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Para instalar o crack simples, Apenas jogue a pasta Bin para dentro da pasta do seu jogo EX: C:\Arquivos

s de programas\Trucks & Trailers Depois disso, voc vai na pasta bin que est la na pasta do jogo e cria um atalho do arquivo trucks_n_trailers e coloca ele na area de trabalho (DESKTOP) e depois disso so iniciar o jogo e se divertir =) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To install the crack is simple, just throw the folder into the bin folder of you r game EX: C: \ Program Files \ Trucks & Trailers After that, you go in the bin folder that it is in the game folder and creates a shortcut file trucks_n_trailers and puts it in the working area (desktop) and only after that is start the game and have fun! Downloaded torrent: TPB Created: Juauzynhu

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