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12:56 am, Saturday, 2012-10-21 1 st - Mayan day 8 Cauac/Storm

LIVE Comfort Wending Our Way Out of the Illusion

Bashar Definitions 8:51 Video Journal

What does it take to comfort you? Are you so up-tight that you can't be reached or are you able to step back a bit, to detach? What choices do you make around that? Do you know that you're firmly in charge? I know things look so out of control that it sounds ridiculous to tell you you're in control but you are, nonetheless. Only the ones who are open enough will be able to hear it, though this I know. Well, it's enough. It's mostly the Light Beings who are that open, and that's who I'm here for, just now. The rest will come along when we wake up, so that's our job right now waking up. How's it going for you? How do you feel about it? Do you sense the changes that you're making? Your body is making them, with or without your awareness. Frequencies are rising, and so are we. How aware we are of the process is another thing. Like everything else, though, it's a choice. Now, right up front get settled into Heart if you want to have a clue about what's being said. For starters, I'm not addressing the body-mind avatar there in the chair. That's not you, and that's not who I address through these journals. I talk to the real you the divine one who is in Spirit, the one who is awareness or consciousness, more or less. Actually you're quite undefinable. Did you know that? Well, have

you found the right definition for you? If it's anything whatsoever here in 3D, then you've got some more work to do. No brass ring, yet. When we get so settled into our work-a-day mind we lose track of these things. That's why it's important to take breaks. Look out the window or at the picture on the wall or the vase of flowers anything to break the hypnosis of the computer screen, or whatever it is you deal with at work. Keep centering, too. There's a magical kingdom inside just waiting for you to find your way back into it. Heart is your true Home. As I'm awakening I find it easier and easier to be in the world but not of it. I'm going Home. So are you. We can touch bases with that and with Who we really are in those quick little breaks taken at work (or wherever the body is). We are not anything that can be seen, felt, tasted, heard, or smelled. We're not that. Now, it doesn't really matter how you find your way into this and into Heart. Truly it doesn't. There are endless ways in. It just takes setting the intent firmly and we can all do that. Then we're safe to trust Life to make it so. Meanwhile, we've got our hands full weeding out all the old rotten belief weeds in our Garden of Belief. So we needn't be idle. Don't hold expectations. That's another one. There are loads of handles, of ways into the inner kingdom. Take your pick. The trick is to begin listening to your inner guidance that speaks all the time. Not in words, necessarily more often in sensings, in delicate feelings that turn into full-blown radiant experiences at times. It's available to one and all. No excuses. No more playing the victim role, either. I'm done with that, and surely you are, too. We all do it simply because it's the social standard we were raised on judgment and blame of the bad guys while we whine a bit at how badly we've been used. That's so 2011, friends. Start watching self for signs of it, though. You're guaranteed to hit pay dirt and find it again and again. Next, no more self-criticism no more judgment at all. This is very much a Heart thing. I'm well aware it seems crazy to mind. I say, So what? What does that matter? Mind is not who is steering

your boat, I hope. Let that be Heart. How are you doing with all of this? Do you find it's too much? If so, step back and take a look at that. Is it really you the real you who finds it too much? The real you would be unconcerned, even if it seemed too much at the time. It would be no big deal, since the real you doesn't stress over anything nothing at all. The real you would just choose one or another of the suggestions here and go for the one that called her the loudest the one that felt just right. Lighten up. It's one way to get closer to the real you. I just automatically assume that's something you want to do so I've strewn your path with little goodies that point the right direction for you. Take your pick. Once you find your way into Heart, you'll be writing these things. Well, you can. We're all only One, here no such thing as separation exists. I don't know about you, but I just love pretzeling my mind. I get a kick out of watching it tie itself up in knots trying to figure out the unfigurable. Poor dear. It gives me some peace, though a bit of silence to just be no doing involved. You've heard of effortlessness, right? How much have you applied it to you? Have you considered that it just might be a way into something pretty special? I've found it so and I highly recommend it. Whenever you find yourself in deep exertion take a pause. Center within. Now, think with your Heart. We aren't destined to be thinking with our heads for much longer, my friends. Higher Mind is coming online and it's not in the head. It's not in 3D at all, yet we can connect with it in Heart. I can't speak up too much for Higher Mind just yet, as it's not fully online yet for me but it's getting there. I get flashes on and off. Our whole world will be much more intuitive and instant. Things won't take a big long process anymore. Think it and you'll have it is more the style of things. Let's not worry with trying to figure all of that out, though. That just keeps us in mind. Remember, no expectations is best so leave mind alone. More than anything I set out to bring, to share comfort with this journal. Maybe it didn't quite come out that way, I don't know. That was my intent, though. Even at my worst, I'm lots better off than 98% of the people of earth. We bought into so much that

turns out to be nonsense and ridiculous. Now it's time to let all of that go. When we do we're so very much well, more Joyful more Peaceful as well. This is what I want for one and all surely for all of the Light Beings who are trudging alone, seemingly, in some very deep trenches. It's such a delight to find that we can shed all of that like water off of a water fowl. Truly we can. It can't stick anymore once we find our way Home into Heart where constant Peace reigns. So do you you reign in Heart but not right away. You have to come up in vibration before you can tune in to the one on the interior throne. You could call it Higher Mind or even your Christ Self. Yes, don't forget you are divine. Not in your outer persona, though that's not you at all just a mask or costume you wear. Even if some or most of this seems way out, I hope that you will go back over it and find perhaps one nugget that seems do-able something you could take out for a trial run. More than anything, Love yourself. You are infinitely Lovable, and though most of us maybe all of us don't really see this just yet, it's the truth. To Source you are simply adorable. You're the apple of your Spiritual Guide's eye, as well. We have lots of help, friends. We're never alone. Maybe if only that little tidbit would work for you, that could be your entree, your way in. Just knowing that, no matter where you are, no matter when, you have heavenly type help all around. Here's the deal if it's true then you'll be able to find your way into it. It will stand up. If it's not then it won't. One way or the other, you can't lose. Just know that your reality, your whole world, is quite governed by your beliefs. Also know that 90% of your beliefs lie beneath the surface of the conscious mind. They're carried in the subconscious, below conscious awareness. That being the case, clearly no one truly knows herself. It's not something that's possible with just the conscious mind. It's time to go exploring and expanding out into more of who and what we are, even if just here in 3D. It's a great place to start. Start reminding the self that the conscious mind is only a small slice of the whole. Begin educating the mind, making it ready to admit it's been closed to so very much.

It's all going to turn out just beautifully, my friends. This I know. Don't ask me how, because I don't know how. It doesn't matter not to me, anyway. Such things only matter to mind. For Heart, for soul, it's enough just to know. The how and the why and such will come when it's time for it not before. And if they come too soon, you'll remain attached to the mind. Do you see? So let go and let go and let go. Let the false self die away. You don't need it not where you're going, anyway. You're only taking along that which can vibrate quite high. Nothing else is making the grade. You wouldn't want all your fears and worries to follow with you to the other side or the next dimension, anyway. ;-)


Higher Mind, Christ Self, going Home into Heart, bringing comfort, let false self die, true inner silence, you are not in 3D, we're multidimensional, divine Peace and Joy, playing the victim, you are undefinable, intuition not thought, no more judgment, no excuses, no expectations, Source God or Spirit, OWN being divine, Higher or Inner Self, watch and observe, awaken or enlighten, flexible perspective, center in Heart, let go or surrender

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