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08/22/2012 A Mind Control Victim Answers Accusations from Perpetraitors: Some people will say I am playing the victim,

but I assure you that this is not by choice. Some people will say I am lying, but you cannot make this stuff up, and I have photos that prove, at least, that I was implanted. If they were cartilage or keloids, they would not be delivering sounds and buzzing sensations through them. I ask the reader to suspend disbelief, until theyve read the whole document. My daughter was born, in Oct of 2004, delivered via C-section. The very next month, I and my daughter both had surgeries. She had a surgery for pyloric stenosis, and I had one for cervical dysplasia. Both of us were put under general anesthetic. I have since had flashbacks of something very terrible being done to me in my privates, causing a constant physical pain that came out in Sept of 2008, in the form of vulvodynia, a disease marked by constant vaginal pain and contractions, often caused by previous trauma in the area. When I describe my symptoms to people, some people believe it is demons doing it to me. That being said, in 2010, I had a memory resurface of the doctor (replete with surgical mask) doing something to my privates with a loud (whirring sounding) instrument, during which I could hear my own mother speaking to me, and I could hear my own screams. The fact that I could hear my own screams tells me this is a flashback, of a memory of an event that my mind had to repress to keep me sane. The fact that my mother was involved in this procedure, and in my flashback, I can clearly hear her telling me, what a great hero youre being for your country, combined with the fact that my mother is now dead, tells me that they not only did something terrible to me, but that they might have killed her so that she would not be able to be questioned. The procedure was done by my OB/GYN, Romeo Acosta. I have been in constant pain in the area for around four years now. The pain itself is traumatic. In May of 2008, I discovered implants, located just in front of each ear. I have no idea how long theyve been there. I had an oral surgery in 1984 under a general anesthetic, and I had an oral surgery in 2001 or 2002 (Im not sure of the date), under a general anesthetic. Although it could have happened when I was adopted and held by the Catholic agency (that has since been indicted on child-trafficking charges) for about 6 weeks before my family got me, even though they had my birthmother set up with my adoptive mother long before I was born. I now hear voices through them and I have painful sensations coming through them. As you can see from this image, they are not visible until I gently pull back on my ear, but they are definitely there. It was maybe a few months before I discovered the implants that I began to hear voices. At first, I heard a voice telling me to purge, as if referring to memories that were coming back to me, at that time. I also was made to believe that some of the voices were angels and that one of

them was God. These voices communicated all manner of things to me, making me appear schizophrenic, so that I would be easily discredited. The fact that I have these two lumps in my head cast a reasonable doubt on the idea that I may be schizophrenic. Also casting doubt on the schizophrenia diagnosis is the fact that the lithium and other meds I was given actually made the voices worse. At the end of August, 2008, I was left in a foreclosed home with no power or water, when my boyfriend left with our daughter. This happened as a result of me hearing voices and following their commands, thus appearing crazy. At that time, the voices coming through the implants, I didnt yet know about, were telling me that my real family was coming to find me, prompting me to go around looking for them. Well, they lied, but this made me look nuts. In early September of the same year, I found myself in the worst pain I had ever experienced in my life. While in this constant pain, I stayed in that house for about 2.5 years, in the worst heat and, at times, in freezing temperatures. I had no vehicle and had no way of getting around, in order to try to get a job. During that time these voices, coming through the implants, told me that certain people, in my life were causing my pain. This made me send very negative energies at these people. Also during that time, in the worst heat of summer, a police helicopter woke me up at 2:30am, flying in a circular pattern, around that house, shining the spotlight into the windows for over a half an hour, which was traumatizing to say the least. During this helicopter trauma, no police vehicle came to the house, which makes the entire event suspect of someone trying to traumatize me on purpose. While my boyfriend had a decent excuse for leaving, and for trying to have me locked up 3 times, thereby costing me the one job I ever truly loved in my life, his treatment of me during that time was downright cruel at times. For example, when he left, he promised to leave me with one of our two vehicles, but he ended up taking it instead. Also, there was one time, within the year after he had left, and I had no job at that point, and I was alone in pain, unable to walk much, and without a vehicle, trying to work with crystals to heal myself, I had no money and no way to get food. I ended up having to sell some of his tools. He busted in the door and yelled at me. He went to smash my crystals, and I tried to stop him by putting my arms between his hands and my crystals. He then grabbed me by the arms and threw me on the floor. This happened three times, and on the 3rd time, I hit the chair first. Then he grabbed my cell phone, ran out the front door, shutting it behind him & held it closed while he called the cops to accuse me of domestic violence. HE LIED, & IM PRETTY SURE THAT COP KNOWS IT. This man is 63 tall and is almost twice my size, in weight and stature combined. There is no way I could ever physically harm or abuse him. I mean, come on now! Most people are aware that the Catholic Church has been indicted on child-trafficking charges, in connection to satanic ritual abuse. I was adopted through Catholic Charities, which also has some record of being involved in child-trafficking. Many people are aware of the existence of ritual abuse and mind control, especially that which has been uncovered, during the 1977 MK Ultra Senate Hearings, to have occurred in the 50s and 60s, to witting and unwitting victims. In those hearings, it was discovered that many files of these horrendous experiments were destroyed. While it has been stated that these secret programs ended at least 12 years prior to the 1977 hearings, the fact that they were secret in the first place, leads me to believe that other programs continued after the one known as MK Ultra had ended. The experts involved in this and other secret programs were often Nazi scientists brought into

our country, under what is known as Project Paperclip. Some such experts include Joseph Mengele, Ewen Cameron, and Jose Delgado. Many of the Nazi scientists were experts in the occult. Other mind control programs that are documented include: Project Naomi, Project Artichoke, Project Monarch, and Project Delta. A common practice involved in these mind control programs was to use adopted children and children from orphanages. Most experts on mind control know about the use of occult symbolism. Beyond typical mind control and ritual abuse, involving a drowning at 3y/o (which is common to ritual abuse survivors), I have been unknowingly, unwittingly living under an occult curse my entire life. I only became aware of it within the past four years, when I discovered the Thoth tarot deck and its uncanny connection to my life, as noted in the e-books, Meta Crime, and Symbolism, Mind Control, and Metaphysical Sabotage in Relation to Archetypal Transference and the Second Commandment of the Decalogue. This curse is tied to my birthdate with the 12th trump of the tarot, which, in almost every single deck (of which there are over a thousand in print today), is an upside-down figure. In at least three different decks, there is a serpent close to the victims head, or attached to it with rays. I have read a document entitled, Project Monarch Nazi Mind Control, on the internet, which states: One of the earliest writings giving reference to occultism is the Egyptian Book of the Dead, a compilation of rituals explicitly describing methods of torture and intimidation (to create trauma), the use of potions (drugs) and the casting of spells (hypnotism), ultimately resulting in the total enslavement of the initiate. These have been the main ingredients for a part of occultism known as Satanism, throughout the ages. In the Crowley Thoth deck (Thoth is the Egyptian God mostly associated with magic, writing, science, and judgment of the dead) the serpent either represents Satan himself, or it represents the so-called serpent class, who are adepts at the occult. Also in at least three different decks, is an upside-down ankh, which is the Egyptian symbol for life and fertility, a symbol that closely resembles the currently accepted sign of female. For some reason, I was always very attached to the symbol of the Ankh, while never knowing what symbolism meant. The 12th trump card is a graven image in the respect that it is an image of suffering and/or death. This curse has made it impossible for me to live a normal life, or have any true freewill, because I have been metaphorically upside-down or reversed throughout my entire life. The reversed nature of the card, and especially of the upside-down ankh in the 12th trump of at least three decks of the tarot, has caused that reversed vibration to manifest itself in my life, in the following ways: 1) I was naturally left handed, but the person teaching me to write made me be right handed, by telling me that left-handedness is evil. I was a small child when this happened, but over time, it had the effect of helping to make me a very negative person. 2) My mother named me with initials that spelled the word for a specific animal, dehumanizing me. Later, she would tell me, I dont know why I named you that, I dont even like cats. 3) My mother constantly put me down, bullied me, called me names, and held other peoples children over her own, comparing me to my cousins, my friends, often telling me that I was no good and that I would never amount to anything. 4) My mother (born on 4/4 which corresponds to the 4th trump, the Emperor card) had way too much power to be raising someone in such a prone position, as what is displayed on the 12th

trump. This card, backed with some sort of occult intent to make a living sacrifice on a metaphysical level, created an energy of powerlessness. The voices coming through those implants tell me that I am to be a ritual blood sacrifice. 5) The television (tell-a-vision) was my primary babysitter. I was left alone in my childhood, and was even allowed to play alone in the woods at 6 and 7 years old. Anything couldve happened back then (including being implanted), since I have memories of going to the woods, memories of playing in the woods, but no memories of coming home. Doesnt that seem strange to anyone besides me? 6) My mother smoked 3 packs of cigarettes daily, exposing me, because they did not know the impact of second hand smoke on a baby back then, which addicted me to nicotine at a very early age, and caused me to have asthma. 7) My brother often enjoyed terrorizing me. One such example I can cite is of him wrapping me up in a blanket and tossing me down the stairs. When I got to the bottom of those stairs, I pushed the blanket off of me, and saw my parents laughing at me.

Regarding other accusations about things I may or may not have done in my lifetime: Anything I am actually guilty of is directly attributable to the occult curse I have been living under throughout my life. However, I have done comparably little evil in this world, when compared to what has been done to me. Considering the fact that I have implants in my head, that are easily provable, there is no telling how long I have been subliminally affected by them, or what the voices coming through them have said to me in my sleep. Yet, Ive never gone out and killed anyone, and I never will. That being said, the following is a list of accusations and responses to them: 1) I have been accused of not sharing, but if one considers how my whole life was orchestrated and my inspiration was stolen from me via the serpent class, as represented by the snake at the head of the victim in the 12th trump of the Thoth, Ludovica, and Hermetic tarot decks, then it would stand to reason that I would have a subconscious need to hold onto things, as a security issue, given that I was subconsciously seeing my own creative ideas being stolen. For example, artistic ideas were stolen from me (C.A.T.) by people like M.J. Skinner (skin the cat). That being said, let it be known that when I saw others who were truly in need, even when I was myself living in substandard conditions, I still shared what I had. Please see my document entitled, Metaphysical Sabotage. 2) I have been accused of being a pedophile . This is simply ridiculous and doesnt even deserve a response, but the answer is: NO, I AM NOT A PEDOPHILE, NOR HAVE I EVER KISSED OR DONE ANYTHING REMOTELY SEXUAL WITH ANYONE UNDER AGE, OR EVEN CLOSE TO THE AGE OF CONSENT. HOWEVER, I MYSELF WAS DATE-RAPED, WHEN I WAS 16 Y/O, BY A 21 Y/O, AND IT WAS MY VERY FIRST EXPERIENCE OF INTERCOURSE. I NEVER PROSECUTED.

3) I have been accused of being a racist . Never in my life have I ever been racist, nor have I ever discriminated on the basis of anything. In fact, even as a child, I always showed the utmost respect for oppressed races and cultures. 4) I have been accused of being a baby killer. While I deeply regret having two abortions, I had no parents around raising me, and as a result, I ended up following much of what those around me believed, especially the males, because I sorely lacked a father figure in my life. At one point, I ended up with a boyfriend who as prochoice and exposed me to the book called Our Bodies Ourselves, which approved of abortion. Unbeknownst to me, my subconscious was having a strong influence in my life, and had me always seeking out a daddy. In my late teens and early twenties (and even into my 30s), I was easily influenced by every boyfriend I had. 5) I have been accused of being lazy. Up until I found myself in excruciating pain, I have always taken relatively good care of my home, until I found myself simultaneously working, taking care of a toddler, and trying to keep house from 2005 until 2008. 6) I have been accused of being a whore, which I am most certainly not. There have been short moments in my life, when I was forced to live like one, like when I was living in the streets, but I am not one, and have not truly ever been one. 7) I was a latchkey kid from 9y/o until I moved out, even though my mother didnt have to work during that time, at all. 8) As previously discussed, I have been living under an occult curse my entire life, as a result of my birthdate in relation to the 12th trump of the Thoth tarot, with the upside-down ankh (the Egyptian symbol for life & fertility), with my mother being the 4th trump, allowing her way too much power over me. 9) I have been accused of being a narcissist I spent half my childhood in a house of mirrors, with a narcissist mother, in which there was a completely mirrored coffee table, the closet doors were mirrored, the bedroom sets were mirrored, and even the wallpaper was mirrored. Can you say PSYOPS? What does growing up in a house of mirrors do to a child anyway? So I probably WAS one, but I am not one now. 10) I have been accused of being cruel well, I couldnt have possibly been as cruel to my child as my own parents were to me. There was a time, when I was in my late teens or early twenties when this guy named Bob punched me and threw me into a sliding glass door. I retaliated after being goaded by his own friends. I am not proud of what I did. I painted his member red. Even to this day, when I have repented of it to people I know, I was told it was funny not horrible, and that he deserved it for hitting a woman. However, I sincerely regret it. 11) If the accusation is in relation to me name calling or being a bully when I was younger well, my parents were bullies to me (mom called me stupid, while dad called me fat). Growing up, my friends made up names for others, and so did I. When in Rome, etc. I think this is where that came from, but I changed. For example, there was a teacher in my school named Emma Mosteller, and my friend, Lucianne, made up the name, Enima Molester. I subsequently called my friend Lusty Anus. I am not proud of it, but I was following a pattern. Considering the fact that I was metaphorically upside-down, it should come as no surprise. 12) I have been told that you snooze you lose, regarding the fact that, after I lost my job, finding myself in horrible, nightmarish pain, with no vehicle, no place to go, and living in a foreclosed

house with no power or water, it took me over three years to begin writing about my experiences in any coherent way. I had virtually no access to a computer, so I was unable to learn much of anything in relation to the curse, or anything else for that matter. When I was able to get to a library, I found many books unavailable. I contend that I was not snoozing, rather, I was cut off from every outlet to state my case for forgiveness, once I began to learn of the metaphysical curse I had been living under throughout my life. Also, I was in a state of constant traumatic pain and hearing voices through these implants, which I sometimes want to call headphones. Even friends and neighbors rarely let me use their computers to get online, so I was unable to post my experiences. Wherever I went for help regarding my specific problem, I was not able to get adequate treatment, which I sincerely hope will change soon. Whoever is responsible for the ongoing Traumatic Stress Disorder should have to face some consequences for their actions, because its goal seems to be just to make me appear insane, or to actually drive me insane, but it seems like there is some agency that does not truly want me to get help, or recover. 13) I have been accused of being a liar Honestly, when I was younger, I did make things up to try to get attention from my parents, because they were simply absent during my childhood, but I did change. In fact, I made the conscious effort to change because I did not like getting attention that way. At the risk of being labeled a liar forever, I am being honest about my past. At one point, after discovering what was happening to me, I believed that one of my doctors (OB/GYN) might have been named Delgado, but I have since researched it, and realized that neither one had that name. This tells me that these verifiable implants have been used to enforce the idea that I had a doctor named Delgado, just so someone could then paint me as a liar. While it is possible I had an oral surgeon by that name, I cannot verify the name of the last oral surgeon I had, who was in St. Petersburg, FL. The first oral surgeon I had was named Castellano, and was in Tampa. Regardless of what doctor put the implants in, and what doctor did the horrifying procedure to my privates, the flashback and the pain are absolutely real. I have no doubt that trauma occurred in my privates to cause it, but of course, no one wants to believe it, or give me a true exam, or even give me pain medication for it. The trauma to my privates has caused the condition noted above called vulvodynia, which is a constant pain in the area, usually caused by a previous trauma to the area. 14) I have been called a user I honestly do not want to be disabled, not in the least. I have always worked very hard for my money, and in most job Ive held, I was always the top performer. However, I am suffering from severe PTSD due to the horrible and evil events that happened to me. The obvious implants, that are located in front of each ear, may have subliminally influenced me the whole time they have been in place. For all I know, they may have been sending me subliminal messages during my sleep to make me psychologically unwell.

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