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Pages 1 & 2 of Your E-Portfolio

Virtual Biology

Your Welcome/Home page is the first impression of your E-Portfolio. As with real life first impressions, you only get one chance to do it right. Your welcome page should include a brief description of your E-Portfolio (i.e. why have your created this product?). This page should also contain a list of your clearly stated and thoughtful academic goals and skills for the course. Your journal assignment for Week 1 will help you develop these goals.

Your About Me page will be used to share with the instructor and evaluators additional information about who you are and your interests. You will be using a Web 2.0 tool to enhance this portion of your E-Portfolio. This tool is called Voki. You can access the link below: www.voki.com Create an account, and then begin to build the avatar that best represents who you are and what you are interested in. Once you have finished building your speaking Voki, you will need to embed this artifact onto page 2. See the Google Sites Tutorial Videos link for specific details about embedding your artifact. If you need help brainstorming what to share out on your About me page, think back to your email assignment and Introduce yourself to the class chat activity. The questions posted in both assignments are relevant to your About me page. I encourage you to add additional details (i.e. favorite color, sport, candy, etc.).

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