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Christs Church of the Valley

October 2012

Love God

Love People Serve The


Greetings, In Matthew 25, Jesus tells a parable about a master who gave three of his servants talents before going on a long journey. Now to help give you a reference point, a talent was 20 years wages for a laborer. When the master returned from his journey he found that 2 of his servants had doubled his investment. While the other servant buried his masters money in the ground and returned to him only what he was given to steward. Verse 15 tells us that the money entrusted to each servant was, according to his ability. The first 2 servants were faithful in their stewardship of their masters money and they were rewarded appropriately. The third servant said, I was afraid in verse 25. His master saw this fear or lack of faith as wickedness and slothfulness and he took away what he had given and punished him. I believe this parable is very relevant to our lives today. We know that God gives talents to everyone, skills for service and financial resources for support. On top of that God has blessed American Christians with great affluence. These talents that God gives vary from person to person according to our abilities right? But, lets not miss this; we will give an accounting of these gifts to our Master when He returns. Since Jesus was referring to the Kingdom of God in this parable see verse 1, in fact, to get the context of this parable read chapter 24 & 25 in its entirety. As Christians we learn that our lives are not ours to live any way we want. We owe our lives, and wealth, and possessions to God! As Christians we are called to be good stewards of the financial resources God has blessed us with. We are to be investing those resources back in a way that will further Gods kingdom as we live and expectantly wait for Jesus return to earth. We are just like those servants, we have been given the opportunity to faithfully use our Masters assets, to invest and use those resources in a manner that will expand His kingdom. As we look at our own lives, how are we using the resources that God has blessed us with? What areas in our lives are we like the servant who stuck his talents in the ground and had nothing but dirty money to offer when called to account? In a recent survey Americans placed a high level of importance on cell phones, wireless Internet access, and cable/ satellite TV. How much of our monthly budget is spent on items like these that have no return for Gods kingdom? How much of our monthly budgets do we invest back into church ministry that could impact lives for His kingdom? God provides the money and the ability to each of us and we are expected to use and work with what He has given us for the profit of His kingdom. What will we hear as our Master calls us to give an account on the Day of His return? I hope as we look at how we are investing the resources God has given us; that we will see opportunities to invest more wisely in ways that will produce a double return for Gods kingdom. And at the same time see areas where we are accumulating or spending like the servant who put his money in the ground. Please pray over our financial deficit to date for this year (see the numbers section) and ask God how He would have you respond in bringing us back to financial health. God bless you and your loved ones, Pastor Bill

We are currently studying:

ORIGINS - The book of Genesis

Please join us Sunday mornings at 9:00 to discover how The Word of God can change your life!

Every Sunday morning from 8:00am 8:45am, there will be intercessory prayer held in the Pastors office. Then, at 10:45 we have a prayer service, devoted to lifting up our hearts and prayers to the Lord. Come pray with us, as we lift up the ministries, the needs of our church and our community. Pray for those who are sick, in the hospital, or need prayers for their personal struggles. E-mail Prayer Chain: Barbara Moulton bemoulton@msn.com OR ccvpalmdale@aol.com Telephone Prayer Chain: Bonita Hernandez 661-272-0743

The Numbers- September

9 months - TO DATE

Actual Budget: Total offering: Shortage: (9 mo.)

$ 127,324.40 $ 99,082.48 $28,241.92 69

August Average Attendance:

If you have the desire, volunteers are always welcome for our Sunday School Program. Being a volunteer is both worthy and rewarding of your time! If you would be interested in volunteering as an assistant for: Noahs Ark Nursery: [Infants & Toddlers] Please contact the office (661) 947-9570 His Kids: [Pre-K thru 1st grade] Kids World: [Grades 2 6] Please contact Charlie Colvin (661) 944-5917

Get involved: community groups

Our community groups provide an opportunity to move beyond Sunday worship. Small groups offer deeper relationships within the Body of Christ. We encourage you to join! Wednesday Night: Adult Bible Study Hosted by Don Gravois at 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. Child care is provided ( via Childrens Group). Childrens Group Bible Study Wednesday Nights Hosted by Toni Morehouse in the Education Building at 7:00pm. Thursday Night: Adult Bible Study Hosted by The Talbots at 7:00pm. Charlie Colvin is doing a study on Thursday nights at the Talbots home. Currently studying A glimpse of Glory. For more information, please contact the office or Charlie Colvin at 661-944-5917 Friday Night: Adult Bible Study Dale Lister is hosting the small group study Secrets of the Vine.. For more information, please contact Dale at 661-273-6683. October 18: Michael & Julia Potts October 03: October 08: October 12: October 13: October 20: October 24: October 25: October 26: Trevor Bloom Marilyn Blench Andrew Thompson Red Reddick Johanna McAvoy Karen Clemens Don Gravois Carole Shoates October 06: (SAT) Mens Breakfast on 20th Street West and Avenue K in Lancaster at 8am. October 07: (SUN) Care Net Donations October 08: (MON) Council Meeting October 09: (TUE) Senior Luncheon October 14: (SUN) Anniversary Celebration Second Sunday Sundae Service & Food Pantry donations October 18-21: (Th Sun) Mens Emmaus October 25: (THU) Womens Luncheon October 25 -28: (Th Sun) Womens Emmaus October 28: (SUN) Family Sunday October 31: (WED) Fall Festival

Emily Veil is hosting the Beth Moore bible study Daniel. Began August 28
th th

and will run through

Baptisms Maria Teresa Costa Tennace Kay Graves Melissa Murillo Memberships Marilyn Blench Trevor Bloom July 29, 2012 July 29, 2012 July 29, 2012

November 13 at the church from 6:30 8:00pm every Tuesday Night. Any questions, please call the Office.

Important Dates To Remember

Anniversary Dinner & 2nd Sunday Sundae Service

October 14th Sunday 6pm here at the church

Not only will dinner be served, but this day will be our Second Sunday Sundae Service. There will be some live music and great fellowship. We are in for a joyous celebration. There is a sign up sheet at the Welcome Center for food items that will be required. We appreciate your culinary expertise!! Fall Festival October 31st Wed ~ 5pm to 8pm A wonderful alternative to Trick or Treat. We are accepting candy and beverage donations, as well as monetary donations to cover the cost of food that will be supplied. Bring your children and your neighbors children, take a load off from running around. Safe, less tiring and with a better message!

October 14th during the 10:45am prayer servcice we will be having a meeting based solely on our church finances. We are in a place that is calling for high demand of our attention. You will be brought into the knowledge of where we stand financially, and your opinion to help resolve the deficit is much valued.

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