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October 18, 2008 (Dignity: from the Latin dignus, meaning worthy)


During the course of this 3-hour workshop, we had the opportunity to explore the meaning & importance dignity has for us personally as well as identifying what is required to emerge & sustain that dignity. The following is our responses to three reflective questions: What is dignity? Confidence in the self Regard for the self first, as well as others A sense of worthiness - self worth Staying true to the self & uninfluenced by the vision & attitude of others Taking joy in the self Source of strength A state of mind based on beliefs I hold about myself Peace of mind Knowing who I am - my truth - and staying true to that Honouring myself - who I am and what I believe Contentment with the self A valuing of the self that does not lower the dignity (worth) of others Self respect Self esteem A real valuing of the self The natural, innate royalty of the soul To be seated on that throne of self respect where I automatically experience & express the richness of my spiritual nature To be a king - one whose wealth is measured by their capacity to give (beneficence) Spiritual pride in my being As sense of value that comes from within the self, independent of everyone & everything

Why is it important to me? It is the foundation for self respect/esteem/worth/etc. Frees me from the influence of others Frees me from fear & the baggage of the past Is essential for self mastery - having control over my actions Is essential to fulfilling my spiritual potential & purpose Is essential to achieving goals & objectives without compromising or dishonouring the self Source of real power Its the real value of the self - authentic - true The meaning & value of my life is completely dependent on it I cannot be truly free without it I cannot truly honour & give regard to others without it Is essential to detachment Source of courage - the power to face Is the greatness of the soul Source of real happiness

What are the requirements? Soul consciousness - spiritual awareness The capacity to align my beliefs with the truth of dignity Maintaining an awareness of it, and its importance to me Ability to accept the truth of myself as a soul & appreciate (value) it Staying real - authentic The knowledge, understanding & recognition that keep the why alive Love, faith, honesty & trust (for & in the self) Knowing & being the truth of who I am A connection to the Source - to God - who constantly embodies dignity in an unlimited way & empowers it in me Determination & a commitment to sustain my dignity with the awareness of who I am Renunciation of all the false ideas & beliefs about the self The courage to let go of all bondages & limitations A constant desire to connect with truth Experience of my inner wealth Humility - no desire for name & fame

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