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Warning: The arguments I'm presenting here are biased, rude and fallacious.

I am a much better arguer when I can be bothered. Unfortunately, that is not now. I am all for debating ethics, and what qualies as good, and how to judge morality and other postmodernist bullshit that may be absent at this particular point. All my viewpoints rmly stand though. If one would like to take up an issue with any of the below stated opinions, I would very much love to strike an argument in the comments section. .. This is in response to a question by a friend: He told me it is well and good that I have my own rm convictions and all but by criticizing Katy Perry's 'Firework' I am in essence shoving them down people's throats. I am well and ne with respecting other people's beliefs and everything (no, really) but only when their beliefs are actually beliefs and not glorifying the lack of such. Take for example, with the question of music: When juxtaposing Radiohead or Beirut against Katy Perry, I am completely ne with someone disliking Radiohead or Beirut in favour of another perfectly talented band that I may in essence not be particularly keen on. It's when the person is glorifying the lack of talent, the absence of morality and is in fact making a very bold statement claiming "fuck you talented bitches, I've got boobs hanging out and lyrics equating people to plastic bags. I am therefore on equal par as a music artist with musicians who actually produce music" that I have a problem with. I have a problem with regression, with the dumbing of the lowest common denominator, with the pride in the fact that it doesn't take talent or effort or any sort of skill to succeed. In fact they may actually work against you. It is when the lack of something becomes more gloried than the something itself, it is when we continually descend a downward spiral. Take for example Jersey Shore - I am never going to be able to respect a fan. It's not to do with different beliefs, it's to do with the absence of one. Its like sewage water calling itself the laymans coffee. Its a disgrace. For anyone familiar with Fountainhead, this argument is akin to the widespread popularity of The Gallant Gallstone. .. I do think humans are a vicious virus and the earth would be much better off if we all just dropped dead. But I'm too chicken to participate in the Voluntary Human Extinction programme - I want babies yaa. (an elder boy and a younger girl with a 2 year age difference in case you are wondering). .. I am very into Nietzsche. I like sushi. I would like to think I am developing into quite a connoisseur of food.

The Fountainhead is probably the best book I've read so far though I disagree with half the things Ayn Rand stands for. I want sushi. I also like bubble tea. Ice-cold milky tea with all those huge tapioca bits oating around .. mmmm. .. I am very into vegetarianism and everything but sometimes my stupid hormonal body craves for dead rotting esh. Maybe I'm sexually frustrated. Hmmm. Discipline. I need to introduce discipline to my life. .. I go to an international school and I think the whole amalgamation of cultures for a rich social growth is absolute bullshit. All that happens with globalization is that you have dilution to such a great degree that everyone just becomes white, yo. .. I think capitalism is utter crap. I do not see the point of investment bankers. I think investment banking is the most soulless excuse for an overpaid job I have ever come across. I am also against commercialization and mass-production and industrialization and the way the world functions in general. I am against communism as well. Though socialism appeals to me to a certain extent - I don't think it has been given a fair chance. God knows, the widening world wealth gap needs to be reduced asap. .. I disagree with the most fundamental core principle of economics Homo economicus. That man is a rational being who operates in self-interest and therefore his highest motive is to multiply personal wealth. I think there is a huge fallacy here, which is why the boom of an overall economic system has never been synonymous to a fully content society. Success and happiness are 2 very different things. The quantiable equivalent of happiness is not success or more money - there is no quantiable equivalent dammit! Money is often confused to be an ends in itself when its very conceptual purpose is dened as a better facilitator to the ancient barter system, in that by quantitatively placing a value to resources and products, it may be used to obtain the desired product. Man's needs and wants are not all quantiable. We are not all money-guzzling robots (except maybe those stupid investment bankers, heh.)

It is highly possible therefore, to be completely satised without money. Societal pressures and the rat-race to the top is fucking bullshit. Fuck economics. The only reason I do economics is to be able to criticize it with full knowledge and proper justications. .. I am very into Buddhist beliefs in terms zen and spiritualism and such. When I am older, I want to run away into the mountains away from civilization. Then the world can rot while I sit in contentment and eat my pot-cooked khichdi and contemplate Nietzschean theories. .. I think ANTM is the worst show to have ever been conceived and serves as a brilliant indicator for just how much we have fallen as a society. .. I think American Psycho is cool (the movie I mean yaa. Book I don't have the bloody guts to touch). I think that is secretly what happens to investment bankers. They lose their sanity and kill people. .. Ok now time to eat breakfast.

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