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Many of the campaign ads you see and hear have no direct representation of the actual stances both

candidates have regarding their views as becoming president. Whats not inaccurate is a real life debate held by both candidates without a teleprompter and without misinterpretation tools used by the media. As much as I would like to address some quick facts about both candidates, its really hard to do so considering the internet is so opinion based and my views are obviously skewed. I strongly encourage you to not take what you hear from the media nor what many people tell you and go off of what you know. Your own mind is without a doubt your best friend. Knowing what you know about your current situation in life and the circumstances that influence your quality of life, its much easier to form an opinion and go with it rather than listen to an outsider. Here we go..dont mind my opening statement down below. Im not good at thesis statements and hate teachers therefore I will make this write-up as unprofessional as possible. We dont speak in MLA style nor do we think that way so fuck that.

Are you undecided? Are you a Republican? Are you a Democrat? I hope youre a dependant . Check it out Lets keep in mind something I personally pointed out: This debate was 2 on 1 without any doubt. Jim Lehrer is a hardcore democrat being as the subsidies PBS receives from the federal government keep the station on air. So it is obvious that the questions will favor the president regarding ease of response. Not to mention this holds true for any presidential debate with a current president being involved. 2012 Presidential debate notes: (they arent really notes, because notes are at least somewhat an accurate depiction of an event and its hard to be accurate with politicians) Romney: he opens his excerpt with an experience he had with a citizen from Dayton Ohio. This to me was brought up for obvious reasons. Ohio is a swing state and the candidate that wins Ohio has more leverage in the election. Romney discusses his plan next and divides it into 5 different parts: 1) Get America energy independent (thought to create 4 million jobs) 2) Open up more trade particularly in Latin America (a country that has a strong emphasis on our fuel prices) 3) Make sure people have the skills they need to succeed and the best schools in the world 4) Get us to a balanced budget and cut the deficit 5) Support small business. Small business is what separates our country from others being as you can become extraordinarily successful by forming a business that helps you as well as others (new business start-ups are down to a 30 year low)

Mitt Romney promises to restore the vitality that keeps America going. Throughout the debate Obama accuses Romneys agenda of being vague and non materialistic but Romney stresses the

basics and gives an outline of how he intends to turn the country around. This is vital to independents and those of you that arent quite sure what Romney is about.

Obamas rebuttal to Romneys presentation of trickle down government (This term is hard to depict, particularly to passionate democrats..a phrase more commonly used is trickle down economy This term in its most basic form brings to light the fact that democrats advocate the power of big government) Lets keep in mind that Obama chooses to avoid the question and presents his opinion of what we need to do He says.. and I quote First.. we need to improve our education system This is something Romney said in his opening excerpt, verbatim. He goes on to talk about his race to the top program which in fact failed on every levelnot to mention he presents an encounter he had with a teacher out in Las Vegas who complained about poor conditions and lack of sufficient resources to teach a class as a school teacher. He proceeds to talk about adding 2 million more slots to community college teachers to train people to be qualified for jobs that are out there right now.. Sorry but that doesnt add up. First of all there are hardly enough jobs for those that are overqualified. Much less people with lower education. A huge fault in the Obama administration is having a strong emphasis on the production of community college students. This is nothing to undermine community colleges but nearly two thirds of community college attendees dont ever earn a degree. As a result various grants and entitlements given to lower class college students end up as wasted dollars towards something that could have been productive but Dont amount to any form of contribution to society.

He claims he wants to keep tuition low. This is the first instance in the debate we can point out the fact that he is taking the role of a candidate rather than a current president trying to keep his jobI intend to?? What do you mean you intend to? You can only intend so many things before it becomes blatantly obvious you arent trying to cover up for your shortcomings as president. (keep in mind tuition rates are at an all time high) He goes on to point out several things he and Romney apparently agree on, when in fact that is not the case. He claims he wants to assist advancements in American energy production as well as oil and natural gas production when he is completely against off shore drilling, and hates big market American oil companies such as BP and Exxon. He remains consistent with people of his political stature in advocating dependency on foreign oil (nothing new) Heres an idea! Lets make investments in wind and solar power! Really? Things that are hardly proven successful or practical and purely a marketing topic. I guess we dont have more important things to be concerned about being as we are in a recession and lack jobs to a downright scary extent.

Romney responds to Obamas 5 minute rant (which was supposed to be 2 minutes) with opening up about tax cuts vs. tax relief. This is something that should be noted by republicans and those supporting Romney. Hell, everyone should listen to this because this is key! Romney wants to provide tax relief to those in the middle class and offer no tax cuts to those in the upper class. His reasoning..and I quote: Im not going to reduce the share of taxes paid by high income people, high income people are doing just fine in this economy, theyll do fine whether Im president or you are. Romney goes back to his emphasis on the basic principles of turning the country around. Within the explanation of these principles..Romney brings up a very valid point, one that really hit home for me. He is discussing energy. He says Obama has pointed out that production of oil and gas in the US is up but also points out that it is not due to any of the Obama administrations policies it is in fact, in spite of his policies. All of the increase in natural gas and oil has happened on private land not on government land. Obamas policies have cut the number of permits and licenses in half. Romney promises to double them and promote off shore drilling and bring the pipeline in from Canada which is imperative to reduction in gas prices. He caps his response off with the tax reduction topic which is something to note because he says it wont affect the deficit..personally I believe it will and I think Romney knows it will. Take this for what its worth because without a tax cut affecting the deficit there wont be much to gain from it. Lets listen to what Obama has to say about taxation and what he thinks he has done in four years regarding it: He just claimed that he cut taxes for the middle class by about 3600 dollars. Bull shit. He did not cut taxes for middle class families he had no intention on cutting taxes for anyone unless you consider unemployed entitlement seeking Americans the middle class. He even says the middle class has more money in their pocket and makes outrageous claims that those that are in the middle class can buy a new car and buy a new laptop for their child. Whats even better is he goes the distance to claim in spite of the recession MIDDLE CLASS AMERICANS HAD TO GO THROUGH.. as if this is past tense. As if we are now out of the recession and doing well.. That middle class Americans are doing better and able to afford things and live more comfortably. Lets advance to what Jim Lehrer had to say in the opening topic of a new subject. He presented one of the most important topics of the debate and shot himself in the foot by using a poor choice of words. He starts by asking how each candidate wants to attack solving the federal DEFICIT. Yes deficit. A term brought to great popularity by the Obama administration proceeding Bush. One that was thought to be a vantage point for Obamas presidency. But Jim Lehrer corrects himself quickly and changes the term to federal DEBT. No longer deficit because that is demeaning to Obama and his four year tenure. One thing

to point out is how popular the term deficit became after it officially went from 10 trillion to 17 trillion during Obamas reign. This number is not to be misinterpreted from the actual deficit held by the public which has more than doubled since 08 and includes expansion of unemployment benefits and entitlement programs that were included in Obamas 798 billion dollar stimulus package. These numbers gladly omit financial burdens of Medicare, Medicaid, and other government entitlement programs. Lets go on with the debate Romney opens his response to the deficit question by saying its not just an economic issue its a moral issue. This is brilliant considering the wordplay used by the liberal media and the Obama administration in misconstruing the federal deficit/debt theory. He is in its basic form saying its likely disregarded by democrats and passed on as a moral dilemma rather than an economic issue. To put a very vague topic to rest well consider the following: Mitt Romney wants to achieve economic growth by promoting the upward gain in job outlook whereas Obama wants to raise taxes while catering to the unemployed. Both ideas work as far as developing the economy and reducing the deficit. But if you look at the big picture, wouldnt you want to promote job growth which would result in more people paying taxes because they are working. Or would you want to burden people that are working, with higher taxes and regress the improvement in job opportunities. That to me is pretty cut and dry. To piggy back off of this topic I listened to roughly eleven more minutes of discussion regarding the economy and the recession it is in and found a startling point brought up by Obama.. Here it goes: Obama makes the claim that his administration has made enormous strides in attenuating the burden young people have of furthering their education. He has made magnificent strides in promoting funding for community colleges and other short term educational advancements proceeding high school that are attainable. What is obvious to most people is that most of the grants and assistance people receive to attend colleges like these, particularly pertain to minority groups and lower-class individuals. What is even more evident is the fact that nearly 80 percent of these financially assisted students dont finish more than 6 months of a certificate program or much less an associates degree. This in itself is depressing considering thousands of dollars of Pell grants and financial aid literally go to waste on citizens not looking to further their education. This is money that could have been well spent on diligent people and also people who value promoting their education to become a positive contributor to society. Do you see a pattern yet? The opening half of the debate is summarized and the points made overlap. Topics regarding education, economy and the deficit go in circles. Let me intervene here with a direct quote from Obama regarding the teachers administration and the education system in America.. The teacher I met in Las Vegas, wonderful young lady she has 42 kids in her class. The first two weeks she has some of them sitting on the floor until they are reassigned. They are using text books that are ten years old. That is not a recipe for growth THATS NOT HOW AMERICA WAS BUILT. So budgets reflect

choices..ultimately we are going to have to make some choices, and tax cuts that you are indicating (directed towards mitt Romney) will not let us grow. END QUOTE At the risk of going off topic like Obama has for the entirety of this debate, lets point out he has cut millions in funds to the teachers association and has done nothing to promote the growth in education advancements. To verify president Obamas negligence to the well being of this country lets take a look at what he just said regarding the teacher from Las Vegas. How can you take into account the regression of educational growth in the country and use it to try and benefit your candidacy. At this point there is no other way to accurately evaluate Obamas stance on being re-elected other than the fact that he is disregarding his 4 year term and taking the role of a brand new candidate attempting to take reign of the oval office. This in itself brings to light the inaccuracies and irresponsibility of this administration in the last four years. What was once an attractive disposition for taking on the title of commander in chief is now merely an afterthought and should be addressed in your consideration in the upcoming election. Next up is the vice-presidential debate: Joe Biden and Paul Ryanthe latter has the edge because he has two first names. But seriously I expect that debate to go as expected when you consider Joe Biden lost to Sarah Palin. Joes Bidens head will more than likely explode like in beetle juice, in large part due to the fact that Paul Ryan is super intelligent and Joe Biden is.well, hes Joe Biden Back to it Of a nearly hour and a half debate, I have gone over about 40 minutes of it. The backtracking that occurred during the debate makes it difficult to continue with good material to gain anything from. Ill end it here and re-emphasize my opening point. Take into consideration the facts. Take with a grain of salt the opinions, and appreciate the time others put into informing you on the election. Keep on rockin in the free world we live in, and allow what the constitution gave you to carry out the responsibility you have as a one of a kind person you are in this wonderful country. Peaceand much love to ya.

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