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Trabalho de Ingls

Nomes: Guilherme Murta Miranda, Marconi Martins e Morais, Wallace J. S. de Brito Turma: D1IAUT1

Lisbon is the capital and the largest and most important city of Portugal.

The population of Lisbon, is characterized by many ups and downs throughout its history. Currently, the population of Lisbon is falling.

Lisbon is a city with an intense cultural life. Epicenter of discovery from the fifteenth century, the city is the meeting point of diverse cultures, the first place where East, India, Africa and the Americas met.

Main Economic Activities: manufacturing, services, fishing, port activities and tourism.

Highlights of tourism in Lisbon: - Torre de Belem.

Lisbon is certainly the most beautiful city in Europe and still retains its traditions and older buildings.

Lisbon is famous for its light but also for the environment and climate offer marvelous walks right from the various areas of the city.

The end

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