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Dr Suvarna Nalapat http://drsuvarnanalapattrust

Phenomenology-study of experience behaviorism-how to explain behaviour like creative thinking ,language aquisition

Scientific enquiry
Observation(perception-first principle of
behaviour).gateway to knowledge. Classification of facts using verifiable ,objective methods. Interpretation of gathered facts-data Explanation.-simplest &least complex. Chief characteristic of science-empiricism-seeking of evidence through through direct experience. Research report

Stages of science
Description of a problem situation Prediction Scientific thinking-devising hypothesis,verifying
them,communicating the results,but science is more than the methods-it is a way of thinking.-A distinction made between observable and the inferred. Inference on things which are not directly not observable.

States of consciousness and communications

Jagrad Swapna Sushupthi Yogasamadhi Neardeath experiences Afterdeath communication

Learning-behaviour modified
Conditioning-simple modification by
routine practice Classical conditioning-pavlov-involuntary operant conditioning-skinnerresponse if consequences are rewarding.-voluntary response. Two-factor theory-a combination of both in human behaviour.


Knowledge-learning-understanding Making comparisonssolving problems Learning by insight_out of the blue solutionsReception learning-presented to learner Discovery learning-learner more active in the process. Rote learning-sheer memorization Meaningful learning-understanding of relationships in terms of previously acquired knowledge.

Academic performance

SQ3R SURVEY QUESTION READ RECITE REVIEW Role of motivation Media of instruction, programmed instruction

Engram-memory trace
Engram-whatever is in the organism which
accounts for his memory ,presumably some structural change in the brain. Memory, intelligence, learning. -behaviour.

Learning as building up memories for future use

Memory trace-neurogram-engram-chemical
rather than neural change(rna molecules as repository of past activity related to experience)quantitative change in RNA and synthesis of protein during learning. Shortterm Longterm-irreversible.


Input signals to initiate storage Input signals to initiate recall-memory Recognition signals Information input,control input/output and information output. 10 billion nerve cells

Retention and forgetting

RUMOUR-SOCIAL MEMORY-story passed on orallylevelling(simplification)sharpening(elaboration) assimilation.if not assimilated do not stay back in social memory. Recall-without aid of stimuli Recognition-similarity when some stimulus is there Relearning-a previously acquired skill.

Eidetic imagery
Children-detailed picture /scene Gifted children/even mentally retarded Dejavu person/place-seen before(deja
entendu-voice or sound heard earlier) Tip of the tongue feeling Relearning a poem

Measure memory through relearning

original trials- relearning trials divided by
original 10-5 divided by 10 = .5%`

Absence of adequate stimulation Mere passage of time(decay theory) Interference(retroactive a later experience disrupt
recall of early experience.Proactive-earlier experience interfere with recall of later experience) Obliteration of memory trace(time,shock) Repression-unconscious exclusion of unwanted thoughts Suppression-conscious attempts to avoid such thoughts

Motivation in storage and retrieval of memory

Accomplish task Perform it easily More resistant to forgetting Motivated students do well in exams Zeigarnik effect-tendency to recall unfinished tasks than completed ones (due to a tension system buildup until the task is finished)

William James-secret of good memory

Of two people with the same outward
experiences , the same amount of mere native tenacity, the one who THINKS over his experiences most, and weaves them into systematic relations with each other , will be the one with the best memory.

Memory systems-emphasis on associations

Think about the circumstances in which he may
want to retrieve information If I am asked a question like this If I get a patient like this These are the cues by which I can retrieve information. Information in store but cannot recall-common complaint Bertrand Russel Room no 1414. 1.414 square root of 2. Ramanujams taxi number.1729

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