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INTENT Sometimes it is not easy to be conscious to our intent of every behavior in advance, however it is important for us to be able to reflect

and unlock our intent behind every action or behavior. What I really enjoyed was the questions showed in the reading about unlocking our intent: What is the reason why I am doing this? What do I believe about myself, in relation to this situation? It also reminded me about the first book I read about coaching Change your questions, change your life which made me realize, how much of my mind and my own gremlins were participating in the way I behaved and reacted in every situation, and that was a real relief as it helped me to understand myself better. When I decided to become I coach my intent was to help others live a happier more fulfilling life by getting more awareness on their values and their life purpose, however I found much more in this journey. I truly found myself!!! Now that intent I had is even higher, as it is my motivation every day not only to serve others as a coach, but also as an empathetic and kind person. My intent is to look at the bright side in every situation (being aware that this is a day to day process). As coaches it is important to help our clients to become aware of those underlying beliefs they are holding behind their actions, what are their intents as that will make them realize if those are intents or beliefs that are still true and most important if those beliefs are supporting them in a positive way. Before every session I spend a couple of minutes trying to get centered and meditate about what is my purpose as a coach and to be fully present to give my clients what they need in every specific moment.

What questions can you ask your client to help them discover their intent? What process or ritual do you have in place to create an intent before your c oaching sessions?

VISUALIZATION There is a quote that says If you can see it you can achieve it and to me that is exactly what this module talks about, being able to see in a clear and positive way what would life look like when we have what we desire in our lives. And that simple statement brings a lot of awareness to the coaching process as it can reveal many things, even make our client realize what is it that they really want. Visualization is very helpful in the coaching process in many ways, of course there is a positive visualization about the desired future, but it can also be helpful to help our clients visualize a situation in the past when they need to heal of feel relief of how things happened. I also enjoy using visualization exercises to ground the energy of the session to be open and positive and for that is very helpful to visualize a safe and beautiful place where our clients can feel comfortable and happy. When you are able to clearly see what you want it also brings a feeling of confidence and make us move towards our goals, it helps us to take action as we are sure no matter what we will get what we desire and the energy makes us DO.

Have you ever had a goal or aspiration that felt absolutely natural and normal? What were the factors that made if feel this way? Have you ever had an area of your life that you wanted to improve but you couldnt clarify exactly what you wanted from it? What is the relationship between visualisation and achieving your goals? How have you used visualisation in your own life?

TOOLS AND ASSESMENTS For a coach it is important to have in handy a variety of tools and assessments, that will be helpful resources to help our clients observe a particular are.
However the key part of doing an assessment is the reflection process we can have with our clients about how they felt about taking the assessment and how they feel about the results obtained. And also to design an action plan if there are gaps between what they want and what they have found our while doing those assessments.

A particular assessment that I really like to use with my clients is the value game, as it really helps them understand themselves a little better and also were are the gaps and the alignments between the life they are living and the values they hold true for themselves, and in that way they can also become aware of what their purpose is and what is really needed for them to feel happy. What is also important for a coach when working with assessments is to be clear of the purpose you are using it and in what way it would benefit the coachees. And for the clients it is learning experience and the opportunity to reflect on particular areas they want to focus.


Where and how have you developed these competencies? How can you be sure that you are competent in all of the 23 areas? Do you agree that all 23 of the competencies can be developed further over time? Are there any other skills and attributes of a coach that you would like to add?

When I first started this journey I thought it would be really hard for me to have any of the competencies that were required to become a coach, but today when I reflect on it I am very proud to say that the following competencies are my strengths: Bring passion and curiosity about other peoples stories. Value learning, and openness to change and development. View the world in an optimistic and generally positive way, bringing high energy to the coaching. Practice attentive and supportive listening. I believe all these competencies as well as the other competencies required to become a coach can be developed through time if you have the will and true design to do so. If you really love this profession and want to be a person of service, everything is possible. Through this process you also learn to become more resilient and change becomes easier as you are more aware of where you are and which competencies you need to work on. As I said maybe not competencies but something that I believe all of us coaches have is our true desire to help others, and the love we put on this. That makes coaching such a beautiful profession.

DISCOVERY AND GROWTH MODEL D evelop a relationship of trust I nquire about your client passions and desires S upport your clients on every session and though all the journey C reate a safe place to share O ngoing learning and discovering process V alue and Honor your clients point of views E nsure that your client knows and feels it is about them leaving out your own agenda. Respect the actions and solutions that the clients set for themselves. Y

Its time to get started. Go through each of the steps above, writing out each step clearly. Outline your process of evaluating your model. How does your model highlight your strengths and values and beliefs?


Its time to get started. Go through each of the steps above, writing out each step clearly. Outline your process of evaluating your model. How does your model highlight your strengths and values and beliefs?

I am currently in the process of developing my own coaching model, and even when it is not done yet, the exercise and the brainstorming I have already done made me get a clearer picture of what kind of value I want to bring to my clients. This is a very interesting assessment as it provides you with the opportunity to work getting clarity of how to represent your beliefs and values as a coach, and what kind of presence you are going to bring to the coaching relationship. Having a model will also be very helpful when developing your coaching practice as you will be able to let your potential clients know what the coaching process will look like. After I am done I will check how does my model represents who I am, maybe trying to get some feedback from my current clients to see if it is close to the way I show up in the coaching relationship. I cant wait to have it finished as writing this reflection has really motivated me to get it completed an inspired some new and interesting ideas.

DIVERSITY Stereotypes sometimes get in the way of knowing people, as we might have preconceptions about certain people, maybe because of their religion, ethnic, sexual preference, gender, and profession. And those are beliefs we can hold so deeply that would prevent us not to even try to talk or approach people belonging to a group that we may have a paradigm about. However the beauty of us human beings is that we are all different and we can add value in every relationship we have by just being ourselves and not trying to fit. I understand that embracing everyone can be also challenging for a lot of people, as sometimes there might be communication misunderstandings when we believe everybody thinks or feels the way we would, Or even expect others to do so as we belief our truth is the only truth. As coaches we are not safe from making assumptions due to stereotypes, and example might be thinking that all engineers are left brained, and that could be tricky as we need to understand and honor our client way of learning. Also as we are in a Global environment we might have clients from different cultures and it is also important to be very respectful of our client culture and the beliefs they hold and not ever let that interfere in the coaching relationship.

RELEASING JUDGEMENT Oriental philosophy says that people are like mirrors, and what we see and bothers us from others is what really bothers us the most about ourselves. I believe that to be very true as our most severe judges are ourselves. All of us can definitely recall of feeling emotionally hijacked, as we let our own emotions and judgments take control of our rational thinking and we feel guilt no matter if what is being said and not being able to ponder whether or not that is even true. It is not a very nice feeling, as it makes us want to react, we fell upset or sad and we start questioning ourselves. I used to be very judgmental as I consider myself a recovering perfectionist however I can see sometimes I judge people who do not show respect for others and look others down. I also feel really upset when I see people gossip about others and dont have the honesty to confront others about things that bother them. I do also understand that we are humans and not judging is a continuous process and we must just recognize that is an ongoing process. I definitely agree that the key of not judging is self-love cause when you truly value yourself dont need to compare themselves to others and that is where judgment appear, but also what is useful is to understand that everyone is in a different learning process and everyone should be respected and honored even when their ideas or the way they behave gets in conflict with our values. As a coach specially at the beginning of my practice I recall giving leading advise and I realize that it was my own agenda and my desire to help showing up in my coaching. But now I do spend time to focus and center and always remember that this is always about the client and their solutions are the best for them even when they differ from ours.

How would you have coached the young executive in the story?

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