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Bjarke Ingels

Tendo sido co-fundador da PLOT Architects em 2001, Bjarke Ingels criou o seu prprio atelier, em 2006: BIG / Bjarke Ingels Group. Com uma srie de construes e projectos de design premiados, Bjarke Ingels criou uma reputao internacional como membro de uma nova gerao de arquitectos, que combina anlise inteligente, experimentao criativa, responsabilidade social e humor. Em 2004, foi galardoado com o Golden Lion na Bienal de Veneza pela Sala de Concertos Stavanger e, no ano seguinte, recebeu o prmio Forum Award pelas Casas VM. Recentemente, foi nomeado para o prestigioso prmio Mies van der Rohe pelas Casas Martimas da Juventude e as Casas VM, assim como para o prmio internacional Iakov Chernikhov. O trabalho dos BIG desafia o papel tradicional do arquitecto. Mediante uma srie de projectos, os BIG tm proposto projectos de forma pr-activa, que tm vindo a desencadear frequentemente debates pblicos acalorados e a influenciar as polticas urbansticas. Um destes projectos o Klverkarren, uma proposta para realizao do plano do mayor de Copenhaga para novas habitaes de baixo custo, na forma de uma Grande Muralha da China de 3 km de apartamentos, volta do parque de desportos existente. Ao praticar o que Bjarke Ingels gosta de descrever como alquimia programtica, os BIG misturam frequentemente ingredientes convencionais, como habitao, lazer, trabalho, estacionamento e comrcio em novas formas de arquitectura simbitica. Para alm do seu atelier de arquitectura, Bjarke Ingels actualmente professor residente na Escola Superior de Design da Universidade de Harvard. Having co-founded PLOT Architects in 2001, Bjarke Ingels started his own office in 2006: BIG / Bjarke Ingels Group. Through a series of award-winning design projects and buildings, Bjarke Ingels has created an international reputation as a member of a new generation of architects that combine shrewd analysis, playful experimentation, social responsibility and humour. In 2004 he was awarded the Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale for the Stavanger Concert House and the following year he received the Forum Award for the VM houses. Recently he has been nominated for the prestigious Mies van der Rohe Award for the Maritime Youth Houses and VM as well as the International Iakov Chernikhov Prize. The work of BIG challenges the traditional role of the architect. Through a series of projects BIG has pro-actively proposed projects that have often triggered heated public debate and influenced urban policies. One such project is the Klverkarren, a proposal to fulfil the Copenhagen Mayors plan of new affordable housing in the form of a 3 km-long Great Chinese Wall of apartments around an existing sports park. By practicing what Bjarke Ingels likes to describe as programmatic alchemy, BIG often mixes conventional ingredients such as living, leisure, working, parking and shopping into new forms of symbiotic architecture. Besides his architectural practice Bjarke Ingels is currently a visiting professor at Harvard Universitys Graduate School of Design.

Diogo Seixas Lopes

Arquitecto (FAUTL). Colaborou com Asymptote Architecture e Joo Santa-Rita. Trabalha em parceria com Patrcia Barbas. Foi um dos directores da revista Prototypo (19992004). Em 2003 publicou Cimncio com o artista Nuno Cera, uma topografia dos subrbios depois apresentada na Representao Portuguesa na 9 Bienal de Arquitectura de Veneza. Comissrio das exposies Joo Mendes Ribeiro e Aires Mateus: Arquitectura, ambas em 2005. Actualmente desenvolve a sua dissertao de doutoramento na ETH Zrich. Architect (FAUTL).

Has collaborated with Asymptote Architecture and Joo Santa-Rita. He works in partnership with Patrcia Barbas. He was one of the directors of the magazine Prototypo (1999-2004). In 2003, he published Cimncio with the artist Nuno Cera, a topography of suburbia, after its presentation as the Portuguese Presence at the 9th Venice Architecture Biennale. He curated the exhibitions Joo Mendes Ribeiro and Aires Mateus: Arquitectura, both in 2005. Currently, he is working on his Phd dissertation at ETH Zrich.

Dominique Perrault

Nascido em Clermont-Ferrand, Frana, em 1953, Dominique Perrault ingressa na escola de arquitectura em 1973. Licencia-se em arquitectura em 1978, em planeamento urbano em 1979, e conclui uma ps-graduao em histria no EHESS em 1980. Em 1981, abriu o seu atelier em Paris e realizou os seus primeiros projectos construdos. Arquitecto e designer urbano, atingiu rapidamente reputao internacional, ao vencer concursos para projectar a Biblioteca Nacional Francesa em 1989 e o veldromo e piscina Olmpicos de Berlin em 1992. Actualmente, trabalha numa srie de projectos urbanos um pouco por todo o mundo, incluindo a expanso do Tribunal Europeu no Luxemburgo, a criao do estdio Olmpico de tnis no Parque Manzanares em Madrid, o plano principal para o Centro de Donau e duas torres de 200 metros em Viena; o novo auditrio para o Teatro Mariinsky de S. Petersburgo, e o campus da universidade feminina de EWHA em Seoul, na Coreia. Alm destes grandes e presigiados projectos, Dominique Perrault tambm trabalha em projectos mais pequenos. Em Frana, construiu o Hotel Industrial JeanBaptiste Berlier em Paris, a fbrica Aplix perto de Nantes e uma biblioteca multimdia library em Vnissieux. Actualmente est a desenvolver projectos de habitao e escritrios em Lille, Boulogne-Billancourt e o Complexo Desportivo de Rouen. Born in Clermont-Ferrand, France, in 1953, Dominique Perrault enters in the school of architecture in 1973. He graduates in architecture in 1978, in town planning in 1979 and he had a postgraduate degree in history in the EHESS in 1980. In 1981 he opened his office in Paris and he realized his first built works. Dominique Perrault, architect and urban designer, rapidly earned himself an international reputation by winning competitions to design the French National Library in 1989 and the Olympic velodrome and swimming pool in Berlin in 1992. He is currently working on a number of large urban projects all over the world, including the expansion of the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, the creation of the Olympic tennis stadium in Manzanares Park in Madrid, the masterplan for the centre of Donau-City and two 200 metres towers in Vienna; the new auditorium for St Petersburgs Mariinsky Theatre, and the EWHA womens university campus in Seoul, Korea. As well as these large prestigious projects, Dominique Perrault works on smaller projects too. In France he built the Hotel Industrial Jean-Baptiste Berlier in Paris, the Aplix factory near Nantes and a multimedia library in Vnissieux. He is now working on various housing and offices projects in Lille, Boulogne-Billancourt and on Sports Complex of Rouen.

Elizabeth Diller

Elizabeth Diller nasceu em Lodz, Polnia, em 1954. Estudou na Cooper Union School of Art e licenciou-se em Arquitectura em 1979 pela Cooper Union School of Architecture. professora de Arquitectura na Universidade de Princeton. Diller Scofidio + Renfro um atelier interdisciplinar dedicado arquitectura e s artes visuais e performativas. Em 1999, a parceria recebeu uma Bolsa da Fundao MacArthur pela criao de uma forma alternativa de exercer arquitectura, que combina design, performance, e meios electrnicos com teoria e crtica de arquitectura, assinalando a primeira vez que o prmio foi atribudo no campo da arquitectura desde o incio do programa em 1981. Em 2005, foram contemplados com National Design Award in Architecture da Smithsonian. Receberam tambm o Prmio de Arquitectura Brunner da Academia Americana de Artes e Letras; o MacDermott Award for Creative Achievement da MIT; o Obie Award for Creative Achievement in Off Broadway Theatre pelo seu trabalho multimdia para a pea Jet Lag; e o Progressive Architecture Design Award pelo Blur Building, um edifcio feito de nevoeiro para a Expo Suia 2002. Actualmente, trabalham em vrios projectos em expanso para o Lincoln Center, tais como a Julliard School, o Alice Tully Hall, e a recentemente inaugurada ampliao dos estdios da School of American Ballet; The High Line, uma linha frrea elevada com 1.45 milhas ao longo da zona de Chelsea em Nova Iorque; e Townhouse, uma residncia privada no bairro novaiorquino de NoLita. O seu edifcio novo para Institute for Contemporary Art de Boston abriu em Dezembro de 2006. Recentemente, tambm colaboraram com o Wooster Group na performance Whos Your DaDa? no MoMA, e com a realizadora Mira Nair na instalao Have You Ever Been Mistaken for a Muslim? em Lille, Frana. O seu trabalho tem sido amplamente exibido nos EUA, Europa e Japo. Diller Scofidio + Renfro publicaram Back to the Front: Tourisms of War, uma anlise da relao complexa entre o turismo e a Guerra, como formas recprocas de interveno cultural, e Flesh: Architectural Probes, ambos publicados pela Princeton Architectural Press. A sua obra Blur: the making of nothing, foi publicada pela Abrams. Em 2003, foram objecto de uma retrospectiva no Whitney Museum of American Art, intitulada SCANNING: The Aberrant Architectures of Diller + Scofidio. Elizabeth Diller was born in Lodz, Poland in 1954. She attended The Cooper Union School of Art and received a Bachelor of Architecture in 1979 from the Cooper Union School of Architecture. She is professor of Architecture at Princeton University. Diller Scofidio + Renfro is a cross-disciplinary studio involved in architecture, the performing and the visual arts. In 1999, the partnership received a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship for the creation of an alternative form of architectural practice that unites design, performance, and electronic media with cultural and architectural theory and criticism, marking the first time the award was given in the field of architecture since the inception of the program in 1981. In 2005, they were awarded the National Design Award in Architecture from the Smithsonian. They have also received the Brunner Prize in Architecture from the American Academy of Arts and Letters; the MacDermott Award for Creative Achievement from MIT; an Obie Award for Creative Achievement in Off Broadway Theater for their multi-media theater work, "Jet Lag; and a Progressive Architecture Design Award for the "Blur Building," a building made of fog for the Swiss Expo 2002. They are currently working on various expansion projects for Lincoln Center such as the Julliard School, Alice Tully Hall, and the recently opened expansion of the School of American Ballets studios; The High Line, an elevated railroad spur stretching 1.45 miles along the Chelsea area of New York City; and Townhouse, a private residence in New Yorks NoLita neighborhood. Their new building for the Boston Institute for Contemporary Art opened in December of 2006. They also recently partnered with the

Wooster Group on the performance piece, Whos Your DaDa? at MoMA and with filmmaker Mira Nair on the installation Have You Ever Been Mistaken for a Muslim? in Lille, France. Their work has been exhibited extensively in the U.S., Europe and Japan. Diller Scofidio + Renfro have published Back to the Front: Tourisms of War, analyzing the complex relationship between tourism and war as reciprocal forms of cultural intervention, and Flesh: Architectural Probes, both published by Princeton Architectural Press. Their book Blur: the making of nothing, was published by Abrams. In 2003 they were the subject of a retrospective at the Whitney Museum of American Art entitled SCANNING: The Aberrant Architectures of Diller + Scofidio.

Eduardo Souto Moura

Nasceu no Porto, em 1952. De 1974 a 1979 colabora com o arquitecto lvaro Siza Vieira. Licencia-se em Arquitectura pela Escola Superior de Belas-Artes do Porto, em 1980. Inicia a actividade como profissional liberal no mesmo ano e no ano seguinte , assistente do curso de Arquitectura na FAUP. Professor convidado na Faculdade de Arquitectura de Paris-Belleville (1988). Professor convidado nas Escolas de Arquitectura de Harvard e Dublin (1989). De 1990 a 1991 professor convidado na ETH de Zurich. Professor convidado na Escola de Arquitectura de Lausanne (1954). Prmios: Prmio Fundao Antnio de Almeida (1980); 1. Prmio no concurso para o Centro Cultural da S.E.C., Porto (1981); 1. Prmio no concurso para a reestruturao da Praa Giraldo, vora (1982); Prmio Fundao Antero de Quental (1984); 1. Prmio no concurso para os Pavilhes C.I.A.C (1986); 1. Prmio no concurso para um Hotel, Salzburg(1987); 1. Prmio no concurso IN/ARCH 1990 para a Siclia (1990); Prmio SECIL de Arquitectura (1992); 1. Prmio para a Construo de Auditrio e Biblioteca Infantil da Biblioteca Pblica Municipal do Porto (1992); 2. Prmio no concurso A Pedra na Arquitectura (1993); Prmio Secil de Arquitectura Meno Honrosa para a Casa de Miramar (1993); Prmios Nacionais de Arquitectura Meno Honrosa para o Centro Cultural da S. E.C. e Casa de Alcanena (1993); Prmio Internacional da Pedra na Arquitectura para a Casa em Braga, Feira de Verona (1995); Prmio Anual da Seco Portuguesa da Associao Internacional de Crticos de Arte (1996); Prmio Heinrich-Tessenow-Medal in Gold (2001); Prmio Secil de Arquitectura (2004); Prmio FAD de Arquitectura, Barcelona, com o projecto do Estdio de Braga (2005); 1. Prmio no Concurso para um crematrio em Kortrijk, Blgica (2005); Galardo para o Estdio Municipal de Braga com o Prmio Internacional de Arquitectura atribudo pelo Chicago Athenaeum Museum, U. S.A.(2006); Meno Honrosa na categoria de Melhor Janela Estdio Municipal de Braga, atribudo pela Associao Espanhola de Fabricantes de Janelas e Fachadas Ligeiras (ASEFAVE) Veteco na Feira de Madrid, Espanha (2006); Prmio FAD Ciutat i Paisatge com o Projecto Metro do Porto (2006). Born in Porto 1952. From 1974 to 1979, he worked for lvaro Siza Vieira, before graduating in Architecture from the school of Fine Arts, Porto, in 1980. In 1980 he started freelance activities and in the following year he was: Assistant Professor, Architecture Degree Course, Porto School of Architecture. Guest Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Paris-Belleville (1988). Guest Professor at the Harvard and Dublin Schools of Architecture (1989). In 1990 and 1991 he was Guest Professor at the ETH, Zurich. Guest Professor at the Lausanne School of Architecture (1994). Prizes: Antnio de Almeida Foundation Prize (1980); 1st Prize, Competition for the S.E.C. Arts Centre, Porto (1981); 1st Prize, Competition for the Restructuring of Praa Giraldo, vora (1982); Antero de Quental Foundation Prize (1984); 1st Prize, Competition for the C.I.A.C. Pavilions (1986); 1st Prize, Competition for Hotel, Salzburg (1987); 1st Prize, Competition IN/ARCH 1990

for Sicily (1990); SECIL Architecture Prize (1992); 1st Prize, Competition for the Auditorium and Childrens Library, Porto Municipal Library (1992); 2nd Prize, Stone in Architecture Competition (1993); SECIL Architecture Prize Honourable Mention for the House in Miramar (1993); National Architecture Awards Honourable Mention for the S.E.C. Arts Centre and House in Alcanena (1993); International Stone in Architecture Prize for the House in Braga, Verona Fair (1995); Annual Prize of the Portuguese Section of the International Association of Arts Critics (1996); Heinrich-Tessenow-Medal in Gold (2001); SECIL Architecture Prize (2004); FAD Architecture Prize, Barcelona, for Braga Municipal Stadium (2005); 1st Prize, Competition for Crematorium in Kortrijk, Belgium (2005); International Architecture Prize awarded by the Chicago Athenaeum Museum, USA for Braga Municipal Stadium (2006); Honourable Mention in the Best Window Category, from the Association of Spanish Window and Lightweight Faade Manufacturers (ASEFAVE), for Braga Municipal Stadium, Madrid Fair (2006); FAD Ciutat i Paisatge Prize for the Porto Light Rail Project (2006).

Emilio Tun

Emilio Tun professor no departamento de projecto de arquitectura da Escola de Arquitectura de Madrid, tendo sido professor convidado em diversas universidades: Graduate School of Design da Universidade de Harvard, cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne, Frankfurt Stdelschule, Escola de Arquitectura de Navarra, Escola de Arquitectura de Barcelona e Escola de Arquitectura de New Puerto Rico. Em 1992, Emilio Tun Alvarez e Luis Mansilla fundaram o atelier de arquitectura MANSILLA+TUON ARQUITECTOS. O seu trabalho foi reconhecido com os prmios: Via Construction 2006, Enor 2005, Prmio Nacional de Arquitectura Espanhola 2003, COAM 2003, FAD 2001, COACV 2000, Prmio Excellent Work 2000, Prmio da Fundao CEOE 1997, Premio Arquitecti 1996. Emilio Tun is full professor in the architectural design department of the Architecture School of Madrid and has been visiting professor in several universities: Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne, Frankfurt Stdelschule, Navarra Architecture School, Barcelona Architecture School, New Puerto Rico Architecture School. In 1992, Emilio Tun Alvarez and Luis Mansilla establish the architecture firm MANSILLA+TUON ARQUITECTOS. Their work has been awarded with the prizes: Via Construction Award 2006, Enor Award 2005, Spanish National Architecture Award 2003, COAM Award 2003, FAD Award 2001,COACV Award 2000, Excellent Work Award 2000, CEOE Foundation Award 1997, Arquitecti Award 1996.

Felix Claus

Claus en Kaan Architecten foi fundada em 1987 por Felix Claus e Kees Kaan. A firma tem escritrios em Amsterdo e Roterdo e emprega uma equipa de mais de 80 pessoas. A Claus en Kaan especializa-se em edifcios pblicos com programa especfico, design urbano e habitao. Actualmente desenvolvem-se projectos na Holanda, Frana, Espanha, Blgica e Japo. Claus en Kaan Architecten was founded in 1987 by Felix Claus and Kees Kaan. The office has establishments in Amsterdam and Rotterdam and employs a staff of over 80 people. Claus en Kaan specializes in public buildings with a specific programme, in urban design and in housing. Projects are currently under construction in the Netherlands, France, Spain, Belgium and Japan.

Fernando Romero

Fernando Romero nasceu na Cidade do Mxico em 1971 e licenciou-se em 1995 na Universidad Iberoamericana. Foi presidente da associao de estudantes em 1994-1995. Trabalhou com Jean Nouvel em 1996 e com Rem Koolhaas de 1997 a 2000. Em 1999, como lder de projecto, desenhou a proposta vencedora do Concurso para a sala de concertos Casa da Msica no Porto, Portugal (Recentemente inaugurada e considerada como um dos cones da arquitectura contempornea). Desde a sua fundao em 1999, a LAR tem realizado um leque abrangente de projectos multi-usos, culturais, comerciais e residenciais. Fernando Romero was born in Mexico City in 1971 and graduated in 1995 at Universidad Iberoamericana. He was president of the student society in 1994-1995. He worked with Jean Nouvel in 1996 and with Rem Koolhaas from 1997-2000. In 1999 as head project leader he designed the winning proposal for the concert hall Casa da Musica competition in Porto, Portugal (Recently inaugurated and considered one of the icons in the contemporary architecture). Since LAR was founded in 1999, the office has design a wide range of multipleuse, cultural, commercial and residential projects.

Francisco J. Mangado

Nasceu em Navarra em 1957. Arquitecto pela Escola Superior de Arquitectura da Universidade de Navarra, desenvolve a actividade docente como professor na mesma instituio, assim como na Graduate School of Design da Universidade de Harvard, na UTA, Texas e na Universidade Internacional da Catalunha, entre outras. Recebeu o prmio de arquitectura Andrea Palladio, o Thiene de Arquitectura, o prmio Architecti, o prmio da CEOE e o FAD, entre outros. Entre os seus trabalhos destacam-se o Palcio de Congressos e Auditrio de Pamplona, a praa Pey Berland em Bordus, Casas, Centro de Cultura e Igreja em Thiene (Itlia), o Centro Municipal de Exposies e Congressos de vila, o Museu de Arqueologia de Vitria, um edifcio de escritrios em Paris, o Campo de Futebol de Palencia, ou projectos mais recentes, como o Palcio de Congressos de Palma de Mallorca, o Pavilho de Espanha para a Exposio Internacional Saragoa 2008, uma torre de casas na Praa Europa no LHospitalet de Llobregat e o Museu de Belas Artes de Oviedo. As obras do Palcio de Congressos e Auditrio de Pamplona e o Centro Municipal de Exposies e Congressos de vila foram includas na exposio que o MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) organizou sobre arquitectura espanhola, em Nova Iorque, a partir de 7 de Fevereiro de 2006, bem como em Madrid, a partir de 21 de Setembro do mesmo ano. A sua obra foi publicada em inmeras revistas e publicaes nacionais e internacionais Was born in Navarra in 1957. Degree in Architecture at the School of Architecture. University of Navarra. 1981. Visiting professor at Harvard University Graduate Graduate School of Design. 19961997 / 1997-1998 / 2000-2001. Visiting professor at Harvard University of Texas, Arlington. UTA University. 1996. Professor at the School of Architecture of the International University of Catalonia. 2001- 2002 / 2002-2003 / 2003-2004. Professor of Architectural Design in the Master in Architectural Design at the School of Architecture of Navarre. Courses 2001-2003 / 2003-2005, among others. Prizes: Andrea Palladio International Architecture Competition for Young Architects. Honorable mention of the juri for the marco real wineries in olite. Navarre. CEOE Foundation Architecture Awards 1997.

IBERFAD Prize 1997. Finalist project Gamesa Factory for the manufacturing of energy-efficient windmills, Pamplona. Works: Auditorium and Congress Center of Navarre, Pamplona Competition for redesign of Pey-Berland Square in bordeaus. 1st Prize. Houses Project for a Square with Dwellings, Cultural Center and Church in Thiene, Vicenza, 1994-1996 Centro Municipal de Exposiciones y Congresos de Avila, Junta de Castilla y Len, Ayuntamiento de vila, vila, 2005. Social Housing in Vitoria-Gasteiz. 2006-... Project for an office building in Paris. In progress. Project for the soccer Stadium of Palencia. Under construction. Competition for a Congress Center in Palma de Mallorca. 1st Prize. June 2005 Spanish Pavilion for Expo Zaragoza 2008. 2006-... Office Tower in Barcelona. LHospitalet de Llobregat. In progress. Mangado presenta en Oviedo el proyecto del Bellas Artes, in La Voz de, 14 February 2007. Centro Municipal de Exposiciones y Congresos de Avila, Junta de Castilla y Len, Ayuntamiento de vila, vila, 2005. Museum os Modern Art (MoMA). 12+12: Spain on Spain. Architecture Symposium and Discussion. New York. February 2006. His work has been Publisher in numerous magazines and publications nationals and internationals, and also in some monographs such as: Francisco Mangado Editorial Editorial Gustavo Gili. Barcelona. Diciembre 1994 Habitacion y Vivienda. Francisco Mangado. Colegio de Arquitectos de Almera. Septiembre 1998. Baluarte. Monografa sobre Palacio de Congresos y Auditorio de Navarra. Proyectar Navarra. Pamplona, febrero 2004. Francisco Mangado. Baluarte. Palacio de Congresos y Auditorio de Navarra. Editorial Caleidoscopio. Casal de Cambra (Portugal), septiembre 2004. Opere e progetti Francisco Mangado. Editorial Mondadori Electa Spa. Milan, 2005. Francisco Mangado. Obras y proyectos. Edicin espaola de Opere e progetti Francisco Mangado. Editorial Gustavo Gili. Barcelona, 2005. Plaza Dal, Madrid. Francisco Mangado, Francesc Torres. Editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 2005. Francisco Mangado. Arquitectura 1998-2006. TC Cuadernos (Tribuna de la Construccin), Serie Dedalo, Valencia, mayo 2006.

Hans Ulrich Obrist

Hans Ulrich Obrist nasceu em Zurique em Maio de 1968. Trabalhou na Galeria Serpentine como Co-director de Exposies e Programas e Director de Projectos Internacionais em Abril de 2006. Anteriormente, foi Comissrio do Muse dArt Moderne de la Ville de Paris desde 2000, assim como comissrio do museu em Viena, de 1993 a 2000. Comissariou mais de 150 exposies internacionalmente desde 1991, incluindo do it, Take Me, Im Yours (Serpentine Gallery), Cities on the Move, Live/ Life, Nuit Blanche, 1st Berlin Biennale, Manifesta 1, e mais recentemente Uncertain States of America, 1 Trienal de Moscovo e 2 Bienal de Guangzhou (China). Hans Ulrich Obrist cocomissariou muitas exposies monogrficcas no Muse dArt Moderne de la Ville de Paris, tais como Olafur Eliasson, Philippe Parreno, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Anri Sala, Pierre Huyghe, Steve McQueen e Doug Aitken.

Hans Ulrich Obrist was born in Zurich in May 1968. He joined the Serpentine Gallery as Codirector of Exhibitions and Programmes and Director of International Projects in April 2006. Prior to this he was Curator of the Muse dArt Moderne de la Ville de Paris since 2000, as well as curator of museum in progress, Vienna, from 1993-2000. He has curated over 150 exhibitions internationally since 1991, including do it, Take Me, Im Yours (Serpentine Gallery), Cities on the Move, Live/Life, Nuit Blanche, 1st Berlin Biennale, Manifesta 1, and more recently Uncertain States of America, 1st Moscow Triennale and 2nd Guangzhou Biennale (Canton China). Hans Ulrich Obrist has also co-curated many monographic shows at Muse dArt Moderne de la Ville de Paris, such as Olafur Eliasson, Philippe Parreno, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Anri Sala, Pierre Huyghe, Steve McQueen and Doug Aitken.

Jamie Fobert

Jamie Fobert nasceu no Canad e estudou na Universidade de Toronto. Fundou a Jamie Fobert Architects em Julho de 1996. Desde o incio que a Jamie Fobert Architects reputada pelo seu trabalho inovador e inspirador, incluindo projectos residenciais, comerciais e culturais. Concluram-se projectos para edifcios no Reino Unido, Frana, Alemanha, E.U.A. e Trinidad. Trabalhando numa variedade de locais, o atelier tem demonstrado uma abordagem consistente na resoluo das ambies do cliente e das complexidades do local numa arquitectura de volume, material e luz. O atelier tem ganho vrios prmios, incluindo a Medalha Manser e o RIBA e English Heritage Award por um edifcio num contexto histrico para a Anders House em 2003, e o Prmio Next Generation em 2006. A Jamie Fobert Architects conquistou, recentemente, as suas duas primeiras comisses pblicas: a ampliao da Galeria Kettles Yard em Cambridge e a ampliao da Tate em St Ives. O atelier est actualmente a trabalhar em projectos residenciais em Londres, Brighton e Trinidad, e uma nova loja de bolos para a Konditor & Cook inaugurar no incio do vero de 2007. Antes de formar o seu prprio atelier, Jamie Fobert trabalhou para a David Chipperfield Architects e colaborou em projectos no Japo, Frana e Itlia. Em 1995 e 1996, foi responsvel pelo atelier de Berlim, coordenando novos projectos na Alemanha. Jamie tem pronunciado palestras em escolas de arquitectura por todo o Reino Unido e Europa. De 2000 a 2002 ensinou arquitectura na Associao de Arquitectura de Londres. Jamie Fobert was born in Canada and trained at the University of Toronto. He established Jamie Fobert Architects in July 1996. From its inception Jamie Fobert Architects has had a reputation for innovative and inspiring work, including residential, commercial and cultural projects. Design work has been completed for buildings in the UK, France, Germany, USA and Trinidad. Working in a variety of locations, the practice has demonstrated a consistent approach to resolving the ambitions of the client and the complexities of the site into a tactile architecture of volume, material and light. The practice has garnered several awards, including the Manser Medal and the RIBA and English Heritage Award for a building in an historic context for the Anders House in 2003 and the Next Generation Award in 2006. Jamie Fobert Architects has recently won its first two major public commissions: the extension of Kettles Yard Gallery in Cambridge and the extension to the Tate in St Ives. The practice is currently working on residential projects in London, Brighton, and Trinidad and a new cake shop for Konditor & Cook will be opening in early summer 2007. Before setting up his own practice, Jamie Fobert worked for David Chipperfield Architects and was involved in projects in Japan, France and Italy. In 1995 and 1996 he was responsible for the Berlin practice, overseeing new projects in Germany. Jamie has lectured at architectural schools across the UK and

Europe. From 2000 to 20002 he taught a design studio at the Architectural Association in London.

Jan Kaplicky

Kaplicky nasceu em Praga em 1937, onde estudou arquitectura. A Future Systems comeou em 1979, como uma parceria entre Jan Kaplicky e David Nixon. Na dcada seguinte, a dupla desenvolveu um registo impressionante de projectos visionrios, que inspiraram toda uma gerao de arquitectos e engenheiros. Uma nova fase comeou em 1989, quando Amanda Levete se associou a Kaplicky. Os edifcios que a Future Systems tem realizado, desde ento foram no s premiados, como seminais na sua influncia, incluindo a Casa Hauer-King, a Docklands Floating Bridge e o Media Centre em Lords, que foi contemplado com Prmio Stirling, em 1999. O extraordinrio edifcio da Future Systems para o Selfridges em Birmingham abriu em 2003. Os trabalhos em curso incluem uma estao de metro em Npoles, em colaborao com o artista Anish Kapoor, e o novo Museu Maserati em Modena, Itlia. O trabalho competitivo da Future Systems abrange projectos como o New Acropolis Museum e a Bibliotheque de France, ou o Hallfield School Prototype, tambm bastante influentes. Um compromisso com a investigao uma parte vital da filosofia do atelier. Projectos como o Green Building e o Project Zed, investigaes sobre edifcios de energia zero tm sido aplaudidos e reproduzidos em igual medida. Kaplicky tem feito comunicaes por todo o mundo em mais de 20 pases, publicou 9 livros e foi publicado, at agora, em mais de 30 pases. Kaplicky was born in Prague in 1937 where he studied to become an architect. Future Systems began in 1979 as a partnership between Jan Kaplicky and David Nixon. For the next decade, the pair developed an impressive record of visionary projects that inspired a generation of architects and engineers. A new era began in 1989 when Amanda Levete joined Kaplicky as partner. The buildings Future Systems have since realized have been award-winning and seminal in their influence, including Hauer-King House, Docklands Floating Bridge and the Media Centre at Lords, which received the Stirling prize in 1999. Future Systems extraordinary building for Selfridges in Birmingham opened in 2003. Current work includes a subway station in Naples in collaboration with the artist Anish Kapoor and the new Maserati Museum in Modena, Italy. Future Systems competition work, from projects such as the New Acropolis Museum and the Bibliotheque de France to the Hallfield School Prototype, are equally influential. A commitment to research is a vital part of its philosophy. Projects such as the Green Building and Project Zed, investigations into zero energy-buildings, have been acclaimed and reproduced equal measure. Kaplicky has lectured in more than 20 countries around the world, has published 9 books and has been published in over 30 countries to date.

Joo Lus Carrilho da Graa

Nasceu em 1952. Licenciado pela ESBAL, em 1977, foi assistente na Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Tcnica de Lisboa, entre 1977 e 1992. Desde 2001 professor convidado no departamento de Arquitectura da Universidade Autnoma de Lisboa. Tem desenvolvido actividade pedaggica em inmeras escolas em seminrios, conferncias e semestres de docncia. Recebeu o prmio da Associao Internacional dos crticos de arte 1992 pelo conjunto da sua obra e por ocasio da execuo da Escola Superior de Comunicao Social; prmio Relao com o Stio, meno honrosa (Associao dos Arquitectos Portugueses) 1993, piscina de Campo Maior; prmio SECIL 1994, Escola de Comunicao Social, Lisboa; prmio Valmor 1998 e grande prmio do jri fad 1999, Pavilho do Conhecimento dos Mares, Expo 98, Lisboa; prmio LuzBoa 2004 da Bienal Internacional de arte em Lisboa; nomeado inmeras vezes para o

prmio Mies Van Der Rohe, prmio Europeu de Arquitectura. Publicado extensamente em inmeros livros e revistas da especialidade, recentemente pela electa, monografia joo luis carrilho da graa opere e progetti, 2003. Distinguido com a Ordem do Mrito da Repblica Portuguesa em 1999. Born in 1952. He graduated in Architecture at the Lisbon School of Fine Arts in 1977. He has been an assistant lecturer at the Architecture Faculty of the Technical University and is a guest lecturer at the Architecture Department of the Autonomous University of Lisbon at vora University.He has been awarded various prizes, including the AICA Prize in 1992, the Secil Prize in 1994, the Valmor Prize in 1998 and the Grand Prix of the fad jury in 1999. He has been nominated several times for the Mies Van Der Rohe European Architecture Prize. He has published extensively in various books and speciality magazines. He was honoured with the Portuguese Republics Order of Merit in 1999.

Joo Pedro Serdio

Joo Pedro Alves de Guimares Serdio nasceu em 1963. Licenciou-se em arquitectura na Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto em 1991. Estagiou no atelier Herzog & de Meuron em Basileia, Sua. Possui escritrio no Porto desde 1992. Foi assistente estagirio da cadeira Projecto IV do curso de Arquitectura da Universidade Lusada entre 1997 e 2002. assistente convidado da cadeira de Projecto IV da Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto desde 2002. Foi eleito presidente da Seco Regional Norte da Ordem dos Arquitectos para o trinio 2004/2007. Joo Pedro Alves de Guimares Serdio was born in 1963. He graduated in architecture from the Faculty of Architecture, University of Oporto, in 1991. He was a trainee in the offices of Herzog & de Meuron in Basel, Switzerland. He has had is own office in Oporto since 1992. He was assistant teacher for the module Project IV in the Architecture course at Lusada University from 1997 to 2002. He is guest teacher for the module Project IV at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Oporto since 2002. He was elected President of the Northern Region Section of the Order of Architects for the term 2004 to 2007.

Joo Belo Rodeia

(Leiria, 1961) licenciou-se em Arquitectura pela Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Tcnica de Lisboa (FAUTL) em 1984 e diplomou-se em Estudos Avanados de Projecto de Arquitectura pela Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya (UPC) em 2001. Exerceu docncia na FAUTL entre 1985 e 2003, e exerce docncia na Faculdade de Arquitectura e Artes da Universidade Lusada de Lisboa desde 1986. Presidente do Instituto Portugus do Patrimnio Arquitectnico (IPPAR) entre 2003 e 2005, foi reeleito Presidente do Conselho Nacional de Delegados da Ordem dos Arquitectos (OA) em 2005. Programou o Ano Nacional da Arquitectura 2004, promovido pela OA. Jurado em Concursos e Prmios, entre os quais o Prmio Secil e o Prmio Valmor de Arquitectura, comissariou vrias exposies nacionais e internacionais de arquitectura portuguesa. autor de inmeros escritos publicados em livros, catlogos e revistas especializadas, incluindo os nmeros 20 (Arquitectura Portuguesa) e 28 (Aires Mateus) da revista 2G, da editora espanhola Gustavo Gili. Foi colaborador de Arquitectura no Jornal O Independente. Faz parte do conselho editorial e colaborador permanente do actual JA-Jornal Arquitectos. No final de 2005, foi convidado de honra na XXI Conferncia Latino-Americana de Escolas e Faculdades de Arquitectura, realizada em Loja (Equador) e, a convite do governo espanhol, foi o delegado portugus V Bienal Iberoamericana de Arquitectura e Urbanismo, realizada em Montevidu (Uruguay), no final de 2006.

Tem sido professor e/ou conferencista convidado em Portugal, Espanha, Suia, Brasil, Mxico, Equador e Uruguay. Exerce actualmente funes ligadas consultadoria, assessoria e programao cultural em Arquitectura, junto de entidades e instituies pblicas e privadas. Vive e trabalha na regio de Lisboa. (Leiria, 1961) has graduated in Architecture from the Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Tcnica de Lisboa (FAUTL) in 1984 and has been granted a certificate on Advanced Studies on Architecture Projects from the Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya (UPC) in 2001. He taught at FAUTL and at the Faculdade de Arquitectura e Artes da Universidade Lusada de Lisboa (FAAUL) between 1986 and 2003 and will restart the university teaching at the end of 2006. Chairman of the Instituto Portugus do Patrimnio Arquitectnico (IPPAR) between 2003 and 2005. He was reelected Chairman of the National Council of Delegates of the Ordem dos Arquitectos (OA) in 2005. He programmed the Ano Nacional da Arquitectura 2004, promoted by the OA. Juryman on contests and prizes, among which Prmio SECIL and Prmio Valmor de Arquitectura. He was commissioner on several national and international exhibitions of Portuguese Architecture. Author of innumerable texts published on books, catalogues and specialized magazines, including number 20 (Arquitectura Portuguesa) and 28 (Aires Mateus) of 2G magazine, of the Spanish publishing house Gustavo Gili. He was collaborator on architecture issues for the weekly newspaper O Independente. He is member of the Editorial Council of the JA-Jornal Arquitectos and a permanent collaborator. At the end of 2005 he was guest of honour on the XXI Conferncia LatinoAmericana de Escolas e Faculdades de Arquitectura, which took place at Loja ( Ecuador). Invited by the Spanish government, he is the Portuguese delegate to the V Bienal Iberoamericana de Arquitectura e Urbanismo that will take place at Montevideu ( Uruguay) in 2006. He has been teacher and/or visiting lecturer in Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Brazil, Mexico and Ecuador. At present he works on fields connected with consultancy, assessory and cultural planning on Architecure for entities and for public and private institutions. Lives and works in Lisbon.

Jos Mateus

Licenciatura em Arquitectura, FAUTL, 1986. Professor convidado na Universidad Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona. Autor e coordenador da revista Linha de Arquitectura, Design e Paisagem do Semanrio Expresso e da srie de programas de televiso sobre arquitectura para a Sic-Notcias Tempo & Trao. Integrou o Jri para o prmio da Bienal de Arquitectura de S. Paulo 2003. Trabalhou, desde 1983, em diversos ateliers e estabeleceu parcerias de projecto com diversos arquitectos e designers. A ARX Portugal Arquitectos, lda. foi fundada em 1990. BA Honours Architecture, FAUTL, 1986. Guest lecturer at Universidad Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona. Author and coordinator of Linha magazine featured in the weekly newspaper Expresso and in the TV siries Tempo & Trao in Sic-Notcias. Jury member in the 2003 Architecture biennale, S. Paulo. Worked, since 1983, in various labs and established project partnerships with numerous architects and designers. ARX Portugal Arquitectos, lda. was founded in 1990.

Kengo Kuma

Kengo Kuma Nasceu em Kanagawa, Japo, em 1954. Concluiu o seu mestrado na Universidade de Tquio, em 1979. De 1985 a 1986, foi investigador visitante na Universidade Columbia. Em 1990, fundou a Kengo Kuma & Associates. professor na Faculdade de Cincia e Technologia da Universidade Keio desde 2001. Entre as suas

obras principais destacam-se o Observatrio Kirosan (1995), gua/Relva (1995, pelo qual recebeu o Prmio AIA Benedictus), Bienal de Veneza/Desenho do Espao do Pavilho Japons (1995), Palco na Floresta e o Centro Toyoma para as Artes Performativas (1997, pelo qual recebeu o Prmio Anual do Instituto de Arquitectura do Japo 1997), Museu Stone (2000, pelo qual recebeu o Prmio Internacional de Arquitectura de Stone 2001), e Museu Batomachi Hiroshige (2001, pelo qual recebeu o Prmio Murano). Foi reconhecido com o Prmio de Arquitectura International Spirit of Nature Wood em 2002, pelas suas arquitecturas de madeira. Born in Kanagawa, Japan in 1954. Completed his masters degree at Tokyo University in 1979. Visiting scholar at Columbia University from 1985 to 1986. In 1990 he established Kengo Kuma & Associates. From 2001 he has been a professor at Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University. His major works include the Kirosan Observatory (1995), Water/Grass (1995, for which he received the AIA Benedictus Award), Venice Biennale/Space Design of Japanese Pavilion (1995), Stage in Forest, and Toyoma Center for Performance Arts (1997, for which he received the 1997 Architectural Institute of Japan Annual Award), Stone Museum (2000, for which he received International Stone Architecture Award 2001), Bato-machi Hiroshige Museum (2001, for which he received The Murano Prize). He was awarded the International Spirit of Nature Wood Architecture Award in 2002 for his major wooden architectures.

Kurt W Forster

Kurt W Forster nasceu em Zurique e estudou em universidade na Suia, Alemanha, Inglaterra e Itlia, licenciando-se em histria de arte e arquitectura, literatura e arqueologia na Universidade de Zurique. Tendo partido de seguida para os EUA, ensinou nas universidades de Yale, Stanford, Berkeley, Harvard e Massachusetts Institute of Technology, antes de assumir a direco do Getty Research Institute em Los Angeles de 1984 a 1993. Professor e Coordenador de licenciatura em histria e teoria da arquitectura no Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) na sua cidade natal (1992/3-1999), organizou tambm grandes exposies sobre Schinkel (Chicago), Scarpa (Vicenza and Verona), Herzog & de Meuron (Montreal) e foi nomeado director da 9 Exposio Internacional de Arquitectura, a Bienal de Veneza, 2004. Mudando-se para Montreal em 1999 como director do Canadian Centre for Architecture, regressou Europa e exerceu o cargo Gropius na Universidade Bauhaus em Weimar (2003-2005), sendo actualmente professor Scully na Universidade de Yale. Na Primavera de 2006 foi Mellon Senior Fellow do Canadian Centre for Architecture. Kurt W Forster was born in Zurich and studied at universities in Switzerland, Germany, England and Italy, graduating in history of art and architecture, literature and archaeology at the University of Zurich. Having left immediately for the USA, he taught at the universities of Yale, Stanford, Berkeley, Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, before taking up the position of director of the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles from 1984 to 1993. Professor and Head of the graduate program in the history and theory of architecture at the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in his native Zurich (1992/3-1999), he also organized major exhibitions on Schinkel (Chicago), Scarpa (Vicenza and Verona), Herzog & de Meuron (Montreal) and was named director of the 9th International Architecture exhibition, the Venice Biennale, 2004. Having moved to Montreal in 1999 as director of the Canadian Centre for Architecture, he returned to Europe and held the Gropius chair at the Bauhaus University in Weimar (2003-2005) and is now Scully visiting professor at Yale University. In Spring 2006 he was Mellon Senior Fellow at the Canadian Centre for Architecture.

Luis Fernndez-Galiano

Luis Fernndez-Galiano (1950) arquitecto e catedrtico de Projectos na Escola de Arquitectura da Universidade Politcnica de Madrid. Dirige as revistas AV/Arquitectura Viva e colabora na seco de arquitectura do dirio El Pas. Membro da Real Academia de Doctores, foi Professor Cullinan na Universidade de Rice, investigador visitante no Centro Getty de Los Angeles e crtico visitante em Harvard e Princeton, assim como no Instituto Berlage; leccionou nas universidades Menndez Pelayo e Complutense. Presidente do jri na 9 Bienal de Arquitectura de Veneza e da XV Bienal de Arquitectura do Chile, especialista e jri do prmio europeu Mies van der Rohe, foi comissrio das exposies El espacio privado em Madrid e Eurasia Extrema em Tquio, e integrou o jri de inmeros concursos internacionais. Da sua autoria, incluem-se livros como La quimera moderna, El fuego y la memoria e Spain Builds, este ltimo em colaborao com o MoMA. Luis Fernndez-Galiano (1950) is an architect and professor at the School of Architecture of Madrids Universidad Politcnica. Editor of the journals AV/Arquitectura Viva, he writes on architecture for Spains leading newspaper, El Pas. A member of the Royal Academy of Doctors, he has been Cullinan Professor at Rice University, a visiting scholar at the Getty Center of Los Angeles and a visiting critic at Princeton, Harvard and the Berlage Institute; and has taught courses at the Menndez Pelayo and Complutense universities. President of the jury in the 9th Venice Architecture Biennial and in the XV Chile Architecture Biennial, expert and jury member of the Mies van der Rohe European Award, he has curated the exhibitions El espacio privado in Madrid and Extreme Eurasia in Tokyo, and has been on the jury of several international competitions. Among his books are La Quimera Moderna, Fire and Memory (MIT Press) and Spain Builds, the latter in collaboration with New Yorks Museum of Modern Art.

Luis Tavares Pereira

(Lisboa, 1966), licenciado em arquitectura (FAUP, 1991), M.Arch (Princeton University, 1996). Scio fundador do atelier [A]. ainda arquitectura , integra o Conselho Directivo da Seco Regional Norte da Ordem dos Arquitectos, eleito para um mandato de trs anos, responsvel pelo pelouro da Cultura. ainda comissrio da seco dos pases convidados na 1. Trienal de Arquitectura de Lisboa TAL07. Foi co-comissrio da representao oficial portuguesa na Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura de Veneza, 2004 com Metaflux: duas geraes na arquitectura portuguesa recente ; do projecto de exposies e seminrio sobre Arquitectura Portuguesa Recente: INFLUX, Porto, 20022003 a convite da Fundao de Serralves; Cocomisrio dos Simpsios Internacionais de Arquitectura Museus de Arte, Museu Serralves/OASRN, Porto, 2005; Cidade em Performance, Porto 2001; do projecto de documentao da transformao urbana no Porto Registos de uma Transformao, Porto 2001, ambos no mbito da Capital Europeia da Cultura, Porto 2001 ;e dos Encontros de Serpa , 1997, momento seminal de afirmao da sua gerao. (Lisbon, 1966) has graduated in architecture from the FAUP in 1991. He is MArch from Princeton University (1996). Co-founder of the [A].ainda arquitectura office. Member of the Directive Council of the Northern Section of the Ordem dos Arquitectos for a three years commission on the cultural department. Commissioner at the section of invited countries at the 1st Triennial Architecture Lisboa07. He was co-commissioner of: the official portuguese representation at the International Biennial Architecture of Venice 2004 with Metaflux:duas geraes na arquitectura portuguesa recente; the project of

exhibitions and seminars on Arquitectura Portuguesa Recente: INFLUX, Porto, 20022003, invited by Fundao de Serralves; the International Architecture Symposiums Museus de Arte, Museu Serralves/OASRN, Porto, 2005; Cidade em Performance, Porto 2001 and the project for the documentation of the urban transformation in Porto Registos de Uma Transformao, Porto 2001, both for Porto 2001 European Capital of Culture; the Encontros de Serpa, 1997, seminal moment of assertion of his generation.

Manuel Graa Dias

Manuel Graa Dias (Lisboa, 1953), arquitecto (ESBAL 1977). Vive e trabalha em Lisboa onde criou o atelier CONTEMPORNEA LD com Egas Jos Vieira (1990). Professor convidado da FAUP e do DA/UAL, autor de numerosos textos de crtica e divulgao de arquitectura, tendo sido director do JA (Jornal Arquitectos), orgo da Ordem dos Arquitectos (2000-2004). Manuel Graa Dias ganhou, com Egas Jos Vieira, o Prmio AICA/Ministrio da Cultura (Arquitectura), relativo a 1999, pelo conjunto da sua obra. Manuel Graa Dias (Lisbon, 1953) is an architect (ESBAL 1977). He lives and works in Lisbon, where he founded the practice CONTEMPORNEA LD with Egas Jos Vieira (1990). He is Guest Professor at FAUP and at DA/UAL, and author of numerous texts on architecture and critique, having been director of JA (Jornal Arquitectos), belonging to the Architects Order (2000-2004). Manuel Graa Dias has won, with Egas Jos Vieira, the Prize AICA/Ministery of Culture (Architecture) 1999, by his whole work.

Mark Wigley

Mark Wigley dirige a Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation da Universidade de Columbia. Autor de The Architecture of Deconstruction: Derridas Haunt (1993), White Walls, Designer Dresses: The Fashioning of Modern Architecture (1995; both MIT Press), e Constants New Babylon: The Hyper-Architecture of Desire (010 Publishers, 1998), co-editou, com Catherine de Zegher, The Activist Drawing: Retracing Situationist Architectures from Constants New Babylon to Beyond,(MIT Press, 2001). Comissariou exposies no MoMA em Nova Iorque, the Witte de With em Roterdo, The Drawing Center em Nova Iorque, e o CCA em Montreal. Mark Wigley is Dean of Columbia Universitys Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation. The author of The Architecture of Deconstruction: Derridas Haunt (1993), White Walls, Designer Dresses: The Fashioning of Modern Architecture (1995; both MIT Press), and Constants New Babylon: The Hyper- Architecture of Desire (010 Publishers, 1998), he coedited, with Catherine de Zegher, The Activist Drawing: Retracing Situationist Architectures from Constants New Babylon to Beyond,(MIT Press, 2001). He has curated exhibitions at the MoMA in New York, the Witte de With in Rotterdam, The Drawing Center in New York, and the CCA in Montreal.

Nuno Grande

Nasceu em 1966. Licenciou-se em Arquitectura pela Universidade do Porto, em 1992. Desde 1993, docente no Departamento de Arquitectura da Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra, onde prepara actualmente a sua Tese de Doutoramento sobre o Contexto e a Evoluo dos Grandes Equipamentos Culturais da Contemporaneidade Portuguesa. docente convidado da Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto na disciplina de Urbanstica Contempornea. Foi programador cultural na rea de Arquitectura e Cidade do Porto 2001, Capital Europeia da Cultura. Foi

ainda co-responsvel pelo Pelouro da Cultura da Ordem dos Arquitectos (SRN), entre 1999 e 2004. Publicou a obra intitulada O Verdadeiro Mapa do Universo: uma leitura diacrnica da cidade portuguesa (Edies Edarq, 2002), a compilao de textos Arquitectura & No (Editora Caleidoscpio, 2005) e coordenou a edio das actas Cidade-Sofia, Cidades Universitrias em Debate (Edies Edarq, 2005). Escreve, episodicamente, sobre Arquitectura em revistas da especialidade em Portugal e Espanha. Exerce a actividade liberal como complemento prtico da sua actividade de docente e crtico de Arquitectura. Born in 1966. Graduated in Architecture by Universidade do Porto, in 1992. Since 1993 lectures in the architecture department at Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia of Universidade de Coimbra, where he is researching for his PhD on the Context and Evolution of grand cultural structures in contemporary Portugal. He was curator in the area of architecture and the city in Porto 2001, European Cultural Capital. He also was co-responsible for the cultural activities of the Ordem dos Arquitectos (SRN) between 1999 and 2004. Nuno is the author of O Verdadeiro Mapa do Universo: uma leitura diacrnica da cidade portuguesa (Edies Edarq, 2002), the compilation of texts Arquitectura & No (Editora Caleidoscpio, 2005) and coordinated the edition of Cidade-Sofia, Cidades Universitrias em Debate (Edies Edarq, 2005). He writes occasionally on architecture in specialized magazines in Portugal and Spain. Nuno works as an architectect as a complement to his academic and critic activities.

Paulo Martins Barata

Paulo Martins Barata nasceu em Lisboa em 1965. Licenciou-se em Arquitecto pela FAUTL, doutorado em arquitectura pelo Instituto Politcnico Federal de Zurique (ETH), e MBA pela Universidade de Edimburgo. Trabalhou em diversos ateliers na Finlndia, EUA e Portugal, e desde 1989 scio do Promontrio Arquitectos, em Lisboa. Fulbright Visiting Scholar da Universidade de Columbia, Nova Iorque, em 1997. Autor de lvaro Siza 1954-1976 (Blau GG: Lisboa, 1998) e Museu de Serralves (White & Blue: Lisbon, 2001), publicou diversos ensaios sobre teoria e crtica de arquitectura, incluindo o jornal Expresso, e as revistas Lotus (Milo), Prototypo (Lisboa), Egosta (Lisboa), Techniques & Architecture (Paris), A+T (Victoria), Architecture Research Quarterly (Cambridge University Press) e a Daidalos, Architektur, Kunst und Kultur (Berlim), nesta ltima membro do conselho editorial. Foi Cass Gilbert Visiting Faculty da Universidade do Minnesota e Visiting Critic da Universidade do Texas, em Austin, ambas nos EUA, e comissrio cientfico do Prototypo Seminar in Architecture, realizado sob os auspcios da Porto 2001, Capital Europeia da Cultura. Foi tambm comissrio do seminrio MINA DURA, a pedido da Ordem dos Arquitectos e Presidente do Jri do Prmio Secil Universidades. Desde 2003, Martins Barata Membro do Parlamento Cultural Europeu. Was born in Lisbon in 1965. He has graduated in Architecture from the FAUTL. Doctorate in Architecture from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ) and MBA from the University of Edinburgh. He worked on several architecture offices in Finland, USA and Portugal. He is partner of the Promontrio Arquitectos, in Lisbon, since 1989. He was Fulbright Visiting Scholar of the University of Columbia, New York, in 1997. Author of lvaro Siza 1954-1976 (Blau GG: Lisboa, 1998) and Museu de Serralves (White & Blue: Lisbon, 2001). He published several essays on architecture theory and critic on the weekly newspaper Expresso and on the following magazines Lotus (Milan), Prototypo (Lisbon), Egosta (Lisbon), Techniques & Architecture (Paris), A+T (Victoria), Architecture Research Quarterly (Cambridge University Press) and Daidalos, Architektur, Kunst und Kultur (Berlin), in which he was member of the editorial council. He was Cass

Gilbert Visiting Faculty of the University of Minnesota and Visiting Critic of the University of Texas, in Austin, both of them in the USA. He was scientific commissioner of the Prototypo Seminar in Architecture, which took place during the Porto 2001, European Capital of Culture. He was also commissioner of the MINA DURA seminar invited by the Ordem dos Arquitectos and Chairman of the Jury of the Prmio SECIL Universidades. Martins Barata is Member of the European Cultural Parliament since 2003.

Pedro Gadanho

Pedro Gadanho divide a sua actividade entre arquitectura, crtica, curadoria e docncia universitria. Projectos de arquitectura, exposies e escrita servem em igual medida para pensar as relaes entre arquitectura e cultura contempornea. Ensina na FAUP, integrou a direco da ExperimentaDesign, Bienal de Lisboa e, entre vrias exposies realizadas, foi comissrio da representao portuguesa Bienal de Arquitectura de Veneza em 2004. Os projectos de arquitectura incluem o Cinema Bar Passos Manuel e a Galeria Presena, no Porto, e a recm- -publicada Casa Laranja, em Carreo. Pedro Gadanho divides his activity between architecture, criticism, curating and teaching. He uses projects, exhibitions or writing to produce critical thinking on the relations between architecture and contemporary culture. He teaches at FAUP, and between 2000 and 2003 was one of the directors and curators of Experimenta Design, the Lisbon Biennial. Amongst other exhibitions and events, he curated Post.Rotterdam, Space Invaders and Metaflux, the Portuguese representation at the 2004 Architecture Venice Biennale. Recent architecture projects include the Ellipse Foundation Art Center and the Orange House, in Carreo.

Rodolfo Machado

Rodolfo Machado nasceu em Buenos Aires, Argentina, em 1942 e cidado norteamericano, onde reside desde 1968. Licenciou-se em Arquitectura pela Universidade de Buenos Aires em 1967. Durante o ano acadmico de 1967-68 estudou design urbano no Centre de Recherche dUrbanisme, em Paris, e em 1971 obteve o seu Mestrado em Arquitectura pela Universidade da Califrnia em Berkeley, onde continuou estudos de doutoramento em teoria de arquitectura at 1973. Exerceu arquitectura em So Francisco, Califrnia e Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, antes de se associar a Jorge Silvetti em 1974. A Machado e Silvetti Associates fundou-se em 1985 e actualmente uma companhia com quarenta funcionrios. Rodolfo Machado was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1942 and is a citizen of the United States, where he has resided since 1968. Mr. Machado received his Diploma in Architecture from the Universidad de Buenos Aires in 1967. During the academic year 1967- 68 he studied urban design at the Centre de Recherche dUrbanisme, in Paris, France and in 1971 received his Master of Architecture degree from the University of California at Berkeley where he continued doctoral studies in architectural theory until 1973. Mr. Machado practiced architecture in San Francisco, California and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania before associating with Jorge Silvetti in 1974. Machado and Silvetti Associates was incorporated in 1985 and is now a forty-person office. In addition to his architectural practice, Mr. Machado has been a member of the Harvard University faculty since 1986, where he is a tenured Professor in Practice of Architecture and Urban Design at the Graduate School of Design and currently chairs the Department of Urban Planning and Design. He has taught at Carnegie-Mellon University and at the Rhode Island School of Design, where he chaired the department of architecture from 1978 until 1986. Most notably, Mr. Machado has been Bishop Professor of Architecture at Yale University,

Smith Professor of Architecture at Rice University, Jean Labatut Professor of Urbanism at Princeton University, and Thomas Jefferson Professor in Architecture at the University of Virginia. In 1995, he curated an exhibition entitled Monolithic Architecture at the Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, and his own drawings and projects have been extensively published and exhibited in museums and galleries around the world. Mr. Machado is currently an Overseer at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

Saskia Sassen

Saskia Sassen Professora de Sociologia Ralph Lewis na Universidade de Chicago e Professora Convidada Centennial na Faculdade de Economia de Londres. da sua autoria o recente Territrio, Autoridade, Direitos: das Montagens Medievais s Globais (Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages, Princeton University Press 2006). Acabou de concluir um projecto de cinco anos para a UNESCO sobre povoamento humano sustentvel, para o qual montou uma rede de investigadores e activistas em mais de 30 pases, sob o ttulo Enciclopdia de Sistemas de Apoio Vida, Desenvolvida com o apoio da UNESCO (Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems EOLSS) Oxford, UK: EOLSS Publishers[]. Entre as suas obras mais recentes figura a editada Redes Globais, Cidades Ligadas (Global Networks, Linked Cities, New York and London: Routledge 2002) e a co-editada Formaes Scio-Digitais: Novas arquitecturas para a Ordem Global (Socio-Digital Formations: New Architectures for Global Order, Princeton University Press 2005). O seu ttulo Cidade Global (Global City) foi editado em verso actualizada, em 2001. Os seus livros esto traduzidos para dezasseis lnguas. Integra vrias direces editoriais e consultora de alguns organismos internacionais. membro do Conselho de Relaes Internacionais, membro da Academia Nacional de Cincias Panel on Cities, e dirige o Comit para a Tecnologia de Informao e Cooperao Internacional do Conselho de Investigao de Cincias Sociais (E.U.A.). As suas opinies tm constado no The Guardian, The New York Times, Le Monde Diplomatique, The International Herald Tribune, Vanguardia, Clarin, The Financial Times, entre outros. O seu livro The Global City foi traduzido para Chins. Saskia Sassen is the Ralph Lewis Professor of Sociology at the University of Chicago, and Centennial Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics. Her new book is Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages (Princeton University Press 2006). She has just completed for UNESCO a five-year project on sustainable human settlement for which she set up a network of researchers and activists in over 30 countries under the title Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the auspices of the UNESCO. Oxford, UK: EOLSS Publishers []. Her most recent books are the edited Global Networks, Linked Cities (New York and London: Routledge 2002) and the co-edited Socio-Digital Formations: New Architectures for Global Order (Princeton University Press 2005). The Global City is out in a new fully updated edition in 2001. Her books are translated into sixteen languages. She serves on several editorial boards and is an advisor to several international bodies. She is a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a member of the National Academy of Sciences Panel on Cities, and Chair of the Information Technology and International Cooperation Committee of the Social Science Research Council (USA). Her comments have appeared in The Guardian, The New York Times, Le Monde Diplomatique, the International Herald Tribune, Vanguardia, Clarin, the Financial Times, among others. Her book The Global City has been translated into Chinese.

Stephen Bates

Stephen Bates nasceu em 1964. Em 1996, fundou a Sergison Bates architects com Jonathan Sergison. Os seus projectos tm sido premiados e o seu trabalho tem sido publicado em vrias publicaes de arquitectura. Em 2006 foram premiados com a Medalha de Ouro Heinrich Tessenow Gold Medal e a Medalha Erich Schelling Medal de Arquitectura. Ensinou em vrias escolas de arquitectura no Reino Unido. Juntamente com Jonathan Sergison, foi professor convidado na ETH Zurique de 2003 a 2005 e so actualmente professors visitantes na EPF Lausanne. Para alm dos seus compromissos acadmicos, Stephen Bates pronuncia palestrar em vrios pontos e escreve regularmente sobre arquitectura. Stephen Bates was born in 1964. In 1996 he established Sergison Bates architects with Jonathan Sergison. A number of their projects have received awards and the practices work has been published in various architectural journals. In 2006 they were awarded the Heinrich Tessenow Gold Medal and the Erich Schelling Medal for Architecture. He has taught at various schools of architecture in the UK. Together with Jonathan Sergison, he was visiting professor at ETH Zurich from 2003 to 2005 and they are currently visiting professors at EPF Lausanne. In addition to his academic commitments, Stephen Bates lectures extensively and writes regularly on architecture.

Thom Mayne

Thom Mayne licenciou-se em Arquitectura na Universidade de Southern Califrnia em 1968 e concluiu o Mestrado em Arquitectura na Universidade de Harvard em 1978. Foi fundador do Instituto de Arquitectura de Southern California e leccionou nas Universidades de Columbia, Harvard (ElliotNoyes, 1998), Yale (Eliel Saarinen, 1991), noInstituto Berlage na Holanda e na Bartlett School of Architecture em London. Actualmente, integra a faculdade da UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture. Thom Mayne received his Bachelor of Architecture degree from the University of Southern California in 1968 and his Master of Architecture from Harvard University in 1978. He was a founder of the Southern California Institute of Architecture and has held teaching positions at Columbia University, Harvard University (Elliot Noyes Chair, 1998), Yale University (Eliel Saarinen Chair, 1991), the Berlage Institute in the Netherlands and the Bartlett School of Architecture in London. Currently, he holds a tenured faculty position at the UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture. His distinguished honors include the National Design Award for Architecture (2006), Pritzker Prize Laureate (2005), Rome Prize Fellowship from the American Academy of Design in Rome (1987), the Alumni of the Year Award from USC (1992), Member Elect from the American Academy of Arts and Letters (1992), and the 2000 American Institute of Architects / Los Angeles Gold Medal in Architecture. With Morphosis, Thom Mayne has been the recipient of 25 Progressive Architecture Awards, 60 AIA Awards and numerous other design recognitions. Under his direction, the firm has been the subject of extensive publications and exhibitions throughout the world.

Yehuda Emmanuel Safran

Yehuda Emmanuel Safran estudou na Saint Martins School of Art, na Royal College of Art e University College, Londres. Leccionou na Architectural Association, na Goldsmiths College, Londres, e arte e teoria de arte na Academia Lan van Eyck, Maastricht, Holanda. Membro do Chicago Institute of Architecture and Urbanism e Professor Visitante na Escola de Arquitectura da Universidade de Illinois em Chicago, assim como

em RISDI Providence, Rode Island. Publicou ensaios sobre muitos aspectos da teoria e prtica de arte, arquitectura e cinema - em Domus, Sight and Sound, Lotus, A+U, AA File, Springer,Artpress, Prototypo, Metalocus e 9H etc. Com Steven Holl e outros editor de 32 Bejing/New Yrk. O seu livro Mies van der Rohe foi publicado pela Blau em Lisboa e Gustavo Gilli em Barcelona (2000). Comissariou a exposio itinerante do Arts Council of Great Britain A Arquitectura de Adolf Loos e a exposio Fredrick Kiesler na Architecture Association. Pertenceu direco da Galeria 9H e foi membro fundador da Architecture Foundation em Londres e membro do College International de Philosophie, Paris. Actualmente, vive e trabalha em Paris, Professor Convidado no Instituto de Arquitectura da Universidade de Nanjing, China; Consultor do Steven Holl Architects e ensina arquitectura e teoria Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation da Universidade Columbia em Nova Iorque, bem como na Universidade Cornell School of Architecture, Ithaca, Nova Iorque. Yehuda Emmanuel Safran studied at Saint Martins School of Art, the Royal College of Art and University College, London. He taught at the Architectural Association, Goldsmiths College,London University, as well as fine art and theory at the Lan van Eyck Academy, Maastricht, Holland. He was a fellow of the Chicago Institute of Architecture and Urbanism and Visiting Professor at the School of Architecture, University of Illinois in Chicago as well as at RISDI Providence, Rode Island. He has published essays on many aspects of the theory and practice of art, architecture and film - in Domus, Sight and Sound, Lotus, A+U, AA File, Springer,Artpress, Prototypo, Metalocus and 9H etc. With Steven Holl and others he is editor of 32 Bejing/New Yrk. His book Mies van der Rohe, was published by Blau in Lisbon and Gustavo Gilli in Barcelona (2000). He curated, inter alia, the Arts Council of Great Britain touring exhibition The Architecture of Adolf Loos and the Fredrick Kiesler show at the Architecture Association. He was a trustee of the 9H Gallery and a Founding member of the Architucture Foundation in London and a member of the College International de Philosophie, Paris. Currently he lives and works in Paris,Visiting Professor at the Graduate Institute of Architecture at Nanjing University, China; Counsultend to Steven Holl Architects and teaches architecture and theory at the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University in the City of New York as well as at Cornell University, School of Architecture, Ithaca, New York.

Zaha Hadid

Zaha Hadid uma arquitecta que explora os limites da arquitectura e do design urbano de forma consistente. O seu trabalho experimenta novos conceitos espaciais que intensificam as paisagens urbanas existentes, na busca de uma esttica visionria que abrange todos os campos do design, da escala urbana a produtos, interiores e mobilirio. Mais conhecida pelas suas construes seminais (Posto de Bombeiros Vitra, Terra Formao-Um, Bergisel Ski-Jump, Estao de Elctricos de Estrasburgo, Centro Rosenthal de Arte Contempornea em Cincinnati, o Edifcio Central da BMW em Leipzig, o Hotel Puerta Amrica (interior) em Madrid, a extenso do Museu Ordrupgaard em Copenhaga, e o Centro de Cincia Phaeno em Wolfsburg), as suas preocupaes centrais constituem-se num compromisso simultneo com a prtica, o ensino e a investigao. Zaha Hadid is an architect who consistently pushes the boundaries of architecture and urban design. Her work experiments with new spatial concepts intensifying existing urban landscapes in the pursuit of a visionary aesthetic that encompasses all fields of design, ranging from urban scale through to products, interiors and furniture. Best known for her

seminal built works (Vitra Fire Station, Land Formation-One, Bergisel Ski-Jump, Strasbourg Tram Station, the Rosenthal Centre for Contemporary Art in Cincinnati, the BMW Central Building in Leipzig, the Hotel Puerta America (interior) in Madrid, the Ordrupgaard Museum Extension in Copenhagen, and the Phaeno Science Center in Wolfsburg, her central concerns involve a simultaneous engagement in practice, teaching and research.

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