauty aids people will decline to an early externally old appearance and they will earlier have wrinkles and white hair like old people because the utilized means will also damage the skin in the same way as do the ever more dangerous and increasingly hotter rays of the sun. 113. In coming times many people will wander around in life without pause, and be without leadership or direction, because, due to inadequate love and warm-heartedness, as well as relationships from person to person, their consciousness, thoughts and feelings as well as psyche are stunted, whereby very many psychic illnesses and breakdowns result that not seldom will lead to suicide because no more help will be accessible to these people. 114. in the course of time, very many people will renounce religions and sects, yet in spite of that, not sort out the truth regarding Creation and also not its laws and directives because they want to steer their own lives like a mounted animal even though they lack the necessary knowledge and experience. 115. And already the Earth human stands before the door that will enable him to determine the masculinity or femininity of the progeny in the body of the woman, from which self-evidently results, that, at last, already from


Warning to all the governments of Europe! the ground up, the gender of the descendent will be determined because the female egg will be fertilized in vitreo with the corresponding sperm and then set into the womb, while all other undesired life will be killed off. 116. The human will take himself more and more for Creation, especially the powerful ones who snatch up everything from land and worldly possessions just exactly however it pleases them, while the normal citizen is too poor and weak and will be treated like the lowliest livestock, whereby the housing for the common people will become like prisons in which the people spend time in fear of the powerful ones and the hate in the people unfolds ungovernably. 117. The hate in humans will create a secret order of destruction, that rages darkly in people and engenders an evil poison that is aligned such that the authorities are to be fought against, and, at the same time, to achieve money and wealth for oneself, and control over the Earth, yet in the end the weak will listen to the rules of the powerful, whereby, however, it will be that laws will be passed in the dark whereby the poison of hate is aligned against the religions and sects and the thorn of hate spreads against them in order to clear appropriate space for the truthful truth. 118. It will come to pass that the humans will become inactive, going around with an empty look and not knowing where they should go because when the religions and sects disappear they will have no more cult places and no more cult preachers and no more sect leaders who can lead them in madness and confusion, which is why they will initially be without a goal, or like a germinating seed that cannot yet strike roots, so, as a result, the human wanders around without hope, destitute, humbled, and senselessly seeking everywhere for a foothold, which they first, however, find when they utilize the creational truth and the creational laws and directives; but first, they will hate and fight themselves and hate their lives before they find the path to truth. 119. When the Third Millennium comes many illnesses and plagues will rage and many waters will be dried out and will further dry out whereas other water will become brackish or poisonous or become a rarity, whereby many people will have their existences and their lives threatened which leads to them having to painstakingly reestablish much of what they destroyed and they expend means to defend that which remains because some farther-thinking people recognize that what they evilly wrenched from nature must be returned again. 120. However the Third Millennium will also be the time when people will be frightened of the future because the world political, military and environmental situation will be very precarious because the national powers of the USA and Israel in the same way threaten with war and destruction as, worldwide, will also the rebellious terrorists, and in addition, because humans have so terribly plundered, raped and desecrated nature, it will hit back with violent seaquakes and earthquakes and with monstrous rainstorms and primeval storms. 121. The Earth would, through the fault of mankind, through his overpopulation and the thereby connected monstrous demands, and through his hostile conduct towards nature and his destruction, as well as through the plundering of resources, raise itself against the people and quake around the globe with primeval force and tear people into death in their hundreds of thousands, whereby entire countries will be destroyed. 122. The Earth will avenge itself on mankind for his behavior, because he will not have listened to the prophecies and predictions of the wise that warned about all the evil, as a result, from then on he must take evil threats from nature and violent destruction into account because, from then on and until far into the Third Millennium, villages will be buried under mudslides as well as snow and ice slides, while in other places abysses will open in the ground and, destroying everything, will tear everything into themselves, never more to reach the surface. 123. But still the human will be obstinate and not listen to the words, advice and warnings of the prophets and the wise, yet that will be avenged, as violent fires will destroy great forests, villages and towns and demand many human lives, because the conflagrations will have primeval force and drive people from their native homelands which will be robbed by unscrupulous plundering, as it will also be in the villages and towns that will be abandoned because of seaquakes and earthquakes and because of storms. 124. And through the fault of humans, chlorofluorocarbons sluice through the atmosphere, the Earth will burn, and melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer will take hold and demand many deaths, and all that because, through human irrationality, the majority of the ozone shield, which protects against the rays of the sun, will be destroyed,


Warning to all the governments of Europe! whereby the atmosphere will be like a curtain full of holes and the strong and burning light of the sun will burn the skin, and the eyes of many people will be permanently blinded. 125. But the angst of humans will, however, be too late because too much will already be destroyed and annihilated by the turn of the millennium, resulting in ever more deserts overtaking the Earth and the crushing deluge-like water becoming ever more violent and deeper, ripping everything with it, flooding and destroying. 126. Through the clear-felling of rainforests, the oxygen level in the air will, already, before the Third Millennium, and until far along into it, sink unnoticeably, which will have effects on the health of humans and animals, while at the same time the pollution of the environment and pollution of the air will have taken on such forms that people will be made sick from it, and the weak among them will perish. 127. And in the Third Millennium the time comes when big parts of the continents disappear and the people will have to flee to the mountains, yet their sense of the catastrophes will only be of short duration, because they will forget everything again quickly and therefore make an effort to do much rebuilding, because they are already creating phantasmagoria, through movies and television, as well as later through a worldwide netting of computers and electronics, through which they deceive themselves and see things that do not exist, and are only visually determined for the eye, subsequently their sense for reality disappears and they can no longer distinguish between reality and fiction, whereby they lose themselves more and more in the labyrinth of life, while those who produce phantasms commercially as well as religious and sectarian phantasms, have an easy game with the people of faith, who they deceive in every possible manner and make them into humble beings, like cringing dogs. 128. Towards the end of the Second Millennium researches will clone animals and alter their genes any way they like, and in the Third Millennium researchers will have the audacity to create in vitro humans who are intended to serve as human spare parts stores for organs. 129. Even now it has already happened, and it will continue in the Third Millennium, that the Earth human irrevocably exterminates many animal species and their sub-species in the air or water or on the land, because for him profit is more important than the conservation of the fauna. 130. As it already is now, it will also be in the Third Millennium, and indeed extremely increased, that children no longer enjoy a genuine upbringing and their consciousnesses will no longer be educated in the context of evolution as they will no longer be taught the truth by their parents, so they will be more and more ignorant regarding the truth and of the lessons of life, so they - like their parents - are hopeless, ignorant and remonstrating and are dedicated only to pleasures. 131. Also in the Third Millennium the human will become more and more aggressive and deludes himself that he is the highest power, the result of which is that he will strike out everywhere in hate and wrath as well as in avarice and jealousy, just how and where it pleases him, and he will be strong in his evil thoughts and feelings and his degenerated behavior, as the acquired power makes him unpredictable and he will destroy, in a blind rage with howls of joy, much that is painstakingly acquired and constructed. 132. Well into the Third Millennium the human will remain faint hearted and a dwarf in the development of his knowledge and wisdom and love, and will be driven by power-behavior and domination over fellow humans, while his head will be stuffed full with unnecessary and false knowledge of mad religious, sectarian, philosophical, militaristic and combat-orientated teachings and of teachings of the thirst for blood, revenge and retribution. 133. As since time immemorial the Earth human still will not know for a long time into the Third Millennium why he lives and dies, what death means, and reincarnation and birth, because, as since time immemorial, he will wave his arms senselessly, futilely seeking the truth of Creation and its laws and directives, because, as since earliest times, he hangs onto religions and sects that bring him to whimpering like small children. 134. In the Third Millennium, as has been since the earliest times, the believers of the various religions and sects will fight each other, because every believer wants to have the only correct god, it is all the same if he is named Shiva, God or Allah, so, in some places, the Earth will become a battlefield when Islamists, Christians and Jews make war on one another, as in ancient times, and as it also happens today, as everybody insults the un-belief of


Warning to all the governments of Europe! those with other beliefs, and they all want to defend and spread the purity of their belief with their blood, even when great powers stand in opposition to them, who question the righteousness of their conduct. 135. As is already the case now in 1958, in the Third Millennium innumerable people will also be locked out of the life of the society and, furthermore, many must eke out their lives as poor, asocial, as beggars, as well as benefiting from hand-outs, because they are not accepted by society, rather thrown out or are unemployed, and are treated as if they were sub-human, against which no ruler and government undertakes anything, rather they even exploit the poor and beggars with all kinds of taxes and charges, whereby they cannot afford a roof over their heads, and have no citizens' rights any more because they are outcasts of those who live in excess, and they will be half naked because they cannot afford clothing, and when they have something to sell it will only be their bodies, for their organs, or the path of whoredom. 136. In the Third Millennium many people will listen to the old prophecies and predictions, to the proverbs of the prophets and the warnings of the wise, which have been handed down since ancient times, and they will thirst for retribution, and provoke the time in which the people stand up and call for the truth. 137. However, before the people call for the truth it will be lost in an impenetrable labyrinth in which great angst and suspicion exist, and the human is restlessly driven forward in order to find a way out of all the misery and the need. 138. The truth of Creation and its laws and directives, as well as the teachings of spirit and teachings of life, will be spread loud and strong and worldwide, yet the Earth human will not hear them, because only few, who pursue reason and understanding, will utilize the great teachings, while all the others want more and more possessions, and indulge in phantasms which they have arranged in their heads, spurred on through bad and false prophets in religious and sectarian matters. 139. And the time will be long before all this all comes to pass, a long time into the Third Millennium - long, 800 years long, because, first then, the seeds of the teachings of the spirit, the teachings of Creation and its laws and directives, as well as the teachings of life, will slowly begin to germinate in the mass of humankind, because they slowly open their eyes and ears, and honestly begin to seek the actual truth. 140. The humans of the Earth will listen and hear the prophets' teachings, then finally, they will open their eyes to see and learn to understand one another, and each would know that when one person is beaten or injured with words, that the other perceives the pain. 141. It will be the time when, out of humanity, people become one, and understand that each is a smaller part of the neighbor, and only unity gives strength, and neither skin color, nor belief, rather, only commonality and effective truth regarding Creation and its laws and directives are of significance. 142. And in distant times it will be that only one single and valuable language will be spoken worldwide, and the people will finally become real humans. 143. And in distant times it will be that the Earth humans have conquered outer space and travel into the deep expanses of the universes, when they have constructed artificial stations outside the Earth's atmosphere, in which many people will reside, work and live. 144. And it would be in that distant time that the Earth human builds great cities in the seas and he will ordinarily move around in the depths of the water and nourish himself on all kinds of fruit from the sea. 145. And in distant times it will be that humans talk reasonably and respectfully with one another and they will accept the old messages of the true prophets because their thoughts and feelings will be open for one another, and the consciousness and the psyche will be balanced. 146. And in distant times it will be that the people will be many times older than they are in today's time in the year 1958, because their age will be hundreds of years. 147. And in distant times it will be that the people recognize the power of their consciousness and learn the things that the true prophets knew and which were kept hidden as a secret until now, so they will open one door after another and gain monstrous cognitions, knowledge and wisdom about the truth of Creation and its laws and directives, in order therewith to use and develop the powers of their consciousness.


Warning to all the governments of Europe! 148. And in distant times it will be that the people finally find their way out of their dark labyrinth and will find sublime life bubbling again like a clear spring. 149. And in distant times it will be that the people relearn and adopt the teachings of the spirit, the teachings of Creation and the extent of its directives and laws, and the teachings of life, and will be knowing, and parents will again raise their children and instruct them in the teachings of truth so that they understand life, dying, death, reincarnation and birth, as well as Earth and the heavens. 150. And in distant times it will be that the human will become greater in stature and more skillful, and the powers of his consciousness will encompass everything, and he also will possess everything that he wants to have. 151. And in distant times it will be that the man alone will no longer be the ruling power, because from then on the woman will steer the fate of the world and humanity as true mother of the Earth, because she will wield her scepter over the man and break his imperiousness, tyranny, power-lust and addiction to war, in order to end the times of ugly masculine barbarism, and nip in the bud man's devilish and murderous and high-handed acts, in order to finally allow peace on Earth. 152. And in distant times it will be that true love wakes in Earth humans and this will be shared with all, whereby the existence transmutes in an easy time, and long cherished dreams and wishes become reality, while the evolution of the consciousness grasps possession of all people, whereby enters the true end of barbarism. 153. And in distant times it will be that religious and sectarian belief will no longer be of validity, but rather only the pure truth of Creation and the extent of its laws, whereby the happy days of humankind begin, and the person will find people again, and recognize and honor them as equals. 154. And in distant times it will be, when the Fourth Millennium after Jmmanuel's (Christian) time reckoning comes, that the Earth and its humanity will have its creational order again, and there will be true love and unity, true freedom and harmony, as well as true worldwide peace. 155. And in distant times it will be that the people will hurry through the universe from one end to the other in great and powerful spaceships, and they will have no more boundaries. 156. And in distant times it will be that the forests, wetlands, meadows and fields bloom again, as also the deserts, which will be enlivened and planted, and in which many kinds of trees, bushes, grasses and flowers will reveal their glory, so the Earth will be a wonderful garden in which the human will respect and honor all that lives, creeps and flies. 157. And in distant times it will be that the human reconstructs and cleans everything that he destroyed or soiled because, from then on, he will honor and protect nature and life, as he will be knowing and wise and thereby think of the future of the planet and humanity, and bring respect and veneration to them all. 158. And in distant times it will be that every human goes in step with every other, and one no longer harms the other, and the people grant each other trust again to no longer be deceived, to have nothing more stolen, to no longer be robbed, and no longer be murdered. 159. And in distant times it will be that the Earth humans know everything about their own bodies and the bodies of all animals, as they will also will be knowledgeable about all the things of the world and life, as well as the creational-natural laws, whereby sickness and plagues will be healed before they can come into existence, because it will be that every human will be just as much his own knowing and capable healer as he will be for his fellow humans; collectively, the human will understand that he can only exist and live in the community, that one must help the other, that he must give and may not only take, and that he, as an individual, must see and understand himself to be as a custodian of the planet, humanity and human order. 160. And in distant times it will be that the Earth humans have learned to give and share in honesty and love - and that stinginess is every bit as much a means to achieve discontentment as is being closed off from the neighbor thereby no circumstances of loneliness can come; still the human must learn everything first, and utilize the powers of his consciousness and the teachings of the spirit as well as the teachings of Creation and the extent of its laws, as well as the teachings of life, yet for this, an iron fist is required for enforcement, with which order drives out chaos, and the human finds the correct path again.


Warning to all the governments of Europe! 161. And in distant times it will be, when the Forth Millennium after Jmmanuel comes, that the human is the carrier of the Creational truth, and that all living things are creations of the one and only Creation, of the universal consciousness, and that Creation alone is, and knows, the secret of all things, and that it stands immeasurably much higher than all the gods and idols who, without exception, are of human origin. 162. And in distant times it will be that the humans remember the proverbs of the true prophets and remember what was once in all the past, as they will also know what the future will be, because, through looking out ahead, they will grasp the events and the course and the change of the world, humanity and the universes, as well as the secret of life and dying, and will thereby have no more angst for their own death, because they will know that life eternally continues in alternation with death-life, and to new life on Earth, as Creation has determined through the unshakable extent of its laws which are unchangeable for all great times and are of eternal validity. Eduard A. Meier Schloss Uitikon/ZH/Schweiz 24.August 1958


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[1] http:/ / www. futureofmankind. co. uk/ meier/ gaiaguys/ MEIER. PROPHECIES. 1958. htm

What is announced comprehensively for the third millennium prophetically and predictively
IMPORTANT NOTE This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations

What must be made known comprehensively in a prophetic and predictive way for the third millennium
If you human beings of Earth do not turn to the truth of Creation and its laws and recommendations in what is now the third millennium, if you do not turn to better and good things and do not follow the true rules of life as they exist in the creational laws and recommendations, then all evil events of all kinds will broaden in ever worsening succession. The creational-natural laws and recommendations are written in the Goblet of Truth and in the spiritual teaching, which is the teaching of truth, the teaching of spirit, the teaching of life, which it is of vital importance to follow. However, if you human beings continue to fail to follow the creational laws and recommendations, evil and catastrophes of all kinds which have existed all over Earth for a long time will increase in future into much more evil excrescences. And if you do not change for the better, for good and the best, all evil over the world will take a much worse form than it has done for decades and also does at present; and the coming events will be such as the world has never experienced up to the current time, nor lived, nor seen. A change for the better, for good and the best can only occur, however, if you human beings of Earth think and act rightly and rationally from now on and into the future, and this principally applies to your rulers and other mightful people who have to lead you as a people to the best and for goodness. This thinking and acting which is full of rationality is also demanded from every individual in your entire humanity as well as from you as such in your entirety. And success can only come about if your thoughts are rightly

What is announced comprehensively for the third millennium prophetically and predictively cared for and deeds are determined and performed rightly, indeed in accordance with the urgency of the necessity for change. However, if this change is not tackled and carried through, then it is unavoidable and inevitable that the prophecies will come true, as is the case with the predictions that are firm with regard to their fulfilment and which will certainly turn into an evil reality. Overall in all things of your present existence as human beings of Earth, a change for the better, for good and the best is unavoidable if everything is still to develop ultimately into something of good worth after all. However, if this change is not started and carried through, then do not be surprised if nothing turns to the better, for good and the best, but the negative, bad and evil things are fulfilled, as has been prophetically stated although without being specifically called prophecies so that it is not possible for you to differentiate between prophecy and prediction for the important reason that not only individual factors are seized for change, but entirely everything of all circumstances. And this must be the case, because given a true effort, it is only possible to bring about the better, good and the best through an all-encompassing change, providing everything is taken into account extensively. Therefore, the following prophetic and predictive words are to be stated finally by me, Billy-BEAM, as the last proclaimer in the line of seven of Nokodemion. With the third millennium, you human beings of Earth have passed from the darkness of the last two millennia into the gloom of what is for you an impenetrable labyrinth of false modes of behaviour, and already in the twentieth century you have brought about all kinds of evil and are continuing to create and cultivate the same, which has brought disaster over you, nature and the planet to an incalculable extent and will continue to do so. Your greed for profit, you human beings of Earth, is continuing to abound more and more, and the people in power in your world are casting your populations of all states into ever deeper misery, making self-aggrandizing and megalomaniacal decisions over your heads and taking all the power of determination away from you as a people. Everything is a matter of might and money, and from now on everything will become worse in this regard, as will catastrophes of all kinds in nature, in the climate and amongst you human beings, caused by the breakneck speed of population growth which has become uncontrollable overpopulation. Everything is constantly and increasingly directed towards hierarchy, money, income, profit and gain as well as productivity due to the efforts of those who are greedy for profit and might, an attitude which is however spreading more and more amongst individual human beings and your entire peoples. Therefore, you are becoming ever more indifferent to one another, more mistrustful of one another and increasingly emotionless, disinterested, indolent and obtuse in interpersonal relationships, which is causing simple human connections to be destroyed and entire families to be ruined. Under such unbearable circumstances, many amongst you will feel blazing anger rise up within you and will therefore torment other fellow human beings or even extract bloody revenge on them. However, trust amongst you human beings will vanish to an increasing extent, leading to ever worsening forms of jealousy and hatred arising in many of you, whether because of a difference of opinion or a different belief, because of money, goods and chattels or simply because the face, body, clothing or behaviour of the other person provokes you. Therefore, there will be increasing Gewalt amongst you, and not only because some people simply find it good and satisfying when they torment, beat, spit on, tread down or humiliate others, even accepting the death of those being tormented. And in the future, Gewalt, murder and deliberate as well as malicious and war-like destruction will prevail amongst you, something which will in its entirety also be carried into space near Earth, and in fact not only in particular when worlds close to Earth are settled by human beings of Earth. You human beings of Earth increasingly want to seize the might of Creation for yourselves, and the longer this continues, the more you know no limits and imagine yourselves to be the highest and mightiest form of life on Earth and in the universe. However, vengeance will be extracted when all your doings turn sooner or later to your own harm, and as a result of which you fall into a deep abyss. The tall buildings that tower into the clouds as skyscrapers will collapse, the fields will lie in waste and therefore it will no longer be possible to bring in any harvests. And the longer this continues, the more you as individual human beings will make your own laws, in accordance with which you terrorise the environment and your fellow human beings, as is already the case in many places due to extremists,


What is announced comprehensively for the third millennium prophetically and predictively terrorists, young people, people full of hatred and consumed with a desire for revenge and people who are confused as well as autocrats who take it upon themselves to inflict punishments. Many of you will fall back into barbarity, and hunger will increasingly ravage the world because many natural foodstuffs are misused for purposes other than for food due to the greed for profit and might, take for example the biofuels used for powering machinery and engines. Lubricants will also be manufactured for these using foodstuffs, and these are only two of many examples with regard to the misuse of foodstuffs. Climate change caused by the overpopulation of your earthly humanity will entail huge natural catastrophes which will become ever worse and also impinge on your own lives. As a result, in future ever more severe droughts and periods of cold weather as well as vast storms of all kinds, rain storms and fire storms brought forth by forest fires will scourge the entire Earth and bring about destructions full of Gewalt, as will also be the case due to an increase in earthquakes and undersea quakes, landslides, storm surges, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions, floods and high tides. Therefore, in the course of the coming time, hundreds of thousands and even millions of you human beings will lose your lives, whilst others will not be able to withstand all the misery and will seek death at their own hands, others still will increasingly turn to drugs which have been partially legalised through the irrationality of those in power because they are too stupid to recognise the danger of drug addiction and its consequences, or because they themselves are profiting from the drug trade. Only very few people are troubled by the fact that this destroys the body, the psyche and even the life of the addicts, or by the fact that this means more and more murders and suicides take place as do rapes, criminal and unlawful deeds, and many of you people act like wild beasts, and this situation has existed for decades. Therefore, criminality, crime and capital offences are increasing, as Gewalt is burgeoning unstoppably, indeed this is in relation to the increase in overpopulation. Gewalt-acts committed by young people are on the rise just as is their carrying and use of weapons of all kinds which they employ unscrupulously, resulting in the injury and even death of innocent people, as is also the case with extremist groups that carry out Gewalt-acts. Very many of you place less and less value on the physical and psychic integrity of people of your kind, as a result of which you harm your fellow human beings, injure them physically and psychically and you do not even shrink from killing and murdering them. By these means, the life of many of you will become truly catastrophic and hellish, and this will only come to an end when you are carried off by death. However, this will not be sufficient in the future, because the addiction to pleasure and amusement as well as to holiday travel is increasing just as unstoppably and always entails an ever greater disaster, just as you men and women soon get divorced from one another and live apart, or if you come together frivolously and get married or live together in apparent friendship and companionship. And it will increasingly be the case that you as men and women embark on sexual relations with one another without getting to know one another more closely and, in wild passion, bring unwanted children into the world, who grow up without fathers and indeed never get to know their father. And, furthermore, in this way you will spread plagues such as AIDS, syphilis, tuberculosis and other scourges, so that in this regard evil will spread from bed to bed and from person to person. Therefore in future, the sexuality that you human beings of Earth incorrectly believe to be true love will end up as an evil scourge. Good morality is increasingly becoming lost amongst you, as is righteousness, respect for life, love, decency and fairness. True friendship, companionship, bonds and love are already hard to find, and are becoming more so, whilst freedom has long since become a charade and will remain so for a long time, as will peace. This is because actions are only predicated on what is currently popular without any responsibility and entirely unscrupulously. Therefore, more and more parents are sexually abusing their own children, and abuse is taking place between siblings, as well as an increase in rapes between woman and man, woman and woman, man and man, whilst many ecclesiastics and educators, etc. are also sexually abusing those under their protection and more and more paedophiles are committing sexual crimes against children, as has already occurred in many cases. Just as immorality and sexual degeneracy have been propagated for years now in cinema and on television, this will continue in a much broader form in the future as well.


What is announced comprehensively for the third millennium prophetically and predictively Whoever speaks and teaches the truth with regard to Creation and its laws and recommendations doesn't want to be listened to by you human beings of Earth for a long time, because your belief in all the false religions, sects, ideologies and various false philosophies as well as in politics keeps you imprisoned as if by steel claws. As a result, you will continue to allow these and the falsehoods of the false prophets to be spread by religious and sectarian ecclesiastics, around whom you cluster in blind belief, in obedience and listening to their lies saying that you should carry weapons in order to fight against those who are teaching the truth of Creation and its laws and recommendations. And the false prophets and those of you who believe in them will speak about fairness, something which you however truly do not know, therefore you will commit murder in your delusion and fanaticism, as has already occurred in the case of religious and fanatical terrorists. Finally, there will no longer be any order amongst you human beings of Earth because vice and addictions, greed for might, jealousy, hatred, revenge and retribution are spreading everywhere, many amongst you are yielding to the urge to kill your fellow human beings, meaning that unbounded murder and destruction will take place more and more all over the world. Therefore, it will be as it has never before been, that you human beings will judge according to your blood and belief, that you as parents will cast out your own children and you as adults and young people will cast out the aged. And you will increasingly close your eyes to crimes that occur in your sight, to rapes of helpless and defenceless women, to sexual abuse of children as well as to evil and often fatal Gewalt-acts against your fellow human beings who are old, handicapped, weak and vulnerable. Increasingly, all kinds of human achievements will be deliberately and maliciously destroyed, plundered and robbed, deceitfulness will be practised and more and more lies and calumnies will prevail as well to your own advantage. The greed for profit amongst those of you who control the use of foodstuffs, their planting and processing will lead to more and more hungry people joining the population of Earth, and it will be terrible to see the bones of the starving projecting through their skin, and how their wounds will fester, suppurate and be attacked by vermin. And it will become ever more terrible how many of you human beings will be driven, harried and killed like harmful game, whilst many others will flee and lose their lives in many ways during their flight. And yet, as is already the case today, the majority of you human beings of Earth will not pay any heed, because you turn your face away from the suffering of the refugees and do not do anything to enable them to live in their homeland, work and lead a life of dignity. Increasingly, you will only look after yourselves, and you will only be able to assuage your guilty conscience by giving small donations to the poor and suffering although your real motivation will be for everyone to think that you are a good person and you receive the small donations back many times over. Truly, the price of a human life is becoming ever cheaper, and more and more trafficking of human beings as slaves is going on, whether as slave workers, for prostitution, in the mercenaries or for organ trading, for the purpose of which healthy human beings amongst you are abducted, kidnapped, sold and slaughtered like livestock, to be robbed of your viscera, organs and body parts. And all of the people amongst you who are greedy for profit, you who conduct this sort of trafficking or are yourselves murderers, slaughterers and butchers of carcases, you will fight even over the blood of your murdered victims, just as you would over their skin and bones and this has already become so commonplace at this time when the third millennium is opening, and therefore things will get very much worse in this way in the time to come. And human trafficking will not only be performed increasingly with adults, specifically with young women for the purposes of prostitution, but also with men for the purposes of slave work as well as with children who are put to work and sexually abused by paedophiles. And everything is becoming more and more commonplace in this form, just as the inviolability of your human dignity is being increasingly disregarded and forgotten. Therefore, it will be that you human beings of Earth will become increasingly brutalized, unscrupulous and will lapse further and further into savagery. Lying and deception will rule the world to an increasing extent, namely through the beggars amongst you just as much as through those of you who live as good citizens in normal and good prosperity, and this will be the case right up to you rich and ruling people. Therefore, as never before in the history of earthly humanity, lying and deception as well as deceit, falseness and calumny as well as servitude through government will be held as the truth, and an ever greater calamity will be built upon it. And it will be increasingly the case that you people will be treated like animals for the slaughter, implanted


What is announced comprehensively for the third millennium prophetically and predictively with electronic data chips by means of which you will be controlled and robbed of freedom by authorities, public offices and governments, although in your ignorance you will think that you live as free people although you are in fact servants of the governments. In this way, public authorities, official bodies and those in government will rule over you in a way that has never happened before, meaning that you will no longer chart the course of your own fate in the collective, because this will be done by those who exercise total power and control over you. In this way, every one of you will be a servant and slave of authorities, public bodies and governments, or of those people in power and their vassals who possess power in this respect. Still, in the early part of the third millennium, there might be time for you human beings of Earth to prevent this if you would unify as humanity and rise up against these threatening future machinations of governments and the scientists and technicians who obey them, in order to prevent the threat named in this regard from occurring. Overpopulation on Earth, it must be said again and again, will continue to rise due to the senselessness and the irresponsibility of your humanity of Earth. However, this also happens due to the machinations of governments, their authorities and public bodies which promote offspring and act with equal levels of irresponsibility, as well as the sectarian stupidities of the Catholic church, which can indeed be called criminal and unlawful, or else those of the pope, clerics and priests who are misteaching the Go forth and multiply as a deceitful law of God. As a result, there will be ever more human beings who will have less and less space in which to live, and this space will become so small that you will end up by trampling one another to death. And you will move about more and more, spilling over the boundaries of your home country and leaving it, thereby dying, although very many of you will also travel the world aimlessly with the consequence that you will intermix and form liaisons more and more, leading to increasing numbers of families being torn apart and more and more mixed-race peoples arising, whilst pure peoples disappear to an increasing extent. As a result, however, you will become more and more foreign to one another, with the consequence that more and more hatred and enmities will arise, which will in turn lead to ever more conflicts between individuals and ultimately to death, manslaughter, criminality and wars with destructions full of Gewalt. Therefore, many of you will lapse into depravity, meaning that you will lose your own guidance, spread in all directions and go from one misfortune to the next. And as a result of the religions, sects, ideologies and philosophies that have lapsed into falseness and lying as well as deception and untruthfulness, you human beings of Earth are initially going even further astray and following the creational laws and recommendations even less, in order to live far from them and not to adhere to them. And indeed it will take a long time because this is the way that people act and you only want to guide your life according to your own laws, completely beyond the laws and recommendations as they have been given through the Creation that anchored everything in ancient times in the nature and the entire existence of the universe. In the way that you disregard and scorn the creational laws and recommendations, it will also be that you tread the natural guidance of nature into the ground to such an extent that women only continue to give birth to offspring whose sex has been determined in advance through selective precautions taken during conception, which will increasingly no longer be performed in a natural way, but artificially. It will also be the case and become the norm that in the case of natural conceptions, the embryo in the womb will be unscrupulously killed for no vital reason if its sex does not correspond to the wish of the mother or the father. In future time, it will be the case that very many of you human beings of Earth will think yourselves as Creation itself (in your religious, sectarian sense as God). The powerful ones of all kinds amongst you will seize ever more land and property and other belongings for themselves, including women, whom they will keep as prostitutes or as objects of prestige. Whereas the powerful ones amongst you will increasingly view the poor and weak as subhuman and as vermin, and will treat them accordingly, so that you who belong to this class will increasingly live in fear and the hatred in you will assume its most poisonous forms. However, all the items named here only represent the start, because in secret there is a mighty organisation of the governing class and powerful people as well as many of their obedient lackeys emerging from amongst your humanity, who are creating a secret order of darkness with their own evil laws and ordinances, who are bent on hatred for the poor and weak and against the economically imprisoned and all normal citizens. And it is their desire to seize ever more power, more money and entire mastery over the whole Earth and your humanity for themselves, therefore it is spreading their evil supremacy over the world, supported by its obedient


What is announced comprehensively for the third millennium prophetically and predictively vassals of all kinds who are greedy for blood as well as profit. Even the powerful ones of the economy are feeling the might and obeying the evil laws of the dark order which is spreading its dangerous and fatal poison of hatred everywhere, into everything and against everyone who does not share the same opinion as the dark power. Therefore, you human beings of Earth are no longer active to any great extent, but take the path of idleness with an empty expression in your eyes, knowing not what you should do and where you should go, because you have nothing else to do that brings you joy and a good reward. And you human beings of Earth, both young and old, are the ones who can no longer set down any roots in your life, you wander, demoralized and hopeless, bereft of work and home, with the result that you fight yourselves in all things and you hate your present existence, to the extent of finally bringing it to an end yourself as has already been the case to an increasing extent since the twentieth century and will become ever more widespread in future. Therefore, with the third millennium, this time has already dawned in which these things have quickly found their beginning and will develop ever more rapidly the longer they persist. As a result, the number of diseases and plagues is increasing, as is the number of illnesses that severely impair drinking water and bodies of water because of poisons of various kinds, as well as the air, soil and foodstuffs which grow on trees and bushes as well as in fields, woods, gardens and greenhouses. And still your efforts to counteract all the disasters are in vain, as are your attempts to put a brake on this development, because it is becoming greater and greater and more catastrophic with every day, indeed with every hour and every minute, standing in relation to the rapid increase in overpopulation. Therefore, you human beings of Earth want to resurrect all that has been destroyed so far because of your guilt and lack of rationality as well as irresponsibility, just as you want to keep what has remained whole, all your efforts in this direction are in vain because you do not come to the right conclusion in rationality. And the correct decision is plainly and simply that a global birth control must radically stop overpopulation and, in this way, your earthly humanity be reduced to an extent that is appropriate for the planet and for nature, in which case this extent has been defined in accordance with nature and the planet for the whole Earth at 529 million people. Through your senselessness, you human beings of Earth, the rainforests are dying ever faster, resulting in extensive deserts being created at an ever increasing speed, whilst the glaciers and poles are melting resulting in increasing sea levels swallowing up valuable land, meaning that millions of you will be driven from your homes and your land which you used to be able to cultivate. Besides this, ever more powerful thunderstorms will rage, starting many fires and killing many of you as well your livestock, whilst ever more severe flash floods of water will fall from the clouds like veritable deluges destroying and flooding everything, and exacting many deaths. This will occur at the same as droughts parch the land in other places, destroying woods, villages, towns and your homes with vast fires. Through all this and due to the exhaust emissions from chimneys, factories and engines of all kinds which emit particulates and CO2, the air will be increasingly charged with smoke and poisonous emissions as well as with radioactivity, biotoxins and chemicals, resulting in many of you human beings becoming ill and dying. And furthermore, mighty earthquakes and undersea earthquakes will shake Earth, in ever-increasing magnitude, destroying entire cities and razing them to the ground, just like many other things will be destroyed that have been built through senselessness and will continue to be built although the prophetic and predictive warning has been spoken against them. In this way, landslides and mudslides, etc. will bury homes and villages whilst in other places tectonic movements, underground mining, cavities and watercourses will rend Earth's surface asunder, causing homes and other buildings to sink into the ground. You human beings of Earth, however, choose not to learn from this because you are obstinate and do not want to hear the prophetic and predictive warnings. And in this stubbornness many impoverished and poor people as well as shady characters amongst you will increasingly degenerate, therefore the plunder will assume ever worsening forms, in particular wherever others of you human beings are in need, fleeing their homes and having to leave their property behind. Just like the sun is shining dangerously already at the beginning of the third millennium because the ozone layer around Earth has been seriously damaged and permeated, the sun will in future burn Earth even more and bring great harm to the entire world and all forms of life, including to you human beings who will increasingly suffer from skin cancer and severe eye complaints, etc. However, it is not


What is announced comprehensively for the third millennium prophetically and predictively only the sun that will bring great harm to your earthly humanity and the planet, but undersea volcanoes will cause great destruction and boil the waters of the seas leading to the death of very many more of the water-dwelling life forms that have not already been exterminated by you human beings. During these submarine and also underground movements, forces will be unleashed that will cause certain continents or part of them to disappear under water. However, all of this contributes to the situation that you are like humiliated dogs in your deceptive belief in religions and sects, shivering in the error of your deluded beliefs that God is punishing the world for your misdeeds, although you do not recognize that everything bad and all the catastrophes have been and will be caused exclusively and solely through your own guilt, in which case the ever more rampant overpopulation represents the principal reason for all evil degeneracies. The sects that have arisen from all religions, ideologies and philosophies will in future become ever more greedy, sneaky, scrupulous and aggressive, at the same time misusing modern science and the Internet for their criminal and irresponsible purposes. In this way, they are using everything that is criminal and unlawful, and even suicidal and murderous as well as terrorist machinations belong to the deceitful message of salvation by means of which new disciples and believers are led astray and made obedient. The religions, sects, ideologies and false philosophies disseminate like poisonous and dangerous viruses which adapt to their changing environment and they tie their nets in an ever more perfidious way with regard to super-modern electronic soul-catching, using ever more modern means, continuously attracting more and more academics and other educated people amongst you and placing them under their spell. And a further disaster, that more and more academics and other highly educated people are being recruited as sect members is due to the fact that you attempt to satisfy your delusion through them, which consists in the cloning of animals and people in accordance with your notions and wishes because you want to have once again what you have lost and are losing through death. And you are doing this whilst at the same time in free nature, in the air, the soil, on the ground and in the waters, you are exterminating species after species and breed after breed of life in an irresponsible way, irrespective of the flimsy reasons for doing this. In this way, you are raising yourselves up to the most evil of all evils while deluding yourself that you are good and Creation itself, which you completely fail to recognise due to your religious and sectarian delusions, and wrongly believe it to be a divinity. Ever more fear, poison and hopelessness will envelop you human beings of Earth, and even your children will be afflicted by this when they are set upon by their parents or slave traders, sexually abused, tortured, thrashed and sold. Therefore, however, fear, poison and hopelessness will also threaten the consciousness development of many of you, meaning that you will become apathetic and devoid of rationality. Indeed, there is nothing astonishing about this, because you human beings are being forced ever further away from the truth by false, misleading and irresponsible religions, sects, ideologies and philosophies, as a result of which fewer and fewer of you will recognise the effective truth of creational laws and recommendations, and therefore ever fewer of you will follow them. Therefore, the change to the better, for good and the best will take a long time because only when the bulk of your earthly humanity aspires for it will the great change come to the real learning of the real truth and for acting in this way. For the moment, however, you human beings of Earth believe yourselves to be God and do not know that this is only a figure of delusion invented by human beings which has nothing to do with the effective, all-embracing Creation or with the universal consciousness. And still for a long time you will not recognise that you are no more and no less than you were at your birth: small, a human being, unknowing and helpless without the effects of creational laws and recommendations. And since you do not yet recognise this fact, you believe yourself to be a divinity, to have might over life and death, and therefore you create, cultivate and cherish evil, wage wars, thirst for revenge, retribution and blood, you allow yourselves to be guided by jealousy and rage and, whenever the opportunity presents itself, you reach out for might, profit and material wealth. At the same time, you do not realise that you are destroying everything around you in your blind rage and thereby accepting the total destruction of the planet and all forms of life, together with yourselves, and you are unstoppably and vastly promoting this on the Earth through limitless cultivation of


What is announced comprehensively for the third millennium prophetically and predictively overpopulation. Therefore, it can be said of you human beings of Earth that you are stunted in your consciousness, in your rationality and in your intellect. On the other hand, however, you possess the forces of a giant in all your lack of intellect, in your irrationality, in your hatred, in your bellicosity and disharmony and also in your urge for revenge, retribution, addiction to war and rage as well as in your destructive compulsiveness. And in this way you are taking huge steps in your present existence and into the future of the third millennium, steps which are leading you completely astray so you do not know which path you now should follow, although you have filled your heads with all kinds of book learning which does not bring you any cognition with regard to life and Creation as well as its laws and recommendations. Therefore you do not know why you are living and dying at all, because the world of Creation-conditioned growing and decay is as strange to you as the effective creational truth itself, so that you merely curse about your life in ignorance, then return to wailing and waving your arms like lunatics. You fanatics amongst the believers in religions, sects, ideologies and philosophies many Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists as well as believers in their sects you are continuously increasing in enmity with one another, you set about one another, practice terrorist acts and cut one another's throats, assassinate people with bombs and even wage war in your own families and ranks. In doing so, you are all caught up in your own religious and sectarian delusion, namely that your belief is the only right one and that you must defend it with human blood, whereas in fact you are far away from the real truth and do not know the creational laws and recommendations. Therefore, thanks to your efforts, death makes progress everywhere, whilst you stand opposed to the effective creational truth with your doubts, and regard it as an evil might. In so doing, however, you will be excluded from human life and be without rights, those of you who have nothing else to sell for your delusion than your own life, which you throw away in suicidal acts. And you are cast out and expelled by all those who are not with you and who want peace, security and calm, in which case your threats and snarling will not bring you any benefit. Although you hear about the prophecies and predictions, in your religious and sectarian blindness you are, however, unable to recognize the effective truth, therefore you only vegetate in your own barbarity, and continue to spread death and destruction. And many amongst you human beings of Earth, you close your own eyes to this because you incorrectly believe that you are safe whilst, however, fear and suspicion gnaws away inside you and pursues you step by step, so that you have neither rest nor repose. Truly, it will take about another 800 years before you human beings of Earth finally wake up and until the majority of you slowly make an effort to give the creational truth and the laws of Creation and its recommendations their right. Only after this time will the Goblet of Truth or the teaching of the true prophets as well as the spiritual teaching and the teaching of truth, the teaching of spirit, the teaching of life slowly begin to bear fruit. Only then will you human beings learn to establish good interpersonal and true personal relationships with one another, to understand one another and then finally live in truth, peace, love, freedom and harmony. Only then will it come about that your earthly humanity will become united, a oneness in which case the best language will be chosen from all the languages of all peoples in order to make this into a single and uniform global language, although all other languages of all peoples will be retained. And through this world language, every person will be able to understand the other, irrespective of which people he or she belongs to. And this will then be the time when you human beings of Earth will fly through the broad expanse of space in an effective way, creating new living spaces for yourselves. And this will be both on alien worlds in the depths of the universe, as well as in and under the waters of Earth, on the moon and in Earth orbit. And this will therefore also be the time that you human beings will become taller in general and achieve a very ripe age, communicating peacefully with one another, being friendly and helpful to one another. Also true and good knowledge will grow amongst you human beings, and you will gain and discover more and more and larger and larger secrets of life as well as the creational laws, secrets of the present existence and the universe. From this, you will learn, understand and follow everything, growing ever more in line with the creational laws and recommendations, understanding, using, learning and following them. However, this is not the merit of you men, but of you women who take up the staff of leadership and of dignity and steer the situation of you human beings of Earth, because your womanly intelligence and your sense of love, peace, freedom, human dignity, equality and


What is announced comprehensively for the third millennium prophetically and predictively harmony are directed in this way and stop the affectations of you men with regard to war, Gewalt and many kinds of degeneracy. Therefore, after all the millennia of evil, degeneracy, Gewalt-acts, disharmony, lovelessness, lack of freedom and lack of peace, womanhood will radiate hope and happiness as well as the lightness of life in which now all dreams come true that are oriented towards true love, peace, freedom and harmony and yet it will take a long time until then because the path out of barbarity and into the good future is a long and tortuous one. And yet you will find the regulation again, together with Earth, with your climate, nature, your woods and plants and the waters which will once again be pure and healthy, the desert areas that will once again be awakened into life, because everything will once again be directed in accordance with creational laws and recommendations and their fulfilment. And in this way, in the restored regulation, you will heal diseases and prevent plagues before they occur, and each of you will know how to help yourself as well as how to help your neighbours. The entire change to the better, for good and the best which you women of Earth will achieve, will also end the poverty of many of you human beings of Earth, because the wisdom and kindheartedness of women will mean that they will be cared for from now on in oy and true humanity, and there will no longer merely be a taking and demanding something back. And therefore now each of you human beings will be there for your neighbours and also for other fellow human beings in good interpersonal relationships, therefore loneliness will no longer exist and you will recognise and accept one another as human beings without conceit with regard to belonging to a particular people, the colour of one's skin, one's opinion, language or the status of knowledge and education. Truly, all this goodness is so near to you if only you knew how to grasp it, understand and use it, which is something that you cannot yet do however, and therefore goodness is so near and yet so far from you because you first need to find the right path to it as has been laid down for you in the creational laws and recommendations that you can read and follow in free nature. You human beings of Earth, you are however mistakenly directed in your thoughts and feelings so that you will first have to suffer great damage and fall into chaos and catastrophes before you turn to the effective truth and follow it. Therefore, you need an iron fist to guide you, and you can find this in the Goblet of Truth, in the teaching of the prophets and therefore also in the spiritual teaching which is the teaching of truth, the teaching of spirit, the teaching of life as has been given over billions of years, brought forth by Nokodemion, carried to Earth from a far-off galaxy and taught by seven prophet personalities from his line of spirit-form. And this teaching of the prophets, teaches that you do not need to fear death because you have many lives, and therefore you will learn from the Goblet of Truth and the spiritual teaching or the teaching of truth, the teaching of spirit, the teaching of life and become knowing in the things that go round life and death. And so you will also be knowing of the creational and natural laws and recommendations which teach you that your spirit will never cease to exist, but will continue to exist endlessly and ultimately will unite with Creation, the universal consciousness. Semjase Silver Star Center, 20 August 2008, 5:39 p.m. Billy


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Where are you going humanity?


Where are you going humanity?

IMPORTANT NOTE This is an unofficial but authorised translation of a FIGU publication. Please read this important information regarding translations An Important Message for the Reader of this Document / Eine wichtige Nachricht an den Leser dieser Schrift [1] We (Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg of www.gaiaguys.net [2]) have been given permission by Billy Meier (www.figu.org [3]) to make these unofficial, preliminary translations of FIGU material. Please be advised that our translations may contain errors. Please read this [4] explanatory word about our translations.

Prophecy Translation
English Where are you going humanity? The following article, regarding overpopulation, climate destruction, the energy problem and all the other problems of terrestrial humanity resulting from that, was already written on September 16th, 1964 in Kabul, Afghanistan and sent to diverse governments and newspapers in Europe: German Quo vadis humanitas? Folgender Artikel in bezug auf die berbevlkerung, die Klimazerstrung, das Energieproblem und alle sonstig daraus resultierenden Probleme der irdischen Menschheit wurde bereits am 16. September 1964 in Kabul/Afghanistan geschrieben und an diverse Regierungen und Zeitungen in Europa gesandt:

Quo vadis humanitas? [(Latin) Where are you going humanity?] Quo vadis humanitas? The time of revolutionizing events, of the breaking through of the new era, already began in 1844. This new era, which exists in the sign of Aquarius, testifies to events that ceaselessly roll over worlds and universes. Once again the new era provides testimony to the unlimited omnipotence of Creation, because it is BEING - and being is all its Creation. Yet quo vadis, humanitas - where are you going, humanity human, you most magnificent creation of Creation! You hasten into emptiness into a dark, deadly corruption without return. You fall into darkness, where the demons of darkness, gnashing their teeth and grinning diabolically, smite you with their claw-like hooves - humanity -, in order to obliterate you and crush you with the pitiless and fatally pummeling fist of a giant - the fist of your self-engendered fate -, the gigantic and vengeful fist of your irrationality, which demands an account from you, which you, however, cannot render because your life was not led by its meaning - because your life was lies and deceit - filled up with hate, greed, lust and addiction, with murder, war and other crimes and acts of violence. You have lived your life which was granted for the solving of lifes tasks, yet not in the sense of the creational-natural laws and commandments. Die Zeit der umwlzenden Ereignisse, des Einbrechens der neuen Zeitaera, hat bereits 1844 begonnen. Diese neue Aera, die im Zeichen des Wassermannes steht, zeugt vom Geschehen, das endlos ber die Welten und Universen rollt. Die neue Aera legt abermals Zeugnis ab von der unbeschrnkten Allmacht der Schpfung, denn sie ist SEIN und Sein ist all ihre Schpfung.

Doch quo vadis, humanitas wo gehst du hin, Menschheit Mensch, du herrlichste Schpfung der Schpfung! Du eilst ins Leere in ein lichtloses, tdliches Verderben ohne Wiederkehr.

Du wirst hineinfallen in das Dunkel, wo die Dmonen der Finsternis zhnefletschend und diabolisch grinsend mit ihren krallenbewehrten Klauen nach dir schlagen werden Menschheit , um dich auszulschen und zu zermalmen mit der erbarmungslos und tdlich zuschlagenden Faust eines Giganten die Faust deines selbst erzeugten Schicksals , die gigantische und rchende Faust deiner eigenen Unvernunft, die Rechenschaft von dir fordert, die du aber nicht ablegen kannst, denn dein Leben war nicht nach seinem Sinn denn dein Leben war Lug und Trug , angefllt mit Hass, Gier, Lust und Sucht, mit Mord, Krieg und anderen Verbrechen und Gewalttaten.

Du hast dein zur Lsung der Lebensaufgabe geschenktes Leben gelebt, doch nicht im Sinne der schpferisch-natrlichen Gesetze und Gebote.

Where are you going humanity?

Du hast die wahre Liebe, des Lebens Gte und all die Gesetze der Schpfung und ihrer Natur schmhlich getreten und in den Schmutz gestossen, whrend die darin verankerte Grossmut dein teuflisches Tun traurig entgegennahm und dir immer und immer wieder eine letzte Chance zuspielte, dich doch noch mit der Zeit der wahren Liebe und Treue zu erinnern und zurckzufinden zu den schpferisch-natrlichen Gesetzmssigkeiten. Doch jede einzelne Chance hast du bewusst missachtet und schmhlich in den Schmutz getreten denn du wolltest dein eigenes Leben leben.

You have shamefully trampled, and thrown into the dirt, true love, life's goodness and all the laws of Creation and its nature, while the generosity which is anchored within it sadly accepts your diabolical deeds and again and again always gives you one last chance for you to indeed, still, with time, remember true love and loyalty and find your way back to the creational-natural laws. Yet you have consciously disregarded every single chance and shamefully trampled it in the dirt - because you want to live your own life. A life of selfishness, desire and greed - a life of hate, arrogance, greed for power, and war - distant from the true laws of life. Nevertheless, this avenges itself in the present time of revolutionizing events - and this great time is now, as well as in the near and more distant future. Yet, humanity, what do you undertake to be able to confront this great and new time, and therefore: Quo vadis, humanitas - where are you going, humanity? This question, however, "quo vadis, humanitas", concerns not only the great mass of humanity. No, the question of whereto concerns primarily the individual, because all the many individuals constitute humanity, the humanitas of this twilight world - the world of disharmony and of darkness, the world of the diabolical and the demonic. You, human as an individual: the question, "Where are you going?" primarily concerns you, because you have strayed onto the path of ruin, onto the way of disharmony with nature and the creational laws. You have strayed on the path of death into a bottomless chasm which lurks, full of unbelievable terrors and deadly corruption, in order to rip you in its claws, dripping with blood, and crush you pitilessly. The bony clawed fist of the avenging giant - irrationality and stupidity - rips you out of your creating life and throws you into the abyss of the all-corrupting destruction. Yet the creational-natural laws give you one last effective chance: you, humanity, and you, individual human of this Earth, to be able to protect you from the torturous end which the revolutionizing events already bring in the present time and will also bring in the coming time. Human of the Earth, you still have one real last final chance which you can grasp in order to still prevent the worst, but consider that in a short time it will be too late because after that there will be howling and chattering of teeth as it has been conveyed since ancient times. And the portents of these new times, described millennia ago, already bear witness, in all kinds of eerily increasing catastrophes, that the time of the fulfillment of the prophecies has come and that the revolutions can no longer be stopped, rather they can only still be alleviated in their worst form.

Ein Leben in Selbstsucht, Lust und Gier ein Leben in Hass, Hoffart, Machtgier und Krieg fern der wahren Gesetze des Lebens. Doch dies rcht sich in der gegenwrtigen Zeit der umwlzenden Ereignisse und diese grosse Zeit ist jetzt sowie in nchster und fernerer Zukunft.

Doch Menschheit, was unternimmst du, um dieser grossen und neuen Zeit entgegentreten zu knnen, und darum: Quo vadis, humanitas wo gehst du hin, Menschheit? Diese Frage jedoch, quo vadis, humanitas, sie betrifft nicht nur die Menschheit der grossen Masse. Nein, die Frage nach dem Wohin betrifft hauptschlich den einzelnen, denn all die vielen einzelnen bilden die Menschheit, die Humanitas dieser Zwielichtwelt die Welt der Disharmonie und der Finsternis, die Welt des Diabolischen und Dmonischen. Mensch als einzelner, dich betrifft die Frage hauptschlich Wo gehst du hin?, denn du irrst auf dem Pfade des Verderbens, auf dem Weg der Disharmonie mit der Natur und den schpferischen Gesetzmssigkeiten.

Du irrst auf dem Pfade des Todes in einen bodenlosen Abgrund, der voll unglaublicher Schrecken und tdlichen Verderbens auf dich lauert, um dich in seine bluttriefenden Klauen zu reissen und dich erbarmungslos zu zermalmen.

Die kncherne Krallenfaust des sich rchenden Giganten Unvernunft und Unverstand reisst dich aus deinem schpfenden Leben und wirft dich in den Schlund der alles verderbenden Zerstrung. Noch geben dir die schpferisch-natrlichen Gesetze eine letzte effective Chance; dir, Menschheit, und dir, einzelner Mensch dieser Erde, um dich vor dem qualvollen Ende bewahren zu knnen, das die umwlzenden Ereignisse bereits zur gegenwrtigen wie auch zur kommenden Zeit bringen.

Mensch der Erde, noch hast du eine wirklich allerletzte Chance, die du ergreifen kannst, um das Schlimmste noch zu verhten, doch bedenke, dass es in kurzer Zeit zu spt sein wird, denn nachher wird sein Heulen und Zhneklappern, wie es von alters her bermittelt ist.

Und die ber Jahrtausende hinweg beschriebenen Vorboten dieser neuen Zeit, die bereits ins Unheimliche anwachsenden Katastrophen aller Art zeugen davon, dass die Zeit der Erfllung der Prophetien gekommen ist und dass sich die Umwlzungen nicht mehr aufhalten, sondern in ihren schlimmsten Formen nur noch mildern lassen.

Where are you going humanity?

So sind auch die berlieferten Prophezeiungen der Zeichen am Himmel Wirklichkeit geworden, denn seit Jahren werden diese zu allen Tag- und Nachtstunden und in aller Herren Lnder gesehen und beobachtet, leider jedoch oft falsch ausgelegt und lcherlich gemacht.

So the conveyed prophecies of the signs in the sky have also become reality, because for years these have been seen and observed at all hours of the day and night and in all sovereign countries, however, unfortunately, they are often misinterpreted and made ridiculous. But they are the signs of the time; balls of fire, radiation explosions in the atmosphere, earth-electromagnetic atmospheric phenomena, strange clouds, and hazy apparitions which appear, in their hundreds, like small flying objects. Yet also beamships appear - respectively spaceships from planets foreign to Earth - which are steered by humans foreign to Earth, who come here in order to indirectly intervene in the matters of terrestrial humanity through an announcer and his teachings of the spirit, as well as through the teachings of the truth and through the teachings of life in the evolutionary events of the consciousness and the deeds, behavior and effects of terrestrial humanity as they pertain to the evolution of consciousness, because the need demands it, because the Earth human, with his still restricted consciousness, forces the basic and component elements of nature and life into reaction, to, in this way - in his insanity - destroy myriad forms of life and the Earth's climate. Therefore I raise my voice - because I know the future - and scream out a warning to the whole of the Earth's humanity; a warning which is based on the present events which, to an evil extent, will carry on further into the future. The time has already come in which, in the whole world, through the fault of humanity, the climatic conditions blatantly begin to change, which will also take effect into the future with all kinds of extreme storms. Everything is already formed in such a way that uncountable human lives, which go into the hundreds of thousands and the millions, are to lament and will be to lament further on. Also monstrous destruction of all human acquisitions extends ever further; destruction of mountains through avalanches as a consequence of the thawing of permafrost, and, through volcanism large parts of mountains explode away, which, as mud slides, collapse into valleys, destroy everything, annihilate entire villages and towns and cost many human lives. Glaciers melt away worldwide just as do the masses of ice of the Arctic and Antarctic. The world's climate rapidly warms which leads to monstrous revolutions in the climate which bring with them great waves of heat and cold, blasts of fire as well as droughts, floods, snowstorms and hailstorms. Earthquakes and seaquakes will appear ever more frequently as well as the resulting enormous tsunamis on the oceans and seas, which lead to further devastating destruction of human acquisitions and of landscapes as well as to mass deaths of humans. Monstrous material damage to the land, houses and all kinds of buildings comes about - to streets, railways, wild brooks, brooks in fields, rivers and seas.

Es sind aber die Zeichen der Zeit, Feuerblle, Strahlenexplosionen in der Atmosphre, erdelektromagnetisch-atmosphrische Phnomene, seltsame Gewlke und dunstmssige Erscheinungen, die zu Hunderten wie kleine Flugobjekte erscheinen. Doch es erscheinen auch Strahlschiffe resp. Weltraumschiffe von erdfremden Planeten, die von erdfremden Menschen gelenkt werden, die herkommen, um indirekt durch einen Knder und dessen Lehre des Geistes sowie durch die Lehre der Wahrheit und durch die Lehre des Lebens in das bewusstseinsmssige Evolutionsgeschehen und in das bewusstseinsevolutive Tun, Handeln und Wirken der irdischen Menschheit einzugreifen, weil es die Not erfordert, weil der Mensch der Erde mit seinem noch beschrnkten Bewusstsein die Grund- und Bauelemente der Natur und des Lebens zur Reaktion zwingt, um so in seinem Irrsinn myriadenfaches Leben und das Klima der Erde zu zerstren.

Daher erhebe ich meine Stimme weil ich die Zukunft kenne und schreie eine Warnung hinaus an die gesamte Menschheit der Erde; eine Warnung, die auf den gegenwrtigen Geschehen beruht, die sich in blem Masse weiter in die Zukunft tragen. Bereits ist die Zeit gekommen, zu der sich in der ganzen Welt die klimatischen Bedingungen durch des Menschen Schuld krass zu verndern beginnen, was sich auch in die Zukunft hinein mit extremen Unwettern aller Art auswirken wird. Alles ist bereits derart geartet, dass unzhlbare Menschenleben, die in die Hundertausende und in die Millionen gehen, zu beklagen sind und weiterhin zu beklagen sein werden. Auch ungeheure Zerstrungen an allen menschlichen Errungenschaften weiten sich immer mehr aus, Zerstrungen an Bergen durch Bergstrze infolge des Auftauens des Permafrostes, und durch Vulkanismus werden grosse Teile von Bergen weggesprengt, die als Schlammlawinen ins Tal strzen, alles zerstren, ganze Drfer und Stdte vernichten und viele Menschenleben kosten.

Weltweit schmelzen die Gletscher ebenso dahin wie auch die Eismassen der Arktis und Antarktis. Rapide erwrmt sich das Weltklima, was zu ungeheuren Klimaumwlzungen fhrt, die grosse Hitze- und Kltewellen, Feuersbrnste sowie Drren, berschwemmungen, Schnee- und Hagelstrme mit sich bringen.

Immer hufiger treten Erdbeben und Seebeben in Erscheinung sowie daraus hervorgehend gewaltige Tsunamis auf den Meeren und Seen, was zu weiteren verheerenden Zerstrungen menschlicher Errungenschaften und an Landschaften sowie zu Massentoden von Menschen fhrt.

Es entstehen ungeheure materielle Schden an Land, Husern und an allerlei Gebuden, an Strassen, Eisenbahnwegen, Wildbchen, Flurbchen, Flssen und Seen.

Where are you going humanity?

Und immer mehr Menschenleben werden durch diese klimabedingten Umwlzungen und Unwetter zu beklagen sein, denn die rapide und sich steigernde Klimaerwrmung und Klimavernderung verndert die gesamte Natur und die Meeresstrmungen, die gewaltige Umwlzungen hervorrufen.

And there will be more and more human lives to lament through these climatically-conditioned revolutions and storms because the rapid and increasing warming of the climate and climate change alters the entirety of nature and the oceans' currents, which evokes enormous revolutions.

Also the entire animal world changes, whereby many mutations Auch die gesamte Tierwelt verndert sich, wobei viele Mutationen entstehen, emerge - and indeed with many creatures as well as with the und zwar bei vielem Getier wie auch bei der Pflanzenwelt und beim Menschen, world of plants and with humans - for which overpopulation quite bei dem ganz besonders die berbevlkerung Schuld an allem trgt. especially carries blame for everything. This is namely the greatest of all evils on the Earth, because the further, and increasingly faster, it grows, the greater, more comprehensive and insoluble become the resulting problems. These exist in all areas, therefore in medicine, in the vanishing drinking water, in the inexhaustible consumption of energy as well as in constantly increasing worldwide terrorism. Diese nmlich ist das allergrsste bel auf der Erde, denn je weiter und immer schneller diese wchst, desto grsser, umfangreicher und unlsbarer werden alle daraus resultierenden Probleme. Diese bestehen in allen Bereichen, also sowohl in der Medizin, im schwindenden Trinkwasser, im unerschpflichen Verbrauch von Energie sowie im stetig sich mehrenden weltweiten Terrorismus.

In addition to that come wars which are plotted by criminal Dazu kommen die Kriege, die durch verbrecherische Staatsmchtige angezettelt powerful ones of the state, but also family tragedies which assume werden, wie aber auch die Familientragdien, die immer schlimmere Formen ever worse forms and also increase. annehmen und sich auch mehren. But the climbing problems also occur as a result of the pollution of the air, the water and the environment, the growing criminality and climbing wrongdoing, as well as, however, in regard to the softening of the humans in regard to general health, the consciousness, the psyche and the body. Further to name, with humans, is the blatant climbing indifference in regard to one's own and strangers' lives, as well as the constantly increasing coldness of feelings and the disappearance of interest in regard to good interpersonal relationships. Also, useful leisure activities belong to the problems which can no longer be overcome, because instead of one pursuing a thing like that, still only pleasures and idleness are sought out and maintained. Also, inevitably from that, the brutalization of humans increases against fellow humans, nature and fauna and flora. Humans become ever more susceptible to the allergies and diseases which attack them, to degenerations of the sexual life, to psychic degenerations, to depressions and suicide, to psychopathic and paranoid moods, from which murder and mass murder as well as the abuse of fellow humans result, which are ever more carried out by youth, because their entire upbringing has comprehensively failed in every respect. Die steigenden Probleme ergeben sich aber auch durch die Luft- und Gewssersowie Umgebungsverschmutzung, durch die wachsende Kriminalitt und die steigenden Verbrechen, wie aber auch hinsichtlich der allgemeinen gesundheitlichen, bewusstseinsmssigen, psychischen und krperlichen Verweichlichung des Menschen. Weiter ist auch die beim Menschen krass steigende Gleichgltigkeit gegenber dem eigenen und fremdem Leben zu nennen, wie auch die stetig zunehmende Gefhlsklte und das Schwinden des Interesses in bezug auf gute zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen. Auch nutzvolle Freizeitbeschftigungen gehren zu den nicht mehr zu bewltigenden Problemen, denn statt einer solchen nachzugehen, wird nur noch das Vergngen und der Mssiggang gesucht und gepflegt.

Zwangslufig steigert sich daraus auch die Verrohung des Menschen gegen die Mitmenschen, die Natur und Fauna und Flora. Die Menschen werden immer anflliger fr sie befallende Allergien und Krankheiten, fr Ausartungen des Sexuallebens, fr psychische Ausartungen, fr Depressionen und Selbstmorde, fr psychopathische und paranoide Anwandlungen, aus denen heraus Morde und Massenmorde sowie das Misshandeln von Mitmenschen resultieren, die immer mehr durch Jugendliche ausgefhrt werden, weil ihre ganze Erziehung in jeder Beziehung vollumfnglich versagt.

Cowardly humans increasingly appear who throw their lives away Immer mehr treten feige Menschen in Erscheinung, die ihr Leben wegwerfen, because they have become incapable of bearing pain and suffering weil sie unfhig geworden sind, Schmerz und Leid zu ertragen und das Leben and ending their lives with a natural death. durch ein natrliches Sterben zu beenden. Quo vadis humanitas? Human of the Earth, you engender havoc to an unimagined extent for the planet and for all life, and the destruction evoked by you in nature and in life draws across the entire world and evokes enormous damage, destruction as well as need and misery. Quo vadis humanitas? Mensch der Erde, du erzeugst fr den Planeten und fr alles Leben Unheil in ungeahntem Ausmass, und die durch dich in der Natur und am Leben hervorgerufenen Zerstrungen ziehen ber die ganze Welt hinweg und rufen riesige Schden, Zerstrungen sowie Not und Elend hervor.

Where are you going humanity?

Wildbche und Flurbche werden zu reissenden Flssen, Flsse werden zu tobenden Strmen, whrend wilde Wasser ber alle Ufer treten und ungeheure berschwemmungen hervorrufen, die alles Land verwsten, zahllose menschliche Errungenschaften und Existenzen zerstren und zusammen mit anderen Katastrophen Hundertausende und Millionen von Menschenleben kosten. Auch, wie schon erwhnt, ereignen sich urweltliche Vulkanausbrche, nebst ungeheuer extremen Erd- und Seebeben, wobei all die Katastrophen immer schlimmer werden und letztlich nicht mehr aufgehalten werden knnen.

Wild brooks and brooks running through fields become rapid rivers, rivers become raging currents, while wild waters overstep all banks and evoke monstrous floods which devastate all land, destroy countless human acquisitions and existences and, together with other catastrophes, cost hundreds of thousands, and millions, of human lives. Also, as already mentioned, primeval volcanic eruptions occur, next to monstrous, extreme earthquakes and seaquakes, whereby all the catastrophes become ever worse and finally can no longer be stopped. Everything still happens in small measures, but already from the 1970s, everything will climb in such a way, in the next decades, that, already towards the end of the Twentieth Century, everything will degenerate abnormally. But in no way does that signify the end of the worldwide catastrophes released through the fault of humans, because, starting with the advent of the new millennium, nature will rebel even more violently against the environment-destroying insanity of the Earth humans and will reach an extent which compares to the primeval times of the Earth. If the coming events and catastrophes, which break out over the Earth, the climate and humanity, are considered and analyzed, then it is clear and distinct to recognize that singly and alone the entire blame is borne by the Earth human and indeed, as already explained, through the incessantly growing overpopulation, from which all problems come about which can no longer be overcome in simple frameworks, rather only still through worldwide radical and rigorous laws and their observance. The blame for the coming havoc and chaos, as well as for the catastrophes, comes basically from the enormous mass of humanity, also when pathologically stupid and irresponsible know-it-alls and scientists assert the opposite. Overpopulation alone is the factor in all evil, and indeed with the shortage of energy and drinking water as well as in regard to the destruction of nature and the environment and well as the warming of the climate. If an existing problem of this or some other kind, as stipulated by overpopulation, was tackled and a solution was found and realized, then, during the time when the solution became realized, the entire thing would be overtaken by newly emerging problems of the same or different form because the world population, respectively overpopulation, would increase by further hundreds of millions of humans during the time in which the solution became realised, whereby the solution which had been worked out would be negated and would be overtaken by the same kind of new problems. Also asylum seeker, neo-nazi and extremist entities, ethnic migration, worldwide terrorism and new wars will spread out and create dissent, need and misery and other new, big problems.

Noch geschieht alles in kleinem Masse, doch schon ab den 1970er Jahren wird sich in den nchsten Jahrzehnten alles derart steigern, dass gegen Ende des Zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts bereits alles ungewhnlich ausartet.

Doch das bedeutet dann in keiner Weise das Ende der durch des Menschen Schuld ausgelsten weltweiten Katastrophen, denn wenn erst das neue Jahrtausend Einzug gehalten hat, wird sich die Natur noch gewaltiger gegen den umweltzerstrenden Wahnsinn des Menschen der Erde aufbumen und ein Mass erreichen, das den urweltlichen Zeiten der Erde gleichkommt.

Werden die kommenden Geschehen und Katastrophen betrachtet und analysiert, die ber die Erde, das Klima und ber die Menschheit hereinbrechen, dann ist klar und deutlich zu erkennen, dass einzig und allein der Mensch der Erde am Ganzen Schuld trgt, und zwar, wie bereits erklrt, durch die unaufhaltsam wachsende berbevlkerung, aus der heraus sich auch alle Probleme ergeben, die nicht mehr in einfachem Rahmen, sondern nur noch durch weltweite radikale und rigorose Gesetze und deren Einhaltung bewltigt werden knnen. Die Schuld am kommenden Unheil und Chaos sowie an den Katastrophen geht grundstzlich aus der gewaltigen Masse Menschheit hervor, auch wenn krankhaft dumme sowie verantwortungslose Besserwisser und Wissenschaftler Gegenteiliges behaupten. Allein die berbevlkerung ist der Faktor aller bel, und zwar sowohl bei der Energie- und Trinkwasserknappheit als auch in bezug auf die Natur- und Umweltzerstrung sowie der Klimaerwrmung.

Wird ein bestehendes Problem dieser oder sonstwie berbevlkerungsmssig bedingter Art angegangen und eine Lsung gefunden und verwirklicht, dann wird das Ganze whrend der Zeit der Lsungsverwirklichung durch neuentstehende Probleme gleicher und auch anderer Form berholt, weil die Welt- resp. die berbevlkerung whrend der Zeit, in der die Lsungen verwirklicht werden, um weitere Hunderte von Millionen Menschen ansteigt, wodurch die ausgearbeiteten Lsungen nichtig und von gleichartigen neuen Problemen berholt werden.

Auch das Asylanten-, das Neonazi- und Extremistenwesen, Vlkerwanderungen, weltweiter Terrorismus und neue Kriege werden sich ausbreiten, Unfrieden, Not und Elend und sonstig neue grosse Probleme schaffen.

Where are you going humanity?

Gegen alle bel, die vom Menschen der Erde ausgehen und die er durch die Unvernunft der herangezchteten berbevlkerung am gesamten Leben, an der Natur, am Klima, an der Atmosphre, an den Gewssern sowie an der Fauna und Flora und am ganzen Planeten selbst hervorgerufen hat, mssen sehr harsche und greifende Massnahmen ergriffen werden.

Very harsh and firm measures must be grasped against all evil which goes out from the Earth humans and which they themselves have evoked through the irrationality of the bred-up overpopulation against the whole of life, nature, the climate, the atmosphere, the waters, as well as the fauna and flora and the entire planet itself. To that also belong measures against the world-control-addicted machinations of those state powerful ones who release criminal wars and terror in the whole world, carry out wars and acts of terror themselves and tip other countries into chaos, whereby they also trample the mentality of humans in the dirt as well as want to break and exterminate their religion and politics. Because of the furiously fast increase of humanity, it is forced to destroy the environment ever more frequently and more and more and to exploit and destroy the Earth's resources in order to comply with all kinds of climbing requirements of humanity. Indeed all of these requirements climb to ever greater extents with the growing number of humanity, whereby nature as well as fauna and flora is more and more affected and destroyed as is also the climate and the entire environment. The planet itself is tormented and slowly destroyed because atomic and other explosions disturb the Earth's structure and release earthquakes and seaquakes as well as volcanic eruptions. Waters, nature, the atmosphere and near-Earth space is polluted and poisoned, while the primeval forests are destroyed and annihilated through greed for profit. The commandment of the hour and of the future is: that finally a stop is ordered to the insanity of overpopulation. Whereas the climate change released through humanity can thereby no longer be stopped, the destruction and annihilation, the chaos and the catastrophes, can indeed, through reason and understanding, be somewhat checked, as, for example, in that the natural watercourses and wetlands are reestablished and the overexploitation of the planet as well as nature and fauna and flora ceases, because only thereby can the worst still be avoided. But that is conditional upon the insanity of overpopulation being stopped through firm legislative measures. Overpopulation, respectively, the world population, must be most urgently checked and reduced through a worldwide controlled cessation of births, because only thereby can each and every kind of increasing requirement of humanity, and the therewith connected further destruction, finally be rectified. Already very much has been done so the predictions fulfill themselves, for which reason it is also necessary that measures against that are grasped:

Dazu gehren auch Massnahmen gegen die weltherrschaftsschtigen Machenschaften jener Staatsmchtigen, die verbrecherisch Kriege und Terror in aller Welt auslsen, selbst Kriege und Terrorakte ausfhren und andere Lnder ins Chaos strzen, wobei sie auch die Mentalitt der Menschen in den Schmutz treten sowie deren Religion und Politik brechen und ausrotten wollen.

Durch das rasend schnelle Anwachsen der Menschheit ist diese gezwungen, immer hufiger und immer mehr die Umwelt zu zerstren und die Ressourcen der Erde auszubeuten und zu zerstren, um den steigenden Bedrfnissen aller Art der Menschheit nachzukommen. Doch all diese Bedrfnisse steigern sich mit der wachsenden Zahl der Menschheit zu immer grsseren Massen, wodurch die Natur sowie die Fauna und Flora, wie aber auch das Klima und die gesamte Umwelt immer mehr in Mitleidenschaft gezogen und zerstrt werden. Der Planet selbst wird gepeinigt und langsam zerstrt, denn atomare und sonstige Explosionen stren das Gefge der Erde und lsen Erd- und Seebeben sowie Vulkanausbrche aus. Gewsser, Natur, Atmosphre und der erdnahe Weltenraum werden verschmutzt und vergiftet, whrend die Urwlder profitgierig zerstrt und vernichtet werden. Das Gebot der Stunde und der Zukunft ist: Dass endlich dem Wahnsinn der berbevlkerung Einhalt geboten wird. Zwar kann dadurch der durch die Menschheit ausgelste Klimawandel nicht mehr gestoppt werden, doch knnen durch Vernunft und Verstand die Zerstrungen, Vernichtungen, das Chaos und die Katastrophen etwas eingedmmt werden, wie z.B., indem natrliche Wasserlufe und Auen wieder hergestellt werden und der Raubbau am Planeten sowie an der Natur und Fauna und Flora eingestellt wird, denn nur so kann das Schlimmste noch vermieden werden. Das aber bedingt, dass der Wahnsinn der berbevlkerung gestoppt wird durch greifende gesetzliche Massnahmen. Die berbevlkerung resp. die Weltbevlkerung muss dringendst durch einen weltweiten kontrollierten Geburtenstopp eingedmmt und vermindert werden, weil nur dadurch alle in jeder Art steigenden Bedrfnisse der Menschheit und die damit verbundenen weiteren Zerstrungen letztlich behoben werden knnen. Schon sehr viel ist dafr getan, dass sich die Voraussagen erfllen, weshalb es auch notwendig ist, dass dagegen Massnahmen ergriffen werden:

The environmental pollution by all kinds of fossil fuel motors, as Die Umweltverschmutzung durch Fossil-Brennstoffmotoren aller Art sowie well as by chimneys, and so forth, must be most urgently checked, durch Schlote usw. muss dringendst eingedmmt werden, nebst allen anderen along with all other forms of environmental and air pollution. Formen der Umwelt- und Luftverschmutzung. Also it is of the most urgent necessity that all human constructions of every kind, such as residential houses and factories, and so forth, disappear from regions endangered by landslides and floods. Auch ist es von dringendster Notwendigkeit, dass alle menschlichen Bauten jeder Art, wie Wohnhuser und Fabriken usw., aus gefhrdeten Lawinen- und berschwemmungsgebieten verschwinden.

Where are you going humanity?

Auenlandschaften usw. mssen der Natur als natrliche Wasserauffanggebiete fr berschwemmungswasser zurckgegeben werden. Wohnbauten und Fabriken usw. drfen nicht mehr an Wildbche, Flurbche, an Seeufer, in oder an Lawinenhnge oder wassergefhrdete Ebenen usw. gebaut werden.

Wetlands, and so forth, must be given back to nature as natural water catchments for floodwaters. Residential constructions and factories, and so forth, may no longer be built on wild brooks, brooks which run through fields, on the seashore, in or on avalanche zones or plains, and so forth, endangered by water. To that end, extremely urgent precautions must be taken with brooks, rivers, lakes, streets, residential areas, cliffs and mountains, and so forth, so that in endangered positions where wild water overflows, or moraines, avalanches of snow and mudslides as well as rock-falls happen and damage could occur, definitive, very strong and tall barriers are established in order to protect houses, streets, roads and railways from washing away, from high water, tremors or from a land slip. That will be necessary in many places because much of the predicted chaos and catastrophes will unfortunately already be unavoidable - and time flies and is short. Therefore action is called for, and this is the responsibility of the entire terrestrial humanity. The Earth human must act before it is finally too late and nothing at all more can be done in order to stop the irresponsibly triggered process of the destruction of the climate, fauna and flora, as well as nature and the planet, and the extermination of humanity. And further to say is: the beamships, respectively the spaceships, of foreign intelligences from distant worlds, are no fantasy because they exist like you and me. - They are no cloud agglomerations, balloons, lightning, flocks of birds and the like, as they are so readily called by scientists and leading authorities, by adversaries of the truth or by laypersons who do not want to make themselves ridiculous with the acknowledgement of the existence of so-called UFOs. These unknown extraterrestrial flying objects - if they do not, as is frequently the case, deal with strictly secret, terrestrial-military, flying devices and airplanes - are real, and thousands of very good photographs, films and reports show that. And there is no shortage of actual contact people who have spoken with extraterrestrials - even if worldwide there are only extremely few, and the amount is only just a small handful.

Zudem mssen usserst dringend Vorkehrungen getroffen werden an Bchen, Flssen, Seen, Strassen, Wohngebieten, Hngen und Bergen usw., indem an gefhrdeten Stellen, wo wilde Wasser bertreten oder Muren, Schnee- und Schlammlawinen sowie Bergrutsche abgehen und Schaden anrichten knnen, massgebende sehr starke und hohe Verbauungen erstellt werden, um Huser, Strassen, Wege und Eisenbahntrassees vor Untersplung, berflutung, Verschttung und vor einem Wegriss zu bewahren.

Das wird vielerorts vonnten sein, denn vieles des vorausgesagten Chaos und der Katastrophen wird leider bereits unvermeidlich sein und die Zeit eilt und wird knapp. Also ist Handeln angesagt, und dieses liegt in der Verantwortung der gesamten irdischen Menschheit. Der Mensch der Erde muss handeln, ehe es endgltig zu spt ist und berhaupt nichts mehr getan werden kann, um den verantwortungslos ausgelsten Prozess der Klima-, Fauna- und Flora- sowie der Natur- und Planetenzerstrung und der Menschheitsausrottung zu stoppen. Und was weiter zu sagen ist: Die Strahlschiffe resp. Raumschiffe fremder Intelligenzen von fernen Welten sind keine Phantasie, denn sie sind existent wie du und ich. Sie sind keine Wolkenballungen, Ballone, Blitze, Vogelschwrme und dergleichen, als die sie so gerne von Wissenschaftlern und fhrenden Behrden, von Widersachern der Wahrheit oder von Laien genannt werden, die sich mit der Anerkennung der Existenz der sogenannten UFOs nicht lcherlich machen wollen. Diese unbekannten ausserirdischen Flugobjekte wenn es sich nicht, wie das hufig der Fall ist, um streng geheime irdisch-militrische Fluggerte und Flugzeuge handelt , sie sind real, das beweisen Tausende sehr guter Photos, Filme und Berichte. Und selbst an wirklichen Kontaktleuten wenn weltweit deren auch nur usserst wenige und an der Zahl nur gerade eine schwache Handvoll sind , die mit Ausserirdischen gesprochen haben, mangelt es nicht.

They all testify to the actual existence of extraterrestrials and their Sie alle zeugen von der wirklichen Existenz der Ausserirdischen und deren objects, the beamships. Objekten, den Strahlschiffen. They and all the others testify to the effective existence of extraterrestrials - even when this existence is ridiculed by the terrestrial authorities and evil antagonists, is put down as not proven, or simply put down as hallucinations or even lies. But on what basis, then, do the disclaiming and denying authorities and adversaries entertain quite secret UFO-information groups, and so forth, who have the task of clarifying the origins of UFOs from outer space and to arm themselves for an eventual space war or a sudden invasion from space? Sie und alles andere zeugen von der effectiven Existenz der Ausserirdischen auch wenn diese Existenz von den irdischen Behrden und bsen Antagonisten ins Lcherliche gezogen, als nicht erwiesen oder einfach als Halluzination oder gar als Lge hingestellt wird. Aber aus welchen Grnden unterhalten denn gerade die dementierenden und leugnenden Behrden und Widersacher ganz geheime UFO-Aufklrungsgruppen usw., die die Aufgabe haben, die Herkunft der UFOs aus dem Weltenraum zu klren und fr einen eventuellen Weltraumkrieg oder eine pltzliche Invasion aus dem Raum aufzursten?

Where are you going humanity?

Eine Idee brigens, die einem vollkommenen Unsinn entspricht, denn die Raummenschen kontrollieren unsere Erde nicht, um sie eventuell zu erobern oder zu unterjochen, denn wollten sie das, dann htten sie es schon lange tun knnen, weil ihre Technik gegenber der irdischen ans Phantastische reicht und die irdischen Waffen smtlicher Armeen wren nicht mehr als ein Spielzeug fr sie, das sie infolge Unwertes und Nichtgebrauchenknnens als Schutt und nutzloses Germpel wegwerfen wrden.

An idea, incidentally, which corresponds to perfect nonsense, because the space-humans do not supervise our Earth in order to eventually conquer or subjugate it, because, had they wanted to do that, then they could have already done that long ago because their technology, compared to terrestrial technology, reaches the fantastic - and the terrestrial weapons of all the armies would be no more than a play thing for them, which, as a consequence of their worthlessness and uselessness, would be disposed of as rubbish and useless junk. Moreover, their very highly evolved technology extends back many centuries and millennia, so, had they wanted to, they could have conquered the Earth when it was still in antiquity or as it grew, in the dark Middle Ages, toward its current position. Indeed, why are the authorities so keen to get to the bottom of the secret of the UFOs and, above all, to the bottom of the, until now, unsolved puzzle of beam propulsion, which allows the extraterrestrial flying devices, respectively, the UFOs to dash through the terrestrial atmosphere at up to 100,000 kilometers, and more, per hour, whereby gravity is neutralized? Why, therefore, are these secret investigations carried out privately, if indeed everything is only supposed to be lies and deceit? Why is that? The authorities have angst, terrifying, deadly angst, because they fear an attack from space, and for that reason it would be urgently necessary that they themselves would be in possession of beamships and beam weapons in order to be able to already counter the enemy attack in space themselves. On the other hand, however, they fear the population panicking and running amok if they should actually become aware of the existence of extraterrestrial UFOs and their crews, because already the population's panics and running amok has rolled over various countries on various occasions, as UFO sensation reports, so-called "live reports from the scene of the event" were transmitted over the radio. Live reports, however, which did not correspond to the truth and were only sensational radio plays.

Zudem reicht ihre sehr hochentwickelte Technik viele Jahrhunderte und Jahrtausende zurck, so dass sie, falls es in ihrem Willen gelegen wre, die Erde htten erobern knnen, als sie noch in der Antike stand oder im dunklen Mittelalter ihrem heutigen Stand entgegenwuchs. Doch warum sind die Behrden so erpicht darauf, hinter das Geheimnis der UFOs zu kommen und vor allem hinter das bisher ungelste Rtsel des Strahlenantriebs, der die ausserirdischen Fluggerte resp. UFOs bis zu 100000 Stundenkilometer und mehr durch die irdische Atmosphre sausen lsst, wobei die Gravitation neutralisiert wird?

Warum also diese geheimen Forschungen unter Ausschluss der ffentlichkeit, wenn doch alles nur Lug und Trug sein soll?

Warum das? Die Behrden haben Angst, erschreckende, tdliche Angst, denn sie befrchten einen Angriff aus dem Raum, und dazu wre es dringend notwendig, dass sie selbst im Besitze von Strahlschiffen und Strahlenwaffen wren, um dem feindlichen Angriff schon im Weltenraum selbst entgegentreten zu knnen.

Andernteils befrchten sie aber Panik und Amoklauf der Bevlkerung, wenn diese der Existenz der ausserirdischen UFOs und deren Besatzungen wirklich bewusst werden sollte, denn schon verschiedentlich rollten Panik und Amoklauf ber die Bevlkerung verschiedener Lnder, als UFO-Sensationsberichte, sogenannte Direktreportagen vom Platze des Geschehens ber die Radiosender ausgestrahlt wurden.

Direktreportagen allerdings, die nicht der Wahrheit entsprachen und nur Sensations-Hrspiele waren.

The number of dead in the population who ran amok thereby went Die Zahl der Toten der amoklaufenden Bevlkerung ging dabei in hohe Zahlen. into high numbers. The authorities who restrict practically all UFO reports - if they have real backgrounds - do not, however, consider that the panic of the masses would become much bigger yet should masses of extraterrestrials actually come in order, perhaps, to still prevent the greatest insanity of the Earth humans, and to change the face of this world for the better when the revolutionizing events, irresponsibly evoked by Earth humans, roll over this world. But it is questionable whether extraterrestrials ever interfere with terrestrial matters in this regard, because they have directives which would only allow them to intervene given certain prerequisites. Die praktisch alle UFO-Berichte wenn diese reale Hintergrnde haben unterbindenden Behrden jedoch bedenken nicht, dass die Panik der Masse einmal viel grsser sein wird, wenn die Ausserirdischen wirklich in Massen kommen sollten, um vielleicht den grssten Irrsinn des irdischen Menschen noch zu verhten und das Gesicht dieser Welt zum Besseren zu verndern, wenn die vom Menschen der Erde verantwortungslos ausgelsten umwlzenden Ereignisse ber diese Welt rollen. Aber es ist fraglich, ob Ausserirdische sich jemals diesbezglich in irdische Belange einmischen, denn sie haben Direktiven, die ihnen ein Eingreifen nur bei bestimmten Voraussetzungen erlauben wrden.

Where are you going humanity?

Ein wirklicher Kontaktler, wie auch Aufklrer und einfache Beobachter von wirklich ausserirdischen Fluggerten resp. UFOs werden sowohl von den Behrden wie auch vom Volk und von bsartigen Widersachern und Verleumdern aufs Infamste behandelt, der Lge und des Betrugs beschimpft und unter Umstnden sogar fr lange Jahre auf gemeinste Art und Weise hinter Gitter gebracht oder in Irrenanstalten interniert, denn wie bereits erwhnt, sind die Behrden nicht gewillt, die tiefgreifende Wahrheit an den Tag treten zu lassen sie scheuen daher auch nicht davor zurck, dementierende Notizen und Abhandlungen in den Zeitungen zu verffentlichen oder sie durch gekaufte Laien, Kritiker, Widersacher und sogenannte Fachleute verffentlichen zu lassen.

An actual contactee - as well as investigators and simple observers of actual extraterrestrial flying devices, respectively UFOs - are - by the authorities, as well as by the people and from malevolent antagonists and vilifiers - dealt with in the most infamous manner, reviled with lies and deception, and under some circumstances even put behind bars in the meanest way and manner, or interred in lunatic asylums, because, as already mentioned, the authorities are not willing to let the profound truth come to light - they also do not shy away from publishing disclaiming notices and treatises in the newspapers or publishing them through paid laypersons, critics, antagonists and so-called "specialists". It is on this basis that, in various countries, an actual contactee of which there is not even a handful - an observer or investigator plays with his freedom if he takes his task seriously and tries to produce an explanation. And the few humans who have, or had, contact - indeed not even a small handful - have a very difficult position, because they come up against hate, mockery, incredulity, the intrigues of the authorities and, to some extent, destructive assertions from the church, as well as defamation and much more. In particular, I had to experience, on my own body, how schemingly the official methods find application. Dungeons and a mental home were, in my youth and in my time as a young man, the consequences of my explanatory efforts.

Aus diesen Grnden spielt in verschiedenen Lndern ein wirklicher Kontaktler von denen es nicht einmal eine Handvoll gibt , Beobachter oder Aufklrer mit seiner Freiheit, wenn er seine Aufgabe ernst nimmt und Aufklrung zu schaffen versucht. Und die wenigen Menschen, die Kontakt haben oder hatten, eben nicht einmal eine kleine Handvoll, haben einen sehr schweren Stand, denn sie stossen auf Hass, Spott, Unglauben, auf behrdliche Intrigen und teilweise kirchliche vernichtende usserungen sowie auf Verleumdung und vieles mehr.

Eigens habe ich am eigenen Leibe die Erfahrung machen mssen, wie intrigenhaft die behrdlichen Mittel Anwendung finden. Kerker und Irrenhaus waren in meiner Jugend und Jungmannzeit die Folgen meiner Aufklrungsarbeit.

As an alleged thief, burglar and gangster boss, I was robbed of my Als angeblicher Dieb, Einbrecher und Gangsterboss beraubte man mich der liberty, although nothing of the kind lay on my conscience. Freiheit, obwohl nichts derartiges auf meinem Gewissen lag. I then had time, over long years, to contemplate my mission, because, already in my boyhood years the authorities did not like my explanatory efforts. Officially steered false accusations from my brother-in-law, who was paid by the authorities, led to defamatory police reports and suchlike, which were presented to me in such a way that I had to sign them under duress, otherwise I would have been put in a prison cell to go hungry and to sleep on the stone floor. The forced signatures were supposed to prove, for all time, that I had been a thief, burglar and gangster boss. After years, I saw freedom again, indeed I fled my homeland on a higher task and wandered around in the world for long years homeless, because years had to first pass so that the untrue stories about me were forgotten in my homeland. During all this long time, I had the opportunity to further come into contact with all kinds of humans, and with sundry species and kinds of animals, as well as with the forces of nature and, above all, with extraterrestrials and their objects, as had already been the case since my early childhood years. Yet, out in the wide world, the grinding mills of terrestrial laws also pursued me. In Jordan, in the Holy Land, I was arrested as a spy from Mars, among others things, and was deported from the country for life, probably because they feared Martian vengeance, had they liquidated me. Lange Jahre hatte ich dann Zeit, ber meine Mission nachzudenken, weil die Behrden meine Aufklrungsarbeit schon in meinen jungen Jahren nicht liebten. Behrdlich gesteuerte falsche Anschuldigungen durch meinen von den Behrden entlohnten Schwager fhrten zu diffamierenden Polizeirapporten und dergleichen, die mir vorgelegt wurden und die ich gezwungenermassen unterschreiben musste, ansonsten ich in der Zelle des Gefngnisses auf Hunger und auf Schlafen auf dem Steinboden gesetzt wurde. Durch erzwungene Unterschriften sollte fr alle Zeiten bewiesen werden, dass ich ein Dieb, Einbrecher und Gangsterboss gewesen sei. Nach Jahren sah ich die Freiheit wieder, doch da floh ich auf hheren Auftrag meine Heimat und irrte fr lange Jahre in der Welt umher heimatlos, denn erst mussten Jahre vergehen, damit die unwahren Geschichten ber mich in der Heimat vergessen wurden. Whrend all dieser langen Zeit hatte ich Gelegenheit, mit allen Arten von Menschen, und mit allerlei Gattungen und Arten von Tieren sowie mit den Gewalten der Natur und vor allem mit Ausserirdischen und ihren Objekten weiter in Kontakt zu kommen, wie das schon von meinen jungen Kinderjahren an der Fall war. Doch die mahlenden Mhlen der irdischen Gesetze verfolgten mich auch in der weiten Welt draussen. In Jordanien, im heiligen Lande, wurde ich unter anderem als Spion vom Mars verhaftet und auf Lebzeiten des Landes verwiesen, wohl infolge dessen, weil sie die Rache der Marsmenschen frchteten, wenn sie mich liquidieren wrden.

Where are you going humanity?

Doch wechselten in Beschlagnahmung in dieser Sache dann 130 sehr gute Bilder und Negative von Ausserirdischen und UFOs ihren Besitzer, weil der jordanische Geheimdienst alles beschlagnahmte.

Indeed, 130 very good pictures, and negatives, of extraterrestrials and UFOs changed ownership in this situation, due to confiscation, because the Jordanian secret service confiscated everything. It went in a similar way for me in Syria, Persia and in Spain.

hnlich erging es mir in Syrien, in Persien und in Spanien.

After the respective release I was ambushed and shots which were Aus dem Hinterhalt auf mich abgefeuerte Schsse verfehlten nach der fired at me often missed their target by only a hair's breadth. jeweiligen Freilassung oft nur um Haaresbreite ihr Ziel. - And again I was forced to flee a country - month after month, which added up to what seemed like endless years. Hard and often life-threatening adventures had to be survived - in the jungles and deserts, in the slums of big cities, in the bush and in little villages and on the endless expanses of country roads. Many times life's parting point only barely passed by, yet foreordination wanted it otherwise, and so I was protected from the end, became thereby, however, richer in knowledge, will and experience and I matured, in order to fulfill my assigned mission. After long years I was, through inspiration, shown the way to India, and I went, for me, the fastest possible way there, through the Persian and West Pakistani desert. Then at my target, laid low with a severe malaria fever, I was robbed and had absolutely everything stolen from me. Hard and difficult months followed; no work, no money, practically only living directly from what meagre morsel the hand gave the mouth. Yet, in this time, the mission I have to fulfill finally ripened in me. Signs of the time, which showed me the way and the time, became visible for me in the sky. As already in early youth - during 11 years until the start of 1953 through the extraterrestrial Sfath, I have been, since 1953, now still, until September 20th of this year 1964, taught and further educated by the extraterrestrial Asket, in order to go the way of the announcer of the truth and the way of my life. So the time came, because I have the way I intend to go clearly before my eyes, in order, from January 28th in the year 1975, to go the way of my mission alone and to fulfill it, as Asket explained to me - the way of the silver robe, the way of the announcer of the truth. Therefore I now know my way, which I have to go, and my goal for which I must strive, whereby a number of loyal ones will assemble around me, who will go my way together with me and then, when I leave this current life, the great mission leads further, so that someday peace, true love, freedom and harmony will be among terrestrial humanity. Und wieder war ich gezwungen ein Land zu fliehen Monate fr Monate, die sich zu endlos scheinenden Jahren reihten. Harte und oft lebensgefhrliche Abenteuer waren zu berstehen in den Dschungeln und Wsten, in den Slums der Grossstdte, im Busch und in kleinen Drfern und auf den endlosen Weiten der Landstrassen. Vielfach ging es nur knapp am Scheidepunkt des Lebens vorbei, doch die Fgung wollte es anders, und so wurde ich vor dem Ende bewahrt, wurde dadurch jedoch reicher an Wissen, Willen und Erfahrung und reifte heron, um meine mir aufgetragene Mission zu erfllen. Nach langen Jahren wurde mir durch Inspiration der Weg nach Indien gewiesen, und auf dem fr mich mglichst schnellsten Wege durch die persische und west-pakistanische Wste gelangte ich dorthin. Dann am Ziel, mit schwerem Malariafieber daniederliegend, wurde ich bis aufs Letzte bestohlen und beraubt. Harte, schwere Monate folgten; keine Arbeit, kein Geld, praktisch nur gerade von dem lebend, was die Hand an Kargem dem Munde hingab.

Doch in dieser Zeit reifte in mir endgltig die Mission, die ich zu erfllen habe.

Zeichen der Zeit wurden fr mich am Himmel sichtbar, die mir den Weg und die Zeit wiesen. Wie schon in der frhen Jugend whrend 11 Jahren bis Anfang 1953 durch den Ausserirdischen Sfath, werde ich seit 1953 nun noch bis zum 20. September dieses Jahres 1964 durch die Ausserirdische Asket belehrt und herangebildet, um den Weg des Knders der Wahrheit und den Weg meines Lebens zu gehen. So kam die Zeit, seit der ich meinen zu gehenden Weg klar vor Augen habe, um ab dem 28. Januar des Jahres 1975 den Weg meiner Mission allein zu gehen und diese zu erfllen, wie mir Asket erklrte den Weg des silbernen Gewandes, den Weg des Knders der Wahrheit.

Also kenne ich nun meinen Weg, den ich zu gehen habe, und mein Ziel, das ich anstreben muss, wobei sich eine Anzahl Getreue um mich scharen wird, die mit mir zusammen meinen Weg gehen und dann, wenn ich das aktuelle Leben verlasse, die grosse Mission weiterfhren, damit dereinst Frieden, wahre Liebe, Freiheit und Harmonie unter der irdischen Menschheit werde.

Now I therefore comprehensively know my mission, which I have Nun kenne ich also umfnglich meine Mission, die ich mir selbst auferlegt habe imposed upon myself and which various of my earlier und die schon verschiedene meiner frheren Persnlichkeiten in frheren Leben personalities already fulfilled in earlier lives. erfllten. Therefore I know where I have to go and what I have to do, yet you, Earth human, you, as my neighbor, quo vadis - where are YOU going? Also weiss ich, wohin ich zu gehen und was ich zu tun habe, doch du, Mensch der Erde, du als mein Nchster, quo vadis wo gehst DU hin?

Where are you going humanity?

Wo gehst du hin, Menschheit dieser Erde Quo vadis, humanitas?

Where are you going, humanity of this Earth - Quo vadis, humanitas? You wander on the path of darkness - on the path which leads to corruption without return. Save yourself, because there is still time for turning around completely, in order to turn to the path of light, of the creational-natural - on the path of light of the truth of omnipresent creational laws - on the way of good itself. Human, turn your back on your previous life and find a way back to the creational-natural laws and commandments. Find a way back on the real way of the actual life. But the way is not to be found nor to be trodden through religion or sectarianism, consequently it is not thereby done that you daily, or every Sunday, hurry to church in order to shine there, so that just now YOU are one of those who are industrious church-goers, to hear the word of the priest at every opportunity and if possible to sit in the front pew next to him so, yes, everyone can see you well and can determine that you industriously hear the word of God and are so close to the priest, that you go into the mosque, the temple, the synagogue or some prayer-house, in order to pray, or so that not one word of the religious representative, who leads the divine service, escapes you. Human, it is no law of creational truth to do this, not a creational-natural foreordination or order, and it is not the meaning of life. If you do not find the way to the truth through your own cognizance and do not deeply understand the word of truth, grant it trust and obey it, then it is better for you if you crawl into the deepest murky waters of shame.

Du irrst auf dem Pfade der Finsternis auf dem Pfade, der ins Verderben ohne Wiederkehr fhrt. Rette dich, denn noch ist es Zeit zur vlligen Umkehr, um auf dem Pfade des Lichtes, des Schpferisch-Natrlichen zu wandeln auf dem Lichtpfade der Wahrheit allgegenwrtiger schpferischer Gesetzmssigkeiten , auf dem Weg des Guten selbst. Mensch, wende deinem bisherigen Leben den Rcken zu und finde zurck zu den schpferisch-natrlichen Gesetzen und Geboten. Finde zurck auf den reellen Weg des wirklichen Lebens. Der Weg ist aber nicht durch Religion oder Sektierismus zu finden und zu beschreiten, folglich ist es nicht damit getan, dass du tglich oder allsonntglich zur Kirche eilst, um dort zu brillieren, dass gerade DU einer von denen bist, die fleissige Kirchgnger sind, um bei jeder Gelegenheit des Geistlichen Wort zu hren und wenn mglich in der ersten Bankreihe nchst ihm zu sitzen, dass ja jedermann dich gut sehen und feststellen kann, dass du fleissig das Wort Gottes hrst und so nahe beim Geistlichen bist, in die Moschee, in den Tempel, in die Synagoge oder in irgendein Gebetshaus gehst, um zu beten, oder dass dir nicht ein Wort des Religionsvertreters entgeht, der den Gottesdienst fhrt.

Mensch, solches Tun ist kein Gesetz der schpferischen Wahrheit, nicht eine schpferisch-natrliche Fgung oder Ordnung, und es ist nicht der Sinn des Lebens. Wenn du nicht aus eigener Erkenntnis den Weg der Wahrheit findest und nicht zutiefst das Wort der Wahrheit verstehst, ihm Vertrauen schenkst und es befolgst, dann ist es besser fr dich, wenn du dich im tiefsten Pfuhl der Schande verkriechst.

If you do not stride on the way of the truth of the Wenn du nicht auf dem Weg der Wahrheit der schpferisch-natrlichen Gesetze creational-natural laws and directives, then at least let those who und Gebote schreitest, dann lass wenigstens jene unangefochten diesen Weg are unchallenged, who want to stride it and who seek the effective finden, welche ihn beschreiten wollen und nach der effectiven Wahrheit suchen. truth, find this way. Do not curse and damn the seekers of the truth because their footstep and their presence on the way of truth does not serve your own fame nor gleam like a beryl, rather it serves their consciousness-related evolution, as it is determined through the creational laws as the meaning of the humans' life. Anchored within that is also the collective human behavior in every relationship, and indeed in relation to the fellow humans, to being human, to nature, fauna and flora, the world's climate as well as the planet itself. However, if you contravene that, Earth human, then you will hasten your own judgment before you notice it, because the era of the coming events advances and allows no more time to play with the further breeding up of the overpopulation and with the destruction of the climate, as you have done until now as individual humans and as a mass of humanity. Long, much too long, all evils have been played with and exploited, indeed now the amount comes to overflowing, then the pitcher goes to the well until it breaks ... Verfluche und verdamme nicht die Suchenden nach der Wahrheit, denn ihr Schritt und ihre Anwesenheit auf dem Weg der Wahrheit dient nicht eigenem Ruhm und nicht einem Glnzen wie ein Beryll, sondern ihrer bewusstseinsmssigen Evolution, wie das durch die schpferischen Gesetze als Sinn des Lebens dem Menschen vorgegeben ist. Darin verankert ist auch das gesamte menschliche Verhalten in jeder Beziehung, und zwar sowohl in bezug auf die Mitmenschen, auf das Menschsein, die Natur, die Fauna und Flora, das Klima der Welt und den Planeten selbst. Wenn du dem jedoch zuwiderhandelst, Mensch der Erde, dann wird dich das eigene Strafgericht ereilen, ehe du es bemerkst, denn die ra der kommenden Ereignisse rckt vor und lsst keine Zeit mehr brig, mit der weiteren Heranzchtung der berbevlkerung und mit der Zerstrung des Klimas zu spielen, wie du es als einzelner Mensch und als Masse Menschheit bisher getan hast. Lange, viel zu lange wurde mit allen beln gespielt und Schindluder getrieben, doch nun kommt das Mass zum berlaufen, denn der Krug geht zum Brunnen, bis er bricht

Where are you going humanity?

Menschheit und Mensch als einzelner, ob arm oder reich, ob klein, gross, Bettler oder Arbeiter Mensch in jeder Position, dich betrifft es , an dich sind meine Worte gerichtet. Wende dich um und gehe den Weg des wahren Lebens, so wie es die schpferisch-natrlichen Gesetze und Gebote bestimmen, denn nur noch kurz ist die Zeit, da grosses Unheil ber die Welt und ber dich kommen wird und Rechenschaft von dir fordert fr all die Zerstrungen, die du durch die berbevlkerung unter der Menschheit selbst und an der gesamten Natur, an Fauna und Flora, am Klima, an der Atmosphre sowie an den Gewssern und sonst rundum angerichtet hast. In den Schriften der Jahrtausende steht geschrieben: Liebe deinen Nchsten wie dich selbst, denn er ist dein leiblicher Bruder oder deine leibliche Schwester der oder die den Lebensodem eingehaucht bekam.

Humanity and individual human, whether poor or rich, whether small, big, beggar or worker - human in every position, it concerns you - my words are directed at you. Turn around and go the way of the true life, as determined by the creational-natural laws and commandments, because the time is only short, as great havoc comes over the world and over you and demands an account from you for all the destruction you have caused, through overpopulation, among humanity itself and to collective nature, to fauna and flora, to the climate, to the atmosphere as well as to the waters and otherwise all around. In the scriptures of the millennia it is written: "Love your neighbor as you love yourself, because he is your own brother or she is your own sister - he or she who has inhaled the breath of life." Human, therefore cease all your hate, greed, the daily strife, the murderous wars and all the selfishness: love your neighbor as yourself, but also nature, fauna and flora as well as the planet which is your homeland and your protection.

Mensch, stopp also mit all deinem Hass, der Gier, dem tglichen Unfrieden, mit den mrderischen Kriegen und all der Selbstsucht: Liebe deinen Nchsten wie dich selbst, so aber auch die Natur, Fauna und Flora sowie den Planeten, der deine Heimat und deine gide ist.

Thus it is written: "Heed the signs of the time which will be in the Also steht geschrieben: Achtet der Zeichen der Zeit, die am Himmel stehen heavens when the time approaches in which the revolutionizing werden, wenn die Zeit naht, zu der sich umwlzende Ereignisse ergeben. events take place." - Individual human, heed these signs of the time, learn to understand them and do not falsely interpret them. Know of their truth and do not regard them as strange miracles, because a miracle is only a word for a concept whose value, nevertheless, has no significance. Behold the signs for what they are - the product of a mighty law which you have broken through overpopulation and all the problems which result from that and which has caused monstrous changes and destruction worldwide, among humanity, to nature, fauna and flora, as well as to the climate and the planet itself, and which has brought need, murder, wrongdoing, war, terror, misery and corruption over the world. The signs in the sky are not only flying devices of extraterrestrial origin, rather primarily signs of the effects of human irrationality; signs, which reveal themselves as devastating storms of all kinds, because climatic warming and climatic destruction, as well as the destruction of the environment, form into unimagined catastrophes. That is already mundane, yet you, Earth human, still have not yet apprehended and not grasped that you carry the blame for these evil events; blame, because you drive overpopulation ever higher and thereby create ever more enormous, insoluble problems which you can no longer overcome. Mensch als einzelner, achte dieser Zeichen der Zeit, lerne sie zu verstehen und deute sie nicht falsch. Wisse um deren Wahrheit und betrachte sie nicht als seltsame Wunder, denn ein Wunder ist nur ein Wort als Begriff, dessen Wert jedoch keine Bedeutung hat. Betrachte die Zeichen als das, was sie sind das Produkt eines mchtigen Gesetzes, das du durch die berbevlkerung und all die daraus entstandenen Probleme gebrochen und weltweit unter der Menschheit, an der Natur, Fauna und Flora sowie am Klima und am Planeten selbst ungeheure Vernderungen und Zerstrungen angerichtet und Not, Mord, Verbrechen, Krieg, Terror, Elend und Verderben ber die Welt gebracht hast.

Die Zeichen am Himmel sind nicht nur Fluggerte ausserirdischer Herkunft, sondern hauptschlich Zeichen der Auswirkungen menschlicher Unvernunft; Zeichen, die sich als verheerende Unwetter aller Art offenbaren, weil die Klimaerwrmung und Klimazerstrung sowie die Umweltzerstrung sich zu ungeahnten Katastrophen formen.

Bereits gehrt das zum Alltag, doch du, Mensch der Erde, hast es noch immer nicht erfasst und nicht begriffen, dass du an diesen bsen Ereignissen Schuld trgst; Schuld, weil du die berbevlkerung immer weiter hochtreibst und dadurch immer gewaltigere unlsbare Probleme schaffst, die du nicht mehr bewltigen kannst.

Therefore turn around before it is finally too late, because you can Kehre daher um, ehe es endgltig zu spt ist, denn noch kannst du etwas tun, still do something to avoid the greatest catastrophes. um die grssten Katastrophen zu vermeiden. But act fast because, otherwise, in 20 years it will already be too late, because then the catastrophic effects of your crazy deeds will no longer be stoppable and nature, life, the planet and the climate, will allow the consequence of human irrationality to break with primeval violence over humanity and the planet. Human of this Earth, you still have one last chance - one short period of time. Doch handle schnell, weil es sonst bereits in 20 Jahren zu spt sein wird, weil dann die katastrophalen Auswirkungen deines verruchten Tuns nicht mehr aufgehalten werden knnen und die Natur, das Leben, der Planet und das Klima die Folgen der menschlichen Unvernunft mit urweltlicher Gewalt ber die Menschheit und den Planeten hereinbrechen lassen. Mensch dieser Erde, noch hast du eine letzte Chance eine kurze Frist.

Where are you going humanity?

Doch bedenke: Nur noch kurz wird diese Frist sein, die ber diese Welt rollt, ehe sich meine Worte als Wahrheit erweisen, Worte der Voraussage, die sich schon bald runden werden, wenn du in deinem altherkmmlichen Stil weiterfhrst. Dann aber wird es zu spt sein fr dich und die Masse, an die ich abermals die Frage stelle: Quo vadis, humanitas? Nach Ablauf der von mir genannten Zeit von 20 Jahren wird der Prozess der Zerstrung von Klima und Natur nicht mehr zu stoppen sein, wenn die berbevlkerung nicht durch radikale Geburtenstopps reduziert wird und dadurch alle Probleme vermindert werden, bis sie endgltig verschwinden.

Indeed, consider: this short period of time, which rolls over the world, will still only be short, before my words are proven to be true, words of prediction which will already soon be fulfilled if you travel further in your traditional style. - But then it will be too late for you and the masses to whom I once more pose the question, "Quo vadis, humanitas?" After the expiration of the 20 year period named by me, the process of the destruction of the climate and nature will no longer be stoppable if overpopulation is not reduced through a radical halt to births and thereby all problems reduced until they finally disappear. If that does not happen then problems of all kinds will climb immeasurably and will no longer be surmountable. Thereby, however, the existence of the whole of humanity and the planet is put into play and put into question, consequently it can be that terrestrial humanity, one day, through its irrationality and through its stupidity and egoism, eradicates and annihilates itself. And no god will be there who opens an ear for humanity, to listen to a plea for forgiveness and aversion of the evil, because where no god exists, also none can hear something, and none can bring help. Principally, namely you alone, Earth human, are your own lord and master, because you alone are God, and consequently, comprehensively bear responsibility for all your dealings and effects, for all your thoughts and feelings as well as for your entire destiny, for which you are your own smith.

Geschieht das nicht, dann steigen die Probleme aller Art ins Unermessliche und knnen nicht mehr bewltigt werden. Dadurch aber wird die Existenz der gesamten Menschheit und des Planeten aufs Spiel gesetzt und in Frage gestellt, folglich es sein kann, dass sich die irdische Menschheit eines Tages durch ihre Unvernunft und durch ihren Unverstand und Egoismus selbst ausradiert und vernichtet. Und es wird kein Gott da sein, der ein Ohr fr die Menschheit ffnet, um eine Bitte zur Vergebung und Abwendung des bels zu erhren, denn wo kein Gott existiert, kann auch keiner etwas hren und keine Hilfe bringen.

Grundstzlich nmlich bist du, Mensch der Erde, allein dein eigener Herr und Meister, denn du allein bist Gott und trgst folglich vollumfnglich die Verantwortung fr all dein Handeln und Wirken, fr all deine Gedanken und Gefhle sowie fr dein gesamtes Schicksal, dessen eigener Schmied du bist.

Kabul, Afghanistan, 16th September 1964 Eduard Albert Meier

gaiaguys.net (backup copy) [1]

[1] http:/ / www. futureofmankind. co. uk/ Billy_Meier/ gaiaguys/ MEIERPROPHECIES1964. htm

Article Sources and Contributors


Article Sources and Contributors

A Prediction Source: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/index.php?oldid=5336 Contributors: Jamesm Contact Report 229 Source: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/index.php?oldid=16861 Contributors: Benjamin, Jamesm, RemRobinson Contact Report 230 Source: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/index.php?oldid=5419 Contributors: Jamesm Contact Report 251 Source: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/index.php?oldid=8925 Contributors: Jamesm Contact Report 476 Source: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/index.php?oldid=13332 Contributors: Jamesm, MarksmanR FIGU Bulletin 001 Source: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/index.php?oldid=8914 Contributors: Jamesm FIGU Bulletin 002 Source: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/index.php?oldid=8915 Contributors: Jamesm FIGU Bulletin 003 Source: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/index.php?oldid=8916 Contributors: Jamesm FIGU Bulletin 004 Source: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/index.php?oldid=8917 Contributors: Jamesm FIGU Bulletin 005 Source: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/index.php?oldid=8918 Contributors: Benjamin, Jamesm FIGU Bulletin 006 Source: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/index.php?oldid=8919 Contributors: Jamesm FIGU Bulletin 007 Source: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/index.php?oldid=8920 Contributors: Jamesm FIGU Bulletin 008 Source: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/index.php?oldid=8921 Contributors: Jamesm FIGU Bulletin 009 Source: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/index.php?oldid=8922 Contributors: Jamesm FIGU Bulletin 010 Source: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/index.php?oldid=8923 Contributors: Jamesm Human being of the Earth Source: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/index.php?oldid=9372 Contributors: Barreto777, Jamesm The Henoch Prophecies Source: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/index.php?oldid=15105 Contributors: Jamesm Warning to all the governments of Europe! Source: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/index.php?oldid=5023 Contributors: Jamesm What is announced comprehensively for the third millennium prophetically and predictively Source: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/index.php?oldid=6889 Contributors: Barreto, Jamesm Where are you going humanity? Source: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/index.php?oldid=6507 Contributors: Jamesm, Ufofacts

Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors


Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors

File:01-contact-approach.JPG Source: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/w/index.php?title=File:01-contact-approach.JPG License: unknown Contributors: Jamesm

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