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Homeopathy Clinical Tips

Here you will find interesting clinical tips by authors having experiences in their clinical practice, that they frquently found and verified certain group of remedies were really helpful for certain symptoms, inspite of analyzing their cases as per homeopathic principles.

These tips are general indications/experiences of a particular case by a perticular author/practitioner. In no case, we admit to follow these tips in your clinical practice, but these tips may be helpful in certain cases, and moreover these are to refresh your knowledge and thinking.

If you want to share your such experiences with homeopathic fraternity, you may send your contributions through feedback form. We shall workout possibilities for publication, and shall inform you accordingly.

SN 1. 2.

Symptom Trio of Remedies for Asiatic Cholera Trio of Remedies for Asthenopia or weakness of accommodation from the abuse of spectacles (eye-strain)

Remedies Camph., Cupr., Verat. Ruta, Nat-m., Senega

Author E.B. Nash E.B. Nash

3. 4.

Trio of Remedies for Cholera Trio of Remedies for Chronic Rheumatism and Paralysis

Camph., Cupr., Hell. Caust., Rhus-t., Sulph.

E.B. Nash E.B. Nash

5. 6. 7.

Trio of Remedies for Condylomata Trio of Remedies for Delirium Trio of Remedies for Disorders of Alimentation

Thuj., Staph., Nit-ac. Bell., Hyos., Stram. Bry., Nux-v., Puls.

E.B. Nash E.B. Nash E.B. Nash

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Trio of Remedies for Drooping of the Lids Trio of Remedies for Flatulent Remedies Trio of Remedies for Fluent Coryza Trio of Remedies for Glandular Affections Trio of Remedies for Haemorrhages Trio of Remedies for Hahnemann,s anti psoric remedies

Caust., Gels., Sep. Carb-v., Chin., Lyc. All-c., Ars., Merc. Carb-an., Con., Brom. Erig., Trill., Mill. Calc., Lyc., Sulph.

E.B. Nash E.B. Nash E.B. Nash E.B. Nash E.B. Nash E.B. Nash

14. 15. 16.

Trio of Remedies for Infra - Scapular Pains Chenop., Chelid., Trio of Remedies for Intermittent Fever Trio of Remedies for Lochia after confinement Caps., Eup-per., Ign. Kreos., Rhus-t., Sulph.

E.B. Nash E.B. Nash E.B. Nash


Trio of Remedies for Pain

Acon., Cham., Coff.

E.B. Nash

18. 19. 20.

Trio of Remedies for Restlessness Trio of Remedies for Sleepiness

Acon., Ars., Rhus-t. Ant-t., Nux-m., Op.

E.B. Nash E.B. Nash E.B. Nash

Trio of Remedies for Very offensive odor to Benz-ac., Nit-ac., Sep. the urine

21. 22. 23.

Trio of Remedies for Weakness Abusing, scolding Aconite in action when given in early stages of herpes zoster

Ars., Carb-v., Mur-ac. Chin. Lyc. Staphylococ.

E.B. Nash Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan


Affections of the brain in children with catarrhal fever; difficult dentition or exophthalmic disease

Cupr. met.

Prof. LM Khan


After hard labour, if some degree of cerebral hemorrhage


Prof. LM Khan


All types of changeability, which are not covered by drugs, hard changeability


Prof. LM Khan


Allergic reaction (specially skin) to antibiotics


Prof. LM Khan

28. 29.

Alternate sweat with dryness of the skin Amelioration in all complaints by lying down

Apis Manganum

Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan

30. 31. 32.

Anaemia in pregnancy Asthma agg. in foggy weather Asthma from the time of birth with no relevant symptom

Ferr. met. Hypericum Syph.

Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan

33. 34. 35.

Asthma from the time of puberty Asthma in summer weather Asthma preceded by repeated viral and bacterial infections

Puls. Syph. Carcinocin

Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan


Asthma relieved on mountains and high place


Prof. LM Khan

37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.

Asthma with craving for biscuits Bad effects of barbiturates Bad effects of tetanus shots Bleeding piles, no medicine helps Body burning even when bathed in sweat Bronchitis in painful dentition Can only urinate when lying

Plumb. met. Carbo-v. Mag-p. Alco.200 Opium Calc-p. Kreosote

Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan

Cases of acne rosacea where our indicated F.S.H. remedy has not worked properly


Changeability of complaints from one organ to another


Prof. LM Khan

46. 47. 48.

Changeable, finely sensitive mood Changing position ameliorates Children prone to otitis or recurring bronchitis (specially of the apex)

Ignatia Rhus tox. Tub. aviare

Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan


Children who cannot bear milk with nearly Aethusa all complaints

Prof. LM Khan

50. 51.

Cholera in painful dentition


Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan

Cloudiness of vision, with a kind of flashing Puls. fire as if she had received a slap in the face


Cold, clammy night sweats, driving out of bed


Prof. LM Khan


Complete paralysis of accommodation; could not read at any distance, or look at food while eating on account of pain


Prof. LM Khan

54. 55. 56. 57. 58.

Complete relief during sweat Constant irresistible desire to look behind Constipation with dentition Cough with dentition Diabetes mellitus with kidney complications; patient fully dependent on insulin with skin manifestation

Nat. mur. Brom. Lach. Sanicula Bry. Mag-m. Nux vom. Cham. Cina Nux vom. Insulin30

Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan

59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66.

Diarrhoea after burns Diarrhoea after cabbage Diarrhoea after chocolate Diarrhoea after coryza Diarrhoea after pains in the chest Diarrhoea in ascites Diarrhoea when alone Dread of downward motion with nearly all complaints

Ars. Bry. Petr. Bor. Lith-c. Sang. Sang. Acet-ac. Stram. Bor.

Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan


During asthmatic attack, must sit most of the time by the window

Ferr. met.

Prof. LM Khan

68. 69. 70. 71.

E. Coli infection anywhere in body Each alternate period more profuse Easy vomiting without previous nausea Evacuation of stool is exceedingly hard, knotting like stones, as they pass, leave the rectum intensely sore and tender which persists for long time. Stool comes

Myristica2x or 3x Thlaspi Apomorphia Alumen

Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan

at very long intervals, once or twice a week 72. Exostosis on upper part of right tibia, with Dulc. bluish red spots; suppurating lumps 73. Eyes feel heavy, lids incline to close as from paralysis 74. 75. 76. Fever with dentition Foetid diarrhoea as black as tar Great difficulty in drinking on account of short breathing, drinks in sips 77. Great tenesmus of rectum and bladder at the same time 78. Hand washing often Lac can. Medo. Nit. acid. Phos. Syph. 79. Head symptoms worse in the morning, from mental exertion; exercising in the open air, after eating or from wine or coffee; better in warm room and from sitting quietly or lying down 80. Headache as if the head was bruised; through all the bones of the head and down into the root of the tongue 81. Headache from beer, brain feels loose when stepping or shaking the head, aggravation from sitting and in cold, amelioration by motion and warmth 82. Headache from too much thinking, too close application or attention 83. 84. Headache instead of menses Headache of drunkards, after debauchery after lemonade, tea, wine, every afternoon 85. Headache preceded by blindness, and ameliorated by profuse urination 86. Headache, agg. by noise, touch, strong light; amel. by rubbing head against the pillow; sensation as if thousands of Tarentula Prof. LM Khan Gels. Prof. LM Khan Glon. Selenium Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Sabadilla Prof. LM Khan Rhus tox. Prof. LM Khan Ip. Prof. LM Khan Nux vom. Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Merc. cor. Prof. LM Khan Acon. Cham. Nux vom. Leptandra Kali nit. Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Sepia Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan

needles were pricking in the brain 87. Headache, blindness precedes the attack, sight returns as headache increases 88. 89. 90. Heart pain apex to base Heart pain base to apex Medo. Syph. Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Kali bich. Prof. LM Khan

Heartburn, belching, copious flow of saliva Allium sat. after eating, wind colic, great distension. Least change in usual diets increase the dyspepsia


Heat on top of head; flushes in face; feet cold


Prof. LM Khan


Heaviness and swelling of whole body before profuse menses


Prof. LM Khan

93. 94.

Hereditary Rheumatism History reveals consumption of aspirin, anacin and such drugs, shadows the newborn

Selenium Sepia Sil. Arn. Carbo-v. Lach. Mag-p.

Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan


Hyperemesis gravidarum when no medicine is helping


Prof. LM Khan


Hypertension with cardiac, renal disorder

Calc. Nat. sulph. Plumb. met. Rhus tox. Thuja

Prof. LM Khan


In acute cold and coryza when symptoms are turning towards influenza


Prof. LM Khan


In anaemic patients, especially females suffering from defective nutrition great weariness of mind and body, anorexia, nausea and a sensation of weight in uterine region

Aletris Far.

Prof. LM Khan


Inability to think, fix attention or remember things specially before exams


Prof. LM Khan

100. Insensibility to external impressions; stertorous breathing, specially after fear 101. Intense agony with gnawing of fist 102. Intense pain along the sciatic nerve, following its larger ramifications; sometimes numbness takes the place of the pains


Prof. LM Khan

Acon. Gnaph.

Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan

103. Intense pain in the joints before swelling commences 104. Its strongest indication is the burning rawness in the throat 105. Laughter during chill 106. Lumbo - sciatica, left sided


Prof. LM Khan

Amm. caust.

Prof. LM Khan

Calc. Amm. mur. Rauwolfia Xanthoxylum

Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan

107. Melancholic mood; dwelling on religious things; anxious to save his soul


Prof. LM Khan

108. Menorrhagia with tendency to faint, better Trill. if she applies strong pressure to pelvis 109. Mental symptoms alternating with physicals 110. Mother exposed to x-rays many a time 111. Mother treated with typhoid drugs 113. Nephritic colic (right side), with violent vomiting every fifteen minutes, twist about screams and groans; red (bloody) urine, with brick dust sediment after the attack 114. No appetite in children, when constitutional remedy fails 115. Otorrhoea of long standing, generally following scarlatina in childhood 116. Over fatigue from work or excitement, what is often called "tired headache" 117. Pain - sacrum to pubis with nearly all complaints 118. Pain across sacrum with urgency to stool, sensation of internal soreness on pressure in the region of right kidney and gout with fluid in large toe joints. Albuminuria complicated with gout. 119. Pain in right eyeball as if inner portion of the eye would be torn out 120. Pain in shoulder joint, in deltoid muscle or Ferr. met. upper arm; better walking slowly about 121. Pain under the left shoulder blade Chenopodium Prunus Ammon. benz. Sabina Epiphegus Tellurium Gentiana Plat.

Prof. LM Khan

Prof. LM Khan

Brom. Fluoric Ac. Rad. Sil. X-ray Prof. LM Khan Bapt. Ocimum Can. Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan

112. Movement of jaw from side to side in fever Bry.

Prof. LM Khan

Prof. LM Khan

Prof. LM Khan

Prof. LM Khan

Prof. LM Khan

Prof. LM Khan

Prof. LM Khan

Prof. LM Khan

122. Painless infection of the whites of the eye (ecchymosis) 123. Painless restlessness of legs with burning 124. Pains (rheumatic) in arms, especially about the attachment of the deltoid muscles 125. Pains accompanied with constant chilliness, and the more severe the pain the harder the chill 126. Pains are sticking, tearing, throbbing, better only when holding feet in ice-water 127. Pains better by coughing 128. Pains with delirium 129. Pains with fainting 130. Pains with frequent micturition 131. Pains with profuse sweating 132. Pancreatic pain, colic, calculus 133. Partial sweats; head, nape, chest, feet 134. Passive uterine hemorrhage occuring in women long after their climacteric

Nux vom.

Prof. LM Khan

Medo. Phyt.

Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan


Prof. LM Khan


Prof. LM Khan

Apis Verat. Hep. sul. Thuja Cham. Atropin.6, 30 Calc. Vinca minor

Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan

135. Patient pick and bore into the raw surfaces Arum tri. though very painful with nearly all complaints 136. Piles with scanty menses 137. Piles, after suppression of leucorrhoea 138. Piles, better by applying saliva Lach. Amm. mur. Brom.

Prof. LM Khan

Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan

139. Piles, bleeds profusely. Piles with burning, Ham. soreness, fullness, heaviness, with urging to stool 140. Piles, extremely painful, cannot sit. 141. Piles, sharp stitches shoot up the rectum. person mentally and physically exhausted by long concentrated grief 142. Piles, suddenly bleeds heavily. The countenance is expressive of fear 143. Pneumonic congestion with red face and epistaxis 144. Post-operative flatulent pains 145. Profound melancholy in nearly all Raphanus sat. Aurum met. Melilotus Acon. Thuja Ignatia

Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan

Prof. LM Khan

Prof. LM Khan

Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan

complaints 146. Profuse prolonged periods ameliorated by resting, with cystitis, hematuria 147. Restlessness of legs without pain cyclical motions 148. Rheumatism begins in limbs and ascends Led. Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan 149. Right eye very painful, feeling much larger Comoclad. and more protruded than the left 150. Scanty periods with sudden uterine cramps, pain in the sacral region going round the body to pubes with tendency to faint 151. Seeing or hearing running water excites desire to urinate 152. Sensation as if a cold wind were blowing in Fluoric Ac. the eye 153. Sensation as of a round ball in the forehead sitting firmly there even when shaking head 154. Sensation of a plug, weak memory and frequently using rude and rough language (cured a case of Osteoarthritis) 155. Sensitiveness of spinous process of dorsal Phos. vertebrae to pressure 156. Severe dull pain in the bladder, which is not better after urinating 157. Skin problem in painful dentition 158. Sleeplessness with dentition 159. Soreness in sacro-iliac symphysis, as if broken or separated 160. Spleen enlargement without fever 161. Suffocative post-sternal pain aggravates walking and resembling in a mild way with angina pectoris 162. Suppression of menses by drinking a glass Lac def. of milk until next period 163. Sweat, with formication 164. Sweats day and night without relief Rhod. Hep. sul. Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Ferr-i. Juglans cinerea Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Caust. Coff. Calc-p. Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Equiset. Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Anac.200 Prof. LM Khan Staph. Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Lyssin. Prof. LM Khan Vib-op. Prof. LM Khan Zinc. met. Prof. LM Khan Erig. Prof. LM Khan

165. Symptoms changing 166. Symptoms changing crosswise 167. Symptoms changing sides 168. Teeth decay at roots (as in sycosis), the crown remaining sound; crumble, turn yellow

Puls. Manganum Lac can. Thuja

Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan

169. The urine turns milky after standing a little Cina 170. Thirstlessness with nearly all complaints 171. Timidity with obstinacy 172. Uncontrollable laughter, scolding 173. Urinary troubles caused by exposure to damp cold 174. Vertigo when suddenly raising or turning the head, even when at rest; or when going up stairs or a hill 175. Vertigo with great debility of the limbs and Arg. nit. trembling 176. Vertigo with headache from slightest mental exertion 177. Vertigo with very slow pulse 178. Vertigo with weariness; head has a tendency to sink forward; increased by motion; lessened by lying down 179. Vertigo; face suddenly becomes red and fiery, ringing in the ears; palpitation, dyspnoea 180. Violent vertigo so that the patient falls down (forward) 181. When dropping off to sleep the breath stops, the patient awakens catching for it, with a gasp, cannot get to sleep on this account Grindelia Rob. Cicuta Ferr. met. Dig. Cupr. met. Nat. carb. Calc. Puls. Sil. Mosch. Dulc.

Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan

Prof. LM Khan

Prof. LM Khan

Prof. LM Khan

Prof. LM Khan Prof. LM Khan

Prof. LM Khan

Prof. LM Khan

Prof. LM Khan

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