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Starbucks Company invest heavily in their Social Responsibility track where the company as mentioned before have many

programs and initiatives that focuses on serving the communities and providing the company with the image they need as a corporate citizen, Starbucks has a partnership with Adam Moss Company that identifies and verifies Starbuck's SR and help the company monitor and control their work in addition to help preparing the Social Responsibility report annually

Some of Starbucks investments in the community programs are (starbucks\responsibility, 2012) (starbucks\comcommunity-involvemen, 2012): Engagement of partners (employees) with organizations they feel passionate about. Starbucks encourages partners to get involved in organizations they have an interest in and feel passionate about. Partners can submit Community Service and Partner Match requests to the Starbucks Foundation to match their volunteer hours and personal contributions they make to nonprofit organizations. Collaborating on projects that support social investments in coffee-, tea- and cocoa-producing communities. Starbucks supports sustainable programs that meet these communities specific needs. Projects have included improving access to education and agricultural training, microfinance and microcredit services, improving biodiversity conservation, and increasing levels of health, nutrition and water sanitation. The Starbucks Foundation also makes contributions from the Ethos Water Fund to water projects in coffee, tea and cocoa communities. Supporting our retail communities through Youth Action Grants. Starbucks Youth Action Grants are dedicated to supporting young people to make change in their local communities.

Support Centers Starbucks has established Farmer Support Centers in Costa Rica and Rwanda to provide local farmers with the resources and expertise that help lower the cost of production, reduce fungus infections, improve coffee quality and increase the yield of premium coffees Loan Programs During the growing and harvest cycles, many coffee farmers dip into their modest reserves to cover expenses until they can sell their crops. Some farmers may even experience a cash shortage, prompting them to sell their crops early and for less to local buyers. The Starbucks Farmer Loans program is an alternative for co-ops that cannot access traditional funding channels. It aims to provide financial resources to cooperatives to fulfill their cash flow needs during harvest time, and to make infrastructure investments that result in better competitiveness. In 2011 Starbucks Corporation gave $30.5 million in cash, including $25 million to the Starbucks Foundation. Corporate giving also included $17.3 million in inkind contributions toward community-building programs including the Global Fund through our partnership with (RED) and other efforts.

Starbucks have had a lot of success in their social responsibility efforts and achievements, since 2009 the company has been known for their social responsibility and the term SR almost branded as Starbucks where most people will think Starbucks when Social responsibility is mentioned. Reading through reviews, books and reports can indicate the general feeling from many stakeholders towards the company and can give an indication of where the company stands on the Social responsibility issues.

Assessing the company's position and the effectiveness of their efforts and work is little bit difficult since Social responsibility is yet to have a well defined measure and a reference that can measure companies' work against, the company itself is almost branded as a reference and an example that others should gauge against.

Stakeholders are many they include the partners, customers, surrounding communities, farmers, suppliers, investors and even the media. The company works hard to satisfy all stakeholders and put equal emphasis on the importance of its stakeholders, in addition to developing quick responses to any concern by the stakeholders

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