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Colgio Salesiano So Gonalo

Escola de Educao Bsica

2 atividade de Lngua Inglesa 2 bimestre - teacher Vnia Walber

Name: _______________________________________________ 6 srie _____
Esta folha dever ser feita e entregue at o dia 24/05/2012.
1- Complete as frases usando o verbo que est entre parnteses no Simple Present.
a- I __________ in Manaus. (morar)
b- Tom and Kate __________ in a restaurant. (trabalhar)
c- Bill and you __________ dinner at 7:00. (ter)
d- The dogs __________ under the tree. (dormir)
e- We __________ juice in the afternoon. ( beber )
f- Carol and I __________ Geography at night. ( estudar )
g- They __________ hamburgers every morning. ( fazer )
h- The birds __________ bread in the garden. ( comer )

2- Mude as frases B e D do exerccio 1 para as formas NEGATIVA e INTERROGATIVA.

B- ______________________________________________________________________
D- ______________________________________________________________________

3- Ligue as horas ao relgio correto.

a- Its one oclock.
b- Its six ten.
c- Its five forty.
d- Its two forty-five

Colgio Salesiano So Gonalo

Escola de Educao Bsica

4- Escreva sobre a sua rotina. Use os verbos abaixo e horrio ou partes do dia. (pessoal)
a- get up
b- have breakfast
c- go to school
d- watch TV
e- have lunch
f- do homework
g- go to bed
h- take a shower
i- brush teeth
j- have dinner

5- Escreva os verbos a seguir em ingls.

a- tocar violo

i- correr

b- cantar

j- nadar

c- danar

k- pular

d- patinar

l- cozinhar

e- andar de bicicleta

m- dirigir

f- tocar flauta

n- falar Ingls

g- beber

o- ir para a escola

h- estudar

p- ler

6- Desenhe os seguintes relgios:

a- Its five oclock.
b- Its six thirty.
c- Its three fifteen.
d- Its five twenty.

Colgio Salesiano So Gonalo

Escola de Educao Bsica

7- Escreva os dias da semana (letra maiscula).


8- Complete as frases com os verbos da caixa.

9- Complete o texto.

10- Complete com IS, ARE ou DO.

Kisses, VW

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