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Roles y responsabilidades de los sacerdotes de If, Olrs, y No-Sacerdotes (Cdigo de la conducta)

Los Sacerdocios Olwo: 1. La mayora reciben y poseen Od (el espritu), pero no todos. Los Sacerdotes de If que poseen Od se conocen especficamente como Bb Old y son los nicos que pueden iniciar a otros en If. 2. Realizan dafa con el uso del Ikin y del pl. 3. Pueden alimentar y realizar ebo a cualquiera de los Irnmol, rs, Egn, Brujas, etc... 4. Toman la responsabilidad de la ejecucin del dafa durante iniciaciones de If y rs para asegurarse de que todo sea hecho correctamente y trabajan mano a mano con los sacerdotes de rs en todas las iniciaciones. 5. Deben conocer todos los nombres de la alabanza de los Irnmol y rs y saber como saludarlos cada maana. 6. Deben conocer todos los tabes de los Irnmol y rs y conocer como cuidar de ellos. 7. Deben saber como realizar el Kosetaye y el Esnty. 8. Son los que dan a las personas su Od (Destino). 9. Deben ser capaces de consagrar y entregar cualquier Irnmol y rs a cualquier persona si se entrena correctamente. 10. Deben ser capaces de solucionar problemas de las personas con eficacia, ser lderes de la comunidad y ser modelos de conducta y carcter para todos. Babalwo: 1. Babalwo puede hacer todo lo que un Olwo excepto iniciar a otros en If porque no tienen posesin de Od. 2. Los dems roles y responsabilidades son las mismas que para un Olwo. Olrs: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Deben aprender todos los tabes y nombres de alabanza del rs en el que se inician. Deben saber alimentar, ofrecer ebo, y el cuidado de su rs. Deben saber como preparar y entregar su rs a otros. Deben saber iniciar otros en su rs. Deben saber saludar a su rs. Deben saber solucionar problemas a las personas con eficacia, ayudar a las personas en su comunidad, y ser modelos de conducta y carcter para los dems.

No Sacerdotes: 1. Deben aprender formas bsicas de comunicarse con los Irnmol, rs y Egn. 2. Deben ser iniciados en If (No como sacerdote) pero iniciado en If para recibir su Od (Destino) (Kosetaye / Esnty).

3. Deben rogar (alabar) cada maana antes de comenzar su da a Oldmar, Or, los Irnmol, los rs, y los Egn. 4. Deben actuar con buen carcter y ensear a sus hijos por igual. Cdigo de conducta para Sacerdotes y No-Sacerdotes Dentro de nuestra tradicin mostrar buen carcter es esencial pero Qu es buen carcter? En el fondo mostrar las cuatro reas del carcter que los Sacerdotes y los No-Sacerdotes necesitan mostrar en sus vidas 24/7. Recordar Hay consecuencias para quin actua sin carcter. s siempre est observando... Oldmar siempre est observando... Honradez: Segn If, la honradez significa pensar, hablar y actuar verdaderamente sin resentimientos, engaos o aspectos ocultos. Ser honestos tambin significa que somos capaces de reconocer nuestras limitaciones y tenemos el valor de aceptar nuestra culpabilidad o maldad, y la capacidad de rechazar recompensas cosechadas a travs del trabajo duro de otros. Bsicamente se debe tener mente abierta, ser racional y realista con usted mismo, los dems y con Oldmar. If dice que los seres humanos fueron enviados por Oldmar a este mundo para hacer el bien y nada ms y as es cmo los seres humanos sern juzgados. Paciencia: En If la paciencia significa perseverancia, resistencia y ecuanimidad. La perseverancia es la energa dedicada a mostrar preocupacin y cerrar la atencin en un trabajo o situacin que se hace difcil o agotador. La resistencia es la energa dedicada a soportar dolor o malestar sin quejarse. La ecuanimidad es la capacidad de esperar por algo tranquilamente durante mucho tiempo y la capacidad de controlarse cuando se est encolerizado, especialmente ante lentitud, torpeza, el absurdo o la insensatez. En If, el apresurar las cosas o buscar soluciones mgicas instantneas a cualquier problema est fuera de lugar. Uno debe ser siempre, paciente. Humildad: Un seguidor de If nunca debe comportarse como si todos sus logros en vida fueran producto solamente de su nico esfuerzo. Debe reconocer que todos sus logros estn influidos a travs de Oldmar y de las deidades. No se trajo ningn conocimiento o energa a este mundo del cielo. Todo el conocimiento que adquirimos lo hacemos a travs de la observacin formal, la imitacin y aprendiendo de los otros. Debido a esto no hay sitio para que ningn seguidor de If exhiba arrogancia o mire con desprecio a los dems. Nosotros, todos, aprendemos de los dems y nadie es autodidacta nada, este es el porqu la humildad es tan importante. Esperanzas: En If estar esperanzado significa tener la creencia que el maana ser mejor que hoy. La creencia que no importa que tan mal pueda estar la situacin actual, es apenas temporal y la situacin incmoda pronto se convertir en paz, alegra, ganancias y prosperidad. Los seguidores de If deben estar siempre esperanzados y pensar que el cielo es nuestra casa y el mundo slo es un mercado, debemos estar preparados siempre para enfrentar los obstculos en nuestra vida y aprender a superar todos los obstculos.

Fue el principio del tiempo y la fuente de todo lo que se decidi crear en la existencia. Otorga las direcciones en la vida, para ser sinceros, para hacer lo correcto y lograr el destino. dmr se recost y pens cmo crear ms cosas nuevas en su universo. Para realizar este propsito, dmr necesit de una fuerza intermediaria, pues necesitaba tambin una energa que estuviera en contacto directo con cualquier cosa viva e hiciera que sobreviviera. Por lo tanto, cre a Ogbon (la sabidura) y lo sostuvo en la palma de su mano donde podra vivir. Despus de un rato, dmr solt a Ogbon para que volara lejos y buscara un lugar conveniente para vivir. Cuando Ogbon no pudo encontrar un domicilio conveniente, vol de regreso zumbando como una abeja a dmr quin tom a Ogbon y se lo trag. De manera semejante, Imo (el conocimiento) y Oye (la comprensin) tambin fueron creados, que volvieron debido a la carencia de domicilios convenientes y fueron tragados por la misma razn. dmr entonces "se dumi", pero no en el sentido humano de la palabra: Aparentemente dormido pero despierto, Aparentemente inactivo pero vivo Eleiye (las brujas) movieron suavemente Sus alas contra mi cara Pregunt cul fue mi ofensa, dmr nunca estuvo inactivo. Despus de los miles de aos durante los cuales dmr fue molestado por el zumbido incesante de Ogbon, Imo y Oye, Decidi librarse de ellos para tener cierta paz. Entonces dmr les orden descender (ro) causando el sonido hoo. As los tres cuerpos divinos ahora conocidos como Hoo-ro u Oro fueron evacuados y comenzaron su descenso a la tierra. Como ellos eran fuerzas de vida del cielo cargados divinamente, su descenso estuvo acompaado por el rayo y el trueno. Toda la materia slida se derriti y se convirti como en jalea. Por un rato, Oro estuvo suspendido en el medio del aire como un huevo y no se derriti, pero entonces cay a la tierra (Il) y se parti (la). En el este nuevo estado, Oro es identificado como l (Otro nombre de alabanza a rnml), el Irnmol cuyas funciones estn en el complejo de adivinacin de If y es visto por los yoruba como la encarnacin de la sabidura, conocimiento y la comprensin en todas sus formas. l (dmr) estableci una proximidad protectora en s mismo. Muchos espritus eligieron separarse por su propia impaciencia, arrogancia y egosmo. Y quisieron ser ubicados en igual posicin que el Creador. l (dmr) decido apartarlos, y dejar a (l / rnml) la gua para asistir a aquellos que queran encontrar su verdadero camino en la vida.

l (dmr) declar que todos seran hijos de Odduw (otro Irnmol). Cre los dominios del juicio y las dificultades, los terrenos de las pruebas, donde uno es capaz de completar su destino resistiendo y conquistando las adversidades en la vida. Preguntaron, Quines son los hijos de Odduw? rsn wr Nosotros vamos a hacer las cosas con placer, aquellos que deseen irse pueden hacerlo, aquellos que deseen retirarse pueden hacerlo tambin; ciertamente los seres humanos han sido elegidos para llevar las cosas buenas a la tierra. El Omnisciente, el adivino de rnml, adivin y advirti a las personas curiosas que vinieron a hacerle ciertas preguntas. rnml fue aconsejado de sacrificar. l oy e hizo el trabajo. Luego, toda clase de gente como ladrones y malhechores, decidieron juntarse y pedir a rnml que los dejara tomar refugio en cielo porque estaban cansados de ir de un lado a otro en la tierra. Ellos preguntaron a rnml, quien les dijo que l no poda admitirlos ni a ellos ni a nadie hasta que no completaran su destino y hubiera obtenido una buena posicin, fue lo que Oldmar declar para todos. Preguntaron rnml cul es esa posicin? rnml dijo, para despojarlos a ustedes mismos de pensamientos malignos, antes que ellos puedan entenderlos a ustedes. Todos ellos transmiten ignorancia. rnml dijo, los siguientes son las direcciones, el conocimiento completo de todo, alegra constante; vivir sin miedo al enemigo o a cualquier confusin, sin el miedo de la enfermedad o de la muerte; prdida, brujos, hechiceros, peligro de fuego o cualquier forma de accidente; sin miedo a la pobreza. Uno debe aprender a no robar y crear malestar a los dueos o traer la deshonra a nuestra puerta y a la de Oldmar. Para frenar los hechos malvados, hay que regresar nuevamente a la oscuridad del mundo y realmente compensar para todos con lo que hagamos. Hasta que hagamos esto, la gente continuar viajando entre el cielo y la tierra. Ahora bien; los hijos de Odduw son los rboles, animales, insectos, seres humanos y todas las cosas en existencia. If es la gua para alcanzar nuestro destino. La comprensin de estar en armona y en balance con el creador. En el mundo no hay limitacin geogrfica para las verdades en la naturaleza. Y todos los pueblos indgenas del mundo conocan estas verdades. Entendan esto para mantener su existencia, todo debe estar en armona y respeto. De no ser as pues solamente traera desequilibrios, caos, confusin y eventualmente la destruccin o la muerte. If tiene las guas o posee la experiencia para asistirnos y mantener este equilibrio en la naturaleza, pero debemos tomar esa opcin. El creador dej estas guas para apoyar todas las cosas en la existencia. Y permiti a la encarnacin de rnml revelar estas directivas para todos en la vida. Quin es rnml? rnml fue el testigo a todas las elecciones del destino. Registr la decisin de cada espritu en su esfuerzo por tener un destino acertado. rnml fue la encarnacin espiritual de l quien estuvo con junto al creador durante la creacin.

rsn s Ekuro orita meta Hizo adivinacin para rnml En el da l iba a elegir su Or en la antigua ciudad de Ido Y entonces seleccion su carcter en el mercado de Ejibgomekun, El fue avisado de realizar sacrificio. Cuando rnml arrib a la ciudad de Ido El seleccion su Ori Pero en el da que uno elige su Or Uno no debe ir al mercado y elegir un carcter. Si uno elige un Or este ao, el ao prximo debe ir al mercado de Ejibgomekun a elegir su carcter. rnml obedecido y eligi su carcter el ao prximo. Pero el hombre no escuchara este consejo al elegir su Or y carcter. rnml le dijo, "se paciente y el da que usted elija su Or, no vaya al mercado porque si uno decide o intenta elegir a los dos juntos (Or y Carcter) terminars perdiendo los dos. Durante la prxima estacin, tu puedes volver al mercado y elegir tu carcter." Todo lo que es bueno en vida como tener abundancia, esposas, hijos, una casa, buena salud, larga vida es a lo que nos referimos como "carcter". La vida satisface a rnml Y la vida favorecer a los seres humanos. rnml estuvo bailando y regocijndose l fue elogiado por su Babalwo Su Babalwo elogiaba a If l dijo que era pues como su Babalwo haba dicho. Ekuro ort meta Hizo adivinacin para rnml El dia que se diriga a elegir su Ori en el cielo Y a elegir su carcter en el mundo. Es l quien tiene buen carcter. Los que eligieron solamente Or no tienen buen carcter. Es solamente l quien tiene buen carcter.

Who is l?
Los nombres rnml y l se utilizan a veces alternativamente, aunque se piensa que l es una deidad separada por mritos propios dentro del sistema de adivinacin de If. l se convirti en la primera fuente autorizada reconocida para comunicar y explicar la naturaleza de dmr y de todas sus creaciones. Por lo tanto If confirma: Quin fue el primero en hablar? l fue el primero en hablar. Quin fue el primero en comunicarse? l fue el primero en comunicarse.

Quin es l? Fue el Hoo que descendi Que llamamos l? La deidad cuya funcin en el complejo de adivinacin de If se ve como la encarnacin de la sabidura, el conocimiento y la comprensin en todas sus formas. Es con esta presencia que s se manifesto, subordinandose a l en las cuatro esquinas del universo, s el que hace que todas las cosas se revelen, el probador del carcter. Alabalase, Olopa run. Trajo sucesivamente a los Ajogun para desafiar la complacencia personal de los habitantes del mundo. Constantemente se prueban a los que vengan a este mundo. s el trabajador de la mente, las influencia a las personas con las consecuencias y la importancia de las opciones que deben ser hechas.

Quin o qu es s?
s s, Bb Als, s, mensajero divino, Padre poderoso Ki nnkan m se omo mi Protege a mis hijos contra fuerzas malvadas Ki nnkan m se aya mi Proteja a mi esposa contra fuerzas malvadas ti mi n Y protjame tambin M se mi lu niyn, m se nyn lu mi s, no me tiente contra las personas; no tiente a las personas en mi contra Ln ow, ln omo kn mi o Permtame tener dinero e hijos s m se m, omo elmrn ni o se s, no me tiente o tiente a otros para cometer crmenes Asro lgo aktpe lgb El nico que tiene un garrote fuerte, el nico que tiene un garrote pesado lrn m j ki ar j s o Dios, protjame de la clera de s s es una divinidad importantsima en el orden de los "Irunmole". s es el cerebro detrs de todas las cosas en nuestra vida. A esta deidad le fue dado el ase de la manifestacin, nada puede suceder en la vida sin el consentimiento o la aprobacin de s. Esta es una de las razones por la que todos los sacrificios son dados a s primero. s no slo es el guardin de la fuerza vital en la vida, l es la fuerza vital.

El emblema o representacin de s se hace de arcilla y puede ser a veces una roca que se le llama yangi. La historia cuenta que le rnml pidi prestado su Ori a s y ste ayud a rnml para que se hiciera famoso. Cuando s pidi que su Ori le fuera devuelto, rnml le dio el yangi. s entonces hizo que rnml lo pusiera fuera para ser adorado. s ser encontrado en muchas confrontaciones con otros Irunmole y rs. Sang por ejemplo asegur una vez que l podra derrotar cualquier Irunmole o rs en batalla. s enfrent a Sang por causa de eso. Lucharon, pero cada vez que Sang golpeaba a s, l se divida en varios pedazos y poco a poco lo fue superando hasta vencerlo. s permiti que los Irunmole y los rs hicieran conciencia de las opciones y oportunidades en sus vidas, cosa que l contina haciendo para nosotros los humanos. s ha estado trabajando conjuntamente con rnml desde el principio, (rnml que es conocido como testigo a la creacin). s es encargado del "Ase" o de la facultad de hacer que las cosas sucedan. l fue una de las fuerzas en la creacin que dio existencia o ser. Muchos sienten hoy que sta es la energa que crea la confusin y bloqueos, que es contra lo que tropiezan nuestros esfuerzos. Esto no es as! s tiene muchas manifestaciones y todos somos responsables de nuestras elecciones junto con otra divinidad que camina junto a nosotros, llamada Ori. Ori nos da la voluntad (habilidad libre para elegir que hacer en nuestra vida). s es la esencia de la "opcin". s viene a nuestras vidas a presentarnos opciones de modo que podamos ir eligiendo de que manera alcanzar nuestros destinos. BARA SW YO, OMO YLW()N Fuerza vital que aparece lejana e inmensa; Nio que separa, reparte y divide los caminos K MM KN IRAWO E No rompa la mejor estera de los iniciados O BARA W YO EKE E S DR OMO YLWNA Fuerza vital que viene a entregarnos su garabato s, hacedor de milagros, nio que separa, reparte y divide los caminos K MM KN IRAWO E No rompa la mejor estera de los iniciados. GO ELEGB BUKNK Permiso al dueo de la fuerza vital. El servidor jorobado. GO LROY BUKNK Permiso al el dueo de la locuacidad. Segn lo mencionado anteriormente, s trabaja con rnml y se conoci por los Awo en el Odu Ose-Tura, como el Hacedor de Milagros. Cuando los sacrificios se dan a rnml, s debe recibir su parte. s es el primero que debe observar a los que ofrezcan sacrificio y el ser el primer testigo para los que no lo hagan. Mucha gente reconoce a s por la dialctica entre los colores rojo y negro. Hay una historia (Oriki) que cuenta de dos amigos que hicieron enemigos debido a una diferencia de su perspectiva del sobre el carcter de s. Finalmente, vinieron entender que cada cual estaba estaba en la correcta comprensin para reconocer papel de s. Ambos individuos tenan razn.

s es "Olopa Orun" o el polica de los cielos, el que informa todo a rnml. s ve a rnml como su padre, as que s lo respeta mucho, pero a veces le causa conflictos a su propio padre. s es una fuerza que cuenta con el respeto de todos los Irunmole y los rs. s es Onisegun, Bb Elenini, el Capitn de los Ajguns (Obstculos en este mundo). Estas entidades son las encargadas de influenciarnos para cambiar la direccin de nuestras vidas. Los Ajguns se ubican en el universo para consolidar el carcter de todos los que vengan a este mundo y ayudarlos a alcanzar sus destinos, los sacrificios tiene que ser hechos para apaciguar a s, el que hace que sucedan las cosas. Los Ajguns, tambin mal entendidos, se apaciguan con sacrificios. s, no me influencie a mi o a otros a hacer el mal" "Fue usted quin influenci a un Oba que despus fue depuesto" "Fue usted quin influenci a una esposa que se divorci a su marido y luego l se colg del arbusto" "Fue usted quin influenci al rbol en la selva que fue destruida ms adelante por el fuego" "Fue usted quin influenci al humano que despus de dominar con encantamientos se rebelaron contra l enojados" "s, por favor no me influencie a mi o a otros" "Usted tent a un ser humano y se suicid colgndose" "Usted tent a un ser humano y se suicid ahogndose" "Usted tent a un ser humano y se suicid rajando su estmago" "s, no me influencie" Existen muchos lugares y formas de brindar sacrificios a s y quisiera compartir algunos de ellos: 1. IDI S: Es el cual se da directamente en el trono de s. 2. ORITA META: La encrucijada, consumido por Oro o el espritu de s. 3. EGBA ONA: Orilla de los caminos, tomado por el espritu de los caminos (s). 4. INU OKE: En una granja, tomado otra vez por Oro. 5. ETI ODE: En el banco del ro. 6. EHINKUNLE: En el patio trasero. 7. ETTINBODE: Afueras, por la puerta o en la entrada principal de una ciudad. 8. S IGBO: Varios rboles: Ide Ireye, Iroko, Oriro, Apa, Ope, Ahun, etc. 9. ETI OKUN: En el ocano, tomado por Oro Okun. 10. INU OKUN: En el ocano, tomado por Oro Okun Inu. 11. OKE: La cima de las colinas, tomado por Ajalaiye Oriki a s OSE-TURA: Se reconoce por los Babalawos como la fuerza de la existencia, el constructor de maravillas. S EBITA: la fuerza de la creacin, el que estaba en la creacin. S ODARA: el constructor de maravillas, el que manifiesta abundancia y la opcin correcta. La bendicin de los Irunmole, que todas las cosas den frutos en el universo. S ELEGBA: El tramposo. ABIMO-TUNMOBE: Uno que empuja y empuja al hombre. S BELEKE: El que rene a la multitud y la prepara para la alegra o el dolor. SONSO ABE: El cuchillo punzante.

O BU KENKE: Dueo de la fuerza vital. ALAGBANA: Anciano respetado de los caminos. ALAROYE: Dueo de los ttulos de poder LATOPA: Provocador que une las cosas. OLONA: Dueo de los caminos. AYANDA: El que est elegido para ser creado. ONIBODE: El portero.

Todas las alabanzas a Oldmar por la sabidura y los consejos de los antepasados! Lo que se le sacrifica a s: aves, palomas, pescados, ratas, a veces cerdo, y cabras masculinas. Man, caa de azcar y la miel tambin se ofrecen a s. El pedir la proteccin contra fuerzas malvadas y no ser tentado a hacer mal es tema principal en las ceremonias a s. Aquellos que son posedos por s no se sacuden, ni tiemblan, pero se hacen ms fuertes de lo habitual y pueden tener que llegar ser sujetado por otros adoradores. Como tal, la persona montada, puede aspirar la sangre de un gallo y prever el futuro para aquellos que participan en la ceremonia. Bata es el tambor principal usado en las ceremonias junto con el tambor hablador (dun dun) y el gangan. El sekere tambin se utiliza a veces. La adivinacion para s puede hacerse con el Orugbo o el ame cortado en 2 pedazos. Nosotros utilizamos Agbon o coco para comunicarnos con l a travs de Egun. CANTO DE IFA PARA SALUDAR Y PARA APACIGUAR A S Ogunda l'awo Alagba" Iwori l'awo Alupese Ogun ti a l'Agba lu'pese si Ogun kuro ni ogun ayoda ogun d'ogun l'owo oba A difa fun omokunrin dudu ita E duro e ki s Eni duro ki s s ni yo tun tiwon se E duro, e ki s Ogunda fue el adivino del tambor Agba (Barril) Iwori es el adivino del tambor de Ipese Una guerra inminente est anunciada entre el Barril e Ipese No ser una guerra secreta La guerra le sienta bien al rey de la guerra Fue lo profetizado para el hombre negro de las afueras Detente a saludar a s (pagale con respetos a s) Aquellos que se detienen a saludar a s s los recompensar Detente a saludar a s

OGUNDA IWORI Canciones al Irunmole Elegba: Lder: (1) Iba Orisa iba la de o, ase mojuba Doy alabanzas a la coronacin del Orisa, Ase, doy alabanza (repetir) (2) Iba Orisa iba la de o, ase mojuba Doy alabanzas a la coronacin del Orisa, Ase, doy alabanza (repetir) (1) Ibarago mojuba, Ibarago ago mojuba, Homenaje al dueo del garrote. Permtame pagar con mi homenaje. Omode ko nikosi bara ago, ago mojuba, Elegba slona El nio que ensea la manera de pagar homenaje, permiso, pago mi homenaje al dueo de la fuerza vital (repetir) (1) s O Elegbara E s es el dueo de la fuerza vital (1) s O Elegbara E s es el dueo de la fuerza vital Elegba ni moforibale, Elegba Ago Dueo de la fuerza toco con mi cabeza la tierra, dueo de la fuerza permtame adelantarme (repeticin) (1) Ago Elegba, bukenke Permiso al dueo de la fuerza. Quin es pequeo y provocativo. Ago Laroye bukenke Permiso al dueo de la locuacidad. Quin es pequeo y provocativo (repetir). (2) Ago Elegba, bukenke Permiso al dueo de la fuerza vital. El servidor jorobado Ago Laroye bukenke Permiso al dueo de la locuacidad (repetir) (1) Iba Orisa iba la de o, ase mojuba Doy la alabanza a la coronacin del Orisa, Ase, doy alabanza (repeticin) (2) Iba Orisa iba la de o, ase mojuba Doy la alabanza a la coronacin del Orisa, Ase, doy alabanza (repeticin) (3) Iba Orisa iba la de o, ase mojuba Doy la alabanza a la coronacin del Orisa, Ase, doy alabanza (repeticin) Detenerse y empezar nueva cancin Eeehh es un medio de llamar la atencin para iniciar la cancin siguiente (1) Elegba o, Elegba nso nyanga Dueo de la fuerza vital, El que habla presumido. Elegba o, Elegba nso nyanga Dueo de la fuerza vital, El que habla presumido. Alaroye mo da ki o Dueo de las comunicaciones, Yo slo le saludo (r) Elegba nso nyanga

Dueo de las fuerzas vitales, de la vanidad s lawana mo da ki o Dueo de la locuacidad, Yo slo le saludo (r) Elegba nso nyanga Dueo de las fuerzas vitales, de la vanidad Alaroye mo da ki o Dueo de las comunicaciones, Yo slo le saludo (r) Elegba nso nyanga Dueo de las fuerzas vitales, de la vanidad

Quin o qu es gn?
gn, eran re re o gn, aqu est su perro del festival. Ma pa o No nos dae. Gb w lw ik Mantenganos seguros de la muerte. Ma j kmo d r ewu ok No permita que los jvenes tengan accidentes. Ma j kgb r asn No permita que los ancianos sufran enfermedades Ma j kboyn so oyn n No permita que las mujeres tengan abortos. Ma j kde ri gbk No permita que el cazador sea asesinado. J k laf Permtanos tener paz. Con un movimietno rpido de su machete, el jefe arranc la cabeza de su cuerpo al perro. La cabeza se ata entre pencas de palma en el tronco de un rbol de modo que la sangre pueda gotear sobre la piedra de gn. gn J!!!! gn es el que abre cualquier iniciacin y se le asigna la tarea de preparar nuevos acontecimientos. El abri el camino para que los Irnmol llegaran a la casa de los espritus (Iwonron) preparo la apertura para los habitantes de este mundo (Il Aye). Gran guerrero y rey compasivo, gn Onr. Oldmar le envi para preparar el camino para que los Irnmol vinieran al mundo (Il Aye). El fue quien organiz las bases del mundo (Aye) para todos los que vinieron, pero fue distrado por s porque l no hizo los sacrificios necesarios para terminar esta tarea. Cuando l arrib a Aye con sus seguidores, no tenan nada comer, comenzaron a comer madera, palos, pero despus de algunos das ya no podran llenar sus estmagos as que mucho los abandonaron y gn tuvo que guiarlos nuevamente de regreso al cielo. gn, Irnmol de la guerra, de la caza. El hierro y el acero se utiliza para representar la fuerza de esta deidad que puede ser muy poderoso o cruel. gn es quien le sigue a s en grado de energa y busca la justicia y la realizacin del destino. Tambin lo asocian a Or, la deidad de las opciones o elecciones.

El hace que nos decidamos, despus que los caminos estn abiertos, cual de ellos el desea que tomemos. Muchos todava hacen pactos o juramentos en nombre de este Irnmol lavando un cuchillo o un pedazo de hierro en agua y hojas de palma y luego beben el agua o besando el hierro, pidiendo a gn atestige el juramento. Desafortunados los que rompen el juramento con el Irnmol gn. Siento que ms de nuestros sacerdotes deben hacer el juramento con gn para desarrollar w Rere, en vez de engordar su cartera, en su servicio a la comunidad. Esto los detendr en su andar si atraviezan la lnea. gn J!!!! Si un juramento se rompe Ogun puede castigar al ofensor hacindolo enfermar o matndolo y existen muchos implementos de hierro en el mundo de hoy, toda la esencia de Baba. Los emblemas de gn son cualquier objeto hecho de hierro o acero rodeado con peregun; planta o pencas de palma, mariwo. ste es otro Irnmol que vive fuera del hogar, en la mayora de los casos (debido a las condiciones aqu en el mundo occidental, la mayora de los altares se colocan dentro, al lado de s.) gn es un amigo cercano de rnml. Y tambin muy cercano a ss, su hermano, dondequiera que este uno, l otro est cerca. Una vez gn realiz un viaje, el tom a lo largo de d, una de las esposas de rnml. Cuando rnml oy hablar de esto, l hizo imposible para siempre que gn viviera dentro de una casa. Es tambin por eso que ni uno ni otro, d (el rs) o d (aceite de nuez de palma) se tiene siempre cerca de rnml. El dominio de gn est en el bosque o en las reas poco pobladas donde a l le gusta estar, sin el bullicio de la humanidad. Ork El da que gn baj de la cima de la montaa, l usaba un vestido rojo; l usaba ropas llenas de sangre, haba hecho a muchos hombres quemarse su propio pene (circuncisin). El provoc que muchas mujeres se rajaran y quemarn su propia vagina. El dueo de todo el hierro, el que picaramente se muerde en varios lugares cuando se excita o enoja. Que el fuego que conduce a ladrones lejos y cambia el color del hierro y devora a los dbiles, no me dae. Lo pusieron en una envoltura, l destruy la envoltura. Lo pusieron en una vaina, l arruin la vaina. Llevamos a gn al ro, y dividi el ro en dos mitades iguales (gnd Mj) El temido que asusta a su vecinos gn Ogboro come perros y le damos perros. gn Onire bebe sangre; Molamola come ekuru (pudn) gn el que controla la cuchilla que se alimenta del aire gn el que controla a los que cincuncisa para alimentar a los caracoles gn el que controla alos talladores que se alimentan de la madera. Oh! Soy temeroso de gn. gn el que tiene el poder de salvar a los nios Slveme. gn the powerful one of the earth, great one of the world gn the extremely powerful one, one great enough to advertise death The one who meets people on the road and refuses to give way. The great one under whom many people look for protection not fearing any misfortune. The evil genius.

We took him to the right and he spoiled the right We took him to the left and he spoiled the left He who killed the water creature on the river bank to cause a quarrel between the crabs and fishes gn do not kill me gn, I hail you. The one who keeps death in his house, the one who has palm leaves in his abode. The one who controls wealth, the worship of whom is more profitable than farming The one who has a mansion in heaven gn do not tempt me to do crimes against others and do not tempt others to do crimes against me. gn the powerful one of the abode of spirit (Iwonron) and the world (Ile Aye). gns clothing is tender palm leaves; gn took others clothes to cover himself. gn, do not let me see you during difficult times when you are angry. The one who keeps death in his house, do not let me see you in a bad mood. se. One of the most popular stories is the relationship between gn and sun and how she led him out of the forest so that he would defend the people of his kingdom. gn is the divinity that is seen in the bible when they tell the story about the Passover. It was his vengeance that came into the town to destroy the wicked and unfaithful. There is also a story when he came out of the forest and the people were drinking palm wine and because of his thirst he asked them for some. Seeing a keg standing upright gn went to get a drink, but the people had already consumed all of the wine and this made gn angry. He began to cut the heads off of everyone he saw. He passed over only those that had offered him epo/palm oil. This is why when one is finished drinking from any type of bottle or container they place it on its side, which signifies a sign of respect to gn. After this destruction, he stuck his cutlass into the ground and went to his mansion in heaven and vowed only to come to assist his children during times when justice was needed. His foods are: dog, cocks, pigeons, snails, eggs, chalk, camwood, black and white thread, kola nuts, yams, plantain, palm wine, and palm oil. gn is the patron to all hunters and they give sacrifice before and after all hunts. gns sexual power is well known and deals much with how circumcision and excision came to be. God put gn and a woman, Olr, on earth, but gn wanted to travel there alone. She set out and came to a large tree that had fallen across the path. She returned to Olrun and asked him to have gn cut the tree. While he was chopping the tree, Olr was sitting nearby with her legs apart. A piece of wood flew up and accidentally lodged in her vagina. When the path was cleared, she continued on her way but the wood caused so much pain that she returned to Olrun and asked that it be removed. gn asked if she would marry him and she accepted. If he had been more patient, it would have been women who asked men to marry them. gn removed the wood. A scar remained and

this was the origin of excision... gn then had sex with her, but because his sperm did not come out quickly enough, he cut the foreskin of his penis and this was the origin of circumcision. gns actions show his impatience and He is like the double edge sword, when out of control, He can cause much destruction, but when needed to support His children, He is caring and protective. Always on the edge between control and anger, gn must always be approached with caution and respect. GN (1) gn d re ()r ,il gbogbo lgn w gn, title-holder of r, has arrived. He is in all houses. gn w nl gn w ln gn is in the home. gn is on the road. Il gbogbo lgn iy He is in all houses of the world. (2) Aw nl (this is the call for the song) We come into the house. Aw nl (this is the call for the song) We come into the house. Aw nl o, gn mrw. We come to occupy the house of gn. Aw nl o, gn mrw. gn fml We come to occupy the house of gn of the palm fronds. gn the destroyer who builds houses. Onl abe r mrw gn d Bb. Owner of the house, razor that cuts palm fronds gn arrives, The (3) Bemb a s lo, a s lo, a s lo bemb He is cutting of heads. We run away, we run away. Lord/Father

Bemb a s lo He is cutting of heads. We run away A s lo, a s lo bemb We run away, we run away. He is cutting of heads (4) gn meji a, meji, meji Ah, two gn! Ah, two by two!

The Irnmol and rs with a short description of Or What are Irnmol and rs?
The Irnmol our known as the primordials. These were the first beings given specific tasks to complete by Oldmar and it's also important to know that the Irnmol are not human beings. They are pure spirit/energy. Each Irnmol was assigned a specific duty by Oldmar and should not be considered gods. Remember, there is only one creator and the Irnmol are Its' assistants/manifestations of IT. Important Note: All the rs were once Irnmol but because these spirits decided to manifest into physical form and they completed their destinies and left a legacy for others to follow here in the world, they were revered and elevated by other human beings as rs when they returned back to their spirit form. Some of the Irnmol kept their same name while here in the world as humans and others did not. So as to not cause too much confusion we will just name all these spirits rs for now but as one begins to study more as a priest, more clarity will be given on exactly what is an Irnmol.
The rs are our "Elevated ancestors, the crowned ones, those "human beings" who completed their destinies, were elevated by their community, and now serve as role models for all of us so that we may do the same. The rs just like the Irnmol are not gods! There is only one God and its' name is Olrun, Eld, Oldmar, Akamara, just to give a few names for the creator. At the bottom we will list some of the character attributes of various rs. It is important to note, that the rs were not perfect and made many mistakes. Our job is to learn from both the good and bad choices they made, so that we may complete our destinies and be rewarded for our efforts and be sent to Ogba-Itero (The abode of complete peace and paradise). Before going into the attributes of the rs, I feel it is very important to discuss "Or" first, because "Or" is our main support while here in Aye. Even the Irnmol and rs depended on their Or to accomplish their tasks and assignments. Or is our main support and guide while here in Aye/the world and Or is not an rs; Or is its' own entity which is comprised of your own Destiny and Character/It's your spirit, your own head (physical and spiritual). It its that which allows us to make choices through our own free will. Or is also connected/combined with our spiritual double known as "Enikeji". Our Enikeji is that part of us that remains in Iwonron to remind us of our

chosen destiny and what we should and shouldnt be doing while here in Aye. It's that little voice in our head telling us what's best for us. Or should be worshipped first before any Irnmol and rs because all thoughts start within our own minds/heads and if are heads our focused, then so will our lives. The Irnmol and rs are there for the times our heads become detached (Modakeke). Basically, when we're not thinking correctly. Therefore, before seeking the assistance of any of the Irnmol or rs use your own head first to solve your problems (Use your Or). Song taught to me by Chief Solagbade Popoola about Or: Or eni la wure eni O Or eni la wure eni moji lowuro mufi owo muri Or eni la wure eni Translation: Ones' Or is ones' charm for all successes Ones' Or is ones' charm for all successes I wake up in the morning and I hold my head Ones' Or is ones' charm for all successes Important note: Traditionally there is no such thing as having a guardian rs. As taught to me by my elders, Or is ones' guardian in life and all the Irnmol /rs support us/support our Or depending on what's happening in our lives at the time. In other words, we are supported by all the Irnmol /rs and not just one or two. I felt this was important to state because traditionally if you are born into a household/lineage that worships gn for example, it is expected that you will be initiated into gn as well. There is no such thing as doing a guardian rs reading first to see who owns your head because traditionally it is believed that you are the owner of your own head/Or is you and you are it. Traditionally you simply follow in the footsteps of your lineage and become a priest of whatever rs that your lineage worships.

rnml: rs
Character Attributes: rnml represents and stresses people to use and seek Imo/knowledge, Oye/understanding, and Ogbon/wisdom in order to maintain a life of w Pl/Balanced Character. rnml is the rs who brought If, the laws of Oldmar, into this world. rnml is known as "Eleri ipin ibikeji Oldmar/witness to all choice of destiny second only to God", which means he is the head of all the rs. Although not the oldest of the rs, he was elected to be the leader because of his vast knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. rnml was also there when we decided our destinies and will know when we leave Aye, if we've completed those destinies or not. rnml has many names for he has manifested itself throughout the world to various peoples to teach and spread the word of Oldmar. In nature rnml is resprented by the Ikin or palm nuts. The rat is also another representation of rnml. Song taught to me by Chief Solagbade Popoola for rnml: Bi mo duro, ti mo sure Bi mo bere, ti mo sure Bi mo kunle, ti mo sure Bi mo joko O, ti mo sure Ire ti mo su, Ifa ti gbo

If I stand up and pray even if I bend down and pray even if I kneel down to pray and even if I sit down to pray All my prayers will be heard by If.

s: rs
Character Attributes: Eshu represents and stresses making appropriate choices in ones' life, thinking before acting, being decisive but patient, being creative, being able to see the different sides of a situation, following through once a decision is made, learning from our choices, taking responsibity for our choices, etc... Eshu is involved in every aspect of our lives. Because of this, the list could go on and on over what Eshu stresses and represents. To go a little further however... s is the essence of cause and effect/choice and consequence. When we make choices with our Or, s gives us the consequences for those choices. s is the owner of all se/Force. s is the owner of all the Ajogun/Obstacles in life and through the Ajogun, we learn what we should and shouldn't be doing. s is the best teacher anyone could have! In nature, s is represented by all stones which in Yorb are called Yang.

gn: rs
Character Attributes: gn represents and stresses patience, hard work, discipline, dedication, perseverance, justice, level headedness, structure, and creativity. gn also represents Mayhem and Chaos. Destruction and death are a result of not respecting and humbling oneself when working with gn's tools. Hence, gn also teaches respect and humility. gn is also the patron of Hunters and Warriors and is known as the Path Opener. Once a person makes a choice to do something, gn is the force that supports you in accomplishing that choice. In nature gn is represented by all things made of iron, steel, basically all metals. Mariwo/palm fronds and peregun/another type of plant are also representative of gn.

Obtl: rs
Character Attributes: Obtl represents and stresses morality, purity, clarity, patience, humility, respect for self and others especially elders, monogamy, and creativity. Obtl also reminds us that all of us have taboos/natural laws that we must follow in order to keep our lives as balanced as possible and so that we may complete the tasks assigned to us. In nature Obtl is represented by the mountains, the snail, and the elephant just to name a few. It should also be known that Obtl was assigned the task of bringing Morality into the world and shaping human beings amongst other important duties.

sn: rs
Character Attributes: sn represents and stresses compassion, joy, love, happiness, endurance/perseverance, procreation, and prosperity. sn also teaches us that we must not always act on feeling alone. Just because something feels good doesn't mean it's necessarily good for us. sn also represents Od/life. In nature sn is represented most importantly by the river and the forest and all things sweet.

Sng: rs
Character Attributes: Sng represents and stresses truth, righteousness, morality, justice, courage, strategy, versatility, flexibility, passion, and leadership. Sng also teaches us to always act and think with a cool head.

Never make decisions while your emotions are running wild. Sng also warns against being arrogant. In nature Sng is represented by lightning and fire.

Yemoja: rs
Character Attributes: Yemoja represents and stresses keeping up with ones' responsibilities and duties, being caring and nurturing to all people especially the children, and being stearn and strict when need be. She also represents the process of regeneration and is the gate keeper to Aye. Yemoja also shows us that we all need to be teachers and role models to everyone. In nature Yemoja is known and related to all the fishes for which she is the mother.

Oya: rs
Character Attributes: Oya represents and stresses compassion, sincerity, dedication, and loyalty. Oya also stresses remaining level headed and being a good leader. Oya is in charge of protecting the Egn/Ancestors. In nature Oya is represented by the wind, tornado, hurricane, whirl wind (all winds). Oya is also sometimes known as the Buffalo woman and is represented by the head of a buffalo. She was also Sng's wife.

Il Tutu/Olode/Spnn/Obaluaiye: rs
Character Attributes: Obaluaye stresses Good Character just as the other rs do but has a very specific way of giving consequences for lack of good character/good choices. Being the Orisa that represents sickness, disease, pestilence (All forms of contagious disease), Obaluaye, while working always with Eshu, brings about these consequences to those who make unhealthy, unwise, and inappropriate choices in their lives. One must stop to think about how many sicknesses and diseases exist in the world today because of not caring for and working in balance with our environment and each other. Eshu and Obaluaye are only bringing about the consequences for the actions and decisions we've made concerning our environment and each other but also think of all the sexually transmitted diseases that exist which is a result of being unfaithful, lying, cheating, being promiscuous, and not respecting each other as the family we are. Important to note: The specific title name of "Spnn" is a very respected name of Obaluaye and is seldom said out loud. The reason for this is to show respect for what this rs represents within the meaning of this name. Note: As time passes we will add more rs to this list and expand on the attributes of each of them. It's good to notice that after studying the character attributes of the rs one begins to see many similarities between their character and what allowed them to complete their destinies. It's something all of us should strive for!!!

The Four Principles Our temple is founded on the following four principles
*se de Owo Baba: All power is in the hands of the Creator.

This principle teaches us that we must be humble in everything we say, do, or think. There is no person or creature in existence that has full power over any situation other than Oldmar itself. If one thinks about it, there is nothing a person can do on their own without some type of assistance from someone or something else. In order to simply stay alive we need the animals, plants, insects, trees, birds, etc... By being humble we maintain the balance that is necessary for all of Oldmars creations to survive and live in peace.
*Suuru ni Bb w: Patience is the father of character. This principle speaks of taking the time to think about everything we say or do before acting. Before doing or saying anything one must always think about the possible ramifications of ones' actions so as to not negatively affect oneself or another. *Otito O'dodo: Speak truth and do good. For us at the temple If is the truth. Through If Oldmar gives us the guidelines to live in complete harmony with everything in existence. If teaches us what is good and what exactly is truth. Living in a world full of illusions that we ourselves create, it is sometimes difficult to discern what is good and what exactly is truth. While visiting an elder here in California, he told us a story about one of his trips to Nigeria. He told us that before coming back to the United States, he asked one of the Babalwo he was studying with, what he should tell those who practice If in the Diaspora. The Babalwo responded by saying," Tell them to please call the color red and the color black". *Oldmar ni Idajo: Judgment is in the hands of God. This principle teaches us that out of the many duties that all of us have while here in Aiye, Judging others is not one of them. Judgment is left to Oldmar itself. All of us have tasks and duties to accomplish while here. Let's not waist our own time gossiping and talking about others, trying to force others to believe what we believe, or judging others for mistakes done. Let's learn from our mistakes and focus on the work needed to bring balance into our lives. Instead of telling someone how they should act and behave, SHOW THEM AND LEAD THROUGH EXAMPLE!!! ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS!!!

Taboos or Ewo are a very important aspect of the Ifa Tradition. They are given to all individuals and humans as a whole to help us complete our destinies/develop our character. In this section we will discuss what Ewo are and how they impact us as a whole and as inviduals.

What are Taboos/Ewo?

Ewo/Taboos are violations of natural law. Everything that exists within the If Tradition is based on balance and living according to nature's laws. All taboos help us work in balance with each other and with our environment so that all of Oldmars creations can live in harmony and continue to grow. When Ewo are not followed some of the consequences include: calamity, imbalance, sickness, loss, fights/disputes, sadness, depression, loss of life, etc... This is why following ones' taboos is so important. Below are a list of Taboos that are for all humanity.

Taboo/Ewo for all Peoples

Ewo/Taboos that are for everyone include: Being dishonest, not being righteous, being arrogant, being impatient, being selfish, being greedy, gossiping, slandering, not respecting others, judging, destroying nature/disrespecting all of Oldmars creations, etc... Being Moral is very important within the If Tradition and when one acts without morals one is in violation of taboo. One cannot complete ones' destiny if taboos are constantly being broken. Our lives would be so much easier if we would just follow our moral taboos. By following these taboos, we can find peace of mind, happiness, joy, true wealth, love, balance, strength, confidence, and most importantly achievement of destiny and w Pl. Remember... Moral taboos are for everyone and if these are broken it's the same consequence as if you broke an individual taboo for let's say... not drinking liquor.

Individual Taboos/Ewo
Ewo/Taboos that are for individuals work the same as the taboos that are for everyone but are more specific to the individual receiving them. Some examples of specific taboos for people could be: not digging holes, not wearing certain colored clothing, not eating certain foods or drinks, not climbing latters, etc... These are given in cases where these actions may cause extreme health/physical or spiritual problems that may lead to early death. If knows everything past, present, and future and warns those who receive their destiny what to be careful with during their time here in Il Aye so that they can complete their destinies with as little difficulty as possible.

The Cosmology as taught to us by our elders in Nigeria.

*Olrun: The source of all things, the alpha and the omega, that which created itself, the all encompassing it, the creator. (Title name for God) *l: Witness to creation, represents Olruns creativity, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom (l and rnml are one in the same) *Irnmol: The primordial spirits/Lieutenants of God. These Irnmol consist of four hundred which live permanently in run with God. They never leave run. Iwonron/Abode of Spirit *Eld: all spirit/energy unconditioned by matter. (Title name for God) *Or: Ones' main support in order to achieve ones' destiny/one's main guardian in life. Or is also not an Irnmol or rs, it is it's own entity and is the extension of God within all living things. Note: Although I have placed Or here (In Iwonron) remember Or is our connection to God itself and exists at all levels. *Irnmol: The primordial spirits/Lieutenants of God. These Irnmol consist of 401 that constantly move from run to Iwonron and to Il Aye.

Note: There are 801 Irnmol total with 400 permanently in run and 401 constantly moving from run to Iwonron to Il Aye. *rs: the crowned heads/human beings who achieved greet things while here in Il Aye, were elevated by their community, assist us in completing our destinies, and have left of legacy for others to follow. Deified Ancestors. *Egn: spirits who have not yet completed their destinies and eventually reincarnate back into Il Aye. Ile Aye/Home of Aye or the World *Oldmar: the physical aspect of the creator/all energy/spirit manifested into matter. (Title name for God) *Oknrin: hard metal/masculinity *Obnrin: soft metal/femininity *Omo: children *Oro: the indwelling spirit of Olrun within all things *All the creations in existence from plants, animals, insects, the stars, the moon, the planets, etc... Note: The cosmology listed above is far from complete but provides a basic understanding of the hierarchy of things in existence. It is also important to note that our tradition is not polytheistic. It's monotheistic! It's always important to keep in mind that although things may appear separate, everything that exists is part of the whole and is considered one (Olrun/ Eld/ Oldmar/God). When we break things down, we're just focusing on different manifestations of the Supreme Being in order to help us better understand our surroundings, ourselves, our purpose in life, and our Creator. God is the source(Olrun), God is all spirit/energy unconditioned by matter(Eld), and God is all spirit/energy conditioned into matter(Oldmar). The Irnmol and the rs are the lieutenants/servants of God and were assigned the task of acting as intermediaries to assist us in completing our destinies. To better explain the relationship between God (Oldmar), the Irnmol and rs, and ourselves I will give the following examples. Pretend you are attending school at your local university and are having some difficulties with the program you are in. As a student you know that any problems you may be having will be dealt with by the Department Head of your program and that it would be ridiculous for you to take up your problems with the Dean of the University. The Department Head is the one responsible for assisting you and making sure that you are completing the required tasks to graduate from your program. The same goes when working with completing ones' destiny. One does not go directly to Oldmar to solve ones' issues. The Irnmol and rs are the Department Heads and are in charge of the issues dealing with us here in the world. Oldmar oversees and is in charge of directing all his lieutenants to make sure they assist us just as the Dean of a University oversees matters pertaining to the people working under him. And imagine this, ones' Or is what assists one in knowing who, what, when, where, and how to get the help one needs to better ones' condition or maintain a certain condition in life. Here is another example. Imagine the human body. Now Imagine Oldmar as being the head/mind of the human body, the Irnmol and Orisha as being the heart, lungs, arms, legs, hands, eyes, veins, arteries, etc... and ourselves (Humans) as well as everything else in existence as being the cells that make up of those parts. Everything in the body depends on the other to continue to function properly and there is constant communication happening from one section of the body to the other and the communication passes through

many parts of the body before finally reaching the head/mind. This is how communication occurs with Oldmar. It must pass through the Irnmol and/or rs before reaching the creator.

Blessing of water and Libation

The example given below is the way I start and give libation and is by no way the only way to do it. There are many styles of doing libation. I also decided to put after the Libation the basic order of giving reverence just in case you want to create your own Libation prayer. Enjoy!!!

Blessing of Water
Oluwa run ati aiye Ran oro re wa ti o nse dida ara fun elekunrun ki o be sinu Oluwa run ati aiye Ran oro re wa tingba ni kuro ninu iparun o O bosinu omi yi fun iwosan Aun gbogbo Lord of heaven and earth Send of the breath of goodness to us Bring good health to us Command the forces of heaven to come before us. Lord of heaven and earth Send the breath of the elders that have gone to heaven to prevent confusion and destruction Command the waters to bring improved conditions In your name se se se O...

Omi Tutu- May the water be cool.

n Tutu- May our paths be cool.

Il Tutu- May our homes be cool. Egn Tutu- May our ancestors be cool. Or Tutu- May our heads be cool. Tutu Lry- May a calm messenger precede all our prayers. Oldmar ajuba gbogbo iku embelese- God, we give you homage and salute the ancestors that sit at your feet in counsel. Oldmar ibaye ibaye tonu- We give praise to the owner of existence and those that made the sacrifices for life. bse Olojo oni- I call upon and give praise to the owner of this day. bse Or: I call upon and give praise to my guardian/the extension of God within me. bse Irnmol: I call upon and give praise to all the primordial spirits. bse rnml eleri ipin ibikeji Oldmar- I call upon and give praise to you rnml, witness to all choice of destiny, second only to God. bse s: I call upon and give praise to you s.

bse Orisha- I call upon and give praise to all the crowned heads/deified ancestors. bse gbogbo Egn wa: I call upon and give praise to all the ancestors of good character. bse to the head priest of all If Adisa Mokanranwole. bse to all Olwo and Babalwo of good character. bse to all ynif of good character. bse to all rs priests of good character. bse to all Egngn priests of good character. bse to all those who have practiced If before me. bse to all those who are practicing If now with me. bse to all those who will practice If after me. bse to all peoples of good character. bse bse bse O- I call upon and give you all praise, I call upon and give you all praise, I call upon and give you all praise, and may my prayers and praise be blessed and confirmed by you Oldmar. se!!!

Basic order of giving Reverence for Libation

Give reverence to: 1. Oldmar (God) 2. Or (The extension of God within you) 3. Irnmol (The primordial spirits, lieutenants of God) 4. rs (Our deified ancestors) 5. Egn (Our ancestors) 6. Those who trained you in the religion 7. Those who initiated you in the religion 8. Those who have been practicing the religion before you 9. Those who are at the same level as you are 10. Those coming after you 11. Your parents and family 12. Whomever else you wish to give reverence

Morning Prayer
Morning prayer is very important because it allows you to start your day focused on what you need to accomplish and it's always important to simply give thanks for everything you have in your life thus far.

Morning Prayer
1. Greet and give Reverence to Oldmar, Or, Irnmol, rs, and Egn. 2. Thank them for everything that you have in your life thus far. 3. Ask that you be forgiven for: things you've purposely done to others and things you've done without being conscious of their effects on others. Also ask for the forgiveness of those who have hurt you or your loved ones and those ancestors who have done terrible things from which you now may be paying the price for. 5. Ask for things that you or others may need. 6. End your morning prayer by chanting or reciting at least two stanzas from the Od str. se O!!!

Feeding and Giving Ebo (Waste Not)

Feeding Feeding is very different from doing Ebo. When you feed any of the Irunmole or Orisa you should eat with them and allow others to do the same. These types of offerings are usually given as a sign of thanks or for good things to happen and the Ire should be shared by all. The more of the offering that is eaten the better. No waste. Ebo When Ebo is given it is to remove one or many types of negativity that may be surrounding the person or persons. When Ebo is done the person or people receiving the Ebo may not eat the Ebo material. It is also taboo for any of their blood relatives to eat the Ebo material. But... anyone else outside of the family may eat the Ebo material. No waste. There are certain times however when If says the whole animal and/or materials used should be offered and not eaten by anyone but this does not exclude animals. I was told that in these types of cases where the whole animal needs to be offered, these Ebo should be left somewhere where the animals in your community could partake in the offering. Once again, no waste. In my time in Nigeria, I was told a story of a goat that was used for Ebo and this goat had to be given entirely to the witches. This Ebo was left outside and by the end of the 5th day after the Ebo, the goat was left completely untouched. I was told that in these types of cases, if the Ebo is not at least eaten a little by the 5th day after the Ebo, the priest that did the Ebo had performed something wrong and would have to investigate with If to see what was performed incorrectly. Chief Popoola who told me this story said that all offerings are not accepted by the Irnmol or rs until at least part of it has been eaten. (Be it by man or beast) Also, in Nigeria I saw many a time when the animals were not sacrificed because If said there was no need to spill blood. In these cases a few feathers or hairs depending on the animal were removed from various areas of the creatures body and then put in the Ebo dish. The animal was then sent out of the room and sold or given away to someone in the neighborhood to eat at a later time. I was told that killing of animals is never automatic and that you should always ask the Irnmol or rs first if they should be killed or not. I also witnessed one little goat that was used several times throughout the day for Ebo. By the end of the day, this little goat had bald spots all over his body and became someones dinner later on during that same week. No waste once again. Here is another interesting bit of information as well. While in Nigeria the Babalwo that I stayed with (Chief Popoola) also told me that anyone can come into your shrine room and if they are hungry, they can open up one of your Irnmol or rs containers and remove any of the offerings left inside and eat them. Chief Popoola also told me that the person eating the offering will receive blessings of health. Just something to think about and of course make sure you ask for permission to do so before simply opening someones container and taking things. Be respectful and well-mannered always.

Ir o! Olwo Ifla Itlk - Eli Torres Coordinador Internacional del International Council for If Religion

(Concilio Internacional para la Religion de If) Coordinador Internacional del International If Training Institute (Instituto Internacional de Instruccion de If) Delegado en Mxico del r World

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