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; Made up of

I RROlJ R ,, .


nnd other CHOICE PAsSAGES of a great Number of :MARTYlL: and CONFESSORS, to the End of the Six~ teenth Century, in their Treatifes, Sperehes, Letters, Prayers~ &c. in their Priftms, or Exiles ; <l\. the Bar, or Stake, F~c. .


" l .01'I ec~~ J oat of tI1e E ' r. "' J H" . JltQ.tles ~Cl:JeJ!aJ.ICa

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f,df,r ('' ,


L Scotlflwl,

llnd Mr. Scu.'l:tcl Ward's Life of Faith in Death, f.:.:'::.

The whole Alphabetically dii}lokd .

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onzas d l
Gne of the tjtfhd Mini:1crs,



the Reform3tion.


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3Z. 7 Rtllutr.hrr the Dy; e(o/d. ronji.io t.6e Yt"r. ~f m'V Grn:rmi.~t: 1l:'1 F&~thcr, and b~. rz_c;il/ /){:.u t~w, thy Elder~, m:rf tbry 'tl.'i/1 ttl! rl.w . !' :1+ -zz., For thy .fa~~ l".J.ff,._ :lrr! ki/lcd all tb:. Dr,_r /c;Jg : ll't r1fl (WJt!td r:J . S.c_. " tne Slaughur. _J. :d1, In .~rolhing t:rrif.ul by JWI' Adtaftuit!t &c.

_STO N, N. E. PrintcJ and Sold by Roc:ERS and FowLs - . in C!_:leenStrcet: MOCCXLVlL .


HE Life prefent is only preparative to that to come, as the hidden Life in the Tf/omb to the more pe;feEt and noble Life in the lt7 orld. Col. r. I 2. Salvation is not infl:antaneous. The Heirs of Glory make their gradual Approaches to it, and enter upon t.heir Inheritance by Degrees. Rom. I 3. I L And the nearer they come to Heavm, the more h,;aveJ!ly their Spirits are. Could a Man but hear the lafl Breathings and Whifpers of dyi11g Saints, how would he melt and ravifh ? Like the Sun they appear mofl: great and glorious at fetting. God often leads them to the Top of' Pifgah, whence they have a ProfpeB: of Cauaa1!, a little before they enter in to poffcfs it. But although God doth frequently indulge thofe that die in -.he Faith of Chrifl with rare and 0 /f~llent Vifi.ons of Chrift, yet ordinarily thofe ti1at die for Chrifl, as well as in Chrifl:, have a Benjamin's Portion in Comparifon of their Brethren. There is a Joy proper to MarA



A P R E F. A c E Recommendatory tyrs ; which isbeftowed upon them as an hrr norarium, partly to re'iP_ard their Faithfulnefs in Trials paj}, and partly to encourage them break through the Difficulties which yet remam. ' In thefe Joys, Heaven is let. down to Earth, Glory antedated,.and a fhort Salvation here obtained. r P~~. r 8. During theContinuance of this glorious Frame, they are aded above the ordinary Rate of Man ; which makes the World fiand at gaze, and all that qehold them to admire at them. Their AfpeB: is . rather angelical,than humane. ABs 6. I 5 And they feem n~ !anger ~t ~o ~e rechqned to the Tribe.of Mor- tals on Earth, but. rather ra11hed with the glo.rious Saints and Seraphims in Heaven : they nQ longer w~ap themfelves up in their Garment of Fleq1, l:iu~ the only Strife among them feems to b~ w4o fhall firft cafl: it off, to put on the G~rrien~s of Glory prepared for the1D . . Reader:, wouldft thou fee fom~ of thefe Earthly ,A11gds ; Men that are a li~e _tflQ /(}VJ . for Heaven, and much too ~ig4 for Earth ~ ~ouldft: t4ou fee poqr fro ] Creat\IJ:es tra)np.. ling the World under their Fe~t_, and ~~ith a!}

holy Sc.ornfmili!lg .at the J'hr~t$,of ::.:;rants,

':ho ~ret?: Terror of tlie W~hty ~~e ,~ct ()f ~h~. ~lVlng ? ~ould!l; tho:u fee. .14,9.Ckl~~

- - Prifoners

A' PR EF AcE Recommeizdato!y. . Prf{oners behave themfelves like.Judges ; ana Judges fland like Prijo1zers bet~re them ? Wouldfl: thou fee fame of the rare. Exploits of. Faith, in its highefl: Elevation imriiediately-'before it be fwaJlowed up in the beatih.cal Yifion? To conclude, Wouldil: .thou f~e t~e'h~avenly Jerttfalem pourtraied on Ear~;. as the earthly Jerufalem once was upon a Til~) -~~ek. 4 r.. And wouldil: thou hear the melodious- Voices . . . of afcendi;zg Saints, inaravifhing confo~t,_rea4y to joyn with the heavenly Chorus, in_their ra~ vifhing Hallelujahs ? Then dr~~- neat : com~ and fee. If thou be a Man of ~n h~~~~nlf Spirit, here is brave and fuitable Enter_tainine_i!,~ for thy Spirit. .And after thou h~f.l:' ~ofive*ij a while with. thefe excellent Spirits, 'it may b.e thou wilt judge, as I do, 'J'hat ~ead:SaiJ!ts are fweetcr Companions ( in f<?me Refpe4s.. )_ for thee to converfe \vit~-' tha~ thofe tha~ ~reliving. And when thou ~alt.fee the magnificent ACts of their Faith, their 'invincible P(Jtie~~ci,- their flaming Love to Chrifl, their fining~ C~nte1npt of the World, their Plaimiefs'cin,d_<S.~?nplf.c{ty ~l the rrofeffion of the Gofpd, :~d lheii: fe:rve~t Love to each other; thou wilt mourn._-~lf<? w1t9, me, to confidr r the fcandalou~ an~f''ll.ia_inef4l relapfe of Profeffors fr<?~ thefe glorious .. ,. 9t~; and to think !how many Degrees thefe Graces A 3 are

A PREFAcE Re~o??tmendatory. ., are gorte back in the Souls of Profeffors, as the Su1t upon the Dial of Ahaz. The Judiciotts ColleElor hath gathered this Pofie from the Martyrs Graves, bound up in an excellent Method, and prefented it to thee. Here thou haft the Cream of the larger Martyrologies fkim' d off, the very Spirits of them extratl:ed ; which is more cheap, and lefs tirefame. And I allure thee, he is a Perfon fingularly qualified for the Work, having both Materials, and Judgment to difpofe his Collections. . Blefs God for fuch profitable Infiruments, and improve their Labours. Such a Book hath been long defired, many have at,tempted it, but every one hath not that Furniture of Books and Parts for it. Solomon detetl:ing fome of thofe artifices, which the Buyer ufeth in Tradi1tg ( Prov. 20. 14.) detetl:s this one, It is naught, it is ?taught, faith the Buyer, i. e. he .difparageth the Commodity, to beat down the Price, but when he is go11e, he boafleth. 1 am ri1ifiaken, if thou alfo do not boaft of thy Pennyworth in this Book, when thou art gone and haft well perufed it. That it may reach ' the End upon thy Heart, for which it is defigncd, is the Defire of thy Friend to ferve thee, . . . . .


J. F.

A brief Account of what may be ex... peB:ed in thisColleB:ion, by a Friend

to the Author. ..

(The Writer .lf this Preface is fuppofed to be the late Rev. and Learned Mr. Samuel Lee, once Minifler of BrijM in New-Engla11d.]




he jhould be fhort-liv'd, yet he jhoitld continue himfelf iii the Admiratio11 of Pofl:erity. '!bough theft blejfed Martyrs~ mzd Saints departed fought not Glory to themfelves, yet they_ all obtained a good Report, and their Memory is blelfed ; whiff! the Memory of the Wicked rots, or ( which is Jar worfe ) fl:inks. I grmrt, many of them went i11 a fiery Chariot tfJ Heaven : yet thofe Mantles that fell from them, may, throug~ the Concurfe of God, fo fpirit others, that they may do worthilj in Ephrata, though they mver arrive to the Glory of the firlt Worthies. I doubt 11ot but mmzy of them might, by their flaying lo1zger ilz their Houfes of Booths, have bem very beneficial Ia the World : yet Samfon's violeiit Death was not without Profit to the Cbrti'ch of God, i11 pulling down the Hartje of thePhilillines. And therifo,e I cmmot but c~mmend the Effay mzd elaborat,e Co{lectiom of this Author, in reviving the Memories of theft .Alzcicn# Chriflimts; . . . . It was well obferved by Sir Francis Bacon,. '!hat old. Wood is befl to burn, and old Friends befl to trull:, c;;:d old Boc,>ks bef1 to read. Hmcc Scholars jet a great Price iipon an ancient Man\lfcript. Here are old 'Ibings, Me1z of an,iwt D,Jys, and ()/d Books ilz a mw Edition, for thy Bmefit. Here you ~r;ill not ji1zd the fault, that Hi!to:iam arc common'!y guilty of, who, like Jlatteriilg Limners, draw too fiw~urably, or fbadow over a Wrinkle, a11d jlily Jorge i11 fome ftcret Grace, A 4 Bert

r is a Comfort Thetis gives herbravt So1i in Homer, that tho"

of what may be expeCted, Hert is tiit . hqndl: Pen modejlly, but yet faithfully giving lbet tl/J Actount of. Believers, wbo through. much Faith; Patience, and <J'ribu!atiaJJ mtred into the Ki11gdom of Heaven; Here are worthy Patterns for you to follow ; glorious Copie! for you, who are bqt Begimurs in the World, to write after. c.{hq all call upon )'Oil fo to follow them, as they followed ChrHE Here isa.Cioud of Witnelfes, which if you)tave (with JEsus) il: your Eye, yoti will be. the better prepared to lay afide every Weight,, and to run with Patience the Race that is fet before you. . . Mati is 'lea by nothing better than by Example ; and Ex'omples of.' gre~t Ones are moft ejfiffual: Such are thefe. I !mow abundantly, how this lazy formal Age is ready to look, on Scriptu~e- Worthies, as Men rmimitable ; qs Gi<!n~, to whoft P11111re they difpair ever .to arrive. Brtt hm you l114J be tolled ../JII in your atliv~ and p.af!ive Obedience, as lazy Travellers .will 'hold .out with good Company,. which beat. the Path b.ef~re ~them : lferc. is n~ Exczt[e left of Frailty, which we are ready to .ma,ke .agai11jl Obedimce ; for theft Prelidents,. in all Ages, abrjndantly teflijie, thot'we fraN Men, by the Power of the fame Grace of. God, f/IOJ' reach to the fome PerfeElions. We are too dpl itltbefe Day.r to think our Jelves geod enough, if we fi11d dhJ worfe thatr our felves : but we jhould not colztelzt our fllves to mn with the }'pot-men, b(lt aim to excel/ the' bejl. I have of l(lte thought it a very high way to growth and per-. feE/ian, to colMl fome of the choicell: Frames of the bell: Chrifi:ians, and a/ways Jet them l!efore. us. .Bleffid be the Lard, this is done to thy Ha11d ; and mayfjt thou rea.p the Advantage of thi$ Labour. . . Here'tbctttlJliyeft r.ead ihy DefeCl:s ilz theft holy Men~s Exceifes; .end amend tbj felf, without ai!Y Diminution to their Glary: Here thou mayeji'receive Light, from that which dazleth theQ ; and Luf'rre, Jromthat which (at prefont) eclipfeth thee. When thou co11jidereft ~vhat a da.ftardly cowardly Spirit is within thee; .what an Enemy of the Crofs of Chrill: thpu art, here is ibaJ :which ~oil/ prom~te thy Shame, that theft ( under -the Dawningt, of Gofpef.xlory and Grace ) jhould be as !!Old as Lions, wbifd thou art rs timorous a1 011 Hare. How dr we fhrink and tremblf.t whilft thcfo 'lJ.:ere as Rocks i11 the midfl of the Floods, flal}ding. umnoveab!( wbe11 tbQ Wiltdsblew, and the SMs made a NIJift! ' 1



' in the folio win~ CelleCl:ion. I htartily.wijh, i~at th~ dew 'of Heaven may [allup.o11 theft holy Reliq'ties ; that 'fitch a Spirit may atteltti tht Reader, as did theft, when called before Kings and Rulers for the Nanz(oj . .. Cbri!J. I heartily wijh, that theft Experiments of God's Prefence with his fuffering aml witnej/ing Saints, may help thee to trull: in God. Jknow, you ought to truft God upon his jingle Bond, without 4 Paw11 or Pledge of his Power and Faithfulneft : but _certainly:, Faith is wonderfully h'olpen by former Experiences in all Ages. ~btd therefm let this Epitome of the Book of Martyrs (as to the k!artyrs Sayings ).ftrengthen thy Confidence, mrd inake thee rely o11 God, as a conjla11t tried Frierid; </heft nre-all great 11!/lanter, that God i~ feen in the MQunt ; that he: hath Good-wit/to ihe flaming Bulh ; that he is willing to accompany the Church in the fiery Furnace. Say after the perufal of this Manual, ' I dare trufl in God ilt the greatefl Difficulties ; 1 will ' take no Thought what to anfwer to the Sons of Men, but will ' believe it lball be givenin that' Hour; I will call: alimy ' Care on him ; I will a.JJure nry ftlf; that as my-Tribulations ' do, fo my Confolations fl1all, abound ; he bath bfm others ' Help, therefore under the Shadow of his Wings will I rejoyce ; ' They that know thy Name, will put their truft mthee.~ ' for thou, Lord, haft not forfaken them thatfeekthee ; Our ' Fathers trufted in thee : they trull:ed, and thou didft deliver ' them : they cried unto thee; and were d_eliveredY they ' trufl:ed in thee, and were not coof~uoded. --"-Here jou'btive God's former Dealings wiJb, tV1d Appearings for his fo.Jfering Sai11ts, to pub/ifh /o thee and me, what his future' :Behaviour will be. What D~vid [aid of the tried ,Sword, we may of (ft;d . much rather, There is none like it. I have 1con!idlred the .. Days of old, the Years of ancie.nt Times, I will._ remember the Years of the Right Hand of the moll: High. MoreO'IJer, in theft Gleanings, thou wilt' fte th~ Excilklfcy cf ~hr}ft, 11nd tbe bjgb al(uantages.oJ. Faith,~ ill'tbrit.tb~ Lord ?brifl u _worthy, for whofoSake allts to /;e parted from. Here tS the Lord Jefus rated altd valued above a!! the Comforts, CoiF IC!IImcnts, and Happineft of both the Wor/di : n~t that thife wtre of a Stoical Apathy, or prodigal 'of their BiooJ lind 'Li'vis ; o11ly CHRIS T was the .firft Figure, a11d all the World /Iut empty Cy~hers without him. 'fhe Eflimate, which 'their Souls Jet .o1J Chnft, did info#tel) e~ceed /.be Rate, which tbey Jet on m~r '!bing

An Accot!nt of what may-be

expe~ed, &c~

<fhiug elfe ; all was but Drofs aud Dung : .<fhis is the Poice of all theft Saints departed ; Chrifl: is 11ot valued at all, if he bt no/ valued above all. What jha!l I fay more ? Here you may fee Jomcwhat to jhoar up the dejeCted Chrijlians, ~oho may be too much difcouraged at the low C01zditio1z_ of God's Church. Upon reading here, fad MelanCthon may be contented to let God ,-~utimte the Reins of Govenrmmt in his own Hands: a11d we may, wbw even jinking, leanz of Auftin ; Let the World (Jaid he) fink or fwim, be ruined or profper, I will blefs the Lord that made the World. Here you may ( in jhort) fee the Cavils againft the Crofs, Uwm rif to your Haud : the ObjeCtions agailif/ the Truth, ttbtmd(mt(y ji!e;;ced. Here you will meet with Jeafonable Cautions eg,ziiijltmjcriptura! Compliances. Here Cafes of Jhe pre[ent Age are briefly debated a11d cleared: mzd here you may have a. DireCtory Z,ow to keep your Confciences inoffenfive, towards God, towards the Soi11ts, and towards them that are without. But ( Reader) I will not detai1z thee from e1yoying the LabourJ of my Friend. '!be Lord blifs them to tbee and me. See that thou rcfule not him that fpeaketh from Heaven ; nor theft, 1vhofe Blood ( like their Mafter' s ) cries agai11ft their E;zemies for vmgetmce ; but calls aloud to you to ftand fafl: in the Faith once delivered, a11d to confider the End of their Warfare-: ~~hicb that thott mayejf, is heartily dejired by

A Cordial Friend to all the



Friends of Chrift, .
' '







' ''





The learned and ingenious Author of the Preface to Mr. Frith's Treatifes of Preparation to the Crofs (under the Title of f/ox Pifces, or the Book-Fifo) gives the following Tefl:imony to feveral of the remarkable Palfages in this Collecrion.

ERHAPS unto fome Palats no Liquor feemeth defirable, but that which hath a delicious Tang of the Curiofity of thefe later Times, .both for Method and Stile. For my Part, I fay with the Words in the. Gofpel, Luke 5 39 '!he old Wine is better. And accordingly contemplating and compariAg the devout Difcourfes written in our Langu;~ge upon the breaking forth of the Light of /l..efortJ/ation, 1 am far more deeply taken 'with the folid Simplicity and powerful Spirit, which methinks I find in the Writings of thofe. Confef!ors and Marty1s, who .watered the Garden of Reformation with their own Blood in this Land, than with the more elaborate and artificial Compofures, written more lately in the Times of our Peace. Who, in reading the Letters and gho!l:ly Meditations of blelfed Bradford, <fay/or, Philpot, &c. yea, even of other their Brethren Iefs learned, that wrote and fpake with that Hand, Heart, and Breath, which they were moft read.y to. yield up . for the Teftimony of the Truth, doth not therem perceive that lively Warmth of holy Zeal, which is able to awake even a dull and fleepy Soul ? Among which Marcyrs, as this worthy Frith is one of the firft for Antiquity, fo well may he be in_ the foremoft Rank for comfortable ~xllOrtation arid Soundnefs of Doctrine. - ..









HE Speec.hes of dying Mm are ren~arkable; the Speec.hes of dying Cbriflians are much more remarkable : How remarkable then are the Speeches of dying Witneffes for Chrill r It is rationally expetl:ed, that dying Men, much more . that dying ChriUians, and moll: of all that dying Witnelfes for Chrifl: ihould fpeak befl at /aft. '/heft are the !aft Words of David, 2 Sam. 2 3.. 1. It is their ]aft : And the Sun Jhineth brighteft: at fetting. They are immediately to give in their latl: . Account : They are upon the Borders of Eter.;;,l); : And the Motions of Nature are more intenfe, as they drav~ nearer the Center. . ':',, 1 be fure, Saints are molt heavenly, w4en neardl: Heavm. Xivcrs, the nearer the Sea, the fooner are met by the Tide. We have good Scripture-ground-to expea, that dying Chriftians, efpecially dying Witnelfes for Chril,t, lhould have extraordinary A.l/iftmJces from on High for their Jafl: Difcourfes : That the Wine of the Spirit Jhould be firongeft in them at their !aft. T~ey have God's Word for. it, That in that Hour it Jhall be given ~hem, what they fhall [peak : for it is nol'lhJ'j tht~l [peak, but. the: Spirit of ,their Father. Mal/b. xo. rg .. One obferveth, .that when Stephen was. to deliver his :laft Speech, and to. fuffer, he was filled with ..Jhe:Holy GbOjl, fo that all that fot iw the Council, looking ftedfa]Jly 011 Stephen; Jaw his Face, as if it had been the Face of an Angel. ,.AQ. His Soul was fa warmed by the Love of God, 'tbat.he both his Adverfaries and the. tempeftuous approaching: Storm out ~ Count~l!lln.ce. When he was floned, .he got a)arger fight. He fow. Jhe Heavms opened, and.his Majefiic;kGiorious Mqfter, the light-giving Diamond of He;~vcn; ffatiditig at his


:the Author's P lt E FAcE; . . ' . . Father' night 'Hand. AEt, 7 55 A.nd this:he got, no Doth, as for hlmfelf, foto hearten :allthofe that: v1.ere to com~ after; he being the jirfJ Martyr, after Chrift. Hence_ it hath been often found, that their !all: Speeches have been Oraculou.~ and Prophetical. Zenophon perfonates Cyrus as infpired, whilft he is breathing out. his !all: Requell:s. The nearer we return to the Original Divinity (as Plotinus fpeaketh) the more Divine we ,;row. One obferv,eth from a Scripture-inftance, That what hath been- ajferted by dying Witneffis, hath 11]0ft fpeedily ~orne co pafs. Zachariah told the Children of !frat!, Becauft ye bave fotfoken the Lord, he hath alfo forfaken you. 2 Chr. 24. 20, 24. For this. he was immediately floned, and the Lord foaled his Word very Jpeedily afterwards; For the A!fyrians C0117ing with a final! Company againfi them, the Lord deli'Vered )z v.ery grtal Multitude i11to their Hands : and fo without delay in: tlieirSigh~ fealed the Words of his dying Witnefs Zachariah. .And. why his Word fooner than Ifaiah's,. jeremiah's, Ez~klefs ~c; by whom he pleaded much longer with his Apollatizing~ Chl.lrch? I know no Reafon, but this: It was the, Lord's ~ Pleafure, and to fhew his RefpeCl: to dying Witneffis, that he wo,uld h.ave what -thev fay .taken fpecial Notice of, It may be, 'that he might lhew, that whatever fail, the Words of dying Wiim.ffes Jhall not fall to the Ground.. It is-true, we mull: not lay fti!!h Weight upQn thefe Sayin~s, as we inuft lay upon Scriptti.fepropbejies ; for fuch Sayjngs may be true Prophdie~ yet we are not ajfure~ that thefe are P~ophefies; till they be-auomplijhed : yet their Sayings, while dying for' and in the Lord, do give good Encouragement to them_ -'that re:m.ain alive, lmd-fo to be much fjiee11Wd by- them ; , whet~~~ -they refpeCl: the Honour of God, or the Good of Souls. _ - . - The lqft Speer.hes of Chrill:'s dying Witnelfes, have extoited even from Heathens Acknowledgemepts to th~ Hono~r of G_od, that truly the Chrifiians God is a great- God.- (f?ere nia~nus eft Deus Chriftianorum. - Calocerius. ) Yea~ 'by: th~ Simtets have been converted. Juflin Martyr and 'others by. o~f~vu_1g the -~d the Martyrs made, were brought out of -1.6~e: wi_tjl. tlieWays of Sin,- and in. Love with the Ways of?oij1_1efs.. 'l'he!'e Speeches (,here cqlle&ed ) are called SwinJ!ike-Songs for theJ.r RemarkablenefS ; A Cloud of Witneffis, and '.fhe Suf[e~C!.!. Mi.rrotlr for their Ufefulnefs. The Ifra~lites found _I/o~ ---.. . .- ..- . . - ----.- ~ --- - -";,. orily

<fhe Author's. P'R EF AcE; only Comfort in the Shadow of the Cloud in the Wildernefs 1 but a direE/ive Vertue therein ; they were led by ir. There is a double Power in fuch Inll:ances, both to Comfort, and to /l)jimilate; To fee that others have fuffered worfe, is no fmall Comfort to Sufferers. Jacob's Sheep conceived according to the Colour of the Rods, that lay in the Troughs. Our Conceptions will be like our Vijiom : like the Examples that are fn before our Eyes. Here ( as in a Glafs ) even the beft may fee thtir Spots ; and all, efpecially Sufferers may learn how to drefs rhemfelves for Death. How can the b'ejl of us read thefc Paffages, without Shame, for our low Attainments, for our little Proficiency in the School of Chrift ? How unlike are our Faces to the Faces in this Mirrottr? How felfdenying were they? How felfifh are we? How crucified to the World were they ? How much glued thereu11to are we? How eafie was it for d1em to chufe the greatell: Sufferings, rather than the leafr Sin ? How hard is it for us, 11ot to chufe the greatcff Si11, rather thm! the leaft Sujeri11g ? How willing .were they to part with all for Chri!l: ? How tlllwilling are we to part with little Mailers for Chrifl? What anHonour did they e!l:eem it to fuffer for Chrift,to be c~ain'd, to be whipt, toLe wrackt, to be halter'd, to be ftak' d for Chrift ? Have we fuch Efleem of Sufferings for ChrijJ, and ~f fitch Sr!fferings ? Are 1101 we ajhmmd of our Glory? How patient. were they under the greateft Tortu:es ? H.ow impatimt are we tiudcr very lillie '(roubles ? How hot was their Love to Chri!l:, his Truths, Ordinances, People ? How cold is ottts ? Ho IV zealous were they for the Honour of God ? How luke-warm are we?' How magnanimous were they ? How cow.ardly ard daftard!y are :Je ? How humble were they ? Htw proud are we? How brok'>n-hcarted were they? How hardhearted are we? What fympathifing Spirits had they ? How lillie Fellowjee!ing is there now among Cbriftians ? How aCl:iye were they for the Glory of God, and Good of Souls, under their Sufferings ? , How jlothful are we ? And hoW, little 'do we for either, 1111der- our Sujferilzgs ? How il:rong was .their Faith? How weak is ours? How fearlefs were they of M\n~ who can.only kill the Body? How fearful are we? Bow many of thefe Worthies attained unto Alfurance, and h~d their Evidences for Heaven clear? 'How are the mo.ft 4 us il~

the dark, as to mz l11terejl inGod, and a Right 1111d <Iitle to Glory~ How

rhe Author's p R E F A c ];, How willing and defirous were they to die, even a violent Death ? Haw loth are we to die, evm a natural Deatb ? How did they without the leaft Fear play on the Holt: of this Afp, and with much Courage put their Band into the Den of this Cockatrice ? But how doth the Fear of this Kiug of 'l'errors make us ji1bjefi to Bo11dage? Thus th~y are uftful ro jhame us. ---- They are alfo ufeful to prtpare us to die, tfpecially a violent Death. Such Examples chalk the Way more plainly, than bare DireCtion. Longmu iter per prcecepta : breve & efficax per exempla, Seneca. Thefe encourage more heartily ; thefe perfwade more powerfully ; thefe chide U nbelief with more Authority. I befeech yozt all, who are tbe Lord1s People ( faid one lately ) 11ot to Jcare at SttjferiJzg for the Interefls of Chrifl ; becaufe of. a11y <Jbi11g )'Oil may fee fall out in thrfe Days, as to the Sufferings of his Servq11ts : but be mcouragcd todo rmd fuffir ; for I ajjilre you, i11 the Name of the Lord, he will bear all your Charges. I do agailz affurc you, ill his Name, be will furnijh all )'OUr E,xpCIIccs,. and bear all your Charges. . . Mr. Rough Jearn~d the Way to Martyrdom by feeing and hearing Auflo at the Stake in Smithfield. Corning from bis Br1rning, and being afkt where he had been ? he made Anfwer, 'l'hert, where I would not but have bem for 011e of mine E)'eS : and would you know where? "Forfooth, I have benz to learn the Way. And foon after, he followed him in the fame Place and the fame Kind of Death. Now if one Prefident made him fo goed a Scholar ; what Dullards and Non-proficients are we, if fuch a Cloud of Inftances work not in us a chearful Ability to expeCI: and encounter the fame Adv~.rfary, fo often foiled before our Eyes ? I 1hall detain thee longer from feeing thefe rare Sights, but now invite thee in the Wotus (::lf Rev; 6. 7 Come 'fmd fee.---- The good Lqrd add his Bleffing, that thi11e Eye may affe&t thy Heart, and that th~fe Remarkable 'Palfages may be thus ufeful to all our Souls, and; th2t the Cloud of Wit11ejJes may not be a ftanding Witnefs againft ~ ~~- !IS.!' l,arsw11. . . '







The Book's Poetical Prologue.



fELL their Dcathr, "oJJha d;i11g made Death ;ield; By Scripture's Sword, and Faith's smbatltr'd Shield, 'lhtir Nnmbcr's number/eft,' who ran to die Undo their Sa'UioU>'s Stamford 'llaliantly. ' 'More Saints tm 'Tyrant-Emperors did flay, '!ban for n Year, Fi<Ve 'lhoufand to each Day. Sinre Jcfuits from th' itifmtal Lake did rife, More than Eight Hundred Thoufand loft thtir Lives l11 Thirty Years. Blaotly Duke tl' Alva <wi/fd; In Six Years, Eighteen Thoufand. to be kilN. ],, Henry's and in Mary's Bloody Reig11, Eight Thoufand ha'llc inhumanly been ,Jlain. Twelve Thoufand and Seven Hundred t/IQre <were Stockt, Or Whipt, or Wrack'd, or elft Exird, or Macht. I only promife mmsy a Swanlike Song : Read tbtm, and beg. of GOD <WI'tb Heart and 'Iongae, . 'That as the Vine, that's cut, and prun'd, hears more . In OIJe rear, than it did in 'Ibm before. ; . So may CHRIST's Fine:' .And may the. Saints of GOD (.As Camomile) grow beller, being trod .Aud may CHR 1ST's Sufferers ill like Cafts find 'Ihe li'lli11g G9P as near, as /rut, as kin4, .As thife have found.; and leam Sils more to fiar, 'Ihais parti11g with <wbate'cr tbEJ count 1/JQJI drar,

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''1 'he Hi

Alphabetically 'Epitomiz'd.


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':iJRIAN's Wjfe feeing the Coffin hooped with. lro11; whereio lhe \~as [!> bf< buried, aliv~~ fpake - thu~; Jjave you provii:led this Pa!l:y-cruft _to 'bake !llY ~lefh in ? _

.. . . !gnes a Rotnan Martyr, contemning all Threats of Tortures,'\ ..

\Vas alfaufted as to her Cha!l:ity. To the Iafcivious Wretch !he faid, Thou llialt willingly bathe thy Sword in my Blood, if thou wilt, but thou !halt not defile my Body with filthy Luft, do what thou canfl:. Hereupon his Eyes were !huck out by a Flame of Fire, like unto a Fla01 of Lightni!lg, and upon her Prayer he .was re!tored to Sight again. When !he fa\V a !l:urdy cruel Fellow ( to be~ol.d ) approaching with a naked Sword in his Hand ; I am nowgJad ( faid fl}e) agd r~oyceo,~lOre,. ~hat fuch an one as ~hou, a !lout, fierce, ltrong, an~ fturdy Soldte~ art come; than If one more feeble, weak, and faint-hearted lhould come. This, even this is he, I now confef3, that I 'do love : I will mgke hafl:e to mm him, and will no longer protract my longing Defire. n . ~ l'lfbm:t
- .- . . . . .......



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Cfhe HI s T oR Y of thr M A R T u . Albmh' . . Alhiir.~ (Engla11d's Proto Martyr) delivered up himfelf to the Soldiers inftead of ;Jmphibolus, who had converted him toChri- 1 ftianity, after he had fled to his HQufe for Refuge, and being bound, was carried before the Judge, who ::t that Time was facrificing to his Idols. The Judge perceiving the Fraud, told .dlbtme, Forafmuch as thouliadll: rather convey away the Rebel and Traytor to our gods, than deliver him up to the Soldiers, that he might undergo due Punil11ment for blafpheming our gods; look what Torments he fhould have fuffered, if he had been taken, the fame l11alt thou fulfer, if thou refufe to praftile . the Rites of our Religion. Alba11e, notwithll:anding his Threats, told him plainly to his Face, that he would not obey his Command, Then faid the Judge, of what Houfe and Stock art thou ? illbaue anfwered, It matters not of what Stock I am; but if thou dclireft to know my Religion, be it known unto thee, I am a Chrifiian, &c~ Then the Judge demanded his " Name : my Parents (faid he) named me Albmu; and I honour and worilup the tme and living God, that made all Things of Nothing. The Judge told him, If he would fave his Life, he mulhome and facrifice to their gods. Alba11e anfwered, Th~ Sacrifice that you offer to the Devil,profits you nothing, but rathel~ purchafcth for you eternal Pains and Hell-fire. The Judge <;Oil11Jlanded him to be beheaded. The Executioner, obferving J1is fnith and fervent Prayers, fell down at his Feet, cafi:ing fi'om l1im the Sword, dclired rather to be executed for, or with him, than to do Execution upon him ; yet afterwards another gave the fatal Blow.



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' Cotl}lable Rolf ( ']obJJ Alcock's Mafter ) having bail'd his Ser- I i .vant, faid unto him, I am furry for thee; for truly the Parfon will feek thy Defl:mCl:ion : Sir ( faid Alcock ) I am forry I am ' a trouble to you; as for my felf I am not forry, but I do com ': mit my fclf into God's Hands, and I truft he wiU give me a Month and Wifdom to anfwer according to right. Yet (faid '' Rolph) take heed of him, he is a Blood-iucker, &c. I fear not t (faid /.1/cock) he fhall do no more to me thanGod will give him r:' Leave ; and happy fhalll be, if God will call me to die for his Tmth's Sake. In hts firJ): Letter to Hadley he writes thus : 0 my Brethren ~f Hadley, why arc ye fe foon tm~~d frq:n them, which called - yoll





Epitomiz' d, alphabeHcally. l you into the Grace of Chrift, to another.DoB:rine ?-- Though thofe fhould come unto you, thar have been your true Preachm, and preach another 'Nay of Salvation, than by Jefus ChriO:'s Death and Paffion, hold them accurfed : yea, if it were an An otl come from Heaven, and would tell you that the Sacrifice of Chrilt's Body upon the Crofs' once for all, were not fufficicnt for rhe Sins of all thofe that !hall be faved, accurfed be he. Why' cometh this Plague upon us ? Cometh not this upon thee, bccaure thou haft fm{Jken the Lord thy God ? Thine own Wickcdnefs !hall reprove thee, and thy turning away !hall condemn thee, that thou mayft know how evil and hurtful a Thing it is, th~t thou haft forfakcn the Lord thy God .!llgeritls. Pomp01iius ,1!gerius, whil!1 he was a Prifoner at Vmicc, before h: was burnt at Rome, writ thus in his comfortable Letter to h:: Chrifl:ians, departed out of Babylo11 into Mount Sio1!; To p,.il.PI,:ltc your Sorrow, which ymP take for me, I cannot but~ H1l;';!:T u"to you fame Portion of my Joys, which I feel, to the :,Jt:'nt you may r~joycc with me.--- l fhall utter that, whih :: ;:c~ any will believe : I have found a Nefl: of HciAey.? and ! ;~,!~ey Comb i,n the Entrails of a Lion. In the deep ~ark Dun ~''""' I hw~ found a Paradifc. of Pleafure. In the Place of Sor; ''i a,,,, Death, Tranquility of Hope and Life: where others :,, .veep, [ do rejoyce ; where others do lllake and tremble~ :C:rc [!Ja:c fi1tmd Plenty of Strength and Boldnefs : in'ftrait :1 l;.,;,, and c;ld Irons I have had reO: : Behold he that was once : 1' f:om me, now is prefent with me; whom once I could fcarce :c~J, I now iec moil: apparently ; whom once I faw afar off, :w.v l hcholcl near at Hand ; wliom once I hungred for, the\, :~:me now ::pproacheth and reacheth his Hand unto me ;. he .:.ni1 o:om!ort me, and heapeth me up with Gladnefs l he dri-cth away all Bitternefs ; he minifl:reth Strength and Courage, ~'c.---- 0 how eaue and fwect is the Lord's Yoke! Lcarn 1 ye Well-belovcd,how aminble the Lord is, how meek, and merciful, who viuteth his fervants in Temptations ; neither difdaincth he to keep Company with us in fuch vile and fl:inking Caves. Will the blind and incredulous World (think you j believe this? or rather will it not fay tbm ? No, thou wilt never be able to abide long the burning Heat, the pinching Hardnefs of that Place, fj'c. The Rebukes and frowning l-aces of great Men how wilt .. chou flJ.fter? Dolt not thou conlld~r thy p!eafant Country? the '.B




CJ'he HI s T o R Y of the M ART Y R s

Riches of the World, thy Kinsfolk, the delicate Pleafures and Honours of this Life? Doll thou forget the Solace of thy Sciences, and Fruit of all thy Labours? Wilt thou thus fofe all thy Labours, which thou hall hitherto fufraincd ? Finally, feareft thou not Death which hangcth over thee ? 0 what a Fool art thou, which for one Word's fpe:iking may falve all this and wilt not ! But now to an liver: Let this blind World hearken to this again, What Heat can there be more burning, than that Fire which is prepared for thee hereafter? What Things more hard, and fharp, anrl crooked than this prefent Life which we lead? What Thing more odious and hateful than this World here prefent? And kt thefe worldly Men here an!iver me. What Country can we have more fwcet than the heavenly Country above ? What Treafures more rich or precious than everlalling Life? and who be our Kinfmen but they which hear the Word of God ? Where be greater Riches or Dignities more honour2ble than in Heaven ? And as touching the Sciences, let this foolilh World confider, Be not they ordained to know God? whom unlels we do know, all our Labours, em Night- Watchings, our Studies, and all our Enterprifes here !erve to no Pmpofe, all is bnt Labour loft. Furthermore, let the mifcIable worldly Men anfwer me. What Remedy or J:1fe Refuge can there be unto him who lacks God, who is the Life and Medicine of all Men, and how can he be litid to fly from Death, when he him!elf is already dead in Sin? If Chril1 be the Way, Verity and Life, how can there be any Life withvm Chrilt? The foldy Heat of the Prifon to me is Coldnefs ; rhe cold :Winter to me is a fi'dh Spring in the Lord. He that fe:lreth not to be burned in the Fire, how will he fear the Heat of W cather? Or what careth he for the pinching Frofr, which burneth for the Love of the Lord ? The Place is fharp and zedious to them that be guilty, but to the innocen~ it is mellifluiflUS. Here droppeth the deleCtable Dew, here floweth the ;plea!:1nt Neflar, here runneth the fweet Milk, here is Plenty of all good Things. In this World there is no Manfion :firm to me, and therefore I will travel up to the New-Jerufalm;, which is in Heaven, and which offereth it felf to me without :paying any Fine or Income. I have travelled hitherto, Jabour~d, and fwrar r~rly and late, watching Day and Night, and now my Travels begin to come to EffeCt. What Man can now q:nil, th~t tbdi.: our I..:lbours are Ion-, which have f{)llowed and l ,. fou.1~


Epitomiz' d, alphabetically. 5 found out the Lord and Maker of the World, and which have changed Death for Life ? If to die in the Lord be not to dir, but to live mofl: joyfully, where is this wretched worldly Rebd, which bbmeth us of Folly, for g'tving away our Lives unto Death ? 0 how deleCl:able is this Death to me ! to tafte ot the Lord's Cup! I am accufed of Fooli01nefs, for that I do not rid my frlf out of thcfe Troubles, when with one Word I mav. But doth not Chrifl: f.ty, Fear 1101 them which kill the Bo,/r,but bim wbich killeth both Body tmd Soul; a11d wbo(oever jhnll conj,Js me beforeJ1m,bim 'coil! I alfo coufefs before myF~tbcr wbich is i;; flravm ; tlild be tbat dmietb me bifore Mm, bim will I nlfo denv b,fore 9 beaw;dy Fatbcr. Seeing the Words of the Lord bc !;J p!aii\ he\'!, or by what Authority will this wife Counfellor al)prove thi> his Cm:n!(:l which he doth give? God forbid that I ihould relinqui!i1 the Ccm:n.mdmcnts of God, and follow the Counfels of Men ; !(Jr it is writtt(l, Blef!ed is tbe Mall that hath 1:ot go/i,? iii tbr: fV.ry of Sim~er.r, and bath mt f!ooa i11 the Cormfel: ~f tb, Uilgod{r, &c. Pfal. I. I. God forbid I fhould deny Chrill:, wh::re I ought to contefs him; I will not let more by my Life, th;l:l by my foul ; n~ither will! cxclunge the Life to come for ti1is \\' orld here pref-:nt. .' . This Letter he tmclerwrit tlms'; From the defollable Orebard of Leonine Prifou, r 2 Calmd, AuguH. An. 1555. Allm. Sir Edmuitd 'Jyrrel binding Rofe Allm to give her Father and Morher good Counfel, that they might become good Catholicks; Sir ( laid 01e ) they have a better Infl:ruCtor than I, for the Holy Ghofl: doth teach them, I hope, who I tru!l: ;vill_not fufl'er them to err. Thereupon the Knight f.1id, Itts Tune to look to fi.Jch Hereticks. Sir (faid fhe) with that which you call Herefy, do I worfl1ip my Lord God. Then I perceive ( faid 'Jjrrel ) you will burn with the ref!: for Company. No, Sir (laid 1he) not for Company, but for n:y ~hrifl:'s Sake, if fo I be compelled, and I hope in his MerCJes 1f he call me to it, he will enable me to bear it... To try her, 'lyrrd burnt the Wrift of her Hanel with a Candle, till the very Sinews crackt afunder, ftyin(l' often to her, W h~r, Whore, wilt not thou cry ? To which lhe an livered, That i11e had no Caufe, fl1e thanked God,but rather to rejoice ; You i f:tid fl1e) have more caufe to weep han I, if you confider the MltB 3 t'r



6 '1he H 1ST oR Y of the MARTY Rs ter well. At Iaft lhe faid, Sir, have you done what you will do'? He anfwering, yea, and if thou think it be not well, then mend it, She replied, Mend it ! Nay the Lord mend it, and give you Repentance, if it be his will ; and now if you think it good to begin at the Feet, and burn the Head alfo. She being alked by one, how the could abide the painful burning of her Hand ; She faid, at firll it was fome Grief to her ; but. afterward the longer the burned, the lefs the felt, even well near . none at all. '

Almondus. My Body dies (f.1id Almondrts a f/ia) my Spirit lives. God'e Kingdom abides ever, God hath now given me tlu; Accompli111ment of all my Defires. A!ojf. Francis d' Aloft, a Cutler in Fla11ders, being conducted to Prifon, faid, Now you have taken me ,you think to clcprive me of Life, and thereby to bring great Damage to me ; but you arc deceived, for it is all one, as if you took counters from me to fill my Hand with a great Sum of gold. As he went to lillfcr, he ufed that Speech of the Apo!l:lc St. Peter, I lmtjlii"W Jhort!y put off this my eartbly 'fabcmade, 2 Pet. I. 14- ';;.:bicb tbe LGw of ]t'jits my Lord conjlraineth me to do, 2 Cor. 5 I 4 Amachus, Turn (faid he) the other Side alfo, lea!l: raw Flefi1 offend you . .!lmbrofo. I have not fo lived (faid he) that I am al11amed to live longer, nor yet fear I Death, becaufe I have a good Lord. To Caligno11 (f/almtinitm'sEunuch) threatnir.g D~ath, he faid, Well, do you that which becomes an Elll:mch, I will fufferthat which becomes a Bil110p. Andrew. When the Proconful threatned Andrew the Apo!l:le with the Crols, if he left not off his preaching ; I would never (faid he) have preached the Doctrine of the CIofs, if I had feared the Suffering of t~e Crofs. When he came to the Crofs on which he was to be crucified, he faid, 0 Crofs moll: welcome, and long look'd for, with a , willing Mind joyfully I come to thee, being the Scholar of him that dit! hang on thee ; welcome 0 Chrilllonged and looked for ; I am the Scholar of him that wns crucified, long have I cowt~cl to rmbr~rr thee, in whom, I am what I am.



Epitomiz' d, alplxlbetical&; Anvil.

f/ederick ,111vil of Bearue, to the Friers that willed him to call

on the Virgin Mary, three Times repented, Thine 0 Lord is th~ Kingdom, thine is the Power and Glory for ever and ever; Let. us fight, let us fight, Avant S?.tan, avant. '(''""~ . Bomw alking ']oh11 Apprice what he thought of the Sacrament of the Altar; he anfwere 1, The DoCtrine you teach is fo ' a<rrecable to the World and embraced of the fame, that it can" not be agreeable to the Won I of God. /!rd!<y. ']ob:1 /lrti!ey being urged by Bomter to recant, cried out, If every Hair of my Head, were a Man, I would fulfer Death for my Religion. Being again folicited to recanr ; No, Gael forbid (faid he) that I fl1ould do fo, for then I fhalllofe my Soul. . Areth!!ji:ts. Marcus A;cth11jius having at rlie Command of Co11f1miiimu pnllr.tl down a certain Tcmplc 1 cledicated to Idols, and infteacl thereof built up a Church, where the Chti!lians might congregate ; nndcr"Ju!imtus he was heaten, c2fr into a filthy Sink, put into a Bafket anointed with Hon~y and Broth, hung abroad in the Heat of the Sun, as Meat for Wafps to feed on, hereby it was hoped he would be enforced either to build up again the Temple which he had defhoyed, or elfe give fo much Money as would pay for the building of the fame. This good Man whill1 he hung in the Balker, did not only conceal his Pains, but derided thole wicked lnfl:mmenrs of his . Torments, calling them bafe, low, terrene People, and himfelf exalted, and fer on ~igh : when they tohl hi111 they would be contented with a anal! Sum of Money tiom him, He f.1id, lc is as great a Wick~ ~dnefs to confer one Half,Jenny in cafe of-Impiety, as if a Man Jnotdd be!l:ow the whole. A(kew. Mrs. 'jmu Ajkew being ca1lcd by the Bifi1op of Wilrchejler, a Parrot, told him, that fl1e was ready to fuffer not only his Rebukes, but all Things that fi10uld follow beficles ; yea, and all that gladly. To her Confeffion in N,wga:e !he thn~ fubfcribd ; lVritter. liy me Jane Alkew, who milher wijb Dcatb iJJI' fear its Migbt, ~11d as merry as o11e" bormd tow!lr'ds HMrH::. ;o n4 I1

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rhe H I s T 0 R y of the M A R T y R s

In her Confeffion of her Faith !he faith, Though God hath given me the Bread of Adverftty, and the Waters of Trouble, yet not fa much as my Sins have deferved. When Nicholas Sharto11 counfelled her to recant, as he had c:lone, !he faid, It had been' good for him never to have been born. In an Anfwer to a Letter of Mr. Lacell's, !he writ thus; "0 " Friend, moll: dearly beloved in God, I marvel not a little what " fhould move you to judge in me fo ilender a Faith as to fear " Death, which is the End of all Mifery. In the Lord I delire , ." you not to believe of me fi.1ch Weaknefs, for I doubt not but ," God will perform his Work in me, like as he hath begun." When Wrijley, Lord Chancellor fent to her Letters at the Stake, offering her the King's Pardon if !he would recant ; fi1e ~efuling once to look upon them, gave this Anfwer : That fi1e came not thither to deny her Lord and Mall:er. .Attalus. He anfwered to every ~ell:ion, I am a Chrill:ian. B~ing fired in an Iron Chain ; Behold (faid he) 0 you Roma11s, this is to eat Man's Flefh, which you faiOy objeCt to us Chri!l:ians. Audebcrt. Bleffed be God (faid A1111e .!lttdeberl of Orleance) for this Wedding Girdle (meaning the Chain) my firll:Marriage was on this Lord's Day, and now my fecond to my Spoufe and Lo~d Chrill fhall be on the fame. . Auglffl i ne. Boughsf.1ll ofl'Trees (faid he) and Stones om of Buildings, and why fhould it feemll:range that mortal Men die ? Auf!inc. Aujliuca Barber, born about l-lemugow in Germa11y, as he wal Jed co Execution, being dclired by a Gentleman to have Pier tlpon himfelf, and if he would not favour his Life, yet that he would favour his own Soul : He anfwercd, What Care I ha\e of my Soul, you may fee by this ; that I had rather give my Body to be burned, than to do that Thing that were againfr my Con fciencc. B Babilas. Babi!as Bi010p of A11tioch, being cafr by Decitls into a filthy fiinking Prilon for the Name of Chrifr, with as many Irons as he could bear, in treated his Friends (that vifited him) that after his Death





9 ! Death they w?uld ~ury with him the Signs and Tokens of his ~ Valour meanmg h1s Bolts and Fetters. : No~ (faid he) will God wiJ.Ile away all Tears and now I !hall ' walk with God in the Land of the living. l Bainham : Mr. ')ames Bainham, when he repented of his Rec.antation. in : Auflilz's Church in Lo11do11, He declared openly w1th weepmg Eyes, that he had denied God, and prayed ~ll the Peo~le to be. ware of his Weaknefs, and not to do as he d1d ; For (fa1d he) If I lhould not return again unto the Truth, this Word of God (he having a New Tefiament in his Hand) would damn me both Body and Soul at the Day of Judgment. .He perfwaded them to die by and by, rather than to do as he d1d; for he would not ' feel !uch an Hell again for all the World's Good. Whm he was at the Stake in the midll: of the flaming Fire, which had half conli1med his Arms and Legs, he fpake thefe Words; 0 ye Papijls, Behold, ye look for Miracles, and here now you may fee a Miracle; for in this Fire I feel no more Pain, than if I were in a Bed of Down, it is to me as a Bed ofRofes. Barbtvil. Johll Barbevil [aid to the Friers that called him ignorant Afs; Well, Admit I were fo, yet Jh:!ll my Blood witnefs againll: fuch Balaams as you be. . Bale :_ Mr. John Bale in his excellent Paraphrafe on the Apocalyps."' ' In his Preface He that will live godly in Chrill: Jefus, and '.be a patient Sufferer; he that will ftand in God's Fear, and prepare himfelf to Temptation; he that will be ll:rong whenAdver. fity !hall come, and avoid all Alfaults of Antichri!l: and the De: vii, let him give himfelf wholly to the Study of this Prophefy .He that knoweth not this Book, knoweth not what the Church :is, whereof he is a Member. It containeth the univerfal Trou:. bles, Perfecmions and Crolfes, that the Church fuffered in the primitive Spring, what it fuffereth now, and what it fhall fuffer ~in the latter Timt<t, by the Subtilties of Antichrill: and his Fol.lowers, the cruel Members of Satan ; and it manifell:eth what ' 'Promifes, what Crowns, and what Glory the faid Congregation .fhal! have, after this prefent Conflict with the Enemies, that the promifed Rewards might quicken the Hearts of thofe that the

Epitomiz' d, alphabetically.

. ~ Stule Imagt if 1Mb Cbuuha, prinlfd I 5so~





: ,,

'!'he H. r s T o R Y if the MART Y R s Torments feareth. Unto St. 'john were thefe Myll:eries revealed, when he was by theEmperor Domitian11s.exiled for his Preaching, into the If1e of Patmos., at the cruel Complaints of the Idolatrous Priefts and Bilhops and by him writ and fent out of the f.1mc Exile into the Congregations. The Contents of this Book arc from no Place more freely and clearly opened, nor told forth more boldly, then out of Exile. Flattery dwelling at home, and fucking there fiill his Mothers Brcafis, may never tell out the Truth, he feeth (o many Dangers on every Side, as Difplea(ure of Friends, Decay of Name, Lofs of Goods, Offence of great Men, and Jeopardy of Life, &c. The forfaken wretched Sort l1ath the Lord provided always to rebuke the World of Sin, Hypocrify, Blind nels; for nought is it therefore that he hath exil~d a certain Number of believing Brethren the Realms of Englmtil, of the which :1ffiicrcd Family,my Faith is that I am one. Whereupon I have confidered it is no lefs my bounden Duty, under Pain of Damnation, to admoniJh Chrifl's Flock by this prefcnt Revelation of their Perils pall:, and D3ngers to come for Contempt of the GofjJd, which now reigncth there, above all in the Clergy. GraciouOy hath the Lord called them, cfpecially now of late, but his Voice is nothing regarded. His Servants have they imprifoned, tormented, and Oain, having his Verity in much more Contempt than before. We looked for a Time of Peace, (faith the Prophet 'jeremiah) and we fare no.t ~he bett~r at all ; we waited for a Time ofHealth, and we find here nothing elfe but Trouble. And no Marvel, confidering the Beafl:s Head that was wounded, is now healed up again fo workmanly, as Rtv. r3, mentioneth.' The abominable Hypocrify, Idolatry, Pride, and Filthinefs of thofe terrible TermagauAts of Anti chriO:'s holy Houfhold, thofe two-horned Whoremongers, thofe Conjurors of Egypt, and lecherous Locull:s, leaping out of the bottomlefs Pit, which daily deceive the ignorant Multitude with their Sorceries and Charms, muft be 1hewed to the World to their utter Shame and Confufion. To tell them freely of their wicked Works by the Scriptures, I have exiled my felf for ever from mine own native Country, Kindred, Friends, Acquaintance, (which are the great Delights of this Life) and am well contented for the Sake of Chrift, and for the Comfort of my" Brethren there, to fuffer Poverty; Penury, AbjeCl:ion, Reproof, and all that 1hall come befide. Here are we admonilhed before-hand, of two moft dangerous Evils; n.either to agree with thofe Ty rants;

; \

Epitomiz' d, alphabetically. II .rants, that wage War with the Lamb in his elect Members, nor . yet to obey thofe deceitful Bilhops, that in Hypocrify ufurp .the Churches Titles. Of thofe hath our heavenly Lord premomfh- . ed us in this heavenly Word of his, and graiouny called us a.. way from their Abominations, left we fhould be Partakers of their Sins, and fo receive of their Plagues. If we unthankfully :: negleCt it, the greater is our Danger..;; Barlaam. ; He holdincr his hand in the Flame over the Altar, fung that : of the Pf.1lmifr, 1hou teacbcj! my Ha11ds to war, a11d my Fi11gers Barms. I !me been re['Dltcd ( f.1id Dr. Eames at the Stake) to be a ' Preacher of Sedition, and difobedient to the King's Maje!l:y ; ' but here I f.:y to you, that you are all bound by the Com~and :or God, to obey your l'rince with all 1-Iumility, and with all ':your [-leart ; and that not only for Fear of the Sword, but 'alli1 ((Jr Conlciencdll~c before God : Yea, I f.1y further, If the :King 0hJuld c01mmnJ you any Thing again!l: Gods Law, if it : be in your Power to refifl: him, yet may you not do it ? . Baji!. When flalms the Emperor fent his Officers to him, feeking to :turn him from the Faith : And firfr of all great Preferments were ofi'cred him; B(lji/ rejected them with Scorn: Offer thefe Things ,:(iaid he) to Children. When he was afterwards threatned griev.. ~uny; Threaten (faid he) your Purple-Gallants, that give them' !elves to their Pleafurcs. ' When the Emperor's Meffenger promifed him great Prefer. ment; Alas, Sir, ( faid this Bilhop of Ceforea) thefe Speeches . are fit to catch little Children, that look after fuch Things ; but we that are taught and nouri!hed by the holy Scriptures, are :ready to fuffer a thoufand Deaths, rather than to fuffer one Syllable or Tittle of the Scripture to be altered. <. When the Emperor threatned to banifh him, &c. if he ;~ob~yed not, he faid, .Thofe Bug-bears were to be propounded to ,Children ; but for h~s Part, though they might take away Life, :Yet they could not hmder him from profeffing the Truth. '; When Modeftus the Pra:fetl: afked him, Know you not who ~e are that com~and it ? No-body ( faid Bafil) whil!l: you ;command fuch Thmgs. Know ye not ( faid the PnefeCl: ) that :fie have Honours to befrow upon you? They are but change~ able

' to fight.

1he HIsToRY of the MARTYRs able ( faid Bajil) like your felvcs. Hereupon he threatncd () confifr;J~ his Goods, to torment him,to banilh him, or kill him; he anfwered, He need not fear Confifcation, tkat had nothing .'to lofe ; nor Banithment, to whom Heaven only is a Country ; nor Torments, when his Body would be dath'd with one Blow; nor Death, which is the only Way to fee him at Liberty. The Pr;EfeCl: telling him he was mad, he faid, Opto me in dermu!l fie delirare, I wil11 I may for ever be thus mad; The Pr;Efccr another Time threatning him with Death, he faid, Would it would fall out fo well on my Side, that I might lay down this Carcaf>of mine in the Qlarrel of Chrift, and in the Defence of his Tmth, who is my Head, my Captain. The Pr:efeCl: defiring that he would not, by ral11!y :mfwering, throw himfelf away, offered him a Day and Night to confider further of it ; but Baji! faid, I have no need to take fur thcr Counfd about this Matter: Look what I am to Daj', the fiune thou Ihalt find me to Morrow ; but I pray God that thou change not thy Mind. ; Emden. 1 Alice Bmde11, when !he was in Prifon at CmJ!crbmJ, ~greed : with a Fdlow-Prifoner to live both of them with Two Pence : Half-penny a Day, to try thereby how well they could futlain \ Penury and Hunger before they were put to it. \ At her firll: coming into the Bilhop's Prifon, fhe was much . troubled, and expofiulated why Jm Lord did fi.1ffer her to be l fequeftred from her loving Fellows in fa extreme Mifery ? But. : was comforted by thefe Words, Why art tholl fo heavy, 0 my I' Soul? <fhe Right-Hand of tbe Lord cm1 change all. 1 At the .Stake !he took forth a Shilling of Philip and Mary, l which her Father had befl:owed, and fent her when fl1e was firft I in Prifon, deliring her Brother there prefent, to return the fame ~ to her Father again, that he might undcrfl:and fl1e never lacked l Money whilft fhe Jay in Prifon. j Benuet. Mr. Cf'homas Bmuel, a Shool-mafier in Exeter, being prefs'd I by a DoCtor, a Gray Frier, to recant for putting upon the Doors ; of the Cathedral in Schedules, That the Pope is Antichrift, and that we ought to worfhip God only, and not the Saints, fi1id, I \ take God to record, my Life is not dear to me, I am weary of ; it, feeing your detefiable Doings, to the utter DeftruCl:ion of ,: God's Flock, (o that I delire Death, that I may no longer be (, Partak~r (


Epitomiz' d, alphabetically; I~ Partaker of your deteltable Idolatries and Superll:itions, or be . fubjdl: unto Antichrill: your Pope. Away from me I pray you, vex my Soul no longer, ye fhall not prevail. If I fhould hear and follow you this Day, everla!ting Death Jhould hang . over me, a jufl: Reward for them that prefer the Life of this World before Life eternal.


. Peter Bcrger, burnt at Lio1rs 1 553 beholding the Multitude at the Stake, faid, Great is the Harveft, Lord, fend Labourers. I fee the Heavens open to recerve me. \ Betkm. i When Jhe was brought to the Rack, f11e faid, My Mafters, (where fore will you put me to this Torture, feeing I have no [way offended you ? Is it for my Faith's Sake ? you need not \ tormrnt me for that, for as I wa never af11amed to make Con~ fenian thereof, no mort' will I be now at this prefent biJore [you, I will freely !hew you my Mind therein. But for all this l when they proceeded on with what they intended, Alas my r Mafl:ers, faid fhe, If it be fa that I mull: fuffer this Pain, then ; give me Leave firft to call upon my God. Her Requdl: they \granted : whillt fhe was praying, one of the Commiffionm !was fo furprifcd with Fear and Terror, that by and by he tfwooncd, and could not be fetcht again, and fo fhe efcaped ~the Torture. t Bilney. } Mr. 'J'hom11s Bilmy in a Letter to Dr. 'foiljlal Bilhop of ~London, he gives th'Is Account of his Converlion. The I Woman which was twelve Years vexed with the bloody Flux, i' had con fumed all that fhe had upon Phylicians, and yet was tfrill worfe and wmfe, until fuch Time as fl1e came to Chrifr, tand after fl1e had once touched the Hem of his Vell:ure, through [Faith !he was healed. 0 mighty Power of the Molt High! ! which l alfiJ molt miferable Sinner have often rafted and felr. ~~efore I came to Chrilt I had likewife fpent all I had upon pgnorant Phyficians. They appointed me Fa!l:ings, Watchpngs, buying of Pardons, andMalfes,&c.But at !aft I heard fpeak tof Jefus, even then, when the New Teftament was firft fee ouc lby EraJmus. At firll: I was allured to read, rather for the )Latill (having heard it was eloquently done ) rhan for the Word (Of God. Ac the firA: reading I hit upon this Sentence o-f St. !P.w!, ( 0 mofl fJ.wl l!i1d comfortabl~ .Sentmce to my Soul) in I 11~



<Jhe H 1 s T oR v of the M A R T Y n s

'lim. r. It is a true Saying, a11d worthy of all Acceptatio11, that Chrifl 'jejits came into the World to Ja~e Si1111ers, of whom I am chief. This Sentence through God's Inllmflion and inward working, did fo exhilarate my Heart, being before wounded with the Guilt of my Sins, infomuch that my bruifed Bones leapt for Joy. After this the Scripture began to be more pleafant to me than the Honey or the Honey-comb. Therein !learned that all my Travel~, all my Fall:ing and Watching, all the R.c demption of Malles and Pardons, withom Faith in Chrilt, were but a ha!1y and fwift running out of 'th~ right 'vVay, or elle much like the Ve!lnre made of Fig-leave~, wherewithal Adam and Eve went about in vain to cover thrir i\a!mlne!S, and could never obtain Quietnels and Rcfl:, till thcv believed in the Promife of God, that Chrifl: the Seed of the Woman lhould break the Serpent's Head. Neither. could I he believed or eal~d <l the lharp Stingings of my Sins, bdrm? I was t;,ught of (;od, that even as Mofts exalted the Serpent in the Dclart, lo fl1:dl ti1c Son of Man be exalrtd, that all which belie-ve on him, llJOul,: not perilh, but have cverlalling Lilc. A> i\JOn as I brgan w tafte and favour this heavenly Ldfon, which none can tr.rrh bu: God only, I delired the Lord to increale my Faith. Ad ::: Jail: I delired nothing more, than th:!t I bei~g fo com forte,; bv him, might be ftrengthcned by his J-h;ly Spirit and Grace Iron' ! above, to teach the Wicked his \Vays, which are Mercy ~:;,; Truth, that the Wicked may be convened unto him by 111~, who fometimes was alfo wicked. il.ccordingly l did t~a.cli, and fet forth C!Jrifl:, being made for us by God his Father, our Wifdom, Righteoufnefs,SanB:ification and Redemption, 1 Cor. r. Who was made Sin for us, i, e. a Sacrifice for Sin, that we thro' , 1 him lbould be made the Righteoufnefs of God, 2 Cor. :; . Who became accurfed for us, to redeem us from the Curie of the Law, . Gal. z. 1 taught that all Men lhould firil: acknowledge their , Sins and condemn them, afterward hunger and thirft for that ~ Righteoufnefs, which is by Faith in Chrift, &c. Rom. 3 And : .forafmuch as this Hunger and Thiril: was wont to be quenched i with the Fulnefs of Man's Righteoufnefs; Therefore often times have I fpoken of thofe Works, e:..horting all Men not _ fo to cleave to them, as they being latisfied therewith, fhould _ loath or wax: weary of Chriil:. For thofe Things I have been : cried out of, attached, and now call; into Pri!Op. ,


Epitomiz'd, alphabetically. ;_ I5 His Abjuration coft him dear, it brought him even to De, his Friends were fain to be with him Night and Day. Latimer faith, That he thought all the Word of God him, and founded his Condemnation: To bring any Scripture to him, was as though a Man f!10uld run through with a Sword. The Day before his Execution, fome Friends finding him heartily, with much Chcerfulnefs, and a quiet Mind, they ~..... were glad to fee him at that Time fo heartily to ref: 0 ( faid he) I imitate thofe, who having a ruiHoufe to dwell in, yet befl:ow Cofl: as long as they may hold it up. In Prifon he divers Times proved the Fire, by puting his Finnear to the Candle ; at the firfr Touch of the Candle his " refifting, and he withdrawing his Finger, did after chide his in thefe W orcls ; ~tid tmitts membri im!ftiomm ferie ltOiJ & quo pallo eras totitts corporis conj!agratio;mn tolerabis ? ( faid he) canfl thou 11ot bear the buming of one Member, . how wilt thou endure to morrow the buming of thy 'll:hole

iBody ? f I feel, and haye known it long by Philofophy, that Fire is ~ot; yet I know fame (recorded in God's Word) even in the. flame felt no Heat, and I believe that though my Body will be: ~afl:cd by it, my Soul !hall be purged thereby. .

riends, of lfa. 43 x, 2, 3 But now, thus faith the Lord, that ~reated thee, 0 Jacob, and he that fanned thee, 0 Ifrael; Fear not, for I have redecmrd thee, I have called thee by thy Name. 'fhou b: .' Iii:".;~ : whm thou paffefl through theWaters,l will be with thee, ~ '. :br.mgh the Rivers, they jhall not overflow thee ; wbm thott ~; 1, ~ ,!1 ;hrough the Fin thou jhalt1zot be bztrnt, for I ani the Lard f:: '"''"! the Holy One of Ifrael, thy Sa.viour. The Comfort ~ ( -~': never left fome of his Friends to their dying Day. :.c next Morning the Officers fetching him to Execution, a t ::.!:! Friend entreated him to be conftant, and to take his J. 'tc> patien.tly; Bilnry anfwered, I am failing with the Marine I ;"' ;uC\h a b?Ifterous Sea, but fhortly fhall be.in the Haven, &.. 1-w c' !:le With your Prayers. ' Bland. . \~r Job11Bland a Kentifh Minifl:er, in his Prayer at the-Stake. !--~ JJ~d Jefus, for thy Lo:vc I do willingly leave this Life, and ' defire
' '' I

.r's '!be -H. ToRY of lbe M A-R~T Y R s 16 defire rather the bitter Death of thy Crofs, with the Lofs of au earthly Things, than to abide the Blafphemy of thy holy Name, or elfe to obey Man in the breaking of thy Command. This Death is more dear unto me than Thoufands of Gold and Silver. Such Love, 0 Lord, haft thou laid up in my Breafl:, that I hun. ger for thee, as the Deer wounded defireth the Soil. Blehere. Levbze Blehere faid to his Friends, offering to rcfcue him by Tumult; Hinder not the Magillrates Work, nor my Happinefs. Father, thou foreG1wefl: the Sacrifice from Eternity, now accept' of it I pray thee. Bongeor. Agnes Bongeor, having prepared her felf to go with her Fellow-martyrs to the Stake, putting on a Smock made for that Purpofe, and fending away her fucking Infant to a Nurfe, through a Mifrake of her Name in the Writ (Bowyer being put for Bongeor) was kept back. Hereupon fue made piteous Moan; wept bitterly, &c. Becaufe lhe went not with them to give her . Lite in Defence of l1er Chrift; of all Things in the World, Life was leaf!: looked for by her, In this Perplexity a Friend came to I her, and put her in mind of Abraham's offering up Tfaac. I " know(quoth fue)thatAbraham's Will before God was accepted for the Deed, in that he would have done it, if the Angel of the Lord had not ftay'd him ; but I am unhappy, the Lord thinks i not me worthy of this Dignity ; and yet I would have gone with my Company with all my Heart ; and becaufe I did it not, it is now my chief and greateft Grief. She was grieved becaufe fl1e : had not offered her felf (though !he had given away her Chitd) which was more than Abrabau; was put to. . Boffu. Francis le BoJ!il, a French Martyr, to encourage his Child1tn ;. to fuffer Martyrdom with himfelf, he thus fpake unto them ; . Children, we are not now to learn, that it hath always been the f.. Portio~ of Believers, to be hated~ cruelly ufed, a_nd devoured ~y Unbeltevers) as Sheep of ravemng Wolves ; tf we fuffer mth f: Chrift, we lhall alfo reign with him. Let not thefe drawn -~ Swords terrify us, they will qe but as a Bridge, whereby we !hall : pafs over out of a miferable Life into imm~rtal Blelfedne~. ; We have breathed, and lived 'long enough among the Wick~d; ', let us now go, and Jive with our Gop. He and his two Sons :' were killed, embradn~. each oth,r1 in the Malfacre at L1ons in ~

Fra11ce1 r 5]2.

:Brnd ~


alphnbetica!lft.~ .:.

. . Bradford. . .. Mr. John Briid{ord.; the Night before he \v~ carried to New~ gate, he dreamt that Chains :were brou[);l.t for him to the Cimn ter, and that the Day following he fl1ouldbe carried to Newgate, and that the next Day he iliould be burnt in Smithfield i which accordingly came ro pals. . . Being alk'd what he Jbould do; and whither he \vould go; if he fhould have his Liberty ? he faid; He cared not whither he went out, or no ; but if he did;he would marry and abide frill in E11glmrdfecretly,teaching the People a:s the Time would fuffer him. When the Keeper's Wife told hiil1 the fad News (as fue' called it) of the Nearnefs of his Death, being to be burned the next Day,he pm off his Cap, and lifting up his Eyes to Heaven; f?.id, I thank God for it, 1 have looked for the fan1e a long Time, and therefore it cometh not now to me fuddenly,but as a Thing waited for every Day and Hour ; the Lord make . . worthy thereof. Ci-ejwell offering to 1abour for him, and defiring to know \Vhat Suit he fhould make for him, What you \viii do (faid he) do it not at my Requefr, for I defire nothing at your Hands~ If the Quec~ will give me Life, I will thank her'; if ilie will bani01 me, I will thank her ; if lhe \yill burn me, I will thank her ; if fhe will condemn me to perpetuallmprifoilment, I will thank her. .The Chancellor preffing him to do as they had don&, hi . Hopesof the~een'sMercy andPard9n; My Lord (faid he} I defire Mercy with God's Mercy, ( ~- e. without doing or fay~ ing any Thin'g againfr God and his Truth,) but Mercy with 1 God's Wrath God keep me from.. God s Mercy I defire, and al[o would be ~lad of the ~een's Favour, to live as a Subjetl: . ;mhout Clog 9n Confcience; but otherwife ,the Lord's Mercy Js better. to me than Life. Life in his Di!pleafure is worfe than Death, and Death with his Favour is true Life . H~ havin~ ref11~e~ again and. again to anfwer "to the (;:~an~ cellars. Q!enes, fa1d, That noFear; bunh~ F~,:tr of ~erJury . made h1m unwilling to anfwer (he having been.fix Times fworn not (o .confent to .the pra.ctifing qf any JnrifdiCtion, or any .1\uthonty on the Biiliop of Rome's B:half, \vithin the Realm ~f Englan.d) I am not afraid. of Death, .I. thank Goa, I look; and bave loqk:d for nothing elfe from your Hands a !o!lg Time; ~lit I am afra1d. when Death cometh, I .iliould :have Matter n .. ' -trol..ll:,le C


The HISTORY of the MARTYRS trouble my Confcience by the Guilt of Perjury. As for my Death, as I know there are twelve Hours in the Day, fo -ivith the Lord my Time is appointed ; and when it fuall be his good Time, then I fhall depart hence ; but in the mean Seafon I am fafe enough, though all the People had f1vorn my Death ; into his Hands have I committed ir, and do.: his good Will be done. The Earl of Derby fending one of his Servants to him, 'rvilling him to tender himfelf, He told the Meffenger, that . l1e thanked his Lordfi1ip for his good vVill towards him, but in this Cafe I cannot tender my felf more than God's Honour. . The fame Servant faying alfo, Ah Mr. Bradford, confider your Mother, Si!l:er, Friends, Kinsfolk, Country, \t'hat a great Difcomfon it will be to them ro fee you die as an Heretick. 1\ir. Bradford replied, I have learned to forfake Father, Mother, Brother, Siller, Friends, and all that ever I have, yea. and my own felf, for elfe I cannot be Chrifl:'s Difciple. Being ask'll by a good Gc11rlcwoman's Servant, char was fent to him, How he did? he anfwered, well, I. rhank God: for 3S Men in Sailing, which be ncar to the Shore or Haven where they would be, would be nea:er, even fo the nearer I am to God, the nearer I would be. In a Letter to his Mother and Brethren.--~ I am at this 'Time in Prifon fure enough from fiarting to confirm that I have preached unto you: As I am ready (I thank God) 1vith my Life and Blood to feal the fame, if God vouchfafe me worthy of that Honour. If we fi11fer with him, we fuall alfo reign with him. Be not therefore faint-hearted, but rather rejoyce, at the leaf!: for my Sake, who no1v am in the right and High-Way to Heaven; for by many Affiiti:ions we mufJ; enter into theKingdomofGod. Now will God make known his Children. When the Wind doth noc blow, the Wheat. cannot be known from the ChaiT; but when the BlafJ; cometh, thf;n flieth away the Chaff, buc the Wheat remaineth, atid is fa far from being hurt, that by the Wind it is more cleanfed from the Chaff. Gold when it is call: into the Fire is the more precio.us, fo are God's Children by Affiiti:ions.- Indeed l.thank God more for this Prifon, than for any Parlour, yea than for any Pleafure that ever I had : for in it I find God my mofl: fweet good God always. Of all Deaths it is mo!t to be de!ired to die for God's Sake : fuch are fure to go to .


l:Ieaven. ~Death,


Life, nor Frifon, nor l?leilfiU'e, r tru_fl:



. ' '


. ....

Epitomiz'rl, alphabetically. 19 ih God, rt1all be able ro feparate me from my Lord God and his Gofpcl. --- Rejoyce in my Sutrerings, for it is for your Sakes, to confirm the Truth I have taught. Howfoever you do,be obedient to the higher Powers, that is, in no Point ~ither in Hand or Tongue rebel ; but rather if they command that which wich good Confcience you cannot obey, lay your Head on the Bl.1ck, and fuller what they 1hall do, or fay. .By Pati ence pofii:ls your Souls. In his L~ttcr to the City of Londo1z. I ask God heartily i\lercy, char I Jo no more rejoyce, than. I do, having fo great Caufe, as ro be an Inftrumenr, wherein It may pleafe my dear Lord an c.! Sa\'iour to fi11fer. Although my Sins be manifold and gtievou~, yet the Bi!hops and Prelates do not perfecute them in me, bur Chri!1: himfelf, his Word, his Truth, and Re ligio!l. --Lee the 1\nger and Plagues of God moil: juft!y fallen upon us, be applied co every one of our Deferts, that from the Butroin of our Hearts e\'ery one of us may fay, It is I l.nrd, rhar have lin ned againO: thee: It is my Hypocrifie, my Vain-glorv, mv Covetoufnefs, Uncleannefs, Carnality, Secutitv, Idk:n'efs, umhankfulnefs, SeJf.Jove, &c. which have defcrved the rrking awav of thy Word and true Religion, of thy good Minill:ers by Exile, Imprifonmencj Death,8c. Prepare your felves to the Crofs, be obedient to all that be in Authority in all Things, that be noc againll: God his Word; for then anfwer with the Apoftle, It is mol'e meet to obey God than Man. Howbeit never for any Thing reliCt, or rife againfi: the IV1agiftrates. Avenge not your felves. Commie yQlir Caufe to the Lord. If you feel in your felves an Hope and Trufl: in God, char he will never tempt you above that he will make ~ou able to bear, be affured the Lord will be true to you, and you !hall be able to bear all Brunts : bur if vou want. this Hope, .flee and gee you hence, rather than by yoqr tarrymg God's Name ihould be difi10noured. _. . In his Letter to Cambridge Thou my Mother, .the Uni \7erfity, ball not only had the Truch of God's Word plai~ly manife!l:ed unto thee by reading, difputing, and preaching publickly and pri\Tately, but now to make thee altogether e:~: ~~~felefs, and as it were almol1: to fin againrl: the Holy Ghorf, lf .thou put to thy helping Hand with the Rami(b Rout to f~pprefs the Verity, and fet our the contrary, thou haftm.y Life and Blood, as a Seal t() confjrm thee, if thou wilt be ~!Wrmed, or ilfe t.p confound thee, if thou wilt take pare C2 with.


Hrsr ont of the


with the Prelates ant! Clergy, which now fill up the Mea fureof their F?thers, which flew the Prophets and Apo!Hesj that all the nghteous Blood ~from Abel to Bradfurd may be required at their Hands. For the tender Mercy ofChrif'r, in .bisBowels and Blood I bcfcech you to take Chrill:'s Eye-falve to anoint your Eyes, that you may fee what you do, and have done, in ~dmitting the Romijb rotten Rags, which once you tltterly expelled. 0 be not the Dog returned to his Vomit; be Iiot tlw Sow that was wafl1c:d, rewrning to her wallowing in the Mire. Tieware Jell: Satan enter in with feven worfe Spirits, &c. It had been better you had ne\'Cr known the Trnth, than afrer I\nowledge to have run from it. Ah! woe to this world, and the Things therein, which hath now fo -;;rrought with you. Oh that ever this Dirt of the Devil ihould daub up the Eye of the Healm! ---vVbat is Man whole Breath is in his Nofirils, that thou fhonld!l: thus be afraid of him? Doll: not thou know Rome to be Babylon? Dofl: not thou know, ahat as the old lJa/;JlOil had the Children of,'1udab in Captivity, fo llath Rome the true Judah, i. c. the ConfefT'ors of Chrifl:? Doll: not thou know, that as DeilruCl:ion happened unto it, lo fi1all it do tmto this ? Dol1 not thou know that God will deliver his :People now, when the Time is come,as he did then? Hath not God commanded his Peofile to come out of her? and wilt thou give Example to the whole Realm to run unto her? Hall: thou forgotten the vVoe that Chrill:threatneth ro Offence-givers? Wilt not thou remember, that it were better that a Milfl:one were hanged about thy Neck, and thou thrown into the Sea, than tbat thou fhouldfl: offend the little Ones? Dear Mother, Receive fome Adm!lnition of one of thy poor Children, now going to be burned for the Tefl:imony of Jefus ; Come again <to God's Truth, come out of Babylon, confefs Chrifl: and his true DoCl:rine, repent that which is pafr, Be. Remember the Readings, &c. of God's Prophet Bucer. Call to Mind the Threatnings of God (now fomewhat feen) by thy Childrerr, Leaver, and others.~ Let the Exile of Leaver, Pi/killtOil, Grit1dal, . Haddon, J!o,.n, Scor-y, Ponet, &c. fomething awake thee. Con~ .fider the Martyrdom of thy Chickens1 Rogcrs, Samulers, Tayl/Jr .And now call not away the poor Admonition of me, going &o be. burned alfo, and to receive the like Crown of Glory with my Fellows. Even now the Ax is laid to the Root. In his Letter to Lancafbire and Chefbirc, &c. Indeed if I ihould fimvlY confider my Life, with th~t which it ought to


! have .as (;od : been, and in his Law requireth, then could I noc . but crv, as I do, Righteous art tlnu, U Lord, &c. But when !
conliJer the Caufe of my Condemnation, I cannot but lament, that l do no more rejoyce ; for ic is God's Truth. So thac t'lC Condemnation is not a Condemnation of Bradford fimply, hut rather a Condemnation of Chrilt and his Truth. Bradfu,-d is nothing eire, but an ln11rument in whom Chrifl: and 'nis Doc!rine is condemned. And therefore, my dearly B.el<~l'cd, rcjoyce, rejoyce, and give Thanks with me, ao. d for me, that ever God did vouchfafe fo great a Benefit to Pur Country, as to choofe the moll: unworthy ( I mean my fc!f) to be one, in whom it plea1cth him to fuifer Forgec not how that the Lord hath fi1ewed himfelf true, and me his true Preacher, by bringing to pafs thefe Plagues, which ac mv Mourh you oft hears! before. My Blood will cry for V cngeance, 3S againi1 the Pap ills, God'.;Enemies,&c. fo again(!; vou, ifye repent nor, amend nor, and turn not unto the Lord, In his Letter to the Town of Walden .... What can yell d:::rc more;'to allure your Confciences of the Verity taught by pur Preachers, than their own Lives? \tVaver not there. fore in Chrill's Re!!gion truly taught you, Never fl1all the Enemies be able to burn ir, and imprifon it, and keep it in Bonds, though they may imprJon and burn us .... I humbly befccch you, and pray you in the Bowels and Blood of Jefus, now lam going to Death for the Tellimony of Jefus, love the Lord's Truth, love (I fay) tb love it, and to frame you~ Li\'es thereafter. Alas ! you know, the Caufe of all thefe Plagues [!lien upon us, and of the Succefs, which God's Ad~ verf.tries have daily, is for our not loving God's Word. Yott lwow h01v that we were but Gofpellers in Lip~, and not in . Life.... Remember that before ye learned A. B. C. your Le!fon was Chrilt's Crofs. Forget not that Chrifi: will have no Difciples, but fi1~h as will promife to deny themfelves, and to take up their Crofs (mark that, take it up) and follo1v him 2 and not the Multitude, Cufl:om, &c. ... Loth would I be a yVitnefs againlt you at the lafl: Day, as of Truth l mui1 be, 1f ye repent not, if ye love not Chrill:'s Gofpel.' In his Letter to B. C The W arid feems to have th~ ... upper Hand, the Truth feems to be oppreffed, and they which ta~e.~art t~erewith are unjufl:ly entreated. The eaufe of all th!s IS God s Anger and Mercy: His Ange1, bt;caufe we have sn;;vouDy fmn~d againll: him~ we have been 1.1nthankfuJ fat-

Epitomi::.'d, alphabetically.


. G~


The HJsTOR Y of the MARTY itS . llis Word, &c. we have been fo carnal, covetous, licentiom; f!c. that of his Jufiice he could no longer forbear, but mako tis feel his Anger, &c. His Mercy is fecn in this, that God doth vouchfafe to punilh us in this prelent Life. If ~e !hould not have punilhed us, Do not you think we fhould have continued in the Evils we were in? Yes verily, we lhuu!d hav.:! been worfe.-The Way to Heaven is not the wide Way of the World, but it is a firait Way, which few walk in ; for fe1v live godly in Chrill:, few regard the Life to (orne, few remember the Day of Judgmt:nt; f:-:w rr:me:r:bcr J\ow Chrill: will deny them before his !'ather, that do deny him here: few confider that Chrill: will be a!hamed of them in the lall: Day, which are alhamed of his Truth and true Service: few call: up their Accoums, what will be laid co their Charge in the Day of Vengeance; few regard the Condtmna tlon of their own Confciences, in doing that which they in. wardly difallow: fe1v lovG God better than their Goods. Of this I would that ye were all certain, that all the Hairs of your Heads are numbered, fo that not one of them il1all perifi1, neither fhall Man or Devil be able to attempt any 'Thing, much lefs do any Thing to you before your hea\enly Father, which loveth you moll: tenderly, !hall give them Leave ; they !hall go no farther than he will, nor keep you any longer in Trouble than he will. Therefore call: on him all your Care, for he is careful for you. Only fiudy to pleafe him, and to keep your Confciences clean, and your'Bodies pure from th~ idolatrous Service, which now every where is ufed, and God will marvelloull y and mercifully defend and cbmfort you. In his Letter to Erkitzald Rawlins and his Wife. Firll: we have Caufe to r~joyce for thefe Days, becaufe our Father fuf. fereth us not to lye in jezebel's Bed, lleeping in our Sins and Security, but as mindful of us, doth corre1: us as his Children, . :,S\!condly, Becau(e they are Days of Tryal, wherein not. only ye your felves, but alfo Jthe World !hall know, that yebe none of his, but the Lord's Darlings : whom we obey, his ~ervants we are. Now it is feen whether we obey the World or Gad. , .. By the Trials of thefe Days ye are occafioned more to repent, more to pray, more to contemn this World,. more to defire Life everlaf1ing, more to be holy (for holy i1 the End, wherefore God doth affii1: us) and fa to <:ome to Qod's Company,
!2 ., .



. . Epitomiz'd, alphabetical!}; .t3 In his Letter to Mr. La!1rencc Sau11ders. ---A Friend having moved the Prifoners to filbfcribe to the Papifl:s Articles, with. this Condition, fo far as they are not again!l: God's Word; Dr. Taylor, and Mr. Philpot think the Salt fent by our Friend is unftai(mable ; for my o1vri Parr, I pray God in no Cafe J may fcck my felf, and inueed (I thank God) I purpofe it not. Jn another Letter.--- This will be offenfive; therefore let: us J!adcrc plane, and fo fane. I mean let us all confefs we are no Chan;.;lings,' but rc ipfa are the fame we were in Religion; and ther~fure cannot fubfcribe, except we will dilfemble botb. with God, with our [elves, and with the World. In his Letter toDr. Cra11111er,Dr. Ridley, and Dr. Latimer.-- Our dear Brother Rogers hath broken the Ice valiantly;. this Day (I think) or to Morrow at the uttermo!l:, hearty Hooper1 finccrc Sautlders, and tru!l:y Taylor end their Courfe, and receive tlwir Crown. The next am I, who hourly look for the Porter to open me the Gates after them to enter into the d~fired Rcfl:. God forgive me mine Unthankfulnels for this exceeding great 1\Jercy. For though I jufl:ly fuffer (for I have been a great Hypocrite, &c. the Lord pardon me, yea he hath done it, he hath done it indeed) yet 1vhat Evil bath he done ? Cllri!l:, whom the Prelates perfecute, his Truth, which they hate in me, hath done no Evil, nor deferved De1th. --- 0 what am I Lord, that thou ihoulde!l: thus magnify me? Is this thy Wont, to fend for fuch -a wretched Hy pocritc in a fiery Chariot, as thou didfr for Elias ? In his Letter to the Lord Rl!ffcl. --- Faith is reckoned, and worthily, among the p;reate!l: Gifts of God : by it, as we are jufl:ified, and made God's Children, fo are we Temples and PofTelfors of the Holy Spirit, yea of Cbri!l: alfo, Eph. 4 And of the Father himfelf, John 14. By Faith we drive the Devil away, z Pet. S We overcome the World, r Johll S And are already Citizens of Heaven, &c. Yet the Apo!l:le doth match even with Faith, yea, as it were prefer, fufferiog Per(ecution fo~ Chrifi's Sake, Phil. r .... Though the Wifdom of the World ~hmk of the Crofs according to Senfe, and therefore flieth from It, as from a moil: great Ignominy and Shame ; yet God'10 Scholars have learned to think otherwife of the Crofs, as tha Frame-houfe wherein God frameth his Children like to his Son Chrifl:, the Furnace' that fineth God's Gold, the High-way to Heav~n, ~he Suit and Livery of God's Servants, the EarnelE. !lld Begm01ng of all Confolation and Glory.




Tbe H t ~ 'l' n 1\ ,. nf

I f,r, ~ A n l"i 1\ 1

In hi~ l.cttct to 1\lr. 1/'.trmt' l\:>-llc ll<il fi d,dnty M~ tl) look fill' that at (;nd 1'' 111' rf,.,,. /O:rtkr' ll.111d.r, whit:h the F:t ' titer~. Pillriardt~, l'rnph1U:, t\pnfllr::, t:,.,,ll;~vhll:,, Saint~. :tnt! his nwn Sntt Jdils t'ltrifl. did nor fi11d, i. r. nll.f;,;,. 11~1)' untl ./:ril' Trc.tt!Jcr to Jlc:li'CII.-Thc lkril lt.tllilcth llli\V at nury .lmr-dool' in this City and Couflfl.)' ,,r rltis Wnl'ld, ayio1.~ litHO liS to f,liT.)' and lmlge in thi:: nr that l'lace tilltl:r Stntntrt ho mcr pall, not that: he ll'<lllld ll<ll hav lis In wet ottr ~:Jiin, hut t.hat the Time nf our mtntinr; nut 1\11<:1' tnight olur-p:tf~ w: 1.0 ont llltl'l' I kiln tel i1111. Fear''' >I rite /o'l.til, k:tr nntthc /im 1:irrg-:tiu.l, kar uot the ;1/i(f/""' flo.tr "'" the ()wll; f"r all thci'c tnal,c ''''II IIJtli'C lllccr fpr tit I' l.nrd'.~ nil' II 'l'olltlt. ln his l .citcr to l lt. 1/i/!, ... Slid I a:; r.ltink it l'IIPIH~h In krr~ tbr llt.~rt (1111"1,, notwithllandinp; th:tt 1he '"" :u,m/ Jllr/<1 rill'/ y /;,. ~~~wr, as they dmy (;nd 111 lu~ jc.dnu::, nth; that will h:ll'l' tlttl wltok tl!tw, baring rrc:lll'd, l'l'ikcllll'd, and t:ntl'ttlkd hnth f\ll' him fell~ fi tbty 1'''-" the ll!f/imhlcr.\' <UitiJ thr Cbttri'h r{ (,',,d, J,y their p:ll't ing Stalw~ hct ween (:,d :nid the World, ,.fl'cnd" ing the Uc.lly, ll'ilom l'itiln they f'l'tJI'olic '"fall witlltill'llt, OJ' 1\l:lke 1\IC\I'e carclcfs and con f~icnl'l'fcfs, if' I hey flare f',tfktl 1 :111d o\'<:alinning the Wicked and obflinatc totrintnph agaiuft {;nd, and tile n1orc <.:bcmalfly to profcntlc~ 1hl'it lVI Hike a;,ainf~ j(tdt a:: will not defile tilelllfclrc:: in llorlv or Sou/with the Rn 11:i[b H:w, now l'c..:circd :flllollg us.--t 'all w Mind that titer!! 11\'C but i'<l!il Jl.'r;f/a.l', (-:I'll ki11r/1!f' /'topfr', IWII f/-'r1)'.1'1,llllll lli>O Jl/,u!fioii{II<II'N. Tile 1\lafln~ hcChrifl and Satall; the l'co\JIC thd)h vi tors to either of thclc; the Wav~ b~ !lrait and wic l'; the i\ !:in lions he llc:m:n and lie II. This Wol'ld is tin: l'l:tcc <If Trial of (;ud's 1\nplc, and the lkvil's Servants, whom ~b,~\' follow ...". The Cwfi:, it is that doth malw d~e Trial. In his Letter tn '~oydoz and l;ting. Whom would it grieve.', whid1 hath a lv11g .'J'o11mr.y to ~~~~ thnm,.rh rl J'iccc of iml fVny; if he luww that after that, the lVay fhould he mol plcafimt, Y'~:t the .'loumry fhould he ended, and he at his rdling Place fll!fl b.1ppy'? vVho will he afraid m'loth to leave a little Pclffor nlittle Time, if he knew he lhould afterwards very .fi,cctli~y rc coi~:c mol.l J~kntif!tl Hi.c!1cs? . Who ~~i~l he un~illing for a ~,;)nt~ to lorf<tkc l11s W tic, Cluldrcn, 1< ncnds, &~. when h~ knoweth ht.! !hall fbortly al'tcr be allociatcd to tht:lll infcparably, <'I'Cil ~ftcr his nwi1 Heart's Dcfirc? Who will be Jotry tofor j;d,c his Lif~, wh!1 is moll certain of eternal Life'? Who lovct~ lhc Sb.Jdo,ti bcttt;,r c:m1 the Body ? Who c~n dcfirc the Droi6
II ' . ' ' ' I ' ' '


.T<:flilomh:'rl, aljl/,n/,cth,,/ly. :.'J 1 (' tlli~ Wrwld, b111 fi1ch a~ be it~nuram 111' 1hc Trcafill 'r:~ qf' 11 d 1 crvrr/,,j/illt~ ?")'iullcavcn'r' Who ir. a!'l:d~ll<.'di.c, but fi!l'll a~ hnpc not to /11!r; rr.rm:rlly_I~ ... \~1 1,Jat.f(''.'Y 1~ l11 lure a It ''Y /" 1k:1vcn, a:; lo lufl\'r 111 Umrl s Ca'rll: l II lh~rc Gc 1111,1' ffay 1111 !lorkhack tollcal'c11, Jlirrly tlli:; i~ the /1/,y, ,1:l.r J I ~:!, ~ 111 '\ 1~ .. 'I' he IJcvil c.lnnnt love lib l:ncluic~. ~iilfJuld we loo\r for Firl' '" qucndt 11111' 'f'hirfl'l /1:; f(,oll lhall (;,_,d's (I'IIC~CI'V:IIIl~ find J'c:lCC and fl:tVPIJr in i\nJil.'iltJIJ'~ lit'J!,iiiWIIt. Ina Lc11cr 111 Mr~. 1b11w Wanllf' [\ly :11aiJ' fl.uitkili a~ rile Door. I lool r.ontillli<IIIY lor I lie Shc:rill' lo I.'IJIIH: ftll' lliC i :111 cl I hldi; (;od I 11111 rrady jill' bim. Now I'/' l 1o pr.1tl1f(: thai. which l have preached. Now alii l clin1h1111: up Ihe II ill; it ll'ill c:111fi.: IIJC 1.11 pull' and tn blow hcf'orc I roiJJc !o rile Chll'. Theil ill is fkcp and hit; It; my l!mtlbi:: lh11'!, :IIJ.r Ill)' ,','rrm;:tl> i:; lrl'hlc. ('ray tlwrd'ore to the Lord lor IIIC:I ilnr. :r:; r hai'O JIOW tlti'!Higlt Iii~ c:undud~ even aJrnpfl. Cllll\t: Ill !Ire 'l'op, r m,r 1 h1 hh Cir,u:r lw llrcngthnrclnot In relltill lcnutc where J lh11ttld he. Oh lovi111-~ Lord, p111. out thy I 1.11Jd 1 aiJcl dr .. vt 1\lt: unto thcl'; liJr no Man rnrncr.lr J,tll ftc w!H>IIJ the Varlir:r drawciiJ. ~cr, lilY drrrrly 1/r:lcmol, (,'od'.r loying !l/cJ't.Y,: liP litlo\\'eth IIi)' Jfurt llrr:atiJ and grr11t 1/'rrtkiii:J.r. /1:; Ill: fc111. f1.r j.;{;,,,r in ;r (11'1)' Chariot, fi, J{:rrds he: fill' rrrc. lly l'ir'c rny /Jroji 1111111. k pi11ilicd, th:ll. I rnav Ire fine 1inld in hi:: Sight. ' In hi:: Lcll1'r ro ~lr.;/rull{lint fJ,mrlwr .... f h:rl'(: nuw r:tl:c:n n nwrc certain flrrfi,cr n'l' 'I kar I! thcrr crcr I did. /\11 my (,'ud, r.lrc llonr is COIIll', !~lnrify rby 11/i!flrrllll'/1/fby ('bi/!1. I l!avr~ glorified tlrcc (f:tith thio my fivcc.:t l'atlwr) arrd l will glorirc thee. 1h11m. :;onlC of' the Sllbfcri\Hions of lri~ Leu cr.~ were r,Jlcrv:tblc. The moll mifl:rablc lraJ'c -hearted umlrankf'rd Sinllcr1 .f'o/ml!md

ford. A v~ry pain red I lypocritc, ./'nlm /Jmrlford. Mifc.:l'rilllus pcccator ,,7'olm !Jrrulford. The fin fnl :J'uiJfl llrarlfrm/. {'ray,(''ay, jJray, was the ufi1aiCioJ~ of his Letters which he writ inl'rifun. When he e.unc imo Smitfdield, he fc.:llllat nn his Face, and prayed; then talfing a Far;ot in his Hand he kiili:cl it, and fo'Iikc wile the Stake ; ana !landing by the St:l'lcc, liftill!~ II]> hb II and and li:ycs tn Heaven, he faid, () Enr;land, England, ,ctzent qf thy Si11s, repent of tby SitJS, beware rf ldolatr)', beware of alfc .ilrlticbrijt, take heed tbey do 110t deceive thee. And to his Fe lowMartyr he fitid, lie nf goorl coiJ~fort, llrotbcr, for 1vc fball bavc a merry Supper with tbe Lqrrl tbis Night: and then cmbn1cing the Jl..ccds, he fi1id, Strait is tbc Gate, arid 11arro1u is tbc Way tbat ~ads lo ctcmal Salvmiuu, ami few there b~ tbat Jll!d it. ln

!16 Th~ HISTORY of the MAll TYRS In his Meditation on the Commandments. --As the firl't Command teacheth me as well that. thou art my God, as what God thou art; therefore of Equity I !hould have no other gods but thee, that is, I Jl10uld only hang on thee, rruft in .thee, ferve thee, call on thee, obey thee, and be thankful to thee; fo becaufe thou didft reveal thy felf vifibly, that thou migbteft vifibly be worfhipped. The fecond Commandment is concerning thy Worfl1ip, that in no Point I il10uld follow in woril1ipping thee the Device or Intent of any Man, Saint, Angel, or Spirit, but fhould take all fuch as Ida larry; and Image-fervice, be it never fo glorious. And why? in Truth becaufe thou wouldft I !hould worlhip thee as thou haft appoinced by thy Word ; for if Service be accep table it mult be according to the Will of him, to whom it is done, and not of him who doth it, 8c. So that the Meaning of this Precept is, that as in the firll: I fhould have none other gods but thee, fo I il10uld have no Worfi1ip of thee, but fuch as thou appointefl: ---And therefore utterly abandon mine own Will and Reafon, all the Reafons and good Intents of Man, and wholly give my felf to ferve thee after thy Will and Word. ---Thou bidft me noc to take thy Name in vain, as by temerarious, or vain fwearing, fc. So by denying thy Truth andWord, or concealing it, when Occafion is offered to pro mote thy Glory, and confirm thy Truth. By reafon whereof I may well fee, that thou wouldff: have me to ufe my Tongue b humbleconfeffing thee, and thy Word, and Truth. after my Vocation, &c.--- Thy Minifters I pray not for, thy Church I am not careful for, no not now (good Lord) when wicked Doctrine moll: prevaileth, Idolatry, Superfl:ition, and Abomination abound, the Sacraments, (c. blafphemoufly corrupted, &c. all which my Wickednefs brought in, my profaning of the fourth Commandment, and my not praying. Thy Mini~ fiers are in Prifon, difperfed in other Countries, fpoiled, burnt, murdered, many fall (for fear of Goods, Life, Name, &c.) from the Truth they have received, to mofl: manifell:Idolatry, falfe Preachers aboun~ among the People, thy People dearly bought, even with thy Blood, are not fed with the Bread of thy Word, but with Swillings and Drink for Swine. . Anti chrift wholly prevaileth, and yet for all this alfo I am too earelefs, nothing lamenting my Sins, which have been the

This was bis Meditation in Rgecn Mary'.r Time.


Harbour here and elfewbere for Chrill's Sake. Purge the ]1Jinit1ry from Corruption, and falfe .l\1ini!1ers. Send out J Preachers to feed thy People. Dellroy i\ntichriO: and all his t Kingdom. 9ive to fuch as be-f~l1en from thy Trutl~, Re-; pentance. J..eep others from fallmg, and by the1r falling do i thou the more confirm us. Confirm thy l\1inil1ers and paor People in Prifon and Exile. Strengthen them in thy Truth. 1 Deliver them if it be thy good Will. Give them that with Confcience they may fo anfll'cr their i\dverfaries, that thy 1 Servants may rejoice, and thy Adverfaries be confounded. I Avenge thou thy own Caufe ( 0 thou God of Hol1s) Help ! all thy People, and me e!'pecially, becaufe I have moO: need.--! Set my Heart firait in the Cafe of Religion, to acknowleJge f thee one God, to worihip none other God, to reverence ,thy j thy Name, and keep thy Sabbaths. Set my Heart right in , 1\latters of humane Converfation, to honour my Parents, to f obey Rulers, and reverence the MiniO:ry of the Word, to ~have Hands clean from Blood, true from Thefr, a Body free \from Adultery, and a Tongue void of all OIT::nce: but purge i the Heart firO:, 0 Lord, &c.~ In his MeditatiCln concerning the fuber Ufjhe of the Body, ! and the Pleafures of this Life. 0 that -I could confider often and heartily, that this Body God hath made to be the Taber[ nacle and Man lion of our saul for this Life ; bm by Reafon !of Sin dwelling in it, is become now to the Soul nothing eire Ibut a Prifon, and that mofl: fl:rait, vile, fiinking, filthY, f5c, !!hen ~10uld I not pamper up my Body to obey ir, but bridle :It that It may obey the Soul ; then fhould I flie the Pain it tpu~teth my Soul unto by Reafon of Sin and Provocation to all !Evd, and continually defire the DifTolution of ir, with Pauli iand. the Deliverance from it, as much as ever did Perfons their(Dehverance out of Prifon, for alone by it the Devil hath a :Door to tempt and fo to hurt me.--- If it were difTolved, an(l ll out of it, then could Satan no more hurt me, then would!! !thou fpeak unto me Face to Face, then the conflicting Tim& !were at an end, then Sorrow would ceafe, and Joy would :encreafe, and I fhould enter into inefl:imable Ref!:.... f In h!s Meditation for Exercife of true Mortification. -- He that wJilbe ready in weighty Matters to deny his own Will, ~nd to be o~edient to the Will of God, the fame had need to ~ccuftom h~mfelf to deny his Def.tres in .Matter of lefs Weight,

"7 Caufe of all this.--- Help thy Church, cherifh it, and give it

Epitomiz'd, alphabetically.

i !

. Tbe HISTO RY of th~ MAI:T YRS 23 and to exercife Mortification of his Will in Trifles. ---If wa cannot watch witl1 Chriil: one Hour ( as he faith to Peter) we undoubtedly can much lcfs go to Death with him. Wherefore, that in great Temptations we may be ready to fay with . 'c;Jnritl, Not my Will, b11t thine be done, &c. Help me to accufl:om riiy Teif ~onrinually to mortify my Concupif.:ence of pleafant Things, i. c. of\Ve~lth,lliches, Glory, Liberty, Favour of Men, Meats, Drink, .1\ppJrc!, Eafc, yea and Life it felf, &c. In his Meditation of God's Providence.-- This ought to he unto us mofl: certain, that nothing is done without t-hy Pro- vidence, 0 Lord,i.e. without thy Knowledge, i. c. without thy Will, Wifdom,and Ordinance : for all th~fe Knowledp;e doth comprehend in it,&c.--This \Villwe mull: (lelieve moil: :J/furcdly ro l:e all jull:and good,howfoever otherwif~ it fcem unto us.--But tho',all'l'llings oe! cone by thy Providence, yet Providence bath many and divers Means to work by, which Means being contemned, thy l)rovidence is contemned alfo. ---Indeed when Means cannot be bad, then ihould we not tie thy Providence to Means, bnt m3ke it free as thou art free; for it is not of any Need, that thou ufdl: any Inilmment or Mean to fene thy Providrnce. Thy Power and V\Tifdom is infinite, and therefore fhould we bang on thy Providence even 11hen all is dean againfl: us.--- Grant (dear Father) that I may uf~ this Knowledge to my Comfort and Commodity in thee ; i. e, (JrJnt that in what State foever I be, I mav not douqt but the fame doth come to me by thy moll: jufl: Ordinance; yea, by thy merciful Ordinance; for as thou art jufl:, fo thou art merciful, yea, thy Mercy is above all thy Works.-- And look for thy Help in Time convenient, not only when I have Means, by which thou mayell: work, and art fo accuftomed to doJ but alfo when I have no Means, but am defl:itnte ; yea,_ when all Means be direCl:ly and clean againfl: me, grant (I fay) yet that I may ll:ill hang on thee, and on thy Providence, not cloubting of a fatherly End in thy goocl Time. And left I ihould contemn thy Providence, or prefuming upon it by un (:OUpling thofe Things which thou hafl; coupled together, pre ferve me from negleCl:ing thy ordinary and lawful Means in all my Needs ; if fo be I may have them, and with a good Confcience ufe them, although I know chv Providence be no~ tied to them farther than pleafeth thee.: Howbeir, fo that I ~epend in no Part Ot\ the M~ansl Q~ on my Diligence, Wif,


Epitomiz'd, alphabetically;


, dam, and Indufh:y, but on thy Providence, which more ahd : more pcrfwade me to be altogether fatherly and good, how : far loever otberwife it appear, yea is fdt of me. : In his lVIedita<ion of God's Pre fence.-- There is that mkclh more to true GodliDefs of Life, than the ' f1vafion of thy Prefence, deo.r Father, and that noth hid from thee, but all to thee is open and naked, even very Thoughts r;hicll one Dav then wilt reveal, either ~o our Pralre or Puni!hmem in this Lif.:, :1s thou did!l: David's Fault~, 2 !Ciu~. 1 ~. or in the Life to come, Mat. 2j. Grant to me ( deJ~ God) Mercy for all my Sins, efJ)ecially ~1y hid and. clofe Sins, &c. and that henceforth I always dunk my felt comerfant before thee, fo that if I do well, I pals not the pub lithing of it, as Hypocrites do, if 1 do or think any EYil, I may ];no\; thatthe fame fi1all not allvays be hid fromlHen. Gr:m me that I may always have in Mind tim Day wherein all my Works lhallbe revealed, fo in Trouble and Wror.g I l11all find comfort, and otherwife be kept thro' thy Grace fiom Evil. In his Meditation of God's Power, Beauty ,and Goodnefs. - ikcaufe thou, Lord, wouldl1 ha\'e us to love thee, nor onl:f doll: thou will, entice, allure, and provoke us, but alfo doft command us f0 to do, . vromifin~ tlly felf unto fuch as love ,_ thee, and threatning us with Damnation if we do otherwife; whereby 1'/e may fee both our great Corrnption and Naugh tinefs, and alfo thine exceeding great Mercy towards us.-- What a Thing is it, that Power, Riches, Authority, Beauty, Goodnefs, Liberality, Truth, Jull:icc, which all thou art, good Lord, cannot move us ro love thee ? whatfoever Things we fee fair, good, wife, mightv, are bur e\'en Sparkles of thy Power, Beauty, Goodnefs, Wifdom, which thou art.-- In his Meditation of Death, f5c. --- 0 dear Father, ---That our Hearts were perfwaded, that when we go our of rhePrifon of/heBody, and [o are taken into thy blelfedCompany,~- Then '~ hacfoever Good we can wifi1 we fhall have. and whatfoever we l?ath, fi1all be far from us, &c. Then fhould we live in longmg for that which we now moil: loath.--- If we remember !be ~ood Things that afte1 this Life Ill all enfue, without waver mg m the Certainty of Faith, the Palfage of Death {hall be the more defired: It is like a failing over the Sea to thy home and Country: it is like a Medicine or Purgation to the Healtb of the S~ul and Body : It is the beil: Phyfician. It is like :t Woman mtravail; for as tile Child ( beirig delivered). cometh

Tbe HrsroRY of the MARTYRs:. ... go into a mnre large Place than the Womb, wherein it did lie bdore, tlJ the Soul being delivered out of. the Body, cometh i~to a much more large and fair Place, even into Heaven..;~ .:-:In his Prayer for the Remifiion of Sins.---0 gracious GodF ~: _-,;. J~_g_Jedwll all Means po1lible how to bring thy Children to:~ tHe feeling and fure Senfe of thy Mercy ; and therefore;; wl)en Profperity will not fene, then fendefl: thou Adverficv;: graciouily corrcCl.ir.r; them here, whom thou wilt 1hall with thee elfewhere live for ever. We poor Mifers give humble Praifes and Thanks to thee (dear Father) that thou hafi vuuchfaft:tl us worthy of thy CorreCl:ion at this prefent, hereby . to work tim which we in Profperity and Liberty did neglect. ' For the which neglecting, and many other our grievous Sins, whereof we now accufe our felves before thee ( moft merci ful Lord) thou mightefl: have moil: jull:ly given us O\'er, and dellroyell both Souls and Bodies. But fuch is thy Goodnef1 towards us in Chrifl:, that thou feeme!l: to forget all our Of fences, and--- wile that we fhould fuffer this Crofs now laid upon us for rhy Truth and Gofpel's Sake, and fo to be thy Witnelfes with the Prophets, Apofiles, Martyrs, and Confef.
thou doll now here begin to fafl1ion us like, that in his Glory we may be like him alfo. 0 good God, what are we on whom 1 thou fhGuldl1 il1ew this great Mercy? 0 loving Lord, forgive us our Unrhankfulnefs and Sins. 0 faithful Father, give ua thy Holy Spirit now to cry in ot<r Hearts, Abba, dear Father, to alfure us of our eternal EleCl:ion in Chrifr, to reveal more and more thy Truth unto us, to confirm, fl:rengthen, and fl:abliil1 us fa in the fame, that we mav live and die in it as Veffels of thy Mercy, to thy Glory, a"nd to the Commodity of thy Church. Indue us with the Spirit of thy Wifdom, that with good Confcience we may always fo anfwer the Enemic:s in thy Caufe, as may mrn to their Converfion, or efus Confufion, and our unfpeakable Confolation in J Chrift, for whofe fake we befeech thee henceforth to keep us,to give 1 ns Patience, and to will none otherwife for Deliverance ot Mitigation ofour Mifery, than may fl:and always with thy good Pleafure and merciful Will towards us. Grant this, dear Father, not only to us in this Place, but alfo to aU others elfe4 J where affiiCl:ed for thy Name's Sake, through &he Peath ana t


eri' of ]efus Chrill our LQrd.


" '



'J.be HxsToR Y of theMART.Yis ' Perfecutors, and Slanderers; an9 if it be thy Pleafore,turn their 1-Iearcs, -- Oh mighty King and moll: High, Almighty God; v;ho mercifully governeft all Things which thou hall: niade; look down upon the faithful Seed of Abraham, &c. confecrared to thee by the anoiming of thy Holy Spirit, and appointed to thy Kingdom by thy eternal Purpofe, free Mercy; and Grace, bm yet as Strangers wandring in this vile Vale of Mifery, brought forth daily by worldly Tyrants like Sheep io the Slaughter.--- Thou hafr ddlroyed Pbaraob with all his Horft: and Chariots, pufred up with Pride againfl thy People, leading fonh fofdy by the Hands of thy Mercy thy beloved Jjiaclthrough the high Waves of the roaring Waters. Thou 0 God, tHe Lord of all Hofis and Armies, didfl: firll: drive away from the Gates of thy People the blafphemous Senacbe rib, !hying of his Arniy Ssooo by the Angel in one Nighr,and after by his own Sons before his Idols didll: kill the fame blafphemous Idolater, &c. Thou didfl: transform l!nd changa proud Ncbuchadncizar, the Enemy of thy People, into abrui~ :Qeafi, to eat Grafs and Hay, to the horrible Terror of .all worldly Tyrants, &c. Thou didll: preferve thofe thy three Servants in Bab)lon, who with bold Courage gave their B~die; to the Fire, becaufe they would not wor!l1ip any dead Idol,. and when they were cafl.:. ir.to the l;lUrning Fu~nace thou didll: give them chearful Hearts to rejoyce and fing Pfalms1 :ind fa ve'dfl: unluir~ the very Hairs of their Heads, turning the: Flame from them to devour their Enemies. Thoui 0 Lord . c;od, by the Might of thy 1'ight Arm, which governeth all,-. hroughtefl: Daniel thy Prophet fafe into Light and Life for'th o.( the dark Den of the dt\ouring Lions, &c. ---.Now alfo, 0 h~avenly Father, Beholder of all Things, to wbom. belongs Vengeance, thou feeft and confidere/1: how thy holy Name by the wioked Worldlings and blafphemous Idolaters is {ji.~ hpnciured; thy facred Word forfakcn, refuted, and defpife~, thy Holy Spirit provoked & offended, thy chofen Temple pol Jtited and defiled. Tarry no.t too long therefore, but fhew , thy Power fp~edily upon thy chofen Hou!hold,. which. is fi gtievoully vexed, and fo cruelly liandled by thy open Enemies. .A,venge thine own Glory, and ll10rten thefe evil Days for thine EleCl:'s Sake. Let thy Kingdom come, of all thy. Ser v~nts defired: and though \Ve have all offended thy Majefl:y, ~et for thine own 'GJ?ry ( 0 me~ciful L?rd) fuffer. n~t. the inemy of thy Son Ch~1fr, thg F.omifb Anu~:hrill~ thus wretch~.. . . . . . . ~dl1



Epitomiz'd, alphabetically. 33 eJly to delude and draw from thee our poor Brethren, for whom thy Son once died, that by his Cruelty, after fo clear Light they lhould be made Captives to dumb Idols and devilli!h I~ventions of popilh Ceremonies thereunto pertaining. Suffer him not to feduce the fimple Sort with this fond Opi-' nion that his fal(e gods, blind, mumbling, ft!igned Religion, or his fooli!h Superll:ition doth give him fuch Conquell:, fuch Victories, fuch Triumph, and fo high an Hand over us. We kno1v molt certainly; 0 Lord, that it is not their Artn and Power, but our Sins and Offences, that hath delivered us to their Fury, and hath cau!ed thee to turn away from us : But turn again, 0 Lord, let us fall into thine Hands, &c. Jell: thefe vain Idolaters do rejoyce at the miferable Defiruction of thofe , Men whom they make Profelites, and from thy DoEl:rine P.tJof:_ tares. But 0 Lord, thy Will be fulfilled, this is thy righteous 1 Judgment to punii11 us with the tyrannical Yoke of Blindnefs, : becaufe we have ca11: away from us the fweet Yoke of the t wholefome Word of thy Son our Saviour. Yet confider the horrible Blafphemies of thine and our Enemies.-- They fay in their Hearts tl;cre is 110 God, which either can or 1\~ill deliver us ; wherefore, 0 heavenly Father, the 'Govern our of all Things, the Avenger of the Caufes of the Poor, the Fatherlefl, the Widow, and the Opprefi'ed, look down from Heaven with the Face of thy fatherly Mercies, and forgive us all former Offences, and for thy Son }~fus Chrill's Sake have Mercy upon us ; who by the Force and Cruelty of wicked and blafphemous Idolaters, (without Caufes approved) are haled and pulled from our own Houfes, are flandered, flain, and murdered as Rebels and Tray tors, like Perfons pernicious, pefiiferous, feditious, pell:ilent, and full of mortal Poifon, to aft Men contagious; whereas we do meddle no farther but againfl: the hellifi1 Power~ of Darlmefs, &c. which would deny the Will of our Chrifl unto Lls, we do contend no fanhe1 bm onlyfor our Chrifl: crucified, and the only Salvation by his blelf~.:c[ Paffion. Therefore ( 0 Lord) for thy glorious Names Sake~ for Jefus Chdfl:'s Sake, &c. make the wicked Idobters to wonder and ftand amazed at thy Almighty Power. Ufe thi wonted Strength to the Confufion of thine Enemies, and t() the Help and Deliverance of thy perfecut~d .People. All thy Saints do befeech thee therefore : The young Infants (which have fame deal tafl:ed of thy fweet Word) by whofe ~~~uth_s thvl.l haU promifed to make perfect thy Pmifes, who!~ D l\ngds

3.f. The Hr.sToRY of the MARTYRs Angels do always behold thy Face, who befides the Lofs of us their Parents, are in Danger to be compelled and driven (.without thy great Mercies) to f~rve dumb andinfenfible Idols, to cry and call unto thee : Their pitiful Mothers, with lamentable Tears lie proll:rate before the Throne of thy Grace. Thou Father of the fatherlefs, Jud~;e of the Widnws, and Avenger of all the Opprdfed, Let it appear, 0 Lord Omni potent, that thou doll: here judge, avenge, and punifh all Wrongs offered to all thy little ones that do believe in thee. Do this, 0 Lord, for thy Names Sake. Arife up, 0 Lord, and thine Enemies !hall be fcattered and confounded. So be it. 0 Lord moll: merciful, at thy Time appointed. Brow11 . . Jolm Brown told his Wife ( ns he fac in the Stocks) that the Arch-Bi11lop had burnt his Feet to the Dones, fo as he could not fet them upon the Ground, and all ro make them <leny Chrifl:, which ( faid he) I will never do; for if I J.hould ccny him in this World, he W<iUld deny me hereafter. Thoma, Brown bei11g brought forth to be condeml)ed, Bonmr faid to him, JJrown, you have been before me many Times, ~nd I have rook much Pains to win thee from thine Errors, .yet ihon and fuciJ likt: have, and do report that I go about to fcck rhy IJ!ood. Yea my Lord, ( faid Brown) indeed you be a l)lood fi1cker ; and I would I had ~s much Blood as. there is Water in the Sea for ''Oil to fuck.


11. Frier offering Jobn Bruger, a forreign Martyr, a Wooden Crofs at the Stake, No ( faid he) 1 have another true Crofs :impofed on me, which now I will take up. I worlhip not the Wor~ of Man's Hands, but the Son of God. I am content with him for my OTzly Advocate.

Bmfe. I thank God ( faid Peter Bmfe ) my broken Leg fuff.:rcd me not tc. flie this Ma;tyrdom. Bui.Jfon. . . I {half now have ( faid .1ohn JJuf!Jon) a double Goal-delivery; me out of my linful Flefh; another from the loathfome Dn:: gcon I have long lain in. Burgins. . Lord ( faid Annas Burgitzs in the mid!t of his Torine!lts)
forfake me not, le!t I forfake thee,

. . . .



Eplio11iiz'd, 'alpbabeticallj.


, Burgon. Johll Burgmz to his Judges, as_king him if he wou!J appeal to che High-Court, an livered, I~ It ~ot enough t!Jat Y?ur I-.la~d~ are polluctd with Blood, but J'O:t will make more gurlty of It'? Bames. When Dr. Eames was brought before Cardinal WolfcJi he wid him, he thought it neceirtry tha.t his Golden Shoes, ' 2nd Golden Cuf11ions, &c. fhould be fold and given to th~ Poor, for that fuch Things were not comely for his Calling, neither \\'as the King's Majefty maintained by his Pomp; but } by God, who faich,- By me Kings reig1z. . . . . .~ \Vben the Cardinal would ha\e had him to refer himtel. f ., :;: to him, promifing'him Fa\'our, he anfwcred, I will frick to '! che holy Scripture, and to God's Book, ac::orJing co the fimple J Talent that God hath lent q1e. ~ Being calh:d befm;e the Biflwps and Abbot of Wefl1tlifljlet, . who d~:nnnded of him, whether he \vould .abjure or burn, he was in a great Agony, and then thought rather co burn than tn abjure ; but perhvaded by Gardiner and Fox 1 becaufe tbey . l.tid ll~ thould do more Good in time to c'ome, he abjured, and carried his Faggot to Paul's. Afcer they had long detained hi'm in Prifon not1V'ithll:and~ ing, upon Notice given him ~f their Intentions co burn him, irhll:anding his Abjuration, he efcaped out of E11gland Gemzali)'i where he made his Supplication to King Hmry rh; againlt the Lordly Bi!hops and Pr~lates of for the intolerable Injurie', wrongs, and Opprefwherewich they had vexed not on!y himfelf, but all true rs of God's Word, and Profeffors of the fame, contrary the Word of God, and their own Laws and Dntlors .. :. do not believe ( faid he)" that ever God will fuffer long fo Tyramzy againll: his Word, and fo violent Oppreilions Chri!1ians, as they nol\' ufe, and chat in the Name of Chri!l: his holy Church.- Nmv it is .come .to thac, that whoever high.or low, poor or rich, wife or foolithithat fpcakeih: therri and their viciol1s ~.iving, he is either made a to your Grace,- or an Heretick again!l: holy Cb?irch, _a_~ ,-- they :were Kmgs or Gods. -If there be any Men. . difpute, or put forth in Writing .not any Thing them, though it be ne1er fo blafphemous againfi: :Blood of Chrj!l:, and hiS" holy Word, they will noc be moved therewith, But .if any Man fpeak ~gainft D !! ~heir

Tbe HisTORY of the MARTYRS their cloaked Hypocrifie, or againfl: any Thing belonging to them, by which their Abominations are difdofed, nothing can excufe, but he mufl either to open Shame, or cruel Death, and that under the Accufation of TreJfon. Bm who is he
g6 ,

that would be a Traitor, or maintain a Traitor againfl: your

Majcjly? Sure no Man can do it without the great Difpleafure of the eternal God. The Dol:lrine of the Gofpel teachcth ali Ob<:dience to Ituleis, and not ScJition; and fuch as have preached the Wurd of God otily, have never been t!JC iVlovers of Dii(Jbedience or Rebellion ~t;ainft Princes, but tbcy bave vern ready to fu!fcr with all Pati.:nce ~oba~{t>evcr Tyranny mq Power would minilkr unto them, giving all People Example to do the li!tne ; wherc:ts the Papil1s exempt the Pope and l'ricib from be ins bound to o!Jey Magijlrf!tcs. Yca, as to the People they teacli, that the \Yords r~quiring Subjection area Counfcl, and not a Command; anc! that rbe Pope's .!lmbority is fufiicient ro cliij1enfe with all the Commandments of God.---Wherefore moll gracious Prince, [ lowly and mccrly dcfire your }.llajefly to j!li~~c lctr,;;;ccn tbe Eijbops and me, ~vhich of us is tmcft a111l faitb.fitllcfl to God and to ')'OIIr lvlajcfty. The following i\rtic!es were fume of Dr. Eames his PoGtion in his Sermon, which the Di!110ps condemned for Herefie, ( I ) If thou believe that thou art more bound to ferve God to morrow, which is Chrij7mafs-Day, or on Eafler-Day, or on Wbitfiiwlay, for any Hplinefs that is in one Day more than another, thou art fuperflitious. ( 2) Now dare no Man preach the Truth and the very Gnfpel of God, efpecially they that be feeble and fearful ; but 1 trufl:, yea I pray to God, that it may fhortly come that falfe and manifefl: Errors may be plainly !hewed, f.Sc. ( 3) We make now a-days Martyrs, I rru!t we fhall have 11lallJ' more fbortly ; for the Verity could never be preached plainly, but Perfecution followed. . ( 6) I will never believe, neither can I believe that one Ma11 may be ly the La,w of God a Bifbop of two or three Cities, yea iJf a whole CozmtY)' ; for it is contrary to Saint Paul, who faith, I have left tbce bebind to Jet in every City a Bifbop. ( 7) It cannot be proved by Scripture that a Man of the Church ihould have fo great temporal Poifcffions. ( 8) Sure I am, that they can not by the Law of God have any JurifdiCl:ion fecular. ( 9) They fay they be the Succefiors of Chrifl: and his Apofl:les, but I can fee them follow none but J'udas; for they bear the Pnrfe and have all the Money, .


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Epitomiz'd, alpbabetically. 37 To burn rJJe or to dellroy me ( faith he in his Defence of the Two and twentieth ilrticle) cannot fo greatly profit them; for when I am dead, the Sun, and the Moon, and the :Stars, and the Elements, yea and alfo Srones !hall defend this CauJC: againfl them, rather than the Verity il1ould periflt. As for me I do prrmife them here by this pref~:nt Writing; and by the Fiddity 1 01ve to my Prince, that if they will be .bound to our noble Prince, after the Manner of his Law, and after good Confciencc and Righr, that they il1all do me no Violcnc~, nor Wrong, but difcufs and difpute thefe Articles, and all other that I ha rc written after the boly W01:rl nf God, and by Chri/l's holy Scrip:ure ;vitb me, then will I (as foon as I :~may know it) prefenc my felf unto our moll noble Prince to }pro1c tbcf.: Things by God's Word againll you all. . ~\ lie alto writ unto Kmg llcnry the l~ighth an exr;ellent ' Trearif~ to prove from the Scrip:urcs of Truth, and out of the Writings of the FathCI'S, tbat Faitb only jtdliflctb before Prebcing it thus, 1\'nw if your Grace do not ta~e upon you o bear the Dijputation of tbis llrticle out of tbe Grottlld of boly Scripture, my Lords tbe Bijbopr will condemn it, before they read , ns tbcir Ma(mer iJ to do 1oitb all Tbi11gr, tbat plcafe tbcm 1M, ~vhich they m:d::rjla11d 11ot, mz.l thc11 c1 y they, Here lie, Herefie, llcrctick, an Heretick, he ought nor to be heard, &c. lie writ allo fe1eral other Treatifes, as 1vhat the Church is, '"' tbc li.cys of tbc Cburcb be, and to <::Jbom tbc}' were givrn. i11ft h-ce.-..~i!!, that it is la1vful for all Men to read the ho;y ctiprures, that Men's Confl:iwtions1 which are not groundtd Scripture, bind not the Confcience, &c. In which Trearife tdL; us, there be two Manners of Po1vers ; a temporal, a fpiritual Po\\cr. The temporal is committed ro Ma. ; in this Power the King is chief and full Ruler, f!Jc. -.~u. to this Power mull we be obedient in all Things that perto the Minifl:ration of this prefent Life, and of the Com. not only for avoiding of Punilhment, but fL~ Sake. So that if this Power command any Thing Tyranny againll Right and La1v (always provided it remr. not againll: the Gofpel, nor dellroy our Faith) our . n:ufl: needs fuffer it. Neverthelefs if he command ~hee any Thing againll: Right, or do thee any Wrong, if ~~ou canfi by any reafonabJe and quiet Means, without Sedition, InfurreCI:ion, or breaking of the 'common Peace fave thy felf, or avoid his Tyranny, thou mayil; do it wich good. Co!\



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The Hrs TO. RY of tbe MA RTY RS fcience. ~--But in no wife mayfl: thou make any Reflil:~ncc v:ithSword or with Hand, but obey, except thou canlt avoid as 1 have !hewed thee. But now it will be enquired, if it pleafe the King to conde~n the New Tdl:ament in Englifh, and to command that none of his Subjeers !hall have it under Pifpleafure, whether they be bound to obey this Command or no? To this he anfwers (having !hewed why the King fhould ~lot lay any fuch Command on his Subjects) If the King forbid the New Tefl:ament, or any of Chrifl!s Sacraments, or the preaching o.f the Word of God, or any other Thing that is agaihfl: Chril):, und<:!r a temporal Pain, or under the Pain of Death, Men {hould firft mab: faithful Prayers to God, and_ then intercede the King for a Relcafe of the Command. If ~e will not do it, they f1}all keep their Tdl:amem, with all other Ordinances of Chri!1~ and let the King exercife his Ty ranny (if they cannot flee) and in no wife under pJill of DiJmhation f11all they with!l:and him with Violence, but fu!fcr patiently, and leave the Vengt;ance of it to their heavenly I<'ather, \vhich hath a Scourge to ta m.e thofe Bedlams with, )?lhen he fee$ his Time: Neither !hall th_cy deny Chrifl:'s Ve rity, nor for fake it before the Prince, left they run the danger pf being denied by Chrifl: before his Father. This T)lay be proved by the Examples of theApofiles, when the High Priefis pf the Temple commanded Peter and John tha~ they fhould :po more preach and teach in the Name of Jefus; 'They mad~ them anf1ver, It '!.pas more rigbt to ob~y God tbm: Mq11. Al(o the Pharifees came and commanded our Mailer Chrifl: in Herod I Nam~ 'to d~part from thence, under Pain of Death: But he would not obey, but bid them go and tell that Fox, Behold Jcaft ~at Devils, &c. Nevertbeleft I mzift continu~ this Day, to Morro1v, (md tl~e next D.ay, &c. So that he left not the Minifl:ration of ~he Word' for the King's Pleafure, nor yet for fear of Death. ne three Children alfo would not obey the King's Command i)gainfl: ~od's Word. Dmziel would not leave off Prayer; though commanded by the King .... So that Chrifiians a~~ bound to obey in fizffering the King's Tyranny, but not Jn ~onfe~?ing to his unlawful Comri1and, always having before Jheir eyes, the co~nfortable Saying of our Mafler Chri1:, Fear . ?J~t tb~n~ tbai ca~ o11ly kill_r be Body ; and that of Ptcr, Happy i are yc if }'C Juffer for Rtghte011fi1efs $ake, &~>As for the fpiriwal Power, it hath no Authority to make Statutes or Law'i '
~o o~der the '[orld by,but only faithfully and trulyto preach
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3~ Epitomiz'd, alphabctica!Ty. the Word, not adding thereto, nor taking therefrom. If the(e IHi1i!h:rs will of Tyranny, above the ~Word of God, make any L:nv or Starme, it mufl: be confzdered, whether it be (.penly anJ direE!.ly againi1: the Word of God, and to the DeflruClion of the Faith, &c. fuch Smtures Men are not bound fur to obey, neither of Charity, (for here Faith is hurt. which g,iveth no Place to Charity) nor for a\oiding of Slancer, fj,, The more that Men be uflended at the Word, and the !liff~r they be againfc it, the more openly and plainly, . }eJ and that to _their Faces, that make fuch Statutes, mu(l: we refifl: them wJth thefe Words, !Ve are more huw;d to obey : Gad tba11 Mm:. ---The other Manner of Statures be wheli . certain Things, that be called indiffcreiJt, be commanded to be done of Neceffity, &c. Here mull they alfo be withfl:ood, ~ and in no wife obeyed ; for in this is our Faith burr, and i Liberty of Chriflianity, &c. and therefore mu,fr. withfl:an~ i them that will take this Liberty from us, with this Text of I ~cripture, Wa are bought with the Price of Chrifl's Blood; toe I :uill rwt be the Servams of Mw. This Text is open ~gainll: clkm, that will bind Men's Confciences in thofe ~hings that f Chrirt h:It!] left them free in. or. this \~C have an eviden't ~ ex1mpl~ m Paul,. who would not CJrCI.lmclfe Tttur, when the i fJII~ Brethren would have compelled him thereunto, as ~ ~ Thing of N~cenicy .... It is plain, that by Chri!l: we are mad~ i free, and no chin(!; can bind us to fin, b:1t his Word .. ; 1\t the s~akc Dr. n,imcs began with this Protefl:ation fol ! lowing : 1 am come hither to be burned as an Hcrerick, and ! you OJ all hear my Belief, whereby you fl1all perceive what er~ , roneous Opinions I hold .....J believe in the boly and bleffid 1H. llity, th,rce Pcrfons and one God, that created and made all the World, ~nd tbat this blqjfcd 1ihiity fmt do<Uil the Second Perfon Jcfus Chiift mto ~he Womb of the moft bl~ljed and pureft 17irgill Mary, &c. I beh:vc that withnrJt tbe Confent of Mar1's Will or Power, be wa.r .cotJcetvcd by the Holy Ghnfl, and took Flefbof her, and that be Juffcrcd lilmgcr, Tbitjl, Cold, and other Pa.Olons if our Body,\Sin except) &c. And I do believe tbat be lived here among us, aml after he ?ad preached and taught bis Father's ~Jlill, .he Jufferetl the 111of! bztter and crtiel Death for me and all Ma11kmd. !fnd 1 dfJ beltcvc that rhis bis Death and Paffiorz was the J~tficient Prii;eand. ~anfom far tbc Sin of all the World ; arzd 1 do believe tka~ t~ro' hii D~atb be overcame tbc Devil, Sin, Death, ar1d Hcll,~an.d thqt iQqrq u 11011~ Nber SatiifaCtioJlllllto t//Q Fi1&1Jer, but tl~!s hif PP!!!J

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The HISTOR Y of the l\Lo~ R TYRs 40 and Pn.O!otz only ; and that no Work of Man did d~(crve any thing of God, hut only his Pa.(]ion, as touching our .'T;yl Uicatio11 ; for I acknowledge the heft Work tbqt ever I did is impure and zmper{ea. (Herewitbal he catl: abroad his Arms, and deli red God to forgive him his TrefpaiTes) Wherefore I trufl: in no good Work that ever I did, but only. in tbe Deatb of Jefus Chrijl, and I do not doubt but through him to inherit theKin~domofHeaven . The Sheriff hafl:ening him to make an e~d, he turned to the People and defired all Men to forgive him, ~nd if he hd faid any Evil at any Time unadvifedly, whf'rcby he had offended any Man, or given any Occalion of Evil, that they would forgive it him, and amend that Evil they cook of him, imd to bear Witnefs, that he detelled and abhorred all evil Opinions and DoCl:rin~s againfi the Word of God, and that he died in the Faith of Jefus Chrill, by whom he doubted not io be faved.

Breffiur. If God's Spirit fay true, I il1all fireight rell fmm my La,
~ie to

bours. My Soul is even taking her Wings to ingPlace.

her Refr

Brcz. A Lady vifiting Mr. Guy a~ Brcz, a French Minifl:cr, Pri foner in the Cafile of Tozmza'Y, told him, She wondred how he could either eat, or drink, or Deep in quiet ; for were I in

your Cafe (faid il1e) the very Terror thereof woulc) go nigh ~o kill me. 0 Madam ( faid he) the good Caufe, fur which I fuffer, and that inward Peace of Confcience, wherewith God hath endued m~, makes me eat and drink with greater Con tent, than mine Enemies can, which feek my Life. Yca fo far off is it, that my Bonds or Chains do any way terrify me, or break ofr my Deep, that on the contrary I glory and tak~ Deli;;ht therein, ell:eeming them at an higher Rate, than Chains and Rings of CJolc, or any other Jewels of Price whatfoever. Yea when l hear the ratling of my Chains, methinks I hear fome Infl:rument of Mulick founding in mine Ears : not that fuch an EtfeCl: comes meerly from my Chains, but in re ~ard I an1 bounq there'!Vith for mai!ltaining the Truth of the Gofpel. ltz bis Letter to his Wife.---Thefe Thoughts ca1;11e at firll: thr.opging into my Head. What meant we togo fo manyin (;onipany together as we did ? Had it not been for .ft.1ch and fuch, w~ had l'Jever peen difcov~red, or t~ken~ :j3ut m~di


Epitomiz'd, alphabetically. . .p ' inrr on the Proridence of God, my Heart begiih-tQ)ind " ful Re!1, f:tying thus in my felf, 0 my God, 't~e Day ]!om of mv Birr.h \'.'as before ordained of thee, afid ever rho11 haill;rel~rved and keptmein greatPerils andDan<:nd hitherto delivered me out of all. And if now the , be mme, wherein I mufl: pafs o.ut of this Life into thy gdom, thy Will be done. I cannot efcape out of thine ands; }C<I though I could, yet, Lord, thoukn01vel1: I would or, l~cing all my Felicity depends upon conforming my to thine.---This World is not the Place of our Ref!:, No, leaven is our Home, this is but the Place of our Banilhment .... Take inw your Con!idcration the Honour the Lord doth in r;iving you a Husband that is not only called to be a r of Chrifl:'s Gofpel, but alfo fo highly advanced of as to be accormtcd worthy to partake if the Crow11 of MarIe is an Honour, which the Angels in Heaven .are ot cJpablc of.-.--I am here taught to practifc, what I have to others ; yea let me not be a!hamed to. confefs, at when I heretofore preached, I fpakc bm as a Parrot, in of that which I have now better learned by Proof and (All my former Difcourfes, 1vere as a blind Man's f rs, in C0mparifon of my prefent Feeling. Oh what precious Comforter is a good Confcietice !) I have profited in the School-houfe of this Prifon, than ever I did in all Life before.-1 ll'ould not change my Condition with theirs at perfecute me, though I am lodged in the vileftPrifon they dark and obfcure, where I have no Air to breathe at, a little ftinking Hole, where they lay all their Rubbifh, and the Drunkards commonly vent their Urine, andtho' I laden with Irons both on my Hands and Feet, eating m the Fleil1 even to the bare Bones, &c. and 'that I make no efcape guarded with forty Men before the Pri~ Door... -When the Provofl brought him Tidings that he was to bo at Six, or thereabouts that Day, He gave him Thanks the good News, which he had brought him. And going the ref1: of the Prifoners he faid, Bretbren, I am tbis Day to tbe Doflri11e if the Gofpel, m1d 11ow, bliffed be God, I joy rejoice rherci11. I bad not Thought that ever God would have me this Honour. 1 feel my Jelf repleni(bed with Joy more ami from Minute to Mi11ute. My God addeth 11ew Courage to and my Hear~ leapeth for Joy withi11 m~.


.._:!, The H rs TORY of the MARTYRS Then exhorting them to be of good Courage, he told them it was no hard Matter to die, addi.1g by way of Acclamation, 0 bow happy arc tbe dead that die in tbe Lord, for they rcfl from rbeir Labours1 and lbt,ir Works fallow tbcm ! Beware you do nothing (faid he) againfl: a good Confcience, &c. For if you do, you il1all certainly feel fuch an Hell in yuur Confciences, as ll'ill never ceafe to vex and trouble you. 0 my Brethren, how good a Thing is it to nouriil1 a good Confcience ! One of the Prifuners asking him, Whether he had finiil1ed a certain vVork, which he had begun, He an. (wercd, No, for now Imrtjl ceafo to labour, becau.fo I am paffiug iilottl{ to the beavenly Rcfl. The Time of my departing is at Hand, I go to reap that in Heaven, which I have fown on Ec,rrh. I b.ruc fought a good f.'lgbt, I am at the point of fmifbing my Coutjc, from bcncefortb tbe Crown of Glory is laid up fotme, 1obich tbc Lord, the righteous Judge .fba/1 give rmto me. . Methinks (faid he with a joyful and fmiling Countenance) that my Spirit hath obtained Wings to foar aloft into Heaven, being invited to the MarriageSupper of the Lamb. The frovofl: coming in with Bands, Mr. Guy bid !Jim wei ~ome, and gave him Thanks again for his good News. The Provofl: replying that it grieved him much that Things il1ouiJ be carried fo, Mr. Guy joyfully anfwered, I accept of you as IUY good Friend, I love you with all my Heart.

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0 Lord (faid Leonard CtPfm') do thou fuffer with me, Lord, fupport me, and fave me. Caigneola, Michaela Caigneola, a noble Matron, feeing her Judges look ~llt. of the Windows, faid to her. Fellow Martyrs, Theft flay te fuffer tbe Torments of tbeir ConfciCilces, and arc referved to Judg1 tntnt, but we are goi;1g to Glory and Happinefs. When certain poor Women wept and cried, 0 Madam, we P1all never now have more Alms ; Yes hold (faid !he) ~et . pnce more, and plucked off her Slippers, and fuch other of ~er :A pparrel, as il1e could with Modefl:y fpar~ from the Fire, . Calberg, . 1 Believe ( faid Thomas Calberg to the Frjers, willing him~ f~pent at the lafl: Hour) that I am one of thofe Workmen Iij 1 ~brifl: s Vineyard 1 an~ !1all prc;fently r~ceiv~ my ,PeQny., ; Caloqqni

Epitotniz' d, alphabetically. Caiocerius. . ilc feeinrr the great Patit:nce uf l~u:f/illl!S and Jo!it.1, C'iti t> . of Briri,J, in their very grc,lt '1' oni:UH~, Cfl(;'d uur, rv.cr( ejt Deus Cbrijiimwrum, . V..:ril y grc:at is the. God of rillians. Whicl1 Words belllg beard, c.wfed him forth to be apprehended, and nurtyrcJ \VHlJ thofl:! tw0 fa Chri!l:ilns. Gmc. When a Fool's Cap was put on A/cl:a1idcr Gwc's Head ; I have ( faid he) a f\reater Hf)notl!' dune me, ~ha_n to b~.: as my Lord Clmll: before Jlmd ? Lord, ier.:1ng my i'N fccutors ha\e no .i\lt:rcy, have thou :v1 ercy on me, andre~ my Soul. Cm1rjirc. There is one Pail:1ge in ) our Letter (faid Claude de !a Cam . in a Lttter w his Wife from Liuns) which doth not ~ : 'tde comfort me, namely, that albeil you are h:th to leave yet you had rather have no llu~band at all, than to have that !hould betray the Caufe of Chrift. Cardmakcr. Mr. 'Jobn Cc1rdma.~er, burnt in Smitbficld, ISSS in a Letter a Friend wri(es thus. You !11all right '''ell perceive, that am not gon~: back as fame ]\len do report me, but as ready J give my Life as any of my BreLhren, that art: gone before .... 'J'hat Dav, that I recant any Point of Dotl:rine, I !hall d't,.r twenty Kinds of Dc:ath, the Lord being my Ailill:ancc, I doubt not, but he will. I have learn~d to rejoice in , as well as Riches, for that I count now to be Very have conferred with fume of my learned Ad and I find they are but ~ophifl:ers and Shadows. Careles. . . Jo!m Careles of Coventry, Weaver, being wilhtby Dr. Mar~ to play the wife Man's Part; to fave that which God hat~ I thank you Sir (faid he) and I put you outofDc)ubt, am moil: fure and certain of my Salvation by Jefus Chiifr; that my Soul is fafe already, whatfoever Pains my Body here for a little Time. Art thou fo predeftin~ted to (faid the Doelor that thou canfl: not perilh in whatfo; Opinion thou .oR die. That God hatlqiredefiinated to erernal Life in Jefus Chrifl: (faid Ill!) I ammofl: certain; even fo I am fure tpat his Holy Spirit (wherewith I ')will fa preferve me from all Herefies, and evil Qp~~ that~ !llall ~ie ~ ,9n~ at :~U~ Wh~R



The HrsToRY of the MARTYRS When the Dr. told him that he was a goodly tall Man, and: might do the Queen good Service in Ireland; He faid, where. foever I am, I am ready to do her Grace the bef't Service I can with Body, Goods, and Life, and if !he, or any under her require me to do any Thing contrary to Chrift's true Reli gion, I am ready alfo to do Service in Smithfield, as my Bed. fellows and other Brethrc::n have done, praifed be God for them. ill his Letter to lvlr. Philpot.---Ah my true loving Friends, how foon did )'DU lay ali de all other Bulinefs to make a iivcet Plaifl:er for my wounded Confcience, yea, and that out of a painful Pair of Swcks, which Place mufl: needs be uneafy to write in ! But God hath brought you in a fl:rait Place, that you might fer my Soul at Liberty.-.. -Ah good Jcr&lll)', hath Pha.Ui1r put thee into the Stocks: why now thou bafl: the right Reward of a Prophet.--Though you lie in the Dark, flurred with the Bifltops black Coal-dufl:, yet fl1all you 01Dl'tiy be made ns ~vhite as Snow in Salmm1, and as the H'ings ~fa Dove that is covered 1oith Silver, and bcr Feat hers like Gold. You know the Veffel before it be made bright, is foiled with Oyl and other Things, that it may fcour the better. 0 happy be you that you be now in the fcouring Haufe, for fhortly you fl1all be fet on the celefl:ial Shelf, as bright as Angels.-.. l\1 y old Friend; of Covelltry have put the Counfe! in Remembrance of me net fix Days ago, faying, I am more worthy to be burnt than any:. that hath been burned yet. God's Blefling on their HeartS fer: their good Report! God make me worthy of that Dignity1[. and hafl:en the Time, that I may fet forth his Glory.---Blef.: fed be the Time that ever I came into the King's Bench tof be joined in Love and Fellowfhip with fuch dear Children Gf[ the Lord. i Jrl his Letter to his Wife.-- Are not two Sparrows (faith Chrifi)! fold for a Farthing, and yet 11ot oue of them fball pcrifb 1uitho:J:[ the Will of your heavenly Fat!JCI', &c. As tho' he flwuld have L faid, if God hath RefpeCl: and Care for a poor Sparrow, whicbt is not worth one Farthing, it fl1all not be taken in the Lime.t twig, Net, or Pitfall, until it be his good Will and Pleafuret you may be well alfured, that not one of you( whom he fo dear(; ly loveth, that he hath given his only dear Son for you) fu~yi peri!h or depart forth of this miferable Life, without his goodL: Will and Pleafure. ---Let not the Remembrace of Children, keep you from God, The Lord hilnfelf will be ?Father and a!




Epitomiz'il, alphabctica/1~ 4-S better than ever you or I could have been unto them. him(elf will do all Things neceffary for them, ye:t as much rock the Cradle, if need be. [1 ~ his Letter to Mr. Bradford. ---Ifw e had been thankful God for the good Minill:ers of his Word, we had not fo been deprived both of it and them.---- Take not away thy tnie Preachers forth of this Realm ( 0 Lord) but leave . a s~ed, lcfl: Englmul be made like unto Sodom and GomorraiJ thy true Lots be gone.---- Hearken 0 Heavens, and .en Earth give ear, and bear me witnefs at the great Day, I do hert: faithfully and truly the L0rd's Mefi1gc to his Scmnt, to his iingularly beloved and elcd Child Jolm Jolm Bradford, thou Man fo fpccially beloved of I pronounce and rell:ifie unto thee in the Name of the Jehovah, that all thy Sins whatfoever they be, be they Jo many, fo grievous, or fo great, be fully and freely rcleafed, and forgiven thee, by the Mercy of God Jcllrs Chrli1: thine only Lord and fweet Saviour, in whom doell: undoubtedly believe. Cbrifl: bath cleanfed thee his Blood, and cloathed thee with his Righteoufi1efs, and made thee in the Sight of God his Father without Spot \V rinkle, fa r.hat when the Fire doth his appointed Office, fl1alt be received (as a fweet Burnt-facrifice) into Heaven, than fl1alt joyfully remain in God's Pre fence for ever, the true lnheriter of his everla!ling Kingdom, unto the thou: waft .undoubtedly predefl:inate, and ordained by Lord's infallible Purpofe and Decree before the Foundaof the World was laid, and that this is moll: true that I faid, I call the whole Trinity, the Almighty and eternal of God the Father, the Son, ami the Holy Ghofl: to at this prefent, whom I humbly befeech to confirm fiablifh in thee the true and lively Feeling of the fame. Selab. !11 his Letter &o bis dear and faithful Bretbrm in .Newgate, to die.-- Ceafe not my dearly Beloved, fa long as be in this Life to praife the Lord with all your Hearts~ that of his great Mercy and infinite Goodnefs he hath you worthy of this great Dignity, to fuffer for his not only the lofs of Goods, Wife, and Children, long wi. cruel Oppreffion, but Death it felf in the Fite. 1~ the ~rea~efl: Promotion that God can bring you, or any

mio, m ~h1s Vail of Mifery ; yea, fo grc:at an.Honour,



Tbe HrsT.oRY

of the


as the highefl: Angel in H\!aven is not permitted to have1 and yet hath the L'Jrd for his dear Son Chrifl:'s Sake reputed you \l'orthy of the l:une, yea, and that before me and many others, ,vho ha\'e both long looked and ldnged for the fame. Rtjnycc ll'ith double Joy, and be glad, my dear Brethren, for doubtlefs you han'!. more Caufe than can be exprefl:. But, alas! I that fur nw Sins am left behind, may lament with the holy Froplw~ ,Iff, is n:e, tbat tbc Days of my joJful Reft ai'C pro lo11ged. f,h curfLrt S.nan ! which harh caufed me fo fore ro i olll:nd my moll d::nr lo\ing F<!ther, whereby mine Exile and llanif.'lmem is fo pr,longed. Oh Chrill:, my dear Advocate, pacifie thy Father's Wrath, which I ha\'e ju!lly deferved, that, JJe nwy taJ.:e me Home to him in his f11eet Mercy. In bis Lcllcl' to Mr; Green, &c.-.. - If they be fo blefl'ed of; Cod rhnt die in the Lord, as the Holy Ghofl: faith they be, l how much more blcif~d and happy then are you, that die not f only in the Lorcl, bnt for the Lord.--- 0 blefl'ed Green, &c.; frcfl1 anrl green fhalt thou be in the Lord's Haufe, and thy! fruits !hall nercr wirher nor decay.--0 happy Mr. Wbitclc, Peter's Part thou hall: well play'd, therefore thy Reward and Portion fl1all be like his. Now . hafl: thou good Experience of Man's Infirmity, but much . more proof and ta!le, yea fenfe and feeling of God?s abundant bottomlef.> Mercy. J\lthough Satan delired to fife thee, yet Chrifl: thy good Captain pray'd that thy Faith fl;riuld nor fail. God's Strength is made perfeEl: by chyWeaknefs, &c. ---But alas ! I lye like the lame Man at the Pool's Side, and erery one goeth into the Place of Health before me. In his Letter to William 1'yms. ----Satan hath two great Pieces of Ordnance to !hoot at you, with the which he cannoi hurt you, becaufe you have two Bul-warks to defend you, The firO: of thefe terrible Guns that he hath :fhot at y'ou if Fear and Infidelity, for the UglefomnefsofDeath,and Horror ef your many and great Sins. But this Pellet is eaHly put away with the fure Sh.ield of Faith in the moil: precious Death and Blood~fhedding of our dear Lord and only Saviour, Jefus Chvifr, whom the Father hath given to -us wholly to be onrl for evermore,-and with him hath given us a:ll 'fl1ings; as'f.J faith,Jo thatthough we be never f0 ,greac-Sinners, ye~. Chfift is made unto us Holinefs, Righteoufnefs, and Juftification He hath cloathedus with his Merits,&c. and taken aU our Sin,&~. fo;that if any-fuol!ld 9e nowcondemned
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Epit01iziz'd, alpbabctically.


fame, it muO: needs beJefus Chri!l:, who hath taken therrr him. But indeed he hath made SatisfaCl:ion for rhem tt1 uttermo!l:, fo that for his Salte they !hall never be im w us, if they were a thoufand Times more than

other pefiilcnt Piece he lhooteth orr at you is, to pro von to put fome Part of your Tru!1: and Confiot>nce in fclf, and in your Oll'n Holinefs and RightcoufiJels, that may that Way rob God of his Glory, and Chri11 of the r and Dignity of his Death; but ble!i:Cd be the Lord , vou have alfo a full ll:rong Bul-wark co beat back this til~ Pellet, even the pure Law of God, which proveth befl of us all damnable Sinners in the Sight of God, and our be{); Works are polluted, in fuch Sort a:; cbe Prophet them, with the which Manner Gf fpeaking, our Pharifees are much ofl'ended, for it fel!ed1 all Man's fnefs ro the Ground. his Letter co Mr. Augufline Bernber. Pray for me I may be firong and hardy to lay a good Load on that y lleaO:of Babylol!. 0 that I might fo l1rike him down,. be fiJnuld never be able co rife again, but char Stroke beonly to the Lord to llrike at his comfng, which I hope be li1ortl y.

Carpenter. All Bavaria ( faid George Carpenter) is not fo dear to me as Wife and Children, yet for Chri!l's Sal'e I will forfake

:Mr. De~!ck Carver, being asked by B01mer whether he _would for h1s Confeilion, anfwered, He would; for your Doc-


is Poifon and Sorcery. If Chrifl: were here, you would; him to a worfe Death, chen he was put co before. At the Stake he fpake thus ; .Dear Brethren and Sifierg9 . come here to feal with my Blood Chri!l's Gofpel, becaufe I know it to be rrue . As many of you as do believe ~he Father, che Son, and the Holy Ghofl: unto everlafl:Ltfe, fee you do the Works pertaining to the fame. As of you as do believe on the Pope of Rome, y<Jtl dobe your,utrer Condemnation, and except the great :Mercy Go~ prevent not, you hall burn in Hell perpetiia'lly. ~1s Prayer. 0 Lord my God, thou hall written, He Will n.ot jllfjflkc Wif-e; Cbjldren, lloufe, and all #ml ever br: hal b,_

48 The HrsTORY of tbe MAnYRs bath, and take up his Croft, and follow thee, is 110t worthy of tb11 Lord, thou knowefl: that I hav~ forfaken all to come umo thee. Lord, have mercy upon me, forumo thee I commend . my Spirit, and my Soul doth rej()yce in thee. ' Cbr!fnflome. . . Eudoxia the Emperefs having fent him a very threatning: Meffagc; he gave thi~ Anfwer; Go, tell her, Nilnifi pcccarumf; timeo, I fear nothing but Sin. , [; When l11e had procured his Banifhment, as he went forthfJ of the City, he faid, :None of tbefe Things trouble me; butfl I faid within my fclf, if the Queen will, let her banifh me/f tbe Eartb is tbe Lord's, and the Fulllcjs thereof, if !he will, let\~ her call: me into the Sea, I will Remember Jonah ; if fbe . will, let her call: me into a burning fiery Furnace, or among . wild Beafl:s, the three Children: and Daniel were fo dealt with;:; if !11e will, let her fl:one me, or cut off my Head, I have Sr,fi Stephen, and the Baptifl: my bleffed Companions, if !he will1 ~ let her take away all my Subfl:ance, Naked came I out of m)' Mother's Womb, and naked Jball I rcwrn thither again. r. He ufed to fay, The Devil's firfl: Alfault is violent, rem. that, and his fccond will be weaker; and that being refilledJ he proves a Coward. . \. Clarebachius. I believe ( faid Adolphus C/arebachi11s ) that there is not l , .merrier H<lart 'in the World at this Inflant than mine i; :. Behold, you !hall fee me die by that Faith I haYe lived in. ~ Cobham. :~ See Sir John 0/dcaftle under the Letter ( 0) ] .. Clark. I ' When Roger Clark was fentenced, he faid with much Ve hemency, Fight for your God, for he hath not long to conti~ue. At the Stake he cried out to the People, Bebold the Lam! nf God, wbicb taketh away tbc Si11s of tbe World. . . : Colig12i. . Jafw Coligni, great Admiral of France, who was flain in the Maffacre at Paris, Auguft 24; 1572. being ihot in theleft A,rm with two Bullets, and the Fore-finger of the Right-band ?tpke off. with a third ; and being told b~ a Gentlema.n, tb1!J .lh!f<li~ .to. be feared the Bullets were poifoned, he frud, AU mnft be as i:t pleafeth God~ I , . Seeing his Friends weep, which held his Arm vfhilft thel 1Incifioni were made, he faid, My Fl'iends, why ~aiyo.u .weep1J

Epitomiz'd, alphahetica1T}. . '49 1 judge my felf happy that bear thefe Wounds for the Caufe of my God. To Mr. Merlin, his Chaplain, he faid, Thele Wounds, my Friend, are God's Bleffirigs. T~e Smart indeed is troub~~ fome, but I acknowledge the W1ll of my Lord therein, and I blefs his Maje!ly, who hath been pleafed thus to honour me, and to lay any Pain upon. me for his holy Names Sake: Let us beg of him, that he will enable me to perfevere to .uc End. Speaking concerning thofe that wounded him, I know afftlredly ( faid he) that it is not in their Power to hurt me, No, though they ihould kill me, for my Death is a moil; certain PafTage to eternal Life. . When the mood-Hounds brake open the Haufe where he lay wounded, he fpake thus, I perceive what is a doing, I 1ras never afraid of Death, and I am ready to undergo 'it patientlv, for which l have long fince prepared my felf. -. I blefs God that I fi1all die in the Loi'd. ----1 now need n() longer any Help of Man, therefore my Friends get ye hence.--The Prefence of God to whofe Gooclnefs I commend my Soul is abundantly fufficiently for me. : Colver. . Sheep we are for the Slaughter ( faid Fraucis Colver to his t~vo Sons, nl31facred together with himfelf) this is no new Thing, let us follb\V Millions of Martyrs through temporal Death unto eternal Life. . . . Coo. I Roger Coo being askep by _the 'Birtiop of Norwich, whether he would not obey the King's.l.aws, anfwered; As far as they agree with thl! Word of God, I will obey them. Whether they agree with the Word of God or no, we are bound to obey them ( faid the Bifi10p) though the King wtre an Infidel; wo replied, if Shadrach, Mefbach, and Abednego-'had fo done, Nebucbadnezzar had never confetred die living God. Conftantinc Being carried with other Martyrs in a DungCart to the Place of Execution, he fpa~e thus, Well, yet are we a precious Odour and a fweet Savour to. God in Chrift. Cornford. .. John Caf'llford one of the laO: Five that fuffered Martyrdom m Q.ueen Mary's Days when the Sentence ihould have qeen palfe~, they been exe\:tlted by the Papill:s) i .being

50 . 'The:HISTORY of the MARTYRS ~ . . being moved in Spirit with a vehement Zeal for God, in the Name of them all pronounced Sentence of Excommunication againft the Papifl:s, in tqefe Words. In the Name of our Lord Jefus Chrift the Son of the moil: mighty God, and by the Power of the Holy Spirit, and the Authority o( his holy . :and apoftolick Church, We do hereby give into the Hand! lf Satan co be defiroyed, the Bodies of thofe Blafphemers and Heriticks, that do maintain .~y Error againfr his mofl: holy Word, or do condemn his met!! holy Truth for HcrefieJ to the Maintenance of any falfe Church or feigned :Religion, fo that by this thy jufl: Judgment againfl: thy Ad verfaries, thy true Religion may be known to thy great Glory, :and our Comfort, and to the edifying of all our Nation, Lord Jefus, So be it. lt is Obfervable, that within fix Days after this Excommunication Queen Mary died, and the Tyranny >f all Englifh Papifis with her, I Conlogue. Brethren and Sifiers ( faid Peter Conlogue of Breda at the Stake) be you always obedient to the Word of God, and feai not thofe that can kill the Body, for on the Soul they can hau1 no Power ; as for me I am no\v going to meet my glorious $poufe the Lord Jefus Chrift. . Cranmer. l . . When Dr. Thomas Cranmer ArchbiihoP" of Canterhury war excommunicated, he faid, From this your Judgment and Sentence I appeal to the juft Judgment of God Almighty, milling to be prefent with him in Heaven, for whofe Prefence in the Altar I am thus condemned. In his Letter to Mrs. Wilkinfon.---The true Comforter in :all Difl:relfes is only God through his Son Jefus Chrifl:. Whofoever hath him hath Comfort enougb, although he were in a Wildernefs all alone. He that hath Twenty Thoufand in llis Company, if God be abfem, is in a miferable Wildernefs. In him is ail Comfort$ and without him is none. Wherefore I befeech you feek your Dwelling there, where you may truly and righdy ferve God, arid dwell in him, and have him eve( dwelling in you. . . . ~What can ~e fo heavy a Burden$ as an unquiet Con~. fcience-, to be m fuch a Place, as a Man cannot be fuffer ed to ferve ~God in Chrill's Reli ion ? If you be loth to depart from your Kin and Frien s, Remember tpat Chri~ !Ylilleth them his M9ttQr, SiftQrst 1111d Bmbqrs,JbllS ~~~ bii Fathers.

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. ing to' his Will, the:e we can lack neJthe~ lnend.no~ Km: If you be loth tcr de art .for t,he fundermg of Gods \\P rd. remember that Cl lfl '<'Jbell bzs Hour was mt yet come, departed out of hi; Cotliltl} nto Samaria, to avoid. the Malice of the! Scribes and Phar es, and commanded h1s Apollles, ~hat 1f they '<UCTC purfzed: ofle Place, they Jbould fly to anot?er. Thus did Paul, and tiW ether Apoi11es. Albeit ~hen It c:1me to fuch a Point, that they could no longer. efcape, che.1 they evidenced that their flying before came not of Fear, hut of godly Wifdom to do more Good ; and that they. wo~ild not ralhly, without urgent Neceffity offer themfdves to Death, . 'vhich bad been a tempting of God. . . . After he bad 1;cca1Jted, and was brought to Saint M11'y's Church in Oxford, where Dr. Cole after be had _pre.ached bit terly again!l: him, fl1ewing why he was to be executed _not. wichfl:anding his Recantation, prdl' him to evidence co the his Converllon to Popery, Dr. Cramner entreated the le to pray with him and for him, that God would pardon . .. . efp~cially his Recantation. Arrer he had prayed, he told them in his Exhortation ; Ica fad Thing to fee fo many fo much dote upon the Love this falfe World, and be fo careful of it, and fo carelefs God's Love, or the World co come; therefore this fl1all my fir!l: Exhortation, that you fee not your Minds upon this glozing World, but upon .God, and the orld to come, and to learn to know what this Leffon meanwhich St. Job11 reacheth, That the Love of tbis}Vorld it . againft God.---- Let rich Men conllder and weigh three t~res, Luke r8. It is bard for a rich Nimz to enter into, of Hcavm. ~ John 3 He that bath the Subftance . t?ts Wurld, an,-J feetb b/s Brother in Necc.Jflt')', and fbitttctl1 lm Mercy from him, qoto call be Jay tba' be loveth God? James r, 2. Go to now ye rich k!en, 1uecp and bowl Jot the Mifcrics arc coming up011 you, your Riches arc corrupted.--- Another Ju is, That next under God you obey your King Queen willingly and gladly, without murmuring or grudgThey are God's l\1ini!lers : Whofocver re[ifletb tbem, the Or~inance of God.----And now I come (faid he) t~ great Thmg, that f~ much troubleth my Confcience, .or than an~ Thing that ever I did, or faid,: in my whole and that li the fetting abroad a W ritihg contrary to

Whe~e we find'therefor~-I}~d r;ul ~onoured ;ccord-

Epitomiz'J, alpbabelicaily. _



52 ~~The HISTORY of the MARTYRS the Truth which now here I renounce, and refufe as Things written with my Hand, contrary to the Truth which I tho't in my He<)rt, and written for fear of Death and to fave my Life if it might be.--And forafinuch as my ba11d offended, writing contrary to my Heart, my Hand f11all firll: be punifl1ed therefore, for may I come to the Fire, it !hall be firll: burned. ~ At the Stak~, when the Fire began to burn near him, he firetching out his Arm put his R{ght-band into the Flame, which he held fo fl:edfall:, that all Men might fee his Hand burned, before his Body was touched. His Eyes .lifted up to Heaven, he cried out even as long as he could fpeak, 0 this unworthy Hand. His lall: Words were the Words of Stcpbcn, Lord Jefi1s, 1eccivc my Sp!rit. ''

Cromwc!. Thomas Lord Cr(!lmuel, Earl of Effi:s, the Morning that he . was executed, having chearfully eaten his Break-fafl:, paffing out of the Prifon down the Hill in the Towei, met the Lord Hrmgcrford going to Execution for other Maners ; and perceiving him ro be heavy and doleful, he wilted him ro be of good Comfort ; for if you repent (faid he) of what you have done, there is Mercy enough for you with the Lord, who for i Chrift's Sake will forgive you: and though the Break-fall: we~ are going to, be !harp, yet trufiing in the Mercy of the Lord, i we il1all have a joyfulDinner. . i Jn his Prayer on the Scatfold.-0 Lord }!!sus, who arr the only Health of all Men living, and the everlall:ing Life of them which die in thee,---Being fure that the Thing cannot perilh, . which is. committed to thy Mercy, willingly now I leave th~ : frail and wicked Flelh, in fure Hope that thou wilt in better l wife rcfi:orc it to me again at the lait Day in the ReftJrrefliiAl ; of the Jrifl.---- I fee and acknowledge there is in my felf no , Hope of Salvation ; but all my Confidence, Hope, and TruJ!. i js in thy moll: mercif~ll Goodnefs Thou, merciful Lord, 1 wail: bom for my Sake, didll: fuffer Hunger and ThirJ!. ; for my Sake, didll: teach, pray, and fall: for my Sake, ' all thy holy AClions and Works thou wroughtefi: for m'J : Sake, thou fufferedfi: moil: grievous Pains and Torments : for my Sake, and finally thou gaveft thy moil: precious Bod : and Blood to be fhed on the Crofs for my Sake. Now,mo :m~r<;id Saviour~ let all thefe Things profit me, &>~~~


. Epitomiz'd, alp':Jabe:ical'y. 53 . \thy Blood cleanfean_d wail1 a1vay_ the Spots and Foulne0 of ~y Sins ; let thy R1ghteoufnefs h1de and cover my Uongh :'teoufnefs. _; . ~ Cjprian. ~ lie went in the Time of Perfecution into voluntary Ba}iOHncnt, ld1 (as he faid) he ilwuld do more Hurt than Good ~o 1he Congregation. ~ When he heard the Sentence pronounced againft him, he laid, I thallk God for Jrceiltg me from tb~.Prijo11 of this Body. l;_ He faid Amm ro his own Sentence of Martyl'dom. The ;i'roconftil bidding him confillt about it, he anflvered, bz Jo '!jufl a Cmife there meds 110 Deliberation.

D. Daigcrficlrl. William Daigcrficld and Jomt his Wife (who then gave to her tenth Child). being imprifoned in feveral PriBifi1op Brooks fent for the Man, and told him, that his ' ,:re had recanted, and fa perfwad~d him to recant, and him to his Wife with a Form of Recantation with him ; when his Wife faw, her Heart clave in funder, and !he out, Alas! Husba11d, tlms lo11g we bave collti11ued o11e, and Satmt fo far prevailed with you, as to caufe you to break Vaw, ~ubicb you made to God in Baptifm ? Heteupon he be rai his fromife, and beg'd of God that he might not live long as to call Evil good, and Good evil, Light Darkr.eft, or light. And accordingly it came to pafs, Damlip. 1\Ir, Adam Damlip, when he had been almoft two Years . the lrlarfbalfty, conGdering how he could not employ his there to God's Glory as he defired(though he had many in Prifon) refolved co write to the Bifiwp uf Win , earnel1:1y co de!ire that he might come to bis Trial; 1 _(faid he) I know tbc ~oorfl, I can but lofc my prcfcnt Life, I bad rather do, than here to remain, a11d not to be Juffercd,
my Talc11t to God's Glory. he underftood by the Keeper, that his fuffering wa3 he was notwithfl:anding very merrv; and did eat hi> as well as ever he did in all his Life, infoinuch tll'l\: _at the Board faid unto him, they wondred how he coniJ h1s Meat fa chearfully, knowing he was fa near his Deatl;; ! Mafters (faid he) Do. you think that lliavc been J~ /o;;:~



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Tbc H 1s T o R Y of the l\f AR T Y R s G~d's Prifoucr ia the Madhalfey, and have not ~yet !tamed tt Dte ? Yes>'J~S, and I doubt 1201 but God 1uill flrmgtben me tberein. When lie was told; that his four Q_uarters ihouk! be hang ed at four Parts of Calice, and his Head upon the Lantherngate, Then fhalllnot need (faid he) to pwvide for my Burial. . . Delos. . : Alas (faid .'lames Delos to the Monks that called him proud Beretick) here I get nothing but ihame, I expe8: indeed Preferment hereafter. . Denley. ' Mr. Job11 Denley being entreated by Bifi10p Bo1mc1' to re- . . cant, faid, God fave me from your Coun(el. In the Fire, wi~h th~ burning Flam~ about him, h.e fung a Pfalm ; and havmg h1s Fac;e hur~ w1th a Faggot hurled at 1 him, he left finging for a while, and clapt his Hands in his 1 bleeding. Face~ and aftenvards put his Hands abroad, ana 1 : jung again til) he died. S4-

Dion}{iur. Dionv.flur Areopagita, feeing the general Eclipf~ of the Sun at Chrifl's Death, faid to one, Either the God of f'i'ature aow Juffcrs, or tbe Frame of tbe World [hall be d!ffolvcd; and to another, God rmkllown i11 the F_Iejh dotb frdfer. When he was apprehended by Sifinius the Prrefea, an4
fharply reproved for preaching againll: the W orfi1ip of their gods, and required to confefs his Error, he faid, That they ere no Gods, ;whom tbey worfbipped, but Idols, thQ Works.oJ Men' I Hands, and that ~~ was through meer Ignorance, Folly, .and ldo latry, that they adored them ; adding, there 'LI!GI b.ut one true God, ' . . as be had preached; ' ,. After he was grievouily tormented, he was brough~ beford Sifinius the fecond Time, who 1entenced him to be b~headed forthwith. Dionyfius told hiin, he wor!hipped fuch gods as ' would periih like 'Dung upon the Earth ; but as for my felf (faid he) come Life, c~m~ Deat~, 1 w!ll worfhip none but the Gail . iiJ f{eaven and Eartb. ' He pray'd thus at his Death.. 0 Lord God Almighty, thO!! tJnlybegotten Sou, anrl Holy Spirit ; 0 Sacred Trinity, which arl without begiuning, and i11 wboin is 110 Divi.fion, Recei'!Je the Sou/of ihy Servant i11 Peace, who is put to Death for thy CaufeandGofpeL '' He ufed to fay~ That he defired ihefe two Things of Goq (r)''_fhat h~ mi~ht know the Truth himfelf, _and{z) Thao f1e f;11~ht frea~h lt~ as he opght, t? others, . .



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Epitomiz'd, alphahetical/y. Driver. Alice Driver, in her firfi: Examination, having got her Ad~ verfaries to acknowledge, that a Sacrament is a Sign, and that it was Chrifl's Body his Difciples did eat the. Night before he was crucified ; Seeing it is (faid fue) a Sign, it cannot be the thing lignified ; and ho\v could it be Chrifl:'s Body, that was crucified ? feeing his Difciples had eaten him up over Night; except he had nvo Bodies. At the End of her fecond Examination, She faid: Have you no more to fay? God be honoured. You be not able to refi{l; the Spirit of God in me, a poor Woman. I was an honell: poor Man's Daughter, never bro't up i!l the Univerfi; cy, as you have been, but I have riven the Plough before my Father many a Time (I thank God:-) yet notwithfianding, ill the Defence of God's Truth, and in. the Caufe of my Chrift; by his Grace I wili fet my Foot againfl: the Foot of any of yo11 ,all, in the Maintenance and Defence of the fame ; and if ! 'had aThoufand Lives, they fhould go for Payment thereof. ! When !he was tied to the Stake, and the Iron-Chain pur: 'on her Neck, 0 ( faid fl1e ) here is a goodly Neckerchie[J . '-Bieffed be God for .it. : Drowry. . i Thomas Dr~wry (the blind Boy, to whom Bifb~p Hooper, 1as he was gomg to the Stake, after he had exanuned him, [faid; Ah, poor Boy, God bath taken from thee thy outward Sight; !but he hath giveu thee anotber Sigbt much more precious: He hath fellducd thy Soul with the Eye of Knowledge and Faieln Shortly [after Bilhop Hooper's Martyrdom, was qafl: into Pr" on, Af~ !terwards th_e Chancellor of Glocefler asking him, Who taught 1him that Herefie, that Chrifi's Body was nqt really prefent in the Sacrament of the Altar ? he faid, Tou, Mr. CbaiiCBilor9 whm iu o1zder Pulpit you taught us that the Sacrament was to bu eceiued piritually by Faith, mzd not carnally and really, as tb6 Papiflstcach. But(faid theChancellor)Do thou as I have done, and thou !halt live as I do, and efcape burning. .Though you "( faid Drowry) can fo eafily difpenfe with your Confl!ience. a~d mock God and the World, yet will not I do fo. Then frud the Chancellor, I wj!l condemn thee.. God's Will bt:~ fulfilled, faid DrO'IJJry. .

Edward. 1\:ing ~dvJard the Sixth (our Engli!h jofi.as) being prel'f:


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'56 The H.xsToRY of the MARTYRS by Archbifhop qramner, and Biihop J(iqley to permit the itady'. Mary to have Mafs in her Houfe; after he had arg~1ed notably againll: ir, bid them be content, for he would fpend his Lift, ~ and all he had, rather than to agree to, and grant what he ; knew certainly to be againfl: the Truth ; :)nd then fell a .: weeping, infomuch that 'the Biihops wept as fall: as he. Ani the Archbilhop told Mr. Cheek, his Scholar had more Divinity iij bis little fipger, than all they ~ad in a!l their Bodies. Elizabeth. . .. The Lady Elizabeth (afterward Q!Jeen of Englm1d) when . fhe came out of the Barge at Traytors Stairs, going into the Tower, faid, Here landeth as true a Subjecr, being a Priloner, as ever landed at thefe Stairs. And before thee, 0 God, I Jpea! it, having 110 other FriendS but thee alone. Her Gentleman-Uil1er weeping, il1e demanded of him, what he meant, fo uncomfortably to ufe her; feeing fi1e took him to be her Comfort, and not to difmay her; efpecially for that fi1e knew her Truth to b~ fu~h, that no Man U10uld hijve Caufe to weep for her.. When theDoors of the Prifon were locked and bolted upon her~ ~e called for her Book, deli ring God, not to fuffer htt to build her Foundation upon the Sand, but up_on the, Ro~k, ~obcrch]. 1111 Blajls of blufterillg Weather fhould have no Power againft her. When fi1c was locked up clofe in Prifon, at firll: lhe wa1 .much daunted, but afterwards {he brake forth into this Speech; . The Skill of a Pilot is tmkno~u11, but i11 a Tcmpeft; the Valour of a: . Captain is unftm, but in a Battel; a11d the Worth of a Chrijliait . doth not appear, but in 1imc of Trial a11d '.femptatiim. . Upon Gardiner's and other Councellors ll:riCl: Examination . ()her, fu.e faid, }l]y Lords, yot! do fift me very narrowly, but;. 'Well I am affilred, yozt f;a/1 110t do more to 111e than God hath op-' poilztcd; arid Jo God forgive '011 all. . . Some telling her~ that they were perfwaded God would no.t fuffer Sir Henry Bmejield to make her away privately . faid fhe, God grant it be fa ; for thou, 0 God, : oil Jucb tyrannous Hearts, ami difappoint all fuch cru~1 and I befeech thee to hear thy Creature, which a~ thy ~ervant, a~d at thy Command, trufling by thy Grace:.ever fo to remam. . , .. . As !he paiTed over. the Water to Richuwnd, fhe efpied cer;' tain of her old Servants fianding on th~ ot~e~ Side, very..del tlrou~ tp f~e ber, and fent one of her Men fiandilig br~ . . ~~ellli

Epitomiz'd, alphabetically. 5t ; Go to rhem ( faid !be) and fay thcfe Words from me, ovis, i. c. ju!l: like a Sheep to the Slaughter, At her departing from Woodjlock fi1e wrote thefe Verfcs her Diamond in a Glafs Window . .Mrrcb Jufpecced by me, Notbing proved call be, Qnorh Elizabeth Prifoner. When a Popi!h Prie!l: prcfs'd her hard to declare her Opiof Chri!1's Prefence in the Sacrament, !he truly and anfwer him thus ; T'illas tbe Word that fpake it, He took the Bread ami brake it : And ~ubqt tbc Word did make it, 1!lat I believe, and take it.

- ,.



John Ejch and Henry f7oes burnt at Bruxels ( i11 Germany, cJ ". ) being asked, What they believed? they faid, The Books Old ami Ne;o Tcflament. And being asked; Whether belic\'ed the Decrees of the Councils, and. the Fathers? faid, Such as agreed to tlic Scriptum, they believed. And asked, Whether it were any deadly Sin to tranfgrefs of tne Bifi10p of Rome? thy faid; That it is to attJibuted only to the Precepts qf God; to bind the ConjcietiCC of or to loofe it.


er, which had delivered them through his greatGoodnefs that falfe and abominable Prie!l:hood (they having been Friers) and made them Prie!1s of his holy Order, ... b them unto him as a Sacrifice of. a fweet Odour. The greate!l:Error.that they were 'accufed of, was that Mcu to truft only in Gad, forafmucb as Men are Lyars, a11d deill all their Wor4s and Deeds ; awl tberefore there ought no or Affiance to be put ill tbcm. Day of their Execution, faid they, was theDay which had long defired. of them, feeing that the Fire was kindled at his Feet, Methinks you .do fl:rew Rofes under my Feet. u Eulalia. The Virgin Eulalia, of Emerita in Port!lgal, having fecretly out of her Father's Haufe (where fhe was kept dofe for Ieii: !he {hould offer her felf to Martyrdom) went coura
Unto the Tribunal, or

Being condemned, they gave thanks to God their heavenly

Judgment-feat, and in the midft


5S . .The HISTOilY of the MARTYRS of them all, cried out, Would you know what I am? Behold!' I am one of the Chriflians, all Enemy to your Devilifh Sacrifices,.. J fpurn your Idols under my Feet, I confefs God omnipotent with my ' : Heart and Mouth Go to, thou Hangman, burn, cut, 71Uingl:: .)' thou theft earthly Members: it is an eafie Matter ta break a brittle 'i Subflance, but the inward Mind thou jhalt not hurt, for any Thing .: tbo11 canfl do. . ' The Judge endeavourmg to perfwade her to recant, faid, , Bc:hold! what Pleafures thou mayefl enjoy by the honourable I-Ioufe thou camefl of. What ! wilt thou kill thy felf, fo young a Flower, ( ihe being not much above twelve Yean of Age ) and fo near thofe honourable Marriages and great Dowries thou mayefl enjoy? Eulalia did not anfwer him; but fpit in the Tyrant's Face, threw down the Idols, and fpurnea abroad with her Feet the Heap of Incenfe prepared for the Cenfers When one Joint was pulled from another, fhe faid, Behold, 0 Lerd, I will not forget thee ; what a Pleafure is it for them, 0 Cbrijt, that remember thy triumphant J1iftoriesl 11 tttain rmto tbefe high Dignities.

Fab1ianul". . Fir1: bitter, ( faid Chriflopber Fabrianus) then fweet ; Firfi the Batte!, the ViCl:ory when I am dead. Every Drop of my Blqod ihall preach Chri1:, and fet forth his Praife. Fanimts. . Faninus a.n Italian _kiffed the Apparit?r1ifhat brought hint Word of h1s Executwn. , To one reminding him of his Children, he faid, I have left then.z to an able and faithful Guardia11. ' . To his Friends weeping, he faid, That is well done, that jGl f weep for Jry with me. : , To one objeEI:iog Chrifl'sAgony and Sadnefs to his Chear fuloefs 1 Tea ( faid he) Cbrifl was. fad, that I might be 71!CII} ;,ie had my Sins, and I have his Merits and Rigbteoufnifs . To the Friars offering him a wooden Crqdfix, he faid, 'Ghri1: needs not the Help of this Piece, to imprint him in my ~nq ~nq Heart, wher~ he hath his Habitation. . . .

Willian1 Farellus, beiqg queftioned by the Magifl:rate! pf Metis, by what Authority, or by whofe Reque1: he preached, ~~i\vered, By th~ <;o~Pl!Wd of (,;h~ift2 anq at th~ Re~uefl: of




: Pt!rr4r1

59 Epitomiz'd, alphabetically. . . ' Farrar. Mr. Richard Jones, coming to Dr. Robert Farr~r~ BiG1op St. David, a little before his Death, and feaming to lament Painfulnefs of the Death he was to fufl:'er, the Bifhop faid him, That if be jaw him o~ce to.flir i11 :be P11ins of b.is Bum~ befbould then give no Cred:t to bzs Dotlmz~. Acco:dt,ngly he moved, but even as he flood, holdmg up hts Smmps, he continued ilill; till Richard Gravell with a Staff.da!hed upon the Head, and fo huck him down. Fi!ieul, or Fillofus. . John Filieul and Jtllian le Ville (who fuffered in France (ftm~ .) being threatned if they confl:antly perlifled, to be b!Jrnt and to have their Tongues cut out, or othenvife only be firangled, and to have the ufe of their Tongues, con ed the offer, faying, To11 would fain have zu renomzce wr for foving our felves from a little Pain, but it fhall not be Jo; looking one upon another 1 faid, We are ready not mzly to one or two of our Members, but the whole Body, lilld to /g and burn~cl agai11 in the Defence of tbe Truth. When the Time of their Execution came, the Officer put nt( their Hands,being tied, a Wooden Crofs, which they took their Teeth,and flung away, for that they were pow r~ a more noble and excellent Crofs thim that. When their Tongues were cut, God gave them Utterance~ that ~hey were heard to fay, We bid Si11, tbc Flcjb, -r World fare-v;el for ewr, 'VJitb whomnewr fball'VJe have to d~
At !all: when the Tormenter came to fmearthem with Brimand Gunp~wder, Go to. ( faid Filiolus) fait on, fi.:It on rotten and ilmking Fle!h. thefe Ladders (faid John Fillula tO his fellows) V{e af. the Heavens, now begin .we. to trample under FeetJ Sin, World, 'the Fleili, and the Devil, Filmer. Henry Filmer faid to Perjon and T~wood (his fellow, Mar Be merry 1 my Brethren, and lift up your Hands to. for after this fuarp Break-fafr, 1 trufl: we fuall have a Dinner in the ~gdom ~f Chrill: our Lord a1:1d Re:
Fillula. .




t5o The HISTORY of the MARTYRs . faid, J hunger for the fame, dear Friend, beingfully afcertain'dtlai t they can kill bu& the Body, which I have [aid fball receive tigair. ;: Life everlqfting, aud fee Death no more. Bifhop .Bonner perfwaded him to recant, promifing him thereupon great Things ; he anfwered, That which I bat! faid 1 willfland to, and therefore I require that the Lawmay pr~ ceed upon me. At another Time, Do what yo11 will, I am at a Point ; j11 lhe Heavens fhall aJ Jooll fall, as I 'JJi/1 J01]ake inine Opinion. In his Prayer.- Have mercy upon me for thy dear Son our Saviour Jefus Chrifl:'s fake, in 1vhom I confefs only to be all Salvation and Jufiification, and that there is none other Mean, nor Way, nor Holinefs, in which, or by which any Man can be faved in this World. Burning in the fire, he cried out three Times, 0 the Son of God have Mercy upon me, 0 the Son of God re<;~;:ive my Soul,


Elizabeth Folks being examined, whether fhe believed the Prefence of Chrifi's Body to be in the Sacrament fubfiamially and really? anfivered, That [he believed that that was a fi:h flalltial and real Lie. When Sentence of Condemnation 1vas read againfl: her, fhe kneeled down, lifting up her Eyes and Hands to Heaven, :!he praifed God that ever fhe was born to fee that moft blef. fed and happy Day, that the Lord would count her worthy to fuffet for the Tefiimony of Chrifl:; and Lord, if it be thy ; Will, forgive them that have done this againfl: me, for they know not what they do. .. At the Stake fhe.being hindred from giving her Petticoat to her Mother (who kiifed her, and es;horted her to be jlrong \ in tbe Lord) threw it away from her, faying, Fqrewel all the ' World, jarewel Faith lmtl Hope; and fo taking the 'Stake in her Hand, faid, .Welcome Love, &c. , When fhe and the otber five that fuffered with her, wero , nailed to the Stakes, and the Fire about them, thay clapped ~ their Hands together for Joy in the Fire. r . Fox. . The Day after. Mary's Death Mr. John Fox (t~e Martyrologifl:) at Bajil to the Englifh Exiles,. dtd with Confidence tell them, That now was the Time come fc~ . tbeir return into Enlll~nd, Rnd.lha; b': brougb~.that News by Cq~11 tllantl fir om Gad. . . . .


""he ~


Epilomiz.'d, alphabetically. ' 6i The Lady Allne Hennage being given up far dead, He told !he had done well in fitting her felf far Death; but that 'lhould not die of that Sicknefs ; and being blamed by her for difquieting her Mind with Hopes of Life, anfwered, that he bad faid no more than war commanded ; for it JeemCil good to God, that fbe fbould rccoVJer ; and fo did. Mrs. Hozz)''.Uood having been fick of a Confumption almofl: Years, was fcarce able to fpeak when Mr. Fox tame her, only faintly !he breathed forth a De lire to end her Mr. Fox, after he had prayed with her, told her, that lhould not only grow well of that Confumption, but alfo to an exceeding great Age.. As well mi&ht yo.u have uoth Mrs. Honywood) that 1f I i110uld throw this Glafs infr the Wall, I might believe it would not break to Pieces; holding a Glafs in her Hand, out of which i11e had newly fl1e threw it forth, but the Glafs falling firft on a Cheft, on the Ground, neither brake nor crackt. Accordthis eminent Chri!l:ian Gentlewoman, being then SiXty of Age, recovered, and lived till fhe was above Ninety, could reckon above three brmdred a11d fixty of her Children Children's Children. He alfo forefaw his own Death ; and therefore fent away Sons, that they might not be prefent. Fritb. Mr. ,'tolm Frith with fame others, ( chofen into Chrifl's Oxford, whofe Foundation was laid by Cardinal Wol c~nferring together upon the Abufes of Religion, then mto the Church, were therefore accufed of Herefy un Cardinal, and cafl: into Prifon, within a deep Cave un th.e Ground of the fame College, where their fait Fifh lrud. Through the filthy Stiqch thereof they were all and fometook their Death: but Mr.Fritbwaswon .... _ preferved, and was tranOated from that Univerfity many Miferies undergone both beyond Sea and in his Land) to another School, namely, to a more fetled Dif of Affliction, the Tower of Lonrlon'; where, as herea ~atient in regard of the Perfecution:, which he fuffo did he alfo tlie Office ofa Phyfician, in'prefcribing Preparatives and Re1nedies in the like :aife. To end,, .1/, D. xsgz. he-employed his Pen in ''Writing Treaufes, whic~ now go under the Name of Vox Pifo~ the BookFifh. Concernini




of the MARTYRS

faid, I hunger for the ame, dear Frimd, beingfully afcertain'd ibat they can kill but the ody, wbicb I bave [aid fba/1 receive again Life everlajling, and fee Death no more. i Bi!hop .Bonner perfwaded him to recant, promifing him ! thereupon great Things ; he anfwered, That wbicb 1 bavc ; faid 1 willfland to, and therefore I require that tbe Lavnnay pro . ceed upon me. At another Time, Do what you will, I am at a Point ; for I be Heavens fhall a! Joon fall, as I will j01jake mine Opinion. ' . In his Prayer.-Have mercy upon me for thy dear Son i our Saviour Jefus Chrift's fake, in whom I confefs only to be : all Salvation and Jufl:ification, and that there is none other Mean, nor Way, nor Holinefs, in which, or by which any Man can be faved in this World. . Burning in the fire, he cried out three Times, 0 the Son of 'r God have Mercy upon me, 0 the Son of God rec:eive my Soul, ' Folks. Elizabetb Folks being examined, whether fhe believed the ' Prefence of Chria's Bodv to be in the Sacrament fubfl:antially and really? anfwered, That fbe believed that that was a Jubflantial and real Lie. . When Sentence of Condemnation \Vas read again!t her, fhe kneeled down, lifting up her Eyes and Hands to Heaven, ihe praifed God that ever fhe was born to fee that moft bleffed and happy Day, that the Lord would count her worthy to fuffer for the Tefrimony of Chrifl:; and Lord, if it be thy Will, forgive them that have done this againft me, for they know not what they do. . _At the Stake fhe being hindred from giving her Petticoat to her Mother (who kiffed her, and exhorted her to be flrong iu tbe Lord) threw it away from her, faying, Fa.rewel all th~. World, farewel Faitb lmtl Hope; and fo taking the stake in her Hand, faid, Welcome Love, &c. When fhe and the otber five that fuffered with her, wero nailed to the Stakes, and the Fire about them, thay clapped their Hands together for Joy in the Fire. Fox. The Day after, ueen Mary's Death Mr. John Fox (the Martyrologifi:) preac ing at Bafil to the Englifh Exiles, did with Confidence tell them, That rww was the Time come for their return into En~l~nd, Qnd.that h': brougb~,thl4t News by Cqm 111anrl from Gotl. . . .


m1d Childrell' s Cbildrcn.

Epitomiz' d, a~babetlcally. , ' 6t The Lady Anne Hemzage being given up for dead, He told her, {he had done well in fitting her felf for Death, but that !he lhould riot die of that Sicknefs ; and being blamed by her Son-in-Law for difquieting her Mind with Hopes of Life, He anfwered, that he bad faid no mozc than was commanded him ; for it Jcemecl good to God, that fbe jbould recover ; and fo fuedid. Mrs. Hony':.oood having been lick of a Confumption almo!l: twenty Years, was fcarce able to fJJeak when Mr. Fox tame to her, only faintly fhe breathed forth a De fire to end her Days. Mr. Fox, after he had prayed with her, told her, that fl1e !hould not only grow well of that Confumption, but alfo . live to an exceeding greac Age. As well might you have [ f.1id (quoth Mrs. Ho11ywood) that if I fhould throw this Glafs [ again!l: the Wall, I might believe it would not breakto Pieces; ~ and holding a Glafs in her Hand, out of which !he had newly I dcimk, fhe threw it forth, but the Glafs falling firfl:on aChell, ; and then on rhe Ground, neither brakencircrackt. Accord;) ingly this eminent Chrifl:ian Gentlewoman, being then SiXty ~ Ycm of Age, recovered, and lived till he was above Ninety, and could reckon above three hundred and fixty of her Children

He alfo forefaw his own Death ; and therefore fent away his Sons, that they might not be prefent. ' Fritb. Mr. Jolm Frith with fame others, ( chofen into Chrifl:'s Church Oxford, whofe Foundation was laid by Cardinal Wol . fey) c~nferring together upon the Abufes of Religion, then . crept mto the Church, were therefore accufed of Herefy un to the Cardinal, and call: into Prifon, within a deep Cave un der the Ground of the fame College, where their fait Fi!h . ~as laid. Through tl:,e filthy Stiqch thereof they were all , mfeCI:ed, and fometook their Death: but Mr.Fritbwaswonderfully preferved, and was tranflated from that Uoiverfity (after many Miferies undergone both beyond Sea atid in his o~~ Land) to. a~other School, namely, to, amore.fetled Dif Clp!me of Affiichon, the Tower of London; where, as heremamed a Patient in regard of the Perfecution:, which he fuffered, fo did he alfo the Office ofa Phyfician, in'prefcribing to ?thers Preparatives and Rell.edies in the like Cafe. To wh1ch end, A. D. 1532. he employed his Pen in 'Writing thofe Treatifes, which now go under the Name of Vox Pif

m, o~ the BookFifh,



Tb~ HJsrollY

of the




Concerning which (the Author of the Preface ther~unio). obferves,---The Wine therein offered is the purefl: Juice of a . (;rape of the Vine (Chrill Jefus) trod in the Wineprefs of ' l'erie;;urion about an hundred Years Iince; Which being put . in a I'apcr-Vcllcl, and formerly mifcarrying by wrack in the .. rranfponing, is now beyonu ExpeCl:ation in a fl:range Living' . Vellel brought back again co Land ; no Doubt, to the End, that it might after long lying hid in Store, be anew broached and difperfed abroad for the refrefuing of many thirfly ' :louis; to whom it is like to tafre not the worfe, but better for the lang lying in lo fait a Cellar, as is the Bottom of the Sea, wherein, by all Probability, Jt hath been buried for many Years.---[Ic was found in th.e Maw of a Codfifh in Cambridge Market, 1626. and Printed 1627.] Mr. Frith did not light. his Candle at the J.amp of Mr. Caloin, which then was not ~xtant ; nor of great Luther; who was then bm in the beginning of his Growth. And yet (faith the fame Author) How judicioufly is there {hewn th~ Ufe of the Croft among Chrifiians !to confift in the due !)reparation for it, and conftant Patience under it ? Ho11 founclly are \\"e taught, that oul" Eleftion and Juflificatim are if God's 1nccr Mercy, and not fol" atly Thing forefeen i11 us? 17Jat Rem[l]iotl of Sins is tbrougb Cbrift only. :rhat true Bt . Jicvm do Sil1, ')'Ct falltwt away utterly from Chl'ift. As the &: Work commends the Author, fo the Author much more the .~ Work. When he wrote of the Crifr,. be fought valiantlj under the Crofs; he turned his Words of Patience into the -~' perfeCl: Work of Patience. He had the like Happinefs to that~ :J of S'. Pnul, to bring forth Children unto Chrill in his Bondr.: -~ \Vhilil: he was kept clofe Prifoner in the Tower, by his Ler tcrs and Treatifes he gained many Souls to Chrifl:; and among: l others (which is moil: obfervable he converted one Raft~ ; . to the Truth, who bad formerly ipped his Pen in Gall, aha 1 wrotemoftbitterly againftthe Truth of theGofpel,and againR the Writings of this Prifoner of Chrift, then in Bonds for tbl } Gofpel. Like aSwau he fang, moil: fweetly before his Death/ ' and foretold both particularly his own Martyrdom~ and the ' Propagation of the Gofpel through' all England within twen~ Years after his Death; which accordingly carne to pafs in the Reign of King Edward. He was as it were a Primrofe in ; the neiV Spring of the Gofpel : And though he w'rote in the.( Twiligh' between the Nign~ of Popery, and the Day of Re

i '


'Epitomiz'd, alpbabetictJI/y. 63 yet God fo enlighmed him, that his Treatifs of the was the Candle at which that great Torch ArchCranmer was lighted, as Mr. Fox reponeth. is the true C!ojs (faith Mr. Frith in his Treatife called, Preparation to the Cl'ojs) which God doth lay upon us,---the Word of God to fuffer all Scorns, Mocks, Lies, and Per:ut' and not to fear the molt cruel, yea even the moll: --That we may be prepared to bear the true we mull: confider that no Calamity falleth on us by or Chance, but by the Counfd and Appointment of as witnelfeth the holy Scripture. --It is undoubtedly Comfort, to be alfured, that the Crofs is of God, and we are chafl:ened of God, and not of the Devil, or of wicked Man, who utterly can have no Power upon us, fo much as to move one Hair of our Head, befide the of the Lord.--- But it is not enough, to confider, that are afllicted through the Counfel and Will of God, but we moreover mark the Caufe and l11tent of the godly Will ; Rcajo11 judgeth that we are punii11ed, to the End to be hurt de!lroyed, fjc, but we mull: forfake Reafon, and cleave to Word of God, which teacheth that we fufl:'(!r Affiiction to Health and Salvation ; for AffiiEtions are not Signs of and Difpleafure, but of Grace and Favour,---- and Inby which God is p;lorified. ---When God doth affliCt People for their Sins, he doth not therefore affiiCI: them, by their AffliCtions they fhould fatisfic for their Sins : for Paffion and Suffering of Jefits Chrift is the Ranfom and of our Sins; but that by Affliction he may bring to Repentance. ---- When a Chrifiian feeth himfelf . of all Men, he mull: pray, and not cerife to pray, but m Faitb, miftrrifling notbing.----God calleth Inuocation or on him in Trouble, a Sacrifice, the true and moil: ac Honour.. So likewife he calleth the Hope, whercbv expect his Help in AffliCtion, Sacrifice. Sacrifice yotl th~ of Juflice, and hope ye in th~ Lord, q. d. that Hope is whereby we yield Jufl:ice to God, that (feeing he fo promifed) he will pluck us out and deliver us, for fo as he is righteous and true.---Of Patience to God-~oard, forth Patience toward Men ; for when the Heart with God, it expefletb Help of Him, and utterly afideLu!l: to revenge.---Chrifl:ian Patience hath certain " whereby it is known to be true Patience. (1) It _ grudgeth


not me, is not worthy of me. g any Man will come after me,~ him deny himfelf, and take his ,Croft, andjollow me.. Far he t~J. 'tuill Jave his Life, ./halllofe it. Contrariwife, he that lofeth l~ Life far mySake, [ball find if. H: that will 'orifeft me bejil!

fuffer unworthily for h1s Sms ; wherefore he fitteth dowa . and holdeth his Feace.~ as Jeremiab laith. ( !1-) It ca!l:eth ~I . Carefulnefs on God, and committeth it felf wholly to God' that God's Will be done and not his. ( 3) It humbleth him: felf, and cafl:eth off the Pleafures of tht World. ( 4.) He u . merry and ready to fi.1Jfer }'et more heavy and grievous Evils .... . We mufl: look for Help in all AilliEtions; for God promifeih his Help, faying, I am 1uitb you, Fear )'e not, I will Jlrengtbn: you. But the Marmer, Time, and ](i11d of Help are unknown unto us, that Faitb and Hope may have Place, which fiickeili . to thcfe Things which are not feen nor heard. God deli , .. vereth when moil need is, that his Glory may ihine the :. brighter. He will therefore help, when we be in a Manne! . compelled to defpair in all bumane Help, and when all earn~. Counfel deceiveth us; for God only will be glorified. -Ht ' doth prolong Help for our Utility and profit, that he migil , exercife and prove Faith by Temptatior1 ; fo that he onlr . : might polrefs the Title and Name of Helper. He that !1- . licvctb, makes not hafle. He which yet feems afar off~ fit~ , appear at the md, and jb.1lliJDt lie: although be tarry, JCt look fa . him ; for he is coming, and at the lafl be Jba/1 come, and Jballr.!i ,t be flow.--- It is alfo a great Comfort to them that be in Aflk 4 tion, to remember that they have Cbrift, and his Propbets, ani .llpojlles, and all good and holy Men lor their E:camples,---Fur } thermore, it is a great Comfort to the Godly, that the Wick (whom God doth ufe as a Rod to fcourge theGodly)gonc\~ clear away without Puniihment ; whom he maketh eithet\~ fhamefully a{hamed, or through their own Counfel he dote.-::; take them, and bringeth them into the fame DefuuClion,,~ which they themfelves have iludied and found out for otheNi'.:'~ -The Caufe is, For he that hurteth one faithful, wronge&P not only him, but God, who doth revenge the Injury ai. ~ Wrong done to the fait_hful, as Injury done to himfelf.....Ht ,. that toucbeth you, taucheth the Apple of mine Eye.Saul, Sa~i : 'luhy perjecuteft thou me ?----If thou beeil temptecl concerni~ the Gofpel, or fuffering Perfecution for the Gofpel, thinkci thefe Scriptures ; He tbat I'CCciveth not tny Cr~t, atzd fo/li'J!

The H IST OR Y of the MAR TYI\S 64 grudgeth not,. neither ~xc~feth it felf, as though it fhoohl .



. 6S l!.pitomh'd, iJlphabetlcally. I vJill confefs bim before my Father.- The Apoll:1es te that they were counted 1uorthy. ---The Servant is 110t abovr: Lord: alf tbcy tiJat 'coi!lliDe_godly ill Chrift ,TcfitS; 1m!ft ji!ffcr all. ----If thou mull Jte, and le.ave Wlie and. Children 'r~J u thy tkar Friends, fay, The Lord i11all be their Defender;
I '


God both will, and is aole to cheriih mine, to nourii11 and . nd them ; for !1e is the .Fatffer of the Fizlberlefs, and tbe 1do;u's I!usbmul. I forget Tbings bcbipd IIIJ' Back, alld eudea my J'elf to tb~(e Tbill[!.S that are before my Face. .They (ba~ ve {Vives, let them be as thougb tbey bad TZOIIC ; aild they tha~ as though they Iucpt uot. ---If Satan lay, thou mull: forJkc the World, wh~r then r !lnfwer thou contrariwile ; I attain .I-lea ven, For !Jltjjed are the Dead, that die ill the Lord. .d/1 tbat arc bom of Goa, /It! tbc World lietb i!l rVi,ckednefs. tbe TVurld ; mul tbis is tbe Viftory which o'IJcrcometiJ lVorld, cvc11 our Faith. All the World Jball perijlJ, 1citb it> I'' a111i D~(ircs. Love 1wt the World, 11or rhe Thi11gs of th~ urld. Wc .arc Strangers in this World, and Citizc11r of r~a\'en ..... J'e Sons of Men; ~rJby love J'C Vanities, and fcck . ? how long love you Infancy or Childhood?-, ... .... The Godly have moll: Comfort; thougilin this Life they' as Sheep ordained to be jlain, and feem forlaken of Gods> yec tlu:y do noc de\i1Air, no, not in Deatb, but are fure !hall p1fs til rough D~ath to Life eternal, &c. A!Co the:f.. this Comforr, that their Death is good and precious; they , that through Chrifl:' s Death, Death is overcome and --- Chrifl: by his Death hath chan{l;ed their Death. a Sleep ..... Such as be at the Point of Death, ought to Comfprt and be !l:rong, in that their Death is incorporate the Death of Chriil:, and that it is ilot their Death, ('() as the Death of Chri[l:. Wherefore let them furely that they hall overcome, as that Death of Chrill: hath. Unto the Godly it is a great Comfort, that they w that Death is not in .the Power of Tyrant~..... We live any longer ~han the Lord hath appointed, and we not 1:\ie; though we be in the greatefl Peril, before ollr . ---Then wherefore. i)lould thty fear Death? they canlive longer.than God hath appointed, nor die any fooncr.--~ is the Comfort of the Godly in all Adverlity, that througl1 Grace of God, they fl1all be revi'i!cd,. aQd, raifed 11p, as weil Body as the Soul ; .the Souls to Jpil:ice, the Bodies [o This Hope the Wicked have nor, f3'c. .- It is a great Comfort F


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Jlj]liFlions of this Time are not 1torrb; nJ tbe Glory ;.~bic/; Jball be fbc'i.vcd upon us. Our 1iou/;ie, which is li!!t temporal ami li,gbt, 'i.lorkctb an exceeding mui ctcmal!Fci_~bt if Glor'Y unto us, "JJho /oo.~ 1wt mz the Things tbat arc jew, bH> uz them wbicb are 'JOt fccn. --If a Man praifc a ~-~ry Foal (f:zith Mr. 1/i:.lJ in his ~reface to his Mirrour ) and think his Wit ;_;oOll and prt,flund, he is indeed more Fool than the other. Thus fc:eing !\ian prai!i:th and commends Riches, Honour, [)c. and fix!1 otl .:r nin and tran!itury Things, which arc bl![ as a Dream, ~nd \'anilh hke a Flower of the Field; when a l\Jan lhould bare moft need of them, he himfelf is more vain than thole Thin6; which arc hue Vanity. 1f God hath opened the Eyes of thy Mind ( fairb he in his Mirrour) and have given thee Spirit ant!\.Vilcom through tt.e Knowledge of his Wonl, boafl: nr.t thy (elf of it, but rather fear and tremble, for ulargeablc qljh~ is committed >!<Jto tbec, which (if thou f!llul it) is like to coil: the:': rhv Life, at one Time or other, with much Trouble and Perf'cctlli<,n : but if thou fulfil it not 7 then !11all that OGice be tby Damilr:tion. lor St. Pau!faith, TVo is to me, !f 1 preach r.c!. And by the 1)rophet Ezcliel God lizith, lf I fa)' rmto the WiCI~cd, that h& fba/1 die tbc Dcarb, and tbuu fl'm him 11ot of it, tbc Wicked Jba/1 liie i1l his Iniquit;, but I fl'all require bis Blood at :by Hand. But peradvemure our Divines would expound thcfc Texts only of them that arc fwt and have C11re rf Souls. Whereunto I anfwcr, That every Ma11, that hath the Light of God's Word :revealed unto him, is {clit whcrefr.ew:r he feeth Necefiity, and hath t}Je Cure of his Nighbour's Soul: e. g. lf God hath given n1e my Sight, and I perceive a blind Man going in the Way, which is ready for lack of Sight to fall into a Pit, wherein he would likely pcrilh, I am bound by God's Command to guide l1im till he be pall: that Jeopardy, or elfe if he peri!h therein, Ms Blood fhall be required at my Hands. Thus if I perceive my Neighbour like to peri{h for lack of Chrifl:'s Doctrine, then am I bound to infl:ruCl him with the Knowledge God !lath given me, or elfe his Blood ihall be required at my Hand. Peradventure they will fay, that there is already o11e appointed to watch the Pir, &c. and therefore I am difcharged, and Y:ccl tal{e no Thought. Whereunto I anfwer, I would be glad,

()6 Tbe HrsroR Y of tile MARTYRS Comfort that AffiiClion {hall not endure cominuallv, and the



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&hat .!0 it_ were:

notwithfra~ding 1 if I11erceive

that the Watch


Epitomiz'1l, dljJhabetically. 67 i11 m be aneep, or run to the Ale-houfe, '&c. and through his 1





Negligence efpie my Neighbour in Danger of the Pir, tbe!i am I ncverthelefs bound to lead him from ir : I think, that God harh fent me at th;~t Time tp fJve that Soul from perilhing; and the L1w of God and Nature bindeth me thcreunro, which clnr)!;eth me to love my Neighbour as my folf, to do , tmto bim ns I ~~c:dd be done 1t1ltO .... If. God hath gi\en thee i Riches, Uc. thou art not the very Owner of them, but \ Gad is the Otvncr; who fJith by the Prophet, Cold is mi11c, and ~ Sibr it mine ; and hi: hath fur a Seafon made thee a Stc:oard .\ of them, to fee whether thou wilt be faithful in the Difl:ri; bu~ion of them, Jccording to his Command5 .. . ll~!des theE: and manv other Treltife>,~fie wrote alfo fe ';ml choice Lcrtcrs, \'lhilfl: he was Prifoner in the Tower . In !;is Letter to the faithful Follo\\'ers SJ[ Cllrifl:'s Gofpe1 7 i i be thus expreiE:th llirnfclf.---Ic C3nnot be exprefs'd (Dearly 'll:lo;cd in the Lord) 1Vb:1t}1y and Comfort it is to my lkm, .\to )lCIWive how the word of God bath \\'i'Ollght, and Conti'.; nuailv workcth among yon; fo that I find no final! Number , w.dking in the \Vavs of the Lord, accorJing as he gave us 'Ct,mmandment, willinf! that ~:e jbo:dd lese cacb otlm, m he' . : luutd us. Ncnv ha1c l Experience of the Faitb, 11!Jich is in you, a~d can tdlifl', that it is ll'idwmSi.tnuLHion, that ye.love .. Hut ill fVurd md Tu11.~11e Dilly, but in J)ccrl and Ii'ut !;, Whac can be more Trialuf a faithful Bean; than to adventure not only to aid and fuccour by the Means of other ( 11hich withou~ D1np,er may not be admiucd unw us') but a\!o perfo:1ally to vi!it the P&or opprc:'i1ed, and fee th:!t nothin2; be lacking nnto tbcm, but that they have borh gbol11v Comfort and bo~ (~ily Su!l:enance, norwitbf1anding the' i1raidnhibition and ter~ nble Menacing or thefe worldly Rulm, even ready to abide the e~tr.eamefl Jeop1rdies that Tyrants c~n imagine. This an l~vrdence t~at you have prepared your f..:!v'es to the Croft Chnl1:, according to tbe Counfel of the Wife Man, which. !l~y Sm1, wben thou Jbalt enter into the Way of the Lord9 tby Jelf llllto Tribulation. This is an Evidence that yoi.I caft !tp your Accounts, and have ~ubcrc:~itb to fmi~J the Tower, ye .have begun to build : and I doubt not but he that hath .: :begun tins Work in :rou, {hall for his Glory accomJ"ifb the Janir, unto the coming of the Lord, (Uiiich fball give u11ta every according to his Deeds. And albeit God, of llis fcerec for a Time keep the Rod from fome ofthein rh'~t: f 2 enfLl~

c52 The HISTOR "t of the MARTYR S ;;'~ ..... enfue his Steps, yet let them furely reckon upon it ; for there is no Doubt, but all ~vhich will live devoutly i11 Cbrifl, mr!ft fi!/ : . fer Pe,fecution ; for whom tbc Lord /ovctb, be correflcth, and chaf teneth every Child that be rcceiveth.---If ye be not rmder Corrctcion, of which 'JJC are all Partakers, thm arc ye Baftards, and uot Children. Nevcrthelefs we may not fuppofe that our mofl: loving Father fhould do that, becaufe he rejoiceth in our Blood or PzmijbmciJt, but he doth it for our fingular Profit, that we may be Partakers of Holinefs, and that the Remnants of Sin, which (through the Frailty of our Member~) rebel againf1 the Spirit and Will, caufing our Worl:s to go unperfeEl:ly forward, and may fome deal be fuppreJTed, left they lhould fLJbdue us and reign over us.---Of thefe Things God had given me the Speculation before, and now it hath ple;tfed him to put in ufe1 and praflijil upon me. I ever thought, yea and do think, that . to walk after God's Word, would colt me my Life, at one 1 Time or another; and although the King's Grace thould take . me imo his Favour, and not fuffer the bloody Edomites to have their Plcafures upon me, yet will I not think that I am efcaped, but that God hath only deferred it for a Seafon, to the intent that l 01ould work fomewhat that he hath appoint ed me to do, a11d fo to ufe me to his Glory. And I befeech . all the faithful Followers of the Lord, to arm themf~lves with 'I ihe fame Suppofition, marking themfelves with the Sign of the , Oofs, (not ji'om the Crofs as the fuperfl:itious Muftitude do, but tather to the Crofs) i11 tokc11 that they be ever ready willingiy to receive the Crofs, when it fi1all pleafe God to lay it upon them. The Day that it cometh not, count it dear won, giving Thanks to the Lord who hath kept it from you ; and then when is cometh, it fhall nothing difmay you ;- for it is no new Thing, but that which you have continually looked for. And doubt not but that God, ~'Jho is faithful, wil/11ot fiif. fer yoif ta be tempted above ~vbat you arc able to bear ; but lhall ever .fend fome Occafion,. by the which ye iliall fiand fredfait ; for either he !hall blind the Eyes of your Enemies, and diminilh their tyrannous Power1 or elfe when he hath fuffered them to do their beit, and that the DragQn hath ca!l: a whole F/oo1l of Waters after you, he fhall caufe even the Earth ta open ber .Mouth,. and fwallow them 11p. So faithful is he and careful to eafe us, when the Vexation fhall be too heavy for us, he fhall fend a Jofepb before you, again it ye {hall come into Egyjt j yea he fuall. ~o .9rovjde for you, that ye fh;\11 have c ' ~~


i :m hundred Fatbm for one, an hundred Mothers for one, an i hundred ll01ycs for one, and that in this Life, as I have prov; ed by Experience ; and after this Life, evcrlatling Joy wit!t I Chriil our Saviour. Not1vithil:anding, fince this Stedfafl:nel$ ! comes rwt of orw fc/vcs (as St. Arl}li11 faith) there was never i ~lan fo weak or frail, no, not the grcate!l: Offender that ever \ li1ed, but that every Man of his own Nature ihould be as I (rail, and commit as great Enormities, except he were kept ~ from it by the Spirit and Power of God. I befeech you, Bre~ tllrcn, in the Lord Jelils Chrifl:, to pray with me, that we may ; be J;~fJcls to bis Lat~d mul Praifc, what Time foever it pleafeth ; him EO call upon us. The Father of Glory give us the Spirit of IJlifilom, Undcrjlm1diug, and Knowledg~, and ligbtcn the Eyes of \ o11T Miud, that we may kno1v his Ways, praifing the Lord ; eternally, ----llmcrl. Signed, John Frith the Prifoucr of Jefrts Cbrifl, at all times ~bidi11g his Plcafurc. In his Letter to his Friends concerning his Tl'oubles.---I doubt not, dear Brethren, but that it doth fome deal vex . you, to fee the one Part to have all the Words, and freely to lilcak what they lift, and the other to be put to Silence, and not to be heard indiJfercntly ; but refer yotir .Matters unca God, who 11wrtly i11all judge after another l~afilion.- The Archbilhop of Ca11tcrbury having fent one of his Gentlemen, and one of his 'Porters to fetch Mr. John Frith out of the Tovrer to be examined; the Gentlemim pitying him, endeavoured to perfwade him to relent to Authority, and to give place for a Time, and not to caO: himfelf away, and fuffer all his fingular Gifts to periG1 with him with little Profit to the World, &c. Mr. Frith gave him Thanks for his good Will, but told him farther, thus, My Caufe and Confcience is fuch, that in no wife I either may or can for any worldly RefpeEt without Danger of Damnation fiart afide, 8c. If I be demanded what I think of the Supper of the Lord, otherwife called the Sacrament of the Altar, I mull: needs fay my Knowledge and my Confcience, though I ihould prefently lofe twenty Lives, if I had fo many. And if I may be in differently heard, I am fure mine Adverfaries cannot condemn me or mine Aifertion, &c. Yea marry, quoth the Gentleman, you fay well, if you might be indifferently heard; but I muci1 doubt thereof, for that our Mafl:er Chrifl: was not indifferently

hmdi neither fhonld be (as I think) if he \\'C!tf now prefe~c


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70 The H rsTOR Y of tbc l\J A Rr YRS again in the World, &c. Well, quell, (quoth l~it.h unto the Gentleman) I k1ww ver3 r,_uelltbat tbc Doctrine (If tba Sacrament, 'lvbich I bold mul /;ave opened, comrary to t be 0 pinion of t bis Realm, , is very bard Ivlcqt to be digcjled 1 buth r:f tbe Clergy and Laity: , but tbis I will Jay to )'Oll, Tbat if you live but tr..ucuty Years more,. :you Jba/1 fcc tbis rcvbole Realm rf mi11e OJlinion, &c. and if it come 11ot to p{ifs, tben accou11t 111~ tbe vainejl Man that ever J'Oit bead ; fpeak with a Tongue. All Things \veil and rightly pondered, . . my Death in this Caufc (which is God's and not mine) !hall . be better unto me and all mine, than Life in co)Jtinual Bondage and.Mifery. The Gentleman was fo wrought upon, that he contrived a Way for Mr. Jlit//s Efcape, and prevailed with : the Porter to agree with him in the fuffering thereof, and tbcn 1 told him, that tbe Bujincfs wbicb be bad wulcrtaken, viz. to lead : 1Jilll as a Sbcep to the Slallgbtcr, Jo grieved bi111, that he was over. , 'l.vbclmt'd 'cVitb Cam and Sono1o.r; whereupon be was rcfolved, 'i.ubat ' , Da11gcr Joever he incurred, to find out a lflay to deliver bim out rf 1 the L3on's 1\llolllh, and Jo acquainted him with tbe ?Va3 that be anri ' the Porcer bad agreed upon. Mr. Fritbhaving diligently hearkened to his Speech, faid with a fmiling Countenance, And is this the efleCl: of your fecret Confultation, all this while, furely yo1.1 are like to lcife your Labour, for if you {hould both leare me here, and go to Cro)don, declaring to the lli!hops 'that you i bad loll: Frith, I would furely follow after as fall: as I could 1 ' and brin~ them News that I had found and brought Frith back again. Do you think that l am afraid to declare mine Opi~ . nion before the Bilhops in fo manifeft a Truth ? You arc a fond :Man ( faid the Gentleman) thus to talk. Do you think . rhat you< reafoning with the Bi{hops will do any Good ? I ; much marvel that you were fo willing to Jlie the Realm before you were taken, and now fo unwilling to fave your felf when you may. Marry (faith Frith) there is a great Difference t1etwecn efcaping then and now, then I was at Liberty, and . pot attached ; but now being taken by the Higher Powers, ; ;~nd that by il.lmi?;hty God's Permifiion and Providence, I am fallen into the Bi!hops Hands, only for Religion's Sake, and for. fuch Doctrine, as I am bound in Confcience under Pain of Darr.nation to maintain. If I {hould now fiart afide, and run awav, I H10uld run from my God, and from the Tellimony ,of his \Vord, whereby I {bould deferve a thoufand Hells. ' J\t the Time of his burning, Dr. Cook admoniihed all the r~L1ple, t[;at tb;y jbo!!ld liO more pray for bim, tball they ~~oul~







Epitomi:::; 'd, alpbabetica/ly. 7r !l.o fur a Dog._ \Vhercupon lVIr. Fritb frniling, defired the !Lurd lO furgiV<.! hun. . . J hdgmrws. i J\n ,-JriJil Bin1op offering w punith the Pricfl: th:J.t had iuofl: ~mercildh l":aten hi111, if l:e delircd ir, he faid, It is not lawful ~fur aCbrljh!ll to mcdirare Revenge, our Lard Cbrijl well k1zows how l1o repay r!Jc Injrrrics ~(!i:rcd w, a:1d injlii'lcd 011 his Sc1vauts. If )! Ill\' Caic be avenged, dwn lofe I the RcwJrd of my Patience .~It may ;;lfo f.:ndake many little ones, if I a Catholick fl10uld ; r<:quirc: Judgment at an !irian's llands. } In tile midfl of his grcatel1: Suff.:rings he ufcd to fay, Plrm& <pro Ci;r~lo tolcrand:I, We mult ft;H'(':r more than this for Chriil:.


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-Gardiner. Wiiliam Gardiue~, an Englifb l\Ierchant in Portugal, was fo much troubled in Spirit at th..: Sight of the Idolatry, committed by the Prielh in the i.Vlafs, (at the Solemnization of the Marriap:e between the King of Portugal's Son, and the King 0f 5paiu's Daughter) that he could not be quiet while negleCting . his Duty, in not endeavouring to revoke the People from. their Supc:rilition. '\Vith that View be wro't this Feat, on. th~ next S:1bhath, ( thoup;h in the Prefence of the King, and of the Noble:;, ~ncl whole City) he with one Hand fnatchcd away the Cake from the Priell:, and trod it under his Fe~t, anu with the other overthrew tbe Chalice. The King asking him how he durll: be f()' bold? lie anfwered, mojt1wblc Killg, The Thing ~;.'IJicb you bave Jcm, ~t~as not do'ne, IJOJ' tbougbt of me fur any Contumely, or Reproach to )'Dill' Prcfence, but only for t\is l'wpofc ( ils befure God I do clear/)' corifcfs) to Jeck tbe Sal 'i!itioil of tbis People. Being ask'd who fet him on? He anfwered, he '<Aas 1iOt moved by any Man, but by his o'..ull Confi'ience, there being no .Man under Heaven, for whofe Sake be wo!lld put himfelf into fo manife{t a Danger, but he owed his Service firfl to Go1l, /Jild fccondarily to their Sal~ation; wherefore if he had done any Thing difpleafing to them, they ought to impute it to themfel ves, ~ubo fo irreverently rifed tbe Sacrament of the Lord's Suppc1 tiJ/to fo great Idolatry, not without great Ignominy to the Ch 'lrch, Violation of the Sacraml!nt, and the Peril of their own Sauls, except they repented. For this be was cruelly tormented, and burned, and in the Firt; he fung Pfnl. 43 ."!udge mc1 0 God, and Defmd my Ca:'[~



ntatJift fbc 1mmcrcijul .People,



of the MARTYR S Gmuleri11. Chriflopbcr Gmalcrin,havingbeen ~Spend-thrifr ,was cotwened by Lewis Stallins telling him, That he ought rather toditlri.bmt ~fhis Gettings to the Poor, 'than to fi)end them fo wallefully; for if hi'! co,ntinued fo, God would furely call him to an Ac. count for it.--- He was chofen a peacop in the Chprch i in the Execution of which Office, he was takcp and imprifon cd, and being asl.,'d how he came to turn Hcrctic~,fccing he learned not that of his Ma!l:er the Abbot, he anfwcrcd, Jm:: ~lD llqetick, but a rigbt bclicviiJg Cf;rifliall, 1ubich be taught me 110t i111l~cd, but rather, other vile Oualitics,wbic{J I am ajbamcdJirr.o ' "' po rebcarfe. Spm.e objeB:ing to him his Tomb, being about the Age of Thir~y, He told them, That Man's Life cOJ~(ifledbut rif two PnJr, vi;-;. the Day rif his Birth, a1ui the Day of his peat h. And for ;ny P~rt (faid he) I am now willing by Death to pafs into



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- The Morning thqt he was to be ~J;ecutcd, lie faid to his F.ellow-Prifoners (having put on a clean Shirt, and wafl1cd fllJ11felf) Brethren, I am llOW going to b~ married, J hope before Naoll t~ 4ri7zk of the Wine of' the Ki11gdom of Heaven. A Friar coming to them (as he faid) to convert them ;. (:brijlopbcr faid mito him, Away fro1Jl us~ tbou Spduccr of Souls1' fFr ~v~ flaW nothi11g to do with thee. ' Pit~ ofhis Fellow:fufferers (as the Hangman was gag1;inr hif11) faid, W[Jat, }ball we not !1ave Libmy ill t{!iJ pur !aft Hou fa p,rai c orir (iod 1oith our Voice aml Tongrte? Brother (faid Gat deri11) et pot ~his clifcourage us ; for the greater Wrong ou, . :Enemies think tp do unto us, the more Affi{l:ance we !lull :find from God. And fo he never ceafed to comfort thell1 1 burnt Hn ne' V!~S gagged ~lfo, andGerard. June 2. rs68. . ' ( ' ' ~ App\lt thf'! Y~ar II 6o. in 'th~ r~ign of Henry tbe Seco.nd, t:aril~ abo~t Thtrty Waldenfts into Eugland, Gerardus, bemg t\l?ir Minill:~\, to labour to win Difciples to Chrifl:. They W.~t~ ~o~~en.ted before a Catindl of Bill10ps at Oxford, ~nd 9ffll1'~ fp~a~mg for them all ,faid, W'e are Chri{tians, boldmg ~nd re?erctz~il!g the Doftrinc of the Aptflles.~--Being urged wit{! Argqment~ againtl: their Doctrine, they anfwered, They believed as ;qcy were taugbt by God's Word, btl~ 'VJO!Iid no~ difpute their Fait(i.:Being adm6nifhed to repent, and threatned if they ~jd ~?t~ 't!Jey difpi!ed their ~oupfel, f~orned thei~ T!w~f:at~~
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Epitomiz'd, alpbabetica/lj'. 73 Bl\{[cd arc they that filifcr Perjccutioll jol' Rigbtcoufnefs for theirs is tbe Kingdom of Heaven. were excommunicated, burnt in the ForeheJ.ds for ' leretil l\'Ir. Gerard both in the Forehead <!nd Ch<:el}, tht!it were cut ofF to their Girdles, and fo wbipt throug!). , they lingin~ all the wh~le, Bltj)iA arc yc rU!!Jm Men )'ou, and difpitrfully ufe ;ou, &c. . Ghtjl. Laurei/CC Ghefl had his Wife and feven Children brought to im (the Bi!hop hoping. to o:crcom~ h~m by his natur~l Af. to them) and Ins l}hfe begmnmg to exhort htm to nnr himfe!f, He defircd bcr not to he a Block in bil' fVay, for he was in a good Courfc, running toward the Marl~ of Salvation.

Some of the Articles exhibited againfl Mr, Richard Gibfmz: ) That he hath commended, allml'ed, defended, and both Craamu, .f..arimer, Ridley, and all other Hereticks here in this Realm of l~ngland, according to the ecclefiaflical condemned for Here ticks, and alfo liked their Opinions. . (+).That he had comforted, aided, aiMed, and maintained both by Words and otherwife, H~:rcticks and erroneous Peror at the 1\!afl fufpeCled and infamed of Berelies, fie. ) Tbar he bath aflirmed that the Religion now ufed iq this calm, is in no wife agreeable to God's 'Nord qnd Comr, &c. Tb~ Bijbop asking him, if he knew any C'aufe why the nee ihould not be read againft him, he faid, 1hc Bifbop nothing wherefore juflZY to coudenm bim. Sentence being He again admoni!hed Gibfon to remember himfelf, and fave his Soul. Mr. Gibjo11 anfwered, That he would noc the Bi!hops babling, boldly protefl:ing that he was con:, to them all in his Mind., though he aforetime kept it . fecret, for Fear of the La\V. And fpeaking to the Biiliop, he . Blif[ed am 1, that am cwfcd at our Hands, we have notf;ing 11ow, hut thus will I; for as 'he Bi l;op faith, fo it lll!!ft be. An~ YlO Herefi~ is it to tiiTil the Tmth qf God's Woul illto Lies, aml tbat ~o you. . . Mr. Gibfon alfo propounded Nine Articles to Emmer, by hun to be anfwered by yea or nay, or elfe by faying he could ! ;pot tell ( r) Whether the Scriptllres of God, written by Mofes ! 'I ~nd. Qther h,vly Prophets of God thro~gh Fait11, that is in Chrifl:




The HIs T o R Y of the M AR T Y R s

Jeftts, be available Doflritw, to make all Men i11 all Things !llltl , Salvatio11 learmtl, withom the I-ltlp of anv other Doctrine, or - . no'? (3) Whether the boly Word of GGd, ;1s it is written, doth .< Ji.tf!iciendy teach all Men, of what Digniry, Efhce, or Callint by OH1ce whatfoever be or they be, tbci1 full, true and /a'cuj11l Duty in their Ojjice? and whether evtry 1.\'lan---be found upon the Pain of eternal Damnation, in all Things to do, as he i! thereby t~ught and commanded, and in no wife to leave un- . done any Thing that is to be done, being taught and com. mandcd by dw fame ? (4) Whether any Man (the Lord JeJus Chri!l, God and Man only except) by the holy Ordinanmf God, ever ~uas, is, or Jball be Lord over Faith~ (5) By what lawful Authority or Power any Man of what Dignity, El1ate, or Calling foevcr he or they be, may be fo bold as to alter H cballge the holy Ordilw11Ces of God, or any of them, or any l'ml rf them ? (6) By what evident Tokens Antichri!l: in his Mi ni!lers may be known, feeing it is written, That Sa tall can cbange bimfclf illto the Similitude of a11 Angel of Ligbt, and his lVlinijlers . fafbion themftlves, as thougb they were Minijfcrs of Righteo!IJ 'mfs ? (7) vVhat the Beat1: is, which rnaketh War with the Saints of God ? and what the gorgeous and glim:ring Wj1ore . . . is) which litteth upon the Beafl ?--:",'; Gi!bJ' Mr. Anthony Gilby, an exiled l.\linifl:er of Chril1 in Queen :~ Mar:y's Days, in his .lidmoniti01l to England and Scotland, to call j them to Rcpcmance, l'riiltetl at Geneva, 1558, fpeaks thus..... ~ Whereas many h<\ V!= written many profitable Admonitions to'.~ you twain ( ~ Eugland and Scotland, both makis:g one llland' ~1 mort happy, 1f you could know your own Happmefs) and! ~ others with Pen and Tongue, with Word, with Writing, witnl~~ Jeopardy and Lofs of Lands, Goods, and Lives, have admorj.; nifhed you both twain of that cankered Poifon of Papiflry: ;;,~ 1 thought it my Duty (feeing your DeflruCl:ion, to Man's ~~r Judgment, to draw fo near) bow much or how little foevet: .,~ they have prevailed, yet once again to admonifh you both t9: ? give Tefiimony to that Truth, which my Brethren havf ; \vritten, and efpecially to fiir your Hearts to Repen~ance, ot at the leafl to ofFer my felf a Witnefs againft you, for the Jufiice of God, and his righteous Judgments, which doubtlefs. : (if your Beans be hard ned) againft you both are at H~nd; ; to be uttered. Is not this God's Curfe and Threatmngr ( among!l: many oth?rf) ~rononn~eq again!l; th~ Unfuk Landd!;
on .


, ......--

Epit omiz' d, alphabet icalfy. 75 difobedient Peoph:? Th:Jt Strangers fl>all d,uour tbc Fruit
tb)' Land, and be nbuvc thee, &c. ano rbyjhong lVal!s <;.c/mcin ' . mylcd, Jb~/1 be ~lejhu~td.' &~.:. t\1~d wt1at !J~lh lle l'ropbet ,~. in tile B~"illlliD!!; Ll" his l'rophc:1i~, fur a hem~Jy "g"mfl: !e 3nd allotl~~~ E\ils, 1'our llaw!s me fidlrf JJ/oo,l ( tjd he) JC Princes of S0dom and Pcup!c 1j ~;umo,r~:~h ;. bu: ~.~Jjb make you clean, talc a1tay )'IIlii' :;>i;krd 11111/lgiJI.f jorrh rf Sight, c'cafe to do E~Jil, leam to d11 :;;ci!,.&~:. 'Hw :riil I tum Hand ro tbcc, and purge O!lt all ciJy Drufr, awl take ill:l'iiY tby "''mn, and I will r~flore tby Judges ru aforetime, ail!! Ci,;H!tellnrs of Old. And Mofes faitl before in tile l'h:cc alkdged, 'l'bat thou ~uilt hear the Voice rf tbe Lord rby Cvd, rmd d/) bis Com' thou fbalt be bldfed iu rbe 1'oam, m;d b!,:lji:d i11 tbc Tbe Lord fba/1 cmUetbinc Enmdcs, tbat rif~ up agaitjt to before tbec, &c. Noab pronouncetll, that 1\ithm nr d and Twenty Years ail Fleth ihould be delhoyed. e have many Noabs, that fo cry in our Time~, )'Ct 110 Marl All the Time that Noah was preparing the Ark, to God's Venge~nce, the :-.It~ltimde derided this holy l'ro~ as the Multitude of yon, two l~ealms, doth at this Day ail them that by Obedience to c;od's 'Nord feek the appoimed to avoid God's Judgments. Theil tbc Peuple 11ot rcpmt, but 11.1 if they Jh!!ld liiJc f,r cwr, they married, "'''banqueted, they bui!dcd, rbcy plawd,deridin.s God's Mdfengcr. not you the like? I ; vr~:al to your own Confmnce~. Lord cal!etb to Jaj!ia'g ( f<:i:h the Prophet lj1iab) to mort!fie , and kill tbeir Lujls, but tbey kill SHeep and BuliockJ, miab cries for Tears and Lamelitlllion; Tbey laugb mid mock. crieth to the People of his Time, 1l11n !11itO me, and I tllm unto you, faith tbc Lord of f/!jts, and they proudly fiver, Wherein fball we tum? Are ye not fuch? Do you not Wherein ihall we turn, when ye will not know your ? Ye will not confefs and acknowledge your Faults, ye go a whoring in every Strctt, Town, and Village

your Idols: though the Blood of the Opprefled cry every againfi you for Vengeance. So that feeing no Toke~ Repentan:e, I c~nnot cry unto you with Jolm Baprifl! ' Gmeratzon of Vzpers, 'VJbo batb taught )'Oll to jlie from the to come? But I will wound you no more with the ords of th~ Prophets, or of this holy Saint of God Jvbll but with our Saviour Cbrifl:'s two mofl: fweet Parables t\yo Scns and of the Tihnen, to who!U h~ !et his Vine

r,d ~ J ~~~

Tbe HisTORY of the MArtTYRs '76 yard, I ~uilllabour to .fct before your Eyes JOUr Rebellio11, Hyp: . crifie, awl Ci"ltclty, if Ju I can briug arzy of you to RepCiltance. .... . He hath called you uy his Word many a Time to work in hi! . Vineyard. I ask, what you have anfwered. Somt: of yoa . have laid plainly, like rebellious Children, Tbat :;c ~uo!tld m1 : do it, that yc ~uould rzot '<Uork in your Father's Vineyarrl. Sballl : apply this Parr to Scotland ? Scotland was indeed called mofi plainly and evidently through the Mercies of God both bv . their own faithful Countrymen, and alfo by earnell Travel d our Euglifb Nation to come into the Lord's Vineyard in the . 'l'ime of King Edward the Sixth, but refufed, That Tim~ . (as ye know) the Vineyaid in England by the Children c[ God was not altogether neglected, and then mofl earnefilj . were yc ( 0 Brethren of Scotland) required to joyn Hand1 with us in the Lord's Work, but Satan alas would not fu!Ttr it! I lis old foflred Malice, and Antiehrifl his Son, could not abide, that Chrill fi10uld grow fo firong by joyning that 1!1: tog(!thcr in perfect Religion, &c. !ell: this one Ifiand fi1ou!u become a fafe Sanctuary (as it began to be) to all the perk ' ;; ~uted in all Places. God hath alfo by the Blood of bis Saint1, -,~ ihed <1mongfl you, by Favour and Friendfhip, by War and tne ;' Sword, yea by Famine and Pel1ilence, and alfo by all other ;~ Means called you to labour in his Vineyard; but to this Day ;: .alas! we hear not of your humble Obedience, but ll:ill ye fa! ',{ with fiubborn Faces, We will nat labour, we will not be bormd:; . ~ fucb Thraldom, &c. Ye think perchance, I am too !harp, an~ _i~ that I accufe you more then you deferve ; for amongfl: yo1 "'~ many do know the Will of your Father, and many make Pro. :~ fcfiion of his Gofpel ; but confider, Brethren, tbat it is nu c;; enough ta know the Commandment, arrd to profefs the fame in Mouth,, .~ but it is ncccJJary, tbat ye rcfufc your ftlves, your OWil Pleafim('~ Appetites, ami your ow11 Wifdom, if :l'e fboll be judged faitbf~! 'f Labourers i11 the l.JJrd' s Vi1reyard, anrl that ye bear the Bt41'tbem\ : together witb your Brethrc11, and fuifcr Heat and Sweat, beJ011: : ')'e tafle the Fruits with them. Gott will not be content, thai )if ' .look over tbe Hedge, and behold the Labours of your Bretbren, bii! he rcquiretb that ~e put your Hmzds alfo to the Labours, that )i travel contirmally to pluck up all tmprofitable Weeds, though in fi doing the Thoms prick ;ou to the Bone ; that ye afftft your Ere. rbrcn in their Labours, tbougb it be 1uitb tbe .]eopardy of yow: Li':~s, the Lo.fs of your Subflmrce, and Difpleafi,re of tbe. wbofr

L:'rmb ..... I muft needs !em; thee; 0 Scotla11cl, after- I h.a~ .



Epitomiz'd, alpP.abetically. ~~ thee of this, that thou follow not the Exatnple of but let thy Reformation be full and pbin, according; 's holy Will and Word, without Addition. Let.a/1 tbc r.uhicb thy beavetJ/y Fa,/Jer hatb uot planted, b~ rooted out 011 ,;, Let not Avarice blind thee, nor worldly Wifdom {couracre thy Heart; let none beat the Name of a Teacher, is j,~own to be a Foilercr of Superfiition, or any Kind WickcJnels.--- Thus mull thou,O Scotkmd, repent rhv for. Inob~dience, if that thou wilt be "pprovcd of the Lord. no'.l' do I return to thco, 0 E11p;law!, I do liken thee ro reconJ Son in the l'arablc, which anfll'crcd his Father itb llatt::ring Words, faying, !go Father, but y~t be 'cc'fl:t !JOt a//, For fince the Time I had any l<emt:mbrance, our hea-. Father, o[ his great Mercies, hath not ccafed to call it~to his Vineyard, and to tbefe late D.tys thou haft al s Ltid, That thou wouldefl enter and be obedient. In the t1f King Ifcnry the Eighth, when by 'J)'Iulal, Hith, Bilneyi other his faithful Servants, God called England to drefs . . Vmcyard, many promifed full fair, but what Fruit followed, ,'' but bitter Grapes, vea, Briars and Brambles 1 the ormwood of Avarice, the Gall of Cruelty, the Poifon of Fornication, flowing from Head to Foot, the Contemp~ and open Defence of the Cake.idol, by open Prolamation to be read in the Churches, ini1ead of God's ScripIt gricvetl1 me to write thefe Evils of my Country, vc only that 1 mufl needs declare what Fruit were found in "' Vineyard, after you promifed to work therein, to move to Repentance, and to jullifie God's Judgments, how y Ieever he fhall plague you hereafter. Wherefore d~fire you to call to Remembrance your beft State under King when all Men with general Confent promifed to work the and ye !hall have caufe I doubt not to lamer.t that fo contemned the Voice of God for own Lulls, your Cruelty, for your Covetoufnefs, that .nt: Name of God was by your Vanities evil fpoken of in Nations.-- God grant you all repentant Hearts; for no ' I or State did any Part of his Duty in thole Days. Btit fpeak of the bell:, whereof you ufe to boaft, your Religion {1 but an Euglifb Mattins, patch'd forth of the Pope's Portels or book. J Many Things wem in your great Book Yl: and foolilh, all were driven to a prefent ServicC', ill ' the Papijls, that they ihould think their Dmies uifdwgcJ, if



Finally, there could no Difcipline be brought into the Church, nor CnrreCliCJn of lVIanners. To what Contempt was God's \Nord, :md the 1\dm0nitlon of his Prnphets come in all Efl:ates, bef(nc God c!ld Hrike, [orne Men are not ignorant. The Pre<o(hers th<.:n&lv~s f<Jl' th(: mofl: part could find no Fault ln Rd!ginn, bm tlqt the Church w~s poor, and lacked Liv in g. Sure many T/;iu.~s jbou!d ba"Je been reformed, before thai the J;itcbi:l h:ul /Jccil bc!/Ci' vovided j;,r O!lr Prelates ill England. 1t w:;:; molt nid<.:nc, tll:lt many of yon under the Cloak of Rdi.'!inn, f.T1ed your own Hellics ; fome were fo bufie to hr:ai' lknclic~ liJil'n lkndice, fume to labour in Parliament fl1r purcl;alinp; uC Lands, tim the Time was final!, which could be founJ for the Reformation of 1\bufes, and a very lillie tb.?t mn .fr1:t upan tbc fecdi11g rf )'OUr Flocks.-- In a word, the Go!j1d w,Js fo lightlv ell:ecmed, that the mofl Part of MCil tbou,!'.ht ratbcr :hat GQd fbouid bo-ra and jfoop to their Appetites, tball tbat they jburdd be .ful1jcft to his holy CG11l/lzandments .. hm tbc 1\'obility and Council would fi!O'er no Rebukes of God's .~.liD'cn,~crs, though tbeir Offences r.uere never fo manijejt; let thnl<: that preached in the Court, the Lent be tore King Erh~ard deceafed, l[1eak th~ir Confcience, and ac:cufe me if I lie: yea, let a writing of N,;rtbumbcrlmtd's to Mr. Harlow be brought to lighr, and ir. H1nll teftifie, that he was not alhiJmed to fay, Tbat tbe Liberty ~f the Prcacbcrs Tongues would caufc the Cowzcif a;:d Nobility to rije up agahifl them, for they could not fidfer fo to be entreated. Tilde were the Fruits in the Time of Har vert, a little bcfon.: the Winter came, and of the Time of Mary what lh<)\!ld l write?- It hath call: off the Truth known, and conftOed, and followeth Lies and Errors, which once it detef!ed. It buildctb the Building wbicb once it dcflroyed; i& raifetb up the Idols, wbicb once ~oere tbm confounded. They pc1jccutc, tbey bmzifb, they bum Cbrijt the Son of God ill bis Mem bcrs. But to be fhort, this only remaineth for both thefe Nations, that they repent, and return into the Vineyard; with the fir!l: Son, and bring fortb the Fruits of Repentance. The Fruits of Repentance I call not only to know your Sins,. and to lament them, but to amend your Lives, and to make fl:rait the Lord's Paths by refi!l:ing Satan and Sin, and obeying God in doing the Works of Righteoufnefs, and. executing God's Precepts and Judgments, fo long among!l: you con tcmned, for evm llO'i~ is tlJ~ /1.1: put to ;be root of tbc Tree,.

1'he HrstoRY ~f tbe l\1Auhs if the Number were f:1id of Pj.i!ms and Chapters.






Epitomiz'd, alpbabeticall'J' 79 &c. Tbe Lo;d batb !lOW bis Fau in bis !laud; and ~uil! purge Floor, &c. Repent therefore whilfl: you have Time, before ou be fanned, hewn down, and fired. Here h:lVc we to Lunent the milerable State of Mankind, which is fo feduccd by the fubtile Serpent, that he cannot know his Mifery, 1vhcn he is admoni!hed, nor perceive his Perditron, when it draweth fo nt:ar. IVhCil tbe Servants of Gorl }ft fortb bis nab, tbcy arc cbargcd to trouble Realms anJ Coumrics, as was . ]<;liar; when they rcuarn Mcllnot to joir1 Hallds '1.viib wicked Xiugs Pril1ces, they are counted Tray tor;, as was Ifaiab and Jere miab: fuch is Man's Malice. .. \\'hercfore I do admoni!h and exhort you both in the : . I\.1me of the living God, that howfoe\er you ha\'c hitherto !hc. :cd yom !elves the Servatits of Men, to bear and Hatter the 'VV orld, that now ye learn in God's Caufe to defpife .. the Faces of' l\Jen, to bend your fdves ap;ainll this wicked WorlJ, neither regarding the Vifors of Honours, vain Titles, nor Dignities, any farther than they leek God's only . Glory, for his Glory \1ill he not fufl'cr to be contemned for Caufe ; no, he will pour Contempt on thofe Princes that n,;. againfl: his Trmh, but thofe that glorifie him, will he .----Behold, your only Remedy remaining, is to repent Time of Ignorance, of Stubbornnefs, of Cruelty, of Irr , wherein ye have fo long continued. Mourn for your !nc and now with al,l Diligence feek for Knowledge of Word of God and openly profefs the Gofpel,. wbicb is th~: of ~od, whereof ye ougbt not to be ap;amcd. Ceafe at lafl: from your old Sn;bbornnefs, and labour in the Vine with all Meeknefs. Ceafe from your Cruelty againG: s Members, and learn to fuffer for Chrifl's Sake, if ye wilt be true Chrifl:ians. Bani!h all Idolatry and popifi1 Superfl:ition from amongfl: you, elfe can ye have no Part in Chri11's Kingno more than Chrifl: can be Partaker with Antichrift. to the Lord of Hofl:s and Armies to give you the Cou' Strength, and Means. Tbe Lord's Arm is not Jborteucd 'ID more than of old. Be Jbong tbcrefore in the Lord for tbe of the Truth, though all tbe World rifc agai1Jjt it. Now the Batte! is fierce againft the living God for dead Idols, the Gofpel of Chrift for the Inventions of Antichri11, Chrill's Members for Popi{h Ceremonies; can any of that will be accounted God's Children, fiill halt of both ?lfyou will maintain God's Truth in the Earth, he will

8o will fc)r

into the Heavens, i f yliu eceive vou as his Children r d Gcn,craiion, Chrifl Jba/1 is Cln ifl before tbis ~o 'eke h s; itrthc Prefmcc of his rc bis 1-"atber ill tbe llea'Jcn JOII /Jcfu banilh God's word, rnly to \"D!l p<.:rti/1 J111bbo J~Ul il . our ea~thly . his i\'lembers forth of y Son C/n ill in 1 ~ heavenly ok for any Part in his how C J il } e lo Death, of Mifery anJ. rbe Chc)icc: of Life and -- Lo here j; cies, and the Meam .. r d to \ou bv God's Me v V d t il <tr~rc ned, whereby pnly r t y wiri God'~,Favour ope how V(Jll ma d grant you Hearts to:. ain!l your Enemies. Go inay pre\ail ::g ffering the like Choice. '. e People die..! to Jo(bua, o anfii-Lr a., th jakc God, we will.fert:i' thev) tbat 'Vie fhould fo1 Gail forbid ( (ry our Gael. And we, . and obey bis Voicr,for be is ihc Lord our God, God, to provoke; thren, by the !'ower of your !nni!l1cd Bre h Jojbua, That 1uc arJl : , will thus pronounce wit you forw:mls ough all Nations runt{ ill firve tbe Lord Go:l, th nw J;uu,:lics w We know that Satan, , /I People do pcljccu!e us. Jdols, tbOil_:~h 11 at Chri!l our Captain . rt Time to rage, and th hath hl!t a lho to -.uhom as be is 11:: : ill crown his Soldiers, ritiht f:w~dilv w ml Glory for ever adr . his Father, be all Honour a : C W II < d Gud ~vitb e;;cr. So be it. for the faithful ia . : , \vhich ~1r. Gilby made. A flJurt Prayer ciful Father, 'JJe bejeecl:i 0 Lnrd God, mu/ moflmer thoft: D.rys. fend liS from that Ar.J ur of thy Holy Name to de thee .fur tbc lfollo teflable Enormites, M.auHm, Rome, and from all his tlc ticbrifl of oy tbou rhe Counfel of a'1 1 ,~ nts, mu~ Ceremouie~. Diftr Laws, ~J'armc cl, a~~d Of tim Reale ]!) hcijfs, Enmues of tby Gofp tbe Papti1s ami .tlt d jitbtile Praftijcs. Cur.: <I Difclofc their Mifchiefs a.n of England. iu their Ol.l!ll fVilinefr.; '~ vices. Let tbelll be takm fomul their /J~ aufc ami Quam/ uf,r: tboje that maiutaiu the C Aud.flrmgtbm all o~ocr of tbe Holy Spirit,]; i] r,.uith invincible Force and P thy Gofpcl, rd to that true Godlinefr, j ot to pmceed and go forwa that they j;liln licity mzd S.incerity, ll .~i y Holy Word, with all Simp couwzauded ill th e Elefl,- and the Confu,,;1 Glory, the Comfort. Of thin thy Hmw:11 m1d l our Lord and Sauio1a. ~.; emies, thrOlfgh .'!cfus Chrif jion of thiue En . :z art, Amen.. And fay from the He Amen, Amen ,; Glee. e, that fhe was in a!. riars told Madam La Gle When the F aid the) being now inyourr fl:ate ; It fecms Jo indeed (f d:mmable E never leave me, nor fmfailt,, ut I have a God that 1uill llauds ; b ) reno~nced t.htJ Faith.f t. Thou hafl: ( faid they 1:1e, .Jor all tb~ u1 F111th, 'flJhiCP"l ~~ !he) I ha:;e rennrmr.ed :rn e (End
. ' . I




I ! rs



Epitomi~' d, alphabetically.




to f!mu is rejcfled, tmd accurfed of G9d, and therefore deferver Jo much as to be called Faith. When News was brought her; that the was condemned to hang'd, fhe fell down upon her Knees, and bleJied God; that it p!eafed him to {hew het fo much Mercy as to de lie her bv flrdl a Kind of D.::ath; out of the Troubles of this World, and to honour her fo far, as to call her co for his Truth; and to wear !iis Livery: meaning the Halterj hich the Hangman had puc abom her re ck ) Then fitting at Table to break her fall: with the three other con demned Servants of Chrill:, giving Thanks co God, fl1e ex horted them to b~ of good Crmragc, aurl to rrtifl !Lillo the End in his j(-cc m;tl only Mercy. She then called for a clean linen vVaiil:coat, makinp; her fc!f ready; as if ihe had been going to a Wedding. Mr. JVard tells us, that ihe put on her Brace. ; for I go (foid [be) 111110 my Hitsba11d. Being commanded (as fhe was led to Execution) to take a .. Torch into her Hand, and to acknowledge fl1e had offended , God and the Kinp; ; .lhday, away, ( faid fhe) witb it. I bavti . neither rfJelllled God, nor the King, accordi12g to your Mcmzing, . ::or i11 rcfpeft of the Cartfc for 'J:Jbicb I fl!ffcr. 1 am, I confefs, a finful Woman; but !need 110 fucb Ligbt,jor helping me to ask ' Forgivcncft of Gad for my Sins paft; or prefcnt. Ufe juc/1 Tbitzgs, your felvcs, who jh m1d r.ualk in the Darknefs of ignorance and Error. Then one of her Kinsfolks met her in the Way; and pre.;. fented to her View her little Children, praying her to hav~ .. Compallion on them. I mtifl izecds tcil )'OU ( faid fhe) that I Love my Children dearly ; but yet neitber for th~ Lo'Ue I hear tiJ them, or any 17Jiug clfc i:z this Tf/orld, will I rCIIozmce the Truth, or my God, who is and 1uill be a Father umo them, io provide better for tbem, tbcm I f!;ould ha'ile done, and tberefore to his Ptovfdmce m1d Proteftion I commmd and leave them. . When fue faw the three Men about to die lilent, and not to call on God; fhe exhorted them thereto, and gave theni

an Example;

Mr. Robert Glover in his Letter to his vVife bath many ni~;; mora~le Paffages~ the chief I ihall colleCl: . ~.I thank you beatt1ly (moil: Ioviog Wife) for your Letters fent to me in my Imprifonmenr. I read them with Tears more then once Qrtwice; With Tears ( Ifay) for Joy and Gladneft, that God
G hath


1'ha HisToRY of tbc MARTYRs hath wrought in you fo merciful a vVurk; (I) An unfeigned .. Repcnta12ce. ( 2 An humble and hearty Rccouciliatiol/, ( 3) , A.willing Submi ltm and Obedience to the Will of God in all . ', Things. The!'c your J.etters, ami the hearing of your godly Proceeding:>, havin,g mt.~h relieved and comforted me, &c. \ and fh;;.ll be ~ goodly 'l'c't1imony for J'Oil at the great Day, ngaint1 m:my worldly and dainty ]),rmcs, whit:h f'et more by tbcir o;.vJI l'!eafii'C anJ l>r11ije in this \\7orlc!, than by God's Glory; Fnle: regarding (as it appc:m~th) the e1erlaflinc; Health of their own Soul;, or otl1ers. So lung as God Jhall lend you Continuance in thi5 mill.:rable \Vorld, abore all Things ghoe ~:om folf continually to Prayer, lifring up pun: Hands ~'!itbout .ringer, H'latb, or Doubth1g, forgivii:g as Cbrifl foi'givcs. And tim we may be the bew.:r willin1~ to forgive,. it is good often i:O c,Jll to Remembrance the Multiwde and Grcatnefs of our Sins, which Chrifl: daily and hwrly pardoneth us .... And be- i <Canfe God's \Nord tcacllcth us, not only the true l'danncr of pruyiug, but ali[) w!JJt we ought ro dJ, or rw; to do, in the whole Courfc of our Life, what plcafetll or difpleafcth God, and that as Chrifl faitll, '!;he Word of Gad, tfwt be bath fpoker., fba/1 }.udge us ; let vour Prayer be to this end clpecially, that God of his great Mercy would open and reveal more and more daily to yo~r Heart the true Sc4e, KIW'odcdge, ami !!nder- 1 .ftm)ding of bis mofl boly Word, and give :l'ou Grace, in your liv- ing, to exprefs the Fruit thereof. And forafmuch 2s God's Word is, as the Holy Ghofl: calleth it, 17;e Word of J~flliEtiOII, ;i. e. it is fcldom withollt Hatred, Perfecutioll, Peril, Danger of Lofs of Goods and Life, f3'c. Call t:~pon God COIJtimtally far his AJ]ijlmlCi:, cailing your Accounts what it is like to colt you, endeavouring your felf, through the Help of the Holy Ghofr,. by Caminuance of Pmycr, to lay your Foundation fo Jure, that no Storm or Tempell: fhall be able to overthrow it ; re membri11g ah.vaJS (as Chrifl faith) Lot's Wife, i. s. to beware of looking back to that Thing that difpleafeth. God : and lJOthing more difpleafeth God than Idolatry, that is, falfe wor Jhiping of God, otherwife than his Word eommandetb ..- They object rhey be the Churc!J, &c. l\1y anfwer was, The Cburch of God knowN!r awl ack~:owledgetb no otber Head, but Jefus. Chri.ft zbe &a of God, whom ye have refufed, and chofen the Man af Sin, the Sail of .Perdition, Enemy to Chrifl:, the Devil's De puty and Liem:enant7 the Pope. CHRisT's Church hearetb,


Epitomiz'd, alphabetically; my Voice. !J you abide i11 me, and my ff?ord abide in you, ye be my Difciples. But their Church repelleth God's Word, and forcetll all !Hen to follo\V their Traditions. CnRrn's Church. , dares not add nor diminijb, alter or change his bldfcd TejfaiiWJt: but they be not afraid to take away all that Chri!l: in!l:ituted., : and go~~ 1.uhori11g (as the Scripture faith) with their own lfl'uen: rions, &c. Tile Church of CmusT is, hath been, and lhall be : in all i\ges under the Crojs, perfecutcd, molefJ:ed, and afflicted, ; the \V orld c\cr hating them, becaufe they are not of the ~ World : but tb~(e perfecute, murther, flay, and kill fuch as c profcis the trl!c JJoflrint of Cbrifl, be they in learning, living, ; Conwrfation, and otlll:r Vcrtues never fo excellent. Chri!l: i and his Church referred the Trial of their Doctrine to thr: : !Vortl of God, and v,ave the People leave to judge thereof by ~ the li1me Word; Searcb tbe Scriptures. But tbis Church taketb :j a;uay theW ord from the People, and fuffereth neither learned, nor unlearned, to examine o1 prove their DoCtrine by the ,' Word of Goff. The tme Church of God laboureth by all means to refifl: and with!l:and the Lufl:s, Defires, and Motions of the World, the Fleih, and the Devil : ~bcfe for the moll: part give tbemfelvcs to all Voluptuoufnefs,&c. I likened them to Ninnod, whom the Scripture calls a mighty Hunter, telling them, 'J'IJat tbat wbicb tbey could not have by the Word, :. they -.uoulit bave by r/Je &c,ord, and be the Church wbcthe1 Men will . or no. Beware of fuch as fiJall advertife you fomething tc> bear with tbe World, as 'they do, for a Seafon. There is no dallying with God's Matters. It is a fearful Thing to fall int() . tbe Hands of God. Remember the Prophet Elias, Wby halt :re on both Sides? Remember what Chrifl: faith, He that puttetf1 . bis Hand to tbc Plougb, and looketb back, is not worthy of me. . ~nd feeing God hath hitherto allowed you as a good Soldier m the fore-ward, play not the Coward, neither dra\v back to the rere-ward. Saint John numbreth among them, that !hall ewell in the fiery Lake, fuch as be fearful in God's Caufe. Set before your Eyes always the Examples of fuch as have behaved themfelves boldly. in. God's Catife, as Stephen, Peter, Paul, Dmiiel, the three Children, the Widow's Sons, and in your Days .A1me Askew, Lawrc11ce Sa11dcrs, Jobn Bradford, &c. Be afraid in nothing ( faith Saint Paul) of the Adverjarfcs of Chrifl's DoEtri1zc, tlie whicb is to them a Sign of Perditio1z, but to you. of evcrlafting Sal'lJlltion. Chrift commandeth the fame, faymg; Fear th~m not. Let us not follow the Example of him, G! who


The HrsToRY of the MARTYRs . ' who asl:ed Time ji1jl to take leave of his Friends. If we do fo, .

we !hall find few of them that will encourage us to go forward in our Bufinefs1 pleafe it God never fo much. We read nor, that James and 'john, .limite;) and Simon, when they were aallecl, put off the Time, till they had known their Fathers and Friends Pleaftirc; but the Scripture faith, They fmfook ail, a11[l immediately followed Chrijt. Chrirt likened the Kingdom of God to a precious Pearl, the \Yhich wbofoever findeth, felleth all that he batb, to buy it. Yca, whofoc1cr bath but a .litde Tafll' or Glimn,cring how precious a TreaCure the King clo:n of H<:ci\"C[l ;,, will gladly forego both Life and Good; for the obtaining of it. Bm the moft part now a-days be like to illfcJis Cock, which when be b~d found a precious Stom, wiil1ed ractler to have found a Barley-com : fo ignorant be th.::y how precious a }<!l':cl the 1-/'iJd of God is, that they, d10ofe rathei' the Things of tbiJ World, which being corn pared to ir, be lefs in Value than a B:1rky-corn. If l would l!:we given place to '.~01'/dly Reafons7 thde might have moved me; the foregoing of you and my Children ; the Co:! fideration of the State of my Children, being yet young, apt and inclinable to Venue and Learning, and fo having the more need of my Affiftance ; I was never called to b2 a: Preacher or Minifter ; and ( becaufc: of my Sicknefs) was in Fear of Death in Prifon before I ihould come to my Anfwer, and fo my Death to be unprofitable. But nhefe and fuch like, I thank my heavenly Father \which ef his infinite Mercy infpired me with his Holy Ghofi, for his Son's Sake, my only Saviour and Redeemer) prevailednot in me. But when I had bv the wonderful Permiffion of God fallen into their Hands, at-the firft Sight of the Sheriff, Nature a litth abafhed;. yet ere ever I came to the Prifon, by. the working of God: and through his Goodnefs, Fear depart I ed. ---Little Juftice was !hewed by Mr. Sheriff; but the left Juflice a Mml findeth at their Hands, the more Confolation m Confcience il1all he find from God ; for wbofoever is of the World, tbe World '<Viii love him. After I came to Prifon, and had repofed my felf there a while, I wept for Joy and Glad nefs my Belly-full, muGng much of the great Mercies of God, and (as it were) faying to my felf after this fort, 0 Lord, 'Who am I, Oil1Vhom thore fhouldfl bcjto1v this thy great Mercy, to b<: numbred among tbe S!lints that Juffer for the Gojpel's Sake?

1.\:nd: fo beholdin~ and confidering on the one Side my Imper~


i{thc other Side the Greatncfs of God's Mercy, to be c~lled ;:)to fi 1 high l'romotion, I was as it were m~wzed awl overcome i{[c>r a -:vhilc -;vitb ')'c.y end G!adncfs, concludl!l~ thus; 0 Lord~ ;,,11Ju:1 (bc;cc(l Po:ucr ill Wcakmjs, !Vifi911! in Foolifl>;zcfs, Mercy )iii Siiif'uln0r,.. Who fl>alllet thee to choofc. ~obcr~ and rvhom tbou /?J:ilt 1 .tis 1 havc C'i.'CI' -:.caloryly /o;;cd the Cot!feO/On ~f thy Word, Vn ever thougbt I, my Jclf WniiOI'thy t? be ~artakcr of J!.~i_Eliou, ,:;<(ur t/;c Jme. ~omc mvcllmg w1tl1 me, to be d1lmlfied ;enon Bonds, to th~m my i\nfwer was ( to my Remem ':(b;,wce ) after this fort ; Forajiuuch as the Maflcrs have im;;;;.Jij'rmcd me, bauing 1zothing to burtbC1l me ~uithal, if I flwt!d ,i;c;;tcr into Bonds, I jbould ill Jo doing a~cufc my Jclf: alld Jeohrg . .:c:Jcy li.z'<Je no Matter to lay to my Charge, they may as 'UJelllet ma :ip1ifs 'JJitbout Bonds, as witb 11onds. Secondly, if I fba/1 enter .~iilto Bonds, covenant and promife to appear, I fball do notbillg ~' b!lt cxwfe, colour, and cloak their JVickedncfs, and ir1danger ')mv .fclf rlcvcrtbelcfs, being bound by my Promife to appear. -V.J c:rward debating the Matter with my felt, thefe Confide. came into my Head. I have from Time to Time good Confciencc (God I take to Record) moved all as I bad Confe;ence with to be no Dalliers ill Go:l' s iltlat' but to 1l1ew thcmfelves after fo great a Light and Know' ledge, hearty, earnerr, con!lant, and !lable in fa m:mifefi: a . Truth) and not to give Place one Jot contrary to the .fame:~ : thought if I l1\1ll 'Witbdrw. o my felf, and make any ts, to pull my own Neck out of the Collar, I {hall give Qlj'ence to my ~ucak Bretbren it! Cbrift, and J\dvantage to E1zcmics to 11ander God's Word. It will be faid,He bath beeiz .. a great Emboldner of others to be camefl and fervent, to fear no . ~uorldly Perils and Dangers; but be bimfelf will giw no jitcb E.t.,.ample. \!Vherefore, I thought it my bounden Duty both to . God and Man, being (as it were) by the great Goodnefs of ... God called and appointed hereunto, to fet afide all Fear, Perils ' and Dangers, all worldly RefpeEl:s and Confiuerations, and as I had before, according to the Meafure of my Jinall Gift, within the Compafs of my Vocation,from the Bottom of my Heart unfeignedly moved, exhorted, and perfwaded all that profefs God's Word, manfL1lly to perfi!l: in the Defence of the fame, not with Sword and Violence, but with Suffering and Lofs of Life, rather than to defile themfelves again wiL11 the whorifi1 Abomination of th~ Romifb linticbrifl. So thG

~ Epitomiz'd, alphabetically. . SS ~cCl:ion, Unablenefs, finful Mifery and Unworthinefs, and on




of tbe MARTYI:s ' Hour being ~orne with my FaE1: and Example to ratifie, con. . firm, and protell: th~ fame to the Hearts of all mre Believers, : and to this end (by the mighty Affifiance of Guo's Holy Spirit) I refolved my fcrlf with much Peace of Ccnlcience, willingly to fufl:ain whatfoever the Romijb !lnticb;i(t ihould do againfl: me.- When Mr. Warrell the Chanct:IIM willed the chief Jay lor to carry me to the Bifbop, I laid to Iii,, Charge the cruel Seeking of my Death ; and when he w,~u!d ha1e : ~xci1fed himfelf, I told him he CO!!ld not <:.uipe /Jfs Ilau!s jo; H~ was as guilty of my Blood before God, as though lle had . murthered me with his own Hands. He departed frc.m me, faying I needed not to far if I would be of bis Bel it f. God open his Eyes, mzd give bim Grace to believe tbis, which he and all ot his Inclination ihall find (I fear) too true fur their farts, that all they whic!. cruelly, maliciotJfly, and fj1itefu\ly. perfecute, molefl:, and affliCt the Members of'Chril1 for their' Confcience-fake, and for the true Tefiimony of Chrill's 'vVord, and caufe them to be mofl: unjufl:ly flain and murthered1 ~vitbout fp!=edy Repentance fl1all dwell with the Dvvil c:zd his Ang~ls in the fiery Lake everlafiingly, where they i11all wiih and defire, cry and, call, but in vain ( as their rigiH Com panion Epulo) to be refreU1ed of them, whom in this World they contemned, defpiled, difdained, as .Slaves, Milers, and 1 Wretches.- The Bifbop laid to my Charge my not coming tD Cburcb. Here I might have dallied with him, and put him ro his Proofs.- Notwithfl:anding lanfwered hini, through God's merciful help, that I nether bad nor would come at tbeir Church.: as long as their jl;Jafs was ufed there, to fave (if I had them) . five h!!ndred Lives. --The Bifbop asking me, who lhould judg< ibe Wonl? I told h\m, Cbrift was content that the People fl1ould : judge his Doarine by fearching the Scriptures, and fo was Pa.u!. Methinks ye lhould claim no farther Priviledge, nor Prehe- 1 minence, than they had . The Bijbop telling me, He 1.11~1 ' 1ny Bifbop, ailll tberefore I mr!fi believe him : If you fay black IS 1cbite ( faiil I) mufl: ~ alfo fay as you fay, and believe the fame, becaufe -you fay it is fo? -If you will be believed becaufe you be a Bifhop, Why find you fault with the People, that heliel'ed Mr. Latimer, Mr. Ridley, Mr. Hooper, &c. that were Bij7.rops? Becaufe they were Hereticks ( faid the Biil10p) An~ inay not you err ( ~uoth I) as well as they ? I looked for ~earning at my Lord's Hand to perfwade me, and be opprelfed x:ne only with his Authority; He faid, 1 dilfen~ed from the




' ' ChurcbJ' . ..

\ \

Epitamiz'd, a!pbabetically. , and asked m2 wh~re IIIJ' Cburc/;, was before King Time: l deGree! h1m to !hew me, where tbair Cb!Jrc!J in Elias Time, ami ~obat outr,anl Sbcw it bad ilz Cbrijl'r l1:. ? ----The '1 idings that I ihould be carried to Licl~ficld did iir11 fume1vhat difcourage me ; fearing leall: I Gwuld by of my great Sicknefs through eJ.:tream Handling which I looked for) have died in the Prifun, before I i11ould to mv Anf~er; But I rebuked imlljedi<J.tely with God's Vord this'lnfidelity in my felf, &c. after this Manner, What I cf Gon ? is not his Power as great in Licbficld as Co? Doth not his Providt:nce e:m:nd as well to Lichfield Cu~c!:tif? \Vas l:e not with HabaHuk, Daniel, Mcjbach, and ;,;- , in their molt dangerous lmprifonments ? He knows . Things we bave need nf.. He hath monbrcd all the H1ir; of Hear!. The Sparro;u fJllcth not,to the Gruund 'LVitbom o::r ' Father's fVill, much more ~'Jill be care for us, if we be fai:blcfs, whom be hath made worthy to be WirncJTes.of Truth. So lung as we put our Trull in him, we ihaU rei be de{litute of his Help, neither in Prifon, nor irr Sick~ _: .:s, nor in Health, nor in Death, nor before Kings, nor before . l:wps. Not the Devil himfelf, mllch leis any of his Mini- . :~; s, lha\1 be able to prevail agailifl ttl". With fuch like Medi " 1 waxed chcarful and of good Comfort. So that hear~ ~">:>.one fay, They could not provide I-lorfes enough for us. Let them cany us iir a Dung- Cart for lack of Ho1jes, if : I am 'ue/1 contellt for my Part,---- I told Jcpbcat the .ceilcr's Scrvanr, That they fbould have Judgmaiit ~uithout tbat j1Jcwcd uo 'Mercy ; and this Mercy l found at hir atLhNeld. He put me into a Prifon that fame Nighr. I continued till I was condemned, in a Place next to the &c. very cold, with fmall Light, and there he a!~ me a Bundle of Straw inll:ead of a Bed, without Ch:1ir, arm, or any other Thing to refr my felf withal!. God of Mercy gave me great Patience through Prayer that Night, that if it had been his Pleafure, 1 could have been conte~ted have ended my Life.--- In the Time of my Imprifonment1 my felf continually to Pmye~ and Meditation of the mcrPromifes of God, made unto all, withoutException of Pe:. that call upo11 the Name of his dear So11 Jefus Cbrift. _ I in my ftlf daily Amendment of Health of .Body, lll of Peace in Confcience, and many Confolations fn:n by the Help of his Holy Spirit, and fometiJlle (as it \vew) G4 a

------ -The HISTOR Y of tbe l\1. AR TYRS a Tafl:e and Glimmering of the Life to come ; All for hi1 only Son Jefus Chrill:'s Sake: To him be all the Praife fer: ever and ever. The Enemy ceafed not many Timts ftmdr 1 ' Ways to a!fault me: Oftentimes objeEI:inp; to my Confcienc~ ~ny OWl! Unwortbinefs of the Greatnefs of tho Benefit to be accormtd ; pmongft tbofe that fuffer for Chrift, for bis Gofpe/'s Sake. i\gainH ' him I replied with the Word of God on this fort. What were. -~ all thofe whom God had cbofm from the bqJnnin[! to be ~~ ..:; JVitudfes, and to carry his Name before the World ? Were they :. not Men, as well fubjeEI: to Sin and lmperfeEI:ions, as other ,; Men be? Who gave firft wzto him? What b~{t tbou that thr,, ~aft not received? Jlll have received of his llt!nefs. They were no Bri1zgers of any Goodnefs to God, but altogether Rccci~m. 'They chofe 110t God fizjl:, but Gotl chofe them. They lri:Jed lEI . Cod firfl, but he loved them .firfl: Yea, he both loved and chof: 1 them ~obcn tbey were his Enemies, full of Sin and Corruption, as well as void of all Goodnefs ..... He is and will be the ja11! . Cod, as rich in Mercy, as mighty, as able, as ready, as willing, to forgive Sins, without RefpeEl: of Perfons, to the World'; ~nd, of ali them that call upon him. God is nw, he is al hand, he is with all, with all (I f.1y) and refufeth none, ex cepteth none, that faithfully in true Repentance callupoll him, jn what Hour, what Place, or what Time foever it be. !ti;i ll0 Arrogancy nor Prefumption in any Man to burden God (a; ~t were) witb his Promife, and of Duty to claim and chaJienge his Aid, Help, and Affifian\=e in all our Perils, Dangers, anJ Difirefs, calling upon him not in the Confidence of our o;;;; Godlinefs, but in the Trull: of his owz1 Promifes made in Chrifi. His Word cannot lye, Call upon me iu tbe Day of Trouble, ani I will bear tbce, and tbou Jhalt praife me..... I anfwered the' Enemy alfo on this Manner ; I am a Simzer, and tlmefore !In, 'luortby to be a Witncfs of this Truth. What then ? Mufrll' ~eny his Word, becaufe I am not worthy to profefs it? What\ bring I to pafs in f~ doing, but add Sin to Sin ? What i1; greater Sin than to deny the Truth of Chri!l's Gofpel ? H1 ;bat is afbamed rif me, Oi' of my Words (faith Chri!l) of him a~l 'Will I be afbamcd before my Fatber, a11d all his Angels. I might <~lfo by the fame Reafon forbear to do any of God's Command. ments. When I am provoked to pray, the Enemy may fay t~ me, 1am not worthy to pray, therefore I hall not pray,
-~ r ....


" When th~ Bifh9p callle to Litcbficld~he p~rfwaded met<


Epitomiz'd, alpbabetically. 89 a Member of bis Clmrch, which had continued fo many em. As for your Cburcb (as be called it) it was not known, fJid bnt lately in King Edward's Time. I profefs my felf be a' i\1ember of tbat Church (faid I) that is buildcd upo11 tbc . of rhc Prophets and /lpoflles, Jefus Cbrift being tbc Cumerj!o11e. i\nd this Church hath been from the begin(C1icl I) thonrrh it bear no glorious Shew before theWorld, 111g ever for rl7e mo(l: pm under the Crofs and Affliction, con:emned, delpiled, and perfecuted. The Bifbop contended 'on the ollu:r Side, that they were the Church. So crieJ all Clergy at;ain11 the Prophets of Jcrufalcm (laid I) laying, , Tbc Cimrcb, tbc C'!mrcb, &c. So much ou~of Mr. Glover's choice

After he WJs cond~mned, his Heart was lumpitl1, and de. fuLne of all fpiritual Confolation ; whereupon fearing :eafl the LorJ had utterly withdrawn, he made his Moan to Mr. Aliflille Bern her, his familiar Friend, telling him how he had Nigbt and D.1y to God, a11d :ret batl no Swfe of Comfort rom bim. The lVIini!lcr ddi.red him to wait patiently the .ord's Leifure; and howfoever his prefent Feeling was, yet f~t:ing his Cmifc was ju!l, he exhorted him conllamly to flick , . to the fame, and to play the JHan, not doubting but the Lord in his good Time would viGt him, and fatisfy his DeGre with : l'ienty of Con(olation ; whereof, Mr. Bemhcr laid, be wai ccrtaiil mul Jute, m;d t hcrcforc defired bim, 1ubencver any Ju~h

Day, as he was going to the place ot his :Martyrdom, and was come within Sight of the Stake, although all the Night before, g for Strength and Courage, he could feel none ; .fuelhe was fo mightily replenifhed with God's holy Comfort and Joys, that he cried out, clapping his Hands to Auflinc, and faying in thefe words, Az!fiinc, He IS co~m. ua Is cmtE, &c. and that with fuch Joy and Alacrity, as one feeming rather to be rifen from fome deadly Danger to Libe~ty of Life, than as one paffing out of the W cirld by any Parns of Death. Godfrey. When one called Godfrey de Hammelc Heretick, he faid, No Heretick, but an unprofitable Servant, yet willing to die for his Lord, and reckoning this Death no D~atb, but a Life.

of God's heavenly Mcroies fbozdd bcgi11 to touch bis Hear'f, be fbou/d fl'cw jimzc SigHiflcatiull tbcrcof. The next




of the


Goodmmz. . . Mr. Cbriftopber Goodnzm1, an exiled Mini{l:er of Chrifl: in Queen Mary's D<tys, declaring the Caufe of all the then Mi . fery in England, and the only Way to remedy the fame, writes as followeth, in his Sermon on Ai'C. 4 19, Enlarged and Printed at Geneva 1558. ---If all in whom the People !hould look for Comfort, he altogether declined from God (as indeed they appear to be at this prefem Time in England, without all Fear of his lVfaje!lv, or Pity upon their Brethren )---Then alfure your !elves, de:1r Brethren and Servants of God, there can be no better Cowife!, nor more comfortable or pr&nt Remedy (which you !hall prove true, if God grant you his Spirit and Grace to follow it) than in continual and daily Invocation of his Name, to rcJl who]. ly and only npo11 him, make him your Shield, Buckler, and &. i. fuge, who hath fo promifed to be to all them that are op prelfed and depend upon him ; to do nothing commandeJ again!l: God and your Confcience, preferring at all Times the , Will of God to the Will of 1\'len, faying and anfwering to al! ! manner of Perfons, 1/Jis God batb comiJWIUled, tbis ~uc mufl; dJ: . 11mt God hath forbiddelz, tbat -.ue 1uill1zot do. lf you will ro~ us and fpoil us for doing the Lord's 'Will, to the Lord muft you make Anfwer, and not to us ; for his Goods they arc, 1 and not ours. If ye will imprifon us, behold you are Op . prellors ; if ye will hang us, or burn us, behold ye are Murther ers of them which fear the Lord.----And for our part, if you take from us this vile and cormptible Life, we are fure the Lord will grant it us again with Joy, and Immortality both of . Soul and Body. If God give you Grace to make this or the : like Anfwer, and Strength to contemn their Tyranny, you '. may be fure to find unfpeakable Comfort and Quietnefs of Confcience in the mid!l: of your. Danger, and greate!l: Rage of Satan. And thus boldly confcJJing Cbrift your Saviour bejfffl Men (as by the Examples 9f Thoufands of your Brethren be fore your Faces, God doth mercifully encourage you) you may with all Hope and Patience wait for the joyful Co,ifeffion of Chrifl again, before his Fatber aud A11gcls ill Hem.Jelz; that you are his obedient and dearly beloved Servants; being alfo af fured of this, that if it be the Will of God to have you any longer to remai!Z in this miferable World, that then his Pro; 'llidence is fo careful over you, and prefent with you, that no. Ma\1 or Pow~r can take av{ay your Life from you, nor couch

9r Epitomiz'd, alphabetically; ~our Body r,ny f~rther than your Lord and God will. permit ~iJem whicil neither {hall be augmented for your plam Con~Jefiio~, nor yet diminifhed for keeping of Sileoce; for nothing i{com~tb to the: Servants of God by Hap or Chance, ~;hofe lfairs t~ their Heads arc lmmbrcd: Whereof if )'e be fo a!Tured, as '-)\'c ought, then; c<~n be nothing that fhould make you tofhrink '(from tile LDrd. If they do cafl: you into Prifon with JifcpiJ, f.,t!1t Lord will delil'er you : If they call: you to wild Bea!ls and -~1J,ions, as they did Danic!, you il1all be prt:ferved: If into the ;;;sea vmh ]'o1;as, vou ihall not be drowned ; or into the dirty iDun.~con with .1'mmJ' you !hall be dclilered ; or into the j~fi~rv FurnKc with Shadrncb, Mcfbacb, and !Ibcdncgo, yet {hall :~put.be t:onfurncd. Concrariwili:, if it be his good llleafure, ~!that vr,u !hall glorifie hi3 holy Name by your Deatb, whac )grot Thing have you lofl:? changing Death for Life, Mifery 1 :-~for FLlicitv, continual \ exation and Trouble for perpetual ._/;Hc11 :lllJ Qui~wels, clwfing rather ro die with Shame of ~he ) \V nr\J, bu!lp; the St:rvams of God, tban to !i-.-e among Men ~iin Honour, beinp; the Servants of Satan,and condemned ofG9(L .- tbmvil"e, if y(HJ give Place to the Wickednefs of Men to ebpe their I\ Ialice and bodily Danger~, you !hew your felvcs . thertin to f~'<lr Man, more than the mighty and dreadful God: _: hilll that h;,th 1:-ut p.,wcr of yr.ur Body, anc.l that at God'sAp . jl<>intmcn:, than God, himfclf, who hath Power, after he bath ' dcOmyed th(; Body, 10 cnjl bot b S":lla,ul Eody into Hellfire, there . to remain ev(;rl.!flingly i11 Torments unfpeakablc. And more.. orcr~ that ll'bich you look to o')tain by tbefe [Inful Shifts, you . !hall be furc to lofe with Grief and Trouble of Confcience : for this Saying of your Mafl:er being true and certain, that 'Dity which .fcc~ to Jave lheir Life (meaning by any worldly Rcafon or Policy) fballlojc it. vVhat il1all be their Gains at , length, when by Diffimulation and yielding to Popifb Blafphe~ my, they diil1onour the Majefly of God, to enjoy this illOrt, , mtferable, and mortal Life ; to be caft from the Fatour of GQg, and Company of his heavenly Angels, to cnjo;' for a Jbm Time their Goods ~nd Pl!ffeffions among tbcir fiefbly and camal Friellds.; when a.s thetr Confcience within il1all be deeply wounded with Hell~ bke Torments; when God's Curfe and Indignation hangeth continually over the Heads of fuch, ready to be poured down, up?n t~em ; when they ihall find no Comfort, but utter De fpazr Wl~h .'ludas, who for this worldly Riches (as he did) have fold theJX Mafl:er,feeking either to hang the~felves with Judas,
to. .

92 The HisTORY of the MARTYRs to murthcr themfelvcs with Francis Spira, to dro~u11 tbcmfelves with i . Ju!lice Hales, or elfe to fall into a raging Madn~(s with Jullice . .Morgan ? What Comforc had Judas then by his J\'Ioney re- I ceived for betraying bis Maflcr? was he not fhonly after com- [ pel led to call it from him, with tl:is pitiful Voice, I!Jave jill ! 11cd in betraying imwcclltBlood?---Then,clear Brethren inClmfr,: what other Reward can any of ym; look for, committing the like Offences ?----1/Jerc is no 1hcfl brtt in God, no Comfort buti;: . Cbrifl, 110 J!!Jurance but i11 bis Promifc, by 7JJbofc Obedience w!y : you Jba/1 avoitl all Dm~gcr. And wbatfoever you lafe i11 tbi; i World, and fuffer, for his Name, it !hall be here recompcn}id i. r,uith double, according to his Promifc, and in the World to come with Life cverll'jling; which is to find your Life, when . you are willing to lay it clown at his Commandment. I am not ignorant how unnatural a Thing it is, and contrary to the Flefl1, willingly to fuftain fuch cruel Death, as the Aclverfa- ries have appointed to all the Children of God, who mind conflantly to fland by their Profcdiion, yet to the Spirit norwithfl:anding is eafy and joyful ; for, tbougb tbe Fl~(b be frail, the Spirit it prompt allllready. \iVhereof(praifecl be the Name cf God) you have had notable Experience in many of your 13rethren, very Martyrs for Chrifl:, who with Joy patiently and triumphing have fuftered, and drunk with Thirll: of that ' bitter Cup, which Naturefo much abhorreth, were wonder fully firengthened, no doubt, by the fecrct Infpiration of God's Holy Spirit; fo that th~re ought to be none among you fo feeble, weak, or timorous, whom the wonderful Examples of God's prefent Power and fingnlar Favour in thofe Perfom, fhould not encourage, bold en, and fortify to hew the like Con fl:ancy in the fame Caufe and Profeiiion. Neverthelefs great Caufe we have thankfully to confider the unfpeakable Mercy of God in Chrifr, who hath farther refpect to our Infirmity, . that when we have not that Boldnefs of Spirit to fland to the Death, as we fee others, he hath provided a prefentRemedy, that ~eing pe1jccuted i11 one Place, we have Liberty to flee iuio anotber. When we cannot be in our own Country with a fafe Confcience (except we would make open Profeffion of our Religion, which is every Man's Duty, and fo be brought to offer up our Lives in Sacrifice to God, in Tefrimony that we are his )he hath mollified and prepared the Hearts of Straugcrs to receive us with all Pity and Gladnefs, where you may be alfo not only delivered from th() Fear of Death, and th.e ?apiftica!

Epitomiz' a, alpbabcticalfy. 93 ! Papifiical Tyranny, praEl:ifed without all ~1:cafure in that ! Country, but with great Freedom of Confcience hear the ! word of God continually preached, and the Sacraments of ~-our Saviour Cbrifl: purely and duely rniniftred, without' all j Dregs of Popery, or_ Supe:flition of Man's Invention ; to the ' Jnttnt that vou bemg wnh others refrel11ed for a Space, and l more flrongly fortified, may be alfo with .others more ready ; and willing to lay down your Lives ac God's Appointment ; . for tha: is the chiefefl: Grace of God, and greate!l PeifcElion, to jibr, c\en umo Blood, under Chrifl's Banner, and with him ,: ro gire our Lives. But if you will thus flee (Beloved in ~he , Lard ).you mull: not chufe unto your felves Places, accordmg -~ as vou fancy, as many of us,. who have left our Country have ' ; tlor.c, dwelling in Popifb Places, among the Enemies of God, -~ in the mid!t of Impiety ( fome in Fra11cc, as in Paris, Orlcance, ' Jla.1n; fome in Italy, as in Rome, Venice, Padua) which Perfons, in ileeinp; from their QI.reen, run to the Pope; fearing the Danger i ; -of their Bodies, feek where they may poifon their Souls; think: ing by this Means to be lefs fufpeEl:ed of Jczebcl, il1ew them-~ fdvcs afraid, and afbamed of the Gofpel, which in Times pall: they have !loutly profeffed. And Jell: they !hould be thought l:'avourers of Chrill:, have purpofdy ridden by the Churches and Congregations of his Servants, their Brethren, neither. ; minded to comfort others there, nor to be comforted themfel\'es; wherein they have {hewed the Coldnefs of their Zeal .,. towards Religion, and given no fmall Occa!ion of Slander to : the Word of God, which they feemed to profefs.---- This ' iV!anner of fleeing then is ungodly, &c. Neither is it enough ' to keep you out of the Dominions of Amicbrift, and to place your felves in Corners, where you may be quiet and at eafe, and not burthened with the Charges of the Poor, thinking it .. , fufficient if you have a little Exercife in your Houfes, in reading aChapter or two of the Scriptures, and then will be counted zealous Perfons, and great Gofpellers; No, Brethren, and Sifters, this is not the Way to ihew your felves manful Soldiers if Chrift, except you refort where his Banner is difplayed, and his Standard Jet up, where the ilffembly of your Brethren is, and his Word openly preached, and Sacmme12ts faithfully mi nifired; for otherwife what may a Man judge, but that fuch. either difdain the Company of their poor Brethrm, whom they ought by all Means to help and comfort, according to that Power that God hath given them for that End only, and not for

94 The HrsTOitY ojthe MARTYRs for their ownEafe; or elfe that they have not thatZe!il to . Haufe of God, the Alfembly of his Servants, and to the fpi . ritual Gifts and Graces (which God bath pwmifed to pour . upon the diligent Hearers of his Word) as was in David, : delired, being a Ki~g, R~tbtr to be a Door-keeper i11 th; Horif~ of God, tbaa to d~ell m the Tents of tbe Ungodly; lamemmg n0 1 thing fo much the Injuries done to him by his Son Abfalom (which were not [mall) as that he was deprived of the com.. . fortable E::erci(es in the Tabernacle of tl:e L0rd, which then :. was in Sio11. l\'eitbcr doth there appear in fuch Perfons greedy_ De fire (whereof ~(aiab m,akcs mention) which to be m the l'rofeffors of the (rofpel, who ue':ler rcwmld or rcft, till tbey fbould climb up to tbe Lw.n's lli/1, meaning Church of Chri!r, faying one to another, Let us ajce111l to 111 Bill of tbe Lord, to tbe Haufe of tbe Gail of Jacob, and be teac!J us !Jis Ways, and we jba/11ua/k in bis Footjfcps ; for 1!1 .:; Law fball came forth of Sion, ar1d tbe Wont of the Lord from Je ':, rufalcm. Which Zeal the Prophet doth not mention in vain, '~ but to !hew what a Thirll and earnefl: Deflrc !110uld be in true :\ Cbriilians, and how the fame appearcth in feeking and re "i forting to thofe Places, where it is fet forth in greatefl Abun-i-} dance and Perfection, as was after ChriO:'s Afcention in J/:?, nifalem. And as that Zeal /hewed them to be of Cbrifl, by ,5 -the like muft we be judged Chriil:ians alfo, that if we flee for '~ Cbrifl, the Places whereunto we flee, may bear Witnefs for~; what Caufe we are fled. Neither is it a fufficiem Excufe ~ which many alledf!;c, that they belie'l!e to be Javed by Chr~, ; that they have fitjficient Kno1uledgc of tbeir Duty, and the Refi : they can fupply by their own Diligence. 1 dare fay their f Faith is not fo much, but they had need to de!ire with the A b pofrles, Lord, i11creajc our Faith. And if they will fo confefs, ~ why do they forfake the chiefeft Means, that God hath or ! dained, which is the open Congregations of his People, where ; his Word, tbc Fountain of Faitb, is moft pure! y preached, and : where the godly Examples of others may be a fharp Spur to pri_ck . them forward, And as for therl(nowledge and Diligence of .

they have thofe Gifts whereof they boaft, where may they better beflow them, than ill the Churcb of God ? except they I will fay, they are bam totbemfelves, and havetheGiftsofGod, which he would have c:ommon to others, applied to their' own private Fancy, which is to mptbemup ina Clout (and not


Epitomiz' d, alphabetically.

95: .

them forth to theAdvantage of the Own~r) as did the Wl Servant, and as do all they to whom God hath given Learning, Counfel, or worldly Subfl:ance, who either the Strength of Cities, Pleafantnefs of the Air, Traffick, Merchandize, or for any other worldly RefpeCl: or Policy, abfent themfelves from the Congregation and Company of poor Brethren, where Chrift hath advanced bis Standard; blavm bis Trumpet.--- But if you, in tarr)ing, will neither manfully to Chrifr your Ma!l:er, but betray him, doing as l'npijts do ; nor j'Ct with Thanks ufe this Remedy, that hath r;ranted to our Infirmity, to refort to his Churches, "" inflitutcd, ~ubat Anf~ocr !hall ye be able to make to his .. J' when he fl1all call for an Account ofyourDoings? I-Io~v you avoid his wrathful .Indignation, now ready to. be - upon his Enemies? For in taking part with their you muft be Partakers of their Cup like wife. Neiiher any new or hard DoCl:rine, that may c:xceed your Capa , but may rather be termed your A. B. C. and firft 'Prin, wherein none ought to be ignorant .. That if we: -will Cbri!l's Schalms, we mullleam to bear his Crofs, and toJollo'iJJ , not to cafl it off our Shoulders with the Enemi$,, and from him ..... Be no more deceived in fo plain a Matter. the Lonl be God,fo/low him ; if Baal be God, go after him.- not the Example of any lead you into Error, for Men. but mortal. Trufl in tbe Lord,Jor he is aJure Rock.---Trt!fo JO!Ir owu fhifts, for they will deceive you. Mark the End of aad in Time be wanzed. Tbefe Lefi'ons are hard to the but eafie to the Spirit. The way of the Lord ir aflrait mofl: faithful, fure and comfortable.From .Geneva tb, firfl: of Jan. An. 1558.

(;oo)C. John Goo)C (burnt in England An. 1473) being pre{!: by the of London to recant, and fo deliver himfelf from Death, 1bat for his Religion be was at a pl![s, and neltbet , 11or 'I!Jould recant the fame. When the Sheriff gave him fome Meat, of which he did heartily, he faid to the Standers by, 1 eat now a good and Dinner, for I fhall pafs a fharp Shower, before I go
. Gordiur. When a folemn Feall was celebratedin Ctefarea, in Honour

Mars, Gordir1s a Citizen thereof, who had been a Centurion


The His' i'oil 'l if tbe'M ART YRS c;6 rend had ell olen Exile fm; fometime in the Heat of leit t 1>e Deb t wherein he liv<>d in Exile, and got tiL1n, up into the d;icf Place of the Theater, and with a loud V cried om, Beboid 1 am found of them tbat fought me 110t, and1 . tbofc that asked not for me, have I openly appeared. The Sherin' aoking him, who he was, from whence he antl for what he came thither; I am come ( faid he) to that I Jet rzotbi11g by. ')'OIIi Dejircs agaiu{l the Cbrijliar! . but that I profefs Jefus Clui[[ to be my Hope and Safcty. The Shenil threatning him with all kind of Torments; : ;,;;oulrl be to me a Damage ( faid he) if I jb&uld 1lOt endure '!":c Torments for Cbrijt's Caufc. , When he was tormented, he lifted up hisE~es to faying, The Lord is my Helper, I 1vill not fear the Tbing tbnt can do zmto me; I ~'Jill fear llO Evil, for thou Lord art witb me. He blamed the Tormentors, if they favoured him at alL .' : The Sheriff promi!ing great Things, if he would den.y It /iet b uot in ;ou ( faid he) to place any in iluthority, which :. 1uorthy to have a Place in Heaven. \lVhen he was lead out of the City to be burnt, many Tears beg'd him to fave himfelf, but he faid, Weep rwt, I . .fqecb you, for me, but rather for tbofc tbat bring us to the '. arzd thereby purchafc Hcll-fi1e to'themfclves. Truly I am '. for the Name of Cbrijl to Juffcr a tboufimd Deaths, if need -.uere. Some perfwading him to deny Chril1: with his Tongue, to keep his Confcience to himfelf: My Tongue ( faid 'JJbicb by tbc Goodnefs of God I have, cannot be brought to Autl!OI' and Giver of it ; for with the Heart 1ve believe unto .teoufnefs, mzd with the Mouth 1ue confefs unto Salvation. , . . . Gorgius. When the Tyrant offered Gorgius Promotion: Have ye . . Thing ( faid he) equal-to, or uwrg worthy tha11 the Kiugdotil


Gom:alve. . . . Mr. John Gimzalve, a famous Preacher in Sevil, was 1 obfel'ved in all his Sermons to aim at this Mark, To . .Men's Minds from that blind Conceit of meriting bY .tha~ (o Way might ~e x:nade for Juflijicatjoll 011ly by Chrif!: Jefus, and deeply to ingraft in them the Knowledge the Jol~ Merit of bis p/enary.Satisfae&ion. When he was led to the Place of his Martyrdom, he .ihewed the leaft Sign of his bein~ difrilay'd, but

Epitomiz'd, a~habctically.. . .



i;it.h great Con!1ancy and Courag\! of Heart !landing above all the People, to whom he had formerly preached and delivered the Pattern of lound Doctrine, he began wi; h a loud Voice to recite the Pfalm, 1vhich begins thus, (] Lord, 't!l)' Rock, be not tbou.fi!eilt co me,&~. He chJnged not hisC,)untenance upon the Scaffold, though they had gagged hi;n there, i becaufc he comfom;d and freery exhorted one of his Si!1ers i to be conl1ant. ..,. . ! Wilen the Time was come, that thofe which {houid be :burned, ll'~re brou;;ht to the Place of Execmion, they 1vere every one commanded to recite the Articles of their Bdief; whi.:!J they willingly did: but when they came to th~ Anicle, Jbclic;;c the liolj Catbolick Church, they 1vere bid to add the word Roman, but they were iilenr. Then did the Monks and !'rim importune Gonzalvc's Sil1ers, &c. to repeat the wnrd Roman, who anfwered, They r.uould if they mi_g:bt hear Gon~ z1lve prnr.orl!lCe it. He being tm!{agged, the firft !Ford he fpake iw, ]);at 1bey fbmld be of t;ood Cowage, and 1M to add OIIC Wi1rd mart riMz <;.V/mt tbcy bad recited. Graitgt. . The Bifl1op of Arm telling Mr. Peregrine de lt:zGra,rge; that . he was forry to fee him in that Condition in Prifon: Sir ( i:tid he) as for the bafo F.flate in r.obicb )'DU no<o {ee me, God hath fo <o;ifl11-rcd me therein wit/; his Grace, that I do witbout any great D!!}iwlty p,ltiently fidf'cr 'What be bath plcnfcd to lay upoJJ me; yea, I pr,1ije ami blefs his Name, that /;e bath ballmrccd the !Vcigbt of my AJj/itliOI!s, according' to the Strength <;JJbich be hath given me, ]o as l ji11k not under the Burde11 ; for as my Sr{{fo:rings hl Cbrift abo1111d, he caufctfi bis Confolations by Cbrijt to abound i11 111e alfo. . It. is ~fual ( f.1id the Bifbop) with fucb as you are to glol'y 111 tlus kmd of Speech; for as foon as any AffiiClions do befall . you, you by and by ftile them the Sz!ifcrings of Cbrift; and if any of you be put to Death, then it is for God's 11utb: but when Things are laid to the Touchil:one, the Mauer is nothing fa, nor fo, Sir ( faid Mr, Grange ) if your Meaning be of j1cl1 . as have died far the Daflri11e, for wbich I am bozmd 1oith this Chain, and tbus fettered with Iro12s, i doubt 11ot but tbcy bnvcivmfucb .~Reajon of their Faith, that wbofncver fball uad tbetr A11jwerr, tmd weigh the fame without Pa tialit:y, 1111ifl11eed~ jztd~e anjJe do. And for my OWII part, I am ready to make it good,Tbat the Dottri,ie .J rzow hold and teach, is accordillg to Gorllinefs, takm out of tbe pufg Fountain of the holy Scriptum, -.;;it!JOut lidding thereto, dilldH nifbing




of tbe


1lijhing or varying any Way therefrom. We read ( faid the Bifbop) that in all Times Men have been wonr to fhehr them. felves under the Title of God's Word, e\'en the old Heretic!!, . , '&c. I am 1wt ignorant hereof (faith Mr. Grange) iu regard thnt .. Satan knows how to transform bimRff imo an lin gel ofLight ,thcrrh) to cjlabli(b his Delufions, Clll({iJtg Darkuefs to be takm fl)r Light: . But tbe HolyGhojl, ~uho is tbe Spirit of 1hab, bath in Juch "'~ . clifcovered his ,]uglings, that none arc ,.._ :ded thereby, but th1j1 . who-at Noon-day clofc their Eyes, that they 111G)' not behold th1 , Light. Do you think ( faid the Bifbop) that the Holy GhoJq . hatn given you fuch an Illumination, that the Truth lhou\d \ . only be revealed to ,ou, and to none other. God forbid, Sir,:--: ( faid Mr. Grange I Jbould have any fucb Thought. I am 1111 ; ; of tbe Mi11d of tbo e Dreamers, who brag of their havhzg particul,1r :- .. _Revelations of the Holy Spirit ; but I Ji!cal of an ordinary ad f : gmcral Revelation, Juch as is taught us out of the Bible, &c. : .: I am 11either Calvinill:, llOI' Pap ill:: I a111 a Chrijlia11; a11d l.tlhal):': Hold cor;ccming R~ligio11 is taken out of Ci:rifl's Doflrinc, 'wbo i; l;~ tbe only Doflor of hts Church. !Yhat CalYm bath taugbt comfor-t) mabie to the Word of God, I am of 'the ja111e Mind cuith hi1d. (~; .lind ~vbereas you call your Rcligio11 th Old Rcligiw, and ours t/:1 , :' New, if troubles me not at all; .fince the Fatber of Lies bath long, : fince forged the Jmne, to difgracc the 1/uth, &c. ---~~, In his Difpute with the Bi!hop cot1cr1rning the real Pre- i ': fence, (Jc. We may fee what holy Boldncfs mixed with Meek , : nefs the Lord had endued this holy Smant of his with. [: When the Provoft gave him and Mon!ieur de Brez (of L . whom before) Notice, that they fhould die that Day, they;: magnified God for his Goodneft, and gave the Provolt: Thanks t: for the good Ne".us, which he had brought them. Monfieur \; la G1.-nge going ro the rell of the Ptifoners, faid, I an1 this[: Day to die for be Tmtb, and thCil tbe heavenly I11heritance is pre 1 pm"d for me. My Name is ~uritten in tbc Book of Life, 11ever to k be blotted out, becaufe tlie Gifts end Calling rf God arc:- with~1.1 t . I R cpentance. - l He called for a Brufh, to bmfh his Hat and Cloak, cauling \ his Shoes to be blacked ; for 11ow ( faid he I am bidden to th: ' Marriage of the Lamb, where I am to fea 'witb him for ew tmcl ever. Being askt, Whether he meant to Juffer with thofe Sback/11 on his Heels? I would I might ( faid he) yea and that they would bury them with me to?? that they might manife(]; t~e


99 alphabetically. Inhumanity of my Adverfaries. He told his .Friends, he felt f11 ch Joy of 1he Holy Ghnfl in his Heart, that he could not with 'longue exprefs ; adding, that God ihewed him a thoufand Times more Favour, by taking him after this Manner out of this tran!1wry Life, than if he had let him die in his . Bed by Sick nels ; for now I fi1all die ( faid he) enjoying the Benefit of all the Powers of my Soul, P,raying the Lord to ..; . . , hare l'vfercy on me. : i\Jonfieur /,!Grange and de Brez were fentenced to be hailg'd ; for admini!1ring the Loru's Supper, againfr an exprefsCharge ~-by the King given them to the contrary. . When Ia Grange ll'<lS upon the Ladder, he protefied with a loud Voice, that he died only for preaching to the People the p:1rc Tmtb of God, tdking Heaven and Earth to 'JJit11rjs the 1J:ile with him. .


him, to laugh, faid unto them, Why do ye laugh? Are ye confederate together for my Blood, and therein t~iumpb? You hal'e more Caufe to look weightily upon the Matter ; for I l1and here before you upon Life and Death. But you declare your fclves what you are. You are lapped in Lambs Apparel, but you are bent to have my Blood. Seeing \'OU will have my Blood, let me f.1y a little more for mv fdl.: On Sunday lafl; you preached this Truth, If any Maa rbink himfelj Religious, a~~d bridlcrb not bis Tongue, tbc fame 1Vlan's m ill vain: 1\nd yet in the mean Time you feduced your own Tongue to flandcr us poor Prifoners, there prefent in nbands, burdening us with the Names of Arians, Hcrodian.s; , Sacramclltarians, Pclagialls: And when we fl:ood up to purge our felves thereof, you faid, You would. cut ouc our Tongues, and caufe us to be pulled out of the Church by But there you gave your felf a !hrewd Blow, &c.- Being asked by the Bil110p of Wincbeftcr, if he would recant, he faid, My Faith is grounded more fl:edfa!1ly than to in a Moment. It is no Proc:efs of Time can alter : of tbe Sea. unlefs my Faith were as the he was condemned, he defired. God with a loud , Voice, T~at ,he would not lay his Blo~. to t,heir Charge, if were h1s Good- will. . '


i\'Ir. Sttphen Gratwick, feeing the Bi010ps that fate upon


Mr. Bartle: Gm11 wrote in Mr. Bartram Calchrop's Book a


Green. ~ .

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oJ t1Jc


little before his Death, thus . Two Things have very mu~h . . troubled tne whilft I was in the Tewple, Pride ar.d Gltdioiiy . : . which under the Colour of Glory and good Fellowil1ip, dre;; me almo!l from God,.... .Forfomuch as Jl,iillglory is f<J fubtile ::n Adverf:1ry1 that 3]. i . tnofl it woundeth deadly, ere ever a Man can perceive himfeii. ~c to be fmitten, therefore we ought fo much the rather bv con- ;: tinual Prayer to lJbour for Humblenels of Mind. G/zttrr,;;J bcginneth undtr a charitable Pretence of Love and Snciety, ; and hath in it tnofl: Vncharitablenefs. Let us tbtrefore r.uaico . :_. nnd be Jober ; fur our /Jdwfary the !Je'.Jil ~oafketh about like a ~ roaring Lion, jcekil1g ~uhom be mc1y devour, f'alc ( mi Bartrame) ; & mei 111~mincrh 1 ut Jcmpcr ji:nif!imi ~{/iciamur. Vale, &c. Fare-. : well (my Bartram) and remember me, tlm we m:ly be alwa)! . alike. Farmdl, at Ne:vgare, Jan. 20. A. 1556. l In his Lener to Mr. Pbilpot .... Being accufed that I fpake! ' againfl: the real Prefence, and the Sacrifice of the Mafs, an~ i that I affirm.ed that their Church was ~he Cburc~ of Antichrifi: l?:) I confdfed lt, and th:it I would contmue therem, though not ~: maintain it by Learning, my Confcience being facisfied in the':: Truth, which is ii.Jfficient to my S.llvation. ... I told Mr. rflckb, .; Forafmuch as it pleafcth you to ufe me fo familiarly (for he . behave.d bimfdf to;vards me1 as though I had he en his Equal) l fuall op~n my Mmd freely to you. I confider my Youth,:; lack of Wit and Learning, which would God it were but a: c little under the Opinion that fame Men have of me: But Go~[ is not bound to Time, Wit, or Knowledge, but rather cboofel~ : . the weak Things of the World to confound the .Mighty, neither; can Men appoint Dounds to God's .Mercy ; For I 1.uifl flw:.: Metcy on 111bom I will jbcw Mercy. There is no RcjpeEl of Ptr i jons with God, whether he be old or young, rich or poor, wife; vr foolilh, Fifher ot Basket-maker. God giveth Knowledge~ of hi~ Trmh, through his free Grace, to whom he lift .... ' Now I am brought hither before a great many Bi1hops and [ learned Men, to be made a Fool and a Laughing-flock, but l[ weigh it Iiot a ru!h ; for God knoweth that my whole Study l i:t w pleafe him: Befides that, I care not for Man's Pleafure: ot Difpleafure. ' As he was going to Newgate (after he was condemned there met with him two Gentlemen, that, feeing lrim, bur out into Teats; to whom Mr. Gmn faid, Ah my 'JI'r'i~~s, h

~hi: 'out Comfort J'OU arc '~1/le tu giw me ? Mr~ft I, W!Ja fJ~dd
.. . : . I!

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When li.: wlS {).\'ing to, and was at the Stake, he repeated th1s DdficiJ, Chrijle Deus, f/l;c tc Spes eft mihi mclla Salutis: Tc iJllce, <;;era Jcq!cor; tc JJuce, fa 'fa !leg a. . lo Enq,l.fh thus. : 0 C/JIif/: my God, Jure llojJe of Health, ; Brji1cr tbcc I bave 11011e : i Tbe Ji!lt h 1 lo":Jc, aild F'u!fbaod hate; ! By thee 111)' Guide alone. ~ Th&: V~rlt:s lle wrou; in a Hook of Mr. HI!.!Jey's of the 1
. Bd;1/d thy felf by mt, Sucb one was I as t bou, Allil chore il1 Time fball b~, J::vw D:ifl as I am no:v !

lOt . Epitimiz'd, alphabetically.' 10 ba'J~ Cum{urt tdnjlrcd to me, hecomc now a Comforter of you?



Banlet Green. I~ his Letter to bis fl-imds of the Tempfc . Very Friends ~rt: ri~e\, which are knit together by the /(not of Charity. Cba. rity doth rwt decay, but increafe in them that die faithfully. If H.y Friend be our of Sighr, is thy Friendfbip ended ?If he . be carried inro 1-learen, is Cbarity hindred thereby? The Fdthers of the Primitive Church gave Thanks for their Friends that di.:d in rhe Faith, to prove that Charity died not with Death ..... What [Jith Saint Paul ? We are Members of bir Bidy, of bis Flcjb, and ,of his Blood; we are Members one of amther. Is the Hand or Arm, Foot or Leg a Member, when it i> diffe1ered from the Body ? What is it 'that couples us~ bu.t Lo11e} When all Things i11all fail, Love fa1lct1J never. Hop!! hath his End, when we get tha~ we hoped for; Fairh is finHhed in HeJven; Love endureth for ever, fpiritual Love, I mean; for wnal Love, when rhac which we love is lofl:, dorh perilh with the Fldh. Neither was that ever but fleilily Love, which by Ditl:ance of Place, or fevering of Bodies, is parted afunder. .:If we keep Chrifl:'s Commandment, in lo:uing cacb Qther, as he loved us, then iliould our Love be everlafl:ing. This Friendlhip Pall/ felr, when it moved him to fay, Tbat neither length 11or breadth, neither height 11ar depth, .(hall fever bim fi:om fh: Lone of Cbrifl, No1v you may fay, Why wrJtet~ t~ou tins? Truly ro the End, that if our frimdjbip be ll:~ble;. you itHy a~complifi\ this the !aft Re~ueft of your Friend, fjr:. ~ Mr, fi~gfwaod, I befee<;h you rem~::mbe~ WittrtVz~e and ~~



Tbe HISTORY of tbe MARTYRs two fingular Men among common Prifoners. !'vir. Femhnn11 Mr. Bell, and Mr. l!tif}ey (as I hope) will difpatch Palmer and Ricbardjo11, with his Companions. 1 pray you l\Ir. Palmer think on J. ,Grove, an honeil: poC'r Man, Traiford and Rice Apprici hi~ Accomplices. My Coufin Thoma; Wit toll (a Scrivener jn 'Lombardflreet) hath promifed to further th~ir Delivery; at the leafl:, he can inftruCl: you which Way to work. I doubt not bu~ that Mr. Bo,~yer will labour for Goo?wife Coope1 (for fhe 1s worthy to be holpen) and Berard the hmcb. 1nan. There be alfo divers mhers well-difpofed .i'den, whofe Deliverance if you will not labour for, yet I humbly befeech you to feek their Relief. For thefc, and all other poor Pri foners, I make this my humble Suit and Prayer to you all my efpecial good Friends, b&eching you by all the Bonds of Amity, in the Bowels of Mercy, to render the Cafes of miferable Captives. Help ro cloatb Cbri{l, vi fit the AffiiCl. ed, comfort the Sorrowful, and relieve the Needy. The 'Very God of Peace guide your Hearts to have l\Jercy on the

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. Yours for eve1:, JJmtlct Green. ~. 1 In his Letter to Mrs. Elizabetb Clark ..... I !hall not ceafe with continual Pray~r to labour for you, defiring Almighty f God to incrcafe that which he hath long Iince begun in you, 1 of fober Life, and earneft Zeal towards his Religion. She : that is a true Widow mul frielldlefs, puttctb her Trufl i11 God, : COIItinuing Day and Nigbt in Supplication aua Pra3'CI'; but Jbe tba~ : li11etb in Plcafurc, is dead, even 3et alive~ And verily !he is a : true Widow, that hath married Chrifl, forfaking the Vaniti~; ; of the World, and the Lqlls of the Fleih, For as the married !Vonza11 carGtb bo~u to lo11e aud forve anrl plcafo her Husband, Jo Gught the Widow io gi11c all her Soul and Heart, Thoughts ami Words, Studies and ~abours, faithfully to love God, -pe1tuoujly t~ bring up ber Cbildrm and Houfbold and diligently to provide. for tbe Poor and Opprdfcd. ..... Not to li':le ill l'leafure, bttl !o watcb 1mto Pta3w, ftedfaflly laying up all ber Trufl iu God. Of J11ma it is written, Tbat Jbc never we1zt out of th~ Temple, but Javed God ;'Jitb Fafling and Prayer; Night a1zd Day,-- to bring i1p brr Cbildr,,z azul Houfhold godly i11 the Nurture a11d I1iformatiot: of ihe Lord... ~ TfKrc are moll: manifeft Examples againft fa.' rcms for the Offences of Children. Contrariwife, hQw greatly JightHa111Wbrejoyce oyer Samuel herS.on, whomihe had b~ought

Mo11day wt~n llool~ to d1e, and to hve for ever.



Epitamiz'rl, alphabetically. 103 ttp in the I bu fc of tbeLord? --But abme allWidows,t~rice b!elfed was the happy iltotber cf tbc Scum So11s, that fo had mfirucl:ed .them 111 th~ l,.c~r of the Lord,that by no Torments they would : f!Hink from the Love of his Truth?-- To be liberal to ' Srr:u:rers, tn u.J/b the Saints Feet, and miniU:er to them in I their ~J\'er!ity. ::iaim Paul (as though they only had been there1 !fur~ mw) ap1:oimcd only JVu/ows to rninil1e: to the Saints, 'and to gat!Jer tor the Poor.---- Alas! That Cbrifl fo hungreth, ' 3 nd no i\JJn will feed him; is fo fore bppreft IVith Thirll:, und no l\lan will give him Drink; deilitute of all Lodging, and not rdil:vt:d ; lick, and not viGted ; imprifoned, and . not fcen. In Times pail l\fen could be!l:ow large fums of . l\loncy oi1 Copes, Vefiments, and Ornaments of the Church; . Why ratber follow we not St. .Ambrofe his Example, 1vho . fold the fame for the Relief of the Poor ; or Cbr)foflom's Command, who willed firfl: to deck and garni!h the living Temple of God? But alas ! fuch is the Wickednefs of thef(! o11r laO: Days, that nothing moves us, neither the pure Doctrine, ti1e Godlinefs of Life, nor good Examples of the An~ cicnc Fathers. If in any Thing they erred, tbat will their cilarirabk Children embrace, publifh and f\laimain with S1vord, Faggot and Fire: but all in vain they !l:rive againfl: the Stream; for though in dc~oite of the Truth, by Force of the Ears of cr.1fty l\;r[walion, they may bring themfelves into the Haven of !!ell ; yet can they not make all Men believe that the B1nks move while the.Ship failetli, nor ever Dull be able to turn the direct Courfe of the Stream of God's Truth ..... In .another Letter.--- Better is the Day of lJeatb (faith So~ lamoll) rhmz the Day of Birtb . .... Happy arc rbe dead, tbl!t die , in tbc Lord. Man, of Woman is Born in Travel, to live in . Mifery; Man, through Chri!l: doth die in Joy, to li1re in Fe. licity : he is born to die, and dieth to live. Strait as he ' cometh into the World, with Cries he uttereth his rniferable Eflate ; i1rait as he departeth with Songs, he praifeth God for ever. Scarce yet in his Cradle, three deadly En2mies affault him, after Death no Adverfary may annoy him; whi!O: he is here he difpleafeth God, when he is dead, he fulfilleth his will.---- Here he dieth every Hour, there he liveth con tinually; here is Sin, there is Righteoufnefs ; here is Tline; there is Eternity; here is hatred, there is Love; here is Pain; there is Pleafure; here is Mifery, there is Felicity.--- Sed( therefore the Things that are above, &c. .

H 4



The HrsroR Y

of the


Grey. The Lady Jane Gre)', Daughter to the Duke of SIJJ&ii, ; . w hofe Mother was Daup,lmr ro Mnry, Kin~ Henry r.he S<:cond's i Sil1er, having perfimatcd a Queen for ten Days, and upon '. Quee-n f..im);S Jlroclamation being irn~rifuned, the Queen fem . lvlr. hck11om ro her, two Days before her Death to commune . wi1.h her, ar.d reduce her from the DoCl:rine of Chrifl to Queen : . l\lim;-'s L{eliginn. The EJTeCl: of which Cr.mrnunication bere . fdkwed1. Madam ( faid Fccknam) I larr.cnt your heavy Cafe,"": &c .. Tou nrc ~uelcome ullto me, Sir ( faid the Lady ./a!ie) if jC.:r : ;; come to ,cive md/Jrijlion bbortation. .!1111/ as for my heavy Cafe i :~ ( 1 thank c~d) 1 do fn little lammt it, tbat rather I dccount t!;: _: fame fr.r a more trm!ifcjl Declaration rf God's Favour tcwardr .' me, tl-an ever be flewcd me at any Time brfore; and tbmfm .. time is no Caufe,wby eit!m 3011 or ntbcr ~vbicb bear 1ilC goV!iWi/1, :. fbould lammt or be grieved with this my Cafe, being a Tbil1g }1 f ~ prrfitable for my Soul's Health. I am here come ((aid he) 1i:; from' (hCl Q.ueen and Council to infiruCl: you in the true Doc ~I ~rine of ~lie right Faith, &c. I heartj!y tbank the Qyccn ( faid :~ fhe) 'IJ!ho is 110t rmmillllful of ber bumble Subjeft, and I hr.pc Ill. L lrfs tbnt you will do your Duty therein, both tmly at1d fait hjiilly. ~:, '~~at is th~n ( faid he) required of a Chrifiian ? . To belilvc ~ i ( la1d V1c) Ill God !be i'atber, Son, m1d Holy Gbofl, thm Pcrflii! I'' (md OIIC God. What ( faid he) is there nothing elfe required r~ or looked for in a Ch~i(lian, but to believe in him? 1~s ( faid r i11e) We mrifllove him 'w_itb all our Heart, with all our Soul, au4 ~ witb al;l our 1Hind, and ou~ Neighbour as our Jelf. Why then ~: ( !:1id he) Faith jujlifies noi, and faveth not. Yes verily ( faid f :fl1e) Faitb (as Paulf.1ith) only Juflifies. Why ( faid he) St. f Paul faith, If I have all Faith without Love, it is nothing. True [ ( faid fhe) fol" how can I love him, 1uhom I tru{t not ? or how l cmz ~ trujl him, whom I love not? Faith mul Love go both tog& !' jher, a11d ~ct Love is comprehCllded ilz Faith. How mua we. ]ll\"C rnr Neigh~nur? (faid he) :[o lov.e our Neigbbou~'(fai( :{ht) is to feed the bzmgry, 011d cloath tl;e naked, and give Drink. to 1/Jc TJiiijty, and to do to him as ~ue would do to our /elves. .Why then ( fai9 he) it is 11ecefi'ary urtto Salvation to do g~~il fl(or.k! :alfo, and it is not fufficient only to believe. It is m~e~ {fa1d :!h~) that 'a Cl,rijlia.n, in token tha~ hefollcws .his Majier. qr!ft,. do gnqd ~forks; J'et 'l!!hen we bare done till, we ke wzprofitabl~ Servimr,s, and Faith Ol!ly ill Cbrift's Blood faveth !IS. How many, Sa~ramems are there ~ ( faid he ) Two ( faid fhe) ".I;here) ~ ,are .' '.

Epitowi::!d, alpbabctical.'y. 105 feven ( f.1id he ) By d1at Suri p_rwc ( f~id !he) jim! yo!l f Wdl (i'aid he) we will talk uf that IJer~aft~r. vVhat vou recti\'e in the Sacr;Hm:nt uf the Lords Supper? Do not r~ceiv~: the very Uody and llloud of Cilrift,? Fo f1id fi1e) I bclie~e tiNt in the Supper 11le,itbcr recebeNeJb b11t Bread mid Wine; ~v!Jicb Bread, :.oiJCil it is brokeli, J,Yme, ~vhm it is dnmkw, puttctb me ill l{cniembrance, b.;"J.' fer my Sius t be Body of Chri{l was b;okeu, alii: his Elnod fb_ed the Cu{s, aud with that Drmd awl H1 i11e I rccm;e tbc Bcncjm come by the breaking rf bis Do,!), mul Jbddi:zg if his B/ood o:tr Si11r Oil the Crufs. Why ( faid he) dot!J not ChriPc thtfe Words? Take, cat, this is my Body. Require you pl-ainer \V ords? Dnth he not fay, it is his Bud y ? 1 he .faitb .fu ( fJid ihe) -and fo he faith, I aill rbc Vine~ am tbc Door, and vet is not the Vine, nor the Door. Dmh Sr., P,l!ll fay, He ca!lctb Things that arc not, as tbougl: h .,,Jere '? .... When Fccknam took his Leave, he f.1id, Th:1t he was for her ; for I am fure ( faiJ ht::) that 1ve two ilull ,.,.,.r meet. True it is ( faid !he) tbut o;ve Jball never meet, God tum your Heart ; fur I am t(/Jitrcd, zmlcfi' )'OU 1eper.t wm to God, yo11 arc in an evil Ca(u ; a11d I pray Gad i;; tbc if Mercy, to fend ynu bis lluly Spi;-ir. In her Letter to her Farber. fatlH:r, alEhough it h;:th. God to ha!1en iny Death bv you, by whom my Life rather have been lengthened; yet can I fo patient:y ir, as I yield co God more hearty Thanks for jl:ortellilig . woful Days, than if all the World had been given into my with Life lcngtbened at my owll Will ..... Althougl1 Deatb at Hand w you feem right woful, to me there is that can be more welcome than from this Vale of to afpire to that heavenly Throne of all Joy and with Chrifl: our Saviour ; in whofe fl:edfaft Faith if it be lawful for thG Daughter fa to write to the Father) Lord that hithert6' hath firengthened you, fo continue that at lafl: \Ve may meet in Heaw;n, with the father~ Son, and the Holy Ghoft. In her Letter to Mr. Harding ( fo~merly her Father's Chapand a zealous Pr~acher of the Gofpel, but then turn'd ihe wrires thus. As oft as I call to Mind the and fearful Saying of God, That be which laveth bold !he l'/ough, and /ooketb ba,ck, is not meet for the J(hzgdom oj

Bcawcn i.

Jo6 7.'he HrsToRY of the MARTYRs \ Heaven; and on the other Side, the comfortable W011ds our Saviour Chrifl: to thofe, that f01Jaki11g tbemfclvcs do fol/o;:J ' him ; I cannot but marvel at thee, and lament thy Cafe, ;< who feemed fometime to be the lively 1\Icmber. of Cbrifi, bm : now the dt!formed Imp of the Devil; fumetiine the bcawij!d ; Temple of God, but now the filthy and !linking K~nnd of Satan; fometime the unfpotted Spoufc of Cbrijl, but now the . ihamelefs Paramour of i\ntichri!l; J:m1eume my faithful. Brother, but now a Scra!lger and an Apo!l:ate ; fomecime a . jlout Cbl'ijlimJ Soldier, bur now a cowardly Run-away : yea, when I confider thefe Things, I cannot but cry out upon thee, Thou Seed of Satan, and not of Judah, whom the Devil hath deceived, the World hath beguiled, and the Defire of Life fub1ertcd, and made thee of a Chri!l:ian an Infidel! Wherefore bajl tbou takm tbe Teflament of tbe Lord i11 tlJy Mouth'! Wherefore hall: thou in!l:ructed others to be !l:rong in Chrill, when thou thy felf doll: now fo il1amefully il1rink, and fu horriblv abufe the Te!l:amenc and the Law of the Lord? ' When thou thy Jelf prcacheft not to flea!, JCI mojt aboniiliably Jlcalcfl, not from Men, but from God, and committin6 moll l_1einous Sacrilege, robbe!l:. Chrift thy Lord of his right Mem bers, thy Body and Soul, and choofdl: rather to live miferably with il1ame, to the World, than to die, and glorioujly reign ~uirb Chrifl, in whom, even in Death, is Life? Why doll thou now il1ew thy felf moll: weak, when indeed thou oughteft to be moll: !hong ? The Strength of a Fort is unknown before the Alrault; but thou yielde!l: thy Hold, before any . Battery be made. Ol1 wretched and unhappy Man, what art thou but Dull: and A11m? and wilt thou refill: thy Maker, that failiioned and framed thee? Wilt thou now forfake him rhat called thee from the Cu!l:om~gathering of the Romifb An tichrifiians, to be' mz Ambaffador and M@llf!,el' of bis Word? He that fir!l: framed thee, and Iince thy firfl Creation and Birth preferved thee, nouriilied and kept thee, yea and infpired thee with the Spirit of Knowledge ( I cannot fay,, if Grace ) ihqll he not no\v polfefs thee ? Darell: thou deliver up thy felf to another, being not thine own, but liis? l~ow canfl: thou, having Knowledge, or how darefl: thou :negleB: the Law of tbe Lord, and follow the vain Traditions Me11 ; and whereas thou hall: been a publick Profelfor of hiS Name, become now a Defac~r of his Glory ? Wilt thou re-: fufc tbe tmc God, and woril1ip the Imm:tio11 of Ma111 the golden Calf,


Epitomiz'1l, alpbabeticall)' I 07 alf the Whore of Babylo11, theRomiftJ Religion,-the abominable : .iol; the moll wicked MJ.fs 7 Wilt thou torment again, rent ~ nd tear the moll precious BJdy of our S1viour Chrill with
: fi'cr up any S.1crifice unto God for om Sins, confidering }hat Chrifl: ~ffercd 11~ bimfclf (as Paul faith) upo11 .tbe Crnfs a : velv S,zcrijicc o11cc for all. Can netther the l'um!hment Jf :ror ~lle terrible threatnmgs of th~.: Prop11ets, nor the Curb # Gud's own Momh, f(lar thee to honour any other p;od \han him ? Doll ~hou fo regard him that fpared not his dear \md m:ly Soil for tbce, fo diminifhiug, yea uuerly extinguill1ing ris Glory, that thou wilt attribute the Praile and HDnour due -unto him to the Idols, which have Mouths, and !peak not, ;~yes and fee not, Ears and hear not, which fhall perifh with !hem that made thee. Confounded be all they that wor{hip hem. Chrilt ofl:"ereth up himfelf once for all, and wile off.:r him up again daily at thy Pleafure '? But thou wile . . tbou do11 it for a {1:0od Intent. Oil Sink of Sin ! Oh of Perdition ! Doll thou dream therein of a good In)er , where thy Confcience bears thee Wimefs of God's '. hreJtned Wrath againll thee? How did Saul, ho11 for that ' difobeycd the Woul of the Lord for. a good lota11t, -:uas thrown bis worldly and temporal Kingdom? \V 1lt thou for a good ntcm di!l10ilJUr God, offend thy Brother, and danger thy I, wherefore Chrill hath l11ed his mofl: preciom Blood? lit thou for a good Intent pluck Chri!l: out of Heaven, make his Death void, and deface the Triumph of his by offering him up daily ? Wilt thou either for Fear peath, or Hope of Life, deny and refufe thy God, who thy Poverty, healed thy Infirmity, and yielded to his Victory, if thou couldft have kept it ? Doll tho~ confider, that the Thread of thy Life hangeth upon that made thee, who can (as he pleafc) either twine harder to lall the l<;~pger, or untwine it again. to break the ?. Doft thou not then remember the Saymg of David, tbor1 takeft away thy Spirit ( 0 Lord) from Men, they. aud are turned again to their Dufl ; but whc11 thou lctteft. Breath go forth, they Jhall be made, and thor1 fbalt renew. Face of the Earth. Remember the Saying of. Chrift in Gofpel ; Whofoevcr fecketh to fave his Life fl1a/l lofe it 2 . whqjoevcr 1uillloft bis Lif~ for my Sake fball find it. Ap;ain, .


Tbe HISTORY of the MARTYRs l/Vbofoever kvetb Fmber or Motbcr above mG, is 1lDt meet for He tbal 'cVill follow me, let him fmfakc bimfc!f, and take Crnfs, and follow me. What Crols? til~ Crofs of a.nd Sh~me, of l\liftry and Poverty, of Affiicl:ion and fecmion fur his 1\f~rnes Sake. Let the oft f.tlltng of bearcnly Showers pierce thv fl:ony Heart. Let the e:lgcd Sword of God's holv Word theer afunder the r.if worldly Rcfpects, even to the l\larrow of thy Heart, that thou t)layeft once al!:ain forfJke thy felf, embrace Chrifl:, and like as good SubjeCls will not rcfufe ' hazard ali in the Defence of their earthly and temporal \'ernunr, fil 11y not like a whirc-liver'd Milk-fop from Handing wherein thy chief Captain Chri!l: hath fet thee array of this Life. Fi,~bt manfully, come Life, come tbc Qz.wrrel is God'.r, and undoubtedly the VWory is ours. fhou wilt lay, I will not break Unity; what? not the of S:llan and his M~mbers? not the Unity of Darknefs . not the Agreement of Anrichrill: and his Adherents ?1' .:~ J:tirh of 1\mity, Amicitia non ~[lll(fi inter bonos. Bnt .~ my Friends; sea l'rit:nd, if thou beefl: not God's 1 there is no Unity, but where Cbrift knitteth the Knot 1uch as he is. The Agreement of all Men is not an but a Confpiracy. Thou ha!l: heard lome Threatnirigs a thofe that love themfdves above Chrifl, and againft that deny him for Love of I:ife; faith he not, I-lc that , me before Mw, I will deny him before my Father i11 HeaV(B, . And to the fame EfE:Cl: writeth Paul, It is impojjible that ' r.JJbich were once cnlightmcd, and have tajl:ed of tbc heavenly ' 1111d ~verc Partakers of tbe Holy Gboft, and have tajled of the Word of God, if they fall away, &c. jbould be renewed by Rcpmtance. And again, If 'cUe (hall willingly fill have received the Knowledge of bis Tmtb, there is no left for Sin, but the terrible ExpeCtation of Judgment and wbicb fball devour .the Advcrfarics. Thus Pa11l writeth this thou readetl, and doll thou not quake and tremble'? if thefe terrible and thun~ing Threatnings cannot frir to cleave unto Chrifl, and forfake the World ; yet let fweet Confolation and Promifes of the Scriptures, let ~he ample of Chrift and his A,pofl:les, boly Marty,rs and. inc,)urage thee to. take fafler hold of Chrifl:1 Hearken l1e faith, Blejfed arc yo11 whm Mm revile you, and. j.Jr my Sake: R~oycc 'tlud b.qla.d, for ~I'C({t ir ~011r

Epitomiz'd, alphaheticaily.


Let thefe and fuch like Confolations taken out of Scripres, firengthen you to Godward. Let not the Examples holy Men and Women go om of JOUr Mind, as Da11hl the rell of the Prophets, of the three Children, &c. :urn, return again into Chrifi's War, and as becometh a ut Warrior, pUt on that Armour that St. Paul teacheth be mofi ncce!fary for a Chrifiian Man. And aboYc all ings take unto you tbe Shield rf Faith, and be you provoked Chrifi's own Example, to witlifland the Devil, to forrakc e World, and to become a true and faithful Member of his Body, who JPmcd not his oml Body for our Sins. Throw vu your [elf with the Fear of his ttJreatned Vengeance for this fo great and heinous Offence of ApcfiacY, and comyour felf on the other Hand with the Mercy, Blood7 and Jrui'f . of him, wbo is t'eady to .tum rmto )'OU, whenfoever )OU rmto bit11. Difdain not to come again with the loll Son, feeing you bave fo wandred with him. Be not dhamed to turn again with him from the Swill of Strangers to the delicate of your mofl: benign and loving Father, admcwled~ing yo.tl have $i1111Cd .both agai7:fl liea'i'm mzd agairjl Eanb: Again!l:

; For fo perfe~urcd the}' the Prophets, tbaJ ~uere before yoz;. what Ifaiab fmth, Fear nat the Curfe of Mm, be rzo~ ofr~ul their Blajpbemies; for Jf.~orms and Motbs fi:a/1 eat them ttp lrkc and !Voo/1, but my Rzgbtcoufnefs fb,z/1 endure for c'iJer, and Javiizg Healtb from GCHcl'lltion to GCileration. H~hat art thou faith he) tbat fcarejt a mortal iHa11, the Cbzld of Man, fadetb away like lDe newer, and forgettcth the Lmd that thee, that fprcad out tht Heavens, and. laid tbe Foundatioz; the Eal'th? I am the Lord thy God, that maketb the Sea to aild be jli/1, wbrfc Name is tbe Lord of Hojls: I p;,li/ put Word ill thy Mouth, ar;d defend thee ~oith the tuming rj the Chrift alfo faith unto his Difciples, They Jball amife ou, and briug you before Princes and Rulers for my Names Sake; fame of :rou they [ball perjecute and kill ; but fear J'Oll not, care you not '.Ubat you [ball Jay; fm it is the Spirit of your that jpeakcth within you, even the Hairs of ')'(11/r Head are nwnbrcd. Lay up Treafures for )'WI' folvcs, "..ubcre no 11Jicf nor Motb corrupteth. Fear nut tbem thnt kill the Bod'J', arc not a/;/e to killtbc Soul; but fear bim tbat bntb Power botb Soul aml Body. If )C 1vcre if the World, the ':.UOUfd love /Jis OW il; but bccmue JC mc 1101 of the ff/orfd, I have chnje11 you out of tbc World, the'rcfore the World bnterb

The HisTO RY of tbe MART YRS Againfl: Hearen, by fiaining the glorious Name of God ' cau!ing his moll: fincere and pure Word to be evil of through you : Againll: Earth, by offending fo weak Brethren, to whom you have been a through your fudden Diding. Be not a!hamed to . bitterly with Peter .... to wafh away the Filth and your clfc.:n!ive Fall .... to fay with the Publican, Lord, be . ciful to me a Sinner. Remember the horrible Hi!1ory of , c,f old, and the lamentable Cafe of Spira of late, ( methmks) fhould be fo green in your Remembrance, b~ing a Tiling of our Time, you !hould fear the like venicnce, feeing you are fallen into the like Offence. of all, let the li\ely Remembrance of the Jail: Day be before your Eyes, remembring the Terror that at that ih:.ll befall the Runagates and Fugitives from Chrifl, ft:ning more by the World than by Heaven, more by Life than by him that gave them Life, did ihrink, 1ea . away from him that forfook not them; and contrariwife, ., indlimable Joys prepared for them, that fearing no Peril, dreading Death, have manfully fought and victorioully . . umphed over all Power of Darknefs, over Bell, Death, . Damnation, through their moll: renowned Captain C~rill:, now 11retcbetb out his Arms to. receive you, ready to upon your Neck, and kifs you, and to feaft you with Dainties and Delicates of his own precious Blood, which doubtedly, if it might ll:and with his determinate Purpofe, would not let to {hed again, rather than you ihall be lofr. The Night before !he fuffered, l11e fent unto herSitl:er Lady Katbarille the New Tefl:ament in Greek, at the whereof Jbe 1orote thus. . I have fent you (good Siller) a Book, which although not outwardly trimmed with Gold, yet inwardly it is worth than predou~ Stones. It is the Book of the Law of . : Lord. It is his Teflam'ent and !aft Will which he unto us Wretches, which ihall lead you to the Path o( nal Joy ; and if you with a good Mind read it, and with earneft Mind do purpofe to followi[, it iball bring you an immortal and everlafl:ing Life. It ihall teadi ,Yo!i J'o and learn you to die. It !hall win you more tha,tfyou. have gained by the PoiTeffion of your woful Fathet's for, as if God had profpered him, you ibould have

his Lands : fo if you ply diligently this Book, feeking - .-

Epitomiz'd, alpkabetically. I I I your life after it, you f11all be an Inheriter of fuch Riches, !H~ither the covetous !hall withdraw from you, nor the !l:eal, nor the :Moth corrupt. Defire with Da'Jitl to derfiand the La'io of the Lord God. Li\'e !l:ill to die, that bv Death mav purchale eternal Life. Truft not that the s of your age f11alllengthcn your Life, the young (if God call) a!foon as the old. ~abou,r alw?ys to !earn die, defy the World, deny the Dev1l, anudefp1fe the lle!h, delight your fdf only in the Lord. Be penitent for your bm yet defpair not ; bt: flrong in Faith, and yet pre fume . Dcfire with St. Paul tube dfDolved, anti to be with Chrijt, whom, even in Death, there is Life. Be like the good , and even at Mid-night be waking, lcaft when Death , and !l:ealeth upon yo11, as a Thief in the Night, you with the evil Servant found fleeping, and leafl: for lack of I ye be found like the fooli!h Women, and like him that not on the Wedding Garment, and then ye be cafl out the Marriage. Rejoice in Chri!l:, as I do. Follow th::: of your Mafl:er Chrifl:, and take up your Crofs. Lay Sins on his back, and always embrace him. And as 'ning my Death, rejoice as I do, that I !hall be delivemd this Corruption, and put on Incorruption : for I am alfured, I !hall for loo!ing of a mortal Life, win an immortal Life, which I pray God grant you, and fend you of his Grace live in his fear, and to die in the true Chri!l:ian Faith, from which (in God's Name) I exhort you that you never neither for Hope of Life, nor Fear of Death ; for will deny his Truth for to lengthen your Life, God deny you, and yet fiwrten your Days. And if you will unto him, he will prolong your Days to your Comfort his Glory ; to the which Glory God bring me now, and hereafter, when it f11all pleafe him to call you. Fare yoti (good Si!l:er) and put your only Tru!l: in God, who only help you. her Speech ttpoll the Scaffold.--- Good people, I am come hito die, and by a Law I am condemned to the fame. The FaCt the Qjteen's Higb11cft. was rmla.wju,l, amJ the ..confenting by me ; but touchilzg tbe Procurement and defire thmof, my Harzd the1coJ, .in Innocency before God andyou, a11d jbe W!llllg her Halzds. I pray .you bear me ~it.n.efs, that a true Chriftian, and tbat I look to be Javed by no other Mem1, . Ollly by thq Mercy Of God in the Bloud of his only Sail Jefirs . Cbrift.


The IIrnoRY oftbcMARTYRS

C/nifi. I conf~fs, ~uhw I did know the Word nf the Jaine, [,,"Jed my [elf arzd the 1-Vorld, mzd is worthily happened to me for my Sins ; n1ul )'Ct I his Guodn~fs, tbat be barb tlms ,t;IVCI! me a Time and pent ; ami no-w, {!.nod People, while 1 am alive, I pmy you me ~~ith your Prayer.r.---. ln her l'raver.---Thou, q Lord, art ihc only Di:(c;zJcr and Dr livercr of tfJnfo th.1t p~tt their 1hfl ilz t!;ee; and tber~forc I bciii.' defiled wit 1 .'>ill,&c. ovmthelmed with i\llifcrie.r, vexed ~_:;ftb Tcm/ J tat ions, and wievorifly tormented. !Vitb the long ImprifozmiCI:: ofcbis -:;i/e Mnfs of Clay, my jinful Early, doth come wzto tim (0 mercijitl Saviour) cravi11g thy 1\l!ercy and Help, r.uho hajl faid, Time wilt not .f11JTer res to be tempted abo1;e our Power.--- 0 merciful God, confider my Mijcry brjl kz;ow;z !lllto t!JCC, and Le tim tmto me aJlront; To'i.uer of Defence. Suffer me not to be tempt elf above my l'o'<.ucr, but either be .thou a Deliverer to me out of thit great Miftry, O!' e!{c {',ive m~ Grace patiently to bear Hand muJ Jbarp Cr,JTeClio1t. It toar thy right Hand tbat the People of !)rae/ out of the Ilands of Pharaoh, w/;o for tbt fpace of four hundred Tears did opprefs them, and keep them in Bondage. 0 rlelivcr me forrot~ful Wretch! (for whom th S&n Chrijl fbed hi:. precious lJ/ood on the Crofs) out of this mi erabi1 Captivity and Bondage. How long 'Wilt thou be abfent? for ever'? 0 Lord, hajl tbouforgr-ttcn to be gracious, ami jbut up thy Loving l:indnefs in Difple~fi,re? Wilt thou be no more entreated? Is th) ;v!ercy clean gone for ever, mzrl tby Promife come utterly to an end for evermore ? Why drjt thou make fo long tarryi11g ? Shall I dejpair of thy Mercy 0 God ? far be that from me. I am thy ?Vorkmanfbip, created in Cbrifl Jefus ; give me therefore Graci to tarry thy Leificre. --

When the Hankerchief was tied about her Eyes, fhe kneel. ing down; and feeling for the Block, faid,. What fba/1 I d11 :uhm is it ? and being directed by one of the Stander~ by1 ihe laid her Head down upon the Block, and !l:retching fo;tn her Body, faid, Lord, into thy H1nds I commend my Spirit. In her Troubles ihe writ the following Verfes witb aPin,

Non aliena putes bomini, q'Jct obtingere poffimt ;'

Sors bodiema mihi, ttmc erit ilia tibi. . In Englilh thus~ : Thir,k 11otbing Jlrange which Man cmmot tlecliiie~: My Lot's to Day to Morrow may be thitle.


Epitomiz'J, a.'phabctically.



Deo juvanu, 11il uocet livor mJJhts : Et null juvnnte, nil juvat .labor gravis. Pojt tcnebras Jpero lucem.


< .,, .,.j,.

~ '

',.1-.;f .


In Englifh thus, {f God prorert me, malice camwt end mr, If not, all I ca;z do ~vi// not defend me. /lfm dark Night !.hope J.;r Ligbt. H.

Haggar. . IIe wqs perfecttted for faying; (A. rs~o.) that there fboultl b~ a Battle ~f Priejls, and all the Pricjls fbould be flain: and that rbc Priejls (bould a "cobile rule; bid they (bouicl ali be defi1'oyed fur ma{ing offalfe gods. That the Men of the Cbul'cb fbou/d be ptt d~:un, a11d the falfe gods that tbey make : and after tbat, they ftnuid kllo;v more, and tbm fbou!d be a merry World.

When Tbomas Hale was taken by an Alderman of Briftow and another, he f:1id unto them, Tot! have ]aught my Bloodtbefe '"'' 1cars, and no1.o 11l!tcb good do it you. He was burned A. I557 for faying, The Sacramcilt of the A:'i.n is an ldal. Hall. . i\"icho!as Hall in his An fiver to the firfl: Article againfl: him; f\ramed himfelf a Chriftian Man, and acknowledged the D~rerminations of the holy Church, i. e: of the Ccngre~ation, or Body of Chril1: : but dCilicd to call the Catho- . tic.~ and .tipoftolick Churcb his 1Vlother, bccaufe b(jotmd not tbir Word, Mother, ill the Scripture. To the fecond he faid, That whereas before he held the ~lcrament to be bnt only a Token or Remembrance of Chrift's .Death, how be faid;that There is neither Tokmnor Remembrance, b:caufe it is now mifufed, and clean turned frrmi Cbrifl' s Inflitutzolt, &c. .


{faid he) God forbid ! 0. that tbe faithful. fhould conceive fo


of a Recantation fpre-ad and faHly. father~d upon ~ornelius: die Blood gqfhed p~t of his. Nofe, he fp_read abroad hzs Arms, and made pitiful_0ur-cries, . What to ~ny ibe Tmtb
the Occafion

Hallewin. Har.man. When Come/ius Hallewin of An.t'V.rerp had received a fharp Letter, fenc hiin from the Minijter of the Fle111i(b .Church; upon






of tbc


hardly of me! Good God, thou kno~uejt I am innocent, nor have this Way ojfeizded. When he was condemned to die, the lvlargra'Vc ofl'ered him, that he {hould .die a more eafie kind of Death, if he would give ear' to the Prie!ls, which he had brought to him to l'n No Sir ( faid he) God forbid I fbould do fuch a 1/Jing. Do )I with my Body what 'Je will. As they bound him and Harmmz of Amflerdam, Harmnr. willed the Margrave to take heed what he did; for ( faid he) . this will not go for Payment in God's Sigbt in be1eaving us tbus of . , Q~lr Lives. I wifb you therefore to repent before it be too late. . 2i.m cannot long r.ominue this tyrannous Courfc; for tbe Lo!'ll will . ft!ortly avmge it. . A Crofs being m'Tered them, and a Promife that they fhould, be beheacleJ, and not bmnr, if they would take it into their . Hands, they faid, ThcJ' would not give the lcafl Sign, tbat might . be, of bma;ing tbe Trutb, and that it was all one to tbem mhal Death tbey 'CUm put to, Jo they died in and for the Lord. The . Punifhmenr (they faid) could l11jt but for a 'i.Ubilc, but the GlorJ 'to C{ll!lf' ~:ns er crn,7l. At the Sr ,I;~ Cumclius fell on his Knees, praying God to fr;rr,ive his Enemies, wlw had finned through Ignorance. When the lllargravr: of Antwerp offered Hallewill and Har , mm1 Mitigation of Torments upon Abjuration : We are re . Jolvea ( faid they) rhefc mommtary /~tfiWiolls are 11ot 'i.vorthy that cscecdiJur TVcigbt of Glory, that fbali be revealed .., Hallillgdalc. Articles again John HaWngdale. ( 3) That during the reign of King Edward, he did depart from his former Faith and Religion, and fo doth cominue, and dcterminetb fa to do, (as he faith) to bis Life's cud. ( 4) That he hath divers Times faid, That the Faith, Religion, and Ecclefiafl:ical Ser '\'ice, received, obferved, and ufed nmv in this Realm is not good, but again!l God's Command, &c. And tbat be will nol itl any wife conform bimfelf to the fame, but fpeak, mzd thitlk agai1~ it during his 11atural Life. ( 5) That he abfenteth himfelf continually from his Pari01 Church, &c. ( 6) That he will not have his Child by his Will (as he faith) confirmed by the Bifuop. Unro all which. Articles he made this Anfwer, that he confeffed all, and every Part to be true. ~, He told .Boizi1ei, that the Blood of tbe'. Prophets, imif of the &intsl ami of all that were flain tipOil ;be EartlJ1 VHII jo11nd ~ . , M

Epitomiz' d, alpbaberically. .

! IS

t/;e Babylo11icai Cburch, ~vhich is the Cburch where ~he Pope is Head. --- Bccmife I 'J.Jtll not come to yowv Ba/Jylomci!l C!mrch; . tbci-cfore )'911 go about to condemu me. ! Being demanded whether he would recant; he anfwered, ~ That be would continue, and Jmfijt in his Opinions to tbc' Deatb. When the Sentence was read, He opmly thanked God, that be ncucr came iillo t/;e Ch:trcb,jil;ce t/;c Abominati01i came i11to it. Hali)well. When William Ilaliy'weil atid the twelve more (that were burnt in one Fire at Stra(ford the Bo~r; near Lo1Jdo11) were cond~mned, and carried down thitilCl' tO be burnt, they were di . vided into two PJrts, in two fevera! Chambers : Thereupon. chc Sheriff came to the one Parr, and told them; That the or her had recanted, and their Lives tiH~iefore !hould be raved, . willing and exhorting them to do tbe like, arid not to call: away thcmfelves: unto whom they anfwered, That tlieir Faith' -.uas 1101 built on Man, but Oil Cbrifl crucified: Then the Sheriff i\renr to the other Part, and laid the like to them; but they anfwered as their Brethren had done before, That tbeir Faini' Qas not built 011 Man, but 011 Chrijt m1d bis Word. . . Hamelin. 1Ir. Philibcri llameliz1 of Toumay, refufing Offers of &ap~ out of Prilon, laid, I ejfccm it altogether rmbefacming for a .Ma;t1 riJilt is called to preach Go1l's fVord unto others, to nm away,. aiz!l ro break Prifon, for fear of Dcmgcr, but rather to maintairf tba ... 1/UIIJ taught c-ve;i in the midjl of tbe flmnitzg Fire; After ;)en renee of Death was pafl: upon him, be' eat his Meat as joyfully; as thowgh he had been in no Danger, fpeak ing to them of the Happinefs of eternal Life, evidencing .that: . A good Co11fcience is aCOIJtinua/ Feaft. When he was apprehended,- there was apprehended with him, his Hail:, whom he thoug;ht he had converted; hut at'renvard he renounced Chriil: and his Word : Whereupon h0 faid unto him, 0 zmbappy, IJTld more tbm miforabla! Is it P?flJb!e for you to be fo foolifh, as for the }lving of a few D.1J'Si which you have to live by tbe Comfo of Nature, .Ja _ro'jtart away; and deny the Tmth? Know ~you therefore, that altbmzgb you_baJe by yout f.ooiifhncfs avoided tb~ corporal Fire; :ret :rour Life (ball be 1/e'iJe! the lollger ; for yor1 [ball die b~forc me, an:l God fballnoi give 'J'OU tba Grace, that it foal/ be for his Cw.ift, and ~;ait fo,1il . :.;: _. ~ be an Example to all.Apoftates. .. . ' Immedi.w~l ~ I z

Tbe HrsTOR' Y of the MART'I.'Rs Immediately after, as he was going out of the Prifot\ he,: was fhin by two Gen lem~n, that had a Quarrel with him: .. whereof when Mr. Hamelm heard, he profelf~d he knew ofr. 1 Juch Thing before, but fpakc as pleafori God to guide bis Tongue.; And thereupon difcourfed cxcelientlv of the Providence of: ' : ' God, to the Converflon of fame prefent. When he was in Prifon a Priefl: came in one Sabbath with\.. : ' all his l'urniwre to fay Mafs : but Mr. Hamelin, when he I faw him, pull'd off his Garments, 8c. G1ying, Is it not enough. for ~ozt to blafpheme God itz Cburfbes, but you muf& alfu pollute' : , tbc Prifon witb your Idolatry ? Hamilton.~.. , Mr. Patrick !!ami/to;:, Brother's Son to !ames Hamilto1: 1 : . Earl of Arran, and Siller's Son to Jobn Stuart, Duke of A/thai, . hating tbe World, and the Vanity thereof, left Scotland, and travelled into Gmnany, where be became intimate with Marliu Lrirher, Philip Melauttbon, Francis Lambert, and became an emi nenc Profd).;Jr, the Zeal of God's Glory did e.1t him up, fq that he cou!J not chufe, bnt he mull .return into bis own Country to mnke known the Gofpel. Articles objeCl:ed again It him. That tbc Pope is Ami. cbrifl ..c That the Pope's Laws be of no Strength. That he doubted, Whetber all Cbildren, dcpartillg immediately after .. their Baprijm, are Javed or condCIIpzet!. ; At the Place of Execurion he gave his Servant (who had been his Chamberlain a long Trme) his Gown, Coar, &c. faying, Tbcfc ~oillnot profit in the Fire, the;. will profit thee. After this, of me t!rou cmzjl recei1;c 1w Commodity, except tbe Ex ample of my Deatb, wbh:b I pray tbec bear ill Mind; pr albeit il be bitter to tbe Flefb, mzd fearful before ivlen, yet it is the Entrai/CI . 2m to etemnl Life, 'cVhicb uone {bail pqjfcfs that de!lics Cbrifl Jefirs before tbis r.vicked Generation. The Fire being kindled, he cried with a loud Voice, Lord Jefus, receive my Spirit. How longfbal!Darklzefs ovmvhelm this Realm? And bow long 'cvilt tborr Juffer tbis Tyrmmy of ivlm? A Black Friar, called Campbel, who had pretended fome Love to the Gofpel, cried out to him, Con vert Heretick, call upon ' our Lady, fay, Salve Regina, &c. His Anfwer was, Depart and trouble me not, thou Nleffe~~gel' of Satm1. Wicked Ma11, thou kno'<ocfl tbe COiltrary, and rhe contrary to me thou baft confeffed. , 1 appeal tbee before the tribunal Seat of Chrift Jefus. :Mr. Fo.r; faith, Tha~ he cited him to appear before the high


Epitomiz'd, alphabetically.

God, as general Judge of all Men, to anfwer to the Inof bis DcJtb, fjc. between that and acenain Day Jf ; 11 ~ nt:Xt l\lontil, whicil he there named: and that the Friar ldon; tb~ t~id D.1y came, wichoutrcmorfe of Confcience,. he had per!~cutcd the Innocent. He was burnt Fcbr. ult. Li. 1527. . In his Treatife ilih::d Patrickr Places, by Mr. John Frith, ho tranfl.1tcd ir out of Latin into Engli!h. He that lovetli od !oveth his Ne-ighbour. If a lvlall ']1J' 1 love God; a11d: hatctb bir Brother, is a Lyar, &c. He that lovech his . . ighbour a> him!'elf, keepdh all the Commandments of -He that hath faith !oveth God. My Father lovelh . bcc,wft 'yon luvc me, aud believe tbilt I am come of God.-- i> tiot in our Power to keep any one of the Cummandments-. God ..... But you will fay, Wherefore doth God bid us do which is impoaible for us ? l anf11rer, To make thee now r!tat thou arr but evil, and that there is no Remedy tti. thee in thine own Hand, and that thou maye!t feek Re. 1 ac .fillne other,. &c ..... The Remedy is {hewed in the ..... To br.:licve God is to believe his Word, and tQ a::c uunt wl1at he f<tith true.- Faith is the Gift of God.--- airh is not in our Power ..... H.: that lacketh Faith canno~ l God ..... All that is done in Faith pleafeth God !~ that believeth the Gofpd il1all be faved. --No manner Wurks make us righteous . : . He: that thinks to be faved his Works; calleth qimfelf Chri!l:.-~-- Thou muft do good but b::ware that thou do them not .to de;:ferve any . .through them.--- i\Irs. Katberine Hamiltml ( Sifl:er to Mr. Patrick) was alfo ; and being quellioned about Works, the anf1vered,. none rcvas Javed by his fVorks. One thereupon [peaking_ her of the Works of Congruo and Condigno, i11e anfw'ered,. k !me, ~uo;k tbere, r.ubat kind of worki11g is all tbis ? No . cmz jitvc me, but Cbrift's.

Hamel!. When Godfrey Hamell was condemned for an Heretick : ( fJid he) 110t all Hcretick, but an ltnprofitablc Serva11t of Cbrift. . . '"' the Hangman went about wfl:rang!e him, to dimiliiflt Punilhment, he refufed it, faying, That be ~uould abide the

that tbc Judges bad givm.




nf tbe



Mr. Thomas Hankes bein;;; a<k'd bv Bonner w!ly he fuiF<rd . bis Child to be unchrifl:ened fo lnng? anfwereJ, lll:caufc :;; . l;e bou11d to do nothing contrary to the H~1rd nf God. Being told . ~ha.t Baprifm is c.ommanded by the Word of God : His I1y1f. ... t11t10n tberein ( fa1d he) I do not dmy ; b!lt all Things intclild , tmd de7;ijed by Man, &c. But will yon ( f.tid Boniler) deny Ihar which' all the 'World and your Father have been contented :; withal? What 111y Father ( f.1id Han.~es) and all the JFor/d bar~ ; i/o;:c I have llOtbing to do with, but what God hatb commanded 1111 : to do, to that fland I. Bonner telling him that Baget w:1s c0n- ~/ Yerted ro think well of their Bc~ptiiin: I build my Faitb ( fdid ;,: lle) neitbp upo11 this 1\!Jan, nor upon :rou ; but 11po11 CHlusr, 1u!i i:: is the Founder and Author nf all .'vim's Faith. .. r :: ' Botmcr threatning to take another Courle with him. What:: Joe~cr 'j,e do ( faid he) I am ready to fu.ffer it; for I <11/l in )'O:rr Bands to abi~e it.. , ~~ ]Jmmer tellmg htm he would not have any HercGe talked 10 t ]lis' Houfe : Why ( faid he) is the Truth become Hmjic ? Gd ;; bat[J pommmzdetl tl1at we jbouhl bavc 1ionc otbcr 1:llk in our Hozife, ) 'in our Beds, at our Meat, and by the fYay, but all Truth. ,Darbifbirc (Bonner's Kinfman) telling him, he was too curi :. ClllS; :for he would have nothing but his pretty God's Book: r l1e an~vered, Allll is it llOt fi!fficient for my Salvation ? Yes ( faicj D.) for our Salvation ; but not for our Inil:ruElion.; . C9{]imd me the SalvatiDil ( faid II. ) mzd '}'Oil the lnjlruftion. r .. Bonner threatning him again: Tau are ( fitid he) i;z tbe Hanli \ nf God, and Jo am I. ---1hat wbicb I have faid, I 'coil/ }land I~; i; (;od rcuilling, there is 110 Way to remove it. ; Bonner telling him that a l'agot would make him know and i b.elieve the Sacrament of the Altar: No, 110 ( faid he) a Poir.t i for y~ur Fagot. What God thinketh meet to be done, that fl;a/1! ;~c do, a11d mo~c )'C fballuot do. . . ! : Bonner telhng h1m, That he was wdlmg to teach h1m, but 1Je' ras fo fiubborn, that he would not learn : Except yc learn :JJe ( faid he) by tile Word of God, 1 'Will 1JC'<!Cr credit you, mr ~Hicv '11JII. ' ' !!ar,isjleld telling him, If his Child died unchrifiened, h~ was' ~amn 'd a~d his Child both : Judge you ~w farther (faid he) than ~~~ may by the &ripturcs . How can- your ~hild being an Infant ( faid Harpsfield) believe'? Tbe Deliver .;nee if it ( faid Hm1kes) from Sill Jlcmdct!J in tbc Faith of bis







Epitomiz 'cl, alphabetically. II9 : Saint Paul fi1ying, --- Elfe '.Ue1e ,our Children unclean. trn!1 to any ( !:1id Eouncr) we bid you I]Ot ; but to pray them, \\'t bid you : They that !ill ( faid Htmkes) receive Dochine. Tu:t t eacb me, tbat I fbould not believe. 110r truJf; all)' but toea!/ on tbcm; and Saint Part/ faith, Hnw ]ball I call. him, o1z r.uhom I believe uot? . EollllCI' call in?; him l''ool: he faid, A Bifbop muft be blamclefss jt~ultlc(s, fobcr, difcreet, 110 Chider, 1101' given to Auger. :\Jr. i!a11.~es telling Bom;cr, ThatChr!fi faith, Tbefe Tokenr fo!/o,u them tbat b'licve in me : They Jba/1 Jpeak witb !1ew un~ucs, cajt out De'Jils; a11d if any drink deadly Po'Jfon, it pJall lmrt tbem. Boullcr ask'd him, With what new Tongues ' ve fpeak ? F01jootb ( faid Hankes) where before I came ta !tno~ulcdgc of God's Word, I was a foul Blafpbemer and filthy alkcr. Since 1 came to the Knowledge thereof, I ba'iJc praifed Gotl 'tb tbc fame Tongue, and is not this a ne~u T01igue ? How do ( f<Jid Bonner) call: out Devils ? Chrift ( faid Hankes) did , them om by his Word; and IJe IJatb left the fame Word, . 'i.'Jbc{(]ctcr doth credit, and believe it, fba/l cajt out Devils. Did you ( fJid Bonner) ever drink deadly Poifon? Tea forfootb tb u I have ( fJid Hankes) for I have drcmk of tbc pefti!ent Tra- . ditir.ns ami Ccrcwonies of tbe Bifbop of Rome. Jl,mzcr thrcatning that he lhould be burnt for an Heretick: lfbm fJi'{,'iJC 'J'C ( f.1icl l!tmkcs) that Chrifl, or his Apojiles did kill ally 1il'm fnr his Fairb ? Did not Pmil ( faid B. ) excommunicate 1 Yes, my Lord (fait! H.) but time is a great di.ff'ermc~ bmucw Excommtmicatib1z, mzd bumiug. --If )'Oil <vi// bave us gram )'i:; to be of God, thm flw. u Mere'; for tfJat God rcquiretb, An old 1Mhop pcrfwading him to learn of his Elders to bear fomc1{rhat: I will bear ~vitb 1101 bing ( faid he) tbat is cantwy to tbc lVord of God. Fecknam charging him for building his Faith on Latimer, Cranmer, Ridfey, &c. I buifd my Faitb ( faid he) upon 110 Mall, and that )'C <veil kl10w; for if tbofo Men, and ar many more, as they be, fbould JccatJt, .rmd deny that tbey have Jaid, or done, yet will I flallll to it, and by this Jball ye know that I build my faith rtpoll 110 Man. . . Chadfey asking him, What he faid of the Bia10p of Rome? From bim (faid he) aJld all bis dctejlable Euormities, good Lard deliver u;. : . Bonuer faying, You fpeak of Idols, and you know not what they mean; God hath t11ugbt us what they be; ( faid Hank~s)




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The Hx sT Oi lY if the MARTYRs _atjowcr is made, graven, or dcvifc:l by Mall's Hand, camra;y for wh .. to Gods rVbrd, the fame is m1 Idol. tt:llinp; him, lt was Pitv he lhould live : in this Chadfey Cafe ( li1id he) I drjire not to live, but rather to die. ---1 "JJG!;iJ my Part might be to morrow. B01mel' threatning to fend him to Newgale: My Lord ( fi1id he) you cau do me no better Pleajure. Bonner telling the Keeper, His Prifoncr would not go to :. Sermon : Yes, my Lord ( faid he) I pray )'011 let me go, :; the that is good I "vi/1 recei-;;e, and the rrjt I will leate : mul that bebi;;d me. Bonner asking afcer his Imprifonment, 'Whether he was the fame Man he was before? he anfwen:d, I aill 110 Chang;. ling, nor none will be. Miles Hu~gard asking him, Where he proved that Infants were to be baptized ? Go teach all Natiws (laid he) bap. tizing them i11 the Name ~f the Fatbcr, and of the Son, a11J of the Holy Gbojt. Sir, here is none excepted. Bonner threatning him again: Ye {ball do no more ( faid he) tha11 God fball give you Leave.---.lls for your Cu~(lngs, Railingr, and JJ/~(phemin,gs, I care not for them; for I kno'1.u tbe },;lutb; and Worms fbal/ cat you, as tbey eat C!otb or Woo/1. -His Examination he writ himfelf, and fubfcribed ir, T. H. Who dcjiretb all faithful Mm, mzd Bretbren, to pray unto Gcd to Jlrwf!.tbm me in bis Truth llllto the end. Pray, pray, pray, gcnr le Brctbrm, pray. Bonner advifing him at his publick Examination to fpeak advifedly; for he ftood upon Life and Death: Well ( faid he ) I will <tuillingly receive wbat [ball be put unto me.---- My Lnrd. as .~ott be my Friend in caz!(!ng thefc my Sayings to be 'l.o:irrm ; fo do you caufe them to be read, and yet I will never go from them. ing exhorted to return again to the Bolam or the MotherBe Cil urch : No, my Lord, ( faid he) that will I not ; for if 1 bad an hundred Bodies, I would fltffcr them all to be tom in Piem, . rorhcr than 1 '1.oi/l abjure, or recant. me of his Friends being not a little confirmed by hiS Sr ple, and Difcourfes, yet being fomewhat afraid of fa Exam {harp a: Punil11mem, de fired him a little before his Death, in the midll of the Flame he would ihew fome Token, that could, where0y they might be more certain, whether if he the Pain of Burning were fo great, that a Man might n~t


Epitomiz 'd, alpbabetical:y. . rz I tl~cic;n keep his Mind quiet and patien~: \Vhereupon it wJs agreed betwet:n them, that if cbe II.Jge of rht: P:1in wcr~ wlerablt:, then he ihuu!J lift up his llJilds ~bove his ]lead towards l-lt::~\'tn, before he gav.: l!? tli~ Gho!l-. Accurdingly, wh.:n he had cominued long in the Fire, his , Speech taken a1ny, his Skin drawn wge:hcr, his Fing~rs con' fumed, fo that all concluded lie was dead; contrary to all Ex[ p<:t:lnwn, be reached up his H.mds, burning 6/l a light Fire, ! 0 ~,; /;is Head, to the living Gud, and ~~itb great Rcjoycing (as - i~ feemed) clapped tbem tbrce Times tvgetlm. \ lle was burned to A!hes, June ro. 1555 ; In his Letter to the Congregation.' Tlk I Iuly Spi~ir coni ' Juc1 and lead you all in all your ]),lings, that you nuy always \ ' direct your Deeds according to his boly lVard, that wnen be \ ' !hall appear to reward every Man according to bis J-Vorkr, ~ e -i ' nuy as obedient Children, be found watching, ready to I ' ~mer into his everlaCting Kingdom, with your L1mps burn'1 ' ing, and not be ailJamed of this Life, which God lwh lent ~ ' yuu, &c. 1111 Flefb (faith the Prophet) is Grafs, and all bis \! Glul')' as tbe Flower of tbe Field, '<~bicb ful a Seafon jb,'wetb ber '~ El.lilt)',aml as jo01z as tbc Lord blowetb upo11 it, it r.~itbemb a;oay, and dcp~rtetb. ' Here we are as Pilgrims and Strangen, l ' followmg the FootCteps of Mvfcs, among many unfpeakable l ' Dangers, &c ..... in Danger of th.lt dreadful Dragon, and :1 ' his linful Seed, to be temp;ed, devoured, and tormented, .) ' who ceafeth not behind every Bu01 to lay a BJ_ir, &c. cafring l ' abroad his Apples in all Places, Times, and s~a!ons, to- fee j ' i~ Jldum wi!l be allured and enticed to leav::: th~. living 1' God, and Ius mofl holy Commandment, f3 c. .promtfmg thl! ; ' World at will, to all that will fall down, and for a Mefs ~ : ' of Pottage fell, and fee at naught the everlaO:ing Kingdom :( ' of Heaven ..... Therefore I am bold in Bonds (as entirely ' defiring your everlaCting Felicity) to warn you, and molt ' heartly deGre you to watch and- pray. On the high ' Mountains doth not grow mo!l: Plenty of Grafs, neither _' are the highell Trees farthe!l: from Danger, but feldom .. ' fure, and always fhaken of eyery Wind that bloweth. Such ' a deceitful Thing (faith our Sa>!iour) is Honour and Riche~, . ' that without Grace, it choketh up the good Seed fawn, ' &c. It maketh a Man think himfelf fomewhat, that is no; thing at all ; for. though for our. Honour we eO:eem our . felves3 and lland in our own Light, yet when we fnf!II O:and -;--before -





of tbe


' he fore the living God, there il~all be no Refpeel of ' for Riches belpetb not ill the Day of Vengeance, nor can ' make the Lord parcial for Money. -' Though the Worltl rage, and blafpheme the EleEl . ' God, ye know that it did fo unto Chri!l, his Apoflles, ar:. ' to all that were in tlie Primitive Cburch,and !lull be unto tt,; ' World's end.-- I befeech you in the Bowels of Chrifl rr.;) ' Lord Jefus, flick fa!lunto the Truth: let it never depa!:; f . ' out of your Hearts and Converfations, fJc. Tour's in him tbat liveth for e'Ver. ! . In his Letter to his 11/ifc, after his Condemnation ... ..r' : . ' exhort vou to love Cod with all :your Heart, and Soul, ar.. ' Miild, &c. To lay fure hold on all his promifes, that in i. ' your Troubles you may run !lra_it to the great ~ ' God, &c. And be fure that neither Devil, Flefi1, nor . ~ fi1all be able to hurt you. But if you will not keep bis . ' Precepts, and call for God's Help 'to walk in the fame, . ' will leave them, and do as the wicked World docs, ' be fure to have your Part with the wicked World in the ' Lake. Beware of Idolatry, which moft of all flinks in ' Nollrils, and hath been of all good Men detell:ed from : ' beginning of the 'World, for the which what ' &c. God hath punif11ed with moll: terrible Plagues, . , ' to . the utter Subverfion of them, is uwllifejlly to be ' tbrougb the ~ubole Bible; yea, for this he dreadfully ' his own People, &c. But how be hath prefcr\'ed thofc ' abhorred Supe1jtitiou and Idolatry, &c. is alfo to be feen ' the beginning, ont of what ~rcat Danger he hath ' them; yea, when allllopc of DcliveraliCC -.vas paft, as ' ing their Expectation, &c. I exhort you alfo in the . of Cbrifl, that :rou 1uil/ exercife, alld be ftedfajt ill Prayer, ~ only Mean to obtain of God whatfocver we defire, fo . ' be askt in Faith. 0 what notable Things do we 'Scripture, that have been obtained through fervmt Pl'ayer! ~ Whatfocver you de fire of God in Prayer, ask it for ~ Cbrifl's Sake, for whom and in whom God hath ~ give us all Things nece!fary. Though what we ask ' not by and by, continue fl:ill knocking, and he will at ' opetl his Treafurcs of Mercy, &c. ----Yet once again I ~ you, that ye continue fervent in Prayer, f:fc. . In l1is Letter to Mr. Throgmorton.---' Whereas the ' of God hath moved yo~ to require my Son to be .


. Epitomiz 'd, alphabetically. I 23 before your Eyes, and the felf fame LoYe hath alf.) moved to leave him in your Hands as a Fat bel in my Abfence, !hall require you in God's Behalf, ac.:ordin11; to vour Prn: that ye will fee him brougbt up in tbe Fear nf the Lqrd, .d in the Kno<;;lcdgc if his holy !Ford. that he may n to leave the Evil, and know the GPod, fjc. And this 1tquire you to f~lfil, or caufe to be fult1ll~u, as ye before IivinP.: God will make anfwer for the lame .... " 1our' s, and all Men's iil CHRIST JEsus. Heflor. , Hetlor, being condemned, was threatnecl, that li1ake any thing to the Peopl~, his Tongue ihould be off.; yet he did not forbear ..... He pnv'd for the Judges, God 1UO!lld forgive tbem, mid open their Eyes.--- He refufed offered him a't the Stake. ----At his Death many faying, Why doth this Mmz die, ~~bo Jpeaketh if nothing God? .... When he was called before Autboritv to be he would anfwer them to nothing before he had his to God: Whereupon falling down upon his he fa1d, Lord, opC1l my i'vlouth, and direfc my Speech to that only, that may tend to thy Honour and G!ury, and the of tby Church.--- When be was bound t~t:he Stake, and Brimftone was brought to be 'placed about ; be lifting up his Eyes co Heaven, fJiJ, Lord, bo<u )iueet ~uclcome is this to me? Hemaudes. Mr. Julian Hemaudes, (a Sprmifb Martyr) c~me from the and the Tortures of the Inquiiition inflicted on him~ bringing with him, and cauGng to be brought into Sjlai11, Books of the holy Scriptures in Spm1ijb) as from a Confaying to his Fellow-prifoners as he paft by them, Thefe are gone away confo!lnded, no left than Wolves, that bee11 long b!lnted. When he was brought forth to his Execution, he faid tQ rell:, Courage, my valiant a11d conftant Brethren, no~u is: the come; ill whicb as the true Cbampio11s of .'!efus CIJJift* 'We witnefs his Truth before Meu, and for a fhort Trial for: hi{ we ]ball triumph wi1h him for ever and cuer. . Herwyn. When Jobn Herwyn of Flanders, was led to Prifon, the Bailiff certain Drunkards in the Street, and faying, They fav have many Gofpelm in Hottjcot, but it little appears by thefe - Diforders :.

Tbe H IS To RY of the MART Yil s Difordcrs : He replied, Mr. Bailiff1 is Drzmkemzefs a Siu . What of that? (raid the BailifF) Why then ( liud commit )'Oil not tbcfo Fcllo,us to Prijo1z, feeing it is yo;tr Oifi.e p1wijb Vice, m1d to prot eft Jucb as fear Coil? After he was in Prilon, becaule he was not" called fon\ before the Magi!lra[(:s, affiJOn as he deli red and expeCl:ed, ht grew heavy and J'.td, asking, Why tbey Jo dela}'ed tbe "For his Heart was fired with an holy Zeal to confefs , .. b:fore his Judges. When he was brought forth, he adtr.onifhed his Judge,[ to examine the DoCtrine of the Roman Church by the truei Touch-fl:one, which is the holy Scripture, that fo they might! difC~rn how oppnure and contrary tht one is to the other.:' CoJJjider aljo (raid he) ~ubaubc fVords if St. Peter import, whm be affirms, Hat 'cue ought to obey God rather tha11 Ma11, &c. ;. When he craved for Ju!bce, either one V/ay or they urged him to de fill: f\om bis Opinion; but he Th::tt bis Faitb -;vas not built 011 an Opinio11, hut ( faid be) tbe hacb taugbt me to cfcbew E'i!il, ami do Good.- Sedl: thou ( G1id thty) how thele Opinions have troubled the W a 1tl how many of the lcarneder Sort do comradiCl: them. So far is it nfl ( faid he) that the Do[lrille of tbe Gofpd be tbc Cmfe r:f 'lloubles, Debates and Strifes, ~ubicb reigll in World, tbat tbrfe 1ioubles indeed arife from the Rage of A;zrl asfor )'Our leamed lvlen, it is inzpqffi.ble fT lmmau Wifdoo to comprebcwl tbe Doflrine if God: For whicl1 Caufe Chri!l: faith, Father, I thank thee, tbat tbor~ haft bid tbefe Secrets from thi . 'i:~fc [\lleli if the World, and ba)t revealed them unto Babes. When thofe two MalefaCl:ors that were coupled with , brake Prifon and fled, he might have efcaped, but fearing his Flight might be imputed to the godly Cbrifl:i_ans in th_e . City, he woulc) not fly .. When he was adverttfed of-~~ Sentence, He tbatked God for advancing. him to Jo bigh ar.. Honour, as to becozmterl ~uortby to Juffer for bis Name.~--: As .. palfed forth from the Court, viewing the People,who ~ai~ed to fee him, he faid, Sec heie bow tbis wicked World TC'!J'ards tht poor Servmzts if Cbrijl; ! Wbilfl I gave my felf to DrunkCilneft, &c. I 1uas 11evcr i11 Danger of tbefe Bauds (lifting up his !:lands w:1ich were bound) I ~uas then cou11ted a good Fello--w; mzd a: that Time J wbo b11t I! But uo Jooucr begmz I by Commjio11 IO mk after a godly Life, but tbc World made !Var upon me, anJ !Jccamc my E11emy,.pc1Jccwiug mzrl imprijoni11g me, and IIOW !aft, g . . . '

Epitomiz'd, alphabetically. I2S all je11ding me :o the Place where ~ muft pay 'my Ia.!} Debt. rhe Servant IS no better than Ins Lord; for Jeemg they him, 110 qrujiian they 1vill perfecute us. the Stak~ he laid, Bretbren, I fight under the Standard, in tbe Ouarrcl of 111')' great Lord and Captain CmusT. --- now g~1g to be crucijicd; Fill/ow you me, :uhm Gad nf bis jba/1 call you to it.- He was burnt No';!. 4 .dn. 1560. Hicrame. I find two of this Name. !. iV!r. William Hierame, Vicar of StcpHey ncar London.- acculed for preaching ap;ainfl: MagiJrares, he affirmed be had preached) Tbat 110 Magiflrate of bimfcU' 111 akc any Law or LaJ.!s to bh1d tbe I11fcrior People, unlej> by tbe Po.-.::er a;1d Au.tbority of his or tbeir Princes ra or them givm, but only tbe Prince. Adding, If the PriMe La.-.os confcnting to Gad's La.-.vs, .._ue are bound ro obey them; if be 1/Jakc- La.-.ts repug1zant to the Lm;,s rj Gud, .&t:. ~et .-.ue bound not violent/')' to' ref!ft, or grudge againjt .bim. ---- J\t Stake he ga\e rile following nxhortation w rhe Pc 1ple ; v unto you, gnod Brethrm, that God batb bou~bt us all ~uitiJ P1icc, neither 'c~it/i Gold, nor Silver, 110r otbcr {itcb Tbings Value, but 'i.~ilh bls mojl precious Blood. Bt ;;o; witbanktherefore, but do wbat 'JOU can to keep his Cnmmandment.r, i. e. Brethren . .... If God bath fcnt tbra P!cnr-:h belp thy that barb 1:ccd ; give bim good Cmmjfl, if he lack.--- Crofs 'JJitb Chrifl. ----Let all Cbr!fii,ws pllt 110 1bfl ill their Works, but in the Blood of Cbrift, to wbom . my Soul, befecching you all to pray to God for me, ami my Brethren here prefcnt r.:~ith us,. &c. . 2. Mr. Hicrome of Prague. he was brought Prifoner to Conflmzce, f~;1cral of : Bifhops laid unto him; Hieromc, why didfl thou fly, .and . "'not appear when thou was cited? He anfwercd, Be; I could not have any Jafe qonduft, &c. 011d I would not my be the Occaji.m1 of my Perils and Da~g-er; but if I had known this Citation, although I had hem i1z Bohemia, 1 would bime agai11. -When cer'tain cried out, Let' him ~-e bu~ned, . him be burned ; .. He anf1vered, 1f my Death dot~.deljght . yo11, in the Name if Goa let it be Jo; ...... . . he 1\'as welcomed 'to Prifoii by a Ffiend'Mr. Hus, to him, Be conjlimt, mid fear 11ot' Deilt/J for 'the Trurb's of the which, whm )0:1 were at Liberty,' yr,u did preacb


11jc HistOR Y of the MARTYRS Jo much Goodnefs ; He anfwered, Truly Brother, I i!o not Death ; allll forafmucb as we kno~v tbat we have fpoken tbcrcrif ill Times pafl, let us now fee what may be known, or in E!Fctl. Virus asking him how he did, He 1ia!y Brutbcr, I dn very well.

1\frer a long fore Imprifonment he was forced \o conf~nt unw the DeatiJ of Mr. John Hus, that he was . condemned and put IO Death ; but his Hopes of thereupon were dif<rppointed, for they caufed him to be ried back unto the fame Prifon, but not fo firaitly and bound as before. Afr,r his Recantation and Confent to .the Death of : Hus, he refufed to anfwer to any Quefl:ions him in privare, except he might be brought before They lirppoGng he would confirm his former fent fur him May 25 . .l111. 1416. When he was before them, he began with Prayer to Gad, befceching . give bim Spirit, llbility and Utterance, which migbt moft teflJ tbc Prufit anrl Salvation of his own Soul. Then he fpake them thus: I know that there have been many excellent which have fulfered much otherwife, than they have being oppreffed with falfe Witneifes, and condemned wrong Judgment, as Socrates, Plato, Anaxagoras, Zeno, Mofcs, Jnfepb, IfaiabJ Daniel, and almofi all the &c. .'fohn Baptijt, Cbri{t, Stephm, and all the Apoa!es 1. were condemned to Death, not as good Men, but as Stirrers up of the People, and Contemners of the gods, evil Doers .. This was the old Manner of ancient and Ivlen, and moll: holy Elders, chat in Matters of faith :. did differ many Times in Argumr;:nts~ n.at to dellroy . Faith, but to find out the Verity : So did Augr9line Hiero.ne diifent. As for Mr, Hus, he was a good, and holy Man (to 111Y Knowledge) and much unworthy Death which he did fuffer. -At !ail: he added, Thac Sins that ever he had committed did not fo mucb gnaw and ' his Confcien_cc, as did thac only Sitl, which he had fhat mqft pefliferous Fat&, wbellas in his Recantation he baa juJUy .fpoken agaillfl that good mzd holy Man and his and cfpecially in confcnting to bis wicked Condcmnatia~ . eluding, that he did utterly revoku that wicked :Recan~ation, and that it did repent him wib his whole Heart that ever he Being again brought forth to have J!lPgment given.

Epitomiz'd, alphabetically.


prell: to recant \~hat he had be~or~ fp~ken i11 open Auin Commendation of Mr. Wtckliff and Mr. Hus, He unto them, I take God to my Witr1ejs, and I protefl here , you all, that I do belic'Je aud hold the Articles of the Fairb, tiJc b(lly Catbolic!: Cburcb doth bold and believe tb: fame; but tbis Caufe Jba/1 I JlO'W be condemned~ for tbat I wzllnot coz!fcut )'VII to tbe Condemnation rf thofe mnft holy ad blq[Jed Me11 "ui!om )'Oil ba'Je mofl ~uickedly comlcm1IC1l, for their demul abhorring your wicked and abominable Lif~. 111 the 13i!hop of Londy had ended his Sermon, \yhich but an Exhortation to condemn l\1r. Hierome, he. faid. "' them, 1ou [ball co11dcmn me wickedly and tmjufily ; but I 1/IY Death will/cave a Remorft in :yow CoT!{cicnce, and a Nail \'0111' Heart, and here I cit~ JOlt to an.f;ue;- unto me before the high and juft Judge witbiu a11 htmdrrd rears. This Prowas printed in the Coh1 called iYloneta Huffi ; of the Coin I my felf (faith Mr. Fox) have one of the Plates, the following Superfcription printed about it, Centum Ollllis Deo 1'ejpondebitis & mihi. That is, Witbin all Tems you an.f;;Jer to God mul to me. After Sentence was pronounced a~ainfl: him, a long Mitre, Paper, painted about with red Devils, w~s brought to him, he faid, Our Lord Jefus Cbrifl, r,.uhcnas he P'or1ld , Death for me, moft "uretobed Sinner, did "vear a Cr01vn c,f upon his Head, and I for bis Sake, i1Jjlcad of that Cro;;m, willingly 'cuear this iIitre or Cap ..... When the fire was "'" , he (Jid, Into thy Hands 0 Lord I commend 1izy Spirit. Lord God, Father Almigbt'y, have lvlercy upo11 me, mzd pardo11 ilze Offences, fw tbou knowefl ho-w jincerely I bavc loved tby ... When the Executioner began- to kindle the Fire him, he bid him kindle it before his Face; for ( faid I have been afraid of it, I bad not come to this Place, having many Opportu11ities offmd to 1/lP to efcape it.-- At the up of the Ghoil: he faid, :.. Haua anim{im itl jlammis Chrifle, tibi. -That is, This -itll oj mine, in Fla11ics of _Chri{t, I prefe.nt to thee. - . . . h1s Letter to Mr: Jobn Hus, he tln)S' \vrites. ---' My MaUer, in thofe"Things which you have both written hitherto, and alfo preached, after the Law of God,. againfl: the Pride, Avarice, and other inordinate Vicesoftbe Priefts, go forward, be conll:ant, and fl:rong, and if I ilia-IJ knmv that you be oppre.ifed in the Caufe, and if need finll fo ' requlie,

TJ;e HrsTORY of the M!a:nn s 128 c require, of mine own Accord I will follow after; to help ' you as much as I can. !n theLetter of Poggius (Smetp'ry to the Coullcif of Coil jfmJcc) to Leonard Are tin concerning Hicrome's Deatb,.\ve have. thele Palf1ge~ ..... ' I profefs I never law any. Man,. who in ': talking, c:fpccially for Life and Death, hath come ne~rer '.the Eloquence of the Anticnts, whom we do fo much arlmire. ' It was a Wonder, to fee with what Words, with what ' Eloquence, i\rgumenrs, Countc::nance, and W\th what Con ' fidence he. anfwered his Adverfaries, and rn,aimained his ' own Caul~ : that it is to be lamented, that fo fine a Wit ' had !hayed into the Study of Ilmfie, if it b.e true that was ' objeCled a~~infl: him.---- When it was refufed, that he fhoufd ' firil plead his own Caufe, and then anfwer to the RailinKs ' of Adverfarics, he faicl, Ho1v great is this Iniquity, that 'cobm I have been three hundrctl and forty Days i11 mojt. bard Prifom1 ill Filtbinrfs, in Dung, in Fetters, and want nf all Things, ye have beard my /ldveifaries at all 1/'mes, mzd yc will not bear me 0111 Hour!--- Te are Men, and not Gods; )'C.IIJay flip, and err, and he dccciiJed, and fcduccd, &c.---- When it was demanded, what ,he could objefi to the Articles again!l: him ? It is almofl in credible, how cunningly he anfwered, and with what Argu ments he defended himfelf. He never fpake one Word un worthy of a good Man; that if he thought in his Heart, as he fpakc with his Tongue, no Caufe of Death could have been again!l: him; no, not of the meanefl: Offence. In the End Poggius faith, 0 Mall, ~oorthy of evcrlafling Remembrance amo11g Men! . Ilo/land. . A Friend of Mr. Roger Holla11d's thanking the Billwp for his Good will to his Kinfman, and befeeching God that he might. have Grace.to follow his Counfel; $ir ( faid Mt. Hoi: land) 1"ou.cravc oj !;od ypu know not what, I bejeech God to opd! yo11r Eyes'. to fee tq_~ .[Jg~t of his Word. Roger ([aid his- Ki~f. man) hole! .your . pe,ace;, _left you fare the wor[e at my- J;.ord'! Hands. No (laid he)~ jha/1 fare ar}t pleafeth God;,for M~~ . eM do no more than.. God doth permit him. The Regifterasking -him, Whether he woulMu~Il!i; ~imfe~ Jo the Bifhop, .before he was el}tred into the.J3ook.of:~~ . t_empt ? !never meimt ([aid he) but to jubtnit my]elf fo tht Magijlrate, as Ilearn,of St. Paul, Rom. 13 . Yet !mean ~ot to be a Papifl ; they will not fubmit themfelves to any other






Epitomiz'd, alpbabetically.


Prince or Magifl:rate, than thofe that mufl firn he. fworn maintain them and their Doings. Bonner telling him, Roger~ 1 perceive d10u wilt be r.uled by no good Co11nfef, (;'c. He anfwered, I may l:1y to you, my Lord, as. Pat1Haid to Fe/i.'C~ and to the Jews, Afts 22. I Cor; 15. It is not unknown.. t() my l\Iafler, whole Apprentice I was, .that I was of th\$ yo~ blind Religion, 8c. having that Liberty unde'r your tiuricular CU7ife0ion, that I made no Confcienc:e of. Sin, but tn\fted iri the l'rieji's Aljolutiml, &c. So that Lecherr:;, S~uearing, ang all other Vtw, 1 accounted no Offence of Danger, fo long a~,~ could for Mo11cy have them abfolved. Arid thus I continuEd, till of late God hath opened tile Light of his Word, and 'callea n1e by his Grace to Repentance of my former Idola_try and wicked Life. The llmiquily of onr Church is not from Pope ll'icbolas or Pope J'onc, but our Cl1t1rch is from the beginning. cl'cn frnm the Time that God faid to Adam, That the Seedof . t/Jc Woman fl;ould brcal: the Scrpc11t's Head, &c. All.that believed this Fromi!e were of the C!mrcb ; though ~he Number :we~ ofttntim~s but bv and linall, as in Elias's Davs, when he : tilougilt there was 1101/c but be, that bad 110t bowed the /(nee ttJ i BJal, f:}c. Moreover of our Church have been the ApOflle~ and Evangclifls, 'the Martyf's and Cmifc.ffors, that have in all Ages been per(;;cuted for the Tdl:imony of the Word of
; God....... .


After Scntenca was read again!l: him; he faid, J!:ocil tl010 1 told JGU that ;our Autbority ~'as if God and by bisStijferance; and iJo:u 1 tell ;o~t, God barb beard tbe Prayer of bis Servants, 101-ich hmb been pc!tred forth 1.vitb Tears for bis a.ffiitted Saints~ {Ubicb daily you pcrfecute. This I dare be bald ill God to Jpeak ( whic~ by his Spirit I am moved to ['1}') that God will fi10rten your Hand of Cmelty, tbat for a 1imc you jball 110t inolefl bir Church. A11d this jbal/ ;ou iu fbort Time pcmive, my dear Bretpre~t, to be mofl true; for after tbis Day, i11 tbiJ Place, fball there not be ~~~y by bim put to the Trial of Fire and Faggot. [Which. accordmgly came to pafs. He was the /aft burnt in Smith~ field. J Then he began to exhort his Friends to Rep~ntance, and to think well of them that fufl"ered for the Teftimonj' 1 ,> : . ; . . . _. P.f the Gofpel. The Day that Mf.. lltillanil and the relHuff'ered, a 'Pt~l~~.: . Jnation' was made, that none fuould be fo bold as to fpeak)l):' . theni, or receive any Tqitlg of them gpon Pafnof Imprifon'.:: ~tuent. No;Withfiandilig th~ P~ople cried out, defir.ing Go(!

.. . . ' .










The I-hsTORY of lbc


to flrengthen them ; and they prayed for the People, the rcl1oring of his Word;---- At l~ngth l\Jr. Holland ~rr ing the. Siake and the l\eeds, faid, Lord I moll: thank thy .Majefly, that thou hail c,!lled me from the . of Death unto the Light of thy hca\'enly Word, and now ~be Fellowfhip of thy Saints, that I may ling and fay,
thy Pevple, and fave Iloopcr. , Mr. Jobn Hooper in his Exile writ a Declaratio11 of and bis Ojjice, and a Declaration of the holy C'ommmzdmnts .. Almighty God, &c. --- He thus writes in his Epifllc ( . his Declaration of Chrill: and his Oflice) to the Duke of merfet. --- Becaufe the Right of every jufl: and lawful is half lofl: and more, when his Title and Claim is I have written this little Book, cont~ining what Cbrijt :what his Office is, tim e\'t:ry ~udlv Man may pm to his in~ Hand to rejtorc bim again to bis Kingdom, --- who fufl:ained open and manife!l vVronp; the:!~ many Years, as appeareth by his Evidence and Writings, the Gofpel with his precious Bluud. ---In his Declaration--- Cb. 3 --- Jefus Chrifl: in all !Xecmed the true Office of. a Bi(bop, to whom it >rt w teach the People, which \\'as the chicfdl Part of Office, ;md moO: dili?;cndy and ll:raitly commanded by As all the Bo.oks of Mt:fcs and the Prophets reach, and commanded Peter, Jobu 20. and Paul all the Bifbops and of his Time, .-Kis 20 ..... Cbrifl: left nothing untaugh as a good DoCl:or manifefled unto his Audience all nece!Tary for the Health of 1\ian, Jolm 4 ---- He his Apoftles and Difciples after his RefurreCI:ion ment- to preach, and likewift! what they fuould preach; iinto all the World, and preacb the Gojpel to every Creature, them to obferve 'J.'bat I bavc coumza1Jded, Matt. 28. ----.As did moll fmcerely and plainly, without all Glo!Tes or of their own Inventions, and were as Tefl:imonies of Truth, and not the Authors thereof.---- .Always in their trine they taught the Thing that Chiifl firft God's Holy Syirit infpired them, Gal. r. 2 Cor; .3; Apofile3 never took upon them to be Cbri{t's Yuar:in :Earth; nor tO' l;ie his Licue~ncmr ; J3ut faid, Lft - ll'/qn . .

mit my Spirit. Lord, blefs from ldolatry.

holy, holy Lord God of Htl!ls. Lord inca thy Hands I


Epitoiniz'd, aipbabcticaiiy~ i I if us, as of the Minijlcrs of Cbrifl, and Stewards of the of God, r Cor. 4 1. And in the fame Epifl:le the 1 Pu11/ biddeth the Corinthians to follow bim in nothing; where be follo:!ed CHimr, Cbap. r I. They miniflted riot rhc Church, as though Cbrifl was abje12t; although his 'rnofT: Body was dcpaned into the Hea\'C:ns above, but as pre'rhat alil'ays gorernetb his Church with his Sfiiit rf T~uth, lie promifec!, Maitb. ult. Bcbo/d I will be wztb you to the . r:f rhc World. In the Abfc:ncc of his 'Body; be hath come" the ProtcEhnn and Governance of his Church to che Gbr!ft, one and the fJme God with the Father and him.---- !c was nr1 linle Pain, that Chrifl: fult'ered in wail1itig the Sins of his Cburcb : therefore he will not coinmi[ cncc thereof to Man. It is no lefs Glory, to defend keep the Tbing won by Force, than it is by Force to . n the \'ittory. ---- Therefore he keepeth .the Defence Governance of the Church only and folely bimjelf, in the Devil hall1 not a Jot of Right. Tho' the Apo!l:les in!l:ruEl:ed in all Truth, f!}c. they were but Miniflers, Tcjlimonies, and Prcacbcrs of this Verity, and not 's Vicars on Eanh, &c. but only appointed to approve Thing to be good. that God's Law commanded, and tha.c be i!l, which the Word of God eondemned. Seeing that dL1th govern his Church always by his Holy Spirit, and all the Minifl:ers thereof unto the file Word of GoiL; Abomination is ~his, that one Bifhop of Rome; &c. claim to be Chritl's Vicar on Earth, and take upon him make any La-.vs in the Church of God, to bind the Conence, befide the Word of God, and by their Supedl:itio!l , Idolatry put the Word of God out of his Place! .... All;._ are not blinded with the Smoke of Rome, know the BHhop Rome to be the Beaft Jolm defcribeth in the Apocalyps, as cu as the Logician knoi.veth that !U/ibilitatc diflinguiwr ham(l cwteris animantibus. Chrift's Supremacy and continual Prein the Church admits no LieuteiWIIt, nor general Vicar: it admitteth not the Decree-s and Laws of Men, into the Church, contrary unto thfl Word and Scripture which is only fir:tficimt to teach all Verity and Truth; the. Salvation of Man. Cb. 4 ...-~- Tbir Law teacheth. fufficiently, as well' what he is bcsund .to do unto God, the Prince; of the World, Rom. i3; I. Pet. z. NiJthinJ; for Man, but in this Law it is prefcribed. Of wh~c







Epicomiz'd, alpbabetically. 133 and his Apo[l:Jes ufed no fuch Mean : and we ought to follow chem and the Word of God, writ by the Prophets and Aponl~s .... The Words of Gregory !11ould move no Man, though he f.tY, Q,wd lcger.tibus Scriptum, hoc ideotis piftura ! pr~tfiat cememibzrs ~ This is but Gregory's Opinion. Epipbanir1r was not of his .Mind, He willed the Occafion '!fi Evil to be ' taken out of the Church, as Paul commandeth, I Tbej: 5. This DoEl:or was ( as all Men know) of fin gular Learning and Virtue. Again, again it the: Authority of Gregory the Great [ . fee the Authority of Atbmzafius the Grc:ar, who denieth in exprefs Words the flllagcs to be the Books of the Lay people. Laf&mztius Fimzimms crieth fo out again!l: Images, that he faith there can be lio true Religion where they be. Terwlliarz judgech the fame. Loved we God we would be conrent with the Scripture. ---Shall not the Patriarchs, Prophets, Cbrift and his .llpoflles fuffice the Church of God ? What although many learned Men have approved Imager, fi1ould their Wifdom maintain any contrary to the Word of God ? .. Such as defend them, have nothing but JopiJiflica/ Arguments to blind the People with. The Scripture nor Apoltles Church ufed none. Had all Afi,1, Africa, and ' Europe, and Gabriel the Archangel dr&ended from Heaven, approved the ufe of Images, forafinuch as the Apoa!es never tlught nor wrote any fuch Thing, their Authority fhou\d have no place ; the Word of God folely and only! is cob~ prefer'd, which forbidd-eth Images. Chap. 10. . The Office of Chrifl: to Janft&ic us (according to John 17. I janfti.fie my Jclf, that they may be Janeci.ficd) doth abrogate all other Things that Man's Con!l:itutions attribute any Ho/i. Hcfs unto, as bewitched Water, &c. for only ChtHl: fanct.ifieth, and all Holinefs we mull: attribute unto him. Sacraments mutt be ufed holily, yet not have this Office of Chdll:: added to them . Cbap. r r .. In the later Days when Chrill::, as King, was to be born, the Angel declared the Power and Puilfance of his Kingdom. He ;a/1 reign over the Horifc of Jacob, aud of his Kingdom there Jail be 110 end, Luke I. Although the Commomwealth of the Church hath no ~rtain Place appointed, where it iliall remain, as it \vaS appoin~ed in the old Law, yet certain we be, that this Ki11gdom of Chrifl: upon the Earth, and iliall do till the Earth be burned, Matth. 16, zs. x Cor. xs. Howbeit as Chri!l: won and thisKingdom in the later Days without Shield or

' '




Tile H 1s T o R Y of t be i\J A R TY R s Spear, fo doth he preferve it wir h his Ilufy Spirit, and nr.t with carnal Vhapom. My Khgrlulll is nut cf tbis WorM,. . John IS. Meaning, he would not reign in this World, as a I; frince of tbis World in Pomp and Pride, but defend his r~opl; )0~ .with his Hoi)' Spir(t, that the Devil and rile World fhould not: :: break their,Paiien,c~, ihough many MRittions and Surrow>, .{ fhould fight againfl: them for the Tmth's s~ke. CiHiO: doth ; : not deny to be King of tbe 1Vorld, but he meant not to reign _:_ ~uorldlil)', to the Hinderance and defacing of the EI/Iperur'sDignity and Title, as the Jews falfly ac.:uftd him, as CJri/1 .! faith . This Kingdom !hall be ever perf'c:ucd, till the World's end. Jfaiab the Prophet debibed the Church of ~-. this prcfent Life, f:tying, He 'cvi/1 give JDll tbe Bread of .Ad 'tcrfity, aml the !Yater rf iljfli::liw, b11t be 1vill ilot rcmuve rby. , Teachers, Chap. 30. zo. Thus the Church !hall always rttmin ~-' but in Affliction. I kno1v, fuch as favour not tile Truth, 1 :: will imer_Pret my Words, that 1 condc,;m all Priuccs at~d l\ings, '" f:~~ a;. EnemitS of the Gofpel,. becaufe they peaceably er.py tbetr t;~ l\mgdoms : whereas, I wtlh them always fo w do, to the r~;: Glory of God ; bnt of this one "Hing I wi!l alfure every ,: hince of the World, The more ji1fwc be is in the Cmfe if ~( God, tbe more Jba/1 be bis Crofs. God indeed pr&ireth ;~ flbove hqman Reafon his Minillers, as he did Jacob from the 11 Hands of Efau, David from Saul, Da11iel from the Lions, and l.~ Paul in the Ship, wl1en there was no human Hope of Sal ~;

1 34-


Laws ...... 1 he only Law, whereunto h1s Congreganon I! bound, is the G~(pel ; as Chrifl: faith, Jobll .J-. He Holy Ghofl FJall teacb you all 1'lJings, aud bri11g to your Remembra11Ce all J'biugs ~vhicb I have Jaid unto )'DU. Here Chri!l: bindeth the .A pofl:les and all tbe Church unto the Thitigs that /;c taughl ibem ..... Such as teach the People to know the Commonwealth of the true Church by thefe Signs, the 'Jiaditions of 1\tlcn, an? the S!tCc~gion of Bijbops, teach wrong. Thofe two faifc: Optilions have given unto the Succefiion of Bi!hops Poweno ~iltprpret tbe Scriptllre, and Power to make fuch .(..aws in th~ Church, as it plea fed them., .. God hath given the Civil Magi jiratcs Power and Authority to make. fuch Laws for the C~m 'n;oil'ivealtb, as fhall be agreeable with Reafon, and not aga!Dft God's Law, and likewife Power to interpret the fame Laws: but this is not to be admitted in the Cburch, unto whom God


the i\Jcaning and Contents thereof himfelf. "" ;\d~.crf<~rics of Truth defend many _an Error under the of the bul,. Church: when the Church' therefore is named, Jv con1tJ~r when the Articles they would defend, ~ ~cccp:ccl cf th~ Church, by wbom, and who \Vas the /;;r cl them. Leave not rill the Matter be brought unto the {liji, o;igiual, and mofl: pnfeEt Church of the 4poflles. r tl.:ou find by their Wrilings, that their Church ufed the 'J'hing thJt the Preacher would prov~, then accept it, or cll"c nnt. Be not amazed, though they fpeak of never fo - nuny Years, nor name never fo many DoCl:ors.----If either t!:c ;\u:hority of Bi,fb,;ps, or the greater Part, ilwuld have _Pow.:r to i11terpr~t the Scripture, the Sentence of the Pbarifees E1;uld luvc been prcfer'd before the Sentence of Zacbary, .8imeo1z, Bizabcrb, or the. blelfed Virgin. Confider, the true . Church i; many Time~ bm a Jma/1 Congregation; as IfaiaT, , f1iih, Un!.fs God bad left us a Rezmumt, 1ue badbcm as Sodom. Thcrelor~ the Interpretation of the Scripture is not oblig J'cd to ordin.1ry Power, nor to the moft part. - Beware of DJcit) w!JCn thou heare!l the Name of the Cl)urcb. -.. The V~rity is tl1en affaulted. They call the Church of the Dwil, tl:: liJly Church tmny time.- Remember, Chrifl:ian Reader~ tt11r the Giji of intCJprctiug tbc Scripture is tile Light of t~e li!:r (;!vfi givm unto the humble and penitent Pcrfon, tq_at J:c~il!; r.nly to bonour God, awluot unto tbofc Perfoils tbat claim i: /Jr ;:tie ar Place, bccaufc he is 11 Bifbop, Ol' follotocd by Suc."Jii::l l'e:er or Paul.,.,. Remember therefore to examil1e. all Dotlrinc by the Word of God; for fuch as preach it aright, hJve rh~ir Infirmities and Ignorance; they may depart from the Trmh, or elfe build fome Superfl:ition and falfe Doctrine upon the Go fpc\ of Chrifl:. Superflition is to be avoided, falfo Dac'lrilzc to be abhorred, whofoever be the Author. thereof, Prince, 1\tiagifl:rate, or Bi!hop. As the Apo!l:les made anfwer, 11t'ts 5 We ought to obey God rather than Man. ---Chap. r3. The Law is necefi"ary for a juflified Man, to teach him with :what Works he il10uld e:xercife his Faith, Will, and Ol:edi. ence unto God. We may not chufe Works qf our ow11 W1fdom t9 ferve him withal. He would have us to be governed .,by l1is Word, as David 'faith, Thy Word is 11 Light unto my .Feet: And .Chrifr> I11 vain da they worfbip me by the Commamls


Epitomiz'd, a~babctically. -


.of Me11 . _


' -


- -


The HtsTO RY of the MART YRs In the fecon~ Declaratio11 he thus writes. ~'lofes command : etb, Der~t. 4 that no Mmz fbould dcclitzc from this Law 1 11ci __. ther to he right, nor left Hand, i. e. That no Man !hould adJ to, or take any Thing from it, but !imply to obferve it, as it .i js given or written to us. From this right Line and true 1 Rule of God's Word Man erreth divers Ways : Sometimes ; by Igno1mzce, becaufe he knoweth nor, or will not know, that : ()n)y the exprefs Word of God fufliccth. He holdeth with . the mofl: part, and condcmneth the better ; as it is to be feen at this prefent Day. This Reafon taketh Place, it is allowed of the moft part, and efiablil11ed by fo many ho/1 and learned Bifbops, therefore it is true, &c. 1\nother Way that leadeth from the Word of God, is many times the Power and Authority of this. World; as. we fee by the Bithop , of Rome, and all ~is Adherents? who give more Credi~ to j. vne Charter and Gtft of Conflamme, than to the wbole Brble. [' J\notber erreth by rni!l:aking of the 11me, making his Super: :flition far elder than it is, &c. One faith thus, My Father be ~ lieved, and fbould I believe the contrary? . Whereas no : Law at all fhould be fpoken of Confcience, but the only Word ; CJf God, which never altered, nor can be altered, Matt. 5 L11k. Io. Pfal. IS. ug. If Ilcavem and Earth, made by Word, ~ cannot be altered, how much more the Word it felf! Unto t' 'vbich Law, the Confcience of Man in Matters of Faitb is ~. bound only. Such as can interpret nothing, will fay, l have j an ill Opinion of God in Heaven, and of the fuperior Powers r_ ' on Earth, becaufe I damn the Difciples of the falfe DoCl:ors, : 'vith the DoCI:ors, and take from all Powers on Earth Authority to prefcribe unto their SubjeCI:s any Law touching Religion of the 8oul. As concerning thofe that be feduced by falfe Teachers, Sr. l Luke Chap. 6. and Ezekiel 3 and I 3 judge as I do. "~Both ! be that leadeth to Danmation, a~d he that is led, falleth into tht. Pit ..... Notwithflanding, I believe, that in the midfl:of Dark: nefs, when all the World (as far as Man might judge) h~ fworn unto the Bifhop of Rome, Chri!l: had his ElcEI, t_bat . never confented to his falfe Laws ; :ts it was in the Time <if-Elias, I Ki11gs 19. where God faith;. He had_ prefer'!Jedje<JIIS 1 Thoufand that had 1!0t bowed the I(!J~e to BaaJ. As m~ny ~ J died before us, feduced by falfe reachers, without ,Rep!fttan&l,:) the Scripture ccindemneth : As _many as believed them not '_ bunrufl:ed to the Scripture ( or elfe deceived, -yet repBtJt~ -! before they died) _li~e e~ernall~ jq Joy and Soia<.:~1 -a~v~t



Epitomiz' t!, alpha~elically~ ' . i 31 (as Johu faith, f!.ev. 13.) in the Blood of _th~ Lamb .,. touching the fupenor Prt:ucrs of .tlwEartb, lt 1s not un

to all Men that have read and marked the Scripture, it pertaineth nothing to tl;eir O_flice,. to ma_k~ apy Law govern the Confcicnm of their SubJeCts m Reltgzon, but to over them in this Cafe, as the \Vord of God commandh. Howbeit in their Reah11s they may make what Laws cy will, and as many as they will; command them to be pt as long as it pleafeth them, and l:hange them at their afure as they !hall fee Occafion, for the \Vealth and Com ity ~f their Realms: Unto the which fuperior Powers owe all Obcdicllcc, both of Body and Goods, and !ike1vife daily Prayer for them to Almighty God, &c. And as many Conimomuealrbs as there be, fo many divers Laws there be. Howbeit, all Chrifl:ian Kings and Kingdoms, with Magifl:rates, i11ould reign by one Law, and govern the of their Realms folely by the Word of God, which nerar to be changed ..... Thus Chrifl: commanded his. co teach, and their Audience to hear the Things he ( i\Jattb. 28. Mark 16. ) ..;. Mofcs prefcribetll . his Audience Jevell Rules, wherciVith he prepareth them tlw receiving of the tm Commandments. (I) A right Perftoa. of God's Word, that God will undoubtedly give the Good . red to the good, and infliB: the Evil threatned againll: evil. .... ( 2) To have a right Opi11ion of the Magijlrat"er Powers of the Earth, to give them JJO more, nor . Honour and Reverence, than the Word of. God com-: .u ..... For lack of this Preparative, the World hath . ,_, . from the Truth thefe many Years. Men do not look God's Word faith, but extol the Authority of Man's Lawi. the Decree of a general or provincial Council before of God ..... ( 3) Another Preparative is Obcdienc., to God and Man. It were as good ne'r read the Law, cafe we mind not to be obedient. ( 4) To c>bfen1e gentium. (s) To efteelll the DoCtrine of the Command- - as it is wqrthy. ( 6) A true and right untlerflanding : the Law ; not to confuain the Letter againfr the Mind the Text, but behdld always the confent of the Scriptul'e.::... . . add nothing to this Law, neither to take any Thilig:: 1t. If thou "judgefr that God'i Law containeth one : Of f~ch DoB:rine as. is nece1fary for Man's Salyatiqn._ : Bifoopf Laws another Part, tholl contemileft and dif-


The HISTORY of the MARTYRS hononrefl the whole LMu, and the Giver thereof, and a~ain!l: that Command, Dcut. 4- 12. and l'ro'".!. go. --Thing that ~uc do fur the Honour of God, tlOt collmlmJded by "fVord, is as Jlrmzge and not accepted by God; as all good . tions, feigned Worl;s by Man, and all Things . by general Councils, 1l'it e:.:prqfTcd in tile Word of God, h) :. Patriarchs, Prophets, Chr!Jl, and tbe Aprjiles, whic!J be and e/ .. were before God the holy aud Carho/Jck Church. Whofolri ad,l any Thing to their !.all's, are the Ch\)rch of AiHirV. . '. ( Dcut.oj.. I 2. Revel. zz. ) Ni/1/ab and Abilm offered jlr~nge f: i. e. fuch as he commanded not.---- Read the Commenu: . of Tbom. l'~tiois anrl Nicol. in Aug. de fi'uit.. Dei, I. p <. they will tell thee what Supctjlitioll is, if thou believe not 1': : s~ripwre. Supe~jlithn (fay t"1ey) is a {!tpcrfiuous Relig:,. : what ways foever it be fuperlluouc, wherber it be of the~- .~' perfluity of the Thiugs honoured, or of the Things ufed fir i. .; Jigion, or of the MallllCI' ill Religion. This doubtlcfs i; r : .. derfrood by the Name of Supcljlition, from whence fo::.: :; the Name hath its Rill:! ; whatfocvcr thou doft to p!eJjr C '{: .11/migbty, if it be not commanded ill his Word, it is fup,r:l::;.\: Superftition ..... The Purpofc, End and Will of the fi;' :; Commandment is, That _God's Pleajure is unto us, that l':t:.. ,; not profmze or difbmtO/IT ltW true Religion, or Honour of C~A with Jupajlitious Rircs or Ceremonies, !lOt commandctl by l,i,;_~:~~ I am a jealous God, q. tl. when we two were marricrl togd;;~ for the Love thac l bore unto thee, I g,ave thee certai11 t.:.;.;j and Precepts, how in all Things thou mayefl: keep my!;:~:~ and Good-will towards thee, and thou promifedfl me 0~' : ence to my Commandments ..... So h.onour me thcrcfure, \i, lo1e me as it Jlandetb writtm in tbc Writings and lnder.~ ::) 'JJrittm betwcm us bot b ; I cannot fid}cr to be otbcrwife. boo"\ .thmJ I have taugbt in my Tables mul Teftamcnt. -- . ' ' . Again!l: obeying of God's Laws, the firft Sophifm or cr. Objeflioll is, when Men fay, It is no Place nor Time or obey God's Laws, we be not in the Temple, &c. but . broad World, and mu!l: do as other Men do, and rather .:Place we be in, & ( ulularc cumlupis) bark with the fpeak of the &riptur~. Belides, it is too daJJgerous. a pafs till the World be more quiet, fc . This ObjeCtion .. preaketh, and proveth that the La~u {hould be and in every Place.---~ Thofe that obferved it in


.1,ujs, God


by Mirac;l~ from Heaven~ and. .

. .. .



Epitomiz'd, alphabetically. I 39 , :\pp 1re1, that it con fumed nor, nor perilhed in t~e :vea_rr Lr the Space of fom Years. ilftcond Objec''lzoll 15 1 11 ;.bt put from tbemfc/ves_ the ~bedit:nce of the Law, orbas, {j)ing, Let the! Pncjls, &c. knn and keep the : what, {hould a Prince, Magij'lr,Jtc, or Gmrlrman be fo J ? Tollb cJnnot be tied to !o llrait Canons, it mull: not Lridbl, EJc. This wicket! Acceptation of Per!(ms Mofes :c:h, Ye all ( faith he ) jlmd rbis D.1y bifore tbe LoiiJ GA, your Princes, )'O:n 'lribes, JOW' Eidm, yocu Officers, li:l .11m of I)racl, your Cbildrm, jour Witcs, and tby i:}c. No Manner of Perfon is exclud~d fre>m the '' -1\ third is Prcfwzptioll ; when Men know what he dllne, yet ag<~infr th~ir Knowledge prcfwzing rf God'; y, do the Thing that is eril, faying, If I -:u:zl.~ izz tbc ,in.lliuzz of my Heart, and tok.:: my Plelfure, there is no ~cr, &L. But (faith Iviifes) tl;e Lord r:i/lnot favour Jucb ' , but will b<:! angry, anJ kindle h;s Ire again!l him, fo e~cry Cu~{e r,.uritten in this Book, j!J,lll rcjt 011 him, 8c . .... is ilnimrJity; thLIS reJfoning with ont:'s ftlf, Who ' wiJJt his !aft Hour !llall be? --~- But (faith Mofes) Tbi11;;s bclvng ro God; h:tt the Tbings tbat God batb rc, to us and o:ll' Cbildrw for ever, tbat r,_uc do alltbc Precepts LlW.---1\ Jiftb is Dcfpcration, when Men think it is inv.zill thtm tn obferve God's L1ws, there is 110 Hope of their &c. It is impnffible for him ro returo to God, and that God requiretlt, 8c. Mof~s gives a Remedy ag;airi!l: dangerous Difeafe, Jheweth th~ Way to God, de. Tbat God is full of Mercy, and ready t.o folgive, &c... 1s the Pretence of Ignorance, faying, The Scripture, La1ys of God have fo many M:v.ftcries, too hard for our &c. Bcfides the Doctors brawl and chide between ; and how fhould the Unlcamcd under!l:and -it ? Who can tell ( faith another) whether this be the Law, or not? If it were the true Law of God, then it contain all Verities, and have no Need of Man'sLa1vs .the greate!l Part of Chriilians in Name fay, That this. 1s not fufficienr, except it be aided by the Law of the .... Mofts anfwereth, and faith, .... The Commandmcn~ I preftribe unto thee to Day, is not Jar above tbu, nor pu~ lhee, &c. By which Words it appearetb, that God

made his Will and Pleafure fimple and plain, lyilig open People, &c. Yea the ~aw of God, to do 1.uell is writtm

The Hr sToR 'li of the MARTY Rs !4t) naturally ia tbe Heart of every Man, &c. Though there were no Law written, fie. Man's Confcience would tell him when he doth 1m//, and when ill.---- Farewell in our only and fole . Joy and Confolation, Cbrifl Jefus. This holy Exile, paning with Mr. Bullinger and his Friends at Zu'rick, declared that the principal Caufc of his return to his own Country was the Matter of Religion, &c. Be fure ( faid jle) neither the Nature of the Country, nor Pleafure of Commodities, nor Newnefs of Friends hall ever induce me . to the Oblivion of fuch Friends and Benefactors, and therefore ; you flNII be fure from Time to Time to hear from me how it goes with me: But the lqft News of all I !hall not be able ! to write ; for there ( laid he, taking Mr. Bulli11ger by the . Hand) where 1 Jball take mofl Pai11s, there jba/1 you bear of me to be burned to Ajbes ; and that !hall be the la(l News1 which I fl1all not be able to write.--When he was made BiOwp fir([ of Gloccftcr, and then of Worcefler, the Arms allotted him (probably by his own Ap pointment) were, a Lamb in a fiery Bufb, and the Slmbeamr fror.1 Heaven defccnding down upon the Lamb; rightly de mting, as it feemed, the Manner of his Suffering, whici1 afterward followed. Upon his Return out of Exile, coming to London he preached there, generally tiuice, at leafl once, every Day, and new failed. According to his ufual Manner, in his Smnons he cor reCl:ed Sin, and fl1arply inveighed againfl: the Iniquity of the World, and corrupt Abufes of the Church.--. When he \Vas eleCl:ed Bi010p of G/ocefler, he made humbl.e Supplication to the King, either to difcharge him of the BI fhoprick, or to difpenfe with him as to the wearing of fuch Garments and Apparel as the Popifb Bi010ps were wont to do. His Petition the King granted, as appears by his Let.ter . to the Archbifhop of Callterbury, telling him, That the Rrt~r and Ceremonies he would be difpenfed in, were offenfive to h11 Confcience. The Oath alfo, ufed then commonly in the Con fecration of Bi010ps, was againft his Confcience; as ap~ears by the Earl of Warwices Letter to the Archbi!hop, wnt by . . the King's Defire. In the beginning of Queen Mary's Reign, when l'touce w~s given hlm that he fhould be fent for co Lollllon, and ho1'1 dangerous it was for him to appear, he gave this Anfwer: Once I did flee ; but now, becarife I am called jQ this Place ~


Epitomiz'd, alphabetically. I4I ocatiou, I am throughly pe!Jwaded to tarry, a11d to live and die.


. . . .. When he was 1mpnfoned m the Fleet, he wnces thus: I am !fohardlyuf~d thatlfeeno Remedy (faving G~d'sHelp) but! lfiull be cart'away in Prilon, before I come to Judgment. !But I commit my ju[t Cmifc to God, wbofe Will be done, VJbetbcr [i, be by Life or Deat~J. . . . . 1 Jffi 11 cbeller exhortmg h1m to the Umry of the Catbolzck burch ~nd to acknowledge the Pope's Holinefs to be Head fof the Gm1e Church, promiling hirn the QJcen's Mercy ; he bnfwered, That forafmuch as the Pope taught Dofirine alta }gethcr contrary to the Doctrine of Cbrijl, he was not worthy to be accoumed a Member of Chrift's Church, much lefs to be ~Head thereof: Wherefore he would in no wife condefcend ho any fi.tch ufi.trped JurifdiClion, neither efteemed he the ':1 Cburcb, whereof they called him Head, to be the Catholick ~Church of Chrifl:, for the Church of Cbrifl only heareth the ~Voice of her Sporifc Chrifl, and flietb tbc Strm1gers. Howbeit j_ ( faid he) If in any Point to me unknown, I have offended athe Ouccn's I\Jajcll:y, I fl1all humbly fubmit my felf to her ~i\ler'2)'; if Mercy may be had with Safety of Confcicnc~, !tand without the Difpleafure of God. . . Come Brother (~1id he to Mr. Rogers, who was fent with . him to the Counter in Southwark) muft we two take tbis Matfiijq i11 Hand, and begin to fire thefe Faggots ? Yea Sir (faiq i\Jr. Rogers) by God's Grace. Doubt not (faid Mr. Hooper) b11t God will give Strength.-.. -By the Way, tile Sheriff telling .. . Hooper, he wondred 'chat he was fo hatly <!Od quick with . the Lord Chancellor, he anfwered, Mr. Sheriff, I was nothing at all impatimt, although 1 was earn eft in my Mafter's Caufe; it frandeth me fo in Hand ; for it goeth upon Life and . ; Death, not the Life and Death of this World .only, but alfa the World to ceme. . .

'JJith my Simp. .

In his Letter, for the {lopping of certai11 falje Rumours, Jpreacl. concemi11g his RccmJtatioll, by the Bilhops and their .... The Grace of our Lord -Jefus Chrifi: be with all that unfe!gn!'!dly look for tfie Coming of our Saviour .:n. .Amen. Dear Brethren and Sillers in the Lord, and Fel!ow-Prifoners for the Caufe of God's Gofpel, I do and give Thanks unto. Grid:for your Conil:ancy. in Affii~ion, unto whom I.wi!ll Continu. to ~he End. And as I do rejoice iq your l':ait.h aJJ4.


Tbc HIs ToR Y of the MART Yn s Con!1ancy in AffiiCl:ions that be in Prijo11, even fo I do mc[:rrt

and lament to hear of our dear Brethren, that yet have not felt fuch Danf;ers for God's Truth, as we have, and do fed, and he daily like to fuffer more, yea the very extream ar.J vile D~ar.h of the Fire : Yet fuch is the Report abroad (as I am credibly informed) that I ,')'olm Hooper, a condemned l\hn C: for the Cauft:: of Chrilr, !hould now after Sentence of Deai11 (being in Nc'cugate Prifuner, and looking daily for Exetmion) recant and af~jure that whid1 heretofore I have preached: ,: And d1is Tall' arifeth of this, That the Bi010p of Lomtoii.3nd ; his Chaplains reforc unto me. Doubtlefs, if our Brethren ( were as godly as I could wi{h them, they would think that . in Cafe I did refufe to talk with them, they might have jurr Occafion to fay, that L were unlearned, and duri1: not (pe'k with learned Men ; or elfe proud, and difdained to fpeak with them.--But I fear not their Arguments, neither is Dc,d terrible to me.----1 am more confirmed in the Truth, whic:1 I have preached heretofore, by their coming. Thererore ye that may ft'nd to the weak Brethren, pray them that they trouple me not with fuch Reports of Recantations, as the: do ; for I have bhhcrto left all Things of the Worfd, artd N fcrcd great Pains and Imprifonmcnt, and I tballk God I nm Ui ready ro fittfcr Dtatb, as a mortal Mar: may be. It were be: ter for them to pray for us, than to credit or report fuch Rumourr that be untn;e. We have E12emies enough of fuc:1 as know not God truly : But yet the falfe Report of weak Bri tbrcn is a double Crofs. I wifh your eternal Salvation in Jcfu; Chrift, and alfo require your continual Prayers, that he wh1ch hath begun in us, may continue it to the End. I have taught the Truth with my Tongue, and with my Pen heretofore, a?d hereafter fi1ortly will confirm the fame by God's Grace wHU my Blood. Ne-wgate, Feb. z. 1554 .

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Tour Brother in Cbrift,


When the Keeper told him he fuould be fent to G/occjlll. to be bumed, he rejoiced very much, liftingup his Eyes an~ Hands to Heaven, he praifed God, th.at be Jaw . it good to pr. him among the People over whom he was']lajta~, thcrtra .i:onftmi 'With bis Death the Truth wbicb be had befote taught 'theiil ~ n;: tlot~bti11g but the Lord mor1ld gi7Je him 'Strength, to perform lfif fame to l!is Glol'y. Si;

Epitomiz'tl, a~habctically. Sir Anthony Kingfloll (formerly his Friend, then a Commiffiuner w lee Execution done upon him) coming to him a lit t~e tdore his Death, bid him confider, tl13t L(fc was Jwee> anJ Dc,zth 1r.1s bitter, &c. IE is true ( f1.id i\lr. n10per) that Death is bitter, and Life is Jwect; but ahs! Confider that the Dc.nh to came is more bitter, and the Life: to come is more fiveet; rbtfore for the Dejire and Low I ba'Je ,to tbe one, ~nd tbe Terror ad J;ar 1 the other, I do ;;ot jv 1/Wt:~! r:ganl tf!IS Deatb, nor ejlwn rbis Life, but ba~e feu led my _(cif tbrougb the Serengtb of' Gu:l'i Holy Spirit; p.11 icnrly to pa.JS 1brough I be Tormclll s auJ i.rtrcmities o} the Fire noiu prepared fJr me, rather than IO deny tic ]iuth of his Word, dcjiring 3'011 an,l oihcrs in the the mca11 _1/::;c to commend me to God's Mercy in ;ot1r Pr<J;crs. : L_!h,i!Jk God ( faid. the Knight) that erer l kne1v yC\u 1 :fJ< Cod did appoinc you to call m~, being; a lofl: Child, and [h:; 1 'jllr good lnfrructions, when before 1 II'JS borh an Adul[tcrcr and Fornicator, God hath brought me w the forfaking 1 :1~:! detefiing of the fi1me. If ;ru bad the Grace Jo to do, ( !'id the Bifhop ) I do highly praijiJ God fur it ; and if j'OU ;c not, I pray God ')'Oil may have, an,l tbt1t )'Oil may contillll ' li'iJc in his Fear. l'he Knight and the Bifhop p~rting with Tears, the Bifhop him, that all tbe Troubles be bad fajlained i11 Prifon, lwJ c,u!fcd bim to utter fa much Sorrow. 11 Papifl telling him, he was forry to fee him in that Cafe. lJ.' forr")'jor thy Je!J, lVIatz (faid he) and lament rhi11c O'i.t'n lFick; for I al/l ~ucll, I thank God, and Deatb to me for Chrifl's is '.uclcomc. When he was committed to the Sheriff of Glocefler, the and Aldermen at firft faluted him, and took him by Hand. Mr. Ma)'OI' (faid Mr. Hooper) I give moll: hearty to you and to the rell: of your Brethren, that you ve vouchfafed to take me a Prifoner and condemned Man the Hand, whereby to my Rejoicing it is fomewhat appa~nt that your old Love and Fi'imdjhip towards me is not alro extinguihed, and I truft alfo that an the Thin!(s I taught youin.Times pall: are not utterly forgotteh,~&c. the which .rnqfl: true and fincere DoCl:rine, becaufe.I w1ll account it Falfb.ood and Herefy, as many other f>Jeli I am fent hither by ~he ~1een's Command to die, and come where I taught it, to confirm it with my Blood; And . M!:- Sf.rrijfs,-u.My Reque!l to you is, That there mr~

i44 Tbe Hts'I'on ,of tbe-MAR-TYRS be ;r q11ick Fire, fhorcly to make an End, and in the. mean Time 1 will be as obedient unto you, as your felves would wifii. If you think I do amifs in any Thing, hold up your Fir1ge1', and I have done: For I am:not .come hither as one co!npell~d to die ; for. it is well knolvn. r _might have had my L1fe ~v1th .world!y Gam; but as one 1vrllmg ro offer andgile my JAe for the fruth, rather than ro .confent to the wicked . faJ!iflical Religion of the llilhop of Rome, &c., When the Sheriffs fctcht him from hi~ Chamber to the: Place of Execut~on with Bills, Weapons, &c. Mr. Sberiffs (faid : . he I am 110 1rayror, mithel" needed you to have made fi~eb a. Bt! i11ifs to briug me to the Place 10here I mrljt friffer ; for if ;c bad 1ui /led me, l1uould bave gouc alone to tbe Stake, aud hav1 ,
all. .. When .he faw the Multitude of People that were affembled, ' he faid unto them that were about him, Alas! wby he tbrft People affimbleil togctbcr? Peradventure they think to bear Jome thing of me 1JO<o, as tbcy have in Times pajt; but alas! Spm! is prohibited me. Notwithflanding, the Caufe of my Death i! well kno~oll zmto them. Wbctl 1 was appointed here to be thei1 Paflor, I preached 111110 tbem true and jincere DoEtri11e, and tM ., out of the Hlord of Gocl ; becaufc I willtwt account the fame ta be Hcrcfy and Umrut/J, this Kind of Deatb is prepared for me. When he was come to the Place where be was to fuffer, . after be had begun to pray, a Bnx wa~ brought and laid befote him upon a Stool, with his Pardon ( or at Jeaftwife. it wa; feigned fo to be ) from the Queen, if he would turn ; at the Sight thereof he cried, If you lo'iJe uly Soul~ a~vay witbili ~f you love my Soul, moay with it. . . In. his Prayer he was overheard to. fay ; Lord, I am brrt thou art Hea'Ven; f.amaSink:of.Sin, but tbou art a , ~od and m_erciful Redeemer. art afceti~ed into te'cei!Je me [Hell] to be Partaker. of tby joys, "~Where thiJ!I in equal Glory wirh thy Fatber: for well kno'lileft thou I am come hither to Jiijfer; and why the .Wzokea.db.
froublcd IJOIIC of


rhy poor. Servant1 not-for my .Sins and ri'r~nfg;iffion; but betau e I will 11o; allow .tbeir wicked Doir~gs to .gJating .o . tby Bloo~, .and to the Denial of the Knowledge Truth, wherewith it did pleafethee by thy Holy Spirit to me ; the which with as m~Jch Diligence ar a. poor Wretch ( bei~gtbereto called) I ba'Cle fa forth to thy ()lory. And feejrlhou, my Lord and God) w1lat tmiblv Ptlint and frfl _




prparcd J~r tby Crearure ;_ fi1ch, Lord, as ~oitbout th_Y. Strength is able to bear, or patiently to pafs. But all 3.Z,mg> that impoj)iblc with Alan, are prifli~le witl:, thee, 1'herefure, 111c rf tby good~zejs, that m t/~e. hrc .1 break n?t . fbfJ. of Patience, or elje affi.uage the 1cnor of <tbe Fazn&, at, fccm mofl to tby Glory. .. " : . When he was at the Stake; three frons made to:blild. hltt\ , the Stake, 1vere broug~t; one for his Neck,: another fti.l\ !11iddie, and the third for his Legs. He refuling.them'; Tc baoc 110 Need' tbus. to trouble yout' J~lves, for I douh~ but God 1'!ill giuc Strength J~tficient to .abidethe .E;xtremit'J.: the Fire, without Bar;ds: 7/utwirbjlanding, Ju.Jpetung t~e Frailty Wealmcfs of tbe Flefb, (but havi11g q{fured Cor.fidcrn;e in (Joih ) I am coNteut )'e do as )'if fhall tbink good.... . . . When he was firjt lcorch'd with the Fire, he pray'il; faying , and nor very loud ( but as one without Pains ) 0 the Son rf Dwid, have lvfercy upon me} and meioe my - -When the fecmul Fire was fp'!nr, and only burnt his. r Pans, he l'.tid, f~r Gotl's Lo"Jc (good People) let me ba>Ue mote ln the third Fire he prayed with fomewhat .a.loud oice, Lord JEsU>, have Mercy 011 me! Lor~f JEsus, have Mer&'] ' me! Lord JEsus, teceivc my Spirit!

Rcafo ;s of 1\tlr. Hooper's refuji,lg the Epl!copal.

&c. I jintl

.. fi~bits,

C. Whv do not you,: my Lord,- ufe. thefe, innocent and

Weeds ? . . H. ~put my felf upon tbe 1~ial of tbe Searcbcr o} Heartii that Obflmaoy, but meer Confciencc ma~es me refufe fbcje Orna
. C. Thef~. OrnamentS' a.re lruliffci'erit of the~felves1 a'nd. of Ufe m the Church. . . H. They are ufeleft, being ridiculour, aiJd .fi1pe;ftit.i'ou!i. _ C. Nay, my Lord, being enjoined by lawfti! ..tftuihurity, become neceffary; not to Salvation, b,llt ,tO.Church :r.:. . .. ~..~.--.


H. Being left indiffere~t by G~d,-it ir.Prefumptili~~~~ M;n. to

them. necdfary. . .. . . . . .: . . . C. By a moderate Ufe of thefe Ceremonie~ .we .may. gain

mto the Church..

. .

. . : .

. ..


many Proteftailts o11t of it. C. You diftteilit other Biffiops, who have uied Habit. ,a J bad ra~ber diflredit them, tTiari deflroy 111me OWII . ftzcnce. C. How thin~ you, being a pri'late Petfon ,. to be with, to the. Difturbance of the publick Uniformity

The HrstORY o{the MART"1tls l.4G. . H. W'h_ile you hope to gain Papifi:s into the Church, you '

. H. If ir ple~fc ''our Grace but to read rbeje Letters, 1 . ,:.,, . '011 will be Jatisftcd. Then be produced the Letters to the Archbifflop of . te'rbury, from the E'arl of Hlarwick; and King Ed~uartf, in i ,. : .c, are the following Paffages. . Theft arc to defiie,. that ill fitch r'eafmzable Thing:, wherein , ' l.ord Efe& rf Glocefl:er cravetb to be borne wirhal at your you would 'DOucb{(lje your Grace's i''aveur. The prirzcipal is, that you ~oould not charga him with any 'Fbing burdenous . onfciencc.-- J:. Warwick.. July 23. 1550.

. M1:. J. Hooper,. becaufe he would bave you omit mzd , paft certairr Rites and Ceremouics offerzjiil.lr to bis Confciencc, hy you' thitzk yair foal/ fall i1z Premunire rif Laws ; We thought good by Ad'Dice of Our C01mcil to d!ftharge ;ou of all . ncr of Dangers, Penalties, and Forfeitum you fbordd l'llll into, oinitting any of the fame. And theft Our Letters fball be . .. Jufficifllt Wanant and Difcbarg~.- Sign'd Ed. Sonterfet. .
In his Letter writ in Aniiver to one fent hint certain taken in Bow Church-Yard, whi!O: they I do rejo.yce, in that can be fo well, occupfed in tbJS Time, and flee for Remedy to God by Prayer., as well their own Nece.f!ities, as. alfo charitablv t,o. pray: for 1Jerfecule the~. So doth the Word of God c~mrnand . to pray chamably for them tlitzt liat~ tbem,. and' not to. any Magifl:rate with Words, or to mean birn Evil and Violence. They alfo.may rejOice-,. that in were taken to Prifon. ~~ Thu~ fat~. j()U: welL t . . .

E do tmdeiftand ym!jlay from Confecrating out 'I!Jell


. .

Epitomiz'd, dlpEateiiCtil!y;

. i4i

to fend his true Word into this Realm again. among{ which the ungodly Bifbofts have no~v banifl1ed. his Lctttr to thofe Chri!lians fo taken Prifoni!rs . Grace Favour, Cunfolation, and Aid of the. Hq!y Ghoit 1~irh y(;U now and ever. So be i~. J?~ai-ly Bdoved)~ Lord ever fince t heard of your Impnfonment) I have mcir~cllou}ty moved witli g1'eat .Ajfcfi!~'is mzd PaJf!ons,. as of Mirtb and Glatinefs, as of Heavmefs and ::ior~OWJ Gladnefs i11 this, that I per(;:eived. how ye b'e bent given to Prayer and iwuotatian "Of Go~~ l{elp; i!i dark and wicked Proceedings of Mep l!gainft God~$ . I ha~e been J~r;')', to perceive the Malice and Wick!. of Men to be !o crue:l;. devili!h,and tyranl)icali .as t~ the People of God for ferving if God, &c; .,'fhefe Doinl':s do declare, that the Papifls Church i~ .more and tyrimlzicdl, t)lan ever \7as the Sworcfof the Ethnic:~; Gciltiles. ---- Trajmi the Emperor coinmanded; That nci an fl1Di1ld be perfecuted for fen'>ing of God: but thl! PUji( his Church have calf you into Prifon, bdng taken do:n~ Work of Got/, and one of the e:~celleiitijt Works, that i.s of Cliriflians, vi?.. irhllfl: ye were in Prayer. 0 may ye be that ever ve \vere born to.be apprehend~'&; ye 11:ere fd vertuoully occ~pied.- B(ij[ed be .they th'd,~ for Rrgbttoufnefs Sake. lf God had fuffered them th~e your Bodies, then ~a. have taken your_ Life alfo1 noW you been Jolloviing. the Lamb in perpetual_ Joyll, away the Company and Alfembly of wi~ked Men;. B.u~ th would not have you fliddenly fo to depart; hilt, refe:r.vedi gloiiouily to fpeak and niaintaip his Truilho the World. B~ ~arcju/1uhat yc /l;a/1 fay;, for qod Will l,O OUt tmd in 'Witb yiJ:Ij will. be prefem 16 your Hearts and m your l\1ouths [0 bis Wifdoin, tho~gh it fe~nis Foo!ifbnefs co the Worftl, that ha:rh begun thiS good Work. i11 you; continue in tit~ unto the End. Pray .unto ~irn, th.at le may fear h'ifit thd~ hath Power fo)ill_both Body aR.d .Soul, at1d tiJ ~aft tftftll Fite. B~ of good Cemfort, all the Hairs of ~itr Hed,l.. tlurribred, a:!id fh'e~s ~s riili o1ze of thif11 can perifh~ extcpc . . Father fojf~ it ra peiJfo.. N.qw you bdJ1 the

iii the Fore:ff9n.t of Chtift's- natde. Doabti. i.~ . Favour of God~ and a fpeCial L'o\e of towards yoo, to gitr~. you }hi~ .fr~be!nini'vce, as a Srg~ he 1rufie1h you before .others 'of hii Peop.Je. Wherefore 'L ~ ( dear

and' .


Tbe Hxsro RY of tbc MAR TYrts (dear Brethren and Sit.l:ers) continually Figbt this Fight of fht Lord. Your Caufc is mot.l: jut[ and godlv, ye frand for the true Cbrift ( who is after the Flelh in Heaven } and for his ti'ue Rcligiml and flouour, which is amply, fully, fufficiently, and abundantly contained in his holy Teftamt:nr, ft:aled with Chdll's own -Blood. H"-.nv much be ve bound to God, who "p'urs you in Trull: with fo holy and ju!1 a Caufe? Remember what Loo!iers on you have, to bd10lJ you in your Fight, God :ind all his holy Angels, who be ready ailnys to take you up ., into Heaven, if ye be fiain in his Fight. Alfo you have llanding at your Backs all the Muhitud~.: of the Fairlifu!, who fuall take Courage, Strength, and De!ire to follow fuch noble and valiant Chri!lians, as you be. He nor afraid of your .Adverfcriej; for. he that i:r in ~rou, is Jlronger thm1 he tbat is ill them. Shrink not although it be Pain to yon: your Pains be not now fo great, as hereafter your Joys 01all be. Read th"e comfmrable Chapters to the RommJS, 8, Io, 15. and: llebrews II, rz. And upon your Kn<!es thank God, that ever ye were accormtcd ~uortby to fuffcr any Tbing fur bis Name'r. Sake. Read the fecond Chaprer of Luke, and tliert: vou thall fee how the Shepherds, that Wiztclml their S/jcep all Night, as foon as they heard that Cbrifl was born at Bc&blebem, by and by went to fee him. They did not reafon nor debate with themfelves, whb fl1ould keep the fVolj from the Sheep in the mean Time; but did as they were commanded; and committed their Sheep unto him, whofe Pleafure they obeyed. So lee us do, now we be called; commit all other Things to him tbat callcth rrr: He will take Heed that all Things fliall be well. He will help the Husband: he will comfort the Wife : he will guide the Servants : he will keep the Houfc : he will preferve the Goads; yea, rather than it fhould be undone, he will wa!h :rhe Dillies, and rock the Cradle. Caft therefore all yoirr Cme 11pon GJd ; for be caret!} for you; Belidcsthis, you may perceive by your Imprifonment, that your Adverfaries Weapons againft you be nothing but Flefb and Blood, and Tyranny: for if they were abie, they would maintain their Re ligion by God's Word ; but for lack of that, they would . violently compel fuch as thev cannot by holy Scripture per Jwadc; becaufe the holy Word of God, and all Chrifl:'s Do ings be contrary unto them.Pray for me, and I will pray for you. .



Fleet, Jan. 14. ISSS






Epitomiz'd, alphabetically. r I49 In a Letter to certain of his Friends.-- Now is the Time of Trial., w fee whether we fear more, God or Jv[all. lt was an ealie 'J bing, w hold with G1rifr, whilil: the Prill'c and !F"<Jrld bdd with him ; buc now tbe World hatetb hiln, ~t is the true Trial ~vbo be his. Wherefore in the Name, and in the Venue, Strength, and Power of his Holy Spirit, prepJre your felves in any Cafe .co Adverlity and Confrancy. Let us not run aw.1g, when iris moO: Time to flftbt. Remember none (hall be crowned, bm fuch as fight manfully; and he that Cll . d:trerb totbe ud, (ball be f,wcd, Ye mufl:nowturnall your Cogitations from the Peril you fi::e, and mark the Felicity that fo). loweth the Peril, eithEr Vil:lory in this World of yourEnemies, or d[e a Surrender of this Life to inherit the evedafiing KilzgdJIII. Bell'are of behoiJing too nu;ch the Fdicity, or Miftry of this World; for the Confide-ration and too earn ell Love or Fear of eitbcr of them drawetlJ from God. Wherefore think with your felw~s, as touching the Felicity of the World, ic is good; but yet none orherwife than it il:andeth with the l:zviUr rf. Go:i. It is to be kept; but yet [o far forth, as by ;:ceping of it we lofe not God .. It is good abiding and tarry ing ftill among our ll-ie1;ds here ; but yet fo, that we tarry :h;t tb.crewithal in God's Difp!cafure, and hereafter dwell with the Devi!J in Fire e~crlaf'tin~. There is nothing under God 9 o~1t may be kept, fo that God, being above all Things we hare, be not loll Of Adverjity judge the fame. Imprifon~ ;;:;nt is rainful, but yet Liberty upon evil Conditions is more p1inful. The Prifons jli11k ; bnt yet not fo much as fweet iloliLs, where the Fear and true Honour of God is Jacking. I mull be a/u;1e and folitary: Ic is better to be fo, and have God with me, then to be in Company \irith the Wicked. Lofs of Goods is great; but Lofs of God's Grace and Favo~r is greater, I am a poor fimple Creature, and cannot tell hmv to anfivcr before fuch a great Sort of uoble, learned, and wife .M~n: BtJC'it is better to make anfwer before the Pomp and Pnde of wicked Men, than to fiand naked in the Sight of all Heaven and Earth before the juft God at the latter Dayo I !hall die then by the Hands of the c.,ruel Man : But he is blelTed, that lofetb his Life, full of Miferies, and .findetb ,the Life of eternal Joys. It js Pain a!ld Grief, to depart from Goods and Frie11ds: but yet not fo _much, as to depart from Grace and Heaven it felf. Wherefore there is neither Felicity, J~or Adv~rfity of this WorlrJJ that can appear to be great, if



'The HI~TG>JtY of the MARTYRS it be weighed :with the Joys or Pains in th~ World to come~ I can d.o no more, but pray for you ; do the fame for 1111, or God1s Sake. For my Part (!thank thee heavenly Father) .. have made mine Accmmts, and appointed myfelf UntO the Will of ~he heayenly Father i as be r.ui/1, fa I will by his Grace.~--~1 am a precious Jel)el IJ0\1', and daimily kept; ne. ver fo daintily : for pcithcr mjne own Man, nor any of the .Servants of the Houfe, may come to me, but my Keeper a)one.~Jan. 21. ISSS . In another Letter to cerl!liil_godly frof.q{Jors, i1iflrttEliilg tben1 .bow tp behave under tbqt wnful Cbmzga of Religion. The Grace1 Mercy, and Peace of God the Father, through our Lord Je~ fus Chri!l:, be with yott my dear Brethren, and ll'ith <1ll thofe that upfeignedly love and embrace his holy (Tofpel. Jlm~n. W~! m~ll give God Thanks forthe Trutl! he hath openl'!d, ~c. and pray llpto hill], that we dmy it not, nor dilhonour it with Idolatry; b!-!t that we may have S~rength and Patience, rather to die ffll Till).es, than to deny him pncc. Ble!fed fhall we be, if ever God make us worthy of that Honour, to fhed pur Blood for his Name's Sake : . and bleffed then fhall we ;hink thofe ParCiltr, whi;:h brought us into this World, that W!=! l11puld be carried from this Mortality into Immortality. If w~ follow the Command of Paul? that faith, lj y~ be rijcn 'J)Jifb Chrift., J~ck tbofc 17Jhzgs ~~bicb arc abovp, where C[!rifl fit . fet b {lt tbQ rigbt Hanil of God ; we fhall neither depart from the vain tranfitorv Goods of thi~ World, nor from this wretch ed apd mortal Life, with fo great Pains, as others do.---There ~~ no better Way to be L1fcd in this troublefom Time for your ~onfolation, than many Times to have A.ffillZblics together of fuchMen ~qdWomen as be of your Religion in Chrifr, and there p -review among your felvcs the Truth of your Religion, to f,ee Wh;lt' ye be by the Word of God, and to remember what 'je were before ye ca~e to the Knowledge thereof ; . to weigh ~nd confer the Prea(ns and fa!fe Lies of the Preachers, that lJOw preach, wiih the Word Of Goq, that retaineth all Tr~th: ~n~ by (~ch Talk~ ~nd familiar reforting together, ye fua\1 lne ~~tter ~~d ou.t aU their Lies, that now go abol!t to de~:eiye yp~, app g}(o both. ]f.now arid Jove the lruth th~t God p~th op~nel;l; to u~. I"t is much requiQte, t.h~~ the MQmbc~s oj Hrifi ~P.!Iifor,i. 0]1~ qnp;4f!', make Pra:ycl's !ogethe1:, ~onftr one 'I!Jilh gnarlier ; fq fl.l~)l ye be flro,,ger, and God's Spirit thall not b~


. ..

,. .


Epitonziz'tl, alphitbeticaliy. :


fort y~u, .to m?ke you wife, in all godly Thing~, patient i~ AdvertityJ and flrong in Perft:curion. Yc fee ho\v the Contrregation of the Wicked, by helping o11e m:otJ;er, make thei,r ~icked Religion, and tflemttlves fl:rong againfl: God's Truth and his People.. - Ye may perceive by the Life of our F'ore~ Fatbers, that Chrifl:'s Words, which faid, All his mujt Juffer Perfcmtion and 1iouble Lz tbe fFor!d, be true; ;tnd that llolle of ~II his, befor.e our Time, etc.lp~d Trouble: Then fJ1all y~ perceive, that it is but a Folly, for one that profeifeth Chrill: truly; to look for the Lo\'e of the World ... : And "'hen ye !hall feel yo1,1r Religion icdecd, fay, Ye be;oo better thail your Fur~:-Fatbers ,: But be glad, that ye may be counte'd worchy Soldiers for this WJr. And pray to God, when ye come together, that he will ufe aud order you and yotir Doings in thefe three Ends, which ye mufltake Heed to, (r.) That ye glorify God. ( 2.) That 'j'C edify.the Clmicb and Congregation. (3) That ye profit your O'i.Uil Sou/;, In all your Doings, beware ye be not deceived. For although this Time be not y~t fo bloody and t)l'iWIIOIIf, as the Time of our ForeFathers, that could not bear ~he Name of Chrifl, without Danger of Life and Goods ; yet is our Time more pcriliour, for Soul and Body. Therefore of us Chrifl: faid, Think rc, whm the San if Man cometh, be [ball find Faitb upo11 tbc Earth; Jle fpeaks not of being chrillcn'd, and in Narne a Chri!l:ianp but of Javing Faith .: and doubtlefs the Scal'city of Faith. is now more (and \Viii, I fear, iricreafe) than it was in the Time of the grearefl: Tyrants, that ever were.--- In Rev. 6. ye may perceive that at the opming of the fourth Seal came out a pale Horfe, and be that fat upo11 binz 'i.V!IS called D~ath, and Hell fol lowed blm. This Horfe is the Time wherein Hypocrires and Diffemblers entred into the\ Church, onder Pretence of the true Religion, as Monks, &c. that have killed more Soulnvith HereJy and Sttpciflitim, than all the Tyrants that ever werep killed Bodies by Fire, Sword, or Banilhment, .&c. For all Souls that love not Chrill, and trull: to thefe !!J'pdcritcs, live to the Devil iil everlafl:ing Pain, as is declared by Hell's fol. Iawing the pale Horfc, Thefe pale Hypae~iter have flirred the $arthquaker, i. e. the fri11ces of the Worlrl, again!: Chrifl:'s Church; and have alfo darkncJ the Srm, and made the Moo" bloody) a'nd have caufed the Stars to fall froll~ liea'ilen; i. c. they have darkned with Mi!l:s, and daily darken the Su'n of God's frml~ imfTif<med an~ chainecl and pytqh~red God's true



'l'hc HisTORY of the MARTYRs Preachers, which ;fetch only Light at the Sun of God's Word, that their Light cannot !bioe unto theW crid, as they would: Whereupon it comes to pafs, that many Chriflians fall from God's moll: true Word to l.lypocrify, meAt deviliH1 Superfij. .t)on and Idolatry. In his Letter to Bi01op Farrar, Dr. Taylor, Mr. Bradford, and Mr. PU!pot, Prifoners in the /(ing 's. Ecncb in Soul hwark. I am , advercifed, that.we fl1all be carri:d f110rtly to Cambridge, there ~o difpme for the Faith, and for the ge]igion of Chrifl (which js mofhrue) th?t we have and do profefs. I am (as l doubt not ye be) in Chrifl: readv, not only w go to Cambridge, but alfo to fuffer, by God's Help, Death it felf in the MainteJlarice thereof.... I write thi~, to ccmforr you in the Lord, that the Time draweth near, and is at h~nd, that we fl1ali -~_efiify before God's Enemies, God's Truth .....


May 6. IS54

Tours, and wit{J you unto Death in Cbrifl,



In his Letter to his godly Wife ..... As the Devil hath en: tred into their Hearts [who have rejeCted the Word of God J ~hat they themfelves. cannor, or will not came to Cbrijl, to be in!lrucred by his holy Word ; fo can they not abide any others to become Chrifl:ians, and lead their Lives after the Word of God, but hate, perfecute, rob, imprifon, and kill them, whether Male or Female ; though they have never offended God's or Man's Law, vea, though they daily pray for them, and wifu them God's Grace.-... Having no Refpect ~o Nature, the Bro~her perfecuteth the Brother, the Father the Son ; and moll: dear Friends are become moil: mort~! Enemies. And DC? marv~J ; for they have chofen Jundry }.!Jajl.ers, the one the Devil, the other God: The one agree with the other, as God and the Devil .agree between them felves ..... As be tbat was bom after thz Flefb pBrfocutcd Ul 1'imcs pafl him tbat was bom after the Spirit, even fa it is now. Therefore forafmuch as we live in t!Jis Life amongft fo manv great Perils ,and Dangers, the only .Remedy is what ~brill: hath appointed, 1'c /ball paffifs. your felves i11 Pa,tience.-- When Troubles come, we mu.fl:. be patient, and in no Cafe violently nor ftditioufly to re!ift our Perfecutors ; becaufe God path fuc;h C~ra of us~ that he will keep in the midTft:~ ofb: !\Jf rou 1 e~

Epitomiz'd, alphabetically. : i:S3 Trci!ibles the very Hairs of our Heads, f:k And .feeing he bath fuch Care of the Hairs of our Brads, hmv much more lloth he <;are for our Lifp it rdf? Their Cruelty hath ho f\lr-

d1tr PulVer, than God permitterh; and that which cometh i 1111 w us by the Will of our hcavcply Father, CJil be no Harm, I;Jfs, D,eflruction to us, but ratherGain, Wealth, nnd Feli, cicy ... That the Spirit of Man may feel there ConroJHions, , the Gi\er of them the heavenly Father muff be prayed unto, , [t.r the Merits of CIJrill's Pafiion ; for ic is not the Natm.'e ! of Man that can be contented, until it be regenerated, and \ prtOl:lfed with God's Spirit, to be_ar pat!:mdy the Tr~ubles of , Mind or Body. When the Mmd of Man fees 1roubles c11 . . every Side, tbreatning Poverty, yea Death, except the Man ; weigh thefe brittle and uncertain Treaf'ur~s, that be taken ; j[,_qn him, with the Riches of the Life to come, ~nd tliis ; Life of the Body with the Life in Chrifl's Blood, and fo for ; the Love and Certainty of tl1e heavenly Joys contemn all : Things prefcnt, doubtltfs he il1all ne1er be able to bear the : LrJfs of Goods and Life ..... The Chrif1ian Man's Faith muft \ be alr.ra)'s ).lpon the Refurrettioll of Cbrijl, when he is in ! Trouble; and in that glorious ReliJrreEtion he il1all fee con~ tinual Joy, yea, ViCl:ory and Triumph over nil Perfecution, ! Trouble, Sin, Death, Hell, the Dtl'il, and all other Per; : fccutors ; the Tears and Weepings of r!1e Faithful dried lup, their Wounds healed, their Bodies rna de immortal in Joy; l their Souls for ever praiiing the Lorcl, in Conjunction and \ Society everlall:ing with the blt1Ted Company of God's EleEt i in perpecual Joy. If }'C be rifell ~uirb CIJ1 ijl, /:<~ tbc Hi11f;r l which arc above; where Cbrift jittelh at the ri~;ht Hm,,i ~f God th& IFather. When he biddetll us, Jeek the Tbings that are above, 1 he requireth that our Minds never ceafe from Pra)'er and Study ill God'J Word, until we fee, know, and underfrand the 1Vanities of this World, the Shortnefs and Mifery; of. this j Li~e, and the Treafures of the W~rld to come; the Immortahty therepf, _the Joys of that Life; and fo never ceafe :ftcki11g, until fuch Time as we know c-ertainly, andbe per. i fwaded, what a blejJed Mmz- he is, that feeketh the OllC and }i11deth it, and ramb not for the Qther, though he lojeit ; -and in feeking, to have right }l!dgment between the Life prefeilt and the Life to come, we fuall find how little the' Pains, Imprifonment, Slanders, Lies, and Death it felf is in tlie World, ill refp~Cl; pf Pains ~verlafiing, the ~rifon infernal, and Pungeon

The His-ToRY of the MARTns Dun~eon of Hell,- the Sentence of God's Judgment, and everla!ling Death. When a Man hath by Jeeking the Word

of God, found out what the Tbi11gs above be, then mull:


fet his /{ff'cCtionr upon rhem. And this Command is more hard than the other ; for Man's Knowledge many times fees the bell:, Men .knm1 that there is a Life to come, better than this prcfcm, [Jc. yer they Jet JWt tbcir AffeCtion upon it: they do more af)'eft and love indeed a Trifle of nothing in this World, thar pleaf~th their AffeCl:ion, than the Treafure nf all Treafures in /leaven. We mull: Jet ow AffeCtions on Tbings above, i. e. when any Thing worfe than Heaven, ~Jeretb it felf to be ours, if we will give our good Wills to it and love it in our Hearts, then ought we to fee by the Judg;ment of God's Word, whether we may have it without God's Difplcafure; if we cannot, if the Riches of this World may not be gotten nor kept by God's Law, neither our Lives continued without the Denial of his Honour, we mufl: fer our Ajfcftio;zs upon the Riches and Life that is above, and nor upon 1/Jings that be upon tbe Eartb. This fecond Command requires, that as om Mind judgetb heavenly Things to be better than eanhlv, and the Life to come better than the prefent Life ; fo 'we fl10uld clmfc them before other, arid prefer them, &c.--- Theft! Things be eafy to be fpoken of, but not fa eafy to be ufed and praCl:ifed. Read PJal. 88, wherein is contained the Prayer of a Man, that being veJo;ed with Adverf.1ries and Perfecutions, faw nothing but Death and Hell, apprehending not only Man, but God angry with him; yet he by Prayer humbly reforted unto God, and put ~he Hope of hjs Salvation in him, whom he felt his Enemy .:. ln this Command ( pdfeJs your f--ives by yoqr Patience ) God requires ev~ry one to be patient : he faith not, It is fuf ficient that otlm holy Patriarchs, Prophets, Apofrles; Evan gelifis, and Martyrs continued their Lives, in patient fuf fering the Troubles of this World ; but Chriil: faith it to fvery ons of his Ps:ople; By your Patienc.e c!mfinue you yow Lifp. Not that Man hath Patience in himfelf, but that he muil: have it for himfelf of God, the only Giver of. it, if he1 purpofe to be a godly Man. Eefides, as our Profeffion anq ~eligion requireth Patience outwardly, without Refifianceanl Force; fo requireth it Patience of the.Mind, and' not to b! ~ngry with Gop, aTthough heu(e us, that be his own Creatures: as him liUetb; ';Ye .m~y ppt rnrmnur a&ai!lfl; Ged, bnt fa: . . I
ij. wa.y





his. Judgments be rigbt and jujt, and rejnycc that it pleafeth h1m to ufe us, as he ufed heretofore fuch as he inoft loved in this World. Have a lingular Care to this : Command, Be glad and rcjoycc, &c. he !l)eweth great Caufe why, becmife your Rewqrd is great in Heqven. Chri[l; alfo takes from us all Shame and Rebuke, as though it were not an Honour to fuffer for him, becaufe the 1vit:~ed World dot{J curfe and abbqr fuch poor troubled Chrifiians. He placetii all his honour~bly, .faying, .{':vc11 Jo pcljewtcd I bey the l'ropbetr i that were before you.--- We may learn by Things that nouri!h j and maintain us, both Meqt and Drhzk1 what Loatbjmmefs and (in a manner) Abhorring they come to, before they work
1 loath and abhor his own ,\'owifbment, before it come ro its .


Perfection. Is it then any Marvtl, if fuch Cbriftirms, as God j pelighteth in, be fo 111anglc4 and deface!/ in this World, whicq i is the Kitchin and Mill, to boil and grind the Fldh of God's j People in, till they atchieve their Pe1jdtioll in th~ World to j cnme ? ---- l?.aw Fle!h is not i\'leat ~ubo!efomc for Man: and 1;mmortijied Men and Women be not Creatures meet for God. Chritt's Peopl~ mull: be broken and all to be torn in the Mill c.f this World, and fo !hall they be moll: fine Meal to

1and wiihngly attend upon (,od1s Domgs, although they feem i Flcan contrary, after our Judgment, to our Weahh and Salvarian, as Abrab1111l did 1 when he was bid to olf.:r his Son !Ij1ac, in whom God promift:d the BlfjJ.ng and multiplying of 1 his Seed. Jofepb at the la!l came to that which Gocl prornifed him, although in the mean Time, after the Judgment of the World, he was never like to be, as God !aid he !hould be, ~rd over his Brethre11. When Chrifl: would ma:cc: the blilld Man to fee, be put Ciay upo11 his Eyes, which after the Judgment of Man was a Means father co make him double blind, than to- give him his Sight : but he obeyed, and kne1v that ,God could work his Defire, what Means foever he ufed con~

the Troubles be not yet generaUy, as they were in our goo Fatkm l'ime, foon after the Death and Refurrection of our. Saviour Chriff. -- Was there ever fuch Trouble as Chrilf threatned upon Jerufalem? Towards the End of the Worlq .IVe have nothing fo much Extremity as they had then, but ~vea llf. '\W be ab/q tq !?far\--- O~o. I g. rsss~ .





'of the MAR'TYRS

In another Letter to a godly Woman, in her Widowhood ..... 1 require you not to forget your Out y towards God in thefe perillous Days, in the which the Lord will try iis. I trufl: you do ii)Crcate, by the reading nf the Scriptttres, the Knowledge you have of Gocl, and that you diligently apply your Jt:lf to follow the fdme : for the Irno'l.viedge helpeth nor, except the Life be according thereto ..... r commend you to God, and tht: guiding of his good Spirir, to fl:ablifh and confirm you in all WeJI:doing, and keep you Blamelefs to the Day of the Lord, watch and pray, for this Day is at hand. ln his Letter to his cbaritablt Friends in London . .... For vour Liberality I mofl: heartily thank you, and pr11ife God highly i1 you for you, &c. praying him to preferYe you from all famine, Scarcity, and lack of the Truth of his Word, which i> the hvt:ly Food of your Souls, as you preferve my Body from Hunger, and other I\'eceffities that \rould happen unto Jne, were it not cared for by the Charity of god] y People. Such as have fpoiled me of all that I had, have imprifoned me, and appointed not one Half-penny to feed or relieve me withal ; I do forgive them, and pray for them daily in my poor Prayers to God, and from my l)eart I v.rith their Salvation, and quietly and patiemly be1r their Injuries, wilhing no farther Extremity to beufed towards us: yet if the con trary fcem bcfl: to our /;eavc;1/y Faiber, I h:~ve made my reckonin/!, and fully refo)ved to ftiffer the uttermofl:, that they are able to do againfl: we, yea, Death it fclf, by the Aid of Chrill: Jefus, who died the mofl: vile Death of the Crofs for us, wretched and miferable Sinners. But of this I am alfured, that the wicked World with all their Force and Power fl1all not touch on:: of tbe Hairs of our Heads, without Leav.e and Licenfe of our heavenly Father, "ohofc Will be done in all Things. If he will Life, Life be it; if he will Death, Death. be it; only we pray, that our Wills may be fubjeCl: to his Will ..... If webe contented to obey God's Will, and for his Commands Sake to furrender our Goods, and our Lives, to be at his Pleafure, it maketh no Matter .whether we keep Goods I and Lif.e, or lofe them. Nothing can burt us, that is taken from !JS for God's Caufe : nor can any Thing at length do us gajd, that is prefcrved contrary to God's Comnzand. Let u$. 'ivholl y fuffer God to ufe us and ours aft~r his holy Wifdom, and beware we neither ufe nor govern our felves contrary to. hb Will by ouy own Wifdom; for jf we ~o, our lf!ijdom will

Epiiotiliz'd, alpbabeticallj. :


at length prove Foolifbnefs. It is kept to no good J.'>urpofe 1 that we keep COIWary to his Commandmems. It can by no Means be taken from us, that be would fi10uld tarry with us. He is no good Chrijlian, that ruleth himfdf and his, as ~vorldly Means ferve; for he that fu doth, fl1all have as many Cbailges,as Chances in the World. To Day, with the World, he 0Jall like and praife the Trutb of God ; to morrow, as the World will, fo will he like and prai!e the Falfhood of Man : to Day with Cbrifti to morrow with Anticbrijl:. Glorijic your heavenly Father barb with your iwvard and outward Man. if ye think, ye can in~~ardly in the Beare ferve him, and ) er cut,v.7rdly ferve with the World in cY. cernal Service the Thin~ that is not of God, ye deceive J'OIII' Jehes ; for both the Body and Soul mu!1: concur together in the Honour of God: For if an hone![ Wife be bound to give both Hcmt and Body to Faith and Service in Marriage, and if an honefl: Wife's Ntitli in the Heart cannot fiand with a whorifb nr defiled Body, much Je(s can the true F~ith of a Cbrijli-a11 in tbe Service of Chriftianity /land with the bodily Service of cxternal!ilolatry : for rbe i.Vlyiiery of Marriage is not fo honourable between Man and Wife, as it is between Chrift and e1ery Chrifiiar.. Therefore (dear Brethren) pray to the heavenly Fatber, that as he }pared not the Soul nor the Body of his dearly beloved Sou, but applied both of them with extream Pain, to work our Salvation botH of Soul and Body: fo he ll'ill give us all Grace to apply our Souls and Bodios to be Servants to him .. :. Let us not deride our felves,and fay, our Souls ferve him, whac~ Joever our Bodies do to the contrary for civil Order and Policy. But alas ! I know by my felf what rroubleth vou; viz.. the great Danger of the World, that will revmge c ye think ) your fervice to God, with Sword. and Fire, with lofs of Goods and Lands: but (dear Brethren) weigh on the other Side, that your Enemies and God's Enemies ihall not do as: much as they wot~ld, b1,1t as mtrah as. God fhall Juffer them, who can trap them in their own Counfels, and deHroy.them in the midft ef their Furi.esr Remember, ye be the Work.: mm of the Lord, and called into his Vineyard, there to labour ~ill Evening- ';fide,, that yon ~ay receive. your Pmny,. whicll IS mor~ wor-th t~en all the Ktngdoms of the Earth : but he tbat called us into his Vineyard, hath not told tis how. fore and liow fervently the Sun tl1all trouble us in our Labour, ~ut hat~ biq us labours and commit the Bi~~ernefs thereof to


Tbe HtstoR t iij.tiJOA:'Ait TYR.s :lsS who can and will fo moderate al!---{\ffiiaions; that lid him, Man Jha/1 have more laid upon hitlz; than in Cbr~'t he ft;a/llie abU io bear, unto whofe merciful Tuitio!l and Defence I Corn; both ;our Souls and Bodies.~-.: Tours witlnny poot Prayer! met1d
In a Letter to a Merchant of Loizdon . ~ 1 thank God and ,.(,ll for th t great Help and Confolation I have received in' e of Advettity by your Charity; but moft rejoyce, that Tim elly '-'Oll be not altered from Trutli, although Falfhood cru feeketh ro difdain her; Judge not ( my Brother ) Truth by lmtward ilppcarauci: ; for Truth now worje appeareth, ano ~ more vilely rejeElcd, than Fd!Jbood; Leave the out\vard Shew; and fee by the. W&td of God what is 1Juth; and accept Truth, and di{]ike her not; though Man cal) h~r Falihood. As it is now, fo it hath been heretofore: Trmli h~th been tcjcllcd, and Falfhood received, Sireh as .have profeffed Truth, have fmarted, and the Friends of Falfhood laughed them to Scorn. The one having the Commendation of Truth .by Mrm, the Condemnatio11 of FaHhood by God, fiourip;ing for a but time,- with endlefs Dcjlruftion ; the other ajflilled a Tittle ~eafon; but ending with immortal Joys. Whe~t!fore Brother, ask and demand of your Book, the Tcftament Jefus Cbrifl, in thefe \Voful and \Vretched J)ays, what. fhould think, and \vhat you ihould fl:ay your felves for a certain TrutTi, and whatfoever yoa he~r taught, .. it by your Book; whether it be ttue, or falfe. The Day~ orld; ngerous and folt of Peri~, not only for. the be da ., and worldly Thing~,. but for Heave'n arid lie~venly. a TronbTe, to lofe the Treafure _ pf this Life~ bti~ yet~ lt is -lrery Pain, if it be kept with the Offence of God: Cry, call; pray, and in Chrill: daily require Help, Saccopr, M,ercy 1 Wif, dom, Gracze1and Defence,- that the Wickednefs ot thi! .,' . prevail not again!!: us . ~ . ln his Letter to Mts.T.f!ilkinfon.~-1 atri . g~a~__to. To.te11r: your Healtl!, and do thank you fot your a)ll a great deal more glad; to heat h0* . ldp/a$1'J1 and ptepare yo'Or felf to I'afret the Wo_rlrJ, ratheti than to 6ida11~ yotit :feif .




you ot!'ght ta do in this :Be~lf:,. and in . . Totrlitfzflin Pains, you fhall avoid

tre your Life and


fo that you ojftni nq; GD!t 1~ &1ft;


it'.with aso


. . pitoi11fz'ti, a~habeticaity. irj ' his Difpleafure, turneth at length to unfpeakable Pain's ; and ' the Gains of the World, with the Lafs of his Favours, is Beg
gary and Wretched1,1efs.--. In his Lmer to Mr. Hall and his Wife. Thefe Days be dangerous and full of Peril : ~ut fet us comfort our felves in calling to Remembrance the Days ~f out Forefathers, upon whom the Lord fenc fuch ,Troubles, that many Hundreds, yea 1~honfands died for the Te.fttinony of Jcfus Cbrifl, both Men and Womeni fuffering with Patience and Conftancy as much Cruelty as Tyrants could devife, and fo departed out of this mifmbfe World to the Blifs cvr.daflil;g, whereas now they . remain for ever, Iooking always for the End of this !inful . World, when they fr1all r~ceive their Bodies again in Immor... tality, and fee the Number of the Ele& a!Tociated with them in full and confummate Joys. And as vercuous Men, fuf: fering MartyrdotJirefl:ed in Joys everlafiing, and all their Pains ended their SmTows,. and began their Eafe ; fo did their Con !laney and Stedfafln~rs animate and confir-m all good People . in the T;urh; and gave them Encouragemem to fuffer the like, rather than to fall in with the World, to confent unto Wickednefs and Idolatry. Wherefore, my dear Friends; feeing. God hath illuminated you. in the fame t1'utr Ftiitb, wherei.n the' Apojlles, and Evangclifls, and alf Martyrs fuffered moO: cruel Death, thank him far his Grace in K12owledge, arid pray to' for StrCJzgth and. PerfoveratJce, that ye be not.aflt~med nor to confefs it. Ye be in the 1i-uth~ and the Gates of Hell tzever prevail agai'!ft ir, nor ilntichrift with all his Imps' it falfe ; they may perfecilte and kill; but never OYCF Be of good Comfort; and fear God more than ]Man .. . Life Is_ fiiort. a:nd iniferable ;. happy be they that c~ttit. to the Glory of c;iod~ . . In his, l.iJ.tet to MrS. 1Varcufr.. -~ I did rejo~ce to. under.that you be fully refolved bY: Goers Gtace .tP _fuffet; . , ratber. nhan ta go from the Truth which you have As you be trauening this perillaus Jcurney,. wi'th. y,oU,:pl!actiff.d bzy:r.he.W'tft~metz; Mar;/1. 2. 1in.cL C!wiJ;, fulla.wed onJ.y tl,e, ~t(Jf; _an&. it,.. they were aflhred .~heJ; w:e~e.jg t!:Ie: had. greau Mir.th. in t.h~ic Jaurn~y, :,: P!l~ w~n: into. J,oufole.m, whereas .t}te, $t<i! l~4,$ett~-JI~, . bae. rCJL.BeJb.leb,8m, .. here asked, the- Citi~ens the: and that the Star fu~: b~or.et- W.e~ ~re: not -only ignorimc' .-

The Hrs.T.ony-of t6e' MA Rh Rs I:!;OOrant of Bi!!blebem, but loft the Sight of the Sim, &c: --- The Word is the only Star, that lheweth us where Chrift is, and which Way we may come unto him: But as_ Jerujalc11! fl:ood in the Way, and vias an Impediment to theWife-men, fo doth the Synagogue of Antichrijt, that beareth the Name of'Jcrufalem, i. e. -the Vifion of Peace, and among the People now is called the Catbolick Church, ftandeth in the Way. that Pilgrims muft go by through this World to Bethicbcm, i. e. the Haufe of Bread or Plcntifulnefs, and is an Impediment to all Chrillian Travellers ; yea, and except the more Grace of God be, will keep the Pilgrims flill in her, that they fhall not come where Cbrifl is at all. And to fray .them indeed, they take away the Star of Light, which is God's Word, that it cannot be feen.--- Ye may fee what great Dangers happen'd unto tbefe Wife-men, whilft they were learning of Lyars, ;there Cbri!1: \vas. (1) They were out of their Way. And ( 2 ) They loft their Guide and Conductor.-- If wecome into jcrufalem, the Church of Men, and ask for Cbrljt, we go ou of the Way, and lofe alfo our Conduflor and Guide, that only leadeth us ftrait thither...c. Sifter, take heed, you ll1alt in your Journey towards Heaven meet with many a monflrous Beaft: have Salve of God's Word therefore ready. You ihall meet Husbands, Childrm, Lowrs and Friends, that {hall, if God be not with them, be very Lets and Impediments to your Purpofe. You {hall meet with Slander and Contempt of the fJiorld; and be accounted ungracious and ungodly, you fhall hear and meet with cruel Tyranny to do you all- Extre-i roities; you fi1all now and then fee the Troubles of your own Conftience, and feel your own Weaknefs; you {hall heanhac you be cwfcd by the Sentence of the Catbolick Cbutch, with fuch like 'l 'erro~s ; b.ut pray to God, and follO\v the Star of . Word, and you fi1all arrive at the Port of eternal Salvation, . . by the Merirs only of Jefus Chrifb . Tours in Chri.ft, John Hooper.


. - . . . . When Thomas Hurlfon of llilefham m Norfolk, faw the fiables come to his Haufe to apP.rehend him, he faid ; Nl)'j tiline Hour is com~. Welcome, Friends,. welcome : you be . that fhalllead me to Life ill Cbrift. I thank God therefore, tbe Lord enable me tbereto for his Mercies &ike. For his . . .

was, and he ever prayed (if it were the Lord's Will) that might Jilffcf for tbe Gofpel of Cbrift.
' .- l .

ing, I will write co the Bilhop my good Lord, &c. Q Sir' : {(aid he) thcrc.is 1io Loz:d but. Gon; though there be many /ordt and mm1y gods; Wile thou recant ( faid Berry the Priefl:) or no ? Tbe Lord, forbid ( faid HudjoJl) I had rather die mmzy Deaths .than to do Jo. . . Whenhe came firtt co the Stake, he was very fad, not fo~ his Deatb; but for lack of feeling of bis Cbrifi; and therefore c1me from his .Fello1v-Stdt'erers under the Chain, and fdl l down upon his I(nees, and pray.ed; and at lal1:. he rofe with l great Joy, as a Man ne1v c!Mnged; even frorp Deatb to Df~, and faid, Now I thank God I am flroog, and pafs mt wha& .lian can do ullto me. . I . . Hu/lier. . . .. ~ i . Mr. .'lobiz Hullicr, Minifter, firfl; a Scholar ancl the11.Con duCt in King's College at Cambridge, lilffcred Martyrdom, 'abouc April 2. 1556. ~y certain Lett~rs of his ic appears he wa.ll . zealous in the Do/:1rine of Truth. )n his Letter to the Chrijlian Congrcgnti01:, he thus ethowi and admonilhes the faitbfuL Flock.-- It flandeth now moft in Hand ( 0 dear Cbrijtians) all them that look to be accounted, of Cbrifl's Fleck at the great and terrible Day, when a Sepr. . ratimz lhall'be made, fj'c. faithfully in this Time of great Afflictions to hear our Mafier Chrifl:'s f.Toice, the only, true Shep'tierJ of our Souls, who faith, Wbofoever fball mdute to the Efld~ ~e Javed. ---In this Time, \ve mufr needs .eitherihe>v1 t~at we be his faithful Soldiers, and continuejn. his Bartle _t~ End, putting on the Armaur t:f God, the Bu~kler of Fait/,, Brea1:-Plate of Love, tlle Helmet of Hope, a\]d the S11rord his holy li"ol'd, with all Inil:ance of Supplication a~d Prayer : elfe, if we do not work and labour with tiJ~fe; .we are and falfe Soldiers, fhrinking mofi: unthankfully from gracious and fovereign Lord and Captai11 Chrifr, and lean~ _t0 Belifll.. For he faith plainly, Whofoever bcaretb not 71l'j aud followetb me, cannot be my Difciple : And, A"o Marz . twq .Maflers; Jor eilher be:mufl hate the ot1e and lc'i!e . or elfe bt fba/lleatz to the one and dejpife the otlm. Eli~ unto th!i! ,People, Why halt yc betwem t-.uo Opiniimr? the ~qrd be Gotl, fqllq'lp bim ; or if Barif.be -hp}ju[l~~. him. ~ Chrift be that only gaad and true Shepberd, (h~t gape htr Lif~ fll',, then let, us, that bearhis Mark, arid,'h_ii-ye:wfCori;; Jpri11kled with hit Blood, follow alcogeihet for ?ur M Salvatwll

. Epitoini~a, alphauetlcallj~ , t~t When Berry the Vicar of the 'fown, threatned.him, fay

111e H r sr.i.rn'y of tEe M u.h n: s i::o;norant of B'etblebem, but loll the Sight of the Siar, &c.... The Wurd is the only Star, that fi1eweth us where Chrift is; and which Way Wl! may come unto him: But as Jerufalcll!



il:ood in the Way l and \vas an Impediment to the Wife-men, fo doth the Synagogue of Anticbrift, that beareth the Name of'Jcrufalcm, i. e.. the Vifiun of Peace, and among the People now is call(!d the Catbolick CIJurcb, fl:andeth in theW ay. that Pilgrims mufl go by through this World to Bethlehem, i. e. the Houfe of Bread or Pletllifulncfs, and is an Impediment to all Cbrillian Travellers ; yea, and except the .more Grace of God be, will keep the Pilgrims flill ill her, that they !hall not come where Cbrift is at all. And to fray them indeed, they take away the Star of Light, which is God's Word, that it cannot be feen.- Ye may fee what great Dm1gers happen'd unto thcfe Wifemen, whilfl: they were learning of Lyar!, \vhere Chrifl: \Vas. ( r) They were out of their Way. And ( 2) They loft their Guide and Conductor.. Jf we come into Jcrufalem, the Church of Men, and ask for Cbrijt, we go out of the Way, and lofe alfo our Conductor and Guide, that only leadeth us fl:rait thither." Sifrer, take heed 1 you !hall in your Journey rowards Heaven meet with many a monflrous Beafl: have Salve of God's Word therefore ready. You iha\1 meet Husbands, Cbildrm, Lo'IJers and Friends, that !hall, if God be noc with them, be very Lets and Impediments to your Purpofe. You fi1all meet with Slm1der and Cot2tempt of the fJI'orld; and be ac(;ounted ungracious and ungodly, you ihall hear and meet with .cruel Tyranny to do you all Extre-. mities; you fitall now and then fee the Troubles of your own ConftietlCe, and feel your own Weaknefs; you !hall heanhat you be cwfcd by the Sentence of the Catho/ick Church, witn fuch like Terro~s ; b.ut pray to God, and follow the Star o~ his Word, and you fhall arrive at the Port of eternaL Salvauon1 by the Merits only of Jefus Chrifr; - . . . Tours in Chrijt, John Hooper.

. . When Thomas Hudfon of llileftJam m Norfolk~ law tb Con fl:ables come to his Haufe to apprehend him, he faid ; Nv'IJJ tnine Hour is comi'. . Welcome, Friends,.welcome: you be"they. that fhal/lead me to Life it! Chrijt. I tbm1k God therefore, an~ the Lord enable me thereto for his Mercies Slike. For his Defire w~s, and he ever prayed (if it we:e the Lord's Will) that he; rrughtfi{{fct for the Gofpel of Cbrift. .

. .



Epitolniz"d, alphaveticallj~ . t6t When Berry the Vicar of the 'fown, threatnd. him, fay ing, I will write to the Bi!hop my good Lord, fc. 0 Sir' ( faid he) there. is 110 Loid but. Gon; though there be many lordt imd many gods; Wilt thou recant ( f11id Berry the Priell:) or no ? The Lard forbid ( fai"d Hudfon) I had rather die many Deaths than to do Jo . Whenhe came fii'!l to the Stake, he was very fad, not fot' his Deatb; but for lack of feeling of bis Cbrifl; and therefore c1me from his .Fellow-Sutrerers under the Chain, and fell down upon his I{nees, and prayed; and at laP; he rofe witlt great Joy, as a Man ne1v cl1~nged; even from Death to Life, and faid, Now I thank God I am jlrong, and pafs mt wba# Man can do ullto me. . . .. . . . . . . . Hullier. Mr . .'1ohn Hullicr, Minifler, firll: a Scholar and than..Cott duB: in King's College at Cambridge, fidrered Martyrdom, ahour: April 2. 1556. ~y certain Letters of his it appears he wall zealous in the Dot1rine of Truth. ,In his Letter to the C/irijlimz Cougrcgatiot;, he thus exhorts and admonilhes the faithful Flock.-- It flancleth now moll: in Hand ( 0 dear Cbrijtians) all them that bok to be accounted: of Cbrijt's Flock at the great and terrible Day, when a Septi . ration fi1all'be made, &c. f~ithfullv in this Time of great Af fliB:ions to hear our Mall:er Chrifl:'s. Voice, the only. true Shcpbercl of our Souls, who faith, Whojoever fball endure to tbe E1zd~ fball ~e Javed. In this Time, we mull needs ,either ilie\v, t.hat we be his faithful Soldiers, and continue jn.his Battle to. the End, putting on the Armaur .c:f God, the Buckler- of FaJib, the Breafl:-Piate of Love, the Helmet of Hope, a~d the Sword . of his holy Word, with all Infl:ance of Supplication af!4 Prayer : . or elfe, if we clo not work and labour with the.fe, :.we are . Apoftates and Jalfo Soldiers, fiuinking moll: unthankfully front : our gracious and fovereign Lord and Captain.Chrifr, and lean ing.to Belial.. For he faith plainly, Whojoever bcareth 110t my Croft, mzd followetb me, cannot be my Difciple : And, No Man can.fcroe two .Majlers; for eilber lw.muft hate the orrc anJlc'IJ~ tbr.otber, or elfe be Jba/1/eatz to the one and defpife the 'otber. . Eli~ . al(o faid unto tile ,People, Why halt yc b~t'JJCe1z t~vo Opinio!IS'? , If. the I,qrd be God, fqllqzy bim j or if Baal-bu -b~du[IQ~_piflt. lf Chrifi: be that only good and true Shepherd, th.~t gavp liis Li/.11 fpr .1/i,, then Jet_ us, that bear his Mark, and:JJ.aye .t :cori; fciences Jprinkled with hii Blood, follow alcogcihet: Tor out ., . M Salvation .

I6Z The HISTORY of the MARTYRS Salvation his heavenly Voice and Calling, according to our Profeffion and firfl: Promife. If we fhall not, certainly (fay what we can) though we bear the Name of Chrifl, we are none of his Sheep indeed ; for he faith manifellly, My Sheep hear my Voi~e, and follow me : A Stranger they will nat follow, but 1ui/l flee from him; for they know not the Voice of a Slranger. The Craft and Wilinefs of our fubtle Enemy is manifold and divers, and full of clofe Windings: .... At this prefent Day, if he cannot induce one throughly, as others do, to favour his dcvilifb Religion, and of good Will and free Heart to help uphold the fame, yet he will Inveigle him to 1ejott to his wicked anJ whorilh Schoolhoufe, and to keep Company with his Congregation there, and to hold his Peace and J~y notbing, whatfoever he think, &c. by that fubtle Means flattering him, that he fhall both Jave bis Life and alfo his Goods, and live in Quiet. But if we look well on Chrill's holy Will and Tejtament, we fi1all perceive that he came not to make any Juch Peace upon Earth, nor that he gave any Jucb Peace co his Difciples. I leave Peace with you (faith he) my Peace I give you, not as the World giveth it, give I unto "Jolt. Let 110t ~'our Heart be troubled and fcmful. Tbefe Things have I fpokm unto you, tbat. itl me )e fbould have Peace : i11 the JVorld ye fball have AffliCtion; but be of good 'Cheer, I bave overcome the World. Tbe Servant is nat greater tha~z his Lord and Majler ; if they have pe1jccutcd me, tbcy fba/1 alfo pe1jecute you. if any Man come to me, and batcth not bis Fatber m1d Mother, &c. ,-ca, and moreover bis own Life, it is tzot poffible for bim to. be my Difciple. Bldfed be ye, that now ~ucep; for ye fba/1 laugb : and woe be unto you that 11D'JJ laugb, for ye Jbal/ moum 1111d ~uccp. He that 1uill find his Life, Jballlofo it. Therefore the God of that true Peace and Com fort, preferve us, that we never obey fuch a falfe Jt7atterer, who at length will pay us home once for all, bringing for temporal Peace and Quietnefs, everlajtillg Trouble, &c. for thefe 'Vai11 and tranfitory Goods, extream Lofr of the etertJal Treafure and Inheritance ; for this mortal Life, Deprivation of the moll joyful Life immortal, and end/eft Death mofl: nine rable, 8c. --I judge it better, to go to School with our Mailer Cbrift, and to be under his Ferula anq Rod (although it feems iharp and grievous for Time) that at length we may be Inhericers with him of everlafting Joy, rather than to keep Company with the Devil's Scholars, the adulcerollsGenennion,

Epitomiz'd, alphabetically.


in his School, that is all full of Pleafure for a while, and at the end to be paycd with the Wages of cominual Burnin~ in the mol1: horrible Lake, which burneth evermore with Fire and Brimflone, &c. What dcth be elfe, Jpray you, that refort~ ech w rhe Minijlrati01z and Service, tfiat is mol1 repugnant to Cbrift's holy Tejtament, there keeping il:ill Silence, and nothing rcvoving rhe liunc, but in the Face of the World by his very Deed it fclf, declare himfelf to be of a fa!fe, fearful, diffim b!ing, feigned, and unfaithful Heart; difi:ouraging, as much as lies in him, all the Refidncs of Chrijl's Hofl:, and gi'iing a manifel1: Offmce unto the weak, and alfo confirming, encourag~ ing, and rejoycing the Hearts of the .Adve1jaries in all their evil Doing? By which he iheweth him felt; neither to love God, whom he feeth to be difhonoured and blafphemed of an J!ntichrijlimz Minifter ; nor yet his Neigbbotll', before whom l1e 11wuld rebuke the Evil, according to the Command, Tho~ fbalt not hate thy Neigbbom, but reprove bim, &c. But God hatb not given liJ tbe Spirit of Fear, but rf Power mzd Love a11il of a found Mind. Be 110t afbamed to teflifie our Lord, but Juffer Ati<JcJjity wi&b the Gojpcl, throuf{b. the Power of God, &c. lear . not tbcm that kill the Body, &c. Fear not, though they feem terrible unto you, 11eithcr be troubled, but fanEtifie the Lord God in your ' Hearts. Only let your Cotzvctfatiou he as becomes the. Gojpel, &c. : i1z 11othi1ig fearing your Advctfaries, which is to them a Token qf : Damnation, and to you of Salvation, and that of God; . for unta : j'Oil it. is {!.iVCil rzot only to belitve i11 Chrijl, but to Jujfer for his Sake. . In rhe Revelation it is written, That the Fearful jhall bave their : Part 1Vitb th~ Unbelieving and .Abominable, ilz the Lake that burnj eth with Fire and Brim.Jlone, wbich is the Jaond Death. 'Wide \ is the Gate and broad is the Way whidJ leadeth to Dejlrtiflio11, i and matzy there be that go in thereat; but .Jlrait is the Gate, and 111arrow is the Way that !eadetb unto Life, and few thm be tbat find it. Thus I wholly commit you to bim, mzd to the fVord of his Grace, w)lich is able to build further: befeeching you mofl: 1 heartily to pray for me, that I may be Jlrong i11 the Lord and i irz t~e Power of bis Might, and flan4 perfdlin a/11/iings, being all ways, prepar!!d and ready, looking for the Mercy of our Lord unto eterna/Re[t; and .I will pray for you; as lam moll: bound. So I Ilru(t he will graciouily hear us for his Promife Sake in Chrifl: \ . Xour Chriflilm Brother, a Prifoner of tbe Lord,




John Hullier.



Tbe HtsToRY

of tbe MARTY!ts

In another Letter to tbe Congregatio11 of Cbrifl' s fait.~ful Followers. - Moll: dear Chrifl:ians, having now the fweet Comfort of God's Javing Hcaltb, and being confirmed with his free Spirit, (be he only praifed therefor) I am conl'lrained in my ConfCience to admonifh you, as ye tender the Saftration of your Souls, by all Manner of Means to fcparate your felves from the AuticbriflimJ Company, conlidering what .. is faid in the Revelation, If any Man 1uorjbip the Beaft aud his Image, and 1weivc his Mark in the Forehead, or in bis Hand, tbe fame fball dl'ink of the Wine of the Wrarh of God, which is poured into the Cup of his Wiatb, &c .. --The Bcafl is none other, but the carnal and tlelhly Kingdom of Anticbrifl.---What do th~y elfe but worfbip this Bcajt and his Image, who after they lic:d ifcaped from the Nlthinefs of the World, through the Kno'1Mcdge of the Lord ami Saviour J'rjits Cbrifl, arc yet again tangled therein, and 6"Jercomc ; uling Diffimulation for Fear of their Difpleafure1 doil1g one Thing outwardly, and tbinking inwardly another : So having tliem in Reverence under a Cloak and Colour, to whom they ought not fo much as to fay, G(Jd fpecd; and adjoyning thcm(ehes ro the ;t~alignmlt Congrcgati~!l, which they ought to abhor as a Den of Thieves aud ivlurdercrs,;md a Brothel houfe of moll blafphemous Fomicators.--But this Feignednefs and Difiimulation, Chrifl and his Gofpel will no ways allow. Wbnfoever [ball be nfbamed nf me and of my Words ill this adul :erous and finful Geucration, of him alfo fba/1 the S011 of Man be aftJamcd, when he Jball come i11 the Glory of his Fatber, &c. Curfed be the D[{fe111blcrs, &c. 1e 'i.vere ouce enlightmd, and of the heavenly Gift.----And 110 Man that puttetb his Hand to Plougb and looketh back, is apt for the Kiugdom of God: weut out from tts, but tbey were not of us; for if tliey hew of us, no Doubt they 1vould have coutinued with us ..... Wherefore, good Chrillians, for God's dear Love, not your felves through your own Wifdorn, antl the Wifdom of t be World, which is Foolifhnefs before but certille: ~;ld fl:ay your own Confciences with the Word of God, &c. Though God's Mercy ir o'()er all Works, yet .it doth not extend but only to them that faft the Confidence and rejoycing of Hope unto the End; ttof waxing flrongtr roeary of well doing, but rather every where it jlto11ge1" in the inward Man. In the Here is entreated of the Beqft and his Image, it is

SufferatJcc of Saims, and hm arc thel 'hat keep .. .



Epitolhiz'd, alphahctica/ly;


end Faitb of Jefus Cbrifl; intimating, that God doth ufe thofe wicked Men as l1rjlruments, for a Time, to try the Patimce and Faith of his peculiar People, fc. Peradventure you will 1:1 y, What jb.zi/ we do ? lh.all we cafl: our fd ves head long co Death ? 1 Jay noc fo; bur this I fay~ That we are ~~~ bound (if ever we look ro receive Salvation at God's Hands ) in this Cafe to be wholly obcdimt to /1i1 determinate Counfi:l, f;k and then to caJl all our Care Oil bim, 1vho worketh all in all for rhe heft unco them that love him. Now thus he commandeth, Come a<'PY from her, my People, tba( ye be r;Qt Partakers of her Sil;s, and tbat ye rcceitt IJot of ber PlaguBs.~~ Comc out from amorrg tbem, and joyn not your felves to their urs IJ:uful JJ.Oemb/ies; yea, do nN once ihew your felves with the Jeafl: Part of your Body to favour their wicked :Doings. No1v chufe you which Way you will take, either the narrow, &c. or the broad JVay, &c. I for my Part have now written this fiwt Admonition to you of Good-Will, ( as God is my \Vimefs) to exhort you to that Way, which at length you finll prove and find to be hejt ; and I do not only write : his, bl)t I will (with the A!Iilhnce of God's Grace) [eal i~ 1 : WHh my B.ood. . .

, !l!cudl, a Sumner, telling .William Hu11ter (a right godly '; Youth) it was never a merry World fince the Bible came : abroad in Et1glijb: Say not fo for God's Sa.l.:a ( faid Hm1ter) for it is God's Book, out of r,.vbich every one that bath Grace may I /cam to krw'Lu both what Tbings pleaft God, and alfo what. dif. \ pleafeth him. Could not we tell ( faid .!lt~uc/J) before this 1 Time how God was ferved? No ( faid Hunter) twtbing fo well i as we lii!IY now, if tbat "ue migbt have his bldfed Word amongjt 1 tiS fli/1, as '..Ue have bad . .... You mufl: turn, or burn, ( faid Atwell.) God give me Grace ( faid Hunter) tf1at I may believr bis Word and confefs bis Name, whatfoever come thereof. Whereas you doubt of my Belief ( faid HmJter to WooJ, . .the Vicar of Southwell) C would it were tried, Wbetber thaf yozt o1 I 'WOuld {land fafter in our Faith. Yea thou Heretic~ ( faid Wood) wouldfl: thou have it fo tried ? That whicb yoz' 'alllferefie (faid Hauter) I ferve my Lord God withal/; 1 woztlil rhat you anct I were faft tied ta a Stake, to prove; whether rf;11t you or I would ftmzd ftrozzgefl to our Faith. It {hall not be fa ~ried (faid Wood. ) No ( faid H11nter } l tbi11k fo ; for I





The HISTOR Y of the MARTYR S might, I think I know wbo would Jooneft recant ; for I durjl Jet 111y Fuot ogainjl yours even to the Deatb. B.onner telling him, That he was content he fl1ould keep his Confcience to himfelf, fo that he would p:o to Churcb, and receive, &c. No ( faid he) I will not do Jo for all the Good i11 the World. Then ( faid Bonner) I will make you fure enough, I warrant you. Well ( faid Humer) you Call do no more than God ~uill permit you. Well ( faid B.) will you recant indeed by no Means? No ( faid H.) never while I live, God r,.oi/fing. Bonner asking him how old he was, he J:1id, Ile was Ninetem Years old. Well ( faid B. ) you will be burned ere you be Twenty, if you will not recant. H. anrwcrcd, God jlm1gthm me i11 bis Trutb. Bonner, even after Sentence was pafl:, oircring him, if ne would then recant, to make him a Freeman of the City, and to give him Forty Pound in Money to fct up with, or to make him Steward of his Houfe, f!J'c. Huutcr faid unto bim, My Lord, if you cannot perf..oadc my Co11Jcicuce by Scrip tures, I cmmot ji11d itz 1ny Heart to tum from God for tbe Love if the World; for I cou12t all Tbings '<UOr!d!J but Lnfs and Duug. in reJpcEt of the Love of Chrijl. If thou cliefl: in this Mind ( faid B.) thou art condemned for ever. God judgctb rigbte vrifly ( faid H. ) and jujlifietb them, wbom Man colldwmetb unjziflly. When he was brought to Bumtwood to be burned, his Father ~nd Mother came to him, and defired heartily of God that be might continue to the end in that good Way, which he had begun, and his Mother faid unto him, That fbe was glad that ever ilie was fo happy to bear Juch a Child, which could nd in his Heart to loft his Life for Chrijl's Name's Sake. Then faid he to his Mother, For my little Pain wbicb I fball Juffer, which is but Jbort, Cbrijl bath promifed me a Crown of Joy. May you 1zot be glad of tbat, Motber ? With that his Mother kneeled down on her Knees, faying, I pray Go( flrengthen thee, my Son, to the end : Yea I think thee as 'Well beftowed, as any Child that ever I bare. . . . His Fatbcr faid, I was afraid of nothing but that my Son. fhould have been killed in the Prifon for Hunger and Cold, the Bifi10p was fo hard to him. .. The Night before his Execution, he had a Dream, that he was where the Stake was pitcht where he iliould be burned,: and that it was at the Town's End, where the Butts il:ood,


. ~67 Epitamiz'd, alpbaberically._ (which was fo indeed ) and that he met his Father. going to the Stake, and that there was a Priefl at the Stake, which went about ro b:we him recant, and that he faid to him 1 Atuay falfe Propbct ! and that he :exhorted the People to be~ w~re of him, and fuch as he was : wbicb Thi11gs came to paft accordingly. Whilfl: he was led to the Stake, the SherifF's Son came to Wi/!iam and embraced him, faying, William be not afraid .of thefe Men, 1vho are here pref,;nt with Bills and Weapons, ready preJmed to bring you to the Place where you llpll be burned. William anfwered, I rbank Gad I am11at afraid; for~ have caflmy Accau11t, wbat it 'will coflmc already. Then the Sheriff's Son could fpeak no more to him for Weeping. When he met his Father (according to his Dream) his Father faid unto him, God be with thee, Son William. Willia111 anfwered, God be ~vith you, good Fatber, and be of good Comfort; . for I hope we fballmeet again, wlmz we Jball be merry. At the Stake the Sheriff told him, That there was a Letter from the .Qtcm; if he would recanr, he fhould live, if not he mufl: be burned. No (faid William) 1 will1wt recm1t, Gotl .

Mr. Browll telling him (upon his Defire to the People to pray for him as long as he was alive) I will pray no more for tbet>, than I will pray for a Dog. Mr. Brown ( fJid William) now you .~J~e that you fought for, and I pray God it be not laid to yot(r Charge ill the !aft Day; howbeit I forgive you. I ask no Forgivenefs of thee ( faid Mr. Brow11) Well ( faid William) if God forgive you not, I fba/1 require my Blood at your Ha11ds. Then faid.William Hzmter, SoN OF Gon, jbi11e rtpon nze . Immediately the Sunin the Firmament.ihined out of a dark Cloud, fo full in his Face, that he was conllrained to look another Way. When the Pricft came (according to his D.rcam) he faid, Away thot4 falfe Prophet! Beware of them good People, and come awaY. from their Abomi11ations, left tbat you be Partakers of th~ir Plagues; .. "I:hen ( faid the Prieft ) look how tho.u burnefl: here, fo fhalt thou burn in Hell. Wil/iam anfwered, Thou .. lieft, thou falfe Prophet, away thou falfe Prophet, away. When the Fire was kindled, his Brother faid to him, William, think on the holy Paffion of Chrift, and be not. afraid of Death~ William anfwered, I am 110t afraid. Then lift he up his Hands to Heaven, and faid, Lord, Lord, Lord, receive my



I66 The HISTOR'l of the MARTYRS 1night, I think I know who would Jooneft recant ; for I dwfl Jet 111y Fuot againfl yours even to the Deatb. ]Jonner telling him, That he was content he fl10uld keep his Confciencc to himfelf, fo that he would p;o to Churcb, and receive, &c. No ( faid he) I will not do Jo for all tbe Good i11 the Wo1ld. Then ( faid Bomw) I will make you fure enou~h, I warrant you. Well ( faid Hullter) you Call do 110 more tban God ~uill permit yort. Well ( faid B.) will you recant indeed by no Means? No ( faid l:l.) never wbilc I live, God '.uiliing. Bonner asking him how old he was, he l:1id, He was Ninetem Years old. Well ( faid B. ) you will be blirned ere you be Twenty, if you will not recant. H. anCwcrcd, God flrengtben me in bis Truth. Bonner, even after Sentence was part, oiTering him, if he would then recant, to make him a Freeman of the City, ahd to give him Forty Pound in Money to fer up with, or to make him Steward of his Haufe, &c. Htmtcr faid unto him, My Lard, if yorlcmmot perfiuade my Confcieuce by Scrip tures, I camwt ji.11d in my Heart to tum from Gotl for tbe Love lJf fhe World; for I count all Tbings -.uorldly but Lnfs and Dung_ in rejpef/; of the Love of Chrifl. If thou diell: in Lbis Mind ( faid B.) thou art condemned for ever. God judgetb rightclJUjly ( faid H. ) and jciflifietb them, whom Man colldCIImeth unjuflly. When he was brought to Bumtwood to be burned, his Father ~nd Motlm came to him, and delired heartily of God that be might continue to the end in that good Way, which he bad begun, and his Mother faid unto him, That Jbe was glad that ever he was fo happy to bear Jucb a Child, which could find in his Heart to loft his Life for Cbrifl' s Name's Sake. Then faid he to his Mother, For my little Paiu which I fha/1 Jiiffer, which is but Jbort, Cbrifl batb promifcd me a Crown of Joy. May yor1 12ot be glad of that, Mother? With that his Mother kneeled down on her Knees, faying, I pray God~ fl:rengthen .thee, my Son, to the end: Yea I think thee as 'lilell leflowed, as any Child that ever I bare. . , . His Father faid, I was afraid of nothing but that my Son, fhould have been killed in the Prifon for Hunger and Cold, the Bifhop was fo hard to him. .. The Night before his Execution, he had a Dream, that.he was ivhere the Stake was pitcht where he !hould be burned,: and that it was at the Town's End, where the Butts !l:ood~ . (which

Epitomiz'd, alphabetically. . ! 67 (which was fo indeed ) and that he met his Father going to the Stake, and that there was a Priefl at the Stake, which went about ro h:ne him recant, and that he faid to him, 1huay falfe Propbct ! and that he :exhorted the People to be ware of him, and fuch as he was : VJbicb Thi11gs came to paft


accordingly. . Whilll: be was led to the Stake, tile Sheriff's Son came to William and embraced him, faying, William be not afraic(of thcfe Men, 1vho are here preJ(!m with Bills and Weapons, ready prep~red to bring you to the Place where you flpll be burned. William anfwered, I tbank God I am 110t afraid; for~ have cafl my Accoullt, wbat it will coflmc already. Then the Sheriffs Son could fpeak no more to him for Weeping. When he mec his Father (according to his Dream) his Father faid unto him, God be with thee, Son William. WilliaiiJ anfwered, God be ~uith yo11, good Fatber, a11d be of good Comfort;_

for I bopc we fl;a/lmcct again, wbe11 10e fba/1 be merry. . At the Stake the Sheriff told him, That there was a Letter from the .Q;twz ; if he would rec1nt, he lhould live, if not he muil: be burned. No (faid William) 1 will1Jat recmzt, God.
'J:illhzg. . . Mr. Brow1z telling him (upon his Delire to the People to pray for him as long as he was alive) I will pray no more for the", than I will pray for a Dog. Mr. Brown ( f&id Wtllimn) now you .~:ve that you fought for, and! pray God it b~not laid to yot(r Charge in the !aft Day; howbeit I forgive you. I ask no Forgivenefs of thee(faid Mr. Brow11) Well (faid William)ifGod forgi'<le you 11ot, 1 Jball require my Blood at your Hmzds. Then faid.William Hu11ter, SoN oF Goo, Jbitze upon me . Immediately the Sunin the Firmament.ihined out of a dark Cloud, fa full in his . Face, that he was conllrained to look anotherWay. . When the Prieft came (according to his .Dream) he faid,

Away tbot4 falj"c Prophet! Beware Of them good People, and come awaj' from their Abominations,left that you be Partakers of theil" Plogue.r: .. Then ( faid the Priell: ) look ho\'1 thou burnell: here, fo !halt thou burn in Hell. William anfwered, Thou lieft, thou falfe Prophet, away thou falfe Prophet, away. _. When the Fire was kindled, his Brother faid to him, Wi/liaur, think on the holy Paffion of Chrift, and be not afraid of Death; William anfwered, I am11ot af1aid. Then lift he up his Hands to Heaven, IUld faid, Lord, Lord1 Lord, recei'lJe my

"M 4



1'be H r s r oR Y of the MARr y ll s

Higbed. Mr. Higbed of Effix, being prell: by Bom1er to recant, anfwer. ed, I will not abjure; for l have been of this lVIind thefe fixteen Tears, and do what ye can, ye llllll do uo more than God will permit you to do, and 1uith what Meafurc ye meafure mlto us, look for the fame agai11 at God's Hands. ' When his Articles and 'Anfwers were read, he faid, Ye go about to trap us with your Subrilries and Snares; and though my Fatber and Mother and other my Kinsfolk did be lieve ~s yo.u fay~ yet they were deceived in fo believing: arid whereas you fay Doctor 'Crmwier and others, &c. be Jlereticks, I do wiih that I were fccb an Heretick as they were and be. Then Bvnnei' asked him again, Whether he would turn from his I~rror and come to the Unitv of their Church ? No ( faid he) I would ye would recant; for I am ill 1be Trutb, ~nd you in Error. ' Hus. Mr. Joh1l JJus, preaching at the honourable and ven fo. ]emn Funeral of Three in Prague, wl10 had been put to Death in Prifon, for calling the Pope Antichrift, and [peaking againft l1zdulgmccs, at whofe Funeral was fung on 'this \Vife, Thcfc he the Saints, which for tbe Teftament of God gave their Bodies, &c. ]Je much commended them for their Conf:I:ancy, and bleft God the Father of ow Lord Jefus Cbrift, 1ubo had hid the Way of his Verity fd ft'onl (he Pmdmt of the World, mzd bad revealed it to the Simple, who chafe rather to pleafe God, than Man. This (lccalioned his ExpulGon out of Prague, being before excom tnnnicated by the Pope. ' The Emperor having given fafe ConduEl: to Mr. John l;lus to come to' the general Council at Conflance, he promifed to come; profeffing he ytas ready always to fatisfie all Mev, which hall require him to give a Reajo11' of his Faith and Hope &c. and giving Notice to all, that <;auld objeEl: any Error tlr Herejie to him 'to appear, and not fpare him. ' The 'fwentyfixth Day after he came to Conflanc~, two Bilhops; 8c. were fent to him to bring him before the Pope and his Cardinals : To whom he anf\Yered, I am not come to defend iny Caufe particularly before the Pope and his ~ardi11als; but to appear b'efore the whole Council, and there anfwer .foi my .DefeiJce openly, &'c. unto all fuch Things ~s fuall be demanded, or re.qllir' d oj me. Notwithfia~d
.,,.. . . . .





Epitomiz'd, alphabeticti/ly. ' . log forafmuch as. you do requi_re. me fo to do, I . 1~iU not refufe ro go w1th you ; and if It happen rbat they cvzlm treat me, 3ct neverthcleft I tmft in my Lord Jcfus, thar he will ; fo comfort and ftrmgtbm 111~? that I fbal! d~{ire lnucb rather . to die for bis Glory liak~, t!Jan to dmy tbc Verity, 1.1Jbicb I bavc . icamed by l!is boly Scriptures. . . When be carne to the Cardinals, they told him they had . heard th~t he had taught great and manifell Errors througlJ . lhe Realm of Bobemia, &c. You il1all underl1and ( anfwered Mr. Hus) that I am thus minded :md afi"eCl:ioncd, that I fhould rJtber cbufe to die, than I lhould be found culpablf! of one only Error, much lefs of 1/lallY and great Errors: For this Caufe 1am willingly come to the g~neial Council, to receive Corrceti011 1 if any Map can prove any Errors. in me. Some of the4rtic/es prefented to the Council again{]; him.--' (+)He faith, that all Prie}l~ be of like Power. ( 8) He hold 7 1 cch this Opinion, That a Man being once ordc1ineq a Priefl or a ; Deacon, cannot be forbiddm or kept back from the Offlce of .i preacbi11g. . ,: When feveral Jalfe Witndfcs rofe up again!l: him, he faid, \ 1 Albeit they were as ma11y more i11 Number as t/;cy are, I do muck :1 more eflecm, yea, and 1uithout Coinparifon regard the Wltm.fi' cf ; illY Lord God, before the Witnefs of 1111 mi11e Advcrfarics. . 1 He being ask'd whether it was lawful for him to appealumo ~ Cbrift, anfwered, Verily I do affirm before yo~ all, that there ~ is no more juft, nor effectual Plea, than that which is made ~ unto Cbrijt i forafrnuch as the L~w. doth determine, that to j appeal is no other thing, than in a Caufe of Grief or Wrong done by an infcTier Judge~ to implore and require. Aid and Remedy at an higher Judge's Hands. Who is then an higher Judge than Cbrift ? Who can know, qr judge the Matter more juUly, or ,\rich more Equity? In him is found no Deceit, nor can he be deceived. Who C<ln better help, the Miferable and Opprelfed than he ? It being in his Accufation~ that he counfel'd the People tQ tef!ft with the Sword all fuch as did gain fay his DoCl:rine, &c. he anfwered, That he at all Times when he preached, did diligently admoni!h and warn the People, that they fhould arm themfelv.es"to defend the Truth of the Gofpel, according. ~o the faying of the Apofile, With the Helme& and Sword of Sal~ l!ation ; and that he never fi>ake of any material Sword, but ~~ &h.a~ which is cl~~ W,ord of ~od.. - Som~ '

The Hrsron of the MARTYRS . Some more Articles againfl him, taken out of his Treatife of the Church. ( r) There is but one holyuniverfal, or CaLholick Church, which is the univerfal Company of all the J>redejtirwtc. ( 6 A reprobate Man is never a Member of the holy Church.- r8) An Herctick oughtnotto be committed to the Jwdar Powers to be put to Death, for it is fuflicient that he fuffer the Ecclejiajtical Cenfure. In his Appeal. .... Forafmuch as the moD: mighty Lord, One in Elfence, Three in Perfon, is both the chief and firfl:, and alfo the lafl and uttermofl Refuge of all thofe which are opprelfed: .... and forafmuch as the Lord Jcfus Chrift, very God and Man, being compalfed in with the Priefls, Scribes, and Pharifees, wicked Judges and Witnelfes, 8c. hatli left behind him this god] y Example for them that t11all come after l1im, to the intent they lhould commit all their Cartjcs i11to the Hand of God .... 0 Lord, behold my A.fjlil1i011, &c. thou art my ProteCtor mzd Defelldcr. 0 Lord, thou haft given me Ulzderflanding, mzd I have acknowledged thee ..... For mine own Part I h,n;e been as a meek Lamb, which is led unto Sacrifice, and have tzot rcjifled agait!ft them . .... Deliver me from mine Enemies, fm thou art my God..... I appeal to the Sovercigtz and mofl j1!ft Judge, who is not defiled with Cruelty, nor can be cormptcd with Gifts and Rewards, neither yet be deceived by falfe Witnefs ..... , I John Hus do prefent and offer this my Appeal to my Lord Jefus Chrift, my jufl: Judge, who knoweth, and defendeth, and ju!l:ly judgeth every Man's jufl and true Caufe. The Day before his Condemnation, when four Bilhops were fent by the Emperor to him, to know whether he would fl:and to the Judgment of the Council, Mr. John de Glum fpake thus unto him : Mr. J. Hus,---- I require you, if you know your felf guilty of any of thofe Errors, which are objeEl:ed again!: you, that you will not be at11amed to alter your Mind to the Will of the Council ; if contariwife, I will be no Author to 'j'OIJ, that you lhould do any Thing contrary to your Confcience, but rather to fuffer any Kind of Punilhment, than to deny that which you have known to be the Truth. Mr. Rut with Tears anfwered, Verily as before I have oftelltimes don~, 1 do take tbe mofl High God for my Witncfs, that I ari1 ready witb my .~ubole Heart arzd Mitzd, if the Council cau itzflruft me any bet ter by the Scripture to change my Purpoje. One of the Bifhops telling him he !hould not be fa arrogant as to prefer his own Opinion before the Judgment of the whole C~uncil; r. ~de

. ~al '


Epitomiz'd, alphabetically. I7I ; faid, If he -.ohich is the meaneft or leafl i1z all this Colmcil can couvift me of Error, I '<Viii with an humble Heart and Mind do 'iVhntjoever the Council Jba/1 require if me. When they condemned his App.:al as hererical, he f=1id, 0 Lord Jejits Chrifl, wbofe IVord is ope11ly COizdwmcd here i1~ tbis .Council, tin to tbec again do I appeal, wbicb <rob en tbott wajl evil intreated of thine Euemies, did{t appeal tmto God thy Father, committing thy Caufc unto a m1C jujt Judge, tbar b3 thy Example 1ue alfo, being opprq/Jed 1vitb manifcjl Wrougs m:d Injuries, jlodd flee ttlzto tbec. \Vhilll: they were reading his Sentence- He interrupted rhem often; and efpecially when he was charged with Ob: flinacy, he faid with a loud Voice, I 1vas 11Ct'Cr obfliuatc, but ar a/"JJays heretofore, even fa 1ww agaill I defirc to be ta!i,~ht by ; tbe holy Scriptures ; and I do projejs my Je!f to be Jo dcflrous of ; tbe Truth, tbat if I might by oue only Word Jubveii the Errors of ; all Hercticks, I 10ould not rcfrife to enter into what Peril Jocvcr it : .;;Jere to Jpeak it. ; When the Sentence was ended, kneeling down upon his ! Knees, be faid ; Lord Jefus Cbrijb, forgive mi11e Enemies, by ; ;ubom thou knoweft that I am faljly accufed, &c. forgive them ~for thy great Mercies Sake. l When he was degraded, he fpake ro the People thus ; ! Thefe Lords and Bifbops do exhort and counfel me, that I i !1wuld here confcfs before you all, that I have erred; the which Thing to do, if it might be done with the Infamy , : aod Reproach of .Mcm only, they might peradventure eafily perfwade f!lC thereunto, but now truly I am in the Sight of the Lord tizy God, without whole great Ignominy and Gru_dge : of mine own Confciencc, I can by no Means do that which require of me.--- With what Countenance fhould I be the Heavens ? With what Face fhould I look upon whom I have_.tartght, whereof there is a great Number, 1 through me it fhould come to pafs that thofe Things, u they have hitherto known co be moll: certain and fhould no\v be made uncertain ? Should I by this my afl:oni.fh or trouble fa many Souls, fa many Confci- endued with the mofl: firm and certain Knowledge of Scriptures and Gofpel of our Lord Jefus Chrifl:, and his Jl~ pure DoCtrine, armed againll: all the A!faulcs of Sa ? 1 will never do it, neither commit any fuch Kind of OjfcHce, I fhould feetn mare to ejleem this vile Carcaje appoilited utzto than their Health and SalvRtioll.. When . . .

1'he HISTORY of the MARTYRS When one of the Bilhops took from him the Cbalice, fay, ing, 0 curfcd .'Jwi!H, &c. We take away from thee thi; .Chalice, of thy Salvation. But I trufl (faid he) unto God tbe I'iztber Onmi,ootent, and my Lard .'Jejics Chrifl, f!r whafe Sake I do fi!ffer tbcfe Tbings, tbat he will 110t take away the Chalice of fJis Rcdempcion, but have a jlcdfajt mzd firm Hope, ibat this Da;, I Jba/1 drink thereof ill bis Kingdom. l'he other J3ifil0ps took away the VcflmcJJts put upon him, and e:Jch of them l!,iving him their Curfe. Whereunro he [lid, Tbat be did 1vi/lingly embrac~ and hear tboje Blafphemies, for the Name rf our Lord Jejtts Chrifl. When the Bi!hops caufed to be made a Crown of Paper, in which were prinred three ugly Devils, and this Title fet over their 1-ltads, Herefiarcba, A Ring-leader of an Herefy, and he faw it, be faid, My Lord Jefus Cbrifl for my Sake did "..:Jear a Crown of Thorns ; why Jbould not I then far his Sake '<vear this light Crown, be it nevtr Jo ignominious : [ru!y I 'Will do ir, and that willingly. When it was fet upon his Head, the Bifi10ps faid, Now we commit thy Soull)nto the Devil. 1M I (faid Mr. Hus, lifting up his Eyes toward Heaven) do commip Ill}' Spirit into tb) Hands, 0 Lord Jefics Chrifl, unto thee I commezuJ my Spiril 'JJbich tbou bajl redeemed. when the People heard his Prayers at the Stake, they faid, What he hath done afore we know not, but IIO'm we fee and hear that be doth fpeak and pray very devoutly and godliiJ. After he had prayed fame while, being raifed by his Tor mentors, with a loud Voice he faid, Lord J ES)Js, affzft and help me, that witb a c01ylant and patient Mind I may bear and Ji1fir this cmel and i nominiaus Death, 'cuherermto I am COitdcmned for tbc preachi1tg o tby mojt holy Gofpel and Word. . When he beheld the Chain, with which his Neck was to be tied to the Stake, he fmiling, faid, That be would willingly receive ibe fame Chain for JejiiS Cbrift's Jake, who (be knew) war bound ~rJith a far worfe Chain. The Duke at Bavaria, before the Fire was kindled, com ' . ing to him, and exhorting him to be mindful of his Safeguard, and renopnce his Errors, he anfwefed; What Error .jhou/tll renounce, w~enas I know '!ty fe!f guilty of none ? for as for thoft Tbings tbaf ar~ fa !fly allcdged againjt me, I knotu that. I nev.~rdid fo much as once thi11k them, much lejs preacb them ; for.this wllS ?hr.principal E121J cmd J?mpoje of fl!~ Do{frine,., rhqt ! might uach . ' . - . ~~

Epitomiz' alpbabetically. 173 oil Men Repentance imd Rem!(Jio11 of Sius, accnrdirzg to tbe Verity of tbe Gofpel of Jefus Chrif1, and the Expofition of the holy Dol'/ors : ~oherefore with a cbec,ful Mind and Courage I am here ready to fuffer Deatb. . . . . He told them at his Death, That out nf the Afbcs of rhe Goost (fo Hus in the Bohemian Language lignifies) a11 hundred Years after, God would raife up a SwAN ((oLUTHER in thac L1ngu3ge lignifies) in Germany, wbofe ji12ging fbould affright all thofc Vultures, ami who jbould efcape their buniing. This Prophefy was exal:tly fulfilled in Luther, who rofe up jufl an hundred Years afLer I+ IS (the Year when Mr. Hus was burnt) and though he fo enraged the Pope arid his poll'erful Party, he died in his Bed. In his Letter to the People of Prague.... Be Circumfpeft and 'J:atcbful, that ye be not circumvented by the crafty Trains of the Devil ; and the more circumfpecr ye c.ught to bei for that Antichrift laboureth the more to trouble you. The !aft Judgment is near at hand, Death !11all f1vallow up ma..: ny : but to the elecr Children of God, the Kingdom of God drawech near, becaufe for them he gave his ownBody. Fear not Death, .love one another, perfevere in underll:anding the good Will of God without ceafing. Let the terrible and horrible Day of Judgment be always before your Eyes, that you fin not, and alfo the Joy of eternal Life, 1ihereunto you mull: endeavour. Let the Paffions of our Saviour be never out of your Minds, that you may bear with him and for him gladly whatfoever !hall be laid upon you; for if you !hall coniider well in your Minds bis Clofs nothing f11~1l be grievous unto you, arid patiently you f11ai! give place tQ. Tribulations, Curfings, Rebukes, Stripes and Im- prifonments, and !hall ilot doubt to give your Lives for his holy Truth, if need require. Know ye, Well Bfloved, that Anticbrift tieing ftirred up againft y~m, devifetli divers Per fecutions.----But I am in good Hope, tpat through the. Mer cy of our God, and by your Prayers, I ihall' p~r~ll: ftrongly in the immutable Verity of God unto the !aft :Breath. I commend yoll: to tfie merciful Lord Jeji1s Chrift, . our true God, and toe Son of the immaculate Virgin :&faryi who liath redeemed us by his rno1: bitter Death, .without air out Merits, from eternal Pains, from the Thraldom of the .Devil and from Siq. Co'!ftance1 A. I4IS . .


!n his utttr co hi$1JmefaftQTf,I ~;xhort you by tlie Bow: . .


Tbe HrsToRY of the MARTYRS els of Jefus Chrift, that now ye fetting afide the Vanities of this prc:fent World, will give your Service to the eternal King, Chrifl: the Lord. Tru[t not in Princes, nor in the Sons if Men, in 1uhom there is 110 Healtb ; for the Sons of Men are Diffemblcrs and deceitful. To Day they are, to Morrow they peri!h : but God remaineth for ever. He hath his Servants, not for any need he hath of them, but for their Ol'.'ll Profit ; unto whom he performeth that which he promi!eth, and fulfilleth that which he purpofeth to give. He ca!1cth off no faithful Servant from him ; for he faith, Where I am, there alfo fball my Servant be : yea, the Lord maketh el'cry Servant of his to be the Lord of all his Poifeffion, giving bimfe!f unto him, and with himfelf all Things.O happy is that Servant, whom when the Lord fhall come, he ihall find watcbing. Happy is the Servant, which !hall re ceive that King of Glory with Joy. Wherefore well belov cd Lords and Benefactors, ferve you that King in Fear.~ In his Letter to the Lord Jolm de Cltmz ...The iniquity of the great Strumpet, i. e. of the malignant Congregation (whereof mention is made in the ilpocalyps) is detected, and fi1all be' more detected ; with the which Strumpet the Kings of tbe Earth do commit Fornication, fornicating fpirit'ually from Chrill:; and as is there faid, fliding back from the Tmtb, and confenting to the Lies of ilnticbrifl, through his Seduction, and through Fear, or through Hope of Confederacy, for getting of wol'ldly Honour..... I rejoyced to perceive your Mind now to give over the Vanity and painful Service of this prefent World, and to ferve the Lord .]ejits Chrift quietly at home; whom to Jcrve, is to reigr1, as Gregory faith ; whom he that ferveth faithfully, hath Jefus Chrift himfelf in the Kingdom of Heaven to mitzifter unto him, as himfelf faith, Bld[ed is tbQt Servant, 'i.ubom, when the Lord /hall come, be fball find fo doing. Yerily I Jay unto you, that he rifing fball gird hi11zje!f, and fball minifter rmto him. This go not the Kings of the World to their



In another Letter As touching Deq.tb, God doth know why he doth defer it, both to me, and to my well beloved Brother Mr. Jerome, who I trull: will do holily and without Blame, and do know alfo that now he fuffereth 111ore valiantly, than my felf a wretched Sinner. God hath given us a long Time, that we may call to Mind our Sins tbe better~ an? re

for the fame-mote fervently. He hath granted us- T1me,

- - &hal

Epitomiz'tl, alphabetically. 175 rhat our long and great Temptatio11 fi10uld bring the more ConJolatiall. He hath given us Time, wherein we fi10uld remember the horrible Rebukes of our merciful King and Lord Jefus, and fhould ponder his cruel Death, and fo more patiently may Jearn to bear our AlHiCl:ions. And moreover, that we might keep in Remembrance how the Joys of the Life to come are not given after the Joys of this World immediately, but through 1/lally Tribulations the Saints have e11tred i11to tbc JiiHgdom. of Heavm : for fame of them have been cut and chopc all to Pieces, fame their Eyes bored through, fame fod, fome roufred, fome flain alive, lome burned quick, fioned, crucified, grinded between Milllones, drawn and haled hither and thither unto Execution, drowned in Waters, firangled, and hanged, torn in Pieces, vexed wic,h Rebukes before Death, pined in Prifons, and affiicted in Bonds : and who is able to recite all the Torments and Sufferings of the holy Saints, which they futfered under the Old and Ne1v Tcfiament, for the Verity of God ? And it will be a Marvel, if any Man now fhall efcape unpunilhed, who dare boldly refill: tile Wickednefs and Perverfity, efpecially of thofe Priefls wllich can abide no Correction. In another Letter. .: I delire, that if Audience be given me, tile King will be there prefent himfelf, &c. And that you, Right Noble and Gracious Lord John, with the Lord Henry, and the Lord Wmcelaus, &c_. if you may, will be prefent, and hear what the Lord Jcfus Cbrifl, my Procurator, and Advocate, and mofr gracious Judge, will pr1t into my Mouth tB JPcak, that whether I live or die, you may be true and upright Witueffis for me, left lying Lips ihould fav hereafter, thatlfwerved from the Truth which I have preached.- In another Letter. ---My faithful and beloved in Chrifl, be not terrify' d with their &ntellce in condemning my Books: they fl1all be fcatterecl hither and thither abroad, like light Butterflies, ancl t)leir Statutes fhall endure a~ Spider-webs. They IVere about to iliake my Confrancy from the Verity of Chrift ~ . but they. could not overcome the Virtue of God in me. They WOl!ld not teafon with the Scriptures againfl: me, &c. &nq when I faid, I was defirous to be it!ftruetetl, if l did in my Thing .err, the .chief Cardinal anfivered, Becaqfe thou ~1ouldft be infor~ed, tq_ere is no Remedy but that thou mull: !rfi re'f,Jok~ thy DoCl:rine, .according to the Determimitio.n of fr1 Bar~h~Tur; appointed; 0 high lnflrufiion ! - Thefe'. Things

Tbe HisTOR'Y of tbe M};RTYRs '1 hings I thought good to write unto you, that you niay knc w how they have overcome with no grounded Scripturl, nor with Reafim, bur on! y did efTay with 1errors and Deceits to ptr0.vJlk tnt: w rc\'okeand to abjure. Em our merciful God, 1\>ho;!l: Law 1 ha\'c magnified, was and is with me, and I rrui1 fo ll'ill continue, and will keep me in his Grace unto )),ath. Jn another Letter. ---- Beloved, I thought it needful to \:;,Jrn, that you ihould not be difcouraged, becaufe .the Adverfa;ies ha\'e decreed that my Books ihall be burnt. Remember hoiv the lfi'aelires burned the Preachings of the Prophet .'feremy ; and yet they could not avoid the Tbirlgs that were prophe!Jed of in tbem: for after they w~re burnt, the Lord commanded to write the fame Prophefie again, :1:nd that larger ; which was done. ---- It is alfo written in the Books of the Maccabees, that the. Wicked did bzim the Law of God, . and killed them that bad the fame. Again, under the New ]i:jtamcnt' thev burned the Saints, with the Books qf the Law of God. --- Remember the fayings of. our merciful Saviour, by which he forewarneth us; There fhall be (faith he )-beforl the Day of Judgment great Tribulation, fuc!J as was not from th' beginning, zmtil rbis Day, nor foal/ be afterwards. So that even the E/ct'J; of God Jbould be deceived, if it were po.!Jible : but for their Sakes thofe Days Jball be jbortned. -----The Council of Confiance !hall not extend. to Bobemia ; for I think that m;my of them which are of the .Council {hall die before. they !)Jail get from you my Books. They il1all depart fr~m the Comicil, and be fcattered abroad throughout all Parts of the World, like Storkr, and then they fi1all know, when Winter cometh, what they did in Summer. I truft in God, that he will fend after me 'thofe that ihall be more valiant; and there are alive at this Day, that ihall make more manife1: the Malice of Antichrift, and fhall give their Lives to the Death for the Truth of our Lord Jefus Chrift, who ~all give both tq you and me th~ Joys of Life. everlail:ing. This Epifile was written upon St. John Baptift's Day in Prifon and in cold Irons, I having this Meditation with my feif, that Jqhn was beheaded in his Prifon and Bonds fo! t~e Word of God~ In another Le~ter. --1 defire you, if any Man at any J)me have noted any Levity, either in my Talk, or in ~y 'Con ditions, .that he do not follow the fame, but pray to God

for me, to pardon me that Sill o~ ~i~iltne~a. ~~llook ~c . iJQ1 - --

Ep;tom:z'd, alphabetically. 177 . Day for the Sentence of Deatb, havin~ a full trufl: that he willnot leave me to deny his Truth, &c. How mercifully the Lord God hath tlcalt with me in marvellous Temptations, "e !hall know, when hereafter by the Help of Chri~1: we ihall all meet together in the Joy of the World come.. I befeech you, pray to God for our Enemies.

In another Letter to a Min!fler. My dear Brother, be diligent in pre~;ching the GrJpcl; neglcEl: not your Vocatioll; labour like a blcfl:Cd Soldier of Chrifl:. Firil:, live godlily and holily. Secondly, teach faithfully and truly. Thirdly, be an Example to others in well doing, that you be not reprehended in your fayings. -Preach cwtinually, but be Jbort and fruitJit!.'---- Ne\c:r affirm or maintain thole Things th_,or. be tmcertaill or doubtful. ---- Exhort Men to the Confeffiml of their Fair:1 ..... Againfl: f!efb!y L1jl preach continually all that ever you can; for rbat is the ragiug Bcajt, which dcvoureth Mm, for whom the Flefh of Cbrijt did furTtr. In another Letter ..... 0 holy God, how largely doth Allticbrijl extend his Power and Cruelty '? llllt l trull: 1 that his 'Power !hall be 'fhortned, and his Iniquity fi1all be deteB:ed, more and more amongfc the faithfol People ..... Let Allticbrift 1'age fa much as he will, yet he !hall noe prevail againft Cbrifl. ---- I am greatly comforted in tho\~;: Words of our saviour, IlapPJ' be you, ~ubal MC1l jball ba{C 'J:Dll, ii11d Jball feparate :)'Olt, ami Jball 1'ebuke )'Oil, mul -jbal/ cajl out }'Dltr Name as execrable~ for tbe Son of Man. RejO)'CC mid be glad ; fr.t' great is your Reward in Heaven. 0 worchy, yea a moll: won~r Confolation,. which ( not to underfrand, bm) to prarticc 'in Time of Tribulation, is an bard L(O'on! ---- Certain! y it is a great Matter for a Man to rejoyce ill Trouble, and to take itfor Joy to be in divers Temptations. A light Iy.Iimer it is to fpeak it, and to expowul it ; but a great Matter to fulfil' it. For why? our mofl: patient and mofl: valiant Champion hittJfelf, was troubled i11 Spirit, and faid, My Soul is heavy rmto Death, &c. And yet he; notwithfl:anding his being fo troubled, faid to his Difciples, Let flOt your Hearts be troubled.. 0 moil: merciful Chrift draw us weak Creatures after tbee ; . for except tbou ihouldfl: draw us, we are not able to follow thee..... Wit bout t[Jee we can do nothing, much lefs enter into the'.cruer Death for thy Sake. Give us that prompt and renrly Spirit, a ~qld Heart, an upright Faith; a firm Hope, and .perfeCt Cbiirity,


and me th~ Joys of Li(e. everlail:ing: This Epiffie was written upon St. John Baptift's Day in Prifon and in cold Irons, I having this Meditation with my felf, that jqbn was beheaded in his Prifori and Bonds for t~e Word of God . Iri another Let.ter..... I defire you, if any :Man at any J'ime have noted any Levity, either. in my Talk, or in ~y 'Con ditiP,ns, .that he do not follow ihe fame, but pray to God

tbe Day of Judgment great Tribulation, fucb as was not from the beginning, ulltil tbis Day, !lOr [ball be afterwards. So that even the Elcti; of God fbould be deceived, if it were poffible : but for tbcir Sakes tbofc Days [ball be fbortned. . .... The Council of Corifla71Ce fllallnot extend. to Bohemia ; for I think that lllpny of them which are of the Counci/ihall die before they (hall get from you my Books. They lhall depart fr~~ the Council, and be fcattered abroad throughout all Parts of the World, like Storks, and then they i11all know, when Winter cometh, what tb~y did in Summer. I rruft in God, that he will fend afm me 'thofe that i11all be more valiant; al)d there are alive at this Day, that fhall make more manifeft the Malice of Amicbrift; and fhall give tbeir Lives to the Death for the Truth of our Lord Jefus Cbrift, who fhall give both -tq you

nG Tbe I-liSTOR'Y of tbe MUTYRS 1 hings I thought good to write unto you, that you niay' knc. w !Jr,w they have overcome with no ?;rounded Scriptr~re1 nor \\'ith Reaflm, but only did eifay with 1errors and Deceitsto' p~ ri\v~dc mt: .ro rc\oke and to abjure. But our merciful God, \vh~l~ Law 1 ha\'c magnified, was and is with me, and' ! rn;l1 fo \\;ill continue, and will keep me in his Grace unto }}:ath. . !n another Letter. Beloved, I thought it needful to i~arn, that you lhould not be difcouraged, becaufe _the Ad\erfa;ies ha\e decreed that my Books fhall be bumt. Remember ho1v the Iji-aelites burned the Preachings of the Prophet .'teremy ; and yet they could not avoid the Tbir1gs that were propidied of in them: for after they w~re burnt, 'the Lord commander! to write the fame Prophefie again, ~.,nd that /mger ; which was done ..... It is alfo written in the Books of the Maccabees, that the Wicked did bum tbe Law of God, and killed tbem that bad the fame. Again, under the New Tejlamcnt' they burned the Saints, with the Books qf the Law of God. Remember the fayings of. our merciful Saviour, by which he forewarneth us; There fhall be (faith he )before


Ep;tomiz'd, alphabetically.

177 .

Day for the Sentence of Dcatb, havinf!; a full trufl: that he willnot leave me to deny his Truth, &c. How mercifully the Lord God lmh dealt with me in marvellous Temptations, ve !hall know, when hereafter by the Help of Chri;l we ihall all meet together in the Joy of the World come. . I befeech you, pray to God for our Enemies. In another Letter to a Minijler. My dear Brother, be diligent in pn:aching the Grjpcl; negleEl: not your Votatioll; labour like a blefi;;:d Soldier of Cbrill:. Firll:, live godlily and holily. Secondly, teach faithfully and truly. Thirdly, be an Example to others in well doinr;, that you be ncit reprehended in your fayings. Preach ccutinual!y, but be fbort and fmitf:d. N<:ver affirm or maintain tbofe Things tl!,ot be wzccrrain or doubtful. .... Exhort Men to the Confej}ioll' nf their Fait:l ..... Again(l; j!efbly L!ljl preach continually all that ever you can; for that is the ragiug lJcajl, which dcvoureth Mm, for whom the Flefh of C!Jrijt did luffer. In another Letter ..... 0 holy God, holl' largely doth Atzticbrift extend his Power and Cruelty '? But I trull:1 that his 'Power !hall be 'il1ormed, and his Iniquity il1all be deteEl:ed, more and more amongft the faithfol People ..... Let AIJtichr!ft 1'age fo much as he will, yet he !hall no~ prevail againfl: Cbiijt. .... I am greatly comforted in tho{~ Words of our saviour, Happy be you, ~ubm MC1l fball ba(e 'J:Du, and fball



as execrable; for the Son of Man. Rejoycc mid be glad; jot' great is Jour Reward i11 Heaven. 0 worchy, yea a moll wol't~'f Confolation, which ( not to undcrl1and, but) to prar&icc In Time of Tribulation, is an hard Lq0im! .... Certainly it is a great Matter for a Man to rejoyce ill Trouble, and to take it for Joy to be in divers Temptations. A light Jy.Iimer it is to fpeak it, and to e.tpowul it ; but a great Matter to fulfil' it. For why? our mofl: patient and moil: valiant Champioa himfelf, was troubled in Spirit, and faid, My Soul is heavy wzto Death, &c. And yet he, notwithil:anding his being fo troubled, faid to his Difciples, Let tlot your Hearts be troubled. 0 moll: merciful Chrift draw us weak Creatures after thee ; . for- except tbou fuouldfl: draw us, we are not able to follo'i.v thee..... Wit bout t[Jee '!J.IC can do not bing, much lefs enter into th~ cruel' Death fo~ thy Sake. Give us that prompt and i'dad.y -Spirit, a iJqld Heart, an upright Faitb, a firm Hope, and .perjdf Cbiirit')',

aml fball rebuke


mul fhall cafe out

)'Olll' Nmm:


The HISTORY of the MARTYRS :J:hat we may give our L:ves patiently and joyfully. for thy :N~111e's Sake. : In another Letter. I love the Counfel of the Lord above Cold arid precious Stones. Wherefore I rruft in the Mercy of .JJ]us. Chrijt, that he will give me his Spirit to ftand in his .Truth. Prav to the Lord, for the Spirit is ready, but the Fiefb }s. 'cvcak. Krww this for certain, that I have had great Con.:.fliCls by Dreams, in fuch Sore as 1 had much ado to refrain from crying o11t. I dreamed of the Pope's Elcape, before he )vent. .1\nd after rhe Lord Jolm haJ told me thereof, im medi:Jtciy in tbc .Nigbt it ~vas told me, that the Pope il10uld ~.ictum to yott a11;ain. ilnd afterward allo I dreamed of the ._apprehending Mr. Jlitrom ; 8lrhoug: nor in fuil Manner as jc was done. AI! tile f,!lpr(f"m;mcl;ts, ~ubithcr and how l.am .carried, were opened w n,c beju;e; although not fully after the fame Form and Circurnfbncc'. l\lany &rpcnts oftentimes ;appeared co me, ha1ing HeaJs alfo in their Tail: but none :.ilf them could bite me:.--- Thefe Thi;Jgs I write, not efl:eemjt)g my felf as a Propbct, or that I extol my fe!f ; but only f() fignifie to you what Temptations I had in Body and alfo 1n Mind, and what great fear I h3d, lefl I fi1ould trtmgrcfr .. the Command\Tlents of the Lord Jefus Cbrij&. -- . ;~''In a Letter. to the Lord Jobn d~ Clum. I pray you ex. pomid to me the Dream of this Night. 1 faw how that in .-my Church of Bethlebcm they came to rafe and put out all the ''Images ofCbrifl,and did put them our. The next Day after, J' arofe, and Jinv many Painrers which made fairer Images, and many more, chan I had done before, which Thing I was very glad and joyful to behold. And that the Painters with much People about them, faid, Let tbe Bifhops aud Priofls come 1IOW, (illd put us out tbefc Piflurcs. Which being don<l, Jl1UCh Pecple feemed to me in Bethlehem to rejoyce, and I. with .tqem: and I awaki11g therewith, felt my felf to laugh &c.~- : This Vifion the Lord Jalm and Mr. Hus himfelf in his Book ot Epifiles ( Ep. 45) feemeth to expound; and ;tpplieth ihefe Images of Chrifl: to the .preachilzg of Chrift and of l!i~ . ~ife. The 1~hich preaching and -DoCI:rjne of Chritl, though Jhe ~ope and Cardinals, l.hould extinguilh }n him, yet did Jle forP.fee,and declare, that t~e Time jb01lld come, wherein th~ fame . DoCI:nne fuould be rev1ved again by o.thers fo plenteoully, that the Prpc with alibis Power thould. not bg abl' Jq prevail .ilaainfl ir. . . .. 'in .


~ ~- -




. -_

Epitomiz'd, alphabetically. 179 In the 48th Epiflle, feeming to fpeak with the like Spirit of Prophejie, he hath thefe Words; But I tmft, tbofe Things, ~ohicb 1 have Jpoken within the Haufe, hereafter jba/1 be preachetl upon the Top of ihe Houfe. . : In a certain Treatije alfo by him written, De Sacmlot!lrn f3 Monachorum camalirmz Abominatione, fpeaking Prophetically of the Reformation of the Church, he hath tbefe Words-; lV!oreover, hereupor1 note atid mark by the FVa-y, tbat the Chitiib rff God cannot be reduced to its former Dignity, or be rifortited, before a/117!iltgs firft be made uew. Tbe 11utb whereof is plain by tbe Temple of Solomon. ---- As my Mind now giveth me, I believe, that there Jball arife a new People, formed after the ne\7 Man, which is created after God : of the" which People ne1v Clerks and Priefl:s fhall come and be taken, wbich all Jba!lhate Covctoufnefs and the Glory of tbis Life, haftcning to an heavenly Co11vetjiltion. ---All theft! Things ihall come to pafs, and be r.vrougbt by little and little i11 Order of Ti11zes, difpenfed of God for tbe fame Purpofe. At1d tbis God doth and '.oil! do for his. own G'oodnefs and Mercy, a11d for tbe Riches of his great Longanimity .alld Patimce; giving Time and Space of Reputltmtce to tbem; t~at have long lain in their Sins, to amend, a11d }lie from theFace)lj .the Lord's Fury ; r.ohilfl in the mearz Time tbe carn.al People, and carnal Pricfts fucc.:Dively fba/1 fall a1.vay and be confumed as wi!fJ the' Motb, &c. .. ., In another Lmer co Mr. Martin. ~--You know how 'I _.. have detefl:ed the Avarice andfinordinate Life of ihe Clergy-: wherefore, through the Grace of God, I fuffer DOIV_ P~rfe cutioll,,which Jbort/y fhal! be confummate in me, 11.eitbcr do',l fcai to have my Heart poured C!!d foi" the Nain~ of Chrifl Jefus..~~ Be not greedy after Bmefices : If you !hall be called to any Ctere in the Country, let the Honour of God arid the Sa/vatio11 of Souls- mov~ .you thereunto, and not the having of the Living or Commodities. thereof. --- See that you be a Bai!der of your Jjiritual Houfe ; being gentle to the Poor, and humble of Mind: wlljte not your Goods in great Fate. I fear, if you do not amend your Life, c,eafing from your cofl:ly and fuper. fluous Apparel, left you lhall be grieyouily ~haflifed; as I al!o 'wretched Man fhall be p_rmifhed, which have ufed the like, 'beil!~ ~educed by _Cu!l:o.m and evil ~en, and ":orldly Glo!~ \Vhereby I have bee.n wounded agamft ood Wlth the Spl~lt ' of Pride. And becatife you have not~bly known b.pth _my Preaching and outward Converfation, even from iny'.Youth:.


180 The HIs ron Y of the l\:1 An r Yll. s . l have no need to write many Things to ym:, but to~deGre you for the Mercy of Jefus Chrill, that you do not follow 111e in any fuch Levity and Lightnefs, which you have feen in me, You know how before my Priefthood ( which grievc:th me now) I have delighted oftentimes to play at Chefs, and have ncgld'lcd my Time, and have unhappily proVl'ked both my Jl:lf and otiJ~rs toil11ger by that Play. WhereJere ( befides otlcr 11iY immmerable Faults) for this I defire you to in-voca1e the lf!ercy of the Lord, that he ~ui/l pardon me. l-Ie Jupel)'crib'd his De!ire~ that this Letter to that Minifl:er fi1ould not be opened by him, before he was furc of Mr. Hits's Death. In a Treatife De Saccrdotwn, &c. before mentioned, he bath thefe Words, Iu -;uriti11g tbe.fe Tbings, (and what elfe I llavc written before ) 11othing elfc have moved me herezmto, but onl; tbe Love of our Lo1d }efus crucified, whofe Prints and

Stripes (according to the Meafnre of my Weaknefs and

Vllcnefs ) I covet to bear in my Jclf; bcfeecbin~; bim to give mt Grace, that I never feck to glury in my Jelf, or in atly Tbiug eljc, but only i11 bis Crofs, and in the inefrimable Ignominv of his Paffion. I do not thekfore doubt but thefe Thi;J?;S will like all fuch as unfeignedly love tbc Lord Chrifr crucified ; and will mijlikc, noc a little, all fuch as be of Anticbrift. I durflnot have fo written, unlefs the Lord Jefus Chrifl: crucified, by his inward Motion, had fo commanded me. t H;'perius. 0 wh1t a Difference is there ( faid Mart ill Hyper ius) betwixt tbis and ctmwl Fire ! Who would fimn this, to leap into that! I. Jeuvil/e. Nicboltis Jw'i!illc, being condemned to be burned alive and his Tongue to be cut om, as the Tormentor was putting the Halter about 1Jis Neck, faid, Praifed be God, for I am now comJtcd worthy to be Ollc of the heavenly Order!

When Traja11 the Emperor returned from the Parthimz War; and came to Allliocb, having commanded gratulatory Sacrifices to be offered in every City, he required lg11atius, wl~o was Pafl:or of the Church at A11tiocb, to be prefent at thofe Sacrifices : but he before Trajan's Face did jufl:ly and fharpJl re proYe their Ida/airy, for which Caufe he was delivered by ten



Soldiers . - -

t8I Epitomiz'd, alpbabctical!y. Soldiers to be carried to Rome. As he palled through Aji!l, fo guarded, he confirmed the Congregations, througl1 every City where be came, preaching the Word of God to them, and giving them whole fame Exhortations. When he came to Smyma, he wrote an Epifl:le to the Church at Epbefus, an'd another to the Church of A.Ja:;llr;{l1 on the River Mcandc,-; and another to the Church ar. haliis. In his Epifile to the Epb((ialls. ---- You have heard of my being carried bound from Syria for the common Name and Hope. I hope through your Prayers I il1all fo fight againfl: the Beafis at Rome, that through Manydom, I l11all become his Difciple, who offered himfdf a SJCrifice for us unto God. ---- I do not command you, as if I were any Thing ; for though I am in Bonds for the Name of Chrifl:, I am not as yet perfeB: in Chrifl: Jefus. Now I begin to be a Difciple. ---- Onefimus himfelf doth exceedingly commend your decent and meet Order, and that you all live according to the Truth, and that there is no Place for Herelie among you, and that you hear none farther than he preacheth Cbl'ifl Jcfus in Truth.---- Oppofe their Anger with Mildnefs, and their proud Brags with Humility, and their Curiings with Praying, and their Errors with Stedfa!l:nefs in the Faith. ~-- Let us be found in Cbrift Jefus unto everlafring Life. Without him nothing becomes you: in whom I carry abont thefc Bonds ( fpiritual Pearls) in which I may !l:and advanced by the Help of your Prayer : of which I always delire to. be Partaker, that I may be numb red among theEpbefiml Chri!1ians, who have always in the Strength of Chri!1 confcnred with the Apo!l:les. See that you often meet together to give God Thanks and to praifc him ; for when you have often met together in the fame Place, the Power of S:ltan is weakened, and his l\1ifchiefvani!heth away by the Concord of your Faith. TbJ Tree is manifefled by its Fruit, --theW ork of Profeffion doth not now appear, unlefs by the Power of Faith we be found to perfevere to the end. It is better to be a Mute, and a Cbrifl:ian, than to be Talkative and no Chri!l:ian. It is good to teach ; but let him that teacheth, do what he teacheth. In his Letter to the Magncjia11s.----It becomes us not only _to be called, but to be Chriil:ians.---As ther,e be two Sorts of Moneys; one God's, the other the Worlds ; fo each fort 'hath its peculiar Stamp. Unbelievers have the Stamp of the World; Bclicvm, in Love, have the Stamp of Gad the Father,






of tbs


through Jefu; Chrifl: : through whom, unlefs our Will be in cli'ned to die after the Example of his Paillon, his Life is not ill us.--There is one Cbrift, than whom, nothing is more excellenr. Let all therefore agree as in 011e Temple.--Aithough lain in B011ds, I am not to be compared with one of you yet at Librrty. I know you are free from Pride, and when I praife you I know you even blu!h.- 'In his Exhortation prcfixt to his Epi!tle to the Church at Tr11llis, be perfwades them not to refufe Martyrdom, lefl: thereby they fhould lofe the Hope that was laid up for them. In the Epiflle it felf.---1 favour many Things in God ; but I keep my !elf within Bounds, lef'c I peri!h by Vain-glory. Now 1 am mollly to fear ; neither am I to mind thole that \vould puff me up. Tbcy that praife me,fcourge me. I do indeed lo'Uc to Jrctfer ; but that I am worthy, l know not.---1 befeech you ( nol r, but the Love of Chrifl Jefus) to make ufe only of Chrii1ian Food, and to abi1ain from Hcrejic, a ftrange Herb. Temporaries embrace Chrift,--but they are not of the Father's planting : If they were, there would appear the Branches of ihe Cn!fs, and their Fruit would be incorruptible.-- In his Epifl:le to the Roma11S,-I, Chri!l: Jefus's Bond-man, hope I may fa lute you, if it be his Will, that I may be judged worthy to reach the Goal. I have begm1 well, if, (or 0 that I may) have Grace to take niy Lot without Let. I fear lefl: :'/Our Love hurt me. I would not that you ilwuldpleafe Men, but Go,~; even as you do.---Do you labour, that I may befacrifictd unto God, feeing the Alta~ is prepared, that you in Love making a Q!.tire, may fing to the Father in Chrifl: Jefus, that a Bi!hop of S)ria hath been honoured thus to fet in the W ef'c, being called from the Eafr. It is good to fall from the World to God1 that I may rife in him.---Beg only this forme; that I may be fupplied with inward and outward Strength; that I may not only fay but rcui/1, and not only be called, but be found a Chriftian. If I be found fo, I fhall be called fd, even then when I fl1all not appear to be a Believer to the World. Nothing. vifible is perpetual. The Things that are Jcen, are temporary : thofe, which are 11ot feen, are etcrn/il. Chrifl:ianity is a Work ; not a Work of Pelfwafion, but of greatnefs, when it is hated by the World. I write to theChur' ches, and require of all, that I may voluntarily die for Gliil, if that you forbid it not. I befeech you; beil:ow not. upon me tmfeafonablc Love. Stiffel' me to be the Food forthe\vltd


the wild Beal1s have ground me to Powder with their Teeth~-: I fhall be bis Wbite-Bread. Yea rather cunningly entice thei wild Beatrs w be my s~pulchre, and to leave nothing of my, Body behind them, lePi when I am dead I be found trouble.;,: fume to any. Then fhJII I be a true Difciplc of Chrill: in~ detd, when the vVor!J !11311 not fee even my Body. Praij; unto God for me, that by thefe lnftrument~ I may becom~ a Sacr{ficc unto God.. From Syria even till I came to Romp' I fought witb Bcafls as wei! by SeJ as by Land, N1ght and Day-' being bound among the cruel Leopards (I mean my Military Guard) who, the more Bendirs they received at my Hands,~ became fo much the worlc unto me ; but I being exercifed and now well acquainted with their Injuries, am taught evepf: Dly more and more to bear tbe Crofs: yet hereby am I not ju [lifted. Would to God I might once enjoy the Beafts prepared for me, which I wifh alfo to fall upon me with all thelt"Violence, whom alfo I will cunningly entice, without delayc to devour me, and not to abflain from me, as they hav~ from other>, whom for Fear they have left untouched,.and if they be unwilling to it, I Will even compel them to fall upon me. Pardon me, I know wlm is for my Advantage. (Qddmihi utilc_{lt ego tzovi. Mr. Clark renders ir, lktlo<JHoell how much tbir will avail me.) Now do I begin to be. a Difciple, feeing I neither regard Things vilible, nor invilible, fo [may gain Cbrift. Let Fire, the Crofs, Skirmifhings with wild Beafl:s; Cuttingr,Blllcherings or Rentings in .Pieces, Breakings of my Boue.s afunder, Manglings of my Members, 13ruifings of my whole Body, and the Torments of the Devil (all the Torments that ll'lan and the Devil can in,ent) fall upon me, fo.thad m!ly enjoy Jefus. The Ends and Kingdoms of this World will not help me. It is better for me to die for Chrii1: JeftJs, th!l!l: to reign over the Ends of the Earth. What '<vi/l it profit iJ l.fall to gai1z tbe whole World, and lofebisown Soul? Ueek h1m~ who died for us, and rofe agaitz. Pardon me, my Brethren, be. not an Hindrance to me, that I may not live; be not unwil iog that I {hould die. Seeing I delire to be God's, do_no~ gratifie the World. Suffer me to enjoy pure Light : whenJ lhall be there, I !hall be a Man of God. Permit' me to ~mul.at~. the Sufferings of Chrifl, my God. . Whofoever enjoys him; underfi:ands what I delire ; and will bear with me, ~vhen he knows what confl:rains me. The Prince o.fthis World. w.ot~l4 hold N4 .

, EpitotJliz'd) alphabetically. Beaftr, by whom I fhall enjoy God. I am God's Com; when,


184 Tbe HisTOR.Y of the MARTYRS ' hold me, and corrupt my Soul and Will for God. Let- none of you help him, but rather help me, that is, God: Do not flame Chrifl Jefus, and love or covet tbe World. Let not Envy dwefi in you.---Living, but in Love with dying, I write unto you. My Love is crucified ; and there is not in me a l'irc of Love towards any thing of an Earthly Matter ; but living fVater : and he, that fpcaks within me, faith unto me, Come unto tbc Fatbcr. I rejoice riot in corruptible Nourifbf/lcllt, nor in the Pleafures of this Life. I would have the lircad of God, heavenly Bread, the Bread of Life, which is the Flelh ofChrifl, the Son of God, who in the!e lafl: times is made of the Seerl of David and .!lbrabam ; and for Drink I would have his Blood, who is Love incnrmptible, and Life cter'ml. Be mindful in your Prayers of the Church in S)ria, which infl:ead of me hath the Lord for tHeir Paflor. Jefus Chrill: alone will take Care for it, and your Love to him. But 1 am afhamed to be called one of that Number: Neither am 1 worthy, feeing I am tbc lajt of them, and mz Abortive. But through the Mercy of Gorl I have obtained, that I may be fame one, If I can enjoy God. In his Letter to the Pbiladclpbimzs.--- Ye Cbildmz of tbc Light, flie the dividing of Truth and wicked Doctrines, follow, as Sheep, your Paflor.---In yom Concord there is no Place for the Wolves to get in. If any one preach Judaijin unto you .<lo not hear him. It is better to hear Cbrifliallity from one that is circumcifcd, than Judaifm from one that is rmcircumcifcd. If both do not preach Cbrifl Jefus, they are to me Fu neral Pillars and Monuments of the dead, upon whom Names vnly are infcribed. ---Where Divifion and Anger is, God dwells not. In his Letter to the Sm}'nucans. ---- Jefus Chri{l; is truly dead, and truly rijc1z. He hath not fufl:"ered only according to Ap pcarance, as fome Infidels teach.-- If thefe Things be done by Chrifl: only in Opinion, I am bound only in Opinion. But Why fhould I deliver up my felf unto Death, to the Fire, to the Sword, to Deafl:s, but that he that is near the Sword is near unto God ; he that is prefent with the Beafls, is prefent with God ? I bear all only ill tbe Name if Cbrifl, that I may fuffer with him, he flrengthning me, who is made perfect Man. --- What doth it profit me, if any one pmifc me, and blafpbcme my Lord, not confeffing him to be

with Fief!; t - Your Prayer hath rca<;hed to the


Epitomiz' d, alpbabetically. I 8s Church of A11tioch, which is in Syria ; .whence I fJiute yo a all, being bbund in God's honourable Bonds, though 'unworthy, being the /aft o~ all there, y~t t_nade wonhy bv the Will of t;od, not accordmg to my ConfCJence, but or tbe meer Grase uf God, f3c. ---. . In one of l1is Epifl:les he faith, 1iuly I did fee him ( Cbri fl) i;z Flcfb, after bis Refurreftion, and do bclie\'e that it is he, Ell(. lie ufed to fay, That there i.r twtbing better, thah the Peace cf ,J good Confcience. ---.- That good and ~uickcd Men are like im. and cozmtetfeit Money: tbe one fccms to he ~~ood, and i~ ait ; the other both fcems and is good. -- Tim the Lions Teeth are but like a Mill, which thougl1 it bnrileth, yet wdl:eth not the good Wbeat, only prepares and fits it to be made pure Bread. Let me ( faid he) be broken by them, fo I may be made p,ure Manchet for !leaven. ---- That other Graces are but Parts of a Chril1ian's Armour, as the Shield of Faith, f3c. but Patience is the Panoply, or whole Armour of the Man of God. Joan. The Lady )'om1, ~recn of Na::ar,. wbo was Poifoned at l'r1ris a few Days before the bloody i\ilaiilcre on Aug. z,~. 157~. in her Sicknefs !he faid, l take all this<!~ fent from tile Hand of God my moll: merciful 1/rtbcr; nor have I during this Extremity, feared to die, much lcfs murmured agJin!l: . God for In!licting the fame upon me; knowing that wlmfoever be doth, he doth the fame fo, as all in the End fiull tum to my evcrlafling Good. ----I depend wholly upon God's l'roviticnce, knowing that all Things arc wifely difpofcd of by him.---- .1\s for tbis Life, I am in a good l\Ieafure "vcqnc,l from the Love of ir, in regard of the Afflictions that have followed me from my Youth hitherto ; but efpecially bccaufe I cannot live without daily ~ffendillg my good God, with whom I defire to be with all my Heart. ---- In regard of mine o1vn Particular, my Life is not dear unto me, feeing fo long as I live in this frail Flefb, I.am frill prone and apt to fin againfl: God. Only my Care is fomewhat for my Cbild1:en1 ,vpi~.h God hath given me, becaufe they !hall be now depr~:<{~d .of me in their yormg Years ; yet I doubt not, but although it :lhould pleafe God to take me from them, that bimfelf will be a Father to them, and a Protector over them, as be hatli been to me in my greate1: Afflictions; and therefore I commit tP,em wholly to bi~ Government 9nd f~tlwrly Care. -She ofce11 uttereq

186 The HISTORY of the MARTYRS mterecl. thefe Words, 0 my God, ill thy good Time deliwr me from tbis Body of Deatb, and from the Miferies of this Life; that I may no more offend thee, and that I may attain to that Felicity, which thou in thy Word hall: promifed me. To a Minill:er a little before her Death !he faid, I neid1cr ex peEl: Salvation, Righteoufnefs, nor Life from any elf~, than from my only Saviour Jefus Chrill:; being affnred that his only Merit abundantly fufliccth for the fuli.Satisfaction of all my Sins, albeit they are innumerable. Joris. Jolm Joris of Jlffabm, in a Letter of his to his Parents and Fri~nds, a little before his Martyrdom writ thus. ' Moil: dear Father and :Mother, Sill:er and Brother, I write here unto you comfortable News, viz. That in all my Life, I never faw any Day fo pleafing w me, as this is, in wbicb tbe Lord bath coullted me worthy to be one of his Champions, and to fidfcr for bis holy Name : for wbicb 1 give bim mofl humble and bearty Thanks . .... Rejoyce with me, f pray you, that God hat_h now called me to fo glorious and welcome MmTiage Day. 0 bow precious il1 the Sight of the Lord our God is the Death of his Martyrs! Dear Friends, two Priell:s and fomc of the Magif4ates have fought to terrific me with many Threats, thinking to turn me afide from my holy Profe!lion: but the Lord of his great Mercy hath given me Grace to withll:and them all. I plainly told them, I was 110t afbnmed of the Gofpelcif Cbrifl ; but would be willing and ready to die in the Defence thereof, following my Lord and Mafier JefitS Cbrifl, through all Afflictions, to be made Partaker with him at !all of his eternal Joys in his celefiial Tabernacle. Wherefore if God {hall call any of you forth to fiiffer ought for his Name's Sake, bear the fame (I befeech you) with Meeknefs and Patience, not declining from the Truth for Fear or Favour, to the right Hand or to the left: But fear him rather, ~vbo is able to cafl Soul and Body into Hell. The Time which God hath lent us to converfe in this World, is but Jbort; and therefore let us begin to abandon the Love of this World, with all Things therein, betimes; that .fo we may be ready to follow the Call of God. Dear Father and Mother, I do take my lafl: Farewel of you, until we meet together again in the Kingdom of Heaven, where we ihall partake of that Joy that {hall !all: for ever; all Sorrows, Tears, and Griefs bei!)g wiped away. Be ye not therefore griev~d, J pray

.. 'Epitomiz'd, alphabetically. .


pray yo'u, bttt be patient; for the J1ffiiili~~ which is befall~n me, is mofl: accept,,bfe to me, for wh1ch allo l blefs and prmfe the Lord. .
Thomas Jucfoll, being prell: to recanr, faid, I ~voulrl 110t recant frr all the Goods in Londop : I 1o appeal to God's M:rcy, and lti/1 be none of your ChurcrJ, nor lubmJt my felf to tne fame. t\od dJat I have faid; l will fay it ngain. lind if there came an Angel from Heaven, to reach me any other DoEi:rine than that which I am in now, I would not believe him. Julcddo, or Julitta. A Servant to a good Gentlewoman telling Mr. Bra~ford, that her Miflrefs bad been forer affiit1ed with her own Father and Motber, than ever he was with his lmprifonment; M~. Bradford bid her tell her Miflrefs, That he had read rhat Day a godly Hifl:ory, written by Bafilius Magnus of Juleddo, averruous Widow. She had great Lands, and many Children, and nigh her dwelt a Cormorant, which for her Godlinefs hated her, and out of very Malice took away her Lands, fo thac lh~ was fain to go to Law. T1c Judge demanded of him, why he wrongfully with held thcfe Lands from this Woman: He anfwered, he might, becaufe fh~ was difubedient to the King's proceedings : for ihe will in no wife worfhip bis gods, nor offer Sacrifice unto them. Womm1 ( faid the Judge thereupon) if this be true, thou art like not only to lofe rny Land bur thy Life. Whereupon {he faid, And is there no Remedy, but ritber to worfbip )'Otll' falfe gods, or elfe to lofc my Lands ahd ~ife? Tbm Jarcwel Suit, farewd Lands, j:1rea,el Cbildi'm, fare-we! Friends, J'Ca, and farewel Life too, and in rcfpeft of rbe tme Honour of the evcrliving God, Jarcwel.dll. At the Place of her Execution, fhe ex borted all Womw to be .flrong and co1~1a11t ; for ( faid fhe) ye were redeemed 'iJJitb as dear a Price as Men ; for although ')'e wm made of the Rib if tbe Mm1, ytt arc you all of bis Flefh : fo that aifo in tbe Cafe and Trial of yo)tr Faitb tMJJtirds God, ye ought to be as jlro11g. . ' Mr. Ward calleth her Julieta, and records her Speech thus: We Womm received tzot only Flefh from Mell, but are B01;e



lf their Bone, aud therefore' ought to be as ftrong in Chrifl's.~aufe~

Mr. Fox oilt of Bafil tells the Story thus, That when the Judge paffed Sentence againfl: Julitta, fhe faid, Farewel Ricbes~ a11d welcome Poverty ; farewel Life, a12d welcome Death. All that I lmve if it were. a thoufand Times more, woufd I rather

.. .


The HISTORY of the MARTYRS la{c, than Jpeak one wicked mzd blafphemour Word againft God my Creator. I yield thee moft hearty Tballkr, 0 my God, for tbis Grace, that 1 cazz contemn an!l deJpife this fail alld tranfit.ory World, ejteeming Cbrijlian Profc.Oion above all Treafures. Aftenvards, when any Q_ue!l:ion was demanded, her Anfwer was, I am tbe Scrvallt of Jcfus Chrift. At the Stake !he faid to the Women beholding her, Stick not, 0 Sifters, to labour a11il travail after tme Piety and Godlinefs. Ceafe to accufe the l'railty of jemini11e Nature. vVhat? are not ~ve created of the fame Matter that Merz are? Yea, after God's Image and Similitude, are we made as lively as they. Not Flefb only did God ure in the Creation of the Woman, in Sign and Token of her Infirmity and Wealmefs ; but Bone of Bones is fhe, in Token tilat {he mull: be jlrong in the true and living God, all Falil1oods forfaken, conll:ant in Faith, all Infidelity renounced, patient in Adverfity, all worldly Eafe refufed. Wax weary (my dear Sifl:ers) of your Lives, led in Darknefs, and'be in Love with my Chrift, my God, my Redeemer, my Comforter, which is the true Light of the World. Perfwade your felves, or rather the Spirit of the living God perfwade you, that there is a World to come, wherein the Worfl1ip pers of Idols and Devils fhall be tormented perpetually, and the Servants of the Iligb God be crowned eternally. Jusberg. . Brethren ( faid Juflus Jus berg) you fee that my End ap proachcr.h, which howfoever I fear, as a Mmz burdened with the Bo:.'y of Si1z ; )e: am I refolved as a Cbriftiazz, joyfully to endure it, being nffured that all my Sins are faO:ned to the Croft of Chrifl:. Juvelltius. Chryfojlome in an Oration on Juvemius and Maximus, two, Martyrs, brings in this Objeclion of the Perfecutors againfr them ; Do r.ot you fee others of your Rank do thus? and them anfwering thus ; For tbis very Reajo11 we willmmifully ftaud and offer our felves as a Sacrifice for tbc Breacb tbat tbey bave made.


Ke1merly. .11/exander Kennedy, who palfc;!d not 18 Years of Age, when he was prefentcd before his bloody Butcherers, at fir!l: was faint, ::ind gladly would have recanted; but while the Plate ~f Repentance \\'as denied hjm, the Spirit of God wrought \n


189 him, and with a chearful 'Countenance, and a joyful Voice, upon his Knees he faid, 0 ctemal God, bow wouderful is tbat J;;ve a11d 1VJ&rcy, that thou hcarcfluuto Maukind, aud unto we the moft Caitiffe mzd miferable TVretcb above all others ! For evm 110\V, whclll ~oould have denied tim, and thy Son, our Lord Jcjus Chr!ft my ouly Saviour, and Jo bavc caft my Jclf into evcrlajliug Dmmwtio11, Thou by thy 0~011 Hand haft pulled me from tbe very Batt om of Hell, and made me to feel that bcavcnly Comfort, whicb takes from me that ltllgodly Fear, rcoberewitb before I was oppref Jed. Now I dejie Death; do what you pleafe ; I praife myGod, I am ready. Kerby. l\Jr. Wil1gficld telling him, the Fire is hot, the Tenor is great, the Pain extreme, Life fweet ; Betrer it were betime wfiick to Mercy, while there is Hope of Life, than raihly to begin, and then to ihrink ; He faid, Ab Mr. Wi11gjield, be at my burning, and yore fball Jay, Tbcre flaudcth a Chriflimz Sol. dicr i1z the fire ! For I know, that Fire, fVatcr, Sword, and all , other Things, are irz the Hands of God ; and he will jitjj'cr 110 more to be laid upon us, thmz be will enable tts to bear. When Sentence was pafl: againfl: him, he \vith mofl: hum, ble Reverence holding up his Hands, and bowing himfelf de. voutly, faid, Praifcd be Almighty God ! Kilimz. To fuch as asked Kilimz, a Dutch School-Mailer, if he loved . not his Wife and Cbildren ? He anfwered, res, if. all the World were Gold, and were mine to difpofc of, I would give it all to live with them, tbougb it were but in Prijo11 : )'Ct is my _,Soul and my Lord Chrill: dearer to me than all Things ' whatfoever. . K1zight. . . When Stepbm Knight was at the Stake, he prayed,----0 Lord Jefus Chrifl, for whofe Love I leave willingly chis Life~ and defire rather the bitter Death of thy Croft, with the Lofs of all earthly Things, than to abide the Blafphemy of thy moll: holy Name, or to obey Men in breaking thy holy Commandment. Thou feefr, 0 Lord, that when I might live in worldly Wealth to worihip a falfc God, and honour thine El:mzy, I chufe rather the Torment of the Body, and theLofs of this. Life, and have cmmted all Thilzgs but vile Duft, aml Dtmg, that I migbt will thee ; which Death is dearer unto me, thau Tbouftmdr of Gold m1d Silver. Such Lo\'e, 0 Lord, -hill

Epitomiz'tl, alphabetically.

'Die 1-I!stoRY of the MARTYRS haft thou laid up in my Breafl:, that I lmnger for thee, as tbc Deer that is wortml~d defiretb the Soil, [or Water.] Send thy /;oly Comfurtcr, 0 Lord, to aid, comfort, and fl:rengthen this Wt!ak Piece of Earth, which is empty of all Strength of 'it felf. Tbou remembreft, 0 Lord, tbat I am but Du.ft, and able to do nothing that is good. Therefore, 0 Lord, as of thine accu!lomed Goodnefs and Love, thou hall bidden me to this Banqtet, and accounted me worthy to drink of thine own Cup amongil thine EleCt ; even fo give me Strength, 0 Lord, again!l tbis tbine Element, which as to my Sight it is mofr irldome and terrible, fo to my Mind it may at thy Command ment (as an obedient Servant) be fweet and pleafant, that through the Strength of thy Holy Spirit,. I may pafs through the Rage of this Fire into thy Bofom, according to thy Pro mife, and for this Mortal receive an Immortal, and for tbis Cor ruption put Oil lncorruptioll. Accept this BumtJacrifice and o;. fcrillg, 0 Lord, ( not for the Sacrifice, but ) for thy Dear Son's Sake, my Saviour, for wbofe Teftimuny I offer this J.free :willoffering with all my Heart and with all my Soul. 0 heavenly Father, forgive me my Sins, as I forgive all the World. 0 Jweet S011 of God, my Saviour, fpread thy Wings over me. 0 blcj}'cd and Holy Gho.ft, through whofe merciful Infpiration, 1 am come hither, conduct me into everla!ling Life. Lord, into thy Hands I commc12d my Spirit. Amen. Ke)fcr. Leonard Keyfer, as he was led to the Place where he was tQ be burnt, faid, 0 Lord Jcfus, remain with me, Ju.ftain and bilp me, and give me Force and Power. - When the Wood wai ready to be fet on Fire, he cried with a loud Voice, 0 Jefur! J am thine, have Mercy upon me, and fave me. . Knox. Mr. Jolm Knox, wearied with removing from Place to Place, by reafon of the Perfecution that came upon him by the Bihop of St. Atldrews, was determined to have left Scotlatid, _and to have vifited the Schools of Germauy. (He had th~~ no Pleafure in E11glaud, by Reafon that, although the Pope's Name was fuppreffed, yet bis Laws and Corntptiotis remained; in full Vigour.) But he was prevailed with by fome.Gentl~: men, for their Children's Sake, whofe Education he h;j~ un dertaken, to go to St. Andrews, that he might have tne Jl'e nefit of the Ca.ftle, which was fortified agairifr, the :P.J~Pi/J/1 fince 1he Deaili of the Cardinal in it,'' Tbitber he f;amefi'a.


Epitomiz'd, alpbahetically. !54-7 where he was called to the Minijlry after this Manner. Mr. Rough having f11ew'd in a Sermon what Power the Cougregatio11, how fmall foever, palling the Number of two or three, had to eleEl: any Man, in the Time of need as that was, in whom they efpied the Gifts of God, and h01v danger ous it was to refufc to hear the Voice of fuch as de lire to he in!lrueted, he direCted his Words to Mr. Knox, faying, Brother, you fh!lll not be o.fFended, ahhough that I lpcak unro you that which I have in Charge even from all thofe here prefenr, which is this : In the Name of God, and of hi~ Sou Jcfus Cbrijt, aud i11.thc l\Tame of theft that prefently cail)'ctl by my lylouth, J charge you, that you refufe not this holy :Vo cation, but as ye tender the Glory of God, the Encreafe of Chrii1's Kingdom, the Edification of your. Brethren, and the Comfort of me, whom ye uFJderfl:and well enough to he oppre!X'~d bv the Multitude of Labours, that you take upoa you the: publick Office and Charge of preaching, even ~s you look to avoid God's heavy Difpleafure, and delire that he l11all multiply his Graces upon you. And in the end he tiid to thofe that were prefent, Was not this your Charge to me ? and do ye not approve this Vocation ? They an fiVered, lt is, and we approve it. Befides this Vocation, that which neceffitated Mr. K1wx to enter in the publick Place, was his beating by his Pen Dean ilm1an (a rotten Papifl, that had long troubled Mr. Rough in his Preaching) from all Defences, that he was compelled to ftie to his lafl Refuge, the Authority of the Church, which (faid the Dean) damned all Lutl!CI'a1ls and Hereticks, and therefore he would not difpuce. Whereupon Mr. K110X in the open ,Audience of the Parifu-Church of St.. Andrews told the Dean thus : "As for your Roman Church, as it is now corrupted, and .the Authority thereof, wherein lands the Hope of your Vic)ory, I no _more doubt but that it is the Synagogue of Satan, and the Head thereof, called the Pope, to be that Man of ~ill, of whom the Apotl:le fpeaks, than I doubt that Jefur .Cbrift fuffered by the Procurement of the vifible Church of Jerufalem :. :yea, I offer my felf by Word or Writing, to prove the Romau Churcb this Day farther to degenerate from the Purity,.which was jQ the Days ot ~the .Apo!fles, than wrs the Church of the Jews,. from the Ordmance _given by Mofes, when they col)fente.d to :the innocent Death of Jefus.Chrifl. "-~~ fhe People hear4ng ~h~ O.lferJ cried with one Confenr, We cannot

1/Jc HisTORY of the MARTYRS ca11not all niatl your Writings, but we can all hear your l'rcacbinp;s; therefore ~ue rcq!lirc ~ou i11 tbe Name of God, that ve let us hear the Probation of what you have affirmed; for if it be true, w.-: have been miferably deceived. The next Lord's D"y he preached on Dan. ? And auother King (ball rif~ afccr rbcm, ami be fba/1 be unlike. !into tbe firfl, and be fba/1 Jubduc tbrec Kings, m1d Jball fpeak Words agai1~ t be mr!fc Higb, a1lll Jba/1 c01ijiww the Saints of tbe mofl High, &c. In tile beginning uf his Sermon, he fhewed the great Love rl God towarus his Cl)urch, whom he pleafed to forewarm . of Dangers w come, fu many Years before they came to pak .... After he made a.fhort Difcourfe of the four Empiresl the Bt1by/onian, Per{zail, Grecian, and Romm; in the Deftruc. tion o(the fourth. rofe up that !all: Bcaft, which he affirmed to be the RommJ Cburch ; . for to none other Power, that ever hath been yet, do all the Notes, that God fhewed to the Pro piH.:ts, belong, except to it alone, and to it they dci priipcr/1 oppertain, as fuch as are not more than blind may clearly fee ..... Then he !hewed that the Spirit in the New Te!l:a'ment gives to tbis King other new Names ; as the ivlm.l of Sin, the ilntichrifl;:tbe Whore rf Babylon, which he proved to belong to the Papijts, and their Head the Pope..... Heieupon he was (with lVIr. Rougb) convented before the 'S11b-Prior of St. Jlndw,us, &c. and feveral Articles were reid againfl: them. . .' The Strangenefs ( faid the Sub-Prior) of .thefe Articles, \Vhich are gathered forth of your Doc1rine, have. moved us to call fol" you.to hear your Anfwers. Mr. Knox faid, "I fJr-tny Part praife my God, that I fee fuch an Anditory ; but bec.aufe it is long fince, that 1 h<!Ve heard, that ye are. one that is not ignorant of the Truth,. I may crave of you in t~e Name of. God, yea and I appeal your Confcience before tlJat fuprenieJudge, that if ye think any Article there exp'rejfed, ~contrary to theTruth ot,God, that ye oppofe your felf plainly 1111to it, and fuffer not the People to be therewith deceived; . but if in your Confcience you know the DoCl:rine to be tru~ then will I crave your Pratrocinic thereto, that by your, Au thor~ty the People may be moved the rather to believe the Truth:" The Sub'Prior anfwered~ I come not here as ~ :Judge, but only familiarly to talk, ;and therefore I: wilt nei

ther allow nor condemn,

b\l~ if J~ !ill'J

l wil!rvqfoll~ ..

s. Wh

Epitomiz'd, alphabeticaily. igj . S. Whv may not the Church for good Caufes devife Cere monies- to dec ore the Sacraments, and other God's Service? . /\. &caufo the Clmrcb ought to do nothing but in Faith, mzd. o:rgbt not to go before, but is bound to follow the Voice of tlui . rrne~fior. . S. It is in Faith, that the Ceremonies are commanded, and they have proper Significations ro help our faith, they have a godly Signification; am] thertfore pioceed from'Faith, and ar~ done in Faith. ., K. It is not wough, tbat Alan invmi d Ceremony, n11il tMn_givl it a Significarion accurding to his Pleajure; for jo might tbe Cer.c. mr,nies of tbe Gentiles, and of Mahomet be maintail1ed: bu'( if' any thing proceed from Faith, it mr~'l ha"Je the Word of Coif for its .!fOizrance ; f~r Faith comes by, hearing,- and hearing by rhe Word of God. N1w !f ''e will fli'OVC) that yoUI' Cere-. mozzies proceed from Faith, and do pleafe God, ;ou mufl prove thai God hatb commanded them, elfe rbcy are Sin; for wt1atfoeve~ is not of Faith, is Sin. . , S. Will ye bind u:S fo fl:rair, that \\'e may do nothing without the cxplefs Word of God? What if I ask Drink, think yc that I Sin? and yet I ha11c not God's Word for me. , K. I ~oould 'J'C jbould 110t Ml in fo ;pava a Matter, 1icither ':JOU!d I that ' 011 fbould begin to bide the 1iutb witb Sopbijlry ......_ J!i to 'J'OIII' drinking, I Jay, that if 'J'C either eat or drink wiibout_ ,!Ourmzcc of God's Word, i11}J doing you di.fpleafe God by jinnil1g a;,ainjt him; for t_he Creatures are limCl:ified by the Word and Prayer. 1/Jc Word is this, All things are clean to the clean.- But t/;e Quefiion is 110t of Meat or Drink, w,~erein the I(ingdorif .of God confljleth nQt, but of God's true Wodhipping, without which ~ue cau have 110 Society with God : mzd here it is doubted; if we may take the fame Liberty in ufing of Cbiift's Sacraments, that we may do in eating and drinking. - Mofes faith; All that the Lord thy God comman9eth thee to do, that do thou to the Lord thy God, add nothing to it, diminifh nothing from it. By thefe Rules, I think, the Church of Chrifl ~villmiajura God's Religion, and not by tbat which Jeems good i11 tbcir o~un Ey~s. . S. Pardon me, I fpake it, becaufe I was dry. Fi-icr,.folloiV" the Argument. . . . ... F. I will prove, that thofe Ceremonies ye damn are ordaind by God; for the Ceremonies of the Church are the Gold; Silver, and precious Stolzes, which do abide the Fire, and con fume liot away, f/~. . 0 f[ I



The HISTORY of ihe MARTYRS ]{, I praife God, 1hrough Chrifl, I find his Word true; Chrift l;ids tts not fear, wbm we fball be called before Men to give ConfeJ!ion of his Truth ; For it il1all be giYen in that Hour, :ivhat we !hall fpeak. If I bad fought the whole Scriptum, I could not bave produced a Place more potwt to confound you ..... I ~oould leam of you "Lvhat Fire it is that your Ceremonies do abide? and in the mean gitc J01l this Argument from the fame Tt xt, agaitifl :J'Oll. That which can abide the Nre, can abide the Word: but your Cercmo1Jics cannot abide the JVord: therefore they cannot abide the Fire. Then are they not Gold, Silver, and precious Sto11es? IZ I deny your Miuor, v.:z. That our Ceremonies may not abide the TriJl nf God\ H'urd. K. I prove; That abides ti!Jt tbe Trial of God's Word, wbicb God's fflr,rtl conuemns : but God's Word condemns :Jour Ceremania: tblfCjore they do mt abide the Trial thereof, but as a 1'lJicf n/Jides rbe J)i,:/ of the hqucjl; nr.d thereby is condemned to be b.. n,~;ed, &c. The i'vJil,or is r;\'idcnt ; for the plain and ilrait Comm:mdment i,, Dwt. 4 Nut tbat Tbing tbat appears good in thine E)es, jl.'l:!t tl;ou do ro the Lord rhy Gou, but what the Lcrd rhy God batiJ comwal~<itd tbce, that do thou, add nothing to it, dimi1iijl.' rJOtbmg from it. Nmv unlef~ ye be able to prove that Gvd barb commanded )OUr CcremUilies, this Command ~ui/1 damn botb 1ou ami tbcm. The Frier would not anf1ver dire.:J.ly, but ever fled to the Arttbority of the Cburcb. Whereto Mr. K11ox anfwered ofrner than once, Tbat the Spoufe of Chrifl bad 11either PMoer tzor,Arr tbority ngainjt the Word of God. Then faid the Frier, Yo.u will )r;ave us tw~hurcb. Indeed ( faid Mr. K110x) in David I read, that there is a Church of j'vJalignallts; that Church ye may have :without the Word, &c. But as fot me, I will be of none other Church, except of that which hath Jcfus Cbri{t to be Paftor, which hears his Voice, and will not bear a Stranger. Upon the Appearance of one and twenty Frencb Gallies in the Sight of the Caflle, the Caflle was demanded to be delivered, and the Govern our refuting, it was befieged by Sea and Land, the PIague being within. Mr. Knox ever told them within, That tbdr corrupt Life, having fallm into all kind ~f Licmtioufneft, puft up 1vith Pride of their Succcfs, atld relying w England for Help in Cafe of need, co11ld not efcape the Punifh melll of God. '''hen they triumphed of their ViCI:ory, he lllmemed, and faid, They jaw 110t what he jaw. When they


I9S bragged of the Force and Thicknefs of their Walls, he faid, They fbould be but Eggfbclls. When they .vaunted, England will refc~e us, he faid, Te [ball not foe them, but ye fl:a/1 be delivered into your Enemies Hands, mzd f/Ja/1 be carried into a Jlrange Country. The Jail: of July the Caflle was delivered upon Article~1 That the Lives of all in the Cail:le {hould be faved, and fafely tranfported into Frm1ce, &c. In France, the principal th<tt looked for Freedom, were put into [e\'eral Ptifons, and the rcfl: were left in the Gal/ics, and miferably ufed, among which. .Mr. Knox was all the Winter. When Mr. :lames Balfour (afterwards Sir James Balfour, and an Apo!lace) would ask Mr. Kuox, If he thought that ever they fhould be delivered ; his Anfwer ever was, Tba~ Gnd would deliver tbem from tbat Bondage to bis Glory, evm in tbis Life. When the Gallies returned to Scotland, within Sight of St. ilmlrc~us, Mr. James willed Mr. Ktzox (who was then ex~ tremely fick, that few hoped his Life) to look to the Land, and asked if he knew it ? He anfwered, Tcs, I know it wei~ for I fee the Steeple of that Place, qohere God in Publick opmetl my Mouth to bis Glor)' and I am fully perfJJaderl, bow weakfo 1ver I now appear, I bat I fballnot depart tbis Life, till my Tongue fi'a/1 glorify bis holy Name in tbe jtwze Place. This he fpake many Years before he fate Foot on Scotif/J Ground. In anfwer to a Letter from thofe that were imprifoned in Mount lvlicbcl, r-llr. Knox writes ; That if without the Blood of any ihed or fpilt by them for their Deliverance, they mi~ht fet themfelves at Liberty, they might fafely do it: But to fbeil any Mmi's Blood for their Freedom, thereto would he never confenr. Adding farther, that he wasalfured, God would deliver them and the reft of that Company, even ill the Eyes qf the Work!, but not by fuch Means as tbey looked for, tbat" the Praife ofth~ir Deliverance fhould redound to his Glory only. He willed therefore every one to take the Occafion that God offered to them; provided that they did nothing againfl: God's Command for

Epitoiniz'd, alphabetically.

Deliverance.Adding, that in one Inflant God aelivered the

whole Company into the Hands of unfaithful Men, buc fo "wool~ he not relieve them; bur fome would he deliver by one Mt:ans, and at one Time, .and ochers mull: abide for a Seafon upon his goodPleaftire. When Mr. Knox was delivered, he came into England, 0 z and

Tbe llrno R Y of tbe MA It TYR s and was Preacher to Barwick, then to Ncwcajlle, then to Lor: don, &c. But before he was delivcrcu, whil{l: in the Callies, he wrote a Trcatife co11tainillg tbe Sum of bis Doftrine, and the Confcffion of bis Faitb, and f~:nt it to his Familiars in Scotland, with his Exhortation, that they l11ould continue in the Truth, which they had profdf~d, notwithn:anding any worldly Ad verflty that might enfue thereof. \VIJilil he was in England, he was in fo ~reat Favour and F.fl:cem with Ki.ng Erhuard the Sixth, that he was offered a Bifbc.prick; but he not only refufed it, but with a grave and fL:vere Speech d~dan~d, That the proud Tirlc of Lorr!fbip, and that great Stat~ was not to b~.: ruJr~red to be in the Church of God, a~ ha1ing Quid co.mzzme cum Amicbrijlo, i. c. fomewhat common with !lnthhrijl. King Edtuarrl bein;.>; Jead, the Perfecution. of Queen Mary made him leave Engl.mcl, with many other p;odly Mini!l:ers; and fir!l: he went tu Frankford, where for a Time he preached the Gofpel to the Englifb Congregation there.---There he wrote his Admo11itiun to England, A11. ISS-~ ln his Admonition to the tma Prr:fdfors of tba Gofpel ofChrifl i11 Erzgland, he rhus writes.---Looking for a fuitablc Scripture to handle for yom Confolation in thele moll dark and dolorous Times, as I was tmning my Book, I chanced to fee a Note in the Margin written thus in Latin, Vidcat ilnglia, Let England beware. The Note written was this, Seldom it is tbat God

worketh any notable Work to the Comfort of bis Clmrcb, but thM .1iouble, Fear, a11d I.abour comctb upa11 Jucb as God hatb ufedfor his Servants, and vVorkiiiCII; aml alfo TribulatiOil moft COIIII/lOiliJ followeth tbat Clmrcb, 1vbcre Cbrijt Jcfus is mofl trttly preached. This Note was made upun Mattb. 14. which Place declar .eth that after Cbri!1: had ufed the Apofiles, as Mini!lers and Servants r.o feed J~ mm1y Thoufalld, &c. he je11t tbeiJl to Sea, 8c. and tnere they met with a Storm, that was like to overthrow their poor Boat and them.-... Remembring that I had handled the fame Scripture in your Prefence, I thought nothing more expedient,. than il10rtly to call to mind fuch Things, as then, I trufl:,. were touched. . ' Why Chrifl fmt away from him the People, the E'vangeli!t Jo'fm declarerh, f.1ying, When Jefus knew that tbey were ..come to take hi111, that tbey might make him Ki11g, he palfed .~cretly (or all alone) to tbe Mountain.--- The People fought by Chri!t a camal. and worldly Libmy, regarding nothing his heavenly

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I>7 Epitomiz'd, alphabeticall)' Doflrine, &c. 'Viz. that fuch as would fillow bim, mull: fuffcr. for bis Name's Sake l'erjccuti01z, mull: be b;ted ~J all Men, muft deny thcmfclvcr, mull: be ji:nt forth as Sheep among Wolv~s: No Part of this DoClrinc pleali::d them, but their whole Mind was upon their Bellies; fclr fuliicing whereof, they deviled that they would appoint Chr~/1; their worldly lOng; for he had Pol'.'cr to multiply Bread at hi5 P!eafurc. Which vain Opinion perceived by Chrijt, he 'cuithdrc'<u bimfc!f from their Company; to avoid allluch Sufpicion, and to let them underltand, that no fuch Honours did agree with his Vocation, who came to Jerve, and not to be fcrved. Why the Difciples ihould fuiFer that great D1nger, Saint Mark plainly fl1ews, faying, 1/1at their Hearts were blinded, awl tbercfore did ueitber remember, 110r confider the Miracle of the Loaves, i. e. Albeit they touched the Bread, and gatht:red up twelve Bukets full, &c. yet did not they rightly confider the infinite Pow.er of Chrijt Jefus by this wonderful Miracle; and therefore of Neceffity it was, that in their own Bodies they fhould fuffer 1ioublc tor their Letter lnll:ruClion. When I deeply confider how the Flock of ChriO: was fed under King Edward the Sixth, and now 'behold the Difperjiu11, &c. methinks I fee the fame Caufes to have moved God, not only to 'Ritbdraw his Prefence from rhc Multitude, bur alfo to have fent his well beloved Servants to the Travels of the Scar. -- vVhat were the Affcrtions of the greaten: Multitude that followed the Gofpel, is eafily judged by their Lives. Who lived (in that reft) as that he had rcfufcd [ or denied J bimfclf ? - as that he had been crucified witb Chrijt ? as that he had certainly looketl for Trouble to come upon him ? yea, who lived not in Delicacy and Joy, and feeking the World and Pleafures thereof,earing for the Flefu and carnal Appetites, as though Death and Sin had clean been devoured? and what was this elfe than to
feffed, daily cried in our Ears, that our Ki11gdom, our Joy, our Re!l: and Felicity, neither was, is, nor fhould be upon the Earth &c. but in Heaven, into which we mufl e11tcr by many Tribulations. But, alas ! we jleepcd in fuch Security, that the found of the Trumpet could of-many never be perfectly un der!l:ood, but always we perfwaded our felves of a certain Tranquillity, as though the Troubles, whereof mention is made in the Scriptures of God, appertained not at all to this Age, f!,. and therefore was our heavenly Father compelled tp

make of Chrifl an earthly King ? The Word, that we pro.

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198 Tho HISTORY Of fbe MARTYRS 'Witbdraw from us the Prefence of his Verity, co the end we may more earnefl:ly tbirjt for the fame, and with more Obe. dience embrace and 1'eceive ir, &c. I mean nor, that fuch as have left Chrifl: in Body and Heart, {hall embrace the Verity, but fuch as by the Infirmity of the Flelh, and Weaknefs of Faith dare noc openly and boldly cmifefs that, which their Hearts know to be moft true, and lament for the Imperfec. tion by;pafl: and prefent : from fuch ihall not the amiable :Ptefence of Chrift for ever be withdrawn, but yet again !hall the Eyes of their fore troubled Hearts behold the Light of Chrifl.'s Gofpel, wherein they moll delight. We the Miniflert, who w~re Difiribmers of this Bread ( the true Word of God) lacked not our Offences, which alfo moved God to fend .us to the Sea. But becaufe no Man's Offences are fo manifefr unto meaS mine own, I will only cenfure my felf..... [ 0 that all fitch Miniftcrs, as are put from tbcir Charges, would Jerioujly and Jadly pcrufe and lay to Heart this his. bumble Cotiffj]ion ! ] The Portion of heavenly l3read, which I received from Chrill:, by his BenediCl:ion tmtltip!yetl in breaking, &c. but alas! how little did I co11jider the Dignity of that Office, and the Power of God, that then multiplied the Bread the People received of my Hands ? God I take to record in my Confcience, that 1 delivered the fame Breatl, that I received of Cbrift' s Hands; and that I mixed 110 poifon with the fame, i. e. I teached Chrifl's Gofpel without any Mixtute of Mm's Dreams, Devices, or Phantafies: but alas I did it not with fuch fervency, with fuch Indifferency [i.e. Impartiality J and Diligence, as no1v I :know it was my Duty. Some complained in thofe Days,

that the Preacbcrs were indifcreet Per fans, yea, Railers,&c.....

but alas ! this Day my Confcience accufeth me, that I fpake not Jo plainly, as my Duty was to have done; for I ought to have fc# to the wicked Mau exprefly by his Name, Thou ft;alt die the Death. I find Jeremiah the Prophet. to have done fo to Pafbur the high Priell:, and to Zedekiah the King. - .The blind Love I did bear to this my wicked. Carcafe, whs the chief Caufe I was not fervent and faithful enough in that Behalf ; for I had no Will to provoke the Hatred of all Men again!: me ..... As I was not fo fervent in rebuking manifell: Iniquity, as I fi10uld, fo was I not fo indifferetzr a Feeder as is required of Chrift's Steward; for the Love of Friends 2nd carnal AffeCl:ion of fame Men, with whom I was moll: familiar, allured me to ma~e more.Reficlence in one Place tbm;


Epitomiz'd, alphabetically. I99 thnn iu mzother, having more refpetl: to the Pleafure of a few, then tile Necefficy oF 1/l!ZIIJ. Moreover, remaining in one Place, I was not fu di!igcilt, as mine OHice required : bui: fomecimcs by Cuunfel of carnal Friends I [pared the Body; fame Time I fpcnt in 1oor/dly Btifinefs of particular Friends; and fome Time in taking Recreation, &c. And albeit Men may judge thefe to be light aud fmall OJfences, yet I acknowledge that unlefs Pardon ihould be granted nnto me in Chri!l's Blood, thatcveryoncof Ebcfi Tbree Qffances dcfcrverl Danmatio11. And befide thefe, L am alftUited, y~a, infeEl:ed and corrupted with fee king the favour, E!limation, and praife of l\Ien. 0 Lord, be merciful to my great Offence, ml1 deal 1101 1uith me according to my great Iniq:,ity ; lmt according to the multitude of thy iVJercies remove from me the burden of my Sin: for of Purpofe and Mind to have avoided the vain Difpleafure of Man, 1 [pared little !o njfcnd tby Maje!ly. Think not that I thus accufe my felf withour Caufe, to appear more holy, or to accufe my Brethren; No, God is Judge to my Confcience, that I do it from an unfeigned and fore troubled Hearr... This great Temp ell: cometh from the great Mercy of our heavenly Father, to provoke us rounfeigned Repenfance.; for neither Prcacber, nor Profdfor did rightly ~nji.dcr the Time rf our merciful V!fitatio11, but we fpent our T1me, as though God's Word had rather been preached to fatisfie our Phantafies, than to reform our evil manners . Which Thing if we earne!Hy repenr, then flull Jcfus Cbrift appear unto our Comfort, be the Storm never fo great. Hajle, 0 Lord, for thy Name's


Obferve next the Vchcmmcy of the Fear, which the Difci flcr endured in that great Danger, of longer Continuance til an any before ; They were in the midft of the raging Sea, and it was Night, and Cbrift their Comforter a.bfent from them, and cometh not to them neither in the firfl:, fecond, nor third Watch. What Fear, think you, were they in? Such as be in like Danger in E11gla11d do by this Storm better underfl:ans, than my Pen can exprefs.-- What we read here to have chanced to Chrifl:'s Difciples, and their poor Boat, the fame thing hath chanced, doth, and wit! chance to the true Chllrcb, travelling (like a Ship) in the Sea of this troublefonie. World, to the Haven of eternal Felicity.The Wind, that always hath blown againfl: the Church of God, is the- .Malice of the Devil. - As the. Wind i~ i11vi}iq/c, and y<;t the p~or _l)ifciples 04 feel

,2oo The Hxsto'RY of the MARTYRs feel that it troubleth and letteth their Ship ; fo the pefl:ilerit ,Envy of the pevif workerh in Reprobates fo Subtily, that jt cannot be efpied by, God's EleEl:, nor by bis Mcf. fengers, till firfl: they feel the Bla!ls thereof to bl&w their ~hip backward. As the vehement Wind caufeth the .Waver ()f the Sea tu rage, and yet the dead Water neither kn.owel~ "!l'hllt it dotb, nor Call ceafe from being troubled, and trqublin1 ; Chrill's Difciples in their poor Sbip; fo by the Envy and Ma jice of the Devil, are wicked and cru<;l both Subjects and Princes (~hofe Hearts are like the raging Sea) compelled to pcrjecutc the true .Church of .Chri!l, and yet fo blinded, that they fee not their manifeft I1iiquity, nor can they ceafe to run to their own De!lruEl:ion. The whole Malice of the Devil hath always this end, to vex and QVerthrow Chri!l's affiil:ted Cburcb. Albeit the Tyrants of the Earth have learned by long Experience, that they are never able to prevail again!l God's Truth, yet becat~le they are bound Slaves to their Mafier the Devil, they cam1~l (:eafc to perfecute the Members of Chrifi, when the Devil bloweth his Wind in the Darknefs of the Night, i. e. when .lhe Light of Chri!l's Gofpel is taken away, and the De\'il rcigneth by Idolatry, Superllition, and Tyranny .It is fear ful to be heard, that the Devil hath fuch Power over any

Man ; but yet the Word of God bath fo inftructed us, and
therefore we ~.pufl: believe it. He is called the prince aud god of tbis World, becaufe he rcigneth and is honoured by Ty ranny and Idolatry in it. He is .called the Prillce of Parkncfs, tbat batb Power ill tbe Air : It is Jaid, be workctb in tbe Cbildrev if Unbeliif, &c.And therefore wonder not, that now th~ .pe"Jil rageth in his obedient Servants ; for this is their Hour a111l Power granted to them, they cannot ceafe, nor a[wage their furious Fumes ; for the Devil, their Sire, fiirreth, mov eth, and carri~th them at 11is Wiff. . J do not. attribute to him or tliem Power at their Pleafure, bur only as God fhall fuffer. i \Vhen therefore I hear what the ravenous Lions do, I pray, 0 Lord, thofe cmel Tyrmzts are loafed by thy baud, to punifb our former Iugratitude, '<vbom, we truft, tbou wilt 1zot fiiffer to pre pail for ever, but wben tbou haft comfled us a little, a11d haft declared to the Workl the Tyrmmy that lurked in their boldfned 'JJreafls, tbc11 ~vilt tbou break their jaw-bones, atJd wilt [but them up in tbeir Caus again, that tbe GeneratiotJ and Poflerity.follO'W

ill?J may praije thy boly Name, before thy CongregatiOil .ilmen.,i . . . . I

Epitomiz'd, alphabetically. 20~ I know, that God [ball yet fbcw Mercy to bis a.fjliltcd Churcb in Ell'rland, and reprefs the Pride of thefe pre!e11t Tyrants, as he l1ath done thofe that were before us. Therefore, beloved Br::rhren in our Saviour Jefus Chrif1, hold up to God your I:ands, that are fainted rf,rough Fear, and hear the Voice of ,nnr God, who fweareth by himfelf, that he will not fi.ilfer hi; Church to l::e oppreUi:d for ever, and that he will nm Jefpif~ our Sobs to the end, if we will rowe and flrive ag:Jinfc this vehement' Wind : I mean, if that ye will not turn bac~ headlGng w Idolatry, then fhall this Storm be alf1v~ged in Defpight of the Dcvil.---Be not moved from the Jure Fom.iation of your Faitb; for albeit that Chrijl Jcfits be abient fmm yo'J (as he was from his Difciples in that great Storm) by his bodily Prefence, yet he is prefent by his mighty Power and Grace. He flmzdcth upon the Mormtain in Security and Ref!, i. e. his Flefh and whole Humanity is now in Hea\en, and can fufl'er no fucb Trouble, as once he did ; yet he is.full of Pity and Compaffion, and doth confider all our Travel, An" ~ui!b, and Labours : wherefore it is llot to be doubted, but that he ,:;ill jrtddcnly appear to our grrat Comfort. The T}ranny of this \N orld cannot keep back his coming, more than the. bluftering Wind and raging Seas let Chrifl: to come to his Difciples, looking for prefent Death.----We gave you ~Mmiug of

rbefc Days lo11g ago : for the



of Chrift's Blood

Icc thefe Words be noted. The fame Truth, chat fpake bel fore of thefe dolorous Da)s, fcire-fpake alfo the ewrlajli11g ! .7uy prepared for fuch as ihould cominuc to the end. Tht: i Trouble is come : 0 dear Brethren look for the Comfort. ! and (after the Example of the .llpojlles) abide in re!ifl:ing this vehement Storm a little Space. The third Watch is not yet 1 ended. Remember, that Chrifl: came not to his Difciples till l the fourth Watch. --- Obferve next, that the Difciples, at the I Prefence of Chrifl, were more afraid, than they were before: j That Chrif1 ufeth no other Infl:rument but his Word, to pacific 1 their Hearts: That Peter in a Fervency firfl: left the Ship, I and yet after feared: That Chrif1 permitted neither Peter, nor the refl: of his Difciples, to ptrifo in that fear, but glorioufly delivered all, and pacified the Ternpefl:. ---- There were three Caufes, why the Difciples knew not Chrifl, but judged him to be a Spirit: The Darknefs of the Night, that Jetted 1 their Eyes to fee him: The !maccuflomed Vi/ion, that appeared; ~nd it "\\'a~ qTm;e !Yaturp, that a maffy, weighty, and heavy

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Bod y .

Tbc HisTOR Y of the MARTY Rs Body of a Man ( fuch as they underll:ood their Mafl:er Cbrifl to have) lhould be born up of, and walk upon the Water of the ragi11g Sea, and not fink : And final! y, the Horror of the Tempefi, and great Danger they were in, perf1vaded them to look for none other, but certainly to be drowned. - What here happened to Cbrifl himfelf, daily happeneth to the Verity of his blelfed Word:---- The 1httb, and fin cere preaching of his glorious Gofpel, fent by God for Man's Deliverance from Sin, &c. is judged co be Hercjie, and deceiveable Doctrine, fent by the Devil to Man's Dejlruttion. ---The chief Note is this, 77Jc more nigb Deliverance a11d Salvation ap prnacbetb, the more ftrong and vehement is the Temptation of tbe Church of God: and the more nigb, that God's Vengeance approacbcth to tbc Wick~d, the more proud, cruel, and arrogant are they. Whereby it commonly comes to pafs, that the Meflengers of Life are judged to be the Authors of all Mil chief. Thus the Ifraelites curfed Mofes, alledging that he and Aaron was the whole Caufe of their laO: extreme Trouble.-- This I write to admoniih you, although yuu fee Tribulation fo abound, that 1l0 Hope be lefr, that yet you decline not from God: And albeit fometimes ye be moved co bate the M'![Jcngcrs of Life, that therefore ye fhall not judge, God will never {hew Mercy after. No, dear Brethren, as he hath dealt with others before you, fo will he deal with you. --- One Caufe why God permitteth fuch blood-thirfl:y Tyrants to molefl: his Church, is this ; Such is his Juftice, that he will not pour forth his extream Vengeance upon the Wicked, until fuch Time as tht:ir Iniquity be fo manifeft, that their very Flatterers cannot excufe it. Pharaoh was not defl:royed, till his own Houihold-Servants and SubjeEI:s . abhorred and condemned his il:ubborn Difobedience. --If Gardener, Trmftal, and Bonmr bad fuffered Death when firlt they deferved it, Papifts would . have alledged (as they did) that they were reformable, neither thiril:ed they for the Blood of any Man. And of Lady Mary, who hath not heard, that fhe was fober, merciful ana one that loved the Commonwealth of Engla'nd? Had ihe and her peftilent Council been dead before thefe Days, their Iniquity and Cruelty had not fo manijeftly ap)leared to the World.--- Thus (dear Brethren) muO: the 8ons of tbc Devil declare their own Impiety and Ungodlinefs1 that when God's Vengeance (which fhull not ileep ) fhall be poured for~ upon them, all Tongues fhall confefs, and fay, That God II The righteous in all his ;udgmellts. -

Epitomiz'd, a"pbabeticaliy.


The Memzs Chrifl: ufed ro remove the Difciples Fear, is only his' Word : he faid, Be of good Comfort ; it is I, be 110~ afraid. The natural Mmz (that cannot underlland the Power of God) would have dcfired fome otbcr prefent Comfort, in fo great a Danger ; as either to have;: had the Heavens ro have opmcd, and to have !hewed them fuch a Light in that Darknefs, that Chrijl might have been fully kno\vn bv his own Face; or elfe, that the Winds and raging Waves of the Sea Juddmly lhould have ceafed ; or fume mher ivliracle, that had been li.JbjeB: to all their Senfcs, whereby they might h<tve perfeCtly known that they were delivered from all D1nger. And truly equal it had been to Chrift Jrfits, to haw done any of rhele (or any Work greater) as to have faid, It is I, be 1zot afraid : but he would hereby teach us the Dignity and effectual power of his holy Word.--- This I write (Beloved in the Lord) that ye knowing the Word of God, not only to be chat whereby were created Heaven and Earth, but alfo to be the Power of God to Salvation to all that believe, may now in this Hour of Dt~rlwcfs and moil: raging Tcmpefl, thirll: and pray, that ye may hear yet once again this amiable Voice of your Saviour Chrill:, Be of good Conifort, it is I, be not afraid.---Ex:ercife your felves fccretly, in revolving that which fometimes you have heard openly proclaimed in your Ears, and be every Man now a faithful Preacher to his Brother. If your Communication be of Cbrifl, affuredly be will cotnc before be aware. Luk. 24. 15. What Comfort was in the Hearts of. the Difciples, when they heard cbefe Words, It is I, you1 Maflcr, your Maflcr mofl Familiar, wbofc Voice you k11ow, whofc Work yor1 bave fccn, wbo commanded yort to enter i:zto this J{)urney;. It is I, be not afraid, cannot be exprell:, but by. thofe chat have experienced the Comforts of the Spirit after great ConfiiB:s. -It is certain, Cbrift's Voice had wrought in Peter's Heart, not only a Forgetting and Contempt of the great Tempeft, bu~ fuch Boldnefs and Love, chat he could fear no Danger foll~wing : but affuredly did believe, that noth!ng could refifl:. his Mafl:er's Command j and therefore he faith, Command IIIC' to tome, q. d. I delire no more than the All'urance of thy Comilland. If thou. wilt command, I am determined to obey. The Waters cannot prevail againll me if chou fpeakthe Word: fo thatwhatfoeveris poffible unto tbee, by cpy Will . and Word may be poffible unto me. -- Such as bear. Rever~nce to God~s mofl; holy Word~ are drawn by. the Power

' ll


Tbc HISTORY of the MARTYRS Virtue of the fame, to believe, and follow, and obey that which God coumwndctb, be it never fo hard, and contrary to their Affetl:ions ; and therefore are they wonderfully prefe:rved, when God's Vengeances are poured forth upon the difobedient, In Peter's being afraid, feeing a mighty Wind, and when he began to ji11k, crying, Lord, Javc me! Three Things -are principally to be noted; From whence cometh the Fear of God's Elcl'J: Why they faint in Adver!ity: What rejfctb with them in the Time of their Fear and Down-linking... The Cau(e of our Fear, who would thrmigh the Storms of the Sea go to Chritl, is, that we more confider the Dangers and Lets that m: in our Journey, than we do the Almighty Powcr of him that hath commanded us to come to himfelf. This I note for this Purpofe, that albeit this late mofl: raging Storm hath taken from you the Prefence of CIJrift for a Time, ~> that you have doubted whether it was Chrift which you f.tw before or not ; and albeit that the Vehemency of this &Jntrary Wind, that would drive you from Chrifl:, hath fa em. played your Ears, that almoft you have forgotten what he was 11ho commanded you to come to himfelf, when -that he cried, Come 1mto me, &c. Pafs from Babylou, 0 111)' People, &c. Yet defpair nor, fuch Offences haye chanced ro God's EleCt b~fore you. If obfl:inately ye !hall not continue, you {hall yet find Mercy and Grace ..... So long as Peter neither feared Danger, nor mijlrujled Chrifl's Word, fo long the Waves did Jerve bis Feet, as if they had been dry, folid, and fure Ground ; to infl:ruct us, That lively Faith makes lvlm1. bold, a11d is ab!e. to carry us through ficch Perils, as be wzcapable to Nature. But when Faitb begins to faint, then beginnetb Man to fink: doWII in every Danger. Indeed with God's Elect, in their greatefl: Fear and Danger, there reflctb fame fmall Spark of .}'ai(h, which by one Means or other declaretiJ it Jclf; albeit the affiiEl:ed Perfon in Fear or Danger doth not prefently perceive ' the fame. Lord, Jave me, declares that Peter knew tbe Power of Chrifl able to deliver him, and that he had fern~ Hope, ~hrough Chrifl:'s Goodnefs, to obtain Deliverance. It is alfo to be noted, that in his great Jeopardy Peter 1/lllrmuretb not againfl: Chrifl:, neither blames him. Albeit. at his Command he had left his Boat, he faith not, Why letteft thou me fink; feeing I have obeyed thy Command t Moreover, h~ 11ske~ llelp Of Cbrift alone. . : : !mm~d!at~ly Jefus ftrct~hgd jort{J hif /fa!ld, ~<;. Note, Tha~



Epitoll1iz'd, alphabetically. 205 G~d it always 11igb to tboje tbat call on him faithfully . : Whac. was vifibly done to Peter, is done to Chnfl:'s Members invifibly in all Ages. Open your Ears (Dear Brethren ) and let vour Hearts underfl:and, that our God is unchang~able, his gracious Hand is not fbortned this Day. ---If we know the Danger we are in, and unfeignedly call for Deliverance, the Lord's Hand is nigher, than the S1u01'1l of our Enemies. Chrill's Rebuke of Peter teacheth us, Th:u Gad datb nat flatter, nor conceal tbe. Faults of bis Elecc ; bllt makcth them manifefl:, that the Offenders may repent, and that otbers may avoid the like Offences.- In palling to ChriO: through the Storrr.s of this World, it is not only required that our Faith be fervmt in the beginning, but co1Ulant to the End, and noc faint.- We have lefs Excufe for doubting, than Peter: for he might have alledged, that he was not adverciled thac any great Storm ilwuld h<ve rifen between him and.Chrit1, which we cannot jufl:ly alledge ; for Iince Chrifl: hath apnearcd to us, he hath continually blown in our Ears, that ' . Pcr)ccutiml il10uld follow the Word that we profdfed. !lias then, why doubt we through this Swrm to go to Chrifl'? Support, 0 Lord, and let us fink no farther .... ,... 0 blefied and happy are thofe that patiently abide [or expetl J the Deliverance of the Lord. The raging Sea lhall not devour them, albeit they have fainted. --The l\1ajefl:y of Cbrijl's Prefence !hall put to Silence this boifterous !Find, the Malice of the Devil, which fo bloweth in the Hearts of Princes, Prelates, and eartbly Men, &c. -- ---Peradventure fame there are of God's Elecr beholdin~; . fuch as have fometirnes boldly profeffid Chrifr's Verity,. now : to be returned to their accufiomed Abomilzations, and themi felves to be. fo overcome of Fear, that againfl: their Knowledge ! and Confcience they fl:oop to an Idol, and with their Prefence maintain the fame, do fear whether it be poffible the Mcm1 hers of Cbrift's Body can be permitted fo horribly to fall, to . the Denial of their Head. The Dolour and Fear offuch, I ' grant to be moll: jull:: for 0 how fearful is it for the Lo\'e of this tranfirory Life, in the Prefence of Man, to deny . Chrill:, and his known and undoubted Verity ! Yet, fuch as be not obfl:inate Contemners of God I il1ould coun(el,-that they would rather appeal to Mercy, than pafs againfl: themfelves the fearful Sentence of Condemnation,. and .to ~onfider, that God includ~tb all under Ullbelief, that be may bave }ilci'~y 011 - all.---


Tbe HisTORY of the MARTYRS all. And that all Chri!1's Aprjl!es fled from him, and denied him in their Beam, and yet were not rejetled for ever.... Some may demand, How !hall it be kno1vn in whom Fait" is not utterly quenched, and in whom it is, feeing all fie 1 from Chri!l:, and bow down to Idolatry? Hard it is, and in a manner ilnp:{fiblc, that o11e Man Owuld be able to judge o[ another; tbat, cou!d not l1lijab do of the Jfraeliw in his Days: but yer. a Man may of hi11yeij..... And wilt thou have a Trial, whether the l\oot of Faub remaineth with thee or not? Fcelrjf. thou thy Soul fainting in Faith, as Petel' felt his Body !ink down in the Waters? Art thou &s fore afraid, that thy Soul !hall drown in Hell, if thou confentefl: or obevea Idolatry, as Pew was, that his Body fhould drown in the Waters ? Drfircfl thou as carne!1ly the Deliverance of thy Soul, as Peter did the Delil'erance of his Body ? Believeft lhou, .that Chrifl is able to deliver thy Soul, and that he ~ui/1 do the fi1me according to his Promife ? Dofl: thou call upon him without llypocrifie, now in the Day of thy Trouble ? Doll: thou tbirjt fur his Prcfencc, and for the Liberty of his fVord again? Mourn eft thou for the great Abomi11ations, that now overflow the Realm of England ? If thefe ~remifes re main in thyHeart,then art not thou altogether deflittite of Faith, neither {halt thou defcend to Perdition for ever, but the Lord fi1all mercifully flretch forth his mighty HmuJ, and deuM thee. How ? it neither appertains to thee to demand, nor to me to define . ... I think not, that fuddcnly and by oneMearzs {hall all theFaith ful in England be dclivmd from Idolatry. No, it n:ay be that God fo ihengthens the Hearts of Jome of thofe that fainted before, that they will refill: Idolatry to the Death, and that were a glorious and triumphant Deliverance. Of vtbert God may fo touch the Hearts, that they will chufe to go as Pilgrims, from Realm to Realm, ful:fering Hunger, Cold, Heat, Thirll:, Wearinefs and Poverty, than they will abide (having all Abundance) in SubjeCtion of Idolatry. To foml God may offer fucb. Occafions, that in: Defpigh: of Idolaters they may l'emain in their own Land, and yet neither Bow thl Knee to Baal, O:or lack the lively Food of God'~ moil: holy Word ..... Seeing we are fo like the Difciples, let us make fuch aComplaint (as the following one) unto God. 0 God, tbe Heat ben are entred into tbeir lnberitance, they b(lve defiled I~' holy Temple, and ha'iie profaned thy bleffed Ordillatlces: Thy


Epitomiz'd, alphabetically. 207 Prophets are perfecuted, and none arc permitted to Ipeak thy Word freely, the poor Sheep of thy Paflure are commanded to drink the venemo'us Waters of Men's Traditions, &c. Such is the Tyranny of thefe moll: cruel Beajls, that they fay plainly, they fl1all root us out at once,fo that no RcmemlrJnce !hall remain of us on E>1rth. 0 Lord, thou knowcjl we arc but F!ejb: We confefs, we are punifbed mqft jujtly ; thy bidfed Gofpel was in our Ears like a. Lover's Song, it plcafcd us for a time ; but alas ! our Lives did nothing agree with holy Sratute.s.----But be thou miudful, 0 Lord, that thy E1zemics blafpheme thy holy Name :-Thy Gofpel is called Hmjie, and 1re are accufed as Traitors, for )lrofeffing the fame.---Aibeic our Sins accufe and condemn us, yet do thou according to thy great Name----Corret& us, but not iil thy bot Dijpleafure, Jr.~re thy People, and permit 1101 thine 11lheritmice to be in Rebuke for evcr.-Gather us yet once again to the wholefome Trea fures of thy moll: Holy Word, that openly we may confef3 thy bleffed Name within the Realm of Englmzd.-Amen.--lt is funher added by Way of Exhortation, abide [or expect patimtly the Lord's Deliverance, avoiding and flying fuch 0 fences as may feparate and divide you from the bleffed )'el ; lawjbip of the Lord Jefas at his fecond coming. Watch an4 ! pra)', refzfl tbe Devil, and rowe againll: this vehement Ternpert ; and the Lord fl1all come !hartly to your Comfort, and you !ball fay, BeEold, this is our God, we have waited for him, a11d he bath Jav~d !IS. Mr. Knox .remained at Frankford till fome more given to unprofitable Ceremonies, than to the Sincerity or Purity, of Religion, effayed by a mofr cruel, barbarous, and bloody Prac~ tice to difpatch him out of the Way. They accufed him tO Magifirates of High Treafon againll: the Empero;, and his Pbilip, anc;l Mary Q_ueen, of Englarzd ; for that, in his Ad monition to England, he called the Empe~or no lefs an Enemy to Cbrifl than Neio, and Q_mien Mary more cruel than ."!ezabel. The Magifirates perceiving their Malice, and abhorring their bloo!ly Attempt, gave Advertifement fecretly to him tq their City ; becaufe they could not fave him, if he by the Emperor, or by the Q.ueen of England ill Emperor's Name. . , The Night hefore.-his.Departure .he made a moll: co!)lfqrt~ ~ermon of the Death and RefurreCI:ion of Cbrifr, and of unfpeakable Joys that were prepared for God's Ele,C!, .: . whzch

The Hisi"oiy'O.f'1he M'K'!'lnas '~bich irt 'thi~ 'Life fitfFer Per(ecu.tion for the Tef!:imoriy or. l11s b!etfed Name. From Fraiikford he went to Geneva, and thence to Diep, and thense to Scot/am/. . At his coming to Edinbu1'g, the Lord tn tde him inl1rumenta!:.for the comforting the troubled Con fcicoce of Mrs. Elizabeth Adamfon ; \vbo under cxtremd Torments of B9dy faid, A thoufand Years of this Tor. mt::nr, and ten 'rimes more joyned unto it; is not to be ccmpan:d t0 z. Quarrer of an Hour that I futfered in iny Spirit; 1 dwtk mv God; through Jefus Chri!l:, that hath delivered me frum that fearful Pain, .td welcome be this, even fo long as ic pleafcth the Majefty of Heaven to exercife me .therewith. . At his coming iotoScot!antl he began as well in private Con fertnce, as Preaching, to ihew how dangerous a Thing it was tJ collmilmicmc in any fort with Idolatry. Whereupon the Que !lion was debated, Whether in any wife it was lawful for a Chrijlirin to go to Mafs, 01' to communicate 1Uith the abufed Sacra mc11ts in tbe Papifiical Manner ? It was urged, that Paul at the Command of James, and of the Eldel's of .'ferufalem, p3!fed to the Temple, !nd feigned himfelf co pay bis Vow with others. But this and other Things were fa ft11ly anfwered by Mr. Knox, that Mr. Maitlm:d confeiTed, I fee very pelfeEUy that our Shifts "coil/ fervc nothing biforc God, feeing that they ftaud ur in fo Jmall Stead before Mm. His Anfwer to the FaCt ofPaYI, &c. w~s, ( r ) The Fact was mofl: unlike going to Mafs; for to pay Vo1os was fometimes Goa's Command, as was never Idolatry; and their Mafs from the Original v;as and remained odious Idolatry. ( 2.) I greatly doubt ( faid he) whether eichei james's Command, or .Patd's Obedience, proceeded of the Hely Gbojt; feeing he fell into the moft: defperate Danger, that ever he fu11ained before, for obeying worldlywife Counfel. Mr. Knox was fa fuccefsful in a ihort Time J3leffing of God, that the Earl of Glencam, the Earl of . and Henry Drtm!lllOizd, were fa contented with his that they willed bini to write unto th~tem Regent famewhat that might move her to hear the Word of God. obeyed their Defire, and wrote that which was .publiihed; arid is' ~ailed, 1'he Letter to the Queeu \Vhich was delivered to her own Hands,. by the Earl of The Q;icm having read it, deliv~rl;d it to thg 13iihop of


. EpitOIIliz'dj,a/pbabetically. .20~ /i1~~' ~ayilig. ~n Mockage, Pl~afe you, my Lord 1 to read a Pajqurl! wh1ch Words commg to the Ears of Mr. Knox, occa!1oned him to make the Additions to his Letter. .... In his faid Letter he thus writes ..... The Chrillians ViEI:ory fiandeth not in refifling, bu~:fuffering : . as our Sovereign Mailer prooounceth to his Dlfciples, That in Patience tbcy Jbould prffefs 'their Souls : and Jfaiah painteth forth all other Battlc:s to be with Violence, Tumult, and. blood-ihedding. but the ViCtory of God's People to be in Qtietncfs, Silence, and Hope; meaning, that all others that obtain viCtory, do en f~rce themfdves to refifl: their Adverfaries ro ihed Blood, and tg Murder : but fo do nor God's EleEt, for they fuffer all Things at the Command of him who hath appointed thein to fulf~r, being mofl: affuredly perfwaded that then only they i;iumph, when all Men judge them opprej]ed: for in the Croft ;f Chrift always is included a Secret and hid Piftory, never well known till the Sufrerers appl!ar altogether to be ( as it: were) exterminate; for then only did the Blood ot Abel err. to God, when proud Caiu judged all Memory of his Brother to have been extinguilhed. --- Sometimes God toucheth tl!l: Hearts of thofe, who in Man's Judgment have Power to de !\roy his Pf!ople, with Pity to fave them~ B'c. for two Caufes: fpecially 1 (,r) To comfort his weak Warriors in their mani-' fold Temptations. And ( 2) To give a Teil:imony of his Favour to fuch great ones.. ---- Pity and Mercy fhewed tCl Ghrifl:'s affliCted Flock, as they never lacked Reward Teni~ poral; fo if they. be continued, and be not changed intc. Cruelty, are affured Signs and Seals of everiafiing Mercy tC. be re~eived from God.---- :From thefe Words of Chrifl:, Fulfil the Meafure of your Fatbets, that all tbe Blood which hatb bee" i f!;cd fince the Blood of Abel tbe juft, till the Brood of Zechariah,. i &c. leis evident, that the Murderers of our Time are guilty' i of all the Blood; that hath been ihed from the beginning :: 1 ~nd it is b1.1t equal and jufi it ihould ~e. fo ; for whofoever.. t fueddeth the.:Blood of any one of Chnfl: sMembers, for' pro. felling !)is Truth, confcntetb to all the Murder, that hath be'eri l,llade f(Oill the .beginning for that Caufe. . As there. is on~ ~mmupion :af .~od!s Elect; of which every Membet is Parti. ciPJI!l.t'.Pf ~e Rigbt~ol!friefs .of Chrifl:; fo is there a Cotlzmu tJiO/IJlrnorrg ~he Reprobates; by which every one of the .Ser ~lzt'.Sr_ 8eed are guilty of all. the Iniquity which thq whole Body' ,,.,;T,::. .becaufe they.arealtogether; again(t Chri.ft Jeju.s, ~ ~ p ,. .l\DQ


.~~c> The Hrs1'otd' of the:MAn'\'Rs ~nd his:et(lrn~l Verity; ever.y one fe~ving Satan, ;the Prince . of tbit. World, in their Rank, Age, Degree, and Efl:ate;. The. . Kings and Princer,:that by Power opprefs the People: of God,, ; and will not fuffer that they truly wor!hip God, as he hath commanded, but will retain them in Egypt, are Brethren and . Companions to Pharaoh: The Prelates and .Priefls, with their . Fathers the.old Pbarifm,have.taken mvay the Key of Kno~olcdge, a.nd have Jhut up the Kingdom of Heaven before Men, fa thai ,_ 11eithcr they tbemjelves ~vill enter, rwr fuffcr orbers to enter in: As Satan by Craft hath corrupted the moll: holv Ordinances of .God's Precepts Of the ji1jt Table ( in the Place of the fpiritual honouring of God, introducing Men's Dreams, In. . vemions, and Fancies) fo hath he, abufing the Weaknefs . of Man, ~orrupted the Precepts of the jec011d Table, touching , the Honour that. is due to Parmts, under whom are com prehended Princes and Teachers ; for now the Devil hath fo blinded the Senfes of many, that they cannor, or at leaft will not learn what appertaineth to God,. and what to Ct:efar: but hecaufe the Spirit of God hath faid, Honour the King, there.fore whatfoever they command, be it right or wrong, mu!t be obeyed. It is Blafphemy to affirm, That God hath com , ma)Jded any Creature to be obe.yed againfl himfelf; that for . the .Command of any Prince, be he never fa potent, Men ihall commit Idolatry, embrace a Religion which God hath not ap . pwved by his Word, or confirm by their Silence wicked and "blafpnemous Laws. made a~ain!t the Honour of his Maje!l:y ; and. Men tpat do fo .are Traitors to their Princes, whom by flattery they confirm in their rebelling again!t God.-~--God tan_not lie; he cannot deny himfclf; he hath witneifed from . the beginning, that no Religion pleafeth him, except that which he by his own Word hath commanded and eftabliihed. The Verity it Jt!fpronounceth this Sentence,. In '!lain do. 1e 'I)Jorfhip me, teaching for Do&rincs the Precepts of Men. And . alfo, Every Plant wbich my heavenly Father hath not planted, fba/1 be roQted out. Before the coming of.his well-beloved Son .jn .the Fle!b, he fecretly puni!bed all fuch a~ duril: enterprife .to alter or change his CeremoniCJs or Statutes, as in Saul, .. Uzziah, Nadab, Abih11 is to be read, and will be now, afte~ 'that hehath opened his CounciLto~the World by fli&,only Son, whom he commandeth to be heard ; and af.tertban l>Y,.bi& Holy-Spirit, fpeaking in his Apoflles, he hath e!tabliilied-thet ,Religion; in w.hicll. he WQ!lld have pi~ tiueWodbippers.;to>

, ..



'Ut Epitomiz'd, alphabetically. abide unto. the End, will he now ( I fay ) admit Men's In-

vclltiolit in the Matter of Religion, which he reputed for damnab!ddolatry ? If Men or Atlgels ll'ould affirm; that tie will, or may do 'ic, his own Verity !lull convince them of a Lie: for this Sentence he pronounceth; Deut. 4; 2. ami r'z. gz. Not that which Jeemetb goad i11 thy Eyes, fbalt tho!l do to the Loi~ thy God, b11t that, whicb tbe Lard rby Gad batb commanded tbe'i, that do tbau ; add nothing ltlltu it, diminifb nothing frons it: which, fealing up his New Te!l:arnenr, he repeateth in thefe Words, That wliich ;e have, bold till I come, &c. Whila Mr, Knox was thus occupied in SCotland, tetter$ carne co him from the EnglipJ Chul'cb, alfembied at Geneva {which was feparated from the fuper!litioos and contentious Company. that was at f1'a11kjord) commanding hiin in God"s Name, as he that was their chofen Pa!l:or, 10 repair untQ them for their Comfort. Great Delires there w'ere to fl:ay him in Scotlm1d ; bnt he would not be perfwaded, faying; once, lmujt fee tbat little Flock 1 wbicb tbc Wlckerlncfs of Men hatb compelled 1111 to leave ; adding, That if God bleffiJ thofit fina/1 Beginnings, a11d if tbat th~y' continued in Godlinefs, when:. foever they pleafcd to command bim, the_v Jbordd fiml bim obedient: . - 'Immediately after his leaving ScotlmJd, the Bifoopi furnmoned him, and for Non-appearance burnt him i11 Effigie at thee Crofs in Edinburg, An. I55S From the which unjuO:.Sentence~ Mr: K11oz made his Appellation, and directed it to the Nobilit] and.Collurioris of Scotland, Printed at Geneva, All. r5~S. !n his Af.Pb!latioll ... To t~e Nobility and_Stares ~f Scotlailif..lt 1s notonly the Love of th1s temporal Life ( ~Ight. Honourable) nor the Fear ot corporal Death, that moveth me ro i eltpof~ unto y-ou the Injuries done againO: me, and to ~:ra;,e i of you Redrefs; tmt it_ proceedeth partl.Y from-the. Rever:. ence every Man oweth to God's eternal Truth, and pa.rtlr i from a. Love. wh,i,ch I bear to ~our. Salvation. It halh ~leafed thecord ofbis infinite M'ercy, not only ro ilhiminate the Eyes [ ~f my Minct,_.~ but to' make and appoint me a. Witnefs : ,Miqift~r, apd }'l~achtr- of ~is Po~rine, the. Sum wfiereor:f OOmn\l),l]i~~ec:t~my Bret11ren in Scotlalld,-becanfe I knew i:rty felf io-tl~ :&ewa.r.ct'; ao4finuft give an llcc:ount. ~-;~I did God'~ Minifter) whil(hvitn them (Gad'is Re~ t~ere.FOre ) truly and fincetely, according to my Gift : ~Ot4~a'l,ld of SiiliJatiotz. I affirmed ( fo taught by f!!Y ' 'ilitiide tbe. ~\fi~t (;hrm Jef\ls ) 'f.hat 'l.ubofoewr ilenietb. him]' yea or is
1 1

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of tbe MARTYRS

ajhamed of bim, before this 1oickcd Gencratio11, bim fball Chri.fl den,,, and of him be a(bamed. And therefore I feared not to affirm, that of Neceffity it is, that fuch as hope for Lite ev_erlail:ing, avoid all Supe1jlition, vai11 Religion, and Idolatry. Yain I callwb:itfoever is done in God's Service or Honour, without the exprefs Command ofhis Word. Neverthelefs, me as an Hcretick, and this Doctrine as Heretical, have your falfe Bijbops and ungodly Clergy condemned,. pronouncing againil: me a Sentence of Death, in .Tefiifiaation whereof they have formed a Picture, from which falfe and cruel Sentence,. I make it known to vour Honours, that I appeal to a lawful and general Cormcil, ~~c. mofl: bumbfy requiring of your Honours to receive me, calling unto you as to tbe Powers o} Gotl (jl'daillcd, imo your Prmetlion againfl: the Rage of Tyrants, not w maintain me in any Iniquity, Error, or falfe Opi 'nion, but to' let me have fuch Equity, as God by his Word, ancient Laws and Determinations of godly Councils, grant to Men r.ccufccl nr in famed. It is lawful to God's Prophets _and Preachtrs of ~hrifl:, to appeal from the Sentence ~n? Juugment of the -oifiblc Cburcb, to the Knowledge of the C1v1l .Magiflratc, who by God's Law is bound to bear their Caufes, and to defend them from Tyranny, as appears in Jeremiah's Cafe, &c. He was condemned by the Priells and Prophets in JmtJalem, who then only in Earth were known to be the Vifible Church, from which Sentence he appealed, i. e. fought Help of the Pri12ces. I mn in your Hands, &c. q. a; the Princes of Judab and Rulers of the Peopie, to whom it belongs indifferently to judge betll'een Party and Party, to jufl:ifie the Jull; 1\Ian, and ro condemn the MalefaEl:or. You bave heard a Sentence of Death pronounced againll: me by the Prieil:s, &c. I il:and in your Prefence, whom God hath inade Princes, your !~ower is above their Tyranny, befor~ :you do l expofe my Caufe, I cannot refill: to fuffer what you think jufl:; but leil: my Lenity and Patience fhould make you negligent in the Defence of me in my jull: Catife, I dare not conceal, That if you murder me ( which Thing ye do; if ye defend me not) ye make your felves an'd. tpis whole City guilty of my Blood : whereupon they fre'ed him from the Sen~ tence.-- The fame this Prophet did before ZedekialT. .; ..This will more plainly appear in the FaB:. of Saint Paul.----f{e11. ;. pealed from all Judgment of tlie' Pfiefts:a&JmtJaiem, t(} tb ' Emperor.It feems that his Caufe was greatly to be fupected~. pardy for th<1t l1<: r~fu[e~ ~~~ Judgm~~~ ~! ~~ofeJ ~~~~ -~~~ . '

,US Epitomiz'd, alphabetically. rnoa Knowledge (as all Men fuppofed) of God's Will and Religion; and partly becaufe he appealed to the Emperor~ who then was at Rome, far abfent from Jfrufalem, a Man ignorant of God, and Enemy to all Vertue : But the Apoftle confidering the Nature of his Enemies, and what Things they bad intended againl.l: him, did not fear to appeal from them;--grounding himfelf upon his Innocency, he neither regarded the Difpleafure of Fejlus, nor the Brunt of the ignorant Multitude, but appealed to Ctrjar . .... What I think of mine own Perjo11, God will rereal, when the Secrets of all Heartr fi'a/1 be difclofed..... But touching the Doetrilzc and Caufe, for which that adulterous and wicked Generation of Anticbrifl's Servants (who will be called Eifhops among you) have condemned me, I fear not, neither do I lhame to confefs and avoiv before Man and Angel to be the eternal Truth of the eternal God ; and in that Cafe, I doubt not to compare my ftlf 1vith any Member, in whom the Truth hath been impug:.. , ned, fince the beginning..... Seeing that my Battle is agaillfl: i the proud,. and cruel Hypocrites of this Age, as that Battle of : thofe mol.l: excellent Inll:ruments was againll: the falfe Prophets i and Malignant Church of their Ages ; No Man ought t() f think it ftrange, that I compare my felf with them, with 1 . whom I fu!l:ain a common Caufe ..... But Jell: that fome Doubt i rem~in, that I require mo.re of you than you of Corifcience 'j are bound to grant, .... L purpofe brieflv, but yet freely to , fpeak what God by his Word doth alfure me to be true. l (r) That ilz Confcience yau are bound to punilh Malefactors, l m:d to defend Innocents, ,imploring your Help. ( 2.) Tht~t J God ,-cqztireth. of )'Oil to. pmvide, that your Subjeels be 1 rightly infrruCl:ed izz his true Religion, and that the fame brJ j by you reformed, wben.focver Abufes do creep i1z by the Malice of l Satan, and NcgligCilce of Men. ( 3) That you arc bour~d ta ,i remove from Honour, and to pzmifh with Death (if the Crime fo -require) Juch as deceive the People, or defraud them of tb"'t Food. of their Souls; lmean, God's lively Word.----After that Moftr 1 had declared what was true Religion, viz. To honour God as . lie commanded, adding nothing to his Word, !!either diminifhing ally Thing from it; and after alfo he had vehemently exhor;ted. pumfh;. 1 them to. obferve the fame Law, he denounceth the ment again!l: the Tranfgrefi"ors, DHut. 23. and 2 7. If thy Broth&* 8.on,.])aughter, Wife, or Neighbour, whom thoulovejt as t~inc ow~; I J.ije1 fol/i~it the~ fmetly, faying, Let us go [crua other gorlf; ...;_;~
' '





f 3



Tbe'lhsTORY of ihe MARTYRS let not tTiille Eye Jpare him, &c. Obferve here, (I ) Tnat fuQh .as follicit only to Idolatry, .ought to be punifhed :to Death, 'Witham Favour or RefpeEt of Perfon, &c. ( 2) That the '1/uni{hment of fuch Crimes, as are Idolatry, !Jiafpbemy, and others that touch the Majell:y of God, doth not appertain to ](ings <lnly,.but alfo to the whole 13ody of the People, and evel'y Member thereof, according to his Vocation, {c. God even :ftreightly commandeth, Dcut. 7 that a City declining to Idalatry ihould fall by the Edge of the Sword, and that the whole $poil of the fame hould be burned, no Portion of it refened, lhat the Lord may tum from tbc Fury of bis Wrath, ~c. Hint~ ing, that by the Defection and Idolatry of a jew, God's .Wrath is kindled againft the "<ohole; which is never q!!enched, till fuch PLmifhmcnt be taken upon the Offenders, thar whofoevcr fervcd them in their Idolatry be brought to Deflruc. tion; bccaufe that it is execrable and accurfed before God .... ~lf any think, that this is contrary to the practice of the Apofllcs, who finding the Gentiles in Idolatry, did call them to Repe11 lance, requiring no fuch l?unilhment ; l anfwer, That the :cemiler before the preaching of Chrift, were never avowed by God to be his People, nor received into bis Iloufbol~, neither :were bis Laws given unto them to be kept in /{eli.gion, nor ''folicy ; and therefore no corporal Punia1ment was infliCled vn them. But after they repented of their Idolatries anil ~mbraced, and made one People with the believing Jews, :they were fubjetl: to the fame La~u, as the Jews were, and were liable to the fame Punifbment, if they returned to ldDlatry ;~g~in, """"In -ljniverfal Defections, and a general Revolt, fucll :as was in Ifrael after Jer-oboam, there is a diverfe Confidera . tion ; for then; be;:aufe the whole People were confpired ;~gainfl: God, .no.ne could be found to .execute the Punilhmeilt . .. God had appeit}ftd,' tiJI God raifed up Jebu, whom he'ap pointed for thatPurpofe .:I know that -your Bifbops, &~. . will cry, .11 tlanmodi-~erctick ought.uot to be fJ_car~, BLJtreinem her, my Lords, what I protell:ed m the begmnmg, upon ,. Ground I continually ftand, { .qm iJO Here'tick, no . . .!teacher, hut the Servant of Chriil: Jefus, a Preacher .of bis - lible Verity, inndce11t in all tbey'ftlil lay to 1/ly . ' therefore !1m unjuflly condemned, from whiCh . . ~have appealed, and do appeal (as before) in the 1ne-an p1oft humbly reqpiring your Itondur~ to take ~e intiil - frtJte~iopl to !Je Auditor$ of lil~ ju!t _Def\!n~~)


, Epieomi2M; :alpbabelical1y~ ' -~ 2tJ~ unto me the fame Liberty, which Ahab, a wicked King, and Jjrael, at that ~ime a bli~ded People, g~atited to Elijab in the 1ke Cafe ( 1 Kmgs 1g,) vrz. that your Bill1ops, and the whole 1 Rabble of your Clergy, may be called before you, and before' the People whom they have deceived ~ that I be not con~ dcmned by Multitude, Cullom, Authority; or Law devifed bv Man, but that God bimfclf may be Judge bettviltt me ~ncl' niy Adverfaries. Let God, I fay, fpeak b~ his La1v, Prophets; Chrifr Jefus, Apojllcs, and fo let him pronounce what Religion he approveth; and then be my Enemies never fo many, and appear they never fo fl:rong and learned, no more do I fear Victory, than did Elijtib, being but one Man againfl: the Mul' titude of Baal's Prielts. And if they think to have Advantage by their Cormci/sand Doftors, this I farther:offer, to admit the one and the other as Witneffes in all Matters debated ; thref Things ( 1vhich jufrly cannot be denied) being granted,( 1) That the moft arzcient Councils, nighell: to the Primitive Church, in which the learned and godly Fathers examined : all Matters by God's Word; may be holden of rnojt Autb'ority. ; ( 2) That 110 Determination of Councils, or Man, be admitted i againfr the plain Verity of God's Word; nor again!l: the:Deiet \ min:Hion of thofe four chief Councils, &c. ( 3) Tha_; to' uo 1 Doflor be given greater Authority, than Augujtine reqtiired tO i be given to his Writings, viz. If he plaitilyprove not bit Ajfir. , mation by God~s irifallihle Word, tbat !hen his SenienGe be rejeftea* I and imputed to the Error of a Ma11. - _ - ' : :: ~ \: To the Commonalty of- Scot!tind. -- I am mol): amrredly perf1vaded, that whatfoevei' is ufed in the -PapiflitalChurch, is altogethe~ _repugnant of Chrift's b,Ieffed-Qrdinanr;e; -and'is ; nothing but mortal Venom, of which whof'oever drinketb, ; therewith he drinketh Death and Damnation ; except. by . : true Converfion unto God he be purged from the fame;~;~. ' It \Viii be faid, That it is ,imreafonable, that ye fhould- c~H ,our Religion in Doubt, which hath been approved and; t~;a. 'blifhed by fo long Continua1zce, and by the Confent of fo mimy , ,Men before you. Bud fhordy anfwer, Th;n:neither is thci! ilong Continuance of Time, neither the ).11It!Iihr'fde of Men~, a Jufficient Approbation; which God will a1lo,WfQt-Qur Religion: ''For as forile of the Ancients witnefs, Nefth'er ii!~Jlong. Prir~ceft of Time }uflifie an 'Error, 110r .cair :rbpi@ltu~~~:.of ;Jucb at follow it, change the Nature of thefame~!::~1ll(1f. it

~ ~af an

Error' in, the begi11ning, fo it is in the cndraniLthe


- '. la11ger

The HISTORY of ibe MARTYRs longer that it be followed, and the. more that do receive it1 it. is the more peflilent, and the more to be avoided. If Antiquity ()r Multitude of Men could jufl:ifie any Religion, then was the Idolatry of .the Gentiles, and now is the Abomination of the Turks, good Religion; for A11tiquity approved the one, and a Multitude have received and do defend the other. But other. wife to anfwer;. Godly Men may wonder from what Fountain 1:uch a Sentence doth flow, that no Man ought to try his Faith and Religion by God's Word, but he may fafely believe and follow every Thing, which Antiquity & Multitude have approved. The Spirit of God doth otherwife teach us, Search the Scrip "tures, &c. The Bcreans are commended for trying the Apofl/es DoEl:rine by God's plain Scriptures. Believe not every Spirit, but try the Spirits, &c. Whofo doth Evil; batetb the Light; nei ther will be come to the Light, left that his Works be manifcfletl and rebuked. Truth being of the Nature of fine purified Gold, ()oth not fear the Trial of the Fumacc : but the Stubble and Chaff of Men's Inventions ( fuch is their Religion) may not :~bide the Flame of the Fire .. Seeing J{eligioll is to Man, :as the Stomach to the Body, which, if it be corrupted, doth 1nfeEl: all the Member~, it is necelfary that the fame be ex amined; and if it be found replenilhed with pefl:ilent Humours (I.meanwith the Fancies of Men) then of Neceffity it is that thof~; be purged; elfe fhall your Bodies and Souls peri!h for ever, 4 corrupt Religion defileth the wbole Life of Man; appear 1t never fo holy. Neither would I, that ye ihould efieelll ~he Reformation and Care of Religion lefs to apper tain to you, ber:a!Jfe you are no Kings, Rulers, Judges, Nobles; IJor iiJ4utbority. To believe and receive the Gofpel, the Comi lJlonaltv are no lefs hound, than be their J{ulers and Princes.-~ /is yopr Boclies cannot efcape corporal Death, if with youtl Princes Yf! eat or drink deadly Poyfon ( although it be by Ignorance. or Neglig<;nce) fo !hall ye not efcape the everlaO: ing Fire, if with them ye profefs a corrupt Religion . , At he Juft liwth by his owu Faith, Jo doth the Unfaithful peri!h by his own Infideli~y If ye look for the Life everlafiil1g, :you mull: try if ye ftand ill the: Faith ; and if ye would be alfured of a true and lively Faith, you mull: needs have Chrift truly preached unto you. When the Tabernacle was built and fet in Order, God provided .how it and the Things pe;~ taining to the fameihould befujlained,fo that they :!hould,nQt' fall in Decay 1 and this Provifion ( albeit Heaven ancl ~a.rth1


Epit'r11ili%'d, 't<lpbabctical!};


obey his Empire) would lie llot take from the fecict and hid Treafnres, which lie difperfed in the. Veins of the Earth; neither yet would he take it only from rlie ricb and potent of the People, but the Rich fhould give no more for til at Ufe, than the Poor, nor the Poor lefs than the Rich. lf .rbis Equality was commanded by God for the Maintenance of th<:t uanlitory Tabcnuiclc; which was but a Sbado1U of a better ~~ come, is not the fame required of us, who have the. Verity, which is.Cbrift Jcfus? He being clad in om Nature. is Immanuel, i. e. God wiFh us. And for the more A!furance of his Promil~ of being wirh us, . he hath erected among us the Si,gns of his own Prefence with us, the true Preaching df his "vVord, and right Adminifl:ration of the Sacraments, his fpiritual Taber~ naclc, to the Maintenance whereof is no lefs bound the Subjet} than the Prince; the 'Poor than the Rich. As the one is obliged to believe itl Heart, tliid with Moutb to confef~ tbe Lord Jcfus, fo alf6 is th!! other.- The poorefr, that in the Days of thts crud Perfecution believeth in Chrifl:, and boldly doth cozifefs' him before this wicked Generation, is no lefs acceptable bel ore God, than is the King, that by his Sword and Pmver rootetl1 out Idolatry, and fo advanceth Chrifl's Glory. - From Geneva, .July 4- IS58 Aftenvards Mr. Knox was called back again into Scotlm1d by fome Lords, &c. but a Stop being for a while put upon his rc turn, he writ from Diep, Oflob. 27. ISS? having Jeft Geneva: . In his Letter.----If any perfwade you for Fear of Dangers. ' that may follow~ to faint in your former Purpofe, let him be. judged of you both foolifh and your mortal Enemy. Fooliil1, becaufe he underfrood nothing of God's approved Wifdom; and Enemy unto you, becaufe he laboured to feparate yot1 from God's Favour, provoking his Vengeance and grievous Plagues againft you ; becaufe he would that you fhould prefer. your worldly Refl: to God's Praife and Glory, and the Friendfhip of the Wicked to the Salvation of your Brethren .. I am notig- nor?nt, that fearful Troubles fhall.enfue your Enterprife :. But' 0 Joyful a11d coi11jortable ar.e the Troubles and Advcijities, 'Wbi&h Man Jufiainetb for llccomplifhment of God's Will revealed by his . -Word! How terrible foever they appear to the' Judgment bf the natural :Man, yet are they never able to devour, nor utterly td <:on fume the Sufferers.; for the invifible and iilvinc~ble. Power of God fufraineth and preferverh; according to ~ls Promife, a!Huch, as with Simplicity do obey him.--


The 1-hdoit.Y 'of the" M! .ii. tns zrs When the Bi!hop of Saint Andrews thr~atried :Mr. Knd, that if he preached there (as heintended) he fuo~ld be alfaulted with a Dozen of Culverings. Being demanded his Judgment, whether his preaching fhould not be delayed, anfw~red, God is my Witnefs, that I never preached Cbrift Je[us in Contempt 1 auy Man, neither mind I ai any Time_ to preje11t my Jelf to that Place, baving eitber RefpeCl to my own pl'i'Uate Commodity, or to t be worldi Hurt of any Creature. But to delay to preach ta mar. row (rmlc s the Body be violently with holden) I cam.1ot in Confci. eJJcc; for in this Tow11 and Church God began firfl:to call me to the Dignity of a Preacher, from the which I was reft by the Tyranny of Fratlce, and Procurement of the Bi!hops, what Torment l.fufl:ained in the Callies, &c. is now mi Time .to Ie cite. This only. I cannot conceal, which more than one ha\le heard me fay, when abfent from Scotland, that my affiiT~d Hop1 1vas iu opm Jludience to preach at Saint -Andrewr, before .I de parted this Life. i,nd therefore, my Lords, feeing that God1 abore the ExpeCtation of many, hath brought my Bodyto the};ime Place, \vhere firfl: I was called to the Office of a P.~eacher, and from the which I was moft unjufll.v removed, l'befeech your Honours not to ftop me from prefenting my ,feifunto.my Brethren : And as for the Femof Danger, may come to'me, let no Man be folicitous ;for my L!feirin the Cuflody of him, whofe Glol'y 1 Jeek; and therefore I fo fear their Boafl: or Tyranny, that I will ceafe from my Duty, when of Mercy he offereth the Occafion, I .not the Hand of any Man to defend me; only I crave .&~. Whereupon the Lords were fully content he preach ; and fo he did, upon the Ejeftion of tbe ~uyerr . icrs forth of tbe Temple, applying the Co~rupt10n that . thm, .to the Corruption that is in Papi[try, and Chl'!ft's Fatl the Duty of thofe to whom God gives Power and Z~al move a!! Monuments ofldolatry.Whenthe Lord; and that favoured Reformation, were driven from ) Sterli11g (which was the Time of their greatel.l; , Krzox preached on Pfal. So. 5, 6, 7 8. . . . In the Sermon he thus fpeaks God in Wifdom fuffers his chofen Flock to Mockage, and Dan ers, ye'a . rent Defl:ruftion ; that they may fee\ the ehemency . , God's Indignation ; that they may know h()W ~ is in themfelves ; that they may leave a Tetlimony to .. the Malice ~of the D~~ . Generation~ following, i\_S well aga1ol l.


Epitoiniz'tl, a~habcticlllly..
again!l God's People, as of the marvellous W orlcof God in preferving his little Flock, by far other Means; than Man can efpy.:lt is a great and fore Temptat;ion? 'Yhen Go~ turns away his Face from our Prayers, &c. fh1s femptanon ho Flefi1 can overcome or abide, unle!s the mighty Spiri~ of God jnterpofe; as :tppears i_n: Saul, when God would not hear him. The Difference between. the. EleCl and Reprobate in this Temptation is this; The Elcft, fnf1ained by the fecret Power of God's Spirit, Jlill call upo11 God, albeit he appear. ro contemn their Prayers,. ai J'acob did, &c. llnt the Reprobate, being denied their Requefrs, do ueafe to pray, and do contemn God, and it may be feek to the .Devil for what they cannot obtain by Gc"l."---Such is our tender Delicacy and Self. love of ou't own Fldh, that thofe Things, which we lightly pals over in others, we can greatly complain. of, if they touch our fdves.----When the Sins of Men arc rebuked in ge11eral, feldom is it, that Man defcendeth .within bimfclf, accufing and condemning in himfelf thar, which moll: difpleilfedt God ; but rather he doubteth. that to be a Caufe, \vhich befor~ God is no Caufe indeed; as the Jfraelircs fuppofed the Caufe .pf their 0 verthrow was, becaufe they had lifted the Sword againfl: their Brethren-of Betzjamitz, and yet the exp1efs Com~ mand that was given them, did deliver them fromall Cr.imo, in that Caufe.----The true Caufc was their going to execute Judgment againll; the Wicked without Repcmance fon their own former OfFences and Defection from God ; and theil trufiing in 'their own Strength; they were a great Mu!tiwde, and the other far Inferior to them.:---When we were a few, called upon God, and took h1m for our Protector; Deand Refuge; among us we had no bragging of Multinor of our Strength, nor of our Policy-:,, we did only to God, to have Refpe& to the Equity cf.Onr-~ufe, and the cruel Purfuit of the tyrannical Enemy.-:.: :B~t '{jl)te that Nl:lmber hath been mulfiplied, and great OntsrJoyned with nothing hath been heard, :but, This lmtl will :briftg'tlilfo hundred Spears ; This Man hath the Credit to~ perfwitle'UJ~ ; If <this Eare be '8!1Ts, w Man infucb Bounds.t~ill trouble we made Flefh our .Arlll.'-lt refieth, that we turn .the Eternal, our God (who beateth down to the Death, he .may raife up again to leave the Remembrance o~ wonderotis Deliverance, to the Praife cf his own Name)



&:t:mfeignedly, I no more Doubt, bt;t that rois



Tbe HxsroR.'Y'if" the' MARTYRs

our Dolour; Confufion, and Fear, fhall be wrned into Joy, Honour, and Boldnefs, than that God gave ViCl:ory to the Ifraelites over the Benjamites, after that twice with Ignominy they were repulfed. Yea, whatfoever fl1all become of us and our mortal Carcafes, I doubt not but that tbis Caufe (in Defpight of Satan) fba/l prevail ; for it is the eternal Trutb of the Etemal God.----It may be that God fhall plague fame ; fot that they delight not in the Truth, albeit for worldly RefpeCls they feem to favour it: yea, God may take fame of his dear eft Cbildrm away, before that their Eyes fee greater Troubles; qut neither hall the one, nor the other fo hind~r this AClion, but in the End it ihall triumph. After the taking of Ki1zghorn, at which Time the Qteen Re gent blafphemou!l y faid, Where now is John Knox his God ? My God is now il:ronger than he even in Fife. Mr. Knox preached a comfortable Sermon, on the Danger wherein the J)ijciples of Chrifl:, when they were in the midft of the Sea, and Jejus' upon the Mormtaiu, exhorting them not to faint, but to rowe again!l: the contrary Blails, till that Jefus Cbl'ift ihould come; for ( faid he) I am aJfitredly perfwadcd, that Goa wi!lde/iver us from this extreme Trouble, as that tbis is rbe Gojpel of Jrfus Cbrift, rcubicb I preacb unto you thir Day. The fourtb Watcb is pot yet come, abide alittle, the Boat fi1all be Javed, and Peter which hath left the Boat, fi1all not drown. In his L~tter to Sir Williarn Cecil, Secretary of State i11 Eng: land.---- As from God you have received Life, Wifdom, and Honours, &c. fo ought you wholly to apply the fame to the Advancement of his Glory,---- which alas! i;z Times yo~ hav~:-.wt-done: For to the fuppreffing of Chri!l:'s true to the ereCl:ing of Idolatry, and to the !hedding of the of God's mof.l: dear Children,- have you by Silence and fubfcribed---"this your moil: horrible Defection from known Truth and once profelfed; Be. He hath not with you, as with others, Be: but you guilty in .the Offences .hath he fo!l:ered (as it were) in his own (luring the Time of that moil: miferable Thraldom 9_ue~m Mary; and now hath fet you at fuch Liberty, Fury of God's Enemies cannot hurt you, except that agail'lil his Honour, you take Pleafure to confpire with God .requires of you earne!l: Repentance for your DefeCl:ion, and an Heart mindful of his merciful Providence; ~nd a Will ready to advance hi~ Glory ; that evidently it


Imay appear,, that in vain you have not received tbe~e ~races

Epitothiz'd, alpbabeiically.


; of God. 1 o Performance whereof, of Net:effity It JS,: that 1camal Wtjilom anc;l worldly Policy (to both which you are too much inclined) give Place ,to God'r naked Trutb. Very Love j compells me to fay, That ex~ept the Spil'it of God pw-ge yom ~ Jlcart from ~hat Venom, which your Eyes have feen defl:ruc- . ~ tive to others, that you !hall not long efcape the Reward of )i!Jemblcrs.. N01~ you are. in that Efl:ate and Credit; .in the 'which you fi1all either comfort the forrowful and aiHJi:led for Righ~eoufnefs Sake, or elfe you ihall molefl: and oppugn :the Spirit of. Qpd fpeaking in his Meilengers. The Comfor~ :rm of the affiiCI:ed for Godlinefs have Promife of Com fore in their greateft Neceffities : but the Troublcrs of God's Serrants (how contemned foever they appear before the World) 'are threatned to have their Names in Execrarion to the Pol-' .'reritics following. Except that in the Caufe of Chrifr's :E~angcl you be found fimplc, ji11Cerc, fcrvellt, and ~nfcignerJ, . !hall ta!1e of the fame Cup, which Politick Heads have in before: I hear, that fome of tliat poor Flock, tf :Jif~mbled in Geneva, are fo extremely handled, that tho!e moil; rudely have fi1ed the Blood of God's moil; dear find this Day among you greater Favours, than they Alas ! This appeareth much to repugn to Chri!1ian : for wharfoever hath .been mine Offence,.this I fear to affirm in their Caufe, That if any that have fuffertd in thofe mofl: dolorous Days of Perfecurion, deferve Prai!e Commendation for Peace, concord, fober and quiet Li\ itis they. From Diep, April 1 o. I 559 his Letter to ~1een Elizabeth. Confider deeply hoW' Fear of your Life you did decline from Godi and bow co going to Mafs under your Sifter Mary het Perfecution Saints. Let it not appear a fmall Offence in your that you have declined from Chrift Jefus, in. the Day ypur Battle: neither would 1, that you fhould efl:eem tlsat ere;: .to be vulgar and common, which youhave received> God hath covered your Offence; bath preferved ' ~erfon, w)J~n you were mofl: unthankful, and hath Ex~ you, &c. Commonly it is feen; that fucb as refuf{} Coutifel of tbq Faithful ( ;~ppear it never fo fharp) are com~ to fo(lo.w. the l)eqeit .of .Flatterers to their own Perdi- ' -~-~ E~i'!bl!rg, July .28: A. IS 59 . ; p,jafi ~~s ~~~l!!i~E~.~ !O !he Q1gen fo~ a Time, ~r;:

:wren. . ,



the HtsTbitY-if the MAR,"l'YRS Knox. the next Sabbath after the firfl: Mafs; !hewed Wlial mrible Plagncs God had taken upon Realms and Nations for idolatry;. and added, 17Jat 'oue Mafs was more fearful-to him than if Ten tboufand armed Enemies were landed in any Part if 1 the R.ealm, of 1 urpofe to fuppreft tbe wboli Religi~n: for{ faid he) in our God &lme is Strength to ref!ft and confound Mu/tj. tudes, if we wifeiglledly dcpmd upon him; whereof heretofore ~r have batl Expel'ience; but whm we joyn Hands with Idolatry, ilis 110 Doubt but both God's amiable Prefc11ce. and col/ifortableDejenc1 1vi/l leave us; mul what fball then become of us 'I Alas! !fear; that Experience ~~ill teacb us to the Grief of many. When God began to make his Words good, Hedid in the Alldience of many, Dec. rs6s. ask of God Mercy; that he was not more vehement and upright in fuppreffing that Jdil at the beginning 1 For (laid he) albeit I fpake that, which vJTendei:l fame (which this Day they fee and feel to be yet did I not that, which might have been done ; . had not only given me Knowledge and a Tongue to~ make known the Impiety of that Idol, but he had given me Credir 'Witb many,. who would have put in Execution God's if I would o11ly !Java confenwl thereto : but fa was I that common Tranquility, and fo loth was I to offend that in fecret Conference with zealous Men I travelled rather to mitigate, yea to jlacken that F'ervency God hath *iodled them, than to animate or encourage them to put their to the Lord's Work: wherein I acknowledge my felf to done mo!J: wickedly, and from.the Bottom of my Heart ask-of my God Pardon, that I did not what in me lay to fuppreffed that Idol in ~he beginning. n: When the ~em accufed him for llirring up bet 3gainll: her Mo.riJer and her felf, and that he was the. of much Sedition and great Slaughter in EnglantJ, and all he did was by Necro11zancy: Madam (faid Mr. Kr1o3: , it pleafe your Majefty patiently to hear my fiinple and :firit; If to teach the Word of God in Sinc~rity, if rebuke Idolatry, and to .will a People to 'Worfhip {;oil &Q bisWord, be to. raife SubjeCl:s .againll: their eannotlbe excufed; but. if the (ru~Knowlege . fightworl.hipping be.the ahief Caqfe1 which midlli!o.ve to_ o~y.. theit. juft :/Jrm~efi from tlieir ~eart (J!Sit iS . , certruil they are) wherem can I be teprehend~ 1 I-thill~ and-~m furely perfwatf~d, .that your. Majefty hatfl had, .ani
: . .'




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. ... Epitom~~d; :aljib.abeclcally.: ~ ~ . . . 2zg now hath' as unfeigned Obedience of fuch as profefs Chrifl Jefus wicllin.tbis Realm, as ever your Father or Progenitors had of thofo tbat.were called Bifbops, And now. ihortly .to anfwer the other.two Accufations, I hearrily praife my God,
through. Jefus Chrift, that Satan, that Enemy of .Mankind; iand the wicked of the World, have no other Crimes to.lay to Imy Charge, than fuch as the World it felf knoweth to. be imoft faifc and vaill. If indeed in any of the Places, where f 1 was in E~gland,.during tbe Time of my being there, there. was. .either Battle, Sedition, or Mutiny, I !hall confefs my fclf a !Shedder of Blood: but God fo bleifed my weak L:~bours in i Berwick (wherein then commonly ufed to be Slaughter, by [Reafon of Q.uarrels, that l!lfed tq arife among Soldiers) thJt i there was great f!Jietnefs all the Time that I remained there. And whereas they flander me of Magick, NecromaJJcy; &c, the Congregations that ever heard me, know whatT fpake fuch Acls, and thofe that ufe fuch Impiety: but feeing was accufed thus, even that he was po!Teiled \i'ith I mufl: patiently bear their falfe Accufations. But yet ( faid the QleCtl) you have taught the People to receive another Religion, than their Princeso;:an allow: and can that DoCl:rine be of God, feeing God commandeth to be obedient to their Princes? Madam (faid he) flS Religion took neither Original, nor Antiquity from worldly . but .from the ~tarnal God alone, Jo are not Sukjefi.J

to frame their Religion according to the Appefite of Prince.r-. .Daniel and his Fellows -roere Subjefir fo. Neand unto Da1ius, arzd yet theywould not be of. their . The three Childrenfaid, We make it known to thee; that we will not worfbip thy gods, And Danielprayell to his God, againft the exprefs Command of tho. King.are not the Church ( faid the f!!!een) that I will. noul'ilb: defend the Church of Rome; for I think it is;tlJe:trrte. of .God,Tour- Will, Mada!l} (faid he) Js.uo :!t~Tiforr; . doth your Tb()U[!,ht m~ke that. R,oman HarM to~ the Spoufoof Jefus Chriil. An~ wonder not- ( Midlzm} l call R011!C' an Barlot ; (or that Church iS. alt~her . with al} _kind of fp~ritual For~iaalisn ~ ..... Ye\f J; a_ifet: felf fultber to. pFOvt', tha~- the Church q( ,f!J~ ]JiJ.ls~ crucified Chrill: Jefus, when they .manifeffiy de~ieihhe of God, wa5 not fo far degenerat~J~em the OrdlOaDt"et

St;atutef; whieh- God gave by -Moj'ef.and

to bis'

2!!4 Tbe Hrs'to:in' tif.th(-Mur_tRs Peoplt,as the Clilltcli of R~me is declined from.the furity of. Religion 1 which the Apojtles taught ~nd planted. ---'-.Toldnterpret the Scripmres ( faid he) in one Manneri and: tfiey irt' another.; wbom {hall I believe ? who !hall be J11dge? Belie.~e God(faid he) rha.t ~aketh plainly in his Word; and further than the Word teacheth you, ye filall believe neither the one,. iJor tbe otber. The Word of God is plain in it felf; and if there appear any Obfcurity in one Place, the Holy Gboft, who i> never contrarians to himfelf, explains the fam~: more clearly in otbcr Places. . Wilen he was accufed as one that had irreverently fpoken of the f!Jecn, and that travelled to bring her into Hatred and Contempt of the People; and that he. had exceeded the Bounds of his Text; Madam (faidhe) if your Ears had heard the whole Matter that I treated o(, if there be in you any Spark of the Spirit of God; yea of Honefl:y and Wifdom, you .would. not jufrly be offended with any 'Thing I fpake.- My Text was. this, And tzow, 0 Kings, underftanri ; be learned1 ye J11dges rf the Eartb. After (Madam) I had de-clared ,the Dignity of Kings and Rulers, the Obedience due to .them, 1 demanded this Q_uellion, But Oh' alas ! what Account !hall the mofl: Part of Princes make before the fupreme JudgeJ whofc Throm! and Authority fo iliamefully they abufe? The Complaint of Solomon is this Day mofl: true, That Violence and Opprl!fjton do. occupy ~he Throne of God on Earth ; for .whilft that Murthere~, B!ood-thirfl:y Men, Opprelfors, &c. dare prefent thernfelves before Kings. and Princes, and the poor Saints of God are bmzijhed and exiled, what fluH we fay, but t)lat the Devil hath taken Polfdlion in the Tl!l'dlle of God, ,t{hich ought to be fearful to all wicked Doers, and aRefuge to the innocent and opprelfed; and how can it be otherwife! Ji'otPrinces will, not underfi.and,8c.God'sLaw they defpife,his Statutes and holy Orclinan(!es t~ey will not _u~derl:and; forin fidling:~'Qd.finging they are more exercifed, tha.n in reading or hearing: Golfs moil: .blelfed Word, 8c. And of dancing ( Ma dam )Haid; That albeit in Scrjpture I find no Praife of ir, and in profane. Writers it is termed The Gefl:ure rachel' of thofe that are m~rl, than of faber M~n; Yet do !not utterly ~ond~mn i~, provided that tw& lliccs be avoided ; (I) 'J,'hat the prin.~ipal Vocation <;If thofe that ufe that Exercife, be neg_lefl'ecl; for . the. Pleafu~e of ;dancing .( 2) Th~~ they t1anSJ nu~l a~.tlle Pliilifl.in~~ :t,!!~~~ ~~~~~rs1 ~~ !~:-~!~~~q~~ !~i~
' '


witbin the Cburch cf God, and appoimcd by Cod to rebuke the Sills of all: I am not appointed to come to ewry Man it! particular, to flmu him his Offence; for tbat Labour were infinite. If your Majefl:y pleafetb to frequent tbc publick Sermons, tbm I doubt not but you }ball fully rmderfland, botb ~ubat 1 like and mijlike, as wdl in your Maje!l:y as in all otbcrs. Or if ''our Maje!ly will a,Dign me a certain Day and Hour ~uhm it PJal/ ple.7Je you to hear tbe Form a11d Subjlance ifDoElrine, wbich is p;opofcd i11 publick t(). to the Clmrcbes of tbis Realm, I will mojt gladly 1t>aitupon yqttr Majefl:y's PleaJure, Time, mzd Place: but to come and wait upo11 your Chmnber Door, or eife,uhere, and then to bave 1wjarthcr Liberty, but to whifper my Mind in )'OUr Maj'e!l:y's Ear, or to tell you wbat ~tbers tbink or fpeak of ,au, neith~r\. will my Confcimce, nor the Vocatiou whereto God bath called uleJ 1J;:(Jcr iL : Mr. K11o:c departed with a reafoliable merry Countenance; whereat fame Papijls offended, laid, He is not afraid: which heard by him, he anfwered, Why jhould tbe plenjimt 'Face cf a Lady aff!iY:.?!Ze! I bave loa~ed in tbe Faces cf 11la11J angry Men, . a11d yet ha'Oe''Jlot bee11 afraid above MeaJure. . . . . l : When the'Courtiers pickt Quarrels again!l the Preachers for reprehending Avarice, Opprc.!Jion, Excejs, riotous Cheer, bqrzquctli~g, imnioq~rate Danci1zg, and Whoredom that thereof. enfries, wh1ch then' egan to. abound at Court, alledging, Thac , nll'their preaching as turned into Railing; Mr. Knox told them; It cometh to our Ears, that we are called Railers; whl'!r,eof albeit we wonder, yet we are no.t a{hamed, feeing . that the moil: worthy. Servants of God, that before us have ! m.v~lled, in this Vocation, have fo been fiiled : but unto you do I fay, that the fame God, wbo from the begimling hatb flmijhQ.(the CtJn.tef}lpt if bis Jf!prd, ~11d batb poured fortb bir

. . . Epitomiz'd, alpbabetically. 225 take in the ])ifpleafure of God's People ; for if they do fo, they fuall receive the Reward cf Dancers, and that will' be to drink in Hell,. unlefs they fpeedily' repent. So. il1all God turn their Mit th into fudden Sorrow; for God will noc always afflict his People, norwink at theTyranov of Tyrants. Many that !l:ood by wimefi'ed, That M~. Knox had recited the very Words that publickly be fpake. Th~ .Q!teCII looked about upon fome of the Reporters, and faid, Your Words are !harp enough, as you have fpuken them, but yet they were told me in another Manner.- If you hear any Thing of my ftlf, that mijliketb )au, come to 112)' Jelf and tell me, and I !hall hear you. Madam (fJid be) I am called to a publick Flmflion


226 The Hxsrop. Y of the MARTYRs Pengeance on Jucb proud Mockers, fballnot Jpare you ; yea, he
fba/1 not Jpare you before tbe E)es ~f this wicked Ge1zeration, for the Plcaji,re ~uhereof )'e defpife all 'coiJr.!cfome ildmonitioll. Have you not feen a greater than ariy (f you, fiuing where ye fit (Earl Huntly) pick his Nail.r, and pull down his Bonnet over hir Eyes, wben Idu!atr)', !Vitcbc;aft, lvhmlcr, Opprc[}ion, &c. were rebuked? was not tl:is his C>r.Jmnn Talk, J.Vben thc{c Knaver btlVC railec: tbci: fill, tbm Nil/ tbey bold their Peace! 'Have ~e not heard it aflirml!d to his own Face, that God flndd revenge that his B!afpbcmy, evw in the Eyes of fucb as 1oer~ Wittufs to his ltuquity I By yuur H~nJs twh .Gocl executed the Judg. menc tlln:atned. Dm \\'hat Aomu!ment can be efpied in yozr'l Idolatry. was n<:ver in greater Quiet ; Venue and vertuous Men never in more Cvnrempt; Vice was ne\'er more bold, nor Punifhmenr let's feared. And yet who guides the QJem and Court? who but Protejlants? 0 horrible Slanderers of God, and of his holy E1:nw:!l! Bmer it were u11to "!011, plainly to rmouncc Cbrijl Jefus, tball thus to c1:poJe bis bhif]ca"Evangel to Moc~age. If God pzmifbetb 110t ~'O!t, tlhlt tbis fame Age flJa/1 fee your Pcmiflment, tbe Spirit of righteous :ludgmellt guides 1/lC llOt. When the Qjtml fent for Mr. Kno.1:, and would have him to perfwade the People, efpecially the Genrl<::men of the Weft, not to put Hand to punilh any for ufing themfelves in their Religion as pleafed them: He willed her Majefl:y to puni!h MalefaEl:ors according to the La<Js, and he durfl: promife QJiet 11eJs upon tlrePart of them that profeffed the Lord Jefus within Scotland; but if her Majefl:y thought to elude the Laws, he faid, lle feared fome woulrllct the Papifl:s underjtand, tbat without Pcmifll ment tbey fbould not be fuffered Jo mmlifejlly to offend God'; Majcfly. I iha\1 caufe (laid the Ouecn) to fummon all Offenders, and -ye !hall know that I ll'i?iil minifl:er Jull:ice. I am affured then ( faid he tbnt )'C fba/1 pleafe God, and enjoy Reft and 1ian; guillity wit bin your Realm, wbicb to your Majejly is more profitable, than all the Pope's Potoer call be. . In his Lettet to the Earl of Murray . Seeing I perceiv4 my felf frufl:rare of my ExpeEl:ation, which was, that you fhould ever have preferred God to your o1vn AffeEl:ion, and the Advancement of his Truth to your own Commod}ty, I commit you to your Wit,.and to the conduEl:ing of thofe whie~ can better pleafe you . ;. : In a Scrmo11 conmning the .QugQU's Marriage, he fa,id, When~



Epitomiz'd, alphabetically.


foever the Nobility of Scotlaud, who profefs the Lord Jefus, confent that an Infidel (and all Papijls be Infidels) iliall be Head to pur Sovereign, ye do; fo far as in you lies, banilh Chrifl: Jefus from this Realm; yea, bring God's Vengeance on the Country, a Plague upon your fel ves, and perchance you fi1all do fmall Comfort to ~our Sovereign. When he was upon that Accounr brought before the Queen; Madam ( l:tid he ) when it !hall pleafe God to deliver you from that Bondage of Darknefs and Error, wberein ye have been nouri!11ed for lack of true DoCtrine, your Majejly will' find the Liberty of my Ton!!:ue nothing olfenfive. Out of the Pulpit, I think, fe1v have Occafion to be offended at me: but time I am twt Majlcr of my feif~ but mufl: obey bim, who commands me to Jpeak plaiil, and to flatter no Flefb upo11 rbe f;Icc of tbe Eartb. But what have you to do ( faid i11e ) ll'ith my Marriage? I am fent (!'aid he) to preach the Evangel ~J .'lefus Cbrifl to fuch as pleafe to hear. lt hath two Parts, Rcpcntmzce and Faitb. Noll', Madam, in preaching of Rcpm~ tm;cc, of Neceiliry it is that the Sins of Men be noted, tha~ . they may know wherein they offend: but fu it is, that the i moil: Part of your Nobility are fo addiCted to your AfFeCtions, i that neither God's Word, nor yet their Commonwealth are \ rightly regarded; and therefore it becometh me to fpeak that ! they may know their Duty. (And fo he repe~ted to her I felf what he had faid in Publick ) Whereupon the .Qr.tecl: J:~ept; but when !11e had given Place to her inordinate Pafiions, ! Mr. Kno:c faid, Madam, in God's Pretence I fpcak, I never j delighted in the weeping of any of God's Creatures, &c. ~ much lefs can I rejoyce in vour iVlajcjly's weeping; but feeing ~I have given you no jufl: Occalion w be offended, but have ' fpoken the Trutb, as my Vocation craves of me, I muft fulbin ; your Majejty's Tears, rather than I dare hurt my Confcience,

, or betray the Commonwealth by Silence.

About tBat Time he prayed thus. -- Deliver us, 0 Lora, jfDiiz the Bondage of Ido,latry. Prcferve and keep !IS from tbe Tyramiy. of Strallgcis. C01ltinuc tis i11 Peace and Concord among Ctll' fclves,. if thy go'odPlcafur'c be; 0 Lord, for a Seafon. ~ Being asked, Why he prayed for Q!licwefs for a Scafon, ~ aild riot .aofdlutely. ,. His ai1fwer was, That be durft not pray, hut' in Ftift!J; arid' Faitli i1i God's Word n..Umwl him, Thatco1ijlant R,uietnifs wo'tdd' 1iOt colztiliue in t/)at Realm, 1.Ubcrei1l Idolatry bad licm Juppreffid; a'nil' fh.cii ~vas permitted ra b:: ereCted agaiiJ.


Q. 2






of tbe


Tbe Maller of 1\llax-we/1 telling him, That be would not find that Men will bern with him in Times to come, as. they had done in Times p1fl: ; If (!aid he) God flaml.my Friend, as I am nffilred le of /.lis Mercy <cuill, fu long as I depmd upon bis Promije, m;d !'refer his Glory to my Life mzd 1uorldly Profit, !little regard lww J:lm bcl;a~;e thcmfelvcs to'JJards me, &c.---. The Earl of Murray, and the Secr~tary fent for i\1r. llnox, and lamented tbat he bad fo highly drcnded the Ouecn (by ''Hiting Lc>tters, dc:Gring the Brethren from all Parrs convene at Edinburg) that there was 110 Hcpe for him, unlefs he would confefr his Offence, and put himfdf in her Majefly's Will. 1 praife G1Jd tbrougb Jcfts Cbrifl ( faid he) I have teamed 1101 to fear the Thii1gs t lw tbe gud!cfs Multitude fear. I have the Tcjlimony of a good Confciwce, tbat I bave given 110 O,U'ence to t!Je Q:1etn; for I have done nothing but Ill)' Duty, and ]9 my Hope is, tba: my God <coil! gi~c me Patience to bear rcubat ~uill e11jue. ' Wben he was called before the ........ Oucen and her Council, the Secretary Lethington told him, Tile Ouec11 was informed, that he travelled to rai(e a Tumult of ~r SubjeCts againO: her; and for Certification thereof, produced one of his Letters, which he owned. Then faid the Sccrctm")', Mr. Knox, Are not you forrv from your Heart, that fuch a Letter hath pa!Ted your Pen, &c. Before I repcilt ( faid he) I uwft be taught my O,U'ence. Offence ( faid Lctbingto11) If there were no more but the Vocation of the Q~tccn's Leige.r, the Offence cannot be denied. Remember ;our fe!f, lli)' Lord, ( faid Knox) there is D[ffcm;cc betwixt a la~ijiLI and an zmlwwjul Vocation. If Iha~e been guilty in this, I bave ift ~Oe11ded jince I came /aft imo Scctland; for "''bat Vuca:ion rf Brethren hath ever been jicJcc, to rcubicb my Pc1z bath uot fervcd? and before tbis no Mm1laiJ it to Ill)' Charge as a Crime. Then was then ( faid Letbi11gto11) and now is now, we have no need of fuch Vocation, as fame times we have had. 1'l1e Time that bath hem ( faid Knox) it no'<-U before my Eyes ; for I fee t/;e poor Flock in 110 lefs Dangel, iban it batlJ hem at any Time before; except that the Devil hal! .gotten a Vizard upmz bis Face. Before be came in witb his owr. J:'acc, di{cowred by opw 1}ranny, feeking the Dcftruftioll of a~ that rifufcd ldol.?tl')'; and thw, I think, you will confefs, the Bre 'thf'en /ac,;.{ull; a..fjembled tbemfelves for Defence of their Lives and now tbe Devil comes 1111der tbe Cloak of Juftice, to do 'l.'.hicb God would not fztffer him to do by Strength, by . Decit making the Prince party, &c. After a long



Epitomiz'd, alpbabetically. 229 between the Quem and Mr. Knox, the Sccrctmy told him, He.
might return tO his Huufe for tilat Night. I thallk God a121l the Queen's Majejly ( f,id he ) and Madarr, I pray God to p!lrgc your Heart from Papin ry, and to prcfenJe ;az1 from the Co:mfel of Flatterers: for bow plcafant Jocver rbcy appear to your Ear and corrupt .A.ff'ctlions for tb;; Time, ExpcricilCe bath taught us, ill wbat Perplexity tbey have brougbt famous Princes. After he was gone, the Nobility in the l'ref~11;~ of the Quem abfolved Mr. Kno.o:. In his Prayer for the Q;1ecn.--.. o Lord, if thy good Pleafi.1re be, purge the Heart of the Qtcm's M.Jje11y from the Venom of Idolatry, and ddi\rer her from the Thraldom and Bondage of Satan, in the which fhe h:nh been brought up, and yet remains, for the lack of true Dourine ; and let her fee by the Illumination of thy Spirit, that there is no Means to pleafe thee, buc by Jefus Cbrijl thy only Son, and that Jefus Cbrift cmnot be found but in thy holy Word; nor yet received, but as it prefcribes, which is, to renounce our own Wifdom, and preconceived Opinion, and 1vorlhip thee as it commands: ' that in fo doing !he may avoid the etemal Damnation, whiclt : is ordained for 311 ob!1inate lmpenirenrs: and that this poor ' Realm may alfo efcape thlt Pbguc and Vengc.wce, which ' inevitably followeth ldohtry, maintlined again!1 the manifefl: ; Word, and the Light thereof. . : Secctrary Lctbingto1z was offended at two Things therein~ :. ( 1) Becaufe he pr~y~d for the [bem conditionallv, if it be , thy good Pleafure, &c. Where have ye an Example of fuel!

a Prayer? Mr. K110.1: anfwered, Wherefoever the Examples ; are, I am fure of the Rule, which is this ; If rcve Jba!l ask
j m;y Tbing accordilzg to bis Will, he [ball ,t;rm;t us. -~-- I have ; learned to pray in Faith: no1v Fait/; (you know) depends upon

.\ the Word of God; and fo it is, that the vVord of God tea,:heth me, that Prayer profiteth the Sons and Daughters of God's ) Eleflian. ---- Betides, did not the .Apofrles pray as they com, j rnandcd others to pray? Now Peter commanded Simon Magur '; to pray conditionally, If it be paffible, &c. ---- ( z) Where ;~ fin~ ye that the Scriptures call any the Bondjla'Qes rif Satm! :] ( fa1d the Secretary) or that the Prophets of God fpake or 4 Ki11gs and Princes fo irreverently? The Scripture faith ( faid ;iMr. Knox) that by Nature '<Ue are all tbe Children of Wratb ~ ~and our Mafl:er Chrifl: affirms, That fucb as do ji11, are Servant~ 'lto Sin, &c. Behold, I fend tim ( faith Chrifl: to l)aul ) tiJ tbe


..,, .I

Q. 3


The HisTOR Y .if the MARTY Rs Gentiles, to tum tbem from tbc Power of Satan unto God. -Kings and Queens are no~ excepted, but all unfaithful arc pronounced to fiand in one Rank, and to be in Bondage to one Tyranr, the Devil.-- Elifha was a Subject in the Kingdom of Ifrael, and vet how liu le Reverence did he give to the lOng ? he feared not to f<ty to King Jeboram, Wbat bave I to do with thee? &c. As the Lord of Hojts liveth, in "ubofe Sigbt I jland, if it 'UJere not that I regard the Prefence of Jeholhapbat, tbe King if Judah, I would not have /oeketl toward thee, &c.-Letbingtoll telling him, That we are not bound to follow extraordinary Examples, unlefs we have the like Command, &c. I gr;:nt (laid Mr. Kuox) if the: Example repugtle the Law; as if a covetous lVhn fhould borrow Silver, Raiment, &c. fiom his Neighbour, and withhold the fame, alledging the Example of the !]ralites in Egypt, &c. But where the Example agrees with the Law, &c. it il:ands to us in Place of a Commmldment; for as God in his Nature is confiant and im mmable, fo cannot he condemn in the Ages fubfequent, that which he hath approved in his Servants before us.---. Letbington telling him, That ProJPerity doth not always prove, that God approves the FaEl:s of Men. Yes (]aid be) when the FaEts of Men agree with the Law of God, and are :~;ewarded according to his own Promife exprdfr:d in his Law: the Profperit~ that fucceeds them, is a moft infallible Affur ance, that God hath approved them.---Upon the nineteenth of Augryt 1565. a little '' jle after the Q!teeil was married to the Lord Darley, who, to _,leafe the Protefiants, came to Church, Mr. Knox preached/upon lfa. ~6. r3, 14, rs, r6, &c. wherein he faid, Hat Godjcts i1; Government (for the Qtfe11Ces and Ingratitude of tbe People) Boyr and. Womm, and tbat God jujUy pzmifbed Ahab and his Pofterity, becaufe he ~voufd not rake Order ~uitb that Harlot Jezabel. For which Sermr:1 he was called in Quefl:ion, and in anfwering faid more than he had preached : for he added, Tl1at as the King bad (to plcafe tbe Queen ) gone to Mafs, and dijhotiDUTed the Lord God, Jo Jbou/d God ill his Jr~'licc make her all Itijlrume111 fi.f bis Ruin. And fa it fell out in a very ihort Time. But the Quem being incenfed at thefe Words, to pleafe her h~ was forbid to preach for a Time. This Sermon he took Care . to have it pYiJJtcd, to make known to theW orld what Ground there was to deal f.o with him, as he re!ls us. In his Epijila to the Reader. I d11rc not deny ( le!l; tb~f

Epitomiz'd, alpbabctically. ~3f i0 fo doing I lhould be injurious to the Giver) but tbat God batb revealed to .me Secrets, w:kiW'Wil to tbe TVvrltl, and aljo tbat !Jc bath made 111)' Tongue a Trumpet, to forewarn Realms and NatiotlS, yea, certai11 great Revelations cf Mutatiom and Cbanges, ~ubeu flO Jucb T!Jings 'lime fc,l/'cd, llOi :vet r<l!as appearing : A Ponion whereof cannot tlie Worid deny (be it never fo blind) to be fulfilled ; and the rdl: c.h!s ! I fear, !hall follow wirn reater l:"l.\11:e, and in more full Perfetlion, than my forrowiul tleart defireth. NoLwitbfundi:1g thefc: Revelations and Affurances, l did ever abfbin to commit any Thing to writi11g, contented only to have obeyed the Charge of him, who commanded me to cry. If any then will ask, to what Purpofe this only Sermo11 is fet forth, and greater Matters omined, I anfwer, To let Juch, as Satall hatb not altogetber blinded, fcc, upolllmu Jma/1 Occajio11.r great Offence is !lOW conceived. For this Sermon ( from m 7 Jl~d) I was called before the Council, :.1nd after long Reafon ing, I was by fame forbidden to preach in Edinburg, fo long as the King and Queen were in Tovin. The s~rmon he writ for the Prefs the laO: Day of .Augufl 1565. when the Callle of Edinburg was hooting again(]; the , Exiled for Chrill's Sake; and therefore he concluded thus ; i Lord, into tby Hands I coumzcnd my Spirit, for tbe terrible Roaring ! uf Guns, and tbe Noife of Armour do Jo pierce my Hcal't, tbat my \ Soul tbitjletb to depart. Be merciful to tby Flock, 0 Lonl, and ; at thy good P!eafare put an end to my M.ijcry. j The next Sabbath, after the Earl of Murray was ilain, a ; Note was fent to Mr. Knox, among the Papers, wherein were .1 written the Names of thofe that delired the Prayers of the j Church, with thefe Words, Take up tbc 1\!Jarz, wbom ye ac. 1 coumed anotber god. At the end of his Sermon he bemoaned j the Lofs, that the Church and State of Scotla11d received by ~ t~e Death of th~t Man, and faid, That as God_in bis 'Mei'C'J ! g1veth good and wife Rulers, Jo be taketh tbcm away m bis Wratb: 1and then added, TI!Cie is ouc i11 tbis Campmzy, tbat mal:etb tbe ) Subje[l; of bis Mirtb this horrible Murder, whereat all good 'Jt!Im Jhave Caufe to be Jorrr: I tell bim, be fLail die wbcre there foalt i be none to lament h1111. ~~ The young Gentleman, that \vric the Note, bearing_ this ;,j Commination, went home and faid to his SiO:er, that Jolm .jlCilox was raving, to fpeak of he knew not whom. His ~j Siller repUed with Tears in her Eyes, telling him~ That nona 1 Q4 of

The HISTORY of the MARTYRS of }oh1z Knox's Threatnings fell to the Ground without Ef. feEl:. And [o it fell out in this Particular : for this Mr. :Thomas Mete/ian lhortly after went beyond Sea to tnve!, and died in Italy, having no known Man to a!llll: him, much ]efs to hment him. . He told his People, It was his DcGre, to finifl1 and clofe his preaching with preaching upon the Hifl:ory of Chrifl'r Faffion. ln his /aft Sermon to his People at Edinburg, (which was preached at the Election of Mr. James Lawjo11 to fucceed him, to whom he had writ thns ; ilccelcra, mi frater, a/ioqlti Jero vcnics; Make hafle, Brother, otherwife yon will come wo late ; meaning, That if he m1de anv Stav, he lbould fir.d him dead and {;One,) He called God to WitrlCjs, I bat he bad 'I.Valked in a good Confcicnce among tbcm; 110t feding to pleafe Men 1 7zor Jervin;; bis own or other Men's JiffeEtiom, but in all Sinceritj anrl Truth preached the Gofpel "of Cbrifl mojl gravely and pithily, exhorting tbcm to jfand fajt iu the Faith which they bad received. In his Sickncfs he [aid unto the Earl of Morto1z, who caroe to vifit him; My Lord, Gon batb given J'0/1 Wifdom, Honour, high Birth, Riches, many goad anrl great Friends, and is now to Jmfer ;ou to the Government of tbe Realm. In bis Name I charge )'O!I, tbat yoll ".ill rife theft Bl~{fings better in Time to come, th:m you lm'<Je pone in Times pajt: In all )Oili' Afliom, Jerk jiJjt the Glory of God, the Furtherance of his Gofpcl, tb; Maintenm1cc rf bis Cburcb mzd Miniflry: ne.>;t be careful of tb1 ](inf!, and tbe Welfare of tbe Realm. If you fball do this, GLd will be '<JJith )'Oil; and HuliOtti' ;ou : if otberwifc you do it not, h! 'l.vill deprive J'OU of all thcfe Benefits, and your elld fbi.ill be Shame aild Igrwminy ..... The!e Speeches the Earl, about nine Years after, at the Time of his Executim:, called to Mind, faying, That be had found them tme, and Mr. Knox therein a true Prophet. A Day or two before his Dentb, he fent for Mr. Lindfay, Mr. La~t{tm, and the Eldl'rs and Deacom of the Church, and iid unw rbem, The Time is approaching, for ~uhich I have long thirJlcd, rcvhcrcin 1/ba/1 be rc/cafcd from all my Cam, and be 'JJili my Savi;ur Chrijt for c:Jcr : and now God is my Wimefs, whl'm I have fcrved with my Spirit in the Gofpel of his Son, that I b1':!e taugltt uothing but the true tmd fir:cere ford of God, ' tbc tne ad pid Doflriue of tbc GPjpel ; and that the End 1 jropojcd i.1 all my Doftrine, was, to iriflrtd't tbc Ignorant, to co1:jirin.


Epitomiz'd, alphabetically . the Weak, to comfort the COI:(t:iellccs ~f tbnfc '-Ubo ~ucre lit!lllbled 11nder the Senfe of their Si11s, a11d hom do~'JIHUitb tbc Thrcatnings of God's Judgments. Sucb as 'i.vcrc proud ami _rebellious, .I am 11 ot ignorant, ba'"Je blamed, and do yet b/,wze my too great Rigour and Severity : but God knoweth, that ill my Heart I never bated the Perfons of thofe, againjt1ubom I tbundred God's -Judgmcllt s; I did only bate tbeir Sins, and laboured accord in~ to my Power to gain tbem to Cbrifl. That I did forbear none of r..uba~(uevcr COI:dition, I did it out of the Fear of my God, ~cbo bath placed me i11 tbe Miniflry,mJd I kno1u <:.uill bring me to all Account. Now Brethrm, for your }elves, I have 1w more to fay, but to warn ~ou, to take Heed to the Flock, over 1vbich God hath placed you Overfeers, wbich he hath redeemed r..vitb the Blood of bis only begotten Son. And llOW Nlr. Lawfon, Fight a good J.igbt, do the ; Work of the Lord witb Courage, and wirb a willing Mind; awl ! Gad from above blcfs you, mzd th~ C!mrcb '<Vbererif J'Oll baue Cbarge: ; againll: it (Jo long as it cominueth in tbe Doftri11e of the Truth) 1 the Gates of Hell Gull not prevail.---- This fpoken, and the ! Elders and Deacons difrniffed,he CJ!ied the two Preachers to him, 1 and f.1id, There is one Thing that grieveth me exceedingly; j You have fornctimes feen rhe Cowagc and Con11ancy of the ~ Laird of Grmzge, in the Caufe of God, and that moll: unhappy l :Man hath caft himfelf away. I pray you two to take the ~ Pains to go to him, and fay from me, That tmiefs he foz:fake ;l that wicked Courfo, wberein be is entred, neither jha/1 the Rock, 'i in ".t,bich he con.fidetb, defend him; nor tbe c.mzal Wifdom of tbat 1 Man, whom he cotmteth balf a god (this was young Lethington) 1 )'icld him Help, but jbamefully be jball be pullerl out of tb.Jt Ne[t, j and his Carcafo hang before the Sun. (And fo it fell out; . for ) the next Year, the Ca!l:le which he did keep againfhhe Kin?;'s ) Authority, was taken, and he hanged before the Sun.) 17;~ .\ So1d of that M1111 is dear till to me ; and if it be poj]ible, I would l faiu bave him Javed. They went, but could not prevail; yet i at his Death, he did exprefs ferious Repentance for his Sins. ; The next Day he was mu~h in Prayer, crying, Come Lord : Jefi1s, Sweet. Jefus, illtQ thy Hands I commc11d my Spirit..-- Being ' : asked by thofe about him, if his Paills were great, he anfweied, That he did not efleem tbat a Pain, ~ubicb fbould be ullto him the ~ud of all Troubles, ancl beginning of eternal Joys. ---- Often:. times, after fome deep M~ditations, he burfl: forth in thefe Words, 0 ferve tbe Lortl i11 Fear, and Death jball11Dt be trou~lejome unto yor1 : Blej]erf is the Death of tbofe that bave Part In m tbe Deatb of Cbri.ft.

234 17Je HrsroRY of the MARTYRs In the Evening, havingjlept fame Hours together, but with great Unquiewefs ( for he was heard to fend forth many Sighs and Groans) .Being asked, after he awaked, How he did find himfelf, and what it was that made him to moum fo heartily in his Sleep? He anfwered, In my Life-time I have oft beei1 ajfoultcd with Satan, and 11111.ny Times be bath cafl in my Teeth my Sins, to bring me to Dcfpair; yet God gave me Strength to oocrcome all bis Temptations: aml110W that li.1btile Serpeqt, wbo never ccafctb to tempt, bath takm another Comfe, and fceks to per fiMdc me, that all my Labours in the Miniflry, and the Fidelity that I have Jbev.m in that Service, batb merited Heaven and Immorta!it): but blq[Jcd be God, that brought to my Mind tbefe Scriptures, What hall: thou, that thou bait not received? and not I, but the Grace of God in me. With which be is go11c a~uay afbamed, and Jball 110 more return. A11d uow I am Jure, my Battle is at an end; and that without Pain of Body, or Trouble of Spirit, I fbal/ fbortly change tbis mortal and mifcrable Life, 'l.oitb that bappy and immortal, which never Jball ha'l.!e end. After one had prayed for him, he was ask'd whether he beard the Prayer ? he anf1vered, Would to God that ye had beard it with Jucb an Ear and Heart as I have done ! adding, Lord Jcfus, receive my Spirit. With which Words, without any Motion of Hands or Feet, as one falling ajleep, rather than dying, he ended his Life. When he was buried, the Earl of Morton being near the Grave, faid by \~ray of Epitaph, Here lies the Body of him, who in his Life-time uavcr feared the Face of Man.


La lams. Simon Lalccus to Silvcfler his Executioner faid, Never faw l a Man in all my Life, whofe coming was more welcome to me, than thine . .. Silveflcr, feeing the great Faith and Confl:ancy of this blefied Martyr, was con'l.!ertcd, and with all his Family removed tO the Church at Geneva. Lambert. The firfl: Article againfl: him was, Whether he was ful peCl:ed, or infamed of Here.fie? Unto yourjirfl Demand (Jaid he) I anfwer, That I am not certain what all Perfons at all Seafons have deemed or fufpcfted of me ; peradventure fome better, fome worfe. The Opinion of the People was never one, but thought diverfly of all the famous-Prophet!, and of



Epitomi;r,'d, alpbabetically. the Aptiflles, yea and of Chrij1 himfelf; fome faying, that he was a very good Man; others faid, Nay, and called him a Seducer, &c. Seeing therefore that all Men did not fay well by drift, the Autlior ofVeriry and Trmh, yea Trinh it fdf, fJc. what fhould l need ro regard, if at fume Time fume Perfon for a little CaLle fhould JufpeCl: of me amifs, and Evil report of me? &c. Wo be unio you; '<uiJerl all Mm [peak \cell if you; for Jo did their Fathers to the Jalfc Prophets ... In his Anfwer to their Jecond Demand.---- Our Prelates have fent our Commandments, that if any PerLn l11all adventure w keep any of Lr1ther's Books, they il1all be excommunicated, [f]c. But this is no Novelty ; for frJ did their Fore-fathers the Prelates in Chri11's Time, &c. When Chrift \\'Cilt abom ' preaching, the Scribes and Pbarifces, who were l'relates then, ~ave a general Command, Tbat ~uhofo>ver c~rffj)ed bim to be Cbrifl, fbould be put out ~f tbc Synagogue, &c. The Apoftles were in like Manner lerved. ln the Old T jlamc11t they procured of one, that was 'a temporal Ruler at that Seafon, to have the Prophecy of Jeremy ( for he of all other is moil: rehement againfi: the Dil1imulation of Pricjts) to be burned .. lf they had the Spirit of Chrifl, which they claim and pretend to, they would follow the Counfel of the Apojl.Ics, To prove all Things, and to wai11 tbat on!;' which is good, refraining frouz all tbat batb Semblance of Evil; and to try tbc Spirits of tbem lbt fbould fpcak, ~ubether they ~om of God, or no . .... The Priefls ( faith Cbryfoflome on Mattbcw) that were Pbarifees in Chri!l:'s Time, made an Ordinance, That whoftcvcr jbould ackno'..uiedge Jcfus to be Cbrifl, jbould be excommu11icate. If the ; Pharifees or Pricjls, that now do occupy their Rooms, fhould . make a like Ordinance, becaufe they would not have Chrifl:'s , Doclrine profeffed for hindring their Lucre, fuould we leave cfl' to feek after the Knowledge of Chrifl:'s DoElrine? No , v~rily. When it was objected againil: Ifierom, that he retamed by him the Works of Eufebius an.d OrigCII, he bringeth, . to prove that i.t was lawful for him, that Paffage of the Apojlle, . Prove all Tbings,&c.----Thefe Things prove, that! and others . ~a~ fafely ( no good Law inhibiting, but Confiitutions Phii , nfa1cal) read the Works of Luther, &c. ) I~ his Anfwer to their fifth Demand ..... It is evident from UChnft's Words, Wben you have dne all Tbi11gs commanded, Jay ;j ye1 yor1_ be ullprofirable Servants, &c. That he would not have ~ us efi:eem our Merits, when he have do11c wbat is commamled

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236 Tbe HzsTORY of the MARTYRs hy God, but reckon our felves to be Servants tmprofitable to God, furafmuch as he hath no need of our Well-doing for his own Advancement, G'c. And if we ought not to attend our 1\llcrits, in doing the Commamfmellt of God, much leiS in obferving our own lllventions, or Traditiolls of JY!ell, unto which there is no Benefit in all Scripture, which Paul calleth the Word of 1htth and Faith, promifed. , In his Anfwer to the ./ixtb Demand. --- That they 'JJill ml Julfcr Marriage to be jolemnized at all Times of the Tear ; I r.hink, it ilandeth not with Chri!l's Rule, but rather is againfi the fame. ---- In the Primitive Church (as ancient Doctors deem, and the Scripture in mine Opinion rccordeth the fame) there were no more Officers in the Churches of God than Bifbops and Deacons. Hierome, in his Com. on the Epi!lles of Paul, faith, That thofe whom we call Priefls, were none other than Bifhops, and the Bifbops none other than Pri~~s, f!]c. Neither were they chofw, as they be now a-days, &c. But they were ahofen not only of the Bifbop, but with the Content of the People, among whom they ihould have their Living (as il1eweth Cypriml) and the People ought to have Power ( as he faith ) to chufe Priefls, &c. But alas ! fuch Elections are now baniil1ed, and new Fafi1ions brought in. In his Anfwer to the tbirteentb Demand. ---1 fay, that there is a Purgatory in this World, the Fire of Tribulation, through which al!Chri!lians fi1all pals; as tell:ifies Paul, whofeTell:imony is full, notable, and true, albeit that few do know it, and fewer will believe it, That all that will live godly ill Cbrifl Jefiii, fba/1 Juffcr Pmfecution. In this Purgatory do I now reckon my felf to fhnd; God fend me well to perfevere unto hil Honour. Of this fpeaketh St. Peter,---- For a SeaJon ye sri Jzmdry Ways a,tJlifled and tormented, that the Trial if your Faith, &c. tbougb it be tried with Fire;might be found unto Laud, Glory, and Honour; at tbe appcariilg of Jcjits Chrijt, &c. Other Pnrga tory know I none.- In his Anfwer to the [Bvcntecntb Demand.-- Forfomuch no poutive Law of Man, made without Foundation of ture, may bind any Perfon, fo that :in breaking of fuch he therefore fin deadly; and of this fort made by Man is Fa!1: of Lent, and other Days ordained in you~ Laws ' Authority of Scripture, &c. ---In his Anf1ver to the otle and twentieth Demand. --- may be wrongfully fufpeCl:ed of Hcrejie, as -the Bifhops ann


t j

Epitomiz'd, alpbabetically. ~37 Priefls, with their Orator Tertrdlus fufpeEI:ed Paul, &c. And their Predeceffors fpake of the Propbcts, yea, and of Cbrift hinlelf, calling him a Seducer and Preacher of Hcrcjie. Men being thus fufpeEl:ed, o~ght in no wife therefore w ceafe preaching, as is evident in' the Inll:ance of Percr and Jobn, &c. which is written without Doubt for our InflruEl:ion : So that thereby you may fee, when Men be wrongfully fufpel:1ed or infamed of Here/ie, and fo prohibited by Bifbops w preach : the Word of God, that they ought for no Man's Command: ment to leave or flop, & : In his Anfwer to the two and rwcntietb Demand ..... Pricjls ; have two Names in Scripture, Pmbyteri & Saccrdotcs. They ; arc moll: ufually called Presbyteri, who are fet to be Prelates ! in the Church, to guide the fame by his blefli:d Word. And ! Prie!l:s thus called Pmbytcri in the Primitive Church ( whac i Time were but few Traditions and Ordinances, to l.::t us from ~ the !l:rait Inftitu~ion made by Cbrift and his Jlpoflles) were: , the very fame and none other but Bifbops . ..:. As mauy as arc :1 in this wife Pric[ls, ought to preach freely the \i\1 ord of God l in all Places and times convenient, &c. Others be called Pricfls i bv this Word Samdotes, and thus be all Chriflians, &c. 1 l'hefe otight not all to preach openly in general Afiemblies, &c. ~1 !'et privately are they bound for InfiruEl:ion of their Scrvallts, -~Children, Killsjolk, &c. to fpeak that that il10uld be for the ,! De!l:ruEl:ion of Vice, and upholding and increafe of Venue, .\&c..... Notwithftanding this, 1 fay, both by Supportation of J God's Law, and alfo of Laws written in the De~rees, that 'i in Time of great Neceffity Lay-people may preach, &c.---( : In his Anfwer to the four and tr.uclltictb Demand ..... E:c\l (Oimmmicatioll bindeth before God, if it be lawfully denoum:ed, :\i if the Perfons be guilty, and if it be done with the Confctlt {!if others gather.ed, with the Bilhop in Chrifl's Nan;yor the ,~)Behoof of Chnfl s Church; for fo ufed St. Paulm excom';':! municating the incefluous Corinthian, and Chri!l: requireth \i (Mat. I3.) &c. So that Excommunication ought to be done :{ (as. methinketh) by th~ Congregatio11 affem.ble_d together with "1 theu Paflor, whofe Advice they ought prmcipally to efi:eem ~jand fo~low, if it be vert~o~s and godly. . . ' :1 In his Anfwer to the tbtrttcth Demand.---Where you fpeak :f. of Prelates Deputies, I think fuch be little behoveful toCQrifl:'s f~:.~ Flock. It w~re right and neceffary, that. as the Prelates rvhell\felves :W~ll have ~he _RcWiil!CS, &c. they fuould tfihjern :1 eyes


.238 The HrsToRY of the MARTYRs felves labour and teach diligently che Word of God, and not fhift the Labour from one w another, till ( pity it is ) all bt: kft undone, Such doth Saint Jolm call Thieves and Murlfmcrs, &c. God would have every Man get his living by Ihe s~ucat of hil o~on Firce, i. e. by his Labour, according to hi Ethre and CJ!Iing ..... In his t\nfwer to the five and tbirtictb Demand ..... That one fingul.tr r~rf<,n m~y jndge more rightly, than a great Multi~uc!e al1;;mb\ed in a Council, appeareth by God's Law, and by the Law of Man. Caiapbas is one Infiance; A whole Council did !l.tbmit to his Sentence. Gamaliel is another. Agreeable to this we find in the Decrees, Difl. 3r. the whole Counci I of Nice commtnding the Sentence of Paphnutius, and upon this, tim Paphn~tius did refill and prevail again!l: the whole Council : the Glofs nmes, that one fingular Perfon may gain-fay an univer!al Generality, having a reafonable Cau(c.: on his Side. Panormitane alfo gives his Suffrage. I would ( filirh he) rather believe one Lay-perfon, bringing in for him Autbol'ity of Scripture, than univerfal Council, that ordaineth a Thing ~oithout Scripture. t , In his Anfwer to the five and fortieth Demand ..... Co~ wning Opinions or Conclufions, I call tell you of none other than I have {hewed: The Sum whereof I think conduden in thefe. two Scripture-Propofitio11s, ( r) Chrift is th~ Head Comcr-ftone of our Faitb, whereupon it ihould be grounded, 1leitbcr is tberc Salvati Oil ill any otber, &c. ( 2) Mm do worjbip God itz vai11, teacbillg Doffrines and Precepts or Laws humane. Thus I certifie you of all the Opinions and Conclufions, which I intend or have intended to fufl:ain, and not to de dine from, neither for Fear, nor yet for Love of Man Men......... ~ Thefe Anf~~ers of Mr. Lambert to the five and cles againft him;were diretted arid delivered tciDr. Arch-Bilhop of Canterbury, about the Year 1532. From the Danger he was in at that Time hie' was livered, by the Death of Dr. Warbam. But falling . frefu Troubles through the Indifcrerion of Dr. Tailor Dr. Barnes, to mak'e the quicker Work ( folli:l\ving ~he pre cedent of St. Paul; appealing to Cctfar) he appe~Js to , King: who !laving lately taken upon him the Title of Supreme Head of the Church of England, . ihew Hend h~d a Tong:ig could fpeak in Matters of


239 Epitomiz'd, a~babetically. Whitehall the Place and Day is appointed, where an .Ac't-ROJ'al was kept, the Ki11g himfelf being Opponent, and Lambert the Anf11rercr. When the King commanded him to declare his Mind, &c. H~ gave God Thanks, 1uhich had Jo incli11~d the Heart of the King, :that be himfelf would not di{dahz to bear and !inderftand the Comroi verfies of Religion; for that it happencth oftentimes, tbrougb tbc Cmclty of the Biihops, that ma11y good a111i imwcmt Mc1z i11 many Flam are privily murtbered and put to Death without the King's Ktlvluledge. l!ut 110w forafmuch as that High and Eternal King Kings, in 1uboje Hands art the Hearts of all Princes, hath the King's Mind, that be himfelf ".oi/l be prefent to till the Caufcs of his Suftjefts, 1 do not doubt, but that God bring fame great Thi11g to pafs through him, to tbc jetti11g rf the Glory of his Name. When the Kit1g was worfled and wearied, Arch-Bifitop fupplied his Place, arguing though civilly, yet ilirewdly !l: the Truth, andifaith Dr.Fuller) his own private Judg; which was worfe (faith the fame Author) than keeping Clothes of thofe who killed Stephen, feeing this .Arch Bifbop aclu~lly caft Stones at this Martyr, in the Arguments he \ec againfl him: Yet after his whole Body was reduced to

of his cordial Integrity to the Truth, though Fear too prewail~d, and too often on him. After the Difp!Jte was ended, the King faid unto him, What thou now? Art thou yet fatisfied ? Wilt thou live or what fa yell: thou? Thou hafl: yet free Choice. Mr. anfwered, I commend my Soul unto the Hands of God; my Body I wholly yield and jitbmit to your C1emency. The King notwith!l:anding commanded the Lord Cromwell read the Sentence of CondmmatiOil againfr. him. And it is obfervable, that through the pefliferous and crafty of Gardiner, Satan (who oftentimes raifeth up one to dellroy another) brought about the Death of this by fuch, viz. Tailor, Bames, Cranmer, and Cromwell, afterwards fuffered the like for the Gofpel.'s Sake. Afte.r his legs were conlumed and burned. to the Stumps; hfung tip fuc!l Hands as he had,. and Ius Fingers Ends with' Fire; cried unto the People in thefe Words, . CHRIST,. None but CHRisT. :Mr. Cl~mmt Coemdn hiS.. Epifile to the Reader, before h~ .

, his Heart was found entire and unrouched; an Argu-


240 Tbe H1noa 'i.ofthe MART.YR's his No11a but Cbrifl, notes, that thefe Wor.ds were uc.tered b1 Mr. Lambert, as the tJiumpbant Voice of Faith, .after t.hat bs.bad tbrou~b the Pou:CI' of Cbrijt RUt to Flight tbe Fear of Hell, Sin, mul Death, &c. as by doubhng of them .may :appear : . and that by w:i'y of Imitation ( not tying .any to Syllables) rhev well btfecm the Thoughts and Speeches alfo of !every Cbrirri~n, .upon fur~ an~ f:tfe Grounds, as. ~n their daily, fo t:v~n m wtJr lafl: Conlhas, to be taken .up and ufed. Latimer. . After :Vir: /Juvb Latimer was converted, .and \Vas become a . . Lm:1l;c f,,; prt:.lc:Jing.the Word,_ Dt. Rcd11um -wrote .to him to dii!'wade him: ty which Letter he .returned the fol!owi~g 1\nfwt:r ; Reverend Mr. Redman, It is enaugh.for-me, lbal Cbrijt's Shctp hcrJ.I' n1 Mrm's Voice, but Cbrijt's; and as foryou, yo.t have no Vuia of Cbrijt again!l me, whe_reas far my Palt I have. an Hem reaJy w hearken to any Voi~e Gf C6rift, t!tat yon tan bring' me. Thus fare you well, and trouble me no more from talking witb tbe Lord my. God. When he was cited to appear before Dr. Warbam, .Arch Bifhop of Camerbul'y,,:&c. and kept in London from his Charge at W ejt !Ongjtoil in Wiltjbire, he wrote to ~he Arch-Bi~p, c::pofrulatitig the Cafe with him thus ... If Peter thaugh.t it jrift, that b.y Ralon of. his Office he fhould not c~aJ to teacb ilnil 'admoir!Jb tbe People, whiljt J;e fbould be. i11 tbis 1'abe1'nac/c; and that he fiwuld be fo much the more inftanl therein, .the .nearer he drew to Deatb; It cannot but ieem tmjuft, \hat thole, that will not preach themfelves, thould hindet thofe that are willing, unlefs they be throughout co.n fo~malile .to their Wills . Whatfoever I may fuffer for the Truth, 'Cannot trouble me ; for God liveth, and. he hath taken the Care of me ..... o that we were as diligent in, and as much devoted to what God reqr1ires, our own lnvemion.s+ Ui theho I fiatJd, immov:ea)lle, for God's Co1imumds; anHo feek not my,ow'n. Gain or Glory; but Chrill's; and fa. f.hall fr~nd, wbiHl: I t,reathe. ~- Who doth nat fee a manifefr Ab~fe of Things~ and feeing, grieve not becaufe.thereo,.1 and grieving, doth not labour the Removal thereof~. aqd,whe~ ~hall' it 'be 'removed,. vihilll the Ufe is ,preached up)i. ~d the Abufe concealed ~ _The Truth is, the, -Abufe ..canpot but fo long reign.- Go forth ar1d teach all}'hings ( fai~h Chri~) IYbat all Things ? All Things:. (fait~ he~ wbich Icominandtd


yori; he doth not ftw all Thmgr) that

fua!Ueem unto yo,ar


. 24i fclves fit to be preached. Go to therefore, I befeech you by

the immortal God, let us all and every one intend \Vith all our Soul to preach what Gotl requirctb, le[l: we become 4drtf. ' terators andNuckflcrs of preaching, rather than true Preachers; efpecially feeing Men -are inofl: dull co\vards the Tbings of .. Gad, and moll: ready for their odn Tbi1igs, needing no Spurs at all, bein.e; deceived ~y .an unju!l: Eil:imation of Things, and an innate Superftition, ;receivrtd from Fore-fathers; \'thich can fcarce be healed by a(iy .preaching; though frequent, earnefr, and !incere. Hence I dare not fubfcribe to the rude Propofitions; becaufe i .~:ire not be a Means of the continuing of popular Superllitiop;le(l:. I' be the Author of my owri Darr.~ nation thereby. h ~is not,: I afl'ure you, any Pride that hinders me from ..c~at: ~Subfcription, which your Lordlbip hath fo often to my: very great Grief reqt1ired of me. It ran not but be wicked' not to obey the Fathers of the Chuicb; but yet they m1ifl: fee what and wherein they command,. i'eeing it i.3 faid in a certain Place, We ought tv obey Gael rMber thmz ivfail ..... .In a Sermon of his at Stamford, OEtob. !}'. 1556. he hath t\e following Words concerning the crafty and deceitful Hmdling of thofe Bifbops in his E){aminations, and what fubtile Devices' they ufcd to in trap him . J was once (fait b. he ) in Examination before fiw or fix Bifhops, where I had much 1\;rmoiling; Every Week thrice -I came to Exainina_. t~on, a~d many Snares and T~aps were laid to get (omething. NOIV (,od knoweth, I was Jgncrant of the Law, but that' God gave me Anfwer and Wifdom what I iliould (oeak. It \:as God indeed; for elfe I had never efcaped them. At !all: the Cbambir wherein I was wont w be examined was fomewhat altered; whereas there was wont .to be a' l~re in the Chimney, now .there ,V.as none -but _.l.lrr.as was hanged over the Cbitmzey. A fubtile uefrion 'being: propounded to tne; I pray you, Mr. Latimer ( aid one) fpeak out, tam very thiCk of hearing, and here be manythat lit afar off. I marvelled at this, that I was bid. fpeak our, and began co fiifpect fomewhat, and gave an Ear to the Chimney, and there J hard a Pen .moving, they having appoinred Gne. ther~~to write all my Anfiers. God was my good Lord, and:gave me Anfiver, I could never .elfe have efcaped it .. . .. , Afcer he was made Bi{Eop of Worcefter; he, !&as acriufed 1 Defore the ICing; the Story Viliere.of he gives .u's in a Sermon R he

Epitoinlz'cl; 'fllphahdtitalfy:

The HrsTO RY.ti f the MART YR's his Narzc but Chrifl, notes, that there Words were uttered bv Mr. Lambert, as the triumpbmzt Voice of Faith, after tbat bB l!iid tbrouJ!,b the Power nf Cbrijt put to Nigbt tbe &ar of Hell, Sin, ami f);atb, &c. as :)~' JJubling of them may appear : and th:.1c by \\':i'y of Jr,,,:arion ( not tying any to Syllables) rhey well bt:lccm the Thoughts and Speeches alfo of every Cnriiri.m, uprm furt: and f::fe Grounds, 35 in their daily, fu l:lcn in ti:t:Jr la!t Co111lids, tv be taken up and u[ed. Latimer. T ' '' 1Uc!J La!ll!!~r was convene d, an d was become 1\C :>~r. ]T ucc:J L :n::::c f: i prc.<c:ring tlw \Vord, Dr. Rcdma!l wrote to him lil ,:iil"r.. .~cle iri:n: UJ wLid1 Letter be returned the following jl:rf\.,:r ; Reverend Mr. R~c!man, It is enough.for me, that Cbri1i-'s Sh::p bcxr llJ t\Lm's Vo!cc, but Chrijl's; and as for you, yo: h,w:: rrll f"',. it~ ~j' Cbr&'l :Jglin!lme, whereas for my Part I luv.: an ilem read ; w hearken to any Voice ef Chrijt, tint yon L'an bri:1g me. Thus fare yon well, and trouble me no mnre f'rom ttilking ~oitb the Lard my God. \\' /Jf:n he WJS cited to appear before Dr. TVarbam, ArchBifhr,p nf Camerbury, 8-:c. and kept in Lo11d011 from his Charge ac Wcjl Kingjlun in Wiltjbire, be wrote to the Arch-Bifiljp, e::pdl:ulating rhe Cafe with him thus.--- If Peter thought it j!Ut, thac by Reafon of his Office be lhould not aafe to tcf!Cb and admonifb tbc People, wbil[t ,;e fbort!d be in this Tabcmacle, and that be fhould be fo much the more injlm:t therein, rhc. nearer he drew to Deatb; lt cannot but leem 1 w;j10 l, r:nt dw!e, tim will not preach tbemfelves, fi10uld hindei thofe that are willing, unlefs they be throughout conformable to their vVills. --- Whatfoever I may fuffer for the Truth, cannot trottble me; for God liveth, and he bath taken the Care of me.----0 that we were as diligent in, and as much cievoted to whar. God requires, as our own Inventio11s. --- Hi therto I frand, immoveable, for God's Commands; and fo feek not my own G3in or Glory, but Cbril1's; and fo fhall fiand, wbilll: I hreathe. ---- Who doth not fee a manifefi: Abu[e of many Things? and f~eing, grieve not becaufe thereof'! and grieving, doth noc labol'r the Removal thereof? and when 1hall ic be removed, w:1ilfl: the Ufe is preached up,- and the libufe conc::~iled ? The Truth is, the Abufe cannot bu~ fo long reign.--- Go forth alld teach all Thi11gs (faith Chrifl ) Wliat a!l Things? Jill Thilw,; (faith he) whicb I COIIJIIlCilidd }O!!; he d'Jth ll'l~ f1y !Ill Tbi11gs, that {hall fet:m umo yc ;'

r '\r ael ,~

Epitoiniz'd, alpbabcticaliy:


fdves fit to be preached. Go to therefore, I beft?rch you by

the immortal God, let us all and every one intend with all our Soul to preach what God requirctb, leit WI.! become Adttlterators and Nuckflcrs of preaching, rarh.::r than true Preachers; efpecially feeing :\I~n are mof'c dull tc.nrds the 'l.'hmgs of. God, and moft ready for tk.'r r-con TiJi;:gs, nccdini; no Spurs at all, beinp; deceived by an unjul1 E11imation of Things, and a'n innate Superfliticn, icct:ivuJ from Forc-fr.tlms: l'.'liich CJn fcarce be healed by anv prc:Jclling, rhnugh fn:quc:m, c:Jrn:.-:!1-, and fincere. --Hence I dare not fubfcri)e ro the rude Propo!itions; bec:mL l d~re not be a illc111S of the con~inuing of popular Supcrfl:ition;ldl: I be Lbe Author of n:y Oll'r. T),m:o" nation thereby. - ll is nor, l a:1~Ire vot:, anv Pride that: hinders me fro:n that Sub(crip:ic-,n, .,:_,hich ;:our Lordlhip bath fo often to mv . vcr-)' great Grid rec:uir:::d of me. It ran not but be wicked not LJ o'>?v the Fathers of the Cburcb; bm yet they muft J't:e wlw anj wherein they c,1mmand, feeing it io i:1id in a c:rtaie~ Fke, TV~ cught ~~ ob~y Go1i ratber tban Mm;. --- In a Sermon of his at 5r,u;f,;rr 1, O.~ob. 9 I55G. he hath t\e following Words Ccli:cern;ng the crafty and dcceitfl'! H1ndling of thoft: Ei!baps in his E:uminatio:1s, and what fubtile Devices they u:::d w incrdp him. 1 r' lS one,; { J.iitb be) in Ex~1minarion hcfc,re fi:c ')/" .h:..; !Jijhcp:;, where I had much '1\;rmoiling. E1c:rv We~k t'mcl: l came to Lamina" tion, and 1mny Sn1rcs and Tra;;s 1:cr~ laid to ;~ct C:Jm~tbing. Now God knoweth, I wJs l_:.::ncr(!r:t u~ the La~v, but thClt God gare me Anf1ver and VVil~cJ:u wl}1t I ilwu!d lp::.d-:. Jr. was God ind~ed: for eli~ l hJci Ikl'ci' c1:Jocd them. 1\r h!l: the Cbamb:r wherein I "~:.1s wont tJ be ex~u11ir1ed was fomewh~t ai!cred; whereas tLerc \\r~s wont to C\! a Fire ::1 the Chimney, now there 1\'JS none bm Lir:ar 1\':JS iJ~n;;ecl_ over the Chimney. i\ fuS:ilc0 Qncfli,)!l 'b<:in~ proponnch:d tc me; I pray you, Mr. La!im~r ( Jil!cl o1;:: _\ _f;1n~ o::. I am very thick of hearing, and here b~ rnJny tine lit 2F~: ,5. I marvelled at this, that I WJS bid !peak r.m, ~1d bc;?,:.n c'J f'JpdJ; fome1vhar, and gave ~n Ear to the Oimncy, :;;-d tiJere J. hllard a Pen movinP, thrv lnvin!!, ;a,c>c< c.:~_. rh~re to u . ' write all my .Anf~ucrs. G-1d \\las r.:~~ ~-J -,,1\i I.. ~rJ, ::.r!:! g..t'-': rne Anfwer, I could ne-_cr elfe h~1-:: .:fCJ'Jc\; ir. r:cer he \Vas made L'i'fl;;o of Jl"J--'/r .. - 1'iC ' ' ,.,', ' ' ' ' " ~ , AII '"}' , U '), ib~fore the /(ing; the Story whereof ht: give> ;:.s in a <;c:.J):JI1


0 "'"'



1/;c H r sToRY of the MARTYn s l~<~ pH~::ched afterwards, before Kin?; Ed;vard. In the I\illg~ Dar; rhat is d~aJ ( faitb be ) many of us were called tO?;~ther btf,m: him, to fay our Minds in cwain ]Hatters. In the :n:l o11c kneeling down, accufeth me for preaching jeditiuw DIJ~lrilte. A !wavy Salutation! The 1\.iug turned to me, and ii;i:i .; What fay you to that, Sir? Then I kneeled down, and UW!...J me firll: to my Accr~{cr, and f<tid, Sir, What Form of pi\\, -J,ing would you appoim me, in preaching before a ll.inr; '? W u1d ~ you have me preach norhing as concerning a Kin;; m the .i\iug's Sermon?---- Then turnin?; to the fling, I f<1id, J ncvu tlJOught my ft:lf worthy, nor did I e\er fue to be a .Fr.: ,,:.r:-- before your Grace, but I was c.dled to ir, &c. And ,> , u<.:l Grare allow me for a 'I'reacbcr, I would dclire your ' (. .z<( ':'give me Leave to dijcbargc my Confi'imce, and to ji-amc ;,;y O;~'rine acrurdin{': to my .dwlimcc.----AnJ 1 thank Almighry ! ;<>:~ :_which hath alwavs l:cen my Remedy) thar my s.~yin[~S v ,_.r, '':ell acccp,ed of the lling, &c. It is (;\'Cil as the Scrip' : . r:,idJ, The Lord direi'letb the King's !!cart. Certain of my i rien.> c1me to me with Tears in thdr Ere~, and told nw, Tit.y iool;ed l lhould hare be::n in rhe Ta,::er the fam.:
"\,J rl- f<' J ;.:. '

l";;-;J the coming in of the .fix ,Jrticles, he did of his own i',c:. :\,:cord rdign his Eijboprick; and fo was !ilent till King T-;J;:J.J.:,."s Da1s. ----At what Time he firf1: put oir his Rocket, :i'l !,i; Cbambei among his Friends, Judd en/)' be ga;;e a Skip ill rl;,: .l.r~:- for Joy, (etlin,g his Shoulucrs fr> li~ht, and being dilcharg ~u (a~ he 1;1id) of fuch an bca-;;y B~mlcn. in 1\ing Ed-,~ard's Days he was a diligent Preacher, and a:' kt, d l:udent (at his Study about two of the Clock in the _::_ Lurni,,g, Wimer and Summer, though his Body had been fu;c '~ruifcd by the Fall of a Tree, and he above jixt)' fevo. "Yem of Age.) And he did fo evidently forcfbew and pre .;,f.,_:i; r,f all thole Plagues, which afcenvard enfued, thac if .r:.>:,::cd el'er had a Propbet, he was one. \:; touching bimfelf, be ever affirmed, That the preaehint; ,< d-t: Gofpel would call: him his Life; to the which he no k!i c>earfull y prepared himfelf, than certainly was perfwaded, .'1::c i!'incbrfler was kept in the Tower for that Purpofe : as \<W E1ent did roo truly prove the fame. J~ ,Jay be queried, Seeing that Latimer was outed of hi , .i!ljicl: in the Days of King Henry the Eighth} on th,: k:; .tnt of the fixtb ,Jreicle, why was he nor refiorcd to th::

"'n'~" Jr~ ~"'

24 3 Epitomiz' d, alpbabctically. fame under King Edward the Sixth, efpccially feeing Heath his Succeifor was legally deprived, and the Place aCtually void; whereas on the contrary, Hugb Latimer cominued Hugb Latimer, without any Addition of Prefennent 1 fl. bte Ecclefiaflical Hiflorimz anfwcrs, It w::s not for want of any Favour from the King, &c. nor becaufe his down-right Sermons difobliged the Courtiers, who generally delight ill fft l'rcacbiug, as ilz Joft Clot bing; nor om of Sullemzef", becaule he would not be bedded again with that Wife, which ( thongh unwillingly) had in his i\bfcncc embraced another, &c. But we impute it either to his Canj,icnce ( oft-times fbmpcfl, in the blwztcft Men) becaufe he wnuld not be built on the Ruins of allother, efpecially knowing llcatb one of a meek and moderate Nature; or to his /lge, who JJ.?r::;i/lai-like was Juperalill'latcrl for earthly Honour, &c. Or bccaut<.! he found himlelr not fit for Govemmcnt ; better for Preaching, than Ordering Ecclcjiaflical /{lj:1irs: Or la!l:ly, bccaufe he prophetically forcJa1u, that the Ingratitude of the Englifb Nation would (bortm their Happinefs, and King Erk.>ard's Life ; and he w:!S loth to come into a Place, onlv to go o.tt the1eof. Sure I am, ic was a loud Lye, which Parfms te:ls, Tilat Latimer was kepc bare. He kept himfelf b~re, li\'ing noc in the Want, but Neglect, yea Conrempt of all worldly vVtalth; thrmgh l1e was the Corban or 1/cajtry, into .wbic~1 Refl:ored-ill-gottengoods were cafl:, tv be bcfl:owed on the Poor, according to his Difcretion. At the coming of Q!Wl Jlary (by t:1c m:cJns, no DoubrJ of l{/'incbeflcr) a Purlc\ant was fent down to cite him to appear at London,of which Jo!;;; Cm-Jcs gwe him Xotice lix Hours before; yet he would not elcape, but prcparcJ hi:;:!~lf for his Journey, before the faid :\JdLngcr l:ame to h;s i Iou!e, at which the Pwjcvant wondred : th:::reupon he raid unto him; My Friend, ;ou be a ;celcomc Mcljengcr 10 me. And be it know1z unto you, awl to all tbe TVorld, tbat I go as -;oilli!:gly tiJ London at tbis prefcnt, being called by my Prince tu rc:J'ier all Accozmt of my Doftrine, as c;;er I '-C.?S at any Place in rbe !Vur!d. I doubt not, but tbat God, as be bmb m,u!c me \.uortby 'a prcacb his Word before t-:.uo excellent Princ.:s, fu <;.l'i/[ be cn,;bie me to witnefs tbe fame u11to tbc tbird, either to her Comjo1; vr Diftomfurt eternally, &c. As he came up to L!illdull through Smitl.:ficld, withom the :Pttrfe'/Jatlt ( for he having delivered his Lmm, departed,



The H 1ST o1\ Y of tbe

MAr. T Yi\3

that Iii:: had CotnmJnd not to tariy for him ; whereby it is tli,k:Jt they would have h:1d him Heel out of lhe Realm) l;e lJid IIJt:rrily, 'n>at SmidJfidd l!iul hng grommi j(.r b!m. lnrhe Tuncr ht:ing kept wirilout Fir,, in the fro fly Weather, he b:~de the Lic!!Wlilns's il!::n tell his i\L!ler, Tim if he did llll I uk bc:ucr 1u him, per hop:. he would dcc.:iv,; him. Th<: Lieuttllt11lt c:!w{.'ili[.; l.irn wirh tide Words; His i\nf..ver was, 1 dil indeed 1:ly Jo; for you look, l think, rl1al I fhould !Jurn; bur e;;n:pt Y<U kt 1ne Inn: Jam.:: fire, .hm like to dc(~:in~ your Expcft~'.i"n, fur I am like here to lbrve fur Cold. From the To\\'.:r I.e 1\':ts tranfporced co O.ljord, wirh Arcbbi!1Jr_,p Cranmer, and fli ih 'P Ridley, to difpme witi1 the learned :Men of both u,.i,uli;i.s abouc rhe Prefence, Subllance, and 5Jcrifice of tht Sn~Tmncnt. When he '''"s brought before the CommiOiomrs, and :;ppoinccd to clifputc, b~: ~~!!edged Age, Sicknefs, Difufe an! l.a~:k uf Book~, fi1ying, That be was almoil as meet to difputc, 25 to he a c~prain c.f Cdicc; buc he \VOUld (he f:Jid) c!ecl:trc; his ~lind eich.:r Ly Writingor Word, ~nJ would ll:and to all that thev Cotl]d lay u:Jon his Back, compla~ning, That h~ . ens ptimitred ro hare neicher Pen nor lnkJ nor any Book,bu' only rhe New Tclfament, then in his Ihn;l, which (he faid) $10. h:1d read over Ieven rimes ckliberareh, aod yet could no;; 1inJ the Majs in ic, ntitber the l\:!arrow-bones, nor the Sinewes of ti,e fJr"e. Whe:1 he wa: brG<:f!};, to difpute, in the Clofe of his Pro a~Jlarion, "'h:::l1 he clc::in:recl co Dr. !Vejlon in writing, fay inf;, [[; me her~ prorrjl111y l:1itb, for 1 am ;wt able to dijjmtc, t!ild aft e;;:>~mis do ) O!!T l'lwfure ~viib me. I Ie hath thefe VI! ords; U Sir, )Oil Ilia)' (bat:e to li-Jc till you come to tbis Age mul Wea~11Cfs, t/;at I am rf. I !Jil;;c jjJokCIZ ill my Time before t"~o Kings; ~nore thrm once, t:"J? or tbrce Ho:m tn.gctber, 'cuitbout Imerillption; but 1W~v I conid not lc jill}eml to declare my 1Vlind before ~\'WJ :no, not &y tbe Space r:f a Q~w1ter of an Hour, ".vitbout Snatcbings, R.cvilings, Checks, Relmhs, and Taitnts. ----I pray God give ;u:: Gra'e ever "'d! to ufc pur Gifts, and ever to remember, Tbat 1"' ihat dwt'llech on Uigh, looketh on the luw Things on th:: :E.~;<h, and that ther;~ is no Counfcl againfl: che Lord ; an! cljo that tbrs fVorlrl batb &em, and JCI is a tottering JForld: a::! t.IJa! t!.ough wnnujt obe~1 Pril;m, yet in the Lord; for '-"'-'o _,,. t/Qib ~be; Pmn ~~~~inft ~h~ Lord, rfH] b~ mofl pmJirioi!I to thm:,. . A'~ '
~ ~ ~

Epitomiz'd, alpbabctically.


oiiJ tbe grcntrfl Ad~c1jaries that tbey ba"Jc ; for they fo proc!lre God's Vmgcm1ce o;: tbcm, if Gcd lc only tbc ](~t'cr of 1'lings. ---!would as fain o!J.:y my Suverci!',il, n.r m;y in this Realm; hut in thefe Tbings I c,m ;;c~rr do it ;'Ji:li an uprizbt Confdence, God be mercifTt! to ur. Amen. Then ( ftid WcjlGil) \ Oll rcrt{c to d:fpute; will yon here then fubfcribe? N~. r;wi JLyier (raHJ l\Jr. Lm imcr) I pray, be good to arz o!:J ,'ll.1i1, 0:r:. Dr. Cart;vrigbt teliing him, n~r k ~'!:1' of his Opinion, but he 'YJS lorry for it; ad (:e:irc"..J, !~c mi~ht repent alfo. Will ;ou ghc me le.1ve ( f.1id :\I:-. L.1:imcr) :o tell a!nt hatb caufed Mr. Doctor /ere to /'CciUit ? 1c is /',,;;a Lr~i.r, t''e Paia of the Law hatb brought _1'0'1 bd, ani r..;.-ctr'd :ro:1, m;d ;na:;y more, tbe whdJ lcttcth mm;y to Co7r~F:(l l:o:l. "hd tbis iJ ,; ;;;-c,:t
ilrgumcnt: Tbcrc arc

r!J,Jt em dij}:;f<,c it. Smith telling hi Ill, J 1~ \\'.IS not of Cbr\.fiflomc's 3110 Sr. A:iflinc's F<Jitb: I 0111 ( f:tid he) rf tbcir Fflitb, r,.tbrrz they fry "uc/1, and bri11p; Scripture for tbcm; and fartla, i\uftine rtq"tirctb not to be Hic1:cd. Wejlor1 telling him, He cnuld not h.w; fo~md his Dn[trine forty Years agone: The mnc C,,:fe ( [1il h(') f; ?VC <;t>: tc tlwik God, tbat h,7tb 11a:;> .fmt tbe l.i,~!Jt inro the ff,~.rld. Wcjloll prelllng t;im to r:c:mr: J~111 jhall l.uc lloJ ll."' ( f:.Iid

JC:'' h:u,

l1c) ill


to trtm. I

Bottom of my !lcnrt,

':1'.1\' 1 - . f.,r tiJc Ct~ccn d,ri!y, cc,'n jiom !1JJ '. rfJ,H f1 1r: ll1-1Y U!n' _(rO.i1l tl)f_, llL'!i,~ia:l.

\iVhen he W:JS excomn1uni:Jtr~rj Jy ff/~t:(l:0il, he ftiJ, I thti;:.'~ God mojl bearti/y, tbat /;r; h.1tb prr) :n,:c:l 1ny J.0L~, tn rbir f.I:.?j that I may ill tbis C;,f.: gluri,C.c Guo! 1 1/:er. .1 rf Ddrb. ,y :i!!1

\i\'hen he tt(a::; brn!J.l:.ht fJrth fr~_.;;11 the /JJil.~(f~, L'J F:e rt Mafs, with a gc:1ed P<oc,:Ji011, ar.d u:JJ~rftood 'j;) mu~h, be run as fall: as hi; old Bon~s wouid c~rry Lim to a Sbop, and would not look tm\ards it. After the Sentence wJs pafl: upon him, 1:~ vns C'lr..mitted again to Prifon in Oxford, where in Prap be oftcmim:::, ccn. tinued fo long kneeling, tlnt he 1\'35 11'.1t able to rife l'.'ithn12t Help; and among other 'fhings tbefe 1\'ere three j;i;;,:pa! Matters he prayed for. ( r) ThJt as God had appui:::cd. him to be a Preacher of his \V r:rd, fo he \\"ould !j1e hin Grace to Jj ffand to bis D;.'lri;zo to D.:Jth, th:Jt he n:i:d,t !'iro:! ., ,..., bis Heart's Blood for the f1me. ( :>, ) Thac Go,! ,f !::; 1\1ercy \Vould 1".~/fcrc; bis G'Jr;;d to Eng1Jnd onr;; a;~.7:'i; ~ ;:n l ti;~/(~ 1xr , 0 . .. ot:~o (it;: an:, I:1.. ole, 10 l!1~L::2~~t\:. ~E~d . . ,. " . , n oras r 1KC t!!em . ~..:..lC ...... ....



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Tbc H r sToRY of tbe M A RT Y Its into the Ears of the Lord God, as though he had fcen Cod before him, and lj1t1kc to him Face to Face. ( 3) ThJt GOli would prcjcrvc the L:1dy Fli.~:abctb, and make her a Comfort ro this comi(Jnk:lsRcalm of l:!igland. Neither liTre rhefc Thinp,s ddircd of him in vain, but the Lord moll gracioully granted every one of rhell: Rtqudk ( 1 ) The Lord al1if1ed bim to be ronjlant to the lafl:. At the Sta](c he lifted up his Eye.; towards Heaven, with an amiable and comfortable Coumcnanet.:, f.1ying-, God is faitlfiil, \vbicb dotb 1wt fr!ff'cr us to In tcn;prcd abil'Je our StrCilgtb. ;\ftcrward he fhcd his Blood in the Caufl: of Chrift The Blood ran out of his Heart in great Abundance, his Body bcin!\ opened by the Force of the Fire. ( ~) The Gofpclwas rcjlorcd again unto Ellgialld. ( 3) when the Enemies rriumphcJ, God's word was baniil1ed, no Place left for God's Servams to cover their Heads, God havin~-; wonderfully prcfi:rvcd the Lady Eli:::.abetb, fet her on the T/;ro;Je, and thereby the Captivity of forrowful Chri!lia1::, w:~s releafed. In his Letter to Mr. Morice. --- I thank you tl1at now nf late. you wou!J vouchfafe to write unto me, fo poOl' a Wretch, to my great Comfort among all thefe my Troubles.----Secing there is no Pain that can break my Charity and Patience, cauf'e me to difhonour God, to difpleafe God, to be difpleafctl with God, not to joy in God, bring me from Surety of Salntion, feparate me from Chrill:, or Chrifl: from me, I care the Jefs for ir. ---In his Letter in anfwer to Dr. Sbm.uood. ---- God gives m both what he knows bejl for us; to me Patience becoming a Chri!l:ian in the midfl: of my Sufferings, and to )'011 as found a Judgment, as you ha\e now a fervent Zeal.---- I faid, that all fcpcs, Bifbr-ps, Vicars, Rcflors, not entring by the Door, but <&ending tome other \Vay, are Thieves and Robbers, &c. I knee you gather, that I r~:J, <11! Popes, Bijbops, Vicars, Rctiors, fiiT:ply arc fo. 0 r:1y l3rotbt.:r, is this a good Colletl:ion? --Is there not a nf1 Di!Tcrencc between thefe two Affertions . .~lil ;;0t wrili[; ill by the Door arc 1/;icvcs, And all jimpl: uc Tbic~cs. vVbcnce 1 pray you could it feem to you to fay. Simp!y all arc Thic\'cs, when 1 [lid only, All not c11triug i .. "'' tbe Ducr arc Thieves? Unlefs perhaps all appear to }'D. t;J afcc:nd fomc oth~r Way, and not to <.:nter by the Door If' you rl,ihl fo, if' you be: w&, do not}:1_v that you do fo thin!;, :; vu l;nv.; huw dangerous it will be for you to fay lo. ---


Fpit nmi::, rl, a.1phabet ica!ly.

You fay, that C!mil clid only in ji:rrct, and not in pub1 lick, task the 1 hmif~er; LUi I arn hue a .\I tn, ll'lt a Se:Jr~hc:r of Hearts, de liut did nr.r. Ci11dl: !>1 :.: w:e accul~ them, even hcfore Lite iVI~d[iiwk, f:tyms, tf-':,c Wzt() yr/t, ,)'-;ri!Jr:r and Pbarijces, !lypr,critcr! It i> lrtc, I a111 but a ;vL1n, that rc~ nr:t the Spot lying hid in anfJli:u\ 1/.:mt, !J,It r,nlv tht: Life ~xpofed to the Vit:w of all, :111'1 f;, J,z,,win:; tbcm by ibdr hui:, whom Chrifl: W(Juld h:Jve lrJ k11 .J"nJ, I d1 C'>!Jdcr.J:J tiw. Cr;urfl: of Life, whot:vcr take it up, whi: 1 I l::vJ ofrc:n UdJ.lu1r.c:rl 1 in the holy Scriptures, and in tht: h,ly !ntcrpre:crs thc:rui Am not I then undc.:fl:rl'cdly lrJ'Jiid Vault with L, yr,~I Y .... \Nhat I fJJakc rightly c,ncc:rninc; the: c:,,cb, yr;u v:ickt:rl!y calumniate as if [ lwl n:1dc: :~!l q :d :.<.h i'cto 11 t0 the: LT: of the llcys, whcn thcrt: \l'.t> n. r. :~ \\'rJrd mc:ntir,nc:J C'lncc:rning the l'owcr of the 1\r"ys, &c. __ .. Bu:! only admJnt!lJA my Hearers, that the Church rl Cilrifl: II'JS built up em a ](<;c!>, and not upon the Sands, lefl: they trufl: in a dead Fai:b, and 1;ot jbcw Jorib tbcir r;1itb /;y their Works.--In his Letter to Sir ].;d,:;arr/B,lintotl. - To Rc:c~.rr.;;~n~e yout GoodncJs towards me, [ tln!l not c~;{: to pray m:: L-:.~d God, who is able, and ;:/I;J dr,tll indeed r~nrJ ~:1 thc::1 r.:nc fal'our the Fa\'uurc:rs c.r hi; Truth f,Jr b S1;"::; Lr t[:~ Tr:::1 s .,..:,1 J a commo11 'J'IJJ..;l" l.J,.J.. /H/:n'' ' r.\M,, ,\ -") f 'JI ' .::"-' hl - ,a: .. h 'o ' ''J 'I~ ;_ crcry Man flnll ani'\:er ano:ht'; D1:: : an:l I dJ,e J' ,._. .<.ir neither of ycur \\"rqi~~:;J, n)r rA a:l: :..Ian t;~~, ::ut hz '1.>-t:\ 1: "lld }o1 t!Jc 'I'.. ,,t 1 I t:.. t.- ('. u' ,. '\';, ......... , ,..,:,., [... " - ~~ ,.,_.:1 u 1/I,.U, JU .U \ J.t '''~ 1 ' I ' .,. ' . . a1 ~ ... I Inane I not a )'l[tJ~ I.l0 .'t t:~::: JJ.~.Jt} [ .. ~.~""l}:l, ;_r_:.::.:.1 r. ---'ric ' Gll'i '"""C D;,_,.,(,. cc;;ol'tcr-! .,..., /;' c.. . , ---'; ,., ,. jla bJoad'LVI , ''J'' .. 1.1 ... " ' j r.opcople!las ~,r r1z ,, .. , Tr'j~,~-, <'t'.,.,.,.--r:,:,." ,.. ,: ,.-.'':- . . . t .. _ . . _ ~ -~~---~ fi~0/'11' z';z Sea~' I ('I'" (~ S:z'-. ?' .... -~--)~ ,.!_- .... _.' . } . . , 'J'),'' ') .. ;, cf' ~-:J-''~ Flock, conrviucing, ccbauin.~-, a:;.,n:.;;f_ /:in;, ~-~.:.) :j 7>:. -:: ::::~ r . . --O to tJ'Oltblc I;I.IJU!fr:zTJ 1 , ,..,., .... I c', ,,) ,__,.;....,"\. ,.-: . . L .. ....\..... . 1 ,, , noiV a-days fo deeply confirmed i!J G~x~. L'' :~c i:::~:c:~: .', but that !.[ rna\' be 1JO\'C ond 1' ''0'"~ 1'--. ... , '.J ': .. .c , them tllat tile\~ \1'0'! 1d 0 0 \\'''' too,-.,~;--.> .,.c-. : ,:. o . " tljtei'S do !lOt pr"''J'' tl.." \'i'c'~- of th~ '1 " ,.. 1 o~ ' .... o C



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ll48 The HwroRY ~fthe MARTYR> Lord of l,m1daa? If he would have heard Pntl dechre hi; own Mind, he would have efc:Jped : hnt if he would have rigorouOy followed, ut,;!mque a/'~gr.ta f5 probattJ, and haYc gtven S~:ntence after the Rclatinn of the /lcwfm, good St. Paul mull ha1c born a Fagot at Paul's Crof;, lhe B!lhop d London being his Judge . .. Dut my Lord will l;ty, Fcrad1enturc that Men ~viii llit take the Preachers\~' ords otbm;i(c tba;z tlJ~y mcmz therein.--As though St. Paul's \Vords (I{r-m. 3) 11:cre 110t otherwik taken. Bcc:mfc he faid, T/;at our Unrig/;fcmfncfs commendct!; tbe Rigbtcoufurfs ~F Gcd, he was reported to mean, Tbat :l; fbould do F:vi! tbat Gr.od may rn1;!f tbcrcnf', tho' he meant nothin~ fo, &c. Now my Lord will not tbink ( 1 dai'c fay) that Sr. Pa:!l was to blame, that he fpak~C: no more "''-'arily, or more pl.;inl;, to avoid the OfFence of the People; but rather the Put!.:, for that they took no better Heed to hi.; !V!etming sea, he will pity the People, who had been f'o long nuzb! jn the DoElrine of the Pharifces, and wallrnred ill long in the Darkncfs of Man's Traditions and Sunerfl:itions, 1hat the '. ' . ,.Jere nnapt ro receive the bright Light of the Truth, ai~d -\vholefome DoCl:rine of God, uttered by St. Paul. Nor do I think, tbat my Lord will require more CircumfpeCl:ion in m:. than was in St. Paul, when he did not efcape jlandcrous 11. ports of them that be of corrupt Judgments, who reportt:~ him to fay whatfoever he appeared to them to fay, or what foever fl:!emed to them to follow of his S1Ying : So thev report us to Jay (faith Paul) fo tbey Jpcak E'ail of us, "'Jho.J. Damnatiml i.r jiJl. And I think the Damnation of all fuc!1 as evil report Preachers now a-clays, is ju!1 aifo. Yea, ChrU: himfelf was mif.reported and fallly accufed, both as to hie lYords, and alfo as concerning the Mca:1i1:g of his words. He f.1id, Dejl:ay ;ou; they made it, I can dcjlroy: He faid; This Tempi:; they r.ddocl, Made wit!; Hauds,to brin?: it to a con ir~ry Senfc. ----He did mean of the Temple cf bis Body; anJ ~hev di:l \nef1 it to Solomon's Temple.---- There be three Som cf T'crfnns, which can make no credible Information, (I ) .Jf,hf:f,,i,'>. ( ~) Ignnl'ani &!1cs, rmd rcuithout Jadgmmt. ( ~) H'!t~!J" ;o. which will fpel\' om in budder mudder more than ~hey d<Jr<~ :wow opcnlv. The fir!l~uil/ 1wt, the !econd cmmc;, the tl,ifd r:11;c ;:r;;: Therefore the Rclatioa of fuch is !let crC'dibk~ ;,nd cJrn0t occafion anv indifFerent Judge to n1ah.: }lrccd$ tJ_s~;inft ~ny f..;lm1, ....... 1~ is a gre;1t Co!nmendation, to

r ',


Epitomiz'd, alpbabcticai'y. be evil fpoken of by them, that be naught the:-nfehes; and to be commended of fuch, is many Times no lict!e Reproa.:h . .God fend us all Grace, to wifh well one to another, and w fpeak \\'ell one of another. l\It:feems, it were m0re corne!v for my Lml (if it were comely for me ro f.!V fc,) w be a "Frca:/;cr himfelf (having fo gre2t a Ct:re, ~s he lwh) Lh~n to be :! Difquietcr of Preachers, and to preJch noching at ail hi;ni'cll. ... I am fure St. Paul, the true l\linilrer "f C~ocJ, and f:ichful Difpenfer of God's Myi1erics, ~nd riMht Excn~piar of all true and very Bifhops, faith, 1/;ougb f;me ['read; Cbr!fi r:t' Envy, t!Jinking to obfcure me, and bring my .ht/;0rity il!tu Cjn:c;npt ; Jolil~ of Good'Will, thhzking to comfort ;nc: ;;ut:::iri~'!m;din.; fl that Cbrifl be preached, I joy alld,uil! joy. So much be regarded more the Glory of Cllliil:, and !Jromnti<lll Cf C:1rift's D0C trine to the Edification of Sou:s1 th;:il the MainrenJnce of his own Authority, Reputation and Dit;nity ; confldcring, th:1t what Ambority he had, it was to Edification, and not to Drf1rutlioll. Now I think it wer.: no Repro~ch to my Lord, hue rather very commendable, to joy with Pail I, and be gl.td th :r. Chri/1: be preached q!tavis modo, yeJ 1 though it II'Cre CI'Cll for Ell'J)', in Difdain, Defpite, and Contempl <'f his l.ordfbip . ... The Univerfity of Cambridge hath 1\mhorirv to :1dmi1: i-welve early, of which I am one, Jill! the fling's lligbt{s' c!id decree, That all admitted of Onirm:f/rirs fhould p:eac:l tiJID"i{/ out his Realm, as long as they preachccl 'i\'t/1 . .... To inh:bi~ :; Preacher admitted or the l~illg, is to difobcv the Kinr---iNc, ltiw Subjects, are bound to obey PM.vm, anci their Ordin:u;cc.': and are not the bigbefl Subjeels alfo, who ought to give ,,, an Enfample of fuch Obedience ? 1\s for mv prcJchin~r ir. felf, I tru!l: in God, my Lord of Lo11dan cannor .jui1lv bbn~.~ ' and reprove it, if it be taken as I fp1ke it; cr dte it is niJc my preaching, but his that falOy reportcth it ; 2s Uar;'i~l faith to one that depraved his Book : Q.;1em rccitas meus eft, 0 Fidentinc, libcilus: Sed 11111/c dum recitas, i;zcipit fje tli!IS. In E1lglifb thus ; Mine is the Book thou readeft, Fidentine: But thou, 11ot readi11g right, doft make it rbine. Now I hear, that my Lord of Londo;l is informed, and hath

informed the King, that I go about to defend Biiney and his

Caufe, again/1: his Ordiuaric-s and .'ludges : whereas, I bJd nothing to do with llilll<y, exc:;pt his Judges did him wrong; for


1'lie HrsToRY rf the MARTYRS for I did nothing elfe but admonilh all Judges indifferently to do right. ----It might have become a Preacher, to fay as I f.tiu; though l!ibzey had never been born. I have known Bitney a great while, and I think, much better than ever did my Lore! of Londou; and to tell you the Truth, I have known hitherto few fuch, fo prompt and ready to do every Man good aftlr his Power, both Friends and Foes, &c. In fum, a very limp!c good Soul, nothing meet for this wretched World, whofe blind Fafl1ion and miferable State (yet far from Chrifl:'s Doctrine) he could as evil bear, and would farrow, lament, and bewail it, as much as any Man that ever I knew. ---- I cannot but wonder, if a Man living fo mercifully, fa charitably, !o patiently, fo collti1lently, fo jludiozifly and vertzwzifly, and killin.~ his oill Adam, i. c. mortifying his evil A.ffeaio1ls, and blind Motions of his Hearc fo diligently, D10uld die an evil Death. Let bim that Jlmulctb, lm.oare that be jall1wt. ----I am ignonnt I in Things, that I trufl: hereafter to know ; as I do now know Things, in whicl1 1 have been ignorant heretofore.----lr wer:: too long to tell you, what Blindnefs I have been in, and hov: long it was ere I could forfake fuch Folly, it was fo incurl)Ofate in me : but by continual Prayer, continual Study r1! Scripture, and oft communicating with Men of mor(;! rit,il' Judgment, God hath delivered me, &c. Yea, l\Icn thinl:, my Lord himfelf hath in Times pafl: thought, that by Go i'. Law alVImzmight marry bis Brotber's Wife, who now both d1rc, think and fpeak the contrary: and yet this his Boldnefs mig h. have chanced in Pope Julius his Days, to fl:and him <:ithcr in a Fire or a Fagot. Which thing pondered of my Lord. might fomewhat fl:ir him up to charitable Equity towards fuel: who labour to do good, as their Power ferveth, with Kno,.,-. ledge, and do Hurt to no Man with their Ignorance: for ther~ js no greater Difl:ance, than between Coil's Laio, and not Ga.: . .Lw.u ; nor is it fo, or fo, becaufe any Man tbiJJkctb it fo, o fo ; but becauf(;! it is fo, or fo indeed, therefore we 111'~! tbiJJk it fo, or fo, when God il1all give us Knowledge thereof; for if it be indeed either fo, or not fo, it is fo, or not fo, t!F_, all the World have thought fo thefe thoufand \'em, &c. The Matter is ~ueigbty (as you fay) and ought to be J:, flamiall)' looked upo1z, even as weighty as my Life is von:._: bm how ro look fubilanrially upon it, other wife know no~ ~ ti:an to pray to my Loi'd God Night and Day, that as .. Lath cmbo!dned me to preach his Truth, fo he wiililrengd~ .

alpbabcticaily. 25r me to fuffer for it, to the Edification of them, who hav~ by his working taken Fruit thereby :, and lo I 9ciirc you and all others that favour me, for hts Sake, hkewJI~ to pray: for it is not I (without his mighty helping Hand) th1t t:.m abide that Brunt. But I luve Trull, that c;od will hc!p me in Time of uced ; which if I had not, the Ocean (I think) (hould have divided my Lord uf L(jwlon aiid me bv this DJ\": . " " for it is a rare Thing for a Preacher, to hal'c FanJur ac his Hand, who is no Preacher himl'elf, and yt:t ought to be. r pray God both he and I may difcharge our ft:il'u, he in hi' hreat Cure, and I in my little One, to God's l'iu!ur.: ~nd Safety of our Souls. AmCil. In his Reply to Sir Edl.c'lml llaynton'., i\nlwer ..... Tru:y I were not well advilcd, if 1 would not eithtr b:: f\l<~d uf vuur Jnfl:ruClion, or yet r~fufc my own l~c:formatio11; bm yet it i> good for a Man to look before he leap ..... Firfl:, you mif1ike that I fay, I am Jure, I jii'C<7Cb tbe 1iutb; laying in Rcpror:,f of the lame, God.Zilow,tiJCcrtain 1iutb. Indeed none kno\\cth certain Truth, but God, and tlwfe which b~; taugbt rf Gr,d; as faith Paul, Fur God rcvcafttb it tv rima: anJ 1:1ith Chrifr, They fbi! be all t.wgbt of God ..... As to my /lrroga11cy, cichlr I am certai11, or uncertain, that it is Truth that I preach. lf i' be: certain Tmth, why may I not io1 y lo, to cncour:Jge my Hearers w rccei1e the fame more fervently, and purf,Je it more ltudiouOy ? If I be u11ccrtain, why dare I be fo bold to prt"ch it? If vour Friends in whom vou trufl: fo :zrcadv be l'rcac/;crs after Sermon I pray you ask them whether rhc:y be ju1e, that they taught you the ]/utb, or no. If chey fay, they be Jiti-c, you know what followeth: if thcv 1;1v thcv be: ii&; tiJrC:, - . -Teachers? .... when !hall 'l'vlt be fure that hal'e fuch doubtful Our Knowledge here ( you fay ) i; cut dar!: as tl-r0:1;zb a Glafs. What then ? Therefore it is not ccna:n and furc. ! deny your Argument by your Lcarc: yea, if ic be by l:1itb, It is rnofl: fure, for the Certainty of Lith is the furdl Certainty, as Du12S and otller Schoal-DuCtcrs fa~. There is a grc2c Difference between certain Knowledge, and c!wr Enowledgc: for. that may be of Things a!ifmt, that appc~n not; tbis r.cqUJreth the I'rcfcncc of the ObjeCt or Thing known ..... It is true, there are too many tbat ba:e a Zeal j0r G&d, but lilt a::carding to Knv,~icdgc: there are aifo \rho hare E1;c:~icdgc ::i:j~;; Zeal, boldi11g tbe '1i11tb in L'nrig/;wuji;r_(.r: <il;d th.:.re ;,rc, [be ha\'e lor1 the fpiritual Knov:ledgc of God's \Vcrd, \', b:i: cic ;
' ) u .. , '





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had before, becanft~ they have not enfued it, nor promoted the fame, but rather with their Mother-wits ha\'e impugned the Wifdom Of the Father, and hindred the Knowledge thereof, which therefore hath been taken away from them. To bim that bath 12ot, that alfo ~ubiciJ ba bmb, i. e. leems to hare, Jball be takc1z m.oay. To abufe that, which a Man hath, o; not to ujc it 'cud/, ts as not to h~ve ir. -- It helwl'etb ever:; Preacher, to have j;) deep and profound !Cnowlcdgc, that he nm call this or that Truth, whiciJ this or that he taketh in !-land ro preach for Truth : and yet he may be ignorant in !11.\11\' Thing:, both this or that, as Jlpollo was; bn~ _{ld1 Thing>, whether tbi.r, or that, he will not atten~pt to pre1ch for ri:t 'liutb. ---- Tbcre be m~ny Things in Scripture, in which i cannot clifcern certainly verum 0' falfum ; no, not 1ritil ~:: the Exercif(! I have in Scripture, nor yet with d1e Help oi :~II Interpreters I have, to content mv fi:lf and others in 3:i Scrupulollty, that may arife: but in fuch I am wont to 11'::::, no farther in the Stream, than that I may either go G"ccr, c: elfe rctum back again; having ever Refpc:t1, not to the (!jfr:. tati011 of my little Wit, but to the Edi(?catio1z of them t!::': hear me, as far forth as I can, neither paltin~ mine own, 11'.: yet their Capacity.-- It is but foolilh Humility, wiliinglv tc >Continue always an Infant fbll in C!Jrijl: --- For thoug:1 p,;:.! would not have us to thi;1k arrogantly of 011r }elves, an:l <1.'1 ; ' that which it becometh us to think nf our Jelvcs, yet he bid~t::. us Jo to thiuk ~f our Jelve.r, as God hatb dijlributcd to cwry t<,: the M.c~furc of Faith. He that may not with 1\'Iceknels d:it:'. ill bimfclf 1Ubat God hath cone in him' and of himfc:lf .:. God hath done for him, how 01all he, or when flnll he, gil'o due Thanks to God fnr his Gifrs? .... El'ery Opinion or I\LI[ ner of teaching, which caufetb !J!flrntimz in a Chrifl:ian Coi:gregation, is 110t r:F God, by rhe Doctrine of St. Jolm: bn: not every Thing, whereupon followeth Dillention, caufc:: Diift::ntion ..... An Occafion is fometirr.e takw, and not gi'J1: The Galatians, having for Preachers and Teachers the }1!, Apofllcs, by whole teaching they were degenerate from th; fwcet Liberty of the Gofpel into the Jaw Boilds of Ceremonie; thought themfelrcs per~dventnre a Cbrijlimz Congregation, when Paul writ his Epifllr unto them, fo that the falfe Apol1k might have objcl:led to l'md, that his Jiprifl!cjbip was nN c God; forafmuch as there w"a Di!Tention in a Chriil:ian Cor. grcg:ttion by Ocfafio!~ ttH:rc:of: while lon1e \VO~lcl rene\f." tl1r: Opi;1;::

Epito1i1iz'd, alplwbetically. Qpiliions by Occaflon of the Epijlle, others would opine as they were wont to do, and follov.r tl1eir gre1t Lords and .i\'Iaflersp the Jalfc Ap?flles, who 1:ere not I-lcJthen, but high P1elates . of the Profdfors of Chrif1. I would alto lem1 of ym.r Friends 1 whether St. Hicrom's \Vritings were of God, which oufcd Diilention in a Chrifban CongregJtion )' What were they, that called him I~~lfarium and Ccrmptcr of s,ript!~re, and for Envy wm1ld have bitttn him with their 'l'ed1! [)ncbrijlm, or Cbriften? Wlw had Uncbrijfe1z to do with Cbr!fliall Dtrtrinc? They were woribipful Fathers of a Chrdlian Congr,.o gation; Men of mucl1 more how:r Stomachs, than right JudL" mellt; of a greater i\mhoritv, than good Charitv. But Hicrom would not ceafe to do G%d (as he Ctitb himf..:if) for t!leevilfpeaking of them that were naught; gi1ing, in tim, an Enfample w us of the lame. And l prJy you, what mean your Frionds by a Chrijlian Congregation"? ail c~;v(e (tror; ye) that have been Cbrijlcncd ? Bllt many of tbofe be in worfe Condition, and 0Jall hJve greater Danmatiull, than many U11 clJrijlncd. For it is not ellOUgh to a Cbrijlia'l c~ng;cgatiaa, that is of Gurl, to h:we been Cbrijfncd: btJt it is to be conDdered, what we p;om!fe when we be Chriftnecl, to renounce S1tan, his Works, his Pomps; wbicl1 Thing if we bufie nc C our felves to do, il.!t us not crack, that we prc.fefs Cbrifl's Name, in a Chril1i~n r~ongrcgQtion, in one Bepti{ill: And wht?reas t,'Jey add, f11 one Lord, I read, Not every unc tb,Jt faitb, Lord. Lard, &c. And 'i.uby call )'C me Lon!, Lun!, <md do 110t th.11 1 bid you'? And whereas they Gdd, ill u11t Faitb, St. James f"oitb, Sbccu me tby Faith by thy rVaL Aud the Scripture f3iti:, He tbat believetb God, attcndub to bis Comma~~dr. And the Devils believe,.to their little Comfort. I pray God fave you and your Friends from that believing Congregation.---- St. Hierom exhorts true Preachers to fuffer Death for the fame, when evil Prie!ls and falfe Teachers, and the People that be by them dtn ceived, are angry with them for preaching the '11-utb, thoug)1 they be Cbriflned as well as others. I fear, St. Hierom might ~ppear to fome Cbriflian Cviigregatiuu (as they will brt called) to write feditioufly, to divide the Unity of a great honefl: Number confeffing Chrift in one Baptifiil, one Lord, one l~1itb.--- Hicrom calleth the Priefts Majlcrs, and very properly: Servants teach not their own Dotl:rine, but the Dotl:rine of their J\laftt:r Chrifr, to his Glory: Maflers teach not Chriil's Dotl:rine, buc ~h~ir own to their own Glory. Your Friends have lcawed
J. .


1/Jc HrsroR Yof tbe MARTYRS of St. Jolm, That every 011c that confqljcd Jcfus Cbrifl ill F!ejb, i, of God: and I have learned of St. Paul, Thac there have been not amongl-fcath~ns,but among theChriftned, who confefsChrifr with their Momh, and deny him with their Acts. I leaveittn yom Friends to lhell', Utmm qui faElis negant Cbrijlum & viti!, (h:i e.r Den 11CC11C per fo!am oris confeffionem. For they knew ,;.ell enou[!h from the lame St . .'fobll, fie tbat is of God, }imJCtb nut; and !Jearctb tbc i'Vurd of God. Many !hall hear, I never km:~ J'Oil, who 1hall nnt only be Chriftncd, but alfo Propbefy, alld d? many mig!Jty lV(Jr/;s i11 tbe Name of Cbrijl. Falfc Propbets are called llll!!C,bry Servants: Sci""Uallts, bccaufe they confefs Chrifl in tile Fldh ; and 11augbty, becaufe they deny him in their Deeds, not r,iving Meat in dua Seajoll, and exerc((l1zg Maf/:er/N'' over tbc Flock. ----In the People there is required a Judgn1em to uikcrn when God's Ordinances are minill:red, and when lllw's o-cun; lcil we rake Cbalk for Cbcefc, which will edge our Teeth, and hinder Digefl:ion: For it is commonly faid, Tbi 1 blind carctb many a fly; as they did, which were perfwaded of I the Higb Prirjl s, to ask Bmabbas, and crucifie Cbrijt: and yc k'now thct to follo~u tbe blin,i Guides, is to come into the Pit with the fame.----lk~tter it were to have a Diljormity in preaching, fo that fome would preach the Truth of God, and that which is to be preached without Cauponatioll and Adultcrati1': of the Word, than to have fuch an Uniformity, that the fill) People 11wuld thereby be occafioned to continue Hill in th~ii lamentable Ignorance, corrupt Judgment, Superfl:ition and Ida latry, &c. I fee well, wholoever will be happy, and bulic with 'VIC vobis, fhalll1wrtly after come coram nobis . I 111311 have need of great Patience, to bear the falfe Reports of tt:': malignant Churcb. ----I wonder how Men can go quietly to bed, who ha~e great Cures and many, and yet peradventure are in none of them all. I mufl: fuffer of Neceffity, and fn enter: fo perillous a Thing it is, to live godly in Chrift Jcf!s 1 even in a Chriftian Congregation. God make us all Chrii1iaii' after the right Fal11ion. Jll/ICil. In his Letter to King Henry the Eighth.---Saint Aujli11 faith, That be, qvbo for Fear of mzy PD'i.ver bidetb tbe Truth, provokctl; J11iath of Gorl to come upotl him; for be fcaretb lVIm more rl!arl God. Saint Cbryfoflom faith, That be is 11ot Dilly a Traitor to th" Tmtb, 1ubo openly for Trutb teacbctb a Lye, but he alfo who &t[l llOt freely prOJwuncc mzd Jbequ tbe Trrttb tl1at he kllowetb.- Thc1c Pa!fages m:ide me fore afraid, and troubled in Cgnfciencf',


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Epitomiz'd, alphabetically. 255 and at lafl: drew me to this Strait, that either I mull: 11Iew fonh fuch things as I have read and learned in the Scripture, or elfc be of that fort, that provoke the Wrath of God upon them, and be Traitors to tbe Trutb : the which Thing rather than it flwuld happen, I had rather fuifcr extreme Puniillment. For what other thing is it ro be a Traitor to the '1/wb, than to be a Traitor and a Judas unto Cbrift? who is t'Jc very Truth, and Caufe of all Truth ; who faith, Tbat r..uboflcvcr dmy bim here before Zvlm, be r.vill deuy bim brforc his fizt bcr ill Heaven : the which denying ought more to be feared and dreaded, than the Lofs of all temporal Goods, llonuur, Promotion, Fame, Prifon, Slander, Huns, Bani{hments, and all manner of Torments and Cruelties, yea, and Death it fclf, be it ncw:r lo illomeful and painful. But alas! how linlc do i\Jcn fear th: tcrrihleJud~ment of /1/m~gbty Gotl! and efpccially thexl \\'ho . boal1 themlehes to be Guides unto others, and cllalrc:ngc w themfelves the Knowledge of holy Scripwm, yet willncithc:r Jbcw tbc 1iutb themfelves (as they be bound) nor hfl'cr them that would! So that what Chrifi: faid to the Pbarijces ( ,1Jatt.23.) may be f:1id to them, Jf/o be to J'OII, &c. "ubo fbut up tf.;e AJ11gdom of Ifcwven before Mm, m1d 11citber 'Will )'Gil Cllt er in )'Dllrjc fovcs, nor fuffcr them tbat "uould, to etJter iii.--Now they have made it 1/eafoll, to have the Scripture in E11glijb. Here, I be(eech your vracc to hear patiently a Word or two. Though, as concerning your Regal Power, you are to me and all your SubjcCl:s in God's Stead, &c. yet as concerning that you be a murtal Ma'I, in Danger of Sin, having in you the corrupt Nature of Adam, in the which all be conceived and born, ~nd fo ha\e no Je(s need of the Merits of Chriji's Paliion for your fJlvation, thail I or other of your SubjeCts have, &c. I was bold to write this rude, homely. and fimple Letter to your Gr<Jce. ---- Firf1, I exhort you to make the Life and Procefs of Cbrifl and his Apoflles in preaching, and the Words of Cbrijl to his Difciples, when he fent them forth to preach his Gofpel. Cbrifl was born & lived very poor, though he might by his Divine Power have had all the Treafures of this World when and where he would. But this he did to fhew us that his Followers ibould not regard and fet much by the Riches and Treafures of this World; and if they happen to them, they flwuld not fet their Hearts upon them. It is not againil: the Po'Uerty i11 Spirit, which Chrill: praifeth, to be rich, to be in Dignity and Honour;

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2j6 The HISTORY of t&e MARTYRS this Poverty in Spirit, though they have never fo little; th": Lavt greedy Dejires to the Goods of this World, only becaufl: they would live after their own Pleafure and Lufts. l will not, that your Grace fhould take away the Goodf due to the (burcb, bLIC tab; away all evil PeljOilS from the Goods, and r~r b~tter in t!H.:ir fteJd. I name nor appoint no Perfon or Perions, but remic yonr Grace to the Rule of our Saviour Chri!1, (Matt. 7) liy tbcir 11-uits ye (ball know tbem. The Words that Cbrijc lp.d~e to his Difciplcs ( Matt. rs. ) when he fent them to prc\tcil his Gofpel, are, that here tbey fball be bated md defpifed rf all Mcll worldly, alld brougbt before Kings all!~ .Rtlers, m.tl tb.1t r.ll Evilfbould be Jaid of tbem for their preaching Sal:c: but ht c::dwrteth them to take p3tiently fuch Perfcc:~:, tit;l1 by his IJ\Vll E:..:amplc, raying, It becomes not the Ser:;.1;;; rube abava tbc }viafler, &c. l~ead alfo the fourteenth ChajJtcr, ;1nd there your Grace !hall fee that he promifed to the m1~ Pr(~ar:hers no wllrldly Promotion or Dignity, but Pcrfewtion, and that they !hould be betrayed even by their own Brethren and Childr~n. In Jolm alfo he faith, Ill tbe World you {ball iJa~~ Opprrj)ion, and thr. Wurld fball hate )'Oll, but i1zme you Jball ba~c Fcare: And elfewhem, Lo, I je11d you as Sheep am01ig Jf7o/;;es. The tnt~ Preachers go like Sheep, barmlefs 1 and be pe1jecutd, :.nd yet the; rc'umg~ 12ot their Wrong, but remit all to God. / .;o f"r is it off, tha: they will pe1jewte any other, but with the Ji:oi'll of God only, which is their Weapon. This is the matt es.dwt To.~cn, that Chrijt would that his Gofpel and .the Preachers o!' it !hould be known by, that it !hould be defpifed amon; worldly wife i\lcn, and be reputed Foolifbne[s by them, and deceivable DoEl:rine, and the true Preachers !hould be po }ccittcd and drivm from Town to To-w1z, and at lafl: lofe boc~ Goods and Life; and yet they tbat pe1jecuted tbem, flmil thiilk dill r..ue/1 and a grel!t plerjurc to God. Where the God is tmly preached, there is PerjmttiDil, as well ot i.he as of the Tcllchcrs. He tbat 'i.i!ill live godly ;,; Chrifl Jefus 1mljt fl!(fcr Pc1jccution. It is 1lot o11ly givm yo:1, to bclic'Je in the Lord, but to Juffer Pclfccutionfor his Sake. Wh.or:~ is Quietnefs and Re!t in -worldly Pleafure, there is not the Tl'lltb : for the World lovetl1 all that are of tbe World, and h<Jteth all things that are contrary to ir. St. Pcml calleth t~!~ Go!pel, Tb~ Word of the Croft.-- May it pleafe your Grace~; return to the goldm Rule of your Saviour, By tbeir Fru::.; ;oa fball kll0'-9 tbcm, Where yoQ fee Pc~[cmrio11, there ~s r; Gofp, '_,


Epitomiz'd, alphabetically. 'l57 Cofpel, and there is the Tmtb ; and they that do p;:rfccute, lie without the Truth. Tbey 'cu!Jnfe Warks be 1l.1ctg bt, dare 110t come to tbe Light ; but go abom to hinder it, letting as much as they mav, rlut the holy Scriptures H10uld not be read in our iVlotbcr-Twguc, Eying, Tim it would caul<! Herefic and lllfurrcfciolls, and fo periivade, or f1in would perf1vade your Grace to keep it bKk. But here mark their fhamelefs Boldnefs, which be not alhamed to gather Grapes of Thoms, &c. and to call Ligbt Darkncfs, &c. and tJ fay, That that, which teacbeth all Obedience, H10uld caufe Diffention and Strife. ---- Therefore, good Fi11g, ft:cing the right David, our Saviour Cbrijt, hath fent bis Scr<:.:allts, his true Preachers, and his lYord, to comfort our weak and fic:k Souls, let not worldly-'cuife Men m:~ke your Grace belie\e, that they will caufe Infurrections and Hcreltes, and i"<i.;rl i\li(l:nie'~ as they imagine of their own mad Euins, left that he be av_e11ged upon you and upon your Rea!m, as was Da:id upon the Ammonites, and as he hath ever been avenp;ed upon them, which have obfHnately with!lood and gainfaid his IN or d. But peradventure they will fJy, Experiwce fbc:u.r, bow that fic!J Me11 as call themfelves Follo1vcrs of the G~fpc!, regard uot :J'Iiur Grace's Command, 1leither jet by J'Dl!i' l'roc!,wwio;J ; as appears hy thofc that were punifbed in London far keepi11g jit"h Books, ils your Grace bad prohibited by Proclamation; a11d fa li.~c as they regarded 110t tbis,Jo they ~uill not regard other yo:tr La-:w, Stattltcs, and Ordinar1ccs. But this is bnt a crafty Pcrf11'afion .... - Th~ very Caufe of your Jail Proclamatio1J, and the chief Ccw;fc!!ors (as Men fay, and of Likelihood it !llould be) were they, whofe evil living and cloked Hypocrifie thofe Bo&kr uttered ::nd <lifclofed. ----And [o it might be, that tbcic l\:Ien did not tab~ this Proclamation as yours, but as tbcirs fet forth in your Name, as they have done many Times more, &c. ---- There is nJ Man, I hear fay, that can lay any Word or Deed to thei: Charge, that fhould found to the bre~king of your .Grac~':; Laws, this only excepted, If it be )'v:trs, ~nd 1;rt .rb:i1s. ,There be fame, that for fear of lofin~ r.f t~ 21r v:orldiy Hvno:o, Will not leave off their OpiniJIJ. wh,:h r.ii~J>:, ;;nd that to ob.~-.:: Men withall, by whom they lnd ;rnt Premed iiln, they' too!: t!pon to defend_ by writing, &c. Let. tl1Ci~ ..:'11~;_,, rcPJ,~m?-:,: 'St.Paul and Davzd. Take heed of thr:'r -::;,: !.;;~ TF !_;.:Jill irtnc 1 ,h l'oolijhllefs bifore God, that you m:1y J, "'!J:l: (_;,,,! ~on:>;z.?:J:!.:<,
~~nQ~ 'I!Jll!lt J1 'Will -. -

:!o9d in your own s,::' '

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that your Grace may be found acceptable in his Sight, and one of the Members of his Church, and according to the O!Iice he hath called your Grace unto, you may be found a faithft:l lHi11ij!er rf bis Gijis, and not a Defender of his Faith; for he >'l!il nnt have it defended by Man, or by Man's Power, but by h1s !Vorrl vnly, by the l'rhich he hath evermore defended ir, a:1d tim by a Way far above .Man's Power or Reafon, &c. where fort Gracious King, remember your Je!f; bavc Pity upuli ~our Soul; and tbink, that tbc Day is cvc1z at Haw/, "uben JOI! Jba/1 give mz Account of your O.fjice, and of tbc Blood tbat br.tb bwz Jbcd with your &cord. In tile whicb Ddy, that your Grace may !land l1edfafl:ly and not be af1umed, but be clear and ready in your Reckoning, and to have (as they fay) your quictu; cjt fealcd with the 131ood of Otlr !Saviour Cbrijt, which only krv::;l ;;~ :::~Day, is my daily Praycr.----Dcccmb. I. Jl. 1530. Obfervc in this :i.c~rer (faith Mr. Fox) the Duty of a right Paflor, to ])utb; that flings are many Times abufed by Flat ;;ercrs and wicked Cozmfcllors, the fubti:e PraCl:ifes of Prelates jn abufing the 1\;:rr.e and Amhority of Kings to fee forth their own malignant Proceeding~, and the greatBoldnefs and divine Stoumefs of this Servant ol Chrifl:, who as yet being no Bijbop, fo plainly and fiecly, without Fear of Death, adventuring his Life to clifcharge his Confcience, durll: fo boldly, to fo mighty a Prince, in fuch a dangerous Cafe,.againll: the King': L:~w and Proclamatioll, fet out in fuch a terrible Time, take 11pon him to write, and to admonijb that which no Cozmfcllar , durfloncc fpeak to him, in Defence of Cbrijt's Gofpel: and yet: hough his wholfome Counfel did not prevail, God fo wrought with his Servant, in doing his Duty, that no Danger, no, nor Difpleafure rofe to him thereby. It was not long after, that the King made him Bifhop of Worcefter. . Touching the memorable Acts and Doings of this worth) Man, I cannot negleCl: the taking Notice of one (for therein he fpoke notably, though he faid not a Word) 'Vir.. his bold Enterprize in fending to King HENRY a Prefent. It wa3 a .Cufl:om that every Year upon Jmz. 1. every Bifbop ihould fend the Ki11g a New-years-gift. Mr. Latimer, being then B!fbap of JVorcejler, prefemed a Ne1v- Tejtament for his New-ve:,.rs gift, with a Napkilz having this Pofv about it, Fornir.f''~r ' Adult eros judicabit Domirmr. : c. r,r;-:, .... , . ..,. :-; :r: ,j( . :, . Gorl11:ill judge, 1n his L~n~r to Dtit:->: t~:i. ;~.... n;:~. 1:'1 .;: ~:!/r~~ ~:'~ ('~f~ ...


Epitomiz'd, alpbabetically. the Gift of a Pot of cold Water !hall not be in


with God, how can God forget your manifold and b,runifIl Gifts, when he !hall fay to you, I '<-vas in PriFa and pi! 'Ui(ikli me! God grant us all to do and fufi'er, while we be here, as may be to his Will and Pleafure, A'neu. ----Yours in JJoc,ndJ, 1!. L. In his Letter to Dr. Ridley, ---- Yon f:ty, Except the Lord affil1 me with his gracious /lid, in the Time of 11i' s~rvice, I !hall (I know) play bm the P,nt of Q ,ubitc-li;:cr'd X1;ighr, Truth it is : for, !Fitbmtt me (faith Cluif1) ye cmz do notbiug; much lefs fuffer Death of our Adveriiirics, through the Bloody Law prepared againfl: us: But it followeth, If ')'Oil abide in me, and my Word abide ill :you, ask -;_ubat JO!I r...uill, awl it .fb.z/1 be done for you. What can be more comfonable? --- Bc:trer a .fcio Things well pondered, than to trouble the l\lt:mory with too much. You il1all prevail more with prayh:g, than with Jfwiylllg, though Mixture be bell: ; for fu one !hall alk\i t:.e tile Tedioufnefs of the other. I intend not to contend wt~'l witl1 them in Words, after a reafinablc Account of my Faiib i'.i\cn ; for it !hall be but in vain. They will t:ty, Js tbcir FJthtre faid, when they have no more to Jjy, JVe ha-ve a La:'J, aiid by our Law be ought to die. ---- Be )'C Jlcr!fnjt awl wu:z?c'~-<!:c. Stmzd fafl. If ye abide, if J'C abide, &c. Em \\'C ilnil be died obftinate, fiurdy, ignorant, heady, and what nut~ SoJ.hat 2. Man hath need of much Patience, that hath to do with fuch Men. Diotrephes now of late did ever harp upon U11ity, U11ity. Yea, Sir ( faid I) but in Verity; not in Pope;y. Better is a Diverfit'J, than an Unity in Popery. The MmTr;:;;-bmz~r of the Mafs are altogether detejlab!e, and therefore by no Mean; to be born withal: fo tbat, of Necdlity, the mcnrliil,.T of i~ js to abolifb it for ever. - Wbat Fe/!o:vjbip batb Cbl!(t ''Jitb !lntichrifl? Cume forth from among tbem, a11d Jcparatc yrx1r felves from them, faitb the Lord. It is one Thing ro be the Church indeed, another Thing to cc:mtCijcit the Church. --- I thank you, that you have vouchfafed to minill:er fo plentiful Armour unto me, being otherwife altogether unmncd> f:wing that he can12ot be left dejlit11te of Help, -;_:;bo rigbtly tr,:f!ctb iil tl~ Help of God. I only learn to die, in readin(!; uf the N::: Tejtamwt; and amfiill praying to my God, to ht:lp~;-,c in Tin~::' ()[need ..... My Prayer il1all you not lad;. trufti:1.; th:lt Y\'" do the like for me; for indeed tbcre is the IMp. ,.:, ..... Th,::, is no Remedy (!lOW they have the Maj?rr! i :'! lli r:i::;l ! L. ::,
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of tbe ~-1 ARTY R s 2nd rule the Roal1:) brlt Patience. Better it is to fuffer what Cruelty thev will put upon us, than to incur God's high Indig!Jatiun. Wherefore, be of good Cheer ill tbe Lord, duly cunJidcrmg what he requirctb of you, and what he doth promifc you. Our common Enemy !hall do no more than God w1ll permit him. Cud is fait!iful, v:ho ~viii not Ju.!fer us to be tempted aLvve uur Strength, &c. Be at a Point, what you will !l:and tu: flick unto tiJa[, anci le: them both fay and do what they hft. T!wy call but kill the BodJ', which is of it felf mona! : neith::r :!lull they do that when they Jill:} hut when God will Cuff~r them, when the Hour app0inred is come. --- Let them not dccci1e you with their Jo1~biflical Sopbifms and Fallacies: yr:u know rhat jidfc Things m.:y have mure .!lppearmzce of Tmt!,, th3n Things that he mull: tn:c. Remember Paul's \li.Tatch- 1 .rord ( Cui. '). ) Let no Mall dcccite you ~ui:b likelinefs {j Speech ..... fear l'f Dc~.:h doth mofl: perfwade a great Number: IH.: wel 1 w1r: Jf th:;t Argument..... 1~: Flejb is ~lJ~<lk, but rbe Wi/lingnrfs of the Spirit jb.1li refrefb tbe Weahztfs of t/;~ Firfb. The .i\Tumber of the Criers under the Altar mu[ n~.ecls b:.: fulilll<:cl. If we be fegregated thereunto, Hawy me we. Tbat is the gre:m:!l: Pro1Fotio11, tlm God giveth in tl!:s World, to be fuch Hilippiam, to 'i.vbom it is given, not only to l!dicvr, lm: to h,1er, &c. But who is able to do thefe Things? Surely all our 1\bili~y, all om SrcOicimcy is of God. Here qu;reth anl] promili:th. Let m declare our Obedience to i1i; Will, when it llJail be requifite, in the Time of Trouble, Jea, ;n chc midll of the Fire. When that Number is fulfi!kd, whicp I 1r:.:cn fhail be fhortly, then have at rhe Pnpijls: when they fhall fay, Peace, all Things are fafe, &c. C!uifi: l11all come glorioufly, to the Terror of all Papijlr, bm tJ the great Confobtion of all that will here fuffer for him, Com{urt JOUr .felves and one anotim witb tbefc Words ...... Pray for mt, pray for me, I fay ; pray for me, I fay; for I am fomerime fo fearful, that I would creep into a Moufe-hoit: fometime again God doth vifit me with his Comfort. Su he ~~::ometh and goeth, to teach me to feel and know mine In rmiy, to the intent to give Thanks to him that is worthr, Jerr 1 1i1ou~d i'Ob him of his Due, as many do, yea aln1ol1 all rh-:: \,\1 Lr!d. Farewell. Fare you well once <rgain, and b,: rhc.J t1edf.dt and unmoveable in the Lord. Paul loEd Tim, ~~ rn~r,ei!ous well, notwithllanding be faith unco hi::to, B~ lhotl '1.rt~Icr of tl;~ ;J,(ftifNm '!f t/JI: Gojpcl; and agai;l)



Hm 'J :';

Epitomiz'd, alphabetically. 2 6r Harden thy Jelf to fi!ffer .1/ffliEtioJJs. Be faithful unto Dca:b, a11d I will give thee a Cro'i.vll of Life, f~ith the Lord. Mr. Fox records one Leucr more of this holy l\ian's, which he wrote when he was Bijbop of Worceflc to a Jtijlicc nf Peace, who could not at fir11 bear his being toll! by this S.:rvant of God his Fault in oppreffing and wrunging a poor Man, but fent him Word in great Difplcafure, that l1e would not take it at his Hands, &c. but afterward proved a god :'lilli: in l'.rhicll Letter his Clofc is very obfervablc. Conlidcr with yom felf ( fi1ith Mr. Latimer) what it is to opprrj;- a11d defraud )'0111' Bra rim, and r,vbatfollowetb tbcreof. It is truly rtid, The Sin is not forgivcll, except the Thing be; reflored agai~, that is tah:n away. Nn ReflitlltiOJ:, no Salvation: which is as wei! to be underfl:ood of Things gotten by Fraud, Guile, and Deceit, as of Things gotten by opCIITbcft and Robbery. I will do the befl: I can,and wref11e with the Devil, omnibus viribus, to deliver you :md your Brur.hcr out of his Poil'ellion. I will leave no one Stone unmoved r1 have you both faved. There is neither Arcb-BifbJp, nor Bijbop, not any learned Man in either UHivc,jity, or elfe.l'ntre, that I am acquainted with, that fha!l not write ro you, and by their Learning confute you. There is no godly Mliil rlf Law in this Realm, that I am acquainted with, but they !lnll write to vou, and confute you by Law. There is neirher LQrd nor L1dy, nor any Noble Penon in this Rolm, tha' 1 am ~cqu:ti~:ccrl with, but they fhallwrite unto you,& g<~dlilv tbrc:"t::n youwitll their Authority. I will do all this, YL?1, l will kneci upui! both my Knees before the fLing's Majejly :,nd ai! his hnnot:rable Cormcil, with mo11: hnmble Petition for your Refortn::tion, rather than tbe Devil fh"ll poili::fs you !1ill, ro vour fin~ I Dam" llation: fo that I do not delpair, but v~:ily truft, one Way ot' other, to pluck both you and yrnr cratibtd Brother ( "" crabbed as you fay he is) out of tilt D~':Jii's C!a:;;s, m:wgre the Devi/'s Heart.---- In the Month of oaobcr, _'111. IS 55 Mr. Latima and Dr. Ridley were brought fo,cb tugetber to their final Exa11in~. twn and Excutio n. At his !all Appearanc:?, b~in~ preiT.:d r.o recr.lll, he fai,i, ---I mu!l:ufe here the CcunLI u( CJIJiimz.' .vho w!1cr1 h_ ~. . ~~ cited before certaiN Bijbup.r, :~::1r gave !Jim leave tc; .. uh.: D~ liberation and Counfcl, 'O T; and ~.:.:ami.l~ ilis Cljlini;.,n r be:

anfwered ther11 thus; In 1 '-~,.::king tn, 2.nd perfevcri:lt~ in 1 h~~

':f;utb, no Counfel nor De!iil:r.~:.=~~i; mufr bt .





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Tbe HIs r oR Y nf tbe M H T YR s asked, which was mol1like to he the Cburcb of Chrijl, whe. ther the pcifccuted, or the Perfcwtor? Cbrifl ( faid he) hath fordhtw~d, 7f,tlt he that t/QtiJ follwcv him, mufl take up bi; Crof-". I l"w think you then, my LQrds, Is it likt; that tht: Sec of Rr,1;1r, wliid1 ha:h hcen a continual Pe1jcwtor, is rathc1 the Charci;, or that }ina!! Huck, which hath always been rn. F<':!ilrl, t\~n ro De<1th '?Mr. Latima being told, That hi: and Sr. C)Jirian's Cafe was not one: Yes verily (!:1id he:) 11>1' Caul~ is as good as St. (rprian's; for his WJS I'c1jccution fu, till' ?f~rd of God, and }1 i.r 11:h;c. As be was going to Execution, Tlr. Ridley fpying him bell inc! him, hid; U /1D ::e rf,crc! Ye~; ( faid r-1r. Lntimcr) J haN ~Jeer as ji1jt as I c,m fr,!!o:u. ----When he conld not uc fufferc:d w anl\\'CI' Dr. Smirf;'s Sel'n>on at their Execution, on th~t i;1 the Ccrinr!;im;s: If I give 111y Eody to be bumcd, m::: ha~;r. 11ot Gar it\', &c. he Cud; fVc/1, there is nothing bid, !w; it J,':al/ f;c opcr:::d. ----When a Fagot was brought kindled wich l'irc, ar.d hid at Dr. Ridley's Fccr, ~lr. Latimer i:1id, Be r,f g<.Hlci Comflirt ):lr. Ric! ln. aHd play tbc J1Jm;; TFc fball tbis D,;, light frcb a Ca!id.'~ h' CDd's Gr<~ce, hz England, as I tnifl ;:.i:i 1Jcvcr be put r:ut. ----1-Il: recel\Td the Flame, as it \Vcre embra:;il.,~ ]r, and c-tying oat n:ilcmemly, 0 Farber if Hcavc;z recci\~ ~oy Soul.


lh '

H1:r;b L7crr~c.\ an old bme i\lan, :~fter he was chained t; th:- Srakc, c!il ava\' h!s Crutch; and comforting Jnhll Appri::: biind Man, his Fello\'l-~ihrtyr, C1id unto him, De of go0.' Cr mfwt, my Brother, for my Lord of L0;ulo11 is our gor,: Pb':(lcimz, he will heal ns both l11ortly; tbec rf thy Blilldnrj-. m:d me rf my Lammr[r.

Mr, Jlymc12d c!c Lr.;;oy, a 1-1-encb.Miniftcr, havin;:; Intelligence

:!)1\1\'Chend hi111; a!lU being Willed bY his hic:nds to Jlie, and ll1if c for bimfdf, he laid, That he Inc: r.::h~r nC:\'Cl' to h:\\'c b~cn born, than fo ro do. It is t:1e ' '/ ' II' , 111/lC 1 / <'' f a g'i(jd. t1i}(j;Jc-rr,, uot to yc z;z ,. r:rr [' cr;, out rat.:'{r t.HJfo..T n 01' clfe, lcjl i;; ;'t ,;!,'):, th,: nano:er, lcfl the Fleck /;r ji-attmd ;
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Epitomiz'd, a!phabctical!y. ~63 he had taught, f:1ying with St. Paul, I am1cady 120t only to be bormd for the Tcfiimony ofChrijl ilz the City uf BourJeaux, b!it ro die alfo. ---- When his Hearers Jlcl\' up!)!l the Sunmrr, to deliver their Pre1ch::r out of his llwds, he d::!lred them not to il:op his JI..Jr.rtyrdom; feeing it was th::! Will of God that he fl10uld fuffer for him, he ll'c1Uid not ( Ctid he) rcii:l.---- Whilll: he was in Prifon, he bf~lai!cd cxcc:dingly his f.,rnt:r Life, ' . though there was no i\1111 that could cha~gc hi:n outwardly with any Crime. One of the l'refi /cJi!s cnmi1~~ ro him, and fhakinr; him by hi; B~Jr.l, bicl hi:n tdl "':.:ut lilf,j;,r he had of his Rcligio11. )\Tone (IJid he) b11t fuel! as kno1'r Jnd do the Will of God my Father, whether they be Nobby Merchants, Ilusba;ufmw, or of whatf.JC\'t:l' o~grcc they be ..... In his Torments in Prifon he corrrforred himlelf rh;,, ; This Body once mu!l: die, but the Spirit 11nll li\'C. T/g J\i17gdonz r!f God abidctb for ever.--- In the Time of his Tormentin.~, b~ing but of a weak Body, he l1voon'd: aftel'\\'.ld comin)!; w himfdf again, he faid; 0 Lord, Lord, r,.uby l.rljl tbo~t J:rj:JI:cn me? The Jir~{zdcnt anf;;cring, N.1y wicked Dttbcrm1, tho:! h:dt foriaken God; A!a.r! ((aid he) why do ye tlws Tor men[ me? 0 Lord, I b~{cccb t!;cc, for;;i;;c tbcm, tbcy i:nic'J nut '..c!,rt tfry do ..... ;\II their To:rurc::; could not fore..: him to cu:~f,Js one ~Jan's l\Tmnc: but he Lid untn th:..:r., I tbr1 1 '~ht tn b~1uC (,u:ul !Jlfjre Jlicrcy ~iJitlJ J]c;z; ,'J.bcr~.y~Jrc, I pr1ty G.J{l I l!l'1)' ji1~ I JJ~rr;y '.:oitb bim. To the 1-1-im that omc to cnnf~(; him after hs Cnnd~mrn tion, he Ctid; D;'pcrt, [;viii c.;;fcF mys:.JS !"the Lo:-:1. n.) YC not lte how I ;::n troubled cnou~i1 wic!J Jj.n'? . ,i:l y:? yet tr-,:Jl;;~ c . me more? others lia1c had my E:J.Ir, .\iii :--.: a io tc.kc fr.,:~1 me my Suul? fl~Jary frum me. ~~ ,\c I dl he t<YJk a c.::-tJ.1n Carmelite ( biddinrr the refl: to depm) wh"m ~f:cr muc:1 T ..::: b he did convert to the 1iutb ..... Sue:;, lr:~'/; ill> I ( fdid b~ tn the Judge) in my Gorl, that the /line D.1y 1,-:1~n l i\dl die, r fhall enter into Pmadijc. The Cburcb ( faid he) is a Creel~ tf/~~rd. f!~nif\in~ :1s r.;~:ch as CowriC[ration or .il 1 A1~d frJ I Lv, JJ7;c;;(.,r::.:cr ~.;e b U,j,Ciilbl)' . .Faithful do coilf;rcgatc tor;c:bcr, to tbc [{;;wur rf Go:/, ad :l.'::p-'{i1zg of Cbrijlim Rcligioi1, tbc Hoiy Gh-jt is <::cri!y ~l'itb ti-:;iii. L:r this it 1l10uld follow ( ljiJ the }ud7,e) thJ~ ch.~r:; b~ 1r.:: ,._, Churches. It is no al:(iml Tbi11g ( f.1id l~e) tn fry, r!;:;: ! )

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Churcbt's or Cong-re:2'ations a.n0i::T ti.t C!-;i ii :>::. ":., i


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The HISTORY of tbe MARTYRS When the Judges kft him, looking on him as a damned Creature, he f:ticl with St. Paul, Wbo ]ball Jcparatc me froti! the Lr,ve of God? fba!l the Swcrd, Hunger, or Nakedncfs? Jl.'o, notbing ]ball jJluck me from bim. As he was carried to the P!Jce of Execution, he fang P{;J. 114. and prcachnr; fl:ill as he went, one of the Soldier; bidding tht.: Carter therefore to dri\'C apace, he faid unto birr;, He tb<lt is rf God, br.arctb tbc Word of God. i'vJa11y being ofiended, that pa!ling by an ImJg.e of the Virgin Mary, he would not pray unto her; he lifted up his Voice to God, praying, That h<: would not fufl".:r bit;1 at any Time to invocate any other but him alone. At his Execution he fitid, 0 Lord, i'vla.l:e Ht:flc to help m:, tarr'l' not, do 1lOt dcfpife tbc TVurl!. of tby Hands! And vou nw Brethren. that be Students, I exhort you to learn tbe Gof;11( for the \Nord of God abideth for C\'Cr. Labour to knu~v t;;; JYill of God; and fear ll9t them that kill tbe Body, but ha;;c 1: Po"cuer uprm )'OUr Souls. l\1 y Flefb repugneth marvellouilv againfl the Spirit; but lhonly I ihall c tfl: it away. I bel~~ch you pray for me. 0 Lord wy God, imo thy Hands I cr,;;. mend my Soul. Laurence. I find three of this N1mc retarded in the Book of Martyr;. l'ira, Laurci;ce the D~acon, when Xijlu.r, his Pallor, \1'.'5 martyred under the J:i)Jprror raleriamts' was grieved that the Son ihould be ll:cluckd i"Mn the Father, that he ihould not fuiTer with him. Seeing him led alone as a Sheep to rl.. Sl,wgbtcr, lw cried out to him: 0 Dear J;Jthcr, whither goc:: thou without the Company of thy ckarSon? whither hai1~n;;t1 thou, () RcJcrcnd p,,(hr, wit hom thy Dcaw11? never wall: tho:: went w ol1er s~1cri:lcc without thv Mhdfier? What Crime :, there in me, that o!Lndcth thy Fatherhood'? Deniei1 th:.t unto him the Fell, .wl11ip of tbv E!ood, to \\'hom thou h~::; committtcl th~: Diftribtnion of i:he Lord's Blood?---He h;lVing after th~c<: Days Refpit promifed the merciic~, Tyram, to dec:Ltrc \rhcre th2 Clwrci;'s ]/cafure lay, can fed ,; good Cumpany of f'"M. Chri!li.ms to be C:f,ngreg;Jtccl, and wb: the Day of his Anii\cr \\'as cunw, and he was i1riEI:Iy char 1~,; to flaw! to bis Prom iCc; he: fln:tchin?; out his Arms over tlc ]\or, fJid, Thr(c arc the Jlrcciutts ]ic~{itrc rf the Cb11rcb; ti .. me the 'licajitre inricNI, i;; ;~l,(J;;z the h1itb r:F Cbrijl rcignctb, (: <;;.hom Jc.Ji1s C!JI ijl balb bij .1lanjiol1-jllace : Wbat more prc,:~c ;,
Tc\1 \

~65 Epitomiz'd, a~habetically. Jewels cm1 Chrift have, tbat1 tbofe in whom he hath promifed to dwell. It is written, I was bung1y, and ''e gave me eat; I was tbirfly, a11d yc gave me to drillk; I was hmbourlefs, m11l ye lodged me. Look, what yc bavc done to the lcaft of tbejc, the fame have ')'C done to me. No Tongue is able to expref.~ rhe TJrant's Fury and Madnefs hereupon. Kindle the Fire of WooJ.(faith he) make no fpare. Hath this Villain dduded the Emperor'? Awav with him ; away with him) whip him, bufret him, brain' him : Jefieth the Trniror with the Emperor? roa!l him, boy] him, tofs him, turn him on Pain of our high Difpleafure, do every one his Office, 0 ye Tormentors. When he was on the fiery Gridiron, which was as a fofc Bed of Down to him, he fpake tl1Us unto the Tyrant; This Side is 1w~u ronjlcd enough; Tum up, 0 Tyrant great : E,Day whctba roajlcd or ra'co Thou tbillk the better Meat. Secondly, John Laurence, who was burnt at Colcheflcr, Marc!J 29. A11. ISSS He being not able to go, being lamed with Irons in Prifon, was borne to the Fire in a Chair, and whilft he fate in the Fire, the JOZmg Children came about the Fire, and cried as well as they could, Lord, Jlrc;tgthCil thy Servant, and keep thy Promife; Lord, flreugtbcn tl1y Servant, and keep thy Promife. Thirdly, Henry Laurcucc, who was burnt at Canterbury, about the later end of Augzifl, the fame Year. He being required to put his Hand to his Anfwers, wrote, 2i: arc all of Antichril1, and him )'C fa!. Probably he would have written,

/lnd him yc Jo!lo~.v, had not he been hindred.

La <ojim. Elizabeth La"..ojoJ:, continuing almo!l three Years in Prifon,

in which Time her own Son, and many others were burnr, faid often; 'Good Lord, 1ubat is thi! Caufe that I may not 3'et come to thee ~oith thy Children ? Well, good Lord, tby blej)cd Will be done, and uot mine.---- This good old Woman, about the Age of ji:ct)', before fhe went to Prifon, had the Falling-,(zcknefs; but fhe told a Friend of hers, That after !he was apprehended5 1he never had it more.


Bonner Prefiing Joh1: Lcafc, an Jlpprclitice of Londo::, to recant, he faid, No; but I will die in that DoElrinc, that lVIr" Rogers, Hooper, Cardmaker, &c. ci1ed for, "" lH y Lord, you c-a!l

The HIST ORY of the MAR TYR S call mine Opinion He:efie; it is the true Light of the lfl'ord rj Go~, an:d I profefs I WJ!I never for fake my 1uell-gramuled Opi11ion, whdi1: I have Breath m my Body.--- When two Bills were fent to him in the Counter in Breadflrcct, the one containing a Recal!tati011, the other his Collfeffiolls, to fee which of them he would Sign ; when that which contained his Cmife.Dions 1 was read (for he could neither read nor write) infl:ead of a Pm he took a Pill, and fo pricking his Hand, fprinkled the Blood upon the faid Bill; willing the Reader thereof to !11~w the Bifbop, that hehad Jealeil the fame Bill with his Bl;Ji 266

Lewes. Mrs. Joyce Lewes was conwerted by Mr. John Glover: wha, after il1e was in fame Trouble, willed her in any Cafe not tu meddle with that Matter in refpeEl: of Vaillglory, or to g~: her felf a Name; lhewing to her the great Danger !11e w,11 like to ca!l: her felf into, if fi1e fiwuld meddle in God's Ma:t,: _otherwife than Chrift doth teach.---- When the Bifbop reafun~.: with her, fi1e told him; I find not thefe Things in God's fVor ;, which you urge and magnifie as things mofl needful for 11:::; Salvation. If thefe Things were in the fame Word rfGod c1:: mmulcd, I would with all my Heart receive, cfleem, and bci;::: them. The Bilhop anfwering, If thou wilt believe no m 'than is in the Scriptures,concerning Matters of Religion, t!~,: art in a damnable Cafe; fhe was amazed, and being uw.;cd .. the Spirit of Gad, told him, That his Words were zmgodl}' aE. 'Wicked. When News was brought of the coming down of the Jf, de combureudo, &c. fhe fent for feveral Chrifl:ians to coni.. with them how ihe might behave her felf, that her n : might be more glorious to the Name of God, co11ifortable tiJ :: People, and mofl: difco111fortable to the E11cmies of God. 1\; t Death ( faid fi1e) I do not greatly pafs : 'when I bciJoi.i : t!lniablc Countmauce of Chrifl, my Deer Scviour, the ugly ],;,.' . Death diJth 110t gruatly trouble me. Two PrirJls fl:nding her Word, that they were com : Le~r her ConROfo11 ; i11e lent them Word again, That lhe 1;. made her Confet1ion to Cbrift her Saviour, at whofe Hand; n: vm fure to ha\'C; Forgivcnifs of her Sins. As concernin~ t~ Cmifi:, f.Jr the which ih:: fhould die, ihe had no Caufe to'' .J. tbat, "''' i~thcr to ~ive unto God moil: humble Praife, Lk :_ did rr.:,::~ ::tr ~)Ht 11y to jirffcr Dcatb for his Word, ---- Lk


267 Epitomiz'd, alpbabc!ically. conceming that Abfolutiim, That they were able to give unto her, by Authority from the Pope, lhe did deftc the fame, even from the Bottom of her Heart. About three of the Clock in the Morning, before her Execution, Satm: quefl:ioned with her, How fhe could tell that fhe ~u,7S cbofen to etemal Life, and tbat Chrift died for her! I grm1t that be died, but that he died for thee, How caujl tbott tell? But Satan was foon put to Flight, :md ihe comforted in Chrift, bv arguing her Eleftioll and Chrift dying for her in particular9 from her Vocatio11, and the Holy Spirit working in her Heart Love and Defire towards God to pleafc bim, and to be juflificd by him through Chrifl:, &c. When the Sheriff about eight of the Clock that Morning cJme into her Chamber, and told her bluntly, That fl1e had but oue Hour to Jive, fl1e was fomewhat abaihed: but being told by a Friend, that ihe had great Caufe to praife God, that he will fo fpeedily take her out of this World, &c. She faid~ Mi. Shcriff1 your Melfage is "uclcomc to me, and I tba12k my God, that be rcuill make me 'wort by to advcllture my Life in hir Ouarrel. "'In her Prayer, as fhe was going to the Stake, fl1e defirecl God mo!1: infl:amly to aboliih the idolatrous Mafs, and to deliver this Ret~lm from Popcr:Y. To which moil: of the l::C:ople faid Amell, yea, the Sbcr!fl himfe!f. Lucius. He faid to Urbicius a corrupt Judge, threatning Death ; I tba11k J'Dll, witb ali my Hccrt, that free me a11d releafc me jrou; ~'ickcd Govmwurs, and fend mo ro my goad and loving Father.

The END of the Firfr V 0 L Ul\1E,

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