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A Life Full Of Blessings

Read Matthew 5:1-6:4

Dee Dee Lee

How to be blessed by living God’s way! The verses most commonly called Beatitudes (5:3-10)
give eight distinct blessings Jesus shared at the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount. Being
blessed by God transcends happiness. When we are blessed by God, we receive hope and joy
independent of our outward circumstances. If you have never experienced the pure hope or
the spiritual joy that comes from sharing and serving the way God’s Word teaches, remember
it’s never too late.

Jesus challenges us to be useful and devoted to God our Father. Our lives are to reflect His
light out to others. We aren’t to hide His light or “hide out” so we don’t have to share our
faith. We must also heed His warnings when Jesus shows us what we are to do for Him and
what we are to do when we sin (5:17-48). Sin against a brother, a spouse or others must be
made right through forgiveness and reconciliation. Forgiving enemies and “going the extra
mile” in a struggle is expected. Obedience isn’t easy but it’s possible with God’s help. Have
you struggled to live God’s way? God wants to help you! I love this quote by David Jeremiah:
“Trusting God means letting ‘stress points’ become ‘rest points’ in the road of life.” We can trust
and rest in Him!

The ultimate test of a blessed follower of Jesus is to seek humility rather than reward or
recognition for what we do (6:1-4). Being humble enables us to commit righteous acts
without calling attention to them. For that special person who needs help – we could secretly
do something for them. God’s reward (pure joy) that comes as we bless others shines in
comparison to the dull praises and awards of the world.

A dear friend shared recently in an e-mail that praying the Beatitudes (or “new attitudes”)
as we pray for others, for our world and for ourselves enables us to pray in a new way each
day. Learning to be blessed and finding blessings in serving, sacrificing and sharing is living
as Jesus taught. In the words of Blaise Pascal, “The serene beauty of a holy life is the most
important influence in the world next to the power of God.” There is so much in store when
we are empowered by living God’s way.

Dear God, I long to follow You and trust You more. Only You can help me with the many
struggles I face in life. Forgive me for doing things my way and hurting others. Show me Your
way to bless others and how to receive Your blessings on my life. I pray for Your love and
power to be evident in my life, bringing You honor and glory. In Christ’s name, Amen.
DAY 56

Is there a “new attitude” God wants you to adopt (see the Beatitudes)? Pray that God might
reveal it to you.

In what ways do you trust God and how are you being blessed by Him? Identify what God is
asking you to trust Him with now and in the future.

How can your struggle to live God’s way change your life? Pray for insight and ask for God’s
empowerment in your struggle(s).

Does any particular verse (SCRIPTURE) in today’s reading speak to you?

OBSERVE what this verse is saying to you:

How can you APPLY this verse to your life today?

My PRAYER for today is:

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