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The word drug is thought to originate from Old French "drogue", possibly deriving later into "droge-vate" from Middle Dutch meaning "dry barrels", referring to medicinal plants preserved in them. Human beings have always had a desire to eat or drink substances that make them feel relaxed, stimulated, or euphoric. Humans have used drugs of one sort or another for thousands of years. Wine was used at least from the time of the early Egyptians; narcotics from 4000 B.C.; and medicinal use of marijuana has been dated to 2737 BC in China People who use drugs, including alcohol, do so because they like what the drugs do to their brains. All kinds of drugs, from alcohol to nicotine and heroin, cause a series of temporary changes in the brain that produce the "high." The pleasure of a kiss, a bowl of favorite ice cream, and a compliment may all be related to a rise in dopamine levels in the normal person's brain. Drugs of abuse also boost dopamine levels. When a person takes a hit of crack cocaine -- or a drag on a cigarette -- the drugs cause a spike in dopamine levels in the brain, and a rush of euphoria, or pleasure. Cannabis, also known as marijuana, among many other names refers to any number of preparations of the Cannabis plant intended for use as a psychoactive drug or for medicinal purposes. Although cannabis smoke is not nearly as harmful as tobacco smoke, smoking is the most harmful method of cannabis consumption, as the inhalation of smoke from organic materials can cause various health problems. Cannabis use has been assessed by several studies to be correlated with the development of anxiety, psychosis, and depression ( here we have some pills called PROZAC, a drug which is taken for depression). Although there are various methods of taking drugs, injection is favoured by some users as the full effects of the drug are experienced very quickly, typically in five to ten seconds. There are three main types of drug affecting the central nervous system. Depressants Depressants are drugs that slow down the functions of the central nervous system. Depressant drugs do not necessarily make a person feel depressed. They include: Alcohol ("booze", "grog") Cannabis ("pot", "dope", "mull") Barbiturates, including Seconal, Tuinal and Amytal Benzodiazepines (tranquilisers), "benzos", "tranx" such as Rohypnol, Valium, Serepax, Mogadon, Normison and Eupynos GHB (Gamma-hydroxybutrate), or "fantasy" Opiates and opioids, including heroin ("H", "smack"), morphine, codeine, methadone and pethidine Some solvents and inhalants

Stimulants Stimulants act on the central nervous system to speed up the messages to and from the brain. They can make the user feel more awake, alert or confident. Mild stimulants include: Ephedrine used in medicines for bronchitis, high fever and asthma Caffeine in coffee, tea and cola drinks Nicotine in tobacco.

Stronger stimulants include: Amphetamines, including illegal amphetamines ("speed", "crystal meth", "ice", "shabu") Cocaine ("coke", "crack") Ecstasy ("E", "XTC", "eccy") Slimming tablets such as Duromine, Tenuate, Dospan and Ponderax.

Hallucinogens Hallucinogens affect perception. People who have taken them may believe they see or hear things that aren't really there. The effects of hallucinogens vary a great deal, so it is impossible to predict how they will affect a particular person at a particular time. Hallucinogens include: Datura Ketamine ("K", "Special K") LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide; "trips", "acid", "microdots") Magic mushrooms (psilocybin; "gold tops", "mushies") Mescaline (peyote cactus) PCP ('angel dust') Cannabis is an hallucinogen as well as a depressant. Ecstasy can also have hallucinogenic qualities.

One of the most concerning measures of drug-related harm in the community is the death toll. Drug use is a factor in about one in five of all deaths in Australia. In 1998, 23,310 deaths were attributed to drug use: 19,020 associated with tobacco use 3270 related to alcohol use 1020 as a result of illicit drug use

Besides all the side effects of the drugs, the biggest possibility is to go to prison and if you dont wake up from the bad dream of your reality youll end very bad. Think at your family and friends and dont use drugs, because they will destroy your life and finally yourself !!!!

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