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Developmental Chart for Three Year-Olds

Around or during their third year, most children: Speech & Language Skills
Speak between 250-500 (or more) words Speak three, four or five word sentences Use pronouns (We, She, He, I, etc.) Say his/her first name Ask many who, what, when, where and why questions Can and do imitate whispering Use simple verb forms such as is, are, am Use possessives (Abis car) Begin to use the word because to explain things

Cognitive Skills
Can complete a 6 piece puzzle Draw simple shapes Use language in their imaginary play Make up their own games Remember recent events and recall important past events Stay on task for about 4 minutes Accurately name some colours Can count to three Understand concepts (smooth/rough; hot/cold ; loud/quiet)

Physical Skills
Use alternating feet when walking up and down stairs Can hop on one foot Can walk a straight line Walk on tippy toes Kick, climb, run and can ride a tricycle Can turn the pages of a book one at a time Build a block tower 9 blocks high (or higher) Put on shoes independently Can feed themselves with fork and spoon Cut along a straight line and cut out circles

Social Skills
Imitate their mother, father and playmates Take turns Engages in spontaneous play with 2-3 children Openly express affection Separate from parents with ease

2011 Umm An-Numan http://amuslimchildisborn.blogspot.com/

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