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Using Endnote with LaTeX and BibTeX

The following information was taken from Using EndNote with LaTeX and BibTeX, John Rylands University Library, University of Manchester http://www.library.manchester.ac.uk/eresources/endnote/bibtex/

INTRODUCTION BibTeX is bibliographic software for use with the scientific document preparation system LaTeX. It is used to take data from a bibliographic database (called a .bib file) and stylistic information from a bibliography style file (called a .bst file) to produce a formatted bibliography called a .bbl file, which LaTeX then reads. The procedure is analogous to Endnote taking data from an endnote library (a .enl file) and stylistic information from an endnote style file (a .ens file) to produce a formatted bibliography for Word. IMPORT REFERENCES INTO ENDNOTE Although BibTeX reproduces some of the functionality of EndNote, getting information into the database involves typing directly into the .bib file. EndNote becomes useful here because it can import information from a large number of search engines, via import filters or Z39.50 connections, and then export to .bib file format. EXPORT REFERENCES TO BIBTEX Endnote has a built-in Output style called, Bibtex Output. i) Go to Edit/Output Styles/Open Style Manager and select Bibtex Output. Close the window. ii) Go to File/Export and save the file as a text file. This text file has your EndNote information saved in a format acceptable to BiBTeX .bib files.

IMPORT FROM BIBTEX TO ENDNOTE It is possible to import existing .bib files into EndNote, either for export to other .bib files, or for use in other applications, like Word. See: EndNote's Help file under Importing Reference Data/Importing, from Other Bibliographic Software. BibTeX import utilities can be downloaded from ftp://endnote.com/pub/bibtex/ FURTHER READING
Kopka, H and Daly, PW (1999). A Guide to LaTeX, 3rd edition. Addison Wesley, Harlow, England (Appendix B) available from Main Library Z253.4.L38 Kop. MacLeod, Rob (2008). Using EndNote with

L TEX/BibTEX, available from: http://www.cvrti.utah.edu/~macleod/latex/endnote.htm l [accessed 26/03/2009] MIT Libraries (2008). EndNote at MIT: using EndNote with LaTeX/BibTeX FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) available from: http://libraries.mit.edu/help/endnote/endnotelatexfaq.h tml [accessed 26/03/2009] Weir, Bevan (2008). Using Endnote with LaTeX and BibTeX, New Zealand Rhizobia, available from: http://www.rhizobia.co.nz/latex/convert.html [accessed 26/03/2009] School of Informatics information on LaTeX available from: http://www.inf.ed.ac.uk/systems/tex

Courses and more information on Endnote, finding and citing references, LaTeX, Wordavailable from ISiskills at http://www.iskills.is.ac.uk

Contact your Liaison Librarian for further help and advice in using library resources and services. http://www.lib.ed.ac.uk/staff/liaison.shtml
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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