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Copyright 2009 by Tim Penyusun and PT Intan Pariwara.

. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher. Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang, 2009 pada Tim Penyusun dan hak penerbitan pada PT Intan Pariwara, Anggota IKAPI Nomor 016/JTE/79, Nomor Kode Penerbitan IP/78/2009. Dilarang mencetak ulang, menyimpan dalam sistem retrival, atau memindahkan dalam bentuk apa pun dan dengan cara bagaimanapun, elektronik, mekanik, fotokopi, rekaman, dan sebagainya, tanpa izin tertulis dari penerbit. Kode file IP2_BING7A_PG09. Penyusun: Arif Rahman, Marta Yuliani, Sugeng Aryanto; Editor: Cicik Kurniawati, Yuniarti D. Arini; Ilustrator: Agung Suroso, Andi Kurniawan, Aris Partomo, Nunung Suparna, Rio Kuswanto; Desainer kover: Aris Partomo; Perwajahan: M. Andina Risky D., M. Aris Wibowo, M.M. Endang Iriyanti. Penanggung jawab produksi: Bachtiar Bima Mustriana. Dicetak oleh: PT Macanan Jaya Cemerlang, Kotak Pos 181, Klaten 57438, Indonesia (isi di luar tanggung jawab percetakan). PT Intan Pariwara Jalan Ki Hajar Dewantoro, Kotak Pos 111, Klaten 57438, Indonesia, Telp. (0272) 322441, Fax (0272) 322607, e-mail: intan@intanpariwara.co.id Layanan Konsumen: 0272 - 310 - 1515, e-mail: cs@intanpariwara.co.id

Bapak/Ibu Guru tentu sudah memahami bahwa Pemerintah telah menetapkan buku-buku yang layak dipakai di dalam proses belajar mengajar. Buku-buku (BSE) itu dapat diunduh melalui internet oleh siapa saja dan tidak dipungut biaya. Siapa pun bisa menggunakannya. Namun ternyata, itu saja belum cukup. Siswa masih memerlukan bahan latihan agar kompetensi mereka benar-benar terukur. Kenyataannya tidak banyak buku latihan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa dan guru. Salah satu buku yang selalu ditunggu kehadirannya adalah buku PR Bahasa Inggris yang dilengkapi Pegangan Guru (PG). Buku PR Bahasa Inggris sudah terbit dalam beberapa edisi. Bapak/Ibu Guru yang sudah menggunakan buku latihan ini beserta PG-nya mengakui kebergunaan materi yang ada dalam buku ini pada saat mengajar. Mereka merasa sangat terbantu dengan adanya buku PR Bahasa Inggris karena materinya selalu aktual dan mendukung tercapainya kompetensi. Dengan demikian, siswa mempunyai banyak kesempatan berlatih mengembangkan kemampuan mereka, baik secara lisan (spoken) maupun tertulis (written). Kali ini buku PR Bahasa Inggris yang juga dilengkapi PG kembali hadir dengan beberapa peningkatan mutu. Perubahan itu atas masukan Bapak/Ibu Guru yang sudah menggunakan buku latihan ini. Salah satunya adalah disediakannya materi akhir unit di buku siswa (disebut Assessment) dan juga di Pegangan Guru (disebut Review). Materi akhir unit di buku Pegangan Guru (Review) tidak ada di buku siswa. Dengan demikian, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberi bentuk latihan akhir unit yang berbeda dengan yang ada di buku siswa. Kedua materi itu belum ada di buku Pegangan Guru PR Bahasa Inggris edisi sebelumnya. Penyusun sangat berharap buku latihan ini sesuai dengan keinginan Bapak/Ibu Guru. Buku ini juga kami harapkan benar-benar dapat membantu siswa meningkatkan kompetensi mereka dan membantu Bapak/Ibu Guru menciptakan generasi penerus yang cerdas. Penyusun tetap mengharapkan masukan Bapak/Ibu Guru guna penyempurnaan dan pengembangan buku latihan ini.

Klaten, April 2009 Penyusun

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Struktur Kurikulum dan Kegiatan Tatap Muka untuk Keseluruhan Mata Pelajaran Kelas VII SMP/MTs
Minggu Efektif Per Tahun Ajaran Waktu Pembelajaran Per Tahun (jam pembelajaran) Waktu Pembelajaran Per Tahun (menit) Jumlah Jam Per Tahun (@ 60 menit)

Komponen A. Mata Pelajaran 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Pendidikan Agama Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Inggris Matematika IPA IPS Seni Budaya dan Keterampilan Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga, dan Kesehatan

Alokasi Waktu

2 2 4 4 4 4 4 2

3438 3438 3438 3438 3438 3438 3438 3438

6876 6876 136152 136152 136152 136152 136152 6876

2.7203.040 2.7203.040 5.4406.080 5.4406.080 5.4406.080 5.4406.080 5.4406.080 2.7203.040

4551 4551 91101 91101 91101 91101 91101 4551

2 2

3438 3438

6876 6876

2.7203.040 2.7203040

4551 4551

10. Keterampilan/TIK

B. Muatan Lokal Jumlah

2 32

3438 374418

6876 1.0881.216

2.7203.040 43.52048.640

4551 725811

Diolah dari Lampiran Peraturan Mendiknas RI Nomor 22 Tahun 2006 tentang Standar Isi untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah: Bab II Kerangka Dasar dan Struktur Kurikulum, Bab III Beban Belajar. Keterangan: 1. Satuan pendidikan dimungkinkan menambah maksimum 4 jam pelajaran per minggu secara keseluruhan. 2. Alokasi waktu satu jam pembelajaran adalah 40 menit. 3. Cara menghitung: a. Waktu Pembelajaran Per Tahun (Jam Pembelajaran) = Alokasi Waktu Minggu Efektif Per Tahun b. Waktu Pembelajaran Per Tahun (menit) = Waktu Pembelajaran Per Tahun (JP) 1 Jam Pembelajaran (menit) c. Jumlah Jam Per Tahun = Waktu Pembelajaran Per Tahun (menit) : 60 menit 4. Pengembangan diri bukan merupakan mata pelajaran yang harus diasuh oleh guru. Pengembangan diri bertujuan memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk mengembangkan dan mengekspresikan diri sesuai kebutuhan, bakat, dan minat setiap peserta didik sesuai dengan kondisi sekolah. 5. *) Ekuivalen 2 jam pembelajaran.

Alokasi Waktu Kegiatan Tatap Muka Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas VII Semester 1
Mata Pelajaran Alokasi Waktu 4 Minggu Efektif Per Semester 1719 Waktu Pembelajaran Per Semester (jam pembelajaran) 6876 Waktu Pembelajaran Per Semester (menit) 2.7203.040 Jumlah Jam Per Semester (@ 60 menit) 4551


Bahasa Inggris


Struktur Kurikulum dan Kegiatan Tatap Muka untuk Keseluruhan Mata Pelajaran Kelas VII SMP/MTs

Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia Nomor 22 Tahun 2006 tentang Standar Isi untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah
Lampiran 2 : Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP)/Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Kelas VII, Semester 1 Standar Kompetensi
Mendengarkan 1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Kompetensi Dasar
1.1 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: menyapa orang yang belum/sudah dikenal, memperkenalkan diri sendiri/orang lain, dan memerintah atau melarang 1.2 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi informasi, mengucapkan terima kasih, meminta maaf, dan mengungkapkan kesantunan 2.1 Merespon makna tindak tutur yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat 2.2 Merespon makna gagasan yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat 3.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima 3.2 Melakukan interaksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: menyapa orang yang belum/sudah dikenal, memperkenalkan diri sendiri/orang lain, dan memerintah atau melarang 3.3 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi informasi, mengucapkan terima kasih, meminta maaf, dan mengungkapkan kesantunan 4.1 Mengungkapkan makna tindak tutur dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat 4.2 Mengungkapkan makna gagasan dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

2. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Berbicara 3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Membaca 5. Memahami makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat Menulis 6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

5.1 Membaca nyaring bermakna kata, frasa, dan kalimat dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat 5.2 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat

6.1 Mengungkapkan makna gagasan dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat 6.2 Mengungkapkan langkah retorika dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1

Unit 1 Hi, Im Silvana Unit 2 Dont . . . ! Unit 3 Thank You Unit 4 What do You Do?

1 39


Hi, Im Silvana
Greeting and Parting Introducing Yourself and Other People To be: is, am, are This, That, These, Those Spoken Messages and Birthday Cards

41 88


Dont . . . !
Asking Someone to Do Something Asking Someone not to Do Something Articles: a, an, the There is/There are Cardinal Numbers Prepositions: in, at, on, behind, near, beside, in front of, under, above How Many Spoken and Written Notices



Thank You
Expressing Gratitude Apologizing Verb: Have/Has Pronouns as a Subject and as an Object Ordinal Numbers: First, Second, Third, . . . Days, Months and Years Spoken Messages and Gratitude Cards



What do You Do?

Asking for and Giving Information Saying Something Politely Possessive Adjactives The Simple Present Tense: Showing Daily Routines Telling Time Kinds of Professions Spoken Notices and Letters


Latihan Ulangan Semester Daftar Pustaka

215225 226


Daftar Isi Kegiatan Tatap Muka

Unit 1 Hi, Im Silvana

Nama Sekolah : Kelas/Semester : Mata Pelajaran : Unit : Genre : Standar Kompetensi : 1. Memahami makna
Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Teknik 1. Membaca dan mempelajari ungkapan dan percakapan yang tersedia. Non tes Uraian objektif Non tes Uraian objektif Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Read the dialogs and understand the expressions. Alokasi Waktu 4 40'

SMP/MTs . . . VII/1 Bahasa Inggris 1 Mendengarkan dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Sumber Belajar

2. Membaca dan mempelajari to be: is, am, are, this, that, these, those. 3. Mempelajari penggunaan This/That dan These/Those dalam kalimat. 4. Menjawab pertanyaanpertanyaan apersepsi secara lisan. 5. Mendengarkan dan menirukan kalimat yang dibacakan guru. 6. Menirukan guru yang membacakan percakapan-percakapan di buku, kemudian mempraktikkan percakapan tersebut dengan seorang. Non tes

Bereaksi atau merespons dengan benar terhadap tindak tutur: menyapa orang yang belum/sudah dikenal, memeprkenalkan diri sendiri/orang lain. Uraian objektif

Read the sentences. Pay attention to the bold-typed words.

Percakapanpercakapan transaksional dan interpersonal yang memuat ungkapan menyapa orang yagn belum/sudah dikenal, memperkenalkan diri sendiri/orang lain.

To be: is, am, are.

Read the sentences. Pay attention to the bold-typed words. Tes lisan Jawaban singkat Answer the following questions. Non tes Uraian Listen and repeat after your teacher. Tes lisan Unjuk kerja Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Then, read the dialogs aloud with a friend.

This, that, these, those.

Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 2124 Kamus Inggris Indonesia dan Indonesia Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1

Family members (anggota keluarga)

1.1 Merespons makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: menyapa orang yang belum/sudah dikenal, memperkenalkan diri sendiri/orang lain, dan memerintah atau melarang.

Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 7. Membaca kembali percakapan di kegiatan sebelumnya, kemudian menjawab pertanyaan mengenai percakapan tersebut. 8. Mendengarkan percakapan yang dibacakan guru dan melengkapi percakapan sesuai dengan yang telah dibacakan. 9. Mempraktikkan percakapan di kegiatan sebelumnya dengan seorang teman. 10. Menyimak guru membacakan kalimatkalimat yang belum lengkap, lalu menulisnya di buku dan melengkapinya dengan am, is, are. Tes tulis 11. Membacakan teks dan melengakpinya dengan am, is, atau are. 12. Mencari lawan katakata yang tersedia dari teks di kegiatan sebelumnya. Tes tulis Dikte Tes unjuk kerja Unjuk kerja Tes tulis Isian Listen to your teacher. Complete the dialogs below based on what you have heard. Tes lisan Jawaban singkat Read the dialogs in Task B once again. Then, answer the questions. Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu Practice the dialogs in Task D With your friend. Listen to your teacher and write down what you have heard. Complete what he/she says with is, am or are. Isian Complete the texts with is, am or are. Tes tulis Uraian Find the opposite meanings of the following words. You may find the answers in the texts in Task G. Tes tulis Uraian The words in Task H show us about family relationships. 13. Mempelajari kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan keluarga dan mencari arti kata-kata tersebut dalam kamus.

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi

Sumber Belajar

Silabus Unit 1 Hi, Im Silvana

Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik Study other family relationships below. Find their meanings in your dictionary. 14. Mencari nama-nama yang berhubungan dengan keluarga dalam kumpulan kata yang tersedia. Tes tulis Puzzle Find the names of ten family relationship in this puzzle. The words can go across or down. Look at the family tree. Complete the sentences based on the family tree. Isian Listen to your teacher. Complete the text based on what you have heard. Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi

15. Melengkapi kalimat berdasarkan pohon keluarga yang tersedia.


Tes tulis

16. Melengkapi teks dengan kata-kata yang sesuai dengan teks utuh yang dibacakan guru.

Tes tulis

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1

Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 1. Mendengarkan dan menirukan pesan yang dibacakan guru. Uraian Non tes Listen to your teacher and repeat after him/her. Uraian Non tes 2 Bentuk Instrumen 40' Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu 2. Melihat gambar dan membaca keterangan yang tersedia. 3. Menjawab pertanyaan apersepsi secara lisan. Tes lisan Jawaban singkat Look at the card and read the sentences. Answer the following questions. Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Jawaban singkat Answer the questions based on the texts in Task A. Isian Tes tulis Listen to your teacher. Then, complete the messages below. Memahami makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. 4. Mendengarkan dan menirukan pesan yang dibacakan guru. 5. Menjawab pertanyaan guru mengenai pesan di kegiatan sebelumnya. 6. Mendengarkan guru membaca pesan. 7. Melengkapi pesan sesuai dengan yang telah didengar. 8. Menentukan apakah kalimat-kalimat yang tersedia benar atau salah berdasarkan isi pesan di kegiatan sebelumnya. Tes tulis Pernyataan benar/salah Tes lisan Non tes Uraian State whether the statements below are true (T) or false (F) based on the texts in Task C.

Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan 2. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Sumber Belajar

Silabus Unit 1 Hi, Im Silvana

Teks lisan fungsional pendek: messages (pesan)

2.1 Merespons makna tindak tutur yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kosakata yang terkait dengan topik yang dipilih.

Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 1517. Kamus Inggris Indonesia dan Indonesia Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

2.2 Merespons makna gagasan yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara 3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 1. Melihat gambar dan membaca abjad yang tersedia dengan nyaring. 5 Non tes Read the alphabets below. Look at the pictures. Say the words with proper pronunciation. Spell the words below aloud. Daftar kata 40' Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Percakapanpercakapan transaksional dan interpersonal yang memuat ungkapan menyapa orang yang belum/sudah dikenal, memperkenalkan diri sendiri/orang lain. 2. Melafalkan kata-kata yang tersedia. Non tes Uraian Tes lisan Mengeja kata 3. Membaca percakapan dengan pelafalan dan intonasi yang tepat.

Melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan transaksional/ interpersonal seperti: menyapa orang yang belum/ sudah dikenal, memperkenalkan diri sendiri/orang lain. Read the dialogs aloud. Mind your pronunciation and intonation. Introduce yourself based on one of the cards.

Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 814. Kamus Inggris Indonesia dan Indonesia Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

3.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima. 4. Memperkenalkan diri dengan berdasarkan kartu-kartu data yang tersedia. 5. Membuat percakapan berdasarkan gambar, lalu memperagakannya. 6. Membaca teks yang tersedia, kemudian memilih jawaban yang tepat berdasarkan teks tersebut. 7. Membaca teks yang tersedia, kemudian menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks tersebut. 8. Mempelajari namanama bagian tubuh. Tes unjuk kerja Tes unjuk kerja Unjuk kerja

Kosakata yang terkait dengan tema yang dipilih (parts of the body).

Unjuk kerja

Make dialogs based on the pictures.

Tes tulis

Pilihan ganda

Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

3.2 Melakukan interaksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: menyapa orang yang belum/sudah dikenal, memperkenalkan diri sendiri/orang lain, dan memerintah atau melarang. Tes lsian

Jawaban singkat

Read the text below. Then, answer the questions.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1

Non tes

Daftar kata

Look at the pictures. Repeat after your teacher.

Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 9. Menyusun huruf-huruf yang tersedia menjadi kata-kata yang tepat. Tes tulis Menyusun huruf Rearrange the letters below into proper words. The words are parts of our body. Do the instructions in pairs. Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu 10. Melakukan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan nama-nama bagian tubuh. 11. Membuat kalimat dengan this/these, that/ those mengenai bagian-bagian tubuh secara bergantian dengan seorang teman. 12. Memberi nama gambar-gambar yang tersedia dengan menggunakan katakata dalam kotak. 13. Membuat kalimat menggunakan this/ that, these/those. Tes tulis Tes tulis Isian Tes unjuk kerja Unjuk kerja Label the pictures using the words in the box. Uraian Make five sentences using This/That or These/Those. Tes unjuk kerja Unjuk kerja Suppose you are one of these people. Introduce yourself. Tes lisan Uraian Look at the picture. Read the text aloud. 14. Memperkenalkan diri sesuai dengan gambar yang tersedia. 15. Melihat gambar dan membaca teks yang tersedia.

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Sumber Belajar

Silabus Unit 1 Hi, Im Silvana

Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 16. Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks di kegiatan sebelumnya. 17. Membaca kata-kata yang tersedia dan mencari arti kata-kata tersebut dalam kamus. 18. Membuat kalimat secara lisan mengenai gambar menggunakan kata-kata yang tersedia. 19. Mendeskripsikan orang dalam gambar. Tes unjuk kerja Unjuk kerja Tes lisan Uraian Tell something about each person below. You may use the words in the box. Look at the picture. Describe the person. Tes tulis Uraian Read the words below aloud. Find their meanings in your dictionary. Tes lisan Jawaban singkat Answer the questions based on the text in Task N. Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1

Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 1. 2 Membaca nyaring pesan yang tersedia. Tes lisan Jawaban singkat Answer the questions based on the texts in Task A. 3. Mencari arti kata-kata yang tersedia, kemudian membuat kalimat dengan katakata tersebut. Tes tulis Uraian Tes lisan Membaca nyaring Read the messages aloud. 40' Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu 2. Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan pesan di kegiatan sebelumnya. Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk pesan dengan ragam bahasa lisan secara lancar dan berterima. Find the meanings of the words below. Then, make sentences using the words. Uraian Write a message for a friend at school.Then, read your message aloud. 4. Menulis pesan untuk seorang teman, kemudian membacanya dengan nyaring. Tes lisan

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara 4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Silabus Unit 1 Hi, Im Silvana

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Sumber Belajar

4.1 Meng ungkapkan makna tindak tutur dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Teks lisan fungsional pendek: spoken messages (pesan isian).

4.2 Mengungkapkan makna gagasan dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 17. Kamus Inggris Indonesia dan Indonesia Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

Standar Kompetensi : Membaca 5. Memahami makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat.
Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 1. 2 Membaca nyaring secara bermakna wacana pendek sederhana. Tes tulis Uraian Tes lisan Uraian Membaca nyaring kartu ulang tahun dengan lafal dan intonasi yang benar. 2. Menjelaskan isi kartu secara singkat. 3. Mencari arti kata-kata yang tersedia dalam kamus. Merespons makna yang terdapat dalam teks fungsional pendek dengan benar. Find the meanings of the words in your dictionary. Complete the sentences with the words in Task B. Tes lisan Membaca nyaring Read the card aloud. What is it about? 40' Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Teks tulis fungsional pendek berbentuk birthday cards (kartu ulang tahun).

5.1 Membaca nyaring bermakna kata, frasa, dan kalimat dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat. 4. Melengkapi kalimat dengan kata-kata yang ada di kegiatan sebelumnya. Tes lisan 5. Membaca nyaring kartu dan menentukan penerimanya. Tes lisan Tes tulis Isian

Kosakata yang terkait tema.

Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 1819. Kamus Inggris Indonesia dan Indonesia Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

Membaca nyaring Jawaban singkat

Read the card below. Is it for a girl, a boy or twins? How do you know? Menjodohkan Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B.

5.2 Merespons makna yang terdapat dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat. 6. Menjodohkan katakata dalam kolom A dengan artinya dalam kolom B. Tes tulis

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1

Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 1. Melengkapi kartu ulang tahun dengan kata-kata yang tersedia. 2 Tes tulis Uraian Menulis berbagai teks untuk komunikasi seharihari seperti kartu ulang tahun dengan benar dan berterima. Write a birthday card. Then, give it to someone you love on his/her birthday. Tes tulis Isian Complete the birthday card with the words in the box. 40' Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu 2. Menulis kartu ulang tahun dan memberikannya kepadaseorang teman/ keluarga yang berulangtahun.

Standar Kompetensi : Menulis 6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Sumber Belajar

Silabus Unit 1 Hi, Im Silvana

6.1 Mengungkapkan makna gagasan dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Teks tulis fungsional pendek: birthday cards (kartu ulang tahun).

Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 19. Kamus Inggris Indonesia dan Indonesia Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

6.2 Mengungkapkan langkah retorika dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Unit 2 Dont . . . !

Nama Sekolah : Kelas/Semester : Mata Pelajaran : Unit : Genre : Standar Kompetensi : 1. Memahami makna
Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Teknik 1. Membaca dan mempelajari ungkapan memerintah dan percakapan yang tersedia. Bereaksi atau merespons dengan benar terhadap tindak tutur: memerintah atau melarang. Non tes Uraian objektif Non tes Uraian objektif Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Read the dialog and understand the expressions. Alokasi Waktu

SMP/MTs . . . VII/1 Bahasa Inggris 2 Mendengarkan dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Sumber Belajar


Percakapanpercakapan transaksional dan interpersonal yang memuat ungkapan memerintah atau melarang. 2. Membaca dan mempelajari ungkapan melarang dan percakapan yang tersedia. Non tes

Articles: a, an, the.

Read the dialog and understand the expressions.

Introductory there. 3. Membaca dan mempelajari tentang articles (a, an, the).

Cardinal numbers.

Uraian objektif

Prepositions. Non tes Uraian objektif

Read the dialogs and understand the bold-typed words.

Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 2431. Kamus Inggris Indonesia dan Indonesia Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

How many. 4. Membaca dan mempelajari tentang introductory there (There is/There are). 5. Membaca dan mempelajari tentang cardinal numbers.

Kosakata yang terkait dengan tema yang dipilih.

Read the dialog and understand the bold-typed words. Non tes Uraian objektif Read the dialog and understand the bold-typed word. Non tes Uraian objektif Read the text and understand the explanation.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1

1.1 Merespons makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: menyapa orang yang belum/ sudah dikenal, memperkenalkan diri sendiri/ orang lain, dan memerintah atau melarang. 6. Membaca dan mempelajari tentang prepositions.


Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 7. Membaca dan mempelajari tentang kata tanya how many. Read the dialog and understand the bold-typed words. Remember Unit 1 and answer the questions below. Listen to your teacher. Complete the dialogs while you are listening to him/her. Find the meanings of the words or phrases below. Jawaban singkat Answer the questions based on the dialogs in Task A. Isian Listen to your teacher. Complete the sentences below based on what you have heard. Tes tulis Uraian Find the meanings of the sentences in Task D in Indonesian. Non tes Uraian objektif Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu 8. Menjawab pertanyaan tentang materi ungkapan dalam unit sebelumnya. 9. Melengkapi percakapan berdasarkan percakapan yang dibacakan guru. Tes tulis Isian Tes lisan Jawaban singkat 10. Mencari makna katakata yang tersedia. Tes tulis Daftar kata 11. Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan percakapan pada kegiatan sebelumnya. 12. Melengkapi kalimat berdasarkan kalimat yang dibacakan guru. Tes tulis Tes lisan 13. Menjelaskan arti kalimat-kalimat pada kegiatan sebelumnya dalam Bahasa Indonesia. 14. Menjawab pertanyaan dengan memilih jawaban yang tepat. Tes tulis Pilihan ganda Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi

Sumber Belajar

Silabus Unit 2 Dont . . . !

Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan 2. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 1. Menyimak penjelasan guru tentang teks lisan fungsional pendek: spoken notices. 2 Non tes Uraian objektif Non tes Uraian objektif Listen to your teacher and understand the explanation. 40' Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Teks lisan fungsional pendek: notices.

Kosakata yang terkait tema yang dipilih. 2. Membaca dan mempelajari teks tulis fungsional pendek: written notices. 3. Menjawab pertanyaan apersepsi. 4. Menyimak guru, lalu menulis kalimat yang dibacakan guru. Tes tulis Dikte Tes lisan Jawaban singkat

Memahami dan merespons makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Read the following text and understand the explanation. Answer the questions below.

Listen to your teacher. Write down his/her sentences. Pernyataan benar/ salah Listen to the sentences in Task A once again. State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Tes tulis Pilihan ganda Listen to your teacher. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

2.1 Merespons makna tindak tutur yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 3537. Kamus Inggris Indonesia dan Indonesia Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

2.2 Merespons makna gagasan yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat. 5. Menentukan pernyataan benar atau salah berdasarkan kalimat-kalimat pada kegiatan sebelumnya. Tes tulis 6. Menjawab pertanyaan dengan memilih jawaban yang tepat berdasarkan teks yang dibacakan guru.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 1. Melengkapi percakapan menggunakan katakata yang tersedia. 4 2. Mencari makna katakata yang tersedia. Daftar kata Tes tulis Find the meanings of the words below. Complete the sentences with the words in Task B. State whether the statements below are true (T) or false (F) based on the complete dialogs in Task A. Correct the false ones. Pernyataan benar/ salah Menyusun kalimat acak Tes tulis Rearrange the sentences below into proper dialogs. Tes tulis Jawaban singkat Answer the questions based on the proper dialogs in Task E. Complete the dialogs with the correct words in the boxes. Isian Tes tulis 40' Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu Melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan transaksional/ interpersonal seperti: mengungkapkan dan menanggapi ungkapan memerintah dan melarang. Isian Tes tulis 3. Melengkapi kalimat dengan kata-kata pada kegiatan sebelumnya. Tes tulis 4. Menentukan pernyataan benar atau salah berdasarkan percakapan pada kegiatan sebelumnya. Mengembangkan wacana transaksional/ interpersonal pendek menjadi sebuah obrolan atau interaksional yang lebih panjang. 5. Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi percakapan yang tepat. 6. Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan percakapan yang urut pada kegiatan sebelumnya. 7. Menjodohkan kalimat perintah dengan gambar yang tepat. Tes tulis Menjodohkan Read the instructions below. Match them with the correct pictures.

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara 3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Sumber Belajar

Silabus Unit 2 Dont . . . !

3.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima.

Percakapanpercakapan transaksional dan interpersonal yang memuat ungkapan memerintah dan melarang.

Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 3134. Kamus Inggris Indonesia dan Indonesia Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

3.2 Melakukan interaksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: menyapa orang yang belum/ sudah dikenal, memperkenalkan diri sendiri/ orang lain, dan memerintah atau melarang.

Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 8. Melakukan tanya jawab seperti contoh yang tersedia dengan menggunakan how many. Tes unjuk kerja Unjuk kerja Ask and answer questions about the things below with your friends. Use How many and There is/ There are. See the example. Complete the sentences with a, an or the. Make sentences based on the pictures. Use proper prepositions. Number one has been done for you. Unjuk kerja Ask your friend sitting next to you to do the actions and give responses. Do it in turns. Tes unjuk kerja Unjuk kerja In pairs, make dialogs based on the situations below. Practice the dialogs with your friend. Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

9. Melengkapi kalimat menggunakan articles yang tepat. 10. Membuat kalimat berdasarkan gambar yang tersedia menggunakan prepositions yang tepat. Tes tulis Uraian

Tes tulis


11. Secara bergantian memberi instruksi dan respons kepada teman berdasarkan kalimat yang tersedia.

Tes unjuk kerja

12. Membuat percakapan berdasarkan situasi yang tersedia.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 1. Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan notices yang tersedia. Tes lisan Jawaban singkat Read the following notices. Answer the questions orally. 1 40' Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek lisan: notices dengan lancar dan berterima. Tes unjuk kerja Unjuk kerja Make notices based on the situations below. Read your notices aloud. 2. Membuat notices berdasarkan situasi yang tersedia.

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara 4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Sumber Belajar

Silabus Unit 2 Dont . . . !

4.1 Mengungkapkan makna tindak tutur dalam teks fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Teks lisan fungsional pendek: notices.

4.2 Mengungkapkan makna gagasan dalam teks fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 3738. Kamus Inggris Indonesia dan Indonesia Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

Standar Kompetensi : Membaca 5. Memahami makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 1. Menyusun kata-kata acak menjadi notices yang tepat. Tes tulis Daftar kata 2 Tes tulis Menyusun kata acak Rearrange the words below into proper notices. 40' Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Teks tulis fungsional pendek notices. 2. Mencari makna katakata yang tersedia.

Kosakata yang terkait dengan tema yang dipilih.

Membaca nyaring secara bermakna wacana esai pendek dengan lafal dan ucapan yang benar. Find the meanings of the words below. Look up your dictionary if needed. What does each notice in Task A mean?

5.1 Membaca nyaring bermakna kata, frasa, dan kalimat dengan ucapan, tekanan, dan intonasi yang berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat. 3. Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan notices pada kegiatan sebelumnya. 4. Menjodohkan notice dengan gambar yang tepat. Tes tulis 5. Menjawab soal pilihan ganda. Tes tulis Menjodohkan Merespons makna yang terdapat dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek notices dengan benar. Tes tulis Jawaban singkat

Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 3839. Kamus Inggris Indonesia dan Indonesia Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

Match each notice below with the correct picture. Pilihan ganda Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

5.2 Merespons makna yang terdapat dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik Menulis notices di sekitar sekolah dan mengartikannya. 2. Menulis notices berdasarkan situasi yang tersedia. 1. 2 Menulis berbagai teks untuk komunikasi seharihari seperti notices dengan benar dan berterima. Tes tulis Uraian Make notices based on the situations below. Tes tulis Uraian Find some notices in your school. Write them in your workbook and find their meanings. 40' Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu

Standar Kompetensi : Menulis 6. Mengungkapkan makna teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Sumber Belajar

Silabus Unit 2 Dont . . . !

6.1 Mengungkapkan makna gagasan dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dangan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Teks tulis fungsional pendek: notices.

Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 40. Kamus Inggris Indonesia dan Indonesia Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

6.2 Mengungkapkan langkah retorika dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Unit 3 Thank You

Nama Sekolah : Kelas/Semester : Mata Pelajaran : Unit : Genre : Standar Kompetensi : 1. Memahami makna
Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Teknik 1. Membaca percakapan, lalu memahami penjelasan tentang ungkapan berterima kasih. Merespons dengan benar ungkapan mengucapkan terima kasih dan meminta maaf. Non tes Uraian objektif Uraian objektif Non tes Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Read the dialogs and study the explanation. Alokasi Waktu

SMP/MTs . . . VII/1 Bahasa Inggris 3 Mendengarkan dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Sumber Belajar


Percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal yang memuat ungkapan: mengucapkan terima kasih dan meminta maaf. 2. Membaca percakapan, lalu memahami penjelasan tentang ungkapan meminta maaf. Non tes

Read the dialogs and study the explanation.

Verbs: Have/Has.

3. Membaca dan mempelajari tentang verb: have/has.

Object pronouns. Uraian objektif Read the dialogs and understand the bold-typed words. Non tes Uraian objektif Study the explanation and read the sentences. Non tes Uraian objektif Look at the picture and read the sentences. Pay attention to the bold-typed words.

Ordinal numbers sebagai subjek dan objek. 4. Membaca dan mempelajari tentang object pronouns.

Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 4451. Kamus Inggris Indonesia dan Indonesia Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

Days, months, years.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1

5. Membaca dan mempelajari tentang ordinal numbers.


1.2 Merespons makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi informasi, mengucapkan terima kasih, meminta maaf, dan mengungkapkan kesantunan.

Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 6. Membaca dan mempelajari tentang days, months, dan years. Lets study days, months and years. Read the words below with proper pronunciation. Look at the picture and answer the questions. Read and practice the dialogs. Non tes Uraian objektif Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu 7. Menjawab pertanyaan apersepsi. Tes lisan Jawaban singkat 8. Membaca dan bermain peran berdasarkan percakapan yang diberikan. 9. Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan percakapan di kegiatan sebelumnya. Tes lisan Jawaban singkat Tes unjuk kerja Unjuk kerja Your teacher will ask you some questions about the dialogs in Task A. Answer his/her questions orally. Isian Complete the dialogs below while listening to your teacher. 10. Melengkapi percakapan berdasarkan percakapan yang dibacakan guru. 11. Menyimak kalimat yang dibacakan guru, lalu meresponsnya dengan ungkapan yang sesuai. 12. Menjawab pertanyaan dengan memilih jawaban yang tepat. Tes tulis Tes lisan Jawaban singkat Listen to your teacher and give suitable responses. Tes tulis Pilihan ganda Listen to your teacher and choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi

Sumber Belajar

Silabus Unit 3 Thank You

Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 13. Mendengarkan kalimat-kalimat yang dibacakan guru, lalu menuliskannya di buku. 14. Membaca kalimatkalimat itu dengan nyaring. Tes tulis Uraian 15. Menjelaskan arti katakata yang disediakan. 16. Membuat kalimat menggunakan katakata tersebut. Tes tulis Daftar kata Find the meanings of the following words. Then, make sentences using the words. Does each sentence have the correct pronoun? Correct the incorrect one(s). Underline the pronouns. Identifikasi Tes tulis Dikte Listen to your teacher and write down his/her sentences. Read your work aloud. Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi

17. Membaca kalimatkalimat yang disediakan dan menentukan benar/ salah, serta menggarisbawahi kata yang dimaksud.

Tes tulis

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 1. Menyimak penjelasan guru tentang teks lisan fungsional pendek spoken messages. 2 Uraian objektif Non tes Read and understand the text. Uraian objektif Listen to your teacher. Study the explanation. Non tes 40' Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu 2. Membaca dan mempelajari teks tulis fungsional pendek: gratitude cards. Jawaban singkat Tes lisan Memahami dan merespons makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Read the text and answer the questions. 3. Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks lisan berbentuk pesan singkat. 4. Menyimak pesan lisan yang dibacakan guru, lalu menjawab pertanyaanpertanyaan yang ada. 5. Menyimak pesan lisan yang dibacakan guru, lalu menulis kalimat yang dibacakan guru. 6. Menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan guru secara lisan berdasarkan teks lisan berbentuk pesan singkat. Tes tulis Tes lisan Jawaban singkat Listen to your teacher and answer the questions below. Dikte Listen to your teacher. Write down the message. Tes lisan Jawaban singkat Your teacher will ask you some questions about the message in Task B. Answer the questions orally.

Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan 2. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Sumber Belajar

Silabus Unit 3 Thank You

2.1 Merespons makna tindak tutur yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Teks fungsional pendek: spoken messages and gratitude cards.

Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 5758. Kamus Inggris Indonesia dan Indonesia Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

2.2 Merespons makna gagasan yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara 3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 1. Melakukan percakapan bersama teman secara bergantian. 6 Tes lisan Jawaban singkat Tes unjuk kerja Unjuk kerja Practice the dialogs with your friend. Do it in turns. 40' Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Percakapanpercakapan transaksional dan interpersonal yang memuat ungkapan mengucapkan terima kasih, meminta maaf. 2. Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan percakapan di kegiatan sebelumnya. Tes tulis Isian Answer the questions based on the dialogs in Task A.

Kosakata yang terkait tema yang dipilih. 3. Melengkapi percakapan menggunakan katakata yang tersedia.

Melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan transaksional/ interpersonal seperti: mengungkapkan dan menanggapi ungkapan berterima kasih dan meminta maaf. Complete the dialogs with the suitable words in the boxes. Practice them with your friends. Menyusun kalimat acak Rearrange the sentences into good dialogs. Practice them with your friend(s). Tes tulis Tes unjuk kerja Unjuk kerja Work in pairs. Make dialogs based on the situations below. Practice them with your partner. Tes lisan Daftar kata Look at the pictures and read the words. Tes unjuk kerja Unjuk kerja Ask and answer questions based on the pictures in Task F. Use the verb have/has.

Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 5156. Kamus Inggris Indonesia dan Indonesia Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

4. Menyusun kalimatkalimat yang disusun acak menjadi percakapan yang padu.

Mengembangkan wacana transaksional/ interpersonal pendek menjadi sebuah obrolan atau interaksional yang lebih panjang.

5. Membuat percakapan berdasarkan situasi yang tersedia, lalu memperagakannya.

3.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi informasi, mengucapkan terima kasih, meminta maaf, dan mengungkapkan kesantunan 6. Mengamati gambar dan membaca katakata di bawahnya. 7. Melakukan tanya jawab seperti contoh yang tersedia.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 8. Menentukan pernyataan benar atau salah. Tes tulis Identifikasi Do all the sentences use the verb have/ has correctly? Correct the incorrect ones. Complete the dialogs with the correct forms of the verb have. Practice them with your friend. Read and understand the sentences below. Pay attention to the bold typed words. Isian Choose the correct pronouns in brackets to complete the sentences. Read your work with proper pronunciation. Tes tulis Tes tulis Isian Complete the dialog below with correct pronouns. Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu 9. Melengkapi kalimat menggunakan verb have/has dengan tepat. Tes tulis Isian 10. Membaca dan memahami kalimatkalimat yang menggunakan object pronouns. Non tes Uraian 11. Melengkapi kalimat menggunakan pronouns yang tersedia dengan tepat. 12. Melengkapi percakapan menggunakan pronouns yang tepat. 13. Bermain peran berdasarkan percakapan yang telah padu di kegiatan sebelumnya. Tes unjuk kerja Unjuk kerja Practice the dialog in Task L with your friend.

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi

Sumber Belajar

Silabus Unit 3 Thank You

Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 14. Melakukan praktik berbicara berdasarkan situasi kelas yang sesungguhnya menggunakan ordinal numbers. 15. Melakukan tanya jawab bersama teman berdasarkan jadwal piket kelas. Tes unjuk kerja Unjuk kerja Ask and answer questions about your duty rooster and the schedule. See the example. Tes unjuk kerja Unjuk kerja Tell the class where you and your friends sit. Use ordinal numbers. See the example. Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 1. 2 Menyampaikan pesan lisan dengan pelafalan yang benar. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek berbentuk pesan lisan. Tes lisan Jawaban singkat Tes lisan Uraian Say the messages below with proper pronunciation. 40' Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu 2. Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks lisan fungsional pendek berbentuk pesan lisan di kegiatan sebelumnya. Tes lisan Uraian Answer the questions below based on the messages in Task A. 3. Membuat pesan lisan berdasarkan situasi yang tersedia. Make spoken messages based on the situations below.

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara 4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Sumber Belajar

Silabus Unit 3 Thank You

4.1. Mengungkapkan makna tindak tutur dalam teks fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Teks lisan fungsional pendek berbentuk pesan lisan.

Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 5859. Kamus Inggris Indonesia dan Indonesia Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

4.2. Mengungkapkan makna gagasan dalam teks fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Standar Kompetensi : Membaca 5. Memahami makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 1. Membaca dan memahami teks yang ada. 2. Menjawab soal pilihan ganda. 1 Membaca nyaring berbagai teks dengan ucapan, tekanan, dan intonasi yang benar, lancar dan berterima. Tes tulis Pilihan ganda Read the texts and choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer. 40' Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Teks tertulis fungsional pendek berbentuk gratitude cards.

5.1 Membaca nyaring bermakna kata, frasa, dan kalimat dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat. Merespons makna/ gagasan dalam teks fungsional pendek berbentuk gratitude cards.

5.2 Merespons makna yang terdapat dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 59. Kamus Inggris Indonesia dan Indonesia Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 1. Membuat gratitude cards berdasarkan situasi yang telah diberikan. 2. Membacakan gratitude cards yang dibuatnya di kelas. 1 Membuat berbagai gratitude cards dengan benar dan berterima. Tes tulis Uraian Make gratitude cards based on the situations below. Read your work with proper pronunciation. 40' Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu

Standar Kompetensi : Menulis 6. Mengungkapkan makna teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Sumber Belajar

Silabus Unit 3 Thank You

6.1 Mengungkapkan makna gagasan dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dangan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Teks tulis fungsional pendek berupa gratitude cards.

Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 60. Kamus Inggris Indonesia dan Indonesia Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

6.2 Mengungkapkan langkah retorika dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Unit 4 What do You Do?

Nama Sekolah : Kelas/Semester : Mata Pelajaran : Unit : Genre : Standar Kompetensi : 1. Memahami makna
Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Indikator Teknik 1. Membaca percakapan lalu memahami penjelasan tentang ungkapan meminta dan memberi informasi. Non tes Non tes Uraian objektif Uraian objektif Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Read the dialogs and understand the expressions. Alokasi Waktu

SMP/MTs . . . VII/1 Bahasa Inggris 4 Mendengarkan dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Sumber Belajar


Percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal yang memuat ungkapan meminta dan memberi informasi serta ungkapan kesantunan. 2. Membaca percakapan dan mempelajari ungkapan kesopanan. Non tes

Possessive adjectives. 3. Mempelajari penggunaan possessive adjectives.

Merespons berbagai percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal yang memuat ungkapan meminta dan memberi informasi serta ungkapan kesantunan.

Read the dialogs and understand the expressions. Uraian objektif

The simple present tense: showing daily routines.

Read the sentences and understand the bold-typed words. Non tes Uraian objektif

Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 6475. Kamus Inggris Indonesia dan Indonesia Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

4. Mempelajari the simple present tense untuk mengungkapkan kegiatan rutin seharihari. 5. Mempelajari materi tentang penyebutan waktu (pukul) dan membaca contohcontohnya.

Telling time.

Kinds of professions.

Read the sentences and study the explanation.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1

1.2 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi informasi, mengucapkan terima kasih, meminta maaf, dan mengungkapkan kesantunan. Non tes Uraian objektif

Study how to tell time.


Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Instrumen Read and study the dialog. Look at the pictures and remember the words. Remember Unit 3 and answer the questions below. Uraian objektif Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu 6. Mempelajari kosakata tentang berbagai jenis pekerjaan. Non tes 7. Menjawab pertanyaan apersepsi berkaitan dengan unit sebelumnya (Unit 3). Jawaban singkat Tes lisan 8. Mendengarkan dan menirukan percakapan yang dibacakan guru. Uraian Non tes 9. Membaca percakapan di kegiatan sebelumnya dan secara lisan menjawab pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru. Tes lisan Jawaban singkat Listen to your teacher and repeat after him/ her. Your teacher will ask you some questions based on the dialogs in Task A. Answer the questions orally. Isian Listen to your teacher. Complete the dialogs with the sentences you have heard. Tes lisan Jawaban singkat Read the dialogs below. Your teacher will ask some questions about them. Answer the questions orally. Tes lisan Jawaban singkat Listen to your teacher. Answer his/her questions based on your own data. 10. Melengkapi percakapan sesuai dengan percakapan utuh yang dibacakan guru. 11. Membaca dan memahami percakapanpercakapan yang ada. 12. Menjawab pertanyaan secara lisan. Tes tulis 13. Menjawab pertanyaan yang dikemukakan guru secara lisan berdasarkan data siswa sendiri.

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi

Sumber Belajar

Silabus Unit 4 What do You Do?

Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik Listen to your teacher. Write down the sentences you have heard. Read the sentences in Task F. Underline the subjects and circle the verbs. Dikte Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi

14. Menulis kalimatkalimat yang dibacakan guru. Tes tulis

15. Membaca kalimat yang merupakan jawaban tugas sebelumnya, lalu menggarisbawahi subjek serta kata kerjanya. Tes tulis Identifikasi 16. Menjodohkan kalimatkalimat yang dibacakan guru dengan gambar yang sesuai dengan cara menuliskan nomor kalimat yang dibacakan pada gambar yang sesuai. Tes tulis Menjodohkan

Listen to your teacher. Match the sentences youve heard with the suitable pictures. Fill in the sentence number in each box near the correct picture. Jawaban singkat Your teacher will ask you some questions about the sentences in Task H. Answer them orally.

17. Menjawab pertanyaan guru secara lisan berdasarkan kalimatkalimat yang merupakan jawaban di tugas sebelumnya. 18. Menulis kalimatkalimat yang dibacakan guru.

Tes lisan

Tes tulis


Listen to your teacher. Write the sentences you have heard in your book. Tes tulis Jawaban singkat Read the sentences you have written in Task J. Draw the correct pointers on the clock pictures.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1

19. Menggambar jarum pada gambar jam yang telah disediakan sesuai dengan kalimatkalimat yang ditulis di tugas sebelumnya.


Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 20. Menyimak teks pendek yang dibacakan guru, lalu menulisnya di buku tugas. Tes tulis Dikte Listen to your teacher. Write the text you have heard. 21. Menentukan benar/ salah suatu pernyataan berdasarkan teks di tugas sebelumnya. Tes tulis Pernyataan benar/salah Read the text you have written in Task L. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Listen to your teacher. Complete the text based on what you have heard. Isian Read the complete text in Task N. Fill in the table based on the text. Tes tulis Tes tulis Pilihan ganda Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer based on the text in Task N. Tes tulis Pilihan ganda Read the text aloud. Listen to your teachers questions. Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer. Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu 22. Melengkapi sebuah teks sesuai dengan teks utuh yang dibacakan guru. Tes tulis Isian 23. Mengisi tabel sesuai dengan informasi yang terdapat di tugas sebelumnya. 24. Mengerjakan soal pilihan ganda berdasarkan teks di tugas sebelumnya. 25. Membaca nyaring sebuah teks, kemudian mendengarkan satu per satu pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru. 26. Memilih jawaban yang tepat berdasarkan teks.

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi

Sumber Belajar

Silabus Unit 4 What do You Do?

Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan 2. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.
Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 2 Read the sentences and understand the explanation. Non tes Uraian objektif 40' Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Teks lisan fungsional pendek berbentuk: notice.

Non tes Uraian objektif

Kosakata yang terkait dengan tema yang dipilih. 2. Membaca teks tentang surat (letter) dan memahami penjelasannya. 3. Menjawab pertanyaan apersepsi. Tes lisan Jawaban singkat

1. Membaca percakapan singkat yang berisi contoh spoken notices dan memahami penjelasannya.

Mengidentifikasi dan merespons makna dalam teks fungsional pendek lisan berbentuk spoken notices. Read the text and understand the explanation.

2.1 Merespon makna tindak tutur yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat. Answer the following questions. Listen to your teacher. Match what you have heard with the suitable sentences. Dikte Listen to your teacher. Write down the sentences you have heard. Tes tulis Jawaban singkat Listen to your teacher. Where do you probably hear the spoken notices you have heard? 4. Menjodohkan notice yang dibacakan guru dengan gambar yang tepat. Tes tulis Menjodohkan

Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 8182. Kamus Inggris Indonesia dan Indonesia Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

2.2 Merespon makna gagasan yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat. 5. Menulis notices yang dibacakan guru. Tes tulis 6. Menentukan tempat notice yang dibacakan oleh guru seringkali terdengar.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 1. Membaca nyaring percakapan dan mempraktikannya dengan teman. Jawaban singkat Tes lisan Unjuk kerja Tes unjuk kerja Read the dialogs aloud. Practice them with your friend. 6 Bentuk Instrumen 40' Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu 2. Menjawab pertanyaan secara lisan berdasarkan percakapan di kegiatan sebelumnya. Tes tulis Melakukan percakapan dalam wacana lisan transaksional dan interpersonal yang melibatkan tindak tutur meminta dan memberi informasi serta ungkapan kesantunan. Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Task A orally. 3. Menyusun kalimatkalimat acak menjadi percakapan yang urut. 4. Mempraktikkan percakapan yang telah urut bersama seorang teman. Tes unjuk kerja 5. Menggarisbawahi possessive adjectives yang terdapat dalam percakapanpercakapan di tugas sebelumnya. 6. Membuat kalimat menggunakan possessive adjectives. Tes tulis Menyusun kalimat acak Unjuk kerja Rearrange the sentences into proper dialogs. Practice the proper dialogs with your friend. Identifikasi Find possessive adjectives in the dialogs in Task C. Underline them. Tes tulis Uraian Make five sentences using possessive adjectives. 7. Membuat percakapan berdasarkan petunjuk yang tersedia dan mempraktikannya di depan kelas. Tes unjuk kerja Unjuk kerja Create dialogs based on the following clues. Practice the dialogs in front of the class.

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara 3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Sumber Belajar

Silabus Unit 4 What do You Do?

Percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal yang memuat ungkapan meminta dan memberi informasi serta ungkapan kesantunan.

3.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima.

Kosakata yang terkait dengan tema yang dipilih.

Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 7580. Kamus Inggris Indonesia dan Indonesia Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

3.3 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan

Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 8. Secara berpasangan membuat percakapan berdasarkan situasi yang tersedia dan mempraktikannya di depan kelas. In pairs, create dialogs based on the situations. Practice the dialogs in front of the class. Draw pointers on the clock pictures based on the dialogs. Practice the dialogs with a friend. 9. Menggambar jarum jam pada gambar jam yang tersedia berdasarkan percakapan, kemudian mempraktikkan percakapan tersebut. 10. Menyusun kata-kata acak menjadi kalimat yang baik dan menulisnya di buku. Tes tulis Menyusun kata acak Tes unjuk kerja Unjuk kerja Tes unjuk kerja Unjuk kerja Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi

tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi informasi, mengucapkan terima kasih, meminta maaf, dan mengungkapkan kesantunan.

Rearrange the jumbled words to make correct sentences. Read your work aloud. Unjuk kerja Do the activities.

11. Melakukan kegiatan tanya jawab tentang kegiatan sehari-hari secara berpasangan. 12. Menulis informasi yang diperoleh dan menceritakannya di depan kelas. 13. Menceritakan gambar seperti contoh secara lisan.

Tes unjuk kerja

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1

Tes unjuk kerja

Unjuk kerja

What pictures are they? Tell your friends. Number one has been done for you.


Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 14. Mengisi tabel dengan kegiatan sehari-hari sebelum berangkat sekolah, kemudian membuat paragraf berdasarkan tabel tersebut. 15. Menceritakan kegiatannya di depan kelas. Unjuk kerja Fill in the table with your activities before going to school. Make a paragraph based on it. Tell your friends about it. Tes unjuk kerja Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 1. Membuat spoken notices berdasarkan situasi tertentu, kemudian menyampaikannya di depan kelas. Mengungkapkan gagasan berupa spoken notices dengan lancar dan berterima. Tes lisan Indikator Bentuk Instrumen Uraian Contoh Instrumen Create spoken notices based on the situations. Tell them in front of the class. Alokasi Waktu 1 40' Tes lisan Uraian 2. Membaca spoken notices dengan nyaring dengan pelafalan yang benar. 3. Menceritakan isi/ maksud tiap-tiap notice kepada teman di kelas. Read the spoken notices with proper pronunciation. Tell your friends what they are about.

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi

Sumber Belajar

Silabus Unit 4 What do You Do?

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara 4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Sumber Belajar

4.1 Mengungkapkan makna tindak tutur dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Teks lisan fungsional pendek berbentuk: notice.

Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 8283. Kamus Inggris Indonesia dan Indonesia Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi

4.2 Mengungkapkan makna gagasan dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik 1. Membaca nyaring surat dengan dengan pelafalan yang benar. 2 Tes lisan Membaca nyaring Read the letter with proper pronunciation and intonation. 40' Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu Membaca nyaring berbagai teks dengan lafal, tekanan, dan intonasi yang benar dan berterima. Tes tulis Jawaban singkat Answer the questions based on the letter in Task A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer. 2. Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan surat di kegiatan sebelumnya. 3. Mengerjakan soal pilihan ganda berdasarkan surat yang tersedia. Mengidentifikasi informasi/gagasan dalam teks fungsional pendek berupa surat (letter). Tes tulis Pilihan ganda

Standar Kompetensi : Membaca 5. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Sumber Belajar

Silabus Unit 4 What do You Do?

Teks fungsional pendek berbentuk: surat (letter).

5.1 Membaca nyaring bermakna kata, frasa, dan kalimat dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Kosakata yang terkait dengan tema yang dipilih.

5.2 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 8384. Kamus Inggris Indonesia dan Indonesia Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

Standar Kompetensi : Menulis 6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik Menulis surat yang menceritakan kegiatan sehari-hari kepada seorang teman. Menulis teks fungsional sederhana dalam bentuk surat (letter). Tes tulis Uraian Write a letter to your friend. Tell about your daily activities. 1 Bentuk Instrumen 40' Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu Sumber Belajar

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran

Teks fungsional pendek berbentuk: surat (letter).

6.1 Mengungkapkan makna gagasan dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 84. Kamus Inggris Indonesia dan Indonesia Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Penilaian Kegiatan Pembelajaran Teknik Bentuk Instrumen Contoh Instrumen Indikator Alokasi Waktu

Kompetensi Dasar

Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi

Sumber Belajar

Silabus Unit 4 What do You Do?

6.2 Mengungkapkan langkah retorika dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

At the end of this unit you will be able to: 1. greet and part, 2. introduce yourself and other people, 3. create short functional texts (spoken messages), 4. write short functional texts (birthday cards), 5. use is, am, are, this/that, these/those, and 6. mention parts of the body, human physical appearances and family members correctly.

When you meet someone for the first time, what do you usually do? Do you introduce yourself? If you do, how do you do it? Never worries how you do it. In this unit you will learn kinds of expressions and examples of introducing yourself. You will also learn how to introduce someone to another. Further, this unit also explains some expressions to greet and part. Well, lets learn more about them.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


1.1 Expressions

Greeting and Parting

Read the dialogs and understand the expressions. 1
Good morning, Sir. See you on Monday. Good morning.

See you.

Pay attention to the expressions used in the dialogs. In dialog 1, there are the expressions to greet someone and to respond to it. In dialog 2, there are the expressions to part with someone and to respond to it. Here are some expressions you can use to greet people and part. Greeting Morning! Hello! Hi, Eva! How are you? Hi, there! Good morning/afternoon/evening. Parting Goodbye. Good night. Bye! See you (soon/later/tomorrow). Cheerio!

You say Good morning/Morning (Selamat pagi/Pagi). at 12 midnight up to 12 noon. You say Good afternoon/Afternoon (Selamat siang/Siang) at 12:01 p.m. up to 6 p.m. You say Good evening/Evening (Selamat sore/Sore) at 6:01 p.m. up to 9 p.m. You say Good night (Selamat malam) when you want to leave other people at night, such as you want to go to sleep or you leave someones house.


UNIT 1 Hi, Im Silvana

Introducing Yourself and Other People

Read the dialogs and understand the expressions. 1 2

Hello, my name is Silvana Larasati. You can call me Silvana.

Eka Bagus Eka Bagus Eka

Hi, Bagus. Hi, Eka. By the way, have you met each other? Not yet. Well, Bagus, this is Puput, my cousin. Puput, this is Bagus. Bagus : Hello, Puput. Nice to meet you. Puput : Hello, Bagus. Nice to meet you too.

: : : : :

Dialog 1 is the example of introducing oneself and dialog 2 is the example of introducing someone to another. Here are some expressions you can use to introduce ourselves and other people. Introducing Yourself Hello! My name is Eka. Hi! Im Eka Septian. Im Ratnawati Siregar. You can call me Ratna. Introducing Other People Do you know each other? Erwan-Bagus. Raka, meet Era. Oh, look, heres Raka! Raka-Era. EraRaka. Raka, this is Era. Era, this is Raka.

After knowing each other, you can make the conversation longer by asking for and giving information. Here are some expressions. Asking for and Giving Information Whats your name? What is your complete name? Where do you live? What is your favorite food? Do you like singing? Where do you come from? Responding My names Silvana./I am Silvana. Silvana Larasati. I live at Jalan Majapahit 12. I like fried rice. No, I dont. I come from Madura.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Grammar Section
To be: is, am, are Read the sentences. Pay attention to the bold-typed words.
Hello, I am Edgar. He is Edwin, my brother. We are students.

The bold typed words are to be. We use to be to name people or things, describe or give more information about them. Study the words in the table. Subject I He Alan It We They Edgar and I Be am is is is are are are Noun Rina. my brother. the winner. a sharpener. students. our teachers. brothers.

This, That, These, Those Read the sentences. Pay attention to the bold-typed words. Patterns: This/That + is + singular noun These/Those + are + plural nouns


UNIT 1 Hi, Im Silvana

That is my sister.

I bought these oranges in the market.

You use this to refer to a person or thing that is close to you. If you refer to more than one person/thing, you use these. You use that to refer to a person or thing that is far from us. If you refer to more than one person/thing, you use those. Examples: 1. 2. 3. 4. This is my school. This is my book. That is my teacher. That is the teacher room. 1. 2. 3. 4. These are the classrooms. These are my books. Those are my teachers. Are those the library and the laboratory?

Answer the following questions. 1. 2. When you meet your teacher in the morning, what will you say? Jawaban: I will say, Good morning. When you want to part with your friend, what will you say? Jawaban: I will say, Goodbye.

A. 1.

Listen and repeat after your teacher. Good morning, Maam. 2. Nice to meet you. See you tomorrow. 3. Im fine, thank you.




PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Variasi: Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama guru dapat membacakan kalimat-kalimat berikut. 1. Hello! 2. Hi! 3. Good morning. 4. Glad to see you again! 5. Nice to meet you. 6. How are you today? 7. Im fine, thank you. 8. See you tomorrow. 9. Bye-bye. 10. Take care. B. Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her. Then, read the dialogs aloud with a friend.

Dialog 1 Ika : Hello, my name is Ika. Nia : Hello, Ika. I am Nia. Ika : Where are you from, Nia? Nia : I am from Madura. And you? Ika : I am from Surabaya. Dialog 2 Arya : Are you a new student? Dinda : Yes, I am. Arya : Welcome to this school. My name is Arya. What is your name? Dinda : My name is Dinda. I am in Class VIIA. Arya : So we are in the same class. I am in Class VIIA too. Dialog 3 Tito : Good morning, Maam. Mrs. Arwan : Good morning, Tito. Nice weather, isnt it? Tito : It is. Mrs. Arwan : By the way, my bus is coming. See you again, Tito. Tito : See you, Maam. Variasi: Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama guru dapat membacakan percakapan-percakapan berikut. 1. Denia and her mother are in a supermarket now. She meets her biology teacher, Ms. Endang. Denia : Good afternoon, Maam. Ms. Endang : Good afternoon, Nia. Shopping, right? Denia : No. We are just doing some window shopping. Maam, please meet my mother, Rianti. Mom, please meet Ms. Endang, my biology teacher. Ms. Rianti : How do you do? Ms. Endang : How do you do? 2. Andika is going home. He usually goes home by bus. Hes waiting a bus at the bus station now. There is a girl sitting beside him. Andika : Hi, Im Andika. May I know your name? Dewi : Hi, Andika. Im Dewi. Andika : Going home? Dewi : Yeah.


UNIT 1 Hi, Im Silvana

Andika Dewi Andika Dewi Andika Dewi C.

: : : : : :

Are you the student of SMP 1? Yes, I am. Im the student of SMP 1 too. Im in Class VIIA. Are you? Im in Class VIIC. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.

Read the dialogs in Task B once again. Then, answer the questions.

Dialog 1 1. Where is Ika from? Jawaban: Surabaya. 2. How does Ika introduce herself? Jawaban: By saying, Hello, my name is Ika. Dialog 2 1. Who is the new student? Jawaban: Dinda is. 2. Are Dinda and Arya in the same class? Jawaban: Yes, they are. 3. In what class are they? Jawaban: Class VIIA. Dialog 3 1. How does Tito greet Mrs. Arwan? Jawaban: By saying, Good morning, Mrs. Arwan. 2. In your opinion, where are they? Jawaban: In a bus stop. 3. How does Mrs. Arwan show her leave-taking? Jawaban: By saying, See you again, Tito. D. Listen to your teacher. Complete the dialogs below based on what you have heard.

Percakapan-percakapan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: Dialog 1 While Ms. Ria is still teaching, the bell rings. Ms. Ria : Well, students, (1) thats all for today. See you next Monday in the language laboratory. Students : O.K., Maam. (2) Thank you for the lesson. Teacher : Youre welcome. Bye. Students : Bye, Maam. Teacher : (3) Take care. Students : You too, thank you. Dialog 2 Dian : Hi! My name is Dian. Utami : Hi! My name is Utami. Dian : (4) You are the new neighbor, right? Utami : Yes, I am. I just moved here last week. Dian : (5) Welcome to the neighborhood. Well, nice to meet you, but I have to go to the bookstore. See you. Utami : O.K. See you!

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1

Variasi: Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama guru dapat memberikan soal-soal berikut. Percakapan-percakapan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: Dialog 1 Arman : Hi, Linda! Linda : Hi, Arman! How are you? Arman : Im fine. Well, let me introduce my cousin, Hadi. (1) Hadi, this is Linda, my classmate. Linda : Nice to meet you, Hadi. Hadi : (2) Nice to meet you too, Linda. Dialog 2 Agung meets his friend Gilang. He greets him. Agung : Hi, Lang! Gilang : Hi, Gung! Agung : (3) How are things? Gilang : Very well, thanks. And you? Agung : (4) Me too, thanks. By the way, were going cycling. Why dont you join? Gilang : It would be great! (5) Thanks. Dialog 3 The students of Class VIIC are learning English happily. But then, the bell rings. Riiiiing . . . . Riiiiing . . . . Teacher : Well, students. Thats all for today. Students : O.K., Maam. Teacher : (6) See you next Wednesday. Bye. Students : See you, Maam. Bye. Teacher : (7) Take care. Students : Thank you. Dialog 4 Mr. Hartawan is introducing Mr. Kartiko, his boss, to his brother, Mr. Purwanto. Mr. Hartawan : Hello, Mr. Kartiko. How are you? Mr. Kartiko : Hello, Mr. Hartawan. (8) Everything is fine. I hope you are well too. Mr. Hartawan : Yeah, thanks. By the way, (9) please meet Purwanto, my brother. Pur, this is Mr. Kartiko my boss. Mr. Purwanto : (10) Good to see you. Mr. Kartiko : Good to see you too, Sir. E. Practice the dialogs in Task D with your friend.


UNIT 1 Hi, Im Silvana

Variasi: Sebelum siswa mempraktikkan percakapan, guru dapat memberi soal-soal sebagai berikut. A. 1. Choose A, B, C, D for the correct answer. You meet your teacher at the front gate in the morning. You say, ________. A. Good evening, Maam B. Goodbye C. Good morning, Maam D. Take care Jawaban: C Bertemu guru pada pagi hari, salam yang paling tepat diucapkan adalah Good morning, Maam.. The bell rings. It begins the school day. You say, ________. to your teacher. A. Good night, Sir B. Have a nice day, Sir C. Glad to see you here D. Good morning, Sir Jawaban: D Ketika kelas akan dimulai, beri salam kepada guru dengan ucapan Good morning, Sir.. Its 9 p.m. You want to go to bed. You say, ________ to your parents. A. Good evening, Mom, Dad. B. Good night, Mom, Dad. C. See you tomorrow, Mom, Dad. D. Bye, Mom, Dad. Jawaban: B Pada malam hari ketika kamu akan tidur, biasakan ucapkan Good night, Mom-Dad.. 4. Riani : Amir, this is Novita, my neighbor. Novi, this is Amir, my classmate. Novi : Hello, Amir. Amir : ________ A. Hello, Novi. B. See you. C. How are you? D. Im fine, thanks. Jawaban: A Respons yang sesuai atas sapaan Hello adalah Hello pula. Mr. Anang : Let me introduce my colleague Mr. Iwan. Mr. Iwan, this is Mr. Rinto. Mr. Rinto, this is Mr. Iwan. Mr. Rinto : How do you do? Mr. Iwan : ________ A. How are you? B. How do you do? C. How is life? D. See you. Jawaban: B Respons yang tepat untuk sapaan perkenalan How do you do? adalah How do you do? juga.




B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Continue the sentences below.

You meet your schoolmate in the school canteen at 9:15 a.m. You say, ________. Lisa meets her friends on the street at 4 p.m. She says, ________. Ivan wants to go to school in the morning. He says, ________.to his parents. You leave your friends home. You say, ________. You meet your teacher in the afternoon. You say, ________. You introduce your friend to your parents. You say, ________. You introduce your science teacher to your parents. She says, How do you do? Your parents responds to it by saying, ________? 8. You greet your friend on the phone by saying, ________. 9. You leave your grandparents house in the evening. You say, ________. 10. Your grandparents respond your leave taking by saying, ________.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Jawaban: 1. Good morning 2. Good afternoon 3. Goodbye, Mom, Dad 4. Bye. See you 5. Good afternoon, Sir/Madam 6. Mom, Dad, this is my friend Doni. Doni, these are my parents 7. How do you do 8. Hello 9. Good night, Grandpa, Grandma 10. Good night, dear F. Listen to your teacher and write down what you have heard. Complete what he/she says with is, am or are.

Example: Your teacher says: I ________ a police. You write: I am a police. Kalimat-kalimat yang dibacakan guru: 1. Dina ________ a student. 2. My father ________ an architect. 3. Dian ________ at school. 4. Mr. Heru ________ a teacher. 5. Mother ________ at home. 6. The students ________ in the seventh grade. 7. We ________ students of SMP 6. 8. You ________ beautiful. 9. Sari ________ a nurse. 10. Anto and Andi ________ in the school yard. Jawaban: 1. Dina is a student. 3. Dian is at school. 5. Mother is at home. 7. We are students of SMP 6. 9. Sari is a nurse. G. Complete the texts with is, am or are. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. My father is an architect. Mr. Heru is a teacher. The students are in the seventh grade You are beautiful. Anto and Andi are in the school yard.

Text 1 Hello, I (1) ________ Nia. I have a brother. He (2) ________ Edo. We (3) ________ the students of SMP 8. I (4) ________ in the seventh grade, and he (5) ________ in the ninth grade. We go to school together. Text 2 Mr. Karta (6) ________ my uncle. He lives next to us. He has a beautiful wife. Her maiden name (7) ________ Riana. So I (8) ________ Mr and Mrs. Kartas niece and Edo (9) ________ their nephew. Mr and Mrs. Karta have two twin daughters and a son. Their daughters names (10) ________ Ranti and Rina and their sons name (11) ________ Adi. So they (12) ________


UNIT 1 Hi, Im Silvana

my cousins. Ranti and Rina (13) ________ twelve years old while Adi (14) ________ ten years old. The family have three cats. They (15) ________ Kitty, Nunny and Ancy. Jawaban: 1. am 6. is 11. is H. 2. is 7. is 12. are 3. are 8. am 13. are 4. am 9. is 14. is 5. is 10. are 15. are

Find the opposite meanings of the following words. You may find the answers in the texts in Task G.

Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1. husband >< wife 2. nephew >< niece 3. aunt >< uncle 4. sister >< brother 5. son >< daughter Variasi: Find the meanings of the words and the answers in Task H. Jawaban: 1. husband = suami wife = 2. nephew = keponakan laki-laki niece = 3. aunt = bibi uncle = 4. sister = saudara perempuan brother = 5. son = anak laki-laki daughter = I.

istri keponakan perempuan paman saudara laki-laki anak perempuan

The words in Task H show us about family relationships. Study other family relationships below. Find their meanings in your dictionary.

Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1. parents = orang tua 2. grandparents = kakek dan nenek 3. grandfather = kakek 4. grandmother = nenek 5. cousin = saudara sepupu 6. grandchild = cucu 7. grandson = cucu laki-laki 8. granddaughter = cucu perempuan 9. elder sister = kakak perempuan 10. younger brother = adik laki-laki 11. sister-in-law = saudara ipar perempuan 12. brother-in-law = saudara ipar laki-laki 13. father-in-law = ayah mertua 14. mother-in-law = ibu mertua 15. son-in-law = menantu laki-laki 16. daughter-in-law = menantu perempuan 17. stepfather = ayah tiri 18. stepmother = ibu tiri 19. stepbrother = saudara tiri laki-laki 20. stepsister = saudara tiri perempuan
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1



Find the names of ten family relationships in this puzzle. The words can go across or down.



Look at the family tree. Complete the sentences based on the family tree. + Mrs. Bahar

Mr. Bahar

Agus + Lia



Ida 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ida is Tutis ________. Mr. Bahar is Idas ________. Agus is Tutis ________. Mrs. Bahar is Imas ________. Agus is Idas ________.

Jawaban: 1. niece 2. grandfather 3. brother-in-law 4. mother 5. father


UNIT 1 Hi, Im Silvana

Variasi: Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama guru dapat memberikan soal-soal berikut.
Mr. Arif Mrs. Tino Mr. Tino Mrs. Arif Mrs. Cahyo Mr. Cahyo




Mr. Galung

Mrs. Galung


1. Mr. and Mrs. Arif have three ________; Mr. Tino, Mr. Galung, and Mrs. Cahyo. 2. Mr. and Mrs Arif are Candras ________. 3. Mrs. Cahyo is Candras ________. 4. Mr. Galung is Mrs. Cahyos ________. 5. Mrs. Cahyo is Mr. Tinos ________. 6. Mrs. Galung is Tikas ________. 7. Mr. Galung is Candras ________. 8. Candra is Pratamas ________. 9. Tika and Berlina are Mr. and Mrs. Cahyos ________. 10. Pratama is Mrs. Tinos ________. Jawaban: 1. children 2. grandparents 3. mother 4. brother 5. sister 6. aunt 7. uncle 8. cousin 9. nieces 10. nephew L. Listen to your teacher. Complete the text based on what you have heard.

Teks yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: Hi, Im Rosalia. I have a (1) brother named Harry. So, Im Harrys (2) sister. Mr. and Mrs. Agung Nugraha are my (3) parents. Mrs. Nugraha is my (4) mother. Mr. Agung Nugraha is my (5) father. I have two (6) cousins. They are Hanung and Arya. Mrs. Sisca Gunawan is my (7) aunt. So it means that I am her (8) niece. Mr. and Mrs. Haryawan are my (9) grandparents. It means that I am their (10) granddaughter. Variasi: Make a family tree based on the complete text in Task L. Jawaban: Mr. Haryawan Gunawan + Sisca Hanung Arya + Mrs. Haryawan Jelita + Agung Nugraha Rosalia Harry

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Read the alphabets below. Look at the pictures. Say the words with proper pronunciation. A /ei/ B /bi:/ C /si:/ D /di:/ E /i:/

apple /'Apl/ F /ef/

bird /bE:rd/ G /d5i:/ 5

candy /'kAndi/ H /eits/ s

daddy /'dAdi/ I /ai/

ear /ir/ J /d5ei/ 5

fan /fAn/ K /kei/

girl /gE:rl/ L /el/

hen /hen/ M /em/

ice cream /ais kri:m/ N /en/

jug /d5ng/ O /ou/

kettle /'ketl/

lady /'leidi/

money /'mnni/

notebook /'noutbuk/ S /es/


P /pi:/

Q /kju:/

R /a:(r)/

T /ti:/

pen /pen/

quill /kwil/

roof /ru:f/

shoe /su:/

television /'telivi5n/


UNIT 1 Hi, Im Silvana

U /ju:/

V /vi:/

W /'dnblju:/

unicorn /'ju:nike:n/ X /eks/

volcano /va:l'keineu/ Y /wai/

wok /wak/

Z /zi:/

X-ray /eks rei/ B.

yolk /youk/

zebra /'zebre/

Spell the words below aloud.

Kata-kata yang dieja siswa dan jawaban: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. d-e-s-k r-u-l-e-r c-u-r-l-y y-a-r-d f-i-n-g-e-r : : : : : /di:/-/i:/-/es/-/kei/ /a:(r)/-/ju:/-/el/-/i:/-/a:(r)/ /si:/-/ju:/-/a:(r)/-/el/-/wai/ /wai/-/ei/-/a:(r)/-/di:/ /ef/-/ai/-/en/-/d5i:/-/i:/-/a:(r)/

Variasi: Spell the words below correctly. Do it in turns. 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. C. ant /ei/-/en/-/ti:/ curly /si:/-/ju:/a(r)/-/el/-/wai/ heel /eits/-/i:/-/i:-el/ lips /el/-/ai/-/pi:/-/es/ stomach /es/-/ti:/-/ou/-/em/-/ei/-/si:/-/eits/ Read the dialogs aloud. Mind your pronunciation and intonation. Good morning, Sir. Good morning. Are you the student of SMP 5? Yes, Sir. I am in the seventh grade. I see. And you are . . . . Nina, Sir. Well, Nina. Glad to meet you. Glad to meet you too, Sir. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. bed /bi:/-/i:/-/di:/ door /di:/-/ou/-/ou/-/a:(r)/ finger /ef/-/ai/-/en-/d5i:/i:/-/a:(r)/ neck /en/-/i:/si/-/kei/ zipper /zi:/-/ai/-/pi:/-/pi:/-/i:/-/a:(r)/

Dialog 1 Nina : Teacher : Nina : Teacher : Nina : Teacher : Nina :

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Dialog 2 Mr. Royandi is introducing Mr. Haryono to his guest, Mr. Santoso. Mr. Royandi : Good evening, Mr. Santoso. How are you? Mr. Santoso : Good evening, Mr. Royandi. Everything is fine. I hope you are well too. Mr. Royandi : I am, thank you. By the way, please meet Mr. Haryono, the vice headmaster. Mr. Haryono, please meet Mr. Santoso, the Director of PT Trikarya. Mr. Haryono : Good to see you, Sir. Mr. Santoso : Good to see you too, Sir. Variasi: Practice the dialogs below with a friend. 1. Ida Mother Ida Mother Diana Teacher Diana Jimmy Ms. Jean Jimmy Ms. Jean Tanti Bella Tanti Bella Tanti Bella : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Good morning, Mom. Good morning, Ida. Going to school now? Yes. Goodbye, Mom. Goodbye, dear. Take care. Good afternoon, Sir. Good afternoon, Diana. Dont forget that the biology class is in the lab today? Sure, Sir. Good morning, Ms. Jean. Good morning, Jimmy. How are you today? Fine, thanks, Ms. Jean. I hope you are fine too. I am, thanks. Excuse me. May I sit here? Yes, please. Im Tanti. Whats your name? Im Bella. Glad to see you, Bella. Glad to see you too, Tanti.
Hello, Carla, how are you? I am fine, Tasha, thank you. Is she your sister? Hello, Joan. Nice to meet you.





No, shes not. Carla, this is Joan, my cousin. Joan, this is Carla, my close friend.

Hello, Carla. Nice to meet you too.


UNIT 1 Hi, Im Silvana


Introduce yourself based on one of the cards.

Sofyan Marpaung (Sofyan) Jalan Hayam Wuruk 12

Achmad Zazuli (Azul) Jalan Abubakar Ali 52

Rina Mizwar (Rina) Jalan Sawit Sari 6

Andrea Rahmawati (Dea) Jalan Dr. Wahidin 43

Aris Siahaan (Aris) Jalan Kampung Sewu Xa no 12

Rizka Aminah (Riris) Jalan Achmad Yani 42

Contoh jawaban: 1. Good morning, friends. My name is Sofyan Marpaung. You can call me Sofyan. I live at Jalan Hayam Wuruk 12. Well, it is near Pasar Wedi. Please drop in. 2. Hello, I am Achmad Zazuli. Just call me Azul. I live at Jalan Abubakar Ali 52. Thats all about me. Variasi: Come to the front of the class. Introduce yourself. Do it in turns. Example:
Good morning, my friends. I want to introduce myself. I am Galang Herlambang. Just call me Galang. I live at Jalan Duren Tiga number ten. Please drop in. Thank you.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


E. 1.

Make dialogs based on the pictures. 2.

You want to introduce your mother to the principal. What would you say? Contoh jawaban: 1. Nina Mr. Sanusi Nina

You are on the way to school. You meet your mothers friend. You greet her. What would the two of you say?


: Good morning, Mr. Sanusi. : Good morning, Nina. : Id like to introduce my mother, Asti Hendrawan. Mom, this is the principal Mr. Sanusi. Mr.Sanusi : How do you do, Mrs. Hendrawan? Mrs. Hendrawan : How do you do, Mr. Sanusi? Shinta : Good morning, Mrs. Ridwan. Mrs. Ridwan : Good morning, Shinta. You go to school early today. Shinta : Yes, I am. Im afraid of missing the bus. See you. Mrs. Ridwan : See you.

Variasi: A. Interview your friends to complete the table. Example: Rano : Hi, Im Rano, Rano Triadi. Whats your name? Fian : Hi, Rano. Im Fiantono Gunadi. Call me Fian. Rano : Where do you live, Fian? Fian : I live at Jalan Perdamaian Utara number 6, Semarang. And you? Rano : I live at Jalan Gombel Permai number 22, Semarang. Thanks, Fian. Fian : Youre welcome. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name Fianto Guandi Nickname Fian Address Jalan Perdamaian Utara number 6 Semarang


UNIT 1 Hi, Im Silvana


Tell the result of your interview in Task A to the class.

Contoh jawaban: Hi, friends. I got a friend. Hes Fiantono Gunadi. I call him Fian. He lives at Jalan Perdamaian Utara number 6, Semarang. C. Work in groups of three. Introduce one of your friends to the other.

Contoh jawaban:
Ron, please meet Bintang, my playmate. Bintang, this is Roni, my new friend from Bogor. Hi, Bintang. Its nice to see you.

Hi, Ron. Its nice to see you, too.


Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer. 2. What do you know about Ms. Dwiyanti? A. She teaches grade VIII. B. She always comes to the writers class on time. C. She never leaves the class. D. She never teaches vocabularies. Jawaban: B Pilihan jawaban ini benar berdasarkan kalimat, She always comes to our class on time.. Pilihan jawaban yang lain tidak sesuai dengan teks. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya dia mengajar kelas VIII, (seharusnya kelas VII), (C) artinya dia tidak pernah meninggalkan kelas, dan (D) artinya dia tidak pernah mengajar tata bahasa dan kosakata. How does Ms. Dwiyanti say her leave taking? A. By saying See you later. B. By saying Good morning, students. C. By saying See you again, class. D. By saying See you.

Read the text and answer questions 1 to 3. Ms. Dwiyanti is my English teacher. She always comes to our class on time. Before teaching, she always greets us, Good morning, students. How are you? To reply her, we say, We are fine, thanks. Then, she starts teaching vocabularies. When the bell rings, she ends the lesson by saying See you again, class. Have a nice day. And we reply her, See you. Thank you, Miss. 1. What is Ms. Dwiyanti? A. A student. B. A teacher. C. A principal D. A librarian. Jawaban: B Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat Ms. Dwiyanti is my English teacher. yang artinya Bu Dwiyanti adalah guru bahasa Inggris saya.. Student artinya siswa, principal artinya kepala sekolah, dan librarian artinya petugas perpustakaan.


PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Jawaban: C Pilihan jawaban ini benar berdasarkan kalimat When the bell rings, she ends the lesson by saying See you again, class. Have a nice day.. yang artinya Ketika bel berbunyi, beliau mengakhiri pelajaran dengan berkata Sampai jumpa kembali, anak-anak. Semoga hari kalian menyenangkan... Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan teks. Read the text and answer questions 4 and 5. Hello, my name is Rina Setyowati. My friends call me Rina. I am thirteen years old. I live in Yogyakarta. I study in SMP N 5. Now I am in the first grade. I go to school on foot. My home is not far from my school. Variasi: Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer. Read the text and answer questions 1 and 2. Hello, I am Nunung Setyaningrum. My friends call me Aning. I am thirteen years old. I live in Bogor. I am in the first grade of SMP N 1. I go to school by bike. My house is quite far from my school. 1. What is the girl in the text? She is ________. A. a student B. a librarian C. a teacher D. a principal Jawaban: A Teks tersebut menjelaskan bahwa Nunung Setyaningrum bersekolah di SMP N 1. Jadi, dia seorang siswa (a student). 2. Aning goes to school ________. A. by car B. by bicycle C. by bus D. on foot Jawaban: B Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan pernyataan pada kalimat keenam, I go to school by bike. yang artinya Saya pergi ke sekolah dengan bersepeda..


What is Rina? She is ________. A. a student B. a librarian C. a teacher D. a principal Jawaban: A Teks tersebut menjelaskan bahwa Rina Setyowati bersekolah di SMP N 5. Jadi, dia seorang siswa (a student). Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan isi teks. How old is Rina? She is ________ years old. A. 12 B. 13 C. 14 D. 15 Jawaban: B Jawaban ini sesuai dengan pernyataan pada kalimat ketiga I am thirteen years old. yang artinya Saya berusia 13 tahun..


Read the text and answer questions 3 to 5. Hello, my name is Magic Sloanne. I live with my cousins, Donny and Bryan, at 60 Hyde Park Street. It is near Lakeland Street. This is my new neighbor. His name is Vicky Martinez. He lives on the same street as I live. I like to have a friend like him because he is very clever and kind.
Source: Ujian Nasional


Where does Vicky live? A. Near Hyde Park Street. B. On Lakeland Street. C. On Hyde Park Street. D. Far from Lakeland Street. Jawaban: C Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat He lives on the same street as I live. yang artinya Dia (Vicky) tinggal di jalan yang sama dengan tempat tinggal saya.. Sementara itu, tempat tinggal penulis terdapat di kalimat kedua, I live with my cousins, Donny and Bryan, at 60 Hyde Park Street.. Frasa keterangan tempat at 60 Hyde Park Street sama dengan on Hyde Park Street yang artinya di Jalan Hyde Park.


UNIT 1 Hi, Im Silvana


Who is Magic Sloanne? A. Donnys brother. B. Bryans cousin. C. Vickys cousin. D. Vickys sister. Jawaban: B Jawaban ini sesuai dengan pernyataan pada kalimat kedua I live with my cousins, Donny and Bryan, . . . .. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan isi teks. Read the text below. Then, answer the questions.


. . . because he is very clever and kind. (line 7) What does the underlined word refer to? A. Donny. B. Magic Sloanne. C. Bryan. D. Vicky Martinez. Jawaban: D Kata ganti orang he mengacu pada subjek yang telah disebutkan di kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu His name is Vicky Martinez..


Let me introduce myself. My name is Rosalinda. I am an actress. I live with my husband, Andrew Copernicov, and my son Robert and daughter Elisse. We live at 34 Tahoe City, California. Now my niece Leonny and my nephew Ron are visiting us. They are the children of my brother Surya. My uncles family are here too. Our house becomes so crowded because of them. Questions: 1. How many children does Rosalinda have? Jawaban: Two. 2. Who are they? Jawaban: Robert and Elisse. 3. What does Rosalinda do? Jawaban: She is an actress. 4. Who is Leonny? Jawaban: She is Rosalindas niece. 5. Where do the family live? Jawaban: They live at 34 Tahoe City, California. Variasi: Read the text. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on it. Hi, Im Henry. Mr. Lawson is my father. Mrs. Riani Lawson is my mother. They have four children, two boys and two girls. So, I have two sisters and one brother. Im the fourth child. I was born on the sixth of May 1994. Now I am in Grade VII in SMPN 2. There are forty-two students in my class. I really like my class. Statements: 1. ______ There are four people in Henrys family. 2. ______ Mr. Lawson has three children. 3. ______ Henry is the only son. 4. ______ Henry is fourteen years old now. 5. ______ Henry studies in junior high school. Jawaban: 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1



Look at the pictures. Repeat after your teacher.

hair ear nose tooth eye forehead eyebrows cheek lip chin neck elbow finger


shoulder chest arm


thigh knee leg


foot toes


Rearrange the letters below into proper words. The words are parts of our body. : : : : : ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 3. arm 8. thigh 2. ot-mhu 4. eey 6. neirgf 8. hthig 10. ohtto 4. eye 9. ear : : : : : ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

1. woble 3. ram 5. hsetc 7. raih 9. rae Jawaban: 1. elbow 6. finger

2. mouth 7. hair

5. chest 10. tooth


UNIT 1 Hi, Im Silvana

Variasi: Look at the picture. Label parts of the body pointed by the arrows. 1 2 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

6 8

9 10

Jawaban: 1. hair 6. hand J.

2. cheek 7. finger(s)

3. neck 8. knee

4. shoulder 9. leg

5. arm 10. foot

Do the instructions in pairs.

What to do: Look at the picture. Point to a part of the mans body, for example, his nose. Then, say This is his nose. Then, your partner points to a part of the persons body, and say This is his ear.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Contoh jawaban: Student A (menunjuk kedua tangan orang dalam gambar) Student B (menunjuk kepala orang dalam gambar) Student A (menunjuk dahi orang dalam gambar) Student B (menunjuk bibir orang dalam gambar) Student A (menunjuk kedua kaki orang dalam gambar) Student B (menunjuk jari-jari orang dalam gambar) Student A (menunjuk kedua telinga orang dalam gambar)

: : : : : : :

These are his hands. This is his head. This is his forehead. These are his lips. These are his legs. These are his fingers. These are his ears.

Variasi: Guru dapat memegang satu bagian tubuh, misalnya pundak. Kemudian, guru menyuruh siswa menyebutkan bagian tubuh yang dipegang guru menggunakan that/those, misalnya, That is your shoulder. Guru juga dapat menyebutkan bagian tubuh tertentu, misalnya jari. Kemudian, guru menyuruh siswa memegang jari-jarinya dan menyebutkan bagian tubuh tersebut dengan this/these, misalnya These are my fingers..


Label the pictures using the words in the box. shoes glass chicken cap 2 balloons tie 3

eggs jacket 1

This is a ________.

These are ________.

That is a ________.

It is a ________. Jawaban: 1. cap 2. eggs 3. tie 4. jacket 5. balloons

Those are ________.


UNIT 1 Hi, Im Silvana


Make five sentences using This/That or These/Those. 2. 4. Thats the hall. These are not my books.

Contoh jawaban: 1. This is our classroom. 3. Is that the basketball court? 5. Are those your new shoes? Variasi: Make sentences based on the pictures. Use This/That, and These/Those. 1 2

Contoh jawaban: 1. This is/That is a broom. 3. These are/Those are apples. 5. This is/That is a horse. M. Suppose you are one of these people. Introduce yourself. 1 2

2. 4.

These are/Those are belts. This is/That is a bird.

Picture source: http://www.kapanlagi.com/g/ agnes_monica_dan_boyz_ii_men/ agnes_monica-20070502-034wawan.jpg (April 8, 2008)

Picture source: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Bambang_Pamungkas (April 8, 2008)

Picture source: http://selebriti.kapanlagi.com/ cinta_laura/ (April 8, 2008)

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Contoh jawaban: 1. Hi, friends, my name is Agnes Monica. I was born in Jakarta, July 1, 1986. Now I live in Jakarta. Nice to meet all of you. 2. Hi, my name is Bambang Pamungkas. You can call me Bambang. I was born on June 10, 1980. I am from Salatiga, East Java. I really love football. Nice to meet you all. 3. Hello, guys. My complete name is Cinta Laura Kiehl. You can call me Cinta. I was born in Quedlinburg, Germany on August 17, 1993. I am an actress, as you know.
Sources: http://www.info-artis.com/artist/1/Agnes_Monica/Agnes_Monica.html (April 8, 2008) http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bambang_Pamungkas (April 8, 2008) http://www.info-artis.com/artist/261/Cinta_Laura/Cinta_Laura.html (April 8, 2008)


Look at the picture. Read the text aloud.

Hi! My name is Silvana. My father is Mr. Farhan and my mother is Mrs. Farhan. My mothers maiden name is Ellyani. My father is tall and thin. He wears spectacles. My mother is tall and fat. About me, people say that I am slim. I have big eyes and straight hair. I have a sister named Andrea. She is tall and has a prominent nose. Different from me, she has curly hair. I also have a younger brother. He is Donny. He is short, fat and . . . funny. O. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Answer the questions based on the text in Task N. What is the text about? Jawaban: Its about Silvanas family. Who wears spectacles? Jawaban: Silvanas father does. How many sisters does Silvana have? Jawaban: One. Who is Silvanas brother? Jawaban: Donny is. What is the maiden name of Silvanas mother? Jawaban: Ellyani is.


UNIT 1 Hi, Im Silvana


Read the words below aloud. Find their meanings in your dictionary. fat thin curly hair spectacles maiden name = = = = = gemuk kurus rambut keriting kacamata nama kecil

Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1. tall = tinggi 2. 3. slim = langsing 4. 5. straight hair = rambut lurus 6. 7. short = pendek 8. 9. prominent nose = hidung mancung 10. Variasi:

The words above tell us about our appearance. Study other words which deal with your appearance. Find their meanings in your dictionary. Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1. slanted eyes = mata sipit 2. blond hair = rambut pirang 3. flat nose = hidung pesek 4. wavy hair = rambut bergelombang 5. bald = botak 6. chubby = gemuk (konotasi positif) Q. Tell something about each person below. You may use the words in the box. big eyes prominent nose

long and straight hair long and blond hair 3

short and blond hair chubby

Pictures sources: Picture 1: http://daejanggeum.blogsome.com/ images/200510200koreastars.jpg (December 23, 2008) Picture 2: http://www.joy2day.com/fashion-andshowbiz/women-corner/hair-care/hair-styles/ short/images/big-as2.jpg (December 23, 2008) Picture 3: http://www.joy2day.com/children-corner/ babies-wallpapers/photo8.php (December 23, 2008) Picture 4: http://www.sxc.hu/pic/m/d/da/dafalias/ 313046_girl_with_long_blonde_hair.jpg Picture 5: http://bp3.blogger.com/_hzJVKDy85-g/ R0SFeUB4yuI/AAAAAAAAAM8/_NYQZY9jqAk/ s1600-h/nia.jpg (December 23, 2008)

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Jawaban: 1. The girl has long and straight hair. 2. The woman has short and blond hair. She also has a prominent nose. 3. The baby has big eyes and looks chubby. 4. The woman has long and blond hair. 5. The girl is tall and slim. Variasi: Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, guru dapat menambah soal sebagai berikut.

wavy hair curly hair

prominent nose flat nose 2

slanted eyes big eyes

straight hair long hair

Jawaban: 1. He has a prominent nose. 2. He has a flat nose. 3. The kid has big eyes. 4. The man has slanted eyes. 5. The girl has straight long hair. R. Look at the picture. Describe the person.

Picture source: http://coolblue.typepad.com/photos/memorial_day_2004/ clown.jpg (December 24, 2008)


UNIT 1 Hi, Im Silvana

Contoh jawaban: The man is a clown. He is big and fat. His cheek is white and his hair is yellow blond. He has a big red nose. Variasi: Write an introduction based on each biodata below. 1. Name Age Country E-mail Hobbies Physical appearance Name Age Country E-mail Hobbies Physical appearance : : : : : : : : : : : : Amanda 14 United Kingdom angel_piece@yahoo.com Reading, listening to pop music, hanging out with friends Tall, slim, wear glasses Pablo 11 Brazil kingpablo@yahoo.com Playing guitar, drawing (especially cartoon), correspondence Chubby, wear glasses, blond hair


Contoh jawaban: 1. Hi! My name is Amanda. Im 14 years old. I am tall and slim. I wear glasses. I speak only English. I can tell you about English learning if you like. I love reading, listening to music and hanging out with friends. Send your e-mail and 100% reply! Hi! Im Pablo. Im 11 years old. I want to have pen friends from around the world. I am good at playing guitar. I also love drawing cartoons and doing correspondence. About my appearance, people say that Im chubby. I also have blond hair and wear glasses. Im looking forward to your e-mail. Reply guarantee!


PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


1.2 Short Functional Texts: Spoken Messages and Birthday Cards

Spoken Text
Listen to your teacher and repeat after him/her. Ryan, mother is out today. You are allowed to eat the rice and fried chicken in the cupboard. The text is a spoken message. You can leave this message for somebody when you can't speak to him/her yourself. You may listen to such a message from a telephone machine.

Written Text
Look at the card and read the sentences.

Source: http://www.greetingsyard.com/images/product/ open/ first-birthday-cards-1-3.jpg (December 18, 2008)

The card is a birthday card. You can send or give a birthday card to someone you love or you know well, of course on his/her birthday. Sometimes people also give a birthday gift along with the birthday card. On the card, you write something nice, especially your wish or pray for the birthday person.


UNIT 1 Hi, Im Silvana

Answer the following questions. 1. 2. 3. Do you often receive a message? Contoh jawaban: Yes, I do. What is it about? Contoh jawaban: Its about studying together. Who sends it? Contoh jawaban: My friend does.


Listen to your teacher. Repeat after him/her.

Text 1 Nina, this is Aunt Ratna. I really want to see you all. Will you all be at home during holiday season? Text 2 Dear Joice, this is Daddy. I am going to have a meeting today. Maybe I will come home late today. Sorry about that. B. Answer the questions based on the texts in Task A.

Text 1 1. Who sends the message? Jawaban: Aunt Ratna does. 2. What is the relationship between Nina and Ratna? Jawaban: Ratna is Ninas aunt or Nina is Ratnas niece. 3. What does Ms. Ratna want to do? Jawaban: To see Nina and her family. Text 2 1. Who will be home late? Jawaban: Joices daddy. 2. Why is he late? Jawaban: Because he is going to have a meeting.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Variasi: A. Listen and repeat after your teacher. Text 1 Anna, this is Tiara. May I borrow your dictionary? I need it to do my Engish homework. Text 2 Rahma, Im Hendra. Are you free on Thursday? Id like to go to the book fair with you. B. 1. 2. 3. Answer the questions based on the texts in Task A. Who sends the message? Jawaban: Tiara does. Whom is the message for? Jawaban: Anna. What does Tiara want to borrow? Jawaban: A dictionary.

Text 1

Text 2 1. Who sends the message? Jawaban: Hendra does. 2. What does Hendra ask Rahma to do? Jawaban: To see a book fair with him. C. Listen to your teacher. Then, complete the messages below.

Teks-teks yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: Text 1 Dina, I am Ella. I am (1) interested in knowing more about Sandra, your (2) cousin. Would you (3) introduce me to her? Thank you. Text 2 Mrs. Lukman, this is Linda Gunawan. I have got (4) the bag you want to buy. You can (5) pick it up at my house anytime. Thanks. D. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

State whether the statements below are true (T) or false (F) based on the texts in Task C. ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Sandra is Ellas cousin. Ella is interested in knowing more about Sandra. Mrs. Lukman sends the message to Ms. Linda Gunawan. Ms. Linda Gunawan has got the bag Mrs. Lukman wants to buy. Mrs. Lukman can pick the bag anytime.

UNIT 1 Hi, Im Silvana

Jawaban: 1. F





Variasi: A. Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B. A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. interested introduce have got pick up anytime 2. d a. b. c. d. e. B kapan saja memperoleh tertarik memperkenalkan mengambil 3. b 4. e 5. a

Jawaban: 1. c B.

Make sentences using the words in column A Task A.

Contoh jawaban: 1. My brother is interested in photography. 2. I want to introduce you to my sister. 3. My mother has got the blue bag. 4. Pick up your pen on the floor, please. 5. You can come to my house anytime.


Read the messages aloud.

Text 1 Hello, Rina. Its me Nia. I really want to see the football match this afternoon. Would you come with me? Text 2 Seno, this is Bambang speaking. I forgot to return Annas book entitled Dreaming of Canada. Would you do it for me, please? Thanks beforehand. B. Answer the questions based on the texts in Task A.

Text 1 1. Who wants to see a football match? Jawaban: Nia does. 2. What does Nia want Rina to do? Jawaban: To accompany her to see a football match. Text 2 1. Who forgot to return a book? Jawaban: Bambang did.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


2. 3. C.

What is the title of the book? Jawaban: Dreaming of Canada. Who has the book? Jawaban: Anna does. Find the meanings of the words below. Then, make sentences using the words.

Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1. entitled = yang berjudul 2. accompany = menemani 3. return = mengembalikan 4. really = sungguh-sungguh 5. dream = memimpikan Contoh jawaban: 1. I want to buy a novel entitled The Da Vinci Code. 2. Nina will accompany me to the mall. 3. You should return my book tomorrow. 4. I really like correspondence. 5. I dream to study overseas. D. Write a message for a friend at school. Then, read your message aloud.

Contoh jawaban: 1. Lia, this is Rima. What is our assignment for tomorrow? 2. Dian, Mom and Dad are in Aunt Bettys house. Please come here soon. We are waiting for you for dinner.


Read the card aloud. What is it about?

Adapted from: http://www.cardsnscrolls.co.uk/images/large/ inside_birthday_funny.gif (December 18, 2008)

Jawaban: Its a birthday card for Elly, from Sandy and John.

UNIT 1 Hi, Im Silvana

Variasi: Read the texts with proper pronunciation. 1. A birthday wish with a friendly touch for someone who loves you very much.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2. Wishing you a birthday . . . . Blooming with happiness and wonderful moments! Happy Birthday


Find the meanings of the words in your dictionary.

Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1. smile = tersenyum 2. laugh = tertawa 3. present = hadiah 4. happy = senang/selamat 5. love = cinta Variasi: A. Read the texts with proper pronunciation.

Source: http://www.sendacard.com

Source: http://www.dgreetings.com

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1



Find the meanings of the words.

Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. extraordinary deserve joy especially pelase filled with moment everything wish special = = = = = = = = = = luar biasa berhak, layak kebahagiaan terutama, khususnya menyenangkan diisi dengan momen, peristiwa segalanya mengharapkan/mengucapkan selamat khusus

Complete the sentences with the words in Task B. It is good to ________ when we greet someone. We give Linda a nice ________ in her birthday. We ________ aloud when we hear the joke. On the Mothers Day, we give our mom a bunch of flowers to express our ________. On January 1, we usually say, Have a ________ New Year. 2. present 3. laugh 4. love 5. happy

Jawaban: 1. smile D.

Read the card below. Is it for a girl, a boy or twins? How do you know?

Source: http://img.123greetings.com/eventsnew/birth_fortwins/1008016-01-1040.gif (December 18, 2008)

Jawaban: The card is for twins. We can see it from the phrases referring to twins, such as twice, double and a pair of.

UNIT 1 Hi, Im Silvana


Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B. A B a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. kehendak dua kali barang-barang tawa sepasang dipenuhi dengan lipat dua mengirim pelukan kegembiraan 3. a 8. j 4. f 9. e 5. c 10. h

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

twice laughter a wish loaded with goodies double hug joy a pair send 2. d 7. i

Jawaban: 1. b 6. g

A. a. d.

Complete the birthday card with the words in the box. special lots of b. e. surprises nicest c. Mother

Adapted from: http://img.123greetings.com/eventsnew/birth_momndad/ 1008-025-18-1069.gif (December 19, 2008)

Jawaban: 1. c





PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Variasi: Complete the birthday card below with the suitable words in the box. a. d. clap forever b. e. smile gather c. sent

This card is being (1) ________ today. Just for you! People (2) ________ to sing, (3) ________ hands, laugh and (4) ________ They wish you happy (5) ________. May this birthday be the best that you have ever known. Jawaban: 1. c B.





Write a birthday card. Then, give it to someone you love on his/her birthday.

Contoh jawaban:

Source: http://muthuvedi.com/includes/images/ birthday-card.jpg (December 19, 2008)


UNIT 1 Hi, Im Silvana

Write down your family tree. Then, introduce yourself and your family members based on the family tree.

Read and memorize the words. Use them whenever you speak English. aloud assignment born collect extraordinary fill intended interested : : : : : : : : keras/nyaring tugas lahir mengumpulkan luar biasa mengisi yang dituju tertarik

learn : may : neighbor : pen friend : principal : public transport : repeat : sender : shake hands : surprise : understand :

mempelajari semoga tetangga sahabat pena kepala sekolah angkutan umum menirukan pengirim berjabat tangan kejutan memahami, mengerti

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1



Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

1. It is the first lesson in the morning. You greet your teacher and say, ________ A. Good night, Maam. B. Morning, friend! C. Good morning, Maam. D. Hi! Jawaban: C Ketika bertemu guru pada pagi hari, sapaan yang paling tepat diucapkan adalah Good morning, Maam., bukan Morning, friend. atau Hi. karena sapaan tersebut diucapkan kepada teman atau orang sebaya. 2. The bell rings. It ends the school day. You say, ________ to your teacher. A. Good night, Sir. B. Have a nice day, Maam. C. Glad to see you here. D. Goodbye, Maam. Jawaban: D Pilihan jawaban ini benar karena Goodbye, Maam dikatakan saat kita akan berpisah. 3. Its 9 p.m. You want to go to bed. You say, ________ to your parents. A. Good evening, Mom, Dad. B. Good night, Mom, Dad. C. Bye, Mom, Dad. D. See you. Jawaban: B Pada malam hari ketika kamu akan pergi tidur, ungkapan yang tepat diucapkan kepada orang tua adalah Good night, Mom, Dad.. 4. Nia : I think I have to go now. See you. Amdan : ________ A. See you. B. How are you? C. Goodbye. D. Good night. Jawaban: A Jika seseorang akan berpisah dengan kita dan dia mengatakan See you., . . . respons yang tepat adalah See you. pula. How are you? untuk menanyakan kabar. Goodbye dan Good night adalah ungkapan berpisah.
UNIT 1 Hi, Im Silvana

5. My name is Rika. I ________ a student. A. am B. is C. do D. does Jawaban: A Subjek I adalah orang pertama tunggal, sehingga be yang benar adalah am. 6. This is his ________.

A. cheek B. chest C. shoulder D. forehead Jawaban: D Tanda panah menunjuk ke dahi orang dalam gambar. Dalam bahasa Inggris, dahi adalah forehead. Cheek artinya pipi, chest artinya dada, dan shoulder artinya bahu. 7. Riani Husni, this is Nindya, my close friend. Nindya, this is Husni, my classmate. Nindya : Nice to meet you, Husni. Husni : ________. A. Nice to meet you, Nindya. B. See you, Nindya. C. How are you? D. Im fine, thanks. Jawaban: A Respons yang tepat atas ucapan perkenalan Nice to meet you adalah Nice to meet you pula. :

8. Agus : ________ Ketut : I live at Jalan Untung Suropati number 46 Bojonegoro. A. Where is it? B. Where do you live? C. Where is your school? D. Where does he live?

Jawaban: B Respons Ketut adalah I live at . . . . yang artinya Saya tinggal di . . . .. Pertanyaan yang tepat untuk respons ini adalah Where do you live?. Pilihan jawaban (A) untuk menanyakan letak benda, (C) untuk menanyakan alamat sekolah, dan (D) untuk menanyakan alamat seseorang (orang ketiga). 9. Emmy : ________ Wanda : Im twelve years old. A. How old is she? B. How do you do? C. How old are you? D. How are you? Jawaban: C Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat Im twelve years old. yang artinya Saya berumur 12 tahun.. Dari kalimat ini diketahui bahwa yang ditanyakan adalah umur lawan bicara (How old are you?). 10. My fathers sister is my ________. A. uncle B. aunt C. mother D. niece Jawaban: B Saudara perempuan ayah disebut bibi (aunt). Uncle artinya paman, mother artinya ibu, dan niece artinya keponakan perempuan. Read the text and answer questions 11 and 12. August the sixth is my birthday. I was born twelve years ago in a small town in Yogyakarta. My parents are Javanese and they are forty years old. They gave me the name Etik. My full name is Etik Sulistyowati. Usually my friends call me Etik. I have a slim body and short wavy hair. When I was ten years old, my father bought me a small guitar. Since then I have really loved music. I can play many kinds of songs, especially those for the young. I want to be a great musician in the future. Thats all the story of my life.
Source: Ujian Nasional 2005/2006

Jawaban: C Jawaban ini sesuai dengan pernyataan pada kalimat kedua, I was born twelve years ago in a small town in Yogyakarta. yang artinya Saya lahir 12 tahun yang lalu di kota kecil di Yogyakarta.. 12. What is the text about? A. The description of the writer herself. C. The writers dream to be a musician. B. The description of Etiks birthday. D. The writers birthday. Jawaban: A Bacaan ini mendeskripsikan tentang diri penulis sendiri. 13. The mans hair is ________.

Picture source: http://www.joy2day.com (December 23, 2008)

A. long B. curly C. wavy D. straight Jawaban: B Orang dalam gambar itu berambut keriting (curly). Long artinya panjang, wavy artinya bergelombang, dan straight artinya lurus. 14. Good morning, friends. ________ My names Riana Agustina. Call me Ririn. The correct expression to complete the introduction is ________ A. Nice to meet you. B. How do you do? C. Who are you? D. Let me introduce myself. Jawaban: D Dari kalimat selanjutnya yang artinya Nama saya Riana Agustina., dapat disimpulkan bahwa teks tersebut tentang memperkenalkan diri sendiri. Oleh karena itu, kalimat yang tepat mengawali

11. How old is the writer? A. 6 years old. B. 10 years old. C. 12 years old. D. 40 years old.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


perkenalan adalah Let me introduce myself yang artinya Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri.. 15. Nanda : Look! ________ are my pens. I bought them yesterday. Nani : Wow! So pretty! A. It B. Its C. This D. These Jawaban: D Kata pens (pena-pena) adalah benda jamak (plural noun), sehingga kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat adalah kata These. 16. Anton is tall, but Rina is ________. A. beautiful B. clever C. short D. fat Jawaban: C Kata but yang artinya tetapi menunjukkan bahwa dalam kalimat tersebut ada dua hal yang berlawanan. Lawan kata dari tall (tinggi) adalah short (pendek). For questions 17 and 18, choose the correct words to complete the following text.

Jawaban: B Karena uncle adalah kata benda hidup tunggal, kalimat tersebut tepat dilengkapi dengan this. Pilihan jawaban (A) walau mengacu pada kata benda tunggal, merupakan kata ganti untuk benda, bukan manusia. Pilihan jawaban (C) dan (D) merupakan kata ganti untuk benda jamak. 18. A. small B. flat C. long D. prominent Jawaban: D Orang dalam gambar memiliki hidung mancung (a prominent nose). 19. Ronald, after you have dinner, please give the letter on the table to Aunt Diana. Thanks. Mother What should Ronald do? A. Have dinner. B. Meet Aunt Diana. C. Give the letter to Aunt Diana. D. Give the letter to his mother. Jawaban: C Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat . . . please give the letter on the table to Aunt Diana yang artinya . . . tolong berikan surat ini kepada Bibi Diana.. 20. haveahappyverydearbirthdaymother
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Hi, friend, (17) ________ is my uncle, Herman. He has black hair and a (18) ________ nose. 17. A. B. C. D. it this these they

The correct arrangement is ________. A. 1365724 B. 3657124 C. 5361243 D. 5712436 Jawaban: D Urutan kata yang tepat adalah Dear Mother, have a very happy birthday yang artinya Ibu tersayang, selamat ulang tahun..


UNIT 1 Hi, Im Silvana


Complete the sentences based on the family tree. +

Henky Mrs. Hartawan

C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Write down the antonyms of the words. short tall fat flat nose curly hair >< >< >< >< >< ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ short straight 3. thin

Mr. Hartawan

Ronald + Vina

Eddy + Shinta Setyawan




Jawaban: 1. long 4. prominent D.

2. 5.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Ricos grandma is ________. Vinas husband is ________. Henkys younger brother is ________. Lia is Ronalds ________. Carol is Ronalds ________. Eddy is Mrs Hartawans ________. Rico is Mr. Hartawans ________. Shinta is Henkys ________. Henky is Lias ________. Rico is Lias ________. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. Ronald niece son sister-in-law cousin

Create a birthday card for your sister/ brother.

Contoh jawaban:

Jawaban: 1. Mrs. Hartawan 3. Setyawan 5. daughter 7. grandson 9. uncle

Source: http://www.okiedee.com/Card%20Images/ BirthdayCard-Kelly-2005-env~.jpg (December 18, 2008)

Kegiatan pembelajaran untuk Review Unit 1: Sebelum berpindah ke Unit 2, guru perlu mengetahui atau mengukur ketercapaian kompetensi. Bagian ini bisa dijadikan model. Selain model ini, guru dapat memberikan soal listening. Guru menggandakan soal berikut ini sesuai jumlah siswa. Guru membagikan soal dan memberitahukan waktu yang disediakan untuk mengerjakan soal tersebut. Siswa disuruh mengerjakan semua soal di kertas soal. Mereka disuruh menuliskan nama dan nomor absensi kelas di pojok kanan atas. Siswa disuruh memeriksa kembali hasil pekerjaan mereka sebelum menyerahkan kepada guru. Setelah waktu yang disediakan habis, siswa disuruh mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaan mereka kepada guru. Guru memeriksa dan memberi nilai, serta mengembalikan hasil pekerjaan siswa pada pertemuan berikutnya.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1



Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

1. Teacher : Good morning, students. Students : ________. A. Morning, teacher B. Good morning, Sir C. See you again D. Nice to meet you 2. It is 7 p.m. You arrive at your friends house. You greet his/her parents, ________. A. Good afternoon B. Good evening C. Good night D. Have a good day 3. Donny : Hi, Ema. Ema : Hi, Donny. ________ Donny : Very well, thanks. A. Good morning. B. Nice to see you. C. How are things? D. What is your name? For questions 4 and 5, choose the correct words to complete the dialog. Arni : Morning. My name is Arni. (4) ________ Tito : Morning. My name is Tito. Arni : Are you in class VIIB? Tito : (5) ________ I am in class VIIC. 4. A. How are you? B. What is your name? C. Where do you live? D. Are you a new student? 5. A. Yes, I am. B. In class VIIC. C. No, I am not. D. No, I do not. 6. Rano : Andi, this is Bayu. Bayu, this is Andi. Andi : Nice to meet you, Bayu. Bayu : ________ A. Hello, Andi. B. How are you? C. See you tomorrow, Andi. D. Nice to meet you too, Andi. 7. 1. I was born in 1997. 2. My name is Idawati Sadikin. 3. You can call me Ida. 4. So, I am twelve years old now. 5. Let me introduce myself.

The correct order of the sentences is ________. A. 51324 B. 52314 C. 52341 D. 53214 8. Look at the picture. The man has ________ eyes.

Picture source: http://daejang geum.blogsome.com/images/ 200510200koreastars.jpg (December 22, 2008)

A. big B. small C. beautiful D. slanted 9. Hello, I am Shinta Ayundari. I am twelve years old now. This is my cousin, Hendra. He is also twelve years old. We study in the same school. Who is Hendra? A. He is Shintas brother. B. He is Shintas cousin. C. He is Shintas nephew. D. He is Shintas classmate. 10. Hi. I am Jeffry Candra. I live at jalan Majapahit 2 Surakarta. I am 12 years old now. Susan is my ________. She is 14 years old. A. mother B. aunt C. elder sister D. younger sister 11 ________ Anton your classmate? A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Do 12. _______

Oh, it is my drawing book.

UNIT 1 Hi, Im Silvana

What does the boy say? A. What is this? B. What is that? C. What are these? D. What are those? 13. My sister is quite tall, about 162 cm. The antonym of the underlined word is ________. A. C. 14. high short B. D. fat big


This is his ________. A. heel B. C. leg D.

foot toe

Read the family tree and answer questions 22 and 23. Mr. Dani + Mrs. Dani This is Vias ________. A. chin B. cheek C. face D. lip Read the text and answer questions 15 to 17. Hello, I am Ivan Setyawan. My friends call me Ivan or Wawan. I live at jalan Simpang Lima 12. I am 13 years old now. About my appearance, I am tall and thin. I am in the first grade of SMPN IV. My house is near my school. So, I always walk to school. 15. How old is Ivan? He is ________ years old. A. eleven B. twelve C. thirteen D. fourteen 16. How does Ivan go to school? A. By car. B. By bus. C. On foot. D. By bike. 17. How does Ivan look like? A. He is tall and fat. B. He is tall and thin. C. He is short and thin. D. He is short and fat. 18. Everytime Jennifer smiles, you can see her white ________. A. nail B. hair C. eyes D. teeth 19. Tia : ________ Mira : I live on Jalan Manokwari. A. Where is it? B. Where do you live? C. Where is your school? D. Where does he live? 20. The children ________ Mr. Sanusis sons. A. is B. am C. do D. are Irwan + Anna Bayu Kartika

Sisca 22. Sisca is Bayus ________. A. cousin B. niece C. nephew D. daughter 23. Anna is Kartikas ________. A. sister B. cousin C. sister-in-law D. mother-in-law Read the text and answer questions 24 and 25. Hi, Im Irwan. Let me tell you about my father. Well, his name is Mr. Andrew. He is a doctor. He is 45 years old. He is tall and not so fat. He also wears glasses. He likes eating fried rice very much. 24. What does Irwans father do? A. He is tall. B. He wears glasses. C. He is a doctor. D. He is a teacher. 25. What is TRUE about Mr. Andrew? A. He is fat. B. He is tall. C. He likes fried chicken. D. He is fourty years old. 26. Tasya, mother is having a meeting until about 9 p.m. If Aunt Cathy comes, please buy her some food for dinner. Thanks.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


What should Tasya do? A. Wait for her mother. B. Buy Aunt Cathy some food for dinner. C. Make her own dinner. D. Buy her mother food for dinner. 27. Grandma, this is Mirna. Sorry, Ill be home late because I will visit a friend in hospital. Thanks.


Read the text and answer the questions.

Who will visit a friend in hospital? A. Mirna will. B. Grandma will. C. Mirna and Grandma will. D. Mirnas friends will. 28. This little girl look so cute and chubby. What is the synonym of the underlined word? A. Fat. B. Slim. C. Short. D. Thin. Read the card and answer questions 29 and 30.

Hello, everyone! This is my friend Marimar. She comes from Sulawesi. She was born in Makassar on June 12, 1995. Her hobbies are singing and swimming. She also likes planting flowers very much. She lives at Jalan Sisingamangaraja 15A. She lives together with her parents and two sisters. They are Mr. and Mrs. Yudhatama, Sherina and Marshanda. Marimar studies in SMP 7. Her older sister is in the first year of senior high school, and Marshanda is still in elementary school. They all love one another. Questions: 1. How old is Marimar? 2. Where does she come from? 3. What is her address? 4. How many people are there in Marimar's family? Who are they? 5. What does Marimar do in her spare time?

Source: http://www.okiedee.com/Card%20Images/ BirthdayCard%20for%20Rachel-2005-Inside.jpg (December 18, 2008)

29. Who may send the card? A. Parents. B. Friends. C. Grandparents. D. Brothers and sisters. 30. How old is Rachel? She is ________ years old. A. one B. two C. three D. four


UNIT 1 Hi, Im Silvana

Jawaban Review Unit 1 A. Pilihan Ganda Respons yang tepat jika seorang guru (laki-laki) mengucapkan salam Good morning, students. adalah Good morning, Sir. Salam Morning, teacher. tidak sopan diucapkan kepada guru. Pada pukul 7 petang, salam yang tepat kita ucapkan ketika datang bertamu adalah Good evening. yang artinya Selamat petang.. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat Donny, Very well, thanks. yang artinya Sangat baik, terima kasih.. Berdasarkan respons Donny tersebut kalimat yang dikatakan Ema sebelumnya adalah kalimat untuk menanyakan kabar (How are the things?). Karena jawaban Tito untuk pertanyaan Arni adalah My name is Tito, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pertanyaan Arni adalah What is your name? yang artinya Siapakah namamu?. Pertanyaan dengan Are you . . . ? tepat dijawab dengan Yes, I am atau No, Im not.. Karena Tito tidak duduk di kelas VIIB, tetapi VIIC, jawabannya adalah No, Im not. yang artinya Tidak.. Jika seseorang mengatakan Nice to meet you, hendaknya kita menjawab dengan Nice to meet you too pula. Kalimat-kalimat tersebut adalah ungkapan perkenalan, yang dimulai dengan Let me introduce myself yang artinya Izinkan saya memperkenalkan diri (5), dilanjutkan dengan nama lengkap (2), nama panggilan (3), tanggal lahir (1), dan usia sesuai dengan tanggal lahir (4). Pria itu bermata sipit. Sipit dalam bahasa Inggris disebut slanted. Dalam teks tersebut Shinta memperkenalkan Hendra dengan mengatakan, This is my cousin, Hendra. yang artinya Ini adalah saudara sepupu saya, Hendra..

10. C.

1. B.

11. B. 12. A.

2. B.

3. C.

13. C. 14. A. 15. C.

4. B.

16. C. 17. B. 18. D. 19. B.

5. C.

6. D. 7. B.

20. D. 21. A. 22. B.

8. D. 9. B.

23. C.

Dalam teks tertulis bahwa Jeffry berusia 12 tahun, sedangkan Susan berusia 14 tahun. Dengan demikian, Susan adalah kakak perempuannya (elder sister). Karena Anton merupakan orang ketiga tunggal, be yang tepat melengkapi kalimat tanya tersebut adalah is. Karena buku yang dimaksud siswa hanya ada satu dan berada dekat darinya, kata penunjuk yang tepat digunakan adalah this. Lawan kata tall yang artinya tinggi adalah short yang artinya pendek. Gambar tersebut menunjuk pada bagian dagu (chin) anak tersebut. Dalam teks dikatakan I am 13 years old now. yang artinya Saya berumur 13 tahun sekarang.. Eleven artinya 11, twelve artinya12, fourteen artinya 14. Kalimat terakhir teks menyatakan bahwa Ivan pergi ke sekolah dengan berjalan kaki (on foot). Dalam teks tersebut Ivan mengatakan, I am tall and thin yang artinya Saya tinggi dan kurus.. Yang berwarna putih dan terlihat saat tersenyum adalah gigi (teeth). Kalimat responsnya berupa alamat seseorang. Hal ini berarti ungkapan sebelumnya adalah menanyakan tempat tinggal. Karena yang ditanyakan adalah alamat lawan bicara, subjek memakai pronoun you (Where do you live?). Karena children berbentuk kata benda jamak, be yang tepat digunakan adalah are. Gambar tersebut menunjukkan tumit (heel) orang tersebut. Dari pohon keluarga tersebut terlihat bahwa Sisca adalah keponakan perempuan (niece) Bayu. Cousin artinya sepupu, nephew artinya keponakan laki-laki, dan daughter artinya anak perempuan. Dari pohon keluarga terlihat bahwa Anna adalah istri Irwan, saudara Kartika. Jadi, Anna adalah saudara ipar perempuan (sister-in-law) Kartika.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


24. C.

25. B. 26. B.

27. A.

28. A.

Pertanyaan What does Irwans father do? menanyakan pekerjaan ayah Irwan. Dalam teks tersebut Irwan mengatakan bahwa ayahnya adalah seorang dokter (He is a doctor). Pernyataan ini benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat, He is tall . . . . yang artinya Beliau tinggi . . . .. Jawaban ini benar berdasarkan kalimat If Aunt Cathy comes, please buy her some food for dinner. yang artinya Jika Bibi Cathy datang, tolong belikan dia makan malam.. Teks tersebut menyebutkan, . . . this is Mirna . . . . I will visit a friend in hospital. yang artinya . . . ini Mirna . . . . saya akan menjenguk teman di rumah sakit.. Jadi, yang akan menjenguk teman yang sakit adalah Mirna. Kata chubby artinya gemuk. Kata ini sama artinya dengan fat.

29. C.

30. B.

Dalam teks tersebut terdapat kalimat . . . to our sweet granddaughter Rachel . . . . yang artinya . . . untuk cucu perempuan kami yang manis, Rachel . . . .. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengirim surat adalah kakek nenek (grandparents). Kalimat awal teks adalah Happy 2 birthday . . . .. yang artinya Selamat ulang tahun kedua . . . .". Jadi, Rachel berumur dua (two) tahun.

B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Uraian She is fourteen years old now (20091995). She comes from Sulawesi. It is Jalan Sisingamangaraja 15A. There are 5 people. They are father (Mr. Yudhatama), mother (Mrs. Yudhatama) Marimar, Sherina and Marshanda. She likes singing, swimming, and planting flowers.


UNIT 1 Hi, Im Silvana

At the end of this unit you will be able to: 1. ask someone to do something, 2. ask someone not to do something, 3. create short functional texts (spoken notices), 4. write short functional texts (written notices), and 5. use articles, there is/there are, cardinal numbers, prepositions and question word how many correctly.

Suppose you have a pen friend from abroad. At one occasion, he/ she may do something risky. You know it is dangerous. So, you have to remind him/her not to do it. What should you say? Well, in this unit you will learn about asking someone to do or not to do something. Last but not least, you know what to say to ask someone to do or not to do something properly.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


2.1 Expressions

Asking Someone to Do Something

Read the dialog and understand the expressions.
Please give this invitation to Mrs. Herman. Right away, Mom.

The bold-typed sentence in the dialog above is the expression of asking someone to do something. This kind of sentence is preceded by a verb base, such as open, come, go, sit, clean, prepare, etc. Use please when you ask someone to do something. This means you ask him/her politely. Then, say Thanks or Thank you when he/she has done your instructions. Here are some other expressions of asking someone to do something and their responses. Asking Someone to Do Something Open your book on page 1, please. Read the sentence, please. Please write down your name. Please lend me your dictionary. Take me to the sick bay, please. Show me your member card, please. Responding Yes, Sir. O.K. Sure. Right away. No problem. Here you are.

Asking Someone not to Do Something

Read the dialog and understand the expressions.
Hey, dont sit on the chair! Why is that?

I saw a caterpillar there.


UNIT 2 Dont . . . !

The bold-typed sentence in the dialog is the expression of asking someone not to do something (a prohibition). The sentence is preceded by the word dont and followed by a verb base. Here are some other expressions of asking someone not to do something and their responses. Asking Someone not to Do Something Dont talk, please. Dont litter, please. Dont use the calculator, please. Please dont pick the flower. Please dont sit there. Please dont close the window. Responding Yes, Maam. I dont. O.K. All right. Sure. No problem.

Grammar Section
Articles: a, an, the Read the dialogs and understand the bold-typed words. 1. Ardi : Do you have any pets? Leo : Yeah. I have a parrot, two rabbits and some hamsters. Ardi : Which is your favorite one? Leo : The parrot is. Father : Get me an umbrella, dear. Widya : The blue or the gray one, Dad? Father : The blue one, please. Widya : Right away. Father : Thanks. Widya : Anytime, Dad.


Look at the bold-typed words in dialog 1, a parrot and the parrot. A and the are called articles. You use a to show something in general or unspecified object. The word a is followed by a word that begins with a consonant sound, such as blackboard, pen, book, friend, house, unique, etc. You use the to show a specific object. In dialog 2, you use articles in the words an umbrella and the blue one. Like the article a, an is also used to show one unspecified object. However, the word an is followed by a word that begins with a vowel sound, such as apple, eraser, onion, hour, etc.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


There is/There are Read the dialog and understand the bold-typed words.
Ulfa, please tell me the things in your bag. What else?

There are four books and a pencil case in my bag, Sir.

There is a dictionary. O.K.

There is/There are in Indonesian means ada. There is is followed by singular nouns while There are is followed by plural nouns. The words a pencil case and a dictionary are singular nouns. Singular means only one. The word books is a plural noun. Plural means more than one (two, three, four and so on). We usually add -s/-es at the end of the words to make plural nouns. Please pay attention that plural nouns are not always ended with -s/-es. Some of them are irregular, such as men, women, children, geese, deer and fish. In negative sentences, remember to put the word not after the word is or are (There is not/ There are not or There isnt/There arent). Put the word is or are in the beginning of sentences when you make interrogative sentences (Is there . . .?/Are there . . .?). Study the following patterns. (+) There + is + singular noun There + are + plural noun () There + is not (isnt) + singular noun There + are not (arent) + plural noun (?) Is + there + singular noun + adverb of place? Is + there + plural noun + adverb of place? Examples: 1. There are six windows in my classroom. 2. There isnt an air conditioner in my classroom. 3. Are there blackboards in your classroom?


UNIT 2 Dont . . . !

Cardinal Numbers Read the dialog and understand the bold-typed word.
Do you want some cakes?

Yes. Ill take one. Thank you.

The word one is a cardinal number. Here are some cardinal numbers from 1 to 40. 1 one 6 six 11 eleven 16 sixteen 21 twenty one 2 two 7 seven 12 twelve 17 seventeen 30 thirty 3 three 8 eight 13 thirteen 18 eighteen 32 thirty two 4 four 9 nine 14 fourteen 19 nineteen 40 forty 5 five 10 ten 15 fifteen 20 twenty

Prepositions: in, at, on, behind, near, beside, in front of, under, above Read the text and understand the explanation. This is my classroom. There are forty students in my classroom. I sit beside Bonny. Septi and Yuli are in front of me. Indah and Yuni are behind me. Look! Ms. Anita is at the front. She is our homeroom teacher. She is writing something on the whiteboard. We are going to have a Geography class. There is already a map on the wall. My classroom is near a canteen. It is sometimes very noisy. However, we are happy to study in it.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


The words in, beside, in front of, behind, at, on and near are prepositions. We use prepositions to show where someone or something is located. In in Indonesian means di dalam. At means di (for example: at home, at the front). On means di atas or di (for example: on the table, on the wall). Behind means di belakang. Near means di dekat. Beside means di sebelah. In front of means di depan. Under means di bawah. Above means di atas (menggantung di atas sesuatu). Between means di antara (two things). How Many Read the dialog and understand the bold-typed words.
How many ballpoints do you have?


Lend me one, please. Here you are.

We use How many to ask about numbers or the quantity of countable nouns. To answer the questions with How many, we can use There is or There are. Patterns: How many + nouns + be + . . . ? There + be + number + noun(s)

We usually answer it with:

Note: We use There is for singular nouns. We use There are for plural nouns. Examples: 1. 2. 3. Tina Luki Heny Rosa Ervan Ria : : : : : : How many desks are there in our classroom? There are thirty five desks. How many blackboards are there in our classroom? There is only one. How many people are there in the car? There are four people.


UNIT 2 Dont . . . !

Remember Unit 1 and answer the questions below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What expressions have you learned in Unit 1? Contoh jawaban: The expressions of greetings and introducing ourselves and other people. What do you say to greet your teacher in the morning? Contoh jawaban: I say, Good morning, Sir/Maam. What do you say when you leave your classmate? Contoh jawaban: I say, Goodbye or See you. What do you say to introduce yourself to a new friend? Contoh jawaban: I say, My name is Adrian. What is your name? What do you say to introduce your friend to your parents? Contoh jawaban: I say, Dad/Mom, this is Mita, my friend.


Listen to your teacher. Complete the dialogs while you are listening to him/her.

Percakapan-percakapan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: Dialog 1 Mr. Aji : Bayu : Mr. Aji : Bayu : Mr. Aji : Students : You will have a new classmate. His name is Bayu. Bayu, please (1) come forward. Yes, Sir. Please (2) introduce yourself. All right, Sir. O.K., everyone. Please pay (3) attention to Bayu. O.K. Listy, are you (4) busy now? Not really, Mom. Whats up? (5) Buy me some cooking oil, please. (6) Right away, Mom. Good girl.

Dialog 2 Mrs. Wijaya : Listy : Mrs. Wijaya : Listy : Mrs. Wijaya : Dialog 3 Danang : Panji : Danang : Panji : Danang :

Hey, dont (7) touch the fence! Why? The paint is (8) wet. Oh, thanks. Anytime.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Dialog 4 Mrs. Rosa Fajar Mrs. Rosa Fajar Mrs. Rosa Fajar B.

: : : : : :

Fajar, come here, please. Yes, Maam. What can I do for you? (9) Bring me these workbooks to the teacher room, please. (10) Sure, Maam. Thank you very much. You are welcome.

Find the meanings of the words or phrases below.

Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1. come forward = maju ke depan 2. pay attention = memperhatikan 3. busy = sibuk 4. cooking oil = minyak goreng 5. touch = menyentuh 6. fence = pagar 7. paint = cat 8. wet = basah 9. workbook = buku tugas 10. teacher room = ruang guru C. Answer the questions based on the dialogs in Task A.

Dialog 1 1. Where do you think the dialog happens? Jawaban: In a classroom. 2. What is Bayu going to do? Jawaban: He is going to introduce himself. 3. What does Mr. Aji ask the students to do? Jawaban: He asks the students to pay attention to Bayu. Dialog 2 1. What is the relationship between the speakers? Jawaban: Mother and her daughter. 2. What does Mrs. Wijaya ask Listy to do? Jawaban: She asks Listy to buy her some cooking oil. 3. Does Listy do the instruction? How do you know? Jawaban: Yes, she does. She says, Right away, Mom. Dialog 3 1. What will Panji touch? Jawaban: A fence. 2. Why does Danang forbid Panji to touch the fence? Jawaban: Because the paint is wet. Dialog 4 1. What do you think the relationship between the speakers is? Jawaban: Teacher and student. 2. Where will Fajar bring the workbooks? Jawaban: To the teacher room.


UNIT 2 Dont . . . !


Listen to your teacher. Complete the sentences below based on what you have heard.

Kalimat-kalimat yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. E. Put your book on your desk. Please open your book. Please copy the sentences. Draw a line, please. Submit your work, please. Dont stand at the door. Dont come late, please. Dont make a noise in the class. Dont make the wall dirty. Dont play in the class. Find the meanings of the sentences in Task D in Indonesian. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. Bukalah bukumu. Gambarlah sebuah garis. Jangan berdiri di pintu. Jangan ribut/berisik di kelas. Jangan bermain di dalam kelas.

Jawaban: 1. Letakkan bukumu di atas mejamu. 3. Salinlah kalimat-kalimat ini. 5. Kumpulkan pekerjaan kalian. 7. Jangan datang terlambat. 9. Jangan mengotori tembok. F.

Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer. 2. What will the girl do? A. Buy a cup of coffee. B. Make a cup of coffee. C. Order a cup of coffee. D. Look for coffee. Jawaban: B Dalam percakapan, pembicara pertama (father) mengatakan, Rita, make me a cup of coffee, please. yang artinya Rita, tolong buatkan secangkir kopi.. Kalimat tersebut dijawab dengan Right away, Dad. yang artinya Segera, Ayah.. Itu menunjukkan bahwa gadis tersebut akan membuatkan secangkir kopi.

Listen to the dialog and answer questions 1 and 2. Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: Father : Rita, make me a cup of coffee, please. Rita : Right away, Dad. Father : Thanks. 1. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Two friends. B. Two teachers. C. Teacher and student. D. Father and his daughter. Jawaban: D Dalam percakapan, pembicara kedua (Rita) menjawab dengan sebutan Dad yang artinya Ayah. Jadi, hubungan antar pembicara adalah ayah dan anak perempuannya (father and his daughter).

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Listen to the dialog and answer questions 3 to 5. Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: Tommy : Mom, Ill go to the English course now. Mother : O.K. Dont forget to bring your raincoat, dear. Tommy : I dont, Mom. Mother : Good. Take care. Tommy : I will. Bye, Mom. Mother : Bye, dear. 3. Where do you think the dialog takes place? A. At home. B. In a classroom. C. In a bookshop. D. In a restaurant. Jawaban: A Percakapan tersebut tentang seorang anak laki-laki yang berpamitan kepada ibunya, sebelum pergi ke tempat kursus bahasa Inggris. Hal itu menunjukkan bahwa percakapan tersebut terjadi di rumah (at home).


Where will the boy go? A. To his friends house. B. To school. C. To the English course. D. To the zoo. Jawaban: C Anak laki-laki tersebut mengatakan Mom, Ill go to the English course now. yang artinya Bu, saya akan pergi ke tempat kursus bahasa Inggris sekarang.. Jadi, anak tersebut akan pergi ke tempat kursus Bahasa Inggris, bukan ke (A) rumah temannya, (B) sekolah, atau (D) kebun binatang. What does the boy bring with him? A. An umbrella. B. A raincoat. C. A jacket. D. A hat. Jawaban: B Dalam percakapan ibu berkata, Dont forget to bring your raincoat, dear.. Anak laki-laki tersebut menjawab, I dont, Mom.. Jadi, anak laki-laki tersebut membawa raincoat (jas hujan).



Complete the dialogs with the correct words in the boxes.

Dialog 1

take out : : : : : :



Mr. Sanusi Galih Mr. Sanusi Galih Mr. Sanusi Students Dialog 2

Galih, (1) ________ the blackboard, please. Yes, Sir. Thank you. You are welcome. O.K. Now, students, please (2) ________ your math textbooks and (3) ________ page 10. Yes, Sir.





Lia : Uci : Lia : Uci : Lia : Uci :


Oh, gosh! Whats (4) ________? I forgot to (5) ________ my cat this morning. I was in a hurry. Um . . . (6) ________ your brother and (7) ________ him to feed your cat. Good idea. Thanks. You are welcome.

UNIT 2 Dont . . . !

Dialog 3




: Excuse me, Maam. Im Rio, Mr. Andis student. I want to (8) ________ these workbooks on his desk. Can you tell me where his desk is? Mrs. Linda : Sure. Um . . . (9) ________ over there! His desk is in the (10) ________ of this room. Rio : O.K. Thanks for your help, Maam. Mrs. Linda : You are welcome. Jawaban: 1. clean 6. call B. 2. take out 7. ask 3. open 8. put 4. wrong 9. look 5. feed 10. corner


Find the meanings of the words below.

Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1. prepare = mempersiapkan/menyiapkan 2. feed = memberi makan 3. call = menelepon 4. corner = pojok 5. desk = meja C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Complete the sentences with the words in Task B. ________ me when you need help. There is a nice aquarium in the ________ of my living room. Visitors are not allowed to ________ the animals in the zoo. There is a set of computer on the ________. Students ________ themselves for the mid-examination. 2. corner 3. feed 4. desk 5. prepare

Jawaban: 1. Call D.

State whether the statements below are true (T) or false (F) based on the complete dialogs in Task A. Correct the false ones. The dialog takes place in a library. Galih is going to clean the blackboard. Mr. Sanusi asks his students to close their books. Uci has a cat. Uci asks Lia to call her brother. The two girls are friends. Lia will ask her mother to feed the cat. The dialog takes place in a classroom. Rio is a student. Rio is going to meet Mr. Andi.

Dialog 1 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ Dialog 2 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______ 7. ______ Dialog 3 8. ______ 9. ______ 10. ______

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Jawaban: 1. F. The dialog takes place in a classroom. 2. T 3. F. Mr. Sanusi asks his students to open their books. 4. F. Lia is the one who has a cat. 5. T 6. T 7. F. Lia will ask her brother to feed the cat. 8. F. The dialog takes place in a teacher room. 9. T 10. F. Rio is going to put the workbooks on Mr. Andis desk. Variasi: Complete the dialogs with the correct words in the box. a. d. Get Let b. e. Turn it off Listen c. Dont sit

Dialog 1 Tiwi : Wulan : Tiwi : Wulan : Tiwi : Dialog 2 Mother : Dina : Mother : Dina : Dialog 3 Mother : Virna : Mother : Virna : Mother : Virna : Jawaban: 1. c E.

Look out! Whats up? (1) ________ on the chair. The paint is still wet. Oh, thanks. Anytime. (2) ________! The tap is running. Youre right, Mom. (3) ________, please. On my way. Who is the girl in the verandah? Shes Mila, my classmate. (4) ________ her in. O.K., Mom. (5) ________ her some drink and cookies. Right away. 2. e 3. b 4. d 5. a

Rearrange the sentences below into proper dialogs.

Percakapan-percakapan soal dan jawaban: Dialog 1 3 Mother : Sure. Remember, lock the door. Dont let any strangers come in. 2 1 4

Yudi Yudi

: O.K. Buy me some snacks, please. : All right. Dont worry, Mom.

Mother : Yudi, I will go to the market. Please stay at home, O.K.?

UNIT 2 Dont . . . !

Dialog 2 3 Maya 4 1 2 Maya

: O.K. Thanks for your information. : Excuse me, Miss. Can you tell me where the fiction section is?

Librarian: My pleasure. Librarian : Um . . . . go along this aisle and turn right. You will find a notice saying Fiction Section.

Variasi: Find the meanings of the words below. Then, make sentences using the words. Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1. stranger = orang asing 2. stay = tinggal 3. fiction = fiksi 4. aisle = lorong, gang, jalanan di antara dua tempat duduk 5. turn right = belok kanan Contoh jawaban: 1. Dont trust any strangers. 2. It is raining heavily. Please stay at home. 3. I like reading a fiction story. 4. There are three aisles in my library. 5. If you meet a junction, turn right and walk for about 100 meters. F. Answer the questions based on the proper dialogs in Task E.

Dialog 1 1. Where do you think the dialog takes place? Jawaban: It takes place at home. 2. Where will mother go? Jawaban: To the market. 3. What does Yudi ask his mother to do? Jawaban: To buy him some snacks. 4. What does mother ask Yudi not to do? Jawaban: She asks Yudi not to let any strangers come in. Dialog 2 1. Where does the dialog happen? Jawaban: In a library. 2. Where is Maya going to go? Jawaban: To the fiction section. 3. What will Maya find after she has walked along the aisle and turned right? Jawaban: A notice saying Fiction Section.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Variasi: A. Rearrange the sentences into a proper dialog. Percakapan soal dan jawaban: 5 2 1 4 3 B. 1. 2. 3. Naura : Great! Mita Mita : I think so too. : Dont worry, I bring an umbrella. Naura : Look at the sky! Cloudy, isnt it? I think it is going to rain. Naura : Oh, no . . . its raining. Answer the following questions based on the proper dialog in Task A. How is the sky? Jawaban: It is cloudy. What happens then? Jawaban: Its raining. Why does Mita ask Naura not to worry? Jawaban: Because she brings an umbrella. Read the instructions below. Match them with the correct pictures.


f 1. 3. 5. 7. 9.

g 2. 4. 6. 8. 10.

Sweep the floor, please. Dont litter, please. Read the book, please. Mop the floor, please. Dont walk on the grass, please. 2. j 7. g 3. a 8. f

Clean the table, please. Wash the dishes, please. Dont pick up the flower, please. Water the plant, please. Dont touch the socket, please. 5. i 10. d

Jawaban: 1. e 6. b

4. h 9. c


UNIT 2 Dont . . . !


Ask and answer questions about the things below with your friends. Use How many and There is/There are. See the example.

Example: Books in the bag. You : How many books are there in your bag? Your friend : There are six books. 1. Chairs in the classroom. 2. Windows in the classroom. 3. Students in the classroom. 4. Pencils in the pencil case. 5. Pictures on the wall. Contoh jawaban: 1. You : How many chairs are there in our classroom? Your friend : There are thirty eight chairs. 2. Your friend : How many windows are there in our classroom? You : There are six windows. 3. You : How many students are there in our classroom? Your friend : There are thirty six students. 4. Your friend : How many pencils are there in your pencil case? You : There are two pencils in my pencil case. 5. You : How many pictures are there on the wall? Your friend : There are three pictures. Variasi: Complete the sentences below with is or are. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. There ________ a volleyball court in my school. Look! There ________ five cows in the field. ________ there anyone in the toilet? ________ there many animals in the zoo? There ________ not five people in the living room. There are only four. 2. are 3. Is 4. Are 5. are

Jawaban: 1. is I. Rina Tria Rina Tria Rina Tria Rina

Complete the sentences with a, an or the. : : : : : : : Oh no, its raining. Dont worry. We can go home together. I bring ________ umbrella. But I need to go to ________ bookstore. I want to buy ________ book about making craft. What a coincidence! I want to go there too. I need some stationery. Thats good! Lets go together, then. Sure. But, first we need to find ________ bus. Lets go to ________ bus stop. Lets. 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. the

Jawaban: 1. an

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1

Variasi: Dengan kegiatan pembelajaran yang sama, guru dapat memberikan latihan lain sebagai berikut. 1. Look! ________ green car over there is mine. 2. I have ________ brother and two sisters. 3. Mr. Arso is ________ good teacher. We like him. 4. There is ________ eagle in the cage. 5. There are two rulers on my desk. ________ longer one is not mine. Jawaban: 1. The 2. a 3. a 4. an 5. The


Make sentences based on the pictures. Use proper prepositions. Number one has been done for you. 2 3

There is a ball under the table. 4






Jawaban: 2. There is a clock on the wall. 3. There are two cups on the table. 4. There is a bookshelf near the desk. 5. There is a dictionary between the bags. 6. There are some fish in the aquarium.


UNIT 2 Dont . . . !


Ask your friend sitting next to you to do the actions and give responses. Do it in turns.

Example: Get me a ruler, please. You may say, Get me a ruler, please. Your friend responds, O.K., then he/she gets a ruler for you. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Stand up, please. Please sit down. Raise your hand, please. Get me an eraser, please. Get me a dictionary, please.

Contoh jawaban: 1. You say, Stand up, please. Your friend responds, All right., then he/she stands up. 2. Your friend says, Please sit down. You respond, Thank you., and then he/she sits down. 3. You say, Raise your hand, please. Your friend responds, O.K., then he/she raises his/her hand. 4. Your friend says, Get me an eraser, please. You respond, Here it is., and he/she gets an eraser for you. 5. You say, Get me a dictionary, please. Your friend responds, O.K., then he/she gets a dictionary for you. Variasi: Do the instructions below. 1. 2. 3. 4. Your teacher will ask one of the students to do three things. The student (Student A) must do as instructed. Student A will call another student (Student B) when he/she has finished doing the instructions and then ask the Student B to do three other things. Student B comes to the front of the class and does the instructions.

Contoh jawaban: Guru meminta seorang siswa (Siswa A) untuk melakukan tiga hal. Tiga hal tersebut, misalnya: 1. Stand up. 2. Come forward. 3. Open the door. Setelah Siswa A melakukan tiga hal tersebut, dia dapat meminta siswa lain (Siswa B) untuk melakukan tiga hal yang lain. Lakukan secara bergantian.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


L. 1.

In pairs, make dialogs based on the situations below. Practice the dialogs with your friend.

Your bedroom is dirty and messed up. Your mother asks you to clean and tidy it. How would the conversation go? 2. One of your friends is not feeling well. Your teacher asks you to take him/her to the sick bay. How would the conversation go? Contoh jawaban: 1. Mother : Look, your bedroom is very dirty. Please, clean it. Anita : Sure, Mom. Mother : Sweep the floor, please. And dont forget to tidy up your bed. Anita : Right away, Mom. 2. Mrs. Hadi : Ayu, please take Lala to the sick bay. She is not feeling well. Ayu : Yes, Maam. Mrs. Hadi : Thank you, Ayu. Ayu : No problem, Maam. Come on, Lala. Lala : O.K. Thanks. Variasi: Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, guru dapat memberikan variasi soal sebagai berikut. 1. Your little sister is playing with a knife. You ask her not to play with it. What would you say? How would your sister respond to it? 2. There are many red ants on a bench. You forbid your little sister to sit on it. What would you say? How would your sister respond to it? 3. You are watching TV late at night. Your father asks you to turn off the TV and go to bed because tomorrow is not a holiday. How would the conversation happen? Contoh jawaban: 1. Fitri : Dont play with a knife! Vera : Why? Fitri : It may hurt you. Its dangerous. Give the knife to me! Vera : O.K. Here you are. 2. Iwan : Dont sit on the bench, Ika! Ika : Why is that? Iwan : Look! There are many red ants on the bench. Ika : I see. Thanks. Iwan : Anytime. 3. Father : Hey, what are you doing late at night? Rudi : Im seeing a film, Dad. Father : Its already late. Tomorrow is not a holiday, right? Turn off the television. Rudi : But, Dad, its a good film. I want to see it. Father : No excuse. Turn it off and go to bed. I dont want to find out you wake up late tomorow morning.


UNIT 2 Dont . . . !

2.2 Short Functional Texts: Notices

Spoken Text
Listen to your teacher and understand the explanation. Prepare a sheet of paper, please. Put your books away. We will have a test now. Dont cheat. What you have just heard is a spoken notice. Its purpose is to inform people about something or to tell people to do/not to do something.

Written Text
Read the following text and understand the explanation.

No smoking
The text above is a written notice. A notice is a board or a sign displaying information or a warning. A notice is also called a caution. It is usually in the form of instructions or prohibitions. To make notices, we usually use the patterns below. Verb base + . . . . Dont + verb base + . . . . No + noun No + verb-ing Examples: 1.

Keep the room clean


Dont touch the cable



No entry

No littering

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Answer the questions below. 1. 2. 3. Have you ever read a notice? Contoh jawaban: Yes, I have. What does it say? Contoh jawaban: It says Staff only. Where do you find the notice? Contoh jawaban: In my brothers company.


Listen to your teacher. Write down his/her sentences.

Kalimat-kalimat yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: 1. Dont pick the flowers. 2. Please keep your classroom clean. 3. Dont leave the laboratory dirty. 4. Please park your bikes in the bicycle shed. 5. Welcome to this library. Please put your bags in the locker. Variasi: Find the meanings of the notices you have heard in Task A. Jawaban: 1. Jangan memetik bunga. 2. Jagalah kebersihan kelas kalian. 3. Jangan meninggalkan laboratorium dalam keadaan kotor. 4. Mohon parkir sepeda kalian di tempat parkir sepeda. 5. Selamat datang di perpustakaan ini. Mohon taruh tas kalian di loker.


Listen to the sentences in Task A once again. State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

Notice 1 1. ______ 2. ______ Notice 2 3. ______ 4. ______ Notice 3 5. ______ 6. ______


The notice means that we are allowed to pick the flowers. We can hear such a notice in a canteen. The notice means that we should keep the classroom clean. We are allowed to make the classroom dirty. We should make the laboratory dirty. We can hear the notice in a laboratory.

UNIT 2 Dont . . . !

Notice 4 7. ______ 8. ______ Notice 5 9. ______ 10. ______

There is no bicycle shed in the place. The notice is for the ones who ride bicycles. The speaker asks visitors to put their bags in the locker. We can hear such a notice in a classroom.

Jawaban: 1. F. The notice means that we are not allowed to pick the flowers. 2. F. We can hear such a notice in a garden. 3. T 4. F. We are not allowed to make the classroom dirty. 5. F. We should make the laboratory clean. 6. T 7. F. There is a bicycle shed in the place. 8. T 9. T 10. F. We can hear such a notice in a library. C. Listen to your teacher. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer. Teks yang dibacakan guru: Please keep quiet. Dont talk during the test. The speaker asks the listeners to ________. A. keep quiet B. keep talking C. talk during the text D. follow the test Jawaban: A Kalimat Please keep quiet. Dont talk during the test. artinya Harap tenang. Dilarang berbicara selama ujian.. Jadi, dalam notice tersebut, pembicara meminta pendengar untuk tetap tenang (keep quiet). 2. Teks yang dibacakan guru: Students, please prepare yourselves and then go to the gym. What will the students do? A. Clean the gym. B. Go to the field. C. Go to the gym. D. Go to their classroom. Jawaban: C Kalimat Students, please prepare yourselves and then go to the gym. artinya Murid-murid, bersiap-siaplah dan kemudian pergilah ke gedung olahraga.. Jadi, yang akan dilakukan para siswa adalah pergi ke gedung olahraga (go to the gym). 3. Teks yang dibacakan guru: Please turn off your mobile phones. What should you do when you hear the notice? A. Sell our mobile phones. B. Turn our mobile phones off. C. Buy a new mobile phone. D. Leave our mobile phones. Jawaban: B Kalimat Please turn off your mobile phones. artinya Matikan telepon genggam kalian.. Jadi, apabila kita mendengar notice tersebut, kita seharusnya mematikan telepon genggam kita (turn our mobile phones off). 4. Teks yang dibacakan guru: Students, please collect your paper on my desk. Then, you can leave the room.


PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


What does the notice mean? A. We should put the paper out. B. We should leave the classroom. C. We should go out. D. We should submit the paper on the speakers desk. Jawaban: D Kalimat Students, please collect your paper on my desk. Then, you can leave the room. artinya Murid-murid, kumpulkan kertas kalian di meja saya. Setelah itu, kalian boleh meninggalkan ruangan.. Jadi, dalam notice tersebut, pembicara meminta pendengar menyerahkan kertas mereka di meja pembicara (submit the paper on the speakers desk).


Teks yang dibacakan guru: Turn off the computer before you leave the room. We should turn off the computer before ________. A. entering the room B. cleaning the room C. leaving the room D. making the room dirty Jawaban: C Kalimat Turn off the computer before leaving the room. artinya Matikan komputer sebelum meninggalkan ruangan.. Jadi, dalam notice tersebut, pembicara meminta pendengar supaya mematikan komputer sebelum meninggalkan ruangan (before leaving the room).

A. 1.

Read the following notices. Answer the questions orally. The notice below is on a door.

According to the notice, what should we do to open the door? Jawaban: We should push it. 2. The notice below is on the gate of an office.

No entry
What does the notice mean? Jawaban: We mustnt enter the place. 3. The notice below is in a library.

Put the books back to the shelf

What should we do with the books after we have read them? Jawaban: We should put them back to the shelf.


UNIT 2 Dont . . . !


The notice below is in a sitting room.

Dont leave the room dirty

What does the notice mean? Jawaban: We mustnt leave the room dirty./We must keep the room clean. 5. Your mother puts this notice in your room.

Keep your room tidy

What should you do? Jawaban: I should keep my room tidy. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Make notices based on the situations below. Read your notices aloud. You see your friends talking aloud in the library. You see your friends sleeping during the lesson. You ask your friends to gather in the field. You see your friend playing with his mobile phone during the lesson. You ask your friend to come on time.

Contoh jawaban: 1. Keep silent, please. Stop talking, please. 2. Dont sleep in the classroom. 3. Gather in the field, please. 4. Please pay attention to our teacher. Stop playing your mobile phone. 5. Please come on time. Please dont be late.


Rearrange the words below into proper notices.

1. treesdontthecut 2. cleankeepclassroomthe 3. wearyourdonthatroominthe 4. thethedustbingarbageputinto 5. ontimebookreturnthe Jawaban: 1. Dont cut the trees. 2. Keep the classroom clean. 3. Dont wear your hat in the room. 4. Put the garbage into the dustbin. 5. Return the book on time.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1



Find the meanings of the words below. Look up your dictionary if needed.

Kata-kata soal dan jawaban: 1. garbage = sampah 2. dustbin = tempat sampah 3. wear = mengenakan, memakai 4. on time = tepat waktu 5. return = mengembalikan C. What does each notice in Task A mean?

Jawaban: 1. We musnt cut the trees. 2. We should keep the classroom clean. 3. We mustnt wear a hat in the room. 4. We should put the garbage into the dustbin. 5. We have to return the book on time. D. Match each notice below with the correct picture.

a 1.

c 2.

Dont draw anything on the wall

Put off your shoes before you enter the room


Please keep silent in the library


Park here


Keep the cage clean

Jawaban: 1. e






UNIT 2 Dont . . . !


Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer. Read the notice and answer questions 4 and 5.

Read the notice and answer questions 1 and 2.

Keep silent Exam is in progress

1. According to the notice, we should not ________. A. join the exam B. make noises C. keep quiet D. watch the exam Jawaban: B Notice tersebut artinya Harap tenang. Sedang ada ujian.. Jadi, hal yang tidak boleh dilakukan adalah berisik (make noises). 2. Where may you find the notice? A. At school. B. In a bus stop. C. In a library. D. On the street. Jawaban: A Notice tersebut dapat ditemui di sekolah (at school) karena berisi peringatan saat berlangsungnya ujian. 3.

Staff only
4. The notice above is on the door of a room in a shop. What does the notice mean? A. All people can enter the place. B. Only the staff of the shop are allowed to read the notice. C. Only the staff of the shop are allowed to enter. D. All staff are not allowed to enter. Jawaban: C Notice tersebut bermakna bahwa hanya karyawan toko saja yang diperbolehkan masuk ruangan tersebut (only the staff of the shop are allowed to enter). 5. The notice is for ________. A. the shop owner B. the customers C. the passengers D. the students Jawaban: B Karena notice tersebut diletakkan di sebuah pintu di dalam toko, notice tersebut ditujukan kepada pelanggan toko tersebut (the customers), bukan (A) pemilik toko, (C) para penumpang, dan (D) para siswa. Read the notice and answer questions 6 and 7.

Keep your surroundings clean

What does the notice mean? A. We should not keep our surroundings tidy. B. We should not clean our surroundings. C. We should clean the notice. D. We should not litter. Jawaban: D Kalimat Keep your surroundings clean. artinya Jagalah kebersihan lingkungan.. Jadi, notice tersebut memiliki makna bahwa kita tidak boleh membuang sampah sembarangan (we should not litter).

Wet paint
6. When you see the notice on the door, it means ________. A. we should not touch the door B. we should make the paint wet C. we should not paint the door D. we should paint the door Jawaban: A Notice tersebut artinya Cat basah. Jika notice tersebut diletakkan di pintu, itu artinya cat pintu tersebut masih basah dan tentu saja kita tidak boleh menyentuhnya (we should not touch the door).

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1

7. The opposite meaning of the word wet is ________. A. small B. good C. dry D. thin Jawaban: D Kata wet artinya basah. Kata tersebut memiliki makna yang berlawanan dengan kata dry yang artinya kering. Small artinya kecil, good artinya baik/bagus, dan thin artinya tipis. Read the notice and answer questions 8 and 9.

9. Where can we find the notice? A. In a classroom. B. In a garden. C. In a library. D. At the bus stop. Jawaban: C Jawaban disimpulkan dari kata kunci the library yang artinya perpustakaan.. Itu berarti notice tersebut berada di sebuah perpustakaan. 10.

Principal is available
You see the notice on the wall of your principals room. What does the notice mean? A. The principal is absent. B. The principal is in his/her room. C. The principal is sick. D. The principal is not at school. Jawaban: B Notice tersebut artinya Kepala sekolah hadir.. Itu artinya kepala sekolah berada di ruangannya (The principal is in his/her room).

Show your member card before you enter the library

8. The notice means that one should ________ to enter the place. A. sell a member card B. hide a member card C. keep a member card D. bring a member card Jawaban: D Notice tersebut artinya Tunjukkan kartu anggota kalian sebelum kalian masuk ke perpustakaan.. Itu berarti bahwa seseorang harus membawa kartu anggota (bring a member card) untuk bisa masuk ke dalam perpustakaan.


Find some notices in your school. Write them in your workbook and find their meanings.

Contoh jawaban: 1.

No late comers
Meaning: Everyone should not come late.


Dont make any noise

Meaning: Everyone should keep quiet.


UNIT 2 Dont . . . !

B. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Make notices based on the situations below. Many students throw garbage in the school yard. What would you write to warn them? Your friends sometimes do not do the duty rooster. What would you write to warn them? You are doing your homework. You dont want to be disturbed. What notice would you put on your door? The librarian asks you to write a notice that visitors should leave the books on the table. What would you write? 2.

Contoh jawaban: 1.

No littering Dont disturb

Do the duty rooster Just leave the books on the table



Find notices in your surroundings as much as you can. Rewrite the notices on your workbook.

Read and memorize the words. Use them whenever you speak English. : tidak hadir : lorong, gang, jalan di antara tempat duduk available : hadir, ada bench : bangku cloudy : mendung corner : pojok course : les/kursus dustbin : tempat sampah duty rooster : jadwal piket fence : pagar absent aisle

fiction garbage gather litter paint push section sick bay silent stranger surroundings towel turn off water

: : : : : : : : : : : : : :

fiksi sampah berkumpul mengotori cat mendorong bagian UKS tenang orang asing lingkungan handuk mematikan menyirami

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1



Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

1. Mother : This coffee is not sweet. ________ me some sugar, please. Tina : O.K., Mom. Mother : Thank you. A. Cook B. Watch C. Look D. Get Jawaban: D Karena ibu berkata bahwa kopinya tidak manis, ibu menyuruh Tina mengambilkan gula. Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah get yang artinya ambilkan. Jadi, makna kalimat soal adalah Kopi ini tidak manis. Tolong ambilkan gula.. Cook artinya memasak, watch artinya menonton, dan look artinya memandang. 2. Mr. Rahmat : Andri, ________ your hat in classroom, please. Andri : Yes, Sir. A. dont close B. dont wear C. dont clean D. dont draw Jawaban: B Karena objek dari hal tersebut adalah topi (hat), frasa peringatan yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah dont wear. Kata tersebut membentuk kalimat lengkap yang artinya Andri, tolong jangan memakai topi di dalam kelas.. Dont close artinya jangan menutup, dont clean artinya jangan membersihkan, dan dont draw artinya jangan menggambar. 3. Father : Nisa, our flowers look dry. _______ them, please. Nisa : Sure, Dad. Father : Good. A. Throw B. Feed C. Water D. Cut
UNIT 2 Dont . . . !

Jawaban: C Karena bunga-bunga tampak kering, kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah water yang artinya sirami. Jadi, makna kalimat soal adalah Nisa, bungabunga kita terlihat kering. Tolong sirami bunga-bunga itu.. Throw artinya tempatkan, feed artinya beri makan, dan cut artinya potong. 4. Mother : Tommy, are you busy? Tommy : No, Mom. Whats up? Mother : Cut the grass in our backyard, please. Tommy : ________, Mom. Mother : Thank you. A. Right away B. No way C. Dont go there D. Dont cut the grass Jawaban: A Karena ibu Tommy mengucapkan terima kasih, dapat dipastikan bahwa Tommy setuju untuk melakukan perintah ibunya (memotong rumput di kebun belakang). Pilihan jawaban (A) yang artinya segera adalah respons yang tepat. Pilihan jawaban (B) untuk menolak melakukan sesuatu, sedangkan (C) dan (D) adalah ungkapan larangan. 5. Jaya : Im not feeling well. Damar : Go to the ________, please. Jaya : You are right. Thanks. A. canteen B. library C. sick bay D. teacher room Jawaban: C Karena Jaya merasa tidak enak badan, Damar menyarankan dia untuk pergi ke UKS (sick bay), bukan ke (A) kantin, (B) perpustakaan, ataupun (D) ruang guru.


6. Anwar : Accompany me to the bookstore, please. Vito : No problem. What does Anwar express? A. He asks someone not to do something. B. He asks someone to do something. C. He introduces someone to other people. D. He greets someone. Jawaban: B Ungkapan Anwar artinya Temani saya ke toko buku.. Ungkapan tersebut adalah ungkapan meminta seseorang melakukan sesuatu (ask someone to do something). 7. Mother : Panji, dont disturb your brother, please. Panji : Yes, Mom. What does Panjis mother express? A. She asks someone not to do something. B. She asks someone to do something. C. She introduces someone to other people. D. She greets someone. Jawaban: A Ungkapan ibu Panji artinya Panji, jangan ganggu kakakmu.. Ungkapan tersebut adalah ungkapan meminta seseorang untuk tidak melakukan sesuatu (ask someone not to do something). 8. You ask your friends not to play football in the street. What would you say? A. Play football with me, please. B. Dont play outside, please. C. Dont ask your friends to play football. D. Dont play football in the street. Jawaban: D Ungkapan untuk melarang teman-teman bermain bola di jalan adalah Dont play football in the street. yang artinya Jangan bermain bola di jalan.. 9. Mr. Susilo : Heru, ________ students are absent today? Heru : Two students, Sir. Mr. Susilo : Who are they? Heru : Agus and Anto.

A. what B. when C. how much D. how many Jawaban: D Berdasarkan kalimat jawaban Heru, Two students, Sir. yang menyatakan jumlah, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kalimat sebelumnya menanyakan jumlah. Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat tanya yang menanyakan jumlah adalah how many, karena diikuti kata benda yang dapat dihitung. What (apa) menanyakan benda, when (kapan) menanyakan waktu, dan how much (berapa banyak) untuk jumlah benda yang tidak dapat dihitung. 10. Mr. Ervan : Please put your books ________ my desk. Yes, Sir.

Students : A. in B. at C. on D. near Jawaban: C Preposisi yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah on yang artinya di atas. In artinya di dalam, at artinya di/pada, dan near artinya di dekat. 11. Asti : Look! The plane is flying ________ the town. Heny : You are right. A. on B. above C. between D. under Jawaban: B Preposisi yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah above yang artinya di atas (menggantung). On artinya di atas/di, between artinya di antara, dan under artinya di bawah. Your friend is standing ________ the door. Please meet her. Sure, Dad.

12. Father :

Diah : A. at B. on C. under D. above

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Jawaban: A Preposisi yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah at yang artinya di. On artinya di atas/di, under artinya di bawah, dan above artinya di atas (menggantung). 13. Santi : How many teachers are there in your school? Aulia : ________ 25 teachers. A. There isnt B. Are there C. There is D. There are Jawaban: D Karena kata benda yang mengikuti berbentuk jamak (plural), kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah There are. There isnt untuk kalimat negatif (penyangkalan), Are there untuk kalimat tanya, dan There is apabila kata bendanya tunggal. 14. Ms. Tina : ________ any students in the library now? Retno : Yes, there are five students. A. There arent B. There are C. Are there D. Is there Jawaban: C Kalimat soal menggunakan pola kalimat tanya dengan kata benda jamak (any students). Jadi, kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah Are there. 15. Ms. Sinta : Is your mother ________ home now? Anang : Yes, she is. A. near B. in C. at D. on Jawaban: C Preposisi yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah at yang artinya di.

Read the notice and answer questions 16 and 17.

Put your bags and jackets here

16. What does the notice mean? A. We cant bring bags and jackets there. B. We cant put bags and jackets there. C. We can get bags and jackets there. D. We should choose the bags. Jawaban: A Notice tersebut artinya Letakkan tas dan jaket Anda di sini.. Itu artinya kita tidak boleh membawa tas dan jaket di sana (We cant bring bags and jackets there.). 17. Where do you find the notice? A. In the canteen. B. In the library. C. In the teacher room. D. In the classroom. Jawaban: B Peringatan seperti itu dapat ditemui di perpustakaan (library). Read the notice and answer questions 18 to 20.

No cycling on the footpath

18. The notice tells that we cant ________ there. A. have a walk B. go jogging C. go picnic D. go biking Jawaban: D Notice tersebut artinya Tidak boleh bersepeda di jalan setapak.. Jadi, yang tidak boleh dilakukan adalah bersepeda (go biking). 19. The word footpath can be best replaced with the word ________. A. river bank B. road C. grass D. pavement Jawaban: B Kata footpath mempunyai arti yang sama dengan kata road yang artinya jalan.


UNIT 2 Dont . . . !

20. Where can you find such a notice? A. In a park. B. At school. C. In a parking lot. D. In a mall. Jawaban: A Kata kunci dalam notice tersebut adalah footpath. Footpath (jalan setapak) biasa ditemui di taman. Jadi, peringatan seperti itu dapat ditemui di taman (in a park). B. 1. Complete the sentences with correct words. Mother : Please buy me ________ umbrella, please. Tika : Sure, Mom. Dian : ________ ducks are there in the pond? Ratna : There are seven. There ________ only one canteen in my school. My brother is not feeling well. He is staying ________ home now.

Jawaban: 1. an 3. is 5. beside/next to C.

2. 4.

How many at

Read the texts, then answer the questions.

Read the notice and answer questions 1 and 2. Keep off the grass 1. 2. What does the notice mean? Jawaban: We are not allowed to step on the grass. Where can you find such a notice? Jawaban: In a garden.


Read the notice and answer questions 3 and 4. Turn off your mobile phone during the lesson 3. 4. 5. Waiting room What does the notice tell you about? Jawaban: The room is for waiting someone or something. According to the notice, what should we do with our mobile phones? Jawaban: We should turn them off. When do you do that? Jawaban: During the lesson.

3. 4. 5.

The bookshelf is ________ the desk.

Kegiatan pembelajaran untuk Review Unit 2: Sebelum berpindah ke Unit 3, guru perlu mengetahui atau mengukur ketercapaian kompetensi. Bagian ini bisa dijadikan model. Selain model ini, guru dapat memberikan soal listening. Guru menggandakan soal berikut ini sesuai jumlah siswa. Guru membagikan soal dan memberitahukan waktu yang disediakan untuk mengerjakan soal tersebut. Siswa disuruh mengerjakan semua soal di kertas soal. Mereka disuruh menuliskan nama dan nomor absensi kelas di pojok kanan atas. Siswa disuruh memeriksa kembali hasil pekerjaan mereka sebelum menyerahkan kepada guru. Setelah waktu yang disediakan habis, siswa disuruh mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaan mereka kepada guru. Guru memeriksa dan memberi nilai, serta mengembalikan hasil pekerjaan siswa pada pertemuan berikutnya.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1



Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

For questions 6 to 8, choose the correct words to complete the dialog. Vita : Tania : Vita : Tania : Vita : Tania : Vita : 6. A. B. C. D. 7. A. B. C. D. 8. A. B. C. D. (6) ________ pens do you have? Two. (7) ________ me one, please. O.K. (8) ________ blue one or the black one? The blue one, please. Here you are. Thanks. What Where Who How many Lend Borrow Buy Sell A An The Some

1. Ms. Rita : Udin, get me some chalks, please. Udin : ________, Maam. Ms. Rita : Thank you. A. Good morning B. Hello C. Im just fine D. Sure 2. Ani : Lisa, ________ the ball to me. Lisa : O.K. A. throw B. feed C. water D. cut 3. Ani : Im thirsty. Nana : ________ this iced-tea, please. Ani : Oh, thanks. A. Eat B. Drink C. Buy D. Make For questions 4 and 5, choose the correct words to complete the dialog. Aldo Fahri Aldo Fahri Wow, (4) ________ new bike, right? It is. Do you want to try? Yeah. Here you are. (5) ________ it carefully, please. Aldo : O.K. Thank you. 4. A. B. C. D. 5. A. B. C. D. the an a some Draw Ride Put Wear : : : :

This dialog is for questions 9 to 11. Mr. Sunu : Bonny, (9) ________ outside, please. You must do your homework. Moreover, its cloudy. It will rain soon. Bonny : But, Dad, I want to play football. Mr. Sunu : No. (10) ________ your homework now. Bonny : O.K., Dad. 9. A. B. C. D. 10. A. B. C. D. dont study dont do dont play dont come Look Study Dont Do


UNIT 2 Dont . . . !

11. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Father and his son. B. Teacher and student. C. Two students. D. Two teachers. Read the dialog and answer questions 12 and 13. Ms. Rista : Fahmi, Deo, move this table over there, please. Sure, Miss. Deo, dont push. Lift it, please. O.K., Miss. Good. Thank you.

14. A. B. C. D. 15. A. B. C. D. 16. A. B. C. D.

the some an a The Some An A Clean Close Buy Come

Fahmi and Deo : Ms. Rista : Deo Ms. Rista : :

12. Ms. Rista says, Fahmi, Deo, move this table over there, please. What does she express? A. She asks Fahmi and Deo to answer. B. She asks Fahmi and Deo to do something. C. She asks Fahmi and Deo not to do something. D. She asks Fahmi and Deo to introduce themselves. 13. Ms. Rista says, Deo, dont push. What does she express? A. She asks someone to go. B. She asks someone to do something. C. She asks someone not to do something. D. She asks someone to give information. For questions 14 to 16, choose the correct words to complete the dialog. Dede : Do you have any pets? Anto : Yes. I have (14) ________ cat, an iguana and some koi fish. Dede : You have many pets. Which is your favorite one? Anto : (15) ________ iguana. Dede : Can I see it? Anto : Sure. (16) ________ to my house. Dede : Great!

17. Look! ________ many birds in the park. They are beautiful. A. There is B. Are there C. There are D. Is there 18. Ms. Dian : ________ any students in the canteen? No, Ms. Dian.

Canteen lady : A. There is B. Are there C. There are D. Is there

19. Citra : Tono, ________ triangular rulers do you have? Tono : I have two. Citra : Can I borrow one, please? Tono : Sure. Here you are. A. how many B. what C. where D. which 20. My school is very noisy because it is ________ the main road. A. between B. near C. above D. under

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


21. Mother : Silvi, please get me the vegetables ________ the fridge. Silvi : Right away, Mom. A. between B. near C. at D. in 22. Mr. Himawan is my neighbor. His house is ________ my house. A. at B. on C. next to D. between 23. Dont sit ________ the chair. Its leg is broken. A. on B. in C. at D. above Read the notice and answer questions 24 and 25. Dont shoot the birds in the park 24. The notice is written to ________ the birds. A. sell B. protect C. send D. fly 25. Where can you find the notice? A. At school. B. In a park. C. In a public place. D. In an office. Read the notice and answer questions 26 and 27.

27. Where can you find such a notice? A. In a zoo. B. In a movie. C. In a market. D. At school. 28. No cheating in the exam The notice tells that the students should not ________ during the exam. A. come B. study C. answer D. open the books Read the notice and answer questions 29 and 30. Please pay attention to your teacher 29. Below are the things that we can do, except ________. A. study diligently B. listen to our teacher C. talk with our friends D. keep silent 30. Where can we find the notice? A. In the teacher room. B. In the library. C. In the canteen. D. In the classroom. B. Complete the sentences with there is, there are, there isnt, there arent, is there or are there. ________ a pond in the park. ________ bicycles in the garden. There are pedestrians only. ________ students in the hall? Look! ________ crabs on the beach. Watch out! ________ a caterpillar on your back.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Dont feed the animals

26. According to the notice, what shouldnt we do there? A. Sell the animals. B. Buy the animals. C. Give food to the animals. D. Clean the cage.


UNIT 2 Dont . . . !

C. 1.

Complete the sentences below with correct prepositions.

D. 1.

Read the texts and then answer the questions.

Thank you for not smoking

What is the notice about?

Read the notice and answer questions 2 and 3.

Return the books on time

2. 3. 4. What does the notice ask? Where can you find the notice?

There is a tree ________ the house. 2.

No parking
The notice is in the school field. What cant we do there? 5.

Always close the door

We should keep _______ closed.

3. 4. 5.

There is a cat ________ the table. We are studying ________ our classroom. Father goes to work. He is _______ his office now. Lidya sits ________ Sekar. They are good friends.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Jawaban Review Unit 2 A. Pilihan Ganda Dalam percakapan tersebut Ms. Rita menyuruh Udin mengambilkan beberapa kapur. Jadi, respons yang tepat adalah Sure, Maam. yang artinya Ya, Bu.. Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah throw yang artinya lemparkan karena objek yang dibicarakan adalah bola (the ball). Feed artinya memberi makan, water artinya menyirami, dan cut artinya memotong. Dalam percakapan tersebut Ani berkata bahwa dia haus. Kemudian, Nana menawarkan es teh. Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah drink yang artinya minum. Eat artinya makan, buy artinya membeli, dan make artinya membuat. Karena benda yang dibicarakan adalah benda tunggal yang belum spesifik, article yang digunakan adalah a. Jadi, arti kalimat soal adalah Wah, sebuah sepeda baru, ya?. Karena benda yang dimaksud adalah sepeda, kata kerja yang tepat adalah ride yang artinya kendarai/naiki. Draw artinya menggambar, put artinya menaruh, dan wear artinya memakai. Kalimat soal menanyakan jumlah benda yang dapat dihitung. Hal itu diketahui berdasarkan kalimat jawaban Tania yang menunjukkan jumlah benda (pena). Jadi, kata tanya yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat Vita tersebut adalah how many. What artinya apa, where artinya di mana, dan who artinya siapa. Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah Lend yang artinya pinjami.. Borrow artinya pinjamkan, buy artinya belikan, dan sell artinya jualkan.

8. C. 9. C.

1. D.

2. A.

10. D.

3. B.

11. A.

4. C.

12. B.

5. B.

13. C.

6. D.

14. D.

15. A.

7. A.

Karena benda yang dimaksud sudah tertentu, yaitu pensil biru, article yang digunakan adalah the. Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah dont play yang artinya jangan bermain. Hal ini disimpulkan dari kalimat sesudahnya, yang berarti Pak Sunu menyuruh Bonny untuk mengerjakan PR-nya. Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah Do yang artinya Kerjakan sehingga membentuk kalimat yang artinya Kerjakan PR-mu.. Look artinya melihat, study artinya belajar, dan dont artinya jangan. Anak laki-laki dalam percakapan tersebut memanggil lawan bicaranya dengan sebutan Dad yang artinya Ayah. Jadi, hubungan mereka adalah ayah dan anak (father and his son). Kalimat Fahmi, Deo, move this table over there, please.. artinya Fahmi, Deo, pindahkan meja ini ke sana.. Ungkapan tersebut merupakan ungkapan menyuruh seseorang melakukan sesuatu (ask someone to do something), yaitu memindahkan meja. Kalimat Deo, dont push. artinya Deo, jangan didorong.. Ungkapan tersebut merupakan ungkapan menyuruh seseorang untuk tidak melakukan sesuatu (ask someone not to do something). Karena kata benda yang mengikuti adalah kata benda tunggal yang belum spesifik, article yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah a. Dalam percakapan tersebut Dede bertanya tentang binatang kesayangan Anto. Anto menjawab bahwa binatang kesayangannya adalah iguana. Karena iguana dalam percakapan tersebut adalah benda yang sudah spesifik karena sudah


UNIT 2 Dont . . . !

16. D.

17. C.

18. B.

19. A.

20. B.

21. D.

disebutkan di kalimat sebelumnya, article yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah the. Saat Dede bertanya apakah dia dapat melihat iguana milik Anto, Anto mengiyakan. Kalimat logis yang mengikutinya adalah menyuruh Dede datang ke rumahnya. Jadi, kata kerja yang tepat untuk membentuk kalimat perintah tersebut adalah come yang artinya datanglah. Clean artinya bersihkan, close artinya tutuplah, dan buy artinya belilah. Kalimat soal adalah kalimat affirmative dengan kata benda plural (many birds). Jadi, kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal tersebut adalah There are. Kalimat soal adalah kalimat interrogative dengan kata benda plural (any students). Jadi, kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah Are there. Tono merespons kalimat Citra dengan menyebutkan jumlah benda yang dapat dihitung (triangular rulers). Dapat dipastikan Tono menanyakan jumlah benda. Jadi, kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat tanya yang menanyakan jumlah benda dapat dihitung adalah how many. Karena sekolah sangat ramai, dapat dipastikan bahwa sekolah tersebut dekat dengan jalan utama. Jadi, preposisi yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah near yang artinya dekat. Between artinya di antara (dua hal/benda), above artinya di atas sesuatu, dan under artinya di bawah. Pada umumnya, sayur disimpan di dalam kulkas. Jadi, preposisi yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah in yang artinya di dalam.

22. C.

23. A. 24. B.

25. B.

26. C.

27. A.

28. D.

29. C.

30. D.

Berdasarkan frasa my neighbor yang artinya tetangga, preposisi yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah next yang artinya di samping/sebelah. Preposisi yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah on yang artinya di atas. Notice tersebut artinya Jangan menembak burung di taman.. Tujuan dari notice tersebut adalah untuk melindungi burung-burung (protect the birds). Sell artinya menjual, send artinya mengirim, dan fly artinya terbang. Objek yang dibicarakan dalam notice tersebut adalah the birds in the park (burung-burung di taman). Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa notice tersebut dapat ditemukan di taman (in a park). Kalimat Dont feed the animals. artinya Jangan memberi makan binatang.. Jadi, berdasarkan notice tersebut, tindakan yang tidak boleh dilakukan adalah memberi makan binatang (give food to the animals). Notice seperti itu dapat dijumpai di kebun binatang (zoo) karena objek dari notice tersebut adalah binatang (animals). Notice tersebut artinya Dilarang mencontek saat ujian.. Maksud dari notice tersebut adalah siswa dilarang membuka buku/catatan saat ujian. Berdasarkan notice yang artinya Harap perhatikan gurumu. dapat diketahui bahwa hal yang tidak boleh dilakukan adalah mengobrol dengan teman (talk with our friends). Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya belajar dengan rajin, (B) artinya menyimak guru, dan (D) artinya tetap tenang. Notice tersebut tepat jika dipasang di ruang kelas (in the classroom) karena notice tersebut menyuruh pembaca memperhatikan guru (pay attention to the teacher.)

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Isian There is There arent Are there There are There is Isian in front of under in at beside/next to

D. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Uraian Its about a smoking prohibition. It asks us to return the books on time. In a library. We cant park our vehicles there. the door


UNIT 2 Dont . . . !

At the end of this unit you will be able to: 1. express gratitude (thanking), 2. say sorry (apologizing), 3. create short functional texts (spoken messages), 4. write short functional texts (gratitude cards), and 5. use verbs (have and has), subject and object pronouns, ordinal numbers, days, months and years.

You know, western people say sorry very often. They will directly ask for an apology when they do something wrong. They may say, Sorry. We shall respond when someone say sorry. We may say, Thats O.K./all right or Not at all. Western people also express their gratitude as often as saying sorry. They say, Thanks, Thank you or Thank you very much to express their gratitude. We may say, Youre welcome, My pleasure, or any time to respond to it. In this unit you will learn a lot of things about it.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


3.1 Expressions

Expressing Gratitude
Read the dialogs and study the explanation. 1
Let me help you, Mom. Thanks.

Thank you, Hani.

Youre welcome.

You should say Thanks or Thank you when other people do good to you. You should also respond to it by saying Youre welcome, Not at all, or No problem when other people express their gratitude. Here are some expressions you can use to express your gratitude and the responses. Expressing Gratitude


Thanks./Thank you. Many thanks./Thanks a lot. Thats very kind of you. Thanks/Thank you. Thank you very much for your help/kindness. Thank you for coming. Im really grateful to you for your . . . . Oh very nice of you. Thank you.

You are (youre) welcome. My pleasure. Dont mention it. Not at all. Thats O.K. (all right). Anytime. Delighted I was able to help.


UNIT 3 Thank You

Read the dialogs and study the explanation. 1
Do you have a small change, Madam?

Sorry for coming late. Thats all right.

No, Im not. Sorry.

Those two dialogs are examples of apologizing and the responses. Youd better say sorry when you do a bad thing to other people. For example, you bump a person, you step on someones foot, you break someones bike, etc. You must also say sorry when unintentionally you hurt someones feeling. Note: In western life, people always say sorry when they do or say bad things. You have to do it seriously. Dont smile or even laugh when asking for apology. Some say Manners make the man which means you have to behave yourselves. People will respect and be good to you if you do so.
Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk (January 11, 2008)

Here are some expressions you can use to say sorry and the responses. Apologizing


Im (very) sorry. Pardon me. Oops! Sorry. I do apologize for . . . . Please accept my apologies. Please forgive me. Please forgive me for . . . .

Thats (quite) all right. Thats O.K. (Lets) Forget it. Never mind. Please dont feel bad about it. Please dont be. Theres no reason to apologize for . . . .

Grammar Section
Verb: Have/Has Read the dialogs and understand the bold-typed words. 1. Deni : May I use this ruler, please? Gunawan : Sure. Dont worry, I have two rulers. Deni : Thanks. Gunawan : No big deal.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1



3. 4.

Hermin Ita Hermin Ita Erika : Jamal : Luluk : Punto : Luluk :

: Lets go to Ditas house this afternoon. : Whats up? : She has a new video game. She lets us to use it. : O.K. Do you have an electronic dictionary? No, I dont have it. Does Fadlis father have a car? Yes, he has a car. Why do you ask? I saw him driving a car yesterday afternoon.

The words have and has in those sentences are verbs. You use have for the subjects I, you, we, they and plural subjects. You use has for the subjects he, she, it and singular subjects. How do you use have/has in negative and interrogative sentences? Study the patterns below. Subejct Affirmative (+) He/she It (komodo) I/you/we/they Subejct Negative () He/she It (komodo) I/you/we/they Do/Does Interrogative (?) Does Does Do Has/Have has has have Do/Does not does not does not do not Subejct he/she it (komodo) I/you/we/they Complement a new bike. a thick body. many friends. Have have have have Have have have have Complement an old bike. a long neck. any enemies. Complement a new bike? a long neck? many friends? Response Yes, he/she does. No, it doesnt. Yes, I/you/we/they do.

Here are some other examples. Affirmative: Arif has new shoes. Arif and his brother have new shoes. Negative: Arif does not (doesnt) have old shoes. Arif and his brother do not (dont) have old shoes. Interrogative: Does Arif have new shoes? Yes, he does. Do Arif and his brother have old shoes? No, they dont. Pronouns as a Subject and as an Object Study the explanation and read the sentences. Learning and understanding pronouns are very important. You always need a pronoun as a subject or as an object when you make a sentence. Your sentence will be easily understood when you use a clear pronoun.


UNIT 3 Thank You

Here are those pronouns and how you use them in sentences. Pronoun as a Subject I you he she they we it Sentence Im a student. Youre my classmate. Hes a principal. Shes a teacher. They are my friends. We are students of SMP. Its my school. Pronoun as an Object me you him her them us it Sentence Mother calls me. I saw you in the market yesterday. Help him mop the floor. We respect her very much. Mr. Seta lets them do the exercise at home. Mimin invites us to her house tonight. Father used it a few minutes ago.

Ordinal Numbers: First, Second, Third, . . . Look at the picture and read the sentences. Pay attention to the bold-typed words. 1. 2. 3. Maya sits in the first row. Tania sits in the second row. Heri sits in the third row.

The bold-typed words above are ordinal numbers. Ordinal numbers show the order of things. Read and remember the numbers below.

Cardinal Number one (1) two (2) three (3) four (4) five (5) six (6) seven (7) eight (8) nine (9) ten (10) eleven (11) twelve (12) thirteen (13) fourteen (14) fifteen (15) sixteen (16)

Ordinal Number first (1st) second (2nd) third (3rd) fourth (4th) fifth (5th) sixth (6th) seventh (7th) eighth (8th) ninth (9th) tenth (10th) eleventh (11th) twelfth (12th) thirteenth (13th) fourteenth (14th) fifteenth (15th) sixteenth (16th)

Cardinal Number seventeen (17) eighteen (18) nineteen (19) twenty (20) twenty-one (21) twenty-two (22) twenty-three (23) twenty-four (24) thirty (30) thirty-three (33) forty (40) sixty-two (62) sixty-seven (67) seventy (70) ninenty-one (91) one hundred (100)

Ordinal Number seventeenth (17th) eighteenth (18th) nineteenth (19th) twentieth (20th) twenty first (21st) twenty second (22nd) twenty third (23rd) twenty fourth (24th) thirtieth (30th) thirty third (33rd) fortieth (40th) sixty second (62nd) sixty seventh (67th) seventieth (70th) ninety first (91st) one hundredth (100th)

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Study the example below. Victor : Please tell me about your school. Arnadi : There are five blocks at my school. The first block includes the teachers office, the laboratories, the library and the school hall. The second block is the classrooms for the seventh grade students. The third block is the classrooms for the eighth grade students. The fourth block is the classrooms for the ninth grade students. And the fifth block is the canteen, the bicycle shed and some toilets. Victor : I see. Days, Months and Years Lets study days, months and years. Read the words below with proper pronunciation. Days : Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Months : January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December Years : 1996 (nineteen ninety-six) 1999 (nineteen ninety-nine) 2000 (two thousand) 2004 (two thousand and four) 2008 (two thousand and eight) 2009 (two thousand and nine) Study the example below. Yusniar : What day is it today? Susi : Dont you remember? Today is Wednesday, July twenty-second. Yusniar : O gosh! Susi : Whats up? Yusniar : I almost forget. Tomorrow is Thursday, July twenty third. And you know, its Ms. Astinis birthday! Susi : Is it? Lets get something for her birthday present.

Look at the picture and answer the questions. Questions: 1. What does the woman give to the man? Jawaban: She gives some money. 2. What do you think the man says? Jawaban: He says, Thank you. 3. What does the woman say to respond to it? Jawaban: She says, Youre welcome. 4. Do you always express gratitude to other people? Why/why not? Jawaban: Yes, I do. To show my appreciation to them.


UNIT 3 Thank You

A. 1.

Read and practice the dialogs. Iwan is in the library now. Iwan : Excuse me, Miss. Librarian : Yes? Iwan : Where can I find books about English grammar? Librarian : English grammar? Let me see. Um . . . theyre on the shelf on the corner. Iwan : Thank you, Miss. Librarian : Anytime. Mr. Heru is fixing his motorcycle. His son, Andika, is trying to help him. Andika : Whats the matter, Dad? Mr. Heru : I dont know. It cant run fast. Andika : May I help you, Dad? Mr. Heru : Sure. Take me that screwdriver. Andika : The big or the small one? Mr. Heru : The small one, please. Andika : Here you are. Mr. Heru : Thanks. Andika : With pleasure. Ari is trying to contact his friend, Dion. He wants to confirm the meeting tomorrow. Someone : Good morning. What can I help you? Ari : Hi, I am calling for Dion. Someone : Whos Dion? Theres no such name here. Ari : Pardon me. Is this 767801? Someone : Sorry. Youve got the wrong number. This is 767810. Ari : Oh, sorry to trouble you. Bye. Someone : Thats O.K., bye. Stella meets Tommy. She looks a little bit upset. Stella : Did you get my message? Tommy : Yup! Stella : Why didnt you call me? Tommy : I tried many times, but I couldnt reach you. Stella : Did you? Tommy : Yeah. Sorry that it made you upset. Stella : You know, at that time I needed your help. My motorcycle was broken and youre the nearest to reach. Tommy : Im very sorry, Stella. I didnt know that. I promise it wont happen again next time. Stella : O.K. Your teacher will ask you some questions about the dialogs in Task A. Answer his/her questions orally.





Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru: Dialog 1 1. Where does the dialog happen? 2. What does Iwan want to do? 3. What did he say to show his gratitude?

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Dialog 2 4. What are Andika and his father doing? 5. What did Andika say to respond to his fathers gratitude? 6. Mr. Heru said, It cant run fast. What does the word it refer to? Dialog 3 7. What is the dialog about? 8. Why did Ari say sorry? Dialog 4 9. What happened to Stella? 10. What did Tommy say to express his regret? Jawaban: 1. In the library. 2. He wants to find books about English grammar. 3. He said, Thank you, Miss. 4. They are fixing a motorcycle. 5. He said, With pleasure. 6. It refers to the motorcycle. 7. About dialing the wrong number. 8. Because he had troubled that person. 9. She felt upset. 10. He said, Im very sorry, Stella. I didnt know that. I promise it wont happen again next time. C. Complete the dialogs below while listening to your teacher.

Percakapan-percakapan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: Dialog 1 Lisa is going to see a film. Shes in the ticket box now. Lisa : Two tickets, please. Ticket attendant : (1) Here youre. Lisa : Thanks. Ticket attendant : (2) Youre welcome. Have fun! Lisa : You too. Dialog 2 Tora finds something in the bicycle shed. He thinks it belongs to the girl who has just parked her bike. He runs after her. Tora : Hey, wait! Julia : Pardon? Are you calling me? Tora : Yes. I found this. It could be yours. Julia : Yes, it is. (3) Thank you. Tora : (4) My pleasure. Dialog 3 Fentys bike is broken today. Desi offers a ride to go home together. Desi : I saw you went to school by bus this morning. Fenty : Thats right. My bike is broken. Desi : I see. Well, let me ride you home. Fenty : (5) Thank you for your offer, but Im fine. Desi : Come on! We take the same way, right? Fenty : O.K., then. (6) Thanks. Desi : Thats what friends are for.


UNIT 3 Thank You

Dialog 4 Allan is staying in a boarding house. He knows that Mr. Hadi, the host, always locks the gate at 10 p.m. But Allan is a little bit late this time. Mr. Hadi : Who is it? Allan : Its Allan, Sir. Im sorry Im back late. Mr. Hadi : Its thirty minutes late, you know. Allan : (7) I really am sorry. The traffic is quite crowded. Mr. Hadi : (8) Never do it again. O.K.? Allan : O.K. I promise. Dialog 5 Mr. and Mrs. Gunawan are going to Denpasar next Saturday. They want to book two tickets today. Attendant : (9) May I help you? Mr. Gunawan : I would like to book two tickets to Denpasar, please. Attendant : When will you leave? Mr. Gunawan : Next Saturday, please. Attendant : (10) I am sorry, but next Saturday is sold out. Mr. Gunawan : Oh! How about Friday? Attendant : Yes, we have tickets available for Friday. Mr. Gunawan : O.K. Well take two. Variasi: Your teacher will ask you some questions about the dialogs in Task C. Answer the questions orally. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru: 1. Where does dialog 1 happen? 2. Who are talking in dialog 1? 3. What does Tora and the girl in dialog 2 talk about? 4. What did Tora say to respond to Julias gratitude? 5. What did Fenty say to decline Desis offer in dialog 3? 6. What did Desi say when Fenty finally accepted her offer? 7. When does dialog 4 happen? 8. What did Allan say when he made a mistake? 9. They try to book two tickets today (Dialog 5). What does the word they refer to? 10. What did the attendant say when Mr. Gunawan couldnt get his tickets for Saturday? Jawaban: 1. In a movie theater. 2. A visitor (Lisa) and a ticket attendant. 3. Finding someones property. 4. He said, My pleasure. 5. She said, Thank you for your offer, but Im O.K. 6. She said, Thats what friends are for. 7. Late at night. 8. He said, I really am sorry. 9. The word they refers to Mr. and Mrs. Gunawan. 10. The attendant said, I am sorry, but next Saturday is sold out.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1



Listen to your teacher and give suitable responses. Thank you for the bakso and iced tea. Im really grateful for your support. Oh sorry for stepping on your foot. Please forgive me for hurting your feeling. Sorry for not attending the meeting yesterday.

Ekspresi-ekspresi yang diucapkan guru: 1. Thanks for coming. 2. 3. Thank you for giving me a lift. 4. 5. Thank you for helping me manage the house. 6. 7. Sorry. Does it hurt? 8. 9. Sorry for disturbing you. 10.

Contoh jawaban: 1. Youre welcome. 2. My pleasure. 3. Anytime. 4. Dont mention it. 5. My pleasure. 6. Thats O.K. 7. Yes, a little. Dont worry. 8. O.K. But never do it again. 9. Not to worry about it. 10. Theres no reason to apologize for it. Variasi: Listen and repeat after your teacher. Expressing Gratitude


Thank you very much. Thanks a lot for helping me. Thats very kind of you. Thank you for your help/kindness. Thank you for visiting me. Saying Sorry

You are (youre) welcome. With pleasure. Dont mention it. No big deal. Anytime. Responses

Im really sorry about it. Oops! Sorry. I do apologize for it. Please accept my apologies. Please forgive me for telling you a lie.

Never mind. Not to worry. Thats quite all right. Forget it. Im O.K. Theres no reason to apologize for it.


Listen to your teacher and choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

Petunjuk: Guru akan membaca lima percakapan sederhana yang ada satu per satu. Siswa disuruh menyimak dengan saksama. Kemudian, mereka disuruh memilih jawaban yang sesuai untuk melengkapi tiap-tiap percakapan itu. 1. Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: Ayu : Pass me the chili, please. Ben : Here you are. Ayu : Thanks, Ben. Ben : ________

A. Is that it? B. Anytime. C. Sorry, you cant do that. D. Never mind. Jawaban: B Dalam percakapan tersebut anak perempuan itu meminta tolong Ben untuk mengambilkan sambal. Kemudian, dia mengucapkan terima kasih atas bantuan Ben. Respons yag tepat atas ucapan terima kasih adalah Anytime. Pilihan jawaban (A) digunakan untuk meminta konfirmasi, (C) digunakan untuk meminta maaf, dan (D) adalah respons atas permintaan maaf.


UNIT 3 Thank You


Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: Yahya : Let me help you fix the motorcycle, Sir. Mr. Lilik : Youre very kind, boy. ________ Yahya : Youre welcome. A. Thank you. B. Can I ask you something? C. Any better idea? D. Sorry. Jawaban: A Dalam percakapan tersebut Yahya ingin menolong Pak Lilik memperbaiki sepeda motornya. Respons yang tepat atas bantuan/pertolongan seseorang adalah ucapan terima kasih (Thank you). Pilihan jawaban (B) adalah ungkapan untuk meminta sesuatu, (C) ungkapan meminta pendapat, dan (D) ungkapan permintaan maaf.


Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: Nancy : Ouch! Maman : ________ I really didnt mean to. A. Oh, sorry. B. Thank you. C. Please dont trouble yourself. D. You dont need to say that, O.K.? Jawaban: A Dalam percakapan tersebut Nancy mengaduh karena telah terjadi sesuatu padanya. Maman yang bersalah segera meminta maaf dengan mengucapkan Oh sorry. Pilihan jawaban (B) adalah ungkapan berterima kasih, (C) adalah ungkapan menolak tawaran, dan (D) adalah respons permintaan maaf atau terima kasih.



Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: Dea : You have already driven me home, thanks. Nora : ________ Im glad to do it. A. Dont do it. B. Thats a good idea. C. Sorry for trouble you. D. Dont mention it. Jawaban: D Dalam percakapan tersebut Dea mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Nora karena telah mengantarnya pulang. Respons yang tepat atas ucapan terima kasih adalah Dont mention it. Pilihan jawaban (A) adalah ungkapan larangan, (B) adalah ungkapan persetujuan, dan (C) adalah ungkapan permintaan maaf.

Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: Ulfa : Do you bring my comic book today? Patty : Oops! I forget it. ________ Ulfa : All right, then. But promise me to bring it tomorrow. Patty : I will. A. Thats fine. B. Not at all. C. Im very sorry. D. I agree with you. Jawaban: C Dalam percakapan tersebut Patty lupa membawa buku komik Ulfa padahal dia harus mengembalikannya pada hari itu. Dia pun meminta maaf atas kealpaannya tersebut. Ungkapan yang benar adalah Im very sorry. Pilihan jawaban (A) adalah respons permintaan maaf, (B) adalah respons ungkapan terima kasih, dan (D) adalah ungkapan persetujuan.


Listen to your teacher and write down his/her sentences. Read your work aloud.

Kalimat-kalimat yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: 1. That goat has three horns. 2. You dont have a dictionary. 3. Vivian always has a bright idea. 4. What do we have for lunch, Mom? 5. Does Dede have a printer at home? 6. Lucky has some money in his pocket. 7. Helvi and Jaya have a new English teacher.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1

8. Yusnia doesnt have a problem with science. 9. The students dont have any homework tomorrow. 10. Nanang is very upset today because he has a bad mark. G. Find the meanings of the following words. Then, make sentences using the words.

Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1. horn = tanduk 2. dictionary = kamus 3. bright = cemerlang, pintar 4. lunch = makan siang 5. idea = gagasan 6. pocket = saku 7. problem = masalah 8. science = sains (ilmu pengetahuan) 9. upset = gelisah 10. mark = nilai Contoh jawaban: 1. People hunt deer for their horns. 2. I need a dictionary to translate the English text. 3. Mirna is really a bright student. 4. Nina invites me for lunch together in her house. 5. Everyone agrees with the idea to go to the beach this weekend. 6. I put some money in my pocket. 7. We need to solve the problem soon. 8. My little brother likes science subject. 9. Mother looks upset because my brother hasnt come home. 10. My teacher is very pleased because all the students get good marks. H. Does each sentence have the correct pronoun? Correct the incorrect one(s). Underline the pronouns. I called they just now. Mother asked I to get some salt.

1. Where did you put it? 2. 3. Helena invited we to her party. 4. 5. Ms. Leksita wants to meet him now. Jawaban: 1. Correct : Where did you put it? 2. Incorrect : I called them just now. 3. Incorrect : Helena invited us to her party. 4. Incorrect : Mother asked me to get some salt. 5. Correct : Ms. Leksita wants to meet him now.

A. 1.

Practice the dialogs with your friend. Do it in turns. David Shop assistant David Shop assistant David : : : : : I need some envelopes, please. What size do you need? The medium one, please. Here you are. Thank you.


UNIT 3 Thank You


Shop assistant : Youre welcome. Anything else? David : No, thank you. Heres the money. Fabio : Good afternoon. Can I talk to Hans, please? Hans : Hans speaking. Fabio : Hans, this is Fabio. Sorry for telling you this. Hans : What is that? It sounds very serious. Fabio : It is. I do apologize for losing your data in your flash disk. Hans : How can you? Fabio : I didnt know that there are viruses in my computer. Your flash disk was infected. I tried to clean the viruses, but the data were corrupted. Sorry, Hans. Hans : Its all right. I have the back-up data in my computer. Answer the questions based on the dialogs in Task A. For dialog 1. According to you, where does the dialog happen? Jawaban: In a stationery shop. What does David need? Jawaban: He needs medium sized envelopes. For dialog 2. When does the dialog occur? Jawaban: In the afternoon. What did Fabio say when he lost Hans data? Jawaban: He said, I do apologize for losing your data in your flash disk. How does Fabio feel at that time? Jawaban: He feels very sorry for that.

B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Variasi: Practice the dialogs and then answer the questions. 1. Nano : Excuse me, Miss! You dropped something. Ms. Wisley : Did I? Nano : You dropped your purse. Here you are. Ms. Wisley : Oh, thank you very much. Nano : My pleasure. 2. Sita : What are you doing, boys? Jason : Were playing games and its fun. Sita : But you disturb me. I will have an examination tomorrow, you know. Jason : Sorry. Sita : Please play outside, will you? Jason : O.K. Lets go, guys. We play the games in the yard. 3. Mrs. Nur : Wow, amazing! The house is clean and tidy. Who did this, Yen? Yeni : We did it, Mom. Mrs. Nur : You mean, you and your sister? Yeni : Yes, Mom! Mrs. Nur : I do appreciate it, dear. Yeni : Thanks, Mom. Mrs. Nur : Dont mention it. Questions: 1. For dialog 1. Why did Nano said My pleasure.? Jawaban: He responded to Ms. Wisleys gratitude.

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2. 3. 4. 5.

For dialog 2. Why did Sita ask Jason to play outside? Jawaban: Because he disturbed her. What did Jason say when he disturbed Sita? Jawaban: He said, Sorry. For dialog 3. Who are talking in the dialog? Jawaban: Mother and her daughter. What did Mrs. Nur say to express her gratitude? Jawaban: She said, I do appreciate it, dear.

C. 1.

Complete the dialogs with the suitable words in the boxes. Practice them with your friends. Jessica walks into a shoe store. She wants to buy a pair of new shoes.

Thanks. Is there anything I can help you?

See you then. Ill be right back.

Clerk : (a) ________ Jessica : Yes. Do you have these shoes in size thirty-eight? Clerk : Let me check it in the stockroom. Jessica : (b) ________ Id like to try on a pair if you have them. Clerk : O.K. Wait a minute, please. (c) ________ Jawaban: a. Is there anything I can help you? b. Thanks. c. Ill be right back. 2. Sherina is in a bank to save her money. Shes waiting in line to get her turn, but suddenly . . . .

O.K. What can I do for you?

Hi. Thanks a lot.

Sherina : Excuse me, can you do me a favor, please? Stranger : Sure. (a) ________ Sherina : Can you save my place for me, please? Natures calling. Stranger : (b) ________ But hurry. The line is moving fast. Sherina : (c) ________ I wont be long. Jawaban: a. What can I do for you? b. O.K. c. Thanks a lot. Variasi: Siswa disuruh melakukan kegiatan di bawah ini berdasarkan perintah yang sama. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Rustanta are in the railway station. They have to wait for the train for a while. Then, they are looking for seats. Fortunately, they spot two empty seats in the lobby.

Thank you.

Thats great!

Im sorry.

Youre welcome.

Mr. Rustanta : Excuse me. Is this seat taken? Harry : (Put down the magazine.) (a) ________ What did you just say? Its too noisy here.


UNIT 3 Thank You

Mr. Rustanta : Err . . . will someone be using this seat? Harry : No. Mr. Rustanta : Would you mind moving over one seat so my wife and I could sit together? Harry : No, not at all. Mr. Rustanta : (b) ________ Harry : (c) ________ Jawaban: a. Im sorry. b. Thank you. c. Youre welcome. 2. Stefi went to Surabaya last week. She did not know Surabaya very well, and she lost her way.

Hmm . . . sorry, I dont know. Please dont feel bad about it.

I cant say that. Excuse me, Madam.

Stefi : (a) ________ Woman : Yes? Stefi : Do you know Jl. Untung Surapati, Madam? Woman : Jalan Untung Suropati? Let me think. Stefi : Well? Woman : (b) ________ Please ask that man. He might know. Stefi : O.K., Madam. Thanks. Woman : Im very sorry I cant help you. Stefi : (c) ___________________________ Jawaban: a. Excuse me, Madam. b. Hmm . . . sorry, I dont know. c. Please dont feel bad about it. 3. Neno passed through the red light and was caught by the police officer.

Oh, sorry, Sir. Theres no reason to apologize for that.

It would be fine. Is there anything wrong, Sir?

Neno : (a) ________ Officer : Yes. You passed through the red light. Neno : No, I didnt. It was yellow when I passed through. Officer : Sorry, but may I see your driver license, please? Neno : (b) ________ I dont have it on me now. I think I leave it at home. Officer : (c) ________ Heres your ticket. See you in the court next week. Jawaban: a. Is there anything wrong, Sir? b. Oh, sorry, Sir. c. Theres no reason to apologize for that.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1



Rearrange the sentences into good dialogs. Practice them with your friend(s).

Percakapan-percakapan yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1. Mr. Hartawan is in the baggage claim. He tries to find his suitcase. 7 Mr. Hartawan : Let me see it. Thats right. Thank you. 3 Mr. Hartawan : Its a black suitcase and its got a zip. Theres a tag with my name and address on it. 5 Mr. Hartawan : No, thats not mine. 1 Mr. Hartawan : Excuse me, I left a suitcase in the plane to Makassar this morning. : What about this one? 6 Attendant : Is this yours? 4 Attendant Attendant : Delighted I was able to help. 8 : Can you describe it, Sir? 2 Attendant 2. Nugraha is playing football with his friends. Suddenly . . . . 3 Nugraha : I stepped on a thorn or something. 7 Nugraha : Thank you. 1 Nugraha : Ouch! 5 Nugraha : I might step on a piece of glass. 2 Lukman : Whats the matter, Nug? 6 Lukman : It could be. Well, let me take you home. 4 Lukman : Let me have a look! There is nothing, except a small cut. 8 Lukman : Anytime. Its a hot day. Santi feels exhausted. She wants to drink her apple juice in the fridge, but it is not there now. So, she asks her brother. : Have you? 3 Santi : Nang, wheres my apple juice? Dont tell me you have drunk it! 1 Santi Santi : You really disappoint me. 7 : How could you? Didnt you know that it was mine? 5 Santi Danang : Hmm. Sorry, I couldnt help it. I felt very thirsty after playing football, so I drank it. 4 6 Danang : I know, sorry. Well, let me get one for you. Please wait. 2 Danang : Sorry, I have. 8 Danang : Sorry.


Variasi: Siswa disuruh melakukan kegiatan berikut berdasarkan perintah yang sama. 1. Mr. Blakes car was broken two days ago. He put it in the car workshop. Now hes checking it if its already done. 3 Mr. Blake : Its B 454 H. Have your mechanics finished yet? 5 Mr. Blake : When will you make it ready? 1 Mr. Blake : Excuse me. Is my car ready yet? 7 Mr. Blake : Thanks. 2 Attendant : Whats your car number, Sir? 6 Attendant : Let me call the mechanic. Hell tell you about it. 8 Attendant : My pleasure. 4 Attendant : Im so sorry, Sir. My mechanics are still working on it.


UNIT 3 Thank You


Mita is on a bus on her way home. 8 Conductor : Can you change this fifty thousand note, Madam? 1 Conductor : Fares, please! 10 Conductor : Thank you, Madam. 3 Conductor : Im sorry. I dont have any change for a fifty thousand note. Havent you got any small change? Conductor : Please, wait. Let me ask some of the passengers, then. 5 Do you have any small change, Sir? Mita : Sorry. I dont have it, Sir. 4 : Here, Sir. Kebon jeruk, please. 2 Mita Passenger A : No, I dont, sorry. 6 7 Passenger B : I havent got any either. : Dont mention it. 11 A woman A woman : Let me see. Oh, Ive got some. Here youre. 9


Work in pairs. Make dialogs based on the situations below. Practice them with your partner.


You always do the house work, like mopping and sweeping the floor as well as watering the flowers. Your brother/sister often helps you. Express your gratitude after he/she helps you. 2. You are going to your teachers house. You dont know where it is. You ask someone about the address. Express your gratitude after he/she helps you. 3. You notice that your teacher is in trouble. She has to pull her motorcycle. You offer some help and she expresses her gratitude. Respond her properly. 4. You are visiting your friend with your little sister. You are chatting with her when suddenly your sister breaks a vase. You ask for her apology. She understands that and forgives you. 5. You received a phone call from your sisters friend. She wanted your sister to call her. Unfortunately, you forgot. You remember it the next morning, but its too late. You ask for your sisters forgiveness. She forgives you and tells you not to do it again some other time. You promise that. Contoh jawaban: 1. Your sister : Let me help you mop the floor. You : O great! Thanks. Your sister : Dont mention it. 2. You : Excuse me, Sir. Old man : Yes? You : Do you know Mr. Rudiantos house? Old man : Mr. Rudiantos house? Err . . . its two blocks from here. Its on the left side with brown wall. You : Thank you, Sir. Old man : Youre welcome. 3. You : It seems youre in trouble, Maam. Let me help you. Your teacher : Thats O.K. I can manage it myself. You : But I insist to help you. Who knows I can fix your motorcycle, Maam. Your teacher : Well, then. I appreciate it. You : Anytime.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1




You Your friend You You Your sister You Your sister You

: : : : : : : :

O, sorry. My little sister broke your beautiful vase. Ill change it. Thats alright. Dont trouble yourself. Shes just a little girl. Thank you for your understanding. Oops, sorry for telling you this. Whats up? You got a phone call from Viona yesterday afternoon. But sorry, I forgot to tell you that. Thats O.K. But never ever do that again, will you? I wont. I promise.

F. 1

Look at the pictures and read the words. 2 3 4 5

Pic. source: www.rapidonline.com

Pic. source: www.globe-shop

Pic. source: dokumentasi penerbit

Pic. source: www.mirza.com

Pic. source: www.critocn.com

eraser 6

pencil sharpener 7 8


correction pens 9 10


Pic. source: www.magneticframes.com

Pic. source: www.senpol.com

Pic. source: www.straitscomart.com

Pic. source: www_engineersedge_com

Pic. source: dokumentasi penerbit

crayons 11

color pencils 12

water color 13 14

compass 15


Pic. source: www_fredaldous_com

Pic. source: www.upload.wikimedia

Pic. source: www.viscot.com

Pic. source: dokumentasi penerbit

Pic. source: www_artsuply_com

rubber 16 17


board markers 18 19

backpack 20


Pic. source: www.ahits.biz

Pic. source: dokumentasi penerbit

Pic. source: www.ireviewelectronics.com

Pic. source: www.avdeals.com

Pic. source: www.kohdesign.com




LCD projector



UNIT 3 Thank You


Ask and answer questions based on the pictures in Task F. Use the verb have/has.

Example: You : Sandi, do you have a dictionary? Sandi : Yes, I have one. You : May I use it for a second? Sandi : Sure. Here youre. You : Thanks. Contoh jawaban: Reno : How many pens do you have? Tia : I have three. Reno : Do you have the red one? Tia : Yes. I have two red pens. Reno : May I borrow one? Tia : Sure. Here you are. H. Do all the sentences use the verb have/has correctly? Correct the incorrect ones.

1. How many feet does a spider have? 2. Does Ms. Kartini has three children? 3. SMPN 6 doesnt has an English laboratory. 4. Vina have an excellent performance. 5. Diana has blue eyes. 6. That house have three stairs. 7. Do you have a jacket? 8. Oki and Sani has good English speaking skill. 9. Do they have any homework today? 10. Those tourist buses only has thirty seats. Jawaban: 1. Correct. 2. Incorrect. Does Ms. Kartini have three children? 3. Incorrect. SMPN 6 doesnt have an English laboratory. 4. Incorrect. Vina has an excellent performance. 5. Correct. 6. Incorrect. That house has three stairs. 7. Correct. 8. Incorrect. Oki and Sani have good English speaking skill. 9. Correct. 10. Incorrect. Those tourist buses only have thirty seats. I. Complete the dialogs with the correct form of the verb have. Practice them with your friend.

Dialog 1 Heny : I (1) ________ two doughnuts. Do you want some? Reina : No, thanks. Jane (2) ________ her lunch and she has promised to give me some. Heny : What does she (3) ________? Mona : She (4) ________ hamburgers.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1

Dialog 2 Lala : Rossi (5) ________ a sister. Her mother just gave birth to a baby last night. Unang : Does she? Lala : I got a short message from Kiki. She told me that. Unang : So, Rossis mother (6) ________ three children now, a boy and two girls. Dialog 3 Hadi : Do me a favor, Rif? Rifky : Sure. Whats up? Hadi : I want to write a letter, but I dont (7) ________ any paper. Rifky : Well, I (8) ________ some. Here you are. Hadi : Thanks. Dialog 4 Fajar : Do you think Dadang (9) ________ a handphone? Eka : I think so. He (10) ________ one, but he cant use it to browse in the Internet. Jawaban: 1. have 2. has 3. have 4. has 5. has 6. has 7. have 8. have 9. has 10. has J. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Read and understand the sentences below. Pay attention to the bold typed words. My parents bought me a new mobile phone. Ms. Riani told us to attend the meeting immediately. Who was the girl with you last night? Father is in the garden. Tell him that Mr. Rusmanto is here. Have you ever met her before? No, I havent.

Variasi: Do the following sentences use the pronouns correctly? Correct the incorrect ones. 1. Let them play outside. 2. I will use it immediately. 3. Where will us meet the Principal? 4. Thats Rona. Shall I call she now? 5. Ella told I that she would be home late. 6. Mother gave me some money this morning. 7. Turn off the computer and leave them there. 8. I have to speak to Mr. Ronald now. 9. Is this your car, Sir? Him will leave soon. Please park it in the parking area. 10. Your brother is sleeping. Wake he up because he has to go to work early. Jawaban: 1. Correct. 2. Correct. 3. Incorrect. Where will we meet the principal? 4. Incorrect. Thats Rona. Shall I call her now? 5. Incorrect. Ella told me that she would be home late. 6. Correct. 7. Incorrect. Turn off the computer and leave it there. 8. Incorrect. I have to speak to Mr. Ronald now. He will leave soon. 9. Correct. 10. Incorrect. Your brother is sleeping. Wake him up because he has to go to work early.


UNIT 3 Thank You


Choose the correct pronouns in brackets to complete the sentences. Read your work with proper pronunciation.

1. Please tell ________ (I, me) who those girls are. 2. Do ________ (I, you) know Afgan? ________ (He, She) is a new pop singer star. 3. Grandma just received a letter. ________ (He, She) wants ________ (I, me) to read ________ (it, its) for ________ (her, him). 4. Gladys has her 15th birthday party today. ________ (She, You) invites her friends. ________ (They, Them) enjoy the party very much. 5. Father bought some books for ________ (we, us). ________ (I, He) bought ________ (it, them) in Cemerlang Stationary Shop. 6. Those boys are going to the field. ________ (We, They) are going to play football together. 7. Our teachers always remind ________ (me, us) to study well for the exam. 8. Naughty boy! Dont tease your little sister and make ________ (she, her) cry. 9. Mom, Ms. Mawar just phoned ________ (you, us). ________ (He, She) asked ________ (me, you) to call ________ (her, him) back. 10. In this library ________ (we, us) usually spend our second break time. Jawaban: 1. me 2. you; He 3. She; me; it; her 4. She; They 5. us; He; them 6. They 7. us 8. her 9. you; She; you; her 10. we Variasi: Complete the sentences with correct pronouns. 1. Please tell Mr. Irianto. I want to meet ________ in a few seconds. 2. Alfi has a pair of rabbits as pets. He keeps ________ in a nice cage. 3. Your sister is in the yard. Call ________ to have lunch. 4. Utami tells her friends that Mr. Setyadi is in hospital. She said to her friends, Let ________ visit him this afternoon. 5. Agung is helping his mother clean the house. He keeps all old magazines and newspapers in a box. Then, he puts ________ in the warehouse. 6. We see a comedy film now. The action makes ________ laugh all the time. 7. Your music is too loud, Reed. Please turn ________ down, will you? 8. Kartini tells her brother, My friends, Dallon, Uci and Halida, will be here in a minute. Please let ________ know when they are here. 9. That girl is my new neighbor. ________ want to visit her this afternoon. 10. Keep yourself busy, so you will never think to use drugs. They will surely harm ________. Jawaban: 1. him 2. them 3. her 4. us 5. them 6. us 7. it 8. me 9. I 10. you L. Complete the dialog below with correct pronouns.

Aji finished his mid-term test last week. He got his grades today. He tells his parents about his scores now. Aji : Mom, Dad. (1) ________ have got my grades. Mother : Tell us. How did (2) ________ do it?

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1

: Well, I got 98 for the English lesson and 99 for Science. I got 93 for Math, 97 for Civics and 96 for Religion. Father : Thats wonderful! You are really the best student in class, arent you? Aji : Yes, Dad. But I only got 90 for Social sciences. Mother : Never mind. Its more than enough. You know, son, you make (3) ________ very proud of you. Father : But remember. You should keep your pace. Your friends will study harder. They want to be the best next time. Mother : Dont let (4) ________ pass you in the next corner. Aji : Yes, Mom, Dad. Wish (5) ________ luck. Jawaban: 1. I 2. you 3. us 4. them 5. me M. Practice the dialog in Task L with your friend. N. Tell the class where you and your friends sit. Use ordinal numbers. See the example.


Example: Good morning, friends. Let me tell you something. I sit in the second row. Galang sits beside me. Monalisa sits in front of me. So, she sits in the first row. Edy sits behind me. It means he sits in the third row. Variasi: Ask and answer questions like the example. Example: A : How many students are there in your classroom? B : There are forty students. A : Where do you sit? B : I sit in the third row. What about yours? A : There are also forty students in my classroom. I sit in the first row.


Ask and answer questions about your duty rooster and the schedule. See the example.

Example: You : Hi, Maya! You have to clean the classroom today, right? Maya : What day is it today? You : Friday. Maya : No . . . no. I have the duty to clean the classroom on Saturday. You : Oh, sorry. By the way, when will we have the Science test? Maya : Science test? Its on next Monday, Im afraid. You : Thanks.


UNIT 3 Thank You

3.2 Short Functional Texts: Spoken Messages and Gratitude Cards

Spoken Text
Listen to your teacher. Study the explanation.
Mona, your friend Deswita just called. She reminded you to bring the atlas. Thanks, Mom.

The text is a spoken message. Monas mother just got that message from Deswita. Then, she delivered it to Mona. Remember! You should deliver any messages whenever you get them. You know, you may forget them if you delay to deliver them.

Written Text
Read and understand the text. Dear Rosa, The party has done. Everything ran well. Thank you for your support. I may need your help some other time. Thank you again. Dora

The text above is a gratitude card. Dora wrote it in order to express her gratitude for Rosas support in her party. You need to write a similar card some day, especially in the Mothers Day.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Read the text and answer the questions.

Dad, Mr. Hasbi called you when you took shower. He didnt leave any messages. He will call you back later.

Questions: 1. Who delivers the message? Jawaban: A son/daughter to his/her father does. 2. What is it about? Jawaban: About Mr. Hasbis call when the father took shower. 3. Who just called? Jawaban: Mr. Hasbi did. 4. What would he do later? Jawaban: He would call back later.


Listen to your teacher and answer the questions below.

Pesan singkat yang dibacakan guru: Mother : Iwang, you got a package from abroad. I put it on your desk. Iwang : Thanks, Mom. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Who delivers the message? Jawaban: Iwangs mother does. What is the message about? Jawaban: About a package from abroad for Iwang. I put it on your desk. What does the underlined word refer to? Jawaban: A package. Where can Iwang get it? Jawaban: On his desk. What did Iwang say to express his gratitude? Jawaban: He said, Thanks, Mom. Listen to your teacher. Write down the message.

Pesan lisan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: Erwin, Ms. Silvia wants you to turn off her computer. She will go to the meeting.
UNIT 3 Thank You


Your teacher will ask you some questions about the message in Task B. Answer the questions orally.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru: 1. Who gets the message? 2. Who sends the message? 3. What is the message about? 4. Erwin, Ms. Silvia wants you to turn off her computer. What does the words turn off in Indonesian mean? 5. Why does she ask him to do so? Jawaban: 1. Erwin does. 3. About turning off the computer. 5. She will go to the meeting. 2. 4. Ms. Silvia does. It means mematikan.

A. 1

Say the messages below with proper pronunciation. 2

Wulan, Esti just called you when you were in the toilet. She wanted to ask you about the mathematics homework. She would call you back.

Mom, Ms. Indiah was here half an hour ago. She invites you to visit Ms. Ista in hospital. Shes waiting for your confirmation.

B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Answer the questions below based on the messages in Task A. Who is Esti? Jawaban: Wulans classmate. Why did she call Wulan? Jawaban: She wanted to ask Wulan about the mathematics homework. What would she do then? Jawaban: She would call Wulan back. What is the message 2 about? Jawaban: About an invitation to visit someone in hospital. Who is in hospital? Jawaban: Ms. Ista is.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Variasi: Read the text and answer the questions. Roni, Stevi borrows your dictionary. He will give it back to you after the test.

Questions: 1. In your opinion, why did Roni got a message? Jawaban: Because Stevi didnt meet Roni by himself when he borrowed the dictionary. 2. When will he return it? Jawaban: After the test.

C. 1.

Make spoken messages based on the situations below.

Your father is taking a nap. Mr. Setiawan from Unggul Repair Shop just called. He said that your fathers car is done. He asked your father to take it before 5 p.m. today. 2. Mother used your brothers printer a few minutes ago. Now it runs out of ink. She doesnt know how to refill it. Then, she asks you to tell your brother about it. 3. The principal wants to meet the captain of the class. She is in the library now. The principal asks you to tell her about it now. Contoh jawaban: 1. Dad, Mr. Setiawan from Unggul Repair Shop called while you were taking a nap. Your car is done. He asked you to take it before 5 p.m. today. 2. Vito, mom just used your printer. It runs out of ink now. Mom doesnt know how to refill it. 3. Hertina, the principal is looking for you. He wants to meet you now in his office.

Read the texts and choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer. Read the text and answer questions 1 and 2. I dont know what to say to express my gratitude. You did a great job to support me solve my problem. Thank you very much. Berlina


The card is about ________. A. Berlinas achievement B. Berlinas problem C. Berlinas gratitude for someones support D. how to solve Berlinas problem Jawaban: C Isi teks tersebut disimpulkan dari frasa to express my gratitude (untuk menyampaikan rasa terima kasih saya) dan kalimat kedua yang artinya Kamu bekerja bagus untuk mendorong saya menyelesaikan masalah.. Jadi, isi teks tersebut tentang ucapan terima kasih Berlina atas dorongan seseorang (Berlinas gratitude for someones support).


UNIT 3 Thank You


Berlina sent the card because ________. A. she could solve her problem with her friends support B. she wanted to meet her friend C. her friend did a great job D. her friend helped her solve the problem well Jawaban: D Alasan Berlina mengirim kartu ucapan itu karena temannya telah mendorongnya menyelesaikan masalah dengan baik (her friend helped her solve the problem well), yang disimpulkan dari kalimat kedua yang artinya Kamu bekerja dengan bagus untuk mendorong saya menyelesaikan masalah..


Read the text and answer questions 3 to 5.

Dear Uncle and Aunt Johnson, I am very grateful to have you both. You are always there when I need you. You always cheer me up when Im down. Thanks, Uncle and Auntie. Ill never forget that. Love, Seno



Who sent the card? A. Uncle Johnson did. B. Aunt Johnson did. C. Uncle and Aunt Johnsons niece. D. Uncle and Aunt Johnsons nephew.

Jawaban: D Nama pengirim biasanya ditulis di bagian akhir kartu, yaitu Seno (anak laki-laki). Berdasarkan sapaan yang ditulis di kartu, Uncle and Auntie, dapat disimpulkan yang mengirim kartu adalah keponakan laki-laki Paman dan Bibi Johnson (Uncle and Aunt Johnsons nephew). Seno sends that gratitude card because ________ A. they always remember him B. they always accompany him whenever he needs them C. he never forgets them D. he always accompany them whenever they need him Jawaban: B Alasan Seno mengirim kartu ucapan adalah untuk berterima kasih kepada paman dan bibinya yang selalu berada di sampingnya kapan pun dia membutuhkan mereka (they always accompany him whenever he needs them), yang disimpulkan dari kalimat kedua dan ketiga. You always cheer me up when Im down. The underlined word means ________ A. feeling sad B. feeling lonely C. falling D. feeling happy Jawaban: A Klausa when Im down bermakna ketika saya terpuruk. Kata terpuruk bisa diartikan seseorang sedang merasakan kesedihan (feeling sad), bukan merasa sendirian (feeling lonely), jatuh (falling) dalam arti sebenarnya, ataupun merasa senang (feeling happy).

Variasi: Read the gratitude card below with proper pronunciation. Then, answer the questions.

I repaired my car in your repair shop two days ago. Im using it now. Its fantastic. You did everything well. Thanks. Halim, Jalan Pinang Mas No. 59 Bekasi

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Questions: 1. What is the card about? Jawaban: About a fantastic car repairment. 2. Who sent it? Jawaban: Mr. Halim did. 3. According to you, why did he send the card? Jawaban: He felt satisfied with the car repairment. 4. Who received it? Jawaban: The repair shop did. 5. Im using it now. What does the underlined word refer to? Jawaban: Mr. Halims car.

Make gratitude cards based on the situations below. Read your work with proper pronunciation. 1. Youve just finished your mid-term test. Your brother/sister helped you prepare yourself for the test. You want to write a card to thank him/her. 2. You couldnt use your computer for weeks because it was broken. Luckily, your uncle came and he fixed it. You can use your computer now. You send a gratitude card to your uncle. 3. Your parents got a present from a new neighbor. They are very pleased with the present. Then, they decide to send him/her a gratitude card. Contoh jawaban: 1. Julie, Ive finished my mid-term test today. Im very grateful that you are always beside me. I do hope my score will be good. Thanks a lot. Tiara 2. Uncle Yoyok, thanks for your effort to fix my computer. I dont need to rent a computer now. Thank you, Uncle. Your niece, Retno


Dear Mr. Hartawan, Were very pleased to have your excellent present. We thank you for it. Sincerely, Gunawan and family


UNIT 3 Thank You

Collect some gratitude cards. List the expressions used in the cards. Share your work with the class.

Read and memorize the words. Use them whenever you speak English. apologize apology appreciate behave boarding house break change delay deliver dial disturb especially : : : : : : : : : : : : meminta maaf permintaan maaf menghargai bertingkah laku asrama istirahat uang kembalian, uang receh menunda menyampaikan menelepon menganggu khususnya

fix forgive grateful gratitude invite kindness manner message offer pass through repair shop step on tidy unintentionally upset

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

memperbaiki memaafkan merasa berterima kasih rasa terima kasih mengundang kebaikan sopan-santun pesan menawarkan melintas, melewati bengkel menginjak rapi secara tidak sengaja gelisah

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1



Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

Topo : (4) ________. Rosana : Youre welcome. 3. A. her B. him C. you D. them Jawaban: C Berdasarkan ucapan Rosana, dia ingin memanggilkan taksi untuk Topo. Dalam percakapan tersebut, Topo adalah orang kedua. Object pronoun orang kedua adalah you. 4. A. Im not sure B. Im sorry I cant C. Thank you for your help D. I dont know what to say Jawaban: C Berdasarkan respons Rosana Youre welcome. yang artinya Sama-sama., itu berarti Topo mengucapkan rasa terima kasih. Pilihan jawaban (A) salah karena ucapan itu mengungkapkan keraguan (expressing doubt), (B) salah karena ucapan tersebut digunakan untuk meminta maaf (apologizing), dan (D) salah karena ucapan tersebut digunakan untuk menolak memberi pendapat (refuse to give an opinion). This dialog is for questions 5 and 6. Edo : (5) ________, Sir. I come late. Teacher : Thats all right. Go to your seat. 5. A. B. C. D. Let me explain Im sorry Im happy Im glad you like it
Ujian Nasional 2002/2003

1. Sofia : I have a pen friend from Medan. Now she comes to this town. Can you accompany me to meet her? Pipin : ________. I have many things to do now. Sofia : What about tomorrow afternoon? Pipin : O.K., no problem. A. O.K., lets go B. I am very sorry, I cant C. No, thanks D. Thank you for your offer Jawaban: B Berdasarkan isi percakapan, Sofia mengajak Pipin untuk menemui sahabat penanya. Ternyata Pipin mempunyai banyak pekerjaan (kalimat I have many things to do.) sehingga dia tidak bisa. Dia pun meminta maaf karena tidak bisa menemani Sofia. Jadi, ungkapan yang sesuai adalah I am very sorry, I cant. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan isi percakapan. 2. Look! Here is my school. It ________ a wide school yard. We always play there during the break. A. has B. have C. is D. makes Jawaban: A Kalimat rumpang itu artinya Sekolah saya . . . halaman sekolah yang luas.. Berdasarkan artinya, kalimat itu memerlukan kata kerja has yang artinya mempunyai karena subjek kalimat adalah it. Pilihan jawaban (B) salah karena have digunakan untuk subjek you, I, we, they atau subjek jamak, (C) dan (D) salah karena tidak sesuai dengan konteks kalimat tersebut. For questions 3 and 4, choose the correct words or sentences to complete the dialog. Rosana : What time will you leave for Korea? Topo : At 8 a.m. Rosana : Let me call a taxi for (3) ________.

Jawaban: B Berdasarkan kalimat Edo I come late. yang artinya Saya datang terlambat., kalimat yang tepat diucapkan sebelumnya adalah kalimat permintaan maaf, yaitu Im sorry. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai konteks percakapan. 6. The A. B. C. D. dialog happens ________. at home in the library in the teachers office in the classroom

UNIT 3 Thank You

Jawaban: D Berdasarkan konteksnya, percakapan itu terjadi di kelas (in the classroom). Hal ini terbukti Edo meminta maaf kepada gurunya karena terlambat masuk kelas. Pilihan jawaban yang lainnya salah karena tidak sesuai konteks percakapan. This dialog is for questions 7 and 8. Grocer : Sorry, Madam. Do you (7) ________ a small change? I cant change this one hundred thousand note. Mrs. Tya : Im very sorry. Ive got no small change. 7. A. have B. has C. can D. think Jawaban: A Berdasarkan konteks percakapan, pedagang itu meminta uang selain Rp100.000,00 karena dia tidak mempunyai uang kembalian. Jadi, kata kerja yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat pertanyaan tersebut adalah have yang artinya mempunyai. Pilihan jawaban (B) salah karena pilihan itu digunakan pada kalimat affirmative dengan subjek tunggal, (C) salah karena can yang artinya dapat bukan kata kerja, dan (D) yang artinya berpikir salah karena tidak sesuai dengan konteks isi percakapan. 8. The dialog takes place ________. A. at the market B. at home C. in a library D. in a restaurant Jawaban: A Percakapan itu terjadi antara pedagang (grocer) dan pembeli (Bu Tya). Jadi, percakapan itu terjadi di pasar (at the market). Pilihan jawaban (B) yang artinya rumah, (C) yang artinya di perpustakaan, dan (D) yang artinya rumah makan salah karena tidak sesuai dengan tokoh yang berbicara dalam percakapan tersebut. 9. Mother : Who are those girls? Merry : They are Ratih and Juliet, Mom.

Mother : Get ________ some drink and cookies. Merry : Sure, Mom. A. me B. us C. them D. they Jawaban: C Kalimat tersebut berbentuk kalimat perintah yang berpola verb base + object + complement. Jadi, kalimat tersebut memerlukan object pronouns. Object pronoun ini mengacu pada objek di kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu Ratih dan Juliet. Karena objeknya adalah orang ketiga jamak, object pronouns yang benar adalah them. 10. Gusti : Dont sit on the chair. There is a sharp nail on ________. Denia : Oh, thanks. A. you B. it C. him D. them Jawaban: B Ucapan Gusti memerlukan object pronoun. Objek kalimat tersebut sudah disebutkan di kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu the chair. Oleh karena itu, untuk menghindari pengulangan object pronoun yang benar adalah it karena menggantikan benda mati. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai sebagai kata ganti the chair. Read the text and answer questions 11 and 12. I am an SMP student. My name is Tessa. I have one elder sister and two younger brothers. My sisters name is Kirana and my brothers names are Odi and Miko. 11. Tessa is the ________ child in her family. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth Jawaban: B Berdasarkan isi teks, Tessa mempunyai satu kakak perempuan dan dua adik lakilaki, kalimat I have one elder sister and two younger brothers.. Itu berarti Tessa adalah anak kedua (second). 12. Tessas parents have ________ children. A. four B. five C. six D. seven

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Jawaban: A Berdasarkan isi teks, Tessa mempunyai satu kakak perempuan dan dua adik lakilaki. Itu berarti orang tua Tessa mempunyai empat (four) orang anak. 13. pencil sharpener do have a you
1 2 3 4 5

Jill ?
6 7

Lola : Here we are. Thanks for giving me a lift. Jones : Any time. Thats what friends are for. Lola : Please drop in. Jones : No, thanks. May be some other time. Lola : O.K. See you tomorrow. Jones : See you. 15. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why are you late? I will, dont worry. Here she comes. I got a flat tire on my way. Im sorry to hear that. I hope youll be on time next time. 6. Sinta : Im sorry for being late. The best arrangement of the sentences to make a good dialog is ________. A. 162435 B. 361452 C. 361524 D. 362415 Jawaban: B Susunan kalimat itu akan membentuk percakapan sebagai berikut. Anang : Here she comes. Sinta : Im sorry for being late. Anang : Why are you late? Sinta : I got a flat tire on my way. Anang : Im sorry to hear that. I hope youll be on time next time. Sinta : I will, dont worry. Answer the questions. Anang : Sinta : Anang : Sinta : Anang :

The best arrangement of the words to make a good sentence is ________. A. 2534167 B. 2561347 C. 2563417 D. 2634157 Jawaban: A Kalimat tersebut berbentuk kalimat tanya, sehingga diawali dengan kata kerja bantu (do) dan diikuti dengan subjek (you), kata kerja (have), objek (a pencil sharpener), sapaan (Jill), dan ditutup dengan tanda tanya (?). Jadi, kata-kata itu akan membentuk kalimat bermakna, yaitu Do you have a pencil sharpener, Jill? yang artinya Apakah kamu mempunyai rautan pensil, Jill?. Susunan yang benar adalah 2534167. 14. 1. Lola : Here we are. Thanks for giving me a lift. 2. Jones : No, thanks. May be some other time. 3. Lola : Please drop in. 4. Jones : Anytime. Thats what friends are for. 5. Lola : O.K. See you tomorrow. 6. Jones : O.K. 7. Lola : We almost there. Turn left, Jo. 8. Jones : See you. The best arrangement of the sentences to make a good dialog is ________. A. 76142358 B. 76143258 C. 76243158 D. 76843152 Jawaban: B Susunan kalimat itu akan membentuk percakapan sebagai berikut. Lola : We almost there. Turn left, Jo. Jones : O.K.

B. 1. 2. 3.

Yesterday was Tuesday. What day is it today? Today is Friday. What day was it yesterday? Today is Friday. What day is it the following day? 4. When is the Mothers Day? 5. Dino has an elder brother and a younger sister. Therefore, Dino is the ______ child in his family. Jawaban: 1. Today is Wednesday. 2. It was Thursday. 3. The following day is Sunday. 4. It is December 22. 5. second


UNIT 3 Thank You


Make a spoken message based on the situation below.

Contoh jawaban:

Your sisters friend, Jojo, just called. He couldnt pick up your sister at 3:30 p.m. He could do it at 4p.m. He said sorry for that. Tell Jojos message to your sister. Contoh jawaban: Your friend Jojo just called. He apologized that he couldnt pick you up at 3:30 p.m., but at 4 p.m. D. Make a gratitude card based on the situation below.

Dear Berlina, Thanks for helping me preparing the party. The party ran well because of you. Thank you very much. Linda

Your close friend Berlina helped you prepare the party. The party ran well. You send a gratitude card to her.

Kegiatan pembelajaran untuk Review Unit 3: Sebelum berpindah ke Unit 4, guru perlu mengetahui atau mengukur ketercapaian kompetensi. Bagian ini bisa dijadikan model. Selain model ini, guru dapat memberikan soal listening. Guru menggandakan soal berikut ini sesuai jumlah siswa. Guru membagikan soal dan memberitahukan waktu yang disediakan untuk mengerjakan soal tersebut. Siswa disuruh mengerjakan semua soal di kertas soal. Mereka disuruh menuliskan nama dan nomor absensi kelas di pojok kanan atas. Siswa disuruh memeriksa kembali hasil pekerjaan mereka sebelum menyerahkannya kepada guru. Setelah waktu yang disediakan habis, siswa disuruh mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaaan mereka kepada guru. Guru memeriksa dan memberi nilai, serta mengembalikan hasil pekerjaan siswa pada pertemuan berikutnya.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1



Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

Read the dialog and answer questions 1 and 2. Mr. Egar : Are you busy, son? Koko : No, Dad. Whats up? Mr. Egar : Please wash the motorcycle. I want to use it in an hour. Koko : Right away, Dad. Mr. Egar : I appreciate it, boy. Thanks. Koko : My pleasure. 1. Where does the dialog happen? A. In an office. B. At home. C. At school. D. In a repair shop. 2. What expression of gratitude can you find in the dialog? A. My pleasure. B. Right away, Dad. C. Please wash the motorcycle. D. I appreciate it, boy. Thanks. For questions 3 to 5, choose the correct sentences to complete the following dialog. Rena : Everyone was looking for you yesterday. Where were you? Yessi : (3) ________ I have something to do. Rena : Why didnt you call? You promised to go with us to the movie. Yessi : (4) ________ I had no time. I was in a hurry. Rena : Is that so? Yessi : Yeah, it is. Rena : Thats O.K. this time. By the way, may I know your problem? Yessi : I know youre my best friend, but not in this case. (5) ________. 3. A. B. C. D. Sorry. Thats all right. How do you know? Not at all.

4. A. B. C. D. 5. A. B. C. D.

I forgive you. I know how you feel. Im very sorry not telling you first. Im all right, thanks. Thank you for your kindness. I dont know what to say. Sorry, I cant share it with you. Its too late, Im afraid.

For questions 6 to 8, choose the correct words to complete the dialog. Teacher : Let me ask you something. How many feet does an ant (6) ________? Student A : Ant is an insect. So, it must (7) ________ six feet. Teacher : What do you think? Student B : Err . . . his answer is correct, Sir. An ant (8) ________ six feet. Teacher : Thats right. 6. A. C. 7. A. B. C. D. 8. A. B. C. D. has does have has dont have doesnt have have has have dont have doesnt have B. D. have doesnt have

For questions 9 and 10, choose the correct words to complete the following dialog. Cindy is in Alices house. She sees many people there. Cindy : Al, there are many people around. Alice : Yeah. There are about eight people living here. Cindy : By the way, how many brothers or sisters do you have? Alice : I have two brothers. Im the youngest, you know. Cindy : So, you are the (9) ________ child in your family.


UNIT 3 Thank You

Alice : Right. What about you? Cindy : I only have one sister. Im the oldest. So, Im the (10) ________ child in my family. Alice : I see. 9. A. B. C. D. 10. A. B. C. D. first second third fourth two one second first

14. A. C. 15. A. C.

her me I He

B. D. B. D.

him it She We

Read the dialog and answer questions 16 and 17. Grandma : What day is it today, Don? Dono : Today is Friday the eighteenth. Grandma : So, tomorrow is Saturday the twentieth. Dono : No, grandma. Tomorrow will be Saturday the nineteenth. Grandma : Youre right. 16. The dialog takes place on ________. A. Saturday 19th B. Saturday 20th C. Friday 18th D. Friday 12th 17. What are Dono and his grandma talking about? A. About their business. B. About tomorrows activity. C. About the following day. D. About the day of that day. Read the dialog and answer questions 18 to 20. Saskia : Have you finished your biology report? Doni : I have. Saskia : Have you printed it? Doni : I have. Saskia : Excellent! Doni : Why do you ask? Saskia : I want to borrow your computer and printer. Doni : Havent you finished yours? Saskia : No, I havent. 18. Who are talking in the dialog? A. A manager and his secretary. B. Two teachers. C. Two students. D. Brother and sister.

Read the dialog and answer questions 11 and 12. Woman : Excuse me, Sir. Man : Yes? Woman : Do you know where the toilet is? Man : Yes. Its downstairs, in the first floor. Woman : I see. Thank you, Sir. Man : Youre welcome. 11. Where will the woman go? A. She will go downstairs. B. She will go to the toilet. C. She will take a bath. D. She will go upstairs. 12. Wheres the toilet? A. Its in the first floor. B. Its in the second floor. C. Its in the third floor. D. Its upstairs. For questions 13 to 15, choose the correct words to complete the dialog. Widhi : Dad, are you expecting someone? Mr. Irwansah : No, I dont. Why? Widhi : Theres someone outside. (13) ________ looks confused. Mr. Irwansah : Mm . . . let (14) ________ in. (15) ________ will ask him what he wants. Widhi : Sure, Dad. 13. A. C. You He B. D. I They

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


19. Saskia asked, Have you printed it? The word it refers to ________. A. Donis work B. a printer C. a computer D. Saskias work 20. Which utensil would Saskia use?


Make a simple dialog. Use expressions of apologizing. Make a simple dialog. Use expressions of thanking. Write a gratitude card.


D. A. C. B. D.


UNIT 3 Thank You

Jawaban Review Unit 3 A. Pilihan Ganda 1. B. Percakapan itu terjadi antara ayah dengan anak laki-lakinya. Percakapan itu tentang permintaan bantuan sang ayah agar anak laki-lakinya mencucikan sepeda motornya. Berdasarkan konteks dan isi percakapan, jelas bahwa percakapan itu terjadi di rumah (at home). Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan konteks percakapan. In an office artinya di kantor. At school artinya di sekolah. In a repair shop artinya di bengkel. 2. D. Koko bersedia membantu ayahnya mencucikan kendaraannya. Sebagai ucapan terima kasih Pak Egar mengucapkan, I appreciate it, boy. yang artinya Saya menghargainya, nak.. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena bukan ekspresi terima kasih. My pleasure digunakan untuk merespons ucapan terima kasih. Right away, Dad digunakan untuk melaksanakan perintah. Please wash the motor cycle digunakan untuk memberi perintah. 3. A. Respons yang sesuai adalah permintaan maaf karena semua orang mencari Yessi dan dia tidak memberi tahu mereka. Pilihan jawaban (B) adalah respons permintaan maaf, (C) adalah ungkapan meminta informasi, dan (D) adalah respons ucapan terima kasih. 4. C. Respons yang tepat diucapkan Yessi karena tidak menepati janji pergi nonton dan tidak menelepon untuk memberi tahu yang lain adalah ungkapan permintaan maaf, yaitu Im very sorry not telling you first. Pilihan jawaban (A) adalah respons permintaan maaf, (B) adalah ungkapan simpati, dan (D) adalah ungkapan menolak tawaran. 5. C. Pilihan jawaban (C) yang artinya maaf, saya tidak dapat menceritakannya benar. Hal ini disimpulkan dari

6. B.

7. D.

8. A.

9. C.

10. D.

11. B.

12. A.

kalimat sebelumnya yang bermakna bahwa meskipun Rena adalah teman baiknya, Yessi tidak dapat memberitahukan masalahnya kepada Rena. Pilihan jawaban (A) adalah ungkapan berterima kasih atas kebaikan seseorang, (B) adalah ungkapan simpati, dan (D) adalah respons permintaan maaf. Kalimat tanya yang menggunakan kata kerja have/has untuk subjek tunggal (an ant) memiliki struktur Wh-question . . . + does + subject + have + ?. Jadi, kata yang tepat melengkapi kalimat soal adalah have. Kalimat affirmative positif dengan menggunakan kata kerja dan modal (must) memiliki pola: Subject + modal + have + . . . . Jadi, kata yang tepat melengkapi kalimat soal adalah have. Kalimat affirmative positif (disimpulkan dengan kalimat . . . his answer is correct. yang artinya . . . jawabannya benar.) yang menggunakan subjek tunggal (an ant) dan kata kerja have/ has mempunyai pola Subject + has + . . . . Jadi, kata yang tepat melengkapi kalimat soal adalah has. Berdasarkan kalimat Alice I have two brothers. Im the youngest, . . . . yang artinya Saya mempunyai dua saudara laki-laki. Saya yang termuda, . . . . berarti Alice adalah anak ketiga (third) di keluarganya. First artinya pertama, second artinya kedua, dan fourth artinya keempat. Berdasarkan kalimat Cindy Im the oldest. yang artinya Saya adalah anak tertua. berarti Cindy adalah anak pertama (first) di keluarganya. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat wanita itu, yaitu Do you know where the tiolet is? yang artinya Apakah Anda tahu letak toilet?. Jadi, wanita itu hendak pergi ke toilet. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat laki-laki itu yang menjawab pertanyaan tentang letak toilet, yaitu

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13. C.

14. B.

15. A.

16. C.

17. D.

18. C.

Its downstair, in the first floor. yang artinya Toilet ada di bawah, di lantai pertama.. Kalimat tersebut memerlukan subjek berupa kata ganti orang (pronoun) ketiga tunggal yang mengacu pada someone outside (seseorang di luar). Pronoun yang benar adalah he. Pronoun you mengacu pada orang kedua tunggal, I untuk orang pertama tunggal, dan they untuk orang ketiga jamak (lebih dari satu). Kalimat tersebut memerlukan objek pronoun yang mengacu pada someone outside. Karena di kalimat sebelumnya, someone outside diganti dengan subjek pronoun he (laki-laki), objek pronoun yang benar untuk kalimat ini adalah him. Her adalah objek pronoun untuk perempuan tunggal (she), me adalah objek pronoun dari I, dan it adalah objek pronoun untuk benda. Subjek pronoun yang benar melengkapi kalimat itu adalah I karena mengacu pada diri pembicara. She, he, we salah karena mengacu pada orang lain. Jawaban disimpulkan dari jawaban Dono atas pertanyaan neneknya tentang nama hari pada saat itu, yaitu Today is Friday the eighteenth. yang artinya Sekarang adalah hari Jumat tanggal 18.. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat yang pertama, yaitu What day is it today? yang artinya Sekarang hari apa?. Jadi, percakapan tersebut tentang nama hari ini (about the day of that day). Jawaban disimpulkan dari frasa biology report yang artinya laporan atau tugas biologi. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan kalau kedua orang dalam percakapan itu adalah anak sekolah (students).

19. A.

20. D.

Kata ganti benda it mengacu pada objek benda yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya, yaitu your report, dan you mengacu pada Doni. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah Donis work. Dalam percakapan itu, Saskia mengatakan I want to borrow your computer and printer. yang artinya Saya ingin meminjam komputer dan printermu.. Jadi, alat yang akan digunakan Saskia adalah gambar di pilihan jawaban (D).

B. Uraian Contoh jawaban: Arum : Niken, I want to talk to you. Niken : What about? You look serious. Arum : It is. I broke your mobile phone. It has no signal now. Im sorry. Niken : How can it be? Arum : Well, I . . . I tried to load an online music. I touched something. Suddenly, it was cut and no signal at all. Niken : You disappoint me. Arum : Please forgive me. Ill take it to a repairman, O.K.? Niken : O.K. Make sure it works again. C. Uraian Contoh jawaban: Tasya : Thanks for giving me a lift, Ar. Aris : My pleasure. Tasya : Please drop in. Aris : No, thanks. Maybe some other time. Tasya : O.K. Bye. Aris : Bye. D. Uraian Contoh jawaban: Olga, youre really a good friend of mine. Your support means a lot to me, thanks. I can manage everything myself now. Im very grateful, thank you!


UNIT 3 Thank You

At the end of this unit you will be able to: 1. ask for and give information, 2. say something politely, 3. create short functional texts (spoken notices), 4. write short functional texts (personal letters), 5. use possessive adjectives and the simple present tense, and 6. tell time and mention kinds of professions.

In your daily life, you need information for sure. It is important for you to understand kinds of expressions to ask for information. You also need to know some expressions to respond to it. You will learn those expressions in this unit. Moreover, you will learn how to ask and tell time. It is important for you to understand them for your daily conversations.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1

4.1 Expressions

Asking for and Giving Information

Read the dialogs and understand the expressions. 1
Yes, it is. Is it your new bicycle? What a nice bicycle! Thanks.

When will we go to the public library? Today I think. How about going there after school? O.K. No problem.

Look at dialog 1. Sari asks Dio about the bicycle. Dio tells her that the bicycle is his. Look at dialog 2. Dio asks Bowo when they will go to the public library. He answers that day after school. Dio agrees with Bowo to go to the public library that day after school. Both dialogs above tell you about asking for and giving information. In dialog 1, Sari uses yes/no question to ask for information. Dio responds to it by saying Yes, it is. It means yes/no questions are always responded by Yes or No. Now, study dialog 2. Dio asks a question using when (kapan). Bowo replies it by telling the time, Today I think. The word when is one of Wh-questions or open questions. You can use it to ask particular kinds of information. If someone asks you a question word when, you must reply him/her by telling the time or date.


UNIT 4 What do You Do?

In English there are some Wh-questions. Here they are. 1. What (Apa) We use it when we ask for information about something. Example: A : What is inside your paper bag? (Apa yang ada di dalam tas kertasmu?) B : A new dictionary. (Sebuah kamus baru.) 2. When (Kapan) We use it to ask about the time that something happened or will happen. Example: A : When will the school bus arrive? (Kapan bus sekolah akan datang?) B : At 6:30 a.m. (Jam 6:30 pagi.) 3. Where (Di mana) We use it to ask questions about place or position. Example: A : Where do you live? (Di manakah tempat tinggalmu?) B : I live at Jalan Menur number 27. (Aku tinggal di Jalan Menur nomor 27.) 4. Which (Yang mana) We use it when we ask for information about one of a limited number of things. Example: A : Which T-shirt do you prefer? (Kaos mana yang kamu pilih?) B : I prefer the black one. (Aku pilih yang berwarna hitam.) 5. Who (Siapa) We use it when we ask about someones identity as a subject. Example: A : Who is your English teacher? B : Mr. Heri Pambudi. Info: To ask about someones identity as an object, we use whom. Example: A : Whom do you usually go to school with? (Dengan siapa kamu biasanya berangkat sekolah?) B : Sheila, my best friend. (Sheila, teman dekatku.) To ask about possession, we use whose (milik siapa). Example: A : Whose book is on the table? (Milik siapakah buku yang terletak di atas meja?) B : Its mine. (Milikku.) 6. Why (Mengapa) We use it to ask for a reason. Example: A : Why do you choose the brown shoes? (Mengapa kamu memilih sepatu yang berwarna coklat itu?) B : Because I like the model. (Karena aku suka modelnya.)

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How (Bagaimana) We use it to ask about the way in which something is done. Example: A : How do you go to school? (Kamu berangkat ke sekolah naik apa?) B : On foot. (Dengan berjalan kaki.)

Saying Something Politely

Read the dialogs and understand the expressions. 1
You shouldnt cut my hair too short. O.K. As you wish.

How much do you need? Well, let me see.

Would you lend me some money? Im broke.

Five thousand rupiah.

Thanks a lot.

Look at the bold-typed words in the dialogs. You use them to ask someone to do or not to do something politely. You can also use could to express politeness. Examples: Could you please get me a paper? or Could you turn on the lamp?

Grammar Section
Possessive Adjectives Read the sentences and understand the bold-typed words. 1. This is my pen. 2. Anto reads his favorite book. 3. Shinta wears her red skirt.


UNIT 4 What do You Do?

4. 5. 6. 7.

My cat often licks its fur. We must keep our environment clean. My sister usually helps Tika, Dita and Ika to solve their math problems. Here is your flash disk.

Pay attention to the bold-typed words in the sentences. They are possessive adjectives. Possessive adjectives means kata ganti kepemilikan. My means milikku, his means miliknya (laki-laki), her means miliknya (perempuan), its means miliknya (untuk benda atau hewan), our means milik kami/kita, your means milikmu/milik kalian and their means milik mereka. Read and understand the use of possessive adjectives in the following dialogs. 1. Alan : Do you know where my pen is? Danu : Umm, . . . I think Siska uses your pen. 2. 3. 4. 5. Nanda : What does Anto usually do during his spare time? Luna : He is playing with his pet. Icha : Why does Rianti look sad? Daniar: She has lost her purse. Juwita : What will you do next holiday? Hardi : My sister and I are going to our grandparents house. Ricky : Where do Pandu and Nanang live? Do you know their addresses? Putri : No, I dont. The Simple Present Tense: Showing Daily Routines Read the sentences and study the explanation. The simple present tense is frequently used in English. You can use it to show your daily routines (daily activities). Examples: Every morning, I wake up at 4:30 a.m., then I make my bed. My sister wakes up earlier than me. She usually helps my mother in the kitchen. After I make the bed, my family and I do the morning prayer together. Once I finish it, I take a shower. At that time, my father usually cleans his car in the garage. My mother and my sister prepare our breakfast at 5:30 a.m. We have our breakfast at 5:45 a.m. When we are ready, we get into the car. My father usually takes my sister and me to school at 6 a.m. After that, he takes my mother to her office. My sister and I arrive at school at 6:20 a.m. After school, I usually go home by bus at 1 p.m. My sister always goes home later than me. She is a senior high student. I often take a nap about an hour. When I wake up, my sister usually arrives home. My parents usually arrive home at 5 p.m. Patterns: Singular subjects Affirmative (+) : He/She/It + verb + -s/-es + object/complement Negative () : He/She/It + does not + verb base + object/complement Interrogative (?) : Does + he/she/it + verb base + object/complement + ?

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Plural subjects and I Affirmative (+) : I/We/You/They + verb base + object/complement Negative () : I/We/You/They + do not + verb base + object/complement Interrogative (?) : Do + we/you/they + verb base + object/complement + ? Info: doesnt = does not; dont = do not In the simple present tense, you usually use adverbs of time (keterangan waktu) such as always (selalu), usually (biasanya), often (sering), seldom (jarang), ever (pernah) and never (tidak pernah). Examples: 1. I always wear uniform to school. 2. My brother usually goes to school with his friends at 6 a.m.. 3. Dian often takes a nap at about 3 p.m. Telling Time Study how to tell time. In the sentence My brother usually goes to school with his friends at 6 a.m., you use a.m. (ante meridiem) to tell the time in the morning. In the sentence Dian often takes a nap at about 3 p.m., you use p.m. (post meridiem) to tell the time after midday or noon (12 p.m.). Study the following examples.

Its six oclock.

Its seven oclock.

Its eight oclock.

My mother picks me up at a quarter to two. My mother picks me up at one forty-five.

My father goes to work at half past six. My father goes to work at six thirty.


UNIT 4 What do You Do?

Remember, use oclock at the full hour only. Dont use oclock if it is not the full hour. Correct examples: 6 = six oclock 6:30 = six thirty/half past six Incorrect example: 6:30 = six thirty oclock Use past for minutes 01minutes 30. Use to (American English: before/of/till) for minutes 31minutes 59. Examples: 7:15 = a quarter past seven 7:30 = half past seven 7:45 = a quarter to eight Kinds of Professions

Read and study the dialog. Putra : Wan, what does your father do? Wawan : He is a police officer. Putra : And your mother? Wawan : Shes a nurse. What about your parents? What do they do? Putra : My father is a sailor and my mother is a housewife. Wawan : I see. Look at the bold-typed expressions. You can use it to ask someones profession/ occupation. You can also do it by saying What is your job? Look at the pictures and remember the words. 1 2 3

Mr. Setiawan is a banker. 4 5

Ms. Aprilia is a doctor.

Miss Claudia is a secretary. 6

Mr. Hidayat is a teacher.

Ms. Diana is a police officer.

Mr. Barata is a soldier.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


That man is a farmer.

Ms. Rini is a grocer.

My uncle is a driver.




Evas father is a firefighter.

Mr. Hardi is a parking attendant.

Julian is a gas pump attendant.




Mr. Wisnu is a dustman.

Eli works as a shop assistant.

Ms. Endang is a satay vendor.




Ms. Erna is a florist.

That man is a fisherman.

Riko is a gardener.


UNIT 4 What do You Do?



Mr. Aswin is a school guard.

Ms. Yetti is a fishmonger.

Remember Unit 3 and answer the questions below. 1. What have you learned in Unit 3? Jawaban: I have learned two English expressions, expressing gratitude or thanking and saying sorry or apologizing. I also learned gratitude cards. What should you say when you make a mistake? Jawaban: I should say, I am sorry. When people help you, what should you say? Jawaban: I should say, Thank you. Do you know the school utensils? Mention them. Jawaban: Yes, I do. Some of them are pens, pencils, rubbers, rulers, correction pens, pencil sharpeners, pencil cases and colored pencils. Make two sentences using the verbs have and has. Contoh jawaban: a. I have many friends. b. Tito has two sisters.

2. 3. 4.


A. 1.

Listen to your teacher and repeat after him/her. Andi Rehandi Andi Rehandi Andi Rehandi : : : : : : Do you want to go home now? No, I dont. When will you go home? In a few minutes. Whats up? Um, . . . can I have a lift? Of course.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1



Titin : Lina : Titin : Lina : Titin : Lina : Raka : Doni : Raka : Doni :

Do you know a book store nearby? Yes, I do. Where is it? Its at Jalan Pandawa number 4. Its near the post office. I see, thanks. Youre welcome. Would you please tell me where the canteen is? Sure. Go straight and turn left. Its next to the library. Thank you very much. Dont mention it. : : : : : : Where are you going? Im going to buy some snacks. Could you buy me a can of orange juice? O.K. Thanks, dear. Anytime, Dad. : : : : : : : Ferdi, how will you go to your uncles house? I will go there by bus, Mom. Whats up? Nothing. I just want to know. In case you need some more money. Yes, Mom. I need it. I dont know exactly how much the fare is. Here you are. Thank you very much, Mom. Youre welcome.



Mr. Santoso Mila Mr. Santoso Mila Mr. Santoso Mila


Mrs. Bambang Ferdi Mrs. Bambang Ferdi Mrs. Bambang Ferdi Mrs. Bambang


Your teacher will ask you some questions based on the dialogs in Task A. Answer the questions orally.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru: Dialog 1 1. What is the relationship between the speakers? 2. What will Rehandi do a few minutes later? 3. What does Andi ask? Dialog 2 4. What are Titin and Lina talking about? 5. Wheres the book store? 6. What does Titin say to ask for information? 7. Whats the relationship between the speakers? Dialog 3 8. What does Raka ask Doni to do? 9. Do you think Raka asks Doni politely? How do you know? Dialog 4 10. What is the relationship between the speakers? 11. Mr. Santoso says, Where are you going? What does he express? 12. Which one is the expression of saying something politely? Dialog 5 13. What is the relationship between the speakers? 14. Which one is the expression of asking for information? 15. Why does Ferdi need some more money?


UNIT 4 What do You Do?

Jawaban: 1. They are classmates. 2. He will go home. 3. He asks for a lift. 4. Theyre talking about a book store nearby. 5. It is at Jalan Pandawa number 4, near the post office. 6. She says, Do you know a book store nearby? 7. Theyre friends. 8. Raka asks Doni to show where the canteen is. 9. Yes, I do. Doni says, Would you please tell me where the canteen is? 10. Father and his daughter. 11. He asks for information. 12. It is Could you buy me a can of orange juice? 13. Mother and her son. 14. It is Ferdi, how will you go to your uncle house? 15. Because he doesnt know exactly how much the fare is. C. Listen to your teacher. Complete the dialogs with the sentences you have heard.

Percakapan-percakapan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: Dialog 1 Derry : You look so pale. (1) Are you O.K.? Ari : No, Im not. Derry : (2) Whats wrong? Perhaps I can help you. Ari : Ive got a stomachache. Derry : Let me take you to the sick bay. Ari : Thanks. Dialog 2 Tara : Ki, (3) who is that cute baby? Kiki : Hes Radit, my youngest brother. Tara : (4) How old is he? Kiki : Eight months old. Dialog 3 Ella Mr. Chandra Ella Mr. Chandra Ella : : : : : Excuse me, Sir. (5) Could you do me a favor? Sure. (6) What is it? (7) Could you show me the way to the railway station? (8) Go straight and turn left at the T-junction. Its near the Golden Hotel. Thank you. Hello. Wijayas speaking. Hello. (9) Can I talk to Miss Tika Wijaya, please? (10) Please hang on. Ill call her. O.K. Thanks.

Dialog 4 Mr. Wijaya : Mrs. Handoko : Mr. Wijaya : Mrs. Handoko :

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1



Read the dialogs below. Your teacher will ask some questions about them. Answer the questions orally. Santi and Sinta are twins. They are going to buy a gift for their friend in a gift shop. Santi : Sinta, what do you think about this purple scarf? Sinta : Its nice, but I think Lina prefers something else. Santi : Um . . ., I think so. Maybe we can give her a night lamp. Sinta : Good idea. What color does she like? Santi : She likes light green. Sinta : Lets get a light green night lamp, then. Santi : O.K. Santi and Sinta are in a gift shop now. Santi : Sinta, lets get in. Sinta : Come on. Shop assistant : Welcome to Kyu-Kyu gift shop. Anything I can help you, Miss? Santi : Well, we need a night lamp. Sinta : Right. Do you have the light green one? Shop assistant : Yes, we have several models here. Take a look. Several minutes later . . . . Sinta : Santi, how about this one? Its pretty good. Santi : I agree with you. Sinta : Excuse me, Miss. We want to buy this lamp. Santi : How much is it? Shop assistant : Its fifty-seven thousand rupiah. Sinta : O.K. We take it. Shop assistant : Please pay at the cashier. Santi : Sure, thanks.



Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. What is the dialog 1 about? Where do you think the two dialogs take place? Where do Santi and Sinta buy the gift? What is the relationship between Santi and Sinta? What does Santi suggest to buy at first? What is Linas favorite color? What do the girls decide to buy at last? What is the gift shop name? Is the shop assistant a man or woman? How do you know? How much is the lamp? What are the expressions of asking for information in the dialogs? What are the expressions of giving information in the dialogs? What does Sinta say to express politeness? What does the shop assistant say to express politeness? After asking for the lamps price, where will Santi and Sinta go?


UNIT 4 What do You Do?

Jawaban: 1. About deciding a gift for their friend. 2. The first dialog is at home or on the way and the second one is in a gift shop. 3. In a gift shop. 4. They are twins. 5. A purple scarf. 6. Light green. 7. A light green night lamp. 8. Kyu-Kyu gift shop. 9. A woman. Based on Sintas sentence, Excuse me, Miss. We want to buy this lamp. 10. Fifty-seven thousand rupiah. 11. There are What color does she like?, Do you have the light green one?, How much is it?. 12. There are She likes light green., Yes, we have several models here., Its fifty-seven thousand rupiah.. 13. She says, Excuse me, Miss. 14. She says, Welcome to Kyu-Kyu gift shop. and Anything I can help you, Miss? 15. To the cashier. E. Listen to your teacher. Answer his/her questions based on your own data.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. What is your full name? Whats your birth date? Whats your fathers name? What does your father do? Whats your mothers name? What does your mother do? Do you have brothers or sisters? How many brothers or sisters do you have? What lesson do you like? Why do you like the lesson? Where is your English book? Will you do your homework? Will you do house work? Will you help your friends? Could you read your book loudly?

Contoh jawaban: 1. Ferry Kurniawan Ardianto. 3. Andika Surya Bagaskoro. 5. Sartika Dian Handoyo. 7. Yes, I do. 9. I like English and math. 11. In my bag. 13. Yes, I will. 15. Yes, I could.

2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. 14.

August 20, 1996. He is a lawyer. She is a housewife. I have one elder brother only. English is fun and math is challenging. Yes, I will. Yes, I will.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Variasi: Guru menyuruh siswa untuk bertanya kepada teman sebangkunya dengan menggunakan pertanyaan di Task E atau pertanyaan yang mengandung Wh-questions. Selain itu, siswa diperbolehkan mengajukan pertanyaan yang mengandung yes/no questions. F. Listen to you teacher. Write down the sentences you have heard.

Kalimat-kalimat yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: 1. I always go to school on foot. 2. My friends and I usually study English together in my house. 3. My mother often asks me to go to the market with her. 4. Enis father seldom reads newspapers without his glasses. 5. Edis brother never skips school. 6. Devis sister likes oranges very much. 7. My brother doesnt like oranges. 8. Does your grandmother read a book every day? 9. Does Bambang think English is difficult? 10. Does Veras best friend always go to Veras house in weekends? G. Read the sentences in Task F. Underline the subjects and circle the verbs.

Jawaban: 1. I always go to school on foot. 2. My friends and I usually study English together in my house. 3. My mother often asks me to go to the market with her. 4. Enis father seldom reads newspapers without his glasses. 5. Edis brother never skips school. 6. Devis sister likes oranges very much 7. My brother doesnt like oranges. 8. Does your grandmother read a book every day? 9. Does Bambang think English is difficult? 10. Does Veras friend always go to Veras house in weekends?


UNIT 4 What do You Do?

Variasi: Find the meanings of the verbs in Task F. Jawaban: 1. go = pergi 2. 3. ask = meminta, menyuruh 4. 5. skip = membolos 6. 7. like = suka 8. 9. think = berpikir 10. H.

study read like read go

= = = = =

belajar membaca suka membaca pergi

Listen to your teacher. Match the sentences youve heard with the suitable pictures. Fill in the sentence number in each box near the correct picture.

Kalimat-kalimat yang dibacakan guru: 1. Mr. Sanjaya is a teacher. He teaches English in my school. 2. Miss Anita is a grocer. She works in a market. 3. Mr. Parwoto is a driver. He drives a taxi. 4. Ms. Santika is a doctor. She works in a public health center. 5. Mr. Herman is a fisherman. He catches fish at sea. 6. Mr. Karyo works as a dustman in my place. He always goes to work early in the morning. 7. Mr. Parto is a gardener. He works diligently. 8. Ardi works as a gas pump attendant. His work place is not far from his house. Gambar-gambar soal dan jawaban: 5 4 1 8

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1



Your teacher will ask you some questions about the sentences in Task H. Answer them orally.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru: 1. What does Mr. Sanjaya do? 2. Where does Mr. Sanjaya work? 3. What does Miss Anita do? 4. Where does Miss Anita work? 5. What does Mr. Parwoto do? 6. Where does Mr. Parwoto work? 7. What does Ms. Santika do? 8. Where does Ms. Santika work? 9. What does Mr. Herman do? 10. Where does Mr. Herman work? 11. What is Mr. Karyos job? 12. When does he usually go to work? 13. What is Mr. Parto? 14. How does he work? 15. Is Ardis workplace far from his house? Jawaban: 1. He is a teacher. 3. She is a grocer. 5. He is a taxi driver. 7. She is a doctor. 9. He is a fisherman. 11. He is a dustman. 13. He is a gardener. 15. No, it is not.

2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. 14.

In school. In a market. In a taxi company. In a public health center. At sea. He goes to work early in the morning. He works diligently.

Variasi: Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones. 1. A grocer works in a gas station. 2. A doctor works in a public health center. 3. A teacher works in school. 4. A taxi driver works in an airport. 5. A fisherman works at sea. Jawaban: 1. F. A grocer works in a market. 2. T 3. T 4. F. A taxi driver works in a taxi. 5. T


UNIT 4 What do You Do?


Listen to your teacher. Write the sentences you have heard in your book.

Kalimat-kalimat yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: 1. Its seven oclock. 2. Its seven fifteen. 3. Its half past seven. 4. Its a quarter to eight. 5. Its a quarter to one. 6. Its half past twelve. 7. Its twelve fifteen. 8. Its twelve oclock. 9. Its five fifteen. 10. Its half past five. K. Read the sentences you have written in Task J. Draw the correct pointers on the clock pictures.

Jawaban: 1 2 3


PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Variasi: Dengan kegiatan pembelajaran yang sama, guru dapat memberikan soal ini. Kalimat-kalimat yang dibacakan guru: 1. Its a quarter to six. 3. Its three fourteen. 5. Its quarter to nine. 7. Its three to ten. 9. Its four to nine. Jawaban: 1 2 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. Its five oclock. Its eleven past two. Its eight to nine. Its four past nine. Its half past four.



Listen to your teacher. Write the text you have heard.

Teks yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: Every Monday, Fitri and his brother go to school earlier than usual. They go to school at 6 a.m. by bicycle. Today they will have a flag hoisting ceremony. Therefore, they have to wear their hats and ties. They usually arrive at school at 6:15 a.m.


UNIT 4 What do You Do?

Variasi: Match the words with their meanings correctly. Then, make sentences using the words. a. d. g. i. biasanya tiba sekolah sepeda b. e. h. j. upacara pengibaran bendera lebih awal saudara laki-laki topi c. f. memakai senin

1. Monday 2. brother 4. flag hoisting ceremony 5. arrive 7. hat 8. usual 10. school Jawaban: 1. f 2. h 3. e 4. b 5. d 6. c 7. j 8. a 9. i 10. g Contoh jawaban: 1. I have a PE class every Monday. 2. I only have one brother. 3. Linda always arrives earlier at school. 4. Tomorrow we will have a flag hoisting ceremony. 5. My mother arrives from Jakarta this afternoon. 6. Linda wears a nice gown in her party. 7. My brother likes to wear a hat. 8. Mr. Karyo goes to work very early as usual. 9. The children go to school by bicycles. 10. My school is near the public health center. M. Read the text you have written in Task L. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Fitri goes to school with her brother. Fitri goes to school on foot. Fitri and his brother have a flag hoisting ceremony on Monday. Fitri doesnt wear a hat during the flag hoisting ceremony. Wearing a hat during the flag hoisting ceremony is a must.

3. earlier 6. wear 9. bicycle

Jawaban: 1. T 2. F. Fitri and her brother go to school by bicycle. 3. T 4. F. Fitri and her brother have to wear their hats during the flag hoisting ceremony. It means, Fitri wears a hat. 5. T

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Variasi: Listen to your teachers questions. Answer the questions based on the text in Task L. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru: 1. When do Fitri and her brother go to school earlier? 2. How do Fitri and her brother go to school? 3. What do they have to wear during the flag hoisting ceremony? 4. Why do Fitri and her brother go to school earlier? 5. Do you think Fitri and her brother are obedient students? Jawaban: 1. They go to school earlier every Monday. 2. By bicycle. 3. A hat and a tie. 4. Because they will have a flag hoisting ceremony. 5. Yes, I do. N. Listen to your teacher. Complete the text based on what you have heard.

Teks yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: Agus usually (1) gets up at five in the morning. He (2) takes a shower at five thirty. He (3) has breakfast at five forty five. After that, he (4) goes to school at a quarter past six. He goes early in the morning because his house is about three kilometers far from school. He goes there by school bus. The lesson (5) starts at seven oclock sharp. Variasi: Listen to your teacher. Write down the sentences you have heard. Kalimat-kalimat yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: 1. A teacher is someone who teaches students at school. 2. A police officer is someone who protects people. 3. A typist is someone who types letters or documents. 4. A shop assistant is someone who helps buyers in a store. 5. A butcher is someone who sells meat. 6. A postman is someone who delivers mails. 7. A doctor is someone who examines people who are sick. 8. A fisherman is someone who catches fish for living. 9. A nurse is someone who takes care of sick people in hospital. 10. A waiter is someone who serves people in a restaurant.


UNIT 4 What do You Do?


Read the complete text in Task N. Fill in the table based on the text. Activities Time Schedule 5 a.m. 5:30 a.m. 5:45 a.m. 6:15 a.m. 7 a.m. Jawaban: B Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan dari subjek di kalimat sebelumnya. 4. When does Agus go to school? A. At 6 a.m. B. At 6:15 a.m. C. At 6:45 a.m. D. At 7 a.m. Jawaban: B Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat After that, he goes to school at a quarter past six.. The lesson starts at seven oclock sharp. The word starts can be best replaced with ________. A. begins B. ends C. finishes D. stops Jawaban: A Kata starts memiliki arti yang sama dengan kata begins, yaitu mulai.

Get up Take a shower Have breakfast Go to school Start the lesson


Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer based on the text in Task N. What is the text about? A. Going to school. B. Waking up in the morning. C. Agus school. D. Agus activities before going to school. Jawaban: D Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena teks tersebut berisi tentang kegiatan Agus dari bangun tidur sampai berangkat ke sekolah. When does Agus usually get up? A. At 5 a.m. B. At 5:05 a.m. C. At 5:15 a.m. D. At 5:45 a.m. Jawaban: A Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat pertama teks. He takes a shower at five thirty. What does the underlined word refer to? A. Agus brother. B. Agus. C. Agus teacher. D. Agus parents.





PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1



Read the text aloud. Listen to your teachers questions. Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer.



Hi, I am Jajat. Mr. Sanjaya is my father and Mrs. Sania Sanjaya is my mother. My father is a doctor. He works in a public hospital. It is at Jalan Serayu number 2. My father works from 9 a.m. up to 5 p.m. He often works overtime. He sometimes arrives home at 8 p.m. My mother is a typist. She works in a public accountant office. She types important documents. She works from 7:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. She usually arrives home at 4:15 p.m. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dibacakan guru: 1. Who is Jajat? 2. What is Mrs. Sania Sanjaya? 3. Where does Mr. Sanjaya work? 4. When does Mr. Sanjaya usually arrive home? 5. When does Mrs. Sanjaya usually arrive home? Soal-soal yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1. A. Mr. Sanjayas brother. B. Mr. Sanjayas neighbor. C. Mr. Sanjayas son. D. Mr. Sanjayas nephew. Jawaban: C Pilihan jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan kalimat kedua teks yang menyebutkan bahwa Pak Sanjaya adalah ayahnya Jajat. A. A typist. B A secretary. C. A teacher. D. A doctor. Jawaban: A Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat My mother is a typist.. Dalam teks disebutkan bahwa Bu Sania adalah ibunya Jajat.





Jawaban: C Dalam teks disebutkan bahwa Pak Sanjaya bekerja di sebuah rumah sakit, maka gambar yang tepat adalah gambar pada pilihan jawaban (C).


UNIT 4 What do You Do?





B. B.

C. C.

D. D.

Jawaban: B Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat kedelapan, He sometimes arrives home at 8 p.m..

Jawaban: A Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat terakhir teks.

Variasi: Read the text in Task Q. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Mr. Sanjaya is Mrs. Sania Sanjayas husband. Mr. Sanjaya is a doctor in a private hospital. Mr. Sanjaya works about eight hours a day. Mr. Sanjaya is a hard worker. Mr. Sanjaya goes to work before 9 oclock at night. Mrs. Sania Sanjaya works as a secretary in an accountant office. Mrs. Sania Sanjayas rarely works overtime. Mrs. Sania Sanjaya job is operating telephones. It takes more than an hour from Mrs. Sania Sanjayas office to her house. Mrs. Sania Sanjaya is a working woman.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Jawaban: 1. T 2. F. Mr. Sanjaya is a doctor in a public hospital. 3. T 4. T 5. F. Mr. Sanjaya goes to work before 9 a.m. It is in the morning. 6. F. Mrs. Sania Sanjaya works as a typist. 7. T 8. F. Mrs. Sania Sanjaya types important documents. 9. F. Mrs. Sania Sanjayas finishes her work at 3:45 p.m. and she arrives home at 4:15 p.m. It means it takes about half an hour from the office to her house. 10. T

A. 1.

Read the dialogs aloud. Practice them with your friend. Tata and Nila are waiting for Ari at Nilas house. They are going to study together. Tata : Nil, do you think Ari will not come? Nila : Umm, . . . he will come in fifteen minutes. Tata : How do you know? Nila : Well, read this SMS. Its from him. Tata : (Reading SMS) Wait for me. I got a flat tire. Ill get there in fifteen minutes. Nila : See? Tata : Hmm, . . . poor boy. Nila : Lets prepare the materials first. Tata : O.K. Dessy Neni Dessy Neni Sari : Haris : Sari : Haris : Sari : : : : : Can I borrow your electronic dictionary, please? Sure. Its inside my bag. Help yourself. Thank you, Neni. No big deal. Do you have Miss Dyahs phone number? No, I dont. But, Reny may have it. Ill ask her, then. O.K. Sorry for not helping you. No problem. Good morning, Maam. Morning, Mawar. Could you do me a favor? My pleasure. What is it? Can you bring me the dictionary on my desk, please? It wont bother.




Mawar : Mrs. Wardoyo : Mawar : Mrs. Wardoyo : Mawar : Dadang Hana Dadang Hana Dadang Hana : : : : : :


Do you have one more pencil? Yes. Whats up? Can I borrow it? I dont bring any pencils today. Help yourself. Thank you. Dont mention it.


UNIT 4 What do You Do?


Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Task A orally.

Dialog 1 1. What is the dialog about? Jawaban: About waiting for a friend who comes late. 2. What are Tata, Nila, and Ari going to do? Jawaban: They are going to study together. 3. Why does Ari come late? Jawaban: He gets a flat tire. 4. Which are the expressions of asking for information? Jawaban: They are Nila, do you think Ari will not come? and How do you know? 5. Which are the expressions of giving information? Jawaban: They are Umm, . . . he will come here in fifteen minutes. and Well, read this SMS. Its from him. Dialog 2 1. What is the dialog about? Jawaban: About borrowing a friends electronic dictionary. 2. Wheres Nenis electronic dictionary? Jawaban: Inside her bag. 3. Does Dessy take the electronic dictionary herself? Jawaban: Yes, she does. 4. Does Dessy ask Nenis permission to borrow the electronic dictionary politely? Jawaban: Yes, she does. 5. What does Dessy say to ask Nenis permission to borrow the dictionary? Jawaban: She says, Can I borrow your electronic dictionary, please? Dialog 3 1. What is the dialog about? Jawaban: About asking for someones phone number. 2. Does Haris have Miss Dyahs phone number? Jawaban: No, he doesnt. 3. Who has Miss Dyahs phone number? Jawaban: Rani does. 4. What expressions of asking for information can you find in the dialog? Jawaban: It is Do you have Miss Dyahs phone number? 5. How many expressions of giving information can you find in the dialog? What are they? Jawaban: Two expressions; No, I dont. and But, Reny, may have it. Dialog 4 1. What is the dialog about? Jawaban: About asking for someones help. 2. Does Mrs. Wardoyo ask for Mawars help politely? Jawaban: Yes, she does. 3. Which expression shows Mrs. Wardoyos politeness? Jawaban: It is Could you do me a favor? 4. Does Mawar want to help Mrs. Wardoyo? Jawaban: Yes, she does. 5. Where is the dictionary? Jawaban: On Mrs. Wardoyos desk.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Dialog 5 1. What is the dialog about? Jawaban: About borrowing someones thing. 2. Where do you think the dialog takes place? Jawaban: In a classroom. 3. What is the relationship between the speakers? Jawaban: They are friends. 4. Do you find the expressions of asking for or giving information? Mention them. Jawaban: Yes, I do. Expressions of asking for information: Do you have one more pencil? and Whats up? Expressions of giving information: Yes.; I dont bring any pencils today. 5. Do you find the expression of politeness? What are they? Jawaban: Yes, I do. It is Can I borrow it? C. Rearrange the sentences into proper dialogs. Practice the proper dialogs with your friend.

Percakapan-percakapan yang diacak dan jawaban: Dialog 1 Mr. Adi : Renaldi, would you mention your complete name? 1 4 3 6 5 2 Renaldi : RENALDI and SUBANDONO. Mr. Adi : How do you spell it? Renaldi : Youre welcome, Sir. Mr. Adi : Thank you, Renaldi. Renaldi : Sure. Renaldi Subandono.

Dialog 2 Putra : Hello, Feb. Where have you been? 1 4 3 2 Febri : Yes. Its at Jalan Pemuda number 5. Putra : Is it around here? Febri : Ive been from my grandmas house.

Dialog 3 Melati is at a bakery. She meets Miss Danti, her English teacher. Melati : I can see it, Miss. You bring 10 blueberry doughnuts in your basket. 9 14 11 2 3 12 5 4 13 6 7

Miss Danti : Thats very kind of you. Melati Melati Melati Melati Melati : Sure, what is it? : Youre right, Im Melati. But Im from Class VIIC. : Never mind, Miss. : Let me help you, then. : Yes, Miss. This is my favorite. Miss Danti : Oh, hello. Are you Melati from Class VIIB? Miss Danti : Umm . . ., I cant bring all of my stuff into my car myself. Theyre quite a lot. Miss Danti : Im sorry, Melati. Miss Danti : Is it a blueberry doughnut in your hand?

UNIT 4 What do You Do?

8 1 10

Miss Danti : I do like it too. Melati : Hello, Miss Danti. Miss Danti : Well, Melati, could you please do me a favor?

Dialog 4 Titi 1 6 5 2 3 4 D.

: Anything I can help you, Maam?

Mrs. Hidayat : Yes. So . . ., I need a kilogram of eggs, a can of tomato soup and a can of sardine. Titi : Sure. Do you need it too? Mrs. Hidayat : Yes, please. I need to buy a kilogram of eggs and a can of tomato soup. Titi : Let me take them for you then. Mrs. Hidayat : Thank you. Do you also have a can of sardine? Find possessive adjectives in the dialogs in Task C. Underline them.

Jawaban: Dialog 1 Mr. Adi : Renaldi, would you mention your complete name? Renaldi : Sure. Renaldi Subandono. Mr. Adi : How do you spell it? Renaldi : RENALDI and SUBANDONO. Mr. Adi : Thank you, Renaldi. Renaldi : Youre welcome, Sir. Dialog 2 Putra : Hello, Feb. Where have you been? Febri : Ive been from my grandmas house. Putra : Is it around here? Febri : Yes. Its at Jalan Pemuda number 5. Dialog 3 Melati is at a bakery. She meets Miss Danti, her English teacher. Melati : Hello, Miss Danti. Miss Danti : Oh, hello. Are you Melati from Class VIIB? Melati : Youre right, Im Melati. But Im from Class VIIC. Miss Danti : Im sorry, Melati. Melati : Never mind, Miss. Miss Danti : Is it a blueberry doughnut in your hand? Melati : Yes, Miss. This is my favorite. Miss Danti : I do like it too. Melati : I can see it, Miss. You bring 10 blueberry doughnuts in your basket. Miss Danti : Well, Melati, could you please do me a favor? Melati : Sure, what is it? Miss Danti : Umm . . ., I cant bring all of my stuff into my car myself. Theyre quite a lot. Melati : Let me help you, then. Miss Danti : Thats very kind of you. Dialog 4 There is no possessive adjective in the dialog.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1

Variasi: Listen to your teacher. Write down the sentences you have heard in your book. Underline the possessive adjectives. Kalimat-kalimat yang dibacakan guru dan sekaligus jawaban: 1. Tina doesnt bring an umbrella. Her umbrella is out of order. 2. I put a book on the table. My book is red in color. 3. My father asks me to get him his glasses. 4. The book looks interesting. I have read its summary. 5. Do you know that Mr. Bowo is our new English teacher? E. Make five sentences using possessive adjectives.

Contoh jawaban: 1. I clean my bicycle before I go to school. 2. Can I borrow your raincoat? 3. We will visit our grandma this holiday. 4. Heru writes something on his book. 5. Kayla brings her little brother a story book. F. 1. Create dialogs based on the following clues. Practice the dialogs in front of the class. Student A Greets student B. Asks where students B will go. Asks student Bs favor to give a book to someone. Says thanks to student B. 2. Student B Gives response to student As greeting. Answers student As question. States whether student B will grant student As request. Gives response to student As gratitude.

Student A Asks why student B looks so happy. Responds to student Bs explanation. Tells student B that you want to go to the canteen. Ask student B to come along.

Student B Answers student As question. Responds to student As statement. Decides whether you will go to the canteen with student A or not.


UNIT 4 What do You Do?

Contoh jawaban: 1. Aan : Hi, Burhan. Burhan : Hi, An. Aan : Where are you heading? Burhan : Im going to the library. Aan : Um . . ., Burhan, could you please help me? Burhan : What can I do for you? Aan : Please give this book to Dana, class VIID. It is the class next to the library. Burhan : O.K. Aan : Thanks a lot. Burhan : Dont mention it. 2. Ara Boim Ara Boim Ara Boim : : : : : : Hi, Boim. You look so happy. Whats up? Of course Im happy. I get the highest score for my English test. Wow, great! No wonder. Youre a diligent student. Thanks, Ara. Um . . . by the way, Im going to the canteen. Maybe you want to come along? O.K. Lets go there. Choose whatever you want. Its on me.

G. 1.

In pairs, create dialogs based on the situations. Practice the dialogs in front of the class.

Youre in a bookstore. You want to buy some notebooks, drawing books, a pencil and a pen. The bookstore is big and you dont know where to find all the stuffs you need. You ask a help to a shop assistant. 2. You dont know how to do your English homework. You think its difficult. You ask your sister to help you. You ask her politely. 3. There will be a working bee at school. Youre the captain of your class. You need more information about the activity. You go to your homeroom teacher to get some information about that. Do it politely. 4. Your friend looks sad. You ask him/her what the matter is. You offer him/her a help. Your friend thanks you. You give response to your friends gratitude. Contoh jawaban: 1. You : Excuse me. I need to buy some notebooks, drawing books, a pencil and a pen. Would you tell me where to find them? Shop assistant : Sure. Just follow me. You : O.K. Shop assistant : Here you can find them all. Anything else? You : No, thank you very much. 2. You : Sister, I have an English assignment, but I dont understand how to do it. Would you help me, please? Your sister : No problem. Where is your assignment? You : Here it is. Your sister : Um . . . you should find some pictures of daily activities from any sources. You : And then? Your sister : Cut them out and stick them on a paper.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1



You Your You Your You Your You Your You Your

teacher teacher teacher teacher teacher

: : : : : : : : : :

Excuse me, Sir. May I come in? Sure. Take a seat. Thank you, Sir. Anything I can help you? Yes, Sir. Its about the working bee. What do you want to know? I need to know when exactly it will be held and what we should bring. Tomorrow at thirty past seven. You can bring any cleaning tools. O.K., Sir. Thank you very much. Youre welcome.


You : You look so sad. Whats wrong? Your friend : I lost my wallet. I dont have any money. You : Poor you. But dont worry. You can use mine. Your friend : Really? Thank you so much. Thats very kind of you. You : Anytime. Draw pointers on the pictures of a clock based on the dialogs. Practice the dialogs with a friend.


Percakapan-percakapan soal dan jawaban: 1. A : What time do you usually wake up on Sundays? B : At four thirty in the morning.

2. A : When does Sherly usually have her breakfast? B : At a quarter past six in the morning.

3. A : What time does Tata open her candy store? B : At nine oclock in the morning.

4. A : When does your mother go to work? B : At seven oclock in the morning.


UNIT 4 What do You Do?

5. A : What time do you often watch television? B : At three oclock in the afternoon.

6. A : When do you have an English course? B : At half past one on Saturday.

7. A : What time does the lesson start? B : At a quarter to seven in the morning.

8. A : When does Dewi go to bed at night? B : At nine oclock.

9. A : What time does Ivan study in the evening? B : At half past six.

10. A : When does Hery join boyscouts? B : On Friday, at half past three in the afternoon.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1



Rearrange the jumbled words to make correct sentences. Read your work aloud.

1. Sitawakes upalwaysin5atthe morningoclock. 2. Dadangat5the morningoclockwakes upin. 3. Rinidothemorning prayerstogetherandRina. 4. Deditakesusuallya shower6 a.m.at. 5. havewetogetherbreakfast. 6. Dilatogoesschoolbikeby. 7. Oktahomegoes2 p.m.at. 8. Igorarelytoschoolfooton. 9. my motheralwaysmepickup1:30 p.m.at. 10. Santilikedoesntfishsalty. Jawaban: 1. Sita always wakes up at 5 oclock in the morning. 2. Dadang wakes up at 5 oclock in the morning. 3. Rini and Rina do the morning prayers together. 4. Dedy usually takes a shower at 6 a.m. 5. We have breakfast together. 6. Dila goes to school by bike. 7. Okta goes home at 2 p.m. 8. I rarely go to school on foot. 9. My mother always picks me up at 1:30 p.m. 10. Santi doesnt like salty fish. Variasi: Guru dapat menambahkan soal-soal sebagai berikut. 1. doesntBanuhaveabagbig. 2. Ranibreakfastdoesntusuallyhave. 3. youdohaveapen? 4. youarefromstudentClass VIIE? 5. Linaisstudentnewa? Jawaban: 1. Banu doesnt have a big bag. 2. Rani usually doesnt have breakfast. 3. Do you have a pen? 4. Are you student from Class VIIE? 5. Is Lina a new student? J. Do the activities.

1. Work in pairs. 2. Ask your friends daily activities. Use the expressions of asking for information. 3. Ask the time when your friends do their daily activities. 4. Write down the information you get. 5. Tell the information in front of the class (at least five sentences). Contoh jawaban: Nia is one of my classmates. She usually wakes up at five oclock in the morning. After that, she does the morning prayer. She washes herself at about a quarter past five. She always has breakfast at six oclock. She goes to school at half past six. Well, thats all about Nia.
UNIT 4 What do You Do?


What pictures are they? Tell your friends. Number one has been done for you. 2 3

Ms. Aprilia This is Ms. Aprilia. She is a doctor. She works in a public health center. 4 5

Mr. Damar

Mr. Djatmika

Mr. Aji

Mrs. Hartadi

Contoh jawaban: 2. This is Mr. Damar. He is a fisherman. He catches fish at sea. 3. This is Mr. Djatmika. He is a farmer. He works in the rice field. 4. This is Mr. Aji. He is a teacher. He works at school. 5. This is Mrs. Hartadi. She is a florist. She runs a flower shop. L. Fill in the table with your activities before going to school. Make a paragraph based on it. Tell your friends about it.

Tabel yang dikerjakan siswa dan contoh jawaban: No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Activities Get up. Do the morning prayers. Take a shower and dress up. Have breakfast and other activities. Go to school. Time 5 a.m. 5:10 a.m. 5:30 a.m. 6 a.m. 6:15 a.m.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Contoh jawaban: I usually get up at 5 a.m. After that, I do the morning prayers at 5:10 a.m. Then, I take a shower and dress up at 5:30 a.m. I have breakfast and other activities at 6 a.m. When Im ready, I go to school at 6:15 a.m. I usually go to school by bus.

4.2 Short Functional Texts: Spoken Notices and Letters

Spoken Text
Read the sentences and understand the explanation.
Keep the board clean after you use it. All right, Maam.

The teacher says, Keep the board clean after you use it. to her student. The expression is a spoken notice. You use it to ask someone to do or not to do something. It is usually short and easy to understand.


UNIT 4 What do You Do?

Written Text
Read the text and understand the explanation. Jakarta, April 4, 2009 Dear Putri, How are you, Put? I hope you and your family are fine. I want to thank you for the cooking book youve sent. It is really a useful book. You know, my favorite recipes are there. I love it. Thanks again. Have a great time! Love, Diah

The text above is a letter. It is a written message sent to somebody. There are three main parts in a letter. They are opening, content and closing. Dont forget to write the place, date, month and year on the top right corner of your letter. It is also necessary to give your complimentary closing such as love, best wishes, regards, sincerely, trustworthy, yours, etc. and add your name under the complimentary closing.

Answer the following questions. 1. 2. 3. Do you often hear spoken notices? Contoh jawaban: Yes, I do. Where do you usually hear spoken notices? Jawaban: At school, at mall, at the bus stop. What spoken notices do you hear lately? Contoh jawaban: They are Dont make noise! and Queue in line.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1



Listen to your teacher. Match what you have heard with the suitable sentences.

Notice yang dibacakan oleh guru: 1. Obey the school rules. 2. Dont skip school. 3. Dont litter. 4. Look out! Wet paint! 5. Dont cheat. Gambar-gambar soal dan jawaban: 3
Dont litter.

5 4
Look out! Wet paint!

Dont cheat.

1 2
Dont skip school.

Obey the school rules.


Listen to your teacher. Write down the sentences you have heard.

Kalimat-kalimat yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: 1. Be quiet. 2. Study hard. 3. Keep off the grass. 4. Keep your environment clean. 5. Wear a helmet when you ride a motor cycle. C. Listen to your teacher. Where do you probably hear the spoken notices you have heard? Jawaban: 1. In the office. 2. In a supermarket or a shop. 3. At school. 4. In a public place, like an airport. 5. At school.

Kalimat-kalimat yang dibacakan guru: 1. Staff only. 2. For sale. 3. Examination in progress. 4. Dont smoke. 5. Dont disturb.


UNIT 4 What do You Do?


Create spoken notices based on the situations. Tell them in front of the class.


Your friend is at your house. He/she reads several books from the shelf. After reading it, he/ she doesnt put the books back on the shelf. He/she messes your room. 2. You do your homework. Your little brother disturbs you. 3. The street is so crowded. There is a sign that forbids people to cross. One of your friends doesnt care about the sign. He/she wants to cross the crowded street. 4. Youre having a study hour in a factory. Someone tells you not to enter a certain room. Some of your friends dont know about that. 5. You see some students litter. Your teacher asks you to tell them not to do that. Contoh jawaban: 1. Put the books back on the shelf, please. 2. Please, dont disturb. I want to study. 3. Its crowded. Dont cross! 4. Dont enter! Its a restricted area. 5. Dont litter, please. B. Read the spoken notices with proper pronunciation. Tell your friends what they are about.

1. Dont give a lift to a stranger. 2. Wear a helmet for your safety. 3. Its a dangerous area. Please, stay away. 4. Dont feed the animals, please. 5. Turn off your phone cell when you fill in the gas, please. Jawaban: 1. The notice asks us not to give a lift to a stranger. 2. The notice asks us to wear a helmet for our safety. 3. The notice asks us to stay away from the dangerous area. 4. The notice asks us not to feed the animals. 5. The notice asks us to turn off our phone cell when we fill in the gas.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1



Read the letter with proper pronunciation and intonation.

Dear Tari, How are you doing? I hope youre just fine as I am here. Tari, I really miss you. I want to know how your life is. Is it the same as before? Tari, I think thats all for now. Im looking forward to your reply. Best wishes, Lani B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Answer the questions based on the letter in Task A. Who is the sender of the letter? Jawaban: Lani is. Who receives the letter? Jawaban: Tari does. What is the letter about? Jawaban: About Lani who misses Tari and wants to know how her life is. What is the relationship between Tari and Lani? Jawaban: Theyre best friends. What does Lani feel about Tari? Jawaban: She misses her. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.


Dear Lani, Im really fine here. Its like what you wish for. I have a new best friend here. Her name is Sita. At first, I was really surprised to know that she looks like you. Now, I feel really happy. Sita is not only similar to you physically. She behaves like you. Lani, about my life, its a little bit different at first. I feel that Im alone. I know no one to share with. But, then I know that people here are as kind as people there. My school is only 20 meters far from my house. I usually go there on foot. It takes about five to ten minutes. Lani, I think thats enough for now. I wish we still keep in touch. Best regard, Tari


UNIT 4 What do You Do?


What is the letter about? A. Lanis school. B. Sitas friend. C. Taris life in a new place. D. Lanis friend. Jawaban: C Pilihan jawaban (C) benar karena sesuai dengan isi surat yang menceritakan kehidupan Tari di tempat yang baru. How is Tari when she writes the letter? A. Shes fine. B. Shes lonely. C. Shes surprised. D. Shes sad. Jawaban: A Pilihan jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan kalimat Im really fine here . . . .. Who is Sita? A. Taris sister. B. Taris new friend. C. Lanis new friend. D. Lanis sister.

Jawaban: B Pilihan jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan isi surat yang menyebutkan bahwa Tari mempunyai teman baru yang mirip dengan Lani yang bernama Sita. 4. How are Taris neighbors? A. Unkind. B. Arrogant. C. Cruel. D. Kind. Jawaban: D Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat . . . . people here are as kind as people there.. How far is Taris house from school? A. 20 m. B. Less than 20 m. C. More than 20 m. D. 15 m. Jawaban: A Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat My school is only 20 meters far from my house..




Write a letter to your friend. Tell about your daily activities. Contoh jawaban:

Dear Jennifer, How are you doing? Im fine here. In your previous letter, you ask about my daily activities here, right? Well, Ill let you know about that. I usually get up at 5 a.m. Maybe its too early for you. I wake up at that time to do the morning prayer. It takes about ten minutes. After that, I wash myself at about 5:15 a.m. I know that its common in your country to wash body using a shower. But, in my country, people often wash themselves by pouring water from a water container which sizes as big as a small bathtub using a dipper. When I wash myself, my mother prepares our breakfast. At about 5:45 a.m., after I have dressed, I have breakfast with my family. I go to school at 6:10 a.m. In my place, schools start at 6:30 a.m. Do you think its too early? What about yours? Jennifer, I think thats all for now. Reply soon. Im waiting for your letter. Sincerely yours, Utami

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Go around your neigborhood. Ask your neighbors about their professions. Get as many data as possible. Write the result of your interview on a piece of paper. Tell your friends about it.

Read and memorize the words. Use them whenever you speak English. after school break broke come along crowd : : : : : sepulang sekolah istirahat bangkrut turut serta penuh, berjubel, orang banyak kegiatan sehari-hari mengganggu buku gambar berbenah diri

daily routine : disturb : drawing book : dress up :

fare favor feed give a lift help yourself keep off litter mess obey politely prayers public library recipes skip school

: : : : : : : : : : : : : :

ongkos bantuan memberi makan memberikan tumpangan silahkan ambil sendiri menjauh membuang sampah berantakan mematuhi secara sopan sembahyang/doa perpustakaan umum resep masakan membolos sekolah


UNIT 4 What do You Do?


Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

Read the dialog and answer questions 1 to 5. : Excuse me, may I ask about the spelling bee contest? Mr. Tanto : Why not? What do you want to know? Yuni : The place and the time of the contest. Mr. Tanto : Well, it will be held in our schools hall. As I know, it will be in February. Yuni : What about the date? Mr. Tanto : Sorry, I dont know exactly about that. Maybe 15th or so. Yuni : Thank you very much, Sir. Mr. Tanto : Youre welcome. 1. What is the dialog about? A. Yunis school. B. A spelling bee contest. C. Yunis teacher. D. Mr. Tantos student. Jawaban: B Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena sesuai dengan isi percakapan yang menyebutkan bahwa Yuni bertanya kepada gurunya, Pak Tanto, tentang tempat dan waktu perlombaan mengeja yang bernama spelling bee. 2. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Student and teacher. B. Two friends. C. Father and his daughter. D. Sister and brother. Jawaban: A Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan dari kalimat yang diucapkan Pak Tanto, yaitu Well, it will be held in our schools hall.. Jadi, hubungan yang tepat antara kedua orang tersebut adalah siswa dan guru (Student and teacher). Selain itu, Yuni memanggil Pak Tanto dengan sebutan Sir yang artinya Pak. Yuni

3. Excuse me, may I ask . . . .? What does the word I refers to? A. Mr. Tanto. B. Mr. Tantos friend. C. Yuni. D. Yunis friend. Jawaban: C Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena kalimat tersebut diucapkan oleh Yuni. 4. Where will the contest be held? A. In the town hall. B. In the town park. C. In the mall. D. At Yunis school. Jawaban: D Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan dari kalimat Well, it will be held in our schools hall.. 5. When will the contest be held? A. In February. B. In March. C. In April. D. In May. Jawaban: A Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan dari kalimat As I know, it will be in February.. Read the text and answer questions 6 to 10. My Father My father is a teacher. He teaches math in SMP Merdeka 1. He goes to school by motorcycle at about six oclock in the morning. He starts working at seven oclock. He always wears a helmet whenever he rides his motorcycle. He usually arrives home at half past one in the afternoon. It takes half an hour from home to SMP Merdeka 1. 6. Where does the writers father work? A. In an office. B. In a zoo. C. In SMP Merdeka 1. D. In a bank.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Jawaban: C Pilihan jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan kalimat He teaches math in SMP Merdeka 1.. 7. The writers father starts working at ________. A. 1:30 p.m. B. 2:30 p.m. C. 6 a.m. D. 7 a.m. Jawaban: D Pilihan jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan kalimat He starts working at seven oclock.. 8. How does the writers father go to school? A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By bicycle. D. By motorcycle. Jawaban: D Pilihan jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan kalimat He goes to school by motorcycle at about six oclock.. 9. He usually arrives home . . . . What is the synonym of the underlined words? A. Road. B. School. C. Hotel. D. House. Jawaban: D Pilihan jawaban tersebut tepat karena memiliki arti yang sama. House dan home artinya rumah.

11. My brother usually helps me do ________ homework. A. my B. his C. her D. our Jawaban: A Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena merupakan possessive adjective dari objek kalimat berupa orang pertama tunggal, yaitu me. 12. Why dont you use ________ own eraser? Its in your pencil case. A. her B. your C. their D. my Jawaban: B Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena merupakan possessive adjective dari subjek kalimat berupa orang kedua tunggal, yaitu you. 13. I usually have ________ breakfast at 6:15 a.m. A. his B. her C. my D. our Jawaban: C Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena merupakan possessive adjective dari subjek kalimat berupa orang pertama tunggal, yaitu I. 14. Tina doesnt bring ________ pen. She borrows one of my pens. A. my B. their C. his D. her Jawaban: D Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena merupakan possessive adjective dari subjek kalimat berupa orang ketiga tunggal perempuan, yaitu Tina.

10. He teaches math in SMP Merdeka 1. What does the underlined word refer to? A. The writers teacher. B. The writers mother. C. The writers father. D. The writer. Jawaban: C Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan dari kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu, My father is a teacher..


UNIT 4 What do You Do?

15. Its cold outside. So, Bambang wears ________ thick jacket. A. my B. his C. her D. our Jawaban: B Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena merupakan possessive adjective dari subjek kalimat berupa orang ketiga tunggal laki-laki, yaitu Bambang. 16. Rina and Rani ride ________ bicycles. They bought them two days ago. A. their B. his C. our D. your Jawaban: A Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena merupakan possessive adjective dari subjek kalimat berupa orang ketiga jamak, yaitu Rina and Rani. 17. My friends and I always keep ________ class clean. A. our B. their C. his D. her Jawaban: A Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena merupakan possessive adjective dari subjek kalimat My friends and I. 18. My cat likes to lick ________ fur. A. your B. her C. his D. its Jawaban: D Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena merupakan possessive adjective dari subjek kalimat, yaitu My cat yang bukan merupakan orang. 19. I make my bed every day. I ________ keep it neat. A. rarely B. often C. always D. seldom

Jawaban: C Adverb of times yang sesuai untuk mengisi kalimat tersebut adalah always karena di kalimat tersebut menyebutkan keterangan waktu every day (tiap hari). 20. Ratno doesnt like hamburger. He ________ enjoys eating it. A. always B. never C. often D. usually Jawaban: B Adverb of times yang sesuai untuk mengisi kalimat tersebut adalah never karena di kalimat pertama menyebutkan bahwa Ratno tidak menyukai hamburger. Jika seseorang tidak menyukai sesuatu hal, dia tidak akan pernah merasa menikmati hal tersebut. B. Read the text and answer the questions.

My name is Deddy Iswardi Suryaningrat. I study in SMP Negeri 1 Mandiraja. It is in Banjarnegara. I go to school by bus. It takes about 15 minutes by bus. I go to school at about a quarter past six after saying goodbye to my parents. Before going to school, I always have my breakfast. It gives me energy. Questions: 1. What does Deddy Iswardi Suryaningrat do? Jawaban: He is a student of SMP Negeri 1 Mandiraja. 2. How does Deddy go to school? Jawaban: By bus. 3. It takes about 15 minutes by bus. What does the underlined word refer to? Jawaban: Going to school. 4. What time does Deddy arrive at school? Jawaban: Half past six. 5. What does Deddy usually do before going to school? Jawaban: Having breakfast and saying goodbye to his parents.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1



Write your daily activities after school until you go to bed.

Contoh jawaban: After school, I usually arrive home at one oclock in the afternoon. Then, I have lunch and take a nap for around two hours. I wake up at three oclock. After that, I take a shower for about ten minutes. After that, I dress up. It takes about fifteen minutes.

At about half past three, I watch TV and spend my time with my family until six oclock in the evening. After that, I have dinner with my family until a quarter to seven. Then, I study from seven oclock to nine oclock. Finally, I go to bed at about nine oclock or so.

Kegiatan pembelajaran untuk Review Unit 4: Guru perlu mengetahui atau mengukur ketercapaian kompetensi pada Unit 4. Bagian ini bisa dijadikan model. Selain model ini, guru dapat memberikan soal listening. Guru menggandakan soal berikut ini sesuai jumlah siswa. Guru membagikan soal dan memberitahukan waktu yang disediakan untuk mengerjakan soal tersebut. Siswa disuruh mengerjakan semua soal di kertas soal. Mereka disuruh menuliskan nama dan nomor absensi kelas di pojok kanan atas. Siswa disuruh memeriksa kembali hasil pekerjaan mereka sebelum menyerahkannya kepada guru. Setelah waktu yang disediakan habis, siswa disuruh mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaaan mereka kepada guru. Guru memeriksa dan memberi nilai, serta mengembalikan hasil pekerjaan siswa pada pertemuan berikutnya.


UNIT 4 What do You Do?


Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

For questions 1 to 4, choose the correct words to complete the text. Elephants are the largest mammals in the world. When they (1) ________ up, the hair becomes sparser. Although they (2) ________ huge bodies and great power, their movements are smooth and gentle. The baby elephant is usually about one meter high and weighs about one hundred kilograms. A female elephant (3) ________ her unborn young for about 20 to 22 months. Newly born elephants usually (4) ________ thick hair all over their bodies. Adult elephants have almost no hair.
Adapted from: Ujian Nasional 2007/2008

A. B. C. D. 7.

43178256 43782156 48312756 48317256

Ujian Nasional 2007/2008 Use the hand dryer.

1. A. C. 2. A. C. 3. A. C. 4. A. C.

grows grow has is having carry is carrying have is having

1 2 8 3

B. D. B. D. B. D. B. D.

is growing grown have had carried carries has had

5 6

What does the woman mean? A. We dont have to dry our hands. B. We cant use our hand to dry something. C. We should use the dryer to dry our hands. D. We should use our hand to dry something. 8. Mr. Yanto : Who are the people over there? Miss Dini : They are fire fighters. They extinguish fire in Mrs. Dartos house. The underlined word is similar to ________. A. put out B. put off C. put on D. put in Read the text and answer questions 9 to 13. Dear Aunt Tia, Aunty, I have some news for you. Next month, I will join an English writing contest. My parents send me to a famous English course in my town for preparation. Aunty, would you pray for my success? I hope you would do it for me. Well, thats all for now. Looking forward to having your news. Love, Debby
Adapted from: Ujian Nasional 2007/2008

5. a betterkeeplifealwayscleanfor ourenvironment

A. B. C. D.

24561378 42578613 25784613 45786213

Ujian Nasional 2007/2008

6. littleupyourpleaseatschool
1 7 2 8 3 4 5 6


PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


9. What is the purpose of the text? A. To join a competition. B. To inform some news. C. To prepare for joining a competition. D. To send someone to a famous English course. 10. Aunty, I have some news for you. What does the word I refer to? A. Aunt Tia. B. Debby. C. Debbys aunt. D. Tia. 11. Aunty, would you pray for my success? The antonym of the underlined word is ________. A. triumph B. acomplishment C. achievement D. failure 12. Joko is a gas pump attendant. He works in a/an ________. A. gas station B. airport C. railway station D. bus station 13. Mr. Jupri is a tailor. He is ________. A. a dress maker B. a fishmonger C. a match maker D. a trouble maker 14. Miss Nadia is a teacher. She works at ________. A.




No entry.

What does the girl mean? A. We are not allowed to get out of the place. B. We are not allowed to get in the place. C. We are not allowed to walk near the place. D. We are not allowed to put something in the place. For questions 16 to 20, choose the correct words to complete the text. My Mother My mother is a (16) ________. She wears a white uniform. She works in a maternity (17) ________. She (18) ________ at about six hours a day. She sometimes (19) ________ to work at night, but sometimes she goes to work in the morning. In a week, she only (20) ________ a day off. 16. A. C. 17. A. C. teacher farmer bank school B. D. B. D. taylor nurse rice field hospital



UNIT 4 What do You Do?

18. A. B. C. D. 19. A. B. C. D. 20. A. B. C. D.

worked works has worked is working is going went goes has gone has have had is having had



21. Lista : Wati, ________ do you live? Wati : I live at Jalan Seruni number 23. A. who B. when C. what D. where 22. Sulis : ________ do you go to school? Tia : On foot. A. Where B. When C. How D. What 23. Ardi : ________, Sir. May I go to the toilet for a while? Mr. Budiono : O.K. A. Excuse me B. Yes C. I want to go out D. You may go out



26. Mela : When will we go to the bookstore? Susi : After school at a quarter past one. A.

24. Hadi : Do you have some coins? Siska : ________. Do you need some? Hadi : May I? Siska : Why not? A. No, you cant. B. Yes, I do. C. Absolutely not. D. I dont think so. 25. Rama : Do you usually take a nap in the afternoon? Lala : Yes. I usually do it at half past two. Lala usually takes a nap at ________.


PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1




Complete the sentences with the proper words in brackets.


27. Tara : Look! ________ T-shirt is so dirty. You need to wash it. Rita : Youre right. I dont realize that. A. My B. Your C. Her D. Our 28. Renaldi : Nice dress! Tiara : Thanks. This dress is from ________ sister. A. I B. mine C. me D. my 29. Kaka : ________ parents will have their wedding anniversary tomorrow. Kiki : Lets give them something special. A. we B. our C. them D. they 30. Sari has a doll. She really loves ________ doll. A. her B. his C. my D. our

1. I ________ (not, want) to go to the mall today because it is raining. 2. I cant buy that novel. It ________ (cost) too much. 3. Miss Linda ________ (often, tutor) other students in her English class. 4. I ________ (not, have) an umbrella. I wear a raincoat. 5. Nayla ________ (wash) her hair every two days. 6. Every morning, the sun shines in my bedroom window and ________ (wake) me up. 7. Burhan is a student, but he ________ (not, go) to school now because it is holiday. 8. Yuli and Ani to ________ (usually, sit) in the front row during class. 9. ________ (Do) you always ________ (have) breakfast before you go to school? 10. I ________ for two hours every night. C. Write at least five sentences about your fathers or mothers profession.


UNIT 4 What do You Do?

Jawaban Review Unit 4 A. Pilihan Ganda Kalimat-kalimat dalam paragraf tersebut menggunakan the simple present tense. Karena subjek berupa orang ketiga jamak, kata kerja yang benar untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah grow. Subjek kalimat soal berupa orang ketiga jamak, maka kata kerja yang benar untuk melengkapi kalimat itu adalah have. Subjek kalimat berupa kata benda tunggal, maka kata kerja yang benar untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah carries. Subjek kalimat berupa kata benda jamak, maka kata kerja yang benar untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah have. Susunan kata-kata tersebut supaya sesuai dengan konteks dan bermakna adalah Always keep clean our environment for a better life.. Susunan kata-kata tersebut supaya sesuai dengan konteks dan bermakna adalah Please pick your little brother up at school.. Pilihan jawaban yang artinya sebaiknya menggunakan pengering untuk mengeringkan tangan kita benar karena memiliki arti yang sama dengan kalimat yang diucapkan oleh perempuan dalam gambar. Kata extinguish dan put out memiliki arti yang sama, yaitu memadamkan. Tujuan penulisan teks tersebut adalah untuk menginformasikan berita, antara lain Deby yang akan mengikuti lomba menulis bahasa Inggris dan ikut kursus bahasa Inggris.

10. B.

Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar yang disimpulkan dari nama penulis surat, yaitu Debby. Lawan dari kata success yang artinya keberhasilan adalah failure yang artinya kegagalan. Joko adalah seorang petugas pengisi bahan bakar, maka dia bekerja di SPBU (gas station). Tailor artinya penjahit. Pilihan jawaban (A) benar karena seorang penjahit adalah seorang pembuat baju. Bu Nadia adalah seorang guru. Gambar pada pilihan jawaban (C) benar karena menunjukkan gambar sekolah. Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena sesuai dengan arti no entry, yaitu dilarang masuk. Pada kalimat kedua terdapat kata maternity yang berkaitan dengan ibu melahirkan dan seragam yang berwarna putih. Pilihan jawaban (D) benar karena nurse yang artinya perawat berhubungan dengan ibu melahirkan dan memakai seragam putih. Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan dari kalimat sebelumnya. Seorang perawat tentu saja bekerja di rumah sakit (hospital). Pilihan jawaban yang artinya bekerja tersebut benar karena kalimat tersebut menggunakan bentuk the simple present tense dengan subjek tunggal perempuan. Pilihan jawaban yang artinya berangkat tersebut benar karena kalimat tersebut menggunakan bentuk the simple present tense dengan subjek tunggal perempuan.

1. C.

11. D.

12. A.

2. B.

13. A.

3. D.

14. C.

4. A.

15. B.

5. B.

16. D.

6. D.

17. D.

7. C.

18. B.

8. A. 9. B.

19. C.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


20. A.

Pilihan jawaban yang artinya mempunyai tersebut benar karena kalimat tersebut menggunakan bentuk the simple present tense dengan subjek tunggal perempuan. Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena sesuai konteks dan merupakan Wh-questions yang digunakan untuk menanyakan tempat. Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena sesuai konteks dan merupakan Wh-questions yang digunakan untuk menanyakan cara. Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena sesuai konteks dan merupakan ungkapan kesopanan, yang artinya Permisi, Pak.. Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena sesuai konteks yang disimpulkan dari kalimat sesudahnya yang bermaksud menawarkan uang kepada Hadi. Half past two artinya pukul 2 lebih 30 menit. A quarter past one artinya pukul 1 lebih 15 menit. Karena membicarakan kepemilikan orang kedua tunggal (lawan pembicara/you), possessive adjective yang benar adalah your.

28. D.

Karena membicarakan kepemilikan orang pertama tunggal (pembicara/I), possessive adjective yang benar adalah my. Karena membicarakan kepemilikan orang pertama jamak, maka digunakan kata our. Karena membicarakan kepemilikan orang kedua perempuan tunggal, maka digunakan kata her.

29. B.

21. D.

30. A.

22. C.

B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. C.

Isian dont want costs often tutors dont have washes wakes doesnt go usually sit Do, have study Uraian

23. A.

24. B.

25. A. 26. C. 27. B.

My father is a manager. He gets up at 4:30 a.m. in the morning. After that, he takes a shower. He has breakfast at 7 oclock. He usually goes to work at 7:30 a.m. He drive his car. He usually arrives at the office at 7:45 a.m. He begins his work at 8 a.m.


UNIT 4 What do You Do?

Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer. 1.

Keep the Park Clean

What does the notice mean? A. Do not be noisy in the park. B. Do not play in the park. C. Do not throw rubbish in the park. D. Do not run in the park.
Ujian Nasional 2007/2008

A. B. C. D.

On the street. At the airport. In a hospital. In a housing complex.

Ujian Nasional 2007/2008

Jawaban: C Kalimat Keep the Park Clean mempunyai arti Jagalah kebersihan taman ini.. Itu berarti kita dilarang membuang sampah di taman (do not throw rubbish in the park). Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya jangan berisik di taman, (B) artinya jangan bermain di taman, dan (D) artinya jangan berlarian di taman. 2. Read this notice.

Jawaban: D Notice tersebut berarti bahwa hanya para penghuni yang boleh lewat jalan itu. Notice tersebut dapat kita jumpai di kompleks perumahan (in a housing complex). Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya di jalan, (B) artinya di bandara, dan (C) artinya di rumah sakit. Read the text and answer questions 4 and 5.

Dear Diana, On this special occasion, I would like to say: HAPPY 13th BIRTHDAY TO YOU Wish you the best and may your wishes come true Your beloved friend, Lina

Personnel only
All people, except the staff, are not allowed to ________ the room. A. clean B. enter C. exit D. sleep Jawaban: B Notice tersebut berarti bahwa hanya para karyawan atau pegawai yang boleh masuk. Dengan kata lain, semua orang, kecuali para pegawai, dilarang masuk (are not allowed to enter). Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya membersihkan, (C) artinya keluar, dan (D) artinya tidur. 3. Where can you find the following notice?


4. What does the text tell you about? A. Lina expresses her gratitude to Diana. B. Lina expresses her apology to Diana. C. Lina congratulates Diana for her 13th birthday. D. Lina compliments Diana. Jawaban: C Kartu ucapan yang ditulis oleh Lina tersebut berisi ucapan selamat ulang tahun yang ke-13 untuk Diana (Lina congratulates Diana for her 13th birthday). Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya Lina mengungkapkan terima kasihnya kepada Diana, (B) artinya Lina mengungkapkan permintaan maaf kepada Diana, dan (D) artinya Lina memuji Diana.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


5. Diana was born in ________. A. 1996 B. 1997 C. 1998 D. 1999 Jawaban: A Dalam kartu ucapan tersebut terdapat kalimat Happy 13th Birthday to You. Itu berarti Diana berulang tahun yang ke-13. Dengan demikian, Diana lahir pada tahun 1996 (2009 13 = 1996). Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena bukan tahun Diana lahir. Read the text and answer questions 6 and 7.

Jawaban: D Kata regret artinya menyesal. Kata tersebut mempunyai makna yang sama dengan kata be sorry yang artinya juga menyesal. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya khawatir, (B) artinya ketakutan, dan (C) artinya bingung. Read the text and answer questions 8 to 10.

To Linda, my ever best friend, Its an honor that you have invited me to your familys special moment. Thank you very much. Gladly, I will come. Please send my warmest regards to all of your family. Sincerely, Tanti

To: Siska I regret for what I have done to you. Believe me, I didnt do it on purpose. I hope you forgive me and we can be friends again. Your friend, Nindi

6. What is the purpose of the text? A. To invite someone. B. To express gratitude. C. To ask for an apology. D. To ask for information. Jawaban: C Tujuan teks tersebut disimpulkan dari kalimat awal teks, yaitu I regret for what I have done to you. yang artinya Aku menyesal atas apa yang telah aku lakukan kepadamu., dan kalimat akhir, yaitu I hope you forgive me . . . . yang artinya Aku berharap kamu memaafkanku . . . .. Jadi, tujuan teks tersebut adalah untuk meminta maaf (to ask for an apology). Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya untuk mengundang seseorang, (B) artinya untuk mengungkapkan rasa terima kasih, dan (D) artinya untuk meminta informasi. 7. I regret for what I have done to you. The underlined word has a similar meaning to ________. A. worry B. be frightened C. confuse D. be sorry

8. What is the text about? A. Tanti expresses her gratitude to Linda. B. Tanti apologizes for a mistake. C. Tanti asks Lindas permission to do something. D. Tanti offers help to someone. Jawaban: A Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat Thank you very much. yang artinya Terima kasih banyak.. Jadi, isi teks tersebut adalah Tanti mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Linda (Tanti expresses her gratitude to Linda) karena telah diundang ke acara spesial keluarga Linda (kalimat Its an honor that you have invited me to your familys special moment.). Pilihan jawaban (B) artinya Tanti meminta maaf atas kesalahannya, (C) artinya Tanti meminta izin untuk melakukan sesuatu, dan (D) artinya Tanti menawarkan bantuan kepada seseorang. 9. Who sends the card? A. Linda does. B. Tanti does. C. Lindas parents do. D. Tantis parents do.

Latihan Ulangan Semester

Jawaban: B Dalam surat, pesan, atau kartu, pengirim (sender) umumnya mencantumkan namanya di bagian akhir surat, pesan, atau kartu. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa yang mengirim pesan tersebut adalah Tanti. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan isi teks. 10. Please send my warmest regards to all of your family. The opposite meaning of the underlined word is ________. A. best B. rudest C. greatest D. coolest Jawaban: B Kata warmest artinya paling hangat. Kata ini berlawanan makna dengan kata rudest yang artinya paling kasar. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya paling baik, (C) artinya paling besar/hebat, dan (D) artinya paling keren. Read the text and answer questions 11 to 13. Dear Sandra, How are you now? I hope you are just fine. Anyway, next week is a long holiday. Do you have a plan to spend the days? If you dont, I like to invite you to visit me. I will take you around some interesting places here. I am sure you will love it. What do you think? Thats what I want to tell you. Reply me soon, O.K.? Your friend, Mia 11. What is the text about? A. To ask for information. B. To congratulate someone. C. To invite someone. D. To introduce someone. Jawaban: C Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat . . . , I like to invite you to visit me. yang artinya . . . , saya ingin mengundangmu untuk berkunjung ke tempat saya.. Jadi, isi teks

tersebut tentang mengundang seseorang (invite someone). Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya meminta informasi, (B) artinya memberi selamat kepada seseorang, dan (D) artinya memperkenalkan seseorang. 12. ________ is a long holiday. A. The following day B. Next week C. Next month D. This year Jawaban: B Jawaban disimpulkan dari keterangan waktu next week dalam kalimat Anyway, next week is a long holiday. yang artinya Omong-omong, minggu depan adalah libur panjang.. Pilihan jawaban yang sesuai dengan keterangan waktu itu adalah (B) Next week yang artinya minggu depan. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya lusa, (C) artinya bulan depan, dan (D) artinya tahun ini. 13. I will take you around some interesting places here. The underlined word means ________. A. attractive B. clean C. boring D. dull Jawaban: A Kata interesting artinya menarik. Kata ini juga berarti attractive yang artinya juga menarik. Pilihan jawaban (B) artinya bersih, (C) artinya membosankan, dan (D) artinya tidak menarik. Read the text and answer questions 14 and 15.

To: Vira I put your mathematics book on your desk. Thank you very much. Sorry, I couldnt give it directly to you. I have to go home earlier. Leoni

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


14. From the text, we can conclude that ________. A. Vira borrows Leonis book B. Vira goes home earlier C. Leoni lends her mathematics book D. Vira is not in the classroom Jawaban: D Pernyataan yang dapat disimpulkan dari isi teks tersebut adalah Vira tidak di kelas (Vira is not in the classroom). Leoni tidak menemukan Vira di kelas sehingga dia menulis pesan. Pilihan jawaban (A) yang artinya Vira meminjam buku Leoni salah karena Leonilah yang meminjam buku Vira, (B) yang artinya Vira pulang lebih awal salah karena yang pulang lebih awal adalah Leoni, dan (C) yang artinya Leoni meminjamkan buku matematikanya salah karena yang meminjamkan buku matematika adalah Vira. 15. Sorry, I cant give it directly to you. What does the underlined word refer to? A. A book. B. A note. C. Leonis house. D. A mathematics book. Jawaban: D Objek pronoun it mengacu pada benda yang akan diberikan Leoni kepada Vira, yang disimpulkan dari kalimat awal teks, yaitu I put your mathematics book on your desk. yang artinya Aku meletakkan buku matematikamu di atas mejamu.. Jadi, it mengacu pada buku matematika. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya buku (terlalu umum), sedangkan (B) yang artinya pesan dan (C) yang artinya rumah Leoni salah karena tidak disebutkan dalam pesan itu. 16. Look at the picture.

C. Step forward, please. D. Clean the blackboard, please. Jawaban: A Berdasarkan gerakan tangan guru, dapat disimpulkan bahwa guru itu menyuruh siswa untuk berdiri. Jadi, ungkapan yang benar adalah Stand up, please. Pilihan jawaban (B) artinya silakan duduk, (C) artinya silakan maju, dan (D) artinya tolong, bersihkan papan tulis. 17. Mother : Where are you going, dear? Vina : Im going to see a film, Mom. Mother : ________ Mom and Dad will go to the supermarket. You should take care of your little sister. A. Please go now. B. Take care. C. Dont go anywhere. D. You may go now. Jawaban: C Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat sesudahnya yang artinya Ibu dan ayah akan pergi ke supermarket. Kamu harus menjaga adik perempuanmu.. Dengan kata lain, ibu tidak mengizinkan Vina untuk pergi menonton film. Ungkapan yang tepat diucapkan ibu adalah Dont go anywhere. yang artinya Jangan pergi kemanamana.. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya pergilah sekarang, (B) artinya berhatihatilah, dan (D) artinya kamu boleh pergi sekarang. 18. Donna : Sari, thank you very much for the gift. Its beautiful. Sari : ________ A. Excuse me. B. You are welcome. C. Please forgive me. D. Im positive Jawaban: B Kalimat yang diucapkan Donna artinya Sari, terima kasih banyak atas hadiahnya. Itu sangat indah.. Kalimat yang tepat untuk merespons ungkapan terima kasih adalah You are welcome yang artinya sama-sama. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya permisi, (C) artinya tolong, maafkan saya, dan (D) artinya saya yakin.

What does the teacher probably say? A. Stand up, please. B. Sit down, please.


Latihan Ulangan Semester

19. Ranti : Im sorry, I broke your ruler. Angga : ________ A. Thank you. B. Never mind. C. Please excuse me. D. Thats great! Jawaban: B Kalimat yang diucapkan Ranti artinya Aku minta maaf, aku mematahkan penggarismu.. Kalimat yang tepat untuk merespons ungkapan permintaan maaf adalah Never mind yang artinya tidak apa-apa. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya terima kasih, (C) artinya permisi, dan (D) artinya bagus. 20. Mother : Its time for you to go to bed, dear. Sari : Youre right, Mom. Ill go to sleep now. Mother : ________ Have a nice dream. A. Goodbye. B. Take care. C. Good night. D. See you. Jawaban: C Konteks percakapan tersebut adalah pada malam hari. Ibu menyuruh Sari untuk segera tidur. Salam perpisahan yang tepat diucapkan ibu ketika Sari hendak pergi tidur adalah Good night. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya selamat tinggal (diucapkan ketika berpisah dengan seseorang setelah mereka bertemu), (B) artinya berhatihatilah (diucapkan kepada seseorang yang hendak pergi untuk menunjukkan rasa simpati), dan (D) artinya sampai jumpa (diucapkan ketika hendak berpisah dengan seseorang dan ada harapan/kemungkinan untuk bertemu kembali). Read the dialog and answer questions 21 to 23. It is the first day at junior high school. Seno and Ryan are new students. They meet at the school yard before the class begins. Seno : Hello, I am Seno. What is your name? Ryan : Hello, I am Ryan. Nice to meet you, Seno. Seno : Nice to meet you too. Are you in the seventh grade? Ryan : I am. Im in Class VIIA. Seno : Me, too. We are classmates, then.

21. What is the dialog about? A. Greeting someone. B. Asking for information. C. Introducing someone to another. D. Introducing oneself to another. Jawaban: D Secara garis besar, percakapan tersebut tentang perkenalan diri sendiri kepada orang lain (introducing oneself to another), yaitu Seno memperkenalkan dirinya kepada Ryan, begitu pula sebaliknya. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya menyapa seseorang, (B) artinya meminta informasi, dan (C) artinya memperkenalkan seseorang kepada orang lain. 22. Seno meets Ryan ________. A. in the classroom B. in the school hall C. at the school yard D. in the library Jawaban: C Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat They meet at the school yard . . . .. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya ruang kelas, (B) artinya aula sekolah, dan (D) artinya perpustakaan. 23. The dialog happens ________. A. in the morning B. in the afternoon C. in the evening D. at midnight Jawaban: A Jawaban disimpulkan dari klausa keterangan waktu, yaitu . . . before the class begins. yang artinya . . . sebelum kelas/pelajaran dimulai.. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa percakapan itu terjadi pada pagi hari (in the morning). Pilihan jawaban (B) artinya pada siang/sore hari, (C) artinya pada petang hari, dan (D) artinya pada tengah malam. 24. Teacher : Look! The blackboard is dirty. ________ Student : Yes, Maam. A. Thank you very much. B. Im really sorry to hear it. C. Clean it up, please. D. Take me some chalk, please.

PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 1


Jawaban: C Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu The blackboard is dirty.. Jadi, ungkapan yang tepat diucapkan guru adalah meminta muridnya untuk membersihkan papan tulis, yaitu Clean it up, please. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya terima kasih banyak (ungkapan terima kasih), (B) artinya saya ikut sedih mendengarnya (ungkapan simpati), dan (D) artinya tolong, ambilkan beberapa kapur tulis. 25. Linda : I really apologize for my mistake. Mia : ________ A. Thank you. B. My pleasure. C. Its all right. D. You are welcome. Jawaban: C Dalam percakapan itu, Linda meminta maaf kepada Mia. Respons yang tepat diucapkan Mia adalah Its all right yang artinya tidak apa-apa. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya terima kasih (ungkapan terima kasih), (B) artinya dengan senang hati (respons dari ungkapan meminta sesuatu atau meminta seseorang melakukan sesuatu), dan (D) artinya sama-sama (respons dari ungkapan terima kasih). 26. Look at the picture. What does the man do? A. He is a judge. B. He is an architect. C. He is a teacher. D. He is a teller. Jawaban: A Picture source: Kalimat tanya What www.accessatlanta.com does/do . . . do? digunakan untuk menanyakan pekerjaan/ profesi seseorang. Berdasarkan gambar, profesi orang itu adalah seorang hakim (a judge). Pilihan jawaban (B) artinya dia seorang arsitek (perancang bangunan), (C) artinya dia seorang guru, dan (D) artinya dia seorang pegawai bank. 27. You can find these following items in a classroom, except ________. A. chalk B. a pillow C. an eraser D. a blackboard

Jawaban: B Kalimat soal artinya Benda-benda berikut dapat kita temukan di kelas, kecuali . . . . . Benda yang tidak ada di kelas adalah pillow yang artinya bantal. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya kapur tulis, (C) artinya penghapus papan tulis, dan (D) artinya papan tulis. 28. How many bikes are there in the picture?

Picture source: www.img_alibaba_com

A. Four. B. Six C. Eight. D. Ten. Jawaban: B Berdasarkan gambar, sepeda tersebut berjumlah enam (six). Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya empat, (C) artinya delapan, dan (D) artinya sepuluh. 29. Lina : What are you doing every Sunday morning? Seno : I ________ go jogging in the park. A. ever B. seldom C. always D. never Jawaban: C Jawaban disimpulkan dari frasa keterangan waktu every Sunday morning yang artinya setiap Minggu pagi. Jadi, kata keterangan frekuensi yang tepat melengkapi kalimat Seno adalah always karena dilakukan setiap hari Minggu. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya pernah, (B) artinya jarang, dan (D) artinya tidak pernah. 30. Rika : Where is your new bike? Tiara : Over there, near the fence. ________ my new bike. A. Those are B. This is C. These are D. That is Jawaban: D Jawaban disimpulkan dari jumlah benda, yaitu satu (sepeda baru Tiara) dan frasa keterangan tempat over there yang


Latihan Ulangan Semester

artinya sebelah sana, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa sepeda baru Tiara terletak jauh dari mereka. Dengan demikian, kata yang tepat melengkapi kalimat Tiara adalah That is. Pilihan jawaban (A) yang artinya itu digunakan apabila benda tersebut berjumlah lebih dari satu dan letaknya jauh dari pembicara, (B) yang artinya ini digunakan apabila benda tersebut berjumlah satu dan letaknya dekat dengan pembicara, dan (C) yang artinya ini digunakan apabila benda tersebut berjumlah lebih dari satu dan letaknya dekat dengan pembicara. 31. Linda : I found a blue pencil-case under my desk. Do you know the owner? Seno : ________ pencil-case is mine. Perhaps I dropped it. A. A B. An C. The D. Is Jawaban: C Kalimat soal membutuhkan artikel (a, an, the). Karena kotak pensil yang dimaksud sudah jelas dan spesifik, yaitu kotak pensil milik Seno, artikel yang tepat adalah the. Pilihan jawaban (A) dan (B) adalah artikel untuk benda yang belum spesifik, sedangkan (D) bukan artikel melainkan verb be. 32. Erika has a nice bracelet. She wears it on her right ________. A. wrist B. ear C. foot D. hand Jawaban: A Kalimat soal berarti Erika mempunyai gelang yang bagus. Dia memakainya di . . . kanan.. Jadi, kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat itu adalah pergelangan tangan (wrist). Pilihan jawaban (B) artinya telinga, (C) artinya kaki, dan (D) artinya tangan beserta jari-jarinya. 33. Adi : How many brothers or sisters do you have? Leo : Well, I have an elder brother and a younger sister.

Adi : So, you are the ________ child in your family. Leo : Thats right. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth Jawaban: B Berdasarkan jawaban Leo yang artinya Saya mempunyai seorang kakak laki-laki dan seorang adik perempuan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Leo adalah anak kedua (second). Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya pertama, (C) artinya ketiga, dan (D) artinya keempat. 34. Dina : What time do you usually take a nap? Tiara : I usually take a nap at ________. A. half past one B. half past two C. a quarter to two D. a quarter past one Jawaban: A Berdasarkan gambar, jam tersebut menunjukkan pukul 1:30 (half past one). Pilihan jawaban (B) artinya 2:30, (C) artinya 1:45, dan (D) artinya 1:15. 35. Sinta : Do you know where Tio and Nina are? Arman : I guess, ________ are in the library. A. we B. you C. they D. them Jawaban: C Subject pronoun yang tepat melengkapi kalimat soal adalah they karena menggantikan kata ganti orang ketiga jamak (plural), yaitu Tio and Nina. Pilihan jawaban (A) adalah kata ganti orang kedua jamak, (B) adalah kata ganti orang kedua tunggal/jamak, dan (D) adalah object pronoun untuk subjek they. 36. Dion : Where ________ the students of Class VIIA? Nela : Im sorry, I dont know. A. is B. are C. was D. were

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Jawaban: B Kalimat soal berbentuk the simple present tense berupa kalimat tanya dengan subjek jamak, yaitu the students of Class VIIA. Jadi, kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah are. Pilihan jawaban (A) untuk subjek tunggal, sedangkan (C) dan (D) adalah be untuk kalimat dalam the simple past tense. 37. Vera : What do you do on Sunday morning? Dina : I always ________ my parents cleaning the house, like sweeping the yard and mopping the floor. A. help B. helps C. is helping D. helped Jawaban: A Kalimat soal menjelaskan kebiasaan (habit), yaitu kegiatan pada hari Minggu pagi. Kalimat yang menyatakan kebiasaan menggunakan bentuk the simple present tense dengan pola dasar: Subject + verb-s/ -es + object/complement. Jadi, kata kerja yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut dalam the simple present tense adalah help karena subjek I merupakan kata ganti orang pertama tunggal. Pilihan jawaban (B) digunakan untuk subjek he, she, it, (C) pada kalimat berbentuk the simple present continuous (sedang berlangsung), dan (D) digunakan pada kalimat berbentuk the simple past tense (telah terjadi pada masa lampau). 38. Doni : Where are my shoes? Mother : Look! They are ________ your bed. A. on B. under C. below D. between Jawaban: B Berdasarkan gambar tersebut, sepasang sepatu itu terletak di bawah (under) tempat tidur. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. On artinya di atau di atas, below artinya di bawah, dan between artinya di antara (dua benda).

39. Ira : Vina, is it my workbook? Vina : No, it is not. It is mine and that is ________. A. her B. your C. hers D. yours Jawaban: D Dalam percakapan, Ira bertanya, Vina, apakah buku tugas ini milikku?. Kalimat soal memerlukan objek berbentuk possessive pronoun untuk menggantikan benda milik lawan bicara, yaitu yours yang artinya kepunyaanmu. Pilihan jawaban (A) adalah object pronoun atau possessive adjective dari she (orang ketiga tunggal), (B) adalah possessive adjective dari you (orang kedua tunggal/jamak), dan (C) adalah possessive pronoun dari she (orang ketiga tunggal). 40. Eka : Where does your grandmother live? Tia : She lives in Surabaya. I always visit ________ every long holiday. A. her B. them C. theirs D. hers Jawaban: A Dalam percakapan, Eka menanyakan tempat tinggal nenek Tia. Tia menjawab kalau neneknya tinggal di Surabaya dan dia selalu mengunjunginya setiap libur panjang. Kalimat soal memerlukan object pronoun. Karena menggantikan kata nenek, object pronoun yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah her. Object pronoun tersebut merupakan kata ganti orang ketiga tunggal perempuan. Pilihan jawaban (B) adalah object pronoun untuk orang ketiga jamak, (C) adalah possessive pronoun dari they, dan (D) adalah possessive pronoun dari she. 41. Vika : Can you show me where the headmasters office is? Nina : ________. Its next to the teachers office, in front of the library. A. Thank you B. Certainly C. Here you are D. Sorry, I dont know


Latihan Ulangan Semester

Jawaban: B Dalam percakapan, Vika menanyakan letak kantor kepala sekolah dan Nina menjelaskan letak kantor itu. Nina dengan senang hati menjawab pertanyaan Vika, sehingga ungkapan yang benar diucapkan oleh Nina adalah Certainly yang artinya tentu saja. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya terima kasih (ungkapan terima kasih), (C) artinya silahkan (ungkapan respons atas permintaan sesuatu), dan (D) artinya maaf, saya tidak tahu (ungkapan permintaan maaf). 42. Dino : Seno, where do you live? Seno : I live at Jalan Kemuning number 25. Dino : Its quite far from school. Then, how do you go to school? Seno : I usually go to school by bus. What is the text about? A. Requesting something. B. Asking for and giving information. C. Answering someones question. D. Asking for and giving something. Jawaban: B Dalam percakapan itu, Dino bertanya beberapa hal kepada Seno, yaitu mengenai tempat tinggalnya dan cara dia berangkat ke sekolah. Jadi, percakapan itu tentang meminta dan memberi informasi (asking for and giving information). Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya meminta sesuatu, (C) artinya menjawab pertanyaan seseorang (terlalu sempit), dan (D) artinya meminta dan memberi sesuatu. 43. Marni : Could you pass the paper, please? Keiko : Sure. Here you are. What does the underlined sentence mean? A. Marni thanks Keiko for helping her. B. Keiko asks Marni to do something. C. Marni asks Keiko not to do something. D. Marni asks Keiko to do something. Jawaban: D Kalimat yang digarisbawahi berarti Bisakah kamu mengambilkan kertas itu?. Kalimat tersebut diucapkan Marni dengan maksud meminta Keiko untuk melakukan sesuatu (Marni asks Keiko to do something). Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya Marni berterima kasih kepada Keiko atas

bantuannya, (B) artinya Keiko meminta Marni melakukan sesuatu, dan (C) artinya Marni meminta Keiko untuk tidak melakukan sesuatu. For questions 44 to 46, choose the suitable words to complete the text below. Dear Sarah, How are you now? I am just fine. Recently, I am busy with school stuff. I always ________ (44) homework every day. I have to wake up earlier every morning so that I will not be late to school. You know, my school is quite far from my house and I take a bus. But I really enjoy it. Recently, ________ (45) new things in my school, like new friends, new teachers and new lessons. How about yours? Thats my letter for today. Send my best regard to ________ (46) parents. Best regards, Dini 44. A. have B. has C. does D. is Jawaban: A Kalimat I always . . . homework every day. yang artinya Saya selalu . . . pekerjaan rumah setiap hari. memerlukan kata kerja present karena kalimat tersebut menerangkan fakta (berpola the simple present tense). Kata yang benar adalah have yang artinya mempunyai. Pilihan jawaban (B) has salah karena digunakan apabila subjek kalimat he, she, it, atau subjek ketiga tunggal. Pilihan jawaban (C) dan (D) salah karena bukan kata kerja, melainkan kata kerja bantu (verb be). 45. A. there are B. there isnt C. there is D. there arent Jawaban: A Kalimat . . . always new things in my school, like new friends, new teachers and new lessons. memerlukan demonstrative

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pronoun. Karena obyek kalimat menyebutkan lebih dari satu hal (frasa new things yang artinya hal-hal baru), demonstrative pronoun yang tepat melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah there are. Pilihan jawaban (B) dan (D) salah karena berbentuk negative atau penyangkalan. Pilihan jawaban (C) salah karena demonstrative pronoun tersebut digunakan apabila benda atau hal yang disebutkan sesudahnya hanya berjumlah satu. 46. A. you B. your C. their D. my Jawaban: B Kalimat Send my best regard to . . . parents. artinya Sampaikan salamku kepada orang tua-. . . .. Kalimat tersebut memerlukan possessive adjective untuk menjelaskan orang tua yang dimaksud. Karena surat ini dikirimkan kepada Dini dan disebut oleh penulis dengan you, possessive adjective yang tepat adalah your yang artinya -mu. Pilihan jawaban (A) salah karena bukan possessive pronouns, sedangkan pilihan jawaban (C) artinya (orang tua) mereka, dan (D) artinya -ku. For questions 47 and 48, choose the best arrangement of the words to make correct sentences. 47. leave front open door never the
1 2 3 4 5 6

48. really am I breaking sorry for ruler

1 2 3 4 5 6


A. 3214576 B. 3215476 C. 5471632 D. 5476132 Jawaban: B Kata-kata acak tersebut apabila diurutkan akan membentuk kalimat yang mengungkapkan permintaan maaf. Susunan kata yang tepat adalah I am really sorry for breaking your ruler yang artinya Aku sungguh minta maaf telah mematahkan penggarismu. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena membentuk kalimat yang tidak logis. 49. Choose the best arrangement of the sentences to make a good message. 1. My friends and I will go to see a book fair after school. 2. Dear Mom, 3. I will come home from school late. 4. Love, Tiara. A. 1234 B. 2134 C. 2413 D. 3421 Jawaban: B Penulisan pesan diawali dengan salam pembuka, yaitu Dear Mom, lalu diikuti dengan isi pesan, yaitu My friends and I will go to see a book fair after school. I will come home from school late. Pesan tersebut ditutup dengan salam penutup yang diikuti dengan nama pengirim, yaitu Love, Tiara. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena bukan urutan yang benar. 50. Choose the best arrangement of the sentences to make a good dialog. 1. Dian : Oh, gosh! Im really sorry, Mom. I forgot to buy the sugar. 2. Mother : Just like what Ive guessed. Luckily, I still have some.

A. 162453 B. 362351 C. 516243 D. 516342 Jawaban: C Kata-kata acak tersebut apabila diurutkan akan membentuk kalimat permintaan untuk tidak melakukan sesuatu. Susunan kata yang benar adalah Never leave the front door open yang artinya Jangan pernah membiarkan pintu depan terbuka. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena membentuk kalimat yang tidak logis.


Latihan Ulangan Semester

3. 4. 5. 6.

A. B. C. D.

: Hello, Mom! Im coming home. Mother : Thank you, Dear. Dian : Dont worry, Mom. Ill go and buy it now. Mother : Hello, Dear. Have you got what I have asked you to buy? 245136 245361 361254 361452


Jawaban: C Percakapan tersebut diawali dengan kalimat salam dan sapaan yang diucapkan Dian (nomor 3) yang direspons ibunya, lalu ibu bertanya apakah Dian memperoleh yang dimintanya (nomor 6), diikuti permintaan maaf Dian karena telah lupa membelinya (nomor 1) dan ibunya mengatakan untunglah dia masih punya sedikit (nomor 2). Setelah itu, Dian berjanji akan membeli gula sekarang juga (nomor 5) dan ibunya berterima kasih kepada Dian (nomor 4). Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena membentuk percakapan yang tidak runtut dan logis.

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Aryanto, S. 2008. A Series of Grammar: Introducing Tense (Memperkenalkan Tense). Bandung: Pakar Raya. Blundell, J., J. Higgens and N. Middlemiss. 1992. Function in English. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Corbeil, J.C. and A. Archambault. 2004. Kamus Visual Edisi Terbaru IndonesiaInggris. Indonesia: Buana Ilmu Populer. Echols, J. M. and H. Shadily. 1989. Kamus Inggris-Indonesia. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Hornby, A.S. 2002. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Mustriana, B. Bima. 2008. A Series of Daily Expressions: Study Transactional Dialogs (Belajar Percakapan Transaksional). Bandung: Pakar Raya. Prieto, M., L. Robbins. 2006. English Zone Student Book 2. New York: The McGrawHill Companies Priyana, J., Riandi, and A.P. Mumpuni. 2008. Scaffolding English for Junior High school Students Grade VII. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Wardiman, A., M.B. Jahur, M. Sukirman Djusma. 2008. English in Focus for Grade VII Junior High School (SMP/MTs). Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.


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