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Improving patient experience of outpatients

Development of training resources for Sainsburys pharmacists

Overview of the Project

Sainsburys has secured the contract to provide outpatient pharmacy services. This will result in changes to the services provided and improve patient experience. Ambitious waiting time targets have been set by the Trust to reduce the waiting time for medicines. Waiting time for out-patient prescriptions should not exceed 15 minutes for 80% of patients and no longer than 25 minutes for any prescription. At least 30% of patients should have zero wait for their prescription. Systems thinking approach to processes identified key stop-go steps in the processes where pharmacists training is critical (clinical screening and final accuracy check).

Using an authentic leadership approach combined with knowledge and understanding of the MBTI preferences of others has enabled me to work collaboratively with Sainsburys while identifying local resistances to change and associated behaviours in my workplace. Otherisation of Sainsburys has resulted in difficult relationships between the public and private sectors even though underlying values of both are similar.

Leadership progress
I have a greater awareness of others peoples leadership approaches. A heightened awareness of emotional intelligence and better understanding of my own personal strengths and weaknesses as a leader through MBTI has meant more resilience in times of change. Resilience in leadership means facing up to adversity and continuing with my proposals while understanding the changing environment. Managing change involves managing people and their reactions through the transitions of change and an understanding of this has helped me to understand why some resistances to change arise. Knowledge of the Kubler-Ross cycle has been instrumental for me to understand peoples behaviours.

Leadership Challenges
Leading on pharmacy training with Sainsburys will be a challenge which has taken me outside of my comfort zone. The challenge will include the balance between service provision (waiting times and targets) and the need to train which inevitably results in inefficiencies.

Contact Information Aamer Safdar Principal Pharmacist Lead for Education and Development Aamer.safdar@gstt.nhs.uk 020 7188 5036

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