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By Pastor Ardison D. Bernardo Central Luzon Conference of SDAs ArdisonBernardo.com Love notes. Between lovers, they're expressions of passion. But with the passing of time, a couple kids, increased work demands, bloated schedules, a few extra pounds, and financial worries, sometimes the passion in a marriage gives way to boredom. Lovers who once fanned the flame of their desire with love notes and other expressions of devotion begin to take each other for granted and slowly drift apart. What can happen in a marriage can also happen in a relationship with God. Let me share with you a dialogue between a pastor and a Christian businessman during lunchbreak. "Where are you at these days with God," (slide) pastor Gordon asked the businessman. "Where am I at with God?" he repeated the question as he looked off at a 45 degree angle from the pastor. There was at least a 30-second pause. "I'm not anywhere," he said, "and I haven't been anywhere for a long time. When it comes to my Christian life, I'm going through the motions." Pastor Gordon made a mental note to ponder his meaning. His comment suggested that there was a sector in his world called the Christian life and that there were other sectors that were some other sort of life. "PastorGordon", the businessman continued, "there was a time in my younger years when it all seemed to grab my imagination, Christ and faith, I mean. I really wanted to make my Christian commitment the absolute center of everything. But I've lost it, and so now I perform more out of habit than anything else." "What drives you to keep on with the habits.?" pastor Gordon probed. "I suppose only the fact that I'm getting to the point in life where it's too late to change. My family life is all centered on Christian activities, and I don't want to hurt my wife or the kids. And besides, life has been good to me. Why upset the routines that have gotten me this far? So I just keep chugging along. - PAUSE The businessman is not alone in his experience. Christians in this world have dropped out of the visible activities of the family of God because they're tired or weary. Talk to them and find out how they feel. It is not bitterness about which they speak, not even disillusionment. They simply shrug their shoulders and say, "It didn't work for me. I haven't abandoned Jesus, but I'm tired of all the activity that people say has to be done in the name of Jesus." What's missing? Probably spiritual passion! (slide) And why is it missing? Usually people don't know. They suddenly become aware, if they have the courage to evaluate inwardly (not many

do) , that there is no longer an energy to their faith experience. Or they realize that their energy has been reallocated toward the pursuit of a career position or toward a hobby or recreational effort or toward some activity that appears more daring, more pleasurable, or more personally affirming. Once Christians got involved with alternatives to spiritual passion, Christian activity becomes dull and boring. They are either beset by guilt or numbed to spiritual sensitivities. First, as our eyes are drawn more and more to the events and data of the public world, the private world, the heart, becomes increasingly starved for attention and inner maintenance. (Slide) More time for activity means less time for devotion. Doing more for God may mean less time with God... . There is output but no input! (Slide) Our busyness become passionless. We are doing more and enjoying it less. Others cry, "I've gotten far away from God, and I can feel the results of my distance. I hate those I work with, I've fallen into destructive habits, and I've been crying my eyes out. I want to get close to God again." (slide) Have you ever felt as if you were growing cold toward the things of God? Your Christian life has been deteriorating, and your relationship with God feels cold and distant? I don't know where this sermon finds you today, but if you're feeling like a wanderer lost in a spiritual desert, God wants to take you to a better place. He wants to embrace you in His arms and restore your soul. He wants you to know that He's real and that He can give you renewed purpose and joy beyond measure. How might you restore that spiritual passion of earlier days? The following points are intended to give you a jump start toward restoring your spiritual passion. I. (slide) Recall - Do again the things you did at first. Recall what your life was like when you were really on fire for God. When the church at Ephesus lost its first love, Jesus counseled them to (slide) "Look how far you have fallen from your first love! Repent and do the things you did at first." Rev. 2:5 That counsel is still good today. Think back. What were the things you used to do when the whole experience of being saved by faith was fresh and new? Did you have early morning devotions? Did you participate in a small group Bible study: Did you regularly find ways to share your faith with others? Chances are good that you look back on those "first-love" experiences fondly. If you want to recapture the spark in your walk with God, do again the things you did at first. And don't use your busy schedule as an excuse not to act. Being "too busy" leads us into the spiritual doldrums faster than anything else does. I was reading the parable of the Ten foolish virgins .... Let me share it with you... (Slide)"The class represented by the foolish virgins are not hypocrites. They have a regard for the truth, they have advocated the truth, they are attracted to those who believe the truth; (slide) but they have not yielded themselves to the Holy Spirit's working. They have not fallen upon the Rock,

Christ Jesus, and permitted their old nature to be broken up... (Slide)the class represented by the foolish virgins have been content with a superficial work. They do not know God. They have not studied His character; they have not held communion with Him; therefore they do not know how to trust, how to look and live. Their service to God degenerates into a form." COL 411. (slide) "In the last days perilous times shall come: for men shall be lovers of their own selves; . . . lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof." 2 Tim. 3:1-5. II. (Slide) Repent confessing your sins and turning from them

Get out a sheet of paper and ask God to bring to your mind all the rivals that are presently stealing your affections, time, and energy from the Lord. Your list might include things like (slide) late-night television, fatigue, and hit-and-miss Bible study. Other list might include unhealthy relationships, substance abuse, or even one's job. Whatever the rivals are, list them and then confess them to God, asking Him to show you how to deal with each one. Don't be afraid to face your spiritual failures and call them by name. III. (Slide) Raise God praise God and lift him up

Praise is the secret weapon God has given every child of His with which to defeat the enemy. I love -what Paul Bilheimer said: (Slide) "Satan is allergic to praise, so where there is massive, triumphant praise, Satan is paralyzed, bound, and banished. (slide) " If the passion has gone out of your relationship with God, recapture the fire by harnessing the power of praise. God dwells where His name is praised." So if you're feeling lately that God has packed up and gone fishing, I suggest you take praise break. Need help getting started? Try praising God for His name, His righteousness, His infinite creation, and His word. Take five minutes and write down ten ways God has blessed you. Present your list to God in prayer, and get ready to experience a close encounter of the divine kind. IV. (Slide) Remember the Cross refocus on the center of your life.

It is shocking but true: Many of us no longer find the sacrifice made on Calvary emotionally moving. We've come to regard the Cross with the same nonchalance we feel toward a bowl of oatmeal. Christians hear the story of Jesus' death so frequently that we tend to zone out and pursue more mentally challenging truths of doctrine or prophecy. But it was at the cross that we fell in love with A God who loved us enough to die so that we might live. So, to regain the passion, prayerfully relive the scenes of Jesus' final week by reading and meditating on Matthew 21-28; Mar 11-16; Luke 19-23; and John 12-21. As you read these passages, ask yourself who, what , when , where , and why. (Slide) " It would be well for us to spend a thoughtful hour each day in contemplation of the life of Christ. We should take it point by point, and let the imagination grasp each scene, especially the closing ones. As we thus dwell upon His great sacrifice for us, our confidence in Him will be more constant, our love will be quickened, and we shall be more deeply imbued with His spirit. If we would

be saved at last, we must learn the lesson of penitence and humiliation at the foot of the cross. Desire of Ages 83.4 The more our thoughts are upon Christ, the more we shall speak of Him to others, and represent Him to the world. Write your answers in a notebook and watch the Holy Spirit bring home to you again the wonder of Calvary and of God's amazing grace. V. (Slide) Reclaim your Purpose.

Here's an important truth; If you don't know the purpose of a thing, you can only abuse it. If you don't know why you're a Christian., your relationship with Jesus Christ will suffer the abuse of neglect. There's more to being a Christian than going to church once a week, singing hymns, giving offerings, and doing an occasional good deed. We're here to be Christ's ambassadors and witnesses, sharing the good news that we've been forgiven and that Jesus is coming soon. Ask God to help you witness for Him again. You don't have to sell your possessions and head to the mission field. Simply offer to pray with someone, offer a God bless you! to your mail carrier or grocery-store clerk, or write a letter of encouragement to someone who is lost in the same spiritual desert you've been wandering in. The commission was not given to pastors alone but to every Christian: (Slide) "God calls not only for our gifts for the needy, but for our cheerful countenance, our hopeful words, our kindly handclasp. When Christ healed the sick, He laid His hands upon them. So should we come in close touch with those whom we seek to benefit. (Slide)There are many from whom hope has departed. Bring back the sunshine to them. Many have lost their courage. Speak to them words of cheer. Pray for them. There are those who need the bread of life. Read to them from the word of God. (slide) Upon many is a soul sickness which no earthly balm can reach nor physician heal. Pray for these souls, bring them to Jesus. Tell them that there is a balm in Gilead and a Physician there." COL 418 Conclusion: Now let's go back to the question posed earlier. (Slide) Where are you at these days with God? What are the passion-threatening conditions in your life. Are you experiencing the drained condition, the dried-out condition, the distorted condition, the devastated condition, the disillusioned condition, the defeated condition, disheartened condition. (Slide) What threatens your passion to know and serve our God. What occupies your time and thoughts? Into what do you most invest your heart and mind? What has your attention and devotion? If it is something other than the Lord, then you will forfeit the love, power, peace, joy, wisdom, and hope that He wants you to have. Friend, do not allow that to happen.

Whatever it is remember that yesterday's spiritual passion cannot be today's inner energy. Some of us here have foolishly relied on yesterday's spiritual experiences, rather than seek daily resupplies of grace. It is only through the love of God continually transferred to you and me that will enable us to live with full supplies of grace, a passion for God that never runs dry. And it is my prayer that your life will be a shining light for the Lord and that many will know Him because of the passion you exhibit for Him each and every day.

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