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Inside and Outside in Architecture 2012

Titles: Order and Anarchy - The two sides of the same coin Yin- Yang Symbiotic nature of an architectural inside / discordant outside The complicated relationship of the ordered inside and the archaic outside The coin complex

Zuckers essay explores the complicated relationship of the architectural inside and outside spaces within various contexts and societies. The notion of space and its nature is explored through the fine line drawn between an architects design and the outside world in which the architects plans are created within. This distinction of a utopic inside to an anarchic outside instigates the question of what defines space? in which Zucker explores various examples, such as that of a garden in which a gardener creates and maintains an inside space from the natural and disorderly outside. In context to the work of an architect the objective of the gardener is seen through the architects separation of their design to the uncontrollable aspects of the outside spaces. Zucker goes on to explore the idea that without one or the other (inside/outside) space cannot exist. As Zucker writes No work of architecture is totally closed against the outside, but neither can it ultimately conceal its function of separation which encapsulates within it the concept of a relationship between the outside and inside that cannot be separated. Throughout time architects have tried to cheat the system, however what starts sweet eventually becomes a futile attempt at trying to create space without an inside or an outside. Zucker goes on to portray an understanding of this idea impossible fusion between the two through his allusions to bombed out towns of Europe and ruins of ancient Mayan temples. (Explore this!)

Inside and Outside in Architecture 2012

THE COIN COMPLEX (CCCC) The basic concept of architecture can be described as the splitting of the outside and inside worlds into what society deems to be space. The creation of space can only be accomplished through the complex relationship shared between the ordered inside world of the architect and the anarchic, uncontrollable behaviours of the outside. Zucker explores this notion of architecture and design through the constant struggle to create space without one or the other. Take a simple unbiased coin for example, a coin is created in the intention of being used as a counter for currency (Reword this shit), the coins physicality consists of two sides, a heads and a tail. Without one or the other the coins function ceases to exist rendering it pointless. This notion in which a coin doesnt work without its two sides can be seen in architecture regarding the relationship of inside and out, without one or the other space cannot be created. Throughout time with the advances in technology various individuals have tried to split the two The outside and inside worlds of architecture share a paradoxical relationship in which although they never meet or combine in a mutualistic form they still each other in order to function towards their purpose of defining space.

The primeval act of architecture can be defined as the division of the anarchic outside from an ordered inside. Once split a sense of spatial awareness is instigated. Zucker explores the relationship between the inside and outside prompting the question; Is it possible to successfully synthesise the inside and outside without consequently resulting in the creation of a sculptural piece of art? The architect is the individual who cuts the line between the inside and outside drawing the boundaries in which a building is designed; in doing so the architect establishes a dynamic relationship between the design, which is now considered the inside and the external context which encapsulates the outside world. The perception of an architect as one whom divides space allows us to touch the surface of the paradoxical relationship of the inside and outside in which design cannot exist within or as a vacuum (Zucker) <Coin concept> The context in which Zucker writes his piece must be considered in order to understand the universal nature of the relationship This connection of the inside world and that of the outside is deemed impossible however The relationship in which they share is one of great uniqueness in which they never actually meet, but instead work without knowledge of the other in such a synthesised and balanced manner they appear as one unit.

This concept can be seen in that of the coin in which the sides of the coin never face each other, but without one or the other the coin is rendered useless and its function as a counter for a countries currency is voided.

Inside and Outside in Architecture 2012

Architects: Sou Fujimoto Architects Location: Kumamoto, Japan Project Team: Hiroshi Kato Structural Consultant: Jun Sato Structural Engineers Lighting: Hirohito Totsune Contractor: Tanakagumi Construction Design Year: 2005-2006 Construction Year: 2007-2008 Site Area: 89,3 sqm Constructed Area: 15,13 sqm Photographer: Iwan Baan Architects: a21 studio Hiep Hoa Nguyen, Nhon Qui Nguyen, Hang Thi Tran, Tien Giao Ngo, Toan Dinh Nghiem Location: Nha Trang, Vietnam Model: Duy Huu Nguyen, Dung Van Nguyen Project Year: 2012 Photographs: Hiroyuki Oki

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