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Annie Medosch 10/2/09 SS per.

7 Americans Havent lived up to the five ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence In the pictured titled The Civil Rights Movement, it shows how Americans havent lived up to the ideal of equality. Outside a restaurant called Jockey Boy, in Birmingham Alabama, are many black men and woman along with policemen. Policemen used to use things like fire hoses, clubs, and in this case police dogs against black people. The repercussions of these actions led to more and more civil right movements. The civil right movements led to the acceptance and equality of black people. Another picture where Americans havent lived up to the five ideals is The Progressive Era. It is depicting two young girls working in a crammed factory. The factories had to hire the children because industries had gone down, so they would hire anyone that was willing to work. The ideal expressed here is unfair rights because the kids that work dont have fair treatment. Children had to work sometimes 19 hours a day with maybe one hour breaks for little or no pay. The equipment they worked on was large, dangerous, and heavy, and children werent always supervised when operating the mechanisms. Many of them were injured while working with the machinery and some even have died. Pea Pickers refer to poor migrant workers in the great depression, and thats is exactly what the women in the picture The Great Depression and the New Deal or Migrant Mother. The ideal that relates to this is the loss of opportunity because now that she is poor, she is not able to afford the things she needs and wants. Her children will now be raised in a family that can barley put food on the table, and that is very sad. Herself and her children will have to limit their hopes and dreams to make money for the family.

Americans Have lived up to the five ideals in the Declaration of Independence Women in the 20s didnt have many rights. The roles of the women were usually to stay at home, do the housework, and care for the children. Probably the main problem was the womens suffrage though, but that is more about democracy. In the picture called The 20s, it shows a black lady smiling and dancing with jewelry and a beautiful dress on. This is representing liberty because she isnt being held as a slave, or doing housework for the men, she is doing something for herself. She is using the right to a pursuit of happiness, liberty, and life, demonstrating all the things that make up liberty. The Vietnam War Memorial is dedicated to those that served in the Vietnam War. I say that this memorial relates to the ideal of liberty because the men and women that served in the war fought to give America freedom. The wars going on in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam were horrendous for the Americans and the innocent civilians, so they are dedicated on The Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C The Map of the New World represents oppo.rtunity because many immigrants came here from a horrible envoi0rment. People that want to escape poverty come to America; ones who want more freedom come to America ect.ect. What people see America is rich recourses, vast plains, and welcoming people, so they bring their family with them. The picture which is the coast of the Atlantic, and that is where many, many immigrants came2. Ellis Island is a famous port where thousands of immigrants came for economic opportunity. 6

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