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Abridged version of the updated 2nd edition





Writing & coordination

Richard Amalvy
Directeur, External Relations & Marketing
World Scout Bureau
Graphic design, artwork & editorial support
Simon Bourges
Graphic assistant and research for the second edition
Guadalupe Sanmateu
Victor C. Ortega
World Scout Bureau archives & photography services.
Samantha Pijollet-Hall
World Scout Bureau, first edition, September 2003
World Scout Bureau, second edition, September 2008
ISBN 978-2-917213-01-8
World Scout Bureau, special edition on Communication,
abridged version of the updated 2nd edition of Scout.Boom.Comm,
March 2009.
All rights are reserved concerning reproduction and translation for national
Scout organisations that are members of the World Organization of the Scout
Movement. Credit is obligatory and must mention the source and the author.
Table of contents

Foreword & Introduction 4

chapter 1 Scoutings Profile 6
chapter 2 Scouting as a brand and a product 8
chapter 3 Why a strategy? 10
chapter 4 The elements of Corporate Communications 14
chapter 5 Working with the media 26
chapter 6 Internal Communications 36
chapter 7 Disseminating key messages 38
chapter 8 Partnerships that strengthen Communication 40
Exploring 43
Why tell the story?
Therese Bermingham
World Scout Committee Member
Chairman of the Sub-Committee Scouting's Profile
n The World Scout Committee members have chosen three actions to shape the
dynamics of the 2008-2011 mandate. One of these actions is Tell the story. This
invites us all to leave our isolation to make communication a priority action, both
within the Movement as well as outside of it.
Within the Movement, we must break down the barriers, by inventing communication
under all its forms: interpersonal, intergenerational, intercultural. And especially,
by following the advice of our founder: by asking the boys... and the girls how
they see the future of the Movement, how they perceive its image, how they wish
to redesign its educational programme. The stake of internal communication is
fundamental in order to innovate and react to the challenges of development and
growth accurately. Imagine a great bowl of oxygen that invigorates our lungs!
Outside the Movement, we must create connections with the media, as well as
with all those who have the capacity to increase the impact of Scouting on society:
patrons, sponsors, public and private partners.
It isn't just enough to be seen in public. We must also learn to communicate. We
must integrate training modules within the curriculum of scout leaders, that teach
how to tell the story of what Scouting does. This booklet was created to help you
become the best promoters of an educational product in which we all believe: the
famous Scout Method!
The Sub-Committee Scouting's Profile, which I have the honour to preside, has
established that all actions for training and reinforcement of proficiencies, are a
priority at regional and national levels until 2011. This is why the experience of the
regional communication foras will be repeated while being reinvented.
In the meantime, be prepared to tell the story!
Training spokespersons for the Scout Movement
n While Scouting has a great deal of expertise in many fields, it often lacks the
ability to communicate what it is and what it does. Scout.Boom.Comm has been
written to help you to do so.
This abridged version, which is an extract of the updated 2nd edition, deals with
all aspects of internal and external Communication and, in particular, working with
the media.
Speaking on behalf of the Movement requires training. It can easily be undertaken
by volunteer leaders, but it is indispensable in order to help revitalise Scoutings
image, improve its reputation, and attract the attention of everyone (media, sponsors,
etc.) who can help Scouting to grow and develop. Training spokespersons is all
the more essential when there is competition with other youth associations at local
and national level.
The techniques that we propose are adapted from the business world and enable
you to become familiar with an easily accessible method.
Improvisation is not the best way to be prepared! We hope you will enjoy the
journey through this booklet.
Richard AMALVY
Directeur, Relations extrieures et Marketing
Bureau Mondial du Scoutisme


Scoutings Profile
n Three closely inter-related fields of activity play a crucial
role in Scoutings success: communications, partnerships
with other organisations and financial resources. This is the
spirit of the Strategic Priority entitled Scoutings Profile,
adopted by the World Scout Conference in Thessaloniki
in July 2002.
However, the inter-relationship between these three areas
can only exist within a framework of action undertaken
in a way that is global, transversal and coherent in order
to ensure they are implemented as part of the Strategy,
in accordance with priorities that do not only concern
This inter-relationship requires a working method based
on cooperation and partnership within the organisation,
involving everyone directly concerned by these three
fields. Transversality requires the participation of all of the
departments and services, at all levels including, of
course, all professionals and volunteers. Coherence will
result from pursuing the same goals.
1. A global strategic approach
What we are trying to establish here is a holistic approach.
This global approach implies real synergy between all of
the components of an organisations strategy. We will
come back to this later.
For the moment, let us examine the Communications
Strategy. Its objectives need to follow the following
To define a Communications strategic plan that:
Scoutings Profile
2. Communications
Effective communications are vital to all aspects of
Scouting. From interpersonal communication to mass
communication, the means of communication must
enable Scouting to attract and retain new members,
motivate volunteer and professional leaders and enable it
to establish partnerships and obtain the financial resources
it needs.
In order to do so, Scouting has to be a good product
and be able to promote itself effectively. Creating a good
public image does not happen by chance: it requires a
professional approach and a strategic plan. We will see
how to go about this in the second part of the preparation
process of a strategy in the chapter entitled Improving
Communications. The main aspects are the institutional
image (corporate image) and the Image Policy.
Taking into account the Movements material resources,
communications must be planned and targeted to get
specific messages across to clearly identified groups
of people. Modern technology offers numerous new
opportunities to do so more effectively, more efficiently
and at a lower cost.
3. Partnerships
Scouting cannot exist in isolation: it is a part of society and
local communities. It needs to work in partnership with
others, from individuals to organisations at local, regional,
national and world levels. Partnerships create coordinated
action with others and provide benefits that would not be
possible if Scouting acted on its own.
4. Resources
Scoutings partnerships can generate new resources in
the area of finances, for example. Partnerships may also
supply human and material resources, thus increasing
the means available and reducing the stress on an
organisations budget. The Movement must also take
into specific account the needs and possibilities in
terms of fundraising at all levels and establish training,
programmes and activities that are specifically adapted for
this purpose. Effective fundraising campaigns also require
good relationships and good communications.
5. From Scoutings profle to the concept
of branding
We started with the Strategic Priority of Scoutings Profile.
As the following diagram illustrates, we have added the
concept of branding as an element that makes the whole
thing more coherent.
This exercise helped us to launch guidelines based on:
- A Brand Communications strategy
- A Brand Management strategy
- A Resource Mobilisation strategy
- A Partnerships and External Relations strategy.
At the same time, the functions of the Scout brand are
becoming clearer for members, future members and
partners, as well as for the Scout Movement.
Special edition on Communications
We suggest that you read Chapters 3 and 5 of the full version: Identity: a common heritage and Scouting
as a product, its image as an asset. These two chapters will enrich your basic knowledge of the Scout
Movement so as to help you prepare for your role as a spokesperson.


Scouting as a
brand and a product
Identification The Scout brand identifies the product
(educational programme) from the perspective
of its principal characteristics.
Reference Thanks to the brand, members, future members
and partners recognise Scoutings educational
programme and can quickly differentiate it
from its competitors.
Guarantee The brand symbolises a public commitment
to quality and performance.
It guarantees the defence of the cause.
Personalisation Adhering to the Scout brand enables members,
future members and partners to identify
themselves with the commonality
of values that it represents.
Social positioning The brand offers the Movement the opportunity
to position itself vis--vis its competitors
and to make its differentiating elements
and its project known.
Image The Movements fame and long-standing
existence mean that Scoutings brand image
constitutes a true heritage that needs
to be capitalised on and kept safe from harm.
The functions of the Scout Brand
n In order to attract attention, make people dream and
want something, perhaps even generate an emotional
response a brand has to tell a story. And Scouting has a
fabulous one to tell. In order to gain customers and increase
its capital, a brand needs to make its reputation bear fruit
and increase its value. This is the challenge that Scouting
set itself in 2005 by working to revitalise its brand.
The two diagrams presented in this double-page spread,
rely on marketing techniques which were borrowed from
the business world. For years, the Scout Movement
has been fearful of using these methods, thinking that
merchandising should be excluded from its behaviour.
It is not a question of selling oneself at all cost, but of
understanding how to penetrate the market of educational
and recreational activities for young people, the sector in
which the Movement has been a leader during the first part
of its century of existence.
If we consider that market shares have been lost or must
be recovered or won over, then the solution consists in
really understanding the functions of the Scout Brand and
identifying Scouting as an educational and recreational
In the first diagram, one can notice that the Brand does
not sum itself up to only a symbol (the emblem), but to a
set of functions that have an impact on customers (young
people, families), and which clearly position the Movement
on its essential characteristics and those which distinguish
it from others.
In the second diagram, we can define Scouting as a
product, to find its essential purpose, to identify who are
its sellers and its potential customers. The question of
life cycle is related to the fundamental question of social
innovation. We invite you to redo this exercise at a national
and local level.
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Scouting as a product
Scouting as a brand and a product
Special edition on Communications


n Seneca said that there is no favourable wind for a ship
that does not know which port it is seeking to reach.
Consequently, for any constituted body, the decision to
address its audiences and undertake any communication
action presupposes having a goal and having previously
established a strategy in order to reach the intended
1. Giving meaning to your communication
A Communications Strategy enables you to make your
presentation to different target audiences concerning a
particular proposed event, action or service coherent,
relevant and effective.
The Communications Strategy should enable you to
reach your goals, organise what you want to convey,
rationalise your messages, promote and give value to the
image, actions, services or products proposed. It gives
meaning, and all the more so as communication will be
based on values.
Internally, Communications will constitute a tool that
supports the cohesion of the organisation and, for example,
will support the Adult Resources Policy. Externally, it will be
considered as a tool to support development.
Why a strategy?
A methodological approach
An NSO cannot have an External Relations Policy without
a plan that describes it and enables it to be implemented.
This chapter will help you to use this methodological
We propose that you consider the following proposals
one by one and then use the ten steps of Scout.Boom.
Comm to help you to consider the content of your future
strategic plan in more depth.
The need to communicate and improve the image can be felt
more and more. Recent work on development shows that one
of the causes of the decline in membership of organisations is
the lack of an image (or the lack of a clear image).
Four main elements explain why NSOs are often behind
with External Relations and Communications:
- the lack of a theoretical framework;
- making the mistake of starting by establishing the means
before the goals;
- considering communications to be a secondary activity
that only serves management;
- a difficulty in long-term thinking, which reduces planning
to the short-term.
Why a strategy?
2. What do we want to achieve?
The diagram "The Brand Promise" offers a vertical view
concerning the hierarchy of the various elements of the
Communications Strategy:
- it places analysis as a sine qua non element in the
development of the plan;
- it situates values and goals as what we ultimately want
to share with identified targets (we already mentioned
in the chapter on image that values are part of the
organisations capital);
- it brings the organisations strategic objectives to the
- it requires setting clear communications objectives;
- it shows that one cannot devise a plan based solely on
- it requires describing the means and tools of
- it requires identifying targets (the audience) and
positioning the various elements so as to share the
values and goals of the organisation with a particular
One element is missing here, namely messages. As we
will see, they depend on the communications axes and
the targets. These messages will result from the general
objectives of the Communications strategic plan.
Here is the way in which we will be using the following
Communications Strategy
All of the coordinated action resulting from a strategic
vision, based on clearly identified communications
priorities and objectives.
Communications strategic plan
A detailed project that enables a Communications Strategy
to be implemented during a specified period of time.
Communications Policy
A way of taking action in terms of communications.
Image Policy
A way of taking action in terms of image.
The Brand promise
Special edition on Communications
3. Part of a global strategy
There can be no External Relations and Communications
Policy, nor an Image Policy worthy of the name, without a
strategic plan that is integrated into the global strategic
plan of the organisation.
An integrated plan
First of all, this presupposes that the NSO already has its
own global strategic plan, including, for example:
- a part on the Youth Programme (content and activities);
- a part on Adult Resources (recruitment, support,
- a part on Communications;
- a part on Partnerships;
- a part on Financial Resources, etc.;
- a budget for the period of the plan;
- an implementation timeline for the selected period.
A strategic choice
Establishing an External Relations and Communications
plan (which we shall simply refer to as a Communications
plan) must be a strategic choice aimed at, for example:
- promoting a new Image Policy;
- strengthening partnerships;
- supporting a Fundraising Policy.
Parallel consequences
However, it can also:
- reveal the absence of vision concerning the other strate-
gic areas of the organisation;
- bring into question the organisation as a whole, if it does
not correspond to the expectations and needs of its
members and, more broadly, the needs of young
people and society in general.
4. Making use of theory & methodology
The contribution of theory
Whatever the strategic plan, it cannot be haphazard
it requires an analysis and expert contributions to
nourish reflection and the methodological approach. The
theoretical approach enables us to return to basics, in
other words as we said in the introduction to values, to
the basis of the Organizations identity and to its practices.
As we know, the image is simply the outcome of the
equation, somewhere between perceptions and Scouting
practices. These elements are part of Communications,
but also of the Youth Programme, Adult Resources, etc.
We need to plan, evaluate and stimulate transformation
by working with perceptions and practices. During the
period between the analysis and defining the plan, the
Organization needs to have established its conception of
External Relations and Communications.
A methodological approach
The diagram on the next page shows the possible process
of developing a global strategy for an NSO. This diagram
illustrates how, during the strategic planning process, to
take into account:
- the level of understanding of the values and the
- the necessary vision for any development drive;
- the identification and analysis of the situation;
- the definition of strategic priorities;
- the definition of strategic objectives;
- the preparation of an action plan.
The World Scout Committee is the main political body that guides the Movement
between World Scout Conferences.
1 3
Why a strategy?
This diagram shows a passive conception of
Communications that exclusively supports management.
We prefer a more active conception as expressed in the
second diagram:
The Communications plan is therefore integrated into the
framework provided by the general strategic plan, while
enriching and expanding it.
It is therefore necessary to integrate the analysis, then the
preparation and implementation process of the strategy,
into the global strategic process. This enables us to move
from a passive conceptual approach to an active one.
5. Adding a political dimension
Whats a plan? According to the dictionary, it is a detailed
project, comprising a series of steps and means, aimed
at reaching a goal.
This definition of a plan illustrates that it has an overt
political dimension as it concerns reaching a goal,
which in itself has a political dimension. Creating a plan
therefore involves a political choice and direction.
Thus, the Communications plan needs to be integrated
into the organisations general strategic plan in order to
launch a growth and development drive.
An active conception
It is also because the directions of work in a Communications
plan are eminently political that organisations should not
consider External Relations and Communications as an
add-on, nor as a secondary issue that can be developed
later, but as part of the global strategic plan, which helps
to structure what we want to say and show internally and
This Communications Strategy cannot be developed and
implemented separately from (or outside of) the global
strategy, otherwise we risk blocking its development,
moving away from it or changing its nature.
To learn more about strategy
We suggest that you explore Chapter
7 of the full version: Conceiving a strategic plan. It will
help you to discover all the steps involved in establishing
your priorities, objectives and action. Downloadable from
1. Using the results of the situation analysis as a starting
2. A vision of the organisations future
3. Identifying priorities
4. Determining targets
5. Formulating communications objectives
6. Choosing powerful themes
7. Creating communications axes
8. Adapting messages
9. Taking your time
10. Choosing the means of communications
Special edition on Communications


The elements
of corporate communications
n Just like all the words that we overuse, the word communications is both full
and devoid of meaning. Moreover, the proliferation of mass communication (mass
media) complicates the situation. Communications and information technologies
create the illusion that everything beyond reach is effortlessly accessible from our
Yet, Communication implies social exchange and understanding. Social exchange
expresses the will to meet others and seek proximity. Understanding depends
on language, the choice of words and the meaning attributed to messages.
Communication is therefore a human activity par excellence. It encompasses
all possible forms of social exchange and includes the exchange of goods and
the circulation of people. And one of the main assets (goods) of Scouting is
1. Communication & communications in Scouting
The word communication has several meanings. First of all, it means the act
of communicating with someone else. It also means the act of transmitting
something to someone else. Finally, it means an action aimed at an audience,
undertaken by someone to inform of, or promote, an activity. Communication also
means bringing together two people, things or places.
Attractiveness is just as important as
the choice of messages and images
in a corporate exhibition. Photo: the
World Scout Centre exhibition at the
Centenary Jamboree in 2007.
The elements of corporate communications
Scouting is a human activity and, true to the nature of human activity, it therefore
communicates. To follow Habermas line of thought, one could suggest that
Scouting uses systems and means of communication to stimulate social
exchange between people, that it is aware of this and thus acts on the basis
of its goals and values.The learning process that results from the personal and
collective development process is itself derived from the Movement's Mission.
Whether Communications is external, internal or institutional, it is more than a
simple technique to support the transmission of information or the promotion of
an activity.
Communications: language, systems & means
There is a distinction to be made between systems and means of communication.
Systems could be considered as being the totality of means and techniques that
enable the dissemination of messages to a more or less vast and heterogeneous
In Scouting, the symbols, rituals and traditions, as well as the specific words used,
are elements of its particular language and are difficult to translate into simple
Scoutings communication system needs to use means that are based on simple
language that facilitates social exchange and understanding.
Communications: supporting information
Communications as a system is nothing if there is no information flowing between
the sender and the recipient. In order to communicate, there must therefore be
something to say or show. This is the principle of news if there is nothing new
to say then nothing is said. In the frenzy of constantly trying to retain the medias
attention, the risk is to keep talking when there is nothing to say and thus not
be heard.
A single source of information
A multiplicity of sources is one of the
causes of bad communication. The
analysis will help you to identify them.
Then, you will have to reduce their
number, as information disseminated
by many sources can lead to chaos.
The Scouts of the World package offers
a set of communications and information
tools to promote an educational programme
for the eldest age section of Scouting. The
package is an example of a media mix and
is available from Scoutstore, the official
World Scout shop.
Special edition on Communications
The role of corporate advertising

- To create public awareness of the organisation.
- To develop its identity and image in the eyes of all the target audiences
- To create a favourable climate for its direct and indirect targets.
- To make the organisation more attractive than others, both for external and
internal targets.
2. Corporate communications
Corporate communications is a form of communication in which the object is the
company or the organisation itself. The objective of corporate communication is
the construction and management of the companys image. As the expression of
its identity, it must show what it is, what it wants to do, what it knows how to do,
and what it does
. The nature of corporate communications is more strategic
than marketing, even though its implementation requires the use of marketing
tools. This is why corporate communications must be directly accountable to the
management of the organisation and not to a Marketing department of service.
In our society, communication has taken on such importance - from local to world
levels - that not communicating can mean not existing.
Corporate Advertising: The what, the why and
the how. McGraw-Hill, 1981.
The stages in organising a corporate campaign
The elements of corporate communications
3. Emblems & symbols
Amongst the elements that constitute Scoutings communications system, there
are invariable elements related to the Movements identity, whether at world or
national level. These are: symbols, emblems and mottos.
These invariable elements are full of history; they are a reminder of the Movements
culture and outline its roots.
Other elements may vary with time and fashion. These are: logos and slogans.
The World Scout emblem
The Scout emblem was created by Baden-Powell.
He quite simply chose the fleur-de-lys, which
indicated the north on old maps. Thus, the emblem
is a reminder that Scouts must be as reliable as a
compass; they must respect Scoutings ideals and
show others the way ahead.
The three petals symbolise the three duties: duty
to God, duty to others, duty to self.
The two stars represent truth and knowledge,
and the ten points of the stars symbolise the ten
articles of the Scout Law.
Surrounding the fleur-de-lys is a rope tied by a reef knot. This symbolises the
Movements unity and fraternity throughout the world. Just as it is impossible for a
reef knot to become undone, so the Movement remains united while it develops.
The emblem is white on a purple background. In heraldry, white represents purity
and purple represents responsibility and help to others.
The World Scout emblem on each members uniform strength-ens the sense of
belonging to World Scouting, provided that it is actually worn and its significance
is understood.
The World Scout emblem is the property of the World Organization of the Scout
Movement. It is registered with the World Intellectual Property Organization and is
protected in application of international agreements
on trademarks and copyrights. The description and
conditions for using the emblem were defined
in Resolution 05/69 adopted by the World Scout
Conference. Since July 2008, the World Scout
Emblem is included in the Constitution.
Wearing the World Scout badge is a sign of belonging and fellowship. It
can be purchased via the World Scout Shop.
worldscoutshop.org / scout-store.com
Baden-Powells original drawing in
Scouting for Boys (1908).
Special edition on Communications
Emblems & logos
The logo of Scouts et Guides de France
was created following the merger of Scouts
de France and Guides de France in 2004.
It is composed of part of Scoutings fleur-
de-lys and Guidings trefoil. The colours are
purple for Scouting and gold for Guiding.
The qualities of a logo
As a logo provides an initial impression (whether it is on a letterhead, on a file or a
poster), it must obey certain rules in order to guarantee its quality. Its shape, colour and
fonts must be in harmony. Composing a logo requires creativity and technical exper-
tise in order to foresee its future uses. It is not simply a drawing - so, entrust the design of a
new logo to a specialist.
Easy to read
- the logo illustrates the organisations corporate image;
- it needs to be easy to remember, and so it needs to be simple and easy to read
on any document;
- people should not be able to confuse it with a competitors logo;
- it needs to be recognised and accepted by members and partners;
- it must be possible to adapt the logo to all of the organisations products;
- on average, a logo will last between 10 and 30 years, with a few intermediary
Mottos & slogans
The slogan of Scoutings centenary on the official
logo is One world, one promise.
The composition includes the World Scout emblem,
new elements (symbolising peace, in particular), and
the centenarys slogan.
4. The Scout uniform & flags
According to the Founder, Smartness in uniform and correctness in detail may
seem a small matter, but has its value in the development of self-respect and
means an intense deal to the reputation of the Movement among outsiders
who judge by what they see. Baden-Powell clearly believed that a uniform was
significant in terms of education, but also in terms of reputation. Today, we would
say image.
As the uniform is so tied to tradition, we often forget that a Scout in plain clothes
is invisible in a crowd. In a uniform, he/she becomes a Scout in everyones eyes.
He/she is seen and identified. A single Scout in uniform will symbolise the entire
The elements of corporate communications
Movement. This is why we said that each Scout is a vector of communication
for the Movement. Apart from the persons behaviour, the uniform will reflect the
nature of the Movement. Just like a football club. This is why, for example, it is
useless to try to fight the preconceived idea that Scouting is paramilitary while
keeping a tight, old-fashioned uniform in military colours or style.
It is the same for flags. What is the purpose of
a flag in Scouting? It is useless to try to fight the
preconceived idea that Scouting is nationalistic,
while making an excessive show of national flags.
On the other hand, when a ceremony is open to
the public, a World Scout flag flying on a mast, will
show that the educational goal, which is to be a
citizen of ones country while also being a member
of an international community, is truly achieved.
5. Image Policy & corporate image
Any change in Scoutings corporate image at national level requires a fine balance
between the historical and traditional elements on which the Movements identity
is founded, and new elements that will illustrate the will to adapt to social, cultural
(even political) changes.
Image Policy
The Image Policy is an essential aspect of a Communications strategic plan. The
policy needs to be based on the definition of a new corporate image and on the
way in which the component elements will be expressed internally and externally.
Now that the decision has been taken to use the Scout brand commercially, there
are many merchandising opportunities being implemented. The components of
the brand are included in the visual identity guide (which sets out all the details
concerning the reproduction of emblems and logos).
At the Jamboree, the World Scout flag flies
amongst the national flags. It is a symbol of
unity and brotherhood, bringing all Scouts
together in a common ideal of peace.
Corporate image
The corporate image is the visual representation of the organisation. It materialises
the brand through the use of the organisations name or acronym, a visual symbol
(emblem or logo) and a colour code. Corporate image is also called visual identity
or corporate identity. It needs to translate the organisations culture and personality
and appear as a signature stamp on all documents and products in a way that
is faithful and easy to read.Over time, a visual identity improves public awareness
and recognition of the organisation.
It cannot be dissociated from the name or acronym. Changing the corporate
image of Scouting is costly, as it involves changing the graphic signature on all
of the documents, and probably also on the Scout uniform, sign panels on Scout
buildings, vehicles, etc.
Special edition on Communications
The Brand Manual
The Brand Manual contains all of the guidelines on how to implement the
organisations corporate image. It is established by the graphic designers who
created the image. It is presented as a document and provides practical illustrations
of the use of the various elements.
It includes the following elements:
- the graphic form of the name (font and appearance);
- the image, emblem or logo: its positioning and relative size;
- an example of the logo in colour, black and white, and in greyscale;
- an example of where it should be placed on publications and documents;
- the Organizations colour code;
- the fonts to be used in documents and publications;
- an example of how to use the logo and the colour code on products;
- an example of how to use it on sign panels.
In April 2006, the World Organization of the Scout Movement adopted a new
brand identity based on the World Scout emblem. It contains the brand name,
World Scoutings purple colour (Pantone 527), and the Movements Vision. It is
protected as a registered trademark. A very precise visual identity guide governs
its use.
The new World Scouting brand logo does not
replace the World Scout emblem. However, its
clear identity increases the Movements visibility
and is recognised by people who did not already
equate the emblem with the Scout Movement.
The Wor|d Scout Emb|em
Wordmark Peg|strat|on symbo|
Purp|e area
Pirating our own brand
The brand logo is World Scoutings signature. It consists of the World Scout
emblem (the fleur-de-lys), the word Scouts (our name is our fame), and the Vision
Creating a Better World (our big idea).
This brand is protected by international treaties on trademarks. Failure to respect it
is an act of piracy. Every member of the Movement must act responsibly and help
preserve its integrity.

For more information: scout.org/brand
The elements of corporate communications
World Scout Conference
Resolution 05/69 stipulates that
the World Scout emblem must
feature in the logos of all official
international Scout events. The
way it is used must follow a
precise visual identity guide.
The logos of all official events
must be submitted to the World
Scout Committee for approval.
Precise information
is available at:
Merchandising in Scouting
Merchandising consists of using names, the image of celebrities, events, logos,
works of literature or art for promotional or commercial purposes.
Merchandising needs to respect both the corporate image of the organisation and,
of course, its values. For example, one could not imagine using a logo on a T-shirt
that does not correspond to the organisations visual identity (including the use of
colours).Neither could one imagine producing bottles of beer with the organsations
logo at an alcohol-free event (e.g. a Jamboree). Thus, merchandising needs to be
in line with a code of ethics. For example, one would avoid products involving the
use of child labour or those made from banned materials, such as ivory.
All these items are on sale at Scoutstore, the official World Scout shop.
K 100
pantone 527
K 80
M55, Y90
M92, Y35
K 100
Japan will host the World Scout Jamboree in
2015. This logo was displayed when Scouts of
Japan presented their candidature to host the
event at the World Scout Conference in 2008.
Special edition on Communications
6. Means & tools of communication
While the primary means of communication between people is speech, the
range of available communication tools has diversified considerably, thanks to
advancements in technology, democracy, and individual and collective freedom
of expression.
The town crier preceded sign panels in front of shops, signs painted on
shopfronts, posters, books, newspapers, etc., to say nothing of the telephone,
radio, television, data communications and, finally, the Internet.
The means and techniques of communication need to be appropriate for the
communication objectives and the targets selected, as shown in this pretty
Choosing appropriate means for the communication streams
A communication event requires developing one or more support tools. A
campaign generally involves a variety of media. In the Better Scouting for More
Young People campaign one can find: a page of stickers (1), a DVD containing
a video clip (2), a booklet on implementing a strategy (3), action sheets (4),
promotional lapel pins (5) and badges (6). All contained in a package (7).
The elements of corporate communications
7. The Internet: the medium that recreated
the communication system
The Internet is a medium that requires a needs analysis of both the sender and the
recipients in order to find how it can best support an organisations communication,
both internally and externally. When it is well conceived, it can be a major tool to
reach numerous targets. Many institutions, businesses and organisations rushed
to launch all-purpose websites that rapidly reached a degree of uselessness and
just added to the media noise. The point is always the same: there needs to be
something new to say and one needs to offer something surprising in order to be
heard. There is a real risk that a site can take on the proportions of an encyclopedia,
as the storage capacity and the information that can be made available are huge.
We will examine further how the Internet can support press relations and how it can
be applied to internal communications.
The World Organization of the Scout Movements website is the international
showcase of the Movement. It is available in five languages (English, French, Arabic,
Spanish and Russian) and contains global information pages that describe what is
happening in the Organization. Specialised sections enable visitors to discover all of
the educational and institutional areas.
This site is an information platform aimed at improving marketing and promotion, as
well as the interaction between the Organization and its members.
The six regions have pages that provide access to information that is more closely
related to the coordinating activities carried out by the Regional Offices.
The vitality of the World Scouting site also depends on stories sent in by members.
Feel free to visit the media centre: scout.org/media.
The campaign entitled Better Scouting for More Young
People - Action for Growth was launched at the
World Scout Conference in July 2008. It aims to
develop awareness of the need to take action amongst
averyone responsible for the development of the
Movement. Communications and Marketing are part of
the indispensable elements needed to stimulate growth.
The kit is available at: scout.org/growth
Special edition on Communications
8. Events & ceremonies
Events and ceremonies are special moments in Scouting. They constitute activities
aimed at audiences defined in the Communications Strategy. They thus require
the use of appropriate techniques and relevant tools, which may not all be within
the competencies of a Communications department. Public Relations are often
involved in order to promote the event.
From the perspective of communications, whether one is organising a conference,
a public debate, a staged show, a commemoration ceremony, or a religious
ceremony, the same questions arise:
- What do we want to say?
- What do we want to show?
We need to start from the principle that an event also conveys our image, and that
it will openly symbolise the Movement.
Partnerships are particularly important in emphasising the importance of the event
and in giving meaning to its content.
The symbolic meaning of flags and of what takes place during the rituals and
traditional practices needs to be shared with as many people as possible. If their
meaning is not explained, people may mistake us for some kind of sect!
For example: a Promise ceremony that takes place in public needs to be explained
to the outsiders present. It could also be an opportunity for a revision exercise for
any Scouts who may have forgotten the meaning.
Since 2000, the Scouts
of Mexico prepared an
exhibition in the main
square in Mexico City: a
fleur-de-lys composed of
millions of soft-drink cans
that they had collected
for recycling. A Public
Relations operation as
well as a good deed for
the environment.
The elements of corporate communications
9. Crisis communication
To govern is to anticipate, as Emile de Girardin, the 19th century publisher,
publicist and politician taught us. The failure to anticipate crises, or to be informed
and prepared for adversity, etc., is synonymous with leaving ones organisation
without any means of defence, like a victim of an unforeseen event.
The crisis could be due to a serious accident during an event, or unjustified public
criticism. Emergencies and lack of foresight are costly and can be seriously
detrimental to the image and cohesion of the organisation. This is why crisis
communication (and appropriate tools) needs to be thought out in advance in
order to anticipate crises and react effectively.
Managing a crisis situation needs to be limited to a small number of people:
representatives of management, the head of Communications and the head of
the service concerned by the crisis. The organisations message needs to be
supported by concrete, irrefutable facts.
That the need for crisis communication can emanate from incorrect information.
Quickly correcting the information to a wide audience can thus be the best means
of managing the crisis.
In general, the tools needed are:
- a plan (an emergency plan in the case of a large event);
- prior identification of targets and how to reach them;
- the organisations key messages;
- relevant documentation to strengthen the message to the public;
- the means of disseminating information to a particular, useful audience.
Anticipating a potential crisis in advance will help you to react faster.
In August 2007, musical performances worthy
of grand international shows were a highlight
on the enormous stage at the 21st World Scout
Jamboree in Chelmsford, UK.
Special edition on Communications


with the media
n For an institution, a business or an organisation, opening up to the world and
addressing public opinion - beyond applying publicity techniques - necessarily
implies dealing with the media. The natural contacts are journalists. Getting them
on board implies questioning the current practices of those who send information,
i.e., the press or public relations services. You need to develop an appropriate
strategy with the media, while bearing in mind how each reacts to its audience/
readership, assess its impact on public opinion and what it can bring to the
organisation. The press is like any other partner: you need to understand how it
works so that you can work better with it. This is the subject of this chapter.
1. Getting to know the media

1. 2. 3. 4.
Get to know
the media
the media
the media
the media
Media Strategy
for Scouting
Define the
Media Strategy
Find & build
the stories
your stories
Your objectives differ from those of the media. The dream is for Scouting to appear
more often in the media and to be given better treatment in the right sections and
with the right photos. The medias objectives are clear:
- they want good stories;
- they want to sell their programmes or newspapers;
- they want to increase their readership or audience.
How, therefore, can one communicate Scoutings message while helping the
media to reach their objectives?
Working with the media
Identifying the different types of media
First, you need to identify the different types of media to understand their behaviour
- newspapers,
- television,
- radio,
- the web,
- rumours.
It is important to make a list of all the available media to determine which ones you
can work with:
- what ideology do they follow?
- what are their main interests?
- what specialised sections does each have?
- what style or tone do they use?
Identifying the media that are useful to Scouting
It is this analysis, which is the starting point to understanding the situation of the
media in your country or region, that will enable you to begin identifying the media
that could be useful to the Scout Movement. The first ones you will notice are the
media that are favoured for offering regular and good visibility of the Movement.
However, you may also notice new possibilities through discovering little-known
outlets, specialised sections or programmes, or by meeting journalists who are
open to new subjects.
2. Understanding the media
Understanding the world of the media enables us to to see them differently and to
move away from a tendency to think that they are in any case unapproachable, or
that it will be difficult to get them to change their prejudices concerning Scouting.
As a world icon, Prince Williams
capacity to attract attention enabled the
Centenary World Scout Jamboree to be
featured in all the international media.
Special edition on Communications
A few questions
- Can you respond fully to the expectations and constraints of journalists? Do you
have an alert system for journalists?
- Can you offer them permanent assistance without inundating them with e-mail?
- Are the documents that you disseminate formatted according to the rules
governing the order of information?
- Do you transmit digitalised documents to the press editorial departments?
- Can you cope with particular requests for information?
- Do you have a search engine function that can retrieve information from any part
of your site?
- Is the information you disseminate listed according to the date it was uploaded?
How are the topics organised?
- Is the documentation that you disseminate permanently available?
- Can you trace, identify and analyse data, measure site traffic, verify the results of
your electronic address book, know which journalists consulted your information
and to whom you need to send a reminder?
If you can answer yes to all of these simple questions, then your media relations
service will be relevant from a technical perspective.
Getting to know the journalists
Bringing journalists together over a fabulous buffet of snacks or relying on personal
contacts is not enough to maintain good relations with the press.
Journalists cannot necessarily spend half the day attending a press conference
and hunting through a press pack to find some vague press release, typewritten
information and a couple of photographs.
A journalist expects new stories that are likely to interest his/her readers or TV/radio
audience. He/she is always in a rush, overloaded by a continuous flow of information
that may be badly formatted or incomplete yet, the journalists responsibility is to
collect, sort, deal with and prioritise information in order to publish it.
In order to work with journalists, you:
- need an address book with their contact details. This requires some research
and updating;
- need to know the media they work for: tendency and editorial policy;
- should not have preconceived ideas about them (e.g. They dont like us.);
- should not be afraid of them (If I dont invite that one, he/shell make trouble.);
- should stop saying: Its the journalists fault, he/she didnt understand a thing!
when you do not like an article.
Working with the media
Developing a media strategy
Working with the media presupposes putting in
place a strategy - that needs to be developed like
any other - over a two-to-three year period with:
- communications objectives vis--vis the media;
- precise communications themes, supported by
appropriate key messages;
- a plan of priorities;
- a media plan covering a year or the duration of
the strategy, i.e. a real action plan;
- clear human resources;
- financial resources to implement the priorities;
- a description of the communications tools and
means that will enable you to reach the media
A journalist is not necessarily ill-intentioned or incompetent just because he/she did
not use the information as you would have wished! After all, if you liked a particular
article, you would consider the same journalist to be very professional. In order to
work with journalists, you have to change your attitude towards them, which starts
by accepting that the journalist does his/her job of investigating by asking all kinds
of questions in order to understand the situation. Refusing to answer a question or
refusing access to a campsite will raise doubts and, no doubt, suspicion: What are
these Scouts trying to hide? As Scouts have nothing to hide, they have nothing to
fear from the press.
3. Talking to the media
Knowing how to talk to the media requires a certain amount of preparation on
the part of the volunteers or professionals working in public relations. You cannot
improvise. What you need to do is to put all the odds in your favour by packaging
the stories as a whole with several important elements:
- a clear idea of what you want to show;
- the use of original hooks that will interest the journalists;
- the Movements key messages, expressed in simple terms;
- means of proving that the story is true;
- anecdotes by people involved so as to offer human interest;
- answers that anticipate difficult questions should the need be felt;
- the names of partners working with you.
A Media strategy requires strengthening the skills of those involved
in the Scout Movements Communications services. Communicating
cannot be improvised. Appropriate training plans are needed to
identify and develop skills.
Special edition on Communications
Conveying the message through stories
The organisations message will come across better if it is conveyed through
stories that are interesting and easy to tell. Illustrating World Scoutings Mission of
Educating young people to play a constructive role in society could be conveyed
by a story about a group of Rovers involved in a community service in a difficult
neighbourhood, for example. The story should describe what they did, what
motivated them to take action, some personal accounts and perhaps even the
reactions of the beneficiaries.
Avoid Scout jargon
One of the reasons that messages emanating from NSOs often seem obtuse is the
use of Scout jargon. If you want someone to understand you, you had better speak
their language. It avoids misunderstandings.
Example: This morning, six Scout patrols held a Scouts Own on Bigley Mountain
on the theme of peace.
Translation: This morning, more than 40 Scouts aged 12-14 organised a ceremony
of prayer and worship on Bigley Mountain on the theme of peace.
Choosing spokespeople
Irrespective of the level of Scouting at which one is involved, when appearing in public
(particularly when wearing the Scout uniform), one becomes the representative of
the whole international community. The globalisation of information means that what
I say or do in Geneva can have an impact in Manila or Santiago, and vice-versa. I
therefore need to constantly ensure that when I speak
in the name of the Movement, that I am the best person
to do so and that I am sufficiently informed to convey
the right message.
Thus, it would certainly be wiser to have a smiling and
appropriate young person in front of the camera if one
wants to be credible when stating that Scouting is a
youth movement that offers attractive and meaningful
activities. Training spokespeople, particularly young
ones, is of strategic importance. Being elected to a
position does not mean that one is suddenly equipped
to face the cameras. And you need to be convinced
of that.
Respecting protocol?
Being a spokesperson or a representative is not simply a matter of protocol. Protocol
can be a stumbling block that stops the person who is best placed and best able
to deliver the message from doing so. If there are more than three people facing a
press conference, then protocol has become more important than effectiveness!
There are times for protocol, and precise moments for communication.
The World Scout Bureau offers specialised
training for spokespeople. In 2007, the
young spokespeoples training experience
put fresh faces in front of the cameras and
reflected a good image of Scouting.
Working with the media
Adapting the tone according to the result sought
Talking to the media also implies adapting to their styles through a tone that
resembles them. For example, one should be serious and be able to give clear
explanations for a specialised magazine on education, and light-hearted and
smiling for a magazine aimed at children.
Questions to ask yourselves before speaking
Clearly, you should not improvise when speaking to the media, or if you are forced
to improvise, then you should be trained in how to do so. Here are some simple
questions to ask yourselves before speaking:
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between the
sender and
the receiver.
your target
As in the
theatre or in
the cinema,
you need
to create
unity in
terms of time
and space.
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Special edition on Communications
Faced with so many questions, you should ask yourselves: Do I have time to ask
myself so many questions if taken by surprise? In reality, it is a thorough knowledge
of the key messages, mastery of the mechanics explained earlier and practice that
will enable you to overcome surprises and reply appropriately!
4. Catching the medias attention
In order to catch the medias attention, a position has to be taken based on the
summary of a story i.e., the pitch. Then, the hook needs to be developed (literally
a hook that will catch the journalist fishing for something of interest). The question is
not What can I talk about?, but rather, What could interest this journalists readership
that will enable me to convey my message? Here are a few hooks for stories on the
World Centenary Jamboree:
- In a few weeks, we will live the adventure of our lives with 40,000 Scouts from 150
- The Jamboree is a city of young people living in tents for 10 days.
- My grandfather was at the Peace Jamboree in 1947, and Im going to take part in
the Centenary one 60 years later. My family has been in Scouting for
Very often, hooks are tied to angles that enable the themes to be treated with
precision in a variety of ways.
An angle is a way of approaching a subject or theme. A subject is covered when all
the angles have been touched upon. It is thus possible to repeat certain elements
of a subject and yet still offer something new by examining the topic from a different
angle. Let us examine the theme of youth:
In the context of a pre-determined, planned information campaign on youth, a
series of press releases on youth could be written from different angles.
Working with the media
Press conferences
A press conference is to announce important news. Otherwise, it is better to
issue a press release or to have a more confidential meeting with a few media
representatives. What is essential is to set a press conference for a date and time
when it is most likely to be well attended. Do not hesitate to give the journalists a call
to confirm that they are interested. Do not forget: a journalist is a partner.
Press releases
Press releases need to be short and limited to a single subject, like a news agency
dispatch. They are not propaganda: they contain information. They need to have a
title, a date and a signature. The objective is to encourage journalists to seek further
The press pack
This contains all of the documents needed to inform the journalists and communicate the
organisations messages. The content should include photographs, explanatory texts,
and useful handouts concerning the subject of the press conference or the event.
The five Ws
To be effective, clear and simple, a message needs to answer the follow question:
Who says what to whom, how, with what effects, where, when and for what
Press visits
They are useful as they offer an opportunity for closer contact with the journalists
invited and show your desire for transparency.
The press book or press review
The press book is a compilation of all the articles that have appeared in the press.
It needs to be updated regularly. It can be organised chronologically or by theme.
It enables you to regularly monitor and evaluate how the press has reflected the
Movements work that you were trying to show.
Verifying the quality of translations helps to ensure good communication. There are
at least two situations in which we need translations: in bi- or multilingual countries
and for international activities. A high-quality translation is also a mark of respect.
5. Public relations for an event
The nature of the event defines the type of public relations to be used. By their
very nature, events are likely to generate media interest, particularly if they are
conceived with the media in mind. You will therefore need to include this dimension
by conceiving it along the lines of the communications matrix presented on p.69.
Promoting an event vis--vis the media will be more effective if it has an attractive
theme and special guests.
Special edition on Communications
Media relations for an event
- Journalist accreditations
- Press invitations
- Press kit
- Reminders to journalists
- Press presentation
- Informative chats with journalists (see also: hooks)
- Gifts for the press
6. Photos & video
People are often invited to speak in the name of the Movement, but do not know
what image to portray You simply need to ask the following question:
How does our image reflect our mission through our actions?
The image is the reflection of our identity
One cannot expect a photo to reflect our sense of action if it shows people who are
standing around or standing to attention.
One cannot expect a photo to show our aspiration to promote peace if the main
activities involve marching in the streets like a regiment.
The image is the reflection of what we do
One cannot expect a photo to reflect the presence of young people at an event if all
the dignitaries are at the front and the cameras are all turned towards them.
One cannot expect a photo to reflect a modern Movement that is open to the world
if the young people are dressed in a uniform that is 100 years old. It is important to
consider the style that is projected.
You need to show concrete achievements that illustrate Scouting's Mission. A photo
in a newspaper is the reflection of a specific instant. But what is involved before
that? A photo is not something that happens by chance; it reflects something real.
The right choices have to be made before the photos are taken.
Taking a photo involves training ones eyes to see
things in a different light so as to communicate
them to others.
The Chilean Scout radio station, Patio Scout,
broadcast updates from the UK throughout the 21st
World Scout Jamboree via Internet.
Working with the media
7. Make the most of relations via Internet
The Internet is the only 100% digital mode of press relations. As we know, one of the
main criteria of the new economy is speed. For journalists, we also need to add the
following criteria: permanence, precision and relevance.
This is why, for the past few major events that WOSM has organised, press relations
have been based on providing a special web-based section for journalists.
The first experiment of this nature took place during the period of the Peace Cruise,
an event involving several destinations, organised in 1999. All of the press releases
and photos were made available at a set time each day in English and French and,
occasionally, in Arabic, Hebrew, Greek or Turkish.
This regular schedule brought the press closer, in particular the agencies, as they
knew where to find updates on the event. The written press was able to download
photographs to illustrate articles. The large news channels, such as CNN,
Euronews and Radio Vatican, determined their coverage based on access to this
This solution meant that there was no need to inundate journalists with e-mail. The
relationship became a partnership, through making life easier for the press.
The right photo:
- The choice of place, situation and activity.
- The choice of who will appear in the photo and attitudes.
The right video:
The rules are the same, with the addition of a script, adapted to the pitch of the story
you want to tell. The main footage, cutaways and the sound recording will enable to
video to be edited in line with the script.
Online Media Centre
A website needs to offer a special area for journalists. On the World Scouting site, it
is called the Media Centre. It contains:
- An up-to-date press kit;
- An up-to-date collection of press releases;
- Handouts on various themes, the schedule of press
- A themed image gallery;
- Contact details of the press service, video clips on
various themes.
Online Media Centre : www.scout.org/media
Special edition on Communications
n By definition, internal communications is addressed to internal audiences
of any association, institution or company, and constitutes a tool that supports
management. What are the implications for the Scout organisation?
1. Communication that supports management
Management is primarily a matter of managing human resources. In order to do
so, all of the techniques of communication are put into practice so as to guarantee
and strengthen cohesion and the members adherence to what the organisation
is trying to achieve. Work in this area is aimed at leadership and staff. All members
constitute internal targets. All of the techniques will need to be used to ensure that
they support and buy into the goals and the common project.
Internal communication cannot be dissociated from external communication. As
we consider that each Scout is a vector of communication, we need to help each
Scout to buy into the fundamental aspects of the Communications strategic plan
by offering tools that will help him/her to understand the life of the Movement. He/
she will thus become a spokesperson for the project.
Adopting an Image Policy
Internal communication must be based on the organisations Image Policy. Thus,
the component parts of the corporate image must be the same for both internal
and external use.
In this respect, the issues of uniform and of the quality of activities are particularly
important. One cannot hope to provide the press with images of an innovative
movement if young people are doing a boring activity in an old-fashioned
Internet, intranet & e-mail
The Internet can be used extensively in internal communication, provided that the
people to whom the information is addressed have the physical means needed to
access it: a personal computer with Internet access, or a nearby cybercaf.


Internal communications
Internal communications
Using the Internet reduces the production cost of internal communication tools and
the shipping costs of traditional publications, in particular through the use of e-mail.
An intranet system works in the same way, except that security measures need to
be in place to manage who is authorised to access it and to avoid hackers.
2. Scout magazines
The organisations newsletter, - the backbone of a Scout organisations information
and communication system, - represents a meeting-place, opportunities for social
exchange and personal enrichment.
The Scout magazine needs to convey the
organisations values. Its editorial policy
needs to emphasise the Mission, and the
images need to be a reflection of this.
Is it also a tool to attract greater media
attention concerning Scouting, its values
and ambitions?
Scout magazines are no exception to the
recommendations of a Communications
strategic plan for internal target audiences.
It can also be a product to attract external
target audiences, e.g. the non-Scout peers
of current youth members.
A few simple questions when developing a Scout magazine
- Is it the Scout organisations publication aimed at its members, i.e. produced by
the national team for the members of the organisation? Is it the Scouts magazine?
- What is its editorial policy? Has a writing style been established? How does it need
to be written in order for it to be read and understood?
- How can the magazine constitute a meeting-place with its readers?
- Have the various sections been defined in accordance with the social and cultural
practices of the readership or according to the interests of the organisation and its
- Is the format appropriate in view of the readers practices and the organisations
- How can the degree to which readers feel that they belong to the organisation and
their pride in being readers be expressed? How can it act as a tool that recognises
the readers as a common asset?
- If it is also aimed at an external readership, how will the magazine situate itself
vis--vis the competition?
- Have the interactivity and complementarity of the various publications been
thought through?
- How is the magazine disseminated? Does this correspond to the practices of the
intended readership?
A futuristic magazine cover from the
Korea Scout Association.
Special edition on Communications


Disseminating the key messages
1. Strengthening the social positioning
You are asked to represent the Movement and you are wondering how to convey
the message: you may need to make a speech, write an article, be interviewed,
or have 30 seconds in which to capture the interest of a potential donor Here
are some ideas to help with speaking in public. They build on the key messages
that we discussed on the previous page. It is not enough to simply know these
messages. In order to develop Scoutings brand image, three elements need to
be used in conjunction with each other in a coherent way in order to be a credible
There are questions that one would prefer to avoid. Some annoying questions are
justified due to a lack of knowledge of the Scout Movements Mission and to die-
hard prejudices. It is important to always keep a sense of fair play by answering
with valid arguments. If you do not know how to answer, tell the person that you will
contact him or later with a precise response.
2. Representing the Scout Movement
At whatever level we may be active in Scouting,
when we appear in public, and especially
when in uniform, we become representatives
of the entire international community. The
internationalisation of information means that
what I say or do in Geneva can have an
impact in Manila or in Santiago and vice
versa. Thus, when speaking on behalf of the
Movement, I always need to ensure that I am
the most appropriate person to do so and that
I have enough knowledge to convey the right
Representing the Scout Movement:
knowing what to say, how to say
it and how to show it. It can be
downloaded in English, French,
Spanish and Arabic from the media
centre at scout.org
Disseminating the key messages
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Special edition on Communications


Partnerships that
strengthen Communication
Partners give Scouting a legitimacy that it may not otherwise have in public opinion
when it comes to working on themes for which the Movement is little known. This is
the case, for example, when it works to help refugees, promote equal opportunities,
fight against AIDS, help minorities, etc., with partners who are already well known
for their work in these fields.
n One cannot imagine Scouting as a thriving and innovative Movement - wherever
it exists and at all levels - without partnerships to help it carry out its Mission in
1. Scoutings partners
Scouting has many partners covering all sectors of society, both public and
private. Partners work with the Movement either bilaterally for a particular project,
or multilaterally for projects undertaken with several partners. These partners are
important for several reasons.
Partners enhance Scoutings legitimacy, visibility and credibility in public opinion, in
the eyes of the media, and in the eyes of the Movement itself. Legitimacy, visibility
and credibility are three important qualities in terms of changing perceptions
concerning Scouting both within the Movement and externally.
Partnerships that strengthen communication
Next, they offer the opportunity to increase Scoutings visibility through the media
and the partners own regular audiences. There can be greater media visibility
when, for example, a joint press release is issued to journalists, or when a joint
press conference is organised. In terms of public awareness, there will be greater
visibility in the context of a jointly organised event. An example is a peace march
with the Marcia della Pace grouping in Italy.
Partnerships also lend credibility to Scoutings work:
- either because the partner publicly supports Scoutings action (e.g. an
environmental protection project carried out with the support of the Ministry of
the Environment in a particular country);
- or because the partner involves Scouting in its own campaigns (e.g. when UNESCO
invited the Scout Movement to become involved in the International Decade for a
Culture of Peace).
Special edition on Communications
3. Sharing Scoutings values with others
It is easy for Scouting to invite an NGO or an inter-governmental organisation to
become a partner for common projects that are built on the promotion of common
values. This establishment of partnerships is close to the method of co-branding,
which consists of associating two brands so that both benefit from each others
market share. However, can Scouting refuse partnerships, especially if these
potential partners were to provide a large amount of funds? Yes, if the values
of the potential partner (organisation, company or government) were contrary to
Scoutings values.
4. Lobbying & Institutional Relationships
Lobbying consists of work aimed at a defined target (e.g. parliament) to achieve
a defined goal (e.g. to get legislation passed). Work of this kind is based on the
pressure group system. The method of preparing lobbying action is the same as
the presentation in the chapter on preparing a strategy.
Institutional Relationships constitute the usual tool for lobbying action. It enables
you to:
- establish a monitoring system of Scoutings hot topics, e.g. changes in
legislation concerning youth activities;
- react towards a target as soon as action is needed, e.g. to inform parliamentarians
who belong to the World Scout Parliamentary Union (WSPU).
Lobbying requires the ability to empathise with the institution in question, in other
words, to put oneself in the shoes of the interlocutor so as to better understand
(and thus adapt to) the other party.
5. Representing the Movement externally
This consists of sending a representative of the Movement to a particular body, in
the context of both:
- partner relationships;
- institutional lobbying.
A meeting between representatives of
international youth organisations and
Ban-ki Moon, United Nations Secretary
General. New York, October 2007.
To learn more
Read WOSMs Constitution, which is a fundamental text
(available from scout.org)
Become familiar with the text of World Scoutings Mission
(available from scout.org)
the subject. It will help you to find ideas on how to ensure the social
positioning of the Movement in your country.
What is preventing change in my organisation today? The fear
of change impatient leaders who fear that it will take too long
to develop a strategy the lack of skills within the organisation to
respond to the challenges that have been identified? How can you
launch the debate? What if you analysed the situation so as to
discuss clear facts together?
Why plan? A national team could launch a debate to help people
to gain a better understanding of the need to plan work before
undertaking it. In order to lead this debate, use the methodological
tools in Chapter 13.
On the web
on a strategy.
Strategic Planning Kit: a tool to help national Scout organisations
conceive and implement a national strategy. In the strategy section
on scout.org
World Scout Bureau
Communications & Media
March 2009
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