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Capitalization Project

Titles, Directions, Names By: Sabrina Schneider

When do you capitalize a word? In most sentences almost only the first word and names are capitalized, but what about directions. As well as titles and names, directions are capitalized. Titles, directions, or names description is not capitalized. Ex: The dog, named Lunra, ate the chocolate truffles. Capitalize the title of a person such as a high ranking officials, if the title comes before the actual name. Ex: Governor Houston, Senator Pierce will attend the meeting. Do not capitalize the civil name such as president. Ex: The president held the meeting. On a compass there are 4 points, only capitalize a point when it is specifically referred to. Democrats are found more in the upper half of the United States in the North. In titles of publications always capitalize the First and the Last words. Also short verbs must be capitalized such as Is,

Be, Are. Always Capitalize a whole name such as in agencies. Ex: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Names of seasons such as autumn are not to be capitalized. But do capitalize the begging of a salutation like Dear, Mrs., or even Sincerely. Words that come from proper nouns such as French from the word France are capitalized. Specific course titles also need to be upper case. Ex: Algebra 1 made it easy to learn. Another thing that should be lower case is the first word after a semicolon that introduces a list. Do not capitalize after a colon if only one sentence is present. Ex: I read a story: the author, James Peterson, wrote in a clear style. You do capitalize though, when there are two or more sentences after the colon. Ex: I read a story: The author, James Peterson, wrote in a clear style. As well, Maximum ride was the main character.

Quiz Questions

1. When would you capitalize a word if it is in a title? 2. Give some short verbs in titles that could be capitalized. 3. When do you capitalize a region in a sentence? For questions 4-6 tell whether to capitalize the government official name or not. 4. governor Houston, senator Pierce will attend the meeting. 5. The governor is presently in the court house. 6. The governor, senators, and attorneys had to make the final decision. 7. Fix the following sentence in capitalization: stone henge has been present to humans since decades. 8. How do you correct a sentence that includes the title of a name such as mrs. or mr.? 9. Would you capitalize begging salutations in letters and concluding words?

10. Would you capitalize a word after a colon after one or two sentences?

Quiz Answers
1. The first word and the last word need to be capitalized as well as short verbs ,and words of the title that are minor such as of, the, or a, are not capitalized. 2. Is, Are, Be 3. When the region is specifically referred to? Democrats are found more in the upper half of the United States in the North. 4. Capitalize 5. Lowercase 6.Lowercase 7.Stone Henge has been present to humans since decades. 8. It should be Mrs. or Mr. and then the actual name should be capitalized. 9. Yes 10. After two

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