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Angela Wensley & Harry Dykstra Bacon Donaldson Consulting Engineers 12271 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC, Canada V7A 4V4 Alicja Augustyn Avenor Inc. 2001 Neebing Avenue Thunder Bay, ON, Canada P7E 6S3

water corrosion monitoring program was initiated for three paper machine white water systems at the Thunder Bay mill. The program duration was one year. In that time period: 1. White waters were sampled on a weekly basis for chemical analysis of inorganic species, including thiosulfate and chlorides. Six corrosion probes were installed in white water systems for instantaneous corrosion rate monitoring of 85-5-5-5 bronze by the linear polarization resistance (LPR) method. The LPR results were verified by weight loss measurements on the bronze electrodes, which were removed and replaced every 3-6 months. The bronze electrodes were also examined by scanning electron microscopy ( S E M ) a n d X - r a y e n e r g y spectroscopy (XES) after exposure in white water systems.



A year-long program of white water corrosion monitoring was initiated at the Avenor Thunder Bay mill after rapid corrosion of bronze couch rolls was observed. The program consisted of weekly chemical analysis of white waters from three paper machines, in conjunction with suction roll bronze (85Cu-5Pb5Sn-5Zn) corrosion rate monitoring by the linear polarization resistance (LPR) method. using corrosion probes installed in white water piping. White water corrosivity was found to be related to the thiosulfate concentration. As the thiosulfate concentration often exceeded 20 ppm, it was necessary to employ corrosion inhibitors to protect the bronze rolls.


The white water corrosion monitoring program involved both mill personnel and consultants. White water analysis, corrosion probe installation, and LPR corrosion rate monitoring were performed by Avenor personnel; data analysis, and microscopy were performed at the Bacon Donaldson laboratory. Monitoring Locations Two locations on three paper machines (PMs 3,4. and 5) were selected for corrosion monitoring by simultaneous white water sampling and LPR corrosion rate measurements. The locations were selected for accessibility for installation of the corrosion probes and of nearby valves for white water sampling. The locations selected also had high flow velocities (mostly in pipes ahead of pumps), which prevented buildup of slimy deposits around the probe electrodes. The six monitoring locations were: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. PM3 inlet of pump from wire pit overflow to saveall. PM3 white water silo. PM4 inlet of pump from wire pit overflow to saveall. PM4 inlet of seal pit pump. PM5 white water silo. Inlet to rich white water chest.


corrosion testing, paper machines. suction rolls. white water

The newsprint machines in the Avenor mill in Thunder Bay, Ontario, have a number of suction rolls made from centrifugally cast 1N bronze alloy (nominally 85% Cu, 5% Pb, 5% Sn, 5% Zn), an alloy more noteworthy for its good casting properties than for its corrosion resistance1-7. The suction roll shells at the Thunder Bay mill are experiencing corrosion of both the outside and inside surfaces (manifested by the appearance of black streaks on the surfaces), and enlargement of the suction hole bores. It has been necessary to apply a corrosion inhibitor to showers on both the inside and outside of the bronze suction shells, although this is an expensive process and the need for continual application has been questioned. To obtain a better understanding of the causes and control of

corrosion of bronze suction roll shells, a comprehensive white

1997 Engineering & Papermakers Conference /489

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