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Bloque I

Ingls I
A. Amparo Molina Vela

Lengua adicional al espaol I

Reforma Integral

Gobernador del Estado de Veracruz

Fidel Herrera Beltrn

Reynaldo Escobar Prez

Secretario de Gobierno

Lengua adicional al espaol I Primera Edicin: 2010 ISBN Trmite en Proceso Todos los derechos reservados.

Secretario de Educacin de Veracruz

Vctor A. Arredondo lvarez

Asesora Acadmica Emma Aguila Mota Asesora Pedaggica Emma Aguilar Mota Correcin de estilo David Armando Morales Enrquez Paula Casasa Watty

Subsecretario de Educacin Media Superior y Superior

Rafael Ortz Castaeda

Director General de Telebachillerato

Cndido Navarro Ramrez

Jos Manuel Rivera Arau

Subdirector Tcnico

Diseo Editorial Greisy del C. Ramos de la Cruz Diseo de Portada Jos Crisoforo Rodrguez Daz Formacin Maribel Barradas Cabaas Lengua adicional al espaol I Primera Edicin: 2010 Todos los derechos reservados.

Subdirectora de Evaluacin Escolar

Rosa E. Ferrer Palacios

Jefe del Dpto. Tcnico Pedaggico

Gonzalo Jcome Corts

Jefe de la Oficina de Recursos Materiales

Hctor Antonio Martnez Ortiz

Jefe de la Oficina de Ediciones

Adolfo Arstegui Prez

Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I

Ingls I

Lengua adicional al espaol I

Reforma Integral

Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I

7 11 17 26 26 35 35 35 42 51 55 56


Describo mi perfil y el de otras personas Comprende el uso de los nmeros ordinales y cardinales en la cultura anglosajona para indicar informacin personal Reconoce vocabulario relativo a: Miembros de la familia Pases y nacionalidades Reafirma las formas y el uso del presente simple del verbo to be, utilizando yes-no questions y wh-questions Principales profesiones Miembros de la familia Reafirma el uso de los pronombres personales y adjetivos posesivos. Evaluacin final Autoevaluacin A trabar tu proyecto!

Describo mis actividades cotidianas
Reconoce vocabulario relativo a: Los meses y das de la semana Horarios y expresiones de tiempo relacionadas con el presente Actividades de esparcimiento Actividades laborales y de estudio Reafirma el uso de los adverbios de frecuencia Reafirma las formas y el uso del presente simple de los verbos regulares e irregualares utilizando yes-no questions y wh-questions Evaluacin final Autoevaluacin A trabar tu proyecto!


60 60 71 71 77 83 89 95 96

Lengua adicional al espaol I

Reforma Integral
Describo lo que est sucediendo Reafirma las formas y el uso del presente progresivo utilizando yes-no questions y wh-questions Distingue y maneja los principales verbos que se emplean, y los que no, en la estructura del presente progresivo Distingue los verbos que presentan situasiones especiales al agregar la terminacin del ing Reconoce el vocabulario relativo a: Partes del cuerpo y clima Prendas de ropa Distingue y contrasta el concepto y el uso del presente simple con el del presente progresivo Evaluacin final Autoevaluacin A trabar tu proyecto! 100

100 100 100 109 115 124 129 133 134

Elaboro la lista del supermercado
Reconoce y consolida el vocabulario relativo a: Productos alimenticios y de uso cotidiano en el hogar Unidades de medida y peso, empaque y catidades Sustantivos contables y no contables Plurales irregulares tales como loaf-loaves Reafirma las formas y el uso de los determinantes there is-are empleando las yes-no questions y wh-questions Reafirma el uso de los adverbios de cantidad too much, too many,, y determinantes some, any, few, little en oraciones afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas Evaluacin final Autoevaluacin A trabar tu proyecto!

138 138 138 138 138 153 161 167 173 174 176


Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I


Estimados alumnos, compaeros y maestros del Telebachillerato, presentamos esta gua de Ingls I que se fundamenta en el programa propuesto por la Direccin General de Bachillerato para cubrir las expectativas trazadas por la Reforma Integral que parte del programa sectorial 2007-2012. Dicha Reforma Integral incorpora contenidos y actividades dirigidas al desarrollo de competencias para la vida y el trabajo de los jvenes egresados de Bachillerato, el trmino competencia entendido como la capacidad de movilizar recursos cognitivos para hacer frente a situaciones diversas y resolverlas eficientemente. El objetivo central de la asignatura de Lengua Adicional al Espaol I es: desarrollar la competencia comunicativa del estudiante en una segunda lengua, todo ello a travs del desarrollo de las cuatro habilidades comunicativas de la lengua: comprensin auditiva y de lectura; produccin oral y escrita. Para tal efecto, y conforme a lo sealado en el programa, esta gua didctica se encuentra dividida en 4 bloques cuyos temas giran en torno a conocimientos y contextos cotidianos de los adolescentes que les permitan hacer uso de lo aprendido en una situacin de comunicacin verdadera en la lengua extranjera. Con la finalidad de que el estudiante realmente aplique lo aprendido al inicio de cada bloque un proyecto que le dar la oportunidad de evidenciar la movilizacin de sus competencias. En el Bloque I se busca que el estudiante sea capaz de intercambiar informacin personal usando recursos autnticos; en el Bloque II expresar y compartir sus actividades rutinarias; en el Bloque III se describir lo que las personas estn realizando en el momento de estar hablando y, finalmente, en el Bloque IV expresar eficientemente ideas relativas al tema de los alimentos y productos de primera necesidad. Los contenidos incluidos en estos bloques contribuyen a desarrollar las competencias genricas para expresarse y comunicar en una lengua extranjera en un marco de respeto y trabajo colaborativo. En cada bloque se incluyen segmentos que permiten desarrollar determinada habilidad comunicativa, en contextos cotidianos y accesibles que dan paso a un manejo formal de las estructuras gramaticales de manera muy breve y constructiva.

Lengua adicional al espaol I

Reforma Integral

En cada bloque se proporcionan diversos tipos de ejercicios para que los alumnos practiquen las estructuras y vocabulario tanto dentro del aula como fuera de ella. Cada tema se concluye con un ejercicio de cierre que permita al alumno verificar su aprendizaje y al maestro le d pauta para iniciar nuevas actividades. Se incluye tambin, al final de cada bloque, un ejercicio de evaluacin que permitir al alumno verificar su nivel de rendimiento previo a un examen formal, o bien como prctica alterna de trabajo. Esperamos que este material sea de tu completo agrado y te ayude a lograr un aprendizaje eficiente de manera dinmica y atractiva. Atentamente Amparo Molina Vela Autora

Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I

Estructura conceptual general


Bloque I Describo mi perfil y el de otras personas

Bloque II Describo mis actividades cotidianas

Bloque III Describo lo que est sucediendo

Bloque IV Elaboro la lista del supermercado

Lengua adicional al espaol I

Reforma Integral

Estructura conceptual del bloque I

Introducing yourself and introducing someone else.

Giving personal information

Exchanging personal information

Wh-questions Personal and simple Pronouns present of To and Possesive be adjectives


Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I

Bloque I
Describo mi perfil y el de otras personas.

Unidades de competencia
Solicita e intercambia informacin personal de manera oral y escrita en situaciones de socializacin y recreacin o laborales sencillas.

4.1 Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingsticas, matemticas o grficas. 4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas, segn quienes sean sus interlocutores, el contexto en el que se encuentra y los objetivos que persigue. 4.3 Identifica las ideas clave en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de ellas. 4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas. 4.5 Maneja las tecnologas de la informacin y la comunicacin para obtener informacin y expresar ideas. 6.4 Estructura ideas y argumentos de manera clara, coherente y sinttica. 7.1 Define metas y da seguimiento a sus procesos de construccin de conocimiento. 8.2 Aporta puntos de vista con apertura y considera los de otras personas de manera reflexiva. 10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio de integracin y de convivencia en los contextos local, nacional e internacional

Lengua adicional al espaol I


Reforma Integral
Prelesson Antes de iniciar nuestro curso de Ingls I, vamos a revisar algunas de las estructuras y el vocabulario que aprendiste en tu nivel de secundaria. No es un test de conocimientos, slo pretendemos retomar brevemente lo que ya has estudiado para iniciar nuestro curso reactivando tus conocimientos. I. Practice greetings with other students. Dialogue 1 A. Hi, Olivia, how are you? B. Good morning, Sam. I am fine thank you, and you? A. I am fine too. Dialogue 2 A. Hello, my name is George Steve. B. Hi, I am Susan Turner. Nice to meet you. A. Nice to meet you too, Susan. II. Answer these questions. 1. Whats your name? ______________________________________ 2. Whats your address? ______________________________________ 3. Where are you from? ______________________________________ 4. Whats your phone number? ______________________________________

III. Match the columns.

1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. (

) First name ) Last name ) Address ) Nationality ) Phone number

A. 773.1024 B. Mexican C. Carmen D. 48, Madison Avenue E. Estevez


Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I
IV. Work with another student. Make a list of all the objects in your classroom. Note as many words as you remember. __________________ ____________________ ___________________ __________________ ____________________ ___________________ __________________ ____________________ ___________________ __________________ ____________________ ___________________ __________________ ____________________ ___________________ __________________ ____________________ ___________________ V. Write the greeting you use in these situations. Good evening. Hello, how are you? Good morning. Good afternoon.

Lengua adicional al espaol I


Reforma Integral
VI. Find the months of the year

VII. Write the following numbers.

1. 45: ________________________________ 2. 23: ________________________________ 3. 14: ________________________________ 4. 127:________________________________ 5. 1928: _______________________________ VIII. Write the time: 1. 12:30 _______________________________ 2. 15:20 _______________________________ 3. 8: 10 _______________________________ 4. 10:15 _______________________________ 5. 04:40 _______________________________


Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I
IX. Match the expression with its Spanish translation.

1. ______________Come in. 2. ______________Go out. 3. ______________Stand up. 4. ______________Sit down. 5. ______________Pay attention, everybody. 6. ______________Are you ready? 7. ______________Open your books on page ... 8. ______________Do you understand?

A. Presten atencin. B. Abran sus libros en la pgina C. De pie. D. Psele. E. Salga. F. Entiende? G. Estn listos? H. Sintese

Lengua adicional al espaol I


Reforma Integral

En este primer bloque de nuestro curso de Ingls I, el alumno realizar su descripcin personal y describir a otros con el fin de brindar informacin sobre su persona, as como de obtener informacin de alguien ms. Retomaremos las expresiones empleadas para presentarnos y presentar a otras personas. Practicaremos la manera de intercambiar informacin personal a travs del llenado de fichas de identificacin y de documentos diversos que impliquen manifestar datos del autor.


Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I

Describo mi perfil y el de otras personas

Comprende el uso de los nmeros ordinales y cardinales en la cultura anglosajona para indicar informacin personal (direcciones, telfono, edad, etc.).

Induccin En grupo responde las siguientes preguntas: Se te ha presentado alguna ocasin en la que necesites comunicarte con un idioma diferente al tuyo? Qu expresiones conoces, en lengua extranjera, que te permitan expresar un saludo o solicitar alguna informacin? Aprender a expresar ideas en otro idioma siempre es emocionante y adems, nos brinda la oportunidad de comunicarnos con gente que habla dicho idioma. Con este tema damos inicio a nuestro curso de Ingls I donde retomaremos algunos temas que ya estudiaste en los cursos previos, pero que siempre es necesario practicar porque son estructuras de uso cotidiano y que tienes que estar repasando.

Situacin Problema
Listen and practice
At the International School of Languages Sabine: Hello! I am new in the school. Pablo: Hi! I am Pablo, What is your name? Sabine: I am Sabine Newman, nice to meet you Pablo, Pablo: Where are you from, Sabine? Sabine: I am from Germany, and you? Pablo: I am from Mexico. We are in the same class. Sabine: What is your last name Pablo? Pablo: Cruz. Sabine: Spell that please.

Lengua adicional al espaol I


Reforma Integral
B: C-R-U-Z. A: Great, See you later! The Alphabet In this table you can see the English alphabet. Into the brackets you have the phonetic pronunciation. Practice the pronunciation with your teacher and friends.

Aa [ i ] Jj [yei] Ss [ es ]

Bb [bi] Kk [kei] Tt [ ti ]

Cc [ ci ] Ll [el] Uu [ i ]

Dd [di] Mm [em] Vv [vi ]

Ee [i:] Nn [en] Ww [dobliu ]

Ff [ ef ] Oo [u] Xx [ks ]

Gg [ gi ] Pp [p] Yy [ wi]

Hh [ eich ] Qq [kiu] Zz [ zed ]

Ii [ i ] Rr [ar]

Practice spelling, interview students in your class and write their names:




Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I
Practice the conversation
A. Whats your first name? B. My first name is Sabine. A. How do you spell that? B. S-A-B-I-N-E. A. Whats your last name? B. My last name is Newman. A. How do you spell that? B. N-E-W-M-A-N

Read the form, then circle the correct answer


International Shool Of Languages
First name : __________Sabine__________ Last name: __________Newman_________ Date, place and country of birth : 24-09-1990, Munich, Germany Country where you live : _____Germany__ Address : ____278, Talbot Av.__________

Phone : ______774.3214_______________ E-mail : newmansabine24@global.com Course : ____English _____________

1. The form is: a) An application form for a job. b) An application form for a school. 2. The person is from: a) England

b) Argentina

c) Germany

Lengua adicional al espaol I


Reforma Integral
Read the form again and answer true or false.
1. Sabine is German; _______________________ 2. Sabine is 18 years old: ____________________ 3. She lives in Spain: _______________________ Grammar Act out this dialogue in pairs. Romina: Hi! I am Romina. What is your name? Esteban: My name is Esteban. Romina: Nice to meet you! Esteban. Where are you from? Esteban: I am from Veracruz. Observe the words in bold; its the simple present of the verb To Be. What is the meaning in Spanish of this verb? ____________________________________ Complete this chart with the correct form of the verb: Subject Simple present of verb to be

I You It (my name)


Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I
Fill the blanks with am/is/are
My name _______________________ Melissa. What________________________your name? I_____________________________ Fernando. Nice to meet you, Fernando. Where________________ you from? I______ from Huatusco. Writing

Answer these questions:

1. Whats your name? ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Whats your address? ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Whats your phone number? ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Where are you from? ___________________________________________________________________

Now, interview other students in your class and write their dates
A. Whats your name? ________________________________________________________

B. My name is _____________________________________________________________ A. Whats your address? __________________________________________________________ B. My address is ____________________________________________________________

Lengua adicional al espaol I


Reforma Integral
A. Whats your phone number? __________________________________________________ B. My phone number is _______________________________________________________ A. Where are you from? _______________________________________________________ B. Im from _______________________________________________________________ Listen and practice The calendar:

Months of the year: January June October February July March August April September May

November December

The days of the week:

Look at the page of the calendar. Then practice the dialogue.


Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I
Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 8 15 22 29 Wednesday 2 9 16 23 30 Thursday Friday 3 10 17 24 Saturday 4 11 18 25

A. What month is it? B. It is September. A. What day is it? B. It is Tuesday, 16th. Independence day in Mexico. Answer with your real date. What day is today? _______________________________________________________________ What month is it? ___________________________________________________________

Lengua adicional al espaol I


Reforma Integral
I. Write about yourself. My first name is ___________________________________________________________________ My last name is ____________________________________________________________________ My address is______________________________________________________________________ My phone number is _______________________________________________________________ I am from_________________________________________________________________________

NOUNS Address Direccin VERBS Live Meet Spell Be Listen Practice Vivir Conocerse Deletrear Ser o estar Escuchar Practicar OTHERS Nice to meet you Encantado(a) de conocerte Same See you later! Hi ! Hello ! Mismo(a) Hasta luego! hola! (informal) Hola! (formal)

Application form Solicitud Birth Date First name Last name Name today Nacimiento Fecha Nombre de pila Apellido Nombre Hoy


Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I

CARDINAL NUMBERS 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four 5 Five 6 Six 7 Seven 8 Eight 9 Nine 10 Ten 11 Eleven 12 Twelve 13 Thirteen 14 Fourteen 15 Fifteen 16 Sixteen 17 Seventeen 18 Eighteen 19 Nineteen 20 Twenty 21 Twenty-one 22 Twenty-two 30 Thirty 40 Forty 50 Fifty 60 Sixty 70 Seventy 80 Eighty 90 Ninety 100 One hundred 101 One hundred (and) one 102 One hundred (and) two 1,000 One thousand ORDINAL NUMBERS 1st. First 2nd Second 3rd Third 4th Fourth 5th Fifth 6th Sixth 7th Seventh 8th Eight 9th Ninth 10th Tenth 11th Eleventh 12th Twelfth 13th Thirteenth 14th Fourteenth 15th Fifteenth 16th Sixteenth 17th Seventeenth 18th Eighteenth 19th Nineteenth 20th Twentieth 21st Twenty-first 22st Twenty-second 30st Thirtieth 31st Thirty-first

Lengua adicional al espaol I


Reforma Integral
Reconoce vocabulario relativo a: Miembros de la familia. Pases y nacionalidades.
Induccin Despus de haber practicado la manera de brindar informacin personal a travs de preguntas sencillas, vamos a abordar la manera de comunicarnos con otra persona en conversaciones simples que permitan dar informes personales, pero tambin preguntar acerca de terceras personas, su nacionalidad, su nombre o su direccin.

Situacin Problema
Listen and practice. A. Hi, Pablo, She is Masako. Shes from Japan. B. Hi Sabine, Hi Masako, nice to meet you. So, youre Japanese. C. Yes, I am from Nagasaki. Where are you from, Pablo? B. Im Mexican; Im from Veracruz, Mexico. C. Mexico is a nice country. A. Yes, Cancun is fantastic, its hot and the beaches are beautiful!

Underline the names of the cities and countries you find in the conversation. Practice talking about nationalities with your classmates. Use the names in the box as in the example: 1. Hi!, Im Maria, Im from Mexico, I m Mexican. (Mexico- Mexican). 2. Nice to meet you Maria, I am Nelson. Im from Brazil, Im Brazilian. (BrazilBrazilian).

Narda-Argentina-Argentinean Oskar-Polonia- Poland Esteban-Colombia-Colombian Charles-Australia-Australian

Melanie-France- French Andrew-Canada-Canadian Martin-England-English Julia-Italy-Italian


Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I
Investigate the dates of ten countries and fill the chart.





Match the picture with the conversations. I. A. Who are they? B. They are Rosa and Ana. A. Where are they from? B. They are from Peru, They are Peruvians.

II. A. Who are you? B. Im Alina, Im from Greece, I am Grecian.

III. A. Hello!, Im Yoko and hes Hiro Nishima. B. Hello!, where are you from? A. We are from Japan, We are Japanese. IV. A. Hello Alina, who is your friend? B. Shes Olga. She is from. Moscow Shes Russian. V. A. Where are you from Adriano? B. Im from Italy.

Lengua adicional al espaol I


Reforma Integral
Listen and practice. Practice this dialogue with one of your classmates. Hello! How are you? Very well, and you? Fine. What semester are you in? Im in first semester. How old are you? Im 16 years old Whos your English teacher? Shes (Hes) Ms/ Mr. Smith. Great! Shes (Hes) an excellent teacher.

Walk around the class. Introduce yourself to your classmates A. Hi! I am ________. What is your name? B. My name is ___________. A. How old are you? B. Im ___________ years old. A. Where are you from, _______? B. I am from __________, and you? A. I am from_______


Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I
Ask your classmate to spell his / her name and the place where he / she is from. Name of my classmate Ex. He is Pablo Mendoza. She is Citlali Avalos. Place of birth He is from Cuichapa. She is from Poza Rica. Age Hes 15 years old. Shes 17years old.

Now, with that information introduce one of your classmates. Good morning, She/He is____________________. She/He is from__________________________ and She/He is ______________ years old.

Grammar Check the dialogues above and complete with the correct form of simple present of verb To Be:

She He We They

Lengua adicional al espaol I


Reforma Integral
Fill the blanks with the correct form of simple present of To Be
1. I______________ Berenice, I__________________ from Spain. 2. We__________________________ from Tijuana. 3. She _______________Georgette, she ___________________from France. 4. They _________________my friends. They __________________ from Poland. 5. He ____________________ Alfredo. He ___________________ Chilean. Read this form

IMMIGRATION FORM Immigration and Naturalization U. S Department

First name: __________Manuel__________ Last name: __________Vela_________ Date, place and country of birth: 20-08-1978, Cordoba, Mexico Country where you live: _____Mexico __ Address: ____42, Independence Av.__________

Phone: ______771.7310_______________ E-mail: manuelv1978@avantel.com Occupation: ____English Teacher_____________

Answer according to the form:

1. Who is he? 2. Where is he from? 3. How old is he? 4. What is his phone number? 5. What is his e-mail? 6. What is he?


Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I
Grammar The verb to be is used with different functions. When we talk about age, we use a form of to be and in this case its meaning in Spanish is tener. I am 26 years old. = Tengo 26 aos. You can use contractions when you speak and write informally. Look at the chart. Complete the examples.

Complete form I am You are He is She is It is We are They are

Contraction Im Youre Hes Shes Its Were Theyre

Examples Im your friend

Practice this dialogue with one of your classmates. Student 1: Is your family big or small? Student 2: I have a small family. I have just one brother. Student 1: Is he single or married? Student 2: Hes married. He has two children, one boy and one girl. This is a picture of his family. Student 1: Who are these? Student 2: She is his wife, her name is Samantha. This is his son Arthur and this is his daughter Patricia. Check the words in bolds. They are possessives adjectives. When you exchange information you need possessive adjectives to relate the people or things and the possession of an object.

Lengua adicional al espaol I


Reforma Integral
Check the table below Complete the examples.
Pronouns Possessive Examples adjectives My I am a student. My classes are in the morning.


Your .



He is a teacher. His classes are interesting.



It We

Its Our

It is my dog. Its name is Fido.



Complete the sentences. 1. My name ____________ Pablo Cruz. I am from Mexico. I_________19 years old. ________ family is in Veracruz, Mexico. ______sister is in the University; _______ name is Priscilla. My brothers _________ in High School, ________ are Francisco and Eduardo. 2. _____ am Masako Owada, I______ from Japan. I am 17 years old. My sister is in Nagasaki but my parents ___________on vacations in Egypt now. 3. I______ Sabine, my last name is Newman, you spell Newman, N-E-WM-A-N. I _______ 16 years old. I ________ from Germany. My city, Munich ________very nice but it________ very cold in Winter.


Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I
Nota cultural E-mail addresses use the Greek symbol @. You say at in English, (.) You say Dot You can say full words or you can spell them. For example: nan0789@intranet.com You read: Nan-0-seven-eight-nine-at-intranet-dot-com

I.Read the text and fill the blanks with the information required. I _______in the International Languages School. ______ ___classmates are from different countries. Sabine is from Germany, she is _____________. She is 16 years old. ________ parents are in Munich now. Masako is from Japan, she is __________. She ______ 17 years old. Masako and Sabine __________ friends. ______ are in the same classroom. II.Fill in the blanks with the missing information about Nancy. Hello!, I _________Nancy Taylor, I am____________ and I am 16______________, I am from Canada. I live in Toronto, my address______581 Talbot Avenue, and my e-mail address is nan0789@ intranet.com. _________ you ready to make a new friend? Write me back soon. III. Complete the information about yourself and then send Nancy an e-mail. Hello!, Nancy, I am_______________, I am____________ and I am________ years old, I am from ______________; I live in________________, and my address is_____________, my e-mail address is____________. I am studying English at school, so I want to practice it, are you ready to help me? Write me back soon. Sincerely ___________________

Lengua adicional al espaol I


Reforma Integral
NOUNS Beach Brother Playa Hermano VERBS Fill Use Read Llenar Usar Leer OTHERS Great! Its hot Fantstico! Hace calor

Immigration form Formato migratorio Parents Sister Winter Cold Friend Dog Padres Hermana Invierno Fro Amigo Perro

How old are you? Cuntos aos tienes? Qu edad tienes?


Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I
Reafirma las formas y el uso del Presente Simple del verbo to be, utilizando yesno questions y Wh- questions. Principales profesiones. Miembros de la familia.
Induccin Hasta aqu hemos repasado las estructuras simples que permiten iniciar una conversacin en ingls y adems proporcionar u obtener informacin personal bsica de nosotros y de otras personas. Continuaremos en este tema con las preguntas que ya se han estado trabajando, adems de otras que permitirn ir ahondando en la informacin que deseamos dar u obtener para establecer un contacto ms cercano empleando del idioma ingls.

Situacin Problema
Listen and practice. A. Hi, Masako! How are you? B. Hi Pablo!, Im fine, and you? A. I am fine too. Where is Sabine? B. Shes in class. A. Are you free? B. Yes, my Literature class is in the afternoon. A. Its cold. Lets go to the cafeteria. B. Oh yes! Lets go.

Lengua adicional al espaol I


Reforma Integral
Read the following text and answer the questions.

In Masakos country families are small, but Masakos family is not very small. She has one brother and one sister. This is a picture of her family. Her father is on the left, he is an engineer, her mother is in the middle, she is a nurse, her brother is a student and her sister is an English teacher in Nagasaki.

1. Is Masakos family big or small? ____________________________________ 2. Where are they from? ___________________________________ 3. What is the profession of Masakos father? ___________________________________ 4. What is her sister? __________________________________

You know that. The use of the apostrophe () in English followed by s in a proper name indicates possession. Ex. Pablos family------The family of Pablo (La familia de Pablo)


Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I
Pablos family is from Veracruz. He has two sisters and one brother. His father is a doctor and his mother is a primary school teacher. One of his sisters is an accountant. The other one is a lawyer. His brother is a student. They are a nice family.

This is my father. He is a doctor.

These are my parents.

That is my brother. He is a student.

Those are my sisters. Ariadna is an accountant. Malena is a lawyer.

Lengua adicional al espaol I


Reforma Integral
Look at the picture, read and repeat. Fill the blanks as in the example. 1. This is my father. He is a doctor. (Cercano al que habla) 2. ___________ is my brother. (lejano al que habla) 3. ____________are my parents (cercano al que habla) 4. _____________are my sisters. (lejano al que habla)

Select and write the correct word to complete the following ideas. 1. This/ That are singular demonstrative pronouns. We use This to indicate ____ ______________________________ (proximity/distance), and we use That to indicate _________________ (proximity/ distance). 2. These/ Those are __________________ (singular/plural) demonstrative pronouns. 3. To indicate proximity we use____________________ (these/those). 4. To indicate distance, we use ____________________ (these/ those).

Fill in the blanks with the demonstrative pronoun.

Cerca del que habla Lejos del que habla

1._________ lesson is easy. 3._________ star is Venus 5.________ English practice is interesting. 7.________ chairs are not comfortable.

2.________ lesson is not easy. 4. ________stars form a constellation. 6. ________ man in the car is our teacher. 8. ________volcanoes are beautiful.

Check the dialogue and the text.


Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I
Look at the pictures and complete as in the example

__A__ teacher

___An___ engineer





_______________ plumber


________________football player




____A________ nurse ____________ journalist

Lengua adicional al espaol I


Reforma Integral
A (un, una) and An (un, una) are indefinite articles. They are used with singular nouns. We use A when the noun starts with a vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u), and we use AN when the noun starts with a consonant sound. A school An insect A brother An artist

But these are some exceptions because of the pronunciation. Observe; A iuniform A house (a iuniform) (a jause) A university (a iuniversity) A hill (a jil)

I. Write sentences with these words. 1. not- I- Yadira- am: ____________________________________________________ 2. very- is- She- nice: ___________________________________________________ 3. cousins- Paul and Mary- my- are: _______________________________________ 4. he- a- is- doctor- ? ____________________________________________________ II. Write A or An in the spaces. 1. Mss. Alison is not __________ doctor, she is __________ actress. 2. Luis is not __________ actor, he is __________________ teacher. 3. Garcia Marquez is not _________English teacher, he is _______ writer. 4. Cien aos de Soledad is _________________ interesting book. III. Now practice orally in pairs; use this information about new friends. A: Adaly Balbuena-Australian-doctor-28. B: Juan Carlos Croda-Mexican-engineer-32. C: Fritzz Lang- German-teacher- 24. D: Henry Dubois: French- biologist- 26.


Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I
NOUNS Accountant Autumn Farmer Lawyer Left Plumber Warm Weather proximity Player Vowel Sound Contador Otoo Campesino Abogado Izquierda Plomero Tibio, clido Clima Cercana Jugador Vocal Sonido VERBS Start Suppose Iniciar Suponer Its cold Hace frio OTHERS About Acerca de

Lengua adicional al espaol I


Reforma Integral
eafirma el uso de los pronombres personales y adjetivos posesivos. R
Induccin Hasta ahora hemos practicado las diversas maneras de proporcionar y solicitar informacin personal, utilizando un vocabulario bsico; en este tema vamos a utilizar todo lo anterior para que con la prctica contante de cada una de las estructuras y vocabulario reafirmes los conocimientos y puedas emplearlos naturalmente cuando necesites comunicarte en el idioma ingls.

Situacin Problema
Listen and practice. At the students club A. Good afternoon. Can I help you? B. Oh, yes. Thank you. I want to join the football soccer team. Is it possible? A. Yes, of course. This is the application form. Please, fill it. B. Thank you, youre very kind. A. Our soccer team is very good, are you ready to join? B. Yes, I am a good football player, I am happy to practice my favorite sport.

Lets help the receptionist to fill Pablos application.

Fill the blanks in order to complete the sentences. 1. What is your first name? ___ first ____________Pablo 2. How do you spell it? P-A-B-L-O. 3. What _____________name? 4. Cruz. 5. Good. How old __________? 6. I________________ 17 years old. 7. When is your date of birth? 8. Its October 7th, 1992. 9. Fine. Where _______________Pablo? 10. I___________ from Mexico. Im _____________. 11. What is your _______________? 12. It_______________48 Old Palace Avenue. 13. What is your phone number? 14. 773.3456. 15. What is your father and mothers occupation? 16. He____________ doctor and my mother ___________________. 17. Thats it. Thank you Pablo. Come tomorrow at 4:00 to have all the information you need. 18. Thank you again. Bye.


Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I
Now, complete the card with the information in the dialogue above.

INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Application Form Football Soccer Team.

First name: __________ __________ Last name: __________ _________ Age: __________________ Date of birth: ____________________________ Country where you live: _____ ________ Address: ______________________

Phone: _____________________ E-mail: ______________________ Parents Occupation: ____ _____________

Complete the dialogues with the words from the box.

Shes are Im are Theyre

A. Hi, Julia. How ________you? B. __________fine Steven thanks. How ________ the children? A. __________great! B. And your wife? A. ________very stressed because of her work and the childrens vacation. B. Well, please, say hello to her.

Lengua adicional al espaol I


Reforma Integral
Grammar The verb TO BE can be also used to talk about feelings. Im happy Im stressed Im sad

Match the sentences and the pictures.

1. He is tired. 2. Hes bored. 3. Hes hungry. 4. Its hot. 5. Shes cold. 6. Shes angry. 7. Hes sleepy . 8. Theyre happy.


Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I
Reading: Read the text and undeline the words in bold.
My name is Guillermo Rodriguez Sanchez. Im 18 years old. Im a student. I study at the Telebachillerato Las Trancas. My address is 129 Juarez Street, Xalapa, Veracruz. Post Code 91200. Mara and Angela are my sisters and Rogelio is my brother. Our parents are Miguel and Romina. My sisters are single, but my brother is married. His wife is Norma. Vicente is their child. He is 3 years old. Norma is American, her parents are in Texas. But she is happy because our family is very nice.

Grammar The words in bold are Possessive Adjectives. They show possession or ownership, they do not have plural forms. Personal pronouns are used as substitutes for proper or common nouns. Read the text and complete the box with the correct possessive adjective according to the personal pronoun: Personal pronoun I You He (Pedro o Sebastian o Jose etc.) She (Selene o Adriana o Bety, etc.) It (dog / house / pencil / love / country) We (Susana and I) They (Carlos, Lorena and Saul) Schools, dogs, cars, countries) Possessive adjective Meaning in Spanish

Lengua adicional al espaol I


Reforma Integral
Complete every sentence with the correct possessive adjective and personal pronoun according with its subject. 1. Ted is an American boy. __________country is The United States ________ is from New York. 2. Misuko is a Japanese girl. __________country is Japan. _________ is from Tokyo. 3. Juan is a Spanish singer. ______country is Spain. _________is from Madrid. 4. Mr. and Mrs. Ling are Chinese doctors. ______country is China. ______ are from Hong Kong. 5. Rogelio and you are Mexican students. _____country is Mexico. ______ are from different cities. 6. Acapulco is a Mexican tourist place. ______beaches are famous all over the world. ________________ is beautiful.

Greetings In English, there are two forms of greeting: Formal and Informal. Its use depends on the person you are talking to. Watch the time and read the greeting.

Its 8 :10 a.m You greet Formal Informal Hi! Hello! Good morning

Its 8 :10 a.m Good afternoon

Its 8 :10 a.m Good evening

It is important to remember that the expression GOOD NIGHT is not a greeting. It is a farewell (despedida).


Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I
Look at the table and check the Greetings: Formales

Expresin Mr. (Mister) Gentleman Mrs. (Misses) Maam Lady Miss How do you do? Fine thanks Good evening Good night Good bye

Contexto de uso Se usa para hombres casados o solteros una forma corts de referirse a un hombre. Se usa slo para mujeres casadas. Tambin es una forma corts de dirigirse a una mujer. Se usa para mujeres solteras, o para mostrar respeto para una mujer. Saludos muy formal. Al regresar el saludo. Al llegar a algn lugar no importa la hora. Al despedirse de algn lugar o al irse a dormir. Al despedirse en una reunin

Significado en espaol Seor Caballero Seora Dama Seorita Mucho gusto, encantado Bien gracias Buenas tardes Buenas noches Adis

Expresin Hello/ hi Whats up? How are you? Fine /well, good, great. Bye/ so long/ see you later

Contexto de uso Al saludar a un amigo o conocido. Se usa con amigos ms cercanos, cuates. Saludo informal entre amigos. Como respuesta al saludo. Al despedirse de los amigos.

Significado en espaol Hola Qu pasa? Cmo ests? Bien Adis, hasta luego, nos vemos, mas tarde.

Lengua adicional al espaol I


Reforma Integral
Write the correct greeting. 1. Its 8.10 a.m.You greet your friends. __________________________________ 2. Its 11.20 a.m. You greet the principal of your school. ____________________ 3. Its 4.00 p.m. You greet your father____________________________________ 4. Its 11:30 a.m. You greet your English teacher___________________________ 5. Its 9.00 p.m. You greet your boyfriend / girlfriend_______________________

I. Fill the spaces to complete the idea 1. A.Hi! I __________ Cesar. Who ______you? B. I __________Fanny. A. Where are you from, Fanny? B. I_______ from Fortin and you? A. I _______ from Monte Blanco, nice to meet you! B. Nice to meet you too, Cesar 2. A. He _____my friend Eduardo B. Where______ he from? A. He ________ from Jalapa 3. A. Good morning, who _____ she? B. She _________Miss Rebecca. She __________ the headmaster of my school. She ________very nice with us. II. Read the following dialogue, and then answer the questions below. The principal Good afternoon, let me introduce you Mr. Jimenez, he is your new mathematics teacher. Students: Good afternoon teacher, welcome to our classroom. Mr. Jimenez: Good afternoon students, it is a pleasure for me to be here, thank you for your warm welcome. First of all let me tell you that Mathematics is not a difficult subject. 1. What is Mr. Jimenez? 2. Where are they? 3. Is Mathematics difficult or easy according to Mr. Jimenez?


Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I
NOUNS Application form Birth Ownership Stressed Soccer team Principal Solicitud Nacimiento Propiedad Estresado Equipo de ftbol Director VERBS Come Fill Greet Join Tell Want Venir Llenar Saludar Unirse Decir querer OTHERS Easy According to Let me Warm Fcil De acuerdo con Permtanme Clido

Lengua adicional al espaol I


Reforma Integral


Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I

Evaluacin final del bloque

I. Fill the identification card ( ID Card).

NAME:_____________________DATE:_________GROUP:______GRADE:_______ I. Fill the identification card ( ID Card)

STUDENT CARD First name: ___________________ Last name: ____________________ Address: _____________________ _____________________________ Telephone number: _____________ Semester: ____________________ School: ______________________ _____________________________ E-mail:______________________ PHOTO


II. Match the columns. A. Sophie meets Manuel. 1. ( ) Hi, Manuel ! 2. ( ) How are you? 3. ( ) I am fine 4. ( ) See you A) Fine, thank you, and you? B) See you Sophie C) Bye, Manuel D) Hi, Sophie!

B. The teacher asks the student. 1. ( ) How old are you? A) My name is Margarita Hernandez. 2. ( ) Whats your name? B) Yes, I am. 3. ( ) Where are you from? C) Im 17 years old. 4. ( ) Are you in 5th semester. D) Im from Veracruz.


Lengua adicional al espaol I


Reforma Integral

Evaluacin final del bloque

III. Use the pictures to answer the questions: 1. What is his occupation? ________________________

2. Is he a biologist? No, he isnt, he is a ________________

3. Are they football players? Yes, ___________________________

4. Is she a housewife? ________________________

5. Is she a doctor? No she isnt, she is ___________________________


IV. A crossword puzzle. Read the sentences and fill in the puzzle. Across 3. Im a student. ____address is 42 Ducrot Street. 4. A: Whats ____ name? B: My name is Emily 5. His last ____ is Sandoval. 6. Monica is a teacher. _______ is American. 7. ______is your telephone number? 10. Carlos is a teacher too. _____ address is 103 Great Horton Road. 11. Cecilia is a student. _____ address is 85 Palace Street. 12. A: Im Alberto. B: ________ to meet you. Down 1. His ____ name is Angel. 2. A: ______, whats your name? B: My name is Paul. 3. I am from Mxico. Im _______. 7. A: _____ is she from? B: She is from Peru. 8. A: What is he? B: _____ is 9. ____ architect. 10. A: Where_____ you from? B: Argentina. 13. My name ____ Melanie.


Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I

Evaluacin final del bloque


V. Use the information in the box to write a paragraph about Simon Mancilla.

First Name: Simn Last Name: Mancilla Nationality: Spanish Age: 23 Ocupation: Engineer
__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________


VI. Introduce every person in the picture to a partner. Say their names, age, profession, and na tionality. a. Rodolfo Vieira, 16, golf player, Argentinean. b. Malin Andersson, 22, actress, Sweden. c. Ana Kurshenko, 16, gymnastic, Russia.



Lengua adicional al espaol I


Reforma Integral


Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque I

Marca con una la columna que corresponde a los progresos que hiciste en tu aprendizaje del idioma ingls en este primer bloque

Decirle a alguien mi nombre, mi direccin, el lugar donde vivo y mi edad. Solicitar informacin personal a las personas.

Muy bien


Un poco

Intercambiar informacin usando las preguntas con Wh- questions utilizando el verboto Be. Saludar a alguien y preguntarle como est y cmo se siente.

Lengua adicional al espaol I


Reforma Integral
A trabajar tu proyecto! Practica el proceso de lectura y escritura.
Titulo: Arbol Genealogico Tiempo: 1 Bloque Tema: Describo mi perfil y el de otras personas Planeacion: Tiempo: 2 Sesiones Saberes Requeridos: Pronombres Personales, Ocupaciones, Vocabulario De La Familia, Pronombres Posesivos. Productos: (Caracteristicas) La Creatividad Con Que Se Elabore El Material, Y El Material Con Que Se Cuente. Organizacin: Tareas: Trabajo Indivdual Control, Seguimiento, Revision Y Correcin: Se Realiza Dentro Del Aula.

Desarrollo: Recortar, escribir y describir Demostracion De lo aprendido: Exposicion del material dentro del aula a sus compaeros. Valoracion: Factible: Si Caracteristicas: Rubrica Y Lista De Cotejo: Valoracion Objetiva (Gramatica, Conocimiento) Escala Estimativa: Valoracion Subjetiva (Pronunciacion, Creatividad)



Direccin General de Telebachillerato

Bloque II

Describing my daily activities

Every day activities

Leisure activities

Frequency adverbs

Simple present and Whquestions

Lengua adicional al espaol I


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