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Time's Mark Halperin Melts Down over Drudge's Obama-Video Tease




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2 Oct 2012, 3:22 PM PDT



There's nothing more entertaining than watching in real-time as an elite member of the corrupt media completely loses his cool over something he has no control over. And more importantly, something that might derail all the wicked work he's done to drag a failed president over the reelection finish line.
Mark Halperin one of the leaders of what he calls "The Gang of 500" -- or those who control the media. He's the guy who yucks it up with Joe Scarborough every morning and who sits on political stories so he can later release them in books like "Game Change" that trash Republicans with legions of unnamed sources. Halperin is as elite a mainstream media puppet master as there is; a narrative creator and driver that many minions in the media look to for the nod that okays this or that. And naturally, that nod almost always has to do with stories damaging to Republicans and/or helpful to Democrats. But today Matt Drudge made Mark Halperin mad. Oh, so very, very mad. So mad, in fact, that Halperin is already raging on Twitter about how a story he hasn't seen is a "freak show." You see, Matt Drudge stopped the world today without Mark Halperin's permission; Drudge launched a siren to tease out a video airing on Fox News tonight that might be damaging to Obama -- but if you're Mark Halperin that's the commission of an unpardonable sin on two levels: First off, only Mark Halperin's "Gang of 500" is supposed to stop the world and control the narrative. Secondly, Halperin has already declared his precious Barack Obama the winner of this campaign -- so there will be no "October Surprises."

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10/2/2012 11:12 PM

Time's Mark Halperin Melts Down over Drudge's Obama-Video Tease


Now, you would think a self-described newsman and political junkie would be excited over this. After all, The Narrative about Romney losing the election and all the pre-game debate stuff is boring. Also, as a journalist, you would think new information about a sitting president would be exciting! But the same Mark Halperin who helped drive Romney's "47 percent video" into the ground isn't happy at all about this video. In fact, he's furious. Starring Matt Rhoades as Matt Rhoades, Matt Drudge as Matt Drudge, X as Jackie Judd, Y as Mike Isikoff, Paul Begala as Himself #freakshow (https://twitter.com /search/%23freakshow) Mark Halperin (@MarkHalperin) October 2, 2012 (https://twitter.com /MarkHalperin/status/253241573670797313) EP:"What does Drudge have?" Reporter:"No idea." EP:"Make some calls.Twitter says it is BIG." Reporter: "I've asked around." Etc #freakshow (https://twitter.com/search /%23freakshow) Mark Halperin (@MarkHalperin) October 2, 2012 (https://twitter.com /MarkHalperin/status/253244267420594176) Look away. #freakshow (https://twitter.com/search/%23freakshow) twitter.com/MarkHalperin/s (http://t.co/vmOvwpUq) Mark Halperin (@MarkHalperin) October 2, 2012 (https://twitter.com /MarkHalperin/status/253248545711333376) Somewhere Phil Singer and Mark Penn are fascinated and repulsed. Mark Halperin (@MarkHalperin) October 2, 2012 (https://twitter.com /MarkHalperin/status/253249831504605184) The funny thing is, Halperin was already screaming "freak show" before Drudge ruined his day. He was already telling his minions that Biden's declaration that the middle class have been buried for the last four years was a nothing-to-see-here story: Question for Gov Sununu: why is what VP said a bigger deal than Mitt saying he likes to fire people or he doesn't care about poor people? Mark Halperin (@MarkHalperin) October 2, 2012 (https://twitter.com /MarkHalperin/status/253228921800245248) --In case I don't called on, Gov Sununu, answer is #freakshow (https://twitter.com /search/%23freakshow). Was this "gaffe" really required for Boston to make case middle class hurts? Mark Halperin (@MarkHalperin) October 2, 2012 (https://twitter.com /MarkHalperin/status/253229380287987712) --Aww, the poor widdle mainstream media is having a bad day. Which in turn means a good day for America. Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC (https://twitter.com/#!/NolteNC)

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10/2/2012 11:12 PM

Time's Mark Halperin Melts Down over Drudge's Obama-Video Tease



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Halperin would go gay for Obama faster than Chris Matthews if given the chance
A LIKE REPLY 8 minutes ago F


Obama's accent and rhetoric show him to be, what many of us suspected, nothing more than your average race baiting rabblerouser. "Community activist" my ass. He was, and I suspect still is, nothing more than another whiner using the sins of the past to demand more handouts.
A LIKE REPLY 53 minutes ago 1 Like F


Now Halperin will have to resort to how the MSM defended Clinton: This is "old" news. Fort the DNC things are wearing pretty thin!
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


Love it when one of Comrade Obozo's Useful Idiots goes into a classic Meltdown! Romney/Ryan, 2012! On to victory and the White House!
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


As a 30 year photographer of politicians I have a theory. Smiles that go up on one side of the mouth and down on the other side of the mouth are liars, ( "talking out of both sides of his mouth" ) Watch for it. I think I'm right. Just take a look at the Halperin photo.



1 hour ago

1 Like


Thanks for the tip..I'll watch for this tomorrow nite..but actually if have found that as soon as they open their mouths they're lying..
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to bartphoto 1 Like F


Mark Halperin is an enemy of Democracy.

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


the msm is ssssooooo corrupt ! i guess marks day has been shot to hell
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


What's mark so upset about. Isn't he the one who called obama a nasty name and got kicked off tv for awhile?
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F

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10/2/2012 11:12 PM

Time's Mark Halperin Melts Down over Drudge's Obama-Video Tease



A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F


Mark, Joe and Mika will be telling us that there is nothing here folks for three hours tomorrow. The Media will cover for Mr.O like they always do. Loved his accent on the video, not sure which one was the best though, Gore or Obama? It should be insulting to all blacks the silly phony accent whenever they talk to them, what does that mean?
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F


Didn't Hillary do the accent also?

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to nyleve F


Payback sucks, doesn't it, Mark? Not so much fun when the shoe's on the other foot If this video would have been revealed in 2008 someone else would be sitting in the Oval Office. The MSM will ignore this video but it certainly exposes the racism of Obama and that he has no business in the White House. Obama is toast. Romney by a landslide.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 3 Likes F


Watch the video, Mark. This should have been veted long ago. That it has finally surfaced is justice. The truth about this would-be dictator and disgrace as president and criminal needed to come out. He violates the Constitution at will, so this is poetic justice. If enough Americans hear it and if they go to the Internet they will, Obama will have plenty to contend with. Univision did him no service and revealed things to the Hispanic community that they needed to hear - more truth that cuts through the administration's web of lies. All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.Thomas Jefferson
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 2 Likes F


Halperin is one of the Liberal Democrat Socialist American Jews that give all world wide Jews a bad name. Any real Jew should be ashamed to have such a lowlife associated with their religion in any way. He is a disgrace to humanity.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 2 Likes F


Social Media beats Communism...every time.

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 1 Like F


Wait till you see the next 7 videos. Please do not tell anyone they exist. Might be The King in the audience and Wright speaking about our great country. Might be a fundraiser or three at Ayers humble house . Might be a speech about " white " people. Might be a chat about women in general . You must wait for what the other 3 contain. Thank you Breitbart, you were taken, but the videos survived. Legacy of AB: fearlessness.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 2 Likes F

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10/2/2012 11:12 PM

Time's Mark Halperin Melts Down over Drudge's Obama-Video Tease



I believe this Breitbart site (its editors) should consider awarding a "Breitbart Is Here" Prize to the brave souls who buck the system each and every day! There are so many deserving warriors .... Legal Insurrection, Daily Caller, Sean Hannity, Pamela Geller, Dennis OKeefe, Rush and Mark .... so many out there who deserve recognition for exposing and bringing to light, the blatant hypocrasy of the "media" we have all been forced to endure .... Pulitzers and Nobels have long lost their significance among Conservatives .... A "Breitbart Is Here" award would honor Andrew Breitbart and confirm the Conservative message. Truth!
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 4 Likes F


Obama's race speech. Mitt Romney's 47% speech. The media's handling thereof. Compare and contrast.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 3 Likes F


Mr. Halperin I know you are depressed and sleeping right now, but can you ask Mr King if e is a racist? In the inner city black unemployment is at 15 percent and its 25 percent for black teens. When he legalized 2 million illegal men and women from all over world from ages 15 to 30, 10s of thousands of black employees were laid off and millions will never be hired, due to the new pool of legalized illegal men and omen able to work for less and for longer hours. Does this make the King a racist or black voters voting for the King stupid useful idiots ? Mr. Halperin are you a racist? You see Mr Halperin the boardgame Race Card will not work this election year, we promise.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 3 Likes F


Is this Guy Mr. Bean?

A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 1 Like F


Did the wet pants lib piss himself again? Daycare is a biotch!
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 3 Likes F


Mark, get accustomed to a new feeling... you deserve it

A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 6 Likes F


When you spew out sh it on a daily basis, It is bound to come back and hit you in the face. What a great time for it to happen! Romney/Ryan 2012
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 10 Likes F


Halperin needs a good Obama straight man (not Bawney) like Al Franken.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to The Beagle Nose 2 Likes F


Halperin-AH! Halperin needs bufferin-AH! That's right. In this country where so many things are beset against us-AH! We need. All of us need. We need, each and every one of us-AH! We need Halperin-AH! To AH! Uh. Ah. AAAHHH. Eh? We need the Halperins of the world-AH! To Stand-AH! With us--AH! AH? That's what real change--AH! Brings-AH! Is Jere-Miah-AAAHHH!! in the mtha fkn house!!!?? My man? WHere is my man? AH? Jeremiah, you wearin a suit, am I Wright my BROTHA-**AAAHHH***!!!
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 4 Likes F

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10/2/2012 11:12 PM

Time's Mark Halperin Melts Down over Drudge's Obama-Video Tease



Thank you Matt Drudge and Daily Caller. Andrew would be high fiving you if he was still alive.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 14 Likes F


Halperin is upset because Drudge made him deficate in his $1,000+ pants. Oh, the horror, the horror!
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 8 Likes F


Typical leftists in the press. I watched Twitter for over an hour before the video was released and they NEVER showed curiosity about the contents, only derision for the messenger. The desperation and panic in MSM is so obvious right now - makes me wonder how much trouble they know Obama is really in.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 12 Likes F


I can't stand any of the corrupts on Scarborough and Halperin show! They always cover up everything and they think we don't know what they're doing.......YOU'RE GOING DOWN MSNBULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 8 Likes F


The MSM can't allow the truth to get out. If people find out they were lied to (by omission) they will never be listened to again. Truth is they made Obama out of NOTHING. He goes down, THEY go down.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 11 Likes F


A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 6 Likes F


John hits it out of the park! America rules, Leftist Elitist Media drools!
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 7 Likes F


Mark Halperin is mad as hell and wait till tomorrow Marky, it's going to get uglier Biatch And Presstitute. Marky you mad. Hahahahahahhahahahahahahah. You mad you mad. Oh Marky, one more thing Liberals sck, Mainsteam media done and you are jealous of Drudge, tucker and Breitbart . Marky you are an Azzclown midget.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago 6 Likes F


Mark here's a Republican Dork for your mouth!!!

A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 4 Likes F


You'd think the DNC would be appreciative to have Libya, Fast and Furious, the Economy, Affordable Care Act, etc, bumped off the front page.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 6 Likes F



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10/2/2012 11:12 PM

Time's Mark Halperin Melts Down over Drudge's Obama-Video Tease


A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 4 Likes F


What's a pivot man? On second thought, nevermind. I don't wanna know.

A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to mpisi 1 Like F


might be a while before we in the frozen north get to see this, but i'll bet my beaver tail hat it's gonna be GREAT !! And the timing of this - fabulous. Who needs the lame scream media? Thank you Matt Drudge. Now we just need a copy of that other tape the LA Times are hiding. I wonder how many other nuggets are floating around the Pravdasphere?
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 4 Likes F


OK, who wants in on the pool to see how long AFTER this story airs before a member of the MSM screams racism? I know they already are but I'm taking the 1.2 second time slot as to how long it will be before "Tingles" Matthews starts crying...
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 6 Likes F


No, actually they will declare that things were taken out of context. What lib is going to sit down and watch a 40 minute video to verify this? Lib's have generally a 5 to 6 second attention span...tops! Then they will rewrite it, accuse the new media of racism and then declare that it is all a lie. I think they teach this to journalism students in college nowadays.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to MichMike 5 Likes F


Halperin is such a hypocritical jerk -- he blatantly misquotes Mitt about "poor people" and "firing people" but he is always the first & loudest to scream OUT OF CONTEXT when anyone quotes Obama -- accurately & in context.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 7 Likes F


Oh HELLZ Yeah!!! Make the lamestreams squirm and squee. Love the sound of liberal squeeing in the evening....
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 6 Likes F


Bring the fun! Is Time magazine still published... Didn't it sell for a dollar, no, that was it's even twin Newsqueak Time magazine is just a money losing parasite on Time Warner! LOL!
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 2 Likes F


Halperin must love being on the inside with Obama because he surely knows Obama is doing irreparable harm to the economy, and he is desperate to maintain his "influence" with those in power. He must be frightened about the video. Otherwise he would have been quiet about the Drudge Report....
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 5 Likes F


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10/2/2012 11:12 PM

Time's Mark Halperin Melts Down over Drudge's Obama-Video Tease


Lol! I keep telling everybody, the Anti-psychotic meds they're feeding these Obama Acolytes are just not working! Somebody better get this clown on Suicide Watch, before he does something to himself! For those following,How to take on the Obama Enemy media: http://paratisiusa.blogspot.co... God Bless America!
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 3 Likes F


God I love the New Media!!!

A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 8 Likes F


OMG I think I need a cigarette after all this....wonder what will happen to me after the video airs......KEEP IT UP :D
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 5 Likes F


What's especially sweet is not only is the SICKO half-black Obama going down; so also are his SICK worshippers in the "news" MSM going down. Good riddance to bad Leftist garbage.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 7 Likes F


This is hilarious. Even if the video doesn't contain great content (why give it to Hannity?), it's enough just to watch the meltdown...I'm simultaneously following "obama video" on twitter and reading the comments at Ace. Breitbart would be thrilled.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 10 Likes F


Correction. Breitbart IS thrilled. AB lives!

A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to MotherGoos3 3 Likes F


This one's for you Andrew.

A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to MotherGoos3 14 Likes F


Flake to Halperin & gall me in the morning.

A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 3 Likes F


Anyone who's been paying attention already knows that Rev. Wright and his step-children Barry & Michelle are racists. Let us hope this new video will Finally open the eyes of those who are Still blind to the reality of Obama and his posse of thieves, con men and Traitors.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 11 Likes F


It won't work, unilateral reporting is extremely, extremely powerful, especially when many people don't look beyond one news source for their information. When the free press is co-opted or has all taken one side, then only one viewpoint is seen, only one lens is looked through. If any of you are interested, look up on Google "The danger of only one Lens " and you might find something interesting. You would find that those who support those who are currently only presenting one side also warn against the danger of one side. Where is justice? Oh, well. I think that Romney will win anyway.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to LastBestHope 1 Like F


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10/2/2012 11:12 PM

Time's Mark Halperin Melts Down over Drudge's Obama-Video Tease


The Gang of 500? Sounds like something Chairman Mao could have dreamed up. I can only hope that these bloated egos join the ranks of the unemployed after Obama gets kicked out of the White House.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 7 Likes F


Only in a perfect world, or at least a just one.

A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to bill1942 1 Like F


"Hercules, Hercules, Hercules"!!!

A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 6 Likes F


I wouldn't be surprised if Halperin has already called Fox demanding they not air the tape of Obama. Nor would it surprise me if he hasn't already called the DOJ demanding they intervene and prevent Fox from airing this tape.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 7 Likes F


"Question for Gov Sununu: why is what VP said a bigger deal than Mitt saying he likes to fire people or he doesn't care about poor people?" OMG, he actually BELIEVES the deliberate mischaracterizations of Romney's statements taken out of context in order to deliberately manipulate the public rather than inform us? That is truly pathetic. My contempt for him has grown, and after the famous memo, it was pretty huge already. Well, there you go, America: these are the people you get your "news" from. Children who believe fairy tales because they want to. And then force them down your throat. These are the people who believe they are so much smarter, more perceptive, more astute and more knowledgeable than you are, so it is their job to guide your decisions via skewed news coverage.



5 hours ago



So SUPPOSE Mitt said that. Some people like the W()n need to be FIRED. he does not care about the poor? don;t we have BIG GOVERNMENT that cares for them - with "fool stamps", "Obamafones", welfare, free school lunches, housing assistance, energy assistance, which amounts to tens of thousands of "invisible " dollars a year per family. It is people in middle class who pay taxes but whose income isn't low enough to qualify for any of the goodies. Those are the ones that bear the brunt. So I completely understand what Romney must have meant - the poor already have safety net, it's the other that are affected by this downturn. And saying this is bad in what way???? Libs are strange, they equate crowing that they "care" to "actually doing something to benefit middle class". they are very big on the former, but not so much on the latter - all their policies and politicians that they support ultimately hurt the middle class that they "care" so much about.



5 hours ago

in reply to grainbirds



A lot of what goes on seems to me like ego and personal gain more than a desire to serve or help.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to Itold 1 Like F


I love it when liberals throw childish temper tantrums. They are so entertaining. It makes me want to pinch their cheeks and send them to sit in a corner.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 10 Likes F


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10/2/2012 11:12 PM

Time's Mark Halperin Melts Down over Drudge's Obama-Video Tease


Will this be what finally sends that Islamo-F*AS*CI*ST Loving Commie Piece of Dung back to Chicago in total disgrace. GAWD I DO HOPE SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 10 Likes F


Please be civil. I don't like Obama either, but all the swearing and name-calling definitely is not helping your case.
A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to saveusanow 1 Like F


Sorry, but some of us need a steam valve release after 4 years of this narcissist and his leftwing, self-hating, suicidal policies.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to WherecanIturnforpeace 2 Likes F


All that time spent on inflating a fraud with hot air is seen to be slipping away.The fear and frustration is palpable and most entertaining
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 9 Likes F


Nolte, you are my hero! Keep giving it to the Prog CorruptMedia! You represent for all of us!
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 11 Likes F


Love that..
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 2 Likes F


Hey Mark, take off the knee-pads, and wipe Obama's semen from your lips.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 7 Likes F


I can't tell if that look on his face is a pedosmirk or a pedofrown.

A LIKE REPLY 4 hours ago in reply to donpopione 3 Likes F


The next time Mark Halperin engages in real journalism will also be the first time since high school that he has done so. Halperin is a happy watercarrying Gunga Din to Obama's administration. Also if this actually has any legs it certainly tears down all the "work" Halperin and his Journ-o-list 500 have put in slanting the narrative. Shame for Halperin and the rest that Obama is being found out for the extremist radical leftist he is and like a fish is about to die (politically) by his own mouth. Like what is truly eating Halperin is that he cannot believe that the Gaffe-tastique Biden is off script again and then this is second-half of a big 1 - 2 punch.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 4 Likes F


Leave Barack alooooooooooooooone! I hope Mark Halperin was wearing waterproof mascara, the poor thing.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 17 Likes F


Score one for the Good Guys!! Score one for the American people!! Score one for Liberty!!

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Time's Mark Halperin Melts Down over Drudge's Obama-Video Tease




5 hours ago



Score one for Breitbart. #War!

A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to Nightfly24 13 Likes F


Liberty is very racist.

A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to Nightfly24 F


In my opinion it's nothing that will derail Obama, (if that's even possible), or it would not be shown on Fox News. I did see on Drudge that an, "unscrubbed", version will be shown on The Daily Caller. http://dailycaller.com/ It seems that Obama could personally confess to the most heinous crimes possible and he would still be, according to the MSM, with Fox tagging along, "leading in the polls". We'll see, but of course I hope it is big.....very big. How about that Romney wimping out and saying the many illegals recently amnestied by Obama need not fear being deported if he is elected. Real concern for the rule of law and 20 million unemployed citizens coming from Mitt. With Obama I could at least understand...it's an "illegal to illegal" kind of thing.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago 3 Likes F


Well the new vids show O telling a whole lot of lies. Start with the Stafford money: LA was never required to match federal money after Katrina. In fact the feds spent more on Katrina cleanup than on 9-11. Obama was plainly race-baiting.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to Vespa 3 Likes F


Did you mean to say: "It seems that Obama could personally confess to the most heinous crimes possible and the MSM would still do their best to make sure that he is leading in the polls"?
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to Vespa 5 Likes F


All I can say is Romney /Ryan are no Communists. That said, we have to hold all Politicians accountable.
A LIKE REPLY 5 hours ago in reply to Vespa 10 Likes F

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10/2/2012 11:12 PM

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