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This article heading is not as twisted as the guts of some people within the unstable money market of late. You don't have to look too far to notice the overwhelming frustration amongst the financial investment sector at present. Contrary to media reports, and even the second to second stock exchange updates, it's not all gloom for absolutely everyone in every field, investment avenue or opportunity at present. How mind-fully aware and mind wealthy are you? The mindset of someone who seems to have inherited the genes from a golden goose, is one we all should adopt right about now. How do their beliefs, values and attitudes differ from yours? What beliefs do you have about money and the law of how it gets around, compared to someone who has the success you seek? If you make changes on the inside, you will see changes on the outside. Do you believe you will achieve your financial dreams, or have you killed off all hope already? Wealthy money beliefs, values and attitudes, operate from your unconscious mind and influence you in every way, including your perception and view of the outside world, including what you draw into your bank account. Creating an abundant producing perception is an inside job. How much effort do you give to that job? Do you give it any focus at all or do you leave it up to 'fate' or someone else to mould your perception for you? That's good if you don't want any responsibility at all for your 'lot in life' and your dreams are less likely to be realised. Your mindset is your most valuable asset you have, guard it well for it is the key to your level of life fulfillment. You know that your missing of targets is not a lack of eduction, you do your research and you know it works for some people, even in this economic climate. You have your finger on the pulse of ideas to make money. You study, you set goals, you network, you do everything right it seems, and yet that target, or that opportunity you seek, escapes you. After all, its the environment at present, that's not your fault. You do control whether you let it crush your vision and your spirit though, dousing any hope of being ready and able to call in the exact blessings that you seek. Perhaps you are being overly logical and emotional about the process. What kind of energy do you think you send out when you feel frustrated and fearful? Money seems so black and white, well green actually to most, but what if the physical representation of money is just evidence only? What if it were simply energy and value? Who sends your energy out if not you? The rich man doesn't have to think about this because he is operating from a high level of energy, probably without being aware of 'if' or 'how' he is doing it. The man who struggles with achieving financial goals, definitely operates from a lower level of energy. Compare the two men sitting in a room and you will even notice physical differences, let alone unseen energy. The blessed one is likely more relaxed, looks 'up' and converses with a dialogue of possibility, opportunity and appreciation. The struggling man is often busy using pessimistic dialogue of hopelessness, his head often slightly bowed and looking 'down', accessing the negative emotional energy that lies at his feet, never quite raising his view, his energy, his chances of achieving, or his bank balance. If we do not value and have genuine appreciation for the money we already have, even when others have more, we will not be blessed with more. That is the law of money. If you were money which one would you want to hang out with? The amount of your appreciation comes back to you. There is also something called 'Physiology of Excellence'. It is adopting the body language and obvious traits of a successful person that achieves the success you desire. The way they hold themselves, the way they walk, talk and even shake hands, is what you want to model in yourself. Model the physiology of a winner. We've all heard of 'the Law of Attraction' but what has that got to do with a global environment that

you personally have no control over? If your goals have eluded you up to now, then you have nothing to lose by working on your mindset. A wealthy mindset is as important as a healthy mindset for a winner. In 2009 I increased my income from the previous year by 145% and not only broke records in Australasia and in 10 countries, but better still, I broke through my own belief barriers. Once I understood the above information about the law of money, I refused to listen to anyone about the financial recession. I would change the channel on the tv, I would walk away from people who were solely focused on it, and I would counteract that negative energy by researching stories of success. I worked on my EQ (Emotional Intelligence) instead of my IQ for a change. I thanked the power bill for the value it brought me, not what it was taking from me. The only thing I did that was different to the previous year, was work on my beliefs and attitudes, and fully believed I would discovering the 'how to' along the way, because at that stage I didn't even have a strategy. Logically, it couldn't be done, I didn't have the people I needed, but I did it anyway! When you have a belief that limits your success, you will get to be right, when you have a belief that fuels your success, you still get to be right. Have you ever noticed everyone on any side of an argument believes they are right? Choose to believe whatever causes you the best results and the most peace of mind, because you get to be right. Spend more time reading and researching stories that will restore your faith in the power of self belief, divine intervention and in your own ability to breath life into your dreams. Reflect on your past wins, not your past falls, your strengths, not your weaknesses. Be open to opportunities that may be lying just outside of your previously conscious and logical awareness. Be ready and open for opportunity. Whenever a door closes, a new one opens, but not if you have your eyes closed. Sometimes the blind is drawn and you just need to lift it. With a wealthy mindset, it will be given to you. Presented through seemingly 'coincidence' meetings and opportunities, in the form of what you focus on. If you are mostly focused on fear, you will likely feel more fear, if you mostly feel appreciation you will be given more to appreciate. The biggest determining factor to creating abundance in all areas of your life is the attitude, the energy, the optimism, the appreciation and the value you 'send out' that causes you to draw the equivalent to you in many forms, one being money. You wouldn't have even noticed the opportunities otherwise. Choose peace over worry, choose love over resentment and choose success, regardless of what appears as a road block. Just take a revivor moment to build your mind wealth muscle back up to resiliance and optimism and keep moving forward. Marylin Schirmer


Marylin Schirmer, Founder of aMAZing Mind Wealth. Master NLP (Neuro Linguistic Psychology) Practitioner and Trainer Master Practitioner in Timeline Therapy Number 1 Senior Sales Director in Asia Pacific Region in 2009 in a regularly listed fortune 500 Company. Australia and NZ current 43 year Unit Sales Record Holder. www.amazingmindwealth.com.au maz@amazingmindwealth.com.au

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