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Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell

Portrait of Alexander Graham Bell c. 1910


3 Mac 1847 Edinburgh, Scotland.


2 Ogos 1922 (umur 75) Beinn Bhreagh, Nova Scotia, Kanada

Sebab kematian Pernicious anemia


Universiti Edinburgh Universiti Toronto


Pencipta, Saintis

Terkenal kerana Mencipta telefon


Mabel Hubbard (kahwin 1877-1922)


(4) Dua anak lelaki mati ketika bayi, dua anak perempuan

Ibu bapa

Alexander Melville Bell Eliza Grace Symonds Bell

Gardiner Greene Hubbard (bapa mertua) Saudara-mara Gilbert Hovey Grosvenor (menantu lelaki) Melville Bell Grosvenor (cucu lelaki)

Alexander Graham Bell (3 Mac 1847 - 2 Ogos 1922) ialah seorang saintis, pencipta dan pembawa pembaharuan. Sungguhpun paling dikenali kerana mencipta telefon, Bell juga digelar "bapa orang-orang pekak".[1] Bapa, datuk dan adik beliau semua pernah dikaitkan dengan kerja-kerja berkaitan pengicapan dan perbualan, manakala ibu dan isteri beliau keduaduanya pekak, maka mempengaruhi kerja-kerja Bell secara mendalam.[2]Kajian Bell mengenai pendengaran dan pertuturan turut mendorong beliau bereksperimen dengan peranti pendengaran yang akhirnya memuncak dengan kejayaan Bell dikurniakan paten A.S. pertama untuk ciptaan telefon pada tahun 1876.[3] Banyak lagi ciptaan lain dalam hayat Bell termasuk kajian perintisan dalam hidrofoil dan aeronautik. Pada tahun 1888, Alexander Graham Bell merupakan salah seorang ahli-ahli pengasas Persatuan National Geographic.[4] Dalam gambaran, Bell menganggap ciptaan beliau yang paling terkenal itu sebagai satu gangguan dalam kajian sebetulnya selaku saintis dan enggan melibatkan telefon dalam kajian beliau.[5] Sewaktu Bell meninggal dunia, semua telefon di seluruh Amerika Syarikat "berhenti berdering selama seminit untuk menunjukkan rasa hormat terhadap lelaki yang kepingin memudahkan komunikasi mewujudkan telefon."[6]

[sunting] Ciptaan pertama

Semasa kanak-kanak, Alexander Graham Bell menunjukkan sifat ingin tahu semulajadi terhadap dunianya, mengumpul contoh botani dan melakukan ujikaji pada usia muda. Sahabat baiknya adalah Ben Herdman, jiran yang keluarganya mengendali kilang mengisar tepung, tempat banyak penjelajahan. Aleck yang muda bertanya apa yang perlu dilakukannya di kilang tersebut. Dia diberitahu bahawa gandum perlu dikupas melalui proses yang memenatkan dan pada usia 12, Bell membina peranti buatan sendiri yang menggabungkan dayung berputar dengan set berus paku, mencipta mesin pengupas yang digunakan secara berterusan selama beberapa tahun.[7] John Herdman memberikan peluang kepada mereka untuk memulakan kajian di dalam sebuah bengkel yang kecil sebagai ganjaran.[7] Sejak awal lagi, Bell menunjukkan sifat sensitif dan bakat bagi seni, syair dan muzik yang diwarisi daripada ibunya. Tanpa latihan rasmi, dia menguasai piano dan menjadi pemain piano keluarganya.[8] Sungguhpun pada kebiasaannya senyap dan pendiam, dia menggemari

mengajuk dan "helah suara" menyamai ventriloquism yang menghibur pelawat keluarganya.[8] Bell juga amat terasa apabila keadaan ibunya beransur-ansur menjadi semakin pekak, (ibunya mula kehilangan pendengaran semasa dia berusia 12 tahun) dan belajar bahasa jari manual agar dia boleh duduk disamping ibunya dan mengetuk secara diam-diam perbualan sekitar ruang tamu keluarga.[9] Dia turut membangunkan teknik untuk bertutur dalam ton jelas "modulated" terus pada dahi ibunya dari mana ibunya mampu mendengar perkataannya dengan agak jelas.[10] Keasyikan Bell dengan kehilangan pendengaran ibunya mendorong dia mengkaji akustik. Keluarganya telah lama berkecimpung dengan mengajar ("elocution"): datuknya, Alexander Bell, di London, bapa saudaranya di Dublin, dan bapanya, di Edinburgh, kesemuanya "elocutionists". Bapanya menerbitkan pelbagai karya berkenaan tajuk tersebut, beberapa darinya masih dikenali ramai, terutama The Standard Elocutionist (1860)[8] Mackay 1997, , yang muncul di Edinburgh pada 1868. The Standard Elocutionist muncul dalam 168 edisi British dan dijual lebih suku juta di Amerika Syarikat sahaja. Dalam treatise ini, bapanya menjelaskan kaedahnya mengajar orang yang bisu dan pekak ("deaf-mute") (sebagaimana mereka dikenali semasa itu) untuk menghasilkan perkataan dan membaca pergerakan bibir orang lain bagi menafsir erti. Bapa Aleck mengajar dia dan adiknya bukan sahaja menulis "Visible Speech" tetapi turut mengenal pasti sebarang simbol dan bunyi yang mengiringinya.[11] Aleck menjadi begitu mahir sehinggakan dia menjadi sebahagian pertunjukkan awam bapanya dan mengkagumkan penonton dengan keupayaannya menafsir bahasa Latin, bahasa Gaelic dan malah simbol Sanskrit.[11]

[sunting] Pendidikan
Sebagai seorang kanak-kanak, Bell, seperti abang-abangnya, dia telah menerima pembelajaran di rumah oleh ayahnya. Walaubagaimanapun, pada pada usia yang muda, dia yang telah memasuki Royal High School, Edinburgh, Scotland, telah keluar pada usia 15 tahun dengan hanya menyiapkan empat borang pertama.[12] Keputusan sekolahnya hancur, ditanda kerana ketidakhadiran dan markah yang tercorot. Minat utamanya masih kekal dalam sains, terutamanya subjek Biologi, sedangkan subjek sekolah yang lain dilayan dengan berbeza, demi mengecewakan permintaan ayahnya.[13] Sejurus dia meninggalkan sekolah, dia telah mengembara ke London untuk tinggal bersama atuknya, Alexander Bell. Sepanjang tahun dia luangkan bersama datuknya, perasaan suka belajar telah lahir, disebabkan menghabiskan masa yang berjam dalam perbincangan dan pembelajaran yang serius. Bell yang lebih dewasa mengambil usaha-usaha yang baik supaya ada pelajar mudanya belajar untuk bercakap dengan jelas dan berkeyakinan, ciri-ciri itulah yang diperlukan oleh pelajarnya untuk menjadi seorang guru untuk diri sendiri.[14] Pada usia 16, Bell mendapat kedudukan sebagai seorang "pelajar-guru" untuk sastera dan muzik, di Weston House Academy, Elgin, Moray, Scotland. Walaupun dia telah mendaftar sebagai seorang pelajar untuk Latin dan Greek, tetapi dia sendiri telah mengarah untuk beberapa kelas sebagai balasan kepada lembaga dengan 10 setiap sesi.[15] Pada tahun berikutnya, dia memasuki University of Edinburgh; mengikuti abangnya Melville yang telah mendaftar pada tahun sebelumnya. Pada 1868, tidak lama selepas dia bertolak ke Kanada bersama keluarganya, Aleck telah telah menyiapkan peperiksaan matrikulasi dan telah diterima kemasukanya ke University of London. [16] --Eriza (bincang) 16:34, 5 Disember 2011 (UTC)

Aristotle Aristotle is the Great philosopher who had a vast knowledge in different disciplines. Studying different subject he contributed a lot in each of those subjects. He contributed in physics, poetry, zoology, logic, rhetoric, politics, government, ethics, and biology. This laurel Greek philosopher was born in Stagira in 384 BC. His father Nicomachus was a physician to the king Amyntas III of Macedons court and it is believed that their ancestors also held this position. Earlier in his life he was taught by his father at home and the medical knowledge he got from his father led him to investigate natural phenomenon later on. At the age of 18 he admitted in to the young Greek aristocracy run by Plato, another Great Greek philosopher, and Aristotle became the most favorite student of Plato. As a scientist Aristotle made a good contribution which was very influential for the development of the science over the year. Mainly he spent most of his life researching the natural science and he did the researches without making reference to the Mathematics which was later proven as the weakness of his research by the scientists. His natural science oriented research includes botany, zoology, physics, astronomy, chemistry, and meteorology, geometry and many more. He was also the teacher of the Great warrior Alexander the Great. This great philosopher died n 322 BC.

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Sir Isaac Newton Newton was also a man of versatile quality. He was physicist, mathematician, astronomer, alchemist, and natural philosopher in a row. His contribution in the development of science is a special one. He I best known for his explanation of Universal Gravitation and three laws of motion, and he was able to prove that the reason of both the motion of objects on Earth and of celestial bodies are controlled by the same Neutral laws. These findings could make a revolutionary change in the development of science. In mechanical science his great contribution was in optics. He could make a reflecting telescope. He also made some research on light and stars. His research on General binomial Theorem helped to be introduced todays Calculus. Newton was born to a farmer family but before three months of his birth his father died and then he was brought up to his maternal grandmother as her mother remarried. Newton could show his talent from his early life in The Kings School in Grantham and later he joined to the Cambridge University where he took his higher degrees.

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Galileo Galilei Galileo is considered as one of the greatest contributor to the development of Science. It is undoubtedly true that Galileo could first helped science to come out of the trend of Aristotle. He was physicist, astronomer, and philosopher and his best known contributions lie in the development of Telescope, first two laws of motion and also in Astronomy. He is also considered as the father of astronomy, father of physics and father of science. He was born to a mathematician and musician father Vincenzo Galilei and his mother was Giulia Ammannati in Italy. He was taught form his very early life. He was the first scientist who followed the way of quantitative experiments in his research where the result was based on mathematics. He had to suffer a lot from the church for his theories.

Image Link: Galileo

Charles Robert Darwin There can be debate about whether Charles Darwin (12 February 1809 19 April 1882) is the greatest scientist of all time but there is no doubt that he is the most controversial scientist of all time. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859)- this is the book that has made Darwin immortal in the world history. This book has changed the course of science radically. It is perhaps an irony that Darwin studied theology and instead of becoming a clergy, he became naturalist. Darwin went to different parts of the world and carried out extensive research. His theory about origin of human beings caused widespread controversy. Darwin stated that human beings have evolved through many changes and survival of the fittest was in important factor in the development of animal world. Darwins theory still causes passionate debate among his supporters and opponents.

Image Link: Charles Darwin

Albert Einstein Einstein is the great scientist of the twentieth century and notable physicist of all time. It is told that he had learning disability in his childhood. He could not talk till he was three and could not read till he was eight. Despite such problems he later became the noble prize winner for his contribution to the Physics. His theory of relativity is considered as a revolutionary development of Physics. He got Noble Prize in Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the Photoelectric Effect and for his research in Theoretical physics.

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Thomas Edison Edison is the great inventor who has over 1000 patents and his inventions are in various fields used in our daily life. In his early life he was thought to have a learning disability and he could not read till he was twelve and later he himself admitted that he became deaf after pulling up to a train car by his ears. He first could able to turn the attention of the world after inventing Phonograph. His one of the most popular invention is the Electric Bulb. He also developed the telegraph system. His invention of carbon telephone transmitter developed the carbon microphone which was used in the telephoned till 1980. He also became a prominent businessman and his business institution produced his inventions and marketed the products to the general people.

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Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta Volta was Italian physicist and he is best known for his contribution to the development of electric battery. This benevolent scientist is also regarded as one of the founder of the electric age. His parents sent him to the Jesuit school intending to make him a Jurist. He also taught in the University of Pavia for 25 year. After that in 1800 he could make voltaic pile which could produce steady electric current. He then worked on to develop the electric bulb. For his work in the electric development he was given a count by Napoleon. Emperor of Austria honored him naming him a professor of Philosophy at Padova. For his honor an electric unit Volt was named after him.

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Stephen Hawking This famous scientist is considered as the greatest scientist of the twentieth century after Einstein. Haw kings big bang theory and black hole theory has turned the attention of the world. He is the professor of Mathematics of the University of Cambridge. Though he is now about to be paralyzed, he is teaching through a computer supported a machine by which his world are compiled. His physical illness could not make him stop form his research. His famous book is A Brief History of Time.

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Louis Pasteur He is one of the most famous contributors in the medical science. He first introduced the germ theory of diseases. This is regarded as the base of todays microbiology. He found out some of the notion of the microbe and he could find out that the viruses were not detectable through microscope. Another important contribution of Pasteur is to protect harmful microbes in a way called Pasteurization where harmful microbes are destroyed by hitting the food. He is undoubtedly the most influential scientist in medical science.

Image Link: Louis Pasteur

Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose

He was the first renowned Bengali scientist who had an important contribution in the invention of Radio and microwave optics. He was born in Mymensingh in Bengal which is the current Munshiganj District in Bangladesh. He studied in Hare school in Kolkata and then he got his B.A. in Science degree from Calcutta University. Then he went to England and got a B.A. degree from Cambridge University and a B.Sc. from London University. After coming back to the country he started teaching Physics in the Presidency College at Kolkata. In his teaching career he had to prove his quality and talent as he was the first Indian to teach Science at the college. In 1894 he started to research on Radio wave to make wireless communication equipments. At the same time Italys Marconi also was researching on this project. He first invented "iron-mercury-iron coherer with telephone detector" and he is the first person to use a semiconductor junction to catch the radio waves. It is said that his work on millimeter wavelength made him 50 years ahead. Considering such things it is said that he was the real inventor of Radio but due to his less seriousness towards patent and the communication gap made Marconi to be regarded as the inventor of Radio. After that he contributed in plant where he could make some vital theory of ascent of sap. In this research he showed that some living cells in the endodermis junction are the reason for the ascent of sap.

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Guglielmo Marchese Marconi Marconi is a Nobel laureate physicist from Italy. He is best known for his invention of Radio and he first introduced wireless telegraph system. He was born to a landowner father Giuseppe Marconi and his mother was Annie Jameson. He was very interested to science form his early life. He initially started working on electromagnetic wave or radio waves invented by Heinrich Hertz. Then after a long research he could figure out such a technology to communicate without wire. After his invention, he marketed this equipment for the commercial purpose and at that time he got a competitor free market in the U.S.

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