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-Characters are based on The Odyssey (1997) movie.

Odysseus - Main character; The Odyssey = Odusseia in Greek; circa 800-600 BC. Penelope - Wife of Odysseus Telemachus son of Odysseus Eumaeus the loyal shepherd Anticleia is the mother of Odysseus who killed herself due to grief. Eurycleia is the Loyal servant who nursed Odysseus and Telemachus when they were babies. Odysseus Men:

Perimedes warrior who challenged and got eaten by Scylla. Eurybates loyal servant of Odysseus who followed him anywhere. Polites fat and greedy warrior who got turned into a swine. Anticlus curious warrior who opened the bag of winds. Antiphus Piper who was eaten by Polyphemus. Eurylochus best blacksmith and liar of Odysseus men.

Eurymachus head/lead suitor, who had an affair w/ Melanthe. Melanthe sister of Melanthius, had an affair with Eurymachus. Elatus fat suitor of Penelope. Antinous most hated suitor of Penelope. Athena- protector of Odysseus. Mentor Athena in disguise to guide Telemachus. Laocoon Soothsayer who got eaten by poseidons Serpent. Circe - witch/sorceress who turned odysseus men into animals. Moly Antidote to Circes spells/potions Aeolus God of the Winds who provided Odysseus w/ the bag of winds. Calypso beautiful Nymph who falls inlove w/ Odysseus in her island of Ogygia. Tiresias Blind prophet of the Underworld. Nausicaa princess of the Phaeacians, found odysseus in the shores of Scherie/Scheria. King Alcinous & Queen Arete of Phaeacians parents of Nausicaa & offered odysseus hospitality. Polyphemus Cyclops; 3rd child of Poseidon who ate Antiphus.

Day of Telemachus birth same as day of departure. 10 years @ war, 10 years voyage home. Photocopy: 7yrs on calypsos island 1yr on circes o After Scylla and Charybdis, they landed on the island of Thrinacia where they hunted the cattle of Helios the sun god w/c resulted in a shipwreck that only odysseus survived. (then island of Calypso) o He was not recognized by eumaeus only by anticleia

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The sea was blanketed w/ fog until they arrived to Cyclops Island Aeolus God of the Winds; gave him winds. Circe for 1 yr (5 years according to the movie). River of fire to see Tiresias who instructed him on how to get home. Then travelled towards the straights of Scylla and Charybdis. Floated for 9 days until he reached Calypsos island. Was set free then got Shipwrecked at Scherie island where he was found by Nausicaa. 8. Given shelter by Phaeacians king and queen Alcinous and arte. 9. Taken home by the Phaeacians at night while he was sleeping. 10. Recognized by eumaeus then Telemachus, then eurycleia.

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