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The Mayas, a splendid culture.

The Mayas culture is one of the most amazing in Mesoamerica, because its population, besides making many discoveries and advances, searched for a way to transmit all those knowledge, experience and beliefs. That is why they developed their own language, a complex hieroglyphic writing, and use the art as a way to communicate. These elements are something that characterized Mayas, and made them different from other America Indian groups.

One way the Mayas communicated their culture, was by the language called protomaya. They used it to tell stories about their life, experiences and traditions. Besides, Mayas created legends about their gods and people, who were considered as heroes to be remembered forever. It is important to say that from the protomaya, many other languages arose, which are used in our days. With the oral tradition, we can know things about this culture, that cant be expressed in other form.

Likewise, the Mayas writing was the most advanced one in Mesoamerica. The Russian scientific Yuri Knorozov said that the Mayas writing, probably, had been originated in the first centuries of our age in the oldest cities of Central America. We know, by monuments and vessels well crafted, that their writing was hieroglyphic, which was composed approximately by 1000 phonetic signs that are in a list called Silabario.

Specialists, who have been studying it, have taken 27 signs like their alphabet. With this form of communication, the Mayas left a piece of their rich culture.

In the Classic Period, the Mayas used the art to communicate their culture. In murals, they painted scenes of nobility, battles and sacrifice. Their daily life was represented by ceramic, and for their gods and governments, the sculpture was the best way to praise them. In their art, there are many details that help us to understand a little bit more about the Mayas beliefs and customs.

In fact, the Mayas were a culture that contributed great richness to our country, as it was their language, writing and art. We can see these with some of their descendants who live in the south east part of Mexico, in Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, where there are archaeological ruins. Furthermore, the Mayas were intelligent and exceptional people, so we have to be very proud about our roots.


Escritura de jeroglfica maya. FAMSI. 27/08/09 <http://www.famsi.org/spaish/mayawriting/index.html>

Ruz Lhuillier, Alberto. Los antiguos mayas. Mxico: Fondo de Cultura Econmica, 1993

La comunicacin entre los mayas. MILLERSVILLE. 28/08/09 <http://www.millersville.edu/~columbus/data/art/AGUILAR1.ART>

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