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Jeremiah W (Jay) Nixon, Governor. Sara Parker Pauley, Direcror


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May 25,2012 CERTIFIED MAIL #70 I0 1870 0003 6526 6756 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Paul Pike Ameren Services One Ameren Plaza 190 I Chouteau Ave. St. Louis, MO 63166 RE: Preliminary Site Investigation of Proposed Solid-Waste Disposal Site, Ameren Missouri - Rush Island Energy Center - Utility Waste Landfill, NE ~ & N Y2, SE ~ & E Y2, NW ~ of Section 4, Township 39 North, Range 7 East, Danby and Selma 7.5 Minute Quadrangles, Jefferson County, Missouri

Dear Mr. Pike: The Geological Survey Program (GSP) has completed the Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI) for a proposed I08-acre utility-waste landfill for the Rush Island Energy Center facility. Please find enclosed PSI report ID#F01312 that summarizes the geologic and hydrologic evaluation of the site. The site is approved to proceed to the next phase of the geologic investigation process, the Detailed Site Investigation (DSI). Please find enclosed a copy of Appendix 1 Guidance for Conducting and Reporting Detailed Geologic and Hydrologic Investigations at a Proposed Solid- Waste Disposal Area. Within this document are elements and format of a Detailed Site Investigation Work Plan. We encourage you and your consultant to meet with GSP staff prior to finalizing a work plan for the DSI to discuss elements to be included. Please contact Ms. Sherri Stoner at 573-368-2129 or email atsherri.stoner(a).dnr.mo.gov to schedule this work plan meeting. Current procedures call for an applicant receiving PSI approval to pm1icipate in public involvement activities as part of the solid waste disposal area permit application process. Within 30 days after receipt of this approval, the applicant must notify, by certified mail, the governing body of the county or city, and the solid waste management district in which the
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Mr. Paul Pike, Ameren Services May 25,2012 Page Two

proposed disposal area is to be located. Also, within 90 days after receipt of PSI approval, the department will conduct a public awareness session in the county of the proposed disposal facility. For further infornlation concerning these public involvement requirements, please contact the Solid Waste Management Program at (573) 751-5401. If you any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Sheni Stoner at 573-3682129 or email atsheni.stoner(Q).dnr.mo.gov Sincerely, DIVISION OF GEOLOGY AND LAND SURVEY

Carey Bridges, R.G. Director Geological Survey Program CB:sas Enclosure cc: Charlene Fitch, SWMP Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. w/enclosure Region L - St. Louis-Jefferson SWMD SLRO

Missouri Department Of Natural Resources

Division of Geology :tnd Land Survey P.O. Box 250 Rolla, Missouri 65402-0250 Phone - 573.368.2161 Fax - 573.368.2111 E-mail -gspgcol@dnr.mo.gov

Project ID Number

fF01312lI L -'-County

Project Name Location

Ameren-Rush Island Energy Center UWL Section 4

Quadrangle Township 39N

Danby & Selma Range 7E

NE1/4 & N1/2,SE1/4

Additional Location Inforamtion Latitude 38 Deg

7 Min

Also E1/2, NW1/4 21 Sec North Longitude 90Deg 15 Min 30 Sec West

lowner:! Ameren Missouri One Ameren Plaza, 1901 Chouteau Ave


Louis, MO 63166

IReqoesi?r.~~ti~! Ameren

Services Paul Pike One Ameren Plaza, 1901 Chouteau Ave


Louis, MO 63166


f!~j~:y'sW~~'. 05/03/2012 l!!i~ !UHdsC~De'p-ositioW\'1'j~


C!) <

o Broad uplands

(!) Floodplain (!) Alluvial plain



(!) Overburden

o o

4% to 8% 8% to 15% >15

o Ridgetop
o Hillslope

(!) Local

o Terrace

Narrow ravine

o Other

o Regional

o Bedrock


iThe uppermost

bedrock is composed of highly permeable Ordovician-age Plattin Group. The Plattin Group at ' ithe site is composed of light gray, finely crystalline, burrowed limestone. Bedrock exposures immediately west of : ithe site and above the t1oodplai~ display intense burrowing a~d pitted surface, enlarged vertical fractures, and a i Lcav~~_!'_!~~~_~!_~_~lope~ L_~~!u!!~!!_~~largeme~!_~_~_~_~!cal_!~~~!.'.1.!'!~ __ ~ .

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--- -------- -- ------

iThe Mississippi Rivet alluvial aquifer is the uppermost




:Informafjon gathered during this site investigntion and from local well logs indicate the presence of a shallow :water table 15 feet) in native alluvial materials. Groundwater Oowdirection in the alluvia1 aquifer is expected' ito be east-southeast, hut can be variable depending on the river stage. Also, the lateral hydraulic conductivity is l!!~e~~'_~?J)_~ __ ~~~~~h.'~~~~!l_ ~~_~_~~_~L~X~~_~_~!ic_5o_~~_~~~h-~_ty_~ ~~e__




Identification Number


Page 2

iOn May 3,2012, representatives from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (department) Geological ;Survey Program (GSP) performed a preliminary site investigation for the Ameren Missouri (Ameren) Rush iIsland Energy Center proposed lOS-acre utility-waste landfill (UWL). The site is located in the NE V. & N Y2, I 'SE V. & E Y2, NW V. of Section 4, Township 39 North, Range 7 East, Jefferson County, Missouri. Also, the site is :Iocated west of the Mississippi River within the alluvial plain, and Isle du Bois Creek is located immediately :south of the site. The confluence of the two streams is approximately 400 feet southeast of the site.

!Ameren has proposed siting a UWL on top of existing unlined ash ponds located approximately 2,000 feet south1southeast of the Rush Island Energy Center. After final review of "Feasibility Study, Landfill on a Pond" !submitted by Ameren dated February 2012, the department's SWMP finds the concept of siting a UWL on top lof existing ash ponds at the Rush Island Energy Center a feasible approach. However, characterization of the :in-place ash and underlying native geologic materials will be necessary during a detailed site investigation.

IAn earthen berm has been constructed around the periphery of the proposed disposal site, including Retention !Lake. The elevation at the top ofthe berm ranges from 409 feet above mean sea level (amsl) on the northern iportion of the site, to approximately 412 feet amsl on the south side. Ash has been placed in the northern two[thirds ofthe site, to an elevation very close to the top of the earthen berm. The southern one-third of the site !contains Retention Lake. The native ground surface elevation underlying the site is approximately 385 amsl. !Thus, the proposed disposal area is elevated approximately 25 feet above the Mississippi River floodplain. Four test borings transecting the length of the as~ ponds were drilled during the feasibility study referenced above. The ash thickness ranged from 70 feet pelow grou~d surface (b~s) up to 80 feet bgs in one test boring that terminated at that depth. The approximate ground elevations of the test borings range between 402-409 feet amsi. Groundwater at the site is expected to be encountered I, I elevations and gradient atI less than 15 feetI bgs in native alluvial materials. ~

t!0wever, gfound}\'ater

~t ~h~ si~e may be altered due to depth of ash emplaced and

:~eight of ash emrlaced above native alluvial ma~erials. is likely to groun~water :be (~ast-southeas , and the lateral hydraulic conductivity OVfrall, the be greater than flow direction hydraulic the vertical is expected to :conductivity. IJnderlying the alluvial materials, the uppermost continuous bedrock water-hearing unit is within the 'Ordovician-age Chazyan Stage dolomites and sandstones. No confining unit has been identified that separates :the alluvial aquifer from the Ordovician-age bedrock. However, due to the thickness . of saturated alluvium and I I 'the anticipated significantly lower hydraulic conductivity of the bedrock, the alluvial aquifer is at greatest risk f!_f _~~p'ac!~r _th.~J~~~~~~~_~~_~~!~: u_. .
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Results of Preliminary Investigation

~ Approval
() Bedrock

o Disapproval 0 Soil

rf~~~r~~pi!'r~~I~!1:~~t ti@~CJ.;ohji~file'~r;~nsulia~1~3~9ijlmI9ns "re~6'mtn~l1aed i~U~~lfiifar~~i~~1~,4;1

() Hydrological () Collapse Potential Sherri Stoner

CC SV'fM? Charlene Fitch; Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc; R;}gionL .SWMD; SLRO

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