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Hegel’s Political Philosophy . problems and perspectives “ A COLLECTION OF NEW ESSAYS 1%, A. PELCZYNSKI Feliw of emirate College, Oxford DEDALUS - Acervo -FFLCH-FIL 210000135" WM SHOSHU aUSP.- 919 CAMBRIDGE Ai the Cries Pre 1978 iF dn Q3.5 HEGEL, Yong Withaum Prt Riteaaln Petth ers bbe by the Sts of he ane Unive Pe dj Hs ate Raiden oe eis Beat 5 an es New Ye ws © cams Urey Pre Liar of Cingen Cage Card Names reas (Wea pe ts 05a oa # td Great Bain by ‘Tee Eaten Pree Lined ti London ad Reig Contents Preface List of ebbreitions “The Hegelian conception ofthe sate za retezrtent, Fellow and Lecarer in Pals, Pembroke College, Oxford Egor a the eeaizaion of fedorn Jon rearvars, Chihele Pofeor of Socal ‘nd Poel Theory, Univesity of Oxford Burke, Hegel and the French Revelation Jor. siren, Fonds nation! vse de la recherche sientifigue, Pare Hegel's Phenomenology: an elegy for Helle yoorra sean, Lene on Government, Hareard University The arctre of Hegel's Phiovophy of Right i serine, Proeaor of Phiwopy, Univerity of the Sar “The sources and sigaifcance of Hegel’ corporate dactine fe matwa, Aut Profetor of Poll Science, University of Toronto [Natore and fee in Hegel's Phiouphy of Right asauo ninorn, Profesor of Phileophy, Univer of Engen Hegel's theory of pnisment Davip E couven, deen: Profesor of Philowphy, Unierty of Mism, Forde ase vt ge’ account of war Dore vananns ect Profior of Phiowphy, Pennjeanie Sate Univesity Peincple and prejudice in Hegel's plilxophy of history see me wana, Profesor of Lagi and Metipyicy, Unierty of Edinburgh / Pecspectvs inthe Marsan critique of Hegel's pital philosophy tone oneny Lecturer in Police Theory, University of all “The roe of the individ in prerealuonary soci: Simer, Mas, and Hegel noobs 70 Ge la recherche sienifigue, Pais Hoge’ pata pilomphy: some tooghts en it contemporary relevance Indes sensast, Cere Navona 16 cs %» 243 Proface eg was toe 0027 Angut 170, and de proeat volume was eiginiy hbned tape in ote commer th een er appt 5 yar nr ming the unfree and potblyaneadale ciclo of ‘cling and edting original ems by ctor watered eer wo ‘Sent Aneng th tiny hole tke of ned chalet ‘refs om taro pounds may strain ile coat ok ‘othe fem uwlling ery bury ashore I would ke ce sore ‘elope tothe former and wo thank ho of heater who ded tomy Twat very fonante tne hd the nite of Prk Jon Plamen, Me W. 1. Wenutn td Dr Ste Aven oe ey sage the peje, "Re eo gee me ae frill aon ler age Tam nde fo Joe Had for tse etl sian, ed to Roger Hacer foe tama tw af the eye i England so png ith the ‘lai werk The help of Pembroke Clge vera ea pecialy Lady ‘Aon Sindhi and Mar lake eke ms be rofl scoped Dy own conten tenes pet tem che ere comment of MTR "Toran whom woud ke on cry “The ceased in hela cel te mj pc works Wega, saath tps cen by he cet del wih cel opr cote: ‘rl ein Hee pail pup. A wide perm speach ‘Sebi wish ptt hough by no mee uote deo eget Swoks snd idem What nied the edtr snd he conte ake wt = oman Sie that Hegel polis plop is cing sgt and Ingen and tat it toy py spe heer eed to deta ‘Web tat eae sur icant te ed car render Osferd, Aug 1970 fa reeeran

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