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1. Apa saja hak asasi islam? First darury rights (basic rights).

Something is considered a fundamental right if rights are violated, not only mernbuat human misery, but also lost their existence, even the lost dignity of humanity, such as death. Kedua_hak hajy (secondary rights), that the rights which if not met will result in the loss of elementary rights, such as the right person to obtain adequate food and clothing, it will rnengakibatkan loss of life. Third, tahsiny rights, namely the right of the lower level of primary and secondary rights. 2. Hak asasi islam apakah sudah diterapkan? not applicable, because there are differences in perceptions and concepts of human rights in the Islamic and conventional rights 3. Mengapa hak asasi islam penting? because human rights are created in an effort to maintain the safety of human existence as a whole through sksi balance is the balance between rights and obligations, as well as the balance between the interests of individuals with common interests 4. Apakah sudah diterapkan di indonesia? Aceh is implementing a new Human Rights Islam, and it was actually criticized, because Amnesty International claimed that the flogging sentence violated the UN Convention against Torture, which Indonesia ratified in 1998.

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