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Bibliographie internationale de Sociologie des Religions 2010/ International Bibliography of Sociology of Religions 2010
Social Compass 2011 58: 393 DOI: 10.1177/0037768611421584 The online version of this article can be found at: http://scp.sagepub.com/content/58/3/393.citation

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social compass
58(3), 2011, 393482

BIBLIOGRAPHIE INTERNATIONALE DE SOCIOLOGIE DES RELIGIONS 2010 Les lecteurs de notre revue trouveront ci-dessous la bibliographie internationale de sociologie des religions pour lanne 2010. Nous rappelons que notre bibliographie ne couvre de faon systmatique que des revues spcialises ( lexclusion des ouvrages). La liste de celles-ci et leurs abrviations usuelles figurent en tte de la bibliographie, classes par langues. INTERNATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGIONS 2010 Readers of our review will find below the international bibliography of sociology of religions for 2010. We would remind readers that our bibliography is a systematic indexing only of specialized journals (and not of books). The list of these journals and their usual abbreviations precede the bibliography and are classified by language.

La bibliographie internationale a t ralise avec la collaboration de/ The international bibliography was compiled with the collaboration of: E. Arweck (University of Warwick), R. de Castro Menezes (ISER, Rio de Janeiro), E. Fernandez Mostaza (Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona), E. Forgues (Universit de Moncton), M. Koenig (Universitt Gttingen), E. Martin (Universidad Nacional de San Martin, Buenos Aires), E. Pace (Universit di Padova), C. Polain (Universit catholique de Louvain). Priodiques consults et abrviations/Journals Consulted and Abbreviations
Notez quen de rares cas, un numro publi pourrait ne pas avoir t disponible pour la recension de cette anne/Note that, in rare cases, a published issue may not have been available for review this year. Allemand/German Berliner Journal fr Soziologie (German) Historische Sozialforschung /Historical Social Research (German) Klner Zeitschrift fr Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (German)

Berl. J. Soziol. H. S. R. K. Z. f. S. S.

DOI: 10.1177/0037768611421584 http://scp.sagepub.com

The Author(s), 2011. Reprints and permissions: http://www.sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav

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Social Compass 58(3) Leviathan P. Th. Pastoraltheol. Schweiz. Z. f. Soziol. Soc. Internat. Soz. Welt Z. f. R. Z. f. S. Z. R. G. G. . Z. f. S. Acta Soc. Am. Jour. Soc. Am. Soc. Rev. An. Rev. Soc. Rel. Brit. Jour. Soc. Cah. Can. Soc. Can. Rev. Soc. Anthr. Concilium Daedalus Eur. As. Stud. Eur. Jour. Soc. Eur. Soc. Rev. International Sociology Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies Jour. Ch. St. Jour. Cont. Rel. Jour. Sc. St. Rel. Publ. Op. Quart. Rel. Stud. Rev. Rel. Res. Soc. Act. Soc. Comp. Soc. Perspec. Soc. Quart. Soc. Rel. Soc. Res. Sociology St. Rel. Sc. Rel. Theor. Soc. Topia Zygon Acta Socio. Alter. An. Ant. Uruguay An. Der. Ecl. Andes

Leviathan (German) Praktische Theologie (German) Pastoraltheologie (German) Schweizerische Zeitschrift fr Soziologie (German) Sociologia Internationalis (German) Soziale Welt (German) Zeitschrift fr Religionswissenschaft (German) Zeitschrift fr Soziologie (German) Zeitschrift fr Religions- und Geistesgeschichte (German) sterreichische Zeitschrift fr Soziologie (German) Anglais/English Acta Sociologica (English) American Journal of Sociology (English) American Sociological Review (English) Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion (English) The British Journal of Sociology (English) Canadian Journal of Sociology/Cahiers Canadiens de Sociologie (English) Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology/Revue Canadienne de Sociologie et dAnthropologie (English/French) Concilium (English) Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (English) Europe-Asia Studies (English) European Journal of Sociology/Archives Europennes de Sociologie (English/French) European Sociological Review (English) International Sociology (English) Japanese Journal for Religious Studies (English) Journal of Church and State (English) Journal of Contemporary Religion (English) Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion (English) Public Opinion Quarterly (English) Religious Studies (English) Review of Religious Research (English) Social Action (English) Social Compass (English/French) Sociological Perspectives (English) The Sociological Quarterly (English) Sociology of Religion (English) Social Research (English) Sociology (English) Studies in religion/Sciences religieuses (English/French) Theory and Society (English) Topia. Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies (English) Zygon. Journal of Religion and Science (English) Espagnol/Spanish Acta Sociolgica (Spanish) Alteridades (Spanish) Anuario de Antropologa Social y Cultural del Uruguay (Spanish) Anuario de Derecho Eclesistico (Spanish) Andes. Antropologa e historia (Spanish)

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Bibliographie/Bibliography Revista Andina (Spanish) Anthropologica (Spanish) Antpoda. Revista de Antropologa y Arqueologa (Spanish) Apuntes de Investigacin del CECYP (Spanish) Av (Spanish) Ciencias Sociales y Religin/ Cincias Sociais e Religion (Spanish) Cuadernos del CLAEH (Spanish) Claves de Razn Prctica (Spanish) Convergencia. Revista de Ciencias Sociales (Spanish) Cuadernos de Antropologa Social (Spanish) Cuadernos del Instituto Nacional de Antropologa (Spanish) Cuadernos Interculturales (Spanish) Cuadernos de Realidades Sociales (Spanish) Desacatos (Spanish) Entrepasados (Spanish) Espiral (Spanish) Estudios Avanzados (Spanish) Estudios Fronterizos. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (Spanish) Estudios Sociolgicos (Spanish) Etnografas Contemporneas (Spanish) Historia Mexicana (Spanish) Iglesia Viva (Spanish) Ingurruak (Spanish) Intersecciones en Antropologa (Spanish) Isegora (Spanish) Migraciones Internacionales (Spanish) Papers (Spanish) Poltica y Sociedad (Spanish) Questions de Vida Cristiana (Spanish) Revista Espaola de Investigaciones Sociologicas (Spanish) Relaciones. Estudios de historia y sociedad (Spanish) Revista Acadmica del Estudio de las Religiones (Spanish) Revista Argentina de Sociologa (Spanish) Revista Catalana de Sociologia (Spanish) Revista de Ciencias Sociales (Spanish) Revista Colombiana de Antropologa (Spanish) Revista Cultura y Religin (Spanish) Revista de Estudios Politicos (Spanish) Revista de Estudios Sociales (Spanish) Revista de Fomento Social (Spanish) Revista Internacional de Sociologia (Spanish) Revista de Investigaciones Folclricas (Spanish) Revista del Magster en Antropologa y Desarrollo (Spanish) Revista Mexicana de Sociologa (Spanish) Revista Venezolana de Ciencias Sociales (Spanish) Sociedad y Utopa (Spanish) Sistema (Spanish) Sociedad y Religin (Spanish) Temas de historia argentina y americana (Spanish) Franais/French Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales (French) Annales (French) Lanne Sociologique (French) Andina Anthropologica Antipo. Ap. Inv. CECYP Ava C. S. R. CLAEH Claves Conver. Cuad. Ant. Soc. Cuad. Ina. Cuad. Interc. Cuad. R.S. Desacatos Entrepasados Espiral Est. Av. Est. Fronter.


Est. Soc. Etno. Cont. Hist. Mex. Igl. Viva Ingurruak Inter. Antrop. Isegora Migra. Int. Papers Pol. y Soc. Questions de V.C. R.E.I.S. Rela. Rev. Acad. Estud. Rel. Rev. Ar. Socio. Rev. Cat. Soc. Rev. Cien. Soc. Rev. Col. Ant. Rev. Cult. Rel. Rev. Est. Pol. Rev. Est. Soc. Rev. Fom. Soc. Rev. Inter. Soc. Rev. Inv. Folc. Rev. Mad. Rev. Mex. Soc. Rev. Ven. Ci. Soc. S. y U. Sistema Soc. y Rel. Temas Act. Rech. Sc. Soc. Annales Anne Soc.

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Social Compass 58(3) Anthr. Soc. Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel. Cah. Int. Soc. Cah. Rech. Soc. Dbat Diogne Esprit Ethn. Ethn. Fran. Futur. Hom. Soc. Inf. Sc. Soc. LHomme Lumire et Vie MAUSS N. P. S. S. Pouvoirs Projet Rabaska Rech. Soc. Anth. Rech. Sociogr. Recherches fministes Rev. Eur. Sc. Soc. Rev. Fr. Sc. Pol. Rev. Fran. Soc. Rev. Int. Sc. Soc. Rev. Pol. Comp. Soc. Soc. Agg. Soc. Civ. Catt. Crit. Marx. Crit. Soc. Humanitas Inchiesta Mulino Polis Quad. Soc. Rass. It. Soc. Rel. Soc. Riv. Int. Sc. Soc. Ric. Soc. Sociologia Studi Emigr. Studi Soc. Studium Testimonianze Vita e Pensiero Mens. Maat. Rel. Sam. Sociologie Tijd. Soc.

Anthropologie et Socits (French) Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions (French) Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie (French) Cahiers de recherche sociologique (French) Le Dbat (French) Diogne (French) Esprit (French) Ethnologies (French) Ethnologie Franaise (French) Futuribles (French) LHomme et la Socit (French) Information sur les Sciences Sociales (French) LHomme (French) Lumire et Vie (French) Revue du M.A.U.S.S. (French) Nouvelles Perspectives en sciences sociales (French) Pouvoirs (French) Projet (French) Rabaska: revue dethnologie de lAmrique franaise (French) Recherches Sociologiques et Anthropologiques (French) Recherches Sociographiques (French) Rech. Fem. (French) Revue Europenne des Sciences Sociales (French) Revue Franaise de Science Politique (French) Revue Franaise de Sociologie (French) Revue Internationale des Sciences Sociales (French) Revue Internationale de Politique Compare (French) Sociologie et Socits (French) Italien/Italian Aggiornamenti Sociali (Italian) La Civilt Cattolica (Italian) Critica marxista (Italian) La Critica Sociologica (Italian) Humanitas (Italian) Inchiesta (Italian) Il Mulino (Italian) Polis (Italian) Quaderni di Sociologia (Italian) Rassegna Italiani di Sociologia (Italian) Religione e Societ (Italian) Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali (Italian) Sociologia e Ricerca sociale (Italian) Sociologia (Italian) Studi Emigrazione (Italian) Studi di Sociologia (Italian) Studium (Italian) Testimonianze (Italian) Vita e Pensiero (Italian) Nerlandais/Dutch (non recenss pour 2010) Mens en Maatschappij (Dutch) Religie en Samenleving (Dutch) Sociologie (Dutch) Tijdschrift voor Sociologie (Dutch)

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Bibliographie/Bibliography Portugais/Portuguese Anlise Social (Portuguese) DADOS Revista de Cincias Sociais (Portuguese) Estudos Histricos (Portuguese) Etnogrfica (Portuguese) Horizontes Antropolgicos (Portuguese) Mana (Portuguese) Novos Estudos CEBRAP (Portuguese) Revista Eclesistica Brasileira (Portuguese) Religio e Sociedade (Portuguese) Revista de Antropologia da USP (Portuguese) Revista Brasileira de Cincias Sociais (Portuguese) Revista Brasileira de Histria (Portuguese) Sociologias (Portuguese) Tempo Social (Portuguese) Anal. Soc. Dados Est. Hist. Etnografica Hor. Antr. Mana Nov. Est. CEBRAP R. E. B. Relig. e Soc. Rev. Antr. USP Rev. Br. Cienc. Soc. Rev. Bras. Hist. Sociologias Temp. Soc.



Organisation et dveloppement de la recherche en sociologie des religions Organization and Development of Research in Sociology of Religions
Bibliographies, annuaires, cartes, ouvrages de rfrence Bibliographies, Annuals, Maps, Reference Works
SOCIAL COMPASS, Bibliographie internationale de sociologie des religions 2009/International Bibliography of Sociology of Religions 2009, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 3, 386439.



Instituts, Centres de recherche, Congrs Institutes, Research Centers, Congresses

MARTN, Elosa, Ciencias Sociales y Religin: un balance de 10 aos, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 13, 914. SMITH, Christian, Five Proposals for Reforming Article Publishing in the Social Scientific Study of Religion (Especially Quantitative): Improving Quality, Value, and Cumulativeness of our Scholarship, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 583595.


Sociologues de la religion Sociologists of Religion

CABRAL, Joo de Pina, A Prece Revisitada: comemorando a obra inacabada de Marcel Mauss, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 2, 1328. MARTN, Elosa, Ciencias Sociales y Religin: un balance de 10 aos, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 13, 914. MATORY, J. Lorand, Feminismo, nacionalismo, e a luta pelo significado do ad no Candombl: ou, como Edison Carneiro e Ruth Landes inverteram o curso da histria, Rev. Antr. USP, 2008, 51, 1, 107121. MONTERO, Paula, Jrgen Habermas: religio, diversidade cultural e publicidade, Nov. Est. CEBRAP, 2009, 84, 199213. REESINK, Msia Lins, Turner, Weber e o vidente: reflexes sobre a institucionalizao de uma apario mariana, Rev. Antr. USP, 2007, 50, 2, 571603.

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Social Compass 58(3) SZTUTMAN, Renato, Religio nmade ou germe do estado? Pierre e Hlne Clastres e a vertigem tupi, Nov. Est. CEBRAP, 2009, 83, 129157. THRIAULT, Barbara, Le sociologue, lhomme pieux et le pluralisme religieux: Dialogue avec Max Weber, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 206216.


pistmologie et mthodologie en sociologie des religions Epistemology and Methodology in Sociology of Religions
pistmologie Epistemology
Problmes gnraux General Problems MARTN, Elosa, Ciencias Sociales y Religin: un balance de 10 aos, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 13, 914. ROBBINS, Joel, El pensamiento de la continuidad y el problema de la cultura cristiana. Creencia, temporalidad y la antropologa del cristianismo, Ap. Inv. CECYP, 2010, 18, 111144. SAEZ, Oscar Calavia, O que os santos podem fazer pela antropologia?, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 2, 198219.


Dfinitions de la religion Definitions of Religion BANAGGIA, Gabriel, Converso, com verses: a respeito de modelos de converso religiosa, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 1, 200221. BINGEMER, Maria Clara, Is Christianity a Religion?, Concilium, 2010, 4, 4859. BLANES, Ruy Llera, O que que se passa no tabernculo? Orao e espacializao na igreja tokoista angolana, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 2, 116133. GAUTHIER, Franois, Mauss et la religion. Lhritage de Mauss chez LviStrauss et Bataille (et leur dpassement par Mauss), MAUSS, 2010, 36, 2, 111 123. LALIBERT, Micheline, Dfinitions et approches diverses de la religion populaire, Rabaska, 2010, 8, 718. PICKEL, Gert, German Youth: Neither Participants nor Partakers in Religion?, An. Rev. Soc. Rel., 2010, 1, 251288. SZTUTMAN, Renato, Religio nmade ou germe do estado? Pierre e Hlne Clastres e a vertigem tupi, Nov. Est. CEBRAP, 2009, 83, 129157. TAIRA, Teemu, Religion as a Discursive Technique: The Politics of Classifying Wicca, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 3, 379394.


Mthodologie et techniques de recherche Methodology and Research Techniques

Problmes gnraux General Problems CLMENT, Fabrice, De la nature des croyances collectives, Anne Soc., 2010, 60, 1, 6391.

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Bibliographie/Bibliography 11.1 Mthodes historiques Historical Methods


DIX, Steffen, As esferas seculares e religiosas na sociedade portuguesa, Anal. Soc., 2010, 194, 527. RAFAEL, Ulisses Neves, Muito barulho por nada ou o xang rezado baixo: uma etnografia do Quebra de 1912 em Alagoas, Brasil, Etnogrfica, 2010, 14, 2, 289310. SANTOS, Beatriz Cato Cruz, Santos e devotos no imprio ultramarino portugus, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 1, 146178. 11.2 Mthodes anthropologiques Anthropological Methods BANAGGIA, Gabriel, Converso, com verses: a respeito de modelos de converso religiosa, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 1, 200221. BLANES, Ruy Llera, O que que se passa no tabernculo? Orao e espacializao na igreja tokoista angolana, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 2, 116133. FERREIRA, Francirosy Campos Barbosa, Mais de mil e uma noites de experincia etnogrfica: uma construo metodolgica para pesquisadores-performers da religio, Etnogrfica, 2009, 13, 2, 441464. GARCA FERNNDEZ, Ana Cristina, Sinceramientos epistemolgicos: Sobre estudio en monasterio de monjas de clausura, An. Ant. Uruguay, 2010, 2010, 235245. MENEZES, Renata de Castro, Celebrando So Besso ou o que Robert Hertz e a Escola Francesa de Sociologia tm a nos dizer sobre festas, rituais e simbolismo, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 1, 179199. PINTO, Paulo G., The Anthropologist and the Initiated: Reflections on the Ethnography of Mystical Experience among the Sufis of Aleppo, Syria, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 4, 464478. PIRES, Flvia, Tornando-se adulto: uma abordagem antropolgica sobre crianas e religio, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 1, 143164. RAFAEL, Ulisses Neves, Muito barulho por nada ou o xang rezado baixo: uma etnografia do Quebra de 1912 em Alagoas, Brasil, Etnogrfica, 2010, 14, 2, 289310. SAEZ, Oscar Calavia, O que os santos podem fazer pela antropologia?, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 2, 198219. 11.3 Mthodes sociologiques qualitatives (linguistiques, analyse du discours, interviews ...) Sociological Qualitative Methods (Linguistic Methods, Discourse Analysis, Interviews ...) MANO, Ural, Corporits, asctismes et scularisation dans le discours de la confrrie Naqshbandi turque contemporaine, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 4, 479492. REIMER, Kevin S., DUECK, Alvin C., NEUFELD, Garth, STEENWYK, Sherry, SIDESINGER, Tracy, Varieties of Religious Cognition: A Computational Approach to Self-Understanding in Three Monotheistic Contexts, Zygon, 2010, 45, 1, 7590. SDAL, Helke Kringlebotn, Victor, not Victim: Joel Osteens Rhetoric of Hope, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 1, 3750.

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Social Compass 58(3) TESKE, John A., Narrative and Meaning in Science and Religion, Zygon, 2010, 45, 1, 91104. WILLIAMS, Roman R., Space for God: Lived Religion at Work, Home, and Play, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 3, 257279. WUTHNOW, Robert, Heaven is a Wonderful Place: The Role of Reasonableness in Religious Discourse (H. Paul Douglass Lecture), Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 1, 520.


Mthodes sociologiques quantitatives (enqutes, statistiques ...) Sociological Quantitative Methods (Surveys, Statistics ...) BARRO, Robert, HWANG, Jason, McCLEARY, Rachel, Religious Conversion in 40 Countries, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 1536. BRESLIN, Michael J., LEWIS, Christopher Alan, SHEVLIN, Mark, A Psychometric Evaluation of Poloma and Pendletons (1991) and Ladd and Spilkas (2002, 2006) Measures of Prayer, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 710723. CHILDS, Ellen, Religious Attendance and Happiness: Examining Gaps in the Current Literature: A Research Note, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 3, 550560. DARGENT, Claude, La population musulmane de France: de lombre la lumire?, Rev. Fran. Soc., 2010, 51, 2, 219246. DJUPE, Paul A., GWIASDA, Gregory W., Evangelizing the Environment: Decision Process Effects in Political Persuasion, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 7386. EMERSON, Michael O., SIKKINK, David, JAMES, Adele D., The Panel Study on American Religion and Ethnicity: Background, Methods, and Selected Results, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 162171. HUBER, Stefan, RICHARD, Matthias, The Inventory of Emotions towards God (EtG): Psychological Valences and Theological Issues, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 1, 2140. KOCH, Jerome R., RAMIREZ, Ignacio Luis, Religiosity, Christian Fundamentalism, and Intimate Partner Violence among U.S. College Students, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 4, 402410. LABOUFE, Jordan P., ROWATT, Wade C., JOHNSON, Megan K., THEDFORD, Michelle, TSANG, Jo-Ann, Development and Initial Validation of an Implicit Measure of Religiousness-Spirituality, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 3, 439455. LEVIN, Jeff, KAPLAN, Berton H., The Sorokin Multidimensional Inventory of Love Experience (SMILE): Development, Validation, and Religious Determinants, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 4, 380401. NEFF, James Alan, Confirmatory Factor Analysis Validation of a Four-Factor Measure of Spirituality-Religiosity for Use in Diverse Substance Abuse Treatment Populations, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 1, 4156. OTTONI-WILHELM, Mark, Giving to Organizations that Help People in Need: Differences across Denominational Identities, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 3, 389412. PICKEL, Gert, German Youth: Neither Participants nor Partakers in Religion?, An. Rev. Soc. Rel., 2010, 1, 251288. ROGERS, Richard Lee, The Urban Threshold and the Second Great Awakening: Revivalism in New York State, 18251835, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 694709.

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ROSSI, Maurizio, SCAPPINI, Ettore, La partecipazione alla messa in un confronto tra metodi di rilevazione, Polis, 2010, 1, 65100. RUITER, Stijn, DE GRAAF, Nan Dirk, National Religious Context and Volunteering: More Rigorous Tests Supporting the Association (Reply to Van der Meer, Te Grotenhuis, and Pelzer), Am. Soc. Rev., 2010, 75, 1, 179184. SCHWADEL, Philip, Age, Period, and Cohort Effects on U.S. Religious Service Attendance: The Declining Impact of Sex, Southern Residence, and Catholic Affiliation, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 1, 224. SCHWADEL, Philip, DOUGHERTY, Kevin D., Assessing Key Informant Methodology in Congregational Research, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 4, 366379. SMITH, Buster G., Acceptance of Other Religions in the United States: An HLM Analysis of Variability across Congregations, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 1, 127142. SMITH, Christian, Five Proposals for Reforming Article Publishing in the Social Scientific Study of Religion (Especially Quantitative): Improving Quality, Value, and Cumulativeness of our Scholarship, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 583595.


Approches thoriques fondamentales Fundamental Theoretical Approaches

Systmes thoriques fondamentaux Fundamental Theoretical Systems
BOUDON, Raymond, La rationalit ordinaire: colonne vertbrale des sciences sociales, Anne Soc., 2010, 60, 1, 1940. BRONNER, Grald, Le succs dune croyance. vocation crdibilit mmorisation, Anne Soc., 2010, 60, 1, 137160. CABRAL, Joo de Pina, A Prece Revisitada: comemorando a obra inacabada de Marcel Mauss, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 2, 1328. GAUTHIER, Franois, Mauss et la religion. Lhritage de Mauss chez Lvi-Strauss et Bataille (et leur dpassement par Mauss), MAUSS, 2010, 36, 2, 111123. LAMINE, Anne-Sophie, Les croyances religieuses: entre raison, symbolisation et exprience, Anne Soc., 2010, 60, 1, 93114. SEIBERT, Leif, Glaubwrdigkeit als religises Vermgen. Grundlagen eines Feldmodells nach Bourdieu am Beispiel Bosnien-Herzegowinas, Berl. J. Soziol., 2010, 20, 1, 89117. TAROT, Camille, La croise des chemins. Sur la difficile actualit de la religiologie de Marcel Mauss, MAUSS, 2010, 36, 2, 124137. TRUC, Grme, Esquisse dune sociologie de la thologie, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 150, 2, 155173.


Analyse de concepts fondamentaux en sociologie des religions Analysis of fundamental concepts in sociology of religions
BLANES, Ruy Llera, O que que se passa no tabernculo? Orao e espacializao na igreja tokoista angolana, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 2, 116133. BRONNER, Grald, Actualit des croyances collectives, Anne Soc., 2010, 60, 1, 1118. CABRAL, Joo de Pina, A Prece Revisitada: comemorando a obra inacabada de Marcel Mauss, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 2, 1328.

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Social Compass 58(3) CLMENT, Fabrice, De la nature des croyances collectives, Anne Soc., 2010, 60, 1, 6391. GOLDMAN, Marcio, Histrias, devires e fetiches das religies afro-brasileiras: ensaio de simetrizao antropolgica, Anal. Soc., 2009, 190, 105137. HERVIEU-LGER, Danile, Le partage du croire religieux dans des socits dindividus, Anne Soc., 2010, 60, 1, 4162. LALIBERT, Micheline, Dfinitions et approches diverses de la religion populaire, Rabaska, 2010, 8, 718. LAMINE, Anne-Sophie, Les croyances religieuses: entre raison, symbolisation et exprience, Anne Soc., 2010, 60, 1, 93114. MATORY, J. Lorand, Feminismo, nacionalismo, e a luta pelo significado do ad no Candombl: ou, como Edison Carneiro e Ruth Landes inverteram o curso da histria, Rev. Antr. USP, 2008, 51, 1, 107121. RENARD, Jean-Bruno, Croyances fantastiques et rationalit, Anne Soc., 2010, 60, 1, 115135. SANSI, Roger, Feitio e fetiche no Atlntico moderno, Rev. Antr. USP, 2008, 51, 1, 123153.


Religion et socit globale Religion and Global Society

Religion et structures sociales Religion and Social Structures
Problmes gnraux General Problems MENEZES, Renata de Castro, Celebrando So Besso ou o que Robert Hertz e a Escola Francesa de Sociologia tm a nos dizer sobre festas, rituais e simbolismo, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 1, 179199. MONTERO, Paula, Jrgen Habermas: religio, diversidade cultural e publicidade, Nov. Est. CEBRAP, 2009, 84, 199213.


Religion et stratification sociale Religion and Social Stratification BASTOS, Susana Pereira, Manejos da religio, da etnicidade e recursos de classe na construo de uma cultura migratria transnacional, Anal. Soc., 2009, 190, 4369. BIRMAN, Patricia, Feitiarias, territrios e resistncias marginais, Mana, 2009, 15, 2, 321348. BUSTAMANTE, Fabin, La formacin de una nueva mentalidad religiosa de la elite empresarial durante la dictadura militar, 19741990. El catolicismo empresarial del Opus Dei, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 1, 105124. DONATELLO, Luis Miguel, Catlicos dogmticos de Clase Alta?, Soc. y Rel., 2010, 3233, 4957. LEVITA, Gabriel, Estructura social y pluralizacin religiosa: un anlisis del nivel socioeconmico de los pentecostales, Soc. y Rel., 2010, 32/33, 6988.

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MAUES, Raymundo Heraldo, Comunidades no sentido social da evangelizao: CEBs, camponeses e quilombolas na Amaznia Oriental Brasileira, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 1337. SCHIEMAN, Scott, Socioeconomic Status and Beliefs about Gods Influence in Everyday Life, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 1, 2551. SEIDL, Ernesto, Caminhos que levam a Roma: recursos culturais e redefinies da excelncia religiosa, Hor. Antr., 2009, 15, 31, 263290. SHAH, Bindi, DWYER, Claire, MODOOD, Tariq, Explaining Educational Achievement and Career Aspirations among Young British Pakistanis: Mobilizing Ethnic Capital?, Sociology, 2010, 44, 6, 11091127. VIOTTI, Nicols, El lugar de la creencia y la transformacin religiosa en las clases medias de Buenos Aires, Ap. Inv. CECYP, 2010, 18, 3968. 30.2 Religion et intgration sociale Religion and Social Integration AMIR-MOAZAMI, Schirin, Dgal gal?: hermneutique critique du dialogue initi par ltat avec les musulmans dAllemagne, Soc. soc., 2010, 42, 1, 171196. KIM, Sharon, Shifting Boundaries within Second-Generation Korean American Churches, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 1, 98122. MARINUCCI, Roberto, Caminhos da Igreja junto a imigrantes e refugiados. Representaes sociais e desafios pastorais, R. E. B., 2010, 70, 278, 331354. MOSSIRE, Graldine, Passer et retravailler la frontire ... Des converties lislam en France et au Qubec: jeux et enjeux de mdiation et de diffrenciation, Soc. Soc., 2010, 42, 1, 245270. PETER, Frank, Les fruits de la foi et luniversalit de lislam: une tude de cas sur lactivisme musulman en France, Soc. Soc., 2010, 42, 1, 95114. SALZMANN, Ariel, Is There a Moral Economy of State Formation? Religious Minorities and Repertoires of Regime Integration in the Middle East and Western Europe, 6001614, Theor. Soc., 2010, 39, 34, 299313. TRZEBIATOWSKA, Marta, The Advent of the EasyJet Priest: Dilemmas of Polish Catholic Integration in the UK, Sociology, 2010, 44, 6, 10551072. Religion et identit sociale Religion and Social Identity AMEIGEIRAS, Aldo, Creencias religiosas populares en la sociedad argentina: algunas reflexiones acerca de la significacin de la creencia en Dios, la diversidad de creencias y las identidades religiosas, Soc. y Rel., 2010, 32/33, 124139. AMGHAR, Samir, Le niqb, pour saffirmer?, Projet, 2010, 314, 1995. ANDEZIAN, Sossie, Formation des identits palestiniennes chrtiennes, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 189210. BLAY, Eva Alterman, Gnero, resistncia e identidade: imigrantes judeus no Brasil, Temp. Soc., 2009, 21, 2, 235258. BOISVERT, Mathieu, Facteurs contribuant lidentit du prtre de plerinage de Prayga, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 1, 5775. CABRAL, Joo de Pina, O Diabo e o dilema brasileiro: uma perspectiva anticesurista, II, Rev. Antr. USP, 2007, 50, 2, 477525.


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Social Compass 58(3) CHAGAS, Gisele Fonseca, Identidades religiosas e fronteiras tnicas: um estudo do ritual da orao na comunidade muulmana do rio de janeiro, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 2, 152176. COLLINS, John F., A razo barroca do patrimnio baiano: contos de tesouro e histrias de ossadas no Centro Histrico de Salvador, Rev. Antr. USP, 2008, 51, 1, 2165. CONTINS, Marcia, Religio, etnicidade e globalizao: uma comparao entre grupos religiosos nos contextos brasileiro e norte-americano, Rev. Antr. USP, 2008, 51, 1, 67106. FERNANDES, Silvia Regina Alves, Interfaces entre juventude e vocao uma anlise qualitativa no Rio de Janeiro, R. E. B., 2009, 69, 274, 361387. IRRAZABAL, Gabriela, Biotica y catolicismo: dificultades en torno a la constitucin de una identidad colectiva, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 1, 101116. KASTORYANO, Riva, Codes of Otherness, Soc. Res., 2010, 77, 1, 79100. KIM, Sharon, Shifting Boundaries within Second-Generation Korean American Churches, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 1, 98122. MAKDISI, Saree, Um espao racializado: engenharia social em Jerusalm, Nov. Est. CEBRAP, 2010, 88, 181193. MAPRIL, Jos, Aqui ningum reza por ele!: trnsitos fnebres entre o Bangladesh e Portugal, Hor. Antr., 2009, 15, 31, 219239. MAPRIL, Jos, O lugar do sacrifcio: qurbani e circuitos transnacionais entre bangladeshis em Lisboa, Anal. Soc., 2009, , 190, 71103. MAUES, Raymundo Heraldo, Comunidades no sentido social da evangelizao: CEBs, camponeses e quilombolas na Amaznia Oriental Brasileira, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 1337. MOSSIRE, Graldine, Passer et retravailler la frontire ... Des converties lislam en France et au Qubec: jeux et enjeux de mdiation et de diffrenciation, Soc. Soc., 2010, 42, 1, 245270. OBADIA, Lionel, Festivits religieuses, publiques et discrtes. Mondialisation, tourisme, et mimesis chez les Sherpas du Nord Npal, Anthr. Soc., 2010, 34, 2, 177197. PETER, Frank, Les fruits de la foi et luniversalit de lislam: une tude de cas sur lactivisme musulman en France, Soc. Soc., 2010, 42, 1, 95114. SALAMANCA, Carlos, Os novos Qom: a constituio de uma identidade relacional em devir, Mana, 2009, 15, 1, 155182. STRAUGHN, Jeremy Brooke, American as a Christian Nation? Understanding Religious Boundaries of National Identity in the United States, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 3, 280306. TIESLER, Nina Clara, Religio e pertena em discursos europeus: conceitos e agentes muulmanos, Anal. Soc., 2009, 190, 1742. WISSLER, Holly, Qeros, Per: la regeneracin de relaciones cosmolgicas e identidades especficas a travs de la msica., Anthropologica, 2010, 28, 93116. YUKICH, Grace, Boundary Work in Inclusive Religious Groups: Constructing Identity at the New York Catholic Worker, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 2, 172196.


Religion et ethnicit Religion and Ethnicity ALBA, Richard, Connecting the Dots between Boundary Change and LargeScale Assimilation with Zolbergian Clues, Soc. Res., 2010, 77, 1, 163180.

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ANDREWS, Robyn, Christianity as an Indian Religion: The Anglo-Indian Experience, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 2, 173188. BASTOS, Susana Pereira, Manejos da religio, da etnicidade e recursos de classe na construo de uma cultura migratria transnacional, Anal. Soc., 2009, 190, 4369. BEYER, Heiko, KRUMPAL, Ivar, Aber es gibt keine Antisemiten mehr: Eine experimentelle Studie zur Kommunikationslatenz antisemitischer Einstellungen, K. Z. f. S. S., 2010, 62, 4, 681705. BROWN, R. Khari, Religion, Economic Concerns, and African American Immigration Attitudes, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 2, 146158. CANTN DELGADO, Manuela, Gypsy Pentecostalism, Ethnopolitical Uses and Construction of Belonging in the South of Spain, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 253267. CHAGAS, Gisele Fonseca, Identidades religiosas e fronteiras tnicas: um estudo do ritual da orao na comunidade muulmana do rio de janeiro, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 2, 152176. COLLINS, John F., A razo barroca do patrimnio baiano: contos de tesouro e histrias de ossadas no Centro Histrico de Salvador, Rev. Antr. USP, 2008, 51, 1, 2165. CONTINS, Marcia, Religio, etnicidade e globalizao: uma comparao entre grupos religiosos nos contextos brasileiro e norte-americano, Rev. Antr. USP, 2008, 51, 1, 67106. EMERSON, Michael O., SIKKINK, David, JAMES, Adele D., The Panel Study on American Religion and Ethnicity: Background, Methods, and Selected Results, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 162171. GILMAN, Sander L., Happiness and Unhappiness as a Jewish Question, Soc. Res., 2010, 77, 2, 545568. JARDIM, Denise Fagundes, As mulheres voam com seus maridos: a experincia da dispora palestina e as relaes de gnero, Hor. Antr., 2009, 15, 31, 189217. KASTORYANO, Riva, Codes of Otherness, Soc. Res., 2010, 77, 1, 79100. KIM, Sharon, Shifting Boundaries within Second-Generation Korean American Churches, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 1, 98122. MAKDISI, Saree, Um espao racializado: engenharia social em Jerusalm, Nov. Est. CEBRAP, 2010, 88, 181193. MAPRIL, Jos, Aqui ningum reza por ele!: trnsitos fnebres entre o Bangladesh e Portugal, Hor. Antr., 2009, 15, 31, 219239. MAPRIL, Jos, O lugar do sacrifcio: qurbani e circuitos transnacionais entre bangladeshis em Lisboa, Anal. Soc., 2009, , 190, 71103. MARTI, Gerardo, When Does Religious Racial Integration Count? A Caution about Seeking Ideal Ethnographic Cases (Reply), Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 224230. MARTI, Gerardo, The Religious Racial Integration of African Americans into Diverse Churches, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 201217. NG, Thi Thanh Tm, Ethnic and Transnational Dimensions of Recent Protestant Conversion among the Hmong in Northern Vietnam, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 3, 332344. PALMER-BOYES, Ashley, The Latino Catholic Parish as a Specialist Organization: Distinguishing Characteristics, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 3, 302323.

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Social Compass 58(3) PITT, Richard N., Fear of a Black Pulpit? Real Racial Transcendence versus Cultural Assimilation in Multiracial Churches (Comment), Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 218223. PITT, Richard N., Killing the Messenger: Religious Black Gay Mens Neutralization of Anti-Gay Religious Messages, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 5672. RICUCCI, Roberta, Religion and Adolescent Immigrants in Italy: A Case of Identifying with or Turning away from their Communities?, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 3, 419436. SALAMANCA, Carlos, Os novos Qom: a constituio de uma identidade relacional em devir, Mana, 2009, 15, 1, 155182. SHAH, Bindi, DWYER, Claire, MODOOD, Tariq, Explaining Educational Achievement and Career Aspirations among Young British Pakistanis: Mobilizing Ethnic Capital?, Sociology, 2010, 44, 6, 11091127. SINGH, Jasjit, Head First: Young British Sikhs, Hair, and the Turban, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 2, 203220. SKIRBEKK, Vegard, KAUFMANN, Eric, GOUJON, Anne, Secularism, Fundamentalism, or Catholicism? The Religious Composition of the United States to 2043, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 293310. TAYLOR, Robert Joseph, CHATTERS, Linda M., MATTIS, Jacqueline S., JOE, Sean, Religious Involvement among Caribbean Blacks Residing in the United States, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 2, 125145. WISSLER, Holly, Qeros, Per: la regeneracin de relaciones cosmolgicas e identidades especficas a travs de la msica, Anthropologica, 2010, 28, 93116.


Religion et conomie Religion and Economy

Problmes gnraux General Problems AARTS, Olav, TE GROTHENHUIS, Manfred, NEED, Ariana, DE GRAAF, Nan Dirk, Does Duration of Deregulated Religious Markets Affect Church Attendance? Evidence from 26 Religious Markets in Europe and North America between 1981 and 2006, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 657672. BAKER, Joseph O., Social Sources of the Spirit: Connecting Rational Choice and Interactive Ritual Theories in the Study of Religion, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 4, 432456. BARRO, Robert, HWANG, Jason, McCLEARY, Rachel, Religious Conversion in 40 Countries, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 1536. BENEKE, Chris, The Free Market and the Founders Approach to ChurchState Relations, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 2, 323352. BROWN, R. Khari, Religion, Economic Concerns, and African American Immigration Attitudes, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 2, 146158. CRAGUN, Ryan T., LAWSON, Ronald, The Secular Transition: The Worldwide Growth of Mormons, Jehovahs Witnesses, and Seventh-day Adventists, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 3, 349373. DEUCHAR, Ross, HOLLIGAN, Chris, Gangs, Sectarianism and Social Capital: A Qualitative Study of Young People in Scotland, Sociology, 2010, 44, 1, 1330.

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DRYDAKIS, Nick, Religious Affiliation and Employment Bias in the Labor Market, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 3, 477493. EL ASRI, Farid, VUILLEMENOT, Anne-Marie, Le World Sufism: Quand le soufisme entre en scne, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 4, 493502. HIRSCHLE, Jochen, From Religious to Consumption-Related Routine Activities? Analyzing Irelands Economic Boom and the Decline in Church Attendance, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 673687. HIRSCHLE, Jochen, Religious Values: Explanatory or Dependent Variables? (Reply to Voas), Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 691693. HOFFMANN, John P., LOTT, Bruce R., JEPPSEN, Catherine, Religious Giving and the Boundedness of Rationality, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 3, 323348. HULL, Brooks B., LIPFORD, Jody, Free Riding, Market Structure, and Church Member Donations in South Carolina, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 2, 172187. KALKANDJIEVA, Daniela, The Bulgarian Orthodox Church and the Ethic of Capitalism, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 1, 8399. LINDSAY, D. Michael, WUTHNOW, Robert, Financing Faith: Religion and Strategic Philanthropy, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 87111. OTTONI-WILHELM, Mark, Giving to Organizations that Help People in Need: Differences across Denominational Identities, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 3, 389412. SAKURAI, Yoshihide, Geopolitical Mission Strategy: The Case of the Unification Church in Japan and Korea, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 2, 317334. SCHIEMAN, Scott, Socioeconomic Status and Beliefs about Gods Influence in Everyday Life, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 1, 2551. SENGERS, Erik, Marketing in Dutch Mainline Congregations: What Religious Organizations Offer and How They Do It, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 1, 2135. SWIDLER, Ann, The Return of the Sacred: What African Chiefs Teach Us about Secularization (2009 Paul Hanly Furfey Lecture), Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 2, 157171. TOTARO, Paolo, Misticismo do clculo e a ascese consumista: razo e f no crer sem pertencer e no neopentecostalismo, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 1, 81100. VOAS, David, Value Liberalization or Consumption: Comment on Hirschles Analysis of Irelands Economic Boom and the Decline in Church Attendance (Comment), Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 688690. WHITEHEAD, Andrew L., Financial Commitment within Federations of Small Groups: The Effect of Cell-Based Congregational Structure on Individual Giving, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 640656. YANG, Fenggang, Oligopoly Dynamics: Consequences of Religious Regulation, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 194205. ZHAI, Jiexia Elisa, Contrasting Trends of Religious Markets in Contemporary Mainland China and in Taiwan, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 1, 94111. 31.1 Religion et vie conomique Religion and Economic Life COHEN, Anouk, Le livre du Coran Rabat et Casablanca, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 150, 2, 175195. CORONA PEZ, Sergio Antonio, Vinos y diezmos en Mxico: prcticas recaudatorias en Santa Mara de las Parras, Est. Av., 2010, 14, 113143.

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Social Compass 58(3) LAND, Chris, TAYLOR, Scott, Surfs Up: Work, Life, Balance and Brand in a New Age Capitalist Organization, Sociology, 2010, 44, 3, 395413. LIMA, Diana, Alguns fiis da igreja universal do reino de Deus, Mana, 2010, 16, 2, 351373. MARGUERAT, Daniel, Pour une spiritualit de largent, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 286, 3543. MARTI, Gerardo, Ego-affirming Evangelicalism: How a Hollywood Church Appropriates Religion for Workers in the Creative Class, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 1, 5275. NARANJO, Eduardo, Una nueva tica econmica catlica en respuesta al nuevo liberalismo, Conver., 2010, 17, 53, 177203. PUEL, Hughes, Responsabiliser la finance, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 286, 6981. RORDORDF, Bernard, Jacques Ellul: dshonorer largent, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 286, 5161. STENSRUD, Astrid B., Los peregrinos urbanos en Qoylluriti y el juego mimtico de miniaturas, Anthropologica, 2010, 28, 3966. YANG, Fenggang, Religion in China under Communism: A Shortage Economy Explanation, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 1, 333.


Religion et politique Religion and Politics

Problmes gnraux General Problems BOIVIN, Michel, Benazir en odeur de saintet. Naissance dun lieu de culte au Pakistan, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 151, 3, 189211. DEVRET, Jean-Franois, Les Europens et lIslam, Futur., 2010, 369, 7379. DIOTAVELLI, Luca, Alternativas a la lacit. Para un conocimiento menos augusto de la cultura europea, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 13, 1536. JAMMES, Jrmy, Divination and Politics in Southern Vietnam: Roots of Caodaism, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 3, 357371. LAITIN, David, Rational Islamophobia in Europe, Eur. Jour. Soc., 2010, 51, 3, 429447. LILLA, Mark, Religin, poltica y el occidente moderno, Claves, 2010, 201, 2429. MOULINE, Nabil, Les oulmas du palais, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 229253. ORO, Ari Pedro, Ascension et dclin du pentectisme politique au Brsil, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 151168. PAGIS, Julie, La politisation dengagements religieux. Retour sur une matrice de lengagement en mai 68, Rev. Fr. Sc. Pol., 2010, 60, 1, 6189. STAMATOV, Peter, Activist Religion, Empire, and the Emergence of Modern Long-Distance Advocacy Networks, Am. Soc. Rev., 2010, 75, 4, 607628. TOFAEONO TOFAEONO, Amaamalele, The Moana Declaration An EcoTheological Debate, Concilium, 2010, 5, 7887. TOSTA, Lena, Iogues Indianos nas Fronteiras do Conhecvel: performance e dissidncia entre siddhas hindus, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 12, 79106. TRN Thi Lin, Claire, Les relations entre lglise catholique et ltat au Vietnam depuis Di Mi: Perspectives, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 3, 345356.

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ZAMBIRAS, Ariane, Les dynamiques religieuses en Californie et leurs effets politiques, Pouvoirs, 2010, 133, 2, 103114. 32.1 Religion et attitudes politiques Religion and Political Attitudes AGUILAR FERNNDEZ, Susana, El activismo poltico de la Iglesia catlica durante el gobierno de Zapatero (20042010), Papers, 2010, 95, 4, 11291155. ALGRANTI, Joaqun, El juego de las interpretaciones religiosas. Aproximaciones al estudio las representaciones evanglicas sobre la situacin social de la Argentina, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 1, 3653. ALVES, Jos Augusto Lindgren, Coexistncia cultural e guerras de religio, Rev. Br. Cienc. Soc., 2010, 25, 72, 21172. BEYER, Heiko, KRUMPAL, Ivar, Aber es gibt keine Antisemiten mehr: Eine experimentelle Studie zur Kommunikationslatenz antisemitischer Einstellungen, K. Z. f. S. S., 2010, 62, 4, 681705. BOVA, Vincenzo, Chiesa cattolica e democrazia. Esiste ancora un modello polacco?, Rel. Soc., 2010, 67, 6778. BRINT, Steven, ABRUTYN, Seth, Whos Right about the Right? Comparing Competing Explanations of the Link between White Evangelicals and Conservative Politics in the United States, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 328350. BROWN, R. Khari, Religion, Economic Concerns, and African American Immigration Attitudes, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 2, 146158. COLOM, Gabriel, Cultura poltica de la societat catalana, Questions de V.C., 2010, 237, 924. DEUCHAR, Ross, HOLLIGAN, Chris, Gangs, Sectarianism and Social Capital: A Qualitative Study of Young People in Scotland, Sociology, 2010, 44, 1, 1330. DUQUE DAZA, Javier, Las comunidades religiosas protestantes y su trnsito hacia lo poltico-electoral en Colombia, 19902007, Rev. Mex. Soc., 2010, 72, 1, 73111. FONSECA, Andre Dioney, ROIZ, Diogo da Silva, Religin e imperialismo: representaciones del marxismo en la revista Lies Bblicas de la Iglesia Asamblea de Dios de Brasil (19801990), Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 1, 5570. GARCA SANTESMASES, Antonio, Intelectuales y cuestin religiosa en la Espaa actual. Pistas para un anlisis socio-poltico, Igl. Viva, 2010, 243, 8596. GIORGI, Guido Ignacio, Redes catlicas y estado en la revolucin argentina, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 12, 5378. JUNG, Dietrich, Islam as a Problem: Dutch Religious Politics in the East Indies, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 3, 288301. KOHLER, Florent, Chamanisme et politique dans lUa, Bas-Oyapock (Amap, Brsil), Anthr. Soc., 2010, 34, 1, 1331. LEVY, Charmain, Influncia e contribuio: a igreja catlica progressista brasileira e o frum social mundial, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 2, 177197. LEWIS, Andrew R., DE BERNARDO, Dana Huyser, Belonging without Belonging: Utilizing Evangelical Self-Identification to Analyze Political Attitudes and Preferences, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 112126. MAUES, Raymundo Heraldo, Comunidades no sentido social da evangelizao: CEBs, camponeses e quilombolas na Amaznia Oriental Brasileira, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 1337.

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Social Compass 58(3) MEJAHDI, Kamal, La evolucin democrtica de los islamistas marroqes: incentivos y condiciones, Rev. Est. Pol., 2010, 147, 4369. MORASSO, Andrs, Una praxis cristiana y popular en la poblacin la Victoria de Santiago de Chile (19831988), Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 2038. PETER, Frank, Les fruits de la foi et luniversalit de lislam: une tude de cas sur lactivisme musulman en France, Soc. Soc., 2010, 42, 1, 95114. RIOB, Enrique, La evolucin del discurso de la Teologa de la Liberacin durante la dictadura chilena. El caso de los peridicos clandestinos No Podemos Callar y Policarpo, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 3956. SMITH, Buster G., JOHNSON, Byron, The Liberalization of Young Evangelicals: A Research Note, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 351360. SMITH, Lisa Ann, BEAMAN, Lori G., Displacing Religion, Disarming Law: Situating Quaker Spirituality in the Trident Three Case, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 4, 503520. VILAA, Helena, Religion and Politics in Portugal: Religious Landscape and Prospective Developments, An. Rev. Soc. Rel., 2010, 1, 461478. YANG, Fenggang, Youth and Religion in Modern China: A Sketch of Social and Political Development, An. Rev. Soc. Rel., 2010, 1, 147162.


Religion et tat Religion and State AARTS, Olav, TE GROTHENHUIS, Manfred, NEED, Ariana, DE GRAAF, Nan Dirk, Does Duration of Deregulated Religious Markets Affect Church Attendance? Evidence from 26 Religious Markets in Europe and North America between 1981 and 2006, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 657672. AMIR-MOAZAMI, Schirin, Dgal gal?: hermneutique critique du dialogue initi par ltat avec les musulmans dAllemagne, Soc. soc., 2010, 42, 1, 171196. AMMERMAN, Nancy T., The Challenges of Pluralism: Locating Religion in a World of Diversity, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 154167. ANDREESCU, Liviu, Double or Nothing: Academic Theology and PostCommunist Religious Policy, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 3, 540570. ANDREWS, Robyn, Christianity as an Indian Religion: The Anglo-Indian Experience, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 2, 173188. BECKFORD, James A., Religious Pluralism and Diversity: Response to Yang and Thriault, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 217223. BENDER, Ross, Changing the Calendar: Royal Political Theology and the Suppression of the Tachibana Naramaro Conspiracy of 757, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 2, 223245. BENEKE, Chris, The Free Market and the Founders Approach to ChurchState Relations, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 2, 323352. BICK, Etta, The Tal Law: A Missed Opportunity for Bridging Social Capital in Israel, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 2, 298322. BODY-GENDROT, Sophie, European Policies of Social Control Post 9/11, Soc. Res., 2010, 77, 1, 181204. BORCHERT, Thomas, The Abbots New House: Thinking about How Religion Works among Buddhists and Ethnic Minorities in Southwest China, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 1, 112137.

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Religion et nationalisme Religion and Nationalism ANDEZIAN, Sossie, Formation des identits palestiniennes chrtiennes, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 189210. HANDERSON, Joseph, Religiosidad y nacin. Reflexiones sobre el Vud haitiano a partir de la obra de Lennec Hurbon, Ap. Inv. CECYP, 2010, 18, 191196. MAKDISI, Saree, Um espao racializado: engenharia social em Jerusalm, Nov. Est. CEBRAP, 2010, 88, 181193. MARK SHIELDS, James, Beyond Belief: Japanese Approaches to the Meaning of Religion, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 2, 133149. ORO, Ari Pedro, Reciben lo que veniran a buscar: nao e poder num encontro evanglico internacional, em Buenos Aires, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 1, 3252. RICCA, Simone, Heritage, Nationalism and the Shifting Symbolism of the Wailing Wall, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 151, 3, 169188. SANCHEZ-GOMEZ, Luis ngel, F imperial e misses catlicas nas grandes exposies do Estado Novo, Anal. Soc., 2009, 193, 671692. STRAUGHN, Jeremy Brooke, American as a Christian Nation? Understanding Religious Boundaries of National Identity in the United States, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 3, 280306.


Religion, conflits, guerre et paix Religion, Conflicts, War and Peace ALVES, Jos Augusto Lindgren, Coexistncia cultural e guerras de religio, Rev. Br. Cienc. Soc., 2010, 25, 72, 21172. BEST, Shaun, Liquid Terrorism: Altruistic Fundamentalism in the Context of Liquid Modernity, Sociology, 2010, 44, 4, 678694. BICK, Etta, The Tal Law: A Missed Opportunity for Bridging Social Capital in Israel, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 2, 298322. BODY-GENDROT, Sophie, European Policies of Social Control Post 9/11, Soc. Res., 2010, 77, 1, 181204. BREWER, John, HIGGINS, Gareth I., TEENEY, Francis, Religion and Peacemaking: A Conceptualization, Sociology, 2010, 44, 6, 10191037.

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BUSTAMANTE, Fabin, Un enfoque idealista de las relaciones internaciones en el conflicto del Beagle entre Chile y Argentina. La mediacin de la Santa Sede, 19791984, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 5771. CLARK, Janine Natalya, Religion and Reconciliation in Bosnia & Herzegovina: Are Religious Actors Doing Enough?, Eur. As. Stud., 2010, 62, 4, 671694. NASO, Paolo, I religious studies nella societ multiculturale, Rel. Soc., 2010, 68, 1517. OTTOSON, Robin Deich, The Battle over the Flag: Protest, Community Opposition, and Silence in the Mennonite Colleges in Kansas during the Vietnam War, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 4, 686711. PACE, Enzo, La religione visibile: il pentecostalismo alla conquista del mondo, Mulino, 2010, 5, 816823. SEIBERT, Leif, Glaubwrdigkeit als religises Vermgen. Grundlagen eines Feldmodells nach Bourdieu am Beispiel Bosnien-Herzegowinas, Berl. J. Soziol., 2010, 20, 1, 89117. SHAPIRO L., Faydra, Taming Tehran: Evangelical Christians and the Iranian Threat to Israel, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 3, 363377. SMITH, Lisa Ann, BEAMAN, Lori G., Displacing Religion, Disarming Law: Situating Quaker Spirituality in the Trident Three Case, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 4, 503520. SUEKI, Fumihiko, Chinese Buddhism and the Anti-Japan War, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 1, 920. SZTUTMAN, Renato, Religio nmade ou germe do estado? Pierre e Hlne Clastres e a vertigem tupi, Nov. Est. CEBRAP, 2009, 83, 129157. VERTIGANS, Stephen, British Muslims and the UK Governments War on Terror Within: Evidence of a Clash of Civilizations or Emergent De-civilizing Processes?, Brit. Jour. Soc., 2010, 61, 1, 2644. WALLERICK, Grgory, La guerre par limage dans lEurope du XVIe sicle. Comment un protestant dfie les pouvoirs catholiques, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 3353.


Religion et droit Religion and Law

Problmes gnraux General Problems ARMINJON, Constance, Linstauration de la guidance du juriste en Iran, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 211228. DUMOUCHEL, Paul, Interdire la burqa? Vu dailleurs, vu de loin, Esprit, 2010, 368, 1424. DUVERT, Cyrille, Lhumain musulman et les droits de lhomme, Dbat, 2010, 159, 2, 5769. GUESSOUM, Nidhal, Religious Literalism and Science-Related Issues in Contemporary Islam, Zygon, 2010, 45, 4, 817840. IRRAZABAL, Gabriela, El derecho al aborto en discusin: la intervencin de grupos catlicos en la comisin de salud de la legislatura de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Sociologias, 2010, 12, 24, 308336. LONG, Jean-tienne, Salles de consommation ou salles de shooting?, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 97111.

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Social Compass 58(3) MATHIEU, Michel, vanglisation et discipline dans lglise, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 6169. SCHLEGEL, Jean-Louis, Lglise catholique et la pdophilie, Esprit, 2010, 364, 6573. VERDIER, Raymond, Sacralit, droit et justices: sur les traces de Mauss, MAUSS, 2010, 36, 2, 418426.


Religion et culture Religion and Culture

Problmes gnraux General Problems ALVES, Jos Augusto Lindgren, Coexistncia cultural e guerras de religio, Rev. Br. Cienc. Soc., 2010, 25, 72, 21172. AMMERMAN, Nancy T., The Challenges of Pluralism: Locating Religion in a World of Diversity, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 154167. BICK, Etta, The Tal Law: A Missed Opportunity for Bridging Social Capital in Israel, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 2, 298322. BRONNER, Grald, Actualit des croyances collectives, Anne Soc., 2010, 60, 1, 1118. CABRAL, Joo de Pina, O Diabo e o dilema brasileiro: uma perspectiva anticesurista, II, Rev. Antr. USP, 2007, 50, 2, 477525. DEUCHAR, Ross, HOLLIGAN, Chris, Gangs, Sectarianism and Social Capital: A Qualitative Study of Young People in Scotland, Sociology, 2010, 44, 1, 1330. DILLON, Michele, Can Post-Secular Society Tolerate Religious Difference? (2009 Association for the Sociology of Religion Presidential Address), Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 2, 139156. FELTMATE, David, You Wince in Agony as the Hot Metal Brands You: Religious Behavior in an Online Role-Playing Game, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 3, 363377. GILMAN, Sander L., Happiness and Unhappiness as a Jewish Question, Soc. Res., 2010, 77, 2, 545568. GOODE, Leslie, Spiritualities of Life: The Neglected Role of the Artistic Paradigm, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 1, 107123. KANE, Michael N., Research Note: Perceptions about the Ridicule of Religions and Spiritual Beliefs, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 3, 453462. KIM, Sharon, Shifting Boundaries within Second-Generation Korean American Churches, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 1, 98122. KOSS-CHIOINO, Joan D., Concerning Diversity and Practicality, Zygon, 2010, 45, 2, 495498. LEWIN, David, They Know not What They Do: The Spiritual Meaning of Technological Progress, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 3, 347362. MARTI, Gerardo, Ego-affirming Evangelicalism: How a Hollywood Church Appropriates Religion for Workers in the Creative Class, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 1, 5275. MEPSCHEN, Paul, DUYVENDAK, Jan Willem, TONKENS, Evelien H., Sexual Politics, Orientalism and Multicultural Citizenship in the Netherlands, Sociology, 2010, 44, 5, 962979.

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NESPOR, Zdenk R., Lamnsie de la remmoration dans la socit tchque, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 109128. NEVEU, Norig, La sacralisation du territoire jordanien. Reconstruction des lieux saints nationaux, 19802006, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 151, 3, 107128. PACE, Enzo, Narrar a Deus: a religio como meio de comunicao, Rev. Br. Cienc. Soc., 2009, 24, 70, 0915. SASSON, Theodore, TABORY, Ephraim, SELINGER-ABUTBUL, Dana, Framing Religious Conflict: Popular Israeli Discourse on Religion and State, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 4, 662685. SEMN, Pablo, De a poco mucho: las pequeas iglesias Pentecostales y el crecimiento pentecostal. Conclusiones de un estudio de caso, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 1, 1635. 34.1 Religion et problmes culturels Religion and Cultural Problems AMGHAR, Samir, Le niqb, pour saffirmer?, Projet, 2010, 314, 1995. MARINUCCI, Roberto, Caminhos da Igreja junto a imigrantes e refugiados. Representaes sociais e desafios pastorais, R. E. B., 2010, 70, 278, 331354. MONTERO, Paula, Jrgen Habermas: religio, diversidade cultural e publicidade, Nov. Est. CEBRAP, 2009, 84, 199213. SZTUTMAN, Renato, Religio nmade ou germe do estado? Pierre e Hlne Clastres e a vertigem tupi, Nov. Est. CEBRAP, 2009, 83, 129157. 34.2 Religion et idologies Religion and Ideologies AGUILAR FERNNDEZ, Susana, El activismo poltico de la Iglesia catlica durante el gobierno de Zapatero (20042010), Papers, 2010, 95, 4, 11291155. BIRMAN, Patricia, Feitiarias, territrios e resistncias marginais, Mana, 2009, 15, 2, 321348. CASQUETE, Jess, La religin de la patria, Claves, 2010, 207, 4046. COLLEVATTI, Jayne, Do trabalho missionrio para se salvar uma nao: um estudo dos sucessos missionrios, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 1, 223250. COLLINS, John F., A razo barroca do patrimnio baiano: contos de tesouro e histrias de ossadas no Centro Histrico de Salvador, Rev. Antr. USP, 2008, 51, 1, 2165. DICKEY YOUNG, Pamela, Taking Account of Religion in Canada: The Debates over Gay and Lesbian Marriage, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 3, 333361. FERRAROTTI, Franco, Il neo-misticismo nella societ massificata e lempatia creatrice, Crit. Soc., 2010, 175, 1528. FERREIRA, Francirosy Campos Barbosa, Mais de mil e uma noites de experincia etnogrfica: uma construo metodolgica para pesquisadores-performers da religio, Etnogrfica, 2009, 13, 2, 441464. FONSECA, Andre Dioney, ROIZ, Diogo da Silva, Religin e imperialismo: representaciones del marxismo en la revista Lies Bblicas de la Iglesia Asamblea de Dios de Brasil (19801990), Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 1, 5570. GARCA SANTESMASES, Antonio, Intelectuales y cuestin religiosa en la Espaa actual. Pistas para un anlisis socio-poltico, Igl. Viva, 2010, 243, 8596. LONG, Jean-tienne, Darwinisme et idologie, Lumire et Vie, 2009, 283, 101109.

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Social Compass 58(3) MARK SHIELDS, James, Beyond Belief: Japanese Approaches to the Meaning of Religion, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 2, 133149. MOREMAN M., Christopher, Dharma of the Living Dead: A Meditation on the Meaning of the Hollywood Zombie, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 2, 263281. RIOB, Enrique, La evolucin del discurso de la Teologa de la Liberacin durante la dictadura chilena. El caso de los peridicos clandestinos No Podemos Callar y Policarpo, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 3956. SANCHEZ-GOMEZ, Luis ngel, F imperial e misses catlicas nas grandes exposies do Estado Novo, Anal. Soc., 2009, 193, 671692. YANG, Fenggang, Religion in China under Communism: A Shortage Economy Explanation, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 1, 333.


Religion et valeurs Religion and Values BENHAM RENNICK, Joanne, Towards an Interfaith Ministry: Religious Adaptation and Accommodation in the Canadian Forces Chaplaincy, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 1, 7791. BEYER, Peter, Differential Reconstruction of Religions among Second Generation Immigrant Youth in Canada, An. Rev. Soc. Rel., 2010, 1, 128. CABRAL, Joo de Pina, O Diabo e o dilema brasileiro: uma perspectiva anticesurista, II, Rev. Antr. USP, 2007, 50, 2, 477525. GOLDMAN, Marcio, Histrias, devires e fetiches das religies afro-brasileiras: ensaio de simetrizao antropolgica, Anal. Soc., 2009, 190, 105137. PEPPER, Miriam, JACKSON, Tim, UZZELL, David, A Study of Multidimensional Religion Constructs and Values in the United Kingdom, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 127146. REESINK, Msia Lins, Reflexividade Nativa: quando a crena dialoga com a dvida no perodo de Finados, Mana, 2010, 16, 1, 151177. SPINELLI, Cline, Cavalhadas em Pirenpolis: tradies e sociabilidade no interior de Gois, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 5973. STOLL, Sandra Jacqueline, Encenando o invisvel: a construo da pessoa em ritos medinicos e performances de auto ajuda, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 1, 1329. THRIAULT, Barbara, Le sociologue, lhomme pieux et le pluralisme religieux: Dialogue avec Max Weber, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 206216. TOTARO, Paolo, Misticismo do clculo e a ascese consumista: razo e f no crer sem pertencer e no neopentecostalismo, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 1, 81100.


Religion et mass media, communication Religion and Mass Media, Communication ANDRADE, Susana, Ethos evanglico, poltica indgena y medios de comunicacin en el Ecuador, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 1, 116. CONGOTE, Bernardo, Deslices polticos de la teotica habermasiana, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 72104. DENEKEN, Michel, Le Magistre la recherche de son destinataire, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 3341. DONNELLY, Susie, INGLIS, Tom, The Media and the Catholic Church in Ireland: Reporting Clerical Child Sex Abuse, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 1, 119. MOREMAN M., Christopher, Dharma of the Living Dead: A Meditation on the Meaning of the Hollywood Zombie, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 2, 263281.

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OLIVEIRA, Fabrcio Roberto Costa, O Conclio Vaticano II, o MOBON e as comunidades rurais: um estudo sobre a prxis comunicativa entre missionrios e grupos catlicos leigos, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 3858. PACE, Enzo, Narrar a Deus: a religio como meio de comunicao, Rev. Br. Cienc. Soc., 2009, 24, 70, 0915. PEREIRA, Edilson, O esprito da orao ou como carismticos entram em contato com Deus, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 2, 5881. SANCHEZ-GOMEZ, Luis ngel, F imperial e misses catlicas nas grandes exposies do Estado Novo, Anal. Soc., 2009, 193, 671692. SASSON, Theodore, TABORY, Ephraim, SELINGER-ABUTBUL, Dana, Framing Religious Conflict: Popular Israeli Discourse on Religion and State, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 4, 662685. 34.5 Religion et art (musique, peinture, cinma ...) Religion and the Arts (Music, Painting, Cinema ...) ALMEIDA, Mayra, Lujuria, gula y mala fe: Cuentos populares brasileos y representaciones del sacerdote, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 1, 94105. BENAVENTE MORALES, Carolina, Divina: consagracin cultural y usos de lo sagrado en la actriz mexicana Mara Flix (19142002), Conver., 2010, 17, 52, 261288. BIZERRIL, Jos, Estticas da existncia em fluxo: corporeidade taoista e mundo contemporneo, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 13, 77101. BLEUZEN, Brigitte, Du Tro-Breiz la Valle des Mille Saints, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 151, 3, 229249. EL ASRI, Farid, VUILLEMENOT, Anne-Marie, Le World Sufism: Quand le soufisme entre en scne, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 4, 493502. GUGELOT, Frdric, Les deux faces de Lourdes. Lourdes de Zola et Les foules de Lourdes de Huysmans, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 151, 3, 213228. HEIDER, Anne, WARNER, R. Stephen, Bodies in Sync: Interaction Ritual Theory Applied to Sacred Harp Singing, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 1, 7697. MENDOZA, Zoila, La fuerza de los caminos sonoros: caminata y msica en Qoylluriti, Anthropologica, 2010, 28, 1538. STOLL, Sandra Jacqueline, Encenando o invisvel: a construo da pessoa em ritos medinicos e performances de auto ajuda, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 1, 1329. WISSLER, Holly, Qeros, Per: la regeneracin de relaciones cosmolgicas e identidades especficas a travs de la msica, Anthropologica, 2010, 28, 93116. 34.6 Religion et loisirs Religion and Leisure Time SPINELLI, Cline, Cavalhadas em Pirenpolis: tradies e sociabilidade no interior de Gois, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 5973. 34.7 Religion et science Religion and Science ALBRIGHT, Carol Rausch, James B. Ashbrook and his Holistic World: Toward a Unified Field Theory of Mind, Brain, Self, World, and God, Zygon, 2010, 45, 2, 479489. ARNOULD, Jacques, Les crationnistes lassaut de lEurope?, Futur., 2010, 364, 3144.

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Social Compass 58(3) BLANCKE, Stefaan, Creationism in the Netherlands, Zygon, 2010, 45, 4, 791816. CLAVERIE, lisabeth, La Virgen, el desorden, la crtica. Las apariciones de la Virgen en la era de la ciencia, Ap. Inv. CECYP, 2010, 18, 1136. CLAYTON, Philip, Critical Afterword, Zygon, 2010, 45, 3, 762772. COECKELBERGH, Mark, The Spirit in the Network: Models for Spirituality in a Technological Culture, Zygon, 2010, 45, 4, 957978. COLZATO, Lorenza S., SILK, Jonathan A., Imag(in)ing the Buddhist Brain: Editorial Introduction, Zygon, 2010, 45, 3, 591595. CONROY, Melissa, Treating Transgendered Children: Clinical Methods and Religious Mythology, Zygon, 2010, 45, 2, 301316. CROMMELINCK, Marc, Neurosciences et mditation, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 8797. DE CRUZ, Helen, DE SMEDT, Johan, Paleys iPod: The Cognitive Basis of the Design Argument within Natural Theology, Zygon, 2010, 45, 3, 665684. DELEANU, Fiorin, Agnostic Meditations on Buddhist Meditation, Zygon, 2010, 45, 3, 605626. DREES, Willem B., Reflecting upon Religion, Zygon, 2010, 45, 2, 517522. DREES, Willem B., Ideas Have Real-Life Consequences (Editorial), Zygon, 2010, 45, 2, 297300. DREES, Willem B., Robert J. Russells Eschatological Theology in the Context of Cosmology, Zygon, 2010, 45, 1, 228236. GERACI, Robert M., The Popular Appeal of Apocalyptic AI, Zygon, 2010, 45, 4, 10031020. GHALY, Mohammed, Human Cloning through the Eyes of Muslim Scholars: The New Phenomenon of the Islamic International Religioscientific Institutions, Zygon, 2010, 45, 1, 735. GUESSOUM, Nidhal, Religious Literalism and Science-Related Issues in Contemporary Islam, Zygon, 2010, 45, 4, 817840. HAAG, James W., The Hefnerian Legacy: Rethinking the Nature of Naturalism, Zygon, 2010, 45, 1, 273280. HALLANGER, Nathan J., Science and Serious Theology: Two Paths for Science and Religions Future?, Zygon, 2010, 45, 1, 165176. HARRISON, Peter, A Scientific Buddhism?, Zygon, 2010, 45, 4, 861869. HAUGHT, John F., Is Physics Fundamental? Robert Russell on Divine Action, Zygon, 2010, 45, 1, 213220. HEFNER, Philip, Discerning the Voice of Zygon: Identity and Issues, Zygon, 2010, 45, 2, 419429. HEFNER, Philip, Embodied Science: Recentering Religion-and-Science, Zygon, 2010, 45, 1, 251263. HELMINIAK, Daniel A., Theistic Psychology and Psychotherapy: A Theological and Scientific Critique, Zygon, 2010, 45, 1, 4774. HOMMEL, Bernhard, COLZATO, Lorenza S., Religion as a Control Guide: On the Impact of Religion on Cognition, Zygon, 2010, 45, 3, 596604. IRRAZABAL, Gabriela, Biotica y catolicismo: dificultades en torno a la constitucin de una identidad colectiva, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 1, 101116. JELEN, Ted G., LOCKETT, Linda A., American Clergy on Evolution and Creationism, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 3, 277287. JINPA, Thupten, Buddhism and Science: How Far Can the Dialogue Proceed?, Zygon, 2010, 45, 4, 871882.

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JONES, Kile, Falsifiability and Traction in Theories of Divine Action, Zygon, 2010, 45, 3, 575589. KATZ, Solomon H., Transcending Irony, Zygon, 2010, 45, 2, 437442. KOSS-CHIOINO, Joan D., Concerning Diversity and Practicality, Zygon, 2010, 45, 2, 495498. LAW, Jeremy T., Toward a Theology of Boundary, Zygon, 2010, 45, 3, 739761. LEVESQUE, Paul J., GUILLAUME, Andrea M., Teachers, Evolution, and Religion: No Resolution in Sight, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 4, 349365. LEWIN, David, They Know not What They Do: The Spiritual Meaning of Technological Progress, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 3, 347362. LOPEZ, Donald S., Jr., The Future of the Buddhist Past: A Response to Readers, Zygon, 2010, 45, 4, 883896. LUNA, Naara, Aborto e clulas-tronco embrionrias na campanha da fraternidade: cincia e tica no ensino da Igreja, Rev. Br. Cienc. Soc., 2010, 25, 74, 91105. McCALL, Bradford, Kenosis and Emergence: A Theological Synthesis, Zygon, 2010, 45, 1, 149164. MCGRATH, Alister, Bestseller Atheisms: The New Scientism, Concilium, 2010, 4, 1119. MICHAUD, Ann M., John Haught-Finding Consonance between Religion and Science, Zygon, 2010, 45, 4, 905920. MODELL, Stephen M., The Genetic Recombination of Science and Religion, Zygon, 2010, 45, 2, 462468. MOON, Young Bin, God as a Communicative System Sui Generis: Beyond the Psychic, Social, Process Models of the Trinity, Zygon, 2010, 45, 1, 105126. MURPHY, Nancey, Robert John Russell Versus the New Atheists, Zygon, 2010, 45, 1, 193212. NOVO CID-FUENTES, Alfonso, Religin y ciencia: el trasfondo de una compleja relacin, Igl. Viva, 2010, 242, 924. NRNBERGER, Klaus, Martin Luthers Experiential Theology as a Model for FaithScience Relationships, Zygon, 2010, 45, 1, 127148. PEDERSON, Ann Milliken, The Nature of Embodiment: Religion and Science in Dialogue, Zygon, 2010, 45, 1, 264272. PETERS, Karl E., Why Zygon? The Journals Original Visions and the Future of Religion-and-Science, Zygon, 2010, 45, 2, 430436. PETERS, Ted, Constructing a Theology of Evolution: Building on John Haught, Zygon, 2010, 45, 4, 921937. PETERSON, Gregory R., Are Evolutionary/Cognitive Theories of Religion Relevant for Philosophy of Religion?, Zygon, 2010, 45, 3, 545557. PETERSON, Gregory R., Stage-Two Secularity and the Future of Theology-andScience, Zygon, 2010, 45, 2, 506516. RAFFONE, Antonio, TAGINI, Angela, SRINIVASAN, Narayanan, Mindfulness and the Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention and Awareness, Zygon, 2010, 45, 3, 627646. RAMAN, Varadaraja V., Changing Landscape in ScienceReligion Dialogues, Zygon, 2010, 45, 1, 177192. REIMER, Kevin S., DUECK, Alvin C., NEUFELD, Garth, STEENWYK, Sherry, SIDESINGER, Tracy, Varieties of Religious Cognition: A Computational Approach to Self-Understanding in Three Monotheistic Contexts, Zygon, 2010, 45, 1, 7590.

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Social Compass 58(3) ROBINSON, Andrew, SOUTHGATE, Christopher, Broken Symbols? Response to F. LeRon Shults, Zygon, 2010, 45, 3, 733738. ROBINSON, Andrew, SOUTHGATE, Christopher, Semiotics as a Metaphysical Framework for Christian Theology, Zygon, 2010, 45, 3, 689712. ROBINSON, Andrew, SOUTHGATE, Christopher, God and the World of Signs: Introduction to Part 2, Zygon, 2010, 45, 3, 685688. ROBINSON, Andrew, SOUTHGATE, Christopher, Introduction: Toward a Metaphysic of Meaning, Zygon, 2010, 45, 2, 339344. RUSE, Michael, Gaps in the Argument: A Discussion of Certain Aspects of Cosmology, Zygon, 2010, 45, 1, 221227. RUSSELL, Robert John, Cosmology from Alpha to Omega: Response to Reviews, Zygon, 2010, 45, 1, 237250. SCHAAB, Gloria L., An Evolving Vision of God: The Theology of John F. Haught, Zygon, 2010, 45, 4, 897904. SCHLEGEL, Jean-Louis, Islamophobie savante et islamophobie populaire. propos de laffaire Gougenheim, Esprit, 2010, 362, 177185. SCHWEITZ, Lea F., On the Road with Religion-and-Science and the Romance of the Past, Zygon, 2010, 45, 2, 443447. SEKALESHFAR, Farrokh B., A Critique of Islamic Arguments on Human Cloning, Zygon, 2010, 45, 1, 3746. SHULTS, F. LeRon, Transforming Theological Symbols, Zygon, 2010, 45, 3, 713732. SOUTHGATE, Christopher, ROBINSON, Andrew, Interpretation and the Origin of Life, Zygon, 2010, 45, 2, 345360. TAMATEA, Laurence, Online Buddhist and Christian Responses to Artificial Intelligence, Zygon, 2010, 45, 4, 9791002. TESKE, John A., Narrative and Meaning in Science and Religion, Zygon, 2010, 45, 1, 91104. TIROSH-SAMUELSON, Hava, History and the Future of Science and Religion, Zygon, 2010, 45, 2, 448461. ULANOWICZ, Robert E., From Pessimism to Hope: A Natural Progression, Zygon, 2010, 45, 4, 939956. VAN SLYKE, James A., Cognitive and Evolutionary Factors in the Emergence of Human Altruism, Zygon, 2010, 45, 4, 841859. WALHOUT, Matthew, Looking to Charles Taylor and Joseph Rouse for Best Practices in Science and Religion, Zygon, 2010, 45, 3, 558574.


Religion et technologie, cybereligion Religion and Technology, Cybereligion BOBKOWSKI, Piotr S., KALYANARAMAN, Sriram, Effects of Online Christian Self-Disclosure on Impression Formation, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 3, 456476. DENEKEN, Michel, Le Magistre la recherche de son destinataire, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 3341. FELTMATE, David, You Wince in Agony as the Hot Metal Brands You: Religious Behavior in an Online Role-Playing Game, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 3, 363377. PEREA, Joaquin, Emerging Church: A Young Movement challenging the Established Churches, Concilium, 2010, 4, 107112.

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Bibliographie/Bibliography 34.9 Religion et ducation Religion and Education


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Religion et changement social Religion and Social Change

Problmes gnraux General Problems AARTS, Olav, TE GROTHENHUIS, Manfred, NEED, Ariana, DE GRAAF, Nan Dirk, Does Duration of Deregulated Religious Markets Affect Church Attendance? Evidence from 26 Religious Markets in Europe and North America between 1981 and 2006, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 657672. CAMURCA, Marcelo Ayres, Estaria o catolicismo na Frana do sculo XXI caminhando em direo a um perfil comunitrio?, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 7489. COLOSIMO, Jean-Franois, Mtamorphoses du divin. Un reportage dides, Dbat, 2010, 160, 3, 7993. LOSONCZY, Anne-Marie, MESTURINI, Silvia, La Selva Viajera: Rutas del chamanismo ayahuasquero entre Europa y Amrica, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 164183.

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Social Compass 58(3) STEIL, Carlos Alberto, HERRERA, Sonia Reyes, Catolicismo e cincias sociais no Brasil: mudanas de foco e perspectiva num objeto de estudo, Sociologias, 2010, 23, 354393. VILLAMARN, Francisco Javier, Secularizacin: una dimensin emprica de la modernidad en la zona andina de Nario (Colombia), Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 166191.


Religion et dveloppement Religion and Development Religion et nouveaux comportements sociaux Religion and New Social Behaviours BARGADOS, Alberto Lpez, Los (d)efectos del texto: controversias en torno a las prcticas rituales de los musulmanes europeos, Etnogrfica, 2010, 14, 2, 213242. BENHAM RENNICK, Joanne, Towards an Interfaith Ministry: Religious Adaptation and Accommodation in the Canadian Forces Chaplaincy, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 1, 7791. CAMURCA, Marcelo Ayres, Estaria o catolicismo na Frana do sculo XXI caminhando em direo a um perfil comunitrio?, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 7489. DIX, Steffen, As esferas seculares e religiosas na sociedade portuguesa, Anal. Soc., 2010, 194, 527. JARDIM, Denise Fagundes, As mulheres voam com seus maridos: a experincia da dispora palestina e as relaes de gnero, Hor. Antr., 2009, 15, 31, 189217. LEVY, Charmain, Influncia e contribuio: a igreja catlica progressista brasileira e o frum social mundial, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 2, 177197. MACHADO, Maria das Dores Campos, BARROS, Myriam Lins de, PICCOLO, Fernanda Delvalhas, Judasmo e homossexualidade no Rio de Janeiro: notas de uma pesquisa, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 1, 1131. MAPRIL, Jos, Geografias da virtude: bons muulmanos e as polticas da orao entre bangladeshis em Lisboa., Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 2, 134151. MONTERO, Paula, Secularizao e espao pblico: a reinveno do pluralismo religioso no Brasil, Etnografica, 2009, 13, 1, 0716. NATIVIDADE, Marcelo, Uma homossexualidade santificada?: Etnografia de uma comunidade inclusiva pentecostal, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 90121. SILVEIRA, Luciana Braga, Entre donos e guardies: a natureza como propriedade particular, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 122144. TIESLER, Nina Clara, Religio e pertena em discursos europeus: conceitos e agentes muulmanos, Anal. Soc., 2009, 190, 1742. TOTARO, Paolo, Misticismo do clculo e a ascese consumista: razo e f no crer sem pertencer e no neopentecostalismo, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 1, 81100.



Religion et migration Religion and Migration ALBA, Richard, Connecting the Dots between Boundary Change and LargeScale Assimilation with Zolbergian Clues, Soc. Res., 2010, 77, 1, 163180.

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AMGHAR, Samir, Le niqb, pour saffirmer?, Projet, 2010, 314, 1995. BARGADOS, Alberto Lpez, Los (d)efectos del texto: controversias en torno a las prcticas rituales de los musulmanes europeos, Etnogrfica, 2010, 14, 2, 213242. BASTOS, Susana Pereira, Manejos da religio, da etnicidade e recursos de classe na construo de uma cultura migratria transnacional, Anal. Soc., 2009, 190, 4369. BLAY, Eva Alterman, Gnero, resistncia e identidade: imigrantes judeus no Brasil, Temp. Soc., 2009, 21, 2, 235258. BROWN, R. Khari, Religion, Economic Concerns, and African American Immigration Attitudes, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 2, 146158. DARGENT, Claude, La population musulmane de France: de lombre la lumire?, Rev. Fran. Soc., 2010, 51, 2, 219246. DEVRET, Jean-Franois, Les minarets, la Suisse et lEurope, Futur., 2010, 360, 6974. DEVRET, Jean-Franois, Les Europens et lIslam, Futur., 2010, 369, 7379. KIM, Sharon, Shifting Boundaries within Second-Generation Korean American Churches, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 1, 98122. LOSONCZY, Anne-Marie, MESTURINI, Silvia, La Selva Viajera: Rutas del chamanismo ayahuasquero entre Europa y Amrica, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 164183. MAPRIL, Jos, Aqui ningum reza por ele!: trnsitos fnebres entre o Bangladesh e Portugal, Hor. Antr., 2009, 15, 31, 219239. MAPRIL, Jos, O lugar do sacrifcio: qurbani e circuitos transnacionais entre bangladeshis em Lisboa, Anal. Soc., 2009, , 190, 71103. MAPRIL, Jos, Geografias da virtude: bons muulmanos e as polticas da orao entre bangladeshis em Lisboa., Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 2, 134151. MARINUCCI, Roberto, Caminhos da Igreja junto a imigrantes e refugiados. Representaes sociais e desafios pastorais, R. E. B., 2010, 70, 278, 331354. MARIZ, Ceclia L., Misso religiosa e migrao: novas comunidades e igrejas pentecostais brasileiras no exterior, Anal. Soc., 2009, 190, 161187. NAKAJIMA, Michio, Shinto Deities that Crossed the Sea: Japans Overseas Shrines, 1868 to 1945, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 1, 2146. PACE, Enzo, Introduction, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 147153. PALMER-BOYES, Ashley, The Latino Catholic Parish as a Specialist Organization: Distinguishing Characteristics, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 3, 302 323. RICUCCI, Roberta, Religion and Adolescent Immigrants in Italy: A Case of Identifying with or Turning away from their Communities?, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 3, 419436. SANSI, Roger, Feitio e fetiche no Atlntico moderno, Rev. Antr. USP, 2008, 51, 1, 123153. SANTIAGO, Jose, La dimension consquentielle et la nouvelle pluralit religieuse de lEspagne actuelle, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 1, 314. SARAIVA, Clara, Religies afro-brasileiras em Portugal: bruxos, padres e pais de santo, Etnogrfica, 2010, 14, 2, 265288. SKIRBEKK, Vegard, KAUFMANN, Eric, GOUJON, Anne, Secularism, Fundamentalism, or Catholicism? The Religious Composition of the United States to 2043, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 293310.

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Social Compass 58(3) SMITS, Fransje, RUITER, Stijn, VAN TUBERGEN, Frank, Religious Practices among Islamic Immigrants: Moroccan and Turkish Men in Belgium, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 247263. TAYLOR, Robert Joseph, CHATTERS, Linda M., MATTIS, Jacqueline S., JOE, Sean, Religious Involvement among Caribbean Blacks Residing in the United States, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 2, 125145. TIESLER, Nina Clara, Religio e pertena em discursos europeus: conceitos e agentes muulmanos, Anal. Soc., 2009, 190, 1742. TRZEBIATOWSKA, Marta, The Advent of the EasyJet Priest: Dilemmas of Polish Catholic Integration in the UK, Sociology, 2010, 44, 6, 10551072. VAISSE, Justin, LEurope islamise: rflexions sur un genre littraire amricain, Esprit, 2010, 1, 235245.


Religion et globalization Religion and Globalization ALVES, Jos Augusto Lindgren, Coexistncia cultural e guerras de religio, Rev. Br. Cienc. Soc., 2010, 25, 72, 21172. BASTOS, Susana Pereira, Manejos da religio, da etnicidade e recursos de classe na construo de uma cultura migratria transnacional, Anal. Soc., 2009, 190, 4369. BOURDEAUX, Pascal, Rflexions sur linstitutionnalisation du bouddhisme Ha Hao: Remise en perspective historique de la reconnaissance de 1999, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 3, 372385. CONTINS, Marcia, Religio, etnicidade e globalizao: uma comparao entre grupos religiosos nos contextos brasileiro e norte-americano, Rev. Antr. USP, 2008, 51, 1, 67106. DEZ DE VELASCO, Francisco, The Visibilization of Religious Minorities in Spain, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 235252. EL ASRI, Farid, VUILLEMENOT, Anne-Marie, Le World Sufism: Quand le soufisme entre en scne, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 4, 493502. FRESTON, Paul, As duas transies futuras: catlicos, protestantes e sociedade na Amrica Latina, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 12, 1330. GABRIEL, Eduardo, A expanso internacional do catolicismo carismtico brasileiro, Anal. Soc., 2009, 190, 189207. KARPOV, Vyacheslav, Desecularization: A Conceptual Framework, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 2, 232270. LEVY, Charmain, Influncia e contribuio: a igreja catlica progressista brasileira e o frum social mundial, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 2, 177197. LOSONCZY, Anne-Marie, MESTURINI, Silvia, La Selva Viajera: Rutas del chamanismo ayahuasquero entre Europa y Amrica, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 164183. MAPRIL, Jos, O lugar do sacrifcio: qurbani e circuitos transnacionais entre bangladeshis em Lisboa, Anal. Soc., 2009, , 190, 71103. MAPRIL, Jos, Geografias da virtude: bons muulmanos e as polticas da orao entre bangladeshis em Lisboa., Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 2, 134151. MARIZ, Ceclia L., Misso religiosa e migrao: novas comunidades e igrejas pentecostais brasileiras no exterior, Anal. Soc., 2009, 190, 161187. MATHEWS, Mathew, Religious Resurgence and its Relationship to Secular Society (Review Essay), International Sociology, 2010, 25, 5, 654666.

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MONTERO, Paula, Jrgen Habermas: religio, diversidade cultural e publicidade, Nov. Est. CEBRAP, 2009, 84, 199213. NG, Thi Thanh Tm, Ethnic and Transnational Dimensions of Recent Protestant Conversion among the Hmong in Northern Vietnam, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 3, 332344. OBADIA, Lionel, Festivits religieuses, publiques et discrtes. Mondialisation, tourisme, et mimesis chez les Sherpas du Nord Npal, Anthr. Soc., 2010, 34, 2, 177197. ORO, Ari Pedro, Reciben lo que veniran a buscar: nao e poder num encontro evanglico internacional, em Buenos Aires, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 1, 3252. PACE, Enzo, Introduction, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 147153. SARAIVA, Clara, Religies afro-brasileiras em Portugal: bruxos, padres e pais de santo, Etnogrfica, 2010, 14, 2, 265288. SEIDL, Ernesto, Caminhos que levam a Roma: recursos culturais e redefinies da excelncia religiosa, Hor. Antr., 2009, 15, 31, 263290. STAMATOV, Peter, Activist Religion, Empire, and the Emergence of Modern Long-Distance Advocacy Networks, Am. Soc. Rev., 2010, 75, 4, 607628. STUVLAND, Aaron, The Emerging Church and Global Civil Society: Postmodern Christianity as a Source for Global Values, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 2, 203231. SWIDLER, Ann, The Return of the Sacred: What African Chiefs Teach Us about Secularization (2009 Paul Hanly Furfey Lecture), Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 2, 157171. TAVARES, Ftima Regina Gomes, Hybridismes spirituels: autonomie et globalisation du mouvement New Age, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 1, 100109. TORPEY, John, A (Post-) Secular Age? Religion and the Two Exceptionalisms, Soc. Res., 2010, 77, 1, 269296. WILLAIME, Jean-Paul, Le Vietnam au dfi de la diversit protestante, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 3, 319331. ZEPEDA, Jos de Jess Legorreta, Secularizao ou ressacralizao? O debate sociolgico contemporneo sobre a teoria da secularizao, Rev. Br. Cienc. Soc., 2010, 25, 73, 129141.


Religion et environnement cologique Religion and Ecological Environment

Problmes gnraux General Problems CADIGAN, Tui, Tangata Whenua, People of the Island, Concilium, 2010, 5, 6065.


Religion et milieu urbain Religion and Urban Environment COLLINS, John F., A razo barroca do patrimnio baiano: contos de tesouro e histrias de ossadas no Centro Histrico de Salvador, Rev. Antr. USP, 2008, 51, 1, 2165. EMELYANOVA-GRIVA, Marina, Folklore urbain dans le Moscou contemporain. Les pierres cultuelles de Kolomenskoie, LHomme, 2010, 194, 111129.

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Social Compass 58(3) HERNANDEZ, Graciela, Relatos de vida y religiosidad popular. Origen y sentidos de la fiesta de la Virgen de Urkupia en Baha Blanca, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 147165. ROGERS, Richard Lee, The Urban Threshold and the Second Great Awakening: Revivalism in New York State, 18251835, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 694709. SEMN, Pablo, Diferencia y transversalidad en la religiosidad de los sectores populares: mirando con telescopio luego de haber usado el microscopio, Ap. Inv. CECYP, 2010, 18, 71107.


Religion et milieu rural Religion and Rural Environment BERAUD, Cline, WILLAIME, Jean Paul, Young People and Religion in France, An. Rev. Soc. Rel., 2010, 1, 163192. BEYER, Peter, Differential Reconstruction of Religions among Second Generation Immigrant Youth in Canada, An. Rev. Soc. Rel., 2010, 1, 128. CAMPOS, Roberta Bivar C., Contao de causos e negociao da verdade entre os Ave de Jesus, Juazeiro do Norte CE, Etnografica, 2009, 13, 1, 3147. COHEN, Asher, SUSSER, Bernard, The Sabbatical Year in Israeli Politics: An Intra-Religious and ReligiousSecular Conflict from the Nineteenth through the Twenty-First Centuries, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 3, 454475. FRISINA, Annalisa, Young Muslims of Italy. Islam in the Everyday Life and Public Visibility of a New Generation of Muslims, An. Rev. Soc. Rel., 2010, 1, 329352. GIORDAN, Giuseppe, Believers in Progress. Youth and Religion in Italy, An. Rev. Soc. Rel., 2010, 1, 353382. LEVEBVRE, Solange, CHAKRAVARTY, K. Ghandar, Youth, Spirituality and Religion in Canada and Qubec, An. Rev. Soc. Rel., 2010, 1, 2964. MARINOVIC JEROLIMOV, Dinka, JOKIC, Boris, Religion and Youth in Croatia, An. Rev. Soc. Rel., 2010, 1, 307328. MASON, Michael, SINGLETON, Andrew, WEBBER, Ruth, Developments in Spirituality among Youth in Australia and Other Western Society, An. Rev. Soc. Rel., 2010, 1, 89114. NIEMELA, Kati, Youth and Religion in Finland, An. Rev. Soc. Rel., 2010, 1, 193218. ORO, Ari Pedro, MEIRELLES, Mauro, Brazilian University Students and Religion, An. Rev. Soc. Rel., 2010, 1, 6588. PICKEL, Gert, German Youth: Neither Participants nor Partakers in Religion?, An. Rev. Soc. Rel., 2010, 1, 251288. PIRES, Flvia, Quem tem medo de mal-assombro?, Etnogrfica, 2009, 13, 2, 291312. ROELAND, Johan, AUPERS, Stef, HOUTMAN, Dick, DE KONING, Martijn, NOOMEN, Ineke, The Quest for Religious Purity in New Age, Evangelicalism and Islam. Religious Renditions of Dutch Youth and the Luckmann Legacy, An. Rev. Soc. Rel., 2010, 1, 289306. VINCETT, Giselle, COLLINS-MAYO, Sylvia, (Dis)engagements with Christian amongst Young People in England and Scotland, An. Rev. Soc. Rel., 2010, 1, 219250. YANG, Fenggang, Youth and Religion in Modern China: A Sketch of Social and Political Development, An. Rev. Soc. Rel., 2010, 1, 147162.

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Bibliographie/Bibliography 36.3 Religion et conscience cologique Religion and Ecological Awareness


DJUPE, Paul A., GWIASDA, Gregory W., Evangelizing the Environment: Decision Process Effects in Political Persuasion, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 7386. ECHAVARREN, Jos Manuel, Bajo el signo del miedo ecolgico global: la imbricacin de lo sagrado en la conciencia ecolgica europea, R.E.I.S., 2010, 130, 4160. LEVY, Charmain, Influncia e contribuio: a igreja catlica progressista brasileira e o frum social mundial, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 2, 177197. SILVEIRA, Luciana Braga, Entre donos e guardies: a natureza como propriedade particular, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 122144. TOFAEONO TOFAEONO, Amaamalele, The Moana Declaration An EcoTheological Debate, Concilium, 2010, 5, 7887.


Religion et vie quotidienne Religion and Everyday Life

Problmes gnraux General Problems DELEANU, Fiorin, Agnostic Meditations on Buddhist Meditation, Zygon, 2010, 45, 3, 605626. GARCA MARTNEZ, Jess, Complejidad y significacin de la subcultura religiosa y carcelaria: (Modalidades y Tipologas ms representativas), S. y U., 2010, 35, 95108. JENKINS, Kathleen E., In Concert and Alone: Divorce and Congregational Experience, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 278292. LARRIMORE, Mark, Religion and the Promise of Happiness, Soc. Res., 2010, 77, 2, 569594. LEVIN, Jeff, KAPLAN, Berton H., The Sorokin Multidimensional Inventory of Love Experience (SMILE): Development, Validation, and Religious Determinants, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 4, 380401. LIM, Chaeyoon, PUTNAM, Robert D., Religion, Social Networks, and Life Satisfaction, Am. Soc. Rev., 2010, 75, 6, 914933. LIU, Eric Y., Are Risk-Taking Persons Less Religious? Risk Preference, Religious Affiliation, and Religious Participation in Taiwan, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 172178. McMAHON, Darrin M., What Does the Ideal of Happiness Mean?, Soc. Res., 2010, 77, 2, 469490. MOTTA, Antonio, Estilos morturios e modos de sociabilidade em cemitrios Brasileiros oitocentistas, Hor. Antr., 2010, 16, 33, 5580. PIRES, Flvia, Tornando-se adulto: uma abordagem antropolgica sobre crianas e religio, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 1, 143164. RAMSAY, Tamasin, MANDERSON, Lenore, SMITH, Wendy, Changing a Mountain into a Mustard Seed: Practices and Responses to Disaster among New York Brahma Kumaris, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 1, 89105. ROEMER, Michael K., Religion and Subjective Well-Being in Japan, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 4, 411427.

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Social Compass 58(3) SCHIEMAN, Scott, Socioeconomic Status and Beliefs about Gods Influence in Everyday Life, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 1, 2551. SEMN, Pablo, De a poco mucho: las pequeas iglesias Pentecostales y el crecimiento pentecostal. Conclusiones de un estudio de caso, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 1, 1635. WILLIAMS, Roman R., Space for God: Lived Religion at Work, Home, and Play, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 3, 257279.


Religion et famille Religion and Family ARWECK, Elisabeth, NESBITT, Eleanor, Young Peoples Identity Formation in Mixed-Faith Families: Continuity or Discontinuity of Religious Traditions?, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 1, 6787. BLAY, Eva Alterman, Gnero, resistncia e identidade: imigrantes judeus no Brasil, Temp. Soc., 2009, 21, 2, 235258. BRUCE, Steve, GLENDINNING, Tony, When was Secularization? Dating the Decline of the British Churches and Locating its Cause, Brit. Jour. Soc., 2010, 61, 1, 107126. DESMOND, Scott A., MORGAN, Kristopher H., KIKUCHI, George, Religious Development: How (and Why) Does Religiosity Change from Adolescence to Young Adulthood?, Soc. Perspec., 2010, 53, 2, 247270. DICKEY YOUNG, Pamela, Taking Account of Religion in Canada: The Debates over Gay and Lesbian Marriage, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 3, 333361. IRRAZABAL, Gabriela, El derecho al aborto en discusin: la intervencin de grupos catlicos en la comisin de salud de la legislatura de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Sociologias, 2010, 12, 24, 308336. JARDIM, Denise Fagundes, As mulheres voam com seus maridos: a experincia da dispora palestina e as relaes de gnero, Hor. Antr., 2009, 15, 31, 189217. KOCH, Jerome R., RAMIREZ, Ignacio Luis, Religiosity, Christian Fundamentalism, and Intimate Partner Violence among U.S. College Students, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 4, 402410. LUNA, Naara, Aborto e clulas-tronco embrionrias na campanha da fraternidade: cincia e tica no ensino da Igreja, Rev. Br. Cienc. Soc., 2010, 25, 74, 91105. MACHADO, Carly, Novos Movimentos Religiosos, Indivduo e Comunidade: sobre famlia, mdia e outras mediaes, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 145163. SHAH, Bindi, DWYER, Claire, Modood, Tariq, Explaining Educational Achievement and Career Aspirations among Young British Pakistanis: Mobilizing Ethnic Capital?, Sociology, 2010, 44, 6, 11091127. SPINELLI, Cline, Cavalhadas em Pirenpolis: tradies e sociabilidade no interior de Gois, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 5973. UNNEVER, James D., BARTKOWSKI, John P., CULLEN, Francis T., God Imagery and Opposition to Abortion and Capital Punishment: A Partial Test of Religious Support for the Consistent Life Ethic, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 3, 307322.


Religion et jeunesse Religion and Youth ANDERSEN, Karen, Irish Secularization and Religious Identities: Evidence of an Emerging New Catholic Habitus, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 1, 1539.

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ARWECK, Elisabeth, NESBITT, Eleanor, Young Peoples Identity Formation in Mixed-Faith Families: Continuity or Discontinuity of Religious Traditions?, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 1, 6787. DESMOND, Scott A., MORGAN, Kristopher H., KIKUCHI, George, Religious Development: How (and Why) Does Religiosity Change from Adolescence to Young Adulthood?, Soc. Perspec., 2010, 53, 2, 247270. DEUCHAR, Ross, HOLLIGAN, Chris, Gangs, Sectarianism and Social Capital: A Qualitative Study of Young People in Scotland, Sociology, 2010, 44, 1, 1330. FERNANDES, Silvia Regina Alves, Interfaces entre juventude e vocao uma anlise qualitativa no Rio de Janeiro, R. E. B., 2009, 69, 274, 361387. KUCINSKAS, Jaime, A Research Note on Islam and Gender Egalitarianism: An Examination of Egyptian and Saudi Arabian Youth Attitudes, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 761770. MANGLOS, Nicolette D., Born Again in Balaka: Pentecostal versus Catholic Narratives of Religious Transformation in Rural Malawi, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 4, 409431. MAPRIL, Jos, Aqui ningum reza por ele!: trnsitos fnebres entre o Bangladesh e Portugal, Hor. Antr., 2009, 15, 31, 219239. MIRANDA, Jlia, Convivendo com o diferente: juventude carismtica e tolerncia religiosa, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 1, 117142. MOONEY, Margarita, Religion, College Grades, and Satisfaction among Students at Elite Colleges and Universities, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 2, 197215. OGLAND, Curtis P., SUNIL, Thankam S., BARTKOWSKI, John P., XU, Xiaohe, Religious Influences on Teenage Childbearing among Brazilian Female Adolescents: A Research Note, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 754760. RICUCCI, Roberta, Religion and Adolescent Immigrants in Italy: A Case of Identifying with or Turning away from their Communities?, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 3, 419436. ROMERO OCAMPO, Javier Ernesto, Jvenes y religin en un mundo en cambio. El caso de los jvenes chilenos, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 12, 147156. SCHWADEL, Philip, Jewish Teenagers Syncretism, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 3, 324332. SINGH, Jasjit, Head First: Young British Sikhs, Hair, and the Turban, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 2, 203220. SMITH, Buster G., JOHNSON, Byron, The Liberalization of Young Evangelicals: A Research Note, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 351360. VAZSONYI, Alexander T., JENKINS, David D., Religiosity, Self-Control, and Virginity Status in College Students from the Bible Belt: A Research Note, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 3, 561568. 37.3 Religion et sexualit Religion and Sexuality BOURGEON, Dominique, Le cadeau: du don lpiphanie, MAUSS, 2010, 35, 1, 313332. DANTAS, Bruna Suruagy do Amaral, A dupla linguagem do desejo na Igreja Evanglica Bola de Neve, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 1, 5380. DICKEY YOUNG, Pamela, Taking Account of Religion in Canada: The Debates over Gay and Lesbian Marriage, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 3, 333361.

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Social Compass 58(3) DONNELLY, Susie, INGLIS, Tom, The Media and the Catholic Church in Ireland: Reporting Clerical Child Sex Abuse, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 1, 119. EMELYANOVA-GRIVA, Marina, La tombe de Victor Noir au cimetire du PreLachaise, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 89108. GROSS, Martine, YIP, Andrew K.T., Living Spirituality and Sexuality: A Comparison of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Christians in France and Britain, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 1, 4059. LANGLOIS, Claude, Sexe, modernit et catholicisme. Les origines oublies, Esprit, 2010, 362, 110121. LUNA, Naara, Aborto e clulas-tronco embrionrias na campanha da fraternidade: cincia e tica no ensino da Igreja, Rev. Br. Cienc. Soc., 2010, 25, 74, 91105. MACHADO, Maria das Dores Campos, BARROS, Myriam Lins de, PICCOLO, Fernanda Delvalhas, Judasmo e homossexualidade no Rio de Janeiro: notas de uma pesquisa, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 1, 1131. MATORY, J. Lorand, Feminismo, nacionalismo, e a luta pelo significado do ad no Candombl: ou, como Edison Carneiro e Ruth Landes inverteram o curso da histria, Rev. Antr. USP, 2008, 51, 1, 107121. MEPSCHEN, Paul, DUYVENDAK, Jan Willem, TONKENS, Evelien H., Sexual Politics, Orientalism and Multicultural Citizenship in the Netherlands, Sociology, 2010, 44, 5, 962979. NATIVIDADE, Marcelo, Uma homossexualidade santificada?: Etnografia de uma comunidade inclusiva pentecostal, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 90121. RAHMAN, Momin, Queer as Intersectionality: Theorizing Gay Muslim Identities, Sociology, 2010, 44, 5, 944961. SCHLEGEL, Jean-Louis, Lglise catholique et la pdophilie, Esprit, 2010, 364, 6573. VALENTINE, Gill, VANDERBECK, Robert M., ANDERSSON, Johan, SADGROVE, Joanna, WARD, Kevin, Emplacements: The Event as a Prism for Exploring Intersectionality; a Case Study of the Lambeth Conference, Sociology, 2010, 44, 5, 925943. VAZSONYI, Alexander T., JENKINS, David D., Religiosity, Self-Control, and Virginity Status in College Students from the Bible Belt: A Research Note, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 3, 561568. VILAYTHONG, T. Oth, LINDNER, Nicole M., NOSEK, Brian A., Do Unto Others: Effects of Priming the Golden Rule on Buddhists and Christians Attitudes toward Gay People, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 3, 494506. WEISS, Ftima de Jesus, A Cruz e o Arco-ris: Refletindo sobre Gnero e Sexualidade a partir de uma Igreja Inclusiva no Brasil, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 12, 131146.


Religion et mort Religion and Death BEST, Shaun, Liquid Terrorism: Altruistic Fundamentalism in the Context of Liquid Modernity, Sociology, 2010, 44, 4, 678694. DREES, Willem B., Who Speaks? (Editorial), Zygon, 2010, 45, 1, 36. MAPRIL, Jos, Aqui ningum reza por ele!: trnsitos fnebres entre o Bangladesh e Portugal, Hor. Antr., 2009, 15, 31, 219239. MELLER, Gillian, Funeral Rites in the British Deaf Church: A Case of Disenfranchised Grief?, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 2, 267280.

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MOREMAN M., Christopher, Dharma of the Living Dead: A Meditation on the Meaning of the Hollywood Zombie, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 2, 263281. MORIOKA, Masahiro, Le principe dintgrit comme droit naturel. Une interprtation philosophique du statut ontologique denfants en tat de mort crbrale, Diogne, 2009, 227, 3, 140157. MOTTA, Antonio, Estilos morturios e modos de sociabilidade em cemitrios Brasileiros oitocentistas, Hor. Antr., 2010, 16, 33, 5580. PIRES, Flvia, Quem tem medo de mal-assombro?, Etnogrfica, 2009, 13, 2, 291312. REESINK, Msia Lins, Reflexividade Nativa: quando a crena dialoga com a dvida no perodo de Finados, Mana, 2010, 16, 1, 151177. RODRIGUES, Claudia, Morte, Catolicismo e Africanidade na cidade do Rio de Janeiro Setecentista, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 12, 3152. SULLIVAN, Allison R., Mortality Differentials and Religion in the United States: Religious Affiliation and Attendance, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 740753. UNNEVER, James D., BARTKOWSKI, John P., CULLEN, Francis T., God Imagery and Opposition to Abortion and Capital Punishment: A Partial Test of Religious Support for the Consistent Life Ethic, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 3, 307322. UTRIAINEN, Terhi, Agents of De-differentiation: Women Care-givers for the Dying in Finland, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 3, 437451. VERBAKEL, Ellen, JASPERS, Eva, A Comparative Study on Permissiveness toward Euthanasia: Religiosity, Slippery Slope, Autonomy, and Death with Dignity, Publ. Op. Quart., 2010, 74, 1, 109139. ZUCHIWSCHI, Jos, Longe de ti apagar nossas lembranas: as palavras e as preces no luto judaico, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 1, 165187. 37.5 Religion et genres Religion and Gender AYERS, John W., HOFSTETTER, C. Richard, IRVIN, Veronica L., SONG, Yoonju, PARK, Hae-Ryun, Can Religion Help Prevent Obesity? Religious Messages and the Prevalence of Being Overweight or Obese among Korean Women in California, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 3, 536549. BLAY, Eva Alterman, Gnero, resistncia e identidade: imigrantes judeus no Brasil, Temp. Soc., 2009, 21, 2, 235258. CAROZZI, Mara Julia, Una ignorancia sagrada: aprendiendo a no saber bailar tango en Buenos Aires, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 1, 126145. CHARRON, Hlne, velyne Diebolt (dir.), Dictionnaire biographique. Militer au XXe sicle. Femmes, fminismes, glises et socit. Paris, Michel Houdiard diteur, 2009, 348 p., Recherches fministes, 2010, 23, 1, 175181. CONROY, Melissa, Treating Transgendered Children: Clinical Methods and Religious Mythology, Zygon, 2010, 45, 2, 301316. DRYDAKIS, Nick, Religious Affiliation and Employment Bias in the Labor Market, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 3, 477493. DU CHAFFAUT, Bndicte, Les requtes fministes islamiques, Projet, 2010, 314, 2633. DUFOURCQ, lisabeth, Des femmes, pour le passage lavenir, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 8394. IRRAZABAL, Gabriela, El derecho al aborto en discusin: la intervencin de grupos catlicos en la comisin de salud de la legislatura de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Sociologias, 2010, 12, 24, 308336.

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Social Compass 58(3) JARDIM, Denise Fagundes, As mulheres voam com seus maridos: a experincia da dispora palestina e as relaes de gnero, Hor. Antr., 2009, 15, 31, 189217. KRAUS, Rachel, They Danced in the Bible: Identity Integration among Christian Women Who Belly Dance, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 4, 457482. KUCINSKAS, Jaime, A Research Note on Islam and Gender Egalitarianism: An Examination of Egyptian and Saudi Arabian Youth Attitudes, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 761770. LAZAR, Aryeh, The Relationship between Spirituality and Religiousness among Jewish Nurses in Israel, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 4, 428439. LEVESQUE, Paul J., GUILLAUME, Andrea M., Teachers, Evolution, and Religion: No Resolution in Sight, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 4, 349365. LIMA, Diana, Alguns fiis da igreja universal do reino de Deus, Mana, 2010, 16, 2, 351373. MATORY, J. Lorand, Feminismo, nacionalismo, e a luta pelo significado do ad no Candombl: ou, como Edison Carneiro e Ruth Landes inverteram o curso da histria, Rev. Antr. USP, 2008, 51, 1, 107121. OGLAND, Curtis P., SUNIL, Thankam S., BARTKOWSKI, John P., XU, Xiaohe, Religious Influences on Teenage Childbearing among Brazilian Female Adolescents: A Research Note, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 754760. PATIO, Mara Eugenia, El llamado en las narraciones de religiosas catlicas: una aproximacin a la eleccin de la Vida Consagrada femenina, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 1, 7193. PITT, Richard N., Killing the Messenger: Religious Black Gay Mens Neutralization of Anti-Gay Religious Messages, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 5672. ROBBINS, Mandy, FRANCIS, Leslie, Work-Related Psychological Health and Psychological Type among Church of England Clergy Women, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 1, 5771. SCHWADEL, Philip, Age, Period, and Cohort Effects on U.S. Religious Service Attendance: The Declining Impact of Sex, Southern Residence, and Catholic Affiliation, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 1, 224. SHAH, Bindi, DWYER, Claire, Modood, Tariq, Explaining Educational Achievement and Career Aspirations among Young British Pakistanis: Mobilizing Ethnic Capital?, Sociology, 2010, 44, 6, 11091127. TRZEBIATOWSKA, Marta, Habit Does Not a Nun Make? Religious Dress in the Everyday Lives of Polish Catholic Nuns, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 1, 5165. UTRIAINEN, Terhi, Agents of De-differentiation: Women Care-givers for the Dying in Finland, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 3, 437451. VAL CUBERO, Alejandra, La participacin femenina en los movimientos fundamentalistas hindes: violencia y desajustes sociales en los albores del siglo XXI, Cuad. Interc., 2010, 8, 15, 133144. WEISS, Ftima de Jesus, A Cruz e o Arco-ris: Refletindo sobre Gnero e Sexualidade a partir de uma Igreja Inclusiva no Brasil, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 12, 131146.


Religion et corps Religion and Body ACEVEDO, Gabriel A., Collective Rituals or Private Practice in Texas? Assessing the Impact of Religious Factors on Mental Health, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 2, 188206.

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AYERS, John W., HOFSTETTER, C. Richard, IRVIN, Veronica L., SONG, Yoonju, PARK, Hae-Ryun, Can Religion Help Prevent Obesity? Religious Messages and the Prevalence of Being Overweight or Obese among Korean Women in California, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 3, 536549. BIZERRIL, Jos, Estticas da existncia em fluxo: corporeidade taoista e mundo contemporneo, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 13, 77101. CARINI, Catn Eduardo, La estructuracin ritual del cuerpo, la experiencia y la intersubjetividad en la prctica del budismo zen argentino, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 1, 6294. CAROZZI, Mara Julia, Una ignorancia sagrada: aprendiendo a no saber bailar tango en Buenos Aires, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 1, 126145. DANTAS, Bruna Suruagy do Amaral, A dupla linguagem do desejo na Igreja Evanglica Bola de Neve, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 1, 5380. DEZUTTER, Jessie, ROBERTSON, Linda A., LUYCKX, Koen, HUTSEBAUT, Dirk, Life Satisfaction in Chronic Pain Patients: The Stress-Buffering Role of the Centrality of Religion, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 3, 507516. DROTT, Edward R., Gods, Buddhas, and Organs: Buddhist Physicians and Theories of Longevity in Early Medieval Japan, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 2, 247273. FERREIRA, Francirosy Campos Barbosa, Teatralizao do sagrado islmico: a palavra, a voz e o gesto, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 29, 1, 95125. HEIDER, Anne, WARNER, R. Stephen, Bodies in Sync: Interaction Ritual Theory Applied to Sacred Harp Singing, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 1, 7697. IRRAZABAL, Gabriela, Biotica y catolicismo: dificultades en torno a la constitucin de una identidad colectiva, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 1, 101116. KRAUS, Rachel, They Danced in the Bible: Identity Integration among Christian Women Who Belly Dance, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 4, 457482. NEFF, James Alan, Confirmatory Factor Analysis Validation of a Four-Factor Measure of Spirituality-Religiosity for Use in Diverse Substance Abuse Treatment Populations, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 1, 4156. PEREIRA, Edilson, O esprito da orao ou como carismticos entram em contato com Deus, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 2, 5881. PUGLISI, Rodolfo, La meditacin en la Luz Sai Baba como performance ritual: acceso corpreo-experimental a dios, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 29, 1, 3061. REY, Terry, The Somatics of Syncretism: Tying Body and Soul in Haitian Religion, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 3, 379403. UTRIAINEN, Terhi, Agents of De-differentiation: Women Care-givers for the Dying in Finland, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 3, 437451. 37.7 Religion et sant (physique et mentale) Religion and Health (Physical and Mental) AMEIGEIRAS, Aldo, SUAREZ, Ana Lourdes, Las apariciones de la Virgen. El fenmeno de las apariciones de la virgen en Salta: peregrinacin, sanacin y la misin de unir Oriente con Occidente, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 13, 103129. AZETSOP, Jacquineau, Life-centred Ethics, Healing and Public Health in Africa, Concilium, 2010, 3, 99109. CHILDS, Ellen, Religious Attendance and Happiness: Examining Gaps in the Current Literature: A Research Note, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 3, 550560. CROMMELINCK, Marc, Neurosciences et mditation, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 8797.

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Social Compass 58(3) GREGANICH, Jssica, Cura e reencarnao: o processo de cura espiritual no Santo Daime, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 12, 107129. IRRAZABAL, Gabriela, El derecho al aborto en discusin: la intervencin de grupos catlicos en la comisin de salud de la legislatura de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Sociologias, 2010, 12, 24, 308336. LAZAR, Aryeh, The Relationship between Spirituality and Religiousness among Jewish Nurses in Israel, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 4, 428439. LONG, Jean-tienne, Salles de consommation ou salles de shooting?, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 97111. ROBBINS, Mandy, FRANCIS, Leslie, Work-Related Psychological Health and Psychological Type among Church of England Clergy Women, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 1, 5771. ROEMER, Michael K., Religion and Subjective Well-Being in Japan, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 4, 411427. SULLIVAN, Allison R., Mortality Differentials and Religion in the United States: Religious Affiliation and Attendance, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 740753.


Systmes de croyance et aires gographiques tudis en sociologie des religions Belief Systems and Geographical Areas Studied in Sociology of Religions
Systmes de croyance Belief Systems
Systmes de croyance dans les socits archaques Beliefs in Archaic Societies Problmes gnraux General Problems MENDOZA, Zoila, La fuerza de los caminos sonoros: caminata y msica en Qoylluriti, Anthropologica, 2010, 28, 1538. SALAS CARRENO, Guillermo, Acerca de la antigua importancia de las comparsas de wayri chunchu y su contempornea marginalidad en la peregrinacin de Quylluriti, Anthropologica, 2010, 28, 6792. STENSRUD, Astrid B., Los peregrinos urbanos en Qoylluriti y el juego mimtico de miniaturas, Anthropologica, 2010, 28, 3966. WISSLER, Holly, Qeros, Per: la regeneracin de relaciones cosmolgicas e identidades especficas a travs de la msica, Anthropologica, 2010, 28, 93116.




Systmes de croyances dominants (tudes gnrales) Main Belief Systems (General Studies) Christianisme Christianity ALGRANTI, Joaqun, SCHENCMAN, Pablo, Observaciones sobre el difcil arte de la representacin. Los evanglicos frente a los temas controversiales, Soc. y Rel., 2010, 32/33, 6789.


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AMEIGEIRAS, Aldo, SUAREZ, Ana Lourdes, Las apariciones de la Virgen. El fenmeno de las apariciones de la virgen en Salta: peregrinacin, sanacin y la misin de unir Oriente con Occidente, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 13, 103129. ANDEZIAN, Sossie, Formation des identits palestiniennes chrtiennes, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 189210. ANDEZIAN, Sossie, Aux origines de lglise armnienne catholique de Jrusalem, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 151, 3, 4769. ANDRADE, Susana, Ethos evanglico, poltica indgena y medios de comunicacin en el Ecuador, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 1, 116. ANDREESCU, Liviu, Double or Nothing: Academic Theology and PostCommunist Religious Policy, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 3, 540570. ANDREWS, Robyn, Christianity as an Indian Religion: The Anglo-Indian Experience, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 2, 173188. ANTHONY, Francis-Vincent, HERMANS, Chris A. M., STERKENS, Carl, A Comparative Study of Mystical Experience among Christian, Muslim, and Hindu Students in Tamil Nadu, India, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 264277. BENHAM RENNICK, Joanne, Towards an Interfaith Ministry: Religious Adaptation and Accommodation in the Canadian Forces Chaplaincy, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 1, 7791. BINGEMER, Maria Clara, Is Christianity a Religion?, Concilium, 2010, 4, 4859. BLANCHY, Sophie, Vierge, Mre ou Reine?, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 150, 2, 135154. BOBKOWSKI, Piotr S., KALYANARAMAN, Sriram, Effects of Online Christian Self-Disclosure on Impression Formation, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 3, 456476. BRIGHENTI, Agenor, Lglise catholique chemins du pass, croises du prsent, Projet, 2010, 318, 6875. BRNCIC, Jadranka, Atheism and Religion in Post-Socialism: The Case of Croatia, Concilium, 2010, 4, 102106. BUSTAMANTE, Fabin, La formacin de una nueva mentalidad religiosa de la elite empresarial durante la dictadura militar, 19741990. El catolicismo empresarial del Opus Dei, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 1, 105124. CHATELARD, Graldine, The Constitution of Christian Communal Boundaries and Spheres in Jordan, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 3, 476502. CLARK, Janine Natalya, Religion and Reconciliation in Bosnia & Herzegovina: Are Religious Actors Doing Enough?, Eur. As. Stud., 2010, 62, 4, 671694. CLAVERIE, lisabeth, La Virgen, el desorden, la crtica. Las apariciones de la Virgen en la era de la ciencia, Ap. Inv. CECYP, 2010, 18, 1136. CLMENT, Nicolas, Religieux prsents en Algrie, Esprit, 2010, 369, 194196. COCQ, Guy, Une glise minoritaire dans une socit dchristianise, Esprit, 2010, 362, 164167. CORONA PEZ, Sergio Antonio, Vinos y diezmos en Mxico: prcticas recaudatorias en Santa Mara de las Parras, Est. Av., 2010, 14, 113143. CRUZ, Enrique, El clero de la Puna de Jujuy a fines del perodo colonial, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 13, 131153. CURANOVIC, Alicja Cecylia, Relations between the Orthodox Church and Islam in the Russian Federation, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 3, 503539. DPRET, Isabelle, Tradition orthodoxe et symboles religieux en Grce, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 129150.

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Social Compass 58(3) DESMOND, Scott A., KIKUCHI, George, MORGAN, Kristopher H., Congregations and Crime: Is the Spatial Distribution of Congregations Associated with Neighborhood Crime Rates?, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 3755. DESTIVELLE, Hyacinthe, Les chrtiens de lEst et loecumnisme, Lumire et Vie, 2009, 283, 7177. DIOTAVELLI, Luca, Alternativas a la lacit. Para un conocimiento menos augusto de la cultura europea, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 13, 1536. DUQUE DAZA, Javier, Las comunidades religiosas protestantes y su trnsito hacia lo poltico-electoral en Colombia, 19902007, Rev. Mex. Soc., 2010, 72, 1, 73111. FERRER, Pablo Manuel, Migrantes en la Biblia y la vida cotidiana, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 138154. FONSECA, Andre Dioney, ROIZ, Diogo da Silva, Religin e imperialismo: representaciones del marxismo en la revista Lies Bblicas de la Iglesia Asamblea de Dios de Brasil (19801990), Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 1, 5570. FOUILLOUX, tienne, Pourquoi canoniser les papes?, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 2129. GARCA FERNNDEZ, Ana Cristina, Sinceramientos epistemolgicos: Sobre estudio en monasterio de monjas de clausura, An. Ant. Uruguay, 2010, 2010, 235245. GIMENEZ BELIEVEAU, Veronica, IRRAZABAL, Gabriela, Catlicos en Argentina: hacia una interpretacin de su diversidad, Soc. y Rel., 2010, 32/33, 2847. GRMION, Catherine, La dcision dans lglise. Contraception, procration assiste, avortement: trois moments cls, Esprit, 2010, 362, 122133. HERNANDEZ, Graciela, Relatos de vida y religiosidad popular. Origen y sentidos de la fiesta de la Virgen de Urkupia en Baha Blanca, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 147165. HOMER, Lauren B., Registration of Chinese Protestant House Churches under Chinas 2005 Regulation on Religious Affairs: Resolving the Implementation Impasse, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 1, 5073. KALKANDJIEVA, Daniela, The Bulgarian Orthodox Church and the Ethic of Capitalism, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 1, 8399. KIM, Jibum, KIM, Sang-Wook, KANG, Jeong-Han, Confidence in Religious Leaders in Korea: A Research Note, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 320327. LARRIMORE, Mark, Religion and the Promise of Happiness, Soc. Res., 2010, 77, 2, 569594. LATHUILIRE, Pierre, Le refus de loecumnisme par les conservatismes chrtiens, Lumire et Vie, 2009, 283, 5155. LEGRAND, Herv, Du gouvernement de lglise depuis Vatican II, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 4756. LEMAITRE, Franck, La crise de la communion anglicane, Lumire et Vie, 2009, 283, 6164. LEVITA, Gabriel, Estructura social y pluralizacin religiosa: un anlisis del nivel socioeconmico de los pentecostales, Soc. y Rel., 2010, 32/33, 6988. MACKIN, Robert Sean, In Word and Deed: Assessing the Strength of Progressive Catholicism in Latin America, 19601970s, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 2, 216242.

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MANGLOS, Nicolette D., Born Again in Balaka: Pentecostal versus Catholic Narratives of Religious Transformation in Rural Malawi, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 4, 409431. MARN, Nelson, La representacin social del Diablo en el Pentecostalismo: Un estudio de caso en Santiago de Chile, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 225240. MATSUZATO, Kimitaka, South Ossetia and the Orthodox World: Official Churches, the Greek Old Calendrist Movement, and the So-called Alan Diocese, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 2, 271297. McINTYRE, Kathleen, Conflicto religioso y tradicin en una comunidad zapoteca: Bautistas en Tlacochahuaya, 19201935, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 211224. MELLON, Christian, La parole de lglise catholique, Projet, 2010, HS01, 7, 8491. MOISA, Daniela, De lintimit culturelle au patrimoine. La communaut russe orthodoxe de Rawdon, Ethn. Fran., 2010, 40, 3, 447457. NARANJO, Eduardo, Una nueva tica econmica catlica en respuesta al nuevo liberalismo, Conver., 2010, 17, 53, 177203. NG, Thi Thanh Tm, Ethnic and Transnational Dimensions of Recent Protestant Conversion among the Hmong in Northern Vietnam, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 3, 332344. NICOLETTI, Mara Andrea, BARELLI, Ana Ins, Hijos de Dios y miembros de la Santa Madre Iglesia: adoctrinar y bautizar en la Patagonia de fines del siglo XIX y principios del XX, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 120146. PALMISANO, Stefania, Spirituality and Catholicism: The Italian Experience, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 2, 221241. PAYNE, Daniel P., Spiritual Security, the Russian Orthodox Church, and Russian Foreign Ministry: Collaboration or Cooptation?, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 4, 712727. POUJEAU, Anna, Renouveau monastique et historiographie chrtienne en Syrie, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 151, 3, 129147. REMEDI, Roberto A., MIGUEL, Gloria E., Expresiones simblicas y relaciones generacionales en el contexto actual del catolicismo en el NOA, Soc. y Rel., 2010, 32/33, 8998. ROBBINS, Joel, El pensamiento de la continuidad y el problema de la cultura cristiana. Creencia, temporalidad y la antropologa del cristianismo, Ap. Inv. CECYP, 2010, 18, 111144. RODRGUEZ, Laura, Iglesia y educacin durante la ltima dictadura en Argentina, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 419. SCHLEGEL, Jean-Louis, Lglise catholique et la pdophilie, Esprit, 2010, 364, 6573. SEMN, Pablo, De a poco mucho: las pequeas iglesias Pentecostales y el crecimiento pentecostal. Conclusiones de un estudio de caso, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 1, 1635. SERAIDARI, Katerina, Comptition entre orthodoxes et catholiques. La production du sacr dans une le grecque, Ethn. Fran., 2010, 40, 1, 151160. STOLZ, Jrg, A Silent Battle: Theorizing the Effects of Competition between Churches and Secular Institutions, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 3, 253276.

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Social Compass 58(3) STRAUGHN, Jeremy Brooke, American as a Christian Nation? Understanding Religious Boundaries of National Identity in the United States, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 3, 280306. TAN, Reinaldo, Tres miradas de ser catlico. Jvenes, adultos y adultos mayores catlicos chilenos Encuentro o desencuentro?, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 192210. TRN Thi Lin, Claire, Les relations entre lglise catholique et ltat au Vietnam depuis Di Mi: Perspectives, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 3, 345356. WALLERICK, Grgory, La guerre par limage dans lEurope du XVIe sicle. Comment un protestant dfie les pouvoirs catholiques, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 3353. WANNER, Catherine, Southern Challenges to Eastern Christianity: Pressures to Reform the StateChurch Model, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 4, 644661. WEISS, Ftima de Jesus, A Cruz e o Arco-ris: Refletindo sobre Gnero e Sexualidade a partir de uma Igreja Inclusiva no Brasil, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 12, 131146. WILLAIME, Jean-Paul, Le Vietnam au dfi de la diversit protestante, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 3, 319331. XIE, Xiaheng, Religion and Modernity in China: Who is Joining the Three-Self Church and Why, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 1, 7493.


Islam Islam AMGHAR, Samir, Le niqb, pour saffirmer?, Projet, 2010, 314, 1995. ANTHONY, Francis-Vincent, HERMANS, Chris A. M., STERKENS, Carl, A Comparative Study of Mystical Experience among Christian, Muslim, and Hindu Students in Tamil Nadu, India, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 264277. ARMINJON, Constance, Linstauration de la guidance du juriste en Iran, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 211228. BEN HOUNET, Yazid, La tribu comme champ social semi-autonome, LHomme, 2010, 194, 1, 5774. BODY-GENDROT, Sophie, European Policies of Social Control Post 9/11, Soc. Res., 2010, 77, 1, 181204. BOIVIN, Michel, Benazir en odeur de saintet. Naissance dun lieu de culte au Pakistan, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 151, 3, 189211. CHATELARD, Graldine, The Constitution of Christian Communal Boundaries and Spheres in Jordan, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 3, 476502. CLARK, Janine Natalya, Religion and Reconciliation in Bosnia & Herzegovina: Are Religious Actors Doing Enough?, Eur. As. Stud., 2010, 62, 4, 671694. COHEN, Anouk, Le livre du Coran Rabat et Casablanca, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 150, 2, 175195. CURANOVIC, Alicja Cecylia, Relations between the Orthodox Church and Islam in the Russian Federation, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 3, 503539. DARGENT, Claude, La population musulmane de France: de lombre la lumire?, Rev. Fran. Soc., 2010, 51, 2, 219246. DEVRET, Jean-Franois, Les minarets, la Suisse et lEurope, Futur., 2010, 360, 6974. DEVRET, Jean-Franois, Les Europens et lIslam, Futur., 2010, 369, 7379. DREES, Willem B., Who Speaks? (Editorial), Zygon, 2010, 45, 1, 36.

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Confucianisme, hindouisme, bouddhisme Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhism ANTHONY, Francis-Vincent, HERMANS, Chris A. M., STERKENS, Carl, A Comparative Study of Mystical Experience among Christian, Muslim, and Hindu Students in Tamil Nadu, India, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 264277. AVDEEFF, Alexis, The Art of Living, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 169187. BENDER, Ross, Changing the Calendar: Royal Political Theology and the Suppression of the Tachibana Naramaro Conspiracy of 757, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 2, 223245. BIZERRIL, Jos, Estticas da existncia em fluxo: corporeidade taoista e mundo contemporneo, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 13, 77101. BOISVERT, Mathieu, Facteurs contribuant lidentit du prtre de plerinage de Prayga, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 1, 5775. BORCHERT, Thomas, The Abbots New House: Thinking about How Religion Works among Buddhists and Ethnic Minorities in Southwest China, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 1, 112137. BOURDEAUX, Pascal, Rflexions sur linstitutionnalisation du bouddhisme Ha Hao: Remise en perspective historique de la reconnaissance de 1999, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 3, 372385. BREEN, John, Resurrecting the Sacred Land of Japan: The State of Shinto in the Twenty-First Century, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 2, 295315. CARINI, Catn Eduardo, Don ritual y trabajo sagrado: la tica econmica de los centros Budistas Zen en la Argentina, Rev. Cien. Soc., 2010, 24, 726.

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COLZATO, Lorenza S., SILK, Jonathan A., Imag(in)ing the Buddhist Brain: Editorial Introduction, Zygon, 2010, 45, 3, 591595. COURAU, Thierry-Marie, La mditation bouddhique nest pas ce que lon croit, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 5361. DELEANU, Fiorin, Agnostic Meditations on Buddhist Meditation, Zygon, 2010, 45, 3, 605626. DESSI, Ugo, Social Behavior and Religious Consciousness among Shin Buddhist Practitioners, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 2, 335366. DROTT, Edward R., Gods, Buddhas, and Organs: Buddhist Physicians and Theories of Longevity in Early Medieval Japan, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 2, 247273. GIRA, Dennis, Inculturation of Buddhism in Traditionally Christian Regions, Concilium, 2010, 5, 110116. HANSEN, Wilburn, Dancing as if Possessed: A Coming Out Party in Edo Spirit Society, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 2, 275294. HARRISON, Peter, A Scientific Buddhism?, Zygon, 2010, 45, 4, 861869. HEINE, Steven, Yes! We Have No Buddha-Nature: Three Recent Publications on Zen Dialogues (Review Article), Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 2, 367376. HUR, Nam-lin, Han Yongun (18791944) and Buddhist Reform in Colonial Korea, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 1, 7597. JAFFE, Richard M., Religion and the Japanese Empire (Editors Introduction), Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 1, 17. JAMMES, Jrmy, Divination and Politics in Southern Vietnam: Roots of Caodaism, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 3, 357371. JINPA, Thupten, Buddhism and Science: How Far Can the Dialogue Proceed?, Zygon, 2010, 45, 4, 871882. KIM, Hwansoo, The Future of Korean Buddhism Lies in My Hands: Takeda Hanshi as a Soto Missionary, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 1, 99135. LOPEZ, Donald S., Jr., The Future of the Buddhist Past: A Response to Readers, Zygon, 2010, 45, 4, 883896. MATH, Thierry, Le dveloppement du bouddhisme en contexte italien: Aspects de la modernisation et du pluralisme religieux en Italie, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 4, 521536. McGLASHAN, Alastair R., The Melting Heart: Religious Experience in Contemporary Tamil Saivism, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 2, 189202. MIYAMOTO, Hisao, La naissance de lhiyehlogie. Au-del de la pense bouddhique et de lontothologie, Diogne, 2009, 227, 3, 7391. NAKAJIMA, Michio, Shinto Deities that Crossed the Sea: Japans Overseas Shrines, 1868 to 1945, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 1, 2146. OZAWA-DE-SILVA, Chikako, OZAWA-DE-SILVA, Brendan, Secularizing Religious Practices: A Study of Subjectivity and Existential Transformation in Naikan Therapy, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 147161. RAFFONE, Antonio, TAGINI, Angela, SRINIVASAN, Narayanan, Mindfulness and the Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention and Awareness, Zygon, 2010, 45, 3, 627646. RAMSAY, Tamasin, MANDERSON, Lenore, SMITH, Wendy, Changing a Mountain into a Mustard Seed: Practices and Responses to Disaster among New York Brahma Kumaris, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 1, 89105.

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Social Compass 58(3) RUPPERT, Brian O., Beyond Big Events, Their Heroes, the Nation, and the Sect: A Review of Recent Books Published in Japanese on Premodern Japanese Religion (Part One) (Review Article), Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 1, 137153. SINGH, Jasjit, Head First: Young British Sikhs, Hair, and the Turban, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 2, 203220. SUEKI, Fumihiko, Chinese Buddhism and the Anti-Japan War, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 1, 920. SUGA, Koji, A Concept of Overseas Shinto Shrines: A Pantheistic Attempt by Ogasawara Shozo and its Limitations, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 1, 4774. TAK-LING WOO, Terry, Chinese Popular Religion in Diaspora: A Case Study of Shrines in Torontos Chinatowns, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 2, 151177. TAMATEA, Laurence, Online Buddhist and Christian Responses to Artificial Intelligence, Zygon, 2010, 45, 4, 9791002. TANAKA, Yutaka, Philosophie du nant et thologie du processus, Diogne, 2009, 227, 3, 2647. TOSTA, Lena, Iogues Indianos nas Fronteiras do Conhecvel: performance e dissidncia entre siddhas hindus, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 12, 79106. VAL CUBERO, Alejandra, La participacin femenina en los movimientos fundamentalistas hindes: violencia y desajustes sociales en los albores del siglo XXI, Cuad. Interc., 2010, 8, 15, 133144.


Judasme Judaism BICK, Etta, The Tal Law: A Missed Opportunity for Bridging Social Capital in Israel, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 2, 298322. COHEN, Asher, SUSSER, Bernard, The Sabbatical Year in Israeli Politics: An Intra-Religious and ReligiousSecular Conflict from the Nineteenth through the Twenty-First Centuries, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 3, 454475. DEIN, Simon, A Messiah from the Dead: Cultural Performance in Lubavitcher Messianism, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 4, 537554. GILMAN, Sander L., Happiness and Unhappiness as a Jewish Question, Soc. Res., 2010, 77, 2, 545568. LAZAR, Aryeh, The Relationship between Spirituality and Religiousness among Jewish Nurses in Israel, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 4, 428439. SCHWADEL, Philip, Jewish Teenagers Syncretism, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 3, 324332. TOKARSKA-BAKIR, Joanna, MULLER, Sylvie, Des racines mythiques de lantismitisme: le meurtre rituel juif, Ethn. Fran., 2010, 40, 2, 305313.


Irrligion, athisme Irreligion, Atheism BINGEMER, Maria Clara, Is Christianity a Religion?, Concilium, 2010, 4, 4859. GOODE, Leslie, Spiritualities of Life: The Neglected Role of the Artistic Paradigm, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 1, 107123. HELMINIAK, Daniel A., Theistic Psychology and Psychotherapy: A Theological and Scientific Critique, Zygon, 2010, 45, 1, 4774. LEFEBVRE, Solange, A Public Theology of Diversity, Concilium, 2010, 4, 6069.

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LIM, Chaetoon, MacGREGOR, Carol Ann, PUTNAM, Robert D., Secular and Liminal: Discovering Heterogeneity among Religious Nones, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 596618. MCGRATH, Alister, Bestseller Atheisms: The New Scientism, Concilium, 2010, 4, 1119. MURPHY, Nancey, Robert John Russell Versus the New Atheists, Zygon, 2010, 45, 1, 193212. PETERSON, Gregory R., Stage-Two Secularity and the Future of Theology-andScience, Zygon, 2010, 45, 2, 506516. SCHWADEL, Philip, Period and Cohort Effects on Religious Nonaffiliation and Religious Disaffiliation: A Research Note, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 311319. SKIRBEKK, Vegard, KAUFMANN, Eric, GOUJON, Anne, Secularism, Fundamentalism, or Catholicism? The Religious Composition of the United States to 2043, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 293310. TORRES QUEIRUGA, Andrs, Atheism and the Christian Image of God, Concilium, 2010, 4, 3747. TRAN, Van Ton, A Breath of Atheism in Religious Vietnam, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 3, 311318. YANCEY, George, Who Has Religious Prejudice? Differing Sources of AntiReligious Animosity in the United States, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 2, 159171. 40.3 Systmes de croyance marginaux ou en cours de dveloppement Marginal or Developing Belief Systems REESINK, Msia Lins, Turner, Weber e o vidente: reflexes sobre a institucionalizao de uma apario mariana, Rev. Antr. USP, 2007, 50, 2, 571603. 40.30 Problmes gnraux General Problems BLEE, Fabrice, Lexprience de la mditation est-elle universelle?, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 2132. CRAGUN, Ryan T., LAWSON, Ronald, The Secular Transition: The Worldwide Growth of Mormons, Jehovahs Witnesses, and Seventh-day Adventists, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 3, 349373. DRYDAKIS, Nick, Religious Affiliation and Employment Bias in the Labor Market, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 3, 477493. GRAVEND-TIROLE, Xavier, Om Krista, Om! Yoga, mditation et tradition chrtienne, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 6267. PEREA, Joaquin, Emerging Church: A Young Movement challenging the Established Churches, Concilium, 2010, 4, 107112. TAVARES, Ftima Regina Gomes, Hybridismes spirituels: autonomie et globalisation du mouvement New Age, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 1, 100109. VIOTTI, Nicols, El lugar de la creencia y la transformacin religiosa en las clases medias de Buenos Aires, Ap. Inv. CECYP, 2010, 18, 3968. 40.31 Nouveaux mouvements religieux New Religious Movements ADLOFF, Frank, Les mouvements religieux et les dfis de la modernit. Contingence, motions et religion aux tats-Unis, Soc. Soc., 2010, 42, 2, 315339.

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Social Compass 58(3) AVDEEFF, Alexis, The Art of Living, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 169187. GABRIEL, Eduardo, A expanso internacional do catolicismo carismtico brasileiro, Anal. Soc., 2009, 190, 189207. MACHADO, Carly, Novos Movimentos Religiosos, Indivduo e Comunidade: sobre famlia, mdia e outras mediaes, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 145163. MARIZ, Ceclia L., Misso religiosa e migrao: novas comunidades e igrejas pentecostais brasileiras no exterior, Anal. Soc., 2009, 190, 161187. OLIVEIRA, Fabrcio Roberto Costa, O Conclio Vaticano II, o MOBON e as comunidades rurais: um estudo sobre a prxis comunicativa entre missionrios e grupos catlicos leigos, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 3858. TIZIK, Miroslav, O est la foi iarislav, Don Quichotte et la frontire du religieux, Soc. Soc., 2010, 42, 1, 115141. TOTARO, Paolo, Misticismo do clculo e a ascese consumista: razo e f no crer sem pertencer e no neopentecostalismo, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 1, 81100.


Religiosit populaire Popular Religiosity AMEIGEIRAS, Aldo, Creencias religiosas populares en la sociedad argentina: algunas reflexiones acerca de la significacin de la creencia en Dios, la diversidad de creencias y las identidades religiosas, Soc. y Rel., 2010, 32/33, 124139. AMEIGEIRAS, Aldo, SUAREZ, Ana Lourdes, Las apariciones de la Virgen. El fenmeno de las apariciones de la virgen en Salta: peregrinacin, sanacin y la misin de unir Oriente con Occidente, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 13, 103129. BENAVENTE MORALES, Carolina, Divina: consagracin cultural y usos de lo sagrado en la actriz mexicana Mara Flix (19142002), Conver., 2010, 17, 52, 261288. CAMPOS, Roberta Bivar C., Contao de causos e negociao da verdade entre os Ave de Jesus, Juazeiro do Norte CE, Etnografica, 2009, 13, 1, 3147. CARVALHO, Ernando Luiz Teixeira de, Ibiapina e seus beatos, R. E. B., 2010, 70, 280, 886909. CLAVERIE, lisabeth, La Virgen, el desorden, la crtica. Las apariciones de la Virgen en la era de la ciencia, Ap. Inv. CECYP, 2010, 18, 1136. CONTINS, Marcia, Religio, etnicidade e globalizao: uma comparao entre grupos religiosos nos contextos brasileiro e norte-americano, Rev. Antr. USP, 2008, 51, 1, 67106. EMELYANOVA-GRIVA, Marina, La tombe de Victor Noir au cimetire du PreLachaise, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 89108. HERNANDEZ, Graciela, Relatos de vida y religiosidad popular. Origen y sentidos de la fiesta de la Virgen de Urkupia en Baha Blanca, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 147165. KOSS-CHIOINO, Joan D., Concerning Diversity and Practicality, Zygon, 2010, 45, 2, 495498. LALIBERT, Micheline, Dfinitions et approches diverses de la religion populaire, Rabaska, 2010, 8, 718. MONTERO, Paula, Secularizao e espao pblico: a reinveno do pluralismo religioso no Brasil, Etnografica, 2009, 13, 1, 0716. PALMER-BOYES, Ashley, The Latino Catholic Parish as a Specialist Organization: Distinguishing Characteristics, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 3, 302323.

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PIRES, Flvia, Quem tem medo de mal-assombro?, Etnogrfica, 2009, 13, 2, 291312. RENARD, Jean-Bruno, Croyances fantastiques et rationalit, Anne Soc., 2010, 60, 1, 115135. SAEZ, Oscar Calavia, O que os santos podem fazer pela antropologia?, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 2, 198219. SEMN, Pablo, Diferencia y transversalidad en la religiosidad de los sectores populares: mirando con telescopio luego de haber usado el microscopio, Ap. Inv. CECYP, 2010, 18, 71107. STRACZUK, Justyna, Entre orthodoxie et catholicisme. Des cimetires ruraux aux frontires de la Pologne et de la Bilorussie, Ethn. Fran., 2010, 40, 2, 327338. TIZIK, Miroslav, O est la foi iarislav, Don Quichotte et la frontire du religieux, Soc. Soc., 2010, 42, 1, 115141. TOKARSKA-BAKIR, Joanna, MULLER, Sylvie, Des racines mythiques de lantismitisme: le meurtre rituel juif, Ethn. Fran., 2010, 40, 2, 305313. 40.33 Animisme, naturalisme Animism, Naturalism CADIGAN, Tui, Tangata Whenua, People of the Island, Concilium, 2010, 5, 6065. GIBBS, Philip, Emerging Indigeneous Theologies in Oceania, Concilium, 2010, 5, 3444. HALAPUA, Winston, Theomoana: Toward an Oceanic Theology, Concilium, 2010, 5, 2333. KOHLER, Florent, Chamanisme et politique dans lUa, Bas-Oyapock (Amap, Brsil), Anthr. Soc., 2010, 34, 1, 1331. REY, Terry, The Somatics of Syncretism: Tying Body and Soul in Haitian Religion, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 3, 379403. TUPAYUPANQUI, Nicanor Sarmiento, Native Theologies in Latin America, Concilium, 2010, 5, 89101. 40.34 Religion invisible Invisible Religion Intgrismes, extrmismes, sectes Fundamentalisms, Extremisms, Sects CASTN BOYER, Pedro, RAMOS LORENTE, Mara del Mar, Europa ante el fenmeno de las sectas, Papers, 2010, 95, 1, 1128. HILL, Eric D., TERRELL, Heather K., COHEN, Adam B., NAGOSHI, Craig T., The Role of Social Cognition in the Religious FundamentalismPrejudice Relationship, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 724739. LATHUILIRE, Pierre, Le refus de loecumnisme par les conservatismes chrtiens, Lumire et Vie, 2009, 283, 5155. ROMERO RAMIREZ, Antonio Jos, DURN RODRIGUEZ, Mara del Mar, Islam y terror, Conver., 2010, 17, 54, 5368. SAZO, Nicols, Entre locos y sinvergenzas. Deslegitimacin y subalternizacin de las sectas en Chile, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 241263.


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Social Compass 58(3) VAL CUBERO, Alejandra, La participacin femenina en los movimientos fundamentalistas hindes: violencia y desajustes sociales en los albores del siglo XXI, Cuad. Interc., 2010, 8, 15, 133144. YANCEY, George, Who Has Religious Prejudice? Differing Sources of AntiReligious Animosity in the United States, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 2, 159171.


Autres systmes de croyance Other Belief Systems GREGANICH, Jssica, Cura e reencarnao: o processo de cura espiritual no Santo Daime, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 12, 107129. HANDERSON, Joseph, Religiosidad y nacin. Reflexiones sobre el Vud haitiano a partir de la obra de Lennec Hurbon, Ap. Inv. CECYP, 2010, 18, 191196. MAYER, Gerhard, GRNDER, Ren, Coming Home or Drifting Away: Magical Practice in the Twenty-First Century-Ways of Adopting Heterodox Beliefs and Religious Worldviews, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 3, 395418. VIOTTI, Nicols, El lugar de la creencia y la transformacin religiosa en las clases medias de Buenos Aires, Ap. Inv. CECYP, 2010, 18, 3968.


Aires gographiques Geographical Areas

Afrique Africa ANTOINE, Maurice, thiopie: des sanctuaires au projet national, Esprit, 2010, 370, 5469. AZETSOP, Jacquineau, Life-centred Ethics, Healing and Public Health in Africa, Concilium, 2010, 3, 99109. DENIS, Philippe, Les nouveaux clivages interconfessionnnels en Afrique subsaharienne, Lumire et Vie, 2009, 283, 8185. MANGLOS, Nicolette D., Born Again in Balaka: Pentecostal versus Catholic Narratives of Religious Transformation in Rural Malawi, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 4, 409431. SANSI, Roger, Feitio e fetiche no Atlntico moderno, Rev. Antr. USP, 2008, 51, 1, 123153.


Moyen-Orient Middle East ANDEZIAN, Sossie, Formation des identits palestiniennes chrtiennes, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 189210. ANDEZIAN, Sossie, Aux origines de lglise armnienne catholique de Jrusalem, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 151, 3, 4769. ARMINJON, Constance, Linstauration de la guidance du juriste en Iran, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 211228. CLMENT, Nicolas, Religieux prsents en Algrie, Esprit, 2010, 369, 194196. COHEN, Anouk, Le livre du Coran Rabat et Casablanca, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 150, 2, 175195. KREIL, Aymon, Se faire cheikh au Caire, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 255272.

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MOULINE, Nabil, Les oulmas du palais, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 229253. NABTI, Mehdi, Le mussem de Mekns. Le dclin dune tradition spirituelle, LHomme, 2010, 193, 1, 137165. NEVEU, Norig, La sacralisation du territoire jordanien. Reconstruction des lieux saints nationaux, 19802006, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 151, 3, 107128. NN, From vision to cult site. A comparative perspective, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 151, 3, 7190. POUJEAU, Anna, Renouveau monastique et historiographie chrtienne en Syrie, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 151, 3, 129147. RICCA, Simone, Heritage, Nationalism and the Shifting Symbolism of the Wailing Wall, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 151, 3, 169188. 41.2 Amriques Americas ADLOFF, Frank, Les mouvements religieux et les dfis de la modernit. Contingence, motions et religion aux tats-Unis, Soc. Soc., 2010, 42, 2, 315 339. ALMEIDA, Mayra, Lujuria, gula y mala fe: Cuentos populares brasileos y representaciones del sacerdote, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 1, 94105. BASTIAN, Jean-Pierre, Convergence et concurrence entre organisations religieuses en Amrique latine, Lumire et Vie, 2009, 283, 8792. BUSTAMANTE, Fabin, Un enfoque idealista de las relaciones internaciones en el conflicto del Beagle entre Chile y Argentina. La mediacin de la Santa Sede, 19791984, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 5771. CONGOTE, Bernardo, Deslices polticos de la teotica habermasiana, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 72104. KOHLER, Florent, Chamanisme et politique dans lUa, Bas-Oyapock (Amap, Brsil), Anthr. Soc., 2010, 34, 1, 1331. KUCZYNSKI, Liliane, Une mosque en Martinique, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 151, 3, 2546. MACKIN, Robert Sean, In Word and Deed: Assessing the Strength of Progressive Catholicism in Latin America, 19601970s, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 2, 216242. MALLIMACI, Fortinato, Entre lo que es y lo que queremos que sea: secularizacin y laicidad en la Argentina, Soc. y Rel., 2010, 32/33, 715. MARTINS, Paulo Henrique, Don, religion et eurocentrisme dans laventure coloniale, MAUSS, 2010, 36, 2, 317329. MOISA, Daniela, De lintimit culturelle au patrimoine. La communaut russe orthodoxe de Rawdon, Ethn. Fran., 2010, 40, 3, 447457. ORO, Ari Pedro, Ascension et dclin du pentectisme politique au Brsil, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 151168. PATIO, Mara Eugenia, El llamado en las narraciones de religiosas catlicas: una aproximacin a la eleccin de la Vida Consagrada femenina, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 1, 7193. RIOB, Enrique, La evolucin del discurso de la Teologa de la Liberacin durante la dictadura chilena. El caso de los peridicos clandestinos No Podemos Callar y Policarpo, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 3956. SANSI, Roger, Feitio e fetiche no Atlntico moderno, Rev. Antr. USP, 2008, 51, 1, 123153.

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Social Compass 58(3) SAZO, Nicols, Entre locos y sinvergenzas. Deslegitimacin y subalternizacin de las sectas en Chile, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 241263. SKIRBEKK, Vegard, KAUFMANN, Eric, GOUJON, Anne, Secularism, Fundamentalism, or Catholicism? The Religious Composition of the United States to 2043, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 293310. TAK-LING WOO, Terry, Chinese Popular Religion in Diaspora: A Case Study of Shrines in Torontos Chinatowns, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 2, 151177. TROYAN, Brett, The intersection of politics and religion in 20th century Southwestern Colombia, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 105119. TUPAYUPANQUI, Nicanor Sarmiento, Native Theologies in Latin America, Concilium, 2010, 5, 89101. ZAMBIRAS, Ariane, Les dynamiques religieuses en Californie et leurs effets politiques, Pouvoirs, 2010, 133, 2, 103114.


Asie Asia AVDEEFF, Alexis, The Art of Living, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 169187. BLANCHY, Sophie, Vierge, Mre ou Reine?, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 150, 2, 135154. BOIVIN, Michel, Benazir en odeur de saintet. Naissance dun lieu de culte au Pakistan, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 151, 3, 189211. BORCHERT, Thomas, The Abbots New House: Thinking about How Religion Works among Buddhists and Ethnic Minorities in Southwest China, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 1, 112137. BOURDEAUX, Pascal, Rflexions sur linstitutionnalisation du bouddhisme Ha Hao: Remise en perspective historique de la reconnaissance de 1999, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 3, 372385. BOURDEAUX, Pascal, WILLAIME, Jean-Paul, Religious Reconfigurations in Vietnam/Reconfigurations religieuses au Vietnam (Introduction), Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 3, 307310. HOMER, Lauren B., Registration of Chinese Protestant House Churches under Chinas 2005 Regulation on Religious Affairs: Resolving the Implementation Impasse, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 1, 5073. JAMMES, Jrmy, Divination and Politics in Southern Vietnam: Roots of Caodaism, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 3, 357371. MARK SHIELDS, James, Beyond Belief: Japanese Approaches to the Meaning of Religion, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 2, 133149. MARSH, Christopher, ZHONG, Zhifeng, Chinese Views on Church and State, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 1, 3449. NG, Thi Thanh Tm, Ethnic and Transnational Dimensions of Recent Protestant Conversion among the Hmong in Northern Vietnam, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 3, 332344. OBADIA, Lionel, Festivits religieuses, publiques et discrtes. Mondialisation, tourisme, et mimesis chez les Sherpas du Nord Npal, Anthr. Soc., 2010, 34, 2, 177197. TRAN, Van Ton, A Breath of Atheism in Religious Vietnam, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 3, 311318. TRN Thi Lin, Claire, Les relations entre lglise catholique et ltat au Vietnam depuis Di Mi: Perspectives, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 3, 345356.

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Social Compass 58(3) Ocanie Oceania CADIGAN, Tui, Tangata Whenua, People of the Island, Concilium, 2010, 5, 6065. GIBBS, Philip, Emerging Indigenous Theologies in Oceania, Concilium, 2010, 5, 3444. HALAPUA, Winston, Theomoana: Toward an Oceanic Theology, Concilium, 2010, 5, 2333. SOLOMONE, Kafoa, Churches Talking Together in and to Oceania: Ecumenism, Concilium, 2010, 5, 6777. TOFAEONO TOFAEONO, Amaamalele, The Moana Declaration An EcoTheological Debate, Concilium, 2010, 5, 7887.


Morphologie des systmes de croyance Morphology of Belief Systems

Analyse interne des systmes de croyance Internal Analysis of Belief Systems
tudes gnrales General Studies MELLON, Christian, La parole de lglise catholique, Projet, 2010, HS01, 7, 8491. ORTIZ, Carlos Gustavo, Hegemona catlica, pluralidad de creencias e individuacin religiosa: una mirada sobre el fenmeno religioso en Cuyo, y particularmente en Mendoza, Soc. y Rel., 2010, 32/33, 98111.


Rapports sociaux entre membres dun systme de croyance Social Relationships among Members of a Belief System Problmes gnraux General Problems AYERS, John W., HOFSTETTER, C. Richard, IRVIN, Veronica L., SONG, Yoonju, PARK, Hae-Ryun, Can Religion Help Prevent Obesity? Religious Messages and the Prevalence of Being Overweight or Obese among Korean Women in California, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 3, 536549. COCQ, Guy, Une glise minoritaire dans une socit dchristianise, Esprit, 2010, 362, 164167. DE BREMONT DARS, Nicolas, Largent dans lglise, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 286, 8287. DENEKEN, Michel, Le Magistre la recherche de son destinataire, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 3341. GRMION, Catherine, La dcision dans lglise. Contraception, procration assiste, avortement: trois moments cls, Esprit, 2010, 362, 122133. MELLER, Gillian, Funeral Rites in the British Deaf Church: A Case of Disenfranchised Grief?, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 2, 267280. MERCIER, Charles, Les fondations de la Communaut de SantEgidio et de la Socit de Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 5571.


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OLIVEIRA, Fabrcio Roberto Costa, O Conclio Vaticano II, o MOBON e as comunidades rurais: um estudo sobre a prxis comunicativa entre missionrios e grupos catlicos leigos, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 3858. 50.11 Autorit Authority CONGOTE, Bernardo, Deslices polticos de la teotica habermasiana, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 72104. KIM, Jibum, KIM, Sang-Wook, KANG, Jeong-Han, Confidence in Religious Leaders in Korea: A Research Note, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 320327. KOHLER, Florent, Chamanisme et politique dans lUa, Bas-Oyapock (Amap, Brsil), Anthr. Soc., 2010, 34, 1, 1331. LEGRAND, Herv, Du gouvernement de lglise depuis Vatican II, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 4756. MOREMAN M., Christopher, Dharma of the Living Dead: A Meditation on the Meaning of the Hollywood Zombie, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 2, 263281. NEZ, Francesc, Leaving the Institution: Secularized Priests, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 268284. SCHLEGEL, Jean-Louis, Aprs le scandale de la pdophilie: quel modle de prtre dans lglise catholique?, Esprit, 2010, 370, 4153. SCOPINHO, Svio Carlos Desan, Existe um catolicismo de base leiga? Histria do laicato na Amrica Latina e no Caribe 14981955), R. E. B., 2010, 70, 279, 602627. SEIDL, Ernesto, Caminhos que levam a Roma: recursos culturais e redefinies da excelncia religiosa, Hor. Antr., 2009, 15, 31, 263290. VALASIK, Corinne, Le social et lthique comme rponses de la religion face au pluralisme religieux, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 168179. 50.12 Participation Participation MOYANO ESTRADA, Eduardo, Liberalismo, sociodemocracia y catolicismo social: aproximacin sociolgica a las bases ideolgicas de la construccin europea, Rev. Fom. Soc., 2010, 257, 119138. AARTS, Olav, TE GROTHENHUIS, Manfred, NEED, Ariana, DE GRAAF, Nan Dirk, Does Duration of Deregulated Religious Markets Affect Church Attendance? Evidence from 26 Religious Markets in Europe and North America between 1981 and 2006, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 657672. ACEVEDO, Gabriel A., Collective Rituals or Private Practice in Texas? Assessing the Impact of Religious Factors on Mental Health, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 2, 188206. BRUCE, Steve, VOAS, David, Vicarious Religion: An Examination and Critique, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 2, 243259. BUSTAMANTE, Fabin, La formacin de una nueva mentalidad religiosa de la elite empresarial durante la dictadura militar, 19741990. El catolicismo empresarial del Opus Dei, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 1, 105124. CHARRON, Hlne, velyne Diebolt (dir.), Dictionnaire biographique. Militer au XXe sicle. Femmes, fminismes, glises et socit. Paris, Michel Houdiard diteur, 2009, 348 p., Recherches fministes, 2010, 23, 1, 175181.

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Social Compass 58(3) CHILDS, Ellen, Religious Attendance and Happiness: Examining Gaps in the Current Literature: A Research Note, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 3, 550560. DAVIE, Grace, Vicarious Religion: A Response, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 2, 261266. DESMOND, Scott A., MORGAN, Kristopher H., KIKUCHI, George, Religious Development: How (and Why) Does Religiosity Change from Adolescence to Young Adulthood?, Soc. Perspec., 2010, 53, 2, 247270. DRYDAKIS, Nick, Religious Affiliation and Employment Bias in the Labor Market, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 3, 477493. DUFOURCQ, lisabeth, Des femmes, pour le passage lavenir, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 8394. ESQUIVEL, Juan Cruz, Creencias y actitudes religiosas en sectores empobrecidos de Argentina: individuacin y des-institucionalizacin en los umbrales del siglo XXI, Soc. y Rel., 2010, 32/33, 2846. HIRSCHLE, Jochen, From Religious to Consumption-Related Routine Activities? Analyzing Irelands Economic Boom and the Decline in Church Attendance, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 673687. HIRSCHLE, Jochen, Religious Values: Explanatory or Dependent Variables? (Reply to Voas), Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 691693. HOFFMANN, John P., LOTT, Bruce R., JEPPSEN, Catherine, Religious Giving and the Boundedness of Rationality, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 3, 323348. JENKINS, Kathleen E., In Concert and Alone: Divorce and Congregational Experience, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 278292. LEWIS, Andrew R., DE BERNARDO, Dana Huyser, Belonging without Belonging: Utilizing Evangelical Self-Identification to Analyze Political Attitudes and Preferences, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 112126. LIM, Chaeyoon, PUTNAM, Robert D., Religion, Social Networks, and Life Satisfaction, Am. Soc. Rev., 2010, 75, 6, 914933. LIU, Eric Y., Are Risk-Taking Persons Less Religious? Risk Preference, Religious Affiliation, and Religious Participation in Taiwan, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 172178. MARTI, Gerardo, When Does Religious Racial Integration Count? A Caution about Seeking Ideal Ethnographic Cases (Reply), Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 224230. MARTI, Gerardo, The Religious Racial Integration of African Americans into Diverse Churches, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 201217. MOONEY, Margarita, Religion, College Grades, and Satisfaction among Students at Elite Colleges and Universities, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 2, 197215. OGLAND, Curtis P., SUNIL, Thankam S., BARTKOWSKI, John P., XU, Xiaohe, Religious Influences on Teenage Childbearing among Brazilian Female Adolescents: A Research Note, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 754760. ORO, Ari Pedro, Reciben lo que veniran a buscar: nao e poder num encontro evanglico internacional, em Buenos Aires, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 1, 3252. PITT, Richard N., Fear of a Black Pulpit? Real Racial Transcendence versus Cultural Assimilation in Multiracial Churches (Comment), Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 218223. PITT, Richard N., Killing the Messenger: Religious Black Gay Mens Neutralization of Anti-Gay Religious Messages, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 5672.

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ROEMER, Michael K., Religion and Subjective Well-Being in Japan, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 4, 411427. RUITER, Stijn, DE GRAAF, Nan Dirk, National Religious Context and Volunteering: More Rigorous Tests Supporting the Association (Reply to Van der Meer, Te Grotenhuis, and Pelzer), Am. Soc. Rev., 2010, 75, 1, 179184. SCHIEMAN, Scott, Socioeconomic Status and Beliefs about Gods Influence in Everyday Life, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 1, 2551. SCHIEMAN, Scott, BIERMAN, Alex, ELLISON, Christopher G., Religious Involvement, Beliefs about God, and the Sense of Mattering among Older Adults, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 3, 517535. SCHWADEL, Philip, Age, Period, and Cohort Effects on U.S. Religious Service Attendance: The Declining Impact of Sex, Southern Residence, and Catholic Affiliation, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 1, 224. STOLZ, Jrg, A Silent Battle: Theorizing the Effects of Competition between Churches and Secular Institutions, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 3, 253276. SULLIVAN, Allison R., Mortality Differentials and Religion in the United States: Religious Affiliation and Attendance, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 740753. TAYLOR, Robert Joseph, CHATTERS, Linda M., MATTIS, Jacqueline S., JOE, Sean, Religious Involvement among Caribbean Blacks Residing in the United States, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 2, 125145. VOAS, David, Value Liberalization or Consumption: Comment on Hirschles Analysis of Irelands Economic Boom and the Decline in Church Attendance (Comment), Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 688690. 50.13 Conflits Conflicts SCOPINHO, Svio Carlos Desan, Existe um catolicismo de base leiga? Histria do laicato na Amrica Latina e no Caribe 14981955), R. E. B., 2010, 70, 279, 602627. 50.2 Croyances, attitudes et culture Beliefs, Attitudes and Culture Problmes gnraux General Problems ANTHONY, Francis-Vincent, HERMANS, Chris A. M., STERKENS, Carl, A Comparative Study of Mystical Experience among Christian, Muslim, and Hindu Students in Tamil Nadu, India, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 264277. BARRO, Robert, HWANG, Jason, McCLEARY, Rachel, Religious Conversion in 40 Countries, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 1536. BENDER, Ross, Changing the Calendar: Royal Political Theology and the Suppression of the Tachibana Naramaro Conspiracy of 757, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 2, 223245. CARLQVIST, Anders, The Land-Pulling Myth and Some Aspects of Historic Reality, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 2, 185222. FOUILLOUX, tienne, Pourquoi canoniser les papes?, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 2129. GOLDMAN, Marcio, Histrias, devires e fetiches das religies afro-brasileiras: ensaio de simetrizao antropolgica, Anal. Soc., 2009, 190, 105137.


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Social Compass 58(3) HEINE, Steven, Yes! We Have No Buddha-Nature: Three Recent Publications on Zen Dialogues (Review Article), Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 2, 367376. MANO, Ural, Corporits, asctismes et scularisation dans le discours de la confrrie Naqshbandi turque contemporaine, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 4, 479492. MATH, Thierry, Le dveloppement du bouddhisme en contexte italien: Aspects de la modernisation et du pluralisme religieux en Italie, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 4, 521536. PLAIDEAU, Charlotte, La seconde libration, ou la guerre nopentectiste contre les dmons afro-brsiliens Bahia, Brsil, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 1, 110126. RAMSAY, Tamasin, MANDERSON, Lenore, SMITH, Wendy, Changing a Mountain into a Mustard Seed: Practices and Responses to Disaster among New York Brahma Kumaris, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 1, 89105. SANTIAGO, Jose, La dimension consquentielle et la nouvelle pluralit religieuse de lEspagne actuelle, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 1, 314. TORRES QUEIRUGA, Andrs, Atheism and the Christian Image of God, Concilium, 2010, 4, 3747.


Rituels et dvotions Rituals and Devotions AZETSOP, Jacquineau, Life-centred Ethics, Healing and Public Health in Africa, Concilium, 2010, 3, 99109. BAKER, Joseph O., Social Sources of the Spirit: Connecting Rational Choice and Interactive Ritual Theories in the Study of Religion, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 4, 432456. BARGADOS, Alberto Lpez, Los (d)efectos del texto: controversias en torno a las prcticas rituales de los musulmanes europeos, Etnogrfica, 2010, 14, 2, 213242. BELINKY, Alejandra, La devocin al Gauchito Gil en Ciudad de Rosario y Gran Rosario. Un anlisis de los aportes desde los estudios cuantitativos a una perspectiva cualitativa. Nuevos problemas, nuevos desafos, Soc. y Rel., 2010, 32/33, 130157. BLANCHY, Sophie, Vierge, Mre ou Reine?, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 150, 2, 135154. BLANES, Ruy Llera, O que que se passa no tabernculo? Orao e espacializao na igreja tokoista angolana, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 2, 116133. BLEE, Fabrice, Lexprience de la mditation est-elle universelle?, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 2132. BOISVERT, Mathieu, Facteurs contribuant lidentit du prtre de plerinage de Prayga, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 1, 5775. BOIVIN, Michel, Benazir en odeur de saintet. Naissance dun lieu de culte au Pakistan, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 151, 3, 189211. CARINI, Catn Eduardo, Don ritual y trabajo sagrado: la tica econmica de los centros Budistas Zen en la Argentina, Rev. Cien. Soc., 2010, 24, 726. CARINI, Catn Eduardo, La estructuracin ritual del cuerpo, la experiencia y la intersubjetividad en la prctica del budismo zen argentino, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 1, 6294. CAROUX, Jacques, RAJOTTE, Pierre, Sur la route de Saint-Jacques. Traces mmorielles et intrigues identitaires, Esprit, 2010, 362, 134150.

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Pratiques Practices Problmes gnraux General Problems ACEVEDO, Gabriel A., Collective Rituals or Private Practice in Texas? Assessing the Impact of Religious Factors on Mental Health, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 2, 188206. AMMERMAN, Nancy T., The Challenges of Pluralism: Locating Religion in a World of Diversity, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 154167. BRESLIN, Michael J., LEWIS, Christopher Alan, SHEVLIN, Mark, A Psychometric Evaluation of Poloma and Pendletons (1991) and Ladd and Spilkas (2002, 2006) Measures of Prayer, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 710723. CHAVES, Mark, Rain Dances in the Dry Season: Overcoming the Religious Congruence Fallacy (SSSR Presidential Address), Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 114. COURAU, Thierry-Marie, La mditation bouddhique nest pas ce que lon croit, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 5361. DROTT, Edward R., Gods, Buddhas, and Organs: Buddhist Physicians and Theories of Longevity in Early Medieval Japan, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 2, 247273. ESQUIVEL, Juan Cruz, Creencias y actitudes religiosas en sectores empobrecidos de Argentina: individuacin y des-institucionalizacin en los umbrales del siglo XXI, Soc. y Rel., 2010, 32/33, 2846.


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GRAVEND-TIROLE, Xavier, Om Krista, Om! Yoga, mditation et tradition chrtienne, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 6267. GUIDERDONI, Abd-al-Haqq, Mditer en islam, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 48 51. MAYER, Gerhard, GRNDER, Ren, Coming Home or Drifting Away: Magical Practice in the Twenty-First Century-Ways of Adopting Heterodox Beliefs and Religious Worldviews, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 3, 395418. McGLASHAN, Alastair R., The Melting Heart: Religious Experience in Contemporary Tamil Saivism, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 2, 189202. MELLER, Gillian, Funeral Rites in the British Deaf Church: A Case of Disenfranchised Grief?, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 2, 267280. OZAWA-DE-SILVA, Chikako, OZAWA-DE-SILVA, Brendan, Secularizing Religious Practices: A Study of Subjectivity and Existential Transformation in Naikan Therapy, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 147161. PEZERIL, Charlotte, Lanthropologue insouffisant: implication du corps et esprit de la voix en pays Baay Faal, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 4, 449463. PINTO, Paulo G., The Anthropologist and the Initiated: Reflections on the Ethnography of Mystical Experience among the Sufis of Aleppo, Syria, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 4, 464478. VUILLEMENOT, Anne-Marie, Introduction, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 4, 443448. 50.31 Appartenance et catgories sociales, et ge Belonging, Social Categories and Age BIRMAN, Patricia, Feitiarias, territrios e resistncias marginais, Mana, 2009, 15, 2, 321348. LIMA, Diana, Alguns fiis da igreja universal do reino de Deus, Mana, 2010, 16, 2, 351373. REMEDI, Roberto A., MIGUEL, Gloria E., Expresiones simblicas y relaciones generacionales en el contexto actual del catolicismo en el NOA, Soc. y Rel., 2010, 32/33, 8998. SMITS, Fransje, RUITER, Stijn, VAN TUBERGEN, Frank, Religious Practices among Islamic Immigrants: Moroccan and Turkish Men in Belgium, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 247263. TAN, Reinaldo, Tres miradas de ser catlico. Jvenes, adultos y adultos mayores catlicos chilenos Encuentro o desencuentro?, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 192210. 50.32 Socialisation et ducation au systme de croyance Socialization and Education in the Belief System ARWECK, Elisabeth, NESBITT, Eleanor, Young Peoples Identity Formation in Mixed-Faith Families: Continuity or Discontinuity of Religious Traditions?, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 1, 6787. BLANC, Philippe, La libert denseignement en France, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 100109. COLLEVATTI, Jayne, Do trabalho missionrio para se salvar uma nao: um estudo dos sucessos missionrios, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 1, 223250. DE LONGEAUX, Guy, cole catholique et scularisation, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 110116.

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Social Compass 58(3) FERNANDES, Silvia Regina Alves, Interfaces entre juventude e vocao uma anlise qualitativa no Rio de Janeiro, R. E. B., 2009, 69, 274, 361387. MIRANDA, Jlia, Convivendo com o diferente: juventude carismtica e tolerncia religiosa, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 1, 117142. NAGY, Peter Tibor, Education and Religiosity in Budapest at the Millennium, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 1, 6082. PIRES, Flvia, Tornando-se adulto: uma abordagem antropolgica sobre crianas e religio, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 1, 143164. SANTOS, Beatriz Cato Cruz, Santos e devotos no imprio ultramarino portugus, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 1, 146178. SCHWADEL, Philip, Period and Cohort Effects on Religious Nonaffiliation and Religious Disaffiliation: A Research Note, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 311319.


Proslytisme Proselytism ANDRADE, Susana, Ethos evanglico, poltica indgena y medios de comunicacin en el Ecuador, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 1, 116. CARBONELLI, Marcos A., MOSQUEIRA, Mariela A., Militantes del Seor: cosmologa y praxis evanglica sobre el espacio pblico, Soc. y Rel., 2010, 32/33, 4959. FRANCIS, Leslie J., LAYCOCK, Patrick, VILLAGE, Andrew, Statistics for Evidence-Based Policy in the Church of England: Predicting Diocesan Performance, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 2, 207220. KIM, Hwansoo, The Future of Korean Buddhism Lies in My Hands: Takeda Hanshi as a Soto Missionary, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 1, 99135. MARIZ, Ceclia L., Misso religiosa e migrao: novas comunidades e igrejas pentecostais brasileiras no exterior, Anal. Soc., 2009, 190, 161187. MARTINS, Paulo Henrique, Don, religion et eurocentrisme dans laventure coloniale, MAUSS, 2010, 36, 2, 317329. McINTYRE, Kathleen, Conflicto religioso y tradicin en una comunidad zapoteca: Bautistas en Tlacochahuaya, 19201935, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 211224. NG, Thi Thanh Tm, Ethnic and Transnational Dimensions of Recent Protestant Conversion among the Hmong in Northern Vietnam, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 3, 332344. NICOLETTI, Mara Andrea, BARELLI, Ana Ins, Hijos de Dios y miembros de la Santa Madre Iglesia: adoctrinar y bautizar en la Patagonia de fines del siglo XIX y principios del XX, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 120146. SAKURAI, Yoshihide, Geopolitical Mission Strategy: The Case of the Unification Church in Japan and Korea, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 2, 317334.


Acteurs Actors Problmes gnraux General Problems FOUILLOUX, tienne, Pourquoi canoniser les papes?, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 2129.


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Bibliographie/Bibliography 50.41 Participants la pratique Participants in Practice


GIORGI, Guido Ignacio, Redes catlicas y estado en la revolucin argentina, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 12, 5378. KRETZSCHMAR, Gerald, Eintritt und Wiedereintritt in die Kirche. Neuere empirische Einsichten, P. Th., 2010, 45, 4, 225231. MIRANDA, Jlia, Convivendo com o diferente: juventude carismtica e tolerncia religiosa, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 1, 117142. SCHWADEL, Philip, DOUGHERTY, Kevin D., Assessing Key Informant Methodology in Congregational Research, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 4, 366379. SCOPINHO, Svio Carlos Desan, Existe um catolicismo de base leiga? Histria do laicato na Amrica Latina e no Caribe 14981955), R. E. B., 2010, 70, 279, 602627. SOARES GONALVES, Rafael, SILVEIRA SIMES, Soraya, FREIRE, Letcia de Luna, A contribuio da Igreja Catlica na transformao da habitao popular em problema pblico na Frana e no Brasil, Cuad. Ant. Soc., 2010, 31, 97120. ZAPPONI, Elena, Le plerinage vers Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 7387. 50.42 Prsidents et personnel de la pratique (prtres, pasteurs ...) Practice Presidents or Personnel (Priests, Pastors ...) BENHAM RENNICK, Joanne, Towards an Interfaith Ministry: Religious Adaptation and Accommodation in the Canadian Forces Chaplaincy, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 1, 7791. BREEN, John, Resurrecting the Sacred Land of Japan: The State of Shinto in the Twenty-First Century, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 2, 295315. BROWN, R. Khari, Religion, Economic Concerns, and African American Immigration Attitudes, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 2, 146158. DONNELLY, Susie, INGLIS, Tom, The Media and the Catholic Church in Ireland: Reporting Clerical Child Sex Abuse, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 1, 119. JELEN, Ted G., LOCKETT, Linda A., American Clergy on Evolution and Creationism, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 3, 277287. KIM, Jibum, KIM, Sang-Wook, KANG, Jeong-Han, Confidence in Religious Leaders in Korea: A Research Note, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 320327. KREIL, Aymon, Se faire cheikh au Caire, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 255272. KRINDATCH, Alexei D., HOGE, Dean R., Satisfaction and Morale among Parish Clergy: What American Catholic and Orthodox Priests Can Learn from Each Other, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 179187. MOULINE, Nabil, Les oulmas du palais, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 229253. NEZ, Francesc, Leaving the Institution: Secularized Priests, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 268284. PITT, Richard N., Killing the Messenger: Religious Black Gay Mens Neutralization of Anti-Gay Religious Messages, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 5672.

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Social Compass 58(3) ROBBINS, Mandy, FRANCIS, Leslie, Work-Related Psychological Health and Psychological Type among Church of England Clergy Women, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 1, 5771. SCHLEGEL, Jean-Louis, Aprs le scandale de la pdophilie: quel modle de prtre dans lglise catholique?, Esprit, 2010, 370, 4153. SCHWADEL, Philip, DOUGHERTY, Kevin D., Assessing Key Informant Methodology in Congregational Research, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 4, 366379. SEIDL, Ernesto, Caminhos que levam a Roma: recursos culturais e redefinies da excelncia religiosa, Hor. Antr., 2009, 15, 31, 263290. SDAL, Helke Kringlebotn, Victor, not Victim: Joel Osteens Rhetoric of Hope, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 1, 3750. TRZEBIATOWSKA, Marta, The Advent of the EasyJet Priest: Dilemmas of Polish Catholic Integration in the UK, Sociology, 2010, 44, 6, 10551072. WILDE, Melissa J., GERATY, Kristin, NELSON, Shelley L., BOWMAN, Emily A., Religious Economy or Organizational Field? Predicting Bishops Votes at the Second Vatican Council, Am. Soc. Rev., 2010, 75, 4, 586606.


Membres de communaut (religieux, moines ...) Members of a Community (Members of Religious Orders, Monks ...) CLMENT, Nicolas, Religieux prsents en Algrie, Esprit, 2010, 369, 194196. FERNANDES, Silvia Regina Alves, Interfaces entre juventude e vocao uma anlise qualitativa no Rio de Janeiro, R. E. B., 2009, 69, 274, 361387. GARCA FERNNDEZ, Ana Cristina, Sinceramientos epistemolgicos: Sobre estudio en monasterio de monjas de clausura, An. Ant. Uruguay, 2010, 2010, 235245. McGLASHAN, Alastair R., The Melting Heart: Religious Experience in Contemporary Tamil Saivism, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 2, 189202. McINTYRE, Kathleen, Conflicto religioso y tradicin en una comunidad zapoteca: Bautistas en Tlacochahuaya, 19201935, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 211224. MERCIER, Charles, Les fondations de la Communaut de SantEgidio et de la Socit de Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 5571. PATIO, Mara Eugenia, El llamado en las narraciones de religiosas catlicas: una aproximacin a la eleccin de la Vida Consagrada femenina, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 1, 7193. POUJEAU, Anna, Renouveau monastique et historiographie chrtienne en Syrie, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 151, 3, 129147. TRZEBIATOWSKA, Marta, Habit Does Not a Nun Make? Religious Dress in the Everyday Lives of Polish Catholic Nuns, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 1, 5165.


Organisation Organization Problmes gnraux General problems BAKER, Joseph O., Social Sources of the Spirit: Connecting Rational Choice and Interactive Ritual Theories in the Study of Religion, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 4, 432456.


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HOFFMANN, John P., LOTT, Bruce R., JEPPSEN, Catherine, Religious Giving and the Boundedness of Rationality, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 3, 323348. LEGRAND, Herv, Du gouvernement de lglise depuis Vatican II, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 4756. MATSUZATO, Kimitaka, South Ossetia and the Orthodox World: Official Churches, the Greek Old Calendrist Movement, and the So-called Alan Diocese, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 2, 271297. PORTIER, Philippe, LAmrique et la France face lesprit de religion: Retour sur une comparaison tocquevillienne, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 180193. RUPPERT, Brian O., Beyond Big Events, Their Heroes, the Nation, and the Sect: A Review of Recent Books Published in Japanese on Premodern Japanese Religion (Part One) (Review Article), Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 1, 137153. VALENTINE, Gill, VANDERBECK, Robert M., ANDERSSON, Johan, SADGROVE, Joanna, WARD, Kevin, Emplacements: The Event as a Prism for Exploring Intersectionality; a Case Study of the Lambeth Conference, Sociology, 2010, 44, 5, 925943. YUKICH, Grace, Boundary Work in Inclusive Religious Groups: Constructing Identity at the New York Catholic Worker, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 2, 172196. 50.51 Organismes centraux, (supra)nationaux Central and (Supra)national Organisms CASQUETE, Jess, La religin de la patria, Claves, 2010, 207, 4046. CRUZ, Enrique, El clero de la Puna de Jujuy a fines del perodo colonial, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 13, 131153. DE BREMONT DARS, Nicolas, Largent dans lglise, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 286, 8287. DENEKEN, Michel, Le Magistre la recherche de son destinataire, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 3341. FROEBER, Davis E., HASKINS, Sandra S., WOOD, Jeff, HASKINS, Charles A., AmericanChinese Multi-Faith Religious Exchanges: SinoU.S. Multi-Faith Dialogues Build Bridges to Bilateral Understanding, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 1, 138154. LANGLOIS, Claude, La batification de Pie XII et la saintet des papes contemporains, Esprit, 2010, 364, 7479. MACKIN, Robert Sean, In Word and Deed: Assessing the Strength of Progressive Catholicism in Latin America, 19601970s, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 2, 216242. MATHIEU, Michel, vanglisation et discipline dans lglise, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 6169. PICKEL, Gert, Traditionsbrche und Traditionserneuerung, Koalitionen und Konversionen. Religionssoziologische Einsichten, P. Th., 2010, 45, 4, 217224. SEIDL, Ernesto, Caminhos que levam a Roma: recursos culturais e redefinies da excelncia religiosa, Hor. Antr., 2009, 15, 31, 263290. STAMATOV, Peter, Activist Religion, Empire, and the Emergence of Modern Long-Distance Advocacy Networks, Am. Soc. Rev., 2010, 75, 4, 607628. WILDE, Melissa J., GERATY, Kristin, NELSON, Shelley L., BOWMAN, Emily A., Religious Economy or Organizational Field? Predicting Bishops Votes at the Second Vatican Council, Am. Soc. Rev., 2010, 75, 4, 586606.

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472 50.52

Social Compass 58(3) Organismes dcentraliss, locaux Decentralized and Local Organisms DESMOND, Scott A., KIKUCHI, George, MORGAN, Kristopher H., Congregations and Crime: Is the Spatial Distribution of Congregations Associated with Neighborhood Crime Rates?, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 3755. HULL, Brooks B., LIPFORD, Jody, Free Riding, Market Structure, and Church Member Donations in South Carolina, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 2, 172187. KRAUSE, Neal, Church-Based Emotional Support and Self-Forgiveness in Late Life, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 1, 7289. MARTI, Gerardo, Ego-affirming Evangelicalism: How a Hollywood Church Appropriates Religion for Workers in the Creative Class, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 1, 5275. PALMER-BOYES, Ashley, The Latino Catholic Parish as a Specialist Organization: Distinguishing Characteristics, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 3, 302323. SCHWADEL, Philip, DOUGHERTY, Kevin D., Assessing Key Informant Methodology in Congregational Research, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 4, 366379. SENGERS, Erik, Marketing in Dutch Mainline Congregations: What Religious Organizations Offer and How They Do It, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 1, 2135. SMITH, Buster G., Acceptance of Other Religions in the United States: An HLM Analysis of Variability across Congregations, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 1, 127142. THOMAS, Jeremy N., OLSON, Daniel V.A., Testing Strictness Thesis and Competing Theories of Congregational Growth, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 619639. WHITEHEAD, Andrew L., Financial Commitment within Federations of Small Groups: The Effect of Cell-Based Congregational Structure on Individual Giving, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 640656.


Organisation dans les systmes de croyance marginaux ou en cours de dveloppement Organization in Marginal or Developing Belief Systems CARVALHO, Ernando Luiz Teixeira de, Ibiapina e seus beatos, R. E. B., 2010, 70, 280, 886909. TIZIK, Miroslav, O est la foi iarislav, Don Quichotte et la frontire du religieux, Soc. Soc., 2010, 42, 1, 115141.


Rapports entre systmes de croyance diffrents Relationships among Different Belief Systems
Problmes gnraux General Problems ANDREWS, Robyn, Christianity as an Indian Religion: The Anglo-Indian Experience, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 2, 173188. ARWECK, Elisabeth, NESBITT, Eleanor, Young Peoples Identity Formation in Mixed-Faith Families: Continuity or Discontinuity of Religious Traditions?, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 1, 6787. BASTIAN, Jean-Pierre, Convergence et concurrence entre organisations religieuses en Amrique latine, Lumire et Vie, 2009, 283, 8792.

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BINGEMER, Maria Clara, Is Christianity a Religion?, Concilium, 2010, 4, 4859. BLEE, Fabrice, Lexprience de la mditation est-elle universelle?, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 2132. BRNCIC, Jadranka, Atheism and Religion in Post-Socialism: The Case of Croatia, Concilium, 2010, 4, 102106. CHATELARD, Graldine, The Constitution of Christian Communal Boundaries and Spheres in Jordan, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 3, 476502. COLLEVATTI, Jayne, Do trabalho missionrio para se salvar uma nao: um estudo dos sucessos missionrios, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 1, 223250. CURANOVIC, Alicja Cecylia, Relations between the Orthodox Church and Islam in the Russian Federation, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 3, 503539. GIRA, Dennis, Inculturation of Buddhism in Traditionally Christian Regions, Concilium, 2010, 5, 110116. MATH, Thierry, Le dveloppement du bouddhisme en contexte italien: Aspects de la modernisation et du pluralisme religieux en Italie, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 4, 521536. NESPOR, Zdenk R., Lamnsie de la remmoration dans la socit tchque, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 109128. PACE, Enzo, Narrar a Deus: a religio como meio de comunicao, Rev. Br. Cienc. Soc., 2009, 24, 70, 0915. PALMISANO, Stefania, Spirituality and Catholicism: The Italian Experience, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 2, 221241. PLAIDEAU, Charlotte, La seconde libration, ou la guerre nopentectiste contre les dmons afro-brsiliens Bahia, Brsil, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 1, 110126. YUKICH, Grace, Boundary Work in Inclusive Religious Groups: Constructing Identity at the New York Catholic Worker, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 2, 172196. 51.1 Syncrtisme Syncretism GRAVEND-TIROLE, Xavier, Om Krista, Om! Yoga, mditation et tradition chrtienne, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 6267. REY, Terry, The Somatics of Syncretism: Tying Body and Soul in Haitian Religion, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 3, 379403. RODRIGUES, Claudia, Morte, Catolicismo e Africanidade na cidade do Rio de Janeiro Setecentista, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 12, 3152. SARAIVA, Clara, Religies afro-brasileiras em Portugal: bruxos, padres e pais de santo, Etnogrfica, 2010, 14, 2, 265288. SCHWADEL, Philip, Jewish Teenagers Syncretism, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 3, 324332. TUPAYUPANQUI, Nicanor Sarmiento, Native Theologies in Latin America, Concilium, 2010, 5, 89101. 51.2 Dialogue interreligieux Interreligious Dialogue DESTIVELLE, Hyacinthe, Les chrtiens de lEst et loecumnisme, Lumire et Vie, 2009, 283, 7177. FAMERE, Joseph, Petite histoire du mouvement oecumnique. Des clivages en volution, Lumire et Vie, 2009, 283, 1930.

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Social Compass 58(3) FROEBER, Davis E., HASKINS, Sandra S., WOOD, Jeff, HASKINS, Charles A., AmericanChinese Multi-Faith Religious Exchanges: SinoU.S. Multi-Faith Dialogues Build Bridges to Bilateral Understanding, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 1, 138154. LATHUILIRE, Pierre, Le refus de loecumnisme par les conservatismes chrtiens, Lumire et Vie, 2009, 283, 5155. LEMAITRE, Franck, La crise de la communion anglicane, Lumire et Vie, 2009, 283, 6164. LEMOPOULOS, Georges, Difficults actuelles de loecumnisme, Lumire et Vie, 2009, 283, 9398. NN, Fondation dun centre de plerinage au Liban. Notre-Dame de Bchouate, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 151, 3, 149168. SOLOMONE, Kafoa, Churches Talking Together in and to Oceania: Ecumenism, Concilium, 2010, 5, 6777.


Situations de pluralisme religieux Situations of Religious Pluralism AMMERMAN, Nancy T., The Challenges of Pluralism: Locating Religion in a World of Diversity, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 154167. ANDEZIAN, Sossie, Formation des identits palestiniennes chrtiennes, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 189210. BECKFORD, James A., Religious Pluralism and Diversity: Response to Yang and Thriault, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 217223. BENHAM RENNICK, Joanne, Towards an Interfaith Ministry: Religious Adaptation and Accommodation in the Canadian Forces Chaplaincy, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 1, 7791. CECCANTI, Stefano, El pluralismo religioso en sociedades democrticas, Igl. Viva, 2010, 242, 95101. DENIS, Philippe, Les nouveaux clivages interconfessionnnels en Afrique subsaharienne, Lumire et Vie, 2009, 283, 8185. DEZ DE VELASCO, Francisco, The Visibilization of Religious Minorities in Spain, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 235252. DILLON, Michele, Can Post-Secular Society Tolerate Religious Difference? (2009 Association for the Sociology of Religion Presidential Address), Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 2, 139156. FRESTON, Paul, As duas transies futuras: catlicos, protestantes e sociedade na Amrica Latina, C. S. R., 2010, 12, 12, 1330. GARCA MARTNEZ, Jess, Complejidad y significacin de la subcultura religiosa y carcelaria: (Modalidades y Tipologas ms representativas), S. y U., 2010, 35, 95108. KUCZYNSKI, Liliane, Une mosque en Martinique, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 151, 3, 2546. LEFEBVRE, Solange, A Public Theology of Diversity, Concilium, 2010, 4, 6069. LEONE, Massimo, Variet virtuali dellesperienza religiosa: uno studio sulla natura umana in Second Life, Humanitas, 2010, 56, 791809. MERINO, Stephen M., Religious Diversity in a Christian Nation: The Effects of Theological Exclusivity and Interreligious Contact on the Acceptance of Religious Diversity, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 231246.

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MIRANDA, Jlia, Convivendo com o diferente: juventude carismtica e tolerncia religiosa, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 1, 117142. MORALES, Boris Handal, De la Crdoba Mora a los Bahs de Irn, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 1, 125137. PACE, Enzo, Introduction, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 14715351.3. PREZ-AGOTE, Alfonso, Religious Change in Spain, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 224234. SANTIAGO, Jose, La dimension consquentielle et la nouvelle pluralit religieuse de lEspagne actuelle, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 1, 314. SERAIDARI, Katerina, Comptition entre orthodoxes et catholiques. La production du sacr dans une le grecque, Ethn. Fran., 2010, 40, 1, 151160. STRACZUK, Justyna, Entre orthodoxie et catholicisme. Des cimetires ruraux aux frontires de la Pologne et de la Bilorussie, Ethn. Fran., 2010, 40, 2, 327338. THRIAULT, Barbara, Le sociologue, lhomme pieux et le pluralisme religieux: Dialogue avec Max Weber, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 206216. VALASIK, Corinne, Le social et lthique comme rponses de la religion face au pluralisme religieux, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 168179. YANG, Fenggang, Oligopoly Dynamics: Consequences of Religious Regulation, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 194205. ZAMBIRAS, Ariane, Les dynamiques religieuses en Californie et leurs effets politiques, Pouvoirs, 2010, 133, 2, 103114. 51.4 Conflits interreligieux Interreligious Conflicts BIRMAN, Patricia, Feitiarias, territrios e resistncias marginais, Mana, 2009, 15, 2, 321348. MAKDISI, Saree, Um espao racializado: engenharia social em Jerusalm, Nov. Est. CEBRAP, 2010, 88, 181193. MORALES, Boris Handal, De la Crdoba Mora a los Bahs de Irn, Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 1, 125137.


Changement de systmes de croyance Belief System Change

Etudes gnrales General Studies
BRIGHENTI, Agenor, Lglise catholique chemins du pass, croises du prsent, Projet, 2010, 318, 6875. COLOSIMO, Jean-Franois, Mtamorphoses du divin. Un reportage dides, Dbat, 2010, 160, 3, 7993. DEZ DE VELASCO, Francisco, The Visibilization of Religious Minorities in Spain, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 235252. EMERSON, Michael O., SIKKINK, David, JAMES, Adele D., The Panel Study on American Religion and Ethnicity: Background, Methods, and Selected Results, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 162171. HERVIEU-LGER, Danile, Le partage du croire religieux dans des socits dindividus, Anne Soc., 2010, 60, 1, 4162.

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Social Compass 58(3) PACE, Enzo, Introduction, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 14715351.3. PAGIS, Julie, La politisation dengagements religieux. Retour sur une matrice de lengagement en mai 68, Rev. Fr. Sc. Pol., 2010, 60, 1, 6189. PREZ-AGOTE, Alfonso, Religious Change in Spain, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 224234. ZAPPONI, Elena, Le plerinage vers Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 7387.


Mouvements religieux Religious Movements

Etudes gnrales General Studies ANDEZIAN, Sossie, Aux origines de lglise armnienne catholique de Jrusalem, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 151, 3, 4769. CANTN DELGADO, Manuela, Gypsy Pentecostalism, Ethnopolitical Uses and Construction of Belonging in the South of Spain, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 253267. JAMMES, Jrmy, Divination and Politics in Southern Vietnam: Roots of Caodaism, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 3, 357371. NARTONIS, David K., The Rise of 19th-Century American Spiritualism, 1854 1873, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 361373. ROGERS, Richard Lee, The Urban Threshold and the Second Great Awakening: Revivalism in New York State, 18251835, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 694709. SAKURAI, Yoshihide, Geopolitical Mission Strategy: The Case of the Unification Church in Japan and Korea, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 2, 317334. STUVLAND, Aaron, The Emerging Church and Global Civil Society: Postmodern Christianity as a Source for Global Values, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 2, 203231. TAIRA, Teemu, Religion as a Discursive Technique: The Politics of Classifying Wicca, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 3, 379394.


Vitalit, rgression et expansion Vitality, Regression and Expansion AVDEEFF, Alexis, The Art of Living, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 169187. BOURDEAUX, Pascal, Rflexions sur linstitutionnalisation du bouddhisme Ha Hao: Remise en perspective historique de la reconnaissance de 1999, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 3, 372385. BRUCE, Steve, GLENDINNING, Tony, When was Secularization? Dating the Decline of the British Churches and Locating its Cause, Brit. Jour. Soc., 2010, 61, 1, 107126. BRUCE, Steve, VOAS, David, Vicarious Religion: An Examination and Critique, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 2, 243259. CAMURCA, Marcelo Ayres, Estaria o catolicismo na Frana do sculo XXI caminhando em direo a um perfil comunitrio?, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 7489. CRAGUN, Ryan T., LAWSON, Ronald, The Secular Transition: The Worldwide Growth of Mormons, Jehovahs Witnesses, and Seventh-day Adventists, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 3, 349373.

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DAVIE, Grace, Vicarious Religion: A Response, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 2, 261266. DILLON, Michele, Can Post-Secular Society Tolerate Religious Difference? (2009 Association for the Sociology of Religion Presidential Address), Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 2, 139156. FRANCIS, Leslie J., LAYCOCK, Patrick, VILLAGE, Andrew, Statistics for Evidence-Based Policy in the Church of England: Predicting Diocesan Performance, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 2, 207220. GABRIEL, Eduardo, A expanso internacional do catolicismo carismtico brasileiro, Anal. Soc., 2009, 190, 189207. GIBBS, Philip, Emerging Indigenous Theologies in Oceania, Concilium, 2010, 5, 3444. HIRSCHLE, Jochen, From Religious to Consumption-Related Routine Activities? Analyzing Irelands Economic Boom and the Decline in Church Attendance, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 673687. HIRSCHLE, Jochen, Religious Values: Explanatory or Dependent Variables? (Reply to Voas), Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 691693. HUR, Nam-lin, Han Yongun (18791944) and Buddhist Reform in Colonial Korea, Jap. Jour. Rel. Studies, 2010, 37, 1, 7597. MACHADO, Carly, Novos Movimentos Religiosos, Indivduo e Comunidade: sobre famlia, mdia e outras mediaes, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 145163. MARIZ, Ceclia L., Misso religiosa e migrao: novas comunidades e igrejas pentecostais brasileiras no exterior, Anal. Soc., 2009, 190, 161187. MATHEWS, Mathew, Religious Resurgence and its Relationship to Secular Society (Review Essay), International Sociology, 2010, 25, 5, 654666. NARTONIS, David K., The Rise of 19th-Century American Spiritualism, 1854 1873, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 361373. ORO, Ari Pedro, Ascension et dclin du pentectisme politique au Brsil, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 149, 1, 151168. PACE, Enzo, La religione visibile: il pentecostalismo alla conquista del mondo, Mulino, 2010, 5, 816823. PEREA, Joaquin, Emerging Church: A Young Movement challenging the Established Churches, Concilium, 2010, 4, 107112. REESINK, Msia Lins, Turner, Weber e o vidente: reflexes sobre a institucionalizao de uma apario mariana, Rev. Antr. USP, 2007, 50, 2, 571603. ROGERS, Richard Lee, The Urban Threshold and the Second Great Awakening: Revivalism in New York State, 18251835, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 694709. SALAMANCA, Carlos, Os novos Qom: a constituio de uma identidade relacional em devir, Mana, 2009, 15, 1, 155182. SARAIVA, Clara, Religies afro-brasileiras em Portugal: bruxos, padres e pais de santo, Etnogrfica, 2010, 14, 2, 265288. SCHLEGEL, Jean-Louis, Adieu au catholicisme en France et en Europe? Introduction, Esprit, 2010, 362, 7893. SENGERS, Erik, Marketing in Dutch Mainline Congregations: What Religious Organizations Offer and How They Do It, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 1, 2135.

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Social Compass 58(3) SKIRBEKK, Vegard, KAUFMANN, Eric, GOUJON, Anne, Secularism, Fundamentalism, or Catholicism? The Religious Composition of the United States to 2043, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 293310. STOLZ, Jrg, A Silent Battle: Theorizing the Effects of Competition between Churches and Secular Institutions, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 3, 253276. STUVLAND, Aaron, The Emerging Church and Global Civil Society: Postmodern Christianity as a Source for Global Values, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 2, 203231. SWIDLER, Ann, The Return of the Sacred: What African Chiefs Teach Us about Secularization (2009 Paul Hanly Furfey Lecture), Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 2, 157171. SDAL, Helke Kringlebotn, Victor, not Victim: Joel Osteens Rhetoric of Hope, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 1, 3750. THOMAS, Jeremy N., OLSON, Daniel V.A., Testing Strictness Thesis and Competing Theories of Congregational Growth, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 619639. TRN Thi Lin, Claire, Les relations entre lglise catholique et ltat au Vietnam depuis Di Mi: Perspectives, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 3, 345356. VINCETT, Giselle, COLLINS-MAYO, Sylvia, (Dis)engagements with Christian amongst Young People in England and Scotland, An. Rev. Soc. Rel., 2010, 1, 219250. VOAS, David, Value Liberalization or Consumption: Comment on Hirschles Analysis of Irelands Economic Boom and the Decline in Church Attendance (Comment), Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 688690. WANNER, Catherine, Southern Challenges to Eastern Christianity: Pressures to Reform the StateChurch Model, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 4, 644661. ZHAI, Jiexia Elisa, Contrasting Trends of Religious Markets in Contemporary Mainland China and in Taiwan, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 1, 94111.


Rveil, crises et dissidences Awakening, Crises and Dissidences ADLOFF, Frank, Les mouvements religieux et les dfis de la modernit. Contingence, motions et religion aux tats-Unis, Soc. Soc., 2010, 42, 2, 315339. BLEUZEN, Brigitte, Du Tro-Breiz la Valle des Mille Saints, Arch. Sc. Soc. Rel., 2010, 151, 3, 229249.


Messianismes, millnarismes, prophtismes Messianisms, Millenarisms, Prophetisms CAMPOS, Roberta Bivar C., Contao de causos e negociao da verdade entre os Ave de Jesus, Juazeiro do Norte CE, Etnografica, 2009, 13, 1, 3147. CARVALHO, Ernando Luiz Teixeira de, Ibiapina e seus beatos, R. E. B., 2010, 70, 280, 886909. DEIN, Simon, A Messiah from the Dead: Cultural Performance in Lubavitcher Messianism, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 4, 537554. SHAPIRO L., Faydra, Taming Tehran: Evangelical Christians and the Iranian Threat to Israel, St. Rel. Sc. Rel., 2010, 39, 3, 363377. SZTUTMAN, Renato, Religio nmade ou germe do estado? Pierre e Hlne Clastres e a vertigem tupi, Nov. Est. CEBRAP, 2009, 83, 129157.

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Scularisation Secularization
Problmes gnraux General Problems ANDERSEN, Karen, Irish Secularization and Religious Identities: Evidence of an Emerging New Catholic Habitus, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 1, 1539. BECKFORD, James A., Religious Pluralism and Diversity: Response to Yang and Thriault, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 217223. BRUCE, Steve, GLENDINNING, Tony, When was Secularization? Dating the Decline of the British Churches and Locating its Cause, Brit. Jour. Soc., 2010, 61, 1, 107126. BRUCE, Steve, VOAS, David, Vicarious Religion: An Examination and Critique, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 2, 243259. CRAGUN, Ryan T., LAWSON, Ronald, The Secular Transition: The Worldwide Growth of Mormons, Jehovahs Witnesses, and Seventh-day Adventists, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 3, 349373. DARGENT, Claude, La population musulmane de France: de lombre la lumire?, Rev. Fran. Soc., 2010, 51, 2, 219246. DAVIE, Grace, Vicarious Religion: A Response, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 2, 261266. DE LONGEAUX, Guy, cole catholique et scularisation, Lumire et Vie, 2010, 287, 110116. DIX, Steffen, As esferas seculares e religiosas na sociedade portuguesa, Anal. Soc., 2010, 194, 527. DONNELLY, Susie, INGLIS, Tom, The Media and the Catholic Church in Ireland: Reporting Clerical Child Sex Abuse, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 1, 119. DREES, Willem B., Reflecting upon Religion, Zygon, 2010, 45, 2, 517522. EASTWOOD, Jonathan, PREVALAKIS, Nikolas, Nationalism, Religion, and Secularization: An Opportune Moment for Research, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 52, 1, 90111. GERVASI, Francesco, Percorsi di conversione in tempo di secolarizzazione, Rel. Soc., 2010, 68, 104118. GREEN, Todd H., The Resistance to Minarets in Europe, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 4, 619643. HIRSCHLE, Jochen, From Religious to Consumption-Related Routine Activities? Analyzing Irelands Economic Boom and the Decline in Church Attendance, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 673687. HIRSCHLE, Jochen, Religious Values: Explanatory or Dependent Variables? (Reply to Voas), Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 691693. KALKANDJIEVA, Daniela, The Bulgarian Orthodox Church and the Ethic of Capitalism, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 1, 8399. KARPOV, Vyacheslav, Desecularization: A Conceptual Framework, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 2, 232270. MANO, Ural, Corporits, asctismes et scularisation dans le discours de la confrrie Naqshbandi turque contemporaine, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 4, 479492.

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Social Compass 58(3) MATHEWS, Mathew, Religious Resurgence and its Relationship to Secular Society (Review Essay), International Sociology, 2010, 25, 5, 654666. MONTERO, Paula, Secularizao e espao pblico: a reinveno do pluralismo religioso no Brasil, Etnografica, 2009, 13, 1, 0716. MOONEY, Margarita, Religion, College Grades, and Satisfaction among Students at Elite Colleges and Universities, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 2, 197215. NAGY, Peter Tibor, Education and Religiosity in Budapest at the Millennium, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 1, 6082. NEZ, Francesc, Leaving the Institution: Secularized Priests, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 268284. OZAWA-DE-SILVA, Chikako, OZAWA-DE-SILVA, Brendan, Secularizing Religious Practices: A Study of Subjectivity and Existential Transformation in Naikan Therapy, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 147161. PREZ-AGOTE, Alfonso, Religious Change in Spain, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 224234. PICKEL, Gert, Traditionsbrche und Traditionserneuerung, Koalitionen und Konversionen. Religionssoziologische Einsichten, P. Th., 2010, 45, 4, 217224. PICKEL, Gert, Skularisierung, Individualisierung oder Marktmodell? Religiositt und ihre Erklrungsfaktoren im europischen Vergleich, K. Z. f. S. S., 2010, 62, 2, 219245. PIZZUTI, Domenico, Secolarizzazione: prospettive storiche, Agg. Soc., 2010, 78, 530540. PORTIER, Philippe, LAmrique et la France face lesprit de religion: Retour sur une comparaison tocquevillienne, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 180193. SANTIAGO, Jose, La dimension consquentielle et la nouvelle pluralit religieuse de lEspagne actuelle, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 1, 314. SCHLEGEL, Jean-Louis, Adieu au catholicisme en France et en Europe? Introduction, Esprit, 2010, 362, 7893. STOLZ, Jrg, A Silent Battle: Theorizing the Effects of Competition between Churches and Secular Institutions, Rev. Rel. Res., 2010, 51, 3, 253276. SWIDLER, Ann, The Return of the Sacred: What African Chiefs Teach Us about Secularization (2009 Paul Hanly Furfey Lecture), Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 2, 157171. TIESLER, Nina Clara, Religio e pertena em discursos europeus: conceitos e agentes muulmanos, Anal. Soc., 2009, 190, 1742. TORPEY, John, A (Post-) Secular Age? Religion and the Two Exceptionalisms, Soc. Res., 2010, 77, 1, 269296. VILLAMARN, Francisco Javier, Secularizacin: una dimensin emprica de la modernidad en la zona andina de Nario (Colombia), Rev. Cult. Rel., 2010, IV, 2, 166191. VOAS, David, Value Liberalization or Consumption: Comment on Hirschles Analysis of Irelands Economic Boom and the Decline in Church Attendance (Comment), Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 4, 688690. WARHOLA, James W., BEZCI, Egemen B., Religion and State in Contemporary Turkey: Recent Developments in Laiklik, Jour. Ch. St., 2010, 52, 3, 427453. YANG, Fenggang, Oligopoly Dynamics: Consequences of Religious Regulation, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 194205.

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ZEPEDA, Jos de Jess Legorreta, Secularizao ou ressacralizao? O debate sociolgico contemporneo sobre a teoria da secularizao, Rev. Br. Cienc. Soc., 2010, 25, 73, 129141. 62.1 Comportements religieux non-institus Non-institutionalized Religious Behaviours AMMERMAN, Nancy T., The Challenges of Pluralism: Locating Religion in a World of Diversity, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 154167. ANDERSEN, Karen, Irish Secularization and Religious Identities: Evidence of an Emerging New Catholic Habitus, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 1, 1539. CAMURCA, Marcelo Ayres, Estaria o catolicismo na Frana do sculo XXI caminhando em direo a um perfil comunitrio?, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 7489. CAROZZI, Mara Julia, Una ignorancia sagrada: aprendiendo a no saber bailar tango en Buenos Aires, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 1, 126145. FELTMATE, David, You Wince in Agony as the Hot Metal Brands You: Religious Behavior in an Online Role-Playing Game, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 3, 363377. GOODE, Leslie, Spiritualities of Life: The Neglected Role of the Artistic Paradigm, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 1, 107123. GROSS, Martine, YIP, Andrew K.T., Living Spirituality and Sexuality: A Comparison of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Christians in France and Britain, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 1, 4059. KRAUS, Rachel, They Danced in the Bible: Identity Integration among Christian Women Who Belly Dance, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 4, 457482. LEWIS, Andrew R., DE BERNARDO, Dana Huyser, Belonging without Belonging: Utilizing Evangelical Self-Identification to Analyze Political Attitudes and Preferences, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 112126. MACHADO, Carly, Novos Movimentos Religiosos, Indivduo e Comunidade: sobre famlia, mdia e outras mediaes, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 145163. NARTONIS, David K., The Rise of 19th-Century American Spiritualism, 1854 1873, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 361373. OLIVEIRA, Paola Lins de, Circulao, usos sociais e sentidos sagrados dos teros catlicos, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 2, 82115. OZAWA-DE-SILVA, Chikako, OZAWA-DE-SILVA, Brendan, Secularizing Religious Practices: A Study of Subjectivity and Existential Transformation in Naikan Therapy, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 1, 147161. PALMISANO, Stefania, Spirituality and Catholicism: The Italian Experience, Jour. Cont. Rel., 2010, 25, 2, 221241. PUGLISI, Rodolfo, La meditacin en la Luz Sai Baba como performance ritual: acceso corpreo-experimental a dios, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 29, 1, 3061. REESINK, Msia Lins, Rogai por ns: a prece no catolicismo brasileiro luz do pensamento maussiano, Relig. e Soc., 2009, 29, 2, 2957. SANTIAGO, Jose, La dimension consquentielle et la nouvelle pluralit religieuse de lEspagne actuelle, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 1, 314. SCHWADEL, Philip, Period and Cohort Effects on Religious Nonaffiliation and Religious Disaffiliation: A Research Note, Jour. Sc. St. Rel., 2010, 49, 2, 311319.

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Social Compass 58(3) SEMN, Pablo, Diferencia y transversalidad en la religiosidad de los sectores populares: mirando con telescopio luego de haber usado el microscopio, Ap. Inv. CECYP, 2010, 18, 71107. SILVEIRA, Luciana Braga, Entre donos e guardies: a natureza como propriedade particular, Relig. e Soc., 2010, 30, 2, 122144. STEIL, Carlos Alberto, HERRERA, Sonia Reyes, Catolicismo e cincias sociais no Brasil: mudanas de foco e perspectiva num objeto de estudo, Sociologias, 2010, 23, 354393. TAVARES, Ftima Regina Gomes, Hybridismes spirituels: autonomie et globalisation du mouvement New Age, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 1, 100109. TSCHANNEN, Olivier, Lindividu comme croyant, Soc. Comp., 2010, 57, 2, 285297. WILLIAMS, Roman R., Space for God: Lived Religion at Work, Home, and Play, Soc. Rel., 2010, 71, 3, 257279.

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