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DECISION 2012...

Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades

Preface / Introduction
Election Day 2012 a day that may shape our history for decades to come. The question before the American people is..Do we stay the course and give President Obama another 4 years to finish what he started in cleaning up a huge Republican mess..or do we say enough is enough and make a change and give a business man a chance. After all who would no better how to create jobs than a very successful business man right?? I for one am confused. Although I am extremely disappointed in what President Obama has been able to accomplish. Still he inherited a real mess. One that can not be cleaned up in 4 years. On the other hand, the government is a business and who better to run a business than a successful business man right? What are you're thoughts..Well anyway hope you enjoy the read. Maybe it might help you decide.

Table of Contents
1. What's wrong with America? Get mad along with me and sound off! 2. A look inside my crystal ball. Here are the results of the 2012 elections... trust me! 3. Keep your mitts off America. Why they're writing songs of love, but not for Mitt Romney. 4. New biography of Mitt Romney claims to deliver 'The Real Romney'... but will anyone really care?

DECISION 2012...Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades

What's wrong with America? Get mad along with me and sound off!
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant Author's program note. Before you read this article, go to any search engine and find Peter Finch's celebrated "Mad as Hell" speech from the 1976 film "Network." I know exactly how Howard Beale, the character he plays, felt. Disgusted! Infuriated! Past mere anger! A nuclear melt-down gone beyond all these... His was pure rage... out of control rage... volcanic, explosive, searing. It ignited a profound response in the national psyche. And though his words date from 1976, they are as apt today, as perfect a fit today, as unadulterated truth today. See for yourself... "I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth, banks are going bust, shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it. We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat, and we sit watching our TV's while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be. We know things are bad -- worse than bad. They're crazy. It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out anymore. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we are living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, 'Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone.' Well, I'm not gonna leave you alone. I want you to get mad!" And so with this (here abbreviated) speech he got the apathetic up, the procrastinating, the nay-sayers and every Chicken Little in the land. He got the fearful to get up, the people who just wouldn't say what they saw. He got the politically alienated to get up, the people who never voted and always complained, doing nothing. He got them and all their listless friends and neighbors up, too. He told them to throw up the windows, stick their heads out and scream their heads off: "I'M MAD AS HELL... AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANY MORE!" And in a minute or less, people, enraged people, angry people, chagrined and shame- faced people were doing just that. And, friend, when you finish this article I want you to do the same thing, for it's way past time for such a profound tribal, deeply primitive outburst from us the good people who built this nation and who keep it going. We are the tax-paying, America loving, thoroughly responsible, helping others citizens of the Great Republic, the people devalued, diminished, demoted and still asked for more as we seethe while watching others do less, scoffing at us, the heart of the nation. Open that window! Throw up the sash! And SCREAM.... for you and I have taken it all far too long and there is vengeance in our heart... I'm mad about the fact that we can find billions of dollars to blow up Iraq and Afghanistan but not a penny for our decaying infrastructure. Where's the logic in this? http://www.HomeBizGroup5000.com Copyright Dale Thomson - 2012 4 of 16

DECISION 2012...Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades I'm profoundly angry about the fact that for each dollar we spend on homeland "security" we feel less and less secure. Taking off our belts, shoes, pants, shirts and everything else has just made us ridiculous, without improving our security one iota. I've had it with both political parties, who think their work consists of charging each other with obstructing the business of the nation when we all know they are both the culprits. I've had it with candidates like Michele Bachmann whose every utterance is another embarrassment. It's time to call it not just the way we see it, but the way it is. Michele's an uneducated bigot with sex, particularly gay sex, on the brain. Let's just say everything about the lady makes me mad and should make you mad, too. As for Mitt Romney, he's a pompous twit; after spending millions of the dollars he made by reorganizing companies and putting people out of work, he's less liked now than when he started. The plain fact is, no one likes him or wants him in the Oval Office. As for Rick Perry... tell the unvarnished truth. If he created a single job in Texas it was a minimum wage position in the service sector flipping burgers. What he likes doing is signing executive orders executing felons under 18 and the mentally ill. I'm enraged that no one bothers to say that Perry alone executed more criminals in his 11 years as governor; more than all the other governors of the nation combined. I'm enraged about the "birthers" the people who still waste their time and money with their "proof" Barack Obama is an alien, disqualified to be president. And I'm mad at Obama too, for not fighting for jobs and what must be done to lift the economy and cut the unemployment rate. He's been advised over and over again what to do; he lacks the grit and fortitude to make it happen and that makes me mad all over again. I'm mad at the "leaders" who lie to us and pander by suggesting easy choices will solve the nation's financial problems. Tell us how bad things must get before they get better. Stop lying to get re-elected when your policy back in office is to lie some more to get re-elected all over again. Tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about what has to happen with Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security and every single entitlement that exists. Don't sugar coat the pill... tell the people the God's honest truth. And while you're at it... Clean up the Internet, too. I'm mad as hell about * the jerks who send those millions of emails lying about some bogus legacy and what I have to pay to get it. Use our sophisticated technology. Go get 'em; clear 'em out. Put 'em in jail, or worse. * the guys who launch viruses, clog the system, bringing down the unwary. It's time to find them (easily done) and put them away for a significant stretch for crimes against humanity. I'm mad as hell about our educational "system" * teachers who cannot teach but can erase and alter standard test results, each one more adamantly opposed to educational reform than the last. * principals who have none, their only concern to keep the financial tap open whether or not anyone is learning anything. http://www.HomeBizGroup5000.com Copyright Dale Thomson - 2012 5 of 16

DECISION 2012...Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades * students who wear their trousers at the ankle, every inch of exposed flesh cocking a snook at the system and outraging any opportunity to learn. And there's more, much, much more to get mad about, to get up and scream about, but let this suffice for now. What we must do is clear... but I wonder if any of us has the guts to do it.... I wonder if I've got them myself.... or whether we'll stay mad as hell while saying nothing, absolutely nothing, which is how we got in this mess in the first place.


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DECISION 2012...Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades

A look inside my crystal ball. Here are the results of the 2012 elections... trust me!
By Dr. Jeffrey Lant Author's program note. Whether you like it or not, the song to learn is John Sinclair's 1903 favorite, "The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You" ... but worse, for the likes of Mitt Romney, it's not just Texas... but the whole of the US of A. that is taking a good, close look at the strapping, big haired, stentorian back slapping Texas governor, Rick Perry. What's more, every day that goes by makes Mitt Romney less palatable, less electable, and less likable (if that's possible) than he was the day before. But let's not get into that matter quite yet; let's instead set the mood by going to any search engine and finding a rendition of Sinclair's snappy tune... then put on your favorite Texas football jersey and tune up the music. It is, after all, a thoroughly rousing number. The House of Representatives. This one is easy. As I write (September 13, 2011), the Grand Old Party holds 240 seats in the House; Democrats hold 193 seats. There are currently 2 vacancies. Let's start from some facts much cited that, in the final analysis, won't matter much. Call it the "stink" factor. Poll after poll comes in with numbers like these, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. These results, from August 27-31, show 82 percent of respondents disapprove of the job Congress is doing, compared with 13 percent who approve. Forty-six percent disapprove of the Republicans' job performance, while 32 percent approve. Congressional Democrats' disapproval rating stood at 44 percent in the poll, compared with 33 percent who approved of their job performance. Now, let's be candid. These numbers, almost identical for both parties, are bad news for the Democrats; Americans hold their noses for both parties and that's not at all helpful for the Democrats who must be perceived as a credible alternative They aren't. Thus, when the votes are in, Republicans will increase their already staggering majority by 3-5 seats, leaving the Democrats yearning for the cosmic tsunami they require to change things. If you don't like this prediction, consider the long-term damage Republican redistricting has wrought. That was perhaps the most significant result of the 2010 mid-term elections and cannot be undone until Democrats increase their presence in the nation's legislatures and so control the next bout of redistricting. The Senate. Right now, the Democrats (with the help of two New England Independents) control the Senate 53-47. But the outlook is bleak and hinges partly on whether President Obama and his race can deliver the huge number of folks to the polls who usually don't vote, but did in 2008. High turn-out is necessary or the GOP will control the Senate, too. Here's the current situation. Fewer than a dozen Senate seats appear to be in play, and almost all are held by Democrats. Just two Republican Senators, Nevada freshman Dean Heller and Massachusetts anomaly Scott Brown are thought to be vulnerable. A Perry candidacy helps Heller. As for the photogenic, likable Brown, even Boston's longest serving (and Democratic) mayor, Thomas Menino, says Brown's a shoe-in. I agree with his honor. Democrats will make a huge effort to regain the seat that was once held by the late Edward Kennedy, but will fall short. http://www.HomeBizGroup5000.com Copyright Dale Thomson - 2012 7 of 16

DECISION 2012...Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades As for seats currently held by Democrats that the GOP expects to capture, that includes knocking off Joe Manchin in West Virginia, Bob Casey in Pennsylvania, Missouri's Claire McCaskill (the Senator simpleton), and Ben Nelson in Nebraska. My prediction? When the dust settles, Democrats lose the Senate holding 48 seats plus one Independent (Bernie Sanders of Vermont), Republicans hold 51. It ain't heroic, but it's enough. The GOP presidential nomination. There are no doubt indiscretions, peccadilloes, and embarrassing episodes in Rick Perry's personal history; we all have them. But Mitt Romney better hope they are whoppers and soon or he's toast. When Romney was running against a field of pygmies (which he was until August 13, 2011 when Perry declared), he was the "front runner." But the very first foot step Perry took as an announced candidate kicked Romney out of that questionable position and reminded the Mitt-ster that "some of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you." That time is nigh and so Romney is running around America trying to get Tea Party-ers to like him. But it's no good. They loved motor-mouth Michele Bachmann, but in Perry they get the best of Bachmann without her craziness... and they get the distinct possibility of backing a winner. And that's not good for Mitt. Neither is the primary season. Romney must do well in the February 6, 2012 Iowa caucuses. If Perry wins, Romney will be vulnerable. And if Perry wins in Iowa and in the February 14th New Hampshire primary, Romney is a goner... because while he may win the Wisconsin primary (February 21) he will almost surely lose the Nevada causes (on February 18) and the South Carolina and Arizona primaries (February 28th). Romney may win the Michigan primary on the same date because his father was once governor there... but Perry won't care. He can and should be the prospective nominee by then and der Mitt-ster will be sniffing around the vice presidency Perry won't offer. Mitt better get that dirt on Perry fast; he needs all he can get. Ladies and Gentlemen: The President of the United States.... Americans always need to be reminded, we do not elect the president; we elect electors who then elect the president. Electors, unless otherwise mandated by the laws of each state, may vote for whomever they wish. Here are the electoral facts. President Obama's poll numbers are bad, and worsening. But he is a formidable campaigner, knows how to use electronic media for maximum impact, and will raise about a BILLION dollars to keep the White House. Democrats may no longer be enchanted with their man, but they have no where to go. Here are his challenges. Obama won 365 electoral votes in 2008. Because of redistricting he would lose 6 electoral votes, and these may prove crucial to the final result. Here's what the electoral college looks like for Obama today. Assuming Perry is the GOP nominee, Obama will sweep New England for 33 electoral votes. ANY state Perry takes here is gravy and bad news for Obama. Obama similarly sweeps the mid-Atlantic states including the District of Columbia (3), for 79 votes, including the big prizes of New York (29) and Pennsylvania (20). About this time, Perry folks are despairing... but despair is premature. Perry will sweep the South for 183 votes. Obama is weak throughout the region, Perry is from the region. The big imponderable is Florida, but Perry could help nail down victory by selecting freshman Senator Mel Martinez for vice president which would give him a useful leg-up with the http://www.HomeBizGroup5000.com Copyright Dale Thomson - 2012 8 of 16

DECISION 2012...Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades Hispanic community. Missouri (10) could prove difficult for Perry, but incumbent Democratic senator McCaiskell could prove a drag for Obama and thus I give the palm here to Perry and with it the Solid South. There are now three more regions to review. One goes to Obama (Pacific West), one to Perry (West) and one will determine the election (Middle West). First the Pacific West... Obama takes California (55), Oregon (7), Washington (12), Hawaii (4). 78 votes total. Nothing looks hopeful for Perry at the moment, but if Obama's poll numbers fall, Perry should aim for Washington. Alaska's three go to Perry. West. Strong for Perry (92). And if he selects Martinez, that would secure Colorado with its sizable Hispanic community. And finally, the Mid West, including Ohio (18), Illinois (20), Indiana (11), Michigan (16), Minnesota (10), Wisconsin (10), Nebraska (5), Kansas (6). Perry takes Ohio, Nebraska and Kansas and Indiana. Perry gets 85 votes; Obama gets the rest (56 votes) but it's not enough. Perry wins 292 electoral votes to 246 for ex-president Obama. Of course this is all just projection but it does show how Perry can win... and Obama lose. However, November 2012 is over a year and a multitude of unplanned events away, so Perry had better not start whistling "Hail to the Chief" quite yet... and neither should Obama.


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DECISION 2012...Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades

Keep your mitts off America. Why they're writing songs of love, but not for Mitt Romney.
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant Author's program note. 2012 ought to be a big Republican year, not least because President Obama is perceived by almost no one as the leader we need. A good man, yes; up to the job... no way. But Obama, with all his baggage, remains, in my humble opinion, the likely winner, unless (and it's a big "unless") unemployment goes up. However, most of my commenting colleagues think a very marginal drop is likely -- not an increase. I concur. Thus, I've selected the song "But not for me" (written by George Gershwin in 1930) to accompany this article. "They're writing songs of love"... but not for Mitt! Go to any search engine to find this much sung song. I like the Rod Stewart version best... Mitt, of course, won't like any version at all.... pity. It's a great number. Dismal With the state of the nation what it is, and what it threatens to remain -- dismal -- a guy like Mitt Romney ought to be riding the crest of a wave that'll deliver him in due course to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with whoops of joy and the prayers of a great people. He's brighter than bright. A hard-working, dedicated policy wonk with a graduate student's dedication and ardor. So rich that even he doesn't have a clue how much money he's got. A picture-perfect family with smiles to die for. Yes, Mitt's got it all... except for judgement, integrity and honesty. And he's got only himself to blame for this glaring lapse, so big you could drive a coach and four comfortably through it, and which you can see for yourself any day you like. This is why der Mitt-ster is in trouble and why the hapless big wigs of the GOP want anyone, absolutely anyone, other than Mitt. And I understand why: as a tax- paying citizen of Massachusetts, I know how they feel. Like they want to puke, every time they think of this guy at the head of their next national ticket. Thus these diligent Solons of the Great Republic have been tripping over themselves to find a candidate, their actions ham-fisted, clumsy, but telling as they have scrounged up and praised such verifiable pygmies as Michelle Bachmann, who is next door to a moron; Rick Perry who wouldn't know how to spell his own name if a less challenged aide didn't hold up a cue card to remind him; Herman Cain who has never had trouble wooing les femmes, just profound difficulty remembering where and when... and keeping his wife of decades up to date. And now, wafted by the incense of New Hampshire's largest newspaper, the Manchester Union Leader, which never met a kooky idea it didn't like, is touting Newt Gringrich, a man who would denounce his own mother if it got him a look-see, much less the White House. Ask his many wives, mistresses, chicks and concubines and see for yourself. It'll all come out in the wash anyway. It would all be hysterically funny... except that we voters of America, denizens all of the Great Republic, are going to have to live with the results... and that's a revolting development if anything ever was. Why are all these people working so hard for Anyone But Mitt? http://www.HomeBizGroup5000.com Copyright Dale Thomson - 2012 10 of 16

DECISION 2012...Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades "Veritas", Harvard's motto -- and Mitt's. Let's get one thing perfectly straight, everything that Mitt says, whenever he says it is always TRUTH, no matter that it is totally opposite to what he said on the subject five minutes ago. Mitt is to American politics what the Pope speaking ex cathedra infallible is to Rome, a man never wrong, with a license to reshuffle the truth that we lesser folks must adhere to. Mitt went to Harvard (all serious candidates always do)... and so "Veritas" (truth) is his motto. Luckily, he never has to worry finding it. It's what he utters all day, every day, no matter his subject, implausible, disingenuous or inaccurate. As you can imagine, this considerably simplifies his life and labors... and makes campaign fact-checkers superfluous; around Mitt they are simply unneeded. Governor Mitt of Massachusetts instituted a progressive health care program which was timely, needed, forward looking, a program that would have made any governor of any state proud. But Candidate Mitt has done everything but deny he was governor at the time to get out of accepting responsibility and credit for what ought to be his acme. Sometimes he's pro gay rights; sometimes he's not. Sometimes he'll cut a deal on illegal immigrants; sometimes he won't. Only one thing is constant: that whatever he says, to whomever he says it is the God's honest truth, cross his heart and hope to die. In the last few days Mitt has gotten himself in at least two middens which would surely trip up and soil any other candidate, lesser folk all. First the Boston Globe (which takes a proprietary interest in Mitt, having helped elevate him to his current celestial status) reported that in 2006 Governor Mitt's top aides purchased their computer hard drives just before his administration ended, and the usual Democratic hacks returned to the State House's corner office. Fully 11 of Mitt's minions ponied up for their drives, something never considered by previous excellencies, much less done. Now you and I could guess what was going on, couldn't we? After all, in the real world we inhabit, people put things, all sorts of things, on their computers they don't want the world and his brother to see. So we make sure those hard drives belong to us and nobody else. And so le tout Massachusetts came to the instant conclusion that those drives and their owners were up to no good. Purchase was the result... never mind that this was unprecedented... awfully suggestive... and maybe even illegal. But remember, Mitt is not merely potentate, he is Pope. And so, after waiting days to respond to reporters' queries on the matter, he released his encyclical, explaining all, disclaiming all. All was right, nothing wrong, why even wonder? Why wonder, too, about Mitt and company's next faux pas; the outright lie that was his very first ad against Obama. It shows a clip of the president saying, "If we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose." Never mind that these words were Obama quoting John McCain, the GOP nominee Romney wanted to run with last time round. The ad was not just misleading... it was a blatant distortion... ... which Romney aide Eric Fehrnstrom, the most indiscrete and bumptious campaign counselor ever, confirmed, happy in this deception. "It's all deliberate," he exulted. In other words, St. Mitt knew it was a lie; authorized the lie, then told the world he was happy that he lied. Even the most cynical were appalled. And so the matter rests at this moment, as we await Mitt's next assault on truth, justice and the American way; his next distortion, deceit, disingenuity. For make no mistake, the next one is on the http://www.HomeBizGroup5000.com Copyright Dale Thomson - 2012 11 of 16

DECISION 2012...Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades way, as Mitt plumbs the depths he expects to take him to the top. That's why you'll find me at all his campaign rallies selling air sickness bags, three for a buck. I'll clean up. ### Your response to this article is requested. What do you think? Let us know by posting your comments below.


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DECISION 2012...Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades

New biography of Mitt Romney claims to deliver 'The Real Romney'... but will anyone really care?
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant Last night, January 19, 2012, The Boston Globe, the biggest and most influential newspaper in New England, pulled out all the stops for two of their best and brightest reporters; Michael Kranish, deputy chief of the Washington bureau of The Boston Globe and Scott Helman, staff writer at The Boston Globe. The occasion was the release of their new biography of former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, the likely Republican presidential nominee. First, my compliments to The Boston Globe. The special reception before a panel on der Mittster was nicely done and gave us all the opportunity to meet the authors and chat with them. The helpers were all efficient, polite, unobtrusive. Perfect. It looked like a long evening until.... I sought out Michael Kranish first; he seemed like the senior member of the team and I try to get what I need for my article out of the way as soon as possible, so that I can sit back and enjoy the event. I told Kranish I had three brief questions for him. First, would Romney ever be president? His unpromising answer: "It's possible. It could happen." This was not the incisive, insightful comment I was looking for... and suggested the possibility of a very long evening in the making, one to be ditched as soon as I'd eaten more of their fine brie. Question 2: will Mormonism be an issue in the campaign? "In some places it could be," he answered. OMG! It was indeed going to be a very long evening. But I said I wanted to ask him three questions... and it wasn't over until it was over. I ventured my third query. "What was the most unexpected thing about Romney you discovered in your research"? Then the intriguing answer, "What happened at Stanford University" when he was a student there during the Vietnam War, the war that derailed his father's presidential campaign. Ok, this was something promising... at last. Of father brainwashed and campaign imploded. Mitt Romney (born 1947) had as his dad a human dynamo called George Romney, celebrated as the rescuer of American Motors (which gave me my push button Rambler in high school), governor of Michigan, member of the Nixon cabinet; a man who rightly thought he had a superb shot at being president of the Great Republic... until... ... he went to Vietnam, where he got star treatment and massive misinformation about how the war was going, how we'd win, how the people loved us, and enough manure to fertilize Connecticut. He came back to America feeling like a fool; then shot himself through the head when he claimed the military had "brainwashed" him. His presidential campaign ended the minute the words were out of his mouth. Nobody wanted as president a man who could be controlled by the military or anyone else. And so George Romney's career ended... providing his son with a lifetime of lessons about what not to do... including the vital necessity to avoid the media whenever possible. On his way back from Vietnam, Pere Romney stopped to visit Mitt at Stanford... where this devoted son got the opportunity to talk to his father about Life, War, God... of winning, losing, what's important and what isn't. It's the kind of conversation one has with a parent once in a lifetime... and Mitt took it all in and to heart. He would, he vowed, revenge what had happened to his father... being sure to derive all the proper lessons from this seminal event, including the absolute need in his life http://www.HomeBizGroup5000.com Copyright Dale Thomson - 2012 13 of 16

DECISION 2012...Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades for God, the God of the Mormons... God. To understand Mitt Romney, you must appreciate the importance and influence of his Mormon faith. It has provided the sinews of his life while isolating him from other people; people who often disdained his religion, calling it a "cult" and worse. Mitt learned to be private, very private, about his religion...letting very few people into that side of himself. Privacy, particularly privacy about his faith, became an obsession... something that may have connected him with God... but most assuredly estranged him from his fellow men, the people he'd need if he was ever to run for president. Money. What further separated him from the run of mankind was money... he made awesome amounts of it, largely through what are called leveraged buy-outs. This is a practice whereby investors buy a company, with the intention of doing everything they can to make it as profitable as possible, as quickly as possible; so they can sell the whole or its parts, often for staggering return on investment. This almost always involves the firing of employees in an attempt to decrease expenses and increase efficiency. Here Mitt Romney was king; a paragon who knew the delights that come when making only millions in a day was "bad" compared to the brilliant days, and plenty of them, when you made tens, even hundreds of millions lickety-split. Such days did absolutely nothing to connect him with mere mortals... and presented a problem he has still not been able to solve. Every time he got richer, Mitt got more disconnected... and less electable. So, here we've got a candidate with a perfect marriage, 5 sons made by Disney, nary a scandal to be had... richer that God Himself... super bright... the hardest worker on the planet... but a loser for all that, because he just cannot connect with people and their everyday concerns to save his life. Thus as I roamed the thin crowd talking with people, who were very keen to be asked their opinion about Mitt and his prospects, the temperature never rose above "tepid." Yes, right smack dab in the middle of Boston, capital of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that Mitt had reigned over as governor (2003-2007), he couldn't have thrown off less heat. And so, the people whom he needed so desperately to make him president evinced absolutely no excitement at all, much less any abiding glow. And you could see this puzzled authors Kranish and Helman because their unauthorized biography (without a single interview with Mitt), into which they had poured time, life and commitment could only go as far as its subject, and not an inch more. If he sailed into the White House, their book (which I made sure they both autographed) would have the legs most political books never do, but if the world was as lukewarm as the folks in their audience, their $30 book (praised though it was by the usual East Coast media suspects) was DOA... That's why they came back to this point several times: awkward and disconnected as Mitt was in public, he was in private something of a cut-up (of the wonk variety), a man who could tell a story, give a hug, engage... even (and this arrested my attention for sure) moon walk while singing tunes from the Grateful Dead, tunes like "There's Whiskey In The Jug", an odd favorite for a tea-totalling Mormon: "Mush-a ring dum-a do dum-a da Whack for my daddy-o. Whack for my daddy-o There's whiskey in the jar." But this, though it made me smile and nod my head in wonderment was not the highlight of the evening. That was the rapt attention and joy in Aime Joseph. You see Mr. Joseph is my driver, a Haitian by birth, obsessed with American politics, always quizzing me about political people and their measures. He dressed up for this event, and imbibed every word with the utmost focus and http://www.HomeBizGroup5000.com Copyright Dale Thomson - 2012 14 of 16

DECISION 2012...Could Be The Most Important Election In Decades concentration. "We have nothing like this in Haiti," he said as I gave him the present of a lifetime, an autographed copy of the book. And when he saw me about to drop it, he grabbed it from my hand, the better to ensure it did not fall; chiding me for lack of care with this valuable artifact. And I saw so clearly what was the best part of all: the fact that this kind of forum, this kind of book, this kind of open dialogue and honest conversation still was foreign to most of the world... and the thing we should be most proud of, our gift to the world and our collective future. Now, go to any search engine and find "Whiskey in the jug," and imagine Mitt moon walking to it... If there's enough whiskey in the jug, that should be no problem. *** What do you think? We invite you to post your comments below.


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About the Author Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., providing a wide range of online services for small and-home based businesses. Dr. Jeffrey Lant is also the authro of 18 best-selling business books. Republished with author's permission by Dale Thomson http://HomeBizGroup5000.com.


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